TC Minutes 06-26-197907NUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCILMEMBERS OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO HELD JUNE 26, 1979 The regular meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Town Office, second floor, Benchmark Center, Avon, Colorado The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Mayor Angelo Alpi. A roll call was taken with all Councilmembers in attendance except Bill Doyle. Also present were Town Attorney John Blish, Pacific Heritage Representatives Bob George and Larry Kumpost, Benchmark Chairman Ron Allred, Benchmark Attorney George Rosenberg, Claycomb Engineers Bryan Duff and Keith Powers, Avon Fire Chief Jay Hosburgh, and Avon Town Judge Clint Watkins. The minutes of June 12 and June 14 were presented to the Council. After review, Steve Erickson moved that the minutes be approved as submitted; Jim Wells seconded the motion and it unanimously carried. Bi-monthly financial reports were presented to the Council. After discussion of all the reports, Jim Wells moved that the accounts payable be approved subject to checking on prior payment of the Police Department light bar and siren. Carol Richards seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. Stan Bernstein presented the Council with a proposal, in which he offered com- prehensive financial planning services on a consulting basis. Bernstein's proposal further stated he would develop a five-year financial model for the Town during a period of 200-25n hours, at the cost of $40.00 per hour. After discussion, Jim Wells moved for the Council to "authorize study of the next five years, dealing primarily with Town financial planning which indirectly relates to a lot of other needs; and that the next three years be emphasized in that study; and that the Council also authorize an expenditure of 200-250 hours at $40.00 per hour; and that the study commence immediately and the bills be paid as they are incurred." Steve Erickson seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. David Ream, of White & Sons Construction Company approached the Council for permission to establish a temporary trailer park on Town property. He asked to locate ten trailers at the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District site for two years. Jim Wells, who is a member of the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District Board, replied as a point. of reference that he was not aware of permisssion given for such a permit. He further advised Ream to secure permission first and approach both, the Board and the Council with a proposed layout plan second. The matter was then tabled by the Council. Ream later indicated he would attempt to secure housing within Avon, other than the establishment of a temporary trailer court. Ordinance No. 79-14 was then tabled after a lengthy discussion by the Council. Said Ordinance was rescheduled for Tuesday, July 10 --first reading. Ordinance No. 79-15, Concerning Fire Safety was discussed by the Council. After discussion, Jim Wells moved that Ordinance No. 79-15, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING FIRE SAFETY; PROVIDING FOR FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS BY FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR CERTAIN ACTS AND OMISSIONS WHICH CONSTITUTE FIRE HAZARDS; CONTAINING PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE AUTHORITY UNDER WHICH THE ORDINANCE IS ENACTED AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER DETAILS IN REALATION THERETO," be approved on first reading with the following corrections Section 8 should be changed to Section 4; correction of a typographical error, building; and the margin of the line beginning with the word acknowledges be straighten. Richard Casserley seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken with all Councilmembers voting yes. 10 • Page 2 • The second reading on and the public hearing of Ordinance No. 79-15 was scheduled for Tuesday, July 10. (A COPY OF ORDIANCE NO. 79-15 IS ATTACHED TO THESE MINUTES) Resolution No. 79-12, Benchmark Companies transference of lots was next discussed by Council. Richard Casserley moved to approve the resolution, seconded by Steve Erickson. A roll call vote was taken with Jim Wells and Allan Nottinghan abstaining and all other Councilmembers voting yes. (ATTACHED TO THESE MINUTES) Resolution No. 79-11, Proposed Extension of White River National Forest was discussed by the Council. After review, Jim Wells moved to approved the resolution, seconded by Allan Nottingham and unanimously carried. (ATTACHED TO THESE MINUTES) Parks and Recreation Agreements for Nottingham Park and Lake, in reference to when the land will be conveyed to the Town was next discussed. The agreement would allow the Town to accept monies from Benchmark Companies and Vail Associates and to oversee the construction and maintenance of the parks. Monies, budgetary procedures and agreement status between the Town, Vail Associates Benchmark Companies and Eagle County were discussed. Carol Richards moved that the Town enter an agreement with Benchmark Companies at Beaver Creek, on tracts G & P, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Richard