TC Minutes 04-10-1979a r ~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS OF THE TOWN OF AVON HELD APRIL 10, 1979 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town Council Members of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Town Office, second floor, Benchmark Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Angelo Alpi;at 7:40 P.M. Council mem- bers in attendance were Angelo Alpi, Richard Casserlev, William Doyle, Steven Erickson, Allan Nottingham, Carol Richards, and James Wells. Also Present were Town Attorney, John Blish, as well as members of the Press. Steven Erickson moved that the Council approve the Minutes of the March 27th meeting as submitted. Seconded by Richard Casserley and so carried. First item on the agenda was approval the Accounts Payable. Mayor Alpi noted that the town, as a municipality, will receive a tax refund of $62.70 from Mountain Bell. Finding no objection- or errors, Allan Nottingham moved to authorize payment of the Accounts Payable; seconded by William Doyle and unanimously carried. A public hearing on and the second reading of Ordinance 79-5, adopting and appropriating for the 1979 Budget was then held. With no objections from either the Council or the public, James Wells moved that, "Ordinance No. 79-5, ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE: ADOPTING A BUDGET AND FINANCIAL PLAN AND MAKING APPRO- PRIATIONS TO PAY THE COSTS, EXPENSES, AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR ITS FISCAL YEAR JANUARY 1, 1979, THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1979, AND COLLECTION OF TOWN AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAXES DUE FOR THE 1978 TAX YEAR AND PAYABLE. IN THE 1979 FISCAL YEAR," be approved. Carol Richards seconded. A roll call vote was taken with all Council members voting yes and the motion carried. A second public hearing on and the second reading of Ordinance 79-6, making supplemental appropriations from the General Fund, of the Town of Avon was the next financial item considered by the Council. With no public or Council objec- tions, Carol Richards moved that "Ordinance No. 79-6 AN ORDINANCE MAKING SUPPLE- MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL FUND, OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF SAID APPROPRIATIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN," be approved. William Doyle seconded. A rcl,l call vote was taken with all Council members voting yes and the motion carried. r -2- Town Attorney John Blish noted that the "Council had anticipated supplemental appropriations would be made; thus the adoption of Ordinance No. 79-6 was not an action to correct a budgetary error." Financial matters completed; a Design Review Board referral item, Town Master Plan adoption, was discussed. Although no one was present from the DRB-- Richard Casserley stated that the Council wished to make an amendment on page three of the Master Plan. Under land use categories the definition for section RMHP was amended to read: "RMHP: Residential Mobile Home Park- Areas primarily for varying term occupancies in mobile dwelling units designed for semi-permanent occupancy at at maximum' Permissible ten dwelling units per acre." Discussion was made on whether an IC-(Industrial and Commercial) classification was the correct zoning for the area of the Wildwood access road. Council agreed that the zoning was consistent. However, Attorney John Blish, suggested the Council advise the DRB of the future high traffic projection along said road, in consi- deration of future design approvals. Blish added that an updated Master Plan Map would probably be examined in the future from the DRB. Steven Erickson made a motion to adopt a resolution to adopt definitions of the Master Plan for the Town of Avon, as amended, along with the accompanying Faster Plan Map #1, as the official document. Roll call vote was taken and the motion passed with all Council members voting yes. Under unfinished business a public hearing and second reading for annexation of 1287.66 acres was held. No public comment was made during the hearing; although Jay Peterson, attorney for the owners was available. Richard Casserley made a motion to adopt Ordinance 79-7,"AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF AVON A PARCEL OF PROPERTY BEING SECTION 36, T4S, R82W AND A PORTION OF SECTION 35, T4S, R82W OF THE 6th P.M., BY BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK, A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP: AND SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO." The motion was seconded by William Doyle. A roll call vote was taken, with James Wells and Allan Nottingham abstaining. All other council members voted yes and the motion passed by a majority. After the annexation ordinance, discussion was held regarding the Town's partici- pation in obtaining a second access to the Wildwood area. Town Attorney John Blish was instructed to confer with Benchmark Properties and to proceed with necessary action to acquire the access. Under new business Helmut Lilischkies applied for preliminary approval of condominium maps for Lot 3, Block 2 - 6 units. After discussion, Carol Richards made a motion to grant preliminary approval of a condominium map for Lakeview at Benchmark Condominiums, Building B. James Wells seconded and the motion carried. Also