TC Minutes 03-27-1979MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS OF THE TOWN OF AVON HELD MARCH 27, 1979 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town Council Members of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Town Office, second floor, Benchmark Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Angelo Alpi at 7:30 p.m. Council members in attendance were Angelo Alpi, Richard Casserley, William Doyle, Steven Erickson, Allan Nottingham, Carol Richards, and James Wells. Also present were John Blish, Town Attorney, Howard LaGarde', respresenting LaGarde' Ecklund, Robert George, and Jerry Miller, Heritage Financial Corporation, as well as members of the press and public in the audience. Richard Casserley moved that Council approve the minutes of the March 13, meeting as submitted. Seconded by Steven Erickson and so carried. First item on the agenda was Ordinance 79-5, adopting and appropriating for the 1979 Budget. Angelo Alpi, Mayor, read the title,"ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE: ADOPTING A BUDGET AND FINANCIAL PLAN AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO PAY THE COSTS, EXPENSES, AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR ITS FISCAL YEAR JANUARY 1, 1979, THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1979, AND COLLECTION OF TOWN AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAXES DUE FOR THE 1978 TAX YEAR AND PAYABLE IN THE 1979 FISCAL YEAR". Richard Casserley noted corrections on page 2, section 4, "operating," instead of, "operation, " and, "$2,589,160, instead of "$2,589.160." Steven Erickson moved to adopt Ordinance 79-5 with the corrections as noted. Was seconded by William Doyle and so carried. Ordinance 79-6 title, "AN ORDINANCE MAKING SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL FUND, OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURES OF SAID APPROPRIATIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN." • • • • -2- Was introduced by Mayor Alpi. The Mayor noted corrections on page 1, section 1. Omit "following", change "specified" to "general", change "funds" to "fund", omit the "1979 Budget for", therefore it shall read, "from the general fund of the Town of Avon, Colorado." First paragraph include the word "and" after 1979, second paragraph after the word previously add, "and". James Wells moved that Ordinance No. 79-6 approved as corrected, seconded by Richard Casserley and so carried. Mayor Alpi opened discussion of Revenue received and Expenditures to Date with some explanation of the Supplemental Appropriation Budget for the year 1979 appropriating $95,000. It was noted that there were unexpected revenues and Expenditures that were not forseen. For example, building department, two separate offices for the Town Hall, the copier was purchased outright rather than leased, extra office furnishings had to be purchased, etc. The Mayor presented the Design and Review Board Procedures, Rules and Regulations. Carol Richards suggested they point out some of the correction that were made. Page 4, Conceptual Review, on page 5, new catagory for Design Review Board fees has been added now known as, "Industrial, Warehousing and Light Manufacturing which is, 1/2 of the fee of what it would be for commercial, page 7, starting with 5.00 was either changed or added through page 9. Patagraph 2, page 8(g)was pointed out to be a note worthy item. With no further discussions Bill Doyle motioned to adopt the Procedures, Rules and Regulations. in its present form, seconded by Allan Nottingham and so carried. Howard LaGarde', representing Howard LaGarde' Ecklund regarding lots 46,47, Block 1, presented drawing of four buildings, 16 units total, requesting an approval of the preliminary plat for resubdivision of those lots, which would be vacating the lot line between two lots. Ken Richards stated, before there can be final approval of vacation or subdivision request, letters of releases from utilities must be secured. After a lengthly discussion Steven Erickson moved to give preliminary approval to the vacation of the lot line between lots 46 and 47, block 1, and removing the easements there upon, and also that we give the applicant a variance to encroach upon the front set- back within one foot on the building No.l, contingent upon receiving letters from the tuility companies, regarding easements, and receiving (2)Mylar copies. Seconded by Allan Nottingham and so carried. Robert George, Executive Vice President and Jerry Miller, project Manager, representing Heritage Financial Corporation requested vacation of Millies Circle. Also connected with this vacation, a dedication of a new street that will eventually go over to the sanitation department was discussed. The road would be constructed at the cost of Heritage. The width of the road as it is designed now is 25 feet, with the possibility it could be widened to 50 feet. Drainage requirements were discussed. Mr. Miller stated there would be culverts installed and curb cuts at a miniumu of 35 feet. Ken Richards stated that there should be some definite commitments from i 0 -3- ! • Heritage Company or Benchmark or from the water district, regarding rerouting the water lines. After lengthly discussion Carol Richards moved to give preliminary approval to vacate Millies Circle and lot lines subject to getting the site plan, the subdivision plat, letters from all the utility companies, letters and approvals from the water district and who is to construct the water line and release of the easement that the water line is running in. Seconded by William Doyle and so carried. Robert Mariani of Independence Electric was presented with the 1st contractor license and building permit issued by the Town of Avon. Second reading of Ordinance No. 79-4, Police Department Ordinance, "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE TOWN OF AVON; DEFINING THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND ITS PERSONNEL, INCLUDING THE DUTIES, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CHIEF OF THE DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING FOR AN OATH OF OFFICE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND SETTING FORTH VARIOUS OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO", was introduced. There was one correction, Page 1, section 1: add after "Town of Avon, Colorado," "which shall be known and referred to as Avon Police Department". With no other corrections or discussion Steven Erickson moved to adopt Ordinance No. 79-4 with the correction. Seconded by James Wells and so carried. New business was next in order. Jay Peterson presented a Petition for annexation of 1287.66 acres of land in section 35 and 36 known as Wildwood. He presented to the acting Town Clerk