TC Council Packet 02-09-2010\• RIONF9,
a. Channel 5 Programming Updates (JK Perry, Executive Director, Channel 5) Review several
programming changes with Channel 5
b. "Project Graduation" for Eagle Valley High School: Request for Funding (Gerry Sandburg)
5. AVON POLICE AWARDS PRESENTATION (Brian Kozak, Police Chief) Presentation of awards to police officers
for exceptional performance on November 7, 2009
a. Minutes from January 26, 2010
b. Proposed Decree for Water Division No, 5 Case No 09CW28 (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer)
Review proposed stipulation consenting to the ruling on the court case included as Exhibit B
a. Appeal by Amigo Towing to Review the Town Clerk's Decision to Deny a Vehicle Impoundment
License to Provide Towing Services for the Avon Police Department (Elizabeth Pierce Durance,
Prosecuting Town Attorney, Patty McKenny, Assistant Town Manager)
a. Ordinance No. 10 -02, Series of 2010, First Reading, Ordinance Adopting the 2009 International
Building Code by Reference and Repealing and Reenacting Title 15 of the Avon Municipal Code
in its Entirety (William Gray, Chief Building Official) Adoption of the most recent Building Codes
b. Ordinance No. 10 -03, Series of 2010, First Reading, Ordinance Amending Section 15.30.030 of
the Avon Municipal Code to Extend the Deadline for Compliance with Ordinance No. 04 -19,
Series of 2004, and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto (Matt Gennett, Planning Manager)
Review proposal to extend the deadline for compliance on the lighting standards enforcement
Avon Council Meeting. 10.02.09
Page 4 of 5
a. Update on Status of Traer Creek Plaza Condominium Map (Eric Heil, Town Attorney) Review status
of application from Traer Creek Metropolitan District
February 23, 2010: Weed Ordinance, Town's Comprehensive Financial Modeling Update, Gandorf Deed
Restricted Housing Document
Avon Council Meeting. 10.02.09
Page 5 of 5
Avon Town Council
Update Feb. 9, 2010
Council Members,
I wanted to take this opportunity to tell the council, staff and residents about the
new programs and features at Channel 5.
For those of you unfamiliar with us, we're a nonprofit organization that manages
the Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) channel on the Comcast cable
system from Vail to Dowd Junction and Minturn to Cordillera. Our funding is
largely provided through franchise agreements between the towns of Avon, Vail
and Comcast. We also earn income filming other governmental meetings, sports,
events and from underwriters and donors.
Channel 5 is overseen by a board of seven volunteers, three of whom are
designated one each from the Avon, Minturn and Vail town councils.
In the last several months, we've undergone a significant change in our mission
by moving toward a traditional model of a PEG access station. These stations
serve the community by providing training, equipment and channel time to
residents, nonprofits, schools and governments. The goal is to teach people a
skill and offer an alternative outlet for expression of local ideas often ignored in
mainstream media.
To train people, we've developed an orientation and two workshops. The
orientation is designed to familiarize participants with PEG stations in general
and our rules and process specifically. After orientation is complete, people may
choose to become voting members of Channel 5 and sign up for a workshop.
The first workshop focuses on field equipment, which includes cameras,
microphones, lights and basic cinematography. The second workshop deals with
computer editing. More information and registration is available on our Web site
In the future, we plan to offer studio production and Internet social networking
Once a person completes a workshop, they become certified community
producers. This means they may check out and use station equipment to
produce a television program.
Program topics are unlimited. For example, Ron may wish to create a live
mayor's call -in program to address matters before the town. Or a police officer
might want to produce a program to help close unsolved cases. Or a resident
might decide to make a cooking show.
The orientation, workshops and channel time are available to all Avon and Vail
residents for free. Eagle County residents who live outside the towns pay just
$25 for membership, while all nonprofits pay $50 for membership.
This new program, which was launched at the beginning of January, has been
successful to date. We've trained Avon nonprofits and residents, who should
soon be submitting programs to air.
With the grant you provided last year, we were able to cut down on time spent
bringing town council meetings to air and also freed up two older computers for
editing bays.
During the grant process last year, the council expressed a desire to pool
resources with the town of Vail during franchise renegotiations to improve the
video system in the council chambers. The negotiations are preliminary, but we
hope the video system will be included.
In the last month, we've also launched a new Web site with online video. All Avon
Town Council meetings and other productions will be posted at The video may be watched on demand and viewers can
navigate through meetings by agenda item. We've had great feedback about the
online video feature and the bulk of viewers are watching Avon and Vail town
council meetings.
The site also includes a new schedule and more ways for residents to get
Thank you for your continued support. If you ever have any questions or
comments, feel free to contact myself of Amy, who is your representative on our
J. K. Perry
Executive Director
Public Access TV 5
970 - 949 -5657
To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council
Thur: Larry Brooks, Town Manager
From: Patty McKenny, Assistant Town Manager
Date: February 5, 2010
Re: Project Graduation Eagle Valley High School: Request for Funding
Please find attached a request for funding from Arleen Sandberg with the Project Graduation
Committee for Eagle Valley High School. Gerry and Arleen Sandberg will attend the meeting to
make the request.
Please note the "Project Graduation" event for Battle Mountain High School has been taking place at
the Recreation Center for the past 8 years. The Battle Mountain parents of the graduating class
organize a party and 'lock in" at the Recreation Center for the evening for the seniors and a guest.
The event takes place in May over graduation weekend from 9 pm to approximately 3 am. The
recreation department provides the following staff for the evening:
4 lifeguards
2 custodians
2 police officers
1 Manager on Duty
1 special event worker
The estimated cost for the above workers was the premise for the rental fee that is charged,
approximately $2K. In the past, the Battle Mountain parents have asked that the rental fee be
waived; however, the town has not waived the fee.
Class of 2010
January 20, 2010
Dear Eagle Valley Business:
In a few short months, the Eagle Valley Class of 2010 will be graduating. Once again,
plans for Project Graduation are underway to provide a safe and positive celebration for our
graduating seniors. Through the generosity of the business community, townspeople and
parents, we look forward to continuing this tradition for our graduating seniors.
As you may already know, Project Graduation was designed to provide graduating
seniors with an alternative to drinking and drugs in celebration of the culmination of their high
school career. Through Project Graduation, they will be involved in positive activities with their
graduating class and supervising adults. We do recognize that the economy in our resort
community has changed from previous years. Your support in any amount enables this event to
take place and is greatly appreciated.
Please join your fellow members in the business community and send a tax - deductible
contribution to EVHS Project Graduation. An addressed return envelope is provided for your
convenience. A receipt, with our non -profit tax ID number, will be mailed to you for your
records. Following the May 29, 2010, graduation ceremony, all businesses and community
members supporting Project Graduation will be recognized in the Vail Daily, Eagle Valley
Enterprise and the Vail Mountaineer.
Thank you for your time, generosity and prompt attention to this matter. If you have any
questions regarding Project Graduation, please contact Sharon Knabel at 328 -3376.
Arleen Sandberg
Project Graduation Committee Member
Project Graduation, P. O. Box 4705, Eagle, Colorado 81631
To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Initials
Thaw Larry Brooks, Town Manager
Legal Review: Eric Heil, Town Attorney N/A
From: Brian Kozak, Chief of Police
Dale: February 1, 2010
Re- Police Awards Presentation
Sumpmary: Members of the Avon Police Department will be recognized for exceptional
performance that occurred on November 7, 2009.
Background: On November 7, 2009 the Avon Police Department received a call of a possible
hostage situation in Wildridge. Upon arrival the units secured a perimeter and evacuated the
spouse of the subject who had barricaded the home after making threats that possibly involved a
firearm. Negotiations were unsuccessful and a robot was requested from Jefferson County. In the
meantime, several Avon officers broke from the Wildridge incident and responded to an active
shooter in Vail. Lt. Daly, Sgt. Lovins, Officer Westenfelder and other members of the Eagle County
multifagency SWAT team entered the Sand Bar to rescue trapped citizens, treat victims and secure
the gunman, who had shot several people, killing one. The team did, in fact, rescue four citizens
hiding in the bar and arrest the suspect who was still armed with a firearm. The officers returned to
Wildridge and safely took the subject into protective custody with the use of the robot. The Wildridge
incident received international attention and the subject's wife was very thankful of the successful,
lifesaving result.
Discussion: The Teamwork Citation is awarded to a group of employees that come together as a
team to achieve exceptional results and is presented to:
Officer Westenfelder Sgt. Lovins Lt. Daly Officer Holmstrom Officer Briggs
Officer Florio Sgt. Sheehan Sgt. McGovern Officer Ramirez B. Jaramillo
K. Jaramillo Det. Arnold Officer Peck Officer Lundblade
The Medal of Distinction is granted to members for heroism above and beyond the call of duty when
an imminent threat to his personal safety is likely and is presented to: (Chief Henninger will assist in
recognizing the officers and the Eagle County Public Safety Council will present them with medals at
a later date)
Lt. Daly Sgt. Lovins Officer Westenfelder
The combined efforts of these employees saved at least five lives on November 7, 2009. It is my
honor as one of my last official acts as Chief of Police to recognize them.
Town Manager Comments:
A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at the Avon Municipal Building, One
Lake Street, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers.
Mayor Ron Wolfe called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken and Council
members present were Rich Carroll, Dave Dantas, Kristi Ferraro, Amy Phillips, Buz Reynolds
and Brian Sipes. Also present were Town Attorney Eric Heil, Town Manager Larry Brooks,
Assistant Town Manager Management Services Patty McKenny, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth,
Assistant Town Manager Finance Scott Wright, Police Chief Brian Kozak, Assistant Town
Manager Community Development Sally Vecchio and Public Works and Transportation Director
Jenny Strehler as well as members of the public.
Town Attorney Eric Heil noted a conflict of interest for Councilor Ferraro for the Red House
documents under Resolution & Ordinances.
a. Chris Kline, sixteen year resident of Avon on W. Beaver Creek Blvd., commented on his
recent correspondence from the town on his light fixture and his concern about imposing this
on residents. It was noted that the legislation was adopted five years ago and residents
would be required to comply. After some discussion, Council directed staff to
b. Brian Kolso, Wildridge resident, commented on the recycling area in Avon as being a
"mess ". He noted that there were other locations that have a much better appearance. It
was noted that the Eagle Valley Alliance is the group responsible for maintaining the site.
Sally Vecchio, Assistant Town Manager, noted that the town has contacted the Alliance
about violations to the Municipal Code with regard to signage and the fence.
Mayor Wolfe asked for a motion on the consent agenda. Councilor Dantas noted that he did not
agree with the proposal or manner in which to repair the Rec Center roof. He suggested that it
should be vented below to get rid of the moisture. There was discussion about a warranty
period and who would be responsible if problems reoccurred. Mayor Pro Tern Sipes moved to
approve the consent agenda; Councilor Ferraro seconded the motion and it passed
a. Minutes from January 12, 2010
b. 2009 Audit Engagement Letter (Scott Wright, Asst. Town Manager Finance) Contract with
McMahan and Associates for auditing services
c. Engagement Proposal from Heizer Paul LLP (Eric Heil, Town Attorney) Proposal for legal
d. Revised Engagement Letter from Heil Law and Planning LLC (Eric Heil, Town Attorney)
Revised proposal for legal services with revisions to insurance coverages
e. Resolution No. 10 -02, Series of 2010, Resolution authorizing a contract with the
Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife related to Project FIF-
1659-10, Harry A. Nottingham Lake Fishing Pier, for Construction of a Fishing Pier and
Access Path (Shane Pegram, Engineer II)
f. bliss, Janey, Elstner Associates, Inc. (Shane Pegram, Engineer II) Proposal to complete
construction documents for the Recreation Center Roof Replacement and CMU Block Repair
Sally Vecchio, Assistant Town Manager Community Development, presented Resolution No.
10 -03, Series of 2010, Resolution Readopting a Temporary Fee Reduction and Waiver Program
for Zoning, Design Review and Building Permit Applications Collected by The Town of Avon.
She noted that this Resolution addressed the extension to the fee waiver program and noted
that if council did not want to proceed with adopting the resolution, there would be no action
taken because the current resolution expires on its own. Comments were made in both support
and opposition to extending the program. Councilor Ferraro moved to approve Resolution
Readopting a Temporary Fee Reduction and Waiver Program for Zoning, Design Review and
Building Permit Applications Collected by The Town of Avon. Councilor Reynolds secnded the
motion and it passed with a four to three vote (Dantas, Reynolds, Sipes, Wolfe — yea; Carroll,
Ferraro, Phillips — nay). It was noted that the program expires May 12, 2010, and staff was
directed to be proactive in getting the "word out" about this fee reduction.
Councilor Ferraro recused herself from the meeting at this time (6:30 PM) due to a conflict of
interest with the remainder of the agenda items.
Sally Vecchio, Assistant Town Manager Community Development, presented Resolution No.
09 -29, Series of 2009, Resolution Approving the Final Plat, Eagle River at Avon, A
Resubdivision of Lots 1 and 2, Exemption Plat, Red House, Section 12, Township 5 South,
Range 82 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. She
noted that this was a Revised Final Plat for Red House Development. It was noted that was
tabled at the November 10 and December 8, 2009 Meetings. She reviewed in detail the
"Restrictive Covenants" as outlined in the council memo and noted on the final plat; both the
applicant and staff were in agreement with the language. Councilor Phillips moved to approve
Resolution No. 09 -29, Series of 2009, Resolution Approving the Final Plat, Eagle River at Avon,
A Resubdivision of Lots 1 and 2, Exemption Plat, Red House, Section 12, Township 5 South,
Range 82 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. Mayor
Pro Tern Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Ferraro
Shane Pegram, Engineer II, presented Resolution No. 09 -30, Series of 2009, Resolution
Approving a Second Supplemental Water Lease Agreement With The Upper Eagle River Water
Authority. It was noted that this agreement increases the total SFE's that the Authority will
service to the Town by 15 SFE's to account for the Red House development and that the
Resolution was tabled at November 10 and December 8, 2009 Meetings. It was noted that this
Second Supplement Water Lease Agreement will update the Water Lease Agreement to include
the Red House Development, dedicating the appropriate water rights to serve the needs of the
project. Mayor Pro Tern Sipes moved to approve Resolution No. 09 -30, Series of 2009,
Resolution Approving a Second Supplemental Water Lease Agreement With The Upper Eagle
River Water Authority. Councilor Carroll seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by
those present (Ferraro recused).
Shane Pegram, Engineer II, presented Ordinance No. 09 -19, Series of 2009, Second Reading,
An Ordinance Approving a Landscape Construction and Maintenance Easement Agreement
between the Town and Vail Associates, Inc. He noted that this easement agreement is part of
the Development Agreement with The Vail Corporation d /b /a Vail Associates, Inc. for the Red
House Property and requires the owner to fulfill obligations to construct, install and maintain
certain landscape and irrigation improvements on the property.
Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 3
Mayor Wolfe opened the Public Hearing, no comments were made, the hearing was closed.
Councilor Carroll moved to approve Ordinance No. 09 -19, Series of 2009, Second Reading, An
Ordinance Approving a Landscape Construction and Maintenance Easement Agreement
between the Town and Vail Associates, Inc. Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it
passed unanimously by those present (Ferraro recused).
Larry Brooks, Town Manager, presented updates on the following topics:
✓ NWCCOG membership, dues, and provided services with elevator maintenance
✓ Water Treatment Plant
Ron Wolfe, Mayor, presented updates on the following topics:
✓ Balancing the ECO budget with a reduction in service level
✓ US Forest Service Land Exchange
There being no further business to come before the Council, the regular meeting adjourned at
6:55 PM.
Patty McKenny, Town Clerk
Rich Carroll
Dave Dantas
Kristi Ferraro
Amy Phillips
Albert "Buz" Reynolds
Brian Sipes
Ron Wolfe
Regular Council Meeting Page 3 of 3
To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council
Thnc Larry Brooks, Town Manager
Approved by: Sally Vecchio, Assistant Town Mgr /Director of Comm. Dev.
From: Justin Hildreth P.E., Town Engineerf�
Date: February 2, 2010
Re: Proposed Decree for Water Division No. 5 Case No. 09CW28
Summary: The Town of Avon (TOA) entered into Colorado Water Division No. 5 Court Case No.
09CW28 as a party in order to monitor the case because TOA is an indirect beneficiary and to assure
that provisions will prevent injury to TOXs water rights. The TOXs water attorney, Jay Montgomery,
prepared a letter summarizing the water court ruling, attached as Exhibit A. All parties to the case,
including the Colorado River Water Conservation District, Eagle Park Reservoir Company (EPRC), Eagle
River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD), Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority (UERWA), and
Vail Associates (VA) have agreed to the terms of settlement of the case. Glen Porzak of Porzak,
Browning & Bushong, LLP, the water attorney for EPRC, ERWSD, UERWA, and VA, has requested that
the TOA execute a stipulation consenting to the ruling, attached as Exhibit B.
Financial Implications: There are no financial implications.
Recommendation: Staff recommends that Town Council authorize Jay Montgomery to execute the
stipulation consenting to the ruling for Water Division No. 5 Case No. 09CW28.
Town Manager Comments:
Exhibit A — Letter from Jay Montgomery to Town Council, dated January 6, 2010
Exhibit B — Letter from Glen Porzak to Counsel of Record with Enclosure
January 6, 2010
Town Council
c/o Larry Brooks, Manager
Town of Avon
P.O. Box 975
Avon, CO 81620
Re: Case No. 09CW28 (Colorado River Water Conservancy District, et al.)
Dear Council Members:
Case No. 09CW28 is an application in Water Court of the Colorado River Water
Conservation District, the Eagle Park Reservoir Company ( "EPRC ")and others to adjudicate an
exchange to allow storage of water in Homestake Reservoir to fulfill replacement obligations of
those entities to the City of Aurora under a 2004 agreement that provides for the use of up to
500 acre-feet per year of water from Homestake Reservoir for various uses in the Eagle River
drainage basin. The Town of Avon entered the case as a party for two purposes: (1) to generally
monitor the proceedings because Avon is an indirect beneficiary of the 2004 agreement and the
application as a member of the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, which in turn is a shareholder
in the EPRC, and (2) to assure that any decree in the case contains terms and conditions necessary to
prevent injury to the water rights of Avon.
Attached is a letter from Glenn Porzak with attachments, including a revised,
proposed ruling in the case. Ina letter to Mr. Porzak dated November 5, 2009, I had suggested some
edits to his earlier proposed ruling to clarify the operation of the proposed exchange and to protect
Avon's water rights. The revised ruling contains all the changes I requested, except one. The
requested change Mr. Porzak did not make involved the description of the use of the water to be
stored in Homestake Reservoir under the exchange approved in the ruling. While he did not adopt
my language, he did address the concern I raised by adding a provision in paragraph 7(h) of the
ruling stating that the use of the stored water would be in accordance with the various agreements
among, Aurora, the River District and Eagle River entities.
The application in this Water Court case is intended to implement the 2004 agreement
with Aurora for the use by west slope entities of 500 acre -feet of water per year in Homestake
Reservoir in addition to the amounts provided under a prior 1998 agreement. In order for EPRC and
TELEPHONE: (303)443 -8782
FAX: (303)443 -8796
P. O. BOX 1440
BOULDER, CO 80306 -1440
January 6, 2010
Town Council
c/o Larry Brooks, Manager
Town of Avon
P.O. Box 975
Avon, CO 81620
Re: Case No. 09CW28 (Colorado River Water Conservancy District, et al.)
Dear Council Members:
Case No. 09CW28 is an application in Water Court of the Colorado River Water
Conservation District, the Eagle Park Reservoir Company ( "EPRC ")and others to adjudicate an
exchange to allow storage of water in Homestake Reservoir to fulfill replacement obligations of
those entities to the City of Aurora under a 2004 agreement that provides for the use of up to
500 acre-feet per year of water from Homestake Reservoir for various uses in the Eagle River
drainage basin. The Town of Avon entered the case as a party for two purposes: (1) to generally
monitor the proceedings because Avon is an indirect beneficiary of the 2004 agreement and the
application as a member of the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, which in turn is a shareholder
in the EPRC, and (2) to assure that any decree in the case contains terms and conditions necessary to
prevent injury to the water rights of Avon.
Attached is a letter from Glenn Porzak with attachments, including a revised,
proposed ruling in the case. Ina letter to Mr. Porzak dated November 5, 2009, I had suggested some
edits to his earlier proposed ruling to clarify the operation of the proposed exchange and to protect
Avon's water rights. The revised ruling contains all the changes I requested, except one. The
requested change Mr. Porzak did not make involved the description of the use of the water to be
stored in Homestake Reservoir under the exchange approved in the ruling. While he did not adopt
my language, he did address the concern I raised by adding a provision in paragraph 7(h) of the
ruling stating that the use of the stored water would be in accordance with the various agreements
among, Aurora, the River District and Eagle River entities.
The application in this Water Court case is intended to implement the 2004 agreement
with Aurora for the use by west slope entities of 500 acre -feet of water per year in Homestake
Reservoir in addition to the amounts provided under a prior 1998 agreement. In order for EPRC and
Town Council
January 6, 2010
Page 2
other applicants to have that 500 acre -feet for use out of Homestake Reservoir, those entities are
required by the agreement to "re -pay" Homestake Reservoir through operation of the exchange an
average of 500 acre -feet per year on a ten -year moving average. The agreement provides for a
flexible credit account in Homestake Reservoir to track that replacement obligation. Because the
exchange potential is sporadic and unpredictable, the applicants claimed the right to exchange almost
all of their ten -year obligation in one year if river conditions would allow it. The 4,908 value is the
total of the contracted amounts of replacement water that the applicant entities have in Green
Mountain, Ruedi and Wolford Mountain Reservoirs combined. The purpose in claiming the
potential to exchange as much as 4,908 in one year was to provide maximum flexibility in achieving
the 500 acre -foot average that's required by the 2004 agreement. While it's unlikely that conditions
will ever allow exchange of the whole 4,908 acre -feet in one year, allowing that flexibility in the
decree doesn't impact Avon because of the junior priority of the exchange and the other protective
conditions written into the proposed ruling.
In my opinion, the proposed ruling as revised adequately protects Avon's interests and
I recommend that Town Council authorize me to execute a stipulation consenting to the ruling. In
coming to that recommendation, I also consulted with Town Engineer Justin Hildreth and the
Town's consulting water engineer Les Botham.
If you have questions or need additional information, please let me know.
Yours truly,
Jdtdes . Montgom
cc: Leslie H. Botham, P.E.
't *15 Fltf4
Porzak Browning & Bushong LLP � SERVNG # X78
Glenn E. Porzak A t t o r n e y s • a t - L a w Boulder Office:
ec 12009
Michael F. Browning Please direct all correspondence to the Boulder ogee 929 Pearl Street. Suite 300 4:20PM
Steven J. Bushong Boulder, CO 80302
P. Fritz Holleman 303 443.6800 Tel.
Kristin Howse Moseley 303 443 -6864 Fax.
Kevin J. Kinnear
Vail Office:
Thomas W. Korver' 953 S. Frontage Road W.
Eli A. Feldman Suite 202
Katherine A. D. Ryan Vail, CO 81657
Karen L. Henderson 970476 -5295 Tel.
'Af.w Adminedin Wyoming 970476 -5309 Fax.
December 1, 2009
To: Counsel of Record
Re: Division 5, Case No. 09CW28
Dear Colleagues:
Enclosed for your review and consideration is a revised draft of the proposed decree in
Water Division No. 5 Case No. 09CW28. This revised draft is an effort to address a number of
the comments we received from you during our settlement conferences. All changes from the
prior draft decree have been highlighted to facilitate your review.
In response to the request by the State for information that documents the need for the
Homestake Reservoir water obtained by the Reservoir Company and its shareholders pursuant to
the 2004 agreement with Aurora, enclosed is a copy of the 1994 report of the Eagle River
Assembly and the 2000 supplement thereto. This report contains a comprehensive analysis of
the west slope water demands in the Eagle River basin. To date, only approximately one -half of
the indicated 10,500 acre feet of additional water required to meet buildout demands and
preserve area stream flows has been developed.
Finally, an agreement has been finalized with Aurora and Colorado Springs that
consolidates the 1998 and 2004 Homestake Reservoir water exchange agreements with the
Reservoir Company and its shareholders. The consolidated agreement is in the process of being
executed by the multiple parties thereto. A copy will be sent to you as soon as the consolidated
agreement has been fully executed.
Glenn E. Porzak
1098 1h Street, Suite 104
Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601
Case Number: 09CW28
Glenn E. Porzak ( #2793)
Karen L. Henderson ( #39137)
929 Pearl Street, Suite 300
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Phone: (303) 443 -6800
Division: Courtroom:
Fax: (303) 443 -6864
E -mail: gporzak; kenderson
Peter C. Fleming ( #20805)
Jason V. Turner ( #35665)
P.O. Box 1120
Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81602
Telephone: (970) 945 -8522
James (Jay) Montgomery ( #10989)
PO Box 1440
Boulder, CO 80306
Phone: 303 -443 -8782
Fax: 303 - 443 -8796
E -mail: 'mont omer
The Eagle Park Reservoir Company, Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, Upper
Eagle Regional Water Authority, Vail Associates, Inc., and the Colorado River Water
Conservation District (hereinafter "Applicants ") and Objector the Town of Avon by and through
their undersigned attorneys, hereby stipulate and agree as follows:
1. Applicants and the Town of Avon desire to enter into this Stipulation and Agreement for
the purpose of resolving the opposition of the Town of Avon in this case.
2. The Town of Avon consents to the entry of a decree in the above - captioned matter upon
terms and conditions that are no less restrictive on the applicants nor less protective of the
Town of Avon than those contained in the proposed Decree of the Water Court attached
hereto as Exhibit A.
3. Subject to the foregoing and the right to continue receiving copies of all pleadings filed in
this matter, the Town of Avon will not participate further in this matter except to assure
that any ruling and decree to be entered is consistent with this stipulation.
4. The parties hereto shall bear their own costs and attorneys' fees.
5. The parties jointly request the Water Referee to enter an Order approving this Stipulation.
Respectfully submitted this _ day of January, 2009.
Glenn E. Porzak ( #2793)
Karen L. Henderson ( #39137)
Attorneys for Eagle Park Reservoir Company,
Eagle River Water & Sanitation District,
Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, and
Vail Associates, Inc.
Peter C. Fleming ( #20805)
Jason V. Turner ( #35665)
Attorneys for the CRWCD
James (Jay) Montgomery ( #10989)
Attorney for the Town of Avon
I hereby certify that on this _ day of January, 2009, a true and correct copy of the
TOWN OF AVON was served by Lexis Nexis File and Serve addressed to the following:
Peter C. Fleming
Jason V. Turner
Colorado River Water Conservation District
201 Centennial Street, Suite 200
P.O. Box 1120
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602
Mark A. Hermundstad
Kirsten Kurath
Williams, Turner & Holmes, P.C.
200 North 6th Street
P.O. Box 338
Grand Junction, CO 81502
Cynthia F. Covell
Andrea L. Benson
Alperstein & Covell, P.C.
1600 Broadway, Suite 2350
Denver, CO 80202
Mary Mead Hammond
Karl D. Ohlsen
Carlson, Hammond & Paddock LLC
1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 3900
Denver CO 80203
Brian M. Nazarenus
Olivia D. Lucas
Ryley Carlock & Applewhite
1999 Broadway, Suite 1800
Denver, CO 80202
Ramsey Kropf
Craig V. Corona
Patrick Miller & Kropf
730 E. Durant Avenue, Suite 200
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Paul L. Benington
Assistant Attorney General
Colorado Dept. of Law
1525 Sherman Street, 5th Floor
Denver, CO 80203
Mark D. Shea
City Attorney's Office
Colorado Springs Utilities
121 S. Tejon Street, Fourth Floor
P.O. Box 1103, MC 940
Colorado Springs, CO 80947
Richard A. Johnson
Stephen C. Larson
David F. Bower
Johnson & Repucci LLP
2521 Broadway, Suite A
Boulder, CO 80304
Robert V. Trout
Douglas M. Sinor
Trout, Raley, Montano, Witwer & Freeman, P.C.