under new business an ordinance was presented to the Council to establish a Municipal Court. The Ordinance No. 79-8 was reviewed. A motion was made by y r 0 -3- . Steven Erickson to adopt on the first reading Ordinance No. 79-8, "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MUNICIPAL COURT FOR THE TOWN OF AVON; DEFINING ITS OPERATION, JURIS- DICTION, POWERS AND PROCEDURES; CREATING THE POSITIONS OF PRESIDING MUNICIPAL JUDGE, DEPUTY JUDGE AND COURT CLERK; SETTING THE TERMS OF OFFICE, INCLUDING COMPENSA- TION, AND SETTING FORTH ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS AND DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO." An amendment to the above Ordinance No. 79-8 was then added under Section 7. to read: "Section 7. Judge-Deputy Judge-Compensation. The salary of the Presid- ing Municipal Judge shall be determined by the Town Council. The Town Council may alter the salary from time to time as it shall deem proper. The salary shall be paid monthly." William Doyle seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken with all Council Members voting yes. Under Mayor items, Mayor Alpi presented the Council Members with a NWCCOG request for approval of an A-95 report for the Colorado State Department of Highways next five year funding. The Council reviewed the request. Carol Richards made a motion to approve the request and Richard Casserley seconded. The motion so carried. Mayor Alpi then informed the Council and Public that the County Library Associa- tion had contacted the Town of Avon in regards to placement of a Bookmobile in the Benchmark parking lot. Permission was granted by the owners' of the parking lot. Times and dates will be announced by the Library Association at a later date. Mayor Alpi explained a proposal made by Benchmark Companies for the Town of Avon to acquire the sign on the exit ramp, of I-70 going west or the entrance sign to Avon titled, "Benchmark Founded 1974." The Mayor stated that sign could be changed to read: "Avon Founded 1978." In exchange for this proposal Benchmark Companies is requesting that their firm be allowed to maintain the Benchmark Properties sign located at the intersection of Avon Road and Beaver Creek Boule- vard. The new Town Clerk, Tonie Koonce, was officially sworn-in by Mayor Alpi. Mayor Alpi introduced Chief of Police, Ken Sortland, with his new Town of Avon police uniform. Also noted was that the new police department jeep will arrive in six-eight weeks. Mayor Alpi told the Public that the Town of Avon will be sending out a Dog Control Ordinance letter to all Avon property owners in the near future. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. 0 -4- At 8:50 P.M. the Council reconvened as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority for the purpose of discussing the liquor license renewal of the Scoresheet Bar & Lounge. After some discussion, Mayor Alpi asked if there were objections or requests for additional information concerning the liquor license renewal. There being none, the request for liquor license renewal for the Scoresheet Bar & Lounge was approved. There being no other business the Local Liquor Licensing Authority adjourned at 9:00 P.M. MINUTES APPROVED, NOTICE OF MEETING WAIVED: Respectfully Submitted Jvnc-e_.. f fe-d-n~-2 ' s ORDINANCE NO. 79-5 Series of 1979 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE: ADOPTING A BUDGET AND FINANCIAL PLAN AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO PAY THE COSTS, EXPENSES, AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOTS7N OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR ITS FISCAL YEAR JANUARY 1, 1979, THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1979, AND COLLECTIOi11 OF TOWN AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAXES DUE FOR THE 1978 TAX YEAR AND PAYABLE IN THE 1979 FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter XII of the Charter of the Town of Avon, Colorado, the Mayor prepared and submitted to the Town Council a proposed budget and financial plan for all Town funds and activities for the 1979 fiscal year; WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing on the proposed Town budget was posted on the 27th day of September 1978, seven days prior to the hearing held on the 3rd day of October, 1978, pursuant to Section 12.6 of the Charter; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Town Council to adopt the budget and financial plan for the 1979 fiscal year, to make appropriations for the amounts specified in the budget, and to provide for the levy, assessment, and collection to Town ad valorem property taxes due for the 1978 tax year and payable in the 1979 fiscal year; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: (1) The procedures prescribed in Chapter XII of the Charter of the Town of Avon, Colorado, for the enactment hereof have been fulfilled. (2) Pursuant to Chapter XII of the Charter, the Town Council hereby makes the following annual appropriations for the Town of Avon, Colorado, for its fiscal year beginning on the lst day of January, 1979, and ending on the 31st day of December, 1979; Ord. 79-5 Legislative Judicial Executive Administration Capital Outlay Legal Public Safety Public Works Debt Service Contingency Page 2 $ 6,900.00 1,450.00 15,200.00 23,090.00 1,000.00 24,000.00 30,000.00 5,000.00 31,000.00 7,360.00 