the petition along with 4 certified plats of the remainder of section 35, entire section of 36, along with draft of the ordinance for annexation for first reading, and to set it for public hearing for April 10, 1979. Dick Casserley moved to accept the petition, to adopt the statements in the petition as the findings of the Council and specifically that the total perimeter of the area to be annexed is not greater than six times the contiguous perimeter. Seconded by Steven Erickson. A roll call was taken with all members voting yes with the exception of James Wells and Allan Nottingham who abstained. Mr. Peterson introduced Ordinance No. 79-7, AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF AVON A PARCEL OF PROPERTY BEING SECTION 36, T4S, R82W AND A PORTION OF SECTION 35, T4S, R82W OF THE 6TH P.M., BY BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK, A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP; AND SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. ~0 -4- 9i for first reading and asked that a public hearing date be set for April 10, 1979. Steven Erickson moved that Ordinance No. 79-7 be adopted on first reading and April 10th be set for the public hearing. Seconded by William Doyle. The motion passed unanimously by roll call vote with James Wells and Allan Nottingham abstaining. John Blish, Attorney for the Town of Avon, reported that on March 16th, 1979 he attended the meeting of the Colorado Municipal League and suggested that each Council Member attend at some point of time. He also reported that the Design Review Board Ordinance is being amended and there will be a proposed amendment for no later than next Tuesday's meeting. It was brought to the attention of the Town Council that the Design Review Board has set April 15, 1979 as the date that applicants will be held to the strict standards of the Procedures, Rules and Regulations of the Design Review Board. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. R ully Submitted: MINUTES APPROVED, NOTICE OF MEETING WAIVED: • • RESOLUTION NO. 79-2 TOWN OF AVON WHEREAS, the Design Review Board was established by Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1978, and WHEREAS, the Design Review Board was commissioned in said Ordinance No. 9 to establish Procedures, Rules and Regulations for the Design Review Board, which Procedures, Rules and Regulations were to be referred to the Town Council of the Town of Avon for approval, and WHEREAS, the Design Review Board has established the Procedures, Rules and Regulations and now desires approval of the Town Council to implement these Procedures, Rules and Regulations, and WHEREAS, these Procedures, Rules and Regulations are necessary for the operation of the Design Review Board, WHEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, that: "The Council hereby approves the procedures, Rules and Regulations as presented to the Town Council on March 27, 1978, and hereby orders that the Procedures, Rules and Regulations be effective immediately with April 15, 1978 being the exact deadline by which all procedures, rules and regulations must be abided by." INTRODUCED, READ, AND APPROVED THIS 27th DAY OF MARCH, 1979. ATTEST: Carol S. Richards Acting Town Clerk TOWN OF AVON Angel 1 V . Alpi, Mayor ' ORDINANCE NO. 79-4 SERIES OF 1979 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE TOWN OF AVON; DEFINING THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND ITS PERSONNEL, INCLUDING THE DUTIES, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CHIEF OF THE DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING FOR AN OATH OF OFFICE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND SETTING FORTH VARIOUS OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the preservation of the public peace, order, safety and dignity within the Town of Avon is both a major priority and constitutional mandate of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, and WHEREAS, the Mayor of the Town of Avon, as chief exec- utive and administrative officer of the Town of Avon has pre- viously recommended and hereby further recommends the establish- ment of a Police Department for the Town of Avon, and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has deter- mined and hereby declares that the Town is in need of the ser- vices to be provided by the Police Department of the Town of Avon and that such need is likely to continue to exist into the future, NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, that: Section 1. Establishment of Department. There is hereby created and established a Police Department of the Town of Avon, Colorado, which shall be known and referred to as "The Avon Police Department". The Department shall consist of the Chief of Police who shall be the supervisor and head of the Department, and such other personnel as the Town Council may authorize by resolution or ordinance. The Police Department is specifically established pursuant to the provisions of the Town Charter for the Town of Avon, Colorado, and the relevant provisions thereof, including Section 8.8. Section 2. Duties of the Police Department. The Police Department collectively and the individual sworn officers, including the Chief of Police, who are the personnel thereof are hereby authorized and instructed: a. to enforce the laws and ordinances of the Town of Avon and the State of Colorado, employing, their powers as "Peace Officers" as defined in Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973, 18-1-901(3)(1), as amended, and the powers and duties granted by the Constitution of the United States of America, the Constitution of the State of Colorado and this Ordinance. b. to maintain the public peace, order, safety and dignity within the Town of Avon, Colorado. C. to perform such other acts, functions and duties as may be authorized by the Town Council, the Mayor or the Town Manager pursuant to the Charter for the Town of Avon, Colorado. -2- Section 3. Duties of the Chief of Police. The following acts shall be performed as necessary by the Chief of Police and by others designated by him, subject and pursuant to the approval of the Town Council, which approval may be granted in the form of a resolution of ordinance by the Town Council: a. Purchase and sell, lease, rent and otherwise acquire certain items and pieces of equipment for which a need exists. b. Hire and terminate certain employees and recommend to the Town Council the salary and other compensation to be paid to employees of the Police Department. C. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.2 of the Town Charter for the Town of Avon, Colorado, if applicable, negotiate with others regarding the provision of certain services to the Town of Avon and to its Police Department. d. Conduct certain studies and investigations, the purpose of which is to provide information and recommendations to administrative departments and the Town Council of the Town of Avon. e. Author and draft such additional rules, regulations and procedures as may be required for the proper operation of the Police Department. Section 4. Personnel Merit System. At such time as the Personnel Merit System is created and enacted and the Personnel Merit Commission is established by the Town Council, the Police Department shall be subject to such Personnel Merit System and the provisions thereof, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter IX of the Town Charter for the Town of Avon, Colorado. Section 5. Oath of Office. Every police officer of the Town of Avon, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take an oath or affirmation of office, that he will sup- port the Constitution and the laws of the United States and of the State of Colorado, and the Charter and the ordinances for the Town of Avon, and that he will faithfully perform the duties of the office which he is about to enter. Section 6. Saving Clause. If any part, section, sub- section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance or any additional procedures, rules or regulations adopted hereunder are for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections of this Ordinance or any additional procedures, rules or regulations adopted hereunder; the Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and adopted those procedures, rules and regulations hereunder in each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases or any procedures, rules or regulations adopted hereunder be declared to be invalid. Section 7. Safety Clause. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the public health, peace, welfare and safety. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS 49 dl DAY OF 1979- TOWN TOWN OF AVON, By: U Ang o V. Alpi, Mayor ATTEST: Carol Richards, Acting Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ~ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS ,27 A' DAY OF 771 a,..r_~ , 1979. TOWN OF AVON BY. ' Angelo V. A 4i, Mayor ATTEST: Carol Richards Acting Town Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 79-5 Series of 1979 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE: ADOPTING A BUDGET AND FINANCIAL PLAN AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO PAY THE COSTS, EXPENSES, AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR ITS FISCAL YEAR JANUARY 1, 1979, THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1979, AND COLLECTION OF TOWN AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAXES DUE FOR THE 1978 TAX YEAR AND PAYABLE IN THE 1979 FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter XII of the Charter of the Town of Avon, Colorado, the Mayor prepared and submitted to the Town Council a proposed budget and financial plan for all Town funds and activities for the 1979 fiscal year; WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing on the proposed Town budget was posted on the 27th day of September_ 1978, seven days prior to the hearing held on the 3rd day of October, 1978, pursuant to Section 12.6 of the Charter; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Town Council to adopt the budget and financial plan for the 1979 fiscal year, to make appropriations for the amounts specified in the budget, and to provide for the levy, assessment, and collection to Town ad valorem property taxes due for the 1978 tax year and payable in the 1979 fiscal year; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: (1) The procedures prescribed in Chapter XII of the Charter of the Town of Avon, Colorado, for the enactment hereof have been fulfilled. (2) Pursuant to Chapter XII of the Charter, the Town Council hereby makes the following annual appropriations for the Town of Avon, Colorado, for its fiscal year beginning on the lst day of January, 1979, and ending on the 31st day of December, 1979; • Ord. 79-5 Page 2 Legislative $ 6,900.00 Judicial 1,450.00 Executive 15,200.00 Administration 23,090.00 Capital Outlay 1,000.00 Legal 24,000.00 Public Safety 30,000.00 Public Works 5,000.00 Debt Service 31,000.00 Contingency 7,360.00 Total Budget $145,000.00 (3) The Town Council hereby adopts the full and complete Budget and Financial Plan for the 1979 fiscal year for the Town of Avon, Colorado, which is incorporated by reference herein and made part hereof, and conies of said public record shall be made available to the public in the office of the Town Clerk. (4) For the purpose of defraying part of the operating expenses of the Town of Avon, Colorado, during its 1979 fiscal year, the Town Council hereby levies a property tax of 15.00 mills upon each dollar of the total assessed valuation of all taxable property within the Town for the 1978 tax year,($2,589,160), which will result in a gross tax levy of $38,337, said assessment and valuation having been duly made by the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and the Town Clerk was directed to certify said tax levy to County Of Eagle for collection pursuant to Title 39, Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, (as amended), and as otherwise required by law. Ord 79-5 (5) This ordinance shall take effect seven days after posting following the final passage hereof. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED POSTED ONCE IN FULL, this 27th day of Plarch, 1979, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on the 10th day of April, 1979, at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office, 2nd floor, Benchmark Shopping Center. ATTEST: L~ A• Acting Town Clerk P4 r Page 3 INTRODUCED, READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS DAY OF 1979. Mayor ATTEST: Town Cler ORDINANCE NO. 79-6 SERIES OF 1979 AN ORDINANCE MAKING SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL FUND, OF THE. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDI- TURE OF SAID APPROPRIATIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN WHEREAS, contingencies have arisen during the fiscal year 1979 which could not have been reasonably foreseen or anticipated by the Town Council at the time it approved the 1979 Budget on October 3, 1979; and WHEREAS, the Town has received certain revenues not budgeted for previously; and WHEREAS, the Mayor has certified to the Town Council that sufficient funds are available to discharge the appro- priations referred to herein, not otherwise reflected in the Budget, in accordance with Chapter 12.10 (a) of the Charter of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, in order to accomplish the foregoing, the Town Council finds that it should make supplemental appropriations from the General Fund; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Pursuant to Section 12.10 (a) of the Charter of the Town of Avon, Colorado, the Town Council hereby makes a supplemental appropriation in the sum of $95,000 from the General Fund of the Town of Avon, Colorado and authorizes the expenditure of said appropriations as follows: Legislative $ 8,880.00 Legal 13,750.00 Judicial 1,000.00 Public Safety 19,000.00 Building Department 35,500.00 Design Review Board 10,000.00 Administration 25,060.00 Capital Outlay 15,000.00 Public Works 5,000.00 Debt Service (31,000.00) Contingency ( 7,190.00) Total $ 95,000.00 ' 10 Ord. 79-6 Page 2 Section 2. The Town Council hereby ratifies or authorizes: A. The negotiation of any contracts or other necessary instruments to carry out the purposes for which funds are appropriated herein, and B. The expenditure of the funds relating to these supplemental appropriations. Section 3. Upon its enactment this ordinance shall be an amendment to the 1979 Annual Appropriation Ordinance, Ordinance No. 79-5, Series of 1979, of the Town of Avon, Colorado. INTRODUCED, READ ON THE FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED 014CF IN FULL, this 27th day of March, 1979, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at a reguiat meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on the 10th day of April, 1979, at 7:30 P.M. in the Office of the Town, second floor, Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado a4j~~'a l/' Ma or ATTEST: Acting Town Clerk I:NTRODUCBDr READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS DAY OF , 1979. yor ATTEST: Town Cexk^-~ r ORDINANCE NO. 79-7 Series of 1979 0 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF AVON A PARCEL OF PROPERTY BEING SECTION 36, T4S, R82W AND A PORTION OF SECTION 35, T4S, R82W OF THE 6th P.M., BY BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK, A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP: AND SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. WHEREAS, a petition for annexation to the Town of Avon of certain parcels of property being Section 36, T4S, R82W, and a portion of Section 35 T4S, R 82W of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, has been submitted to the Town Clerk of the Town of Avon and referred therefrom to the Town Council. WHEREAS, the owners of 1000 of the property proposed for annexation, exclusive of the streets and alleys, is Bench- mark at Beaver Creek, a Colorado Limited Partnership; WHEREAS, the petition was signed by A. J. Wells, a managing partner of Benchmark - Avon Properties, a general partnership and sole general partner of Benchmark at Beaver Creek; WHEREAS, in accordance with C.R.S. 31-12-107(1)(g), the Town Council may by ordinance annex the above specified property without notice, hearing or election inasmuch as the petition was signed by 100% of the property owners; and WHEREAS, the Town Council is of the opinion that the petition should be granted and that the subject property should be annexed to the Town of Avon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Findinas. The Town Clerk of the Town of Avon has referred to the Town Council a petition for annexation of a certain parcel of property (hereinafter referred to as the "subject property" and is more specifically described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto) 3 • • Ord. Pace 2 being Section 36, T4S, R82W and a portion of Section 35 T 4S, R82W o_` the 6th P.M., Eagle County, and the Town Council specifically finds upon review of said petition: (A) The petition is in substantial compliance with the requirements of C.R.S. 31-12-107(1), 1973, as amended. (B) The petition was signed by the owners of 100% of the area proposed to be annexed, exclusive of streets and alleys. (C) The subject property is eligible for annexation to the Town of Avon in that at least one-sixth of its boundaries are contiguous with the Town of Avon, there is community of interest between the Town of Avon and the subject property, the subject property will be urbanized in the near future, and it is capable of being integrated into the Town of Avon. (D) There are no limitations to the annexation of the subject property to the Town of Avon in that no land held in identical ownership has been divided without the written consent of the landowners thereof, no land held in identical ownership comprising 20 acres or more with an assessed valuation in excess of $200,000 for ad valorem tax purposes has been included without the written consent of the owner, no other annexation proceedings have been commenced by another municipality with relation to the subject property, and no area will be detached from a school district by this annexation. (E) No additional terms or conditions are to be imposed upon this annexation. (F) The subject property may be annexed by ordinance without notice, hearing or election in accordance with subsection (g) of 31-12-107. Section 2. Annexation. That property being Section 36, T4S,R82W, and a'-portion of Section 35, T4S, R821K, of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, more oarticulqjrly described in Exhibit "A." attached hereto is annexed to the Town of Avon, Colorado. O;-d • Page 3 • r• Section 3. Effective Date. The annexation and this ordinance shall take effect in accordance with -the is directed to file ordinance and a map description of such and one copy thereo Department of Local charter of the Town of Avon and the Town Clerk for recording two certified copies of this of the area annexed containing a legal area with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder f with the Division of Local Government of the Affairs. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this .27 ul day of 7 , , 1979, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on the /0 .t40day of 1979, at 7:30 P.M., in the Municipal Offices of the Town. Ma ATTEST: Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY THIS DAY OF , 1979. ayor ATTEST: Town Clerk r EXHIBIT "A" A parcel of land being Section 36, Township 4 South, Range 82 West, and a portion of Section 35, Township 4 South, Range 82 West of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the SW Corner of said Section 35; thence along the West line of said Section 35, N 00° 34' 44" W, 5516.50 feet to the NW Corner of said Section 35; thence along the North line of said Section 35, S 89° 58' 46" E, 5383.38 feet to the NE Corner of said Section 35; thence along the North line of said Section 36, N 89° 38'06" E. 5367.80 feet to the NE Corner of said Section 36; thence along the East line of said Section 36, S 00 00' 07" E, 5568.89 feet to the SE Corner of said Section 36; thence along the South line of said Section 