1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1600
Denver, CO 80203
John M. Dingess
Duncan, Ostrander & Dingess, P.C.
3600 S Yosemite Street, Suite 500
Denver CO 80237
James R. Montgomery
Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison and Woodruff, P.C.
PO Box 1440
Boulder CO 80306
Timothy J. Beaton
Patricia M. DeChristopher
Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison & Woodruff, P.C.
PO Box 1440
Boulder, CO 80306
1098 1h Street, Suite 104
Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601
Case Number: 09CW28
Glenn E. Porzak ( #2793)
Karen L. Henderson ( #39137)
929 Pearl Street, Suite 300
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Phone: (303) 443 -6800
Division: Courtroom:
Fax: (303) 443 -6864
E -mail: gporzak; kenderson
Peter C. Fleming ( #20805)
Jason V. Turner ( #35665)
P.O. Box 1120
Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81602
Telephone: (970) 945 -8522
James (Jay) Montgomery ( #10989)
PO Box 1440
Boulder, CO 80306
Phone: 303 -443 -8782
Fax: 303 - 443 -8796
E -mail:
The Eagle Park Reservoir Company, Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, Upper
Eagle Regional Water Authority, Vail Associates, Inc., and the Colorado River Water
Conservation District (hereinafter "Applicants ") and Objector the Town of Avon by and through
their undersigned attorneys, hereby stipulate and agree as follows:
1. Applicants and the Town of Avon desire to enter into this Stipulation and Agreement for
the purpose of resolving the opposition of the Town of Avon in this case.
2. The Town of Avon consents to the entry of a decree in the above - captioned matter upon
terms and conditions that are no less restrictive on the applicants nor less protective of the
Town of Avon than those contained in the proposed Decree of the Water Court attached
hereto as Exhibit A.
3. Subject to the foregoing and the right to continue receiving copies of all pleadings filed in
this matter, the Town of Avon will not participate further in this matter except to assure
that any ruling and decree to be entered is consistent with this stipulation.
4. The parties hereto shall bear their own costs and attorneys' fees.
5. The parties jointly request the Water Referee to enter an Order approving this Stipulation.
Respectfully submitted this _ day of January, 2009.
Glenn E. Porzak ( #2793)
Karen L. Henderson ( #39137)
Attorneys for Eagle Park Reservoir Company,
Eagle River Water & Sanitation District,
Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, and
Vail Associates, Inc.
Peter C. Fleming ( #20805)
Jason V. Turner ( #35665)
Attorneys for the CRWCD
James (Jay) Montgomery ( #10989)
Attorney for the Town of Avon
I hereby certify that on this _ day of January, 2009, a true and correct copy of the
TOWN OF AVON was served by Lexis Nexis File and Serve addressed to the following:
Peter C. Fleming
Jason V. Turner
Colorado River Water Conservation District
201 Centennial Street, Suite 200
P.O. Box 1120
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602
Mark A. Hermundstad
Kirsten Kurath
Williams, Turner & Holmes, P.C.
200 North 6th Street
P.O. Box 338
Grand Junction, CO 81502
Cynthia F. Covell
Andrea L. Benson
Alperstein & Covell, P.C.
1600 Broadway, Suite 2350
Denver, CO 80202
Mary Mead Hammond
Karl D. Ohlsen
Carlson, Hammond & Paddock LLC
1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 3900
Denver CO 80203
Brian M. Nazarenus
Olivia D. Lucas
Ryley Carlock & Applewhite
1999 Broadway, Suite 1800
Denver, CO 80202
Ramsey Kropf
Craig V. Corona
Patrick Miller & Kropf
730 E. Durant Avenue, Suite 200
Aspen, Colorado 81611
Paul L. Benington
Assistant Attorney General
Colorado Dept. of Law
1525 Sherman Street, 5th Floor
Denver, CO 80203
Mark D. Shea
City Attorney's Office
Colorado Springs Utilities
121 S. Tejon Street, Fourth Floor
P.O. Box 1103, MC 940
Colorado Springs, CO 80947
Richard A. Johnson
Stephen C. Larson
David F. Bower
Johnson & Repucci LLP
2521 Broadway, Suite A
Boulder, CO 80304
Robert V. Trout
Douglas M. Sinor
Trout, Raley, Montano, Witwer & Freeman, P.C.
1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1600
Denver, CO 80203
John M. Dingess
Duncan, Ostrander & Dingess, P.C.
3600 S Yosemite Street, Suite 500
Denver CO 80237
James R. Montgomery
Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison and Woodruff, P.C.
PO Box 1440
Boulder CO 80306
Timothy J. Beaton
Patricia M. DeChristopher
Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison & Woodruff, P.C.
PO Box 1440
Boulder, CO 80306
Confidential Settlement Document
Pursuant to CAE. 408
G (I �
Dec 12009
Court Address: 109 8'" Street, Suite 104
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Phone Number: 970.947.3 862
Case Number: 09CW28
The application in this case was filed on March 31, 2009, and was referred by the Water
Judge for the District Court in and for Water Division No. 5, State of Colorado (the "Water
Court") to the Referee of the Water Court in accordance with Article 92 of Chapter 37, Colorado
Revised Statutes, known as the Water Right Determination and Administration Act of 1969. The
matter was rereferred to the Water Judge by Order dated
The Water Judge, having made such investigations as are necessary to determine whether
or not the statements in the application are true, and having become fully advised with respect to
the subject matter of the application, does hereby enter the following as the Decree of the Water
1. Application.
This matter involves the Application for Approval of Plan for Augmentation and Exchange
filed by (a) Eagle Park Reservoir Company, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, and
Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, whose address is 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado
81657; (b) Colorado River Water Conservation District whose address is P.O. Box 1120
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602; and (c) Vail Associates, Inc., whose address is 390 Interlocken
Crescent, Suite 1000, Broomfield, CO 80021. The application was initiated pursuant to the
2004 Water Exchange Agreement dated June 21, 2004, between the City of Aurora and the
Applicants, as such agreement is modified by the Consolidated Water Exchange Agreement
dated as of , 2009, among the Cities of Aurora and Colorado Springs and the
Applicants, which provides for the release of up to 500 acre feet of additional water per year for
the use by the Eagle Park Reservoir Company and its shareholders. In return, out of priority
storage in Homestake Reservoir is augmented by the Applicants by exchange for beneficial use
by Aurora and Colorado Springs pursuant to the terms of this Decree and the aforementioned
2. Jurisdiction.
All notices required by law have been duly given and the Water Court has jurisdiction
over the application and all parties affected thereby, whether or not they have chosen to appear.
3. sition.
Statements of opposition to the application have been timely filed by the City of Aurora,
Grand Valley Water Users Association, Orchard Mesa Irrigation District, Ute Water
Conservancy District, Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, City of Colorado Springs,
City of Aspen, Homestake Partners (being the Cities of Aurora and Colorado Springs acting
through the Homestake Steering Committee), Traer Creek Metropolitan District, Climax
Molybdenum Company, Town of Avon, Public Service Company of Colorado, Town of
Gypsum, Colorado Water Conservation Board, State and Division Engineers, and the Board of
County Commissioners of Pitkin County. The time for filing additional statements of opposition
has now expired.
4. Description of Structures to be Aujunented by Exchan e:
Applicants seek to augment by exchange up to 4908 acre feet of water per year for out -of-
priority diversion into storage at the following structures decreed by the Eagle County District
Court in Civil Action No. 1193 (collectively " Homestake Reservoir "):
(a) French Creek Intake.
S. 82 018.3' E. 20988 ft. to NW corner Sect. 31, 60.1 cfs
T. 7 S., R. 80 W.
(b) Fancy Creek Intake.
N. 850105E. 25280 ft. to NW comer Sect. 31, 38.6 cfs
T. 7 S., R. 80 W.
(c) Missouri Creek Intake.
N. 77 °12.4' E. 28800 ft. to NW corner Sect. 31, 39.8 cfs
T. 7 S., R. 80 W.
(d) Sopris Creek Intake.
N. 74'07.6'E. 29848 ft. to NW corner Sect. 31, 41.3 cfs
T. 7 S., R. 80 W.
30484.5 2
(e) East Fork Conduit,
The East Fork Conduit diverts water from the East Fork of
Homestake Creek pursuant to its appropriation of 70.8 cubic
feet per second of time absolute and 189.2 cubic feet per
second of time conditional therefrom and conveys these waters
to Homestake Reservoir for conveyance to Homestake Tunnel
or storage in the reservoir, said East Fork Conduit having a
capacity of 260 cubic feet per second of time and total length
of approximately 3093 feet. The point of diversion of said
conduit is on East Fork Homestake Creek at a point whence the
Northwest comer of Section 31, T. 7 S., R. 80 W. bears N.
55-40.5'E., 22,917 feet.
(f) Homestake Tunnel.
Homestake Tunnel under the Continental Divide for the
conveyance of water into the Arkansas River Basin with its
intake located at a point under Homestake Reservoir whence
the Northwest corner of Section 10, T. 9 S., R. 81 W., 6th P.M.
bears S. 15 °27'08" E. 26,173.03 feet appropriates a maximum
amount of 10 cubic feet per second of time conditional of water
seeping and percolating into Homestake tunnel from former
Water District No. 37 areas and 300 cubic feet per second of
time absolute from Middle Fork of Homestake Creek, at its
said Northerly portal, its point of diversion; said tunnel has a
length of 27,400 feet and a capacity of 700 cubic feet per
second of time. The tunnel will convey out of former Water
District No. 37 up to 700 cubic feet per second of time of
waters appropriated by the tunnel from the Middle Fork of
Homestake Creek, together with water appropriated by the
tunnel from the Homestake Creek and East Fork Conduits and
Homestake Reservoir, to an outlet at a point from where the
Northwest comer of Section 10, T. 9 S., R. 81 W., 6th P.M.
bears N. 6 140'52" E., a distance of 2,173.54 feet.
(g) Homestake Reservoir.
Homestake Reservoir, also known as Elliott -Weers Reservoir,
has capacity of 83,338.98 acre feet conditional, is located on
Homestake Creek with a dam whence Homestake Peak bears
S. 73026'E. 10,477 feet from the easterly end thereof and S.
74-57'E. 13,347 feet from the westerly end thereof, said dam
having a maximum height of 411.5 feet and a length of 3,380
feet. The sources of supply of said reservoir are Homestake
Conduit (the sources of this conduit as hereinabove set forth),
East Fork Conduit (the source of this conduit as hereinabove
set forth), the Middle Fork of Homestake Creek and
Homestake Creek, and said reservoir has appropriated for
storage 83,338.98 acre feet annually from said sources.
Homestake Reservoir also conveys water from Homestake
Conduit and East Fork Conduit to Homestake Tunnel. Existing
Homestake Reservoir has a storage capacity of 43,504.7 acre
feet absolute and is located on Homestake Creek with a dam
whence the NW Corner of Section 31 T. 7 S., R. 80 W., 6th
P.M. bears N. 58 °30.6' E. 24,659 feet from the East dam
abutment and N. 62 °25.8' E. 25,746 feet from the West dam
abutment, said dam has a maximum height of 265.0 feet and a
length of 1996 feet. The sources of supply of said existing
Homestake Reservoir are Homestake Conduit, East Fork
Conduit, the Middle Fork of Homestake Creek and Homestake
Creek. Existing Homestake Reservoir has appropriated
43,504.7 acre feet annually from said sources and also conveys
water from Homestake Conduit and East Fork Conduit to
Homestake Tunnel.
5. Augmentation and Exchange Sources. The following described water rights are the sources
of water to augment by exchange out of priority diversions into storage at Homestake Reservoir:
(a) Up to 2908 acre feet per year from Green Mountain Reservoir, decreed by the
United States District Court for the District of Colorado in Consolidated Case Nos. 2782, 5016
and 5017, for 154,645 acre feet, with an appropriation date of August 1, 1935. The Reservoir is
located on the Blue River in Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 24, T. 2 S., R. 80 W., and Sections
18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29 and 34, T. 2 S., R. 79 W., 6th P.M., Summit County, Colorado. The Eagle
River Water & Sanitation District has a contract issued by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
(Contract No. 9- 07- 60- W0408) entitling it to the release of 934 acre feet annually from Green
Mountain Reservoir. The Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority has a contract issued by the
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Contract No. 9- 07- 60- W0413) entitling it to the release of 220 acre
feet annually from Green Mountain Reservoir. Vail Associates, Inc. has three contracts issued
by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Contract Nos. 9- 07- 60- W0420, 5- 07- 60- W0404, and 0-07 -
60- W0537) entitling it to the release of 1754 acre feet annually from Green Mountain Reservoir.
(b) Up to 2000 acre feet of water per year from Wolford Mountain Reservoir (a/k/a
Gunsight Pass Reservoir) decreed by the Water Court as follows:
(1) Case No. 87CW283:
Decree Date: November 20, 1989
Legal description of point of diversion or place of storage: The dam is
located in the S W l A of the NE 1.4 of Section 25, T. 2 N., R. 81 W., 6th
P.M. The intersection of the dam axis with the right abutment will occur at
a point which bears W. 54 °54'20" E. a distance of 3,716.46 feet from the
NW Corner of said Section 25.
Source: Muddy Creek and its tributaries
30494 5 4
Amount: 59,993 acre feet conditional; of this amount, 32,986 acre feet were
made absolute for piscatorial and recreational uses by decree entered in
Water Court Case No. 95CW281
Approph ation Date: December 14, 1987
Decreed Use: All beneficial uses, including but not limited to domestic,
municipal, agricultural and recreational uses.
(2) Case No. 95CW281:
Decree Date: August 26, 1997
Legal description of point of diversion or place of storage: The dam is
located in the SW1 /4 of the NEl/4 of Section 25, T. 2 N., R. 81 W., 6th
P.M. The as -built intersection of the dam axis (Sta. D19+35.61) with the
West Access Road (Sta. WR50+55.05), as shown on the Colorado River
Water Conservation District, Wolford Mountain Project, Ritschard Dam
construction drawing "Dimensional Dam Layout" sheet 8 of 94, occurs at a
point which bears S. 53 °24'56" E. a distance of 3,395.51 feet from the NW
Corner of said Section 25; the bearing of said dam axis from Sta. 19 +35.61
to Sta. 0+00 being S. 75° 28'29" E.
Source: Muddy Creek and its tributaries
Amount: 6,000 acre feet conditional
Appropriation Date: January 16, 1995
Decreed Use: All beneficial uses by and for the benefit of the inhabitants of
the Colorado River Water Conservation District, including but not limited to
domestic, municipal, industrial, irrigation, agricultural, piscatorial and
recreational; such uses will include environmental mitigation, including
environmental mitigation requirements associated with the Wolford
Mountain Project; such uses will be made directly or by substitution,
augmentation, or exchange.
(3) Case No. 98CW237:
Decree Date: July 6, 2000.
Legal Description of place of storage: Same as for 95CW281.
Source: Muddy Creek and its tributaries
Amount: 30,000 acre feet conditional with 15,895 AF being absolute for
recreational and piscatorial and flood control.
Appropriation Date: November 17, 1998
Use: Certain of the beneficial uses previously adjudicated for Wolford
Mountain Reservoir in Water Court Case No. 87CW283 (November 20,
1989 Judgment and Decree), and Water Court Case No. 95CW281 (August
26, 1997 Judgment and Decree).
Alternately, the Wolford Mountain Reservoir water available to Applicants for the
augmentation by exchange contemplated herein may be delivered from Ruedi Reservoir when
the call is below the confluence of the Roaring Fork and Colorado Rivers. Ruedi Reservoir was
decreed by the Garfield County District Court in Civil Action No. 4613 for domestic, municipal,
irrigation, industrial, generation of electrical energy, stock watering and piscatorial uses, with an
304845 5
appropriation date of July 29, 1957. By subsequent order of the Water Court entered in Case No.
W- 789 -76, the decreed amount of this reservoir has been fixed at 102,369 acre feet. Ruedi
Reservoir is located in Sections 7, 8, 9, 11 and 14 through 18, T. 8 S., R. 84 W., 6th P.M., in
Eagle and Pitkin Counties, and derives its water supply from the Fryingpan River. The Colorado
River Water Conservation District has four contracts issued by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
(Contract Nos. 0091)6C0111 and 0091)6C01183- 039F6C0011 and 0781)6C0106) entitling it to
the release of 6703 acre feet annually from Ruedi Reservoir for municipal and industrial use,
andef may seek such future contracts as may be required.
Collectively, Applicants Eagle River Water and Sanitation District and the Upper Eagle
Regional Water Authority have the contractual right to 1000 acre feet of water from Wolford
Mountain/Ruedi Reservoirs; and the Colorado River Water Conservation District is the owner of
Wolford Mountain Reservoir.
6. Description of the Plan for Augmentation and Exc hanger
Applicants have the right to augment out of priority diversions into storage at Homestake
(a) Augmentation and Exchanee plan. To permit the requested out of priority
diversions into storage, Applicants propose to cause the release of or otherwise commit to the
Colorado River up to 4908 acre -feet of water per year from any part or combination of the
Colorado River basin reservoirs as more fully described in paragraph 5 above.
(b) Exchange plan reach and rate. The downstream terminus of the exchange
involving the Colorado River basin reservoirs described in paragraphs 5(a) and 5(b) above is the
confluence of the Colorado River and the Eagle River, and the confluence of the Colorado and
Roaring Fork Rivers in the case of the use of Ruedi Reservoir. The upstream termini of the
subject exchanges are the water rights and/or structures more fully described in paragraph 4
above. The maximum rate of exchange is 47.5 cfs absolute and 52.5 cfs conditional.
(c) Priority date. Appliemis afe gFmted n tune 21, 2004 Fitt EW@ in eofmoetie
The date of appropriation for the absolute and conditional
appropriative rights of exchange confirmed in this Decree is June 21, 2004, which is the date that
the 2004 Water Exchange Agreement was executed among the City of Aurora, Eagle Park
Reservoir Company and others. The application to adjudicate the appropriative right of
exchange approved in this Decree was filed with the Water Court in 2009, shall be administered
as having been filed in that year, and shall be junior to all priorities filed in previous years. As
between all rights filed in the same calendar year, priority shall be determined by date of
appropriation and not affected by date of the entry of the Decree.
7. Terms and Conditions:
(a) So as to ensure proper operation of the subject plan for augmentation and
exchange, Applicants will implement such accounting procedures as may be required by the
State or Division Engineers to administer the terms of this Decree.
(b) The proposed exchange will not operate when any intervening senioreg
decreed instream flows within the exchange reach are being measured by the Colorado Water
Conservation Board, such measurements indicate that the decreed instream flow is not being
met, and the Colorado Water Conservation Board has placed a valid call for all intervening
instream flows and for instream flows on all side tributaries that contribute to the intervening
instream flows.
(c) Pursuant to C.R.S. § 37 -92- 305(8), the State Engineer shall curtail all out -of-
priority diversions, the depletions from which are not so replaced as to prevent injury to vested
water rights.
(d) The cumulative use of the water from Green Mountain and Wolford Mountain
Reservoirs described in paragraph 5 above which is currently decreed in whole or in part in
Water Court Case Nos. 82CW328, 88CW456, 89CW201, 89CW296, 90CW323, 92CW291,
95CW348, 98CW270, 03CW78, 03CW211, 09CW28, and as may be subsequently decreed in
future cases will not exceed the amount of the augmentation water described in paragraph 5.
(e) Ruedi Reservoir water will not be used when a call is being administered by the
Division No. 5 Engineer on the Colorado or Eagle Rivers upstream of the confluence of the
Roaring Fork River and the Colorado River.
(f) The exchange will be discontinued or reduced to the extent there is insufficient
water in the Eagle River to meet a valid call under any water right with a priority date senior to
the exchange decreed herein.
(g) The exchange will operate when Homestake Reservoir is out -of- priority as a
result of a call originating from the main stem Colorado River water rights and concurrently the
natural flow at the Gold Park gage on Homestake Creek exceeds 24 cfs. The amount of the
exchange will be limited daily to the amount exceeding 24 cfs at the Gold Park gage and further
limited to a maximum rate of 100 cfs.
(h) This Decree is not intended to and does not adjudicate Applicants' use of water
from Homestake Reservoir pursuant to the agreements described in paragraph 1 above.
Applicants' end use of the water from Homestake Reservoir pursuant to the aforementioned
agreements is the subject of existing decrees and currently pending applications, and may be the
subject of such future applications as may be initiated by Applicants or their contractees.
10484 -4
8. Retained Jurisdiction.
The Court shall retain jurisdiction over the plan for augmentation pursuant to C.R.S. §
37 -92- 304(6), for reconsideration of injury to vested rights of others for a period of three years
commencing upon the first diversion of water into storage pursuant to this plan for augmentation
by exchange. The Applicants shall give written notice of such fact to the Court and all the
Objectors, and if no petition invoking this Court's retained jurisdiction is filed within three years
of such notice, the retained jurisdiction shall end as to this plan for augmentation.
Any party desiring the Court to reconsider the question of injury must file a verified
petition with the Court within the time periods set forth above, setting forth with particularity,
the factual basis for the claimed injury and the cause thereof. The party lodging the petition shall
have the burden of proof to establish the facts and injury alleged in the petition. Should the party
lodging the petition satisfy its burden of proof, that party and/or the Applicants may propose
terms and conditions to address the injury so proved.
9. Judgment and Decree.
The foregoing paragraphs are hereby incorporated and made a part of this Decree. The
Court decrees that the augmentation and exchange plan described in paragraph 6 above is hereby
approved, subject to the terms and conditions of paragraph 7 above. The Court further decrees
that there will be no injury to any owners of or persons entitled to use water under vested water
rights or decreed conditional rights as a result of the approval of the augmentation and exchange
plan granted herein, and that said rights are administrable.
The Court further finds that the use of water from Green Mountain and Ruedi Reservoirs
by augmentation and exchange as provided for herein implements the authorized and contracted
uses of such water to provide for beneficial use on the western slope of the Continental Divide
and is consistent with and does not modify the Operating Policy for Green Mountain Reservoir,
Senate Document No. 80, the Operating Principles for the Fryingpan Arkansas Project (HD130),
the contracts of the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, Eagle River Water & Sanitation
District, and Vail Associates, Inc. for Green Mountain Reservoir water as described in paragraph
5(a) and the contracts of the Colorado River Water Conservation District for Ruedi Reservoir
water as described in paragraph 5(b).
It is accordingly ORDERED that this Decree shall be filed with the Water Clerk subject
to judicial review.
It is further ORDERED that a copy of this Decree shall be filed with the appropriate
Division Engineer and with the State Engineer.
30484 -4 Q
Dated this day of , 2009.
James Boyd, Water Judge
Water Division S
Justin Hildreth
From: Jay Montgomery]
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 11:07 AM
To: Justin Hildreth
Subject: FW: 09CW28, Eagle Park Reservoir Company, et al
Please see following email from Porzak's office. Am I authorized to sign the stipulation per the memo I sent you 1/6/10?
James (Jay) Montgomery
Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison & Woodruff, PC
PO Box 1440
Boulder, CO 80306
Street Address: 1002 Walnut St.
Suite 300
Boulder, CO 80302
Phone: 303 - 443 -8782
Fax: 303 - 443 -8796
This electronic message transmission contains information that may be
confidential or privileged. The information is intended only for the use of
the individual or entity named above. If you are not an intended recipient,
please be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this
information is prohibited. If you have received this electronic
transmission in error, please notify us by telephone (303- 443 -8782) or by
electronic mail (imonteomery( immediately.
From: Karen Henderson (mailto:KHenderson]
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 10:40 AM
To: Jay Montgomery
Subject: RE: 09CW28, Eagle Park Reservoir Company, et al
I am writing to follow -up to see if the Town Council approved the stipulation during the meeting on January 26. Let me know if
everything is in order and we can work on getting it signed or if they requested any changes.
Karen L. Henderson, Esq.
Porzak Browning & Bushong LLP
929 Pearl Street, Suite 300
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Telephone: 303 - 443 -6800
Facsimile: 303 - 443 -6864
Email: khenderson(
This communication may contain information that is legally privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure. If you are not the
intended recipient, please note that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Anyone
who receives this message in error should notify the sender immediately by telephone or by return e-mail and delete it from their
From: Jay Montgomery []
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 12:41 PM
To: Karen Henderson
Subject: RE: 09CW28, Eagle Park Reservoir Company, et al
I've made a couple minor changes to the stipulation shown in the attached redline. I prefer not to withdraw a
statement of opposition, but to consent to entry of a ruling and to agree not to participate further in the proceedings
except to assure compliance with the stipulation.
I trust these changes will be acceptable; if not, please call to discuss.
As for an order approving the stipulation, I stopped presenting separate orders to the referee for approval of
stipulations some time ago because Lain would routinely add some language to the proposed order that would negate
its effect. Instead, I would add a paragraph to the ruling and decree referring to the various stipulations with the
opposers and providing that the Court approves each such stipulation and makes it enforceable as an order of the
Court. Using that procedure might simplify the matter since the referee position may be vacant for some time. I'll leave
it to you and Glenn how you want to handle that; either way is fine with me.
I will forwarded the stipulation and proposed ruling to my client with my recommendation, which I think will go to Town
Council for approval on January 26.
Please call if you have questions or need additional information.
James (Jay) Montgomery
Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison & Woodruff, PC
PO Box 1440
Boulder, CO 80306
Street Address: 1002 Walnut St.
Suite 300
Boulder, CO 80302
Phone: 303 - 443 -8782
Fax: 303 - 443 -8796
This electronic message transmission contains information that may be
confidential or privileged. The information is intended only for the use of
the individual or entity named above. If you are not an intended recipient,
please be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this
information is prohibited. If you have received this electronic
transmission in error, please notify us by telephone (303- 443 -8782) or by
electronic mail (jmontgomery( immediately.
From: Karen Henderson [mailto:KHenderson]
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 201011:53 AM
To: Jay Montgomery
Subject: RE: 09CW28, Eagle Park Reservoir Company, et al
For your review, please find enclosed a draft stipulation between Applicants and the Town of Avon in Case No. 09CW28.
Exhibit A is the same version of the December 1, 2009 draft decree in 09CW28, minus the redline. Also included is a
draft proposed order. While this case is still in front of the referee, I drafted it for Judge Boyd to sign because of the
vacant referee position. I have been trying to get a hold of Kathy Hall to see how the court plans to handle such matters
until a new referee in hired.
Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the attached.
Very truly yours,
Karen L. Henderson, Esq.
Porzak Browning & Bushong LLP
929 Pearl Street, Suite 300
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Telephone: 303-443-6800
Facsimile: 303 - 443 -6864
Email: khenderson
This communication may contain information that is legally privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure. If you
are not the intended recipient, please note that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is
strictly prohibited. Anyone who receives this message in error should notify the sender immediately by telephone or by
return e-mail and delete it from their computer.
From: Jay Montgomery []
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 4:01 PM
To: Glenn Porzak; Karen Henderson
Cc: Eric Heil; Larry Brooks; Justin Hildreth
Subject: 09CW28, Eagle Park Reservoir Company, et al
Glenn and Karen,
I have Glenn's letter of December 1, 2009 with the revised ruling and am prepared to recommend that Avon Town
Council authorize me to stipulate to the ruling. Would you please prepare and forward to me a stipulation for Avon to
consent to a ruling no less restrictive on the applicants nor less protective of Avon than the December 1 draft? I'll then
forward the stipulation and proposed ruling with my recommendation to the Town.