Total Budget $145,000.00 (3) The Town Council hereby adopts the full and complete Budget and Financial Plan for the 1979 fiscal year for the Town of Avon, Colorado, which is' incorporated by reference herein and made part hereof, and copies of said public record shall be made available to the public in the office of the Town Clerk. (4) For the purpose of defraying part of the operating expenses of the Town of Avon, Colorado, during its 1979 fiscal year, the Town Council hereby levies a property tax of 15.00 mills upon each dollar of the total assessed valuation of all taxable property within the Town for the 1978 tax year,($2,589,160), which will result in a gross tax levy of. $38,337, said assessment and valuation having been duly made by the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and the Town Clerk was directed to certify said tax levy to County Of Eagle for collection pursuant to Title 39, Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, (as amended), and as otherwise required by law. Ord 79-5 E Page 3 (5) This ordinance shall take effect seven days after posting following the final passage hereof. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED POSTED ONCE IN FULL, this 27th day of March, 1979, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on the 10th day of April, 1979, at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office, 2nd floor, Benchmark Shopping Center. n' Y"'4: P~ r ATTEST: C~ Acting Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS DAY OF 1979. i 1 LI(2-, Mayor . ATTEST: Town Clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF FAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) 00 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF a public hearing before the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, at 7:30 P.M. on the 10th day of April, 1979 at the Town Hall for the purpose of considering the adoption of THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE: ADOPTING A BUDGET AND FINANCIAL PLAN AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO PAY THE COSTS, EXPENSES, AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR ITS FISCAL YEAR JANUARY 1, 1979, THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1979, AND COLLECTION OF TOWN AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAXES DUE FOR THE 1978 TAX YEAR AND PAYABLE IN THE 1979 FISCAL YEAR. A copy of said Ordinance is attached hereto and is also on file at the office of the Town Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Following this hearing, the Council may consider final passage of this Ordinance. This meeting is open to the general public. This notice given and published by order of the Town Council of the Town of Avon. Dated this 28th day of March, 1979 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO By order of the Town Council Town Clerk Posted at the following public places within the Town of Avon on March 28, 1979, at: The Northeast side of the Benchmark Shopping Center (Avon Post Office) The main entrance - Eagle Valley Bowl The Pester Gas Station; and The Town Office, Second Floor, Benchmark Shopping Center ORDINANCE NO. 79-6 SERIES OF 1979 AN ORDINANCE MAKING SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE'GENERAL FUND, OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDI- TURE OF SAID APPROPRIATIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN WHEREAS, contingencies have arisen during the fiscal year 1979 which could not have been reasonably foreseen or anticipated by the Town Council at the time it approved the 1979 Budget on October 3, 1979; and WHEREAS, the Town has received certain revenues not budgeted for previously; and WHEREAS, the Mayor has certified to the Town Council that sufficient funds are available to discharge the appro- priations referred to herein, not otherwise reflected in the Budget, in accordance with Chapter 12.10 (a) of the Charter of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, in order to accomplish the foregoing, the Town Council finds that it should make supplemental appropriations from the General Fund; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Pursuant to Section 12.10 (a) of the Charter of the Town of Avon, Colorado, the Town Council hereby makes a supplemental appropriation in the sum of $95,000 from the General Fund of the Town of Avon, Colorado and authorizes the expenditure of said appropriations as follows: Legislative $ 8,880.00 Legal 13,750.00 Judicial 1,000.00 Public Safety 19,000.00 Building Department 35,500.00 Design Review Board 10,000.00 Administration 25,060.00 Capital Outlay 15,000.00 Public Works 5,000.00 Debt Service (31,000.00) Contingency ( 7,190.00) Total $ 95,000.00 Ord. 79-6 Page 2 Section 2. The Town Council hereby ratifies or authorizes: A. The negotiation of any contracts or other necessary instruments to carry out the purposes for which funds are appropriated herein, and B. The expenditure of the funds relating to these supplemental appropriations. Section 3. Upon its enactment this ordinance shall be an amendment to the 1979 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, Ordinance No. 79-5, Series of 1979, of the Town of Avon, Colorado. INTRODUCED, READ ON THE FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this 27th day of March, 1979, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at