TC Council Packet 08-28-2001Town Council Meetings Roll Call Check Sheet Michael Brown t Debbie Buckley Peter Buckley Rick Cuny l Mac McDevitt Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder r' Roll calls are called at start of meeting and for Ordinances. Do not call Mayor except for meeting roll call or to break a tie vote. Date: 8/28/01 Seating arrangements from west to east: P. Buckley, Cuny, Reynolds, Yoder, McDevitt, D. Buckley, Brown Staff Present: Bill Efting Larry Brooks Burt Levin Kris Nash -'-/Jacquie Halburnt Scott Wright Jeff Layman Norm Wood ? Meryl Jacobs Bob Reed Ruth Borne Other Staff Harry Taylor STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD AUGUST 28, 2001, AT 4:15 PM IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 1.) Personnel Request 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM 2.) Capital Improvements Review 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 3.) Staff Updates Consent Agenda Questions. Council Committee Updates AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ,, AVON,COLORADO BY: i t Nash To Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON AUGUST 24, 2001: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: August 23, 2001 Re: Engineering Personnel Request Summary: I am requesting the following changes in Engineering Department personnel during the current budget process in order to be able maintain a satisfactory level of service with anticipated workload over the next few years. This anticipated workload includes review of design and construction of public improvements related to The Village (at Avon) and The Confluence in addition to administering the design and construction of various town capital improvement projects. This is in addition to assisting Community Development with review of private projects, Public Works with various design and maintenance related activities and coordinating the development of a GIS System for the Town. 1) Promote the current Engineer I (Anne Martens) to Assistant Town Engineer 2) Advertise and fill the Engineer I position with new personnel I am requesting authorization to make these changes effective September 1, 2001, in order to fill the Engineer I position in time to have them trained and ready to be effective by March 2002. This revision will increase the 2001 Engineering Department Budget approximately $ 16,000. If this is acceptable the budget will be revised accordingly for adoption with the 2001 Amended Budget and the 2002 Budget. Copies of the Personnel Request and Job descriptions for Engineer I and Assistant Town Engineer / GIS Administrator as submitted for the Budget are attached. Town Manager Comments: I:\Engineering\Administration\Dept BudgetTersonnel Req Memo.Doc TOWN OF AVON PERSONNEL REQUEST Engineering Department Position: Assistant Town Engineer/ GIS Administrator Justification: This position will supervise the Engineer I position and the performance of various Engineering Department activities including: A. Plan Review 1. Design Review Submittals - Site Grading & Drainage 2. Building Permit Plan Submittals - Special Review as Requested B. Subdivision 1. Plat Review & Analysis 2. Public Improvement Plan Review 3. Public Improvement Construction Review C. Drainage & Flood Control 1. Review Development Plans for Conformance with Master Drainage Plan 2. Review Development Plans for Conformance with Flood Control Codes 3. Field Review Construction for General Conformance with Approved Drainage & Flood Control Plans D. Streets & Roads 1. Review Road Cut Permit Applications 2. Field Review Construction Under Road Cut Permit 3. Develop Plans & Contract Documents for Minor Street Improvement Projects, ie. Asphalt Overlays 4. Field Review & Contract Administration of Minor Street Improvement Projects E. Assist with the Development, Implementation & Administration of GIS Program F. General 1. Organize, Maintain & Update Town Map Files 2. Obtain, Organize and Summarize Data for various Engineering Related Projects 3. Assist with Development of Various Standard Design Details such as Driveway Standards, Curb, Gutter & Pavement Sections, Typical Drainage Facilities, Etc. 4. Assist with Development & Administration of Capital Improvement Projects I:\EngineeringWdministration\Dept Budget\Engr Justification. Doc Engineering Department Assistant Town Engineer/GIS Administrator This assistance is necessary in order to maintain adequate review of submittals to the Town in a reasonable time frame as well providing some field review of development that has not been occurring because of workload. In addition, this position will allow the start of in-house development and orderly implementation of a Geographical Information System (GIS). The orderly implementation of a GIS within the Town can be a cost effective significant benefit to all departments as well as the general public. This position should also provide the means for in-house development of plans and construction documents for some minor capital improvement projects as well a maintaining better administrative control of outside consultant work. This should result in some savings in engineering consulting fees as well as providing better control over some capital improvement projects. This position will allow the Department to be more effective in the administration of the larger capital improvement projects as well as the design and construction of public infrastructure in newly annexed areas such as the Confluence and Village at Avon. This position will allow the department to handle the increased work load due to the anticipated start of construction