TC Council Packet 12/17/2002Town of Avon Council Retreat 2002 Action Report Description of Tasks Due Date Staff Recreation Cost Recovery Report 1/28/2003 Scott/Meryl Public Information - Government Engaging its Community Encourage information sharing Quarterly Newsletter Solicit email addresses for group distributions of Council agendas and minutes Taking meetings out into the community - probably during summer 6/1/2003 Jacquie/Patty Town Manager Create mission, vision, values - Discuss Council Committee Assignment at Work Session Land Excange white paper Impact Fee Scenarios Level playing field Nexus Town Attorney Clarify legal implications of emial communication amoung Council members 1/14/2003 1/14/2003 1/14/2003 Avon Council Retreat.2002 December 17, 2002 Town of Avon Council Committee Appointments for 2003 Committee Confluence Economy/Retail Availability Eagle County Liaison Committee NWCCOG Water Board ECO Transit Marketing Chamber of Commerce Member(s) Buz Reynolds, Brian Sipes, Larry Brooks Mac McDevitt, Ron Wolfe, Scott Wright Ron Wolfe, Mac McDevitt Brian Sipes Debbie Buckley, Buz Reynolds (alternate) Ron Wolfe, Debbie Buckley (alternate) Ron Wolfe, Mac McDevitt, Harry Taylor Peter Buckley Michael Brown, Peter Buckley (alternate) Channel 5 One Valley Coalition Village at Avon Community Development Issues Land Use, Comp Plan, Design Guideline Study & Impact Fees Michael Brown, Debbie Buckley (alternate) Mac McDevitt, Brian Sipes Michael Brown, Debbie Buckley (alternate) Brian Sipes, P&Z Selected Members, Ron Wolfe Avon Council Retreat.2002 December 17, 2002 Town of Avon Council and Staff Retreat w?Qt - ? U\- A?? -Y\o Vhf ztt? December 17, 2002 ov,?. , n J d?cv? Location: Beaver Creek Metropolitan District Meeting Room 63 Avondale Lane, Suite C4 Use Entrance to Forbes Real Estate Group Office Time: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. The goal of this meeting is two-fold: Determine Council Committee Appointments. Give Council Members a chance to voice their opinions and determine if subcommittees are necessary in addition to the regular committees. Staff requires direction on where we are headed as a town and determine priorities for a 6-month action plan. r " I. Introduction (Buz & Larry)? A. Rules of Engagement II. Council/Staff Communication Protocol (John Dunn) A. Council Process Ideas for discussion: Methods of communication and the importance of sharing information, community participation III. Informational Items (from Staff) A. 2003 Budget Review (Scott Wright) B. Capital Projects (Norm Wood) C)?C C. Revenue So rces and Al^loca oon of Funds (Larry Brooks) laU c?aUV05? ( - & w?JaIU D. Tax rebates on Development "ry Brooks) A ,. E. Community Development (Ruth Borne and Norman Wood Opening Comments) Ideas for discussion: Develop a more sophisticated understanding of land development goals and objectives for the community. Update master plan and zoning codes. In particular, update our "toolbox" so that we are adequately prepared for the redevelopment opportunities facing the Town. Commit to creating policy and procedures so that future land use decision-making and community development's role is both informed and constructive. i. Environmental and land use issues Ideas for discussion: Drip irrigation, mandatory drought resistant plants, roundabouts, Community Development land use issues ii. Role of Planning and Zoning Commission Ideas for discussion: Staff review of minor projects, Evaluating projects against Avon's code, Revamping Avon's design review guidelines iii. Building Permits and Fees Ideas for discussion: P&L statement including overhead, debt service, etc.., Fees should cover all costs iv. New Revenue Sources and Cost of Growth Ideas for discussion: Reintroduce materials Use Tax after bus funding is solved, impact fees structure vs. exaction strategy through agreement or PUD IV. Discussion Topics Moderated by Gary Severson A. Confirmation of Council Committee Appointments B. Recreation Center Ideas.for discussion: P&L statements, Taxpayer subsidy, Resident/nonresid1 I? rofit Center and bonus structures, Consolidation of Rec and Parks fees, P Road/Forest Service property exchange C. Traffic/Transit Related Issues Id er enforcement (speeding, stop signs, etc..), Mail eas for discussion: Stronger delivery to cluster boxes, Prohibit left turns to and from Hurd Lane, Entire transit . system review (ECO, funding routes, beneficiaries,etc.), Reexamine Nottingham ( D. Economic Development i Ideas for discussion: Viable tenants for Chapel Square, Main Street discussion, \?9 Confluence discussion, Review Oct. 3 meeting results, Where do BC marketing, VVF, OVC, VVCTB, Bravo, Vilar, Airline Funding etc., fall in priority of economic development, vacancy indemnification strategies E. Eagle County support of Avon/level tax field/Edwards F. Outreach Efforts Ideas for discussion: Initiate regular series of meetings (mayor fireside chats) V. Other Discussion Items Action Items-priorities, committee designations, ?00`? 