James (Jay) Montgomery
Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison & Woodruff, PC
PO Box 1440
Boulder, CO 80306
Street Address: 1002 Walnut St.
Suite 300
Boulder, CO 80302
Phone: 303 -443 -8782
Fax: 303 - 443 -8796
This electronic message transmission contains information that may be
confidential or privileged. The information is intended only for the use of
the individual or entity named above. If you are not an intended recipient,
please be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this
information is prohibited. If you have received this electronic
transmission in error, please notify us by telephone (303- 443 -8782) or by
electronic mail (jmontgomery( immediately.
To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Initials
Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager /
Legal Review: Elizabeth Pierce - Durance, Prosecuting Town Attorney
From: Patty McKenny, Assistant Town Manager
Date: January 29, 2010
Re: Appeal of Town Clerk's Denial on Amigo Towing License Application
Please find attached materials related to a towing license application submitted by Rodolfo Nevarez, (Rudy),
owner of Amigo Towing. The Town Clerk's Office has denied issuing this license based on a review of the
application and recommendation from the Police Chief. The Town Council is asked to consider an appeal of
this decision by the applicant Rudy Nevarez.
Per the Avon Municipal Code, Section 5.12.040 License – application— decision — appeal, "the Town Council
shall consider an appeal of the Town Clerk's decision to deny a wrecker or parking enforcement company
application within thirty five (35) days of receipt of a proper and timely written request to appeal a denial
decision." It is noted that the decision of the Town Council shall be final. The Council is therefore asked to
consider the information presented in this packet and make the final determination on whether or not to
issue Amigo Towing the town license.
Previous Council Action:
The Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 09 -10 on June 23, 2009, An Ordinance Adopting Regulations for
Booting Vehicles on Private Property through the Repeal and Reenactment of Chapter 5.12 of the Avon
Municipal Code and Adopting Penalties for Violations.
The Town Clerk's Office denied issuing a license to Amigo Towing based on a recommendation from the Avon
Police Department. Due to Mr. Nevarez's background information which includes several arrests and
convictions, Police Chief Kozak has recommended that Amigo Towing is not placed on the Avon Police
Department's rotation list to use for towing services. Numerous towing companies and one booting
company have received licenses from the Town of Avon in the past few months in order to comply with this
ordinance which sets forth regulations for vehicle impoundment, booting or towing businesses. The timeline
for the Amigo Towing application follows:
Date: Summary of Action on the License:
December 3, 2009 The payment and application were received from Amigo
Towing. The application was forwarded to the Police
January 5, 2010 The Avon Police Department returned the application to the
Town Clerks Office with a recommendation for denial based on
reasons in the background check.
January 11, 2010 An email and letter were mailed to Amigo Towing denying the
licensing of Amigo Towing due to reasons found in the
applicant's background investigation.
January 21, 2010 The Town Clerk's Office received a request for an appeal of the
decision to deny the license to the Council.
February 9, 2010 The Avon Town Council will consider the appeal on the license.
Avon Municipal Code Section 5.12.020 License — application —fee, (a) states that "No wrecker shall
have his or her name included on the towing list of the Town and be requested by the Police
Department to respond to the scene of an accident or emergency for the purpose of towing a vehicle
without first having obtained a license from the Town Clerk ". It should be noted that based on this
paragraph in the code, the town vehicle impoundment license is only needed in order to be included on
the Police Department's towing list. Mr. Nevarez can operate his towing business in Avon under the
Colorado Public Utilities Commission license and as long as he obtains a valid business license from the
Town Clerk's office. The need for the business license is because his office is located within the town
limits of Avon on Metcalf Road. Also, it is noted that the $400 application fee is nonrefundable (letter c)
of section 5.12.020).
This "appeal process" will look similar to that of a liquor license hearing in that Elizabeth Pierce - Durance, the
Town's Prosecuting Attorney for Municipal Court, will represent staff and Eric Heil, Town Attorney, will advise
Town Council on this matter. Rudy Nevarez, Amigo Towing, will be present to answer questions.
Town Manager Comments:
A. Memo to Patty McKenny from Police Chief Brian Kozak providing follow up recommendation based on
documents submitted by Mr. Nevarez (1 page)
B. Vehicle Impoundment License Application: includes "Vehicle Impoundment Employee Background
Form ", Copy of PUC License and Certificate of Insurance (Progressive) (6 pages)
C. Request for Appeal from Mr. Nevarez dated January 21, 2010 (1 page)
D. Letter from Town Denying License dated January 4, 2010 & mailed January 11, 2010 (2 pages)
E. Letters of Reference for Mr. Nevarez (6 pages)
F. Ordinance No. 09 -10 addressing vehicle impoundment (6 pages)
Confidential packets includes the following:
G. Colorado Bureau of Investigation's Background Report on Mr. Nevarez (4 pages)
H. Court/ Police Documents submitted by Mr. Nevarez (10 pages)
e)&U6* a-
To: Patty McKenny, Director Administrative Services Initials
From: Brian Kozak, Chief of Police
Date: January 29, 2010
Re: Police denial of towing application for Amigo Towing
I concur with Sgt. McGovern's denial of the application for Amigo Towing to become a rotation tow
company for the Avon Police Department.
A fingerprint check conducted by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation concluded that the
owner /operator of Amigo Towing, Rodolfo Nevarez has had the following arrests /convictions
(confirmed by his finger prints):
Arrest Date
Adams County
5 days 'ail
-j'6--Degree Assault
Arrest — Unknown
Domestic Violence
Arrest- Unknown
Restrainin order
Obstruct Police
Glenwood Springs
Resisting Arrest
2 years probation
Disorder) Conduct
2 Degree Assault
Conviction — Disorderly
Obstruct Telephone
Felony dismissed
I read the ECSO report concerning the 8/16/09 arrest to provide the following synopsis: Nevarez
was driving a vehicle near Mintum with his wife and 11 -year old child as passengers. The
passengers indicated that Nevarez was intoxicated and began to argue with his wife. She exited the
vehicle and Nevarez struck her with the vehicle. He also took her cellular phone to prevent her from
calling the police, stating that the police would not do anything to him since they are all his friends.
He plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct.
Avon Municipal Code 5.12.030 requires the applicant to be "of good character" to be granted a
towing permit to impound vehicles for the Police Department. His confirmed criminal history that
involves violations of assault, domestic violence, obstructing the police and DUI do not constitute
"good character". Therefore, I cannot approve his application to act as an agent for the Avon Police
The denial of the application does not prevent Amigo from operating in the Town of Avon under the
Colorado PUC license. The denial only prevents Amigo Towing from being placed on the Avon
Police Department's rotation list.
EI&L60 b
Town of Avon, Colorado
Viy Vehicle Impoundment License Application
Remit Application to Town Clerk's Office NEW LICENSE #
One Lake Street, P.O. Box 976 Avon, CO 81620
C o L 0 e% o o Telephone 970 - 748 -40001 Fax 970 - 949 -9139
New License Fee: $400
Annual Renewal Fee: $150
(renewal fee due upon anniversary of the date of•issuance)
Avon Municipal Code. Chapter 5.12 - Vehicle Impoundment (towing and booting):
No wrecker shall respond to the scene of an accident or emergency for the purpose of towing a vehicle and no parking enforcement company
may engage in booting operations without first having obtained a license from the Town Clerk's Office.
Business Type: (Please Circle One) Booting owin Booting and Towing
Please Print clearly
Leg am
D / B / A = Do)ng Business As:
VVA o -t-0t.-)kVX 920 92-(0 3/ 906 9447
Local Contact Person Local Phone Number Local Fax Number
�,?O '� zio 3i q-70 1104 92-171
Local contact information is required as it is very pertinent to the Avon Police Department,
Eagle River Fire & Protection District & Dispatch when notifying the business in case of any emergency.
If applicable:
Corporate Contact Person Corporate Phone Number Corporate Fax Number
Location of Storage Lot: CL Pozr Q t .11
Business Physical Location (include street name, number, building name, suite)
l Zo me,,k,�—. 4XIC A/ Co e ( Z
Local Mailing Address Corporate Mailing Address (if applicable)
0,--r o 4 o to o e-o
Your wrecker business must be registered with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
Federal ID Number Permit No. from Colorado Public Utilities Commission
(please provide a copy of the permit)
000 C -d 33a 9
Wrecker companies must comply with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission required coverage of public liability and property damage
Parking Enforcement Companies are required to have public liability and property damage insurance providing coverage of at least $1M per
Insurance Company Name: 5�r�`re�,l✓z
Insurance Policy Number:
Section 5.12.030 outlines the investigation and criminal background check that is required for this applicant and employees.
Within three (3) days of hiring a new operator the Licensee shall require the employee to appear at the Avon Police Dept. to complete a background
Number of Full Time Employees 0 Number of Part Time Employees
Please attach a list of the names of people who work for your company.
Avon Vehicle Impoundment License Application
Page 1 of 2
Town of Avon, Colorado
:,r Vehicle Impoundment License Application
'� Remit Application to Town Clerk's Office NEW LICENSE #
One Lake Street, P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620
Telephone 970 - 748 -4000 / Fax 970 - 949 -9139
Local Person(s) to contact in case of Emergency (Include name of Alarm Company, if applicable)
Name Address. Phone # (after hours)
This box must be completed in full or the iss2nce of this ensemoay be delayed or denied.
Organization Type (Please Circle One)
Sole Proprietor Corporation -Y Partnership LLC
List Partners, Officers of LLC or Corporation:
Name Address Phone #
Additional Questions
1. Will this business be operated out of your home as a home office / home occupation? Yes o
2. This business was formerly operated by:
3. Do you have a branch outside the Town limits? Yes G
4. List any additional locations within Town of Avon.
5. Date this business started /will start operation in Avon? Z o y Yew g
6. 1 have read and agree to abide with Capter 5.12 & Rules of the Avon Municipal Code? SSD No
I hereby certify that the statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Primed Na e/0 ner: Date of
ure of Owner ("\ ate.
Applicfitions for License may be denied if this form is not complete.
For Town of Avon Use Only (Do note write in this box)
Date Application Received in Town Clerks Office 121 �Q c) jj&!:6„
Fee Paid via cash or check number: ;ZE i Z/ 3109
Date forwarded to APD for Background Check: _ 2
Date due back to Town Clerk's Office (within 15 days):
Date returned to Town Clerk's Office: ! S % ^
Recommendation for Approval Denial om Avon Police Department��� "
Reasons for denial: Dr,-) F— b r /', �f�� 6 ^%-� �c� �v� ��' �' x &ez -a
Please note: Final approval will be given when results from CBI background checks have been completed; this may take up to 60 days.
Attachments to this Application Form include the following:
1 Town of Avon Ordinance No. 09-70 Adopting Regulations for Vehicle Impoundment (72 pages)
2 Rules and Regulations Governing Towing Companies (3 pages)
3 Rules and Regulations Governing Parking Enforcement Companies (3 pages)
4 Vehicle Impoundment Employee Background Form (1 page) submit this form wt application
5 Name of Parking Enforcement Company Form (I page)
b Name of Parking Enforcement Company Address Form: Vehicle Immobilization Log (1 page)
7 Parking Enforcement Guidelines
Avon Vehicle Impoundment License Application
Page 2 of 2
3038942071 03;04:38 p.m. 02 -01 -2010 111
Rodolfo Nevarez
dba Amigo Towing
P.O. Box 2594
Avon, CO 81620
PERMIT NO. T -03328
In compliance with the provisions of Section 40 -13 -106, C.R.S., the Commission has considered the
application filed. The Commission grants the above named carrier authority to operate as a towing
carrier, subject to the provisions mentioned below. A copy of this permit must be carried in each
vehicle operated under Towing Carrier Permit No. T- 03328.
This permit grants authority to operate only as a towing carrier as defined by Article 13, C.R.S. The
permit is insufficient to handle for -hire transportation requiring specific authority under Title 40,
Articles 10, 11, or 16, C.R.S.
Full compliance with the laws of the State of Colorado and with the Rules and Regulations of this
Commission Governing Towing Carriers is required under this permit.
This Certificate of Registration is continuous until canceled or revoked.
Activation Date: September 3, 2009.
Customer Service
800 - 444 -4487
800 -556 -0014 (fax)
Mailing address
P.O. Box 94739
Cleveland, OH 44101 -4739
Wednesday, December 02, 2009 4:36:04 PM
Total Number of Pages -02
Requested policy documents
To: rodolfo
Fax number: 1- 970 - 748 -4078
Certificate of insurance for 04388190 -6
PO BOX 3008
EAGLE, CO 81631
970 -328 -5700
Certificate of Insurance
certYkate Holder
R.. ODO.. ..LF...O . "N' EV... A.. R.EZ ..
PO BOX 2594
AVON, CO 81620
PO BOX 2594
AVON, CO 81620
Policy number. 04388190 -6
Underwritten by:
United Financial Casualty Company
December 2, 2009
Page 1 of 1
.............................. ...............................
PO BOX 3008
This document certifies that insurance policies identified below have been issued by the designated insurer to the
insured named above for the period(s) indicated. This Certificate is issued for information purposes only. It confers no
rights upon the certificate holder and does not change, alter, modify, or extend the coverages afforded by the policies
listed below. The coverages afforded by the policies listed below are subject to all the terms, exclusions, limitations,
endorsements, and conditions of these policies.
Policy Effective Date: Jul 10, 2009 Policy Expiration Dane: Jul 10, 2010
Insurance coverago(s) Limits
........................... ...................................... ............................... ..._................ .
Bodily Injury/Property Damage $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit
Description of Location/Vehides/Spedal Items
Scheduled autos only
................................................................................................................................. ...............................
Medical Payments $5,000
On -Hook Towing Liability $50,000 w /$500 Ded
Certificate number
Please be advised that the certificate holder will not be notified in the event of a mid -term cancellation.
Farm 5241 (10)02)
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January 4, 2010
Amigo Towing
Mr. Rodolfo Nevarez
P.O. Box 2594
Avon, CO 81620
LV-PhjL DL* Q)
Post Office Box 975
One Lake Street
Avon... a smoke free community Avon, Colorado 81620
RE: Town of Avon Vehicle Impoundment License Application
Dear Mr. Nevarez:
970 - 748 -4000
970 - 949 -9139 Fax
Relay recognized
The Town of Avon Police Department has reviewed your vehicle impoundment application for Amigo Towing dated
December 3, 2009.
The review process of the application is outlined in the Town's Ordinance No. 09 -10, Series of 2009 (copy
attached), with the requirements outlined under Section 5.12.030 License - Application- Investigation, as follows:
"That the applicant is a fit and proper person to conduct or work in the proposed business, and
has not been convicted of theft or embezzlement, or any offense involving the unlawful use,
taking or conversion of a vehicle belonging to another person, or if the applicant is a corporation,
that its officers, directors and principal stockholders are of good character and of good business
repute and have not been convicted of theft or embezzlement, or any offense involving the
unlawful use, taking or conversion of a vehicle belonging to another person ".
Upon receipt of your application on 12/1/09 and fee on 12/3/09 (note the $400 application fee is nonrefundable),
the application materials were forwarded to the Avon Police Department who is responsible for conducting the
investigation and criminal background checks. The background check produced information on your background
that did not meet the required criteria (as described above). The Avon Police Department therefore
recommended denial of a vehicle impoundment license for Amigo Towing (please see the attached
recommendation from the Avon Police Department). Based on the recommendation from the "APD ", I am hereby
denying your application.
As the applicant for a wrecker or parking enforcement /towing company license, you may appeal this decision
made by the Town to deny the license to the Avon Town Council. Your request for appeal must be provided in
writing to the Town Clerk's Office within 10 days of the date of the denial of the license application. Upon receipt
of your appeal of the Town Clerk's decision to deny a wrecker or parking enforcement company application, the
Avon Town Council shall consider an appeal within 35 days of receipt of a proper and timely written request to
appeal the denial decision. The decision of the Town Council shall be final. These guidelines are outlined in the
attached Ordinance No. 09 -10, Section 5.12.040 and the deadline dates are proposed below:
Date of the Denial of the Application: January 8, 2010
Appeal Request due within 10 days of the date of the denial: January 18, 2010
Town Council review within 35 days of receipt of appeal To Be Determined if Filed
further questions, please feel free to contact me at 970 - 748 -4035.
r, Management Services
cc: Avon PDfffe Department, Town Attorney
Attachments: Ordinance No. 09 -10, Amigo Towing Application
Catherine Haynes
From: Catherine Haynes
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 3:37 PM
To: Iamigonev'
Subject: Town of Avon Vehicle Impoundment License Application
Attachments: Scan001.PDF
Dear Mr Nevarez:
Please see attached copy of a letter regarding your towing license. The original will follow
in the mail.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Catherine Haynes
Deputy Town Clerk/ HR Assistant
P 970 - 748 -4025
F 970 - 748 -4078
One Lake Street, PO Box 975
Avon, CO 81620
To whom it may concern:
In two- thousand and seven four friends had the idea of building a none -profit
corporation that could help the people of Eagle County in different ways like, medical bills,
rent, school supplies, toys for the children during Christmas time, so it begin we were able
to jump start a corporation called Amigos Unidos , it was very difficult because none of us
had the idea of how to do it, but we had one friend his name Rodolfo Nevarez a known
business men in Eagle County for some time so we came to him for advice and can proudly
tell you that Mr. Nevarez was the turn key for our new adventure, since we were able to
come further than just collecting founds for our none -profit organization but we were able
to create several sports tournaments that relive the stress of day to day routine for some of
us in this county, I could defiantly emphasize that we couldn't done it without the excellent
help and advice of Rodolfo Nevarez we highly tank him for his advice and support.
r�lEagle River Village
P.O. Box 363
Edwards, CO 81632
Ph: (970) 926 -3754
To whom it may concern,
Mr. Rodolfo Nevarez owner of Amigo Towing currently has the towing contract for Eagle River
Village MHC, 32700 Hwy 6, Edwards, CO 81632. Amigo Towing has had the towing contract
since 2005 to present.
If you have any questions or need any further information please call 970 - 926 -3754.
Thank you
Charlie Fickle, Manager
Eagle River Village, MHC
Valley Automotive &Tire
To whom it may concern :
We at Valley Automotive & Tire have been in business for quite some time, during this
time we have seen different businesses come and go ,but let me tell you about a specific
business that is important to us ,Amigo Towing under the direction of Rodolfo Nevarez ,this
company not only provides an excellent service to our customers but he also refers his
customers to us in need of mechanical repairs ,during this though times we calculate that
Amigo Towing has brought about ten percent of our customers to our during the past ten
years and that's what we call good business relations ,and for this reason we at Valley
Automotive and Tire consider that Amiga Towing is a great asset to our company. If you have
any more questions please feel free to call me Terry Kausch president of Valley Automotive &
Tire at (970)949 -4700.
Tank Yo � I
Terry Kausc
NRC-i3roacicasting, Inc.
To whom it may concern:
NRC Broadcasting has been grateful for the support and hard work Rudy Nevarez has given our radio
station La Nueva Mix.
Rudy is an incredibly hard worker who is someone we can always count on to help with our live events
and daily functions at the radio station.
I would be happy to endorse Rudy Nevarez. Feel free to call me for a reference.
Jeff Chizmadia
NRC Broadcasting
(970) 949 -0140 ext 213
Lenny Ammaturo
Rich's Auto Body
120 Metcalf Rd
Avon, CO 81620
January 25, 2010
To Whom It May Concern:
I have worked with Rodolfo Nevarez and his company Amigo towing for about 10 years.
In this time, he has provided excellent customer service to our customers who have
needed his towing services. He has called them promptly and has picked up and delivered
their cars as promised without overcharging them. I would recommend him to anyone in
the Vail Valley needing excellent towing service.
� r
Lenny Ammaturo
PO Box 3035
Avon, CO 81620
(970) 949 -7916
(970) 949 -0112 fax
To Whom It May Concern:
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Rudy Nevarez of Amigo Towing has been servicing LiftView for the past four years. During these four years,
we have never had any towing related issues and Rudy has always been very honest and reliable.
Please contact me if you have any further questions.
LiftView Manager
970 - 949 -7916
E)CVL�+ -�
WHEREAS, private property owners within the Town desire to hire private parking
enforcement companies to enforce their parking regulations; and
WHEREAS, such enforcement methods include, but are not limited to, the placement of an
immobilizing device, commonly known as a "Denver Boot ", on the wheel of a vehicle
( "booting "); and
WHEREAS, the use of booting by private parking enforcement companies is not currently
regulated by the State of Colorado and the District Attorney for the Fifth Judicial District in the
State of Colorado has issued an advisory opinion that booting of a vehicle by a private party
without the consent of the vehicle owner constitutes Second Degree Criminal Tampering
pursuant to C.R.S. §18 -4 -506 and criminal motor vehicle tampering pursuant to C.R.S. §42 -5 -03;
WHEREAS, pursuant to C.R.S. §31 -15 -103 and §31 -15 -104, and pursuant to the home rule
powers of the Town of Avon (the "Town'), the Town Council has the power to adopt ordinances
for promotion and preservation of public health, safety, and welfare, including the authority to
regulate parking enforcement companies that immobilize and boot motor vehicles without the
consent of the owner of the motor vehicle within the municipal limits of the Town; and
WHEREAS, booting companies perform a function similar to that of commercial towing
companies and the Town desires to hold booting companies to standards similar to commercial
towing companies; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that enactment of regulations that license and permit
parking enforcement companies and permit the limited use of immobilization and booting of
motor vehicles will enhance the ability of private property owners to enforce parking regulations
on their property, which will thereby improve the function of private parking areas and
compliance with parking requirements for developed properties as approved and regulated by the
Town under the Town's land use regulations, and therefore the Town Council finds that passage
of this Ordinance will promote and preserve the health, safety and welfare of the Avon
OF AVON, COLORADO the following:
SECTION 1. RECITALS INCORPORATED. The above and foregoing recitals are incorporated
herein by reference and adopted as findings and determinations of the Town Council.
SECTION 2. ENACTED. Chapter 5.12 of the Town of Avon Municipal Code is hereby
repealed in its entirety and re- enacted to read as follows:
Vehicle Impoundment
5.12.010 Definitions.
As used in this Chapter, the following words and terms shall be defined as
Boot or Booting means to place any immobilization device upon a motor vehicle
not registered to the person or company placing the immobilization device, for
purposes of parking violation enforcement.
Chief means the Chief of Police of the Town, or his or her designee or designees.
Operator means any person operating a towing vehicle or applying an
immobilization device.
Normal business hours means 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday,
excluding holidays recognized by the Town of Avon.
Parking enforcement company means any person, operator, property owner,
property manager or company who immobilizes or boots a vehicle for the purpose
of enforcing private property parking rules or otherwise protecting private
property from trespass by a vehicle.
Towing list means a list maintained by the Police Department containing the
names of those wreckers licensed by the Town who are to be requested by the
Police Department to respond to the scene of accidents or emergencies involving
Towing vehicle means any vehicle used by a wrecker for the towing or
transporting of other vehicles (or other property) in the course of his or her
Town manager means the Town Manager of the Town of Avon and his or her
designee or designees.
Wrecker means a person or company engaged in the business of, or offering the
services of, a vehicle wrecker or towing service, whereby motor vehicles are or
may be towed or otherwise removed from one place to another by the use of a
motor vehicle adapted to and designed for that purpose.
5.12.020 License — application — fee.
Page 2 of 12
Booting Regulations 6 -1 -09
(a) No wrecker shall have his or her name included on the towing list of the
Town and be requested by the Police Department to respond to the scene of an
accident or emergency for the purpose of towing a vehicle without first having
obtained a license from the Town Clerk.
(b) No parking enforcement company desiring to boot vehicles within the Town
of Avon may engage in booting operations without first having obtained a license
from the Town Clerk.
(c) Any license application for a wrecker or parking enforcement company, other
than a renewal thereof, shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee
in the amount of four hundred dollars ($400.00). All applications for licenses,
including renewal, shall be made upon forms provided by the Town Clerk. The
wrecker or private enforcement company license application fee shall also serve
as the business license fee for the Town of Avon. Any wrecker or parking
enforcement company that has paid a business license fee and that has been issued
a business license by the Town of Avon on or prior to May 1, 2009 which is in
good standing and has not expired, shall not be required to submit a license
application fee in order to obtain a license in accordance with the provisions of
this Chapter 5.12 but shall be subject to the renewal provision set forth herein.
(d) An applicant for a parking enforcement company license that is a corporation,
partnership, association, firm or other business entity shall include verification
that the person designated on the application is authorized to represent such
business entity and hold the wrecker or parking enforcement license on behalf of
the business entity.
5.12.030 License — application — investigation.
Upon receipt of a license application and application fee under Section 5.12.020,
the Town Clerk shall forward the application to the Chief, who shall conduct such
investigation and criminal background check as is necessary to determine:
(a) That the applicant is a fit and proper person to conduct or work in the
proposed business, and has not been convicted of theft or embezzlement, any
offense involving the unlawful use, taking or conversion of a vehicle belonging to
another person, or a felony, or if the applicant is a corporation, that its officers,
directors and principal stockholders are of good character and of good business
repute and have not been convicted of theft or embezzlement, any offense
involving the unlawful use, taking or conversion of a vehicle belonging to another
person, or a felony;
(b) That a wrecker applicant has received and has currently in force a permit to
operate as a towing carrier from the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. The
failure of a wrecker to maintain a valid permit from the Public Utilities
Commission shall be grounds for denial of a license, or, if a license is in effect at
Page 3 of 12
Booting Regulations 6 -1 -09
the time, shall be grounds for revocation or suspension of the license as provided
in Section 5.12.090;
(c) That the wrecker or parking enforcement company has adequate, safe
equipment and an adequate recordkeeping system and can otherwise comply with
the rules and regulations promulgated by the Chief as provided in Section
5.12.080; and
(d) That the wrecker has currently in force public liability and property damage
insurance or surety bond providing coverage sufficient to meet the requirements
of the rules and regulations of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission
governing towing carriers; that the parking enforcement company has public
liability and property damage insurance or surety bond providing coverage of at
least $1,000,000.00 per occurrence.
5.12.040 License — application — decision - appeal.
The Chief shall return the application form to the Town Clerk within fifteen (15)
days together with his or her recommendation for the grant or denial of the
license. The Chief shall state the reasons for a recommendation of denial. The
Town Clerk shall then grant or deny the license as the circumstances warrant.
The applicant for a wrecker or parking enforcement company license may appeal
a decision by the Town Clerk to deny a license to the Town Council. A request
for appeal shall be provided in writing to the Town Clerk within ten (10) days of
the date of denial of the license application. The Town Council shall consider an
appeal of the Town Clerk's decision to deny a wrecker or parking enforcement
company application within thirty five (35) days of receipt of a proper and timely
written request to appeal a denial decision. The decision of the Town Council
shall be final.
5.12.050 License — grounds for denial, suspension or revocation.
It shall be grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of a wrecker or parking
enforcement company license for any person to knowingly provide false
information to the Town Clerk or to the Chief in or in conjunction with an
application for a license.
5.12.060 License — annual renewal fee.
The annual license renewal fee for a wrecker or parking enforcement company
shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) due upon the anniversary of the date
of issuance of the business license for such wrecker or parking enforcement
5.12.070 License may not be required — emergencies.
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The Chief may permit wreckers not licensed by the Town to be called by the
Police Department to the scene of disasters, accidents or other emergencies when,
in the opinion of the Chief, the public health, safety and welfare require that such
action be taken.
