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TC Council Packet 08-09-2006
TOWN OF "ON, COLORADO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 2006 AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD PRESIDING OFFICIALS K8AY0n PomVVoLpE MAYOR PRO TeM Txmnx NOTTINGHAM Uwoemm000 CouwouoRe DEBe|sBuonLev KmST|FERnAno KAAc80oDsv|rr Amy PHILLIPS Bw|AmS|PEa TOWN STAFF TOWN ATTORNEY: JOHN Dumm TOWN CLERK: PATTvk0c0EmNY TOWN MANAGER: LARRY BROOKS ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER: JACQUIE HALBURNT THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC; COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME ESTIMATED TIMES ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PU . RPOSES ONLY, SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PLEASE VIEW AVON's WEBSITE, HTTP://WWW.AVON.ORG, FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND COUNCIL MEETING MATERIALS AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND RECREATION CENTER, ALPINE BANK, AND CITY MARKET THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH WORK SESSION AGENDA MEETING BEGINS AT11:QWPM0 11'@O��A 1�'30 PM 1 EXECUTIVE S�S|ON(JohnDunn.Tm���me�pu�ua�toCRS2�84O2N)(� ' — `' ' conference with attorney forth* local public body for the purpose of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions on Village issues, specifically transportation services provided by the Town and PUC hearing update and pursuant to CRS 24-G- 4O3(f) regarding personnel matters 12:30 PM— 12:45PK82. APPROVAL OF WORK SESSION AGENDA & COUNCIL ASSIGNMENT UPDATES 12^ 45 Pk 1:00 PM 3 ^ AVON TOWN CENTER WEST PROJECT (Larry Brooks, Town Manager) Brief summary of a revised financial model for Voot Avon Public Improvement and discussion of the next stops for determining funding strategies �1'O�F�A8 �'���H0 � AVON EAST TOWN CENTER /�HARRETTE UPDATE (Tambi Kodeb. Community ' — ' ' i Workshop- ntatves)Reviaw of the preliminary concepts of the Design Charrette that took place the week of July 17th -- ---- —' Development Director, opreprese / 1:15PKO-1:45PR8 5' STAFFWpDATES[)hv�/8ton�bhdg� Road ��neet mape Improvements Update @ ���g|eo�no _ � � ~'^'--'-��-- -~odoheson�na| design of the pn�ec�Mennoonly (NonnVVood.TovvnEngmee�U. b . Eagle Valley Library. District Request (Jaoquie Ha|bumt Asst. Town Manager) Avon Historical committee request ho Council bo ask the Avon Regional Libnaryt- -- ate o new historical section to house Avon historical material i H |b t Asst Town Manager) Quote and C� Cluster �o� Mail D�|\V�ry (Jaoquo � unn . � simple questions for cluster box telephone survey d. Financial Matters / K8ernO only e Project Summary Report Memo only f. Avon Business Registration Update (patty K4cKenny. Town Clerk) Memo only 1:45 PM 6. ADJOURNMENT 2:00 P&0 T. SITE TOUR OF THE CONFLUENCE SALES OFFICE (TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED) Avon Council Meeting. 06.08.09 Pagel of 1 • • 1 • '0W• • Office of the Town Manager To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council From: Larry Brooks, Town Manage Date: August 2, 2006 Regarding: Avon Town Center West Project Please find attached a cover memo and preliminary financial plan from Stan Bernstein & Associates for the Avon Town Center West project. As mentioned in the memo, this financial plan is very preliminary and will be refined as the process continues. The financial plan utilizes the concept of an urban renewal authority to use incremental property taxes to finance the debt service on tax exempt bonds issued by the tax increment district. The financial model previously distributed (jUly 11th) as the first draft, illustrated a shortfall in the first four years to fund the improvements that collectively create the main street experience. The total shortfall (labeled as "Real Estate Transfer Taxes — Various Sources"), implied the Town would need to come up with an additional 6.8 million above that which it currently projects spending on the transit center. This was not an acceptable assumption in my view, as it did not seem fundable with our existing revenue projections, and would have resulted in an unsatisfactory return on investment for the Town. Several strategies should be considered in order to overcome this problem: the district can be enlarged to increase the debt service capacity; phasing strategies need to be explored; the extent of private sector contributions should be discussed, to mention a few. I asked Stan to prepare the second draft of the preliminary model attached, which attempts to overcome the shortfall by hypothetically including the Confluence into the Urban Renewal concept. The inclusion of the Confluence is a test case only at this point. While I have talked with Chuck Madison about the idea, we would need the direction of the council to begin talking with them in earnest. The model is provided at this time to help you prepare for the meeting of August 22. At that meeting we are inviting Stan Bernstein, Dee Wisor, and David Bell to talk with us about the project and to answer questions about the formation and financing of projects through tax increment strategies. • Page 2 August 2, 2006 The model infuses the Confluence property in shaded rows and substantially alters the outcome of the bottom line. For the purpose of your review, I suggest the following points of forms: Exhibit 1, Page 1 shows the funding problems in terms of front end timing of the public infrastructure costs. This is the straight cash flow model and line 36 illustrates the issue we would need to overcome. 2. Exhibit IIA, Page 2A shows in row 32 the annual revenue that can be captured by the formation of the URA if the Confluence property were included. It is illustrated that "on paper" these revenues could support 30 million in bonds, and enable the Town to provide a large portion of the infrastructure through the tax increment district. 3. Exhibit IB, Page 1B shows the capital cash flow utilizing the URA funding and confluence RETT revenues (net of EW payments), The shortfall previously mentioned is illustrated on line 18 of this page. 4. The operational impacts on Exhibit B, Page 3 of the model will vary dramatically based on the snow melt determination, but this exhibit begins to include operating considerations. On the 22nd of August, I am suggesting that Stan Bernstein discuss the financial exhibit with you, followed by Dee Wisor presenting legal issues and David Bell talking about bond marketing. This is an excellent team and I'm sure it will be helpful for us all. H Stan Bernstein and Associates, Inc. Financial Planners and Consultants For Local Governments, Municipal Bond underwriters, and Real Estate Developers 8400 East Prentice Ave., Penthouse Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 Telephone: 303 -409 -7611; Fax: 303 -409 -7612; Email: stanplan gearthlink.net 1►�i�]7: ►ice! i ►Iril TO: Mr. Larry Brooks, Town Manager Mr. Tambi Katieb Mr. Scott Wright FROM: Stan Bernstein, Amy Bernstein DATE: August 1, 2006 SUBJECT: Preliminary Financing Plan for Avon Town Center West Public Improvements Background Stan Bernstein and Associates, Inc. ( "SBA ") has assembled an analysis of municipal revenues that could be generated to the Town of Avon (the "Town ") from the real estate development projects identified in the Avon Town Center West Analyses prepared by Design Workshop earlier this year. This SBA analysis attempts (1) to identify the specific years that these municipal revenues will be received by the Town„ (ii) to identify the specific years that the Town will be required to fund Avon Town Center West Public Improvements; (iii) and formulate a preliminary public infrastructure funding plan. As a part of the public infrastructure funding plan, SBA has examined the potential tax increment revenue bonding potential that could be supported from the formation of a tax - increment district (i.e., an Urban Renewal Authority) which would capture property tax revenues from overlapping governmental entities for a 25 -year period within the boundaries of the Avon Town Center West tax increment district (a separate tax increment financing plan, which includes the Confluence Development as well as the Avon Town Center West, has also been developed and is included in this Memo). This Financing Plan should be viewed as very preliminary; something that will stimulate thinking from the Town staff, council, and consultants — and that will be refined as the Avon Town Center West comprehensive planning process evolves. Mr. Larry Brooks August 1, 2006 Page ii Schedules I — 7, pages 4 — 17 — Individual Real Estate Development Project Definition and Estimated Revenues Generated for Town Operations, Capital Projects and for the Urban Renewal Authority A separate schedule has been developed for each real estate development project within the Avon Town Center West planning area. These development projects include Lot 61, The Seasons, Avon Center, Sheraton Mountain Vista (future phases), the Parking Structure project, the Town Hall project, and the Nottingham Inn project (although the development of the Nottingham Inn project is not essential to the financial viability of the funding of the Avon Town Center West public infrastructure improvements because it is not expected to be developed until Year 9). Each schedule clearly identifies the scope (as proposed by Design Workshop) of the real estate development in terms of land use, uninflated assumed market values, and the estimated year that each project will be completed (i.e., and begin generating revenues for the Town and the possible Urban. Renewal Authority ["URA"]). Each Schedule also clearly identifies the incremental operating and capital revenues that could be generated for the Town, and for the URA. Schedule 4, page 10, Sheraton Mountain Vista (future phases) is not based on the land use initially recommended by Design Workshop — rather it is based on the land use very recently requested by the developers of Sheraton Mountain Vista (the main difference is that Design Workshop recommends 81 condominium units and 38 affordable housing units compared to the requested 99 condominium units and no affordable housing units — and the developers are proposing to complete 56 of these units in Year 2 and the remaining in Year 6, while Design Workshop assumes completion in Years 7, 8 and 9). For preliminary planning purposes, we decided to go with the developers plan because of the accelerated project completion schedule (which is favorable to the Town because municipal revenues are generated sooner - especially real estate transfer tax revenues generated from the sale of fractional ownership units, etc.). It is our understanding that Design Workshop has subsequently revised their Sheraton Mountain Vista land use and phasing so that it is consistent with our planning assumptions. Mr. Larry Brooks August 1, 2006 Page ill Exhibit III, page 3 — Summary of Incremental Town Operating Revenues Generated (and Related Operating and Maintenance Cost Estimates) from All Real Estate Development Projects within the Avon Town Center West Planning Area. Incremental Town operating revenues have been identified by year by revenue source (General Fund Property Taxes @ 8.96 mills, Sales Taxes @ 4%, Recreation Amenities Fee @ $28.02 per deeded week only applicable to the Sheraton Mountain Vista project, and 8% Accomodation Taxes which only apply to the rental of Condo-Hotels). Everyone should understand that there are other incremental Town operating revenues that will also be generated (i.e., utility franchise fees, county sales tax rebates, building related permits, water user and tap fees, cigarette taxes, and perhaps parking lot revenues generated from the proposed parking structure, etc.). Incremental Town operating revenues have also been identified by year by each real estate development project, and are presented on Row 18 of Exhibit Ill. In the event that a URA is formed, the General Fund property tax revenues identified on Exhibit III could be captured by the URA and not the Town's General Fund for a 25-year period. Preliminary estimated operating and maintenance costs related to the Avon Town Center West Mall have been estimated by Town Officials and appear on rows 21 — 26. These operating and maintenance costs include snowmelt, mall maintenance and landscape, parking lot operations and maintenance, and additional police security for the mall as well as the parking structure. Row 28 indicates operating and maintenance deficits until Year 7. If the Mall were to be phased over a longer period (rather than being completed by the end of Year 2) it might be possible to reduce the amount of the annual operating and maintenance deficits during the first 6 years. Exhibit 11, page 2 — Tax Increment District — Urban Renewal Authority — Incremental Property Tax Revenues and Very Preliminary Evaluation of Property Tax Increment Revenue Bonding Capacity A tax increment district, which can take the form of an Urban Renewal Authority ("URA") or a Downtown Development Authority ("DDA") is certainly a concept that should be considered to be used as a significant financing tool for funding public infrastructure projects relating to the Avon Town Center West planning area. These type of tax increment districts are becoming more common in Colorado and have been formed in the following resorts: Steamboat Springs, Mt. Crested Butte, and Vail — Lionshead. They have been seriously considered for large renovation projects in Breckenridge as well as Snowmass. A "Blight Study" (with a determination that there is in fact "blight" within the boundaries of the proposed tax increment district) is required before formation of these type of tax increment districts can be formed. I believe that such a tax increment district can be formed by the adoption of a 11 Mr. Larry Brooks August 1, 2006 Page iv Town Ordinance which does not require an election or approval of overlapping taxing entities such as the school district, county, water and sewer districts, library district, fire district, etc. — Dee Wisor, Esq. will address legal issues at the August 22 Town Council Work Session. Once formed, the property tax base (i.e., the assessed valuation within the boundaries of the tax increment district) is "frozen" and becomes the "frozen tax base" or the "frozen assessed valuation." Any increase in assessed valuation caused by new construction and increases in value on the new construction above the "frozen base" essentially becomes the assessed valuation for the tax increment district as indicated on row 9, Exhibit H. Incremental property tax revenues are generated by the tax increment district by applying all of the overlapping taxing entities mill levies (currently totaling 52.555 mills as shown on rows 11— 21 on Exhibit II) to the incremental assessed valuations. Incremental property tax revenues for the tax increment district (which would be controlled by the Town of Avon) is set forth on row 21 on Exhibit H. If a tax increment district is not formed, all of these incremental property tax revenues would be received by each of the entities shown on rows 11 —20. If a tax increment district is formed, the overlapping taxing entities would essentially not receive these tax revenues for a period not exceeding 25 -years from the date the tax increment district is legally formed — the tax increment district basically receives these revenues instead of the individual taxing entities. These tax increment property tax revenues can only be used to service debt on tax - exempt revenue bonds issued by the tax increment district (and I believe these type of bonds do not require a bond election) — the bond proceeds must be used for public improvements within the boundaries of the tax increment district. The theory is that by using tax increment financing, existing property within, and adjacent to, the boundaries of the tax increment district will increase in value thereby offsetting the temporary loss in property tax revenues to overlapping taxing entities — and after 25 -years the overlapping entities begin to receive the property tax revenues. Any property that is currently within the boundaries of the tax increment district whose assessed value increases, will pay additional taxes to the overlapping taxing entities and not to the tax increment district. Our analysis does not include several overlapping mill levies such as the Town's debt service mill levy, Avon Metro District's debt service mill levy, or the Confluence and Mountain Vista Metro District mil levies — the Town would probably want to effectively exclude these entities from being part of the tax increment district (which I believe it can do by having the tax increment district rebate collected taxes directly to the entities that the Town wants to exclude). Row 32 on Exhibit H, indicates the incremental property tax revenues that would be available to pay debt service on tax increment revenue bonds issued by the tax increment district. Since these bonds are "revenue bonds" and only payable from tax increment revenues generated, the incremental property tax revenues presented on Row 32 are typically discounted by a factor of approximately 20% (more in some cases); consequently, the incremental discounted property taxes presented on Row 38 have been used for determining the amount of tax increment revenue bonds could initially be supported (this needs to be confirmed with the Town's investment banker in the near future — I believe David Bell will also attend the August 22 Town Council Work Session). Mr. Larry Brooks August 1, 2006 Page v For preliminary planning purposes, 'we have assumed that on January 1, of Year 2, the tax increment district issues $14.7 million of tax increment revenue bonds with assumed average interest rates over 23 -years of 6.5 %. (needs investment banker confirmation). These bonds would include sufficient restricted funds to pay interest on these bonds for the first three years (Years 2, 3, 4) since there are very little incremental property taxes projected to be available in those years. After issuance costs and "capitalized interest ", net bond proceeds of approximately $11.5 million could be available to fund a large portion of the $14.5 million costs related to the Main Street Improvements. If the Town could pledge, subject to annual appropriation, other revenues (i.e., Real Estate Transfer Taxes, etc.) to the payment of these tax increment bonds, perhaps additional bonds could be supported (need investment bankers and Scott Wright's thoughts here). Our thinking is that this assumed $11.5 million of net bond proceeds is essential to the successful financing of the very important "up front" Main Street Public Improvements" identified by Design Workshop (if additional bonding capacity is possible, perhaps a portion of the upfront costs associated with the Realignment of Benchmark Road [$5 million] could also be funded). Without utilizing tax increment bonds, we are not confident that these two projects can be successfully funded (unless the Town has $23.4 million of unspent funds sitting somewhere or unless various developers agree to fund these projects with ultimate reimbursement from the Town through Real Estate Transfer Tax collections, etc.). Even if a tax increment district is formed, bonds will not be underwritten unless the investment bankers are confident that most of the proposed real estate development projects are going to break ground in the near future — especially projects such as Sheraton Mountain Vista, Lot 61, the Parking Structure, and the Town Hall. So unless the Town can arrange for these and other projects to happen quickly, it is unlikely that it will be possible to issue tax increment bonds — this is because the whole basis for repayment of these tax increment bonds is from the tax base generated from the new projects (as well as the real estate transfer tax revenues that might be needed to be pledged towards tax increment debt service in the early years). Tambi has suggested evaluating the concept of including the Confluence Property into the boundaries of the URA in order to capture their incremental assessed valuation. This is a great idea and Exhibit II, page 2a, indicates that it might be possible to increase the amount of tax increment bonds to $30 million (i.e., from the $14.7 million assuming the Confluence Property is not included in the boundaries of the URA). Including the Confluence Property within the boundaries of the URA would greatly enhance the Town's ability to finance Main Street Public Improvements and should be strongly considered and discussed with East West Partners. Mr. Larry Brooks August 1, 2006 Page vi Exhibit I, page I — Capital Projects Funding Rows 21 — 30 of Exhibit I indicate (based on Design Workshop's and the Town's estimates) the amounts needed for Public Infrastructure Improvements related to the Avon Town Center West program ($1.3 million has been included in Year 2 for the Railroad Crossing). These public improvements total $40.47 million and require approximately $23.4 million of Town capital funding in the first two years (Transit Center in Year 1 @ $2,550,000; Year 2 includes $5,000,000 to Realign Benchmark Road, $14,500,000 for the Main Street Improvements, and $1,300,000 for the Railroad Crossing. Year 3 would require $6,050,000 to purchase the Town Hall from the developer /contractor and Year 4 would require $11,070,000 to purchase the Parking Structure from the developer /contractor. Row 8 projects incremental revenues generated from the various revenue sources and by individual real estate development projects (including real estate transfer taxes generated from The Confluence development). Subtracting available revenues (row 8) from required public capital improvements (row 307) indicates annual deficits (funding deficiencies) occurring in Years 1 — 4 as shown on row 32. So, the question ( "challenge ") becomes how does the Town come up with money to pay for these critical public improvements in Years 1 — 4? Exhibit IA, page ]a — Capital Projects Funding Plan Our preliminary thinking in terms of how the Town might be able to fund these capital improvements is presented on Exhibit IA, page la, (which assumes that the Confluence Property is not included in the boundaries of the URA). Row 8, shows the projected $11,509,000 of net proceeds from the issuance of $14.7 million of tax increment revenue bonds in early Year 2. Row 7 shows the Town's needing Various Unidentified Revenue Sources in amount of $2,550,000 in Year 1 to fund the Transit Center. The larger concern is that we are assuming Various Unidentified Revenue Sources being available in Year 2 in the amount of $7,991,000 to fund the Realignment of Benchmark Road — this may be a stretch.