TC Minutes 08-22-1978AL P l
HELD AUGUST 22, 1978
The regular meeting of the Town Ocnncilmembers of the Town of Avon, Colorado, was held
at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 22, 1978, in the forner office of wheeler-Piper Architects,
second floor, Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado.
Councilmembers in attendance were: Richard Allen, Joyce Allred, Angelo V. Alpi,
William Doyle, Steven Erickson and Carol Richards. Allan Nottingham was absent.
Also in attendance were: George Rosenberg, Acting Ton Attorney, Mr. Charles Dotson,
Liquor Enforcem=nt Officer, Colorado Departsnent of Revenue, Dave Mott, representing
Beaver Creek Associates, Inc., Jeff Spanel, representinq Richards Engineers and Jim Wells,
C.P.A.; representing Benchmark Architectural Control Carrinittee.
Upon motion duly made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the minutes of the August
15, 1978, meeting were approved and executed.
Mr. Charles Dotson, Liquor Enforcement Officer, Colorado DeparbTent of Revenue,
introduced himself to the Cbuncilmembers and briefly discussed the liquor licensing
procedure, renewal procedure, and the types of liquor licenses now in use in the Town.
Dave Mott, representing Beaver Creek Associates, Inc., addressed the Council regarding
an A-95 which the Town received from the NWCCOG regarding Beaver Creek Associates'
application to the USDA -Farmer's Hare Administration for a federal guarantee
of 90% on a long term loan of $10,000,000. The Council received copies of the A-95
and ..yreed to review it. The deadline to respond is September 15, 1978.
Richard Allen moved to defer the second reading of the ordinance to change the fiscal
year to a calendar year until the next regular meeting. Seconded by Carol Richards.
Unanimously carried.
Jeff Spanel,representing Richards Engineering, addressed the Council on behalf of Becky
Mountain Airways regarding the construction of the extension of East Beaver Creek Blvd.
to provide access to the STOLport. After some discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Spanel
would bring the drawings and proposals to the next regular meeting for the Council's
The next order of business was the second reading of the proposed "Official Plat -
Town of Awn, Eagle County, Colorado. Final Subdivision Plat, - Amendment No. 4,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Eagle County, Colorado"
After some discussion, Joyce Allred moved to approve,as an emergency ordinance, the
proposed "Official Plat", with the omission of Beaver Creek Place, as the Official
Town Plat. Seconded by William Doyle and unanimously carried. William Doyle moved to
approve, as an emergency ordinance, the proposed "Official Plat" as the Subdivision
Plat of Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Amendment No. 4. Seconded by Steve Erickson and
carried. Joyce Allred abstained.
Jim Wells, representing the Benchmark Architectural Control Cmynittee reported that
the scheduled meeting of the Committee had been continued to this week and that he
would provide the Oouncil with a copy of the minutes of that meeting.
Next the ODuncil discussed the budget for the Town. Jim Wells, C.P.A. briefly explained
a proposed budget prepared for the Council's consideration. George Rosenberg added that
it would be helpful for the Councilrmmbers to refer to the Colorado Municipal League
publication, "Wages, Salaries and Fringe Benefits in Colorado Cities and Towns under
5,000 Population". It was agreed that copies of the proposed budget and the publication
could be obtained from George Rosenberg's office.
Angelo Alpi called a Special Meeting of the Council for the purpose of considering the
budget. The special session will be held Tuesday, August 29, 1978 at 4:00 p.m. in the
formr Wheeler-Piper Architects Office.
There was a brief discussion of a model traffic code ordinance which is required for
the Town to have concurrent jurisdiction on State roads. This ordinance will be
considered at the next regular meeting.
George Rosenberg advised that there shall be prepared "Disclosure of Possible Conflict
Statements" for those councilmembers who may have a direct financial interest in sere of
the business that may come before the Council.
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There being no further business to corm before the Cbuncil, the meeting was
adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ieslie James Allen, Acting Town Clerk