5.12.080 Rules and regulations.
The Chief shall, within seven (7) days after the enactment of the ordinance
codified in this Chapter, set forth in writing such rules and regulations governing
the conduct of wreckers or parking enforcement company as are deemed
necessary to ensure the inhabitants of and other persons within the Town safe,
efficient and dependable towing or parking enforcement service. These rules
shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) Equipment. The Chief shall specify equipment at least the equivalent of that
required by the rules and regulations of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission
governing towing carriers for wreckers and such other necessary equipment as
determined by the Chief. Parking enforcement company vehicles are required to
be clearly marked with the business name and Avon license number and must
have a blinking amber light on the top of or above the vehicle when engaged in
booting operations and the operators are required to wear reflective traffic safety
(b) Records. The Chief shall require sufficient record keeping to ensure
compliance with the terms of this Chapter and the rules and regulations as
(c) Personnel. The rules shall specify such steps as are necessary to determine
that the operators and employees of the wrecker or parking enforcement company
are of good character and otherwise fit to participate in towing or booting
operations within the Town, which shall be determined according to the same
standards for applicants set forth in 5.12.030 above. Employees engaged in
parking enforcement shall display a picture identification card containing: the
employee's picture, the employee's name, the employer's name, and the Avon
business license number.
(d) Rates. Rates shall be determined by the following procedures and
(1) A schedule of reasonable rates to be charged by wreckers operating on the
Town's towing list shall be established by the Town Manager and it is unlawful
for any wrecker to charge rates other than as set forth in said schedule whenever
such wrecker provides towing service in response to a call from the Police
Department. The schedule of rates shall be set forth as a part of the rules and
regulations governing wreckers provided that such rates shall not be less than the
permissible rates published by the Public Utilities Commission as may be
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amended from time to time. The Town Manager shall annually review the rate
schedule to determine its adequacy and appropriateness and shall make such
changes as he or she deems necessary. In setting or revising rates, the Town
Manager shall give consideration to the rates charged for similar services in the
County. The rate schedule as set forth in the rules and regulations shall not apply
to towing services conducted by a wrecker when his or her services are not
rendered as a result of a request by the Police Department.
(2) A wrecker shall not charge rates higher than what is allowed by the Colorado
Public Utilities Commission for non - consensual tows. A parking enforcement
company shall not charge a boot removal fee higher than seventy -five percent
(75 %) of the rate allowed by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission for the
non - consensual tow of a motor vehicle with a GVWR of less than 10,000 pounds
when requested to remove the boot.
(3) If the owner, authorized operator, or authorized agent of the owner of a motor
vehicle that is parked without the authorization of the property owner attempts to
retrieve the motor vehicle while the wrecker or booting operator is still with the
vehicle, a "drop charge" shall not be higher than what is established by the
Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
(4) There shall not be any boot removal fee assessed if the boot cannot be
removed within ninety (90) minutes from the time of the request for removal by
the vehicle owner or vehicle owner's designee. Any dispute regarding the time
frame proscribed herein may be refuted based on the phone records for the
parking enforcement company. A boot applied at the direction of a Town of
Avon police officer shall be released at the direction of a Town of Avon police
(e) Authority of Chief. The Chief shall from time to time formulate, publish and
promulgate such other rules and regulations as are reasonably necessary to
effectuate the purpose of this Chapter, including, but not limited to the type of
security required at the vehicle storage location, the hours during which the
vehicle storage location will be open for the redemption of vehicles by their
owners, the persons to whom towed vehicles may be released and the procedures
to be followed in connection with the release of towed vehicles and the payment
of fines, towing fees and storage charges. Any rules and regulations promulgated
by the Chief shall not conflict with or materially change any provision of this
Chapter 5.12. The Chief may initiate a request for proposal and select a
designated wrecker service or parking enforcement company to provide service
for police requested impounds. The Chief shall post notice of any proposed rules
in the official places of posting notices adopted by the Town, shall post notice on
the Town's website, and shall mail notice to all licensed wrecking and parking
enforcement companies at least twenty (20) days prior to adoption of such
proposed rule or regulation by the Chief and the Chief shall consider all
comments received on the proposed rules and regulations prior to taking any
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action to adopt the proposed rules and regulations. The Chief shall provide
written notice of adoption of any rules and regulations to all persons who provide
comments in writing along with a copy of the adopted rules or regulations and a
statement that persons with standing (defined as residents, property owners or
business owners in Avon) may appeal the decision to adopt the rule or regulation
to the Town Council. Any person with standing may appeal the decision of the
Chief to adopt a rule or regulation by providing a request to appeal the decision in
writing to the Town Clerk within ten (10) days of the date of adoption of the rule
or regulation by the Chief. Failure to provide a request (defined as received by
the Town) to appeal a rule or regulation adopted by the Chief within ten (10) days
shall be deemed a forfeiture and waiver of all rights to appeal such decision to the
Town Council. The Town Council shall consider all appeals of the decision of
the Chief to adopt a rule or regulation which are properly and timely provided to
the Town and Town Council's action shall be final. During the pendency of an
appeal, the proposed rule or regulation shall not take effect.
5.12.090 Suspension or revocation — procedure.
Upon a showing that a wrecker or parking enforcement company has violated the
provisions of this Chapter, a Hearing Officer's order or the rules and regulations
provided for in Section 5.12.080, the Town Council may suspend for a period of
up to six (6) months or revoke the license of any wrecker or parking enforcement
company. Prior to taking any action to suspend or revoke a wrecker or parking
enforcement company license, the Town shall provide at least ten (10) days prior
written notice to the licensee stating the grounds and allegations for any action to
suspend or revoke a license and the Town Council shall conduct a hearing
thereon. Service of the notice shall be by personal service upon the wrecker or
parking enforcement company or his or her agent or by registered mail, return
receipt requested, sent to the business address of the operator as shown on his or
her license. The decision of the Town Council shall be final.
5.12.100 Written authorization to tow /immobilize — required — exceptions.
No wrecker or parking enforcement company licensed by the Town and no
operator shall commence or originate the towing or immobilization of a vehicle
within the Town without the written consent of the registered owner, legal owner,
person in control, driver or the authorized agent of any of them, or other person
having a legal right to possession of the vehicle, or from a police officer, save and
except under the following circumstances:
(a) A tow which is otherwise lawful may be commenced or originated by a
person engaged in the business of towing vehicles provided that such person
notifies the Police Department of the Town within thirty (30) minutes of the tow.
Such notification shall include a description of the vehicle to be towed, the license
plate and VIN number if legible, the time of the tow, the destination of the tow
and the reason for which the vehicle is being towed.
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(b) The owner or person in lawful possession of private property, or the agent or
employee of either of them, may give written consent to have a parked vehicle
towed from such property when the vehicle is parked or obstructing a private
driveway or is on private property, without the express or implied consent of the
owner or person in lawful control of such a vehicle and shall comply with the
requirements of Subsection (a) of this Section 5.12.100 relating to notification of
the Police Department when the vehicle is towed.
(c) The owner or person in lawful possession of private property, or the agent or
employee of either of them, shall give written consent to a parking enforcement
company to immobilize vehicles for the purpose of parking violation enforcement
without the express or implied consent of the owner or person in lawful control of
such vehicle. The consent shall list the specific enforcement that is required and
the procedure to determine that a violation has occurred. A copy of the written
consent shall be given to the police department. Parking enforcement companies
and owners or persons in lawful possession of private property shall not boot or
immobilize vehicles on the basis of expired license plates. The parking
enforcement company operator shall maintain a daily log of the cars that are
booted by license plate, VIN number if legible, location, date and time and
provide that log to the Avon Police Department before the end of the business day
following immobilization of a vehicle during normal business hours.
(d) Private parking lots which contain one (1) or more parking spaces and for
which the property owner or designee use booting or towing of vehicles for
parking enforcement shall post a conspicuous sign on the property. Such sign will
provide notice, with reflective background, that unauthorized vehicles will be
booted or towed, and shall comply with the adopted rules and regulations for
5.12.110 Written notice of tow /immobilize — rates and hours.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, a licensed wrecker shall
receive a written authorization from the person authorizing a tow, prior to the
commencement of a tow originating within the Town, which authorization shall
list the services offered and the rates and charges required therefore. A copy of
such authorization shall be furnished to the person authorizing the tow. Such
copy shall list the name, address and telephone number of the wrecker's business
and the days and hours the business is open for the release of vehicles. Such copy
shall also be signed by the towing vehicle operator performing the authorized
(b) After a boot is placed on any vehicle, the parking enforcement company shall:
(1) Provide a notice affixed to the vehicle in a conspicuous and obvious manner
containing the name, address, telephone number, and license number of the
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parking enforcement company that placed the boot on the vehicle, the amount of
the boot removal fee, the right to have the boot removed within ninety (90)
minutes of contacting the parking enforcement company, the name of the property
owner or manager authorizing the boot, the signature of the parking enforcement
company operator or designee, and a description of the right to request a post -
seizure hearing under this Chapter 5.12;
(2) Maintain personnel authorized to remove any boot and release any vehicle to
its owner or driver upon the payment of any boot removal fee during such times
as required in this Chapter; and,
(3) Provide a receipt upon payment to the individual making the payment for
removal of the boot or release of the vehicle, listing the fees and advisement of
the right to request a post - seizure hearing for vehicle immobilization per 5.12.120.
(c) A parking enforcement company or wrecker shall not charge fees in excess of
the fees as listed in the fee schedule for booting or towing a vehicle.
(d) A parking enforcement company or wrecker shall not charge any fee related to
the impoundment of a vehicle that is not listed in the fee schedule.
(e) Charges for damages to booting equipment shall not be governed by this
section and shall not prevent the vehicle's release if scheduled fees are satisfied.
Damages or loss to parking enforcement equipment will be investigated using
other municipal and state statutes related to theft or criminal injury to property.
(f) The Town is authorized to audit the fees charged by a parking enforcement
company or wrecker licensed to do business in the Town of Avon upon
reasonable notice and at reasonable times for the purpose of verifying compliance
with this Chapter 5.12.
5.12.120 Postseizure hearing.
(a) The owner of a vehicle that has been immobilized pursuant to this article has
a right to a "post- seizure" administrative hearing in accordance with this Section
5.12.120 to determine whether there was probable cause to impound the vehicle.
(1) The hearing shall be petitioned and conducted in the same manner as outlined
in Title 10 of the Avon Municipal Code.
(2) The parking enforcement company shall have the burden to establish that
there was probable cause to impound or immobilize the vehicle.
(3) The losing party shall be assessed a minimum hearing cost of one hundred
dollars ($100.00) and shall be required to pay for translation services, if used
during the hearing. The Hearing Officer has the discretion to waive court costs.
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(b) When a vehicle is immobilized by a parking enforcement company the
vehicle owner or driver shall be informed of their right to a post - seizure hearing
with the following written statement:
The vehicle was booted by the property owner for a private property parking
violation as outlined in Avon Municipal Code, Title 5. The Town of Avon was
not involved in the action. The owner or operator of the vehicle may request a
hearing by one of the following methods:
(1) by providing a written request to the Municipal Court Clerk for a post - seizure
hearing to contest the booting within ten (10) days of the date the vehicle was
booted; or
(2) by appearing in person at the Municipal Court within a ten (10) calendar day
period from the date on which the boot was placed on the vehicle and requesting
an initial appearance before a Hearing Officer.
5.12.130 Expired License Plate
It shall be unlawful for a parking enforcement company to boot or immobilize a
vehicle on the basis of an expired license plate.
5.12.140 Compliance required.
It shall be unlawful for any private property owner or designee to immobilize any
motor vehicle that is trespassing or infringing upon the real property rights of that
property owner without complying with this Chapter 5.12 and upon conviction
thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished in accordance with
the provisions of Section 1.08.010 of this Code.
SECTION 3. CODIFICATION AMENDMENTS. The codifier of the Town's Municipal Code,
Colorado Code Publishing, is hereby authorized to make such numerical and formatting changes
as may be necessary to incorporate the provisions of this Ordinance within the Avon Municipal
Code. The Town Clerk is authorized to correct, or approve the correction by the codifier, of any
typographical error in the enacted regulations provided that such correction shall not
substantively change any provision of the regulations adopted in this Ordinance, such corrections
may include spelling, reference, citation, enumeration, and grammatical errors.
SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Ordinance, or the application of such
provision to any person or circumstance, is for any reason held to be invalid, such invalidity shall
not affect other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without
the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared
to be severable. The Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and
each provision thereof, even though any one of the provisions might be declared unconstitutional
or invalid. As used in this Section, the term "provision" means and includes any part, division,
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Booting Regulations 6 -1 -09
subdivision, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase; the term "application" means and
includes an application of an ordinance or any part thereof, whether considered or construed
alone or together with another ordinance or ordinances, or part thereof, of the Town.
SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect seven days after public notice
following final passage in accordance with Section 6.4 of the Avon Home Rule Charter.
SECTION 6. SAFETY CLAUSE. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that
this Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the Town of Avon, that it is
promulgated for the health, safety and welfare of the public, and that this Ordinance is necessary
for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and
welfare. The Town Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the
proper legislative object sought to be obtained.
SECTION 7. NO EXISTING VIOLATION AFFECTED. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be
construed to release, extinguish, alter, modify, or change in whole or in part any penalty, liability
or right or affect any audit, suit or proceeding pending in any court, or any rights acquired, or
liability incurred, or any cause or causes of action acquired or existing which may have been
incurred or obtained under any ordinance or provision hereby repealed or amended by this
Ordinance. Any such ordinance or provision thereof so amended, repealed or superseded by this
Ordinance shall be treated and held as remaining in force for the purpose of sustaining any and
all proper actions, suits, proceedings and prosecutions, for the enforcement of such penalty,
liability, or right and for the enforcement of such penalty, liability, or right and for the purpose of
sustaining any judgment, decree or order which can or may be rendered, entered or made in such
actions, suits or proceedings, or prosecutions imposing, inflicting or declaring such penalty or
liability or enforcing such right, and shall be treated and held as remaining in force for the
purpose of sustaining any and all proceedings, actions, hearings and appeals pending before any
court or administrative tribunal.
SECTION 8. PUBLICATION BY POSTING. The Town Clerk is ordered to publish this Ordinance
by posting notice of adoption of this Ordinance on final reading by title in at least three public
places within the Town and posting at the office of the Town Clerk, which notice shall contain a
statement that a copy of the ordinance in full is available for public inspection in the office of the
Town Clerk during normal business hours.
[remainder of page intentional left blank —signature page follows]
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AND REFERRED TO PUBLIC HEARING and setting such public hearing for 5:30 p.m. on
the 23rd day of June, 2009, at the Council Chambers of the Avon Municipal Building, located at
400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, on the 9th aa of June, 2009.
Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor
Published by posting in ee public places in Town and posting at the office of the Town
Clerk at least seven s M. action by the Town Council.
Pa c envy, T Eric Heil, Town A orney
ORDERED PUBLISHED BY POSTING on the 23rd day of June, 2009.
Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor
Published by postin min at least three public places in Town and posting by title at the
office of the To ?�
i7T. t ,`
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Booting Regulations 6 -1 -09
To Honorable Mayor and Town Council I it ti Is
Thru: Sally Vecchio, Asst Town Manager/ Comm Deve
From: William Grey, Building Official
Date: January 21, 2010
Re: Adoption of the 2009 International Building Codes
This is the Council's first reading of Ordinance No 10 -02 Adopting the 2009 International Building
Code by Reference and Repealing and Reenacting Title 15 of the Avon Municipal Code in its
Entirety (Exhibit A),
The Town currently administers the 2003 International Building Code (IBC), with certain
exclusions. The 2009 revisions to the IBC were published last year and staff is recommending
adoption of the new regulations as written with the exception that the requirement to install
automatic sprinkler systems in single family and duplex homes be put off until January 1, 2012.
Below is a summary of the significant revisions in the 2009 IBC.
The 2009 International Building Code; covering all structures with the exception of, the
One -and Two - Family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories above grade
and their accessory structures.
1. 410 total changes, 279 are house keeping and clarifications and various
structural changes. 131 new additions to the code,
2. Additions to high rise buildings for elevators ingress, egress, fire proofing, fire
ratings etc.
3. Live /work units, maximum of 3,000 square feet. Non residential area is permitted
to be a maximurn 50%of the area of each live /work unit. The nonresidential area
function shall be limited to the first or main floor only of the live /work unit. A
maximum of five nonresidential workers or employees are allowed to occupy the
nonresidential area at any one time. May be built as an R3 occupancy.
The 2009 International Residential Code; covering One- and Two — Family dwellings
and townhouses not more than three stories above grade and their accessory structures.
1. 8302.3 Two- family dwellings ( duplex) reduction in the rating of the `party wall
from 1 hr to % hr when automatic sprinkler system is installed.
2. R313 Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems. 313.1 An automatic fire sprinkler system
shall be installed in Townhouses. Defined as : " A single family dwelling unit
constructed in a group of three or more attached units in which each unit
extends from foundation to roof and with a yard or public way on at least
two sides"
3. Exception to 313, 1, not required when additions or alterations are made to
existing townhouses that do not have a automatic residential fire sprinkler
4. 8313.2 One -and two family dwellings automatic fire system. Effective January 1,
2011, an automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one -and
tow family dwellings. Avon (like Eagle County) will push the effective date off to
January 1, 2012
5. Exception to 313.2 not required for additions or alterations to existing buildings
that are not already provided with an automatic residential sprinkler system.
6. Systems shall be designed in accordance with new section in the residential
code, P2904 or NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 13 D.
7. Seismic design category is now 17 B a change from category C. New tables with
in the code.
8. Annual mean temp is now 40 degrees F.
• The 2009 international Energy Conservation Code; emphasizing both prescriptive and
performance- related provisions for both commercial and residential buildings.
1. Change in Climate Zone from 15 to 6 B for Eagle County
2. New Table 402.1.1 Insulation and fenestration requirements by components.
The 2009 International Plumbing Code; covers the initial design of the plumbing
system, the installation and construction of plumbing systems and the maintenance of
operating systems,
1. Nothing major, house keeping and clarifications.
The 2009 International Mechanical Code; covers the initial design of mechanical
systems through the installation and construction phases and into the maintenance of
operation systems.
1. Reduction to ventilation rates in enclosed parking garages.
2. Major change to 403.3 Table for ventilation rates. New default occupant density
per 9,000 sq ft and new exhaust airflow rate now in table. Ventilation rates haven
revised and new variables for use in the equations to determine the minimum
outdoor air intake flow rate have been added.
The 2009 International Fuel Gas Code; contains all code coverage for fuel -gas related
installations coordinates with the full family of the International Codes.
1. House keeping changes to definitions for Gas utilization Equipment deleted.
2. Grounding requirements for CSST pipe.( corrugated stainless steel tubing)
3. Appliances in attics must provide access large enough to allow the removal of
the appliance as supposed to the largest appliance component_
4. 491.9.3.9 allows for connector to pass through floors and walls but will need a
shut of upstream of the connector.
The 2009 International Fire Code: addresses conditions hazardous to life and property
arising from fire, explosion, hazardous materials storage, handling or use and the use
and occupancy of buildings and premises. Both improved prescriptive and performance -
based code regulations for the safeguard of public health and safety. Compatible with the
family of the International Codes.
1. 87 changes, 37 new additions to the code, 50 clarifications and house keeping
along with new definitions.
2. Section 102.5 clarifies issues between the iFC and the IRC.
3. Section 905.4.1 allows for phased approval and permits construction to proceed
while the design is still being done.
4. Section 307.4.3 allows for the use of "portable outdoor fireplaces because of the
wide spread availability.
5. Section 403.3 Crowd manager, create the need for crowd managers when indoor
or outdoor events with attendees greater than 1,000. Requires crowd managers
to be trained employees with responsibilities to control and direct the occupants
in a safe manner during emergencies.
6. Section 044.3.3 - -- .3.31 --- .3.3.2 --- .3.3.3 and 406.3.3 Establish requirements for
the development and implementation of lockdown plans. Controls and confirms
that the level of life safety inside of the building is not reduced or compromised
and that the event is done in accordance with an approved plan. Provides for
how the incident will be recalled so conditions can be returned to normal
activities. More....
7. Section 510 apx. J Emergency responder radio coverage. New provisions that
address requirements for in- building coverage of emergency responder radios.
Mostly for large area buildings and high rise buildings.
8. Section 603.4.2 through 603.4.2.3 Portable gas fired outdoor heating appliances,
patio heaters" stipulates permissible and prohibited locations, listings and
maintenance of these appliances.
9. Section 805.4 through 805.4.2.3 Group R2 college and university dormitories.
Regulates upholstered furniture and mattresses in college dorms.
10. Others.
• The 2009 International Existing Building Code, applies to repair, alteration change of
occupancy addition and relocation of existing buildings. The necessity of upgrades and
improvements is determined by the type and extent of the work, not the expense.
1. Nothing major.
2009 International Property Maintenance Code, Key components of this code provides
a safe means of egress, prevents hazardous structural conditions and reduces health
hazards by providing a clean and sanitary environment. Works with others in the family of
International Codes particularly the 2009 International Fire Code.
1. Section 108.1.5 Dangerous structure or premises. New section providing a list of
conditions that establish an important baseline to utilize when evaluating a
structure. This will help the jurisdiction more clearly define a dangerous structure
or building but is in no way the only way to determine such issues.
2. Section 108.2.1 Authority to disconnect services utilities. Used as a means to
regulate unsafe structures. Was always in the Building code but is now part of
this code.
3. Section 108.6 Abatement methods. Makes it clear that the owner, operator or
occupant is the party responsible to take action to abate hazardous systems or
conditions. Now includes the operator and occupant as responsible.
4. Section 108.7 Record. requires a report to be filed on each investigation of
unsafe conditions, stating the occupancy and the nature of the unsafe condition.
This report provides a basis for the written notice of violation. We have always
done this.
5. Lather sections that are new cover public toilets, grease interceptors and the
continued maintenance. How to board Lip a structure, etc.
2008 National Electrical Code.
This code changes on a different time line from the International codes and the new edition
will need to be adopted when it comes out usually adopted by the State on July 1. then we
follow asap.
Staff recommends Council acceptance of the first reading of Ordinance No 10 -20 Adopting the
2009 International Building Code by Reference and Repealing and Reenacting Title 15 of the
Avon Municipal Code in its Entirety
Town Manager Comments:
A. Ordinance No 10 -20 Adopting the 2009 International Building Code by Reference and
Repealing and Reenacting Title 15 of the Avon Municipal Code in its Entirety
WHEREAS, pursuant to C.R.S. §31 -15 -103, §31 -15 -104, and §31 -20 -1.05 and pursuant to the
home rule powers of the Town of Avon ( "Town "), the Town Council has the power to adopt
building; code regulations, to provide penalties for violations of adopted building codes, to elect
to collect delinquent charges and assessments by certifying such amounts to the Eagle County
treasurer, and make and publish ordinances necessary and proper to provide for the safety,
preserve the health, promote the prosperity, and improve the morals, order, comfort, and
convenience of its inhabitants; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the adoption of the 2009 International Building Codes
will improve the standards for construction and maintenance of buildings and will thereby
promote the health, safety and general welfare of the Avon community; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to adopt the 2009 International Building Codes by
reference with certain arnendnients as described in this ordinance; and
WHEREAS, approval of this Ordinance on first reading is intended g& to confirm that the
Town Council desires to comply the requirements of the Avon Horne Rule Charter by setting a
public hearing in order to provide the public an opportunity to present testimony and evidence
regarding the application and that approval of this Ordinance on first reading does not constitute
a representation that the Town Council, or any member of the Town Council, supports, approves,
rejects, or denies this ordinance;
OF AVON, COLORADO the following:
Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The above and foregoing recitals are incorporated herein by
reference and adopted as findings and detenninations of the Town Council.
Section 2. Repealed. Avon Municipal Code Chapters 1.5,08, 15.09, 15.12, 15.20, 15.24, 15.32,
15.36, 15.40, 15.44, and 15.50 are hereby repealed in their entirety.
Section 3. New Code Sections Enacted. Avon Municipal Code Chapters 15.02, 15.04, l 5.06,
15.08, 15.10, 15.12, 15.14, 15.16, 15.18 are hereby enacted to read as follows:
Chapter 15.02 Definitions
Ord 10 -02 Adopting 2009 IBC 2 -9 -10
Page 1 of 39
Chapter 1.5.04 Violations, Penalties, Stop Work Orders, Abatement
15.04.010 Violations
15.04.020 Penalties
15.04.030 Stop Work Orders
15.04.040 Abatement of Unsafe Conditions, Declaration of Nuisance
Chapter 15.06 Board of Appeals
15.06.010 Appeals to Town Council
15.06.020 Limitations on Authority
Chappter 15.08 International Building Code
15.08.010 Adoption
15.08.020 Additions or Modifications
15.08.030 Section 104 — Duties and Powers of the Building Official
15.08.035 Section 10.5 -- Permits
15.08.036 Section 106 — Floor and Roof Design Loads
15.08.040 Section 107.2.5 — Site Plan
15.08.050 Section 109 — Fees
15.08.060 Section 110 — Inspections
15.08.070 Section 111 — Certificate of Occupancy
15.08.080 Section 113 — Board of Appeals
15.08.090 Section 115 —Stop Work Order
15.08. 1_00 Section 501.2 — Premises Identification
15.08.110 Section 1204 — Temperature Control
15.08.120 Section 1603.2 — Ground Snow Loads Boulder Walls
15.08.125 Section 1608.2 — Boulder Walls
15.08.130 Section 1704 — Special Inspections
15.08.140 Section 1809.5 — Frost Protection
15.08.150 Chapter 30 — Elevators and Conveying Systems
15.08.160 Appendix J — Grading
15.08.300 Violation
15.083 10 Penalty
15.08.320 Repeal.
15.08.330 Validity
Chapter 15.09 International Residential Code
15.09.010 Adoption
15.09.020 Additions or Modifications
15.09.030 Section 8104 — Duties and Powers of the Building Official
15.09.040 Section R105 — Permits
15.09.050 Section R106.2 — Site Plan
15.09.060 Section R108 — Fees
15.09.070 Section R109 — Inspections
15.09.080 Section R 110 —Certificate of Occupancy
15.09.090 Section R112 — Board of Appeals
15.09. 100 Section RI 14.1 — Stop Work Order
15.09.110 Table 8301.2(1) — Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria
15.09.115 Section R313 — Automatic Fire - Sprinkler Systems
15.09.120 Section R319 — Premises Identification
15.09.140 Section 8403.1.4 — Minimum Depth
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15.09.300 Violation
15.09.3 10 Penalty
15.09.320 Repeal
15.09.330 Validity
Chapter 15.12 National Electrical Code
15.12.010 Adoption
15.12.020 Administration — Fees
15.12.060 Violation
15.12.070 Penalty
15.12.080 Validity
15.12.090 Repeal
Chapter 15.20 International Plumbing Code
15.20.010 Adoption Additions or Modifications
15.20.030 Organization and Enforcement
15.20.040 Section 103.1.3 — Department of Plumbing Inspection
15.20.050 Section 106 — Fee Schedule
15.20.060 Section 306 — Trenching, Excavation and Backfill
15.20.065 Section 412.5 —Mechanical Rooms
15.20.070 Section 606.2 — Location of Shutoff Valves
15.20.080 Section 906 — Vent Termination
15.20. 110 Violation
15.20.120 Penalty
15.20.130 Repeal
15.20.140 Validity
Chapter 15.24 International Mechanical Code
15.24.0 10 Adoption
15.24.020 Additions or Modifications
15.24.030 Section 106.5.2 — Fee Schedule
15.24.040 Section 109 — Means of Appeal
15.24.043 Table 403.3 Minimum Ventilation Rates
15.24.046 Section 903.3 — Unvented Gas Log Heaters
15.24.050 Section 701 -- Combustion Air, General
15.24.060 Section 902 — Masonry Fireplaces
15.24.110 Violation
15.24.120 Penalty
15.24.130 Repeal
15.24.140 Validity
Chapter 15.28 International Fuel Gas Code
15.28.010 Adoption
15.28.020 Additions or Modifications
15.28.030 Organization and Enforcement
15.28.040 Section 103.I — Department of Inspection
15.28.050 Permits
15.28.060 Section 304.1 — General
15.28.070 Section 404.5 — Protection Against Physical Damage
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Chapter 15.32 Fire Code
15.32.010 Adoption
15.32.020 Additions or Modifications
15.32.030 Section 104.6 Official Records
15.32.040 Section 104.11 — Authority at Fires and Other Emergencies
15.32.050 Section 104.11.3 — Systems and Devices
15.32.060 Section 105. 1.1 — Permits Required
15.32.070 Section 105.6 — Required Operational Permits
15.32.080 Section 105.7 — Required Construction Permits
15.32,090 Section 108 — Board of Appeals
15.32. WO Section 202 — General Definitions
15.32.110 Section 308.3.1 — Open - Flame Cooking Devices
15.32.120 Section 603.8.2 — Spark Arrestor
15.32.130 Section 905.1 — Standpipe Systems, General
15.32.140 Section 907 -- Fire Alarm and Detection Systems
15.32.250 Violation
15.32.260 Penalty
15.32.270 Validity
Chapter 15.36 Factory -Built Housing and Manufactured Homes
15.44.010 Adoption
15.44.020 Additions or Modifications
15.36.030 Definitions
15.36.040 Park Site and General Requirements
15.36.050 General Requirements, Manufactured Housing
15.36.060 General Requirements, Factory -Built Units
Chapter 15.40 Solid -Fuel- Burning Devices
15.40.010 Adoption
15.40.020 Additions or Modifications
15.40.030 Purpose and Applicability
15.40.040 Definitions
15.40.050 Regulations Below Elevation of Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Feet
15.40.060 Gas Appliances
15.40.070 Coal Usage Prohibited
Chapter 15.44 2009 International Property Maintenance Code
15.44.0 10 Adoption
15.44.020 Additions or Modifications
15.44.030 Section 205, Board of Appeal
15.44.040 Violation
15.44.050 Penalty
15.44.060 Repeal
15.44.070 Validity
Chapter 15.48 2009 International Energy Conservation Code
15.48.010 Adoption
15.48.020 Additions or Modifications
15.48.030 Section 101.3 — Intent
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15.48.040 Section 503.2.2.1 — Snowmelt Boilers
Chapter 15.02
The definitions set forth in. this Chapter 15.02 shall to all the Chapters in this Title 15 and shall
apply to all codes adopted in this Title 15. In the event of any conflict, the definitions in this
Chapter 15.02 shall apply first and take precedence, the definitions in the codes adopted by this
Title 15 shall apply next, and the definition of any word, terra or phrase set forth elsewhere in the
Avon Municipal Code shall apply after the definition of codes adopted by this Title 15.