of public infrastructure in the Confluence and Village at Avon, as well as several large capital improvement projects. Proposed Salary Range and Steps: $ 46,801 - $ 63,319 I:\Engineering\Administration\Dept Budget\Engr Justification.Doc TOWN OF AVON ASSISTANT TOWN ENGINEER / GIS ADMINISTRATOR Public Works Department Engineering Division General Statement of Duties: Technical review of site development and subdivision submittals, evaluation of development proposals for conformance with flood control and drainage regulations, administration of permits for work within Public Rights-of-Way, development of plans and contract documents for capital projects, contract administration for capital improvement projects and collection, organization and maintenance of data and map files for various Town projects. Develop, implement & administer town wide GIS Program. Supervision Received: Works under direct supervision of Town Engineer. Supervision Exercised: Supervise Engineer I and Administrative Assistant. Work Environment: Work environment will be mixed ranging from an office environment to outside work under varying and occasional undesirable conditions. Examples of Duties: Essential Duties: Technical review of proposed site development plans for conformance with established grading and drainage criteria. Technical review of subdivision sketch plans, preliminary plans and final plats for conformance with established criteria. Monitor construction of public improvements for conformance with contract documents and agreements. Review Permit Applications for work within Public Rights-of-Way and monitor construction for conformance with Permit conditions. Provide technical assistance with field review of site development for general conformance with approved site development plans. Prepare plans and construction documents for minor construction projects. Assist in developing and administrating the departmental and capital improvements budgets. Collect, organize and maintain data for various engineering related projects. Organize, maintain and update maps and plans for various engineering related projects. I:\Engineering\?.dministration\Dept Budget\Eng ATE Job Dsc.Doc Town of Avon Assistant Town Engineer Public Works Dept, Cont. Other Duties and Functions: Meet with town employees, contractors, consultants and general public on engineering related matters. Other duties as assigned. Non-Essential Duties: Perform, or check, drainage and/or structural design calculations. Present engineering reports, projects or studies in general public meetings. Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Diverse engineering related technical background with the ability to read and interpret site development plans and construction documents. Evaluate construction activities and processes for conformance with contract documents. Familiar with general land survey practices and ability to perform routine land survey calculations. Basic drafting skills required for preparation of plans for minor public improvement projects. Have basic computer skills including word processing and spread sheets with a working knowledge of database, ArcView and CAD programs. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively in both oral and written form. Education and/or Experience: A BS Degree in Civil Engineering or related degree from an accredited engineering school, plus at least three years of related experience and the ability to obtain professional engineering registration within two years. Work experience shall include a combination of drafting, land surveying and construction observation/contract administration in conjunction with the above education. I understand the description of this job and the essential functions as given above. I also understand that all of the duties are not described above and I wil perform those above and other related duties as directed by my supervisor. Employee Name: Employee Signature: Date: I:\Engineering\Administration\Dept Budget\Eng ATE Job Dsc.Doc 2 TOWN OF AVON ENGINEER I Public Works Department Engineering Division General Statement of Duties: Provide Technical assistance in review of site development and subdivision submittals, evaluation of development proposals for conformance with flood control and drainage regulations, administration of permits for work within Public Rights-of-Way, development of plans and contract documents for capital projects, contract administration for capital improvement projects and collection, organization and maintenance of data and map files for various Town projects. Supervision Received: Works under direct supervision of Assistant Town Engineer. Supervision Exercised: None. Work Environment: Work environment will be mixed ranging from an office environment to outside work under varying and occasional undesirable conditions. Examples of Duties: Essential Duties: Technical review of proposed site development plans for conformance with established grading and drainage criteria. Technical review of subdivision sketch plans, preliminary plans and final plats for conformance with established criteria. Monitor construction of public improvements for conformance with contract documents and agreements. Review Permit Applications for work within Public Rights-of-Way and monitor construction for conformance with Permit conditions. Provide technical assistance with field review of site development for general conformance with approved site development plans. Prepare plans and construction documents for minor construction projects. Collect, organize and maintain data for various engineering related projects. Organize, maintain and update maps and plans for various engineering related projects. 