TC Minutes 10-17-19780 9
7:30 p:m.
A special meeting of the Town Councilmembers of the Town of Avon,
Colorado, was held in the Town Office, Second Floor, Benchmark
Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Angelo Alpi at 7:30 p.m.
Councilmembers in attendance were: Joyce Allred, Angelo Alpi, William
Doyle, Allan Nottingham and Carol Richards. Richard Allen and Steve
Erickson were absent. Also present were: George Rosenberg, Town
Attorney; Mark Donaldson, Architect; Ron Allred and Jim Wells, Benchmark
Joyce Allred moved that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October
10, 1978 be approved. Seconded by Carol Richards. Unanimously carried.
The Council then considered the request by C.J. & B. Corp.for a set-
back variance and an additional living unit with regard to Lot 72,
Block 2. Mark Donaldson, representing C.J. & B Corp.presented the site
plan to the Council. He explained that the proposed building would
be comprised of 10,000 square feet of commercial space and six residential
units and that the 29 parking spaces and one loading berth as the 30th
parking space would thus be in day time and night time use. The
site plan provides 20 and 25 foot setbacks from the two lot sides with
street exposure and 7-1/2 foot setbacks from the remaining two sides.
At two points the proposed building lies within the required setbacks.
The lot was zoned for five residential units. Ron Allred, representing
Benchmark Companies, presented a letter to the Mayor stating that
Benchmark Companies would transfer one unit to said lot. Following some
discussion, Joyc.r Allred moved to approve the site plan as submitted.
Seconded by Allan Nottingham. Unanimously carried.
It was noted that Dick Brown from the Colorado Municipal League would
be visiting the Town Council on Wednesday, October 18, 1978, at 5:30 p.m.
to introduce himself to the Council and to discuss the Colorado
Municipal League with them.
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Next the Council considered the appointment of a Council subcommittee
of two members to work with George Rosenberg, Town Attorney, and Jim
Wells and Ron Allred of the Architectural Control Committee in writing
a Design Review Board Ordinance which would be compatable with the
"Restatement of and Third Amendment to the Protective Covenants for
Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision" and the "Rules and Regulations,
Planning and Architectural Control Committee, Benchmark at Beaver
Creek Subdivision, October 1, 1976." Joyce Allred moved that
Carol Richards and Steve Erickson be appointed to this subcommittee.
Seconded by Allan Nottingham. Unanimously carried. Council agreed
to begin these meetings as soon as possible.
The next item of business was a proposed Resolution regarding the U.S.
BLM access permit application by Benchmark Companies to reach Section
36 from Buck Creek Road. Jim Wells of Benchmark Companies explained
that the purpose of the Resolution was to show the Division of
Wildlife, the BLM and the Forest Service that the Town Council
supports the development of portions,of the subject property and favors
the annexation of the subject property. George Rosenberg suggested
that the Resolution be amended to clarify that it dealt soley with
the subject property. Carol Richards moved to pass the Resolution as
amended. Seconded by Bill Doyle. Motion carried with Joyce Allred
and Allan Nottingham abstaining. A copy of the Resolution as passed
is attached.
Jim Wells, representing Jerrell and Sheila Davis, Richard Mehler, William
and Patricia Doyle, A.J_ and A.S_ Wells, and Allan Nottingham, owners of
Lots 6-A, 6-B, 8, 10-A and 10-B, Block 2, requested that the Town
Council approve a rental unit in the lower part of each half of the
duplexes on the subject properties under the following conditions: Two
additional parking spaces be provided for each rental unit, no rental
unit be sold separately, and no more that two adults of more than 16
years of age live in a rental unit. Mr. Wells further explained that
Benchmark will transfer one unit to each of the subject properties,
as stated in Ron Allred's letter of October 17, 1978, to the Mayor,
and the Agreement entered into by Benchmark and the subject property
owners. It was noted that once these became rental units, they would
each require an additional sewage and water tap.
Joyce Allred moved that the Council grant the special request by the
owners of the subject properties as submitted. Seconded by Carol
Richards. Motion carried with Allan Nottingham and Bill Doyle
There being no further business to come before the Council,the meeting
adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
(E'Ibi le_ rnis p 16j".-
Leslie James Allen, Town Clerk
Town of Avon, Colorado
RE: U.S. BLM Access Permit, Nz Sec. 1, T. SS, R 821' to Sec. 36, T. 4S, R 82W,
6th PM, Eagle County, Colorado.
WHEREAS: Benchmark Companies is the owner of above referenced Section 36 and
adiacent Section 3S and intends to develop the property- for residential and
other appropriate purposes; and,
WHEREAS: the Section 36 is situated one half mile north of the present
boundarv of the Town with the intervening one half mile (N z Sec. 1) being
owned by the United States and administered by the Bureau of Land Management
(BLM) ; and,
WHEREAS: the Town has recognized that the most desireable access route to
Section 36 is across the BLM land and has previously recommended that the
BLM grant an access permit for crossing its land to Benchmark Companies, and,
WHEREAS: the Town recognizes the desireability to keep separate residential
from traffic to maintain safe and peaceful access to residences;
WHEREAS: the Town recognizes the desireable potential of developing the
property for residential, wildlife openspace range, and other appropriate uses;
WHEREAS: the Town strongly favors that land developed in the near proximity
of Avon be annexed and incorporated into the Town;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council that, because of its near
proximity and desireable development potential:
The Town of Avon strongly favors the development of appropriate portions of
Sections 35 and 36 for residential, wildlife openspace range, and other
appropriate uses; and,
Further, the Town of Avon strongly favors the annexation of the subject property
as soon as practicable.
Read, voted upon and Passed by the Town Council at a meeting on 17 October, 1978.
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Mayor '
b!-i ( i- sJ 1C- I. Al l~ u
Town Clerk