TC Minutes 06-12-1979CORRECT COPY Minutes of the Regular Meeting Of the Town Councilmembers Of the Town of Avon June 12, 1979 The regular meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colora- do was held in the Town Office, second floor, Benchmark Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Mayor Angelo Alpi. A roll call vote was taken with all Councilmembers in attendance. Also present were Town Attorney John Blish, Benchmark Planner Mike Blair, Claycomb- Project Engineer Bryan Duff, KKBNA Principal Engineer Leroy Tobler, Benchmark Attorney Jay Peterson, Design Review Board Chairman Hugh Price, as well as members of the public and press. The minutes of the meetings of May 22, May 29, May 31, June 5 and June 7 were presented to the Council. Amendments to the minutes of May 22 and June 5 were requested. on page 2 of the May 22 minutes, paragraph 10 was changed to read: "Alan Schaeffer, representing the company, asked to locate. approximately 20 temporary trailer units within the Town limits until on, or around December 1. He said his company could complete an access road to the water storage tank and build said water storage tank if such short-term housing was approved." In correlation with these minutes, changes were made to Resolution No. 7. These changes were: "The Town will rely upon Holy Cross' hook-up to assure that electrical standards have been met by the Company, as well as an electrical inspection by the Town Electrical Inspector; Tiago shall pay all temporary taps and services required by the various utilities, as well as all proper permit fees to the Town of Avon." On page 1 of the June 5 minutes, paragraph 9 was changed to read: Prior to approval of the Ordinance, Mike Blair asked the Council to designate Section 35 ~ 36 of the Proposed Zoning District Map, which is included in the Ordinance title as 'Specially Planned Area.' The Council agreed to consider this request." Motions were then made to approve the minutes as follows: Jim Wells moved that the minutes of May 22 be approved, seconded by Bill Doyle; Carol Richards moved that the minutes of May 29 be approved, seconded by Steve Erickson; Allan Nottingham moved that the minutes of May 31 be approved, seconded by Bill Doyle; Steve Erickson moved that the minutes of June 5 be approved, seconded by Carol Richards; and Jim Wells moved that the minutes of June 7 be approved, seconded by Richard Casserely. All motions carried unanimously. Bi-monthly financial reports were presented to the Council. Steve Erickson mentioned the possibility of contacting Stan Bernstein to do some.long-term financial planning for the Town. This idea was given consideration by the Council. Two changes to the financial reports were pointed out by the Councilmembers. Steve Erickson noted that Contractor's License #51 should be changed from Beaver Creek Properties to Beaver Creek Drain Service. Jim Wells noted that Design Review Board fee #24 should be changed from Lot 2, Block 1 to Lot 2, Block 2. The financial statement from the month of May was then reviewed by the Council. Carol Richards explained pertinent facts of the statement. (THIS STATEMENT IS ATTACHED TO THESE MINUTES) A list of Accounts Payable was also presented to the Council. After reviewing the Accounts, Steve