1:\Engineering\Administration\Dept Budget\Engr Job Dsc.Doc Other Duties and Functions: Meet with town employees, contractors, consultants and general public on engineering related matters. Other duties as assigned. Non-Essential Duties: Perform, or check, drainage and/or structural design calculations. Present engineering reports, projects or studies in general public meetings. Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Diverse engineering related technical background with the ability to read and interpret site development plans and construction documents, evaluate construction activities and processes for conformance with contract documents, familiar with general land survey practices and ability to perform routine land survey calculations, have basic drafting skills required for preparation of plans for minor public improvement projects, have basic computer skills including word processing and spread sheets with a working knowledge of data base, ArcView and CAD programs a plus, and the ability to communicate clearly and effectively in both oral and written form. Education and/or Experience: Minimum education requirements are least two years of Technical Training such as graduation from a technical school of surveying, drafting, engineering technology or two years of engineering courses at an accredited school of engineering. And work experience shall include a combination of at least six years of drafting, land surveying and construction observation/contract administration in conjunction with the above education. A BS Degree in Civil Engineering or related degree from an accredited engineering school plus at least one year of related experience may be substituted for the above combination of education and experience. I understand the description of this job and the essential functions as given above. I also understand that all of the duties are not described above and I wil perform those above and other related duties as directed by my supervisor. Employee Name: Employee Signature: Date: I:\Engineering?Administration\Dept Budget\Engr Job Dsc.Doc 2 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: August 23, 2002 Re: Capital Improvements Budget - 2002 Summary: Copies of the individual CIP Priority Rating Sheets and a Summary of the Project Ratings are attached. We have also enclosed general descriptions for various capital projects that are on the Priority List and in the current Five-Year CIP Budget. With the aid of these items, we would like to accomplish the following in the August 28th Council Work Session: Review Potential Capital Project Descriptions Confirm Potential Capital Project Priority List Input received at this meeting will be utilized to refine project cost estimates and develop a First Draft of the Capital Projects Fund 5-Year Plan for Council consideration. Town Manager Comments: I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2002\Priority Memo-2.Doc POTENTIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS / WISH LIST 2002 CIP BUDGET August 20, 2001 Project Wildridge Traffic Calming / Pedestrian Circulation Wildridge - Emergency / Bike Access Avon Road Pedestrian Bridge I-70 Information Center Information Kiosks - Town Center Nottingham Road - I-70 to Buck Creek Road Nottingham Road - Buck Creek Road to Metcalf Road Metcalf Road Improvements Recreation Center Phase II Transportation Center Municipal Government - Space Needs Analysis Swift Gulch Road Relocation Wildridge Park Improvements & Playground Public Works Equipment Storage & Work Area Buildings Municipal Parking Facilities Wildridge Pocket Park - New in Block 5 Wildridge Pocket Park - Upper Area (New in Block 3 or 4) Town Center Plan Implementation Public Works Administration Building Wildridge Pavilion Other Wildridge Shuttle Swift Gulch TOA Housing Power Lines Buried * 0 Rating / 5 Rating Private Funding ** Recreation Center Phase 114 Rating for Planning Transportation Center 5 Rating for Planning Rating (1- 5) 5+2+4+3+5+3+2 =24 5+1+5+1+4+4+3 = 23 4+3+5+1+3+2+5 = 23 5+5+2+3+5+1+2 = 23 3+5+2+2+2+4.5+2 = 20.5 2+3+4+1+3+5+2 = 20 3+3+4+1+2+5+2 = 20 2+5+4+1+2+3+2 =19 **3+4+1+1+5+1+4 =19 **3+1+4+1+2+3+5 =19 3+1+4+2+2+2+4 =18 2+1+3+1+1+5+3 =16. 4+4+3+1+1+1+1=15 4+2+1+1+2+2+2 =14 4+1+2+1+1+1+3 =13 1+4+3+1+1+1+1=12 1+4+3+1+1+1+1=12 *1+1+1+0+1+4+2 =10 2+2+1+1+1+0+2 = 9 1+4+1+1+1+0+1 = 9 5 4 Note: Rate all Projects from 1 to 5, with 1 being lowest priority and 5 being highest priority. I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2002\Priority List 2002 Summary-2.Doc POTENTIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS / WISH LIST 2002 CIP BUDGET August 9, 2001 Project Avon Road Pedestrian Bridge I-70 Information Center Information Kiosks - Town Center Metcalf Road Improvements Municipal Government - Space Needs Analysis Municipal Parking Facilities Nottingham Road - I-70 to Buck Creek Road Nottingham Road - Buck Creek Road to Metcalf Road Public Works Administration Building Public Works Equipment Storage & Work Area Buildings Recreation Center Phase II Swift Gulch Road Relocation Town Center Plan Implementation Transportation Center Wildridge - Emergency / Bike Access Wildridge Park Improvements & Playground Wildridge Pavilion Wildridge Pocket Park - New in Block 5 Wildridge Pocket Park - Upper Area (New in Block 3 or 4) Wildridge Traffic Calming / Pedestrian Circulation Other Rating (1- 5) 3 Note: Rate all Projects from 1 to 5, with 1 being lowest priority and 5 being highest priority. • .7 