- so what other funding methods might be available — perhaps a short-term loan of some sorts payable from future Real Estate Transfer Tax Revenues or Mall Assessments? We are also showing the need for relatively minor Unidentified Revenue Sources in Years 3 and 4 (totaling $1,187,135). We obviously need Scott's input regarding other Town revenues that could be available in the early years — what is a realistic number here? We need to also bounce these numbers off the Town's investment banker for creative ideas. It is important to note the cumulative cash buildup shown on row 36 — approximately $14.5 million of excess cash accumulates by year 14 (after all capital improvements are funded including $6 million for an expanded recreation center). Mr. Larry Brooks August 1, 2006 Page vii Exhibit 1B, page Ib, - Capital Projects Funding Plan (assumes Confluence is included in URA) This Exhibit assumes The Confluence is included within the boundaries of the URA (and related real estate transfer tax revenues generated from The Confluence. It assumes net tax increment bond proceeds of $23.5 million in Year 2 (compared to $11.5 million if The Confluence is not included). This concept results in the Town not having the need for $7.991 million of Unidentified Revenue Sources during Year 2, enables the expanded recreation center to be funded in Year 4, and results in close to $31.5 million of accumulated cash by Year 14. This is the optimum funding solution for the Town and maximizes the Town's ability to fund the required Avon Town Center West infrastructure. Next Steps We think followup would include: 1. Verifying with real estate developers the concept of developing the Town Hall and Parking Structure sites, with them paying the Town for development rights ($2.755 million for Town Hall and $6.7 million for Parking Structure — and them selling the completed Town Hall and Parking Structures to the Town for $6.05 million and $11.07 million respectively. 2. Discussing the formation of a tax increment district with staff, consultants, council, investment Bankers, developers and attorneys. 3. Discussing the information contained in this memo with the Town's investment banker and the Town's finance director. 4. Incorporating this information into Design Workshop's planning document; and making sure they and Tambi concur with our thinking, etc. 5. Evaluating how quickly the key real estate development projects could realistically break ground. I Mr. Larry Brooks August 1, 2006 Page viii Disclaimer Stan Bernstein and Associates, Inc. has assembled this preliminary financial analysis to highlight various financing issues and concepts as they relate to the funding of public infrastructure improvements as they relate to the Avon Town Center West planning area. We have relied on others for key assumptions regarding land use, scope of projects, values, completion of projects, costs of public infrastructure improvements, etc. We have not independently verified or evaluated these key assumptions, and consequently, disclaim any opinion regarding their achievability. Since future events are subject to uncertainty and variation, we do not vouch for the achievability of information contained in the attached Exhibits and Schedules. AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARYAN DISCLAIMER CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDING EXHIBIT I -TOTAL FORECASTED CAPITAL PROJECTS REVENUE FROM ALL PROJECTS (INCLUDES CONFLUENCE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAXES) YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 1 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY REVENUE TYPE - CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 0 0 8,882,963 618,798 725,398 725,398 725,398 725,398 2 Real Estate Transfer Tax Initial (excluding Aff. Housing) 0 0 1,958,444 2,110,722 1,084,722 985,996 361,996 673,996 1,174,087 3 Real Estate Transfer Tax Secondary Sales 0 0 0 0 208,700 208,700 393,500 393,500 393,500 4 Real Estate Transfer Tax - Confluence(NetofEWPayments) 0 0' 3,466,963r 1,586,288 2,132,417 1,280,766 1,500,619 692,322' 791,225 5 Parking Payment in Lieu Fees 0 0 0 693,000 693,000 693,000 0 808,500 808,500 6 Main Street Improvement Assessment 0 0 936,058 789,321 298,713 657,313 0 133,400 378,018 7 Land Lease or Sale (per Design Workshop) 0 0 2,755,440 6,689,880 0 0 0 0 7,245,990 8 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY REVENUE TYPE - CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 0 9,115,905 11,869,211 4,417,552 3,825,775 2,256,115 2,701,718 10,791,320 9 16,295,852 2,286,544 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 54,121,856 0 0 0 10 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY PROJECT- CAPITAL PROJECTS 2,550,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,000,000 0 0 11 Lot 61 0 0 1,227,340 1,245,340 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 12 Seasons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,253,900 1,253,900 13 Avon Center 0 0 0 1,119,810 1,119,810 1,119,810 86,400 86,400 86,400 14 Sheraton Mt. Vista 0 0 1,361,894 460,722 460,722 720,596 361,996 361,996 329,087 15 Parking Structure 0 0 0 7,151,783 495,903 495,903 98,400 98,400 98,400 16 Town Hall 0 0 3,060,708 305,268 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 17 Nottingham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,023,608 18 Confluence 0 0 3,465,963 ! 1.586.288 2,132,417 1,280:766 1,500,619 692,322` 791,225'r 19 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY PROJECT- CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 0 9,115,905 11,869,211 4,417,552 3,825,775 2,256,115 2,701,718 10,791,320 20 21 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 22 Transit Center 2,550,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 Realign Benchmark Road 0 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 Main Street Improvements 0 14,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 Purchase of Town Hall (from Developer) 0 0 6,050,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 Purchase of Municipal Parking Structure (from Developer) 0 0 0 11,070,000 0 0 0 0 0 27 Rec Center Expansion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 Railroad Crossing (per Norm Wood) 0 1,300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 Fire Station 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 2,550,000 20,800,000 6,050,000 11,070,000 0 0 0 0 0 31 32 EXCESS REVENUES OVER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS (2,550,000) (20,800,000) 3,065,905 799,211 4,417,552 3,825,775 2,256,115 2,701,718 10,791,320 33 34 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 0 (2,550,000) (23,350,000) (20, 284 ,095) (19,484,884) (15,067,332) (11,241,557) (8,985,442) (6,283,724) 35 36 ENDING FUND BALANCE (2,550,000) (23,350,000) (20,284,095) (19,484,884) (15,067,332) (11,241,557) (8,985,442) (6,283,724) 4,507,596 PAGE I 533,000 0 0 0 0 8,882,963 618,798 725,398 725,398 725,398 725,398 5,118,291 890,128 989,031 989,031'` 989,031 989,031 16,295,852 0 0 0 0 0 3,696,000 244,618 0 0 0 0 3,437,440 0 0 0 0 0 16.691,310 2,286,544 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 54,121,856 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 4,175,680 62,400 62,400 62,400 62,400 62,400 2,819,800 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 4,050,630 162,898 162,898 162,898 162,898 162,898 4,871,504 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 8,930,790 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 3,749,975 777,618 106,600 106,600 106,600 106,600 9,227,625 890,128 989,031 989,031 ' 989,031 989,031 16,295,852 2,286,544 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 54,121,856 0 0 0 0 0 2,550,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 14,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,050,000 0 0 0 0 0 11,070,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,470,000 2,286,544 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 13,651,856 4,507,596 6,794,139 8,508,569 10,222,998 11,937,427 0 6,794,139 8,508,569 10,222,998 11,937,427 13,651,856 13,651,856 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARYAN DISCLAIMER CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDING PLAN EXHIBIT IA - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDING PLAN - CONFLUENCE NOT INCLUDED IN URA PAGE IA I YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 1 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY REVENUE TYPE- CAPITAL PROJECTS 2 Real Estate Transfer Tax Initial (excluding Aff. Housing) 0 0 1,958,444 2,110,722 1,084,722 985,996 361,996 673,996 1,174,087 533,000 0 0 0 0 8,882,963 3 Real Estate Transfer Tax Secondary Sales 0 0 0 0 208,700 208,700 393,500 393,500 393,500 618,798 725,398 725,398 725,398 725,398 5,118,291 4 Parking Payment in Lieu Fees 0 0 0 693,000 693,000 693,000 0 808,500 808,500 0 0 0 0 0 3,696,000 5 Main Street Improvement Assessment 0 0 936,058 789,321 298,713 657,313 0 133,400 378,018 244,618 0 0 0 0 3,437,440 6 Land Lease or Sale (per Design Workshop) 0 0 2,755,440 6,689,880 0 0 0 0 7,245,990 0 0 0 0 0 16,691,310 7 Various Unidentified Revenue Sources 2,550,000 7,991;000 400,058 787,077 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,728,135 8 Net Bond Proceeds- Tax Increment Bonds (Exhibit 11) 0 11,509;000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,509,000 7 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY REVENUE TYPE - CAPITAL PROJECTS 2,550,000 19,500,000 6,050,000 11.070,000 2,285,135 2,545,009 755,496 2,009,396 10,000,095 1,396,416 725,398 725,398 725,398 725,398 61,063,139 8 9 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY PROJECT - CAPITAL PROJECTS 10 Lot 61 0 0 1,227,340 1,245,340 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 4,175,680 11 Seasons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,253,900 1,253,900 62,400 62,400 62,400 62,400 62,400 2,819,800 12 Avon Center 0 0 0 1,119,810 1,119,810 1,119,810 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 4,050,630 13 Sheraton Mt. Vista 0 0 1,361,894 460,722 460,722 720,596 361,996 361,996 329,087 162,898 162,898 162,898 162,898 162,898 4,871,504 14 Parking Structure 0 0 0 7,151,783 495,903 495,903 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 8,930,790 15 Town Hall 0 0 3,060,708 305,268 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 3,749,975 16 Nottingham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,023,608 777,618 106,600 106,600 106,600 106,600 9,227,625 17 Various Unidentified Revenue Sources 2,550,000 7,991,000 400,058" 787,077 0 0 0 0 0 '' 0 0 0 0 0 11,728,135{ 18 Net Bond Proceeds`- Tax Increment Bonds (Exhibit 11) 0'l 11,509,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,509,000' 19 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY PROJECT - CAPITAL PROJECTS 2,550,000 19,500,000 6,050,000 11,070,000 2,285,135 2,545,009 755,496 2,009,396 10,000,095 1,396,416 725,398 725,398 725,398 725,398 61,063,139 20 21 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND DEBT SERVICE TAX INCREMENT BONDS 22 Transit Center 2,550,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,550,000 23 Realign Benchmark Road 0 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000,000 24 Main Street Improvements 0 14,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,500,000 25 Purchase of Town Hall (from Developer) 0 0 6,050,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,050,000 26 Purchase of Municipal Parking Structure (from Developer) 0 0 0 11,070,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,070,000 27 Rec Center Expansion (cash funding is shown in Yr 8, bonding could accelerate) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000,000 28 Library Expansion (funded by Eagle Valley Library District) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 Fire Station (funded by Eagle River Fire Protection District) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 Tax Increment Bonds - Debt Service Subsidy (Exhibit II) 0 0 0 0 680.401 462,458 312.761 3,144 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,458,764 30 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 2,550,000 19,500,000 6,050,000 11,070,000 680,401 462,458 312,761 6,003,144 0 0 0 0 0 0 46,628,764 31 32 EXCESS REVENUES OVER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 1,604,735 2,082,551 442,735 - 3,993,749 10,000,095 1,396,416 725,398 725,398 725,398 725,398 14,434,375 33 34 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 1,604,734 3,687,286 4,130,020 136,272 10,136,367 11,532,782 12,258,180 12,983,579 13,708,977 0 35 36 ENDING FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 1,604,734 3,687,286 4,130,020 136,272 10,136,367 11,532,782 12,258,180 12,983,579 13,708,977 14,434,375 14,434,375 PAGE IA I AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARYAN DISCLAIMER CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDING PLAN EXHIBIT `IB %-CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDING PLAN - CONFLUENCE INCLUDED IN URA YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 1 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY REVENUE TYPE - CAPITAL PROJECTS 2 Real Estate Transfer Tax Initial (excluding Aff. Housing) 0 0 1,958,444 2,110,722 1,084,722 985,996 361,996 673,996 1,174,087 533,000 0 0 0 0 8,882,963 3 Real Estate Transfer Tax Secondary Sales 0 0 0 0 208,700 208,700 393,500 393,500 393,500 618,798 725,398 725,398 725,398 725,398 5,118,291 4 Real Estate Transfer Tax - Confluence (Net of EW Payments) 0 0 3,465,963 1,586,288 2,132,417 1,280,766 1,500,619, 692,322 791,225 ' 890,128 989,031 989,031 989,031 989,031 r 16,295,852 5 Parking Payment in Lieu Fees 0 0 0 693 °,000 693,000 693,000 0 808,500 808,500 0 0 0 0 0 3,696,000 6 Main Street Improvement Assessment 0 0 936,058 789,321 298,713 657,313 0 133,400 378,018 244,618 0 0 0 0 3,437,440 7 Land Lease or Sale (per DesignWorkshop) 0 0 2,755,440 6,689,880 0 0 0 0 7,245,990 0 0 0 0 0 16,691,310 8 < Various Unidentified Revenue` Sources 2,550,000 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,550,000 9 Net Bond' Proceeds - Tax Increment Bonds (Exhibit 11) 0 23,500,000 0 -' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,500,000 8 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY REVENUE TYPE - CAPITAL PROJECTS 2,550,000 23,500,000 9,115,905 11,869,211 4,417,552 3,825,775 2,256,115 2,701,718 10,791,320 2,286,544 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 80,171,856 9 10 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY PROJECT- CAPITAL PROJECTS 11 Lot 61 0 0 1,227,340 1,245,340 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 4,175,680 12 Seasons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,253,900 1,253,900 62,400 62,400 62,400 62,400 62,400 2,819,800 13 Avon Center 0 0 0 1,119,810 1,119,810 1,119,810 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 4,050,630 14 Sheraton Mt. Vista 0 0 1,361,894 460,722 460,722 720,596 361,996 361,996 329,087 162,898 162,898 162,898 162,898 162,898 4,871,504 15 Parking Structure 0 0 0 7,151,783 495,903 495,903 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 8,930,790 16 Town Hall 0 0 3,060,708 305,268 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 3,749,975 17 Nottingham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,023,608 777,618 106,600 106,600 106,600 106,600 9,227,625 18 Real Estate Transfer Tax - Confluence (Net of EW Payments) 0 0 3,465,963 ` 1,586,288 2`;132,417 1,280,766 1,500,619 692,322 791,225 890,128 989,031 989,031 989,031 989,031 r 16,295,852' 18 Various Unidentified Revenue Sources 2,550,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0` 0 0 2,550;000 19 Net Bond Proceeds- Tax Increment Bonds (Exhibit 11) 2 23.500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0: 0 0 23,500,000 20 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY PROJECT- CAPITAL PROJECTS 2,550,000 23,500,000 9,115,905 11,869,211 4,417,552 3,825,775 2,256,115 2,701,718 10,791,320 2,286,544 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 80,171,856 21 22 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND DEBT SERVICE TAX INCREMENT BONDS 23 Transit Center 2,550,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,550,000 24 Realign Benchmark Road 0 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000,000 25 Main Street Improvements 0 14,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,500,000 26 Purchase of Town Hall (from Developer) 0 0 6,050,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,050,000 27 Purchase of Municipal Parking Structure (from Developer) 0 0 0 11,070,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,070,000 28 Railroad Crossing (per Norm Wood) 0 1,300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,300,000 28 Rec Center Expansion (cash funding is shown in Yr 4, bonding could accelerate) 0 0 0 6,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000,000 29 Library Expansion (funded by Eagle Valley Library District) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 Fire Station (funded by Eagle River Fire Protection District) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 Tax Increment Bonds - Debt Service Subsidy (Exhibit IIA) 0 0 0 0 1,135,654 787.769 256,724 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,180,146 31 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 2,550,000 20,800,000 6,050,000 17,070,000 1,135,654 787,769 256,724 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48,650,146 32 33 EXCESS REVENUES OVER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 0 2,700,000 3,065,905 - 5,200,789 3,281,898 3,038,007 1,999,391 2,701,718 10,791,320 2,286,544 1.714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 1,714,429 31,521,710 34 35 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 0 0 2,700,000 5,765,905 565,116 3,847,014 6,885,020 8,884,412 11,586,130 22,377,449 24,663,993 26,378,422 28,092,851 29,807,280 0 36 37 ENDING FUND BALANCE 0 2,700,000 5,765,905 565,116 3,847,014 6,885,020 8,884,412 11,586,130 22,377,449 24,663,993 26,378,422 28,092,851 29,807,280 31,521,710 31,521,710 PAGE 1B N AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 URA REVENUE & BONDING CAPACITY EXHIBIT II - TOTAL FORECASTED URA REVENUE FROM ALL PROJECTS DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARY AN DISCLAIMER YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS PROJECTED ASSESSED VALUATION BY PROJECT ( *} 1 Lot 61 0 0 0 0 4,467,010 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 85,338,850 2 Seasons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,300,920 2,601,840 2,601,840 2,601,840 2,601,840 11,708,280 3 Avon Center 0 0 0 0 0 1,533,234 3,066,468 4,599,702 4,599,702 4,599,702 4,599,702 4,599,702 4,599,702 4,599,702 36,797,616 4 Sheraton Mt. Vista 0 0 0 4,367,670 4,367,670 4,367,670 4,367,670 8,076,330 8,076,330 8,076,330 8,076,330 8,076,330 8,076,330 8,076,330 74,004,990 5 Parking Structure 0 0 0 0 0 1,759,045 3,613,609 5,488,074 5,488,074 5,488,074 5,488,074 5,488,074 5,488,074 5,488,074 43,789,172 6 Town Hall 0 0 0 0 1,641,515 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 31,367,876 7 Nottingham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,810,685 5,621,369 5,621,369 5,621,369 19,674,792 8 Confluence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION BY PROJECT 0 0 0 4,367,670 10,476,195 19,948,638 23,336,436 30,452,795 30,452,795 31,753,715 35,865,320 38,676,004 38,676,004 38,676,004 302,681,575 10 11 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY REVENUES 12 RE -50J 19.595 0 0 0 85,584 205,281 390,894 457,277 596,723 596,723 622,214 702,781 757,856 757,856 757,856 5,931,045 13 Town of Avon - General Fund 8.960 0 0 0 39,134 93,867 178,740 209,094 272,857 272,857 284,513 321,353 346,537 346,537 346,537 2,712,027 14 Eagle County 8.499 0 0 0 37,121 89,037 169,543 198,336 258,818 258,818 269,875 304,819 328,707 328,707 328,707 2,572,491 15 Colorado Mountain College 3.997 0 0 0 17,458 41,873 79,735 93,276 121,720 121,720 126,920 143,354 154,588 154,588 154,588 1,209,818 16 Eagle River Fire Protection District 5.300 0 0 0 23,149 55,524 105,728 123,683 161,400 161,400 168,295 190,086 204,983 204,983 204,983 1,604,212 17 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.214 0 0 0 5,302 12,718 24,218 28,330 36,970 36,970 38,549 43,540 46,953 46,953 46,953 367,455 18 Eagle County Health Services District 2.010 0 0 0 8,779 21,057 40,097 46,906 61,210 61,210 63,825 72,089 77,739 77,739 77,739 608,390 19 Colorado River Water Conservancy District 0.230 0 0 0 1,005 2,410 4,588 5,367 7,004 7,004 7,303 8,249 8,895 8,895 8,895 69,617 20 Eagle County Library District 2.750 0 0 0 12.011 28,810 54,859 64.175 83.745 83.745 87,323 98.630 106.359 106,359 106.359 832.374 21 TOTAL URA OVERLAPPING MILL LEVIES ( * *) 52,555 0 0 0 229,543 550,576 1,048,401 1,226,446 1,600,447 1,600,447 1,668,816 1,884,902 2,032,617 2,032,617 2,032,617 15,907,430 22 23 TOTAL URA REVENUES BY PROJECT 24 Lot 61 0 0 0 0 234,764 472,247 472,247 472,247 472,247 472,247 472,247 472,247 472,247 472,247 4,484,983 25 Seasons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68,370 136,740 136,740 136,740 136,740 615,329 26 Avon Center 0 0 0 0 0 80,579 161,158 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 1,933,899 27 Sheraton Mt. Vista 0 0 0 229,543 229,543 229,543 229,543 424,452 424,452 424,452 424,452 424,452 424,452 424,452 3,889,332 28 Parking Structure 0 0 0 0 0 92,447 189,913 288,426 288,426 288,426 288,426 288,426 288,426 288,426 2,301,340 29 Town Hall 0 0 0 0 86,270 173,585 173,585 173,585 173,585 173,585 173,585 173,585 173,585 173,585 1,648,539 30 Nottingham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 147,716 295,431 295,431 295,431 1,034,009 31 Confluence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 TOTAL URA REVENUES BY PROJECT 0 0 0 229,543 550,576 1,048,401 1,226,446 1,600,447 1,600,447 1,668,816 1,884,902 2,032,617 2,032,617 2,032,617 15,907,430 33 34 ( *) May have to be adjusted downward for current land assessed values. 