Erickson moved that the Council authorize payment of the accounts as listed, seconded by Richard Casserley and unanimously carried. Mayor Alpi and Fire Chief Jay Hosburgh addressed the recent criticism of the fire fighters who responded to the Beaver Bench Condominium fire Saturday, June 9. Both men commended the fire fighters for their efforts and ability to save one of the condominium buildings. Blake Lynch of Bosworth Sullivan then gave a brief presentation to the Council on the investment banking services of his firm. He stressed that Bosworth Sullivan is desirous of becoming the bond underwriter and/or financial consultant ,f.• ~ PAGE 2 for the Town of Avon. Mayor Alpi thanked Blake Lynch for his firm's interest in the Town of Avon. Resolution No. 8 was presented to the Council by Town Attorney John Blish. After review of the Resolution, Jim Wells requested that the words "Council approved," be inserted on line 12 of the resolution definition. Jim Wells then moved that the Council adopt the resolution as amended; Carol Richards seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with all Councilmembers voting yes. (A COPY OF RESOLUTION NO. 8 IS ATTACHED TO THESE MINUTES.) The next three agenda items, appointment of the election judges, Resolution No. 9 and a Parks and Recreation Agreement were tabled to a Special Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 19. LPE•114 Brian Duff, project engineer from Claycomb Engineering Associates, presented the preliminary review of the Wildridge Subdivision to the Council. A lenghty discussion between Duff and Leroy Tobler ensued. In conclusion, Duff stated that a subdivider's agreement will be presented to the Council at a Special 120 Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 19. The Council also agreed to schedule Claycomb's final review of and. the Council:'•spreliminary approval on., the Wildridge Subdivision for this:.meeting. The Council further agreed that Council 130 final approval on the Wildridge Subdivision, as well as Claycomb'preliminary review of the Wildwood Subdivision will be heard at a Regular Town Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 26. A Northwest Colorado Council of Government A-95 review=-Lower Eagle Valley Water Quality Feasibility Study was presented to the Council. After discussion, the Council agreed to._return~the;r.eview_.for_more info.rmtion on funding. There being no further business, Steve Erickson moved that the Council adjourn and Richard Casserley seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Alpi at 11:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted (.pe eo N ~ Percentages: Mo's in YTD 1//,67$ Receipts ,y9% TOWN OF AVON Disbursements (1) 7.,Ie% GENERAL FUND (1) - Total Budget STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH ENDED n!!2, 3j , 19 19 Year to Date Over Current .3- Months (Under) Schedule Month Amount % Budget Budget Budget REVENUES: Taxes: Ad Valorem Taxes $ /D ~go V0 $ -?v-,3-)% $ 38,837.00 X6/6. 26l Sales Taxes f 7 7ya 6 . 93 3y % 15,000.00 (7593 , o J Real Estate Transfer -1 ~1-g4 lip 3/ ~17 ,~6% 100,000.00 (3o7y1.69J Misc. Taxes - - % 2,014.00 (.?oiy,ao) Other S.13 % S./3 Total Taxes $ 1-7 77.Z .67 $x'6.3'93,/7 7S$ $155,851.00 $(6s9s'7.s,:? Fees: Building Permits $131-90 • ~o $.21i~9 .6s' O"Z.9o % $ 40,000.00 Design Review 9/~ . 