Building 4jlcial shall mean the person designated as the Building Official by the Town
Person shall mean any natural person, corporation, organization, association or association of
any of the foregoing.
Town Attorney shall mean the attorney appointed by the Town Council as the Town Attorney,
the Town Attorney's designee, another attorney appointed by the Town Council for the purpose
of enforcing this Title 15, or the Town Prosecutor.
Chapter 15.04
Violations, Penalties, Stop Work Orders, Abatement
15.04.010 Violations
(a) Unlawful Acts. It is unlawful for any person to erect, construct, alter, move, demolish,
repair, use or occupy any building or structure in the Town, or cause or permit the same to be
done, or fail to comply with any lawful order or directive, which act is contrary to or in violation
of any provision of any code, standard, or regulation adopted by this Title 15, and any such
unlawful act shall be deemed to be a violation of this Title 15.
(b) Notice of Violation. The Building Official shall serve a Notice of Violation or order for the
erection, installation, alteration, extension, repair, removal or demolition of any work which
violates any code adopted in this Title 15, or any change in occupancy of any building or
equipment regulated by any coded adopted in this Title 15, or any violation of any permit,
certificate or condition of any permit or certificate issued under the provisions of any code
adopted by this Title 15. The Notice of Violation shall be served upon the contact person
designated in any active pen-nit issued by the Town or the property owner of record according to
the records of the Eagle County Assessor's Office or by posting the Notice of Violation in a
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conspicuous place on the property. The Notice of Violation shall cite the specific section or
sections of the code or codes which are violated and shall direct the discontinuance of the illegal
action or condition and the abatement of the violation.
(c) Prosecution of Violation. If compliance with the Notice of Violation is not accomplished
promptly, the Building Official shall request the Town Attorney to institute appropriate
proceedings in law or equity to restrain, correct or abate the violation, to require the removal or
termination of the unlawful structure, equipment or occupancy, and to seek such fuzes, penalties,
fees and restitution as may be appropriate.
15.04.020 Penalties
Any person who violates any provision of this code or any code adopted in this Title 15 shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor offense and shall be punishable as set forth in Chapter L09 Civil
Offense. In addition to other means provide by law, the Town may recover all costs and
penalties unposed by certifying such amounts to the treasurer of Eagle County and such amounts
shall be collected and paid over by treasurer of Eagle County in the same manner as taxes area
authorized in accordance with Colorado Revised Statute section 31 -20 -105.
15.04.030 Stop Work Orders
(a) Authority. The Building Official is authorized to issue a stop work order when the
Building Official finds any worked regulated by this Title 15, or any code adopted by this Title
15, being performed in a manner either contrary to the provisions of any code adopted herein or
being performed in a dangerous or unsafe manner.
(b) Issuance. The stop work order shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the
property upon which the violation has occurred or is occurring, or to the owner's agent, or to the
person doing the work, or may be posted in a conspicuous manner on the property. Upon
issuance of a stop work order, the cited work shall immediately cease. The stop work order shall
state the reason for the order, and the conditions under which the cited work will be permitted to
resume. The Building Official may also include conditions or directives in the Stop Work Order
to secure the property where appropriate due to unsafe conditions, soil erosion control, water
quality degradation, or other matters in which conditions on the property threaten the health,
safety or general welfare of the public or threaten to negatively impact or damage other property.
(c) Unlawful Continuance. Any person who shall continue any work after a stop work order
has been issued, except such work as may be directed to remove a violation, address an unsafe
condition, or secure the property, shall be deemed to be a violation of this Title 15 and shall be
subject to penalties as set forth in this Title 15.
15.04.040 Abatement of Unsafe Conditions, Declaration of Nuisance
(a) Declaration of Public Nuisance. Any use or condition of a property, structure or equipment
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regulated by this Title 15 which constitutes an unsafe condition, unsanitary condition, or
hazardous threat to life, safety, health, public welfare or property by reason of inadequate
maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, fire hazard, disaster, damage or abandonment is hereby
declared to be an unsafe condition. An unsafe condition is hereby declared to be a public
(b) Order of Abatement. The Building Official or Town Attorney may take action to order the
abatement of any unsafe condition. Unsafe conditions shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation,
demolition, or removal of the equipment or structure which poses unsafe conditions, or by
securing such property, structure or equipment to restrict the use, accessibility or risk posed by
the unsafe condition. The Building Official or Town Attorney shall issue an order of abatement
in writing to the property owner which shall describe the action required to abate the unsafe
condition and shall provide a timeframe for compliance. No person shall use the structure or
equipment constituting an unsafe condition after receiving such notice.
(c) Failure to Comply, Abatement by Town, In the event the property owner fails to comply
with an order of abatement within the timeframe for compliance stated in such order, the Town
may proceed to enter the property, abate the unsafe condition and correct the public nuisance.
Town shall post notice of Town's intention to enter the property and abatement the unsafe
condition and public nuisance at least twenty four (24) hours in advance by posting written
notice in a conspicuous place on the property, except where unsafe conditions warrant immediate
abatement, in which case the Town shall not be required to post written notice in advance of
entering the property.
(d) Disconnection of Service Utilities. The Building Official shall have the authority to
authorize disconnection of utility services to the building, structure or system regulated by the
technical codes in case of emergency, where necessary, to eliminate an immediate danger to life
or property. Where possible, the owner or occupant of the building, structure or service system
shall be notified of the decision to disconnect utility service prior to taking such action. If not
notified prior to disconnecting the utility service, the owner or occupant of the building, structure
or service systems shall be notified in writing, as soon as practical thereafter.
(e) Connection After Order to Disconnect. No person shall make connections from any
energy, fuel, power supply, water distribution, or other utility service, or supply energy, fuel or
water to any equipment regulated by this Title 15 that has been disconnected or ordered to be
disconnect by the Building Official or the use of which has been ordered to be disconnected by
the Building Official until the building Official authorizes the reconnection and use of such
(f) Recovery of Costs, Lien. The Town may recover the direct costs incurred for abatement of
unsafe conditions together with a fifteen percent (15%) surcharge for administrative expense and
eighteen percent (18%) interest per year on the total outstanding amount due to the Town. Al
costs, surcharges and interest shall be recoverable against the property owner. In addition to
other means provide by law, the Town may recover all costs, surcharges and interest imposed by
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certifying such amounts to the treasurer of Eagle County and such amounts shall be collected and
paid over by treasurer of Eagle County in the same manner as taxes area authorized in
accordance with Colorado Revised Statute section 31 -20 -105.
Chapter 15.06
Board of Appeals
15.06.010 Appeals to Town Council. A person shall have a right to appeal a decision of the
Building Official to the Town Council acting in the capacity of the Board of Appeals. An
application for appeal shall be filed with the Town Clerk within twenty days after the date of the
decision of the Building Official. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the
true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted Hereunder have been incorrectly interpreted.
The application must state the specific order, decision or determination being appealed and
include documentation to support the appeal. The board shall render a decision within 30 days of
receipt of the appeal. The decision of the board shall be by resolution and copies shall be
furnished to the appellant and to the Building Official, The Building Official shall take
immediate action in accordance with the decision of the board.
15.06.020 Limitations on Authority. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the
true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted there under have been incorrectly interpreted,
the provisions of this code do not fully apply or an equally good or better form of construction is
proposed. The Town Council acting in the capacity of the Board of Appeals shall have no
authority to waive requirements of this code.
15.06.030 Limitation of Liability. Any member of the Town Council, acting in good faith and
without malice for the Town of Avon in the discharge of their duties, shall not thereby render
themselves personally liable. The members are hereby relieved from all personal liability for any
damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of their duties. Any suit brought
against a member or members of the Town Council because of any act or omission performed by
them in the discharge of their duties, shall be defended by the Town of Avon until final
termination of the proceedings."
Building Code
15.08.010 Adoption
(a) The Charter of the Town of Avon, Section 6.9, provides that standards codes may be adopted
by reference with amendments. The Town adopts the 2009 International Building Code,
excluding Chapter 27 Electrical and including Appendix C Group U — Agricultural Buildings,
Appendix E Supplementary Accessibility Requirements, Appendix J Grading and the generic
fire - resistive assemblies listed in the Fire Resistance Design Manual, published by the Gypsum
Association, most current addition, as referenced in the specified International Building Code.
(b) The International Building Code is published by the International Code Council, 4051 West
Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, Illinois, 60478 -5795. Copies of the 2003 International
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Building Code are on file in the office of the Town Clerk and are available for inspection during
regular business hours.
15.08.020 Additions or Modifications
The International Building Code is amended and changed as described in Sections 15.08.030
through 15.08.160.
15.08.030 Section 104 — Duties and Powers of the Building Official
(a) Section 104. 1, General, is amended to read as follows:
"104.1 General. The Building Official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce the
provisions of this code and other provisions of the Avon Municipal Code. For such purposes, the
Building Official shall have the powers of a law enforcement officer. The Building Official shall
have the authority to render interpretations of this code and to adopt policies and procedures in
order to clarify the application of its provisions. Such interpretations, policies and procedures
shall be in compliance with the intent and purpose of this code. Such policies and procedures
shall not have the effect of waiving the requirements specifically provided for in this code."
(b) Section 104.6, Right of Entry, is amended to read as follows:
` °104.6 Right of Entry. Where it is necessary to make an inspection to enforce the provisions of
this code, and of other provisions of the Avon Municipal Code, or where the Building Official
has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in a structure or upon a premises a condition that
is contrary to or in violation of this code, and of other provisions of the Avon Municipal Code,
which makes the structure or premises unsafe, dangerous or hazardous, the Building Official is
authorized to enter the structure or premises at reasonable times to inspect or to perform the
duties imposed by this code, and other provisions of the Avon Municipal Code, provided that if
such structure or premises be occupied that credentials be presented to the occupant and entry
requested. If such structure or premises is unoccupied, the Building Official shall first make a
reasonable effort to locate the owner or other person having charge or control of the structure or
premises and request entry. If entry is refused, the Building Official shall have recourse to the
remedies provided by law to secure entry."
15.08.035 Section 105 — Permits
(a) Section 105.1, Required, is amended by adding the following language:
"No building or mechanical permits will be issued for the installation of a wood burning device
unless the device is in conformance with the Chapter 15.40, Solid- Fuel - Burning Devises."
(b) Section 105.1.1, Annual permit, is deleted.
(c) Section 105. L2, Annual permit records, is deleted.
(d) Section 105.5, is amended to read as follows:
"105.5 Expiration. Every permit issued shall expire and become invalid unless the work on the
site authorized by such permit is commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if the work
authorized on the site by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the
time the work is commenced. The Building Official is authorized to grant, in writing, one
extension of time, for a period of 180 days. The extension shall be requested in writing prior to
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the expiration date, shall demonstrate justifiable cause and include a fee of one half the amount
required for a new permit for such work, Work on the site shall be deemed as commenced upon
approval of the final footing inspection and shall be deemed as suspended or abandoned if no
subsequent inspections have been approved within a 180 -day period."
15.08.036 Section 106 —Floor and Roof Design Loads
Section 146 is adopted as written.
15.08.040 Section 107.2.5 — Site Plan
Section 107.2.5 Site plan, is amended to read as follows:
"107.25 Site Plan. The construction documents submitted with the application for permit shall be
accompanied by a site plan showing to scale the size and location of new construction and
existing structures on the site, distances from lot lines, the established street grades and the
proposed finish grades and, as applicable, flood hazard areas, floodways, and design flood
elevations. The site plan shall be based on, and be accompanied by a recent topographic survey
conforming to National Map Accuracy Standards, prepared by a registered land surveyor,
licensed to practice in the State of Colorado. When construction is proposed in a flood plain area,
the application shall be accompanied by elevations of the lowest floor of new or substantially
improved structures in said areas. If the lowest floor is below grade on one or more sides, the
elevation of the floor immediately above must also be submitted. A complete flood plain
development plan, as described by FEMA, is required. The surveyor making the plat shall certify
thereon that it is correct and that the perimeter monuments described therein have been placed as
described and affix his name and seal. Permanent reference monuments shall be set and marked
and shall be made of No. 5 reinforcing bar with a metal cap at least one and three - eighths inches
in diameter, and shall protrude no more than four inches from the ground. The plat submitted
shall reflect the type of monuments set on the property corners and the location and dimensions
of all easements or rights -of -way of record or known. In the case of demolition, the site plan
shall show construction to be demolished and the location and size of existing structures and
construction that are to remain on the site or plot. The Building Official is authorized to waive or
modify the requirement for a site plan when the application for permit is for alteration, repair or
remodel totally within the limits of an existing building or structure, or when otherwise
15.08.050 Section 109 —Fees
(a) Section 190.2 Schedule of Permit Fees, is amended to read as follows:
"109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees. On buildings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical and
plumbing systems or alterations requiring a permit, a fee for each permit shall be paid as required
in accordance with the schedule as established by resolution by the Town Council of the Town of
(b) Section 109.6, Refunds is deleted.
(c) Section 109.7, Contractor licensing, is amended to add the following language:
"109.7 Contractor Licensing. All contractors, including those who are duly licensed by the State,
shall purchase a license for conducting work within the Town of Avon. Established annual fees
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Class I
enera ontractor
Class 11
Other Contractors
F —nicipal Contractors
Licenses issued pursuant to this section shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of
issue. Every contractor, including Electrical Contractors and owner - builders, shall provide
current certificate of insurance for statutory workers compensation and commercial general
liability insurance of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and two million dollars
($2,000,000) general aggregate before a contractor's license is issued. An owner - builder is one
that will personally perform at least 50% of all labor involved in the construction of a single -
family residence, and will be on site to supervise all other work involved. The building shall be
intended for use as the principal residence of the owner - builder and shall be personally occupied
by said owner - builder for a minimum of one year from the date the Certificate of Occupancy is
15.08.060 Section 110 — Inspections
Section 110, Inspections, is amended to read as follows:
"(1) Section 110.2, Preliminary Inspection
110.2.1 Inspection Record Card. Inspection record cards shall be on the Construction Sign. It
shall be the responsibility of the permittee to display the inspection record card on the job site
throughout the construction process for the inspector's signatures. For approval to occupy the
structure, either by Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Occupancy, this card
must have complete sign -offs for all required inspections and be returned to the Town of Avon
Building Official. If the card becomes unreadable or lost there will be a $20.00 fee to replace or
update the card. The Building Official is authorized to waive the record card on a job by job
110.2.2 Site Preparation Inspection. The site preparation inspection shall include the staked
property lines, setback lines, area of disturbance and soils erosion control measures. A
construction sign with building permit number, street address and contractors name shall be
installed on the site and properly placed to be seen and read from the street and all necessary
toilet facilities in place prior to this inspection being approved.
110.2.3 Culvert and Driveway Base. The culvert and driveway base inspection shall be done
prior to the placement of the permanent driveway covering. The culvert and approach shall
conform to Title 12 of the Avon Municipal Code. This inspection is one of the requirements for
Occupancy of the building."
(2) Section 109.3.1, Footing and Foundation Inspection, is amended by the addition of the
following language:
"The footing inspection shall be done after the Site Preparation Inspection, and when all footing
forms and steel are in place. In winter, blankets and heating devices shall be on site to prevent
freezing of the concrete during freezing weather. Improvement Location Survey Inspection. An Improvement Location Survey shall be
prepared by a Colorado - licensed professional land surveyor. The improvernent location survey
inspection shall be the second part of the foundation inspection. An Improvement Location
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Survey shall be done when the forms are removed. The Survey shall contain all required statutory
information and show all walls in relationship to the required setbacks, as well as all pertinent
elevations at the top of the wall. The benchmark must be the same one used for the plan approval.
process. The Survey shall be presented to the Building Official within 15 working days of the
date of the foundation inspection or else all construction on the site will be stopped until the
survey is presented and approved by the Town. Second Improvement Location Survey. A second Improvement Location Survey
prepared by a Colorado - licensed professional land surveyor shall be submitted for all buildings
that have been designed to within 18 inches of allowable building height, or within 18 inches of a
setback line. The inspection is to be done at the time the ridge boards are in place, and shall show
all pertinent elevations using the original benchmark. The frame inspection will not be approved
until this survey has been presented to the Building Official and has been approved. If this survey
is not presented within 15 working days of the frame inspection then all work on the project will
be stopped until the survey is presented and approved by the Town.
(3) Section is amended by adding the following language:
" Cleanup During Construction. Job sites shall be kept clean and orderly at all times,
and if it becomes necessary for the Town to clean and/or haul debris or material from the site,
after reasonable notice, as determined by the Building Official, to the permit holder to do so, the
actual costs for such services shall be charged to the permit holder, which sum shall be payable at
the time a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is applied for. Construction debris shall be stored
in one general location on the site, and shall be removed weekly, or more frequently if necessary,
by the permit holder or his agent. Job sites shall be sprinkled as required by the Building Official
to prevent blowing of dust. In determining whether or not to sprinkle, the Building Official shall
consider availability of water, weather conditions and other relevant factors."
15.08.070 Section 111 —Certificate of Occupancy
Section 111 is amended by adding the following language:
"111.2.1 Conditions of the Certificate of Occupancy
The Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued until all construction has been completed,
including building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fire systems, landscaping, paving, final
grading, drainage and all other construction. All signs of construction must be removed from the
property, including excess dirt, building materials, trash containers, rubbish, trash and related
items, before the Certificate of Occupancy will be issued.
111.2.2 Cleanup, Landscaping and General Construction Deposit
A cleanup, landscaping and general construction deposit ( "deposit ") is designed to provide
security for all conditions contained in the temporary certificate of occupancy ( "TCO "), The
deposit shall be paid in cash and shall be paid to the Town of Avon. In lieu of cash, and upon a
showing to the Town that adequate security will be provided thereby, the deposit may be by a
letter of credit. The letter of credit must be valid for one year and renewable upon the Town's
request. The amount of the deposit required shall be based upon a current bid by a reputable
contractor, plus twenty -five percent of the bid, good for sufficient time to allow completion of the
work, or upon some other basis deemed acceptable by the Town. The bid shall be based upon
completion of all remaining work indicated on the approved building permit plans, and any
subsequent conditions of approval. If the cleanup, landscaping and general construction, as
defined in this Chapter, is not completed within three months of the date the TCO is issued, the
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Town may, but shall not be obligated to, complete such cleanup, landscaping and general
construction, the cost of doing so, together with a Pee in the amount of twenty percent of such
costs, to be charged to the permit holder and deducted from the cash deposited. If the cost for
completion by the Town, plus the fee, exceeds the amount of the deposit, the excess, together
with interest at twelve percent [per] annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be
collected by civil suit, or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the
same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property.
111.2.3 Conditions of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
1. A temporary certificate of occupancy ( "TCO ") shall be valid for three (3) months. The
Building Official may grant one TCO extension for up to three months. Such extension shall be
granted in writing.
2. The following shall be completed prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy
for commercial or multi - family (A, B, E, F, H,1, M, S and R- 1- 2 -4&1) occupancies:
a. The exterior of the building is complete, including painted vents, meters and light fixtures.
b. The interior shell building is complete with all required final inspections approved, including
building, fire sprinkler (if required), electrical, plumbing and mechanical smoke detectors, fire .
alarms and sprinklers.
c. Two operative bathrooms on each floor being occupied in other than R occupancies.
d. Entrance and other work within the public right -of -way must be approved.
e. All required parking paved and marked.
f. All utility tap fees paid.
g. Positive drainage away from the building in all directions at two percent for a minimum of five
h. Where the required cleanup, landscaping or construction required for a certificate of
occupancy is not complete, a temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) may be issued upon
submittal and approval of a cleanup, landscaping and construction deposit in accordance with
Section 110.3.2. The surety will be returned to the permittee upon issuance of the final certificate
of occupancy.
111.2.4 Occupancy Violations. Whenever any building or structure or equipment therein
regulated by this code or by other provisions of the Avon Municipal Code is being used contrary
to the provisions of this code, or of other provisions of the Avon Municipal Code, the Building
Official may order such use discontinued and the structure, or portion thereof, vacated by notice
served on any person causing such use to be continued. Such person shall discontinue the use
within the time prescribed by the Building Official after receipt of such notice to make the
structure, or portion thereof, comply with the requirements of this code."
15.05.080 Section 113 — Board of Appeals
Section 113 is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:.
"113.1 Appeals to Town Council. A person shall have a right to appeal a decision of the
Building Official to the Town Council acting in accordance with Chapter 15.06 of the Avon
Municipal Code."
15.08.090 Section 115 — Stop Work Order
Section 115, Authority, is amended to read as follows:
"115 Authority. Whenever the Building Official finds any work regulated by this code, other
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provisions of the Avon Municipal Code, or other pertinent laws or ordinances implemented
through the enforcement of this code, being performed in a manner either contrary to the
provisions of the applicable code, law or ordinance or that is dangerous or unsafe, the Building
Official is authorized to issue a stop work order."
15.08. 100 Section 501.2 — Premises Identification
Section 501.2, Premises identification, is amended to read as follows:
"501.2 Premises Identification. New and existing buildings shall be provided with approved
address numbers or letters. Each character shall be a minimum 4 inches (102 mm) high and a
minimum of 0.5 inches (12.7mm) wide. They shall be installed on a contrasting back ground and
be plainly visible from the street or road fronting the property. Where access is by means of a
private road and the building address cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole
or other approved sign or means shall be used to identify the structure."
15.08.110 Section 1204 —Temperature Control
Section 1204 is amended to read as follows:
"1204.1 Equipment and Systems. Interior spaces intended for human occupancy shall be
provided with active or passive space heating systems capable of maintaining a minimum 'indoor
temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit at a point 3 feet above the floor on the design heating day.
Outside design temperature shall be not more than minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
Exception: Interior spaces where the primary purpose is not associated with human comfort."
15.08.120 Section 1608.2 — Ground Snow Loads
Section 1608.2, Ground Snow Loads, is amended to read as follows:
"1608.2 Ground Snow Loads. Snow load shall be determined by the altitude of the property
being built on. Property at 8600 feet and above shall be designed for a snow load of 90 pounds
per square foot. Property below 8600 feet shall be designed for a 75- pound- per - square -foot snow
15.08.125 Section 1603.2 — Moulder Walls
"1603.2 Boulder Walls. This section is hereby added with the following language: Boulder
walls (rock walls) four feet and taller shall be designed by an engineer licensed to practice in the
State of Colorado."
15.08.130 Section 1704 — Special Inspections
Section 1704, Special Inspections, is amended by adding the following:
"1704.2.3 Log Frame Construction — Log Inspection. A third party inspection by a certified log
inspection agency shall be required of all structural members in log frame buildings. A letter
from the log grading agency certifying that log grades are in accordance with the plan
specifications shall be required at or prior to the frame inspection."
"1704,16.1.1 Special Inspections for Elevators. Elevators installed in all buildings or structures
shall require a third party plan review and inspection by a certified elevator inspection agency."
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15.08.140 Section 1809.5 — Frost Protection
1809.5, Item 1. Shall be amended as follows:
"Footings shall have a minimum depth of 48 inches from the top of the finished grade to the
bottom of the footer."
15.08.150 Chapter 30 — Elevators and Conveying Systems
Section 3001.5 is added to read:
"3001.5 Fees. Elevator permit applications and inspections will be administered by and through
the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments. Elevator permit and inspection fees shall be
paid to the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments. (For permit application and inspections
contact the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments Elevator Inspection Program at 970-
468 -0295 (Ext. 108.)"
This program exists as Memorandum of Agreement with the Division of Oil & Public Safety.
All conveyances in Colorado shall be registered with the Division of Oil & Public Safety (OPS),
The Town of Avon adopts the A17.1 -2007 elevator code and the A18.1 -2005 safety standard for
vertical platform and wheelchair lifts, by reference."
15.08.160 Appendix J — Grading
"Appendix J Section J101.1 Scope. Section J101.1 Scope is amended by adding the following sentence:
Grading permits shall be permitted, regulated and enforced by the Town of Avon Engineer."
15.08.300 Violation
The following clause concerning violations is set forth in full and adopted with reference to the
2003 International Building Code named in the title of this Chapter:
"It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, move, demolish,
repair, use and occupy any building or structure in the Town, or cause or permit the same to be
done, contrary to or in violation of any of the adopted or modified provisions of any of the codes
or standards named in the title of this Chapter."
15.08.3 10 Penalty
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter or of the provisions of the 2009
International Building Code named in the title of this Chapter, as adopted and modified herein,
shall be deemed to have committed a civil infraction for each and every day or portion thereof
during which any infraction of any of the provisions of any of the codes and standards named in
the title of this Chapter is committed, continued or permitted and shall be subject to the penalties
contained in Chapter 1.09 of this Code.
