TC Minutes 10-26-1978s •
6:30 p.m.
A special meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon was
held in the Town Office, Second Floor, Benchmark Shopping Center,
Avon, Colorado.
The. meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Richard Allen at
6:45 p.m.. Councilmembers in attendance were Richard Allen, Joyce
Allred, Allan Nottingham, Carol Richards. Algelo Alpi, William Doyle
and Steven Erickson were absent. Also present were: George Rosenberg,
Town Attorney and representing Rosenberg-Troxel; Fred Butler, Special
Town Attorney; Dave Peterson; John Wheeler, of Piper-Wheeler-Young;
and Ron Allred, Benchmark Architectural Control Committee.
Carol Richards moved that the Minutes of the Special Meeting of October
17, 1978 be approved. Seconded by Carol Richards. Unanimously carried.
John Wheeler, representing Piper-Wheeler-Young, appeared before the
Council to request approval to construct an additional garage space
on the triplex under construction on Lot 19, Block 2. The additional
space would reduce the setback from the usual 25 feet to 20 feet.
Mr. Wheeler submitted the plans to the Benchmark Architectural Con-
trol Committee who recommended that Council grant approval. Joyce
Allred moved that Council approve the setback variance. Seconded
by Allan Nottingham, unanimously carried.
Next Council considered the request of Dave Peterson for the subdiv-
ision of Lot 5, Block 2. The plans as'submitted show a slight en-
croachment on the utilities easement. The Benchmark Architectural
Control Committee reviewed the subdivision and recommended that the
Council grant approval. Following some discussion, Joyce Allred
moved that the Council approve the minor subdivision of said lot
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subject to Council receiving a copy of the party wall agreement and
letters from the utility companies acknowledging the encroachment on
the easement. The utility companies include the Upper Eagle Valley
Sanitation District, the Avon Metropolitan District, Holy Cross
Electric, and Mountain Bell. Seconded by Carol Richards and unani-
mously carried.
Next the Council considered the fence request of Rosenberg-Troxel.
For the purpose of this matter, Fred Butler acted as Town Attorney.
Mr. Rosenberg requested that the Council grant approval to build a
fence around the perimeter of Lot 13, Block 1. Said fence would be
6 feet high, allowing no visibility into the lot which will be used
temporarily as a car pound. Mr. Rosenberg further explained that,
although he could not commit to a landscaping plan at this time,
he would return to the Council in the spring to discuss landscaping.
It was noted that Mr. Rosenberg appeared before the Benchmark Archi-
tectural Control Committee, who recommended that he return when he
was prepared to submit a site plan complying with the Committee's
requirements. Following some discussion, Council agreed that Mr.
Rosenberg should return to the Council with more information regarding
the fence and with a letter stating that he would return in June.of
1979 to discuss the landscaping of said lot. Carol Richards moved
that the matter be tabled to the Special Meeting of Tuesday, Octo-
ber 31, 1978. Seconded by Allan Nottingham and so carried.
Ron Allred, representing the Benchmark Architectural Control Commit-
tee, appeared before the Council to ask for clarification regarding
the Committee's function with regard to the Town. It was agreed that
until such time as the Town had a Design Review Board, the Town Clerk
should recommend that planning and zoning matters be brought before
the Committee prior to coming before the Council. It was also agreed
that the Council Subcommittee to write the Design Review Board Ordin-
ance would meet with representatives from the Committee and the-Town
Attorney on Wednesday, November lst";'at 9:00p,m,,
There being no further business to come before the Council, the
meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m..
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Respectfully Submitted,
Leslie James Allen, Town Clerk