35 ( * *) Excludes Town of Avon Debt Service Mill Levy and Metro District Mill Levies 36 37 TAX INCREMENT BONDING ANALSYSIS (ASSUMING 1.20X DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE) 38 Property Tax Increment Revenues Avail. for Debt Service @ 1.20x Coverage 0 0 0 191,286 458,814 873,667 1,022,039 1,333,706 1,333,706 1,390,680 1,570,752 1,693,848 1,693,848 1,693,848 13,256,192 39 40 Annual Debt Service ($14.7m, January 1, Yr 2, 6.5 %, 23 Yr Amort, Net of Cap I): 41 Principal Payment 0 0 0 0 375,000 405,000 430,000 460,000 485,000 520,000 550,000 590,000 625,000 670,000 5,110,000 42 Interest @ 6.5% (Yrs. 2 - 4 funded from Cap Interest) 0 0 0 0 955.500 931,125 904.800 876,850 846,950 815.425 781,625 745.875 707,525 666,900 8.232,575 43 Total Debt Service 0 0 0 0 1,330,500 1,336,125 1,334,800 1,336,850 1,331,950 1,335,425 1,331,625 1,335,875 1,332,525 1,336,900 13,342,575 44 Bonds Outstanding @ 12/31 0 14.700,000 14,700,000 14,700,000 14.325,000 13.920,000 13.490,000 13.030,000 12.545,000 12.025,000 11,475,000 10,885,000 10,260,000 9,590,000 9,590,000 45 46 Excess (Deficiency) of Prop. Tax Inc. Revenues Compared to Debt Service 0 0 0 191,286 871 686 (462,458) (312,761) 3( ,144) 1,756 55.255 239,127 357.973 361,323 356.948 (86,383) 47 Town of Avon Other Revenues Required for Tax Increment Debt Service 0 0 0 0 680,401 462,458 312.761 3,144 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.458,764 48 49 50 Tax Increment Revenue Bond Issue Sizing: (* ) 51 Gross Bond Issue Amount 14,700,000 52 Costs of Issuance @ 3% 441,000 53 3 Years Interest Payments (Cap 1) - Net Funded 2,750,000 54 Net Construction Proceeds Available 11,509,000 55 56 ( * * *) An additional $6.0 million of Tax Increment Bonds Could Be Supported in Year 12 assuming 1:1 Debt Service Coverage PAGE 2 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 URA REVENUE & BONDING CAPACITY (INCLUDES CONFLUENCE DEVELOPMENT) EXHIBIT IIA - TOTAL FORECASTED URA REVENUE FROM ALL PROJECTS YEAR1 YEAR2 PROJECTED ASSESSED VALUATION BY PROJECT ( *) DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARY AN DISCLAIMER YEAR 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lot 61 0 0 2 Seasons 0 0 3 Avon Center 0 0 4 Sheraton Mt. Vista 0 0 5 Parking Structure 0 0 6 Town Hall 0 0 7 Nottingham 0 0 8 Confluence 0 0 9 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION BY PROJECT 0 0 10 0 1,533,234 3,066,468 11 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY REVENUES 4,599,702 4,599,702 12 RE- 50J 19.595 0 0 13 Town of Avon - General Fund 8.960 0 0 14 Eagle County 8.499 0 0 15 Colorado Mountain College 3.997 0 0 16 Eagle River Fire Protection District 5.300 0 0 17 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.214 0 0 18 Eagle County Health Services District 2.010 0 0 19 Colorado River Water Conservancy District 0.230 0 0 20 Eagle County Library District 2.750 0 0 21 TOTAL URA OVERLAPPING MILL LEVIES ( } 52.555 0 0 22 0 0 0 23 TOTAL URA REVENUES BY PROJECT 0 2,810,685 24 Lot 61 0 0 25 Seasons 0 0 26 Avon Center 0 0 27 Sheraton Mt. Vista 0 0 28 Parking Structure 0 0 29 Town Hall 0 0 30 Nottingham 0 0 31 Confluence 0 0 32 TOTAL URA REVENUES BY PROJECT 0 0 33 472,247 472,247 472,247 34 ( *) May have to be adjusted downward for current land assessed values. 0 0 0 35 ( * *) Excludes Town of Avon Debt Service Mill Levy and Metro District Mill Levies 0 0 36 136,740 136,740 136,740 37 TAX INCREMENT BONDING ANALSYSIS (ASSUMING 1.20X DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE) 0 0 0 38 Property Tax Increment Revenues Avail. for Debt Service @ 1.20x Coverage 0 0 39 40 Annual Debt Service ($30.0m, January 1, Yr 2,6.5%,23 Yr Amort, Net of Cap q: YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 0 4,467,010 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 85,338,850 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,300,920 2,601,840 2,601,840 2,601,840 2,601,840 11,708,280 0 0 1,533,234 3,066,468 4,599,702 4,599,702 4,599,702 4,599,702 4,599,702 4,599,702 4,599,702 36,797,616 4,367,670 4,367,670 4,367,670 4,367,670 8,076,330 8,076,330 8,076,330 8,076,330 8,076,330 8,076,330 8,076,330 74,004,990 0 0 1,759,045 3,613,609 5,488,074 5,488,074 5,488,074 5,488,074 5,488,074 5,488,074 5,488,074 43,789,172 0 1,641,515 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 31,367,876 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,810,685 5,621,369 5,621,369 5,621,369 19,674,792 0 21,446,023 24,161,868 32,938,353 32,938,353 32,938,353 32,938,353 32,938,353 32,938,353 32,938,353 32,938,353 309,114,715 4,367,670 31,922,218 44,110,506 56,274,789 63,391,148 63,391,148 64,692,068 68,803,673 71,614,357 71,614,357 71,614,357 611,796,290 0 85,584 625,516 864,345 1,102,704 1,242,150 1,242,150 1,267,641 1,348,208 1,403,283 1,403,283 1,403,283 11,988,148 0 39,134 286,023 395,230 504,222 567,985 567,985 579,641 616,481 641,665 641,665 641,665 5,481,695 0 37,121 271,307 374,895 478,279 538,761 538,761 549,818 584,762 608,650 608,650 608,650 5,199,657 0 17,458 127,593 176,310 224,930 253,374 253,374 258,574 275,008 286,243 286,243 286,243 2,445,350 0 23,149 169,188 233,786 298,256 335,973 335,973 342,868 364,659 379,556 379,556 379,556 3,242,520 0 5,302 38,754 53,550 68,318 76,957 76,957 78,536 83,528 86,940 86,940 86,940 742,721 0 8,779 64,164 88,662 113,112 127,416 127,416 130,031 138,295 143,945 143,945 143,945 1,229,711 0 1,005 7,342 10,145 12,943 14,580 14,580 14,879 15,825 16,471 16,471 16,471 140,713 0 12,011 87,786 121,304 154,756 174,326 174,326 177,903 189,210 196,939 196,939 196,939 1,682,440 0 229,543 1,677,672 2,318,228 2.957,522 3,331,522 3,331,522 3,399,892 3,615,977 3,763,693 3,763,693 3,763,693 32,152,954 0 0 234,764 472,247 472,247 472,247 472,247 472,247 472,247 472,247 472,247 472,247 4,484,983 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68,370 136,740 136,740 136,740 136,740 615,329 0 0 0 80,579 161,158 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 1,933,899 0 229,543 229,543 229,543 229,543 424,452 424,452 424,452 424,452 424,452 424,452 424,452 3,889,332 0 0 0 92,447 189,913 288,426 288,426 288,426 288,426 288,426 288,426 288,426 2,301,340 0 0 86,270 173,585 173,585 173,585 173,585 173,585 173,585 173,585 173,585 173,585 1,648,539 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 147,716 295,431 295,431 295,431 1,034,009 0 0 1,127,096 1,269,827 1,731,075 1,731,075 1,731,075 1,731,075 1,731,075 1,731,075 1,731,075 1,731,075 16,245,524 0 229,543 1,677,672 2,318,228 2,957,522 3,331,522 3,331,522 3,399,892 3,615,977 3,763,693 3,763,693 3,763,693 32,152,954 0 191,286 1,398,060 1,931,856 2,464,601 2,776,268 2,776,268 2,833,243 3,013,314 3,136,410 3,136,410 3,136,410 26,794,128 41 Principal Payment 0 0 0 0 775,000 820,000 875,000 935,000 995,000 1,060,000 1,125,000 1,200,000 1,280,000 1,360,000 10,425,000 42 Interest @6.5 %(Yrs.2- 4 funded from Cap Interest) 0 0 0 0 1,950,000 1,899,625 1,846,325 1,789,450 1,728,675 1,664,000 1,595,100 1,521,975 1,443,975 1,360,775 16,799,900 43 Total Debt Service 0 0 0 0 2,725,000 2,719,625 2.721,325 2,724,450 2,723,675 2,724,000 2,720,100 2,721,975 2,723,975 2,720,775 27,224,900 44 Bonds Outstanding @ 12131 0 30,000,000 30,000,000 30,000,000 29,225,000 28,405,000 27,530,000 26,595,000 25,600,000 24,540,000 23,415,000 22,215,000 20,935,000 19,575,000 19,575,000 45 46 Excess (Deficiency) of Prop. Tax Inc. Revenues Compared to Debt Service 0 0 0 191,286 (1,326,940) 78( 7,769) (256,724) 51,818 52,593 109,243 293,214 414,435 412,435 415,635 43( 0,772) 47 Town of Avon Other Revenues Required for Tax Increment Debt Service 0 0 0 0 1,135,654 787,769 256,724 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,180,146 48 49 50 Tax Increment Revenue Bond Issue Sizing: ( * * *) 51 Gross Bond Issue Amount 30,000,000 52 Costs of Issuance @ 3% 900,000 53 3 Years Interest Payments (Cap 1) - Net Funded 5,600,000 54 Net Construction Proceeds Available 23,500,000 55 56 ( * * *) An additional $6.0 million of Tax Increment Bonds Could Be Supported in Year 12 assuming 1:1 Debt Service Coverage PAGE 2A AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARY AN DISCLAIMER OPERATING FUNDING EXHIBIT 111 - TOTAL FORECASTED OPERATING REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES FROM ALL PROJECTS N YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 1 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY REVENUE TYPE- OPERATIONS 2 General Fund Property Taxes @ 8.96 mills (1) 0 0 0 39,134 93,867 178,740 209,094 272,857 272,857 284,513 321,353 346,537 346,537 346,537 2,712,027 3 Sales Tax @4 % 0 0 40,900 171,835 360,863 418,957 549,250 549,250 556,050 642,085 721,320 721,320 721,320 721,320 6,174,470 4 Recreation Amenities Fees @ 28.02 per Deeded Week 0 0 121,412 121,412 121,412 121,412 214,639 214,639 214,639 214,639 214,639 214,639 214,639 214,639 2,202,765 5 Accomodations Tax (Condo - Hotel) @ 8% 0 0 0 128,115 258,201 258,201 258,201 258,201 258,201 339,012 419,823 419,823 419,823 419,823 3,437,424 6 Confluence Operating Revenues assumed for Malt 0 0 65,500 65.500 90,500 90.500 90,500 90,500 90.500 90,500 90,500 90 500 90:500 90,500 1.036,000 7 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY REVENUE TYPE - OPERATIONS 0 0 227,812 525,997 924,843 1,067,810 1,321,685 1,385,448 1,392,248 1,570,750 1,767,636 1,792,819 1,792,819 1,792,819 15,562,686 8 9 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY PROJECT- OPERATIONS 10 Lot 61 0 0 0 192,515 427,025 467,513 467,513 467,513 467,513 467,513 467,513 467,513 467,513 467,513 4,827,161 11 Seasons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,800 25,256 36,912 36,912 36,912 36,912 179,706 12 Avon Center 0 0 0 0 37,620 88,978 140,336 154,073 154,073 154,073 154,073 154,073 154,073 154,073 1,345,447 13 Sheraton Mt. Vista 0 0 162,312 201,447 201,447 201,447 366,874 400,103 400,103 400,103 400,103 400,103 400,103 400,103 3,934,249 14 Parking Structure (2) 0 0 0 0 20,473 56,708 93,798 110,593 110,593 110,593 110,593 110,593 110,593 110,593 945,131 15 Town Hall 0 0 0 66,535 147,778 162,664 162,664 162,664 162,664 162,664 162,664 162,664 162,664 162,664 1,678,291 16 Nottingham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160,046 345,276 370,459 370,459 370,459 1,616,700 17 Confluence Operating Revenues assumed for Mall 0 0 65.500 65,500 90,500 90,500 90,500 90.500 90,500 90,500 90,500 90.500 90,500 90,500 1,036,000 18 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES BY PROJECT- OPERATIONS 0 0 227,812 525,997 924,843 1,067,810 1,321,685 1,385,448 1,392,248 1,570,750 1,767,636 1,792,819 1,792,819 1,792,819 15,562,686 19 20 21 ESTIMATED OPERATING /MAINTENANCE COSTS (Per TOA) 22 Snowmelt (Bob Reed and Norm Wood) 0 62,000 343,000 343,000 343,000 343,000 343,000 343,000 343,000 343,000 343,000 343,000 343,000 343,000 4,178,000 23 Mall Operations, Maintenance, Minor Capital (Bob Reed, Norm Wood) 0 45,900 467,000 467,000 467,000 467,000 467,000 467,000 467,000 467,000 467,000 467,000 467,000 467,000 5,649,900 24 Parking Lot Operations and Maintenance (Bob Reed, Norm Wood) (3) 0 0 0 50,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 1,100,000 25 Police (2 officers for mall, 1 for parking structure) 0 50,000 200,000 200,000 300.000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300.000 300,000 300.000 300,000 300,000 300.000 3,450,000 26 TOTAL PUBLIC OPERATING EXPENDITURES 0 157,900 1,010,000 1,060,000 1,215,000 1,215,000 1,215,000 1,215,000 1,215,000 1,215,000 1,215,000 1,215,000 1,215,000 1,215,000 14,377,900 27 28 EXCESS OPERATING REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (4) 0 157 900 78( 2,188) 53( 4,003) 290 157 14( 7,190) 106,685 170,448 177,248 355,750 552,636 577,819 577.819 577,819 1,184,786 29 30 (1) May not be available if Tax Increment URA is formed. 31 (2) Assumes 210 Parking Spaces are Free to Parkers (Needs to be discussed because there is potential for at least day skier parking revenue generation) 32 (3) Assumes 210 "Public" Parking Spaces @ $500 per space cost - assumes operating & maintenance costs re: 159 residential and commercial spaces requirements are paid for from residential and commercial HOA. 33 (4) Additional Town operating revenues will be generated (i.e., franchise fees, county sales taxes, county road & bridge fees, state shared revenues), which could reduce early year deficits to some degree. PAGE 3 N AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 LOT 61 SCHEDULE 1 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES Residential: Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Total Residential Retail Office Total Commercial Total Project SOURCE: DESIGNWC Planned Average Average Average Total Number Sq. Ft. Sales Price Per Unit Gross Unit Unit ep r Unit Per So. Ft. Price Volume 0 2,000 600 1,200,000 0 0 2,000 600 1,200,000 0 18 1,000 250 250,000 4,500,000 131 1000 650 650,000 85.150,000 149 601,678 89,650,000 Planned Average Number Sales Price Sq. Ft. Per Sq. Ft. 12,880 300 3,864,000 10,056 250 2,514,000 22_,936 278 6,378,000 96.028.000 Estimated Residential Values (Uninflated): Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Estimated Value Of Residential Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Estimated Commercial Values (Uninflated): Retail Office Estimated Value of Commercial Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Proj. Assessed Value - Incremental: Estimated Value Of Residential @ 7.96 Estimated Value Of Commercial @ 29 Total Incremental Assessed Valuation - All Sources Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (Uninflated): Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (INFLATED @ 0.0% EVERY OTH YR): Year Assessed Valuation Certified Year Taxes Received DRAFT 8- 1.2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARY AN DISCLAIMER YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 65 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 131 0 0 74 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 149 0 0 6,440 6,440 0 0 0 0 5 028 5028 0 0 0 0 11_,468 11.468 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,250,000 2,250,000 0 0 0 0 42.250,000 42.900,000 0 0 0 0 44.500,000 45.150,000 0 0 0 0 1,932,000 1,932,000 0 0 0 0 1,257.000 1.257.000 0 0 0 0 3.189,000 3.189,000 0 0 0 0 3,542,200 3,593,940 0 0 0 0 924.810 924.810 0 0 0 0 4,467,010 4.518,750 0 0 0 0 4.467.010 8.985.760 8.985,760 8.985.760 0 0 4,467.010 8.985,760 8,985,760 8,985.760 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,880 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,056 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,936 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 85,150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 89.650,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,864,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,514,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,378,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,136,140 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.849.620 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.985,760 8,985,760 8.985.760 8.985,760 8.985,760 8.985,760 8.985,760 8.985760 8.985,760 8.985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8,985,760 8.985,760 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 PAGE AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 LOT 61 YEAR 4 SCHEDULE 1 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES PUBLIC REVENUES - OPERATIONS YEAR 7 General Fund Property Taxes @ 8.96 Mills Sales Tax @ 4% 250 per Sq. Ft. Recreation Amenities Fee @ 28.02 per Interval Deeded Week Accomodations Tax (Condo - Hotel) @ 8% 45% Ann. Occ. $ 150 ADR TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES OPERATIONS 128,800 PUBLIC REVENUES - CAPITAL PROJECTS 128,800 Real Estate Transfer Tax Initial (excluding Aff. Housing) @ 2% Real Estate Transfer Tax Secondary Sales @ 2% 10% turnover beg. In year 5 Parking Payment in Lieu Fees , 0 Main Street Improvement Assessment $ 5.00 per Sq. Ft @ permit Land Lease or Sale 258.201 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS 258.201 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY REVENUES 0 RE- 50J 19.595 Town of Avon 8.960 Eagle County 8.499 Colorado Mountain College 3.997 Eagle River Fire Protection District 5.300 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.214 Eagle County Health Services District 2.010 Colorado River Water Conservancy District 0.230 Eagle County Library District 2.750 TOTAL URA OVERLAPPING MILL LEVIES 52.555 E DRAFT 8.1.2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARY AN DISCLAIMER YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 0 0 40,024 80,512 80,512 80,512 0 64,400 128,800 128,800 128,800 128,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128,115 258.201 258,201 258.201 258.201 0 192,515 427,025 467,513 467,513 467,513 845,000 858,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 0 0 0 0 0 0 382,340 387,340 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,227,340 1,245,340 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 0 0 87,531 176,076 176,076 176,076 0 0 40,024 80,512 80,512 80,512 0 0 37,965 76,370 76,370 76,370 0 0 17,855 35,916 35,916 35,916 0 0 23,675 47,625 47,625 47,625 0 0 5,423 10,909 10,909 10,909 0 0 8,979 18,061 18,061 18,061 0 0 1,027 2,067 2,067 2,067 0 0 12 284 24 711 24 711 24,711 0 0 234,764 472,247 472,247 472,247 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 80,512 80,512 80,512 80,512 80,512 80,512 764,636 128,800 12 8, 800 128,800 128,800 12 8, 800 128,800 1,352,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 258.201 258,201 258.201 258,201 258,201 258,201 2,710,125 467.513 467,513 467,513 467.513 467,513 467,513 4,827,161 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,703,000 17 0, 300 170,300 170,300 170,300 17 0, 300 170,300 1,703,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 769,680 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 170,300 4,175,680 176,076 176,076 176,076 176,076 176,076 176,076 1,672,215 80,512 80,512 80,512 80,512 80,512 80,512 764,636 76,370 76,370 76,370 76,370 76,370 76,370 725,295 35,916 35,916 35,916 35,916 35,916 35,916 341,099 47,625 47,625 47,625 47,625 47,625 47,625 452,296 10,909 10,909 10,909 10,909 10,909 10,909 103,601 18,061 18,061 18,061 18,061 18,061 18,061 171,531 2,067 2,067 2,067 2,067 2,067 2,067 19,628 24 711 24 711 24,711 24.711 24,_711 24,_711 234,682 472,247 472,247 472,247 472.247 472,247 472.247 4,484,983 PAGE AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 SEASONS SCHEDULE 2 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Total Residential Retail Office Total Commercial Total Project SOURCE: DESIGNWC Planned Average Average Average Total Number Sq. Ft. Sales Price Per Unit Gross Unit Unit ep r Unit Per Sq. Ft. Price Volume 26 2,000 600 1,200,000 31,200,000 0 2,000 600 1,200,000 0 0 1,000 250 250,000 0 0 1000 650 650.000 0 26 1.200,000 31,200.000 Planned Average Number Sales Price So. Ft. Per So. Ft. 1,360 300 408,000 0 250 0 1360 300 408,000 31.608.000 Estimated Residential Values (Uninflated): Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Estimated Value Of Residential Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Estimated Commercial Values (Uninflated): Retail Office Estimated Value of Commercial Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Proj. Assessed Value - Incremental: Estimated Value Of Residential @ 7.96% Estimated Value Of Commercial @ 29% Total Incremental Assessed Valuation - All Sources Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (Uninflated): Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (INFLATED @ 0.0% EVERY OTH YR): Year Assessed Valuation Certified Year Taxes Received M2 DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARY AN DISCLAIMER YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 0 680 680 0 0 0 1,360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 680 680 0 0 0 1360 0 15,600,000 15,600,000 0 0 0 31,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.600.000 15.600.000 0 0 0 31.200,000 0 204,000 204,000 0 0 0 408,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204,000 204.000 0 0 0 408,000 0 1,241,760 1,241,760 0 0 0 2,483,520 0 59.160 59_,160 0 0 0 118,32 0 1,300.920 1,300,920 0 0 0 2.601,840 0 1300920 2.601,840 2.601,840 2,601 ,84 2.601.840 2.601,840 0 1,300,920 2.601.840 2.601.840 2.601,840 2.601.840 2.601,840 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 PAGE 6 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 SEASONS SCHEDULE 2 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES PUBLIC REVENUES - OPERATIONS General Fund Property Taxes @ 8.96 Mills Sales Tax @ 4% 250 per Sq. Ft. Recreation Amenities Fee @ 28.02 per Interval Deeded Week Accomodations Tax (Condo - Hotel) @ 8% 45% Ann. Occ. $ 150 ADR TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES OPERATIONS 8.960 PUBLIC REVENUES - CAPITAL PROJECTS 8.499 Real Estate Transfer Tax Initial (excluding Aff. Housing) @ 2% Real Estate Transfer Tax Secondary Sales @ 2% 10% turnover beg. In year 10 Parking Payment in Lieu Fees 49 $ 33,000 per space Main Street Improvement Assessment $ 5.00 per Sq. Ft @ permit Land Lease or Sale YEAR 4 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS YEAR 6 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY REVENUES YEAR 8 RE- 50J 19.595 Town of Avon 8.960 Eagle County 8.499 Colorado Mountain College 1997 Eagle River Fire Protection District 5.300 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.214 Eagle County Health Services District 2.010 Colorado River Water Conservancy District 0.230 Eagle County Library District 2.750 TOTAL URA OVERLAPPING MILL LEVIES 52_555 0 DRAFT 8.1 -2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARYAN DISCLAIMER YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 312,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 808,500 0 0 0 0 0 133,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,253,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 0 11,656 23,312 23,312 23,312 23,312 104,906 6,800 13,600 13,600 13,600 13,600 13,600 74,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 800 25_,256 36912 31912 38,912 36,912 179,706 312,000 0 0 0 0 0 624,000 0 62,400 62,400 62,400 62,400 62,400 312,000 808,500 0 0 0 0 0 1,617,000 133,400 0 0 0 0 0 266,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,253,900 62_,4_00 62,400 62,400 62,400 62y00 2,819,800 0 25,492 50,983 50,983 50,983 50,983 229,424 0 11,656 23,312 23,312 23,312 23,312 104,906 0 11,057 22,113 22,113 22,113 22,113 99,509 0 5,200 10,400 10,400 10,400 10,400 46,798 0 6,895 13,790 13,790 13,790 13,790 62,054 0 1,579 3,159 3,159 3,159 3,159 14,214 0 2,615 5,230 5,230 5,230 5,230 23,534 0 299 598 598 598 598 2,693 0 3 578 77 155 7.155 77,155 77,155 32 198 0 68_,370 136.740 136.740 136,740 136.740 615,329 PAGE 7 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 AVON CENTER SCHEDULE 3 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES Residential: Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Total Residential Retail Office Total Commercial Total Project SOURCE: DESIGNWC Planned Average Average Average Total Number Sq. Ft. Sales Price Per Unit Gross Unit Unit ep r Unit Per Sq. Ft. Price Volume 36 2,000 600 1,200,000 43,200,000 0 2,000 600 1,200,000 0 9 1,000 250 250,000 2,250,000 0 1000 650 650,000 0 45 0 0 1,010,000 45,450,000 Planned 0 Average 3 3 Number 0 Sales Price 0 0 Sq. Ft 9 Per Sq. Ft. 0 0 11,286 0 300 0 3,385,800 0 0 250 0 0 11,286 0 300 15 3,385,800 15 0 0 0 48 835 800 Estimated Residential Values (Uninflated): Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Estimated Value Of Residential Buildout • Entire Project (Uninflated) Estimated Commercial Values (Uninflated): Retail Office Estimated Value of Commercial Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Proj. Assessed Value - Incremental: Estimated Value Of Residential @ 7.96 Estimated Value Of Commercial @ 29 Total Incremental Assessed Valuation - All Sources Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (Uninflated): Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (INFLATED @ 0.0% EVERY OTH YR): Year Assessed Valuation Certified Year Taxes Received DRAFT 8- 1.2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARY AN DISCLAIMER YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 TOTALS 0 0 0 12 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 3,762 3,762 3,762 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33,762 3 762 3 762 0 0 0 14,400,000 14,400,000 14,400,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750,000 750,000 750,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.150.000 15.150,000 15.150.000 0 0 0 1,128,600 1,128,600 1,128,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.128.600 1.128.600 1.,128.600 0 0 0 1,205,940 1,205,940 1,205,940 0 0 0 327.294 327,29 327,29 0 0 0 1.533,234 1.531234 1.533.234 0 0 0 1.533.234 3,066.46 4.599.702 0 0 0 1.533.234 3.066.468 4.599,702 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,286 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11_,286 0 0 0 0 0 0 43,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,250,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45.450,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,385,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,385.800 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,617,820 0 0 0 0 0 0 981.882 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,599,702 4.599,702 4.599.702 4.599.702 4.599.702 4.5997 02 4.599.702 4.599,702 4.599,702 4.599,702 4.599,702 4,599,702 4,599,702 4.599,702 4.599.702 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 PAGE 8 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 AVON CENTER SCHEDULE 3 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES PUBLIC REVENUES - OPERATIONS YEAR 5 General Fund Property Taxes @ 8.96 Mills Sales Tax @ 4% 250 per Sq. Ft. Recreation Amenities Fee @ 28.02 per Interval Deeded Week Accomodations Tax (Condo - Hotel) @ 8% 45% Ann. Occ. $ 150 ADR TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES OPERATIONS TOTALS PUBLIC REVENUES - CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 Real Estate Transfer Tax Initial (excluding Aff. Housing) @ 2% Real Estate Transfer Tax Secondary Sales @ 2% 10% turnover beg. In year 7 Parking Payment in Lieu Fees 63 $ 33,000 per space Main Street Improvement Assessment $ 5.00 per Sq. Ft @ permit Land Lease or Sale 41,213 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY REVENUES 37,620 RE- 50J 19.595 Town of Avon 8.960 Eagle County 8.499 Colorado Mountain College 3.997 Eagle River Fire Protection District 5300 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.214 Eagle County Health Services District 2.010 Colorado River Water Conservancy District 0.230 Eagle County Library District 2.750 TOTAL URA OVERLAPPING MILL LEVIES 52.555 e DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARY AN DISCLAIMER YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 0 0 0 13,738 27,476 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 329,707 0 0 37,620 75,240 112,860 112,860 112,860 112,860 112,860 112,860 112,860 112,860 1,015,740 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37_,620 88678 140,336 154,073 151073 154,073 151073 154,073 154,073 154,073 1,345,447 0 288,000 288,000 288,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 864,000 0 0 0 0 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 691,200 0 693,000 693,000 693,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,079,000 0 138,810 138,810 138,810 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 416,430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,119,810 1.119,810 1,119,810 86_,400 86_,400 86_,400 88,400 86_,400 86_y4,00 86,400 86,400 4.050,630 0 0 0 30,044 60,087 90,131 90,131 90,131 90,131 90,131 90,131 90,131 721,049 0 0 0 13,738 27,476 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 329,707 0 0 0 13,031 26,062 39,093 39,093 39,093 39,093 39,093 39,093 39,093 312,743 0 0 0 6,128 12,257 18,385 18,385 18,385 18,385 18,385 18,385 18,385 147,080 0 0 0 8,126 16,252 24,378 24,378 24,378 24,378 24,378 24,378 24,378 195,027 0 0 0 1,861 3,723 5,584 5,584 5,584 5,584 5,584 5,584 5,584 44,672 0 0 0 3,082 6,164 9,245 9,245 9,245 9,245 9,245 9,245 9,245 73,963 0 0 0 353 705 1,058 1,058 1,058 1,058 1,058 1,058 1,058 8,463 0 0 0 44.216 58,433 12649 12_,649 12649 12_,649 12_,649 12649 12649 101,193 0 0 0 80_,579 161,158 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 1,933,899 PAGE 9 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 AVON CENTER SCHEDULE 3 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES PUBLIC REVENUES - OPERATIONS YEAR 5 General Fund Property Taxes @ 8.96 Mills Sales Tax @ 4% 250 per Sq. Ft. Recreation Amenities Fee @ 28.02 per Interval Deeded Week Accomodations Tax (Condo - Hotel) @ 8% 45% Ann. Occ. $ 150 ADR TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES OPERATIONS TOTALS PUBLIC REVENUES - CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 Real Estate Transfer Tax Initial (excluding Aff. Housing) @ 2% Real Estate Transfer Tax Secondary Sales @ 2% 10% turnover beg. In year 7 Parking Payment in Lieu Fees 63 $ 33,000 per space Main Street Improvement Assessment $ 5.00 per Sq. Ft @ permit Land Lease or Sale 41,213 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY REVENUES 37,620 RE- 50J 19.595 Town of Avon 8.960 Eagle County 8.499 Colorado Mountain College 3.997 Eagle River Fire Protection District 5.300 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.214 Eagle County Health Services District 2.010 Colorado River Water Conservancy District 0.230 Eagle County Library District 2.750 TOTAL URA OVERLAPPING MILL LEVIES 52_555 DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGEAND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANTS NARRATIVE SUMMARYAN DISCLAIMER YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 0 0 0 13,738 27,476 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 329,707 0 0 37,620 75,240 112,860 112,860 112,860 112,860 112,860 112,860 112,860 112,860 1,015,740 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37_,620 88,978 140,336 154,073 154,073 154,073 154.073 154,073 154,073 154,073 1.345,447 0 288,000 288,000 288,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 864,000 0 0 0 0 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 86,400 691,200 0 693,000 693,000 693,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,079,000 0 138,810 138,810 138,810 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 416,430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,119,810 1,119,810 1,119,810 86,400 Mao Mao 86,400 MAO 81400 81400 Mao 4.050,630 0 0 0 30,044 60,087 90,131 90,131 90,131 90,131 90,131 90,131 90,131 721,049 0 0 0 13,738 27,476 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 41,213 329,707 0 0 0 13,031 26,062 39,093 39,093 39,093 39,093 39,093 39,093 39,093 312,743 0 0 0 6,128 12,257 18,385 18,385 18,385 18,385 18,385 18,385 18,385 147,080 0 0 0 8,126 16,252 24,378 24,378 24,378 24,378 24,378 24,378 24,378 195,027 0 0 0 1,861 3,723 5,584 5,584 5,584 5,584 5,584 5,584 5,584 44,672 0 0 0 3,082 6,164 9,245 9,245 9,245 9,245 9,245 9,245 9,245 73,963 0 0 0 353 705 1,058 1,058 1,058 1,058 1,058 1,058 1,058 8,463 0 0 0 4 216 8 433 12649 12649 12649 12649 12_,649 12 649 12649 101.193 0 0 0 80_,579 161.158 241.737 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 241,737 1,933,899 PAGE 9 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 SHERATON MT VISTA SCHEDULE 4 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES Residential: Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Total Residential Retail Office Total Commercial Total Project SOURCE: STARWOOI Planned Average Average Average Total Number Sq. Ft. Sales Price Per Unit Gross Unit Unit ep r Unit Per So. Ft. Price Volume 0 2,000 600 1,200,000 0 99 1,500 600 900,000 89,100,000 0 1,000 250 250,000 0 0 1000 650 650.000 0 99 0 0 900,000 89.100,000 Planned 0 Average 50,400,000 0 Number 0 Sales Price 0 1,227,000 Sq. Ft. 0 Per Sq. Ft. 2,166,000 0 11,310 0 300 0 3,393,000 0 1,227,000 250 0 0 11,310 0 300 0 3.393,000 0 3,080,520 0 355,830 92.493,000 Estimated Residential Values (Uninflated): Market Housing - Whole Ownership - Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Estimated Value Of Residential Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Estimated Commercial Values (Uninflated): Retail Office Estimated Value of Commercial Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Proj. Assessed Value - Incremental: Estimated Value Of Residential @ 7.96 Estimated Value Of Commercial @ 29 Total Incremental Assessed Valuation - All Sources Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (Uninflated): Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (INFLATED @ 0.0% EVERY OTH YR): Year Assessed Valuation Certified Year Taxes Received DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGEAND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARYAN DISCLAIMER YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 0 4,090 0 0 0 7,220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 090 0 0 0 7_,220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,400,000 0 0 0 38,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,400,000 0 0 0 38,700.000 0 1,227,000 0 0 0 2,166,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,227,000 0 0 0 2.166.000 0 4,011,840 0 0 0 3,080,520 0 355,830 0 0 0 628,140 0 4,367,670 0 0 0 3,708,660 0 4.367.670 4.367.670 4.367.670 4.367.670 8.076.330 0 4.367,670 4.367,670 4.367,670 4.367.670 8,076,330 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89,100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89.100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,393,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,393,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,092,360 0 0 0 0 0 0 983,970 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,076,330 8.076.330 8.076,330 8.076.330 8.076.330 8.076330 8. 076 330 8.076.330 8,076,330 8,076,330 8,076,330 8,076330 8.076,330 8,076,330 8,076,330 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 PAGE 10 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES DRAFT 8. 1.2006 FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARYAN DISCLAIMER SHERATON MT VISTA YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 SCHEDULE 4 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 PUBLIC REVENUES - OPERATIONS 39,134 39,134 72,364 General Fund Property Taxes @ 8.96 Mills 0 39,134 Sales Tax @ 41 250 per Sq. Ft. 40,900 40,900 Recreation Amenities Fee @ 28.02 per Interval Deeded Week 121,412 121,412 Accomodations Tax (Condo - Hotel) @ 8% 45% Ann. Occ. $ 150 ADR 0 0 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES OPERATIONS 1,068,400 162.312 201.447 PUBLIC REVENUES - CAPITAL PROJECTS 214,639 214,639 214,639 Real Estate Transfer Tax Initial (excluding Aff. Housing) @ 2% $ 31,643 per weekly interval 921,444 460,722 Real Estate Transfer Tax Secondary Sales @ 2% 5% turnover beg. In year 10 0 0 Parking Payment in Lieu Fees 0 S 33,000 per space 0 0 Main Street Improvement Assessment $ 5.00 per Sq. Ft @ permit 440,450 0 Land Lease or Sale 201,447 0 0 TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS 400.103 1.361.894 460.722 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY REVENUES 400.103 3.934.249 460,722 RE- 50J 19.595 0 85,584 Town of Avon 8.960 0 39,134 Eagle County 8.499 0 37,121 Colorado Mountain College 3.997 0 17,458 Eagle River Fire Protection District 5.300 0 23,149 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.214 0 5,302 Eagle County Health Services District 2.010 0 8,779 Colorado River Water Conservancy District 0230 0 1,005 Eagle County Library District 2.750 0 12011 TOTAL URA OVERLAPPING MILL LEVIES 52.555 0 229.543 0 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 39,134 39,134 39,134 72,364 72,364 72,364 72,364 72,364 72,364 72,364 663,085 40,900 40,900 113,100 113,100 113,100 113,100 113,100 113,100 113,100 113,100 1,068,400 121,412 121,412 214,639 214,639 214,639 214,639 214,639 214,639 214,639 214,639 2,202,765 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201,447 201,447 366,874 400,103 400103 400.103 400,103 400.103 400.103 400.103 3.934.249 460,722 361,996 361,996 361,996 329,087 0 0 0 0 0 3,257,963 0 0 0 0 0 162,898 162,898 162,898 162,898 162,898 814,491 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 358,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 799,050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 460.722 720.596 361.996 361.996 329.087 162.898 162.898 162.898 162,898 162.898 4,871,504 85,584 85,584 85,584 158,256 158,256 158,256 158,256 158,256 158,256 158.256 1,450,128 39,134 39,134 39,134 72,364 72,364 72,364 72,364 72,364 72,364 72,364 663,085 37,121 37,121 37,121 68,641 68,641 68,641 68,641 68,641 68,641 68,641 628,968 17,458 17,458 17,458 32,281 32,281 32,281 32,281 32,281 32,281 32,281 295,798 23,149 23,149 23,149 42,805 42,805 42,805 42,805 42,805 42,805 42,805 392,226 5,302 5,302 5,302 9,805 9,805 9,805 9,805 9,805 9,805 9,805 89,842 8,779 8,779 8,779 16,233 16,233 16,233 16,233 16,233 16,233 16,233 148,750 1,005 1,005 1,005 1,858 1,858 1,858 1,858 1,858 1,858 1,858 17,021 12 011 12 011 12 011 22210 22_,210 22.210 22210 22_,210 22_,210 22 210 203.514 229.543 229.543 229.543 424.452 424.452 424,452 424,452 424.452 424.452 424.452 3.889,332 PAGE 11 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 PARKING STRUCTURE SCHEDULE 5 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES Residential: Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Total Residential Retail Office Total Commercial Total Project SOURCE: DESIGNWC Planned Average Average Average Total Number Sq. Ft. Sales Price Per Unit Gross Unit Unit ep r Unit Per Sq. Ft. Price Volume 41 2,000 600 1,200,000 49,200,000 0 2,000 600 1,200,000 0 31 1,000 250 250,000 7,750,000 0 1900 650 650.000 0 72 0 0 790.972 56.950,000 Planned 0 Average 0 0 Number 19.300000 Sales Price 0 0 Sq. Ft • 614,200 Per Sq. Ft. 614,200 0 6,142 0 300 483.333 1,842,600 5.800 0 250 1.097,533 1,450.000 11942 0 276 0 3.292.600 1,536,280 1,556,180 0 0 60.242.600 Estimated Residential Values (Uninflated): Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Estimated Value Of Residential Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Estimated Commercial Values (Uninflated): Retail Office Estimated Value of Commercial Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Proj. Assessed Value - Incremental: Estimated Value Of Residential @ 7.96% Estimated Value Of Commercial @ 29% Total Incremental Assessed Valuation - All Sources Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (Uninflated): Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (INFLATED @ 0.0% EVERY OTH YR): Year Assessed Valuation Certified Year Taxes Received M DRAFT 8- 1.2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARY AN DISCLAIMER YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR .9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 TOTALS 0 0 0 13 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 24 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 0 0 0 2,047 2,047 2,047 0 0 0 1_,933 1933 1933 0 0 0 3 981 3_,981 3981 0 0 0 15,600,000 16,800,000 16,800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,750,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,100,000 19.300000 19.550,000 0 0 0 614,200 614,200 614,200 0 0 0 483.333 483.333 483.333 0 0 0 1.097,533 1.097,533 1.097,533 0 0 0 1,440,760 1,536,280 1,556,180 0 0 0 318.285 318.285 318,285 0 0 0 1.759,045 1.854,565 1,874.465 0 0 0 1.759.045 3.613.609 5.488.074 0 0 0 1,759,045 3.613.609 5,488.074 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,142 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 11_,942 0 0 0 0 0 0 49,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,750,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56,950,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,842,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,450,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,292,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,533,220 0 0 0 0 0 0 954,854 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,488,074 5.488.074 5.488,074 5.488.074 5.488.074 5.488.074 5.488,074 5,488,07 5,488,074 5.488,074 5,488,074 5.488.074 5,488 074 5,488,074 5,488,074 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 PAGE 12 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 PARKING STRUCTURE SCHEDULE 5 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES PUBLIC REVENUES - OPERATIONS General Fund Property Taxes @ 8.96 Mills Sales Tax @ 4% 250 per Sq. Ft, Recreation Amenities Fee @ 28.02 per Interval Deeded Week Accomodations Tax (Condo - Hotel) @ 8% 45% Ann. Occ. $ 150 ADR TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES OPERATIONS 8.499 PUBLIC REVENUES - CAPITAL PROJECTS 3.997 Real Estate Transfer Tax Initial (excluding Aff. Housing) @ 