Casserley seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried with Jim Wells and Allan Nottingham abstaining. Submittal of final approval on the Wildridge Subdivision and a technical review of the Wildwood Subdivision was discussed. After a lengthy discussion, Steve Erickson moved to table review of the Wildridge Subdivision until the Town Engineer had a chance to review the Subdivider's Agree- ment and to iron out all of the problems and to set a date for review of July 10; at which time the Council would consider final approval. Carol Richards seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried with Allan Nottingham and Jim Wells abstaining. Submittal of final approval on Wildridge and Wildwood Subdivisions was rescheduled for Tuesday, July 10. Resolution No. 79-13 was presented to the Council, concerning litter. Carol Richards moved to approve the resolution, seconded by Steve Erickson and unanimously carried. _r grL-Z C/{E'~] 70 711F5~ m ~~u rF s~ A NWCCOG memorandum on management agency agreement for wastewater treatment was referred to the Town Clerk for reply. Town Attorney John Blish reported on the Colorado Municipal League Conference which he recently attended. There being no further business before the meeting be adjourned, seconded by at 11:30 P.M. the Council, Steve Erickson moved that Carol Richards and adjourned by the Mayor Respectfully submitted s STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) 71~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A public hearing before the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, at 7:30 P.M. on the 10th day of July, 1979 at the Town Hall for the purpose of considering the adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 79-15: AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING FIRE SAFETY, PRO- VIDING FOR FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS BY FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR CERTAIN ACTS AND OMISSIONS WHICH CON- STITUTE FIRE HAZARDS; CONTAINING PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE AUTHORITY UNDER WHICH THE ORDINANCE IS ENACTED AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. A copy of said Ordinance is attached hereto and is also on file at the office of the Town Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Following this hearing, the Council may consider final passage of this Ordinance. This meeting is open to the general public. This notice given and published by order of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado. Dated this 26th day of June, 1979. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO By order of the Town Council By 4TW CLER POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON JUNE 27, 1979: THE NORTHEAST SIDE THE BENCHMARK SHOPPING CENTER, (AVON POST OFFICE) THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF EAGLE VALLEY BOWL THE PESTER GAS STATION; AND THE TOWN OFFICE, SECOND FLOOR, BENCHMARK SHOPPING CENTER ORDINANCE NO. 79-15 TOWN OF AVON SERIES OF 1979 C: AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING FIRE SAFETY; PROVIDING FOR FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS BY FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR CERTAIN ACTS AND OMISSIONS WHICH CONSTITUTE FIRE HAZARDS; CONTAINING PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE AUTHORITY UNDER WHICH THE ORDINANCE IS ENACTED AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER DETAILS IN RELA- TION THERETO. Section 1. Inspections - Fire Hazards - Order to Remove or Correct - Appeal as Provided by Statute. Whenever the Fire Chief of any Fire Protection .District serving the Town of Avon or any por- tion of the Town of Avon, or any member of any such Fire Department who has been desig- nated by the Chief of any such Department or District, finds, through inspection.,procedures, any building or other structure which, for want of repair, lack of or insufficient-fire escapes, automatic or other fire alarm appara- tus, or fire extinguishing equipment as may be required by law or for reasons of age or di- lapidated condition, or from any other cause, is especially liable to fire or hazardous to the safety of the occupants thereof, and which is so situated as to endanger other property, and whenever such officer finds in any build- ing combustible or explosive matter or in- flammable conditions, dangerous to the safety of such building or its occupants, he shall order the same to be removed or remodeled, and such order shall forthwith be complied with by the owner, lessee, agent or occupant of such premises or buildings. In case such owner, lessee, agent or occupant may feel himself aggrieved by such order, such owner, lessee, agent or occupant may follow the statutory procedures outline in C.R.S. 1973, 32-5-342. Section 2. Violations - Penalties. Any owner, lessee, agent or occupant of any building or premises'.maintaining any condi- tion likely to cause fire or to constitute an additional fire hazard or any condition which impedes or prevents. the egress of persons from such building or premises in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be maintaining a fire hazard and shall be guilty of a misdemeansor. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, any any such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any viola- tion of the provisions of this Ordinance is committed, continued, or permitted, and upon conviction of any such violation, such person, firm or corporation shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. ® -2- 0 Section 3. Authority - Conflict with State Statutory Provisions. This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the autho rity granted by the Town Charter for the Town of Avon, Colorado, and pursuant to Article XX, Sec- tion 6 of the Constitution of the State of Colorado. In enacting this Ordinance the Town Council acknowledges existence of similar provisions contained in C.R.S. 1973, 32-5-34 et seg. The Council specifically hereby reaffirms the con- cept that fire safety is a matter of local as well as statewide concern and further states that it is in the public welfare that the pro- visions of this Ordinance be enacted. Section 4. Saving Clause. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance or any of the Codes or. Standards adopted hereby are for any reason held to be invalid, such decisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections of this Ordinance or any of the Codes or Standards adopted hereby; the Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and adopted the Codes and Standards named in the title hereto in each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespec- tive of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsection, sentences, clauses or phases be declared to be invalid. INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this ,4 day of~_, 1979 and a public hearing on this Ordinance shall be eld at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on the /day of~~ 1979, at 7:30 P.M., in the Municipal Offices of the To n. ATTEST: L Town Clerk ' Ma or INTRODUCED, APPROVED ON SECOND READING, PASSED, ENACTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS DAY OF 1979. TOWN OF AVON BY: ATTEST: Mayor BY TOWN CLERK RESOLUTION NO. 79-11 TOWN OF AVON SERIES OF 1979 • WHEREAS, citizens and governmental agencies of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, have initiated a proposal for the extension of the United States Forest Service Boundary and Management Control for the White River National Forest; and WHEREAS, there exists within the area proposed to be included within the boundaries of the White River National Forest public lands which are presently administered and managed in part by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and in part by the U.S. Forest Service; and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service manage the Public lands under their respective jurisdic- tions pursuant to similar management principles; and WHEREAS, the consolidation of management under the United States Forest Service would simplify and improve admin- istration of all of said public lands; and WHEREAS, the respective Secretaries of the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture did in 1962 direct their respective agencies, i.e., Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service to transfer lands to one or the other, respectively, where consolidation of management would simplify and improve admin- istration; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon is directly and indirectly affected by the management of the public land continguous to the Town of Avon presently managed by both the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, believes the extension of the U.S. Forest Service Boundary for the White River National Forest as proposed herein, would pro- vide among others the following benefits: 1. Uniform administration of public lands under one federal agency; 2. Elimination of duplication of management services and travel; 3. Facilitation of transaction of business by users of the public lands, enabling such users to work with one federal agency; 4. Simplification of administration of public lands; 5. Flexibility to trade lands presently outside U.S. Forest Service Boundaries to achieve a more efficient, economic and desirable management program; 6. Reduction of costs for public land management functions; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, believes the proposed boundary change would be beneficial to its citizens and taxpayers as well as to all citizens and tax- payers of the United States; and • • WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, has been informed and advised by the media, citizen input and input from other local governmental entities in the area with regard to the above matters; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: The Town of Avon respectfully recommends and urges the Congress of the United States to enact appropriate legislation and the President of the United States to sign such legislation necessary to cause and permit the boundaries of the white River National Forest, as administered by the United States Department of Agriculture through the Forest Service, to be extended to and include within said boundaries, an area indicated on the map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorpor- rated herein by this reference, generally de- scribed as that area bounded by the unincorporated area known as Wolcott, and Colorado State Highway 131 on the west, the Colorado River on the north, Cross Creek on the south, and the foot of Vail Pass on the east. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The Town Clerk is,hereby directed to forward copies of this Resolution to each member of Congress from the State of Colorado; and Further, the staff of the Town of Avon is authorized to assist and cooperate with said members of Congress and/or any federal government officials to obtain the proposed extension of the White River National Forest Boundary. INTRODUCED, READ AND ADOPTED THIS 4a 6. DAY OF JUNE, 1979. TOWN OF AVON ATTEST: own Clerk r 7 4aor An¢e o Alpi ../Ilr .~U ~ IM... ~ .I ~ j ~.+vl1~l - -I I~.-+r----- --_I~'1__Ifi-( a' ~ 111 r r I / +1 i D.C. T / J .~I . . I 1• IT 1L _tL 1` _ _ Etl7 - (il(AN I) / t ! I 1y ~ I•:A(.IJ? ICt) % vl;A1Ml"I' ~ / (••r,rr.x ! f Mln /I/ h a!- _ I\ y~+ ~ F{JaT~~ \Ir. I I I\~ i(" I I r , f: ul, 1. 1t.~ Orl^ -ax I rn11 ['t T ~w 1 I I 1 ' j _ ) ~ ~ y ~ noev ~ Mlr)„rr t. I } a r ::JI .1 1 1 I c•'sy J4 I P4 ~ I { i~. 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BOUNDAR( I 0'I o PROPOSED FOREST BOUN GARY STATC Of COLORADO, COUMT7 OF,CACI C n Book a~ P, z 10 Ai 0' M IitLr f HIM MO p1l~~ UU JOHNNFTT PHllkn RECWM RESOLUTION NO. 79-12 TOWN OF AVON SERIES OF 1979 WHEREAS, the various permitted living unit densities shown on the Official Plat and Map of the Town of Avon, Colorado, are subject to transfer and reassignment from one lot to another with the approval and consent of the Town Council of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, Gary R. Stevens; Vice President of Benchmark, has requested by means of a letter dated June 21, 1979, (Exhibit "A") that certain transfers and reassignments be made pursuant to the above provision; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, has no objection to the proposed transfers and reassignments; NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: Four(4)living units of the permitted density shall be transferred from Lot 12, Block 2 to Lot 7, Block 1. Additionally, four(4)living units shall be transferred from Lot 5, Block 1 to Lot 6, Block 1. This will result in the following densities permitted on the following lots, and shall be treated for all lawful purposes as an Official Amendment to the Official Plat and Map of the Town of Avon, Colorado: Lot 12, Block 2 8 units Lot 7, Block 1 8 units Lot 6, Block 1 8 units Lot 5, Block 1 226 units INTRODUCED, ATTEST: Town Clerk READ AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF JUNE, 1979. TOWN OF AVON f~ Angelo V . Alpi, Aay r ~f//fin/ , • June 21, 1979 Mr. Angelo V. Alpi, Mayor Town of Avon Avon, Colorado 81620 Dear Mr. Alpi: Lot 12, Block 2 presently has an assigned density of 12 condominium or apartment units. Benchmark at Beaver Creek, the owner of the property, accepted a contract recently wherein the property is being sold, but only 8 living units go with the sale. Benchmark, consequently requests that the four excess units be transferred to Lot 7, Block 1, which presently has a density of 4 units. As both Lots 6 and 7, Block 1 are approximately the same size, Benchmark, the owner, would like to have the unit density for each be the same. Therefore Benchmark also requests that four Condo/Apartment units be added to Lot 6 and the density for Lot 5, Block 1 be reduced by the same number. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request. Si cerely, Gary R. Stevens Vice President GRS:mr BENChMARk Box S, Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone (3031 949-5743 i RESOLUTION NO. 79-13 TOWN OF AVON SERIES OF 1979 WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, is concerned about the visual appearance of the Town as well as the health and safety of its residents; and WHEREAS, there is from time to time a problem in connection with rubbish, waste material, refuse, trash and debris within the Town of Avon and especially in connection with building materials and building material wrapping and packaging, which blows from one site to another and onto both Town property and other private property; and WHEREAS, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973, 18-4-511, provides that littering is a Class 2 petty offense; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: All citizens of Avon and those people who work in Avon are reminded that littering is an offense punishable by a fine and every- one, including all those persons who super- vise or work at the location of construction projects, are asked to cooperate in the prevention of littering. The Avon Police Department is authorized to act in accord- ance with the best interests of the citizens of the Town of Avon in the enforcement of all statutory provisions relating to littering and to the storage and care of building materials and packaging. INTRODUCED, READ AND ADOPTED THIS 7- DAY OF f . e , 1979. , TOWN OF AVON 1 .~ngelo . Alpi, M yor ATTEST: Town clerk, Tonie Koonce