TC Council Packet 11-11-2003STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD NOVEMBER 11, 2003, AT 2:30 PM TO BE HELD AT THE AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING LOCATED AT 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM 1) Site Tour of 13 Benchmark Industrial Commercial Area, 411 Metcalf Road, Appeal of Special Review Use Permit for Proposed Fiasco Restaurant/Tavern, Applicant David Svabik - (Town Council Members, staff and public to meet at Metcalf Location) The applicant's special review use application for a restaurant and bar was denied by Planning and Zoning Commission. Applicant is appealing the decision to the Town Council at the regular meeting. The Town Council will tour the site. 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM 2) Village at Avon Municipal Service Model (Stan Bernstein, Larry Brooks) - Discussion of a development model that will project the cost (and the recovery of cost) of police services for the Village. 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM 3) Executive Session - (Conferring with Town Attorney) The topic meets the requirements of C.R.S. 24-6-402-4 (b) - Conferences with an attorney for the local public body for the purposes of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions. 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 4) Council Committee Updates - Council members are assigned to several committees and update their progress. Roundabout 4 Project & Proposal from School of Mines Students (Councilor Wolfe) Swift Gulch (Mayor Reynolds) Traer Creek (Councilor Brown) Marketing (Councilor P. Buckley) Proposed Lighting Ordinance (Councilor Sipes) 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 5) Sherwood Meadows -(Scott Wright) The Town of Avon owns 11 condo units at Sherwood Meadows and will present ideas to Council for selling them. 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 6) Staff Updates - a. Tract J Bridge Update (Norm Wood) - Staff will give a verbal estimate of expenses incurred to date with the removal of the pedestrian bridge between Hwy 6 and Sundridge Condos. b. Holiday Lighting Contest (Jacquie Halburnt) - Discussion about the annual contest encouraging businesses and residents to put up holiday lighting. Consent Agenda Questions AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL. THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO BY: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk Estimated times are shown for informational purposes only, subject to change without notice. Town Clerk\Council\Agendas\2003\Avon Council Meeting.03.11.11 S 1 T E 1`0 uP- + 5 reu ' Ld cc??,"cJr?- ? ??rrev?tl??- Cm `? L OCk 4o r fk ba (loot) ROAD ROAD ROAD INTERSTATE 70 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Scott Wright, Finance Director Date: November 7, 2003 Re: Monthly Sales Tax Report Summary: Staff will present the attached October, 2003, sales tax report to Council on Tuesday and will be prepared to answer questions and discuss ideas on future presentations of sales tax data. Town Manager Comments: Page 1 TOWN OF AVON SALES TAX BY MONTH 1999 981-991% 2000 991-001% 2001 001-01% 2002 01'-02% 2003 02'-03% Total 5-Yr Change Change Change Change Change % Increase January $ 384,939.69 1.45% $ 359,721.88 -6.55% $ 408,217.16 13.48% $ 411,790.30 0.88% $ 416,475.94 1.14% 8.19% February 397,323.16 5.08% 397,291.59 -0.01% 401,384.50 1.03% 400,493.88 -0.22% 436,108.60 8.89% 9.76% March 474,933.06 3.20% 457,053.94 -3.76% 503,411.30 10.14% 482,084.42 -4.24% 493,056.54 2.28% 3,82% April 302,864.19 -2.36% 337,087.43 11.30% 344,079.71 2.07% 289,326.67 -15.91% 311,212.23 7.56% 2.76% May 265,405.35 6.55% 286,191.36 7.83% 317,331.11 10.88% 299,677.89 -5.56% 292,634.62 -2.35% 10.26% June 395,755.68 17.24% 398,869.89 0.79% 393,695.61 -1.30% 355,084.11 -9.81% 363,268.64 2.30% -8.21% July 395,954.38 6.99% 415,978.51 5.06°% 434,867.02 4.54% 399,046.84 -8.24% 337,933.65 -15.31% -14.65% August 366,648.94 0.97% 400,447.52 9.22% 421,012.61 5.14% 391,457.32 -7.02% 345,833.22 -11.65% -5.68% September 364,432.54 9.27% 375,400.90 3.01% 356,264.03 -5.10% 335,782.58 -5.75% 329,048.03 -2.01% -9.71% October 295,541.62 -3.11% 320,796.00 8.55% 361,688.95 12.75% 318,052.07 -1Z06% - -100.00% -100.00% November 320,335.28 -4.40% 329,170.99 2.76% 333,024.51 1.17% 321,486.88 -3.46% -100.00% -100.00% December 564,813.35 2.68% 607,777.58 7.61% 615,165.05 1.22% 679,811.56 10.51% -100.00% -100.00% YTD Total $ 4,528,947.24 3.60% $ 4,685,787.59 3.46% $ 4,890,141.56 4.36% $ 4,684,094.52 -4.21% $ 3,325,571.47 -1.16% 7.15% Where there is an * in the colum for 2003, we have added the payment in-lieu-of sales tax YTD Through September Collections 1999-2003 $3,600,000 $3,550,000 $3,500,000 $3,450,000 $3,400,000 $3,350,000 $3,300,000 $3,250,000 $3,200,000 $3,150,000 $380,000 $370,000 $360,000 $350,000 $340,000 $330,000 $320,000 $310,000 $300,000 Year Monthly Collections for September 1999-2003 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Scott Wright, Finance Directo<21, Date: November 6, 2003 Re: Village at Avon Model Summary: The Town has engaged Stan Bernstein and Associates to prepare a model for the Town that projects the assessed valuation, and related 7.60 mill police department payments to the Town, that could reasonably be generated from the platting of land and related build-out at the Village at Avon. Attached is Stan's memorandum and schedules. Also attached is a model from staff, using the above referenced build-out schedules, that reflect police department costs as they relate to the Village based upon actual police expenditures within the existing Town in 2002. The costs are based upon three factors as they relate to calls for service: commercial square footage, residential dwelling units, and lane miles. A 3% inflation has been factored into the costs to cover salary increases and consumer price index increases. The resultant costs based upon these factors, as compared to the 7.60 mill police payments to the Town, generate a deficiency ranging from $163,006 in 2005 to $702,736 in 2024. Town Manager Comments: Attachments: Memorandum and Schedules 1A, 1, and 2 from Stan Bernstein and Associates Schedule 3 - Projected Police Cost Deficiency Page 1 z 0 LU LU 00 LU U) LU C4 2 lzt ui 0 Lu LL N 04 Q C? 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T U C d N C M > ?? a o M U (D 4) (?) U O cn>a m U d O L a M N O V N O _O V r- (D IT (D m LO N o N M C14 cli N V (D V 00 CO 'Il M (D h N N M m N M 00 LO - 7 CO co Ur- ') O N V W LO N V' 6) 64 69 63 69 64 69 N M W M O (D LO W - C-4 W C W NL,) o M r- N N m O O 0) N r- N N V Cl) N IO L N co M 0) 7,6 LO V I? L Lr) LO O O N V W (D of 47 V N N cli 69 co M 64 M 0 M O N d9 (D cl 6°3 M V 69 O 64 64 N o )L') O N N 0 ( m 00 'T N N m N M co ( D LO (D ° off') 'Ir 00 It N N N 69 1? N 64 O C CA L D1 M 69 M W 64 O O 69 M 69 (D 69 N o O N N N LO O ui l 0 M N o6 O N M 00 N LO 'V 00 (D N LO LO O N (D oO N 69 69 64 d•1 69 EA 64 O ON co V m V co N ? eq N o O cm) (O O (D M N M N r _ N co M CA W O r- D) r.- Q) -0 (O CV (D 69 _ (O 69 LO M N 64 (M 69 9 r.- 69 It N 69 a) a) v C 0 m ? 7 y R ? ? U 'B a) a) ? N N a) a) a) YI x a ? a a ? r 0 c M co M o CO M (rj M > M O) a Q O N J R a) a) _ L _ 75 m L E -F, E (O O 2 O o U C 5 0 0 L C L LL LL N N !n (6 O U U y 0 CU _ d L) E °c Lwl _ E ` 0) in u U a ) y a F w o- M V 64 N O O N m } N m co LL E N E o U ? a E _, 7 0 N O a U R U o a° a) (a m C.0 N 6s O O N } N m a? 0 a) C N N ? J CA ? N fU a M J w O J a) o U - I.oo F°>Ofa a I?5 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Scott Wright, Finance Director Date: November 6, 2003 Re: Sherwood Meadows Summary: The committee assigned to the project of liquidating the Sherwood Meadows units has met several times and has reached general consensus on what we believe will best accomplish our obj ectives. Background In 2000, the Town purchased, through the issuance of Certificates of Participation (COPS), eleven (11) condominium units at the Sherwood Meadows condominium project located at 371 Nottingham Road. The total project consists of twenty (20) units: 8 three-bedroom units, 6 two-bedroom units, and 6 one-bedroom units. The Town owns 5 three-bedroom, 3 two- bedroom, and 3 one-bedroom units. The total amount of COPs issued was $2,345,000 and was broken down as follows: Original Issue Discount $ 7,833.15 Bond Issuance Costs 85,057.24 Underwriters Discount 21,105.00 Bond Insurance Premium 54,000.00 Required Reserve 198,922.50 Project Acquisition (Net) 1,978,082.11 Total 2,345,000.00 The amount of debt outstanding at December 31, 2003 will be $1,890,500, net of the required reserve. Page 1 Objective The committee's objective is to liquidate 10 of the units prior to June 1, 2004, in order to call the entire amount of the outstanding debt. The 11'1' unit will be retained and owned by the Town for use by the Town Manager. The units will be not be deed restricted. Originally, it was thought that we might have to deed restrict the use of the units because of the tax exempt nature of the COPs. However, the tax lawyer at Sherman and Howard has reviewed this issue and does not believe it is necessary because we plan to defease the debt concurrently with selling the units. The committee feels that because of the current availability of affordable units within the Town of Avon and surrounding areas, it is not necessary to deed restrict these units. It was also felt that deed restricting the units would limit the number of potential purchasers. Proce-.s. To begin the process of liquidating the units, the Town will initially give employees the first opportunity. Employees will be given information at the employee benefits fair next Friday about the program, including a description of the units and an example of an offer letter now being dratted by John Dunn. Criteria will be established as far as due dates for the offers, loan qualifying, etc. Criteria will also be established for determining the winner between similar offers (i.e. seniority). The committee will set a minimum amount that it will be willing to accept based upon the amounts necessary to defease the bonds, as well as the appraisal values established by Jeff Maddox for each of the units types. If there are any remaining units not under contract to employees by the due date established the Town will proceed to offer the remaining units to the public at-large by having a public auction. Town Manager Comments: • Page 2 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer Date: November 6, 2003 Re: Tract J - Bridge Removal Summary: Demolition of the Bridge on Tract J across the Eagle River has started. The deck has been removed and the ends have been fenced. We will have an updated report at the Meeting on Tuesday at which time we expect to have a schedule for removal of the steel structure and end abutments. Town Manager Comments: IAEngineenng\CIP\Tract J Biidge\4.0 Construction Docs\4.1 General Correspondence\Update Memo-l.Doc Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Jacqueline Halbumt Date: November 5, 2003 Re: Holiday Lighting Contest Summary: For the past four years, the Town Council has held a Holiday Lighting Contest encouraging Avon businesses and residents to decorate for the holidays. Staff would like to know if Council wants to continue this tradition. Background: The Town of Avon turns on its holiday lights the week of Thanksgiving. Council came up with the idea to encourage our residents and businesses to turn on their lights as well to promote holiday spirit and make Avon a more inviting, festive town. The council boards a bus and rides around Avon to enjoy the holiday lighting and choose winners in various categories. The winners are presented with a framed certificate during a regular Council meeting. Discussion: Staff has set up the following tentative dates: light viewing on Wednesday, December 3 at 5:00 p.m. and awards presented on Tuesday, December 9, 2003 at the regular meeting. We will promote the contest through ads in the newspaper and a mass mailing to our businesses. Last year we presented three winners with certificates in three categories: Avon Commercial, Avon Core Residential, and Wildridge/Wildwood/Mountain Star residential. NEW THIS YEAR: Avon Business Association (ABA) member Scott Fulton of Charter Sports asked if the Council would be willing to judge a fourth category: ABA Commercial. The ABA would like to donate a prize package including a free lodging, ski rental and dinner to the best ABA member commercial lighting. Financial Implications: The costs include $100 for frames, $200 for mailing and $300 for ads. . Attachments: I've attached a copy of past winners for your reference. Town Manager Comments: Attachment Previous Holiday Lighting Contest Winners 1999 Residential 1" Place (tie) - Kathy Martinez at 901 W. Beaver Creek Boulevard #106 Ed Small at 4214 Wildridge Road. 211d Place - Mark and Joyce Morgan at 2403 Draw Spur 3rd Place - John and Virginia Eschenlohr at 4550 Flat Point. Commercial 1St Place - Leo Palmos, Chapel Square 2" d Place - Scott Gifford of Mountain Man Nut and Fruit Company 3rd Place - Robin Peters of Mountain Clothing Company 2000 Avon Commercial Is'- Chapel Square 211d - Cassidy's Hole in the Wall 3rd - Calf-A-Coffee Wildridge Residential 1St - Mark and Joyce Morgan, 2403 Drawspur # 1 2"d - John Eschenlohr, 4550 Flat Point 3rd - Chris and Michelle Evans, 2365 Fox Lane Avon Core Residential 1St - Kathy and Dave Martinez. 