I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2002\Priority List 2002.Doc POTENTIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS / WISH LIST 2002 CIP BUDGET August 9, 2001 Project Avon Road Pedestrian Bridge I-70 Information Center Information Kiosks - Town Center Metcalf Road Improvements Municipal Government - Space Needs Analysis Municipal Parking Facilities Nottingham Road - I-70 to Buck Creek Road Nottingham Road - Buck Creek Road to Metcalf Road Public Works Administration Building Public Works Equipment Storage & Work Area Buildings Recreation Center Phase II Swift Gulch Road Relocation Town Center Plan Implementation Transportation Center Wildridge - Emergency / Bike Access Wildridge Park Improvements & Playground Wildridge Pavilion Wildridge Pocket Park - New in Block 5 Wildridge Pocket Park - Upper Area (New in Block 3 or 4) Wildridge Traffic Calming / Pedestrian Circulation Other Rating (1- 5) 3 Note: Rate all Projects from 1 to 5, with 1 being lowest pr'ority and 5 being highest priority. r' c I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\200 \Priority List 2002.Doc 1 P1 , ke POTENTIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS / WISH LIST 2002 CIP BUDGET August 9, 2001 Project Avon Road Pedestrian Bridge I-70 Information Center Information Kiosks - Town Center Metcalf Road Improvements Municipal Government - Space Needs Analysis Municipal Parking Facilities Nottingham Road - I-70 to Buck Creek Road Nottingham Road - Buck Creek Road to Metcalf Road Public Works Administration Building Public Works Equipment Storage & Work Area Buildings Recreation Center Phase II Swift Gulch Road Relocation Town Center Plan Implementation Transportation Center Wildridge - Emergency / Bike Access Wildridge Park Improvements & Playground Wildridge Pavilion Wildridge Pocket Park - New in Block 5 Wildridge Pocket Park - Upper Area (New in Block 3 or 4) Wildridge Traffic Calming / Pedestrian Circulation Other Rating (1- 5) 1' a C-l Note: Rate all Projects from 1 to 5, with 1 being lowest priority and 5 being highest priority. I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2002\Priority List 2002.Doc is POTENTIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS / WISH LIST 2002 CIP BUDGET August 9, 2001 Project Avon Road Pedestrian Bridge I-70 Information Center Information Kiosks - Town Center Metcalf Road Improvements Municipal Government - Space Needs Analysis Municipal Parking Facilities Nottingham Road - I-70 to Buck Creek Road Nottingham Road - Buck Creek Road to Metcalf Road Public Works Administration Building Public Works Equipment Storage & Work Area Buildings Recreation Center Phase II Swift Gulch Road Relocation Town Center Plan Implementation Transportation Center Wildridge - Emergency / Bike Access Wildridge Park Improvements & Playground Wildridge Pavilion Wildridge Pocket Park - New in Block 5 Wildridge Pocket Park - Upper Area (New in Block 3 or 4) Wildridge Traffic Calming / Pedestrian Circulation Other Rating (1- 5) I z f I I o r I I 1 3 Note: Rate all Projects from 1 to 5, with 1 being lowest priority and 5 being highest priority. I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2002\Priority List 2002.Doc POTENTIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS / WISH LIST • 2002 CIP BUDGET August 9, 2001 Project Avon Road Pedestrian Bridge I-70 Information Center Information Kiosks - Town Center Metcalf Road Improvements Municipal Government - Space Needs Analysis Municipal Parking Facilities Nottingham Road - I-70 to Buck Creek Road Nottingham Road - Buck Creek Road to Metcalf Road Public Works Administration Building Public Works Equipment Storage & Work Area Buildings Recreation Center Phase II Swift Gulch Road Relocation Town Center Plan Implementation Transportation Center Wildridge - Emergency / Bike Access Wildridge Park Improvements & Playground Wildridge Pavilion Wildridge Pocket Park - New in Block 5 Wildridge Pocket Park - Upper Area (New in Block 3 or 4) Wildridg& fkrCa 1*J Pedestrian Circulation . Other W 1 t_ A-PQ a S UTT"( V Q03 ?? L \ 4- 5 Qv tia Rating (1- 5) 3 ?S L 7- 7- 1 -21 2 i Z L 4 • I S Note: Rate all Projects from 1 to 5, with 1 being lowest priority and 5 being highest priority. • I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2002\Priority List 2002.Doc ?Vv - POTENTIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS / WISH LIST 2002 M BUDGET August 9, 2001 Project Rating (1- 5) Avon Road Pedestrian Bridge - 011 1-11 f '??zry- 4,6"^ Z I-70 Information Center - ->r 644 x4t . 1 Information Kiosks - Town Center - s' Metcalf Road Improvements 3 Municipal Government - Space Needs Analysis Municipal Parking Facilities ! Nottingham Road - I-70 to Buck Creek Road ,s Nottingham Road - Buck Creek Road to Metcalf Road $ Public Works Administration Building p Public Works Equipment Storage & Work Area Buildings Recreation Center Phase II / Swift Gulch Road Relocation Town Center Plan Implementation Transportation Center Wildridge - Emergency / Bike Access Wildridge Park Improvements & Playground 1 Wildridge Pavilion p Wildridge Pocket Park - New in Block 5 / Wildridge Pocket Park - Upper Area (New in Block 3 or 4) / Wildridge Traffic Calming / Pedestrian Circulation 3 Other Note: Rate all Projects from I to 5, with l being lowest priority and 5 being highest priority. AUG-14-01 06:20 AM P.91 Ass-09-=001 17;02 From-Town of AVON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 8709499740 T-232 P.009/003 P-911 POTENTIAL CAPITAL PROJEcri i WISH LIST 2002 CIP BUD(' ET August 9, 2001. Project Rating (I - s) A,,on Road Pede•stl iau P rido,e I, 70 Infcuniation C onter ` '-- 111f)MIaTion Kiosics - Tow-11 Center Metvalf Roa.u Inaprowiltents t - - MunicipI 1 C?ovar?uncizt- Space Nccds Analysis NlunicipalParkivteFacili?.ie's .?nrtinghini Road -1.70 to 13uck Crcek RAa,d Nottingham Road - Buck Creel. Road to iyletceilf Road Kibli.c Works .AdTniuistrativn Building ?