15.08.320 Repeal
The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the code of the Town as provided in
this Chapter shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, violation that
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occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or
proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted.
The repeal of any provision shall not revive any provision of any ordinance previously repealed
or superseded unless expressly stated in this Chapter.
15.08.330 Validity
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of the 2009 International Building Code
named in the title of this Chapter, is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such
decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining provisions of this
Chapter. The Town declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this Chapter, and
each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one (1) or more
sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional.
Residential Code
15.09.010 Adoption
(a) Section 6.9 of the Town Charter provides that standards codes may be adopted by reference
with amendments. The Town adopts the 2009 International Residential Code for One- and Two -
Family Dwellings, excluding Chapters 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40 and including Appendix G.
(b) The 2009 International Residential Code for One- and Two - Family Dwellings is published by
the International Code Council, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, Ulinois, 60478-
5795. A copy of the 2009 International Residential Code for One- and Two- Family Dwellings is
on file in the office of the Town Clerk and is available for inspection during regular business
15.09.020 Additions or Modifications
The 2009 International Residential Code for One- and Two- Family Dwellings is amended and
changed as described in Sections 15.09.030 through 15.09.140.
15.09.030 Section R104 — Duties and Powers of the Building Official
(a) Section 8104.1, General, is amended to read as follows:
"R104.1 General. The Building Official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce the
provisions of this code and other provisions of the Avon Municipal Code. For such purposes, the
Building Official shall have the powers of a law enforcement officer. The Building Official shall
have the authority to render interpretations of this code and to adopt policies and procedures in
order to clarify the application of its provisions. Such interpretations, policies and procedures
shall be in compliance with the intent and purpose of this code. Such policies and procedures
shall not have the effect of waiving the requirements specifically provided for in this code."
(b) Section 81.04.6, Right of Entry, is amended to read as follows:
"R104.6 Right of Entry. Where it is necessary to make an inspection to enforce the provisions of
this code, and of other provisions of the Avon Municipal Code, or where the Building Official
has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in a structure or upon a premises a condition that
is contrary to or in violation of this code, and of other provisions of the Avon Municipal code,
which makes the structure or premises unsafe, dangerous or hazardous, the Building Official is
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authorized to enter the structure or premises at reasonable times to inspect or to perform the
duties imposed by this code, and other provisions of the Avon Municipal Code, provided that if
such structure or premises be occupied that credentials be presented to the occupant and entry
requested. If such structure or premises is unoccupied the Building Official shall first make a
reasonable effort to locate the owner or other person having charge or control of the structure or
premises and request entry. If entry is refused, the Building Official shall have recourse to the
remedies provided by law to secure entry."
15.09.040 Section 8105 — Permits
(a) Section 8105.1, Required, is amended by adding the following language:
"No building or mechanical permits will be issued for the installation of a woad - burning device
unless the device is in conformance with the Town of Avon, Chapter 15.40 of the Avon
Municipal Code."
(b) Section R105.5 is amended to read as follows:
"R105.5 Expiration. Every permit issued shall expire and become invalid unless the work on the
site authorized by such permit is commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if the work
authorized on the site by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of l80 days after the
time the work is commenced. The Building Official is authorized to grant, in writing, one
extension of time, for a period of 180 days. The extension shall be requested in writing prior to
the expiration date, shall demonstrate justifiable cause and include a fee of one -half the amount
required for a new permit for such work. Work on the site shall be deemed as commenced upon
approval of the final footing inspection and shall be deemed as suspended or abandoned if no
subsequent inspections have been approved within a 180 -day period.
15.09.050 Section 8106.2 — Site Plan
Section R106.2, Site plan, is amended to read as follows:
"R106.2 Site Plan. The construction documents submitted with the application for permit shall
be accompanied by a site plan showing to scale the size and location of new construction and
existing structures on the site, distances from lot lines, the established street grades and the
proposed finish grades and, as applicable, flood hazard areas, floodways, and design flood
elevations. The site plan shall be based on, and be accompanied by a recent topographic survey
conforming to National Map Accuracy Standards, prepared by a registered land surveyor,
licensed to practice in the State of Colorado. When construction is proposed in a flood plain
area, the application shall be accompanied by elevations of the lowest floor of new or
substantially improved structures in said areas. If the lowest floor is below grade on one or more
sides, the elevation of the floor immediately above must also be submitted. A complete flood
plain development plan, as described by FEMA, is required. The surveyor making the plat shall
certify thereon that it is correct and that the perimeter monuments described therein have been
placed as described and affix his name and seal. Permanent reference monuments shall be set and
marked and shall be made of No. 5 reinforcing bar with a metal cap at least one and three- eighths
inches in diameter, and shall protrude no more than four inches from the ground. The plat
submitted shall reflect the type of monuments set on the property corners and the location and
dimensions of all easements or rights -of -way of record or known. in the case of demolition, the
site plan shall show construction to be demolished and the location and size of existing structures
and construction that are to remain on the site or plot. The Building Official is authorized to
waive or modify the requirement for a site plan when the application for permit is for alteration,
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repair or remodel totally within the limits of an existing building or structure, or when otherwise
15.09.060 Section R108 - Fees
(a) Section R108.2, Schedule of Permit Fees, is amended to read as follows:
"R108.2 Schedule of Permit Fees. On buildings, structures, gas, mechanical, and plumbing
systems or alterations requiring a permit, a fee for each permit shall be paid as required in
accordance with the schedule as established by resolution by the Town Council of the Town of
(b) 8108.4, Related fees, is amended by the addition of the following:
"R108.4.1 Elevators and Conveying Systems Fees. Elevator permit applications and inspections
will be administered by and through the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments. Elevator
permit and inspection fees shall be paid to the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments. (For
permit application and inspections contact the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments
Elevator Inspection Program at 970 -468 -0295 ext. 108.)"
(c) Section R108.5, Refunds, is deleted.
(d) Section 8108.6, Contractor Licensing, is added to read as follows:
"8108.6 Contractor Licensing. All contractors, including those who are duly licensed by the
State, shall purchase a license for conducting work within the Town of Avon. Established annual
fees are:
enera ontractor
-CTa—ss H
Other Contractors
Municipal Contractors
Licenses issued pursuant to this section shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of
issue. Every contractor, including Electrical Contractors and owner - builders, shall provide
current certificate of insurance for statutory workers compensation, and general commercial
liability insurance of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and two million dollars
($2,000,000) general aggregate before a contractor's license is issued. An owner - builder is one
that will personally perform at least 50 %n of all labor involved in the construction of a single -
family residence, and will be on site to supervise all other work involved. The building shall be
intended for use as the principal residence of the owner - builder and shall be personally occupied
by said owner- builder for a minimum of one year from the date the Certificate of Occupancy is
15.09.070 Section R109- Inspections
Section R 109 is amended as follows:
(1) Section R109.1.1, Foundation inspection, is amended by addition of the following language.
"The footing inspection shall be done after the Site Preparation Inspection, and when all footing
1'orms and steel are in place. In winter, blankets and hurting devices shall be on site to prevent
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freezing of the concrete. during freezing weather.
R109,1.1.1 Improvement Location Survey Inspection. An Improvement Location Survey shall
be prepared by a Colorado- licensed professional Land surveyor. The improvement location survey
inspection shall be the second part of the foundation inspection. An Improvement Location
Survey shall be done at the time of the foundation wall inspection. The Survey shall contain all
required statutory information and show all walls in relationship to the required setbacks, as well
as all pertinent elevations at the top of the wall. The benchmark must be the same one used for
the plan approval process. The Survey shall be presented to the Building Official within 15
working days of the date of the foundation inspection or else all construction on the site will be
stopped until the Survey is presented and approved by the 'Town.
R109.1.1.2 Second Improvement Location Survey. A second Improvement Location Survey
prepared by a Colorado - licensed professional land surveyor shall be submitted for all buildings
that have been designed to within 18 inches of allowable building height, or within 18 inches of a
setback line. The inspection is to be done at the time the ridge boards are in place, and shall show
all pertinent elevations using the original benchmark. The frame inspection will not be approved
until this survey has been presented to the Building Official and has been approved. If this survey
is not presented within 15 working days of the frame inspection then all work on the project will
be stopped until the survey is presented and approved by the Town."
(2) Section 8109.1.5, Other Inspections, is amended by the addition of the following language:
"R109.1,5.2 Inspection Record Card. Inspection record cards shall be on the construction sign.
It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to display the inspection record card on the job site
throughout the construction process for the inspector's signatures. For approval to occupy the
structure, either by Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Occupancy, this card
must have complete sign -offs for all required inspections and be returned to the Town of Avon
Building Official. If the card becomes unreadable or lost, there will be a $20.00 fee to replace or
update the card. The Building Official is authorized to waive the use of the record card on a job
by job basis.
8109.1.5.3 Site Preparation Inspection. The site preparation inspection shall include the staked
property lines, setback lines, area of disturbance and soils erosion control measures. A
construction sign with building permit number, street address and contractor's name shall be
installed on the site and properly placed to be seen and read from the street, prior to this
inspection being approved.
R109.1.5.4 Culvert and Driveway Base. The culvert and driveway base inspection shall be done
prior to the placement of the permanent driveway covering. The culvert and approach shall
conform to Title 12 of the Avon Municipal Code. This inspection is one of the requirements for
occupancy of the building.
R109,1.5.5 Log Frame Construction — Log Inspection. A third party inspection by a certified log
inspection agency shall be required of all structural members in log frame buildings. A letter
from the log grading agency certifying that log grades are in accordance with the plan
specifications shall be required at or prior to the frame inspection.
R109.1.5.6 Special Inspections for Elevators. Elevators installed in all buildings or structures
shall require a third party plan review and inspection by a certified elevator inspection agency."
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(3) Section 8109.5 is added to read as follows:
"R109.5 Cleanup During Construction. Job sites shall be kept clean and orderly at all times, and
if it becomes necessary for the Town to clean and/or haul debris or material from the site, after
reasonable notice, as determined by the Building Official, to the permit holder to do so, the actual
costs for such services shall be charged to the permit holder, which sum shall be payable at the
time a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is applied for. Construction debris shall be stored in
one general location on the site, and shall be removed weekly, or more frequently if necessary, by
the permit holder or his agent. Jab sites shall be sprinkled as required by the Building Official to
prevent blowing of dust. In determining whether or not to sprinkle, the Building Official shall
consider availability of water, weather conditions and other relevant factors."
15.09.080 Section R 110 — Certificate of Occupancy
Section R 110 is amended by adding the following language:
"R110.3.1 Conditions of the Certificate of Occupancy
The Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued until all construction has been completed,
including building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fire systems, landscaping, paving, final
grading, drainage and all other construction. All signs of construction must be removed from the
property, including excess dirt, building materials, trash containers, rubbish, trash and related
items, before the Certificate of Occupancy will be issued. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy
shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or other
ordinances of the jurisdiction.
RI 10.4.1 Conditions of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy
1. A temporary certificate of occupancy ("TCO") shall be valid for three months. The Building
Official may grant one TCO extension for up to three (3) months. Such extension shall be granted
in writing.
2. The following shall be completed prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy
for one- and two - family dwellings:
a. The exterior of the building is complete, including painted vents, meters and light fixtures.
b. The interior shell building is complete with all required final inspections approved, including
building, fire sprinkler (if required), electrical, plumbing and mechanical.
c. One bathroom operative as per the approved plans.
d. Entrance and other work within the public right -of -way must be approved.
e. Positive drainage away from the buildings in all directions at two percent (2%) for a minimum
of five (5) feet.
f. Sufficient roadway access for emergency vehicles and minimum parking requirements must be
g. All utility tap fees paid.
h. Where the required cleanup, paving, landscaping or construction required for a certificate of
occupancy is not complete, a temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) may be issued upon
submittal and approval of a cleanup, landscaping and construction deposit in accordance with
Section R110.4.1 The surety will be returned to the permittee upon issuance of the final
certificate of occupancy.
R110.4.1 Cleanup, Landscaping and General Construction Deposit
A cleanup, landscaping and general construction deposit ( "deposit ") is designed to provide
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security for all conditions contained in the temporary certificate of occupancy ( "TCO "). The
deposit shall be paid in cash and shall be paid to the Town of Avon. In lieu of cash, and upon a
showing to the Town that adequate security will be provided thereby, the deposit may be by a
letter of credit. The letter of credit must be valid for one year and renewable upon the Town's
request. The amount of the deposit required shall be based upon a current bid by a reputable
contractor, plus twenty -five percent (25 %) of the bid, good for sufficient time to allow
completion of the work., or upon some other basis deemed acceptable by the Town. The bid shall
be based upon completion of all remaining work indicated on the approved building permit plans,
and any subsequent conditions of approval. If the cleanup, landscaping and general construction,
as defined in this chapter, is not completed within three months of the date the TCO is issued, the
Town may, but shall not be obligated to, complete such cleanup, landscaping and general
construction, the cost of doing so, together with a fee in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of
such costs, to be charged to the permit holder and deducted from the cash deposited. If the cost
for completion by the Town, plus the fee, exceeds the amount of the deposit, the excess, together
with interest at twelve percent (12 %) [per] annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be
collected by civil suit, or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the
same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property.
R110.6 Occupancy Violations. Whenever any building or structure or equipment therein
regulated by this code. or by other provisions of the Avon Municipal Code is being used contrary
to the provisions of this code, or of other provisions of the Avon Municipal Code, the Building
Official may order such use discontinued and the structure, or portion thereof, vacated by notice
served on any person causing such use to be continued. Such person shall discontinue the use
within the time prescribed by the Building Official after receipt of such notice to make the
structure, or portion thereof, comply with the requirements of this code."
15.09.090 Section 8112 — Board of Appeals
Section RI 12 is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:
"R112 Appeals to Town Council. A person may appeal a decision of the Building Official to the
Town Council in accordance with Chapter 15.06 of the Avon Municipal Code."
15.09. 100 Section R 114 — Stop Work Order
Section RI 14, 1, Authority, is amended to read as follows:
R114.1 Notice to Owner. Whenever the Building Official finds any work regulated by this code,
other provisions of the Avon Municipal Code, or other pertinent laws or ordinances implemented
through the enforcement of this code, being performed in a manner either contrary to the
provisions of the applicable code, law or ordinance or that is dangerous or unsafe, the Building
Official is authorized to issue a stop work order. Upon notice from the Building Official that any
work is being prosecuted contrary to the provisions of this code such work shall be immediately
stopped. The stop work order shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property
involved, or to the owner's agent, or to the person doing the work; and shall state the conditions
under which work will be permitted to resume."
15,09.110 Table R301.2(1) — Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria
Table R301.2(1) Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria is amended by the insertion of the
following criteria:
"a) Ground Snow Loads: Snow load shall be determined by the altitude of the property being
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built on. Property at 8600 feet and above shall be designed for a snow load of 90 pounds per
square foot. Property below 8600 feet shall be designed for a 75- pound- per - square -foot snow
b) Wind Speed: 90 Miles Per [-lour
c) Seismic Design Category: B
d) Weathering: Severe
e) Frost Line Depth: 48 inches
f) Termite: Slight to Moderate
g) Winter Design Temperature: -20 Degrees Fahrenheit
h) Flood Hazards: .8/18/87
i) Air Freezing Index: 2,500
j) Mean annual temp: 40 degrees Fahrenheit
15.09.115 Section R313 Automatic Sprinkler System
Section R313 is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:
"R313.1 Townhouse Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems
An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in townhouses.
Exception: An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be required when additions or
alterations are made to existing townhouses that do not have an automatic residential fire
sprinkler system installed.
R 313.1.1 Design and Installation. Automatic residential fire sprinkler systems for townhouses
shall be designed and installed in accordance with Section P2904.
R313.2 One -and Two - Family Dwellings Automatic Fire Systems. Effective January 1, 2012, an
automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two- family dwellings.
Exception: An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be required for additions or
alterations to existing buildings that are not already provided with an automatic residential
sprinkler system.
R313.2.1 Design and Installation. Automatic residential fire sprinkler systems shall be designed
and installed in accordance with Section P2904 or NFPA 13 D."
15.09.120 Section R319 Site Address
Section R321.1, Premises Identification, is amended to read as follows:
"R319 Address Numbers. Buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or
approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the
street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address
numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4
inches (102 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 1/2 inch (12.7mm). Where access is by
means of a private road and the building address cannot be viewed from the public way, a
monument, Pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure."
15.09.140 Section R403.1.4 — Minimum Depth
The first sentence is amended to read as follows:
"Footings shall have a minimum depth of 48 inches from the top of the finished grade to the
bottom of the footer."
15.09.300 Violation
The following clause concerning violations is set forth in full and adopted with reference to
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the 2009 International Residential Code named in the title of this Chapter:
"It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, move, demolish,
repair, use and occupy any building or structure in the Town, or cause or permit the same to be
done, contrary to or in violation of any of the adopted or modified provisions of any of the codes
or standards named in the title of this Chapter."
15.09.310 Penalty
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter or of the provisions of the 2003
International Residential Code named in the title of this Chapter, as adopted and modified herein,
shall be deemed to have committed a civil infraction for each and every day or portion thereof
during which any infraction of any of the provisions of any of the codes and standards named in
the title of this Chapter is committed, continued or permitted and shall be subject to the penalties
contained in Chapter 1.09 of this Code.
15.09.320 Repeal
The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the code of the Town as provided in
this Chapter shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that
occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or
proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted.
The repeal of any provision shall not revive any provision of any ordinance previously repealed
or superseded unless expressly stated in this Chapter.
15.09.330 Validity
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of the 2003 International Residential Code
named in the title of this Chapter, is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such
decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining provisions of this
Chapter. The Town declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this Chapter, and
each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one (1) or more
sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional.
International Electrical Code
15.12.010 Adoption
The Town adopts the 2008 Edition of the National Electrical Code. The National Electrical Code
is published by the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy,
Massachusetts 02269. A copy of the 2008 Edition of the National Electrical Code is on file in the
Town Clerk's office and is available for inspection during regular office hours.
15.12.020 Administration — Fees
Electrical permit applications and inspections will be administered by and through the Colorado
State Electrical Board Department of Regulatory Agencies. Electrical permit and inspection fees
shall be paid to the Colorado State Electrical Board Department of Regulatory Agencies. (For
permit application and inspections, contact the Colorado State Electrical Board at 1580 Logan
St., Ste. 550, Denver, Colorado 80203 -1941; Telephone 303 -894 -2300)
15.12.060 Violation
The following clause concerning violations is set forth in full and adopted with reference to the
2008 Edition of the National Electrical Code named in the title of this Chapter.
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"It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, move, demolish,
repair, use and occupy any building or structure and building service equipment, or maintain any
building or structure in the Town or cause or permit the same to be done, contrary to or in
violation of any of the provisions of any of the codes or standards named in the title of this
15.12.070 Penalty
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter or of the provisions of the National
Electrical Code named in the title of this Chapter, as adopted and modified herein, shall be
deemed to have committed a civil infraction for each and every day or portion thereof during
which any infraction of any of the provisions of any of the codes and standards named in the title
of this Chapter is committed, continued or permitted and shall be subject to the penalties
contained in Chapter 1.09 of this Code.
15.12.080 Validity
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of the 2008 Edition of the National
Electrical Code named in the title of this Chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or
unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining
provisions of this Chapter. The Town declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified
in this Chapter, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that
any one (1) or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared invalid.
15.12.090 Repeal
The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of this code as provided in this Chapter
shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior
to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as
commenced under or by virtue of the provisions repealed or repealed and reenacted.
International Plumbing Code
15.20.010 Adoption
The Town adopts the 2009 Edition of the International Plumbing Code and all appendix chapters
thereto. The 2009 Edition of the International Plumbing Code was published by the International
Code Council,, 500 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Sixth Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001. A copy of
the 2009 International Plumbing Code are on file in the Town Clerk's office, and are available for
inspection during regular office hours.
15.20.020 Additions or Modifications
The 2009 International Plumbing Code is amended and changed in Sections 15.20.030 through
15.20.100 of this Chapter.
15.20.030 Organization and Enforcement
(Refer to the 103 — Department of Plumbing Inspection)
15.20.040 Section 103.1.3 — Department of Plumbing Inspection
Section 103.1.3 is amended by adding the following paragraph:
"Section 103.1.3 — Licensing. Pursuant to Section 12 -58 -115 of the Colorado Revised Statutes,
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only qualified licensed plumbers may install Plumbing Systems as defined in Section 202 of the
International Plumbing Code."
15.20.050 Section 106 — Fee Schedule
"All fees shall be as shown on the Town of Avon Fee Schedule A (adopted by resolution of the
15.20.060 306 — Trenching, Excavation and Backfill.
15.20.060 is added and amended by adding the following language:
"The minimum cover for water supply and sewer piping, not under a building, shall be 7 feet
below finished grade."
15.20.065 Section 412.5 — Mechanical Rooms
This section is hereby amended to add the following language:
"For heating or hot -water boiler applications, the boiler room shall be equipped with a floor drain
or other means suitable for disposing of the accumulation of liquid waste incidental to cleaning,
recharging and routine maintenance."
15.20.70 Section 606.2 —Location of Shutoff Valves
This section is hereby amended as follows:
"Add item 4. On the fixture supply to each plumbing fixture other than bathtubs, showers and
concealed wall mounted faucets in one- and two - family residential occupancies, and in individual
guest rooms in hotels, motels, boarding houses, and similar occupancies shutoff valves are
15.20.080 Section 906 — Vent Termination
"Section 906.1. Each vent pipe or stack shall extend through its flashing and shall terminate
vertically not less than twelve (12) inches above the roof. nor less than two (2) feet from any
vertical surface."
15.20.110 Violation
The following clause concerning violations is set forth in full and adopted with reference to the
International Plumbing Code named in the title of this Chapter:
"It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, move, demolish,
repair, use and occupy any building or structure in the Town, or cause or permit the same to be
done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of any of the codes or standards named
in the title of this chapter.
15.20.120 Penalty
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Chapter or of the
provisions of the International Plumbing Code named in the title of this Chapter, as adopted and
modified herein, shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion
thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of any of the codes and standards
named in the title of this Chapter is committed, continued or permitted and, upon conviction of
any such violation, such person, firm or corporation shall be punished by a fine of not more than
one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or imprisonment for one (1) year or by both such fine and
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imprisonment. (Ord. 07 -13)
15.20.130 Repeal
The repeal, or the repeal and reenactment, of any provision of the Code as provided in this
Chapter, shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, or violation that
occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or
proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted.
The repeal of any provision shall not revive any provision of any ordinance previously repealed
or superseded unless expressly stated in this Chapter.
15.20.140 Validity
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of the International Plumbing Code named
in the title of this Chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision
shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining provisions of this Chapter. The
Town declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this Chapter, and each section,
subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one (1) or more sections,
subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional.
International Mechanical Code
15.24.0I0 Adoption
The Town adopts the 2009 Edition of the International Mechanical Code. The 2003 Edition of
the International Mechanical Code is published by the International Code Council, Inc., 4051
West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills., Illinois 60478 -5795. A copy of the 2003 Edition of
the International Mechanical Code is on file in the Town Clerk's office, and is available for
inspection during regular office hours. (Ord. 04 -14 §4)
15.24.020 Additions or Modifications
The 2009 Edition of the International Mechanical Code is amended and changed in Sections
15.24.030 through I5.24.060 of this Chapter.
15.24.030 Section 106.5.2 — Fee Schedule
Section 106.5.2 is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:
"106.5.2 Fee Schedule The fee for each permit shall be as set forth in The Town of Avon Fee
Schedule A (as adopted by resolution of the Town Council)."
15.24.040 Section 109 — Means of Appeal
Section 109 is repealed and reenacted as follows:
"109.1 Appeals to Town Council. A person shall have a right to appeal a decision of the
Building Official to the Town Council acting in accordance with Chapter 15.06 of the Avon
Municipal Code."
15.24.043 Table 403.3 — Minimum Ventilation Rates
This Table is hereby amended to add the following language:
"Note: 1. Ski Shop Ventilation: For ski shop ventilation compliance requirements, refer to the
2009 capital edition of the International Fire Code Section 610.4.7."
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15.24.046 Section 903.3 -- Unvented Gas Log Heaters
This section is hereby amended as follows:
"Unvented gas fireplaces are prohibited."
15.24.050 Section 701 — Combustion Air, General
Section 701 is amended by adding a new Section 701.6 as follows:
"701.6 Type of Construction. All buildings in the Town of Avon shall be considered to be of
unusually tight construction and will draw all combustion air from the outside of the building."
15.24.060 Section 902 — Masonry Fireplaces
Section 902 is amended by deleting Section 902.6 and by adding the following language;
"902.3 - Definitions.
1. New Technology Device means a solid - fuel - burning device which is certified by the EPA and
listed in the Colorado Department of Health's web page under Air pollution control division,
residential burning information.
A new technology device is; one which has EPA certification as a EPA Certified wood stove.
2. EPA Certified wood stove means a heating appliance that has been independently tested by an
accredited laboratory to meet a particulate emissions limit of 7.5 grams per hour for non - catalytic
wood stoves and 4.1 grams per hour for catalytic wood stoves. A list of certified wood stoves is
available on the EPA's web site.
Only New technology devices may be used as "Solid fuel burning devices" in the Town of Avon.
3. Gas appliance means a fully self - contained U.L. and A.G.A. listed fireplace unit which des not
require venting through a masonry chimney, which has no damper and which does not permit the
use of solid fuel.
4. Solid -fuel burning devices means any fireplace, firebox or device intended and/or used for the
purpose of burning wood, pulp, paper or other non - liquid or nongaseous fuel. This definition
specifically excludes noncommercial barbecue devices used to cook food outdoors.
5. Gas fireplace means a fire place either manufactured as a finished unit or a true masonry fire
place fitted with an A.G.A and/or U.L. listed gas log kit, has not damper and vents through an
approved vent. Exception The Building Official may approve a gas fireplace equipped with
interlocked damper and gas valve."
902.4 Regulations Below the Elevation of Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Feet `Below
the elevation of seven thousand eight hundred twenty feet, no new wood burning or solid -fuel
burning fireplaces or other such devices shall be permitted to be constructed or installed after the
ordinance codified in this chapter becomes effective.
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No mobile or modular home shall be moved in place in the Town and connected to utility service
that has installed with such mobile or modular home a solid -fuel burning device.
Below such elevation, new technology devices, gas appliances and gas fireplaces shall be
permitted. Below such elevation there shall also be permitted one EPA approved wood burning
fireplace in the lobby of any hotel or lodge, provided a fee in the amount of three thousand
dollars ($3,000.00) is paid at the time of application for a building permit.
902.5 Regulations Above Elevation of Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Feet
Above the elevation of seven thousand eight hundred twenty feet, one New Technology Device
shall be permitted in each new dwelling unit constructed, provided a fee in the amount of one
thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) is paid at the time of application for permit; provided
no new wood - burning or other fuel - burning fire places or other devices shall be permitted in
dwelling units triplex and greater in size after the ordinance codified in this chapter becomes
effective. Above such elevation, certified New Technology solid fuel burning devices, gas
appliances and gas fireplaces shall be permitted.
902.7 Coal Usage Prohibited
The burning of coal within the Town is prohibited."
t5.24.110 Violation
The following clause concerning violations is set forth in full and adopted with reference to the
2009 Edition of the International Mechanical Code named in the title of this Chapter: It is
unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, move, demolish, repair, use
and occupy any building or structure in the Town or cause or permit the same to be done,
contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of any of the codes or standards named in the
title of this Chapter.