1. Adjourn , a DUNN & CAUSEY, LLC Memorandum DATE: December 12, 2002 TO: Town Council FROM: Town Attorney RE: The Rules The purpose of this memorandum is to review for old and new council members some of the rules governing what they do. Town Code of Ethics. The Town's municipal code contains a Code of Ethics, Chapter 2.30, which you should review carefully. Some important parts of it are as follows: The Code turns on the meaning of substantial financial interest, which is 1) ownership of a business, 2) creditor interest in an insolvent business, 3) ownership of real or personal property, 4) loan or other debt and 5) directorship or officership in a business. Such an interest includes an interest owned, held or controlled by a spouse of dependent children. The Code forbids any action by a council member which is a conflict of interest: A. Disclosing or using confidential information to further a substantial financial interest. B. Engaging in a substantial financial transaction with a person dealing with the Town. C. Performing an official act beneficially affecting a substantial financial interest. D. Performing an official act beneficially affecting a substantial financial interest of one by whom the council member is employed or acts as a consultant for. E. Acquiring an interest which the council member expects will be beneficially affected by official action. F. Performing an official act detrimentally affecting a substantial financial interest of a competitor. G. Soliciting or accepting gifts or other things of value under circumstances which would lead a reasonably prudent person to believe the same was given primarily to influence an official action. H. Performing any official act under circumstances giving rise to an appearance of impropriety. I. Engaging in ex parte communication concerning a matter to be determined by public hearing without making the contents of the communication part of the record in the public hearing. J. Representing another person or entity before the council, any town commission or the municipal court. Exemptions to those rules: A. Receiving an indirect benefit as a result of performing an official act. B. Receiving a benefit which is received by other persons similarly situated. C. Soliciting or accepting loans which are 1) campaign contributions, 2) occasional nonpecuniary gifts of insignificant value, 3) a public award, 4) travel expense reimbursement, 5) social expense reimbursement if reasonable, 6) meals, lodging, tickets 7) honoraria reported to town manager, 8) loans. D. Compensation as a council member. Disclosure of conflict of interest must be made, and the council member must leave the council room while the matter as to which he or she is conflicted is discussed and voted on. Council members may not have any interest in a contract with the town except: A. A contract awarded by competitive bidding. B. Merchandise sold to the highest bidder C. Investments or deposits in financial institutions. D. A contract which, by reason of geographical restrictions, would cost the town more than 10% more if entered into with a non-council member. E. A contract as to which there has been a disclosure of the conflict of interest to the Colorado Secretary of State and the council no later than 72 hours before the vote. Open Meetings Law (Sunshine Law). The council may transact business only in meetings which are open to the public after posted notice. Any gathering of three or more council members, at which public business is discussed, is considered to be a Ameeting@ of the council and must be posted. The requirement does not apply, however, to chance meetings or social gatherings at which discussion of public business is not the central purpose. Executive sessions of the council are permitted on two-thirds vote and upon announcement to the public of the topic for discussion in the executive session. Formal action may not be taken in the executive session, and topics for executive session are limited to: A. Purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer or sale of real or personal property. B. Conferences with the town attorney on specific legal questions. Mere presence of the attorney is not enough. C. Matters required to be kept confidential by federal or state law. D. Details of security arrangements or investigations. E. Determining positions relative to matters that may be the subject of negotiation; developing strategy for negotiations; instructing negotiators. F. Personnel matters, unless the employee who is the subject of the session has requested an open meeting. G. Consideration. of documents which are not subject to inspection under the Public Records law, such as reports of a pending criminal investigation, test scores relating to licensing or employment, real estate appraisals relating to property acquisition. Quasi-judicial proceedings. The council has two roles, legislative (adoption of ordinances and resolutions) and quasi-judicial (liquor licensing, rezoning, appeals from the Planning and Zoning Commission). In latter proceedings, the council members sit "as if' they are judges. When quasi-judicial matters are coming before them, council members should not solicit or listen to input prior to the hearing. If they are contacted by members of the public, they should encourage those persons to attend the meeting or send a letter so that their comments are received by all the council. Administrative Service. Pursuant to Sections 8.3 and 8.5, the council