-- Public Works Equipment Storage & W rk Area quildiI?gs - ? Recreation Center Phase 11 D??;,(ti( ?,i l N?p ' ' ?. ; - ? _ Swift Gulch Road Relocation ? -- 1-own (,enter Ilan Implewentation rrlnslxa tatian Centw Wildrielp - Eincr9mey / Bika Ar..c.ss '- Wildridge Park. Improvenler<<s & Playground W'ildridge Pavilion -_ + W'ildridge Pocket Park - New in Block S Wiklridgc Pockm Park, • Upper Area (Jew in Block 3 or 4) Wild ridge 'fraffc Calming / Pedestrian Circulation Other _ Note: Rate all Projects frorn 1 5, v?-ith 1 being lowest priority and 5 being .highest ?lY i c??•i C?•. Lk 4? :~E?•g?r.acrc?gwdm,rn?rratfon?ClF fJUdqeUU0ZPr10rItY List 2002.00C 1 2002 CIP BUDGET - 2002 to 2006 CAPITAL PROJECTS - GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS August 23, 2001 FACILITIES Information Center / I-70 Description: Facility for Dissemination of Information to I-70 Travelers and Area Visitors. Status: The scope and magnitude of this project is currently undefined. Budget: 2001 $ 100,000 Information Kiosks - Town Center Description: Small Freestanding Structures Located in High Pedestrian Traffic Areas for the Purpose of Disseminating Information to Area Residents and Visitors - Information Provided Could Include General Map of Town Center Commercial Area with Names of Businesses, Services Provided and Location Indicated on Map Status: Preliminary Cost Estimate by Staff - Design & Installation Projected for Summer 2002 Following Completion of Sheraton's Mountain Vista Phase- I and the East Avon Access and Circulation Improvements. Budget: 2002 $ 20,000 Town Center Plan Implementation Description: Construct vehicular, transportation and pedestrian way through Town Center Mall to Nottingham Park. Improvements include bus pullout areas, on street parking and pedestrian sidewalks and streetscape. Other improvements include reconfiguration of existing lot lines and relocation of Benchmark Road. Status: RNL Design has just completed and presented a Draft of the Proposed Town Center Plan. Estimated Cost: $ 3,187,019 Potential Funding: Local Improvement District, Confluence Metropolitan District & Adjoining Property Owners Municipal Government - Space Needs Analysis Description: Evaluate Existing and Future Space Needs for the Town Based on Projected Administration Needs, Level of Public Services to be Provided and Required Staffing Levels. Needs Analysis Could Include Town Council / Public (Meeting & Communications), Police Department, Recreation, Administrative Functions and Swift Gulch (Transit / Public Works / Engineering). I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2002\Proj Dscrpt Drft-I.Doc Status: Relatively low cost alternative to reduce continual and on-going expense of remodels and shuffles to adjust available workspace to meet changing needs. Estimated Cost: $ 25,000 Municipal Parking Facilities Description: Centrally Located Parking Structure Constructed Independently by the Town or in Cooperation with and in Conjunction with Private Development. Status: Included in recommendations in both Town Center Plan and East Avon Access and Circulation Plan. Relatively High Cost Project. Estimated Cost is from Draft Town Center Plan. Estimated Cost: $ 7,000,000 Public Works - Shop Space & Equipment Storage Description: Enclosed and Heated Shop Space for Woodworking, Sign Making and Other Similar Activities Plus Storage of Weather & Temperature Sensitive Equipment Such As Street Sweepers and Water Tank/Spray Equipment. Status: Moderate Cost Project. Project Needs May Become Better Defined As Impacts of ECO Changes and Potential Partnership Issues Are Resolved. Estimated Cost: $ 750,000 Public Works - Administration Building Description: Replace Existing Modular Building with Permanent Structure to House Public Works, Transit and Engineering Departments Administrative Functions. Status: Relatively High Cost Project. Project Needs May Become Better Defined as Impacts of ECO Changes and Potential Partnership Issues Are Resolved. Estimated Cost: $ 1,500,000 Recreation Center - Phase II Expansion Description: Phase II Expansion of the Recreation Center Could Include Expanded Cardio-Weight Area, Additional Administration & Storage Space, Climbing Wall, Meeting Rooms and Gymnasium. Status: Relatively High Cost Project. Estimated Cost is not Based on Specific Project and Actual Costs May Vary Significantly as Actual Scope of Project is Defined. Estimated Cost: $ 3,500,000 Wildridge Pavilion Description: Building With Open Floor Plan, Restrooms and Minimal Kitchen Facilities Which Can Be Utilized For Local Group Meetings, Individual Parties, Wedding Receptions and Similar Type Functions - Easily Accessed with Adequate Parking for Anticipated Activities. I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2002\Proj Dscrpt Drft-I.Doc 2 Status: Moderate Cost Project. Estimated Cost Does Not Include Land Purchase for Development. Cost Could Increase Significantly if not Constructed on Existing Town Owned Property. Estimated Cost: $ 500,000 LAND & LAND IMPROVEMENTS Wildridge Park Improvements & Playground Description: Phase II Development Of Existing Park At Intersection Of Old Trail Road and O'Neal Spur - Potential Phase II Improvements Include Expanded Lower Area With Playground, Improved Play Areas, Picnic Shelters and Connecting Trails. Status: Specific Improvement Plans Have Not Been Developed at this Time. Level of Improvements Could be Based Upon Extent of In-House Resources Available for Construction and Amount of Potential Grants Received from Various Sources. Estimated Cost: $ 150,000 Wildridge Pocket Park - New Block 5 Description: Small Neighborhood Pocket Park Located on Town Owned Tract Q with Minor Landscaping and Small Playground. Status: Moderate Cost Improvement. Specific Improvement Plans Have Not Been Developed at this Time. Level of Improvements Could be Based Upon Extent of In-House Resources Available for Construction and Amount of Potential Grants Received from Various Sources. Estimated Cost: $ 150,000 Wildridge Pocket Park - New Block 3 or 4 Description: Small Neighborhood Pocket Park Located in the Upper Areas of Block 3 or 4 with Minor Landscaping and a Small Playground. Status: Moderate Cost Improvement. Requires Acquisition of Appropriate Site for Development of Park. Specific Improvement Plans Have Not Been Developed At This Time. Level of Improvements Could Be Based Upon Extent of In-House Resources Available for Construction and Amount of Potential Grants Received from Various Sources. Estimated Cost: $ 250,000 ROADS & STREETS Eaglebend Drive Streetscape Improvements Description: Extend Streetscape Improvements Including Curb, Gutter, Streetscape Lights and Bikepath Along Eaglebend Drive from Nottingham Station to Stonebridge Drive and Extend Bikepath to US Highway 6 I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2002\Proj Dscrpt Drft-1.Doc Status: Preliminary Cost Estimate by Staff - Design Projected for 2002 and Construction During Summer 2003. Budget: 2002 $ 40,000 2003 $ 350,000 Special Funds: Eaglebend Housing Authority $ 50,000 Eaglebend Entry Sign Description: Decorative Landscaping and Signage with Avon Logo Identifying Area as Eaglebend, Located at Us Highway 6 and Stonebridge Drive. Status: Preliminary Cost Estimate by Staff - Design and Construction Projected Summer 2003. Budget: 2003 $ 35,000 Nottingham Road Improvements / I-70 to West Side Buck Creek Road Description: Widen Nottingham Road to Four Lanes from Roundabout No. I to Buck Creek Road, Construct Roundabout at Nottingham Road/Buck Creek Road Intersection and Widen Nottingham Road to Three Lane Section from Buck Creek Road to East Entrance at Sherwood Meadows, Construct Streetscape Improvements Including Curb & Gutter, Sidewalks, Streetscape Lighting and Landscaping Along Length of Improvements Note: Improvements May Include Relocation of Swift Gulch Road Connection from Nottingham Road to Buck Creek Road. This Change is Pending Response from Owner of Wildwood Resort and is listed as a separate project with cost estimate. Status: Final Design is substantially complete and ready to develop easement and right-of-way descriptions for acquisition. Budget: Current - 2001 Design $ 125,000 2002 Right-of-Way & Easement $ 700,000 2003 Construction & Admin. $ 1,920,800 Nottingham Road Improvements / West Side Buck Creek Road to Metcalf Road Description: Streetscape Improvements Including Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Bus Stop Pull-Out, Pedestrian Level Lighting, Stormwater & Drainage Improvements and Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing Between East Entrance to Sherwood Meadows and Metcalf Road. Status: Design for this Portion of the Nottingham Road Improvements Project is Nearing Completion and Inter-Mountain Engineering (IME) is Expected to have it Complete Before Year-End. The Proposed Budget is based on a Combination of Preliminary Construction Cost Estimates Prepared by IME and Other Costs as Estimated by Staff. Proposed Right-of-Way Acquisition is Scheduled for 2004 and Construction is scheduled for 2005. Budget: Current - 2001 Design $ 40,000 2004 Right-Of-Way & Easement $ 168,000 2005 Construction $ 1,347,000 I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2002\Proj Dscrpt Drft-I.Doc 4 Swift Gulch Road Relocation Description: Realign Swift Gulch Road from behind Pizza Hut to cross Wildwood Resort, Lot 1 and connect with Buck Creek Road. Current connection and right-of-way to Nottingham Road would be vacated in exchange for right- of-way across Lot 1. Status: Preliminary layout and cost estimates were prepared by Inter-Mountain Engineering and the preliminary layout has been forwarded to Ray Nielsen for consideration in preparation of their proposed Cottonwood PUD application. Potential Cost Sharing with Cottonwood. Estimated Cost: $ 777,000 Paving/Road Improvements Description: Annual Street Resurfacing and Pavement Maintenance Program Generally Consisting of Asphalt Overlays and Related Surface Treatments. Status: Projects will be Determined Annually Based on Various Street Conditions Existing at that Time. Budget: Current - 2001 $ 108,063 2002 $ 200,000 2003 $ 200,000 2004 $ 205,000 2005 $ 205,000 Proposed - 2006 $ 210,000 East Beaver Creek Blvd. Improvements Description: Streetscape Improvements Including Traffic Control Medians, Sidewalks, Pedestrian Areas and Bicycle Lanes from End of Existing 5-Lane Section to Village at Avon Connection. Status: Construction Plans Are Substantially Complete. Acquisition of Right-of- Way and Easements Required for Construction is Anticipated During 2002 and Construction During 2003. This Schedule Should Allow Completion of the East Avon Access and Circulation Improvements Prior to Start of This Construction. This Should Improve Traffic Flow Reduce Congestion During Construction and Still Conform to the Anticipated Development Schedule for Village at Avon. Budget: 2002 $ 90,000 2003) $ 