00 4 s io . vv /30 •a?o % 5,000.00 /o%v -00 Road Cuts, Subd. etc - 70-.00 .6"o$ 5,000.00 (S1y75•oo) Other ~~Le • 7s- -/9/7.31 % Total Fees $1 1yZ1.6, $31261% .96 4 S % $ 50,000.00 $L79~Y~.oy ',icenses : Business .oo /o -66 % $ 100.00 9o.ov) Liquor 0 ,50-.0,9% 150.00 ( 67,.so) Liquor License Hearing 00 -/oo.oo 100.00 Contractor _ 77, ,a7;'oo //3 •7.j"% 2,000.00 -2 7,5-'.0'0 Other % Total Licenses 776--6o $,N47-5-0 ioo`. ao$ $ 2,350.00 $ Fines: Traffic -/.00 % $ 1,000.00 $ ( 99'0.00) Other Total Fines Other Revenues: Xerox Other Jet /.a()% $ 1,000.0i $ ( 990.00 $ 9.32 $ -?'3'/.,/7 _ % $ /79v./3 - % S'71 -Yo $ y'~0 .09 - o $ $ 737.5/7 /790 .13 $ 9 Total Other Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUES -0-. $3079 .97 100,oo % $ 30,799.00 $L •03) S/ .o2- $L~s' 6 •69 100. 00g $240,000.00 Month J 9 -7. Page 1 of 5 N -2- Schedule EXPENDITURES: 1. Town Council 2. Legal 3. Judicial 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. M Year to Date Over Current s- Months (Under) Month Amount % Budget Budget Budget $ J '7U • o0 $ i7,p,r .oy / .3 % $ 15,780.00 3 9 ;00) &6 '74.46% 37,750.00 077o7. 7a) - % 2,450.00 ( yrrl- J 13,250.00 ~o~~/.a?) /hiov~ .9~ ?.~y% 49,000.00 (3y99/.oy) .S~ so .37 11r. 63% 35, 500.00 (.zy 9yy .63) /~2S .moo /Y.1a o 10,000.00 o 4Y. S6 % 50,100.00 (3.f79Y is-- 9h0 .3z 99. 7j"'% 16,000.00 ( JY Y) ' % 10,000.00 (/DOvo.du) % -0- - Executive / Poo .06 Public Safety 99iS' .off Building Department Y6 -e. ./z Design Review Board _ G0 .oo Administration Capital Outlay ,.2 Public Works Debt Service Contingency Sub-Totals P/R Taxes Withheld P/R Taxes Paid TOTAL EXPENDITURES - _ $ 170.00 ( /'70. oo) $.No:zo .0c, 6'P6Y'-1.6Y 17. 7L$ $240,000.00 (SS 9 7 .'/o) ( Y o y, % -0- . 3 y y ..4j 3 . -/s. % -0- 74 3 3y/7 .ol $ 6 79Y7.oY ~?7.-IVyg $240,000.00 $ /72o~z 92) Excess of Revenues over Expenditures $ .v! $ 0~. cl $ - -0- $ < o Beginning Cash. Balance Less Fund Balance Ending Cash Balance Cash Analysis: Checking Savings - Minturn Western Federal Total As Above -31 $38,042.76 S -0-. (301798.97) $ 6 . 70 $ Yy<7o6.ao~ $ 9 _"Yily. li Month / 979 Page 2 of N -3- CHEDULE XPENDITURES town Council Council Comp. Dues Travel Contg. 5 _F 70; oo $ / 76'.s o o 13, Vp qo $ 13,320 100 /na,-vim _ 1 , 500 ~Sod.;oa 860 Total Council S .77o.po $ y'7,'Sob 31 ~o $ 15 ,780 $ J 99soo~ Legal Compensation S 4Ocz.0Q $ /00,00.00 _ g1,k7°l0 $ 24 ,000 $&gOoo..0, Secretary 6 ,000 Goob.eo Travel - .30,80 ,i, os% 1 ,000 9G9.;Zo~ Dues 1 ,000 ~40oz o Outside-Council - - - 5 ,000 f Sooo,a6) Contg. - C 33a~.oS _So 750 ?-~Y-So) Total Legal S _/46/. /0a-Y.7,3c _ z4.6oa/r 37 ,750 $~277o7,.7oy Judicial Court R Misc. S - $ - $ 2, 209 Tapes - - 250 Other $ 2 , 4 50 _ $ a7 ,'/So.oo~ Total Judicial Executive Tom Clerk S j8oo,co S S43.6o 4(o 4, $ 12, 000 $ 7,117,06 Travel 4!:5:7,3 ~./o7r 750 70'...Z ) Contg. ~7. aS S"Yl % , 500 6 b eo- JO. 60 41L % D0. o 2o,oc67c Total Exec. S /irloo.,c~.~, $ 5'2or7~ 27 $ 13,250 S- koY-1a2j) 7'YL e"r~ M M SCHEDULE 5- Public Safety Police Chief 51333_ ,~a2Z1 $ /677 F, 2nd Office2 __lp,nnn Car, Radio-6,. t- Office Supplies _5 q? Contg. ( ~4 o7y7.si_ -x'9"7.3 / -i 9.8~ 90 _2,000 C Syi.