15.24.120 Penalty
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter or of the provisions of the 2003
International Mechanical Code named in the title of this Chapter, as adopted and modified herein,
shall be deemed to have committed a civil infraction for each and every day or portion thereof
during which any infraction of any of the provisions of any of the codes and standards named in
the title of this Chapter is committed, continued or permitted and shall be subject to the penalties
contained in Chapter 1.09 of this Code.
15.24.130 Repeal
The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the code of the Town as provided in
this Chapter shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that
occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or
proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted.
The repeal of any provision shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed
or superseded unless expressly stated in this Chapter.
15.24.140 Validity
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of the 2003 Edition of the International
Mechanical Code named in the title of this Chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or
unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining
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provisions of this Chapter. The Town declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified
in this Chapter, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that
any one (1) or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared
International Fuel Gas Code
15.28.010 Adoption
The Town adopts the 2009 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code and all appendix chapters
thereto. The 2009 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code is published by the International
Code Council, 500 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Sixth Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001. A copy of
the 2.003 International Fuel Gas Code are on file in the Town Clerk's office, and are available for
inspection during regular office hours.
15.28.020 Additions or Modifications
The 2009 International. Fuel Gas Code is amended and changed in Sections 15.28 through
15.28.50 of this Chapter.
15.28.030 Organization and Enforcement
(Refer to the 2009 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code.)
15.28.040 Section 103.1. International Fuel Gas Code Department of Inspection
15.28.050 Section 106 — Permits
Section 106 is amended as follows:
"Section 106.6 -- Fees
All fees shall be as shown on the Town of Avon Fee Schedule A (adopted by resolution of the
15.28.060 Section 304.1 — General
This section is hereby mended by the addition of the following language:
"New construction shall be considered unusually tight construction as defined by this code."
15.28.070 Section 404.5 — Protection Against Physical Damage
This Section is hereby amended by the addition of the following language:
"Above ground gas meters, regulators, and piping shall be protected from damage by ice or snow,
and if exposed to vehicular damage due to the proximity to alleys, driveways or parking areas
shall be protected from such damage."
Fire Code
15.32.010 Adoption
(a) The Town adopts, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous
to life and property from fire, hazardous materials or explosion, the certain standards known as
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the 2009 International Fire Code, including Appendix E Hazardous Categories, and Appendix F
Hazard Ranking, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended
by this Chapter.
(b) The 2009 Tnternational Fire Code is published by the International Code Council, 4051 West
Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, Illinois, 60478 -5795. A copy of the 2009 International Fire
Code is on file in the office of the Town Clerk and is available for inspection during regular
business hours.
1532.020 Additions or Modifications
The 2009 International Fire Code is amended and changed in Sections 15.32.030 through
15.32.030 Section 104.6 — Official Records
Section 104.6 is amended by the deletion of 104.6.2 — Inspections, 104.6.3 — Fire Records and
104.6.4 — Administrative.
15.32.040 Section 104.11 — Authority at Fires and Other Emergencies
Section 104.11 is amended by adding the following language:
"Fire alarm panel troubles signals, maintenance signals, testing signals or as approved in writing
by the Fire Chief shall not be construed as an emergency fire condition."
15.32.050 Section 104.11.3 — Systems and Devices.
Section 104.11.3 is amended by adding the following language;
"Fire alarm panel trouble signals, maintenance signals, testing signals or as approved by the Fire
Chief shall not be construed as an emergency fire condition."
L5.32.060 Section 105. 1.1 —Permits Required
Section 105. 1.1 is amended to read as follows:
"105.1.1 Permits Required. Permits and inspections required by this code will be administered
by and through the Eagle River Fire Protection District. Permit fees, if any, shall be paid to the
Eagle River Fire Protection District prior to issuance of the permit. Issued permits shall be kept
on the premises designated therein at all times and shall be readily available for inspection by the
fire department or the fire Code official. (For permit applications and inspections contact the
Eagle River Fire Protection District at 351 Benchmark Road, Post Office Box 7980, Avon,
Colorado, 81620. Phone: 970- 748 - 9665)"
15.32.070 Section 105.6 — Required Operational Permits
(a) Section 105.6 is amended to delete all sub- sections except sections 105.6.2, 105.6.4, 105.6.9,
105.6.21, 105.6.30, 105.6.31, 105.6.37 and 105.6.44. and Section 105.6 is amended to read as
"105.6 Required Operational Permits. The fire code official or authorized designee is authorized
to issue operational permits or the operations set forth in Sections 105.6.2, 105.6.4, 105.6.9,
105.6.21, 105.6.30, 105.6.31, 105.6.37 and 105.6.44.,,
15.32.080 Section 105.7 — Required Construction Permits
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Section 105.7 is amended as follows: Delete all sub - sections except sections 105.7.1, 105.73
and 105.7.11.
15.32.090 Section 108 — Board of Appeals
Section 108 is amended to read as follows:
"108.1 Board of Appeals Established. In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or
determinations made by the fire code official or designated representatives, relative to the
application and interpretation of this code, there shall be and is hereby created a board of appeals.
The board of appeals shall consist of the governing board of the Eagle River Fire Protection
District plus a representative from the Town of Avon as appointed by the Avon Town Council.
The fire code official shall be an ex officio member of said board but shall have no vote on any
matter before the board.
108.2 Procedure for appeals. An application for appeal shall be filed with the Town Clerk
within twenty days after the date of the decision of the fire code official or designated
representative. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the intent of this code or
the rules legally adopted hereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this cede
do not fully apply, or an equivalent method of protection or safety is proposed. The application
must state the specific order, decision or determination being appealed and include
documentation to support the appeal. The board shall render a decision within 30 days of receipt
of the appeal. The decision of the board shall be by resolution and copies shall be furnished to the
appellant and to the fire code official. The fire code official shall take immediate action in
accordance with the decision of the board.
108.3 Limitations on Authority. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the
intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder has been incorrectly interpreted, the
provisions of this code do not fully apply or an equivalent method of protection or safety is
proposed. The board shall have no authority to waive requirements of this code."
15.32. 100 Section 202 — General Definitions
(a) False Alarm is amended to read as follows:
"False Alarm. The deliberate reporting of an alarm for which no such fire car emergency actually
(b) Fire Code Official is amended to read as follows:
"Fire Code Official. The Town of Avon Building Official or a duly authorized representative
charged with the administration and enforcement of the code."
(c) Fire Department is added to read as follows:
"Fire Department. The Eagle River Fire Protection District is the designated fire depart -meat in
the Town of Avon."
15.32. 110 Section 308.3.1 — Open - Flame Cooking Devices
Section 308.3.1 is amended by the addition of Exception 3:
"3. Propane Cooking Devices."
15.32, 1210 Section 603.8.2 — Spark Arrestor
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Section 603.8.2 is amended by the addition of:
"Chimneys used with fireplaces or heating appliances in which solid fuel is used shall be
maintained with an effective means of arresting spark."
15.32.130 Section 905.1 — Standpipe Systems, General
Section 905.1, General, is amended by revising the third sentence to read as follows:
"The outside fire department connections shall be approved by the Fire Chief."
15.32.140 Section 907 —Fire Alarm and Detection Systems
Section 907, Fire Alarm and Detection Systems, is amended as follows:
(1) 907.2.1 Group A — delete the exception.
(2) 907.2.2 Group B — delete the exception.
(3) 907.2.4 Group F — delete the exception.
(4) 907.2.7 Group M — delete the exception.
15.32.250 "Violation
The following clause concerning violations is set forth in full and adopted with reference to the
2003 International Fire Code named in the title of this Chapter:
"It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, move, demolish,
repair, use and occupy any building or structure and building service equipment, or maintain any
building or structure in the Town of Avon or cause or permit the same to be done, contrary to or
in violation of any of the provisions of any of the codes or standards named in the title of this
15.32.260 Penalty
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter or of the provisions of the 2003
International Fire Code named in the title of this Chapter, as adopted and modified herein, shall
be deemed to have committed a civil infraction for each and every day or portion thereof during
which any infraction of any of the provisions of any of the codes and standards named in the title
of this Chapter is committed, continued or permitted and shall be subject to the penalties
contained in Chapter 1.09 of this Code.
15.32.270 Validity
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of the 2003 International Fire Code named
in the title of this Chapter, is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision
shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining provisions of this Chapter. The
Town declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this Chapter, each section,
subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one (1) or more sections,
subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional.
Factory -Built Housing and Manufactured Homes
15.36.010 Adoption
The Town adopts the 2009 Edition of the International Building Code and all appendix chapters
thereto. The 2009 Edition of the International Building Cade was published by the International
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Code Council, 500 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Sixth Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001. A copy of
the 2009 International Plumbing Code are on file in the Town Clerks office, and are available for
inspection during regular office hours.
15.36.020 Additions or Modifications
The 2009 International Building Code is amended and changed in Sections 15.20.030 through
15.20. 100 of this Chapter.
15.36.030 Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions shall have the meanings indicated;
Factory -built housing means any structure, or component thereof, designed primarily for
permanent residential occupancy, including a mobile home which is wholly or in substantial part
made, fabricated, formed or assembled in manufacturing facilities for installation, or assembly
and installation, on the building site.
Manufactured housing unit means a pie- constructed complete building unit or combination of
pre - constructed complete building, units without motor power designed and commonly used For
single - family, single -unit residential occupancy by persons in either temporary or permanent
locations, which unit or units are manufactured in a factory or at a location other than the
residential site of the completed home and which unit or units are not licensed as a recreational
Mobile home means a structure, transportable in one (1) or more sections, which is eight (8) body
feet or more in width and is thirty -two (32) body feet or more in length and which is built on a
permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling without permanent foundation when
connected to required utilities and includes the plumbing, heating, air - conditioning and electrical
systems contained therein.
Nonresidential factory -built housing means any structure, or component thereof, designed
primarily for permanent nonresidential occupancy, including a manufactured unit which is
wholly or in substantial part made, fabricated, formed or assembled in manufacturing facilities
for installation, or assembly and installation on the building site.
15.3+6.040 Park Site and General Requirements
(a) Provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to a manufactured home located within the Town on
the effective date of the ordinance codified herein.
(b) Each new park or addition to an existing park shall conform to all provisions of this Chapter.
(c) Manufactured home space. Each space shall contain at least three thousand (3,000) square
feet of area for a single -wide unit, and four thousand two hundred (4,200) square feet for a
doublewide unit. The minimum space between any appurtenance or deck thereto shall be a
minimum of twelve (12) feet. The minimum space between any two (2) manufactured homes or
habitable appurtenance thereto shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet. Each space shall provide
paved parking spaces for at least two (2) automobiles, either on the space adjacent to it or within
the park, or by any combination of these locations.
(d) Driveways and walkways. All mobile home spaces shall abut upon a driveway graded for
drainage and maintained in a rut and dust -free condition and which provides unobstructed access
to a public street or highway. The minimum unobstructed width of such driveways shall be
sixteen (16) feet. An additional eight (8) feet of width shall be constructed for each parallel
parking space adjacent thereto, or twenty -eight (28) feet for double- loaded perpendicular parking
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spaces. All driveways and walkways within the park shall be illuminated to ensure safety for
park residents.
(e) Paving of parking and driving areas. All manufactured home parks shall have paving in the
parking and driving areas thereof.
(f) Maintenance of lots. All lots and stands shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition,
free from hazardous or noxious materials, weeds, refuse and motor vehicles having no current
license plates.
15.36.050 General Requirements — Manufactured Housing
(a) No person, firm or corporation shall place a manufactured home within the Town without first
obtaining a permit therefor from the State Division of Housing and approval for the installation
by the State Division of Housing.
(b) No person, firm or corporation shah make any alteration or addition to a manufactured home
thereto without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Building Official.
(c) All manufactured homes, including mobile homes, shall comply with the installation
requirements set forth in the Part 31, Manufactured Home Installation, Section 24 -32 -3101 et
seq., C.R.S., and any other rules and regulations adopted by the Colorado Division of Housing
governing manufactured housing.
(d) All manufactured homes must comply with either the Section 24 -32 -701, C.R.S., governing
labeling and construction compliance with state and federal standards or bear the red HUD label.
(e) All manufactured homes shall be designed with the snow load requirements as set forth in
Section 15.08.120 of this Code unless it complies with one (1) of the following:
(1) An approved snow removal maintenance program;
(2) A protective shelter built over the home, not connected to the home; or
(3) A shelter designed by a professional engineer or architect.
15.36.060 General Requirements — Factory -Built Units
(a) No person, fine or corporation shall place a factory -built unit within the Town without first
obtaining a permit therefore from the Building Official.
(b) No permit for a factory -built home or any alteration or addition thereto shall be issued unless
the same complies with all requirements of the building code, including electrical, plumbing and
mechanical in effect in the Town at the time.
Solid- Fuel - Burning Devices
15.40.010 Adoption
The Town adopts the 2009 Edition of the International Plumbing Code and all appendix chapters
thereto. The 2009 Edition of the International Plumbing Code was published by the International
Code Council, 500 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Sixth Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001. A copy of
the 2009 International Plumbing Code are on file in the Town Clerk's office, and are available for
inspection during regular office hours.
15.40.020 Additions or Modifications
The 2009 International Plumbing Code is amended and changed in Sections 15.20.030 through
15,20. 100 of this Chapter.
15.40.030 Purpose and Applicability
These regulations are enacted for the purpose of promoting the health, safety and general welfare
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of the residents of and visitors to the Town. These regulations are intended to protect air quality.
1 5.40.040 Definitions
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions shall have the meanings indicated;
New Technology Device means a solid- fuel - burning device which is certified by the EPA and
Listed in the Colorado Department of Health's web page under Air pollution control division,
residential burning information.
A new technology device is; one which has EPA certification as a EPA Certified wood stove."
EPA Certified wood stove means a heating appliance that has been independently tested by an
accredited laboratory to meet a particulate emissions limit of 7.5 grams per hour for non - catalytic
wood stoves and 4.1 grams per hour for catalytic wood stoves. A list of certified wood stoves is
available on the EPA's web site.
Only New technology devices may be used as "Solid fuel burning devices" in the Town of
Gas appliance means a fully self- contained U.L. and A.G.A. listed fireplace unit which des not
require venting through a masonry chimney, which has no damper and which does not permit the
use of solid fuel..
Solid -fuel burning devices means any fireplace, firebox or device intended and/or used for the
purpose of burning wood, pulp, paper or other non - liquid or nongaseous fuel. This definition
specifically excludes noncommercial barbecue devices used to cook food outdoors.
Gas fireplace means a fire place either manufactured as a finished unit or a true masonry fire
place fitted with an A.G.A and/or U.L. listed gas to kit, has not damper and vents through an tD
approved vent.
"Exception The Building Official may approve a gas fireplace equipped with interlocked damper
and gas valve."
15.40.050 Amendment
Section 902 is amended by adding the following sub- section:
"902.4 Regulations below the elevation of Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Feet
Below the elevation of seven thousand eight hundred twenty feet, no new wood burning or solid -
fuel burning fireplaces or other such devices shall be permitted to be constructed or installed after
the ordinance codified in this chapter becomes effective.
No mobile or modular home shall be moved in place in the Town and connected to utility service
that has installed with such mobile or modular home a solid -fuel burning device.
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Below such elevation, new technology devices, gas appliances and gas fireplaces shall be
permitted. Below such elevation there shall also be permitted one EPA approved woad burning
fireplace in the lobby of any hotel or lodge, provided a fee in the amount of three thousand
dollars ($3,000.00) is paid at the time of application for a building permit."
15.40.060 Gas Appliances
All gas -log fireplaces shall be constructed in such a manner that access to the firebox is
prohibited except for the purposes of repair and maintenance.
15.40.070 Coal Usage Prohibited
The burning of coal within the Town is prohibited.
Chapter 15.44
2009 International Property Maintenance Code
15.44.010 Adoption
The Town adopts the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code and all appendix chapters.
The 2009 International Property Maintenance Code is published by the International Code
Council ( ICC) 4051 'West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478. Copies of the 2009
International Property Maintenance Code are on file in the office of Community Development,
and are available for inspection during regular business hours..
15.44.020 Additions or Modifications
The 2009 International Property Maintenance Code is amended and changed in Sections
15.44.030 and 15.44.040 of this Chapter. (turd. 99 -14 (part))
.15.44.030 Section 205 — Board of Appeal
Section 111 is amended to provide as follows:
15.44.040 "Violation
The following clause concerning violations is set forth in full and adopted with reference to the
2009 International Property Maintenance code named in the tide of this Chapter:
"It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, move, demolish,
repair, use and occupy any building or structure in the Town or cause or permit the same to be
done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of the code or standards named in the
title of this chapter."
15.44.050 Penalty
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter or of the provisions of the 2009
International Property Maintenance Code named in the title of this Chapter, as adopted and
modified herein, shall be deemed to have committed a civil infraction for each and every day or
portion thereof during which any infraction of any of the provisions of any of the codes and
standards named in the title of this Chapter is committed, continued or permitted and shall be
subject to the penalties contained in Chapter 1.09 of this Code.
15.44.060 Repeal
Ord 10 -02 Adopting 2009 IBC 2 -9 -10
Page 36 of 39
The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Code as provided in this Chapter
shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, violation that occurred prior to
the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as
commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of
any provision shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded
unless expressly stated in this Chapter.
15.44.070 Validity
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of the code named in the title of this Chapter
is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity
or constitutionality of the remaining provisions of this Chapter. The Town declares that it would
have passed the ordinance codified in this Chapter, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase
hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one (1) or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses
and phrases be declared invalid.
Chapter 15.48
International Energy Conservation Code
15.40.010 Adoption
The Town adopts the 2009 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code and all
appendix chapters thereto. The 2009 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code was
published by the International Code Council, 500 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Sixth Floor,
Washington, D.C. 20001. A copy of the 2009 International Plumbing Code are on file in the
Town Clerk's office, and are available for inspection during regular office hours.
15.40.020 Additions or Modifications
The 2009 International Energy Conservation
15.20.030 through 15-20. 100 of this Chapter.
Code is amended and changed in Sections
15.48.030 Section 101.3 — Intent
This section is hereby amended with the addition of the following language:
"The latest editions of Rescheck and Comcheck Software, as developed by the United States
Department of Energy, may be used to demonstrate compliance with the 2009 Edition of the
International Energy Conservation Code."
15.48.040 Section 503.2.2.1 — Snowmelt Boilers
This section is hereby added as follows:
"All gas fired boilers, used for snow melt shall have a minimum efficiency of ninety-two percent
(92 %) AFUE. Note: this is a big change reflecting the fact that snow smelt is a large energy user
and by bring the efficiency up, a more sustainable approach to the use of snow melt will be in
place. Not in the Code. "
Ord 10 -02 Adapting 2009 IBC 2 -9 -10
Page 37 of 39
Section 4. Codification Amendments. The codifier of the Town's Municipal Code, Colorado
Code Publishing, is hereby authorized to make such numerical and formatting changes as may be
necessary to incorporate the provisions of this Ordinance within the Avon Municipal Code. The
Town Clerk is authorized to correct, or approve the correction by the codifier, of any
typographical error in the enacted regulations, provided that such correction shall not
substantively change any provision of the regulations adopted in this Ordinance. Such
corrections may include spelling, reference, citation, enumeration, and grammatical errors.
Section S. SeverabW . If any provision of this Ordinance, or the application of such provision
to any person or circumstance, is for any reason held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect
other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid
provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be
severable. The Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each
provision thereof, even though any one of the provisions might be declared unconstitutional or
invalid. As used in this Section, the term "provision" means and includes any part, division,
subdivision, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase; the term "application" means and
includes an application of an ordinance or any part thereof, whether considered or construed
alone or together with another ordinance or ordinances, or part thereof, of the Town.
Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect seven days after public notice
following final passage in accordance with Section 6.4 of the Avon Hoene Rule Charter.
Section 7. Safety Clause. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this
Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the Town of Avon, that it is
promulgated for the health, safety and welfare of the public, and that this Ordinance is necessary
for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and
welfare. The Town Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the
proper legislative object sought to be obtained.
Section 8. No Existing Violation Affected. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to
release, extinguish, alter, modify, or change in whole or in part any penalty, liability or right or
affect any audit, suit, or proceeding pending in any court, or any rights acquired, or liability
incurred, or any cause or causes of action acquired or existing which may have been incurred or
obtained under any ordinance or provision hereby repealed or amended by this Ordinance. Any
such ordinance or provision thereof so amended, repealed, or superseded by this Ordinance shall
be treated and held as remaining in force for the purpose of sustaining any and all proper actions,
suits, proceedings and prosecutions, for the enforcement of such penalty, liability, or right, and
for the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree or order which can or may be rendered,
entered, or made in such actions, suits or proceedings, or prosecutions imposing, inflicting, or
declaring such penalty or liability or enforcing such right, and shall be treated and held as
remaining in force for the purpose of sustaining any and all proceedings, actions, hearings, and
appeals pending before any court or administrative tribunal.
Ord 10 -02 Adopting 2009 IBC 2 -9 -10
Page 38 of 39
Section 9. Publication by Posting. The Town Clerk is ordered to publish this Ordinance by
posting notice of adoption of this Ordinance. on final reading by title in at least three public
places within the Town and posting at the office of the Town Clerk, which notice shall contain a
statement that a copy of the ordinance in fail and a statement that a complete copies of the
International Building Codes adopted by reference are available for inspection for public
inspection in the office of the Town Clerk during nonnal business hours and which notice shall
contain .
AND REFERRED TO PUBLIC HEARING and setting such public hearing for February 23,
2010 at the Council Chaixibers of the Avon Municipal Building, located at One Lake Street, Avon,
Colorado, on February 9, 2010.
Ronald C. 'Wolfe, Mayor
Published by posting in at least three public places in Town and posting at the office of the Town
Clerk at least seven days prior to finial action by the Town Council.
Patty McKenny, Town Clerk Eric Heil, flown Attorney
Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor
Published by posting by title in at least three public places in Town and posting by title at the
office of the Town Clerk.
Patty McKenny, Town Clerk
Ord 10 -02 Adopting 2009 IBC 2 -9 -10
Page 39 of 39
Legal Review:
Approved by:
Honorable Mayor and Town Council Initials
Larry Brooks, Town Manager
Eric Heil, Town Attorney
Sally Vecchio, Asst Town Manager, Com Dev
Matt Gennett, AICP, Planning Manager
February 4, 2010
Ordinance No. 10 -03, Series of 2010
During the Citizen Input item of the January 26, 2010 Town Council meeting, Chris Kline a
resident living at 630 West Beaver Creek Blvd, addressed the Council in response to
receiving a "Notice of Violation" letter stating that he had to replace the outdoor lighting
fixtures on his home, pursuant to Chapter 15.30, Avon Municipal Code. Mr. Kline did not feel
it was fair that the requirements of the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance (OLO), adopted in 2004
would apply to his pre - existing home. In response to this complaint, and after further
discussion and consideration, Staff was directed to draft an ordinance extending the
commencement of the enforcement date in the OLO from the November 17, 2009 until June
15, 2011.
Previous Council Action:
The Town Council identified the need for increased outdoor lighting regulations beginning as
early as the spring of 2004. Staff was directed to investigate and propose a solution to this
issue because of the significant growth and building activity the Town was experiencing.
After several months of consideration, public hearings (including a night -time tour of existing
outdoor lighting), discussions with the Community Development Subcommittee, Planning
and Zoning Commission, the Town Council approved Ordinance 04 -19 in November of
The governing legislation in this Ordinance states: "all exterior lighting installed after the
effective date shall conform to the standards established. All existing lighting installed before
the effective date of the Ordinance shall be brought into conformance within five (5) (5) years
from the date of adoption... or by November 17, 2009. (AMC 15.30.030)"
The background of the OLO is extensive, dating back to early 2004. The importance of
having a dark, night sky to the Town of Avon has been a continuing theme ever since
adoption of the OLO as emphasized with the well- scrutinized design review of all new
residential and commercial lighting applications.
The 2006 Comprehensive Plan reinforced the regulations and the Town's policy direction
on this matter with Policy H3.4 which states: Ensure outdoor lighting does not create
undesirable light pollution and complies with the "Dark Sky Ordinance" Revisit the
ordinance as needed to ensure it is achieving the desired goals.
Public outreach and education with respect to the mandatory compliance requirement of the
OLO has been extensive. In addition to the workshops and public hearings on the front -end
of the approval process, the Planning staff increased public awareness efforts with the
publication and distribution of the Avon Lighting Ordinance User's Guide (Attachment B).
Some large properties formerly in violation of the OLO, including the Eaglebend Apartments,
have since come into compliance with the requirements of the OLO at great expense. This
property can be viewed as a successful example that demonstrates how excessive light and
glare can be reduced when light fixtures are either replaced or retrofitted.
Staff will provide the Council with a presentation during the hearing demonstrating the state
of compliance within the regulations and highlighting the extent to which the Town has
invested in meeting the stated purpose and intent of the OLO, and the Avon Dark Sky
Preservation Initiative.
Financial Implications:
Based on early direction from Council, the Town was held equally liable for replacement of
their own fixtures pursuant to the new lighting standards. The 5 -year CIP budget annually
included funds for regular replacement of existing street lights beginning in 2006. While this
approach has been rather costly for the Town, it highlights the fairness of the regulations,
and demonstrates that the Town is working diligently to remedy all violating fixtures in a
timely manner. The Town has also achieved a significant level of compliance with
commercial properties in Town Center.
The Town has spent an estimated $650,000 on the appropriate retrofitting and replacement
of Town -owned streetlights and corresponding fixtures to achieve compliance since adoption
of the OLO.
Staff has estimated that an average residential or commercial light fixture retrofit or
replacement costs approximately $25/ per fixture. This estimate is based on a review of the
average cost of fixtures or shading attachments from local outdoor light- fixture retailers and
other providers.
Citing the findings detailed above, which indicate that the OLO continues to achieve its
stated intent, and compliance continues with the retrofitting /replacement of fixtures or by
new construction utilizing compliant light fixtures, Staff recommends the Council TABLE
Ordinance10 -03, Series of 2010, to allow the staff to adequately research the
effectiveness of Chapter 15.30 (AMC) in accordance with the procedural requirements
stated therein.
• Page 2
Proposed Motion:
"I move to TABLE Ordinance No. 10 -03, Series of 2010, citing the pertinent findings of fact
and criteria provided by staff in their memorandum to council dated February 4, 2010."
Town Manager Comments:
A. Ordinance No. 10 -03, Series of 2010
B. Town of Avon Lighting Ordinance User's Guide
C. Avon Dark Sky Preservation Initiative
• Page 3
Exhibit A
WHEREAS, pursuant to C.R.S. §31 -15- 103, §31 -15- 104, §31 -23 -301 et. seq. and §29 -20 -101
et. seq. and pursuant to the home rule powers of the Town of Avon ( "Town "), the Town Council
has the power to make and publish ordinances necessary and proper to regulate the use of land
and provide for the safety, preserve the health, promote the prosperity, and improve the morals,
order, comfort, and convenience of its inhabitants; and
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 04 -19 was adopted in November, 2004 and established the "Avon
Dark Sky Preservation Initiative" program which requires all existing lighting fixtures installed
before the effective date of the ordinance brought into conformance with the new lighting
standards within five (5) years from the date of adoption of the ordinance or by November 17,
2009 ; and,
WHEREAS, there is a public purpose in temporarily relieving the general public of the
potentially burdensome cost of complying with Chapter 15.30 Outdoor Lighting Standards, Sec
15.30.030, Applicability, of the Avon Municipal Code by extending the deadline for compliance
from November 17, 2009 to June 15, 2011; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that extending the Outdoor Lighting Standards'
compliance deadline from November 17, 2009 to June 15, 2011 will not adversely affect the
health, safety and general welfare of the residents of Town; and,
WHEREAS, approval of this Ordinance on first reading is intended only to confirm that the
Town Council desires to comply the requirements of the Avon Home Rule Charter by setting a
public hearing in order to provide the public an opportunity to present testimony and evidence
regarding the application and that approval of this Ordinance on first reading does not constitute
a representation that the Town Council, or any member of the Town Council, supports, approves,
rejects, or denies this ordinance;
OF AVON, COLORADO the following:
Section 1 Recitals Incorporated: The above and foregoing recitals are incorporated herein by
reference and adopted as findings and determinations of the Town Council.