895,068 Special Funds: Village at Avon (2002) $ 90,000 Village at Avon (2003) $ 895,068 Metcalf Road Improvements Description: Reconstruct Metcalf Road from Nottingham Road to Wildwood Road. Improvements May Include Additional Lanes to Accommodate Left Turn Movements and Uphill Passing Along with Paved Shoulders for Bike and Pedestrian Traffic. Status: This Project is not well Defined at this Time and Proposed Budget is Based on Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate Only. Project May Become Better Defined with Completion of Stormwater and Drainage Project for the Metcalf Road Basin. I:\EngineeringWdministration\CIP Budget\2002\Proj Dscrpt Drft-I.Doc 5 Estimated Cost: $ 1,000,000 Eagle River Bikepath - West Beaver Creek Blvd. to Confluence Description: Ten-Foot Wide Asphalt Bikepath Beginning at West Beaver Creek Blvd. and Millies Lane and Generally Paralleling the Union Pacific Railroad to Connect with the Existing Bikepath on the Confluence Site. Status: Construction Plans are in progress and anticipate completion in time to begin construction this fall and complete in the spring or summer of 2002. Funding options and participation are being discussed with Eagle River Water & Sanitation District and ECO. Budget: Current - 2001 $ 44100 Special Funds: ECO Trails Grant - Anticipated (2001) $ 335,100 Wildridge Emergency / Bike Access Description: Improved Access Across USFS Land Proposed for Land Trade and Affordable Housing Development From Nottingham Road Through Proposed Housing Development to Wildridge. Surface of Access to be Determined as Project is Defined Following Completion of the Land Trade and Housing Development Plans. Status: Project is a Concept Only and Estimated Cost is Based Only on an Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate. Costs May Vary Significantly as Project Design is Developed and Refined. Cost Estimate: $ 850,000 Wildridge Traffic Calming / Pedestrian Circulation Description: This Project is Expected to Include a Variety of Improvements Directed at Reducing Conflicts Between Vehicles and Pedestrians. Improvements Are Expected to Include Open Space Pedestrian Trails Connecting Concentrated Residential Development Areas with Destination Areas, Sidewalks or Paved Paths Adjacent to More Heavily Traveled Roads, Widened and Paved Shoulders, and Use of Various Design Techniques to Encourage Reduced but Realistic Vehicles Speeds Throughout the Area. Status: Project is a Concept Only and Proposed Budget is Based Only on an Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate. This May Develop as an On-Going Project With Some of the Smaller Projects Implemented During the Course of Normal Repair and Maintenance Activities. Costs May Vary Significantly, as Project Design is Developed and Refined. Budget: 2003 $ 10,000 2004 $ 40,000 Transportation Center Description: Centralized Transportation Hub Where Multi Transportation Modes Connect and Interact - Potential Interactions Include Automobile, Local Buses, Regional Buses, Passenger Rail, Local Transportation System (Cableliner), Beaver Creek Gondola/Funicular and Pedestrians. I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2002\Proj Dscrpt Drft-I.Doc 6 Status: Project is Concept only and Details of Final Project Design and Actual Costs Are Highly Variable and Dependent Upon Other Development in the Area. CDOT Funds for This Project Are Currently Listed in the STIP for 2003. This Timing is also Expected to Correspond with Anticipated Development of the Confluence Site. Budget: 2003 $ 800,000 2004 $1,200,000 Special Funds: CDOT Grant Anticipated 2003 $ 640,000 CDOT Grant Anticipated 2004 $ 960,000 STRATEGIC PLANNING Planning & Consulting Description: Consulting Services for Various Planning Projects That May Arise Throughout the Year. Status: Annual Budget Item to Address Miscellaneous Unscheduled Planning Issues That May Occur During the Year. Budget: Current - 2001 $ 25,000 2002 $ 25,000 2003 $ 25,000 2004 $ 25,000 2005) $ 25,000 Proposed - 2006 $ 25,000 OTHER Fireplace Conversions Description: Funding to Encourage Homeowners to Replace Wood Burning Fireplaces and Stoves with Approved Clean Burning Devices. Status: On-Going Annual Project. Budget: Current - 2001 $ 6,000 2002 $ 6,000 2003) $ 6,000 2004 $ 6,000 2005 $ 6,000 Proposed - 2006 $ 6,000 I:\Engineering\Administration\CIP Budget\2002\Proj Dscrpt Drft-I.Doc 7 TOWN OF AVON REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA August 28, 2001 - 5:30 PM 1. Call to Order / Roll Call -1/',1 3 2. Citizen Input a.) Triathlon Update (Mike Mullins) 3. Ordinances 4. Resolutions a.) Resolution No. 01-20, Series of 2001, A Resolution Approving the Preliminary Plan for 1 L Mountain Vista Condominiums, A Resubdivision of Lot 2A, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision,, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado 5. Unfinished Business a.) The Village (at Avon) Temporary Construction Access use, `,? e o, 6. New Business ?-V 7 \--}e r` r k `" C)' 7. Town Manager Report, 8. Town Attorney Report 9. Mayor Report 10. Other Business 11. Consent Agenda a.) Approval of the August 14, 2001 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Financial Matters c.) Resolution No. 01-19, Series of 2001, A Resolution Designating September 9' to 15' as i 1 r "Try Transit Week" } d.) Resolution No. 01-21, Series of 2001, A Resolution Approving the Condominium Map, Mountain Vista Condominiums, A Resubdivision of Lot 2A, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado e.) Resolution No. 01-22, Series of 2001, A Resolution Accepting Public Improvements and Establishing a Warranty Period in Accordance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for the Amended Plat of Chapel Square Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado f.) Avon Recreation Center Refurbishment of the Locker and Changing Rooms - Construction Contract Administration Services 12. Adjournment `? 