36, N 890 49' 49" W 2685.09 feet to She South 4 Corner of said Section 36; thence continuing 89 50' 36" W, 2687.81 feet to the SW Corner of said Section 36; thence along the South line of said Section 35, N 89 54' 56" W, 1333.98 feet to a point on the Boundary of the Town of Avon; thence departing from said South Section line and continuing along said Avon Boundary N 25° 00' 00" W, 2664.66 feet; thence N 89° 54' 56" W, 1332.33 feet; thence S 25° 00' 00" E, 2664.66 feet to the South 4 Corner of said Section 35; thence departing from said Avon Boundary and continuing along the South line of said Section 35, N 89° 58' 29" W, 2656.33 feet to the point of beginning; said Parcel of Land containing 1287.66 acres more or less. ORDINANCE NO. 7F-3 Series of 1979 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF AVON A PARCEL OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 35, T4S, R82W OF THE 6TH P.M., BY BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK, A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP: AND SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS AND OTHER DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. WHEREAS, a petition for annexation to the Town of Avon of certain parcels of property located in Section 35, T4S, R82W, of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, has been submitted to the Town Clerk of the Town of Avon and referred therefrom to the Town Council; WHEREAS, the owners of 1000 of the property proposed for annexation, exclusive of the streets and alleys, is Bench- mark at Beaver Creek, a Colorado Limited Partnership; WHEREAS, the petition was signed by Ronald D. Allred, a managing partner of Benchmark - Avon Properties, a general partnership and sole general partner of Benchmark at Beaver Creek; WHEREAS, in accordance with C.R.S. 31-12-107(1)(g), the Town Council may by ordinance annex the above specified property without notice, hearing or election inasmuch as the petition was signed by 1000 of the property owners; and WHEREAS, the Town Council is of the opinion that the petition should be granted and that the subject property should be annexed to the Town of Avon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Findings. The Town Clerk of the Town of Avon has referred to the Town Council a petition for annexation of a certain parcel of property (hereinafter referred to as the "subject property" and is more specifically described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto) r • • Ord. 79--d that is located in Section 35, T4S, R82T,V of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, and the Town Council specifically finds upon review of said petition: Page 2 (A) The petition is in substantial compliance with the requirements of C.R.S. 31-12-107(1), 1973, as amended. (B) The petition was signed by the owners of 1000 of the area proposed to be annexed, exclusive of streets and alleys. (C) The subject property is eligible for annexation to the Town of Avon in that at least one-sixth of its boundaries are contiguous with the Town of Avon, there is community of interest between the Town of Avon and the subject property, the subject property will be urbanized in the near future, and it is capable of being integrated into the Town of Avon. (D) There are no limitations to the annexation of the subject property to the Town of Avon in that no land held in identical ownership has been divided without the written consent of the landowners thereof, no land held in identical ownership comprising 20 acres or more with an assessed valuation in excess of $200,000 for ad valorem tax purposes has been included without the written consent of the owner, no other annexation proceedings have been commenced by another municipality with relation to the subject property, and no area will be detached from a school district by this annexation. (E) No additional terms or conditions are to be imposed upon this annexation. (F) The subject property may be annexed by ordinance without notice, hearing or election in accordance with subsection (g) of 31-12-107. Section 2. Annexation. That property located in Section 35, T4S, R82W, of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is annexed to the Town of Avon, Colorado. Ord. Page 3 Section 3. Effective Date. The annexation and this ordinance shall take effect in accordance with the is directed to file ordinance and a map description of such and one copy thereo Department of Local charter of the Town of Avon and the Town Clerk for recording two certified copies of this of the area annexed containing a legal area with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder E with the Division of Local Government of the Affairs. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this [day of 1979, and a u public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on the 1 34-~ day of A , 1979, at 7:30 P.M., in the Municipal Offices of the Town. I Mayor ATTEST: V~lY~rl~S Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED !I► BY TITLE ONLY THIS 13 DAY OF , 1979. May 4r ATTEST: 41 -T Town Clerk ° 46 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of land located in Section 35 T. 4 S., R. 82 W. of the 6th P. M. Eagle County, Colorado more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the South 4 corner of said Section 35; thence S. 89 54156" E., 1332.33 feet along the North boundary line of the Town of Avon, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Amendment No. 4 Eagle County, Colorado as recorded in Book 274 at Page 701 in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder; thence departing from said property line N 25000100" W., 2664.66 feet; thence N 89054'56" W., 1332.33 feet; thence S 25000°00" E., 2664.66 feet to the true point of beginning. Said portion containing 73.81 acres more or less. t DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Town of Avon, Colorado PROCEDURES, RULES AND REGULATIONS Section 1.00 Purpose 1.10 Authority: Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1978, .Town of Avon. 1.20 Application: The Board shall review and act upon the general design and appearance of any building, construction, paving, grading or landscaping proposed on any lot or parcel of land within the Town. It shall be unlawful to begin any such work prior to approval by the Board. 1.30 Compatibility: These Rules are intended to compliment other ordinances of the Town and shall not duplicate nor supercede them. 2.00 PROCEDURES 2.10 Meetings: The Board shall regularly meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the official meeting room of the Town. The Chairman may call special meetings of the Board when deemed necessary. A Notice and Agenda of each meeting shall be posted in the Town Meeting Room by the Town Clerk at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to any meeting of the Board. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. All records, including proceeding of meetings, applications for review, plans, reports and the like, shall be maintained in the office of the Town Clerk. 2.20 Application for Design Review: Prior to applying for a building, construction, landscaping, grading, sign or use permit, any individual or entity shall make application to the Board for project design approval. Application shall be made on forms provided by the Town, available in the office of the Town Clerk. 2.30 Schedule for Application: All required materials, information and fees must be submitted to the Town Clerk during regular office hours, at least nine (9) days prior to the meeting at which the application is to be considered. Incom- plete or insufficient applications shall not be placed on a meeting Agenda. 2.40 Material to be Submitted: 2.41 Application form, signed by the project land owner or authorized agent; 2.42 Fee, in accordance with this Regulation; 2.43 Any required statements or reports further describing, or in support of, the project; 2.40 2.44 2.45 Material to be Submitted: (Contd.) ( Property map, including a. north arrow and scale of one-inch equals forty (40) feet, or larger b. property lines with dimensions; c. departing lines of all adjacent properties; d. existing setback areas, easements and rights-of-way; e. existing utility facilities; f. existing drainage ditches, including culverts; g. existing stream courses, both annual and perrenial; h. existing vegetation, by type, including trees, shrubs and grasses; i. rock outcroppings; j. contour lines indicating existing topography at one of the following contour intervals: average slope of site interval (1) ten percent or less one foot (2) over ten to 20 percent two foot (3) over 20 to 30 percent five foot (4) over 30 percent ten foot Site development plan (may be a separate map or imposed upon the area map) including: a. building plan showing layout of existing and proposed buildings including zoning and densities allowed, number and type of dwelling units proposed, decks, patios, canopies, fences, signs, service areas, storage facilities, walk and driveways, off-street parking and loading facilities, trash storage and removal facilities, exterior lighting, proposed utility facilities and percent of lot coverage; b. building elevations showing front, side and rear views; c. site grading and drainage plan including disposition of surface drainage on and off the site and snow removal and storage areas; d. locations of ingress and egress with the directions of traffic flow into, out of and within parking and loading areas, turning and maneuvering areas, emergency vehicle access lanes; e. landscape plan showing existing plant materials to be removed and retained, the location and design of proposed landscaped areas, the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted therein, and the location and design of irrigation and underground sprinkling systems, swimming pool areas, patios, play areas, recreation facilities, and other usable open space; landscaping and screening of off-street parking and loading areas shall be shown; • • 2.45 Site development plan (Contd.) f. The landscape plan shall include sufficient detail to provide a reliable basis for estimating the amount of a performance bond guaranteeing installation and maintenance of the improvements; 2.46 At least four (4) copies of all material shall be submitted at the time of application, one of which copy shall be appropriately rendered in colors to afford good clarity and understanding of the project. 2.47 Actual samples of exterior building materials and color finishes proposed are to be submitted with the application. 3.00 Fees: Design Review fees are hereby established in order to recover costs to the Town: Plan Basic Fee Unit Fee ?lax Fee 10 Residential: 1 - 3 units $ 100.00 plus S10.00 per unit $130.00 4 - 12 units 130.00 plus 9.00 per unit over 3 211.00 13 - 20 units 211.00 plus 8.00 per unit over 12 275.00 21 - 40 units 275.00 plus 7.00 per unit over 20 415.00 41 - 60 units 415.00 plus 6.00 per unit over 40 535.00 61 -100 units 535.00 plus 5.00 per unit over 60 735.00 over 100 units 735.00 plus 4.00 per unit over 100 11 Commercial: Up to 1,000 sq ft $ 100.00 plus $10.00 per 100sq ft $200.00 1,001 to 5,000 sq ft 200.00 plus 8.00 per 100sq ft over 1,000 520.00 5,001 to 10,000 sq ft 520.00 plus 6.00 per 100 sq ft over 5,000 820.00 10,001 to 20,000 sq ft 820.00 plus 4.00 per 100 sq ft over 10,000 1220.00 20,001 to 50,000 sq ft 1,220.00 plus 2.00 per 100sq ft over 50,000 1820.00 over 5 0,000 sq ft 1,820.00 plus 1.00 per 100 sq ft over 50,000 1- Landscaping plan only $50 plus $10 per 1, 000 sq ft of open area (Separate Submittal) 13 Renovation or Remodel only $100 plus $10 per $1 ,000 of estimated cost. II Sign $ 50 plus S2 per so ft ou tside area of sign. 15 Special Con sultant Serv ice Cost plus 10 16 Appeal to Town Council $50.00 • 9 3.20 Resubmittal of Applications 3.21 Resubmittal of applications or plans that have been denied or otherwise disapproved by-the Board or, after appeal, by the Council, must be submitted as a new application including all fees. 3.22 Resubmittal of revised plans or materials at the request of the Board may be done so with no additional fee required 3.33 Fees are not reimburseable after the review process has begun.. 4.00 EXEMPTIONS 4.10 The following listed items of development or improvements are exempted from application and review provisions of this Regulation: a. maintenance and repair of grounds or buildings currently in conformance with all other applicable regulations, the value of which does not exceed $1,500; b. replacement of exterior materials and repainting of structures with the the like materials so long as they are currently conforming; c. replacement of currently conforming plant materials including trees, shrubs, plants, grasses and sod; d. gardens of vegetables, flowers or rock of an area not exceeding one hundred (100) square feet on any one lot. 4.20 All property owners and residents of the Town are responsible for determining the applicability of this Regulation to their proposed development, improvement or repair. 5.00 DESIGN GUIDELINES The Board shall endeavor to maintain a continuity with the rules of the established "Planning & Architectural Control Committee, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision," and shall endeavor to recognize all approvals and commit- ments of record and properly made by the Committee. 