2% Real Estate Transfer Tax Secondary Sales @ 2% 10% turnover beg. In year 7 Parking Payment in Lieu Fees 0 $ 33,000 per space Main Street Improvement Assessment $ 5.00 per Sq. Ft @ permit Land Lease or Sale (per DesignWorkshop) $90 /sq. ft 74,332 sq. ft. TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS YEAR 4 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY REVENUES YEAR 6 RE- 50J 19.595 Town of Avon 8.960 Eagle County 8.499 Colorado Mountain College 3.997 Eagle River Fire Protection District 5.300 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.214 Eagle County Health Services District 2.010 Colorado River Water Conservancy District 0.230 Eagle County Library District 2.750 TOTAL URA OVERLAPPING MILL LEVIES 52.555 DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARYAN DISCLAIMER YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 0 0 0 15,761 32,378 49,173 49,173 49,173 49,173 49,173 49,173 49,173 392,351 0 0 20,473 40,947 61,420 61,420 61,420 61,420 61,420 61,420 61,420 61,420 552,780 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20473 56708 93798 110,593 110,593 110,593 110,593 110.593 110,593 110 593 945,131 0 312,000 336,000 336,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 984,000 0 0 0 0 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 98,400 787,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 149,903 159,903 159,903 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 469,710 0 6.689,880 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,689,880 0 7,151,783 495103 495,903 98,400 Mao 98,400 98_,400 98_,400 98_,400 98,400 98,_,400 8,930,790 0 0 0 34,468 70,809 107,539 107,539 107,539 107,539 107,539 107,539 107,539 858,049 0 0 0 15,761 32,378 49,173 49,173 49,173 49,173 49,173 49,173 49,173 392,351 0 0 0 14,950 30,712 46,643 46,643 46,643 46,643 46,643 46,643 46,643 372,164 0 0 0 7,031 14,444 21,936 21,936 21,936 21,936 21,936 21,936 21,936 175,025 0 0 0 9,323 19,152 29,087 29,087 29,087 29,087 29,087 29,087 29,087 232,083 0 0 0 2,135 4,387 6,663 6,663 6,663 6,663 6,663 6,663 6,663 53,160 0 0 0 3,536 7,263 11,031 11,031 11,031 11,031 11,031 11,031 11,031 88,016 0 0 0 405 831 1,262 1,262 1,262 1,262 1,262 1,262 1,262 10,072 0 0 0 4_,837 9 937 15 092 15 092 15_,092 15_,092 15_,092 15 092 15,092 120,42 0 0 0 92,_447 189,913 288.426 288,42 288,426 288,426 288.426 288,426 288,426 2,301,340 PAGE 13 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 TOWN HALL SCHEDULE 6 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Total Residential Retail Office Total Commercial Total Project SOURCE: DESIGNWC Planned Average Average Average Total Number Sq. Ft. Sales Price Per Unit Gross Unit Unit ep r Unit Per So. Ft. Price Volume 16 2,000 600 1,200,000 19,200,000 0 2,000 600 1,200,000 0 31 1,000 250 250,000 7,750,000 0 1_1000 650 650,00 0 47 0 0 573,404 26.950,000 Planned 0 Average 0 13.350,000 Number 0 Sales Price 0 0 So. Ft. 1,996,050 Per Sq. Ft. 0 0 13,307 0 300 0 3,992,100 0 0 250 1,996,050 0 13_307 0 300 1,062,660 3.992.100 0 0 0 0 30.942.100 Estimated Residential Values (Uninflated): Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Estimated Value Of Residential Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Estimated Commercial Values (Uninflated): Retail Office Estimated Value of Commercial Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Proj. Assessed Value - Incremental: Estimated Value Of Residential @ 7.96 Estimated Value Of Commercial @ 29 Total Incremental Assessed Valuation - All Sources Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (Uninflated): Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (INFLATED @ 0.0/ EVERY OTH YR): Year Assessed Valuation Certified Year Taxes Received ■ DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGEAND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARYAN DISCLAIMER YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 TOTALS 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 6,654 6,654 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,6,654 66,654 0 0 0 0 9,600,000 9,600,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,750,000 4,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13.350,000 13.600,000 0 0 0 0 1,996,050 1,996,050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,996,050 1,996,050 0 0 0 0 1,062,660 1,082,560 0 0 0 0 578,855 578,855 0 0 0 0 1,641,515 1.661,415 0 0 0 0 1.641,515 3.302,929 3.302,929 3.302.929 0 0 1,641.515 3,302,929 3,302,929 3,302,929 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,307 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13307 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,750,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,950,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,992,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,992,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,145,220 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,157,709 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,302,929 3.302.929 3302.929 3,302,9 1302,929 3,302,9 3302,929 3.302,929 3,302,929 3.302.929 3.302,929 3302,929 3.302.929 3,302,929 3.302,929 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 PAGE 14 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 TOWN HALL YEAR 4 SCHEDULE 6 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES PUBLIC REVENUES - OPERATIONS YEAR 7 General Fund Property Taxes @ 8.96 Mills Sales Tax @ 4% 250 per Sq. Ft. Recreation Amenities Fee @ 28.02 per Interval Deeded Week Accomodations Tax (Condo - Hotel) @ 8% 45% Ann. Occ. $ 150 ADR TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES OPERATIONS 0 PUBLIC REVENUES - CAPITAL PROJECTS 29,594 Real Estate Transfer Tax Initial (excluding Aff. Housing) @ 2% Real Estate Transfer Tax Secondary Sales @ 2% 10% turnover beg. In year 5 Parking Payment in Lieu Fees 0 $ 33,000 per space Main Street Improvement Assessment (excludes civic revenues o $ 5.00 per Sq. Ft @ permit Land Lease or Sale (per Design Workshop) $90 /sq. ft. 30,616 sq. ft. TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS 66,535 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY REVENUES 133,070 RE- 50J 19.595 Town of Avon 8.960 Eagle County 8.499 Colorado Mountain College 3.997 Eagle River Fire Protection District 5.300 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.214 Eagle County Health Services District 2.010 Colorado River Water Conservancy District 0.230 Eagle County Library District 2.750 TOTAL URA OVERLAPPING MILL LEVIES 52.555 e DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARY AN DISCLAIMER YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 0 0 14,708 29,594 29,594 29,594 29,594 29,594 29,594 29,594 29,594 29,594 281,056 0 66,535 133,070 133,070 133,070 133,070 133,070 133,070 133,070 133,070 133,070 133,070 1,397,235 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6535 147 778 162.664 162,664 162,664 162.664 162,664 162.664 162,664 162.664 162.664 1.678,291 192,000 192,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 384,000 0 0 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 38,400 384,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 113,268 113,268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 226,535 2.755.440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.755.440 3.060,708 305.268 38_,400 38_,400 38_,400 38_,400 38_,400 38,400 38,400 38_,00 38,400 38_,400 3,749,975 0 0 32,165 64,721 64,721 64,721 64,721 64,721 64,721 64,721 64,721 64,721 614,654 0 0 14,708 29,594 29,594 29,594 29,594 29,594 29,594 29,594 29,594 29,594 281,056 0 0 13,951 28,072 28,072 28,072 28,072 28,072 28,072 28,072 28,072 28,072 266,596 0 0 6,561 13,202 13,202 13,202 13,202 13,202 13,202 13,202 13,202 13,202 125,377 0 0 8,700 17,506 17,506 17,506 17,506 17,506 17,506 17,506 17,506 17,506 166,250 0 0 1,993 4,010 4,010 4,010 4,010 4,010 4,010 4,010 4,010 4,010 38,081 0 0 3,299 6,639 6,639 6,639 6,639 6,639 6,639 6,639 6,639 6,639 63,049 0 0 378 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 7,215 0 0 4 514 99,083 9 083 9 083 9_,083 9083 9 083 9 083 9 083 - 9083 86 262 0 0 86_9,270 173.585 173.585 173.585 173.585 173.585 173.585 173.585 173.585 173.585 1.648,539 PAGE 15 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 NOTTINGHAM INN SCHEDULE 7 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES Residential: Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Total Residential '.. Retail Office Total Commercial Total Project SOURCE: DESIGNWC Planned Average Average Average Totai Number Sq. Ft. Sales Price Per Unit Gross Unit Unit ep r Unit Per Sq. Ft. Price Volume 0 2,000 600 1,200,000 0 0 2,000 600 1,200,000 0 0 1,000 250 250,000 0 82 1_1000 650 650,000 53.300.000 82 0 0 650.000 53.300.000 Planned 0 Average 0 0 Number 0 Sales Price 0 0 So. Ft. 0 Per Sq. Ft. 0 0 15,847 0 300 0 4,754,100 0 0 250 0 0 15847 0 300 0 4,754,100 0 0 0 0 58.054.100 Estimated Residential Values (Uninflated): Market Housing - Whole Ownership Market Housing - Fractional Ownership Affordable Housing Condo - Hotel Estimated Value Of Residential Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Estimated Commercial Values (Uninflated): Retail Office Estimated Value of Commercial Buildout - Entire Project (Uninflated) Proj. Assessed Value - Incremental: Estimated Value Of Residential @ 7.96 Estimated Value Of Commercial @ 29% Total Incremental Assessed Valuation - All Sources Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (Uninflated): Proj. Assessed Value By Year - Cumulative (INFLATED @ 0.0% EVERY OTH YR): Year Assessed Valuation Certified Year Taxes Received DRAFT 8 -1 -2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANT'S NARRATIVE SUMMARY AN DISCLAIMER YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 41 0 0 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 41 0 0 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 0 0 7,924 7,924 0 0 15,847 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7_,924 7 924 0 0 15.847 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26.650,000 26.650.000 0 0 53,300,000 0 0 26.650.000 26,650.000 0 0 53,300,000 0 0 2,377,050 2,377,050 0 0 4,754,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.377,050 2.377,050 0 0 4,754,100 0 0 2,121,340 2,121,340 0 0 4,242,680 0 0 689,345 689.345 0 0 1.378,689 0 0 2,810,685 2,810,685 0 0 5,621,369 0 0 2.810.685 5.621369 5.621.369 5,6213 69 5.621.369 0 0 2.810.685 5.621.369 5.621369 5.621,369 5.621,369 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 PAGE 16 AVON TOWN CENTER WEST FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 THROUGH 2017 NOTTINGHAM INN SCHEDULE 7 - FORECASTED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND MUNICIPAL REVENUES PUBLIC REVENUES - OPERATIONS General Fund Property Taxes @ 8.96 Mills Sales Tax @ 4% 250 per Sq. Ft. Recreation Amenities Fee @ 28.02 per Interval Deeded Week Accomodations Tax (Condo - Hotel) @ 8% 45% Ann. Occ. $ 150 ADR TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES OPERATIONS 8.499 PUBLIC REVENUES - CAPITAL PROJECTS 3.997 Real Estate Transfer Tax Initial (excluding Aff. Housing) @ 2% Real Estate Transfer Tax Secondary Sales @ 2% 10% turnover beg. In year 11 Parking Payment in Lieu Fees 0 $ 33,000 per space Main Street Improvement Assessment $ 5.00 per Sq. Ft @ permit Land Lease or Sale (per Design Workshop) $90 /sq. ft. 80,511 sq. ft TOTAL PUBLIC REVENUES CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 0 URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY REVENUES 0 0 RE- 50J 19.595 Town of Avon 8.960 Eagle County 8.499 Colorado Mountain College 3.997 Eagle River Fire Protection District 5.300 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.214 Eagle County Health Services District 2.010 Colorado River Water Conservancy District 0.230 Eagle County Library District 2.750 TOTAL URA OVERLAPPING MILL LEVIES 52.555 DRAFT 8.1.2006 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND REVISION, SEE CONSULTANTS NARRATIVE SUMMARY AN DISCLAIMER YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 YEAR 14 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 25,184 50,367 50,367 50,367 176,286 0 0 0 0 79,235 158,470 158,470 158,470 158,470 713,115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 811 161,622 161,622 161,622 161,622 727,299 0 0 0 0 160,046 345,276 370,459 370,459 370,459 1,616,700 0 0 0 533,000 533,000 0 0 0 0 1,066,000 0 0 0 0 0 106,600 106,600 106,600 106,600 426,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 244,618 244,618 0 0 0 0 489,235 0 0 0 7,245,990 0 0 0 0 0 7,245,990 0 0 0 8,023,608 777,618 106,600 106,600 106,600 106,600 9,227.625 0 0 0 0 0 55,075 110,151 110,151 110,151 385,528 0 0 0 0 0 25,184 50,367 50,367 50,367 176,286 0 0 0 0 0 23,888 47,776 47,776 47,776 167,216 0 0 0 0 0 11,234 22,469 22,469 22,469 78,640 0 0 0 0 0 14,897 29,793 29,793 29,793 104,276 0 0 0 0 0 3,412 6,824 6,824 6,824 23,885 0 0 0 0 0 5,649 11,299 11,299 11,299 39,546 0 0 0 0 0 646 1,293 1,293 1,293 4,525 0 0 0 0 0 77,729 15459 15459 15459 54106 0 0 0 0 0 147.716 295,431 295,431 295,431 1.034,009 PAGE 17 � 6 L:4 I I TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager Front: Matt Pielsticker, Planner I TOWN CENTER EAST V03 Tambi Katieb, AICP, Community Development Director Date: . August 2, 2006 Re: East Town Center Charrette Update district plan Summary: The East Town Center Design Charrette took place the entire week of July 17th, culminating with the findings of all meetings, data inventory /analysis, and the various alternative concept plans and sketches presented in a community open house format on Friday, July 21 st at 4:30pm. The process was well received by all attended and highly interactive. After holding several interviews with property owners, our design team was charged with the task of creating a very `scalable' plan that could work for individual properties that have different redevelopment timelines. The importance of not creating a significant disturbance to existing retailers with redevelopment or new public investments was emphasized by several property owners. Likewise, the convenience of on street parking was thoroughly discussed in the context of the local shopping experience however targeting, in the long term, the elimination of existing surface parking with the introduction of park space and civic activity nodes. Design Workshop staff will be available at your August 22, 2006 meeting to review in detail the preliminary concepts and how these concepts could translate into a specific district master plan for the Town, including the level of participation and commitment required from area property owners in effectively using this tool as a specific amendment to the Town Comprehensive Plan. FACounciI\A4EM0S\200aTown Center East Charlene Update 080206.doc 410 w AND Alternative One - New Development Plan MR. W- I UCIIa C}ne - Development Concept Dia6r� CIPLULA110M t v� a, °L- Alternative One -Circulation and Parking Dial- - -- 4PZ4 4M AWt> Alternative n i- A -New Development Plan 77:�� �` , \ � 9 .. . � m :.� INIT of - - -IN *, CIMUAToj � � . . : ...�__�_..._. .:� ...:. . .. ............. tu mu l / Oo/ - qev pm« #t �uncc /t qia - I---I 1 Alternative One A - Circulation and Parking Diagram Alternative One A - Illustrative Master Plan A -%-, -1 I , csT i 7 �, I8 Alternative Tcvo - Neer L ev elapment Plan Alternative T-t-x7,-% - Development Concept Diagram PAPY-Ikv, Alter-not-i x Te T-x7rN Parking DiCA flew LA, Alternative Three - New n CVC I IlItZli UpL flan xj Alternative r-- CC - Circulation and Parking T4 ,A V6f) Alternative Three - Illustrative Master Plan A I I I N v v C U tU cJ G v Cl) 4-1 Cl) 73 as r- 4-► - 1-- cf) --1 cry 4-4 t t t cry c;S W a ,W u 44 v cr? 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F! $ « =9 z � `\ ? �� � / � \ \ \ � /�� t� .� � 2 : } �z � w »�� %����: - y���.� < \«\����d � <»,�� � � �� � ®� 3� � � � %..� ��� :� �/� \,� � }� � � ��.� \/� � � � � � � /� ee, ,AO,l A , N. 1, f-F V*'vfo� W�N I 'ia 14 'ia MML.W.��Ml� 1 f 5 �W ASS°. +y*S S.. c- +i}•.. k 3 � Nw. 3 i f•i. A � �pLT� s k 1 i 4✓ l N t v r A A r fig 'S °. m § F£ ; h L f ^ Fn at al 0, ir ke d 4 �ry2 #} T % �,�;'tr..,.. -. . .. ..��� ». . AL, : �� >��� ..�. .. .. . ...� �5�� Top Priorities 1. Need better circulation from and to Town Center West (full 4 -way roundabout) —11 2. Create incentives for redevelopment (parking, density, mix of uses) — 7 3. Structured parking (above or below ground), Public plazas, Employers should provide affordable housing — 6 4. Cohesive Identity, Gear streetscape to pedestrians (sidewalks and crosswalks) - 5 5. Local resident housing, After -hours activities for all ages, Current Zoning, Balance of structure and on- street parking, Keep roads as they are, Keep existing open space and add more when possible, Fountains — 4 6. Mix of uses (services, retail, restaurant), Entertainment Uses, Outdoor Dining, Maintain view corridors, Architectural Variety, Covered walks (e.g. Boston Commons, Milan), Incentives for improving architecture, Connect Hurd Lane and Town Center East, Create Major Pedestrian Corridors, Screen and buffer I -70, Consider above -grade and sub -grade passages from building to building, Create wider sidewalks, WiFi — 3 7. Character needs to be, Office center, Don't push locals out with the mix, Incent redevelopment, Zero setback on the street, Keep parking available to business throughout phasing, Proximity and convenience of parking, Reduce circulation hassels (reduce "T" intersections, straighten roads), Enhance winter pedestrian experience, Improve connections vo river, Gathering spaces, Better bikes Infrastructure - 2 Character and Identity: 1. Character needs to be authentic 2. Cohesive Identity 3. Locals emphasis 4. Emphasis on young users (kids to young adults) 5. Entertainment area 6. Office center Land Uses: 1. Don't push locals out with the mix 2. Continual retail experience 3. Compliment/ Not Compete with the Town. Center West 4. Focus on ownership instead of lease 5. Balance retail incentives with parking needs 6. Incent redevelopment 7. Look for synergy with businesses 8. Retail on the street and parking behind 9. Mix of uses (services, retail, restaurant) 10. Different food options (high to low end) 11. Local resident housing 12. Entertainment Uses 13. Grocery Store 14. Liquor store 15. Pet store 16. Book store 17. Play house 2 5 1 2 2 (lack of available parking = 2, as well) 1 F 1 3 4 3 1 18. Outdoor dining 3 19. Office 20. Medium box (create incentives to keep existing) 21. Balance of residential uses (hotels, whole ownership, fractional, time - share, etc.) 1 22. Public use (e.g. fire station, visitor center) 23. Park 1 24. Farmers /Open market 1 25. Event center 1 26. After -hours activities for all ages 4 27. Design center with showrooms and sales Massing and Form: 1. Current zoning 4 2. 3 -4 story density 3. Maintain view corridors 3 4. Pedestrian -scale 1 5. Articulation 6. Work with existing topography 1 7. Zero setback on the street 2 8. Step down from the Town Center West 9. Use structures to buffer the noise of I -70 Architectural Character: 1. Different than Town Center West 1 2. Different from Beaver Creek 3. Variety 3 4. Unique architecture 1 5. Human -scale 1 6. Articulation 7. Decks 1 8. Natural materials 9. Simple materials 1 10. Stone and timber 11. Contemporary - 12. Covered walks (e.g. Boston Commons, Milan) 3 13. Buildings can bridge pedestrian areas 14. Prominent buildings should be appropriate gateways to the district 1 15. Sod roofs 16. No metal roofs 17. Incentives for improving architecture 3 Parkin6: 1. Structured parking (above or below ground) 6 2. Balance of structure and on- street parking 4 3. A few smaller structures instead of one big one 1 4. One big parking structure is better to promote walkability 1 5. More parking 6. Better way - finding to structured parking 7. Wrap ground floor parking with retail S. Keep parking available to business throughout phasing 2 9. Proximity and convenience of parking 2 10. Delivery convenience 11. Landscape islands for surface parking areas Circulation (Automobiles and Pedestrians): l. Clarify circulation pattern (organize and simplify) 2. Keep roads as they are 4 3. Need better circulation from and to Town Center West (full 4 -way roundabout) 11 4. Reduce circulation hassels (reduce "T" intersections, straighten roads) 2 5. Circulation around Town Center East Picnic tables 6. More north/south collectors to gondola 9. 