is required to deal with the administrative staff through the town manager. Violation of that requirement subjects council members to potential personal liability if the staff member acts unlawfully on the direction of a council member. Only the town clerk, town manager and town attorney report directly to the council. jwd:ipse cc. Mr. Brooks q be C0,M.M01ACChVkA.1 414, 424? uJisultR, 2003 Council Committee Appointments Committee Member(s) Confluence Economy/Retail Availability - (RWA Buz Reynolds, Brian Sipes, Larry Brooks NWCCOG Water Board Sanitation Board ECO Transit Marketing Chamber of Commerce Channel5 One Valley Coalition Village at Avon W - Mac McDevitt, Ron Wolfe, Scott Wright `PBr? Ron Wolfe, Mac McDevitt Brian Sipes Debbie Buckley, Buz Reynolds (alternate Mac McDevitt ? 11 Ron Wolfe, Debbie Buckley (alternate) Ron Wolfe, Mac McDevitt, Harry Taylor Peter Buckley Michael Brown Michael Brown Air v (? Mac McDevitt 0 Michael Brown Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer Town Manager Comments: Date: December 13, 2002 Re: Capital Improvement Program Rating System Summary: Capital projects can generally be broken down into the following five categories; Problem Correction, Municipal Operations, Growth/Development, Quality of Life and Economic Development. Possibly these general categories can be useful when prioritizing capital projects to meet specific goals of the Town and maintain a balanced development program. A worksheet listing capital projects from the current 5-Year Capital Improvement Program is attached along with a copy of the current 5-Year Capital Improvements Program. This worksheet may be of assistance in evaluating and categorizing the various projects. It should be noted that many of these projects may easily be listed under two or more categories. In its most basic format, this worksheet can be used assign projects to a predominant category. The next step may be to identify all the primary categories that each project falls under and the third step may be to assign or rate the impact of the project under each of the applicable categories, le. Problem Correction (20%) and Quality of Life (80%). These ratings may then help prioritize projects to accomplish the overall goals and objectives of the Town. If this method of categorizing rating capital projects is of interest and potential benefit, we may want to revisit our five-year capital improvement program. R I: EngineeringWdn inistration\Miseellaneous\CIP Categories Memo.Doc O Z H O C9 w Q (,) N 0 V N LL O z a .a ?: H E O0 W m ? p W O w a J Q H a Q V .r c d E CL O m 4) p E O c O w d J O A 3 CY C d E e. O d p t 3 O ,Ln V N O L d O. O a O 2 c O V d L O V E O L. IL T cu 0° C L C fn Q !n V ? °? c c w a? a) cv c Z MM O c m xw v z E ?° o a N (p N > n LD C ? y w ° ? ° . °' t H d a m n c a w E E w '9 E > 4? Y y- rn Q -o c O c o c ?o y c W Q c o IL U Y U o ca Y Y U M CL c f? o 0 c c o d 0 'm0 o Q d 'm ' U n a E € me C U U V U 2 ` d_ o o 3 a v o V LL H d 0= `O R O co to co d o o a7 °? co m Z! zt E c E Z Z > CL n a E c E 0 ?5 ao aUi m ° 0 L) J Ol DI J CL J Y N d ? Y Y U ? 7 co U v m m c m a ci m FEES, U) a? U 0 w d w w n v-aE E m M Q1 y co a) a) c E c CD - 'O N N m O O > G? cn § W W Z Z Q E C y a) E a o c a CD E E o CU CL (n ES CL N m L ? a U N co d 0 E 0 c 0 w d w J w O L 3 0 N N 0) m a c O V d L L 00 E d O L A ° o 0 0 U c aci ?' vi d E W E O w U Q N > S 0 C y = O O m CL y d oi3 0 U > N 0) co d O ° m c a 0 2 '- U Y m m m - rn W Z c L- E w c_ y Z W > O > > 'O m e w C) -, T c E m 0 y y y o) B W O O O o W m a m c n a a o rn m c c y y Y -0 E 0 aa) U . (? 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Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manage From: Ruth Borne, Director of C nity Development Date December 13, 2002 Re: Community Development - Discussion Items for the Council Retreat The role of the Community Development Department is to implement the land use goals and policies of the Town of Avon as established by the Town Council. The Town of Avon has grown over 700% in the last twenty years, and has one of the highest ten-year growth rates in the State of Colorado. The following priorities have been identified by the Department as important goals to review for the Council Retreat scheduled for December 17. Staff is looking for guidance in obtaining these objectives and is excited about creating more effective tools for planning and development. Based upon the magnitude and complexities of the priorities set forth herein, we will recommend an action plan for implementation. Priority #1 Develop a more sophisticated understanding of land development goals and objectives for the community, including economic vitality through informed land use and budget decisions, affordable housing philosophies, and development incentives. Creating Economic Sustainability Through Land Use: • Examine tax code issues and potential ballot initiatives with -regard to development and redevelopment opportunities. • Develop an understanding of potential mill levies and impact fees and their pros and cons. • Review public service costs vs. revenues for each land use category in the Town to understand which land uses support public infrastructure and required service costs and which have to be