a reguiat meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on the loth day of April, 1979, at 7:30 P.M. in the Office of the Town, second floor, Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado Ma or ATTEST: Acting Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS DAY OF - , 1979. i Mayo r\./ ATTEST: - n 'Clerk i STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF a public hearing before the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, at 7:30 P.M. on the 10th day of April, 1979 at the Town Hall for the purpose of considering AN ORDINANCE MAKING SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL FUND, OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF SAID APPROPRIATIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN. A copy of said Ordinance is attached hereto and is also on file at the office of the Town Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Following this hearing, the Council may consider final passage of this Ordinance. This meeting is open to the general public. This notice given and published by order of the Town Council of the Town of Avon. Dated this 28th day of March, 1979. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO By order of the Town Council By &,,s-Q-- _j Town Clerk Posted at the following public places within the Town of Avon on March 28, 1979, at: The Northeast side of the Benchmark Shopping Center (Avon Post Office) The main entrance - Eagle Valley Bowl The Pester Gas Station; and The Town Office, Second Floor, Benchmark Shopping Center 6r h 171 ORDINANCE NO. 79-7 Series of 1979 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF AVON A PARCEL OF PROPERTY BEING SECTION 36, T4S, R82W AND A PORTION OF SECTION 35, T4S, R82W OF THE 6th P.M., BY BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK, A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP: AND SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. WHEREAS, a petition for annexation to the Town of Avon of certain parcels of property being Section 36, T4S, R82W, and a portion of Section 35 T4S, R 82W of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, has been submitted to the Town Clerk of the Town of Avon and referred therefrom to the Town Council. WHEREAS, the owners of 1000 of the property proposed for annexation, exclusive of the streets and alleys, is Bench- mark at Beaver Creek, a Colorado Limited Partnership; WHEREAS, the petition was signed by A. J. Wells, a managing partner of Benchmark - Avon Properties, a general partnership and sole general partner of Benchmark at Beaver Creek; WHEREAS, in accordance with C.R.S. 31-12-107(1)(g), the Town Council may by ordinance annex the above specified property without notice, hearing or election inasmuch as the petition was signed by 100% of the property owners; and WHEREAS, the Town Council is of the opinion that the petition should be granted and that the subject property should be annexed to the Town of Avon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Findings. The Town Clerk of the Town of Avon has referred to the Town Council a petition for annexation of a certain parcel of property (hereinafter referred to as the "subject property" and is more specifically described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto) Ord. LA Page 2 being Section 36, T4S, R82W and a portion of Section 35 T 4S, R82W of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, and the Town Council specifically finds upon review of said petition: (A) The petition is in substantial compliance with the requirements of C.R.S. 31-12-107(1), 1973, as amended. (B) The petition was signed by the owners of 100% of the area proposed to be annexed, exclusive of streets and alleys. (C) The subject property is eligible for annexation to the Town of Avon in that at least one-sixth of its boundaries are contiguous with the Town of Avon, there is community of interest between the Town of Avon and the subject property, the subject property will be urbanized in the near future, and it is capable of being integrated into the Town of Avon. (D) There are no limitations to the annexation of the subject property to the Town of Avon in that no land held in identical ownership has been divided without the written consent of the landowners thereof, no land held in identical ownership comprising 20 acres or more with an assessed valuation in excess of $200,000 for ad valorem tax purposes has been included without the written consent of the owner, no other annexation proceedings have been commenced by another municipality with relation to the subject property, and no area will be detached from a school district by this annexation. (E) No additional terms or conditions are to be imposed upon this annexation. (F) The subject property may be annexed by ordinance without notice, hearing or election in accordance with subsection (g) of 31-12-107. Section 2. Annexation. That property being Section 36, T4S,R82W, and a'portion of Section 35, T4S, R82W, of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described in Exhibit "A." attached hereto is annexed to the Town of Avon, Colorado. Ord. Page 3 Section 3. Effective Date. The annexation and this ordinance shall take effect in accordance with the is directed to file ordinance and a map description of such and one copy thereo Department of Local charter of the Town of Avon and the Town Clerk for recording two certified copies of this of the area annexed containing a legal area with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder f with the Division of Local Government of the Affairs. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this a7'CG day of 1979, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on the /O.Iz•day of , 1979, at 7:30 P.M., in the Municipal Offices of the Town. Ma ATTEST: Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY THIS DAY OF , 1979. Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk EXHIBIT "A" A parcel of land being Section 36, Township 4 South, Range 82 West, and a portion of Section 35, Township 4 South, Range 82 West of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the SW Corner of said Section 35; thence along the West line of said Section 35, N 000 34' 44" W, 5516.50 feet to the NW Corner of said Section 35; thence along the North line of said Section 35, S 890 58' 46" E, 5383.38 feet to the NE Corner of said Section 35; thence along the North line of said Section 36, N 890 38'06" E. 5367.80 feet to the NE Corner of said Section 36; thence along the East line of said Section 36, S 00 00' 07" E, 5568.89 feet to the SE Corner of said Section 36; thence along the South line of said Section 36, N 890 49' 49" W 2685.09 feet to She South 34 Corner of said Section 36; thence continuing 89 50' 36" W, 2687.81 feet to the SW Corner of said Section 36; thence along the South line of said Section 35, N 89 54' 56" W, 1333.98 feet to a point on the Boundary of the Town of Avon; thence departing from said South Section line and continuing along said Avon Boundary N 250 00' 00" W, 2664.66 feet; thence N 890 54' 56" W, 1332.33 feet; thence S 250 00' 00" E, 2664.66 feet to the South ; Corner of said Section 35; thence departing from said Avon Boundary and continuing along the South line of said Section 35, N 890 58' 29" W, 2656.33 feet to the point of beginning; said Parcel of Land containing 1287.66 acres more or less. STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF a public hearing before the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, at 7:30 P.M. on the 10th day of April, 1979 at the Town Hall for the purpose of considering the adoption of an ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF AVON A PARCEL OF PROPERTY BEING SECTION 36, T 4 S, R 82 W AND A PORTION OF SECTION 35, T 4 S, R 82 W OF THE 6TH P.M., BY BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK, A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP: AND SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. A copy of said Ordinance is attached hereto and is also on file at the office of the Town Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Following this hearing, the Council may consider final passage of this Ordinance. This meeting is open to the general public. This notice given and published by order of the Town Council of the Town of Avon. Dated this 28th day of March, 1979. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO By order of the Town Council By -4 r Town Clerk Posted. a,t the following public places within the Town of Avon on March 28, 1979, at: The Northeast side of the Benchmark Shopping Center (Avon Post Office) The main entrance Eagle Valley Bowl The Pester Gas Station; and The Town Office, Second Floor, Benchmark Shopping Center fT 0 i ORDINANCE NO. 79-8 SERIES OF 1979 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MUNICIPAL COURT FOR THE TOWN OF AVON; DEFINING ITS OPERATION, JURISDICTION, POWERS AND PROCEDURES; CREATING THE POSITIONS OF PRESIDING MUNICIPAL JUDGE, DEPUTY JUDGE AND COURT CLERK; SETTING THE TERMS OF OFFICE, INCLUDING COMPENSATION, AND SETTING FORTH ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS AND DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. Section 1. Establishment. There is hereby established, pursuant to Section 10.2 of the Charter for the Town of Avon, Colorado, a Municipal Court which shall be a qualified Municipal Court of record and shall be known as the Avon Municipal Court. Section 2. Operation. The operation and procedures of the Avon Municipal Court shall be governed by Title 13, Article 10, C.R. S. 1973, as amended, which is incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof, excluding any provision or portion thereof in said Statute which is inconsistent with any applicable provisions of the Town Charter, the Municipal Code or any Ordinance of the Town of Avon. Section 3. Resolutions. The operation of the Municipal Court shall be governed as required by the Town Council through the adoption of resolutions. Section 4. Jurisdiction, Powers and Procedures. The Municiual Court shall have original jurisdiction of all cases arising under the Municipal Code and other Ordinances of the Town with the authority to punish violators thereof by the imposition of fines and penalities not to exceed $300.00 and 90 days imprisonment or as stated in the Municipal Code Section or Ordinance involved. The procedures of the Court shall be in accordance with the Municipal Court Rules of Procedure as promulgated by the Colorado Supreme Court. Section 5. Sessions. There shall be regular sessions of the Avon Punicipal Court as determined by the Presiding Judge with the approval of the Town Council. Such sessions