0901 West BC Blvd., Aspen Mobile Homes #106 2" d - Manula Aguirre, 0901 W. BC Blvd, Aspen Mobile Homes, 121 3rd - Tie Buz Didier, 5010 Eaglebend Drive Brad & Kari Huntington, 600 Nottingham Road, Beacon Hill Townhomes, #13 Special Neighborhood Award Shepard's Ridge and Ked Spur Innovative Award Casey Frehe, 2643 Bear Trap 2001 Avon Commercial 2. I" - Comfort Inn nd 2 - Cassidy's Hole in the Wall 3rd -Chapel Square Wildridge/Wildwood Residential 1" - Mark and Joyce Morgan, 2403 Draw Spur #1 2°d - Chris and Michelle Evans, 2365 Fox Lane 3rd - Joe Busch, 2080 Wildridge Road #6 Avon Core Residential 1St - Kathy and Dave Martinez. 0901 West BC Blvd., Aspen Mobile Homes #106, Box 1326 2°d - Buz Didier, 5010 Eaglebend Drive 31-a - Luz Vazquez, 0901 West BC Blvd., Aspen Mobile Homes #62 2002 Wildridge Residential 1St - Mark and Joyce Morgan, 2403 Draw Spur #1, 845-8297 2" d - Tim Savage, 2685 Bear Trap 949-1344 3rd - 5685 Wildridge Road, Ray and Laura Lee Verlinde 949-5678 Mountain Star 1St -Georgina Hartland, 152 Mountain Sage 2" d - Andrew and Tina McAdams, 114 Ground Plum Avon Core Residential 1St - Kathy and Dave Martinez. 0901 West BC Blvd., Aspen Mobile Homes #106, 949-4371 2°d -Buz Didier, 5010 Eaglebend Drive, 949-1567 3rd - Lilia Escalante, 0901 W. BC Blvd., #137, 748-0412 Avon Commercial 1" - Ranch Central, JC, Jim Clark 845-8156 2" d - (tie) Christie Lodge, 949-7700 Bruce McDaniel 31-d - (tie) Comfort Inn - 949-5511, Fred Gifnor TOWN OF AVON REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA NOVEMBER 11 2003 - 5:30 PM MEETING TO BE HELD AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, CO Call to Order/ Roll Call 2. Citizen Input Public Hearings are required prior to the adoption of the 2004 budgets a. PUBLIC HEARING on 2004 Town of Avon Budget (Scott Wright) b. PUBLIC HEARING on 2004 Capital Projects Budget (Scott Wright) 3. Ordinances 4. Resolutions a. Resolution No. 03-45, Series of 2003 - Resolution Repealing Resolution No. 91-18, Series of 1991, and Ending the Incentive Program for the Conversion of Solid Fuel Burning Devices to Certified Solid Fuel Devices, Gas Log Fireplaces and Gas Appliances in the Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (Norm Wood) - Avon is considering eliminating its fireplace conversion program that reimburses residents up to $750 for converting their wood-burning fireplace to a clean burning gas unit. 5. New Business a. Appeal of Planning & Zoning Commission denial of Special Review Use Application Proposed Name: Fiasco Restaurant/Tavern Legal Description of Lot: Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Physical Address: 411 Metcalf Road Applicant/Owner: David Svabik Existing Beaver Creek Automotive is seeking approval for a restaurant and bar in an industrial/commercial zone district. b. Carwash Easement Request - Lot 30, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, 710 Nottingham Road (Ruth Borne) - Owner is seeking an easement from the Town of Tract B in order to accommodate the construction of a car wash. c. Veteran's Day Proclamation 6. Other Business 7. Unfinished Business 8. Town Manager Report 9. Town Attorney Report 10. Mayor Report 11. Consent Agenda a. Approval of the October 28, 2003 Regular Council Meeting Minutes c. 2003 Street Repair and Improvements - Change Order #1 (Norm Wood) - This change order will adjust quantities to match the improvements as constructed. d. Release of Easement on Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, 180 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. (Ruth Borne) - Part of the construction and development approval for Lot 6, this agreement releases historic drainage easement to accommodate new drainage facilities on town property. 12. Adjournment Town Clerk\Council\Agendas\2003\Avon Council Meeting.03.11.11 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Scott Wright, Finance Directo??? Date: November 6, 2003 Re: Public Hearing - 2004 Operating Budget and Capital Improvements Budget Summary: The Town is required by its Charter to hold a public hearing on the proposed budget and proposed capital program prior to its final adoption. This public hearing will be held during the Town Council meeting Tuesday evening, November 11, 2003. The final adoption of the budget is scheduled for Tuesday, November 25, 2003. Changes to the budget subsequent to the budget retreat have been as follows: General Fund Sales Tax Revenues Debt Issuance Fee Revenues Vail Valley Foundation Contribution Travel Expenditures Accumulated Salary Adjustments Fund Balance Impact S (10,620) (600) (35,000) (500) (71915) Total (516M) Page 1 Capital Projects Fund Balance Impact Fireplace Conversions Delay of Eaglebend Drive Streetscape Improvements Delay of Swift Gulch Road Relocation Eliminate Revenues from Eaglebend Housing Authority Tract J Bridge Removal (Off-setting Revenues and Expenditures of $30,000 Total Water Fund Increase in Tap Fees from Mountain Star Increase in Tap Fee Reimbursement Total Town Manager Comments: $ 6,000 40,000 67,000 (25,000) 0 88,000 Fund Balance Impact $ 12,000 (6,000) 6,000 0 Page 2 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer Date: November 3, 2003 Re: Resolution No. 0345 - A Resolution Repealing Resolution No. 91-18, Series of 1991, and Ending the Incentive Program for the Conversion of Solid Fuel Burning Devices to Certified Solid Fuel Devices, Gas Log Fireplaces and Gas Appliances in the Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. Summary: This Resolution has been prepared in response to the capital improvements program prioritization process and corresponding removal of funding for the incentive program for the conversion of solid fuel burning devices to certified solid fuel devices, gas log fireplaces and gas appliances. This program was initiated, and funding guidelines established by attached Town of Avon, Resolution No. 91-18. This Resolution stated, "that each and every hotel room and dwelling unit within the Town of Avon shall be eligible for reimbursement of costs of an amount up to 50% of the actual cost, not to exceed, $750.00, for the conversion of any existing solid fuel burning device, to any certified solid fuel burning device, gas log fireplace or gas appliance." The current draft of the Capital Projects 5- Year Plan does not include funding for this Program. Past budgets have included $6,000 for this Program, but utilization has dropped off significantly in the past year and it subsequently received a very low priority rating in developing the current Capital Improvements Program. Actual expenditures for this Program have been: 2001 3 Units $2,250 2002 7 Units $5,250 2003 3 Units $2,250 Resolution No. 03-45, Series of 2003, repeals Resolution No. 91-18, ending the program for conversion of solid fuel burning devices. We recommend approval of this Resolution based on the deletion of funds for the Program from the Capital Projects Budget and Capital Projects 5-Year Plan. I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2004\Res 03-45 Deleting Fireplace Incentive Me=.Doc Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 03-45, Series of 2003, A Resolution Repealing Resolution No. 91-18, Series of 1991, and Ending the Incentive Program for the Conversion of Solid Fuel Burning Devices to Certified Solid Fuel Devices, Gas Log Fireplaces and Gas Appliances in the Town of Avon, Eagle, County, Colorado. Alternatives: Deny Resolution No. 03-45, Series of 2003 and direct staff to revise the proposed CIP Budget and Capital Projects 5-Year Plan to reinstate funding for this Program at the previous level of $6,000 per year. Proposed Motion: I move to approve Resolution No. 03-45, Series of 2003, A Resolution Repealing Resolution No. 91-18, Series of 1991, and Ending the Incentive Program for the Conversion of Solid Fuel Burning Devices to Certified Solid Fuel Devices, Gas Log Fireplaces and Gas Appliances in the Town of Avon, Eagle, County, Colorado. Town Manager Comments: 0 Page 2 TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 91 - 18 SERIES OF 1991 A RESOLUTION CREATING AN INCENTIVE PROGRAM FOR THE CONVERSION OF SOLID FUEL BURNING DEVICES TO CERTIFIED SOLID FUEL DEVICES, GAS LOG FIREPLACES AND GAS APPLIANCES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPROVING AIR QUALITY STANDARDS WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has expressed interest in improving the air quality standards within the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has expressed a desire to establish an incentive program to encourage conversion of existing wood burning devices to less polluting systems; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon believes that promoting air quality is beneficial to the entire Avon Community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, that each and every hotel room and dwelling unit within the Town of Avon shall be el-igible for reimbursement of costs of an amount up to 500 of the actual cost, not to exceed $750.00, for the conversion of any existing solid fuel burning device to any certified solid fuel burning device, gas log fireplace or gas appliance. This program is available on a first come, first serve basis as . funds are available. No more than two (2) units in any condominium or townhouse complex may apply within any given calender year. The Town of Avon will waive all applicable building permit fees associated with a conversion to a certified solid fuel burning device, gas log fireplace or gas appliance. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of July, 1991. AVON TOWN COUNCIL AVON, COLORADO ATTEST: Jerry Davis, Mayor Patricia J. Doyle, Town Clerk RECEIVED "'?r n 3 2003 TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 03 - 45 Series of 2003 A RESOLUTION REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 91-18, SERIES OF 1991, AND ENDING THE INCENTIVE PROGRAM FOR THE CONVERSION OF SOLID FUEL BURNING DEVICES TO CERTIFIED SOLID FUEL DEVICES, GAS LOG FIREPLACES AND GAS APPLIANCES IN THE TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Avon has determined that the Incentive Program for the conversion of solid fuel burning devices to certified solid fuel devices, gas log fireplaces and gas appliances has been effective since the initial implementation; and WHEREAS, due to the initial effectiveness of this program and the number of solid fuel burning devices converted under this program it is no longer necessary or viable for it's continuance. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, that Town of Avon Resolution No. 91-18, Series of 1991 is hereby repealed and the Incentive Program for the Conversion of Solid Fuel Burning Devices to Certified Solid Fuel Devices, Gas Log Fireplaces and Gas Appliances is hereby terminated effective January 1, 2004, by the Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 2003. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Albert Reynolds, Mayor ATTEST: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk I:\Engineering°\Administration\CIP Budget\2004\Res 03-45 Deleting Fireplace Incentive.doc Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Ruth Borne, Director of Community Development Matt Pielsticker, Planning Technician Date November 4th, 2003 Re: Appeal to Town Council of Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 03-17, Denying a Special Review Use (SRU) permit for a Tavern & Restaurant Summary On October 21St, 2003 the Planning and Zoning Commission denied the SRU permit to operate a tavern and restaurant at 411 Metcalf Road as set forth in Resolution 03-17. The Commission's decision has been appealed to Town Council by the applicant, David Svabik. The Planning and Zoning Commission ruled that the Special Review Use for a tavern/nightclub conflicted with various policies of the Town Comprehensive Plan. Public support for the application included five letters, and 8 residents voiced their support at the public hearing. Staff received one letter signed by four Wildridge residents recommending denial of the application. Attached for your review is a draft copy of the minutes from the October 21St, 2003 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting in addition to the staff report. Background The Fiasco restaurant and tavern SRU application has been submitted and denied three times by the Planning and Zoning Commission. This application was first brought in front of the Commission at the April 15th, 2003 meeting. At this meeting the application was tabled per the request of the applicant and scheduled for the next regular meeting on May 6tn 2003 where it was again tabled. Concerns over traffic were voiced during the Public Input portion of this meeting. At the May 20th, 2003 meeting the Commission denied this SRU in Resolution 03-07 citing several conflicts with the Town Comprehensive Plan and non-compliance with parking standards from Town Code. At the time of the first application, the submitted site plan did not demonstrate compliance with various parking standards. Three letters were received regarding this first application: 2 in support, and 1 recommending denial. Letters of support were received from T.J. Conners (owner of 371 Metcalf Road directly adjacent neighbor to south) and Robert Davis (owner of 780 Nottingham Rd). A letter of objection was received from J oyce a nd T homas D 'Agostino, o wners o f 4 31 M etcalf R oad, d irectly t o t he north. Memo to Town Council, November 6th, 2003 Page 1 of 4 Fiasco Tavern/Restaurant SRU Appeal Some of the D'Agostino's concerns included: no other restaurants or bars in the area, additional traffic, unsafe road conditions, insufficient parking, and possible overflow parking on their property. Ten citizens approached the podium during the public hearing portion of this meeting to voice their support for David's application. After the public hearing closed, the Commission discussed the application with several concerns, which included: incompatibility with the existing neighborhood, access easement conflicts, parking problems, no pedestrian access, and non-compliance with the Zoning Code. Resolution 03-07 was passed 5-1. A copy of this resolution is attached. A revised application was resubmitted on July 17th and scheduled for the August 5tt', 2003 Commission meeting. The application was tabled again at t he A ugust 5 t' m eeting a nd rescheduled for the August 19 meeting. In order to address parking concerns, the second application included a revised floor plan and parking layout in order to reduce the amount of required parking. One member of the public approached the podium at this meeting in favor of the application. No letters were received regarding this 2nd application. Although the Commission leaned away from the parking issues brought up with the previous application, they did voice concerns that included: resale problems, lack of public transportation, and no pedestrian connections. Resolution 03-15 was passed with a 4-1 vote, denying the SRU permit. A copy of this resolution is attached. A third application for the same use was heard at the October 21St, 2003 Commission meeting. Eight members of the public were present at this meeting to voice their support for the application. E-mail was received from 4 Wildridge residents in objection to the application. David Svabik, Tom Boni (planner), and George Rosenberg (attorney) spoke in favor of the application and cited how the application complied with the Comprehensive Plan. During Commissioner review, the following policies from the Comprehensive Plan were cited as a basis of denial with this application: 1. Policy A3.3 - Commercial, public and other uses that generate employment and customer traffic should be located to minimize the need for automobile travel. 2. Policy E1.2 - Commercial, public and other uses that generate employment and customer traffic should be located on transit routes, and linked by pedestrian and bicycle paths to minimize the need for automobile travel. 3. Policy E1.4 - Commercial areas should be designed to minimize in-town vehicle travel by making it easier for people arriving by car to park and conveniently walk to multiple stores and businesses. 4. Policy E1.6 - All new development and redevelopment should include or otherwise provide for effective transit, pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Other concerns brought up by the Commission included: too small a seating area for a successful business, traffic, safety, driveway access, and lack of support from the immediate residential neighborhood. This application was denied through Resolution 03-17 with a motion of 4-2. A copy of this Resolution is also attached. Memo to Town Council, November 6`', 2003 Page 2 of 4 Fiasco Tavern/Restaurant SRU Appeal Discussion This application has been reviewed as a Special Review Use since a restaurant is a specifically enumerated SRU in an Industrial/Commercial zone district. The industrial and commercial zone district is intended to: "Provide sites for light industrial and manufacturing uses, wholesale outlets, warehousing, offices, and storage facilities." (Zoning District Regulations 17.20.010 (A)) Since this application was first received by staff, our department has been concerned with the compatibility of this proposed use. Despite the zone district title including `Commercial', it is clear that the intent of the zoning is for light commercial and industrial land uses. This zone district was not intended nor has it developed with retail or restaurant uses in mind. Additionally, staff determined that the application conflicted with adopted Comprehensive Plan policies, which is a specific criterion for approving a SRU. As stated by the applicant's attorney during the most recent public hearing, this proposed use would begin to change the character of the light industrial and storage area slowly. It was also suggested that this proposed business would begin to bring in more retail and commercial business to reinforce the change in character of this area. As it stands today, staff believes the Comprehensive Plan does not clearly support this shift in character for the Metcalf Commercial Park neighborhood, therefore staff has recommended denial of all versions of this application. While staff comprehends the ever-changing nature of land uses as the Town continues to grow and redevelop, we are uncomfortable basing this change on the approval of one special review use application. Rather, we have suggested to the applicant several times through the various applications that they be directly involved with the Comprehensive Plan update as a more thorough and exhaustive community review of the desired future character of the Metcalf Road industrial area. Alternatives • Uphold Planning and Zoning Commission decision • Overturn Planning and Zoning Commission decision • Remand decision to Planning and Zoning Commission for further review Town Manager Comments Att dchments: A. Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes dated October 21, 2003 Memo to Town Council, November 6'", 2003 Page 3 of 4 Fiasco Tavern/Restaurant SRU Appeal B. Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 03-07 C. Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 03-15 D. Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 03-17 E. Staff Report for Special Review Use Application (110. 17.03) F. 12 written statements from citizens G. Petition to the Avon Planning & Zoning Authority H. Petition to the Avon Liquor License Authority Memo to Town Council, November 6'h, 2003 Page 4 of 4 Fiasco Tavern/Restaurant SRU Appeal Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission October 21, 2003 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Chris Evans. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda There was one amendment to the agenda for Item VII, A Lot 45C, Block 2, 2520 Old Trail Road, Wildridge Subdivision, to be moved as the first item of discussion on the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Him disclosed a conflict with item VII, A, Lot 45C, Block 2, 2520 Old Trail Road, Wildridge Subdivision. V. Consent Agenda Commissioner Him motioned for the approval of the Meeting Minutes from the October 7, 2003, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING OPENS VI. Special Review Use Application A. Fiasco Restaurant/Tavern Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision 411 Metcalf Road Resolution No. 03-17 Applicant/Owner: David Svabik Existing Beaver Creek Automotive is seeking approval for a restaurant and tavern in an industrial/commercial zone district. Matt Pielsticker presented the Staff Report, which recommended denial. David Svabik, applicant/owner, approached the podium to discuss his position. Walter Gus, Dawn DeLucia, Elaino Valez, Steve Nelson, Steve Smith, Bob Mach, Chris 5 Lucier, and Paul Benacoff offered their words of support of this application. An email received by staff was opposed to this application, signed by four Town residents Jane and Howard Leavitt, Shelly Miller, and Allan Sandburg. Vice Chairman Karow took a moment to disclose the three criteria for review in order for the public to focus their comments on these areas. 1). Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the Town Zoning Code; 2). Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the Town Comprehensive Plan; and, 3). Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. Such compatibility may be expressed in appearance, architectural scale and features, site design and the control of any adverse impacts including noise, dust, odor, lighting, traffic, safety, etc. These three criteria are the considerations for this Special Review Use Application. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSES Tom Boni, Knight Planning Services, employed by Mr. Svabik to discuss the compliance and conformance of this project with the Master Plan made a presentation. He discussed the Town of Avon mission statement that discussed its sense of community, as this project would create an enhanced sense of community. Visual quality of urban design to help the area develop, to maintain Avon's sense of identity with having said establishment in closer proximity to residential areas would balance land use in this area. Landscaping plan exceeds and parking requirements are met by this project. The lack of residential uses in this commercial/industrial area removes local/residential impact. Tom continued to mention how Mr. Svabik continuously has worked to appease the parameters as set by the Town of Avon. George Rosenberg, Mr. Svabik's attorney, approached the podium. He began with mentioning the support presented by Mr. Svabik. Three focal points are the "Cheers" concept in a tourist town to accommodate locals primarily, better use of the property, increased revenues to the Town, assessed value would increase and it would be an amenity to the area. Mr. Svabik is prepared to commit to a bike path and walkway on his property as mentioned in the Master Plan. Commissioner review begins. Commissioner Neville in his review had difficulty with A3.3 that discussed traffic and D1.4 dealing with safety of site, E1.2 regarding the location of this use relative to existing transit routes, E1.4 to minimize in town vehicle traffic and E1.6 which deals with bicycle facilities, all traffic accessibility and access issues. No transit service or pedestrian pathways exist in this area as well as the parking is still not adequate. All restaurants have transit or sidewalk access in the Town of Avon. Plus, Commissioner Neville is skeptical of the parking provided since it calculated to only 37% of the building being used as seating area. He was curious as to why so little seating is being provided if the use is going to be successful. In Commissioner Smith concurred with Commissioner Neville in the concerns regarding traffic, parking and safety issues. She believes that Metcalf Road is dangerous already and this would encourage more traffic. She does not believe that opening the area to retail and additional pedestrian use is compatible with the area, to the contrary of the presentation and what those in support think. Commissioner Him mentioned the lack of support from the immediate neighborhood and does not feel that alcohol at this site is the best use for the public as traffic is quite an issue here. He mentioned a restaurant on this site may be okay but that this type of business would cause increased conflicts with traffic and parking. He agreed with Commissioner Neville's concern of the parking numbers as well as the site's steep grades, driving access and existing street curves. Commissioner Didier voiced his support of this application, reiterated the support from the neighbors, and believed it is compatible to its location but agreed that the traffic was a serious issue. Commissioner Trueblood brought to light that the liquor license petition included names of business owners in the area that were not residents of Avon and mentioned that handing out a petition not reviewed by staff at the hearing was inappropriate. He stated that it is a great concept, but not at this location. He was concerned that one could not walk to this location. He believes it is just dangerous with the road design already in