TC Minutes 03-01-1979~ t i
HELD MARCH 1, 1979
4:00 P.M.
A special meeting of the Town Council Members of the Town of Avon,
Colorado was held in the Town Office, second floor, Benchmark Center,
Avon, Colorado.
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Mayor Angelo Alpi.
Council Members in attendance were Bill Doyle, Steve Erickson, Carol
Richardsn and Al Alpi. Richard Allen and Allan Nottingham were absent.
Also present was Kenneth Richards.
The Mayor reminded the Council that they had passed an ordinance setting
up the Building Department and now needed to appoint a Director or
Administrator of the Department. After some discussion, Jim Wells moved
the Council appoint Ken Richards as Building Department Administrator
at a salary of $15,000 per year plus $100 per month for in town car
expense. Out of town mileage and other expenses should be turned in,
to be re-imbursed at 14~ per mile and actual expenses. Seconded by
Bill Doyle and approved unanimously by the Council with Carol Richards
The Mayor then brought to the Council's attention that while applications
were being sought for Town Clerk, it was necessary to have an acting
Town Clerk to sign documents and certify Town Business. Steve Erickson
moved that Carol Richards be appointed Acting Town Clerk until such a
time as a qualified Town Clerk could be hired. The motion was seconded
by Bill Doyle and passed unanimously with Carol Richards abstaining.
The next item of business was discussion regarding the decision at the
last meeting to refund the Real Estate Transfer Tax on Lot 24, Block 1.
While checking records in the of
that the closing on this lot wa:
1979 as reported and therefore N
After some discussion, Steve Er:
27, 1979 be rescinded and the t:
closing 4te was after the effe(
motion was seconded by Bill Doy
The proposals by Ron McKenzie a
accounting for the Town was dis
the Town was not in need of com
approach Ron McKenzie about bri
conventional methods and bring
13 meeting. It was agreed that
accounting and auditing both, a
Ron would bring the books up to
Future accounting.
Lce of the Town Clerk, it was noted
n October 27, 1979 not October 16,
after the ordinance became effective.
_son moved the motion of February
not refunded because the actual
._ve date of the ordinance. The
and unanimously approved.
Stan Bernstein for computerizing the
3sed. It was decided that for now,
ter services and that Jim Wells would
Lna, the Town books up to date by
i.-eport to the Council at it's March
tan Bernstein could not do our
it would be a conflict of interest.
ate and instruct the Town Clerk in
There being no further business the special meeting was adjourned at
5:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Carol S. Richards
Acting Town Clerk