~oJ 7 ov- ~..9C• - - ..3.6:2 Ski, 33 _ //9. t ti `l ~tlY1oG_ - Total L' f S ~11 Si~looy,9c 7F,SQ~~ 0 a49 $ 3y99i.oti~ y s e u c_ . Building Department Chief Inspector Q42 Travel .,?3..29 67. 1 .500 1 1-;-0. '7A Electrical, Plumbing /So,oo i, v,oo - - extra inspections 15a041?__ /y/ys'O,oO) Publications 1,000 ( 9-16.0.) O f f i c e Suuli.es- 13 '76 - 7 4 Y. ~l <P Contg. 0 `10.6/ ~l7/ `,o Total B1dg.D. S ~~"So,~7 /~:~3`7~ $ X5 500 $C2v9/9 63 ` , _ . Design Review Board Compensation $ ~.SSn oo S J82s,oo -.-~6,07~, $ 7,000 •6-, 17j-,0o Cont. - 3 000 _ o oo C ~ , . o0 ; Total D.R.B. S 6S-0.00 $ s-,oa 90 s 1 0 000 $(817~ - .ou . Adminstration Annual Audit $ - $ 1000>60 _ <?8.S7`2, S 3,x,00 $ ~ISoo.ooj Accounting & Budget -{/0s-,oo J-0 91,~-pga 2,000 C iGV,;a) Rent iGy~l IG .jsvc 7z sy. 12,nnn ~Y93.-a Office Supplies - nn0 ~ j (1y 76.39) Telephone 2G8 ~2 Jr o 9, 6~ 3. 12 % _ Rnn 4 C 3690.3 ) Xerox - - 18',4 2 4-.29 , no C?8~i. 3~') Postage .3v3.1k. Zr,.27~0 Subscriptions - - oo - ' 0-o" 2 ion Equip. Maintenance _ 63. vs 7n. 3,),q- _ ROO 137.0 Insurance 1-11-1-7, Yo Publishing d7 30 ~1Y.G~ q 200 C i~l Z.yu~ Pri nt i fig i 3v, 3j- 2,400 C 2 G 9. r~ Payroll Taxes 5,000 < Soa..oo Workman's Comp. 1.000 Health Insurance _ 2,6~ C ~!o GO. Au Subtotals carried forward 13,2 ~r, 4,;' $ 0 6 1~1, 1,39 'N' So % $ 47,600 S(3a G3.p,E 7) N y -5- SCHEDULE Subtotals from previous page $ .3$ 1 1.33 1~l,so 2~ $ 47,600_ $.~r93 7) Adminstration cont. $ $ $ $ Contg. " ays-.2.op 0,2 ko2,500 ~.w ~7 6 ~ 9 q Total Aministr. $S~3v.'7Z $ 1y36 ~.3al ~Y,.5-6•g~ $ 50,100 $ 3s~93.~~J Capital Outlay Furniture & Equip. $ 33.d $ 1S9G,0.3.2 $ 15,700 $ .2 Other - o - -o - -a - 300 (,3oo,ao) Total Capital $ 3$ 16-966.32- Public Works Contract -.o $ -v - 99.7s-% $ 16,000 $ 39. (',p C $ 10,000 $(/-000,60, Total Public !,Jk.$ -v- $ -v- -o- 1. Debt Service Principal S -o - $ -o - -v - Interest -v - -o- o- Total Debt Serv. $ -o - $ -o - - o - 2. Contingency $ -v - $ -o - - o - Total s $ 0 6 $ 6 .P L S-Y OS 7 7k $ 10,000 $ (/oyoo.o ) $ -0- $ - - -0- $ - 0 - $ -c1- $ 170 $ $ 240,000 $ /s 9_z) n u RESOLUTION No. 8 SERIES OF 1979 WHEREAS, the Town of Avon wishes to insure that docu- ments approved by the Town Council are recorded by the County Clerk and Recorder in exactly the same form and language as was approved; WHEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado: That any person, partnership, corporation or other entity which submits and document, plat, map or other item for approval by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, and wishes to have the document, plat, map or other item recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, shall be deemed to have given its consent to have the Town Clerk or other Town employee, as designated by the Mayor or Town Council, to act as the agent of the person, partnership, corporation or other entity for the.purposes of transmitting the Council approved document, plat, map or other item to the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder and, further, that the person, partnership, corporation or other entity desiring recordation shall pay to the Town Clerk the proper fee, as required by the County Clerk and Recorder, for the recording of the document, plat, map or other item. RESOLVED AND DATED THIS 12 DAY OF June. ATTEST: Tonie Koonce Town Clerk TOWN OF AVON BY. Angelo Alp+11ayor ,