place. Commissioner Karow agreed with Commissioner Neville on the parking issues and Comprehensive Plan issues. The building use meets the consideration of the plan; mixed-use development is warranted in the area, no concerns with noise, dust or odors, or lighting. The roads are designed to handle the traffic and safety is not an issue in his opinion. Commissioner Karow was in support of this application. Commissioner Trueblood motioned for denial of this project, with the staff's listed recommendations in Resolution 03-17. Commissioner Smith seconded this motion. Mr. Rosenberg then approached the podium for recourse. Mr. Rosenberg mentioned the petitions would be avoided in the future. He mentioned that the traveling public would benefit from this use. He stated that traffic was based on the residents of Wildridge and not the industrial and commercial area. He mentioned that traffic issues such as speeding and drinking and driving are not under the control of the applicant, and precedent has been set for mixed uses by the Barrancas development in the immediate area. Mr. Rosenberg stated that the character of the light industrial and storage area will change slowly, and that this business will help bring in retail and commercial business. He said that restaurant type uses go well with all other types of retail uses. The character of the area will change as a result of this project, and that the Commission should consider this area will change and not remain the same as it is today. Tom Boni approached the podium to discuss safety and pedestrian issues. He mentioned that if someone is unable to drive, they should be the responsible party and that line of sight is not an issue for this access drive. David Svabik, applicant, approached the podium to "problem solve" this issue. He defined commercial uses from the Comprehensive Plan. He requested reconsideration of the motion. The motion carried 4-2 with Commissioner Didier and Commissioner Karow opposing denial of the resolution. VII. Final Design A. Lot 45C, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision 2520 Old Trail Road Revised Elevations Applicant: Bob Mach This single-family residence is modifying the exterior to comply with Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations and design review. Sketch Plan was approved at the October 7, 2003, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting with the condition that Final Design be improved. Bob Mach, applicant, complied with conditions as stated at Sketch Plan by adding banding to the stucco, revision to roof eave and another window on the North elevation. Commissioner Didier motioned for approval with Commissioner Trueblood seconding the motion. The approval included the 7 conditions from the Staff Report. The motion carried unanimously. VIII. Minor Project Approvals A. Lot 94, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision 2390 Old Trail Road Re-roof with asphalt shingles Applicant: Keith Harrison B. Lot 47, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision 2540 Old Trail Road Additional parking space Applicant/Owner: Vincent Guercio IX. Other Business A. Lot 61 Update - This is an overview on the planning process with the developer for a new transit center and revised development plan. 9 Current development rights expire in February 2004. Michael Hazard and Stuart Borne, representing the developer, have been working with staff to reconfigure Lot 61 to make it a transit center and accommodate a development plan. Considerations were being made regarding the movement of pedestrians through the transit center via a pedestrian bridge to access the confluence site for future gondola access. This would allow this area to be more viable with the Confluence access. Staff showed a two level structure and how is would impact the site. Parking area would be underground and transit service above. An older model of Town Center was presented for visualization of the current project ideas. Developer is looking for additional height for its design concept. Staff is working to provide both the developer and the pedestrian with maximum of access via transportation in a viable design. Consideration for the railroad tracks in the plan for pedestrian access is still up for discussion. A gateway to the Mall is envisioned and the Town of Avon currently owns the property with restrictions on the site. Staff have also submitted for federal funding to assist with this development through the Federal Transit Authority. This money is available to the Town and contemplated in the approved Capital Improvement Program budget. Staff is still working through issues with the developer but noted that if the g ondola n ever were t o happen, a n e xpanded and a dequate t ransit c enter, new alignment to benchmark road, and active retail mall area would be a great benefit to the Town and it's residents and guests. There will be an upcoming work session with Town Council to address the Lot 61 issue. Developer will bring to P&Z an amended PUD for this site after several more issues are worked through. The Commission generally supported the work and thanked the developer for working with staff on this project. X. Adjourn Commissioner Trueblood made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Him seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Weiss Recording Secretary APPROVED: Andrew Karow Vice Chairman Terry Smith Secretary F:\Planning & Zoning Commission\Minutes\2003\102103.doc )0 TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 03-07 A RESOLUTION DENYING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A TAVERN/NIGHTCLUB ON LOT 13, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO W HEREAS, Dave Svabik, owner of Beaver Creek Automotive, has applied for a special review use permit to tavern/nightclub, as described in the application dated March 21, 2003, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, pursuant to notices required by law, at which time the applicant and the public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain information and reports regarding the proposed Special Review Use permit application; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon has considered the following: A. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code; and B. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the town comprehensive plan; and C. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. 3. The proposed use is not compatible with adjacent uses as planned. ADOPTED THIS 20th DAY OF MAY, 2003 Sign Date: U Chairman Attest: Date: /try ' m , Secretary F:Tlanning & Zoning Comm ission\Resolutions\2003\Res 03-07 L13 BI BMBC SRU Fiasco.doc 12 TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 03-15 A RESOLUTION DENYING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A RESTAURANT AND TAVERN ON LOT 13, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO W HEREAS, Dave Svabik, owner of Beaver Creek Automotive, has applied for a special review use permit to operate a restaurant and tavern, as described in the application. dated July 17, 2003, as stipulated in Title 17,. of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Planning & -Wining Commission of the Town of Avon, pursuant to notices required by law, at. which time the applicant and the public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain information and reports regarding the proposed Special Review Use permit application; and W HEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon has considered the following: A. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code; and B. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the town comprehensive plan; and C. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, Colorado, hereby denies a Special Review Use for a proposed restaurant and tavern, as described in the application dated July 17, 2003, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code for Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, based upon the following findings: 1. That the proposed use does not conform to the Town Comprehensive Plan, particularly with respect to: Policy Al.1- "Development and redevelopment will be of a scale and intensity appropriate for the neighborhood in which it is located." Policy A3.6 - "Encourage mixed-use development throughout the community, where compatible with existing neighborhoods, to more efficiently use land." 2. The proposed use is not compatible with adjacent uses as planned. ADOPTED THIS 19th DAYOFAUGUST, 2003 Signed: Chairman Attest Secretary Date: f g a 3 Date: FAPIanning & Zoning Commission\Resolutions\2003\Res 03-15 LI 3 B I BMBC SRU Fiascov rec denial.doc I,4 TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 03-17 A RESOLUTION DENYING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A RESTAURANT AND TAVERN ON LOT 13, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO W HEREAS, Dave Svabik, owner of Beaver Creek Automotive, has applied for a special review use permit to operate a restaurant and tavern, as described in the application dated October 14, 2003, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, pursuant to notices required by law, at which tirne the applicant and the public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain information and reports regarding the proposed Special Review Use permit application; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon has considered the following: A. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code; and B. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the town comprehensive plan; and C. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses,. 1") NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, Colorado, hereby denies a Special Review Use for a proposed restaurant and tavem, as described in the application dated October 14, 2003, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code for Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, based upon the following findings: 1. That the proposed use does not conform to the Town Comprehensive Plan, particularly with respect to: Policy Al.1- "Development and redevelopment will be of a scale and intensity appropriate for the neighborhood in which it is located." Policy A3.6 - "Encourage mixed-use development throughout the community, where compatible with existing neighborhoods, to more efficiently use land." 2. The proposed use is not compatible with adjacent uses as planned. ADOPTED THIS 21st DAY OF OCTOBER, 2003 Si Date: t ` Z&O V C L , Chairman Attest: Date: 10 AI I 00 'j Secretary F: I'lanning & Zoning Commission\Resolutions\2003\Res 03-17 L13 B 1 BMBC SRU Fiascov rec denial (oct).doc Staff Report SPECIAL REVIEW USE AVON C O L O R A D O October 21, 2003 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date October 17, 2003 Project type Restaurant & Tavern ("Fiasco") Legal description Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Zoning Industrial / Commercial Address 411 Metcalf Road Introduction The applicant, David Svabik, is requesting a Special Review Use (SRU) Permit for the operation of a restaurant and tavern at 411 Metcalf Road. The first application was denied at the May 20, 2003 meeting through resolution No 03-07. A second application was submitted and denied at the August 19, 2003 meeting through resolution No 03-15. This is the third application for the same use. The lot currently has an unimproved parking area that gains access from an easement through the neighboring property to the north (Lot 12, "D'Agostino"). Although difficult to determine at this time, it appears that the site plan has sufficient area for parking. Four separate tenants are currently occupying the building: Beaver Creek Automotive, Smith Woodworking, KLF Painting, and Mountain Spruce Inc. The applicant is proposing the restaurant use for the entire building. Included with this application are a site plan, landscaping plan, three letters of support, and a letter from the applicant addressing Comprehensive Plan policies. Criteria for Review According to section 17.48.040 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following criteria when evaluating an application for a Special Review Use permit: 1. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the Town Zoning Code. As proposed, it appears that the parking lot has adequate space for the quantity and size of parking spaces and access aisles required. A revised site plan drawn to scale, showing the existing (contours) conditions, proposed grades, and drainage must be submitted for review by the Community Development Department in order for us to determine whether or not compliance is possible. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 11 Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at jeaver Creek Subdivision, Special Review Use J,,. "Fiasco" October 21, 2003 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 2 2. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the Town Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan serves as a guide for development and redevelopment in Avon. There are at least two criteria that should be reviewed for this project. Policy Al. 1 from the Comprehensive Plan states that ".. redevelopment should be of a scale and intensity appropriate for the neighborhood in which it is located". This proposed use appears to conflict with the recommended policy. There are currently no eating or drinking establishments in the immediate area. Further, Policy A3.6 states that the Town should "encourage mixed use development... where compatible with existing neighborhoods". The neighborhood is industrial in nature. There are currently no restaurants or bars located on Metcalf Road, and it does not appear that this type of use or intensity would be compatible with the adjacent properties. 3. Whether t he p roposed use is c ompatible w ith adjacent u ses. S uch c ompatibility may b e expressed in appearance, architectural scale and features, site design and the control of any adverse impacts including noise, dust, odor, lighting, traffic, safety, etc. There is question as to whether or not this use is compatible with the adjacent land uses. Impacts from this use in this location may impose negative impacts to neighboring properties and residents who use Metcalf Road. The impacts of this use may include increased vehicular and foot traffic on Metcalf Road, parking in undefined areas and blocking the access easement, and potential parking on the adjacent properties during the evening. It is important to note that there are no pedestrian connections to this project, which further increases the impact of additional traffic and vehicular use. Staff has received one letter from an adjacent property owner (AAA Mini Storage) concerning this application. There was support for this application from various members of the public at the May 20, 2003 Commission meeting. Included in your packet are the letters of support for this application. Recommended Motion Staff recommends denial of the Special Review Use Permit as set forth in Resolution 03-17 for Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision to allow for the operation of a restaurant and tavern as described in the plans dated October 14, 2003. If you have any questions regarding this or any other project or community development issue, please call me at 748-4030, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Matt Pielsticker Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 April 29, 2003 Zoning and Planning Commission for the Town of Avon: I am westing this letter in support of David A. Svabik and his new venture on Metcalf Road. I am the owner of lot 14 directly south of his locale on Metcalf Road. Ever since I built my building David has been a supportive neighbor and a great help. It would be positive improvement to have a nearby location where my tenants can go for lunch and possibly even a drink after work. Please consider his request. Sincerely, rnners T]. 3 a ??- ??.:. •• :? 012003 Community Development A 4-9 Select Surfaces, Inc. To: Avon Town Planning Commission Members Re: Proposed Restaurant/Tavern on Metcalf From: Robert Davis, President Select Surfaces 780 Nottingham Rd. Avon, CO RECEIVED MAY 1 9 2003 Community Development As a business owner in Avon I have become aware of a proposed commercial venture on Metcalf Rd. I feel that the restaurant/tavern proposal can have a positive impact on an otherwise declining area. With the correct conditions this restaurant/tavern could help redefine the niche area of. Nottingham & Metcalf Roads. My partners and I would like to see this proposal proceed, with the following conditions: 1) No parking on Metcalf Road 2) Hours of operation should be consistant with other restaurants and bars in Avon 3) Bus transportation to and from Avon central should be explored 4) Enforce Town of Avon Noise Ordinance Sincerely, Robert Davis Select Surfaces, President 5/19/2003 P.O. Box 546 • Minturn, CO 81645 • 970.949.6800 • fax 970.949.6802 1? D Thomas S. D'Agostino 3880 Pierson Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-421-5525 Fax: 303-421-5855 Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission, Recording Secretary P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO. 81620 Re: Lot 13, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Commission Members, RECEIVED ??'p €} i 20Q3 Community Development 4/5/2003 We recently received the notice of Public Hearing for Mr. Svabik's proposed bar and nightclub at 411 Metcalf Road. We have several objections we wish to voice regarding such and operation at that location. 1. This is area is a Commercial Park and was never designed to accommodate retail or restaurant establishments such as a bar/nightclub operation.. The surrounding businesses in this area include an auto body shop, plumbing and heating shops, electrical contractors, self-storage facilities, civil engineering business, and many offices for smaller businesses. There are no restaurants or bars in this area. 2. There is insufficient parking for an operation such as the proposed bar/nightclub. Mr. Svabik has spoken to us on two occasions and said that he would direct all overflow parking for his customers to our private parking lot in front of our shop. That is not acceptable. We paid dearly for this parking that is required for our customers and mandated by the Town of Avon. Our operations will require our technicians to come and go all times of the day and night. It is not possible to allow anyone else to park in our lot just because they cannot fit in Mr. Svabik's lot and we do not wish to go to the additional expense of gating our parking lot to keep people out off our property. In addition, Mr. Svabik told us that the bar/nightclub will hold 250 patrons and where will there be sufficient parking for even 150 vehicles? 3. Another issue that must be aired is about the use of this property for anything but its current uses. This concerns the right of easement across my property which has been permanently recorded on the Eagle County register. You may not know, but when we completed our shop in 1994, we hired a local Civil Engineering firm to stakeout the parking and easement areas according to the lot limes. We built out our property based on the surveyors lot lines and points. In 2000, Mr. Svabik sent us legal notice through his attorney claiming that we did not build according to the survey. As a result, we had to hire an attorney and pay the civil engineer to re-survey our property and it proved that all was done according to the City of 2A 2 Avon and Eagle County requirements. Mr. Scavik certainly did not apologize for causing us this extra work and expense just to prove to him that we had done things correctly. I feel this illustrates that he would not be considerate of his business neighbors nor would know how to solve problems constructively. 4. Metcalf Road is a narrow, two lane, winding mountain road with deep side ditches, steep downhill surfaces, hidden driveways and little or no nighttime lighting. It was designed when the area was still very small and underdeveloped and now does not accommodate all of the traffic that has occurred because of the growth and development of Wildridge and the businesses on this road. There is an enormous amount of traffic flow on Metcalf Road each day, both day and night. Also, the only exit from Metcalf Road is onto Nottingham Road, which is also a narrow two-lane street. Our experience as long time business owners on Metcalf Road is that both Metcalf and Nottingham Road become treacherous due to increased traffic and icy and snow packed winter conditions. For example, we had two incidents where Wildridge residents had lost control on the icy conditions and injured two of our employees in auto accidents just a few blocks from our office when they were on their way to work. We feel that Metcalf Road could not handle this additional traffic, let alone possibly intoxicated patrons leaving the establishment in the dark causing accidents. We do not feel the Mr. Svabik's venture will be attractive or compatible with the surrounding businesses. We would not look forward having to pick up the trash and bottles that may end up on our property which often occurs with such an operation. Finally, Mr. Svabik asked if we would vouch for his personal character and credibility. We cannot because we do not know him well enough to vouch for his character and his ethics. The few times we have dealt with him regarding his dispute over the parking area were very unpleasant situations. We do not have any positive feelings about the proposed bar/nightclub establishment and ask that the Town Of Avon please consider our comments. Thank you for keeping us informed about this matter. Thomas 4"Agostdino, President, Cardom Holdings of Colorado Inc. J ce A. D'A stino, ce-President, Cardom Holdings of Colorado Inc. f`. r---l H 2.1 RECEIVED O C T 15 2003 -T'0 Community Rivp X 0 /N/ N C.cJ /Yt ,iY? ?/ / J '? ?n -0 7-0 c? u i2 r c e,-,I? /1 r9 vt C ni v ?/ N ?, /? l i NCX 'Ile 1?0 7X1 /Yt L' c:' F O X ?l/U .J .live vN %of71'?'uC tt 4-e it vu? /ve /a ?v•? "i /u;'Ikr/ cti kL j ke o ,,e o /o Pe 0 -7 -L,- -7 '' S w" q7 i %e .Z?J Gu .-yt rn 6 G O .,,, G •:? zZV -e e CA 0 yJV ?? vJ : ? 1 c -z ti t Suety -7353 t'v 3:? ? v i/ l G L/ o?,..u n?1 i 7 ; i V 10-17-03 371 Metcalf Rd., (PO Box 1643), Avon, Colorado, 81620 (970) 845-5000 Dear Avon Town Council, r4;1 The purpose of this letter is to express my support for the proposed Tavern-Restaurant at 411 Metcalf Rd, Avon (applicant - owner David Svabik). I am the developer - owner of the AAA Mini Storage Warehouse building (immediately to the South of Mr. Svabik) and 1 feel that the establishment as proposed would be a welcome addition to the neighborhood. In looking over the reasons for denial of the special use permit per the letter dated August 20tH 2003 from Matt Pielsticker, I have the following comments. To quote the letter's key reasons for denial: 1) Policy A1.1 " Development and redevelopment will be of a scale and intensity appropriate for the neighborhood in which it is located". The neighborhood has Warehouse, New Residential, and Retail now (so it is appropriate) and the scale of the building is not expanding so I fail to see why this is a reason for denial. 2) Policy A3.6 - "Encourage mixed use development throughout the community where compatible with existing neighborhoods, to more efficiently use the land". It would seem that all one would only have to look at other Warehouse areas (LODO in Denver comes to mind) to see that there exists a very strong precedent for placing a restaurant-tavern in a warehouse district. Additionally, a much needed Tavern - Restaurant would allow for " more efficiently using the land" as it could easily be interpreted as the highest and best use for the site when compared to what presently exists - an auto repair shop. Frankly, I think it would upgrade the entire neighborhood by remodeling one of the oldest and most worn out buildings in Avon. "The proposed use is not compatible with adjacent uses as planned". The plan calls for the most intensive use of the premises in the evening after normal working hours and this timing allows for the necessary parking. Again, saying it is not compatible with adjacent uses is subjective as I would like the chance to have dinner next door after normal working hours. I really think the Town should reconsider the application as I think it would be positive for the neighborhood. Sincerely, onner TTI.? dent , AAA Mini Storage Inc. "The Yoders ? 137E 1,mig Pur, PO Box 516 -Avon, Colorado 81520 October 17, 2003 Planning and Zoning Commission Town of Avon P. 0. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear commissioners, We support the application for special use for tavern/restaurant for Dave Svabik on Got 13, Blockl, Benchmark at Beaver Creek; 411 Metcalf Road. As Wildridge residents, we drive by this location often, and feel that his proposal would be an upgrade to the area. The 1995 Avon Comprehensive Plan for Subarea 4 recommendations seem to be consistent with the proposed restaurant. We understand that substantial landscaping will be added to screen the project and there will be minimal significant regrading and adequate parking. We also support having a restaurant in this area., especially for lunches. And, Mr. Svabik has been a long time Avon business owner. We feel that the Town of Avon should go the extra mile to support those who have had businesses here when there was very little business in Avon, but who stuck it out all of these years. ncerely, r V David and Judy Yoder tic? Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Ref: David Svabik; re-zoning application October 16, 2003 To Who It May Concern: The purpose of this letter is to support the application of Mr. David Svabik for the re- zoning of his property. My wife and I have known Mr. Svabik as personal friend for well over twenty years. We have had many opportunities to visit his business in Avon and interact with him in a business environment. It is our experience that David is an individual of high character, business accumen, and civic responsibility. Mr. Svabik has always expressed concern about the quality of life in his community and is very proud to operate an enterprise in the town of Avon. Although we are not intimately familiar with the Town of Avon zoning regulations, we are confident that Mr. Svabik's proposal will become an asset to the community and an economic success. In closing, we would like to restate our support for Mr. Svabik's re-zoning request. We are confident that the Town of Avon will be well served by approving his proposed enterprise. Si rely, 0 David E. Spell an, Ed. D. Marilyn J. arlson-Spellman 443 Montero St. 443 Montero St. Grand Junction, CO 81503 Grand Junction, CO 81503 RECEIVED omrnunity DeveIOPMent -7 tr Oct 20 03 12:36p Park Plaza [970)845-9342 p.1 -70 - p , 7-o- (v I4 e / /?V 0 A) Fro Al, C /(--r 6 ti led, J S C d S cch yt?,?`?Ac.i•cv'a..l?L? I c1 r L b y e e NEVI ?e.1 d" se P, vl c e. Icp 17? d? r 50 tI e- tt5/ rie5'S'-S b j it's/ ?'PS :Y- ?pf.? e_A,7?e-F^'e5 'Ail ?C GR-S Q?. 4t ?' cti V.,nlc #C'j J /.5'e) /, j V, el lt/ - ?? sew - /'? = Ln VX04 y -2 y?. u Oct 20 03 03:59p p-1 • J Slifer Designs 216 Main Street Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 926-8200 Fax (970) 926-8207 Fax Cover Toe Avon' Pl n*igand ZonrgRaard From: Sally and Mike Gahagan Fax: 949.5749 Pages: 1 Phone: Date: 10/20103 ? Urgent For Review ? Please Comment ? Please Reply ? Please Recycle To whom it may concern, Dave 5vabik has informed us that he is trying to get the Town of Avon to approve zoning for a small "cafe- nightclub" on his property on Nottingham Rd. . Being residents of Wildridge, we would love to see something like this approved. Regards, Sally Gahagan 2Y Uriah Todd Walsh 2277 Holyoke Dr. Boulder CO. 80305 Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission PO BOX 975 81620 Planning & Zoning Board Members, I am writing to give my support to David Svabik's initiative for a zoning variance to be awarded for his property in Avon Colorado. There are some points that I would like to bring up. David's character, I imagine as a board you are concerned with who you give variances out to. I can attest to the fact that as long as I have known David he has been a man of his word. When he says that he will do something he does, when he makes commitments he fulfills them. I used to live up in the Eagle County area and am familiar with where David's property is located. Every property owner is given the right to find the very best use for his land. While I appreciate the issues that arise in this area. Metcalf has sorely needed development for some time now. I am sure as a committee you all have taken suggestions for development in this area, for example the Metcalf Commercial Park. It seems that the question is not if development will take place but when. I appreciate your i Uriah Todd Walsh of David's proposal. ecelve Oc r 9 0 200,3 Caftf7tjrj1fy aovelopme nc 2`1 Planning & Zoning Commission Town of Avon P. O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Commissioners, This letter is in reference to the application for a liquor license and zoning change submitted to your board by my brother, David Svabik. My brother and I were brought up here in Indiana by loving parents with an exceptional work ethic. Our father insisted that we watch as he did car repairs, yard work, and other household chores. As we got older, he expected us to do our share of chores plus help him with the bigger jobs. We were always taught that we had to learn to do everything as part of being responsible for ourselves as adults. David has owned his own business for almost the entire time he has lived in Colorado and has been established in the present location for many years. Any new endeavor he wishes to start, I am sure he will approach with the same attitude and enthusiasm he has had since he became a respected businessperson in Avon and the surrounding area. Please accept our thanks for the time you have taken to consider his application and know that our family feels that he will make a valuable contribution to the community in this new endeavor. Sincerely Philip S. Svabik Asst. Fire Chief City of Hammond, IN Fire Dept. IV Cc; David Svabik E' T Q00 14 COmnMnity Nvefopment Tambi Katieb From: Jane Leavitt, PMP Ocleavitt@earthlink.net] Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 2:37 PM To: Tambi Katieb Subject: 10_21 Meeting RE: Special Use for Fiasco Rest/Tavern To: P&Z Commission c/o Tambi Katieb Please print and distribute for this evening's meeting, as we will not be able to attend. This letter is to inform the P&Z Commission that the undersigned are opposed to the granting of the special use permit for Fiasco Restaurant/Tavern. Jane and Howard Leavitt Shelly Miller Allan Sandburg Thank you for your assistance. Jane Leavitt, PMP PO Box 4022 Vail, CO 81658 cell 970.390.9557 e-mail: jcleavitt@earthlink.net 1 Z% eu?s ??` ?t 1o c b. w N N LA C twf r OVVV,g5f I the undersigned support the proposal by David Svabik to obtain a special use permit for the said location at 0411 Metcalf Rd. I myself would appreciate a restaurant/nightclub located on Metcalf where I could go to eat and drink. I believe that this sort of business would not only be appropriate for the neighborhood but also enhance Metcalf Rd. in a positive manner. Print Name Si nature Address Age Date For Against Lc, wr n tc?l LA O a ns? iti u 3 C- -113o ly' CA U x'10 jJ0hi' en ? c4. ?3 .30 Q e w R,4 2r I- 3o o c, a S; 30 d .L?adcz ? 85 ? ? -.30 NAMAO wl 1/0 M-,rfiu M AC 3 ? - 36 F 3 _ 3Cs 1 +s 1. z x hLaGo 2J 7' Chi 44 y a al 30 A) i gj? jjAekq y_3 i Z- 3 6 Z S 4 ?o 13 ? ?!S 1 ?O I-7 1 Z4 311, PETITION TO THE AVON PLANNING & ZONING AUTHORITY I the undersigned support the proposal by David Svabik to obtain a special use permit for the said location at 0411 Metcalf Rd. I myself would appreciate a restaurant/nightclub located on Metcalf where I could go to eat and drink. -1 believe that this sort of business would not only be appropriate for the neighborhood but also enhance Metcalf Rd. in a positive manner. Print Name Signature Address A e Date For Against 1 P S?? DA -Y 1; 0- - w sl RFD q <Z ?-AA t4 ?- ,ices c a r arc 'zoo' ?- _ 371- ?i a% Y - 03 l 3 s 'f- :Ari ?P-d N.ti .O l L) e5 it- r J -(a P• t 3 LIAO I G .C.?? 3 ?,? ME - L F- ri Z/ like N"L .O. 3 - d-o3 •-3 65.0 r 20 i ?r-?lo M o L/ a A 1/oa c • o o ./ c o d ?Ca x?S ? ? 't'ai o K,.,, 340 F[ [ . 3? L:.k, vo S -o 2-1- Tx Iq 2115- 27 2$ 71 30 a2 33. 3? 3 3g 4Z 4,3 `P r- Sf 52-- 5 A q" ? y I'- PETITION TO THE AVON PLANNING & ZONING AUTHORITY Ir, I the undersigned support the proposal by David Svabik to obtain a special use permit for the said location at 0411 Metcalf Rd. I myself would appreciate a restaurant/nightclub located on Metcalf where I could go to eat and drink. I believe that this sort of business would not only be appropriate for the neighborhood but also enhance Metcalf Rd. in a positive manner. Print Name Sin re Address Age Date For Against 0 5z T 0 L 8 45" ,rc cC3 2Y r-1 me4",, (C '33 15 k >c f? Cc ?I 7--7 L 1 2 c7 ?t ar Qom. .2 V -a% 7/?-! T 2/ no 64 U-1-d 7 1 k, 14 Pa 415- ?x v-i -t -K qyJ *.r3 o A.,., 0-1 IL,f 2 X C;e Nb 71 mAc.tj?- x 3 J p "? -13S IkIl"n-, -13? 3 4 /if f Cline 33I era 23 Z? 8 13 29 Waa 1? c1 . ?)A;V6- " & a C . IzQA 3* L Z °I Iert LA 1 14 'It, 4 4 ?Q . I '55- ?3 ?g .C4 3D 7 r Z qu YL1TI-IVIN TV THE AVON YLANNIN.G & ZONING AUTHORITY s 2A I the undersigned support the proposal by David Svabik to obtain a special use permit for the said location at 0411 Metcalf Rd. I myself would appreciate a restaurant/nightclub located on Metcalf where I could go to eat and drink. I believe that this sort of business would not only be appropriate for the neighborhood but also enhance Metcalf Rd. in a positive manner. PETITION TO THE AVON PLANNING & ZONING AUTHORITY L :JvS I the undersigned support the proposal by David Svabik to obtain a special use permit for the said location at 0411 Metcalf Rd. I myself would appreciate a restaurant/nightclub located on Metcalf where I could go to eat and drink. I believe that this sort of business would not only be appropriate for the neighborhood but also enhance Metcalf Rd. in a positive manner. Print Name Signature Address Age Date For Against V-0. 03:3 6 3 ?o n o?D 3 Itr? f Zl9S ayt? T a ? ? l/? i I ??€', - i:r /a Ir ire z J,n ; Z t JAWV,&*Xt? 1472 td V415 C x t Po S G y G z -30 .514 41 /Z &4z UVN Otte A6& { .2 R CdA"C $ac3/oo 39 4 o n3 >4- 6x x 00(03 _ Z =30-03 107 108 10-7 HO 1?Z f? 11? 12-0 ??7 2Z 3Io PETITION TO THE AVON PLANNING & ZONING AUTHORITY I the undersigned support the proposal by David Svabik to obtain a special use permit for the said location at 0411 Metcalf Rd. I myself would appreciate a restaurant/nightclub located on Metcalf where I could go to eat and drink. I believe that this sort of business would not only be appropriate for the neighborhood but also enhance.Metcalf Rd. in a positive manner. Print Name $Jirtft e Address Age Date For A ainst ?jfN ? ` tl 3c} ?? k s s s 123 1-2-9 PETITION TC , i iE AVON LIQUOR LICENS" • . AUTHORITY Print Name Signature Address Age Date For Against 0'? ` pro O °Y z-z tA 5-1 m 4-51 Z? ? ---- -- K CA -53 c, to t 1 2y ?/ X ?t 45 3 / -3- a V69 x 3Cf^v?L,N 6 90Z c (? 7_ (Usr _ - 2 )71 L x-7 3 q -ZCi J 91 c rc. 1 2,?t . 2L-1 _ 11-? K 12 '14 1 0- )4v,(Q LPN s zu 2 6, & 0 -- - 171 /t?/ 04- ? a Gco M q-, Zq r 2 (yo 3 2_ 3? s x !/'c ae 331 ?`1 ed-c 7? Z3 y 2 Vpw 75 6 1 6cc- 3 ?I a Q 03 33? ?? ?., ?? ?? i Lti ? - ( 331 M?-?? 2 C/? fit WILT /?v T?,QL,c ;)-5 u Z y 19 ? ? . EZW&fC &9C[A X31 A.fqr, r4 ' ?(o q _ o 261 I)A L-F c 3 '9 32 `t _ rkrn; fe AAII Pa golk e5$ A\jcr\ 5a??e ?? ?. i 0 PETITION Tr ', . E AVON LIQUOR LICENS'"' \UTHORITY Print Name Sigpature Address Age Date For Against - o,-\ - c?1- G`S 1 0 x 540t z?= v 14 a c ?l ( vo r l 02 0-3 C? rs ;u t ' 3c- IVo f Cf ^?? . .3c z L- , ! ??tr7 d-w 5 LC S / G... If `rte Our 3 ?iJ L 2 g' 0. 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Ci D pot blryw- CZ? ? d O' p / ?1?(o w e (f 2 ¢ i i I I i H-t- Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Ruth Borne, Director of Community Development Date November 4t', 2003 Re: Lot 30, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Carwash Easement Request Summary The owner/applicant, Steven Grow, is seeking an easement from the Town on Tract B in order to accommodate the construction of a car wash. This easement area is immediately north and adjacent to the project (specifically defined on Exhibit "A" of the Easement), and is currently designated as Town owned "Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage" (OLD) per the Zoning Code. The easement is limited to this project and building permit approval. Background The approval history of the car wash project is outlined as follows: August 7, 2001: A Variance application for the front and side setbacks and a Special Review Use (SRU) application was submitted by the applicant in order to construct a carwash on Lot 30, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. The lot is zoned 'Industrial and Commercial' (I/C). A carwash was determined to be acceptable as a Special Review Use application. Staff recommended denial of both applications, because the project appeared too large for the lot and the need for the variance was not adequately established as a hardship. There were also unresolved issues regarding parking and circulation on the lot. The Planning Commission denied both applications unanimously. September 4, 2001: The applicant submitted a revised Variance and Special Review Use application. The variance was reduced to a front yard setback, which was consistent with other variances approved on adjacent properties. The Special Review Use application remained largely unchanged. Staff recommended approval of the variance, because there several similarly situated front yard variances on adjacent properties. However, staff continued to Memo to Town Council, November 11, 2003 Page 1 of 4 Carwash Special Review Use Easement recommend denial on the Special Review Use application citing concerns with traffic circulation, lot coverage, and parking. The variance was approved unanimously. The SRU was tabled by a 5 to 2 vote to the next meeting date. September 18, 2003 The Planning Commission reviewed the SRU again. The major issues, including site circulation, parking and site coverage were revised by the applicant and staff recommended a conditional approval. The SRU also included the applicant's voluntary proposal to include 4 deed restricted employee-housing