7. Promote bus ridership 1 8. Use railroad ROW 1 9. Connect Hurd Lane and Town Center East 3 10. Enhance bicycle circulation 1 11. Enhance winter pedestrian experience 2 12. Create major pedestrian corridors 3 13. Safer circulation system 14. Consider deliveries and services 15. Need better directional signage 16. Create a local shuttle that is unique and fun (consider putting it on its own route) 17. Define the circulation hierarchy 18. Make the exit from I -70 the gateway to Beaver Creek 19. Screen and buffer I -70 3 20. Improve connection to the river 2 21. Consider above -grade and sub -grade passages from building to building 3 Open Space Relationships: 1. Green spaces 2. Keep existing open space and add more when possible 4 3. Public plazas 6 4. Childrens play area 5. Pocket parks 6. Gathering places 2 7. Picnic tables 8. Maintain and improve mountain views 1 9. Place to walk the dog 1 10. Need amphitheater Streetscape Improvements: 1. Maintain activity on the street level 2. More trees /shade 3. More flowers and color 4. Quality outdoor dining experiences 5. Fountains 6. Kids activities 7. Gear streetscape to pedestrians (sidewalks and crosswalks) 8. Create inviting frontage on Avon Road 9. Organize and unify the streetscape 10. Create walkways with spokes outward from center of town 11. Consider places for snow (melting or storing) 12. Consider the effects of plowing on the streetscape materials 13. Create wider sidewalks 14. Better bikes infrastructure 15. Better wayfinding and visibility 16. Extend "Main Street" beyond one linear street into a grid or district 17. Maintenance and trash mitigation is important 18. Need music 19. WiFi Other: 1. Allow opportunity for entrepreneurs 2. Get a head start over Town Center West 3. Consider each owners timing and phasing plan 4. Town should act as common broker on lot adjustments and land swaps 5. Look at what is likely redevelopment potential and design /plan for those spaces 6. Create incentives for redevelopment (parking, density, mix of uses) 7. Consider how to deal with hold -outs on redevelopment 8. Consider the programming of the area and events 9. Employers should provide affordable housing 10. Private sector should create the energy 11. Minimize disruption 1 1 1 4 5 1 3 2 N 1 7 R I Ji L:4 1_1 To: Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineej' Jeff Schneider, Engineer 11 Date: August 1, 2006 Re: EaglebendO Road Gtreetscape Improvements Update Only) This nleDlU[@DdUD0 is U3 provide an update OO the fiD8| design of the Eaglebend [)hv8/StoO8bhdge Road StnaHt800p8 |mpn}va0Hnta Project, Attachment includes Final Design Elevations and Attachment B includes Construction Drawings for your review. The project gen8r@UyCOnSiStSOfiDSta||iDgCUrb8ndgUUBr'8Devv8Sph@UnO@dVv8ySUrf8ce.8 paved pedestrian/bicycle path, bus pullouts, and stn3RtSC8p8lighting from the existing cul-de- sac on Eaglebend Drive to the bridge on Stonebridge Road. The nO8dVV3y CnOSS 88CtiOR will include 10.5-foot wide driving |8OeS to aid in traffic C8|DliRg. St[e8t C8p8 lights will 08LCh the existing lights OD Hurd [8DB and conform tOthe new Town Standard. This project also iOC|UdeS the [Op|@c8On9Dt of the bhdg8 m3i| OO SLOOebhdge Road. At the direction Ofcouncil, decorative S0DD8 CO|u[DOS CODtGiOiDg d8COn8UvO lantern-style lights are to b8 installed atthe ends Uf the bridge rails and 8t each abutment. The four corner columns oD the bridge abutments are more prominent than their counterparts 8t the bridge rail ends. This project is partially funded by CV|On8dU Department of Transportation (CD[)T) Federal EDhaDCeDl8Dt Grant funds and 83 such [8qUiF8S 8ppPDV8| by C[J{]T for all design and COD8tnJCtioD. Resolution 05+18 authorized the cODt[8[t with C[)(]T for receipt of the federal funds. The bridge rail and OrR8[DeOb8| Sk]De structures with lighting was remanded to the P|8ODiDg and Zoning C|On0nliSSiOD (Fz & Z) at the February 28, 2000 QO88UDQ after several it0c8UVOS and presentations to COUOCi|. At the April 18. 2006 rn8eUO0, staff presented the design Sh0vviOg council input to P /LZ. The C0rO[ni8SiOO felt that the design was iO@d8qu8h8 and staff was asked to provide full architectural elevations and On8te[i8| GoDlp|8S. An 8FChiteCtUn8| subconsultant was secured and additional design services were approved by Council on May 9, 2008. Afu|| architectural design package with two 8|te[D8t8 designs was SUbSeqU8OUy presented hJP& Z8L the June 14'2000meeting. hEngineeringUREaglebend Stmemcapn\3.1oesign design update memo o-1-08.dv" Concept 1 was 8 refined version of the original concept presented at the April 18, 2008 meeting. Concept 1 incorporated G basic OlOOUDl8[k having four gently tapered river rock sides and 8 S8OdstOO8 Gap UpOD which 8iiS the |8Dte[D fixture. Both the |8[ge[ and S08||e[ 0ODu0eOtS had the same g8n8[G| shape. The larger monuments were sized to minimize CVDDe[OS about adding weight to the bridge 8bULDleDtS and avoid having to StRJ[tU[8Uy @D8|yz8 the 8but08DfS. Each larger column Sat 8DUr8|y on the existing CDDCr8[e bridge abutments and stands 8 feet, 3 iDCh8S t@|| iDC|uSiY8 of the light fix±Un3. The StOOH finish Of these |8q]8r [OOnUD1eDtS did not extend down over the f8C8 of the 8bUt[O8Dt to the ground. And in this COn&8ot' the gU8ndr8i|S L9rDiO8i8d into the sides of both the |Gng0 and the SDl8|| DlODUDleOiS. The SOl8U8r DlODUO0eDtS Sk}Od about 0 feet' 0 iDCh8S b3|| iOC|uSiY9 of the light fixture. {|OOC8Dt 2 iOQ}qJO[ahBd |8Pg8[ [DOOUDlHDtS that were T-shaped in plan. The intent was to increase the perceived width from all perspectives without creating an enlarged full Squ3F8 shape. The larger monuments have the S8D1G gently tapered rock sides dOvvD to the top Of the bridge and then tr@OSiUOD h3 GV9rtiC@| face dOvvO to the grade. These [nODUDleDtS also incorporate a sandstone cap and a tapered sandstone collar at the top for additional textural and viSUG| interest. Part of these DO|UDlDS vv0U|d b88[ OO the existing abutments but much Of it VvoU|d bear On a new foundation avatenl off the side of the abutment. This offset from the abutments vvOu|d minimize new weight be8hD0 OO the 8bUtO0enio and vvOU|d also aUOvv the gU8Fd[8i| to run CUOt`nuOUS in front of the cU|UnnDS protecting the stone h3C8 from 8UtU tn3ffiC and GDOvvp|Ovv blades. The 8[DOUDt of column ViSu8||y blocked by the guardrail Vv0u|d not be significant. The additional stonework extending to the grade on the outside face of the 8bUt[D8DtS is |USG important at the north end of the bridge where their 8XpOSU[8 is [OiOi[D8|. But OD the south 8Od' the monuments will b8 visible from 8ppPOGChiDQ Highway 0 traffic iD both diF8{tiODg and will better serve as ViSU8||y 8DChDhDQ Q0DlpOO8Dt8 of the bridge span. The smaller monuments in this concept stand about 7 feet, 6 inches tall inclusive of the light fix1Un9. The Planning and Zoning COnlDliSSiVD granted 8 COOdiUOn8| 8ppnDV8| at the JUD8 14 meeting. The final design was to be CUOnpn]DliSe between Concepts 1 and 2' taking the original rectangular cross section of Concept 1 and constructing it down to grade like Concept 2. The light fixture, 8 CuStODl N8O8OUFce |8DtH[O with G copper finish, was to have frosted sides and not contain 8 'hot spot.' FiD8||y, the stone p@ttHn)' O[i0iDGUy p[OpOS8d @S8 hV8[ rock f8g8d8. was denied and subject U3 approval @t the next meeting. At the July 18.20O6P& Z Meeting, staff presented the final design Of the stone columns with the revised stone finish. The StnDU finish, as Sh0vvD on the e|8v8UUDS attached as Attachment A, is a stacked sandstone arrangement, consisting of varying shades and shapes iO8R angular stacked arrangement. |iiS8 thin cut stone veneer, meaning that i[iS83"thick nB8| stone finish. The thin cut veneer allows application similar to OO8Out8CiunBd stone. Staff fO|i that this adequately addressed the S1OnevVOrk CODC8nlS and offered an @ttn8C{ime alternative tO the original river rock fagade. The revised design was passed unanimously 0D Consent Agenda, and the revised construction drawings immediately resumed presentation. {|OnGt[UCtiOD C)r8VYiOg8 were F8QeiVHd OO July 20' 2006 and transmitted t0 {|DOT for final GppFOVa| the fo||OvViOg day. Save for [OiOOr C0DlDleDt8, VYO 8OUCipa1O having Notice to Proceed for Advertisement from CD(]lF on Or 8n]UOd August 11, 2006. Regrettably, with a minimum time period Of one month from Advertisement k} Contract Award, and 8nadditional one tO two weeks prior k} Notice tO Proceed for Construction, the project wOU|dDOtb8Gb|8tO 30m� commence in the field until late September or Early October. The Onset of freezing temperatures makes asphalt paving after October 15UD8dviS8b|8. Therefore, the project wiU O88d h3 be pushed back for construction beginning in Aoh| 2007. FOrtUD@{8|y, this will @UOVV for lead tirD8S in CUSbJ[D light fi>tU[eS and stonework L0 be sorted out for G UDl8|y COmp|8tiOO in Spring 2007. It should be noted that the Town of Avon received additional CDOT funding of approximately $27.000 to apply to the Eag|eband/8tonebhdngu 8tnae[ncape project from unuoed Eoohy County funding. Other design issues solved concurrently during the bridge design prDC8SS included the 8DCnOGChO0eDt of some grading and 8id8VV8|k vvOrh into the EGg|ebODd Housing Authority Property. E8S808Dt8 were Ob[8iO8d in early June 2008' and the SthCi CQ(]T Easement Donation process was completed and cleared by CDOT in early July 2006. Attachment Final Design Elevations Attachment B Construction Drawings MAI °t l•J To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Th u: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Jacqueline Halbumt, Assistant Town Manager Date: August 3, 2006 Re: Historical Preservation Advisory Committee Request Summary: At the last meeting of the Historical Preservation Advisory Committee, the chairman, Jeanette Hix, proposed requesting the Avon Library open an "Avon Historical Section." Background: Jeanette has been tirelessly scouring the state for any historical Avon information she can find. She recently discovered Avon School attendance records from the 1800s that are being archived at the Eagle County School District Administrative Building. The committee remains concerned that records such as these find a safe home, which provides year -round access. Jeanette asked for the records, but her request was denied and she thought a formal request from the Council to take possession of the original school records and create a historical section at the Avon Library might be more appropriate. Discussion: While it appears the Avon Library is a logical location to act as a custodian of Avon information, I've spoken with the Jackie from the Eagle Valley Library District, who is in charge of historical information. She is the only trained staff member with a background in archivals and museums. EVLD has carved out a space at the Eagle Library specifically for historical information and due to staffing and funding, this will most likely be the only location for preservation with the idea of keeping all archival records in one place. Jeanette has expressed that it is not her intention to demean the importance of the Eagle Library's historical section, but there isn't much Avon material in it. The purpose of an Avon collection would be to store only Avon material in the Avon Library. I told the historical committee I would ask the Council for their input on this topic. Town Manager Comments: A( J� Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Jacquie Halburnt, Assistant Town Manager Date: August 3, 2006 Re: Cluster Box Mail Delivery Survey Summary: Linda Venturoni provided the attached quote for conducting a telephone survey to determine interest in Avon cluster box mail delivery. Linda subcontracts telephone surveys to Quantam Research, the same firm that recently conducted the survey for the county's proposed early childhood initiative tax. Staff spent considerable time collating data from the Avon voter's registration list and cross referencing it with the Assessor's database to determine who is both a property owner and registered voter in Avon. However, if this issue went to a vote, everyone who is a registered voter would be entitled to do so. With the specific data we've generated, we will be able to more easily determine how property owners feel about cluster boxes (vs. renters). Attached you'll also see survey questions drafted by Linda and staff. These questions would be fizrther refined to address those who live within a' /4 mile of the post office (and are therefore wouldn't get a box unless they are on the delivery route) and those who are outside of a' /4 mile radius. Please advise staff if you wish to move forward with a telephone survey. This work has not been budgeted; therefore, if Council wants to determine a level of interest in cluster box delivery, a budget amendment will be necessary. Town Manager Comments: 3 To: Town of Avon From: UndaVentumni Date: August 3.200G Re: Telephone Survey You have requested information regarding a telephone survey of Avon residents to determine their leveofinienesh)clusterboxmoUddi Venhuroni Surveys & Research would work with you to design a short telephone survey which would do the following: 1. Explain the concept of cluster box delivery with specifics about how it would beimplemented 2. Determine the geographic location (using a pre-coded map) of survey respondents 3. Determine support for the concept— |u this a good idea? 4. Explore payment alternatives a. Full cost to homeowner; Partial cost alternative; Nocost 5. Obtain demographics hube used for cross-tabs nfresults a. Age, gender, type of residence, ownership of residence (own mrent) and length of residency We estimate that the phone surveys will take 5-6 minutes each, and that we will provide 350 responses for tabulation. Once we have agreed upon the survey content, the implementation of the telephone survey can be done in2-4weeks. The estimated cost range ia$13.OUO'$15.O00. Please let rne know if you are interested in proceeding with this project. i look forward tu working with you. 1 Avon Cluster Box Survey Draft Questions Introduction: May I please speak with . (go to intro when respondent is on phone, if respondent not available try to reschedule, if respondent is not living at that household terminate) (Speak to respondent only) INTRO Hello, I am with Quantum Research, a public opinion research firm. Your name has been selected at random to participate in a survey regarding a possible Cluster Box Mail Delivery ballot proposal for the Town of Avon. The survey will take approximately 5 minutes and all of your responses will be confidential. Are you registered to vote in the Town of Avon? 1. Yes 2. No, TERMINATE 3. DNK, TERMINATE 2.Which subdivision do you live in Avon? 1. Eaglebend 2. Benchmark @ Beaver Creek 3. Village @ Avon 4. Wildridge 5. Mountain Star 13. Don't Know/Refused (DNR) [T 3. 1 have a few questions about cluster box mail delivery. The town of Avon is considering instituting cluster box mail delivery, which means you would pick up your mail from a cluster of boxes near your home instead of at the post office. On a scale of one to ten, where one is no knowledge and 10 is very knowledgeable, how would you rate your knowledge of cluster box mail delivery? Numeric 1-10 11. Don't know/Refused (DNR) 4. Do you currently have a post office box at the Avon post office? 5. On a scale of one to ten, where one is not satisfied and 10 is very satisfied, how would you rate the service you currently receive at the Avon post office? 6. On a scale of one to ten, where one is not important and 10 is very important, how important is it for you to have good service at the post office? 7. In leiu of having a post office box at the post office, would you be willing to pay for the installation of cluster boxes through a property tax? 8. The estimated cost to install cluster boxes throughout Avon is about $500,000, which equates to an additional 2.9 mils of property tax (add home price calculation). Would you still be willing to pay for the installation of cluster boxes? 9. The LISPS offers one form of free delivery to residents. In Avon, the gratis service is a box at the post office. If cluster box delivery is instituted in Avon, it would become the free delivery for both residential and commercial establishments. Anyone not wanting to use a cluster box would now be required to pay for a box at the post office. A regular sized box is $26 per year. Would you still vote "yes" for a property tax for all Avon residents? 10. Do you think your local government should pay for the installation of cluster boxes instead of you? 11. How long have you lived in Eagle County? (Read list as necessary) 1. Less than one year 2. 1-2 years 3. 3-5 years 4. 6-10 years 5. 11-20 years 6. 21 or more years 7. Don't know/Refused (DNR 12. Do you Own or rent your residence? 1. Own 2, Rent 2. Don't Know/Refused (DNR) 13. How would you describe your residence? a. Single Family housing b. Duplex housing c. Multifamily housing complex (Apartment, condo) 2 FINANCIAL MATTERS July 25, 2006 1. YTD Building Revenue Report Actual vs Budget - June 2006 2. Detail - Real Estate Transfer Taxes - June 2006 3. Accomodations Tax Worksheet Actual vs Budget - May 2006 4. Sales Tax Worksheet Actual vs Budget - May 2006 --I El - a cn 0 CD 04 " N El 4< 0 El cj cf) N Ln .,A 4j 0 U U S4 is O II cD � - 0 ❑ F-4 0 a r4 W F4 z z 0 H 0 El " El U u g M r-4 ❑ (N mot' LO Cq CD (Y) r- CO LO Lf-) N o,-I �Q M Ln d' I- � O--1r n Ln El PQ . . . . . . C� C� G,) 1-4 (n ON Ln Io CY) Ln NM 0l 0l c) CO om ON f- m (5) MO Izil CD (D 03 03 'T I-q H Go (1) N N --I M (Y) (1) E- UOU cf) a 0 44 Q0 (1) M CD �' CD H0 M CO CD N .H C) 0 I'D lo Pa a4 U LU 1000M 0), Ln' (N* oD, j', CD Ln --i --i N co cn cq P :z ,D 0 OOOF 000< (N (N N El c\j N El El CN C) I- CD CD Ln Ln Lf) El Lo Lo Ln E, E, (I) (Y) (1) El CO a) r- lo 00 CD 1-1 CD lD lD ❑ 10 C1 0l l0 CD* Ln C','] CO N m a' OD Co NN Cl) (n 0 W m tom t-o (D lO ff) m (Y) 1, n w r A -i [- CD N m 0 (D > H ri -i x Ln r- I- CC 0000 0 CD CD C) 0 0 OOOCD OOCDCD 0 CD aH (IL4 CDMMM m01-Q0 '31 'll --i cD N o,-I Ln Ln 114 1-4 Cf) Cf) ❑ CD (D (D CD (Z� CD* 0' CD, C� C� G,) 1-4 (n m co H Ln u-) u Co r_ r- c) CO om cN r-� o� CO 1� Ln C3 C� Lf� 03 03 'T I-q H Go CD cli (y) LO (n (n --I M (Y) (1) E- UOU cf) a 0 El CD 0 CD 0 CD CD 0 0 (D C) CD 0 CD CD OOC)O CD C) 1-4 Cf) Cf) ❑ CD (D (D CD (Z� CD* 0' CD, C� C� CD CD CD CD CD C) 0 0 CD CD pa Ln o cD to (D CD CD CD Ln Ln r-� o� CO 1� Ln C3 C� Lf� 03 03 'T I-q H Go CD cli (y) LO (n (n --I I-d (Y) (1) El a 0 E- 0 E- U) 1-4 Cf) Cf) U) Cf) EE 41 w w U) co H H HWU EE > C- I , 41 W > W Z Z a 04 F-I wW W w 7, H co 04 04 0 E- UOU cf) a 0 44 u > z H0 M H W 44 Pa a4 U Iq U w 41 P :z ,D 0 OOOF 000< (N (N N El c\j N El El ci (,j cj 0 'ZI, r0 0 Ln Ln Lf) El Lo Lo Ln E, E, El a 0 E- 0 E- Town of Avon Real Estate Transfer Tax Calendar Year 2006 Purchaser Name Property Amount Received 1,503,987.33 Total 2006 Budget May -06 $ 1,325,970.50 Timeshare Transfer Christie Lodge Timeshare 2.00 Title Comp Rockies Christie Lodge Timeshare 20.00 Harry Millinger Christie Lodge Timeshare 32.76 Resort Closings Christie Lodge Timeshare 2.27 Timeshare Transfer Christie Lodge Timeshare 2.00 Resort Closings Lakeside Terrace C -401 -9 75.00 1st American Heritage Falcon Point Timeshare 150.00 1 st American Heritage Falcon Point Timeshare 60.00 1st American Heritage Falcon Point Timeshare 34.00 Title Comp Rockies Mtn. Vista 06 -20 5,734.20 Title Comp Rockies Mtn. Vista 06 -21 2,624.40 Title Comp Rockies Mtn. Vista 06 -22 1,039.80 Title Comp Rockies Mtn. Vista 06 -23 704.90 Ace Closing Service Mtn. Vista 1518 WK 33 300.00 Dorota W. Carey Sunridge @ Avon B -305 2,400.00 Catherine & Michael Mascaros Sunridge @ Avon D -204 6,900.00 Lawrence Kalusin Sunridge @ Avon E -111 5,200.00 Nicholas Antuna Sunridge @ Avon II H -203 4,800.00 Susan Cahill Sunridge @ Avon II L -101 5,750.00 Stephen Olsen Season @ Avon 316 7,200.00 Gretchen McNamee Westgate 201 3,560.00 Melissa Templet Avon Lake Villas F -4 6,240.00 Todd & Charlotte Shollenberger Bridgewater Terrace B -6 9,180.00 Theresa Giandomenico 4915 Eaglebend Drive 10,000.00 Elisabeth & Adam Roustom The Pines B -1 6,800.00 Cody Wyse & Jonna Hasz Lot 98 -B Blk 1 & 1/2 C WR 8,100.00 Joseph & Carol Morten Lot 58 -A Blk 4 Wildridge 35,405.50 Terry & Colleen Kirkley Lot 103 -A Blk 1 Wildridge 17,700.00 Matthew Hesse Lot 71 Blk 4 Wildridge 23,700.00 Brian & Janine Kozak Lot 69 Blk 1 Wildridge 14,300.00 Total June Revenue 178,016.83 Total YTD Revenue 1,503,987.33 Total 2006 Budget 2,500,000.00 Variance, Favorable (Unfavorable) $ (996,012.67) 0 7 to q Lo "t a a a a 0 a a 1 C4 CI�"90qqqqqqq "It U) 9 'i �j a C) 0 m -C N cli E O 2 N — t m LO N O Cl? 7 V a Nr LO cli LO co 0) m Ln ,a In 42 ffl 40 N LO LO C'� O 9 0 M N M C14 ) N 00 LO C\! 0) 0 CO m 1— 0 Nr m C) U') 0 C) U) 0 r- N: C) ('i cli O O C� C� C, 0 a 0 C) 0 0 a 0 C) o 'IT N EA loq r— "T CD 0 0 v I-- w m a 0 0 Ln 0 0 0 m Ln C) m " " Itt LO O C� N �2 Cli cc� oc� to �2 C)i L,2 fl.-� C� Ci LLJ to W M LL 0 CO N 0) Cl) t- CV) C) 0 0 (9 OR (q Un q OM 0 M 0 0 M LO co z O � LO a) Co- cc � t-� r,-� to cc � CO C= � Cl) - (:� ! >^ co CO e2 1 O cc,\] �2 !P O V Y, CIT Cl) bq Z o t- 00 (D C) (D CV (0 0 'IT 0 n Un U? O 0 (n 0� N q q V: CR Jo (D I-- M 0 (0 0) " Lo 00 '7 N co C) 0 CO cq 00 "I 0 G� LO C� LO L(Y C) 00 1:71 qr to C) C) M m N � -tt cl) V LO U-) Lr) co m a m 0 U') CN C14 Cl) 60 61�1 O 40 Cl) Lf) rl- 0 LO tl- LO w fl- Ct 0) OD . Lf) Cl) 00 04 M 'IT o6 O r-- 06 m Lo Ln r-- rl- (D 06 Lo h w co m c\i CD 6 m CO LO 6 m c� ul q� r--� ul (q O h. vl IT U) 0 U) 0 M M 0 cli 613, 6q Lf) O 0 C) Ce) o Ce) r (o r- t,_ M M 'IT M N fl- LO N — N oi o6 p� (ci 4 uj c� o6 CD 00 rl- Cl) N CD CO OD It a) 00 a) Ce) C14 ul oc� cl� ul ',;� c'! 'lz� '141 Cl cl! lr� 'lz� -I M 0 w N w m r ti M m CR " O M q U') r r N r r r co rl- C14 Lf) m (0 0 co rl- C) (D (3) r co LO co r- CR U? O 7 9 n O 00 N c! U? 0 (,i r- Lo N m o r- m m to cN -4t M 42 'q m 0 r-- Lo 10 m (0 tt rl-� (Q Lri oc� Ci q Iq C� C� to N 0 N 0 LO N O M r- r- M 14t LO -C, cc co = L E 0 E 0 > 4, U- m 1 < 0 z 0 42 ... . ..... 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Q a) o 1-- 0 0 .r- — C- 0 = ca " o C6 c CU 0 (1) a) �= 0 0) 0 CL (n (1) 0 0 2 (n o CL CO c r -0 o .0 C ca C: (1) C: C.) — CL 0 cc C ca 2 (a > y N 0 cr (1) -0 ca m Co ca CL CL CL 0 CO C 0 a) ca 0 c 0 cam = -a 0 CU ip C) a) E m E r o E CD 0 C V) .