Section 2 Repealed: Section 15.30.030 of the Avon Municipal Code is hereby repealed in its
entirety and reacted to read as follows:
Ordinance No. 10 -03 Outdoor Lighting, February 9, 2010
Page 1 of 3
"15.30.030 Applicability The lighting standards of this Chapter shall be
applicable to all exterior lighting within the Town of Avon. All exterior lighting
installed after the effective date of this Chapter shall conform to the standards
established by this Chapter. All existing lighting installed before the effective
date of this Chapter shall be brought into conformance by June 15, 2011."
Section 3 Codification Amendments: The codifier of the Town's Municipal Code, Colorado
Code Publishing, is hereby authorized to make such numerical and formatting changes as may be
necessary to incorporate the provisions of this Ordinance within the Avon Municipal Code. The
Town Clerk is authorized to correct, or approve the correction by the codifier, of any
typographical error in the enacted regulations, provided that such correction shall not
substantively change any provision of the regulations adopted in this Ordinance. Such
corrections may include spelling, reference, citation, enumeration, and grammatical errors.
Section 4 Severability: If any provision of this Ordinance, or the application of such provision
to any person or circumstance, is for any reason held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect
other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid
provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be
severable. The Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each
provision thereof, even though any one of the provisions might be declared unconstitutional or
invalid. As used in this Section, the term "provision" means and includes any part, division,
subdivision, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase; the term "application" means and
includes an application of an ordinance or any part thereof, whether considered or construed
alone or together with another ordinance or ordinances, or part thereof, of the Town.
Section 5 Effective Date: This Ordinance shall take effect seven days after public notice
following final passage in accordance with Section 6.4 of the Avon Home Rule Charter.
Section 6 Safety Clause: The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this
Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the Town of Avon, that it is
promulgated for the health, safety and welfare of the public, and that this Ordinance is necessary
for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and
welfare. The Town Council further determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the
proper legislative object sought to be obtained.
Section 7 No Existing Violation Affected: Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to
release, extinguish, alter, modify, or change in whole or in part any penalty, liability or right or
affect any audit, suit, or proceeding pending in any court, or any rights acquired, or liability
incurred, or any cause or causes of action acquired or existing which may have been incurred or
obtained under any ordinance or provision hereby repealed or amended by this Ordinance. Any
such ordinance or provision thereof so amended, repealed, or superseded by this Ordinance shall
be treated and held as remaining in force for the purpose of sustaining any and all proper actions,
suits, proceedings and prosecutions, for the enforcement of such penalty, liability, or right, and
Ordinance No. 10 -03 Outdoor Lighting, February 9, 2010
Page 2 of 3
for the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree or order which can or may be rendered,
entered, or made in such actions, suits or proceedings, or prosecutions imposing, inflicting, or
declaring such penalty or liability or enforcing such right, and shall be treated and held as
remaining in force for the purpose of sustaining any and all proceedings, actions, hearings, and
appeals pending before any court or administrative tribunal.
Section 8 Publication by Posting: The Town Clerk is ordered to publish this Ordinance by
posting notice of adoption of this Ordinance on final reading by title in at least three public
places within the Town and posting at the office of the Town Clerk, which notice shall contain a
statement that a copy of the ordinance in full is available for public inspection in the office of the
Town Clerk during normal business hours.
AND REFERRED TO PUBLIC HEARING on February 23, 2010 at the Council Chambers of
the Avon Municipal Building, located at One Lake Street, Avon, Colorado on the February 9,
Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor
Published by posting in at least three public places in Town and posting at the office of the Town
Clerk at least seven days prior to final action by the Town Council.
Patty McKenny, Town Clerk Eric Heil, Town Attorney
Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor
Published by posting by title in at least three public places in Town and posting by title at the
office of the Town Clerk.
Patty McKenny, Town Clerk
Ordinance No. 10 -03 Outdoor Lighting, February 9, 2010
Page 3 of 3
Exhibit B
V o
C o L o RA o o Town of Avon Lighting Ordinance User's Guide
In November of 2004, the Town of Avon passed a Lighting Ordinance
(Ordinance #04 -19) that applies to all residential and commercial
exterior lighting within the Town. The goal of the ordinance is to
reduce light pollution and glare experienced from poorly designed
and installed light fixtures while promoting adequate light for safety
and security.
The ordinance features a five -year horizon date that requires all
existing non - conforming outdoor light fixtures to comply with the
ordinance by November of 2009. In some cases, this may require the
replacement of existing fixtures that do not comply with the
The purpose of this guide is to provide the residents and business
owners of Avon a variety of illustrative examples of compliant and
non - compliant light fixtures.
The following light fixtures are considered "full- cutoff' and compliant
with Avon's Lighting Ordinance.
Glare Buster patent design cutoff Full Cutoff Shaped sconce
Compliant "Full Cutoff' fixtures (cont'd)
i -
s ra
Completely downcast canister Industrial styled residential full cutoff
Fixtures that have a maximum output of 1,000 lumens (equal to one
[60] watt incandescent light), may be partially shielded provided the
bulb is not visible, and the luminaire has an opaque top or is under an
opaque structure utilizing frosted, opalescent, or iridescent glass.
The following light fixtures are "partially shielded" and would comply
with the Ordinance only with a bulb output of less than 1,000 lumens.
s _
Wall mounted, frosted glass Shielded on top with frosted glass
Acceptable partially shielded fixtures (cont'd)
yti s
Partially shielded with opalescent glass Wall mounted with frosted glass
Frosted glass with shielded top
Partially shielded entry fixture with opalescent glass
with colored opalescent Was
The following examples are compliant with the Ordinance and may be
used for commercial, security or parking lot lighting.
Full cutoff parking light
Full cutoff commercial fixture Compliant "wall pack" design fixture
Full cut off "wall pack" with more side spread Fully recessed canopy fixture
With external shielding, floodlights are permitted in Town provided
that no light is directed above a twenty -five (25) degree angle and
only if the fixture does not cause glare or light to shine on adjacent
properties or public rights -of -way. (See Figure 2)
t �
1 �
Compliant floodlight angle Wall mounted floodlight with acceptable angle
The following light fixture examples DO NOT comply with the Town
Lighting Ordinance:
Kd96f BK
Globe style NOT `partially shielded" Hanging fixture with clear glass
Visible bulb and clear glass Improperly aimed high output flood light
Iii 1
Clear glass with exposed bulbs 'Wall pack" design with visible bulb
y y
No up lighting is permitted (except for flag lighting) Inproperly aimed floodlight
Prior to the retrofitting of any current non - compliant light fixtures, it is
highly recommended that contact be made with the Community
Development Department. A lighting cut sheet is required in order to
determine if conformity with the Ordinance is possible.
l This user's guide is not an endorsement of any manufacturer or any product by the Town of Avon. It is simply a guide to
illustrate that there are a number of styles of lighting that are compliant with Avon's Lighting Ordinance.
Sources include: / fixtures /res.html,,,
www. /kichiercatalog.jsp,
Exhibit C
Avon Dark Sky
Preservation Initiative
i I . ,
Prepared by the Community Development Department
400 Benchmark Road
Avon, CO 81620
(970) 748.4030
November 9, 2004
What is the vision for Avon?
Avon is unique due to its duel role as a year -round community serving the needs and
interests of those that live and work within the community full -time and as a resort
community that hosts both short and long -term visitors. The juxtaposition between these
two functions has often made planning and decision- making for the Avon community and
its leaders challenging. During this planning process it became apparent, however, that
much of what the community expressed in terms of values, beliefs, and desires for
Avon's future could in fact provide a synchronized direction for many of the unique
issues and concerns associated with each of Avon's two identities. Put in simple terms
"A great place to live is also a great place to visit, and conversely, a
great place to visit should certainly be a great place to live."
From the understanding that Avon's duel role as a community for year -round residents
and as a destination resort community could and should be mutually supportive, a set of
core themes were identified that provide an overarching direction for the Comprehensive
Plan and its implementation.
• Sense of place and character. Avon will be a fully developed community made
up of smaller residential neighborhoods and a thriving Town Core that
collectively provide a unique sense of place and charm that is not only enjoyed
by those that live and work here year- around, but that is enviously enjoyed by
those that come to visit.
• Thriving center of activity and entertainment: Avon will provide the Eagle
Valley with exceptional and unique shopping, dining, entertainment and
recreational opportunities.
• A vibrant economy: Avon will maintain a strong and sustainable year -round
economy through partnerships with local businesses and resort operators.
• Connectedness to cultural and environmental heritage: Avon will provide
exceptional art, architecture and cultural events and facilities, along with strong
connections to its spectacular scenery, ample outdoor recreational opportunities,
and its ranching and agricultural heritage.
• An exceptional transportation and transit network: Avon will offer a state -of-
the -art multi -modal transportation system that provides convenient, efficient,
clean links throughout the town, to ski area base facilities, and the entire Eagle
Valley region.
• Cooperative partnership with Beaver Creek: Avon will provide more than just
a gateway to the Beaver Creek resort area, but is a partner working cooperatively
with Beaver Creek in order to achieve mutual enhancements and the success of
both communities.
How does a Dark Sky relate to the Town vision?
Access to a clear and visible night sky is a strong value to our community. Across the
United States, especially in urban areas, access to a clear sky is no longer possible
because of poor exterior lighting. Over lighting of developments is unnecessary and
In order for Avon to fully achieve its vision, it needs to ensure that the Town is a livable
community for residents and a world -class experience for guests and visitors. Light
pollution is a threat to our clear night skies that are a significant part of the Rocky
Mountain West. Night lighting on a site is desirable for safety and aesthetic purposes,
but in no case, needs to detract from our western heritage.
Night Sky with city over lighting Night Sky with no sky glow
What is the objective of this regulation and the program?
The Dark Sky Preservation Initiative (DSPI for short) is a program implemented by
Town staff to provide the community with a measurable tool that supports the general
goals and objectives of the "Outdoor Lighting Ordinance" adopted in 2004.
The Town of Avon is experiencing a significant increase in the use of exterior
illumination. Town residents' value small town character and the qualities associated
with this character, including the ability to view the stars against a dark sky.
Both residents and guests recognize that inappropriate and poorly designed or installed
outdoor lighting causes unsafe and unpleasant conditions, and limits their ability to enjoy
the nighttime sky.
Through the adoption of Ordinance 04 -19, elected officials decided the following six
main goals were critical in regulating exterior lighting:
• Promote adequate light for safety and security;
• Reduce light trespass beyond property lines, and offensive light sources;
• Prevent inappropriate and poorly designed or installed outdoor lighting;
• Reduce glare;
• Reduce nighttime light pollution and to protect and reclaim the ability to view the night
sky by restricting the unnecessary upward projection of light;
• Phase out existing non - conforming fixtures that violate this chapter, including
those owned by the Town;
Satellite Imagery showing light pollution in US urban areas
How will we know if we are making a difference?
The DSPI is based on several qualitative objectives and premises:
➢ A baseline measurement of total observable lumens at select points (public/private
interfaces) in the Town Core of Avon will establish existing lighting levels (i.e. prior to
phase out of non - compliant light fixtures).
➢ A regular and consistent measurement of these fixed locations over time should indicate
whether lighting levels are static, worsening or changed as a result of the regulatory
requirements of the ordinance.
➢ A report of findings at least five years after the adoption of this ordinance should indicate
whether or not we've been effective at enhancing access to a clear night sky, and whether
or not the goals and objectives of the ordinance are sufficient or need further refinement.
(Insert picture of Lumen meter with Matt at a location)
In summary, the DSPI program gives us a "real time" tool to measure and evaluate a new
regulation. While it is qualitative in nature, data will be consistently collected and evaluated.
Dark Sky Preservation Initiative: Sample Data Form
Location: Avon Road / Roundabout #3
Date: January 3rd Year: 2005 Quarter:
Time: 9:OOpm Inspector: Matt P.
Conditions /'Humidity: Clear, new moon, 11' H
Location Diagram:
P4 0 0 Pi P2:
P3 0 i P2
Observable Readings (in Fc):
P2: N
P3: N
P41: N
Unit Type: Extech 407026 : Selection(s): S & F
Set Range: 200 -2000
Aggregate Reading: P1 P2 P3 P4_
Average for this site:
What type of light fixtures are acceptable?
The following figures illustrate examples of acceptable and unacceptable types of outdoor
lighting fixtures. Note that even those types of fixtures shown as "acceptable;" must be installed
and aimed properly to comply with this Avon's Lighting Ordinance. It is also important to note
that fixtures with a maximum output of 1,000 lumens (equal to one [60] watt incandescent light),
may be partially shielded provided the bulb is not visible, and the luminaire has an opaque top or
is under an opaque structure utilizing frosted, opalescent, or iridescent glass.
The following light fixtures are considered "full-cutoff" and compliant with Avon's Lighting
Compliant "Full Cutoff' fixtures
Industrial stvled residential full cutoff
The following examples are compliant with the Avon's Lighting Ordinance and may be used for
commercial, security or parking lot lighting.
Full cutoff parking light Parking/Security pole mounted fixture
The following light fixtures are "partially shielded" and would comply with the Ordinance only
with 1) a bulb output of less than 1,000 lumens, or 2) provided that the light is effectively
contained by a structure.
Partially Shielded Fixtures
wall mountea, trostea glass
s� .s
Shielded on top with frosted glass
Floodlights: With external shielding, floodlights are permitted in Town provided that no light is
directed above a twenty-five (25) degree angle and only if the fixture does not cause glare or light
to shine on adjacent properties or public rights -of -way. (See Figure 2)
Figure 2
1 1
1G �
1 �
Compliant floodlight angle
Wall mounted floodlight with acceptable angle
The following light fixture examples DO NOT comply with the Town Lighting Ordinance:
Improperly aimed high output flood light "Wall pack" design with visible bulb
Prior to the retrofitting of any current non - compliant light fixtures, it is highly recommended that
contact be made with the Community Development Department. A lighting cut sheet is required
in order to determine if conformity with the Ordinance is possible.
TO: Honorable Mayor Wolfe and Town Council members
CC: Larry Brooks, Town Manager
FROM: Eric Heil, Town Attorney
DATE: February 4, 2010
SUBJECT: Traer Creek Plaza Condominium Application
Summary: The Town Clerk has determined that the Traer Creek Plaza Condominium
Application is not eligible for placement on the Town Council agenda based on
memorandum provided by myself and Sally Vecchio, Community Development Director.
The applicant has the right to appeal this decision to the Town Council. Please see the
attached letter from Patty McKenny, Town Clerk (without attachments). I will provide an
update on this application during the Town Attorney report of the regular meeting
Heil Law & Planning, IIC Eric Heil, Esq., A.I.C.P
1499 Blake Street, Unit 1 -G Tel: 303.975.6120
Denver, CO 80202
C 0
L 0 R A D 0
January 3, 2010
Helaine R. Smith
Johnson & Repucci, LLP
2521 Broadway, Suite A
Boulder, CO 80304
Dear Ms. Smith,
Avon... a smoke free community
Post Office Box 975
One Lake Street
Avon, Colorado 8 620
970 - 748 -4000
970 - 949 -9139 Fa
Relay recognized
Please be advised that I am not placing the Traer Creek Plaza Condominium application ( "Application ")
on the Town Council meeting agenda for February 9, 2010, or on a later Town Council meeting agenda,
based on my authority under Avon Municipal Code, Section 16.12.050. 1 have determined that the
Application is not in compliance with the standards of the applicable regulations as identified by Sally
Vecchio, Community Development Director; therefore, I am not placing the Application on a Town
Council agenda pursuant to Avon Municipal Code Sec. 16.12.050(b). Also, I have determined that Traer
Creek Metropolitan District is effectively a co- applicant of the Application and is currently in default
under the Village at Avon Annexation and Development Agreement with the Town based on the
memorandum from Eric Heil, Town Attorney; therefore, I am not placing the Application on a Town
Council agenda pursuant to Avon Municipal Code Sec. 16.12.050(c).
In accordance with Avon Municipal Code Sec. 16.12.050(d), you have the right to appeal the ruling of the
Town Clerk to the Town Council. Any appeal must be submitted in writing to my office at least ten days
prior to the regular meeting at which the appellant wishes to be heard.
Patty McKen , ow Clerk
Town of Avo
✓ Memorandum from Sally Vecchio, Community Development Director, dated February 1, 2010
✓ Memorandum from Eric Heil, Town Attorney, dated February 2, 2010
cc without attachments:
✓ Sally Vecchio, Community Development Director
✓ Eric Heil, Town Attorney
✓ Larry Brooks, Town Manager
a. Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority Meeting Update (Brian Sipes,
b. Eagle County Open Space Advisory Committee Meeting Update (Ron
Wolfe, Mayor)
c. Update on Joint Meeting of Mayors and Managers: Transit Action Group
(Ron Wolfe, Mayor, Larry Brooks, Town Manager)
d. Recreation Center: Proposal for Physical Therapy Services (Meryl Jacobs,
Recreation Director) Review proposal for leasing space for physical therapy
services in 2010
e. Community Heat Recovery Project Update (Jeff Schneider, Project
4:15 PM — 5:00 PM 3. GREENPORT INITIATIVE (Ross Graves & Vince Cook, GreenPort Sustainable
Communities Corporation) Introduce the Greenport Initiative and Resolution in
support of the "transit oriented Economic Development Corridor'
Avon Council Meeting. 10.02.09
Page 1 of 5
To: Honorable Mayor & Town Council
Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager
Legal Review: Eric Heil, Town Attorneyl
Approved by: Meryl D. Jacobs, Director of Recreation
From: Meryl Jacobs, Director of Recreation
John Curutchet, Recreation Superintendent
Steve Duckworth, Maintenance Supervisor
January 29, 2010
Re: Physical Therapy proposal at Recreation Center
Summary: Since the economic decline in 2008, the Recreation Department has been
actively pursuing ideas for revenue generation and better utilization of space at the ARC.
In the past, staff has explored the concept of leasing a small portion of the recreation
center to an outside entity in order to enhance revenue, improve utilization of existing
space and provide a needed service to the community. This memo will highlight what
we believe to be a new "recession proof' leasing concept and a timeline for
implementation in 2010.
Previous Council Action: In April of 2009 staff presented a concept to council which
recommended the relocation of babysitting to the staff offices adjacent to front desk and
operating a licensed preschool in the existing babysitting space. Council expressed initial
support for the idea and instructed us to bring back additional information regarding the
interest level of local providers and information regarding IRS rules that may limit the
Town's ability to lease the space. Staff learned that the revenues generated from a
leasing concept would fall well under the IRS 10% private activity rules regarding tax
exempt financing. However, within a month of the council presentation, the local
preschool industry began to falter. It became clear that the interest level amongst local
licensed providers was waning. As a result of this we began to look at options that were
less likely to be influenced by the recession.
Discussion: The concept that staff is now recommending is leasing space from the ARC
to a physical therapy provider. A successful model of this type of partnership is currently
in place at the Gypsum Recreation Center between WECMRD and Howard Head. An
agreement between the two entities outlines the conditions of the lease and the rules of
engagement. The healthcare industry has remained stable throughout the recession and
staff believes that this model could be successful for the Town of Avon. In addition, we
have spoken to several local PT providers who have expressed enthusiasm for the idea
and are interested in submitting a proposal.
Attached for council review is the footprint of the area being considered (approximately
600 square feet) the cost estimate to remodel the area and a list of physical therapy
offices that have been contacted. Detailed below are the steps that would be followed in
order to initiate a lease by June of 2010.
Project Schedule
February 9ih Council Approval of concept
February 23rd Resolution, agreement and RFP to council
February 260' Invitation to bid
March 8ih Pre -bid meeting
April 5th Award bid
April 6h-30'h Layout developed
May 2nd -8th Construction
June 1St Lease begins
Financial Implications: Staff anticipates this program generating anywhere from
$16,000 to $18,000 ($28 -$30 /square foot x 600 square feet) annually as well as having
potential to draw new patrons to the Recreation Center. The estimate of remodeling
expenses is less than $10,000 and will not require a revision to the 2010 budget.
Recommended Action: Authorize staff to proceed with adoption of Resolution, RFP
and Lease Agreement for physical therapy lease at the February 23rd council meeting
after which staff will carry out the above detailed project schedule.
Town Manager Comments:
A: Footprint of space
B: Cost estimate of remodel
C: List of providers contacted
J`f me `i ry ear
Staff office/Loung-e area remodel
Work done in house Contracted out approx. cost
Wall Demo
Drywall repair
Ceiling grid
Sink Install with
vanity (Marble)
Wall Partition
for Time clocks
Wall Base
installation in
hallway (4' x 6')
Contingency @
Grand Total
�#achnwerz f 6,
• *Ascent Physical Therapy, Avon
• Dave Blanchard, MPT, Edwards
• David Honda, Vail, Edwards, Eagle
• Howard Head Sports Medicine, multiple locations throughout Eagle County
• Jointworx Physical therapy, Edwards
• *Therapy Masters, Avon
*have expressed sincere interest thus far
IIQC-A✓N eh f c
To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Initials
Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager
Legal Review: Eric Heil, Town Attorney
Approved by: Sally Vecchio, Assistant Town Manager
From: Justin Hildreth, P.E., Town Engineer '
Jeffrey Schneider, P.E., Project Engineer
Date: February 4, 2010
Re: Community Heat Recovery Project Update
Summary: This memorandum is to provide Town Council with an update on the progress of the
Community Heat Recovery Project. This project will utilize the heat energy in treated wastewater
effluent from the Avon Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF) to heat the Recreation Center
swimming pools and eventually provide snowmelt energy for Main Street. The project consists of
installing pumps, heat exchangers, process piping, and other new equipment in a building at the
Avon WWTF and trenching heat supply and return lines to another new building to be located
immediately east of the Recreation Center. The project is partially funded by a grant from the
Governor's Energy Office through the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) and is being
conducted in partnership with the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District ( ERWSD). The project
is progressing well and is within schedule and budget.
Previous Council Action: Town Council approved the grant agreement with DOLA at the April 28,
2009 regular meeting. The intergovernmental agreement between ERWSD and Town of Avon
(TOA) was approved at the May 26, 2009 regular council meeting. The Design Services Contract
was awarded to Camp, Dresser, and McKee, Inc. (CDM) at the June 23, 2009 regular council
meeting. A previous project update was given to Council at the November 10, 2009 meeting.
Discussion: The design phase of the Community Heat Recovery Project is near completion and is
beyond the ninety percent (90 %) level. The buildings were presented to the Planning and Zoning ( P
& Z) Commission and a conditional approval was received. The Heat Pump Building at the WWTF
site was approved without conditions, and the approval for the Heat Distribution Building at the
Recreation Center was conditioned upon submission and approval of a Landscaping Plan to P & Z
prior to issuance of a building permit. The Commission felt that the proposed building lacked
adequate screening. Town Staff is preparing a plan which addresses their concerns, namely
transplanting the large pine trees in the area to screen the building and removal of approximately 6
additional parking spaces to provide for additional landscape area. Staff feels that this option
accomplishes the screening goals while minimizing additional disruptions and reductions to parking,
while minimizing additional construction costs. A draft site restoration plan is attached as Exhibit A to
this memorandum.
The 90% construction drawings have been reviewed by Town Staff and ERWSD personnel, and the
drawings were presented to the ERWSD Construction Review Committee on February 3, 2010.
Feedback is being incorporated and the contract drawings and documents are being finalized for
submission of bid drawings on February 18, 2010. A construction cost estimate was also completed
at the 90% level and is discussed in greater detail in the Financial Implications section of this
Future project milestones and their approximate dates are shown below:
• Project Bid Timeframe: February 19 — March 19, 2010
• Open Bids: March 19, 2010
• Evaluate Bids: March 22 — April 6, 2010
• Award Construction Contract: April 13, 2010
• Notice to Proceed: April 27, 2010
• Preconstruction /Procurement/Submittals: April 28 —June 4, 2010
• Construction: June 7 —November 10, 2010
• Startup /Commissioning /Acceptance: November 11, 2010 —January 24, 2011
• System Performance Testing: December 27, 2010 —August 11, 2011
Financial Implications: The Design Budget for the Community Heat Recovery Project contains a
total of $740,000 for design services, comprised of $690,000 in CIP funds and $50,000 of in -kind
services from CDM. The 2010 CIP budget contains a total of $3,794,206 for construction. The Cost
Estimate competed at the 90% design stage totals $3,565,483, meaning that the project will likely be
within budget. The actual project budget will be prepared once construction bids are received and a
contractor is selected. Revenue for the project, in addition to TOA CIP funds, is provided by
$332,400 in cost sharing with ERWSD and $1,350,000 in grant funding from Colorado DOLA.
Exhibit A — Draft Site Restoration Plan, Heat Distribution Building
Town Manager Comments:
• Page 2
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R REMARKS DECEMBER 2009 ..Wft - w4�ft - wo—tion, qmmtlons AT FULL SCALE C-09
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R REMARKS DECEMBER 2009 ..Wft - w4�ft - wo—tion, qmmtlons AT FULL SCALE C-09
February 3, 2010
Mayor Wolfe and Avon Town Council:
On behalf of GreenPort Sustainable Communities Corporation, we appreciate the
opportunity to update the Mayor and Town Council on our ongoing progress with the
GreenPort initiative. We have included a draft resolution of support for your review and
will give a brief presentation on the project and where we currently stand on a number of
important benchmarks.
We appreciate this opportunity to present our vision.
Ross Graves
Vince Cook
To: GreenPort Sustainable Communities Corporation, a non - profit, Colorado 5 01 c3 Corporation
Executive Director Vincent Cook and Executive Director Ross Graves
Subject: The GreenPort Initiative and Resolution To Proceed
The Undersigned, The Avon Town Council, in concert with the Towns and Communities of the
Vail Valley, do hereby support the GreenPort Vision and Goals, and the Proposal submitted.
The Undersigned acknowledges that the Goals proposed are important to the economic and
environmental well being of Eagle County as a whole, and, Towns and Communities in specific.
The Undersigned do intend to formally support the goals proposed as a long -range commitment to
a stimulus activity, which would result in job creation, and job replacement, by establishing a unique
transit orientated Economic Development Corridor.
A Vail Valley wide Master Plan, to be developed, for a new Greenport Development Corridor and
Rail Transit System would connect workforce, businesses and tourism with an advanced rail/bus
transit system and would incorporate leading edge green technology.
The Undersigned further support the formation of the GreenPort 501c3 organization as a
Colorado private - public corporation and intend to operate in a cooperative partnership to achieve the
Goals outlined.
The Undersigned, in cooperation with other Towns and Communities and, the Eagle County
Commissioners, do intend to authorize 2010 seed funding to initiate 2010 GreenPort master planning
and Grant submissions.
Further, during the first 120 days, starting Feb. 1, 2010, it is understood that a "Consortium of
Towns and Communities" will be formed, as well as a Board of Directors for the GreenPort
Sustainable Communities organization, of which the Town of Avon will be a member.
A Joint Agreement, which further defines the roles of each Town or Community, and, also defines
the powers and statutory authorities reserved to the Towns and communities, will be defined jointly
with all Partners of the Consortium.
The Avon Town Council, Minturn. Colorado