shall be for the trial of cases and transaction of other court business. The Presiding Judge may also authorize and hold special sessions of Court as he shall determine. All sessions shall be open to the public, except where the nature of the case or some element of the anticipated testimony is such that the Presiding Municipal Judge deems that it is in the best interest of justice to exclude persons not directly connected with the proceeding. Under suc}i circumstances, the Presiding Judge may order that the courtroom be cleared. Section 6. Judge-Deputy Judge-Term. The -Municipal Court shall be presided over by a Municipal Judge who shall be an attorney at law admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, having been in active practice for at least five years prior to his appointment. He shall be appointed by the Town Council for a specified term of not less than two years, except that the term of office of the Judge appointed initially shall expire on the date of the organizational meeting following the election on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, 1980 -2- The Town Council may also appoint such Deputy Municipal Judge or Judges, as it deems necessary. Any such Deputy Municipal Judge, shall be an Attorney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado. The deputy Municipal Judge shall have all the powers of the Municipal Judge when acting as a Municipal Judge at the request of the Presiding Municipal Judge or the the Town Council. The Deputy Municipal Judge shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Council. Section 7. Judge-Deputy Judqe-Compensation. The salary of the Presiding Municipal Judge shall be determined by the Town Council. The Town Council may alter the salary from time to time as it shall deem proper. The salary shall be paid monthly. The Deputy Municipal Judge or Judges shall receive such compensation for services rendered as the Town Council may determine. Section 8. Judqe-Oath. Before entering upon the duties of his office, all municipal Judges shall take an Oath or Affirmation that he will support the constitution and laws of the United States of America and the State of Colorado and the Charter, Municipal Code and Ordinances of the Town of Avon and that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office. Section 9. Judge-Rule Adoption Authority. In addi- tion to his other powers, the Presiding Municipal Judge shall have the authoritv to issue local Rules of Proce- dure consistent with any Rules of Procedure Adopted or issued by the Colorado Supreme Court. Section 10. Clerk-Appointment Duties-Bond-Compensation- There shall be a clerk of the Avon Municipal Court, appointed by the Presiding Municipal Judge, subject to the approval of the Town Council. The clerk shall have and carry out such duties as are delegated to him by law, Court Rules or the Presiding Municipal Judge. All fines, costs and other funds collected or re- ceived by the Municipal Court shall be reported and paid monthly by the clerk to whomever the Mayor or Town Manager, if there be one, shall designate. The clerk shall further keep such records and reports as designated by the Mayor or Town Manager, if there be one. The clerk shall be compensated as the Town Council may determine and shall be paid monthly. Section 11. Severability. If any provision, clause phrase or section of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions, clauses, phrases or sections or applications of the Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or applications and to this end the provisions or applications of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. -3- INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS _DAY OF 1979 TOWN OF AVON l By: ~Yayor Angelo/V. Alpi, ATTEST: By: Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS DAY OF , 1979 TOTN OF AVON By. Angelo V. Alpi, Mayor ATTEST: By .J ~ Town clerk STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF a public hearing before the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, at 7:30 P.M. on the 24th day of April, 1979 at the Town Hall for the pur- pose of considering the adoption of AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISH- ING A MUNICIPAL COURT FOR THE TOWN OF AVON; DEFINING ITS OPERATION, JURISDICTION, POWERS AND PROCEDURE; CREATING THE POSITIONS OF PRESIDING MUNICIPAL JUDGE, DEPUTY JUDGE AND COURT CLERK; SETTING THE TERMS OF OFFICE, INCLUDING COMPENSA- TION, AND SETTING FORTH ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS AND DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. A copy of said Ordinance is attached hereto and is also on file at the office of the Town Clerk and may be inspected during regular business hours. Following this hearing, the Council may consider final passage of this Ordinance. This meeting is open to the general public. This notice given and published by order of the Town Council of the Town of Avon. Dated this 10th day of April, 1979. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO By order of the Town Council Byo~~, TOWN CLERK Posted at the following public places within the Town of Avon April 11, 1979, at: The Northeast side of the Benchmark Shopping Center (Avon Post Office) The main entrance - Eagle Valley Bowl The Pester Gas Station; and The Town Office, Second Floor, Benchmark Shopping Center