(D CO 4) > c 8 "2 co ;= (D > CO Co C) 0 0 2 a) O in ca 0 w < N cr E .0 Cn ca CL 2 0 C 0 c a) 0 U Ca w to (1) E 0 (a co 0 cc 0 C a ca t5 ca 0 L C 0 .0 = (D 0) 0) > CL < o w 5 0 co 0 (a a. a) .S? 0 CL z V) 0 0 cn z cr. 3:a 02 M Cl) W 2 0 cc M E E O c .2 0 0 0 0 Z Z • • W 0 0 IL O C\l c 0� W ce) O 0 co NOT a. 0 a. O a) .0 E 2 (D 0 �E 0 co a) 75 co —0 (6 0. < C -0 (D -: 0 a) c CO C) CL = = �om E V = c Cf) i� 0 z LO 0 N -5 c 0 0 c (D 16 E .a 0) 3: - a) 0) -14 = r ca c -0 a cu cu — c 0 0 a) (D 0) C N — >1 -X C\j 0 0 Co 3: 75 E E R (D "0 0 ;a E fn :3 > 0 0 c .0 (D c - 0 0-0 - (D - 0 'a E < 2 o 0 = 0 :: 0 E Z F- 5� ca ca -0 as 75 c 0 �: = cr 0 'a (D C 0 0 0-5 E 0 0 E 0 c CY) -5 o r- 0 — 0. 0 �5 00 a) o 0 a) ca C.) C\j > o F- < 0) co �o < 0 0 C 0) 0 a) (o .2- co 0 c 0 0 :3 (D C: 0 > li 2 -z-- a 5 = (D cn < 0 0 O C c o o > (D -0 < 0 (D E 0— w O1 c- C: C OL -5; 0 0 0c 0 0.0 0 0 0 co c CD (D (D -0 (D (D E > a) co C E �: (D E (D 0 a o CO CL C.) (a C (D ca 0 0 (D (D 0 Q a) 0 a) CO a) 0 0 -C C.) E 0 (D (D Cl) c (a a; (D E c.) cd co cz co co (n CD -x 0 a- a) C) E (D -2 cD E Ci 0 0) 0 CL (a E 3: < ID CL c E o 0 0 M E 2 0 > M o C w CL < a) 0 73 C (D 0 O 0 c U 0 = U ca �o E CD a CO (z a) -C ca V) o '2 0 a. o r M 0 0) D cu .Q) CO 0 cr c 11) �c 'a > 0) U) & (D 0 > 0 E > E 0 0 M = CL F- < C) M C.) 0� W ce) O 0 co NOT a. 0 a. Z to 0 p as (n 0 Q z 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1-2 0 2 M cz . c a) cn E m Z� 2�1 CO Z5 w 0 * 00 19 CO r_ 0. as 0 0 a) — :3 0 E I- 0 .2 oa CD 4) r- r- 0 0 p7E x d �) Z Z w 0 LO 0 C\l c 06 16 (D CO .C: Z co 02 p- IL - co ul 0 (1) as Ob Q r Co 0 a) >, 2 0 0 m = CO (D cz . c a) Q) E m Z� 2�1 CO Z5 a) -0 'n �s 0 CO r_ c o ce) 0 0 a) — :3 0 r E 0) =3 C15 i5 0 a) 0 0 �C\j C7 0 c cz 0 -C 0 :3 C: cr 0 > cz cn a) < E co co (z 0 -0 cu "2 a) co C� 73 Q) to (D 0 CL CL a) Q) w co E c 06 16 (D CO .C: Z co 02 p- IL - co ul 0 (1) as 0 Q 0 0 Q) E U- co of (D 0 EL (D tSi ca M co Y cts 72 co a) CL 0 U) U) m I 75 0 as cz m 0 Q) E as 0 0 0 0 2 cz cr 0 > cz a) < E co co (z 0 -0 CL a) co C� Q) to (D 0) co _0 CL U) Q) Q < —j -0 Ir Cf) m cc z Cl) 0 cm 0 E O LO z C cc = a> c 0 0 0 02 M 2 CL cc Cl) W Z Q) cz > .2 c: c o u Lo ,.,e - 0 0 .2 Cl > < 76 c o = CL z (a 0 m (n .c C) <D 0 E -r- 171 FA I- 0 C 4) 0 Oa C 0 0 4) 4) Z Z z 0 RE C.) U) W 0 0 0 cm 0 Q) .5 E w LO cr. —Q) -a 0 LLI M m cu 0) C: 0 C 0 C: N C: 0 C: O 0 r_ 0 cm 0 Q) .5 E Ln LO —Q) -a 0 M CL cc .2 E C) Q) cz > 0 0 0 7D m (n .c C) <D E 0 (D Q , �5 o Q) C: (D m 63 c 0 0 F- o o 0 C- co c Cc 0 0. (D 0 0 co 3: .6 Q E C6 tU 0 C) N CO) 0 cc 16 :3 co < (D (D (D 0 cr (D > 0) (D 1 6 E 'o co -i a) 0 5D �a 0 n c a) 2 C: ca E2 V) 3: 75 U co f (D C\l 0 .2 RS 0- 0 0 C\l > 0 CD (D 0 ca c 0) CL 0) C.) z cy) D 0 > 0 ca .0 -�:: 5, 75 -5 cz U- , coo ;6 ca ca 0 "a (6 (D c CO " r_ . 0 o) E -e 0 0 *= a =3 0)-s 0 = — ca 0) Ca N N CZ 06 .0 :E (D M m N 0 CD CU CL 0 >, < E E cts 0) a) co cn 0 < 2 a) 0. 0) j5 co N — 0 co CD a E 0 cc a) .2 Z5 E CL Co :3 75 0 CL (D 3: a) - � o c ) c N a .(D > -',d o clj z 0) co cr 0 " 0 0 1= E " >1 — a) co — co 16 0) co in ca 75 Co -0 0) E E a) E (D co N o .S Em =m -6 C U) 0 :3 a 0 = E Ln —Q) -a cr M CL .2 o 0 0 Q) co CD .2 = ZS '6 (D 0 < 0 .2 E c 0 0 c Cc 0 0. (D 0 0 co CO) 0 o6 co < (D 2 20 co < 1 6 O C: 7� Ln .2 Q) 0 0 n c M 2 E 0 ca E2 f LL co C\l 0 .2 RS 0- 0 0 C\l > 73 N Co — 0 ca c .2 '6 cy) 0 > E :3 r- 0 -�:: 5, 75 -5 cz .0 CO CL (D c: Co 0 3r, CL (D < < o c -2 Q-= U) 0 C— ) CO c 16 (D 0 = — ca 0) 3 N N CZ 06 .0 :E ccs c 0 CM E 0 CL 0 >, < E Ec 0 0 75 0 - `4 ao ---) 2 a) 0. j5 co N — 0 E > 0 M 0 0 cc .6 2 M r w U) 0 0 E ca N CL a) 0 :t-- 0 C a) 00 c a) (n -�d 0 Y (D c m cr .— co J -i -i (D M CC E in ca (D > cc (D -0 — C CL (D a) 0 ca a) — 0 cc 0) 0 0 > U " (D o cu 75 3: LM CL c E 70 a) . 0 0 E 0 = :E CL 0 w w 3: cc N Z to 0 p 0 z cc c 02 0 0 2 M C: 0 LU 0 c .2 m 0. 0 .c a. (n z 0 C (D 0 oa 4) 4) G C 0 0 G1 d Z Z z 0 p CL LU a O N� lei 0 C) C\j co c 0 -a (D 76 a CL D (D 0) ca co m co C: 0 z E 76 16 (D 75 Lo LO C 0 C) 0 co cli a) w U) CD -0 co o 6 -0 > 0 0 o 0 a) CU C13 a E (D :3 C', 0 — U cz 0 C C.) 0 0 0 .;7, Z t- C 0 (D o CO U a 'o 7L 0 Q) 1 N 0 2 7 3: o CIS a) = a) a CD w iC M m co 'a X 8 "0 a) 0 > C " 0- — > 0 ca Cc$ (D 7F ) C: CL 0 o m 0 CV CD CL LO -C CO cq co CO 't 0 ca W'o (D E 0 O N (D M Ca 0 0) > Co E "a 0 0 0 0) co a) co 0 a) o t4 0 C a) 0 0 CD >, E2 0 > F- U- 3: Coo (D 0 < �o o U) c-- F- —CU E CD c 0 c ca Q) le co m = < co E 72 CL < (D C: CL u ll 0 CD (D 0 0 CD a) 0. E2 M n !E u) E ca o co i. 00 a) > 0 FZ (D co (D E NC) 0 E 0) 0 0 (D co LO ca > o co F- C\J Z 0 co E 0 fl E2 c 0 c 0 CD CL a- 0 > 0) 0) y (n co cz co Mr a) o a) > CO a) co < m m E M c < 2 cra N� lei 0 C) C\j co c 0 -a (D 76 a CL D (D 0) ca co m To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thmm: Larry Brooks, Town Manager JacquieHa]burnt, AsstTovvn01anager From: Pattv0OcKenny Date: August 3,2B06 Re Business Registration U date for Avon Summary: /\ request has been made toinclude a list of new businesses registered in Avon in your packet, ao below iea list of the new businesses and closed businesses inAvon. NBN BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS TERMINATED BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS Name Date Terminated Reason Alpine FPVLUC 5/8/06 nn longer in business / phone disconnected Alpine Kayak &Canoe 5/6/0 relocated to Avon/ business sold [YModa Clothing -142 Beaver Creek 6/606 Closing the business Place, Suite 109 Valley Cleaning 0106 no longer in business / phone disconnected DerkhorseDeoign 8/1/08 no longer hn business / phone disconnected Type of Home New Bus (NB)m New Ownership Name of Business Street Add Business Open Date Office Activity Sifters 3O0OVVi|dhdge Rd, #2 Service 8/15/2000 yes new business babysitting ABV Commerce, LLCd/b/a 1OStonebridge Dr. T1O4 Sen/ioe - mobi|e 7/10/2006 yea new business Blue Tangerine aromatherapy Tropical Art &Clothing 10Stonebhdge Dr. 1O3 Retai| - toneU@ 7/1/2006 yes new business special events TERMINATED BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS Name Date Terminated Reason Alpine FPVLUC 5/8/06 nn longer in business / phone disconnected Alpine Kayak &Canoe 5/6/0 relocated to Avon/ business sold [YModa Clothing -142 Beaver Creek 6/606 Closing the business Place, Suite 109 Valley Cleaning 0106 no longer in business / phone disconnected DerkhorseDeoign 8/1/08 no longer hn business / phone disconnected c, uivs 1KU�' l /UN UHA WINUS f E DERAL AlD PROJECT NUMBER STE M058 -002 PRO✓EC T CODE 15245 EA GLE-HEAT DRIVE & STOIVEBRIDGE ROAD, C .h :.E Ate. NQ I 10� a EA G' E COUN T), COL ORA DO NW PROPERTY DORMER OR EAiXP.B£ND DRIVE FOUND Rem W! 01E ELEVATION O. 749&93 ARCHITECTURAL NOTES I- RM ViDAM RMMCED ON SHEET C2 94AU SE NATIAM VXSMDR CEDDFS'NNE iVMO OUT VEWERR (3" NOMINAL TT6CIWSSS). PROVIDE PRO01)CT AS DMSf'RIHJTCO BY'&/ECF?EL SCONE CORPORATOR UNDER THE NAME 'POND DU LAG =TW OF O HPROWCT APPROVED N MORTAR E PE(DRCATIONS F REMV AN E� D APPROVAL PtmCHASE AND 9i5TALLATT00C 1 ra = 1000, .Sl /E T INDEX CI COVER SW V' C? EAGEEBENO MW OEMO ROAN C3 SMVE"DiZr ROAD DEMO PLAN C4 EA0UWVO ORIV£ A/PROVEMENTS G.5 EAQYEBENO OR1W IMPROWAOWNTS C6 57MEBRIDCE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS V EAGXWVO OR W SECTIONS C8 STY.NNEBRIOGr ROAD SECTIONS C9 OEM& SNEEr CIO DETAIL SWTT CII BRIOGC GENERAL LAYOUT Cl2 LARD MCAYUMENr DETAILS CI3 SMALL MONuMENr OErAILS CI4 ORWX RAIL OETALS E7.0 NESr ELECTRICAL 577E PLAN V.I EAST ELECTRICAL 597E PLAN ;.' > 3 EMSONO EASEMENT ¢oeGUt E'AAte>: A>r#M4k I 2.346 "__..._..7470— 0"TWO 5 CDRflWRS tii Dept" App7pit R--.w 11.744 T] 03SIHG 10.044ONE PEDASTAL (Yj E)6SAMG WATER VALVE EACH DOSING FIRE HYDRANT --�-- mvQ SIGN G ETa3RNG SANITARY MANHOLE v1 f. ft*V Tree* EM3A40 00MAT10N EACFI OMS'604 LKW POLE ranxpi -t C.*" Trees VURNGO EDCB OF PA AMEN ' DUST" OECE>um TREE —1. Lw hcape st— COSTTM 0 CON! EROUS ME ' EM PRIG TREE TO BE REMOVE' e 3 Cw .te lax SAddter Pad DOT" TIRE TO BE TRANSPLANTED OR TREE WELL my. 2.9 CAS E76STTNG OAS - ^^- -siEG EM UIR; ME100NE vat a9 EWAVIV Bridge RaA And RaE 001DIRO ELECIMC ,._ .............. ._....._.... _. EMSTM no," D03W CAM PWASTAL at of Ex)eMry Fence EGSTM ELECRD 1RAMWOR.EN La. EMSRW REOTNC MANHDLE ! ensim RAODR.UM smf" Est wpbs Csnre) PROPOSED ROAD CENTEAM GT. PROPOSED EDGE OF PAVEMENT C^'Adkig PROPOSED FLOW Loll SF, PROPOSED TOP BAG( OF Mae EnbwNdrgrE Co.-) PROPOSED EDGE OF SIOEWAtf PROPOSED 1' CONTCORS — — R'd*-- — PROPOSED 8 OoMmms ,.:: "'•:%- PROPOSED FLU DEPTH ASPHALTJT'EDEM" PATH ,:'.� .. ".. _....:.: PROPOSED OEMOl.fl1ON PROPOSED ROTDMAI. PROPOSED CoNGREM Gass 6 R—d 3ASe auNtEL PRDTCCSGN "+R'^^^ ^R'-- al'•+.— 94T PENCE }~ I- :aa DUANTTTY WAWARY # 21 ¢oeGUt E'AAte>: A>r#M4k I 2.346 L.F. j 23'' tii Dept" App7pit R--.w 11.744 SF, mm m`ned Pixsac Slap Aar fW-sm 2 EACH I 2.4 ve E,daVv C.* A butter L EACH 23 v1 f. ft*V Tree* 9 EACFI 24 ranxpi -t C.*" Trees 7 EJW31 2.7 —1. Lw hcape st— .1 GY. 323 e 3 Cw .te lax SAddter Pad 3 my. 2.9 ie 6>fixtbfp Stns 7 1143{ ESR vat a9 EWAVIV Bridge RaA And RaE F E1 E1F at of Ex)eMry Fence 9W La. .iA at smf" Est wpbs Csnre) 362 GT. C^'Adkig 49#77 SF, 3] EnbwNdrgrE Co.-) 3.4 vmte R—L GMre) 33 Gass 6 R—d 3ASe � 'Cow 6 iMnd >bn fpr peMxiTHOi� "411 3.7 CAnxx fi Rand BA» for 2A' Curb 4. 6 Q-0 Inds fa` 29' Curb 39 M#- 6 R-0 6— fnr 1- punt put Si GY. Syg ' Cfaxs 6 Read BAS, far Sus She— 3 C.Y. 311 tk Concrete PAtd* -k B' Deep 143 TgtA 312 EMC Concrete - a'-I y 4459 TDIB 313 ft CoralT^ete - FWt Depth 190 Too 134 ' Ad;p it7c CdnCrete Pedes=rkn PAth 270 Tom 3FS ' VRRde Sood Double YiAIM Carte *W 316 F0 Curb 6 butt- 966 I Li. 317 JEW Curb 6 Gutter L349 LP, mm m`ned Pixsac Slap Aar fW-sm 2 EACH 319 Skl ARk Ch— L EACH 3,20 6' Skletaik CPnxe t 3m S Ca—;; R.,. 7 EJW31 322 Ss S Cmfcrote Sux PWNiut .1 GY. 323 e 3 Cw .te lax SAddter Pad 3 my. 324 x S C—.0 3' Cross PAn 133 Lf. 323 e S C-Vte 4' Grass PAn 74 LF. Reta:dnR vAD � rr 41 pKdW RAE nro O—d RAE RepbsMren4 I 1 Ls. 42 Set OVW Stn 4 EACH 43 ttt 04xs D Whip) fi GY. 4A Or4t A+Id Grant R.W-cft 4.3 rtuTe)twn Type 3O 44 TYPe 3 4 EAGN 4q9. i W Section Cn—d) 1 EACH 4Mchprage Type 3K 3 EACH - 4 RAE Type t6 OHadf4d} sap I. s. " 412 (Lt,r��i'a"g�e Npnwrete CAp storms � 4—G i 413 )wrApr Npnunnits Pap Stones 346 1 SF. { St ss Nardxte Rxy and Corer 3.E 4Gate Srt^tAtkm Ek)StETg FTre Hydrant 4 vatic va- .. Af 9n vd Matnrtnrnt aF ShAA nntl Perxome{ Im+ Zane Traffic Ptah Fer L.m FA Vr DMA Sed—t Csnt"M LAgx NArro4)ehent Ptah f, I yR� O Oaf 91 1 91—No Mw ;t GRAPHIC SCALE FEDERAL AID PROJECT NUMBER STE M058-002 PROJECT CODE: 15245 mzwa�? m mcpq= WWAK o1w AW OV7&7 'r oa=w 'wo w 04 NEr am PMA40 AS AFMWAAW 9Y raw a' A KW aV 0""m FAWR M 57,Wr Cl CO%tPWWVM nftX5 M Or WAAt%%A*M CR RW *U 0arAUM 07FV scur AS AN=, L."Um Antow So. OR rmw I*u #ZNIM SWAM ra WW AS y A*Z m*s YRM IV AF M*N9OLW I'm Aa=1 A,Q f 46 AXN Nt c- 34V� 53 Ot ST mo W ST 40= "I um 05-0033 2=- 2 C2 of 14 1 7V vznw sac AS fir ?XAV9ftAArlW 11 roR PKE *lz fflVrNjw qw,) rr AU0W AT WMRSWDOY n?wer AFl7 EAR .34rmw ROK ar sArr 0 0611 Mall m RaCCAIr t,mmru AS AEVURM ) AS%Wr M A94mm Ewsaw roKe m AV44N W 9�w cs -c 9XVIOW srovs PRO SCEWAIN PAOVW Mw or A.9*WT lklvo -%Sol AaOrWr #W�V 'o AS y fwsrm W REVAN Awwr fm 70 Awavow aA sw f —"ff44AVSrAW .11VAIM AS AWCEWARr AOA4Tr SWAM OWIM RUMAIr AS ACCMM49Y W* sow AS Aspu& r m BE REWWW AEWW X! owwms L-104M R-27&25 IE GRAPHIC SCALE Sian - T-180 TI. "ASS FEDERAL AID PROJECT NUMBER STE M058-002 PROJECT CODE: 15245 tL La' row �m a? MiWM PWW M MS -r C&SM11,MM L Qh, Hit ST 03 -0033 C3 OF 14 cti ON To f* CUM JNAI;E OtTcv n ,50 L RASE WAMR 'J< SM TO UA10i morosm MaE ar�l 7407—le m Rm Cult 7407-67 7416 7472 708 2+00 3+W mkm '7 3+00 r 4.4;Z411 FEDERAL AID PROJECT NUMBER STE M058-002 PROJECT CODE: 15245 QQWW NOM& 1. ASP+MT QWJLAY Amw rlucmm TD ACKWW CROW A==/2�' Z "m fl sof SET FENM TO PEWOVAMD sy olaium _f"oposm ic? 0 PA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — — — — — — -- E05W z t EAVEWNT W ----------- am 1 17, 5+00 V3 ST 3y 343 sax L OF 14 FEDERAL AID PROJECT DUMBER STE M058 -002 � I PROJECT CODE: 15245 3 3�3�i i t. ASP£GiV OVVV AY attaOa6nF £P 3 t pY. ARV!"t 1100 iEr�.S TA 1{ i AC79EV6 CROSN A7 RCW C3!f�#6R;1aiE. j '== r° k NFU svr�A 1 j"SrA: x.96.3{ /� N£!' C7£GR AliO STA., 70+ft59 R67+OVE DOW, s°AflPLSII: zLii#. t t OFfBET: 53,16 L f x" VAN Smm dbmw-F E'.+.O<Y9m STA . O ±RWS SFY' c ?-. t25C i . __..... -... , ..._.......... ..._, ......... _.._ .. _._. .. - .. _.. ....... 1 .. .._ .. .. ...._._ r' T-5*t'3153" &{3• a ASF' #:Al# T°.:i� 14 3"AP£ S4 TM Srt ?M9E Ift"RC t Tm -& i P Y?4'3t RAkEwEKT # i3CU'irf.R f OF`Stt` 0.42 OF PAbEI@31P .. .-..- E 40 £RO SP.F r�fRS � FEK::E R PO w l Da I j --a wr _ _a 5+4P _ " �' '"sue✓' ,� -, � � � a _ f Z +.74 7h.78 STA: T+3i.23 R�33.L' ,,,. SFAI 0wa53 - _ 12,0D A aPRSEr. 12M a r ,. - ,, .. «.-.., .-. ,- •_ 7455 .: 76.04 '7 ��. Tb. SFAS 9 _ 87ivrRDi .... ... SA9iifiT Dk �6AY .�.'7'7b � . 47295 U---- �. _.._... m _ 75.44 RAC.._.__. R4 t.53E 'Sr� A:��ba � 7r.23 sFh sn +6i�tu}"'.__,��;a+._- ._.._-' -_. c .,� ; -` f,F'r 3•• 15.65 A f STA. ? it '�� + Fawn s GtF1iC k .-,, ' -� ... ..._.. ._.. SE. --'-- -. -. --• ,. gr �,._....._ > s.. .�`^:'^"^,. 5r _ 9r _..._ . ar sr ([ { RROrasrtn ib -. -.� e* s o t ASPitA4.r PA?tf •'` _+:YM7WUk4 £ WP - 1 OFOFFWP. 24.0D R Q#iR @ Giii£:R r •� .._.... —.... .... - ..{ES- �...... iiPR A {,t'M..)— f. A Lw�3O.35 j _ Aar30A4D sa:roe'ts'e € • _ ... _. _. _. _ _ _ ..... _ _ _ _.._. _ _ _ lcsA£r�6A Asanur xo y...L. sYutr FAUrAnoR �•Rau"3.3"" "" rA; e+se.6{ir arr CTJI 74+5.10 y§ ';;: = "l MATCH Elk.itRO FAR 'EQ 28• P 34.02 R . rile WFCFF F r EPubelir Ott: 55.Otf R .._ ffA9ERFN -. 3 t j DI6VEWAY pp; F STA: 9470.95 t I I E k f.- Dorset: 20175 ft 7' - - ; 'RGtR3AAX FROM PAN € # ( SO A SPA: 8479.77 OFFSET: ALSO R � t! sf ED(.L Or PROPOW OVEAtAY , r i GWHIC SCALE a Li IN Fm r:; I£DRR POINT STA n 1+ --4AD 44N FDRFY SFA 11434.50 ]; { FK SFA • i£477491 2 PN 6AEV .. 1.54 7 S ?7 —1.54 �94><�� K `ti x 145h IT �B 1450 wtKm 7473 + W _..._�v_.__.._._..e_... ........_ 701£4 1 7450 L? h• n n g 8440 7+m 5440 Rita **00 ££404 M ►�1FRL1Z PROFILE ,t 3 ST s " SF 59AM 7 -zt -Da Q s` 05 -0033 ^S OF 14 OLEWDO VA 5 ONIORDW - STR *- O O-M72 OFMI 1142 'S.", L pwU OSEf? 4AA t' SIR; 14W L SAGE OT ASPHh1,T STA; 0+70 T-1 15" L T.0.6 ASPHALT PAIK VIA: 1+54.n M W 20' 7497.48 746 FXSTW CASCMENT a ST& 2+m -I 'L AL* YUBAP A (TvP.) t5 2+B2.97 WF`S`CkTt 27.98 A WKWAV CHASt so wrmmn omnkm. PosT 3TA: 4406.T3 OFFSEI' , 1104 R 03STIM0 EASDANT ASPHALT 42.48 A 111-' 3+4, 0"SET: 4247 0 =SIX - j ST& P4 r7 3162 R Srw CJ R FEADOX ASPHALT TO MATCH 00SIM LOW POW vxv : 7467.34 LOW POR47 STA 3+16M 41 ..worm T. ASPHALT OVEMAY W= 1/2�; ADAW IMICINESS 70 ACHEW CROW AT Cj�� uk/ %4 TYg i2 4W3 O - - ST *0H ft ST .mw SEM Ott Bala 7-21-06 05-0033 YrrT Na C6 of 14 f-rNvtj"Yl 1'4vmG7F-rx JIG M1.3:JG7�'vvG at C*ALX RAWPi r4K A (Tw.) 15245 START TR PAN TO 2 STA, 0�17 OFFSL t; 2 GRAPHIC SCALE =%,Xpla g, ;wr cll—� Dr Fm I Iwk - 20 IL T.0.6 ASPHALT PAIK VIA: 1+54.n M W 20' 7497.48 746 FXSTW CASCMENT a ST& 2+m -I 'L AL* YUBAP A (TvP.) t5 2+B2.97 WF`S`CkTt 27.98 A WKWAV CHASt so wrmmn omnkm. PosT 3TA: 4406.T3 OFFSEI' , 1104 R 03STIM0 EASDANT ASPHALT 42.48 A 111-' 3+4, 0"SET: 4247 0 =SIX - j ST& P4 r7 3162 R Srw CJ R FEADOX ASPHALT TO MATCH 00SIM LOW POW vxv : 7467.34 LOW POR47 STA 3+16M 41 ..worm T. ASPHALT OVEMAY W= 1/2�; ADAW IMICINESS 70 ACHEW CROW AT Cj�� uk/ %4 TYg i2 4W3 O - - ST *0H ft ST .mw SEM Ott Bala 7-21-06 05-0033 YrrT Na C6 of 14 f-rNvtj"Yl 1'4vmG7F-rx JIG M1.3:JG7�'vvG PROJECT CODE: 15245 =%,Xpla g, ;wr cll—� STk ?+fZ43 Siam V, ;' ` OFF&-,. ac* A R-4" � LYE WX /N ST; 2 DFF SI;t STA, 3+1!�4a R., I MPSETI 1304 A 4,a'c- ST, END CB. THER & WE"cm _14 MATCH EYib STA. 3400" - WSE A T*- -1 RmAa 0 _2h9 WARD PA& SEE 94" C11-C14 T.0.6 ASPHALT PAIK VIA: 1+54.n M W 20' 7497.48 746 FXSTW CASCMENT a ST& 2+m -I 'L AL* YUBAP A (TvP.) t5 2+B2.97 WF`S`CkTt 27.98 A WKWAV CHASt so wrmmn omnkm. PosT 3TA: 4406.T3 OFFSEI' , 1104 R 03STIM0 EASDANT ASPHALT 42.48 A 111-' 3+4, 0"SET: 4247 0 =SIX - j ST& P4 r7 3162 R Srw CJ R FEADOX ASPHALT TO MATCH 00SIM LOW POW vxv : 7467.34 LOW POR47 STA 3+16M 41 ..worm T. ASPHALT OVEMAY W= 1/2�; ADAW IMICINESS 70 ACHEW CROW AT Cj�� uk/ %4 TYg i2 4W3 O - - ST *0H ft ST .mw SEM Ott Bala 7-21-06 05-0033 YrrT Na C6 of 14 C�, 0+0o ald .3+00 I yff" DRI)j STA 0+00- 11+75.51 4400 FF—Vr—r%ML. FNIU r-F%VUF-41 I'iVML)L;.F% ;)IU— MVOQ—VV4 I PROJECT CODE: 15245 11+75,28 '6 � � xm z SAT M= J AMR= � 5+00 �+�{ it AF-i F --A I r I 11--ba H I T, PRRNlD I I T T-1 h S, 7 R 1+77,37 ZT, ST 6+00 ZQ ?tj, Ar F. A IX CROW AT tt# PROPOSM MTotwe m TypciiL C7 OF 14 2+00 Tar ald .3+00 I yff" DRI)j STA 0+00- 11+75.51 4400 rpT ra FF—Vr—r%ML. FNIU r-F%VUF-41 I'iVML)L;.F% ;)IU— MVOQ—VV4 I PROJECT CODE: 15245 11+75,28 '6 � � xm z SAT M= J � 5+00 �+�{ it AF-i F --A I r I 11--ba H I T, PRRNlD h S, 7 R ZT, ST 6+00 rpT ra FF—Vr—r%ML. FNIU r-F%VUF-41 I'iVML)L;.F% ;)IU— MVOQ—VV4 I PROJECT CODE: 15245 11+75,28 '6 � � xm z M= � FF—Vr—r%ML. FNIU r-F%VUF-41 I'iVML)L;.F% ;)IU— MVOQ—VV4 I PROJECT CODE: 15245 11+75,28 '6 � � xm z M= � �+�{ it AF-i F --A I r I 11--ba H I T, h S, 7 R ZT, ST ZQ ?tj, F. A IX CROW AT tt# PROPOSM MTotwe m TypciiL C7 OF 14 Tar 7-- 7i, gg 1a+00 law g wrroew .gyp g dE bap 11+00 a 11+75,28 '6 � � xm z M= � �+�{ it AF-i F --A I r I 11--ba H I T, h S, 7 ZT, ST ZQ ?tj, F. A IX CROW AT tt# PROPOSM MTotwe m TypciiL C7 OF 14 �12 17 41, ,STA - 9+92.75 EAGLEBEND DR,1IFE) 11+00 ='T 1 11 FLUFKAL AlU tjKUJL(;i NUMULK 5[L MObt3-002 PROJECT CODE: 15245 1 4+00 Al I 1 11 dj i Z`%) l, I. A 2[ QWW AT IKE PMWOSM CDOVIUME IS TYPICAL r I kill. 11-21 ST 1-1 SELL 7-21-06 OF 14 ---1 U�l 7; PACT OF PART OF Norm SIDOW" 1, AL MALL ALL TACK NTH EM NS'PED ASPHALT OF RAWP--tl� ALL W COT To 00 I'M Cow A. POWER SAW , TO BE KAM AT - 2 TO += OF OPTUAW Votsim CONTENT ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SAWMIT 1. Y lit INSTALLED STRIOARD Flunim 41� TACK NTH CWtUtM ASPHALT 7. 5 BASE COURSE To m STANDARD MADE Irk'mg;-, COLMSE CONFACTED TO OU STANDARD PROCTOR "MAW COMPACTED lrwl-- -F TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR ii IN PA FORM 107H A IRLAXANCSOU THE COMM WALL IS PLACED IN A 30.4kAl QW. I 'A, 3/4 .3/r WASHED ROOK CM) DR DWM SIDED MIRAORM I AM K LOCATED T XOF THE DRAILUX VEEP KOUE SKA. LOWEST PONT or THE m -mcusur WRMNO oel�. 4' CLAN 6 sum STANDARD PROCTOR ALL�� M COLIRSE CONPACTUD TO NX STANDARD PROCTOR :AK �V C, 'RCTHE 'Lj PROM ANY OF` CURT *N` ZAM 7r 1:11 X: ::I = taMOMWOV Rf=,DED ::f 9S a€fE COST DF cu" THE CONCRETE CLIM RAMP. NO. 70 5. %,ALL NOT aE MPER: Sm -Z� 1. THE 2&,XOF AM ACNJ� AREA SLOPE$ SKAil, Wl Mal N07E 3) W STEEPER THAN 2*1- A LVETICTAKE WAR"a WU DEZECLA&F F WARANG AND THE TOP DiAmem OF THE IRLWrAlm Dames Ws 2-4* r WALL BE WX TO OU Or INE CASE MAWITR tl CONS Ir ♦ ♦ DOMES 41 WICI FL Lm �IP_, BE ;Y Ah MAL IN ZUVA 0 DRIECDONIS IVTS 9A. UNMADE *W HOLE A DOME ASQ DEM22 WASYM DETAILS % 7�� ,'AHVWVV -%WA4E " 4' MAW 4 CAM CO.AM COMPACTED TO M STANDARD PROCTOR COMPC SURGRADE ACTED TO VSX STANDARD PROCTOR GLASS 0 CZVVQ?EW — AS NOTED DR PLANS TACK #*IN EWULSM ASPHALT .raLy**jr#jj,�jF7 tasim PAVEMENT SECDON VXSTV4 ASPHALT SHALL BE TACKED VAN MULSRED ASPHALT SAWCUT AND REMOVE E*STINO PA%IDWENT AND SAM SA HQ T DET-A IV75 PAZ AD 1611illi TACK -� TACK " D= ISM T ASPHALT Cit SAL ASPHALT POICSTRUN PAIN M,r,4 OONSTRUCIM If ASPHALT PAVINC AS NECESSARY R 9° PREPARED 5> CONCRETE BUS PULLOUT SEC77aV AIS SIDMALK RAMP DEC--A Norm 1, AL MALL ALL TACK NTH EM NS'PED ASPHALT CUlH.Y VCTN 2 SPHAL=T18 IVAK REWOM m TO ALL W COT To 00 I'M Cow A. POWER SAW , TO BE KAM AT - 2 TO += OF OPTUAW Votsim CONTENT ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SAWMIT OUT" PAIVWW STRIOARD Flunim r ms m TACK NTH CWtUtM ASPHALT 7. tasim PAVEMENT SECDON VXSTV4 ASPHALT SHALL BE TACKED VAN MULSRED ASPHALT SAWCUT AND REMOVE E*STINO PA%IDWENT AND SAM SA HQ T DET-A IV75 PAZ AD 1611illi TACK -� TACK " D= ISM T ASPHALT Cit SAL ASPHALT POICSTRUN PAIN M,r,4 OONSTRUCIM If ASPHALT PAVINC AS NECESSARY R 9° PREPARED 5> CONCRETE BUS PULLOUT SEC77aV AIS SIDMALK RAMP DEC--A CLASS P FW FMNFOR= CONCRM 'r /Z TACK NTH EM NS'PED ASPHALT EOSTNG CRD`N"l> I ACE r ms m TACK NTH CWtUtM ASPHALT 7. 5 BASE COURSE To m STANDARD COLMSE CONFACTED TO OU STANDARD PROCTOR "MAW COMPACTED SIBOR.9-ZE ACTED -F TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR TO m SVT ASPHALTIC CONCRETE COMPACTry TO Sax 3/4 .3/r WASHED ROOK CM) DR DWM SIDED MIRAORM I S' CLASS 6 DAM C%XCE tOWPACTED TO ft% 4' CLAN 6 sum STANDARD PROCTOR WRAM 14ON OR fwv� (Typ� COLIRSE CONPACTUD TO NX STANDARD PROCTOR S✓FY AND COMPACT r COMM M GRADE TO SM STANDARD PROCTOR A" W" & lwrmT 0 ASPNALV CONCRETE OOUPACTED TO OU =4* CLASS 0 BASE STANDARD PROCTOR CW COW PACrO TO 95X STANDAA0 PROCTOR CLASS 6 SAW CA fte COMPACTED 10 09 STANDARD PROCTOR sc� Me COMPACT Ir OMN4 SIC GRAVE TO SSX STANDARD PROCTOR PAM*NT WDENRIG PER PAVEMENT SECTION V mum, om MOM (rfp) \VA*4MT TO D"N (TYP) SQULOER RETANING WALL N.T.S. SAW OJT ASPHWDC CONCRETE COSTING ASPHALT gwn#^,. STANDARD PROCTOR 2% TACK NTH EMULSM ASPHALT Or NOY INIIAONOUS ASPHALT PLACED N TWO Um TAM NTT Cwt&wTm r BADE ASPHALT COMPACTED TO "X STANDARD PROCTOR I I�it COAT, AM PRW COAT, MATMALS AND ==ALL COMPLY NTH MUNKIPAL MWOMWENra 2, ALL ASPHALT OOCH 45 To BE RIDAOM tS 70 BE CUT TO A STRAHRIT AND CLEM EDGE USING A POWER SAW, I ="TO K PLACED AT - 2 70 +2X Of OPTWUM CONTENT PAACHBACK 0 CURB IV. rs PROJECT CODE- 15245 010 ,L A%P*VNL W CE " 4 Y WX STANDARD PROCTOR EAST04 ASPHALTC CONCRETE ,,— COSCRO SAM OOVm IN 12' el CLASS a mm REPFORCED CONCRETE PROCTOR 'sx $TAwmD 2' CURB AND GU7TER QfrAl IV7S 0 CLASS 0 RACE COURSE COWPAM TO 95% STAHDAND PROCTOR PA AM AN aW Q� PA r .......... e MASS 0 ftm RMFORM CONCRETE C* "I"OMPAOIED TO OX STANDARD PROCTOR u2om�l� — 25' CURB AND GU77rR OEM& IV7s CLASS , PlSER REINFORCED C04CFM TACK IWIH EWJLSnM ASPHALT L4, L k Tm;x NTH INULmED ASPHALT < CT An SEM CLASS P FW FMNFOR= CONCRM PA411w TACK NTH EM NS'PED ASPHALT 'Rahce ACE TACK NTH CWtUtM ASPHALT MASS 4 BASE 5 BASE COURSE To m STANDARD COLMSE CONFACTED TO OU STANDARD PROCTOR "MAW COMPACTED SIBOR.9-ZE ACTED TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR TO m SVT CLASS , PlSER REINFORCED C04CFM TACK IWIH EWJLSnM ASPHALT L4, L k Tm;x NTH INULmED ASPHALT < CT An SEM LL �v r. t. SPO ER EAW 17KN K TAM N so NOCATp1 m ■■IRK AN iA $II aa AArM�� ac o � A & fl FAG NF crs Ok ♦ R A'�IMa11+ TYT�ri •� ■,�N _Sfa:6 K iMlr9Yfn x l wrroi IF ow 1 a m4jLK amA■ BA 1K iLF GF iNi nT�Ns T. A Mil■PAN TYTIIi tWON A44£ K AAAlTMfjD TAW 8E ADT3pE O' AGN PNNt m TNL OM,eiO 0R tCP aF THE TVDTND tMADY aTLxX.we i4ut£D c« 0 ,ML Ta.DAia' no XWOL we N6L NOT K tAkEF a McK awmalm A NERTN u wT re 'on wAe T saga xxxa �, rs GM.Y t9CACK. AAAL4MBMT EL t0. TpgA4R} ARYX,AA r9ri�`� AOUI ILA= sc LR 1MIF F AD 4i1 K 5G o 1000 8E MOk6. 