units. The Commission commented that the applicant had addressed the major concerns of the previous submittal, and unanimously approved the SRU as recommended by staff. February 5, 2002 The applicant submitted a Sketch Design Plan for the carwash facility. Staff recommended tabling of the application pending resolution of issues related to grading, drainage, and required easements. The Commission tabled the application unanimously. February 26, 2002 The Town approved a temporary grading easement for the carwash, allowing minimal grading to occur along the east edge of the property subject to issuance of a building permit and commencement of construction. The easement is not permanent and is limited to grading to accommodate an improved drainage pattern along the edge of a Town drainage easement, located on Tract B. March 19, 2002 The sketch design plan is again reviewed by the Commission. Staff recommended approval with conditions. The application was approved by a 4 to 2 vote. April 16, 2002 A final design plan was submitted and staff recommended a conditional approval. All conditions of the sketch design plan are adequately addressed. The application is denied by the Commission by a 4 to 2 vote citing concerns over the proposed architecture and materials employed. May 7, 2002 A final design plan was resubmitted with architectural elements and materials. Staff recommended conditional approval. The Commission approved the project by a 3 to 2 vote subject to staff conditions regarding detail on retaining walls, colors and materials. November 5, 2002 Memo to Town Council, November 11, 2003 Page 2 of 4 Carwash Special Review Use Easement The applicant requested the Commission to reconsider the deed restriction on all four employee-housing units. The revised proposal was for one deed restricted unit per Town regulations, and the other three to be rent restricted as proposed by the applicant. The Commission approved the request by a 4 to 2 vote. February 3, 2003 Staff notified the applicant that the variance would lapse on May 3,2003 unless a building permit was submitted and further clarified the outstanding issues required to obtain a building permit. April 29, 2003 The applicant submitted a building permit for the carwash project. Staff reviewed the permit and was concerned that the excavation required disturbance beyond the property boundaries. More detail was required, particularly on the northern most structural wall, to evidence that it does not require excavation onto the Town owned Tract B (open space parcel) or to obtain an easement for the encroachment. June 10, 2003 A building permit was issued; subject to the condition that access to the site was not permitted until revised retaining wall details and related and/or required easements necessary to install the structural wall was submitted and approved by the Town of Avon. No construction or site disturbance is permitted until several issues (including acquisition of the permanent easement proposed today) are resolved. The building permit (including the final design, special review use, and variance approvals) will expire December 10, 2003 unless construction is commenced on site. Discussion As evidenced by the chronology, the proposed carwash project was not the typical `use by right' approval nor was it fully supported by the Commission or staff throughout the approval process for either zoning or design. The proposed easement is a permanent structural encroachment on Town property, although not visible after construction is completed. The soil nail wall allows construction of a retaining wall without the over-excavation required by typical retaining walls designs but does require structural elements (soil nails) to extend beyond the property line. The easement will accommodate the soil nailing essential to build the structural load- bearing walls on the northernmost part of the project - a necessary part of the building itself. Alternatives • Approve the permanent easement for soil nailing on Tract B. • Disapprove the permanent easement for soil nailing on Tract B. Memo to Town Council, November 11, 2003 Page 3 of 4 Carwash Special Review Use Easement • Table the requested permanent easement for further discussion. Town Manager Comments Attachments: A. Easement Agreement with exhibits Memo to Town Council, November 11, 2003 Page 4 of 4 Carwash Special Review Use Easement GRANT OF EASEMENT THIS GRANT OF EASEMENT made and entered into this day of , 2003, by and between TOWN OF AVON, a municipal corporation, whose address is P. 0. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620 (hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor"), and Steve Grow whose address is 8 Manette Road, Morristown, NJ 07960-5344 (hereinafter referred to as the "Grantee"); WITNESSETH THAT: For Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Grantor by these presents does hereby grant unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive easement (hereinafter referred to as "Easement Area"), described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, for the limited purpose of soil-nailing, including entering upon said Easement Area for sub-surface construction and installation of the soil-nailing, subject to the approval of the stamped engineered plans for the soil-nailing by the Town. This easement is for the benefit of and appurtenant to that land described as Lot 30, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado and is limited to construction of the building permit and related approvals known as C-BP2002- 8. This easement shall terminate if construction does not commence in accordance with the terms and conditions of C-BP2002-8. This easement shall be used so as not to unreasonably interfere with the rights of public utilities having easements or rights-of-way, either in existence or of record. Grantee, for itself, its successors and assigns, agrees that it will repair and maintain the Easement Area at its own cost and expense. Any liability for injury to person or property of Grantor, its employees, agents and invitees, or of any third persons, as a result of or arising out of or relating to the use or occupancy of the Easement Area by Grantee shall be borne by Grantee. Further, Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Grantor, its successors and assigns, against any claims for loss or damage which should result from, arise out of or be attributable to the use of the Easement Area. STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2000, by My commission expires: Witness my hand and official seal. F:\Development Agreements & ContractsTot 30 B1 Permanent Easement.doc Notary Public F:\Development Agreements & ContractsTot 30 B1 Permanent Easement.doc lr 2 I II ??7e k.1i?_ v Soil yar'"/ I s'? Ile I A3 I N /, u I' ' ggt 1 ?unm O spa m ?zz!? -00 m? M I Q N apll V ~O e I ¢ no a J ? l_ V 1 I I' z 1 ?' I 1 ? - . 26.E II ? I ??52 `v Ll 1 ?M I ? v n I Ypo? ? I ?r4 1 0 I ?m?n I ? >:x,2 I W` m I I I I nu S 3;; i O 4 O 4 ? a z r (r 0 z s 0 II Lt b W a U a F? ?d W F W? r?r w? ?w F U a F d; 0 z F W A w 1 Legal Descriptia:n: Parcel of land located in Tract B, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Amendment No.4, per the recorded plat there of, as Recorded in the Offices of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder at Reception No. 233719 being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly Corner of Lot 30131 per the Recorded Plat of A Re-subdivision of Lots 30 and 31 Block 1 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Amendment No. 4 as recorded in the Offices of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder at Deception No. 218276, whence the Southeasterly Corner of said Lot 30/31 bears S25°04'26"E a distance of 125_00 feet; thence along the North line of said Lot 30/31 S80°32'44"W a distance of 198.78 feet; thence N09°27' 16"W a distance of 9.00 feet; thence N80°32'44"E a distance of 5.82 feet; thence N41°30'37"E a distance of 15.88 feet; thence N80°32'44"E a distance of 17.63 feet; thence N40°44'24"E a distance of 7.81 feet; thence N80°32'44"E a distance of 42.00 feet; thence N40°44'24"E a distance of 7.81 feet; thence N80°32'44"E a distance of 39.95 feet; thence S599 8'56"E a distance of 7.81 feet; thence N80°32'44"E a distance of 28.34 feet; thence N83°55' 18"E a distance of 13.37 feet; thence S73°40'39"E a distance of 14.21 feet; thence S69°04' 02" E a distance of 13.24 feet; thence S62'32'1 8"E a distance of 21.41 feet; thence S45°1 2'42"E a distance of 23.29 feet, thence S25'04'1 5"E a distance of 19.08 feet; thence S20°57'28"E a distance of 35.91 feet; thence S09°41'34"E a distance of 19.16 feet; thence Sl 1°46'28"E a distance of 26.83 feet to a point on the Northerly Right-of -Way of Nottingham Road; thence 13.41 along an Arc of a Curve to the Left, having a Radius of 4808.70 feet, a Central Angle of 00°09'35, a Chord which bears S83°00'30"W a distance of 13.41 feet to the Southwest Corner of said Lot 30/31; thence along the Easterly line of said Lot 30/31, N25°04'26" W a distance of 125.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, said Parcel containing 1.71 acres more or less. Gordon For and on Peak Land L% Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager / Jacquie Halburnt, Asst. Town Manager From: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk Date: November 6, 2003 Re: Veteran's Day Proclamation Summary: Since today is Veteran's Day, it was thought appropriate to recognize this federal holiday in honor of the Veteran's of the United States with a Proclamation. Town of Avon, State of Colorado Veteran's Day Proclamation Whereas, two hundred and twenty-seven years ago, the signers of the Declaration of Independence declared that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"; Whereas, throughout the course of American history, courageous men and women have taken up arms to secure, defend, and maintain these core principles upon which freedoms depend; Whereas, today, there are more than 25 million living veterans who served our Nation in times of peace and war. These gallant Americans served on the land, at sea, and in the air, on the shores of Omaha Beach, at the rivers of Korea, in the jungles of Vietnam, on the sands of the Persian Gulf, in the mountains of Afghanistan, and many other battlefields around the globe. By their service, they kept America strong, and they protected our way of life from tyranny's grip for over two centuries; Whereas, the men and women who have and currently are serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard of the United States of America have made major contributions toward the preservation of this Nation and her people; Whereas, the services performed by these Americans have demonstrated the willingness of our nation to meet the challenges of those forces wishing to subjugate individual determination through armed conflict; Whereas, honorable service performed in the defense of our nation and her cause in time of war is the highest form of citizenship; Whereas, the Congress of the United States of America has designated the eleventh day of November of each year as Veterans Day; Whereas, Veterans Day has become a significant part of our American heritage as we recognize the millions of our citizens whose military service has had a profound effect on history; Whereas, the Nation and the free world are eternally grateful for the contributions of American veterans - men and women - to the advancement of the cause of an honorable world peace. Now, Therefore, the Town Council of the Town of Avon, State of Colorado, hereby proclaims November 11, 2003 as Veterans Day and calls upon all citizens, schools, businesses, places of worship, media, and civic and fraternal organizations to join the Town in recognizing the valor and sacrifice of our veterans through display of the flag of the United States and appropriate ceremonies in honor of those who have served and are serving to preserve the principles of Justice, Freedom and Democracy. Let this proclamation be entered into the official records of the Town. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 11th day of November 2003. Albert D. Reynolds, Mayor of Avon Attest: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL HELD OCTOBER 28, 2003 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. Mayor Buz Reynolds called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken with and Councilors Michael Brown, Debbie Buckley, Peter Buckley, Brian Sipes, and Ron Wolfe present. Mayor Pro Tern Mac McDevitt was absent. Also present were Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Attorney John Dunn, Assistant Town Manager Jacquie Halburnt, Town Clerk Patty McKenny, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs, Public Works Director Bob Reed, Finance Director Scott Wright, Police Chief Jeff Layman, Community Development Director Ruth Borne, as well as members of the press and public. Citizen Input Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs introduced 2 new Recreation employees, Special Events Coordinator Fraidy Aber and Recreation Programs Coordinator Geoff Dew. Tamara Underwood, resident of Avon, thanked Council for their decision to deny the PUD Amendment for the Village at Avon, asked for support to complete the Comprehensive Plan, and requested Council to reconsider removing the bridge on Tract J near between Highway 6 and Sunridge Condominiums due to its heritage representation. Some discussion ensued about the options that exist and what the Town has tried to do to resolve this situation over the years. Council expressed their primary concern was that the current state of the bridge is not safe. Some Council asked that photos be taken of the bridge and a determination be made as to whether or not any parts of it are salvageable. Councilor Wolfe asked that further discussion about this agenda item would take place during consideration of Consent Agenda items. Councilor Sipes moved to pull the item from the consent agenda; Councilor Wolfe seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present (McDevitt absent). Walter Dandy commended the Council for approving the work to be done on the Comprehensive Plan. Ron Neville commented on his disappointment in the Vail Daily article on the criticism that the Avon Police Department has received, he encouraged the Council to proceed in demolishing the bridge on Tract J as soon as possible due to the hazardous nature it is in, and he supported the notion to recognize the "water wheel" next to Canyon Run. Resolutions Town Engineer Norm Wood presented Resolution No. 03-43, Series of 2003, Approving the Preliminary Condominium Map, Barrancas - II, A Resubdivision of Lot 41, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek - Amendment No. 7, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (0511 Metcalf Road). He noted that this is a condominium subdivision larger than 4 units and the preliminary plan requires approval and corresponding public hearing. All public notice requirements were met. There were no Council comments, the public hearing was opened, no comments were made and the hearing was closed. Councilor D. Buckley moved to approve Resolution No. 03- 43, Series of 2003. Councilor Sipes seconded the motion and with a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously by those members present (McDevitt absent). New Business Pastor Tom Schneider, Calvary Chapel Vail Valley, presented their request for the use of outdoor amplified sound at the Halloween Fun Night on Friday, October 31, 2003. He noted since Halloween is on Friday, they would like to expand the event to hold an evening venue for teenagers, including music. Council was supportive. Mayor Reynolds opened the public hearing, no comments were made & the hearing was closed. Councilor Sipes moved to approve the permit for the outdoor use of amplified sound. Councilor D. Buckley seconded and the motion passed unanimously by those members present (McDevitt absent). Other Business Council continued discussion about the removal of the bridge on Tract J. Town Engineer Norm Wood presented some input regarding salvaging the bridge. Councilor Sipes requested staff to talk to ECO about incorporating it into their trail system. He asked about bid proposals that were included in the packet. Wood commented that he was comfortable with the bid amount from Site Resources Management. There was council consensus to allow Norm Wood to evaluate what if anything would be salvageable and then take photos in order to recreate it if that were the case. Council was most concerned about the safety hazard created by the existing bridge & directed staff to proceed with its removal. It was noted that appropriate notices were made to both the owner & the owner's attorney. Councilor Sipes moved to approve removal of the Eagle River Bridge on Tract J, accept the proposal from Site Resources Management for demolition and removal of the bridge, direct staff to take photos of the bridge in order to recreate it if Council should decide to do so in the future. Councilor Wolfe seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present (McDevitt absent). Councilor Sipes commended staff on revising the format of the agendas to make them more understandable for the public. Councilor D. Buckley publicly thanked Frank Doll for his efforts on behalf of the water district with regard to providing historical information on Eagle County's weather data. Town Attorney Report Town Attorney John Dunn noted that the certification report for the Tract J Bridge demolition has been recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder. Mayors Report Mayor Reynolds reminded the public about Election Day next Tuesday and that the polling location for Avon (Precincts 15 & 19) is the Avon Municipal Building. Consent Agenda After several comments were made regarding the consent agenda, Mayor Reynolds asked for a motion. Councilor Sipes moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilor D. Buckley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present (McDevitt absent). There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 6:20 PM Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 3 October 28, 2003 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk APPROVED: Michael Brown Debbie Buckley Peter Buckley Mac McDevitt Buz Reynolds Brian Sipes Ron Wolfe Regular council Meeting Page 3 of 3 October 28, 2003 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Anne Martens, Assistant Town Engineer Date: November 6, 2003 Re: 2003 Street Repair and Improvements Change Order Number One Summary: Attached Change Order Number One for the 2003 Street Repair and Improvements represents an increase to the contract due to the final field quantities associated with paving. The net effect of this Change Order is to increase the Contract Amount $10,157.04 from $208,165.99 to $218,323.03. This Change Order is within the Project Budget and is covered by the project contingency. This is the Final Change Order for the 2003 Street Repair and Improvements Project. The Project Budget for the 2003 Street Repair and Improvements, is as follows: Approved Project Budget Project Costs Construction Contract (with Alt. No. 1) $208,166 $208,166 Change Order # 1 $ 10,157 Testing $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Engineering (Design / Surveying) $ 5,300 $ 5,300 Contingency $ 20,534 $ 10,377 Total Estimated Cost $235,000 $235,000 Approval of Change Order Number One to the B & B Excavation, Inc. contract for construction of the 2003 Street Repair and Improvements is recommended, increasing the Contract Amount $10,157.04 from $208,165.99 to $218,323.03. Recommendations: Approve Change Order Number One to the B & B Excavating, Inc. contract for construction of the 2003 Street Repair and Improvements, increasing the Contract Amount $10,157.04 from $208,165.99 to $218,323.03. Town Manager Comments: CADocuments And Settings\Nwood\Local Settingffempo ZFfles\0LK2\C0 #1 Memo.Doc CHANGE ORDER Order No.: 1 Date: 10/17/2003 Agreement Date: 9/2/2003 NAME OF PROJECT: 2003 Street Repair and Improvements OWNER: Town of Avon, Co oi-ado CONTRACTOR: B & B Excavating The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Justification: Final Adjustments of Quantities Area I - Hurd Lane Item 2.2 - Add Removal and Disposal of Ex. Asphalt and Base Per Square Foot 36 SF @ $2.35 Item 2.6 - Add Rotomill 2" Ex. Asphalt Per Square Foot 175 SF @ $0.62 Item 3.1 - Add Subgrade Preparation and Compaction Per Square Foot 18 SF @ $1.08 Item 3.2 - Deduct Class 6 Road Base Per Ton -20.95 Tons @ $50.87 Item 3.3 - Add Asphaltic Concrete Per Ton 13.98 Tons @ $70.75 $84.60 $108.50 $19.44 ($1,065.73) $989.09 Item 3.5 - Deduct 30" Curb and Gutter - 2 ft Pan (Catch and Spill) Per Linear Foot -3 LF @ $30.42 ($91.26) TOTAL AREA I Area II - Shepherd Ridge and Ked Spur Item 2.2 - Removal and Disposal of Ex. Concrete Pan Per Square Foot 50 SF @ $2.24 Item 3.1 - Add Asphaltic Concrete Per Ton 30.52 Ton @ $53.47 $44.64 2.00 $1,631.90 Co- 1 Item 3.2 - Add Concrete Pan - 6' x 24' x 8" Per Square Foot 50 SF Item 3.3 - Add Geotextile Fabric Per Square Yard 28 SY @ $15.15 $757.50 @ $8.96 TOTAL AREA II Area III - Buck Creek Road (0+00 to 32+00) Item 3.1 - Deduct Asphaltic Concrete Per Ton -2.05 Ton @ $37.74 TOTAL AREA III Area IV - Wildwood Rd (20+00 to 75+00) Item 3.1 - Add Asphaltic Concrete 50.88 $2,752.28 ($77.37) ($77.37) Per Ton 142.95 Ton @ $37.11 $5,304.87 Item 3.5 - Add Geotextile Fabric Per Square Yard 225 SY @ $8.96 $2,016.00 Item 4.1 - Add Adjust Manhole Rim Per Each 3 Each @ $43.80 $131.40 Item 4.2 - Deduct Adjust Valve Box Per Each -1 Each @ $14.79 ($14.79) TOTAL AREA IV $7,437.48 TOTAL AREA I+II+III+IV $10,157.04 Change to CONTRACT PRICE: $10,157.04 Original CONTRACT PRICE: $208,165.99 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be increased by $10,157.04. The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $218,323.03. Change to CONTRACT TIME: The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased)(decreased) by 0 calendar days. CO-2 3 The date for completion of all work will be November 1, 2003. APPROVALS REQUIRED: Approved by Engineer: Accepted by Contractor: Accepted and Approved by Owner: Federal Agency Approval (where applicable): CO-3 Memo TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Ruth Borne, Community Development Date: November 5, 2003 Re: Release of Easement on Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision Summary: As p art o f t he c onstruction a nd d evelopment a pproval for Lot C, Sheraton Mountain Vista stormwater detention and pollution control facilities were required and installed on Town property known as Tract G, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. These stormwater detention and pollution control facilities replace the historic drainage easement on Lot C. The purpose of vacating this easement is to reflect the actual placement and installation of the stormwater and detention facilities on Tract G. Recommendations: Approval of vacating this easement is recommended on Lot C, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision to reflect the new drainage easement and stormwater facilities created on Tract G. Town Manager Comments: ?. X2 F:\COLlncil\MEMOS\2003Wacating Easement On Lot C.Doc TERMINATION AND RELEASE OF EASEMENT THIS TERMINATION AND RELEASE OF EASEMENT is executed this day of , 2003 by the Town of Avon, County of Eagle, State of Colorado (the "Town of Avon"). RECITALS 1. Pursuant to a Final Plat and Resubdivision of Lots B and C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek (the "Final Plat"), recorded October 25, 1988, in the real estate records of Eagle County, Colorado (the "Records") at Book 493 and Page 704 at Reception No. 389900, a drainage easement (the "Drainage Easement") on Lot C, the property now known as Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, pursuant to the Final Plat therefor, recorded in Eagle County at Reception No., 754854 and all amendments thereto, was dedicated to the Town of Avon. 2. The Final Plat states that the Drainage Easement was created solely for the benefit of the Town of Avon. 3. Pursuant to the Final Plat and the restrictive easements and covenants set forth therein relating to the Drainage Easement, the Drainage Easement may be released by the Town of Avon, if drainage facilities ("Drainage Facilities") acceptable to the Town of Avon were installed for Lots A, B and C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek. 4. The Town of Avon (a) has determined that acceptable Drainage Facilities have been installed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement Governing Design, Construction, and Management of Storm Water Detention and Pollution Control Facilities recorded with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County at Reception No. 731541 and (b) now desires to terminate and release the Drainage Easement. TERMINATION AND RELEASE NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals set forth above and for other valuable consideration, the Town of Avon hereby releases and terminates the Drainage Easement and hereby waives, relinquishes and surrenders any rights in and to the Drainage Easement which, from and after the date of execution hereof, shall no longer be of any force or effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Termination and Release of Easement was executed by the Town of Avon as of the date first written above to be effective as of that date. TOWN OF AVON By:_ Title: CO_DOCS_A #135049 v4 2 STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before by of the Town of Avon. me this day of as WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires: (SEAL) CO_DOCS_A #135049 v4 Notary Public 2 1.?