subsidized. • Review basic public service goals for the community and how these goals can be sustainable regardless of economic `pendulums'. In particular, how future land uses may enable the Town to provide sustained or enhanced public services as our population continues to grow. Develop an understanding of the importance that both public and private areas hold with regard to shaping of the Town of Avon. The fiscal health of private market is predicated on the preservation and health of the public markets, which is key in making smart land use decisions! Discuss the intergovernmental role that the Town seeks to have in relationship to the County and other jurisdictions of the Valley. Is our current relationship adequate, and is there inherent value in understanding the land use philosophies of the other jurisdictions in our region? Creating Incentives for Land Development Explore creating overlay zoning and public/private partnerships that deliver a more balanced land use and tax base. We believe there is an opportunity through redevelopment (Town Core) or amended development plans (The Village) to encourage certain types of land use that generate not only economic incentives to development but that foster the type of community we desire. We recommend the Town adopt an `accessory dwelling unit' code, incorporating minimum lot and parking standards, providing an application for both planning and building review. At the minimum, resolve the issue of whether or not we should create secondary units that are legal thereby validating what is already going on in our residential community. Can we obtain appropriate fees and require adequate parking for these uses? Explore public/private partnerships and opportunities for redevelopment in the Town that supports our vision of public services and our commitment to be the `Heart of the Valley' Affordable Housing: Provide consensus with regard to affordable/attainable housing philosophies and goals. Should the Town continue to be involved in mandated affordable housing? Staff is concerned with the costs both administrative and otherwise associated with these programs. Is affordable housing in the Town of Avon a worthwhile endeavor vis-a-vis land use and sound economics? Should the Town adopt a 'minimum dwelling unit size' for the Town so the issue of affordable housing has some minimum guidelines for both accessory and deed restricted housing units. How does current housing relate to the rest of Eagle County and other resort communities. What does this mean with regard to the long-term impact of housing on our municipal services? Priority #2 Update master plan and zoning codes. In particular, update our `toolbox' so that we are adequately prepared for the redevelopment opportunities facing the Town and are able to articulate to the development community what the Town's goals and objectives are as a community. Comprehensive Plan: 0 Focus on economic development and redevelopment potential of Town core. • Focus on setting minimum `livability' standards in terms of parks and recreation. • A clear and pertinent corollary to fiscal implications must be made in a revised comprehensive plan. In other words, without understanding the fiscal implications of growth in our community, there seems to be little point in going through the exercise. Zoning Code: • Provide more sophisticated tools for development and redevelopment. Examine the potential to offer 'point zoning' or 'performance zoning' for redevelopment. • Outline definitive criteria for redevelopment, including minimum standards for negotiated development agreements that address tax rebates and parking standards. • Update the zoning code to provide particular direction and criteria for redevelopment projects. • Update the fee schedules for development so that it is paying for itself and not subsidized by another program area. • Come to consensus on what areas of decision-making lie with professional staff in all aspects of the planning and development process, specifically design review and administrative decision-making. Priority #3 Commit to creating policy and procedures so that future land use decision- making and community development's role is both informed and constructive. STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD DECEMBER 17, 2002, FROM 1 P.M. UNTIL 5 PM, IN A MEETING ROOM LOCATED ON 63 AVONDALE LANE, SUITE C4, BEAVER CREEK, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 2003. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO BY: P-A) ,/vl,- I Pat(y M Kenny Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON DECEMBER 13,2002: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, MAIN LOBBY ALPINE BANK, MAIN LOBBY AVON RECREATION CENTER, MAIN LOBBY CITY MARKET, MAIN LOBBY Transportation will be provided by the Town. A van will be leaving the Municipal Building around 12:45 PM. If you drive to Beaver Creek on your own, park in the Villa Montane Parking Structure. The charge for the structure parking will be $15 for anything over 3 hours. If you need specific instructions, please contact me at 748-4035. Thanks. J z 0 00 A Z O w O E? W W E? d E? z 0 w O z 3 0 H 42o 40. V W i L 4? c? V v . PEA W PC cl PWO W 0 O H o •? 0 0 O n c? W V ? ?I W V 0 O ci rA W AME) V a?