4T. NEC ■WL K RAT.. Ai{A@, `A7FrrAi M WITH H #AT "I N NC. AEPHM.TLC CONCRETE mmy. t s'i -\ RE USE DOTING COVER STANDARD PROCTOR ELCffiNNO _ ASPHALT E%ism BASE COURSE ♦ , • PRECAST STD , a • a OpVG' RPM SUBGRADE PORTLAND CEMENT •` MORTAR BEDS MANH(XE CONE WIN. LO' FTEGBLE BASE . MIN' III IEEO, ' ASPHALT STAIR NOTES OR )ON. I- CLASS 1A1 CONCRETE 1, MORTAR 0I SHALL NOT EXCEED 11. Z SIBGRA$ AND BASE MATERIALS SHALL BE COMPACTED ADCORLXNO TO STANDARD SPED ICATRXNS MANHOLE ADEiIY EMENT DETAIL m ■ Y ; ;, Al I Eon Au mMu A FRE 'N97�'iUT A AT AP iEAavACV.,.T. ANSI at XTMIBNW PAM YK w WK RNT Owe FRC SA A01 -rumor xm" 9T -¢E A'Tf$70,. Ai °,6 LA m asom AWAI . w PUK AWLS ML "a LID' K RAW No . r1w W W AKIC 36tAT. g(�(g RM NA A51EZ im{ AN4AVIAK.. 531 RAABIN 3 fY Z. fil[ A1P ML. f'x PLAIM fU3ti milt• i1E OW5' OR N'F A?7ACE ARE TA°EREF UPFk( Tn crArrAX TXE SEONNNr auNatP: AGK�TM�RXX t� ZN JKi4L:X5 fi DK745 MFNEN 310 E 4E[FIA 7XAT /5 k5TA9'J,^a'RD +K[1 AP.,N7A7AE tNRRE SK TAEX'CE' ShpDt11 8E SLT FENCE DETAIL 1m i 4' ONO -10X70 NSI FMW NMI Ir VEk71CAL q1W AND OUTTGL EJB' RO LIED STM TREAD PLATE i -T /4' lffCTipf A-A T /21X7' FLAT IKA --€ F-- EMI■ wo /• ^Tr MAX Qa RA —CONCRETE TO BE rYP+CAL. BONN SOCS f J, iPLC+A.' -$ BOTH SIDESAT 1$' SIDEWALK CHASE DETAIL FOR _DRAIN E UNDER SIDEWALK CLASS 0 BASE COURSE r PREPARED BUS GRADE BRAYS M ew_ NAM9A rr tTAr%' ROM A F 41 MIAF AKS FEDERAL AID PROJECT NUMBER STE M058 -002 PROJECT CODE: 15245 f�. LGESaLA T xA > R iy TAb'.R "-- % AAmm. -� l � a• Avr � BEND - PLAN l�UtGF't. YL AST+YA+t RTt � �' gyp j T PR A �� DM ANAL s� %3T MINIMUM RMING &F,%(SF) MINIMUM %;M, mss , Ate tsei I�GTAN% �auz s I!A 3�+.111N�L� F��AirL�OtLI Lwwwmmmnwmmma lit>Etllr s � FOR FIRE HYDRANTS CLASS 6 Nn BASE �y�K�yy�tI PAD NTS , WEGAUUOS TO THE KGALUG RESPARM i "ANCTIN TARN ArmEtltSitT.4if`i7 AEPHM.TLC CONCRETE mmy. t s'i -\ RE USE DOTING COVER STANDARD PROCTOR ELCffiNNO _ ASPHALT E%ism BASE COURSE ♦ , • PRECAST STD , a • a OpVG' RPM SUBGRADE PORTLAND CEMENT •` MORTAR BEDS MANH(XE CONE WIN. LO' FTEGBLE BASE . MIN' III IEEO, ' ASPHALT STAIR NOTES OR )ON. I- CLASS 1A1 CONCRETE 1, MORTAR 0I SHALL NOT EXCEED 11. Z SIBGRA$ AND BASE MATERIALS SHALL BE COMPACTED ADCORLXNO TO STANDARD SPED ICATRXNS MANHOLE ADEiIY EMENT DETAIL m ■ Y ; ;, Al I Eon Au mMu A FRE 'N97�'iUT A AT AP iEAavACV.,.T. ANSI at XTMIBNW PAM YK w WK RNT Owe FRC SA A01 -rumor xm" 9T -¢E A'Tf$70,. Ai °,6 LA m asom AWAI . w PUK AWLS ML "a LID' K RAW No . r1w W W AKIC 36tAT. g(�(g RM NA A51EZ im{ AN4AVIAK.. 531 RAABIN 3 fY Z. fil[ A1P ML. f'x PLAIM fU3ti milt• i1E OW5' OR N'F A?7ACE ARE TA°EREF UPFk( Tn crArrAX TXE SEONNNr auNatP: AGK�TM�RXX t� ZN JKi4L:X5 fi DK745 MFNEN 310 E 4E[FIA 7XAT /5 k5TA9'J,^a'RD +K[1 AP.,N7A7AE tNRRE SK TAEX'CE' ShpDt11 8E SLT FENCE DETAIL 1m i 4' ONO -10X70 NSI FMW NMI Ir VEk71CAL q1W AND OUTTGL EJB' RO LIED STM TREAD PLATE i -T /4' lffCTipf A-A T /21X7' FLAT IKA --€ F-- EMI■ wo /• ^Tr MAX Qa RA —CONCRETE TO BE rYP+CAL. BONN SOCS f J, iPLC+A.' -$ BOTH SIDESAT 1$' SIDEWALK CHASE DETAIL FOR _DRAIN E UNDER SIDEWALK CLASS 0 BASE COURSE r PREPARED BUS GRADE BRAYS M ew_ NAM9A rr tTAr%' ROM A F 41 MIAF AKS FEDERAL AID PROJECT NUMBER STE M058 -002 PROJECT CODE: 15245 f�. LGESaLA T xA > R iy TAb'.R "-- % AAmm. -� l � a• Avr � BEND - PLAN l�UtGF't. YL AST+YA+t RTt � �' gyp j T PR A �� DM ANAL s� %3T MINIMUM RMING &F,%(SF) MINIMUM %;M, mss , Ate tsei I�GTAN% �auz €�rri17 F��AirL�OtLI Lwwwmmmnwmmma lit>Etllr s � FOR FIRE HYDRANTS CLASS 6 Nn BASE IYEIQAL BUS SHELTER PAD NTS AEPHM.TLC CONCRETE mmy. t s'i -\ RE USE DOTING COVER STANDARD PROCTOR ELCffiNNO _ ASPHALT E%ism BASE COURSE ♦ , • PRECAST STD , a • a OpVG' RPM SUBGRADE PORTLAND CEMENT •` MORTAR BEDS MANH(XE CONE WIN. LO' FTEGBLE BASE . MIN' III IEEO, ' ASPHALT STAIR NOTES OR )ON. I- CLASS 1A1 CONCRETE 1, MORTAR 0I SHALL NOT EXCEED 11. Z SIBGRA$ AND BASE MATERIALS SHALL BE COMPACTED ADCORLXNO TO STANDARD SPED ICATRXNS MANHOLE ADEiIY EMENT DETAIL m ■ Y ; ;, Al I Eon Au mMu A FRE 'N97�'iUT A AT AP iEAavACV.,.T. ANSI at XTMIBNW PAM YK w WK RNT Owe FRC SA A01 -rumor xm" 9T -¢E A'Tf$70,. Ai °,6 LA m asom AWAI . w PUK AWLS ML "a LID' K RAW No . r1w W W AKIC 36tAT. g(�(g RM NA A51EZ im{ AN4AVIAK.. 531 RAABIN 3 fY Z. fil[ A1P ML. f'x PLAIM fU3ti milt• i1E OW5' OR N'F A?7ACE ARE TA°EREF UPFk( Tn crArrAX TXE SEONNNr auNatP: AGK�TM�RXX t� ZN JKi4L:X5 fi DK745 MFNEN 310 E 4E[FIA 7XAT /5 k5TA9'J,^a'RD +K[1 AP.,N7A7AE tNRRE SK TAEX'CE' ShpDt11 8E SLT FENCE DETAIL 1m i 4' ONO -10X70 NSI FMW NMI Ir VEk71CAL q1W AND OUTTGL EJB' RO LIED STM TREAD PLATE i -T /4' lffCTipf A-A T /21X7' FLAT IKA --€ F-- EMI■ wo /• ^Tr MAX Qa RA —CONCRETE TO BE rYP+CAL. BONN SOCS f J, iPLC+A.' -$ BOTH SIDESAT 1$' SIDEWALK CHASE DETAIL FOR _DRAIN E UNDER SIDEWALK CLASS 0 BASE COURSE r PREPARED BUS GRADE BRAYS M ew_ NAM9A rr tTAr%' ROM A F 41 MIAF AKS FEDERAL AID PROJECT NUMBER STE M058 -002 PROJECT CODE: 15245 f�. LGESaLA T xA > R iy TAb'.R "-- % AAmm. -� l � a• Avr � BEND - PLAN l�UtGF't. YL AST+YA+t RTt � �' gyp j T PR A �� DM ANAL s� %3T MINIMUM RMING &F,%(SF) MINIMUM %;M, mss , Ate tsei I�GTAN% �auz €�rri17 F��AirL�OtLI Lwwwmmmnwmmma s � FOR FIRE HYDRANTS '. 1 s m"wil fm■E.���Ek/ L BC , WEGAUUOS TO THE KGALUG RESPARM i "ANCTIN TARN ArmEtltSitT.4if`i7 �auz €�rri17 F��AirL�OtLI Lwwwmmmnwmmma s � FOR FIRE HYDRANTS '. 1 s m"wil fm■E.���Ek/ L BC , WEGAUUOS TO THE KGALUG RESPARM i "ANCTIN TARN ArmEtltSitT.4if`i7 4 unNNNA 3AAAWMTA AWLL K NANO a ca axafat vrM NM'®AOm t MAYA ANG A1RFN1� MW �¢ SMT OI wi FiAi� Aaei � A�fLMN■A F� IMTMGI Wi1AS � 'fYgd) ARLSAA a — A,w H01Z VALVCS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED N BAR VICKI PROPOSED LOCAITCNS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, BNSULAIED 10 CAM COPPER TRACER WIRE SHALL BE NSTALLEO N THE WATER MAW TRENCH, SURFACING WTSM THE MAINLINE VALVE BONES NO NEXT TO ALL EIRE HYDRANTS. CAD -WELDS SHALL BE MENDED AT ALL WATXXI JOINTS AND FTTTBNOS AND PRC- TL:CIED MIN COAL. TAR, TLS CCFI'RAACTOR SHALL LEST CONOUCRNTY OF THE IRPE AND TRACER ww_ , MARKING TAPE TO BE PLACED 241 WARD YALLE PILL ANY POE E}OR 1 BE LOCATED ON THE l TEE OFF TTE MANN sw MANS TO BE\ fm WATER A BOND BREAXER CONCRETE THRUST` BLOCK 4-1/21 PUMM N027'L.f {FACE TO TRAYCLED WAY) t E 1 7 BREAKABLE FLANDE 01 UK - Ir MAX ABOVE GROUND WI \ t \\ i 1 7 .. 11 7/2� MMAMUM COVELL, PACER sEE sPEQ�icAT�aas MARE. ,1I BEDDING 1 HYDRANT SHOE HYDRANT CLEARANCE DIAGRAM THERE ARE NO A90W GROUND OBST£OMONS ALLOYED N THESE AREAS FRONT - - -TO FEET OF CLEARANCE SIDES -... -7 FEET OF CLEARANCE REAR - -4 FEES OF CT.EARANCE ABOIE --- 20 FEET OP CLEARANCE £LAO ON HYCRANr TO LOCATE N ABATER Mi0 HYDRANT 1$ IXAVERED N S iGW. RELOCATE ENLSTNG HYDRANT =T4.1 BRING TO "1 INSULATED COPPER RARE TO SUAYACE AT ALL FTC HYDRANTS AM CORNED' TO MART UK PA= LAC y- ,,.-- BOND BREAKER I r HYDRANT OR" PiT, �7i/W2 __ 1 /#fWASt1ED ROCK �v -11 Il A y } fill fill lif 'js# NIP. C Z CD iA7 L'- _ . ST ST An. SEM W mT1� 7 -21 ^D0 00 OF 14 F��AirL�OtLI , s � FOR FIRE HYDRANTS '. 1 s 4F WATER MAN. FOIE MYNRAUM-- SQUARE L BC , WEGAUUOS TO THE KGALUG RESPARM i "ANCTIN TARN HYDRANT CLEARANCE DIAGRAM THERE ARE NO A90W GROUND OBST£OMONS ALLOYED N THESE AREAS FRONT - - -TO FEET OF CLEARANCE SIDES -... -7 FEET OF CLEARANCE REAR - -4 FEES OF CT.EARANCE ABOIE --- 20 FEET OP CLEARANCE £LAO ON HYCRANr TO LOCATE N ABATER Mi0 HYDRANT 1$ IXAVERED N S iGW. RELOCATE ENLSTNG HYDRANT =T4.1 BRING TO "1 INSULATED COPPER RARE TO SUAYACE AT ALL FTC HYDRANTS AM CORNED' TO MART UK PA= LAC y- ,,.-- BOND BREAKER I r HYDRANT OR" PiT, �7i/W2 __ 1 /#fWASt1ED ROCK �v -11 Il A y } fill fill lif 'js# NIP. C Z CD iA7 L'- _ . ST ST An. SEM W mT1� 7 -21 ^D0 00 OF 14 GUARDRAIL TfPE A AND SECTION (FLARED) EXISTINC, 7- FEDERAL AID PROJECT NUMBER STE MQ58-002 PROJECT CODE., 15245 ----------- ------------------ ------ 0 \- PEDESTRIAN RXL -4 x WJS STOP SEE i*- MWAW END TYPE ANCHOP-A" L 18'-9" TYPE 3K TANCEW TO L - I BRIDGE RAIL PLAN ROW LINE ..-*—Z (3) POSTS POSTS POST IN > (TOTAL 4) ON �23(+/-) POSTS 'ON 'BRIDGE MET E� GROWW"i GROUND --ptwkm PF "k A�l rANO EXCAVATE CESSARY i; CONSTRUCT STONEBRIDGE PRIVE T 13) 0 S IGN PP O POSTS ON ENDGE tEt ,0o 0 P ;nE 'N GUAR[ j EXISTING IBMMDG RAIL RESET EXfST)NG 1. REMOVAL PLAN —TA . SOME: 707' D. t: F . CDOT STANDARD PLAN M-606-1 IS TO BE USED TO CONSMUCT TEAS PROJECT. THE INFORMATION SHOW ON THESE PLANS CONCERNING THE TYK AND LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IS NOT GUARANTEED TO BE ACCURATE OR ALL INCLUSIVE. THE CONTRACTOR Is RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING HIS OWN DET£I WNAT)ON AS TO 1HE TYPE AND LOCATION OF 6N D UTILITIES AS MAY SE I==DAMAGE THERETO THE CONTRACTOR 94AL CONTACT THE CENTER OF COLORADO AT 1-800-022-1087 AT LEAST 2 DAYS (NOT INCLUDING THE DAY OF NOTIFICATION) PWR TO ANY EXCAVATION OF OTHER EARTH WORK, in uj A I CM OF 14 1 0 Row U-4i — $ SMALL MONUMENT t LARGE mowu (Typ) cn GUARDRAIL FEDERAL AID PROJECT NUMBER STE MQ58-002 PROJECT CODE., 15245 ----------- ------------------ ------ 0 \- PEDESTRIAN RXL -4 x WJS STOP SEE i*- MWAW END TYPE ANCHOP-A" L 18'-9" TYPE 3K TANCEW TO L - I BRIDGE RAIL PLAN ROW LINE ..-*—Z (3) POSTS POSTS POST IN > (TOTAL 4) ON �23(+/-) POSTS 'ON 'BRIDGE MET E� GROWW"i GROUND --ptwkm PF "k A�l rANO EXCAVATE CESSARY i; CONSTRUCT STONEBRIDGE PRIVE T 13) 0 S IGN PP O POSTS ON ENDGE tEt ,0o 0 P ;nE 'N GUAR[ j EXISTING IBMMDG RAIL RESET EXfST)NG 1. REMOVAL PLAN —TA . SOME: 707' D. t: F . CDOT STANDARD PLAN M-606-1 IS TO BE USED TO CONSMUCT TEAS PROJECT. THE INFORMATION SHOW ON THESE PLANS CONCERNING THE TYK AND LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IS NOT GUARANTEED TO BE ACCURATE OR ALL INCLUSIVE. THE CONTRACTOR Is RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING HIS OWN DET£I WNAT)ON AS TO 1HE TYPE AND LOCATION OF 6N D UTILITIES AS MAY SE I==DAMAGE THERETO THE CONTRACTOR 94AL CONTACT THE CENTER OF COLORADO AT 1-800-022-1087 AT LEAST 2 DAYS (NOT INCLUDING THE DAY OF NOTIFICATION) PWR TO ANY EXCAVATION OF OTHER EARTH WORK, in uj A I CM OF 14 1 sg 4 #t 0 a u u a I'_2'(*,) TOP OF EXISTING ABUTMENT FACE OF dG ABUTMENT fTIES Y SPACED 3) Ox - 43- ORM BACK FACE OF EXISTING AMEN i i AptD EPDXY IUT WCTH KLTt WT so OR ENGwap ROVItD AS SEGs T IM TiON EOMENTI S E: 9' - V-V 4` MAX :GAP AT 3 f PIPE fwL.S At Lvwc MONUMENT AML,�� BACK WE of T55YS 'TS +X$ BAt:K FADE QF :9�t`* F'E'E Rte#,.,,,,, ABUTMENT CeORM BELOW � t�s I w-,,, FACE Of' 1�!i'�`°" I T EYJS, #Nti ABUTMENT ,...._ V AR � LOCATE MONUMEW eon CORNER O OF EXISTIrIC DENWR. COLORADO *INGWAU LARGE Mt3MMENT PLAN SCALE- T'^,- V-0- I I STONE f a TWS 0 ' 2, MAX ADDITIONAL TUBE AT EXISTINC ASPHALT RAWP TOP OF EXtnNG r ; REPAIR AFTER SMEWAiK CONSTRUCTION WEST MONUMENT s5T. rt' - i7o. UGITT ICE f f3 }} INSVkL(ATION, SEE U UGHtwl I 114ICKNM RLYCK VENEER (Tm) o SEE ARCH, FOR .! ROCK REQUIREMENTS TOP OF EXiSnNG T c A z � � TOR OF DECK WEST MONMENT SCALE. t I -o• GS. "(8)&6 EQUAL SPAS (.3 PER - mw SECTM I - V-0* FACE OF s� dG ABUTMENT �z AN6 EPDXY >.H wn f*T E aR E.NOWER 1 eiAM 6 Jir 6tETeT. 'T1`P. EAST MONUMENT SCALE, #" - T._Cx r *a 1 =OF k; 1 L......_ ........... ... _._ ADDITIONAL TUBE AT EXISTINC ASPHALT RAWP TOP OF EXtnNG W#NGWALL REPAIR AFTER SMEWAiK CONSTRUCTION WEST MONUMENT s5T. rt' - i7o. GS. "(8)&6 EQUAL SPAS (.3 PER - mw SECTM I - V-0* FACE OF s� dG ABUTMENT �z AN6 EPDXY >.H wn f*T E aR E.NOWER 1 eiAM 6 Jir 6tETeT. 'T1`P. EAST MONUMENT SCALE, #" - T._Cx r *a 1 =OF k; 1 -- (8)#5 Ems. i sPAaw, (s PER mcnek BOX UGITT ICE f f3 }} INSVkL(ATION, SEE U UGHtwl mw SECTM I - V-0* FACE OF s� dG ABUTMENT �z AN6 EPDXY >.H wn f*T E aR E.NOWER 1 eiAM 6 Jir 6tETeT. 'T1`P. EAST MONUMENT SCALE, #" - T._Cx r *a 1 =OF k; 1 EAST MONUMENT SCALE, #" - T._Cx r *a 1 =OF k; 1 J4 TIES 0 12* �w 3' THICK CAP STOW (8)#5 MAL SPAONa (3 PER SIDE) 31 APPROVED ALTERNATE, 5 4' EMSOMENT. TYP- V1 P*x L SEE, ARCH, #4 X DUALS FOR DRILL AND EPDXY ROCK GROUT WITH HfLTl HIT REOUMEMENTS L 14Y150 OR ENGINEER agam SMALL MONUMENT PLAN SCAM 1' - I'-C' WIEST MRMA!t�W-- HOLD STONE FACING h" CLEAR OF TERI SECTION CONNI TUBE AT EAST MOMMMT SCALF- l',0" y. W, L( CONSULTING ENGINEERS m DENVEK CIMOK"I S9 STD. '1N_ 606 -1 FOR THRIE SEAM TMINAL SECTION CONNECTok A40 THREAM ROD (TOTAL 5) HEX NUT AND LOCK WASHER. CkST 1 *0 SLEEVE AND MXY GROUT MTH HILM HIT HY 150 OR ENGINEER APPROVED ALTERNArr- 11' EMSEDMENT, Zj* MAX PRMCTION. GUARDRAIL ATTACHMENT SCALE; 1' - 1'-O, W_INGWALL SK9j1_0N SCALE. 1 1/2' - 1'-0' MOM: PEDESTRIAN RAIL SHOWN. acyar RAIL SR" If 0- ME APPROVED ALTERNATE, 5 4' EMSOMENT. TYP- P*x L #4 X " L t oil #4 X 2• -S' (TOTAL 2) SMALL MD ENT $Ecno—u t'-O" LOCATE MMUENT, AT CORNER OF EXISTING W)MGWALL SMALL MONUMENT PLAN SCAM 1' - I'-C' WIEST MRMA!t�W-- HOLD STONE FACING h" CLEAR OF TERI SECTION CONNI TUBE AT EAST MOMMMT SCALF- l',0" y. W, L( CONSULTING ENGINEERS m DENVEK CIMOK"I S9 STD. '1N_ 606 -1 FOR THRIE SEAM TMINAL SECTION CONNECTok A40 THREAM ROD (TOTAL 5) HEX NUT AND LOCK WASHER. CkST 1 *0 SLEEVE AND MXY GROUT MTH HILM HIT HY 150 OR ENGINEER APPROVED ALTERNArr- 11' EMSEDMENT, Zj* MAX PRMCTION. GUARDRAIL ATTACHMENT SCALE; 1' - 1'-O, W_INGWALL SK9j1_0N SCALE. 1 1/2' - 1'-0' MOM: PEDESTRIAN RAIL SHOWN. acyar RAIL SR" If 0- ME ','vtTiNG Et4GINEERS M O" =1 11 CL wo t xm AND ANCHORS PLAN SCALE: I I /2. _ I TOP OF POST Al' TRAP Rll av TOP OF POST AT PEDESTRIAN RAIL EUVATION Sc'OLEi 1 1/2' - 1'--0' RL"ATMON W.04GWALL %"o AUTWATICALLY END VkLOED THREADED STUD w/ mEx NUT. HARDENED WASHER AND LOCK WASHER REFLECTOR TAB AT EACH POST, SEE M-666-1 FOR MAILS HEX NU2L 5 HARDENED 3ED SOLT WASHER, AND LOO* WASHI AUTOMATIRCALLY END *I= THREADED MUD HEX NUT, HARDENED WASHER AND LOCK WASHER (2) 1-# rLUY THfICADED *449 a4tVANIZED ROOS W/ HEX NM AND LOCK WASHERS. RODS TO BE SET IN We CORED HOLES W/ HIL'n HTT WISO (OR ENGINEER APPMED EQUAL). HOLES SHALL 13E 2'-0" DEEP AT WINGWALLS. INSTALLED ROOS SHALL NOT PROJECT MORE 2' BEYOND THE NUT 3 1/2' f Std. Ptpe p3"Alwi 11#la A.;ng" gvm�� Z*ql 01; kvuvu- 'Kuqvv� post spocings, MONUVENT LIGHT fl)(TURE SEE AAONfMCTUR& DETAILS. I :%-0 (4- O.D.) Aft tub";XhOff be fabocated ftom AST#A A-847 ANN LOCK WASHER stest. Alf posts, base piatea. and oncharbolts Splice (%" smaller than shall be fabricated from AS1W A«508 stereL All (obrioated from %- steel expansion davioes far tubes shall :tee ==Irrom WN21 ASTM A-242. or A-584 Qrdde 50 HtLn HIT AY150 (OR ENWNEER steel wiscalloofous botts, MAR, and wakhors that and 1*0 x 6 '" ox to view *1411 be woothwing steel = Astutbo,"41ts, hex nuts, ftft� andw studs, etc, that aft embedded washers, end lockwashers. in tong-rato or obVerod *1th *too* moll be 1 sm W/ :HEX NUT, 9 TS 5 x 5 x 5/16 Pipe folls tholl be meted in oarlordoAcs with segtiao we, The abler shelf kie, dons or*,-in or TS 4 4 x 5/16 federal starutbirtl 5M 0,01ar na, Zq=Is, n *II submitted er. The wanking drawings shelf be in accardame, with the contractor's "d 36045 Conomte, minforews; steel. and structural - st" awrooft shall contorm to the -requk's—ts of Sectlens 601, 802, and 509, rvspocUv*, ISMS)% Typ' Tubes she# be co6itinuouo Ow Oat less than two postw: No welded bud splices Will be allowed in the EACH POST, SM tut* soctwos�- Pmt shp" be perpendiQuIer to the longitudinal roa4way wft: :%-0 (4- O.D.) — ti ANN LOCK WASHER ;:—, �-� WO AUTO#ATPCAU.Y END for additional deWft. *8e — --- - WELDED, TKREADM STANDARD WEIGHT PIPE Structural Steel, WN21 STUD W/ HEX NUT, AV MIls (tubes or pipes) SW have a A' *r1a lt-'OP HtLn HIT AY150 (OR ENWNEER ASTM A-242 or ASTU A-5W fy 50,000 0 ASTM A-847 fy 50,000 psi R A1dQ Lom" ER prior to fabrIcatilon of this itsm� three sets Of ASTM A63 erode 8 fy 35,000 psi WELDED THREADED sm W/ :HEX NUT, r, 79 witttch =wIth'tho q',d owl seat;* be to HARDENED 'WASHER FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND, LOCX WASHER Zq=Is, n *II submitted er. The wanking drawings shelf be in accardame, with the contractor's "d BICYCLE RAIL - REFLECTOR TAB AT measurements. ISMS)% Typ' EACH POST, SM 10-606�1 FOR DETPJLS stf COOT Class D: 4500 piff WO A325 (TYPE 3) TS4X+X%g % E)USTING DECK .AND SIDEWALK 3x3x W/ WO HOLES, M, PEWSTRIAN RAIL SCALE, CIA, SOT HEX NLIT. HARDENED WASHER, Renforclaq., ANN LOCK WASHER All reinfarcing shall be epoxy r4atod fY 60,000 psi Structural Steel, WN21 HtLn HIT AY150 (OR ENWNEER ASTM A-242 or ASTU A-5W fy 50,000 0 ASTM A-847 fy 50,000 psi %-4 AUTOMAT"LLY END ASTM A63 erode 8 fy 35,000 psi WELDED THREADED sm W/ :HEX NUT, wSTALLZO RODS SHALL HARDENED 'WASHER FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND, LOCX WASHER 2" w F21 Of 14 (2) 1-0 FULLY THREADED A++9 GALVANIZED RODS W1 HEX NUTS 4 AND LOCK WASHERS. ROM TO IX SET IN 1XV0 CORED HOLES A/ HtLn HIT AY150 (OR ENWNEER wl zx' A W, APPROVED EQUAL), HOLES SHAII I I We HOLES, I YP• BE 2'-0' DEEP AT VANGWALLS, wSTALLZO RODS SHALL NOT PROJECT mom THAN 2' BEYOND THE NUT BICYCLE RAIL - 2" w F21 Of 14 \/OLTA(5,E IMOF CALCI)LATION5 ALL I RE FULL Be 010 40PWER IN I•PVG BRAW,H Ch'RCUIT ®RAWCH CIRCUIT PRCH XPRM AT BLpe 8 PROM 0404 AT V-06 E AMPS o 3.839398 AMPS = 2. e33332!1 LENGTH =633' LEN&TH =950' -to CU mHea %10 C.0 I"I Me YD 2X&23%I.26X2.8 W 2X350XI,26X2.8 Io00 1000 a 4,4 v a ,2.5 V I. Wm 1.03% DRMOH f NW VIT FROM BRI06E LTS FROM XP IM AT 211-06 8 AHPS - 3,8 LEMSTH .625' *8 Cv NIKE v0 = 2t2e29X. 786X3.6 low = 3.bG v 3.08% ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS A. Genera€ Rec,uirements fid dna a w kt requPeC to exacWa t%% Nark co %pec#Iea a6 necetwt%y to cortptatm the It+' ' elowto -Ork shalt tK.Rldn. rVt Mgt lirittad W. tife'ISR mpjq^ A., C'M r Ill" vottacp wrng %y%tem Far Pale maeted tAgMs. TIP* 1`IMid ftWe ner. [.OF CiJGB, ttlw Iwo-, GII tNSriYK.�tOrt4. »MM w6`ktCj devices. n actor »1 dsvica ' t o*k'nypott7g 0%4. Far a cayateta a# ww tbndt lq *"9 "M - 9. Test at' miYa system arsl r k. G (.pwvtb a mm"'"" Ow td%a'dt €k.t#ton kotru'tw* mGYwft K A. PERMITS A%87 FEI;b. [.T7CpM aMt fK%f Par all efeGa%9u g paMNts, G^ ;imts. erxartanat&W dvd Feee or nmcessory Far evecutton avd compbtlon at atectrrcc% rra7m7t ii. RMLATION5 AND WOO A. ApptloatXe updes. N,*k. r4N Electric Cade (2000 CoMarm Co 3P1e I edttkn aisU egg thereto Of the T~ of Avas E9trFGei xtxle pbrCY�ertt I PA pvkskotiom cod to " nKv*vwvw*s & Pedero 1. state c 4*w 6% a9my"" t+-" yrts Jon, ill, SHOP ORAWM65 AND RTTAL, A CsanteOUcc VWI scbrntt VvV drn " Par mgt+aer r&Ws. end a A^avai. I. a %te+'&1r post t N.mttaatros. IV. CON Wt AND "JIM A. CONGtKT OR 512E5 &%Xatotp#d B ar r "Ira. 600 wall. F bliss 1110 and wwiw, C Wlitmi -W%q Ali kMr %K, %�bi`a'dad. 4x aCS%10 %i pC O-ww, u%e tt¢+4s Tr't or TNYC &+ eiisU krym than %i, use MIN ar *",c Use Ttd9t ip- Ares or Ppsetkj ttt"owp FkKM'abGm)t h bg FI%iukos. C0M#CT t2%40. %Ie�6N r- - T0 UTILITY TRAW -fom elk OtImm OP BUILDING `E•. - tiCt METER Ya REgAF2ED, > AW GT C4*11MECT LJOWS VIA PHOTC+GELL. „� 4P WEST ELECTRICAL 5ITE PLAN �caLE r =cr -o• DO,R& AOK__....i m 0 R v *W Ati W.MXl 3la5 o-wo.t�n C ,.croa...ra� .e mraR tN +enrrma%.mwre snewa%ae w a mw.1%acwa.%.+.rr>mr ♦ awmnx w�'x,rw.. rwae,�s, iw... •.r..++.cmaa,+..n p �..,�.�n.*r:.+mn..wa Ae-R ,gym. aaewm.e }%^ gJ4NUrryeya �%sa tekarcit U1%%.'^., +Oau01R %•6Y�w .axawmw...n me nme ux:se- � I�bA1^l�%N+.taQYxeu� >r+rsa<mrrav resnun+eF. a wu%swl CwMiu.rcvrw '�'�9 aO�M�a,ha..xwYh rwe t ��� ygra N+® lMYa9Y�Kwa�rc MAhfw� F� � Q*�afUMrIPK4blr Vna� w)wwaorsp � • .1'ess++.sa'scs.+u • .w.� a � mow% awan%rw+.. • �erxs Ip wnr DO,R& AOK__....i m 0 R I DESOUPTFQN, it 7119M I 25589 SOH AEC lkswx %p C'�i+99y� 'NEST ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN E eO i of 2 wn V I��f/1I�i F� c I DESOUPTFQN, it 7119M I 25589 SOH AEC lkswx %p C'�i+99y� 'NEST ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN E eO i of 2 .E- j. ol'o Z FI?CfL-W TYPE 64 4 CO NOTe5f laWLAV! &kSE TO 20' SWAM BY M* H46H, SCALE FIXTURE A".OWIN6LY . 50 NATT METAL HALIM LAMP N" EAST ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN I W-1 I= I XTIM TYPE Ce rlxmikE rrm PD T*T'PIC,AL Pr=r?CETAL ANt:> RAIL NO SCALE 4 - PE17E5TAL. SW*q. IMTE Calm IT LINIMR 8w1o6E ANP 'Q7XM COM IT TMlW" CXNTeR OF STC04E PEVESTAL. AND SET J-DOX ;IITH114 6c"Osem TOP, TYPICAL L L x 0 OMIT EIAFd ARM 4 f -T- ZVI 4 D 4 12 i*R49A--1 'SLC-FLDP WLf-� SLA3-PPA GFLOOS4 ftlAtA-� T ALU,�ej-w i 04A-200 fi K E RW �VEDTI?E 3 M frRWE WITH 2 C 8 A' D D AW) TAPP( Z) R!- E GA5KZ7En EZ) FLAT EAS fERV4CE V40 1- "�uxp Etgjat Xt3,-� A ro AbT�TY , H WAT7A,E 7- VO-TAGE VU-T L -121— 5m. x 2, x 8, 7 PROJECT"i u;55 X 46' DEEP ITS 0 SN 0 z R I —.—'I DATE' 1 MSCRIPWN; I 7/19/05 i 25589 �ax son AEC 17 EAST ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN �i El. 1 2 of 2 0 I —.—'I DATE' 1 MSCRIPWN; I 7/19/05 i 25589 �ax son AEC 17 EAST ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN �i El. 1 2 of 2