5.10 The Board shall refer to, for design guidelines, the following documents and all amendments thereto: a. Declaration of Protective Covenants for Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision; b. Rules and Regulations, Planning and Architectural Control Committee, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision; c. Final Plat, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Eagle County, Colorado. 1 u 5.20 Landscaping aimPlant Materials, Basic Guide. • 5.21 A recommended Plant List is included in the Appendix to this Regulation. The list is a partial compilation of plant materials that may survive in the Avon area. It is intended to assist in the preparation of landscaping plans and in the review bf landscaping and site plans. 5.22 The Plant List is comprised of materials that, for the most part, have been observed growing at or above the 7,500 foot elevation; however, this alone does not assure the survival of any plant. Other factors such as soil, moisture availability and micro-climate have a strong influence over the plants' survival. Listed are other plants which, if planted under the proper growing conditions, could survive in Avon. Native plant material such as rabbitbrush, mountain mahogany, chokecherry, bush willow, etc., have not been included on the List because they are riot particularly useful or desireable landscape plants except where attempting to re-establish the native vegetative character. Their use should be-generally limited to such situations. Care must be taken in reviewing attempts to establish native landscape. True native landscape character is a difficult thing to create and can be totally inappropriate in a highly developed area. Also, there are other plants, as yet untried at hither elevations, which will undoubtedly grow in Avon. A considerable amount of very careful experimentation must take place in order to develop a diverse landscape palate. Therefore plant experimentation is cautiously encouraged. 5.23 The survival/loss rate of plant materials is estimated as: a. Trees: 250 loss b. Shrubs: IS% loss The percentage rate of estimated loss should be included in any landscaping plan and particularly considered in the review of any..such plan. 5.24 All plant materials are to be installed within one year issuance by the Town of a building Certificate of Occupancy. 5.30 Landscaping Plan, Lot Coverage and Guarantee 5.31 Lot coverage by impervious materials should be limited to: a. residential lots: 55% b. Commercial and industrial lots: 750 A residential unit should not have more than three automobile parking spaces per unit on a lot without specific approval by the Board. 5.32 All lots to be covered by grass lawns are to utilize healthy sod material for complete coverage. All grass sod must be extended to the property line or, where adjacent to a roadway, to across the bottom of adjacent drainage ditches. 5.33 Costs estimates for landscaping are to be furnished and shall be no less than as set forth in Town Ordinance No. 79, 2 (Building Code) as amended, when used for requiring a performance bond, unless otherwise established by the developer and specifically approved by the Board. (See Appendix attached). • • 5.34 Landscaping budgets shall be guaranteed by the developer using one of the methods as set forth in Town Ordinance No. 79, 2. (See Appendix attached). 6.00 BOARD PROCEDURE The Town Clerk shall check all material which shall be submitted for design review for compliance with Section 2.40. If found to be adequate, the material shall be submitted to the Design Review Board at its next meeting. If found to be inadequate, the Town Clerk shall not accept the material for Board action and shall notify the applicant in writing. 6.20 The Design Review Board shall review the material and shall approve, disapprove, or request changes in the design of the project within twenty days of the date of the meeting at which the material is reviewed by the Board. However, if the Board determines that advice or assistance or professional consultants is needed, an additional forty-five days shall be allowed for action by the Board to allow time for retaining professional consultants and submitting plans to them. Failure of the Board to act within the prescribed deadline shall be deemed conditional approval of the design of the project unless the applicant consents to a time extension. 6.30 If changes in the design of the project are requested, the Board shall approve, disapprove or request further changes within twenty days of the meeting at which the Board receives the changes. 6.40 If the design of the project is found to comply with the purposes prescribed in Section 1 and the design guidelines prescribed in Section 5, the Design Review Board shall approve the design of the project. If it is found to conflict with the purposes or the design guidelines, the Board shall disapprove or request changes in the design of the project. Any disapproval or request for changes shall be in writing and shall specifically describe the purpose statement or design guidelines with which the design of the project does not comply and the manner of noncompliance. 7.00 APPROVAL BY THE BOARD 7.10 Within seven days following action of the Design Review Board, its decision to approve, disapprove, or request changes in the project design shall be deposited in the U.S. Post Office at first class mail to the applicant and posted in a conspicuous manner at the Town Office. The decision shall become final if no written appeal is made to the Town Council by any aggrieved person within twenty days following the decision of the Design Review Board. - 7.20 All actions by the Board shall be transmitted to the Town Building Inspector and to the Town Council for information at its next regular meeting. -.30 All approvals are site specific. Variations or changes, without Board approval, are not allowed. 8.00 Variations from this Regulation 8.10 The Board may grant variations from the Provisions of this Regulation, upon specific request by the applicant, where there are demonstrated practical difficulties of particular hardships preventing the strict provisions of this Regulation to be met. • • 9.00 APPEAL TO TOWN COUNCIL 9.10 A decision of the Design Review Board may be appealed to the Council by the applicant or any ag~ieved person or at the request of the Mayor at any time before the decision becomes final. 9.20 Not more than twenty days following the filing of an appeal the Town Council shall review the action of the Design Review Board. The Town Council shall, in writing, confirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Design Review within twenty days following the commencement of review. If it deems insufficient information is available to provide the basis for a sound decision, the Town Council may postpone final action for not more than thirty additional days. Failure of the Council to act within thirty days shall be deemed conditional approval by the Council of the design of the project unless the applicant consents to a time extension. 9.30 Any decision by the Town Council which results in disapproval of the project design shall specifically describe the purpose or design guidelines with which the project does not comply and the manner of noncompliance. 10.00 LAPSE OF DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL Approval of the design of a project as prescribed by this Regulation shall lapse and shall become void two years following the date of final approval of the project unless prior to the expiration of two years a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and diligently pursued toward completion. 11.00 SEVERABILITY. Any provision of this Regulation or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid by a court of law, such invalidity should not affect other provisions or applications of this Regulation which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or application and to this end, the provisions of this Regulation are declared to be severable. 12.00 SAFETY CLAUSE. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this Regulation is necessary for the preservation of the public health, welfare and safety. 13.00 PENALTIES 13.10 It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure in the Town of Avon or cause or permit the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this Regulation. 13.20 Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Regula- tion shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and any such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed Ruilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the Provisions of this Regulation is committed, continued or permitted, and upon conviction of any such viola- tion, such person, firm or corporation shall be punished by a fine of not more than $300.00 or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. -7 14.00 ENFORCEMENT. The Building Department and the Police Department of the Town of Avon shall be responsible and are both hereby jointly charged with the Enforcement of the Provisions of this Regulation. 15.00 AMENDMENT. These Procedures, Rules and Regulations and any proposed amendments thereto shall be submitted by the Board to the Town Council which by motion shall approve the Rules or Amendment and direct their adoption by the Board or disapprove the proposal with directions for revision and resubmission. 16.00 ADOPTION. The Board shall adopt and promulgate these Procedures, Rules and Regulations as well as any Amendments thereto immediately following the approval of these Rules and Regulations by the Town Council. TOWN OF AVON GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR T HE MONTH ENDED 19 Year to Current - Date BIudget Over (Under) Schedule Month Amount Budget Budget FEVENUES: Taxes: Ad Valorem Taxes $ - S S 39,000 S ~3~~vootr~. Sales Taxes _H7~!~ Real Estate Transfer 100_,_0.00_ Other Total Taxes S _ 3 S-- d L6G 145,000 S -7 (6( Fees: Building Permits Design Review Other Total Fees Licenses: Business Liquor _ . _ - _ ~_~J Liquor License Hearing Contractor Other _ - ~ T o t a l Licenses 5--- --L~J, G~ S-- - 1' 5-------- - 75 Fines: Traffic $ S - _ - Other Total Fines Other Revenues: Xerox S Other Total Other S 5-- -_-1~ - OTAI_ REVENUES S - S - S 145,000 . ''w • schedule EXPENDITURES: Town Council 7, Legal 3, Judicial Executive 6, Public Safety 6 Building Department 7 Design Review Board Administration g, Capital Outlay Public Works Debt Service /z, Contingency Attu Su 7~i_~s_ zx:= 5 ; jt/COGL 7AY~S w/p bTAI. EXPENDITURES xcess of Revenues over Expenditures eginning Cash Balance riding Cash Balance OF- r...avcE'; G-f,_ C,-Er-( aj q - S/JV•iNr, r._ 7~L - as ?La vc Current Month -2- is Year to date Amount Budget S- _ - ' _ 6 , 900 5 (~~r~.P ya~o,oa X0,cVj 24 , 000 Uoo, cN~ - - - - - - -1 , 450 /y5O, v~ % 13 , 250 30 , 000 ~J, _2 5 , 040_ ~?OL L7 - 1, 000 X31 _ Q 5 , 000_ _ 31 '000 13/Dao. l~r.. ) - -_LZ- 7 , 360 ~'r~aO 40 rig l .=GP~oyy ~ ~7 Budget Over (Under) Budget -3- CJ Cu~uat-~itiL T ~qTc n ~/E;C. C H E D U L E ~4e a?A17- T - .(PENDITURES / Town Council: Council Comp. S = 0 Dues Travel C o n t g. - _---Q--- Total Council S - $ Z, Legal Compensation S-y. $ p O.OU Z ° Secretary Travel Dues - - - C o n t g. Total Legal S ~020,4y) Judicial Court R Misc. $ - Q Tapes _ - - -P Other - Total Judicial Executive Town Clerk Travel C o n t g - - - / ~DS - 2.7,Q - Total Exec. _OZ4,76- S oo, oo cv~ S_ W Od $-~~f00~0~ S ZO U. 00 S / YOy " yd) L SD4o o ~Lwzq C~ -4- 0 ~tc~l-plc ~T ~ (cc.~/~~c-• i!_) rCHEDULE Public Safety Police Chief 2nd Office Car, Radio Benefits Contg. 0 - O A14-1 - 3~ov_ovU s_C~,~~r Building Department Chief Inspector $ - Travel /00,Od _ Mj' eU - - _fOOLov 2nd Inspector Publications Office Supplies Contg. Total B1dg.D. S /~100~~fJ /Oa,OtJ - ; = //OD,aO 7 Design Review Board Compensation S__ 55O,dD Cont. - - - Total D.R.B. S ~OC),e)d j, Adminstration Annual ANojT S~aoa,aC) S _/yaa.OV zg,d $ ~500' 00 S Z, LvQ~ Accounting & Budget 4~ODOO //~Y'00- _ZI,OD ~S_oo Rent 12 Office Supplies Telephone ;A1 2 Xerox Postage Subscriptions Equip. Maintenance p_ Z00,wo Insurance - - ~2LZD ~L> g % Z?DD,? ~1~fJ~~ Publishing f= ( i n t i n g Payroll Taxes - - - -1L~D~~~ f_Y Workman's Comp. Health Insurance 44k L/~! 40V -5- SCHEDULE ~t~o~/1rr 4 M6-t T 7. &,o6e7 iq~aD/FT Su6T~A~ op, Administration(contD 3 ZZ y UU Contg. 23~~58 Total Aministr. Capital Outlay Furniture & Equip. Other (N/~/Or`icc' - _"W-0,71 /3r>..2 30o,a~ a, 1 Total Capital $ ~ti,3y $ l '3 ,/6 / 3,~ c~ $ UOo,Od 5~ /O, Public Works Contract $ $ - O $ wOo,dU $ Suva, vd Total Public Wk.S Debt Service Principal $ Interest Total Debt Serv.$ /Z, Contingency S BALANCE $ $ - - O S L, wo 1/C04. cv) - 5 > ccJo, aQ 3/000, oe • TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE March 13, 1979 Fawn Lake Ranch Company - Rent, Insurance Taxes and Utilities Top Drawer Office Supplies - Office Supplies American Pennant Hfa. Co. - Flags, Poles, Stands Shelleys - Supplies for Police Department, Building Department and Town Clerk's Office New Electric, Inc. - Electric renovations in Town Office Mountain Bell - Telephone for February, 1979 Kenneth Richards - Expenses - Telephone Calls on home phone; Lunch expense with Jay Hosburgh Brunson Instrument Co. - Steel measuring tapes for Building Department Design Press - Printing of Building Permits, etc. to date Mid-Monthly payment to employees to be paid on March 15 to Ken Sortland, Ken Richards, and Deborah Lebrija Ken Sortland - ($16,000 annually - Ken Richards - $625.00 (1/2 month) Deborah Lebrija -($800 monthly - c ~ ~9 $590.84 32.67 110.90 460.72 876.59 106.99 17.38 47.79 178.00 $2,421.88