41 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer?l?) Ruth O. Borne, Director of Community Development Date: August 21, 2001 Re: Resolution No. 01 -20, Approving the Preliminary Plan for Mountain Vista Condominium, a Resubdivision of Lot 2A (160 West Beaver Creek Boulevard), Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado Public Hearing Summary: Points of Colorado, Inc., owner of Lot 2A, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, has submitted a Preliminary Plan to further subdivide Mountain Vista Condominiums, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. This is a condominium subdivision for the 100 timeshare units on Lot 2A, which is consistent with the requirements of their Amended PUD and Development Agreement for Phase 1A. The subdivision is in conformance with the Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code. Recommendations: This is a public hearing. Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 01-20, Series of 2001, A Resolution Approving Mountain Vista Condominiums, a Resubdivision of Lot 2A, Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, subject to corrections to be approved by staff. Town Manager Comments: the Preliminary Plan for Mountain Vista Resort completion of technical FACouncil (c)\MEMOS\2001\Res 01-20 Mtn Vista Prel Plan.doc TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO.01-20 Series of 2001 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR MOUNTAIN VISTA CONDOMINIUMS, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 2A, MOUNTAIN VISTA RESORT SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, Points of Colorado, Inc. has submitted a Preliminary Plan for a Resubdivision of Lot 2A, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plan has been reviewed by the Town Staff, public notices have been mailed, and a public hearing held in accordance with the requirements of Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plan was found to be substantially in conformance with Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision complies with the requirements for consideration as a Preliminary Plan. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, that the Preliminary Plan for Mountain Vista Condominiums, A Resubdivision of Lot 2A, Mountain Resort Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, is hereby approved by the Town of Avon subject to: 1. The completion of technical corrections as identified by Town Staff. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 2001. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer A/ Date: August 24, 2001 Re: The Village (at Avon) Temporary Construction Access Summary: Attached Resolution 01-09 A Resolution Approving Preliminary Subdivision Plan for The Village (at Avon) Filing 1, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado authorizes a temporary construction access from Stonebridge Drive with the stipulation: Provided: In lieu of granting the developer rights of temporary construction access over Stonebridge Drive as set forth herein, the Town Council may, on or before September 10, 2001, designate East Beaver Creek Boulevard as the site of temporary construction access. The above stated conditions and requirements of the access permit shall all apply regardless of whether the temporary construction access route is over East Beaver Creek Boulevard or Stonebridge Drive. If Council wishes to change the provisions of the Resolution regarding the approval of the Stonebridge Temporary Construction Access, this action should be made by Resolution. Staff can prepare a Resolution for action at a subsequent Council Meeting to formalize the desired action of Council. Recommendations: Provide direction to staff for preparation of a Resolution to formalize the desired action of Council. Town Manager Comments: I:\Engineering\Avon Village\Prel Plat\Stonebridge Access Memo-1.Doc TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION 01- 09 SERIES OF 2001 A RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN FOR THE VILLAGE (at Avon) FILING 1, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, Traer Creek LLC, the owner of the applicable portion of The Village (at Avon) has filed a subdivision application for The Village (at Avon) Filing 1, Preliminary Plan approval in accordance with Chapter 16.20 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, Traer Creek LLC has filed an application for variance from the Subdivision Regulation of the Town to allow construction of a cul-de-sac with a length greater than 1,000 feet; and WHEREAS, Traer Creek LLC has filed an application for variance from the Subdivision Regulation of the Town to allow the issuance of a permit for overlot grading prior to final plat approval; and WHEREAS, The Preliminary Plan is subject to the terms and conditions of the Annexation and Development Agreement dated October 13, 1998 and any amendments or modifications thereto; and WHEREAS, The Preliminary Plan is subject to the terms and conditions of the P.U.D. Development / Sketch Plan dated October 13, 1998 and any amendments or modifications thereto; and WHEREAS, T raer Creek LLC and EMD Limited Liability Company have submitted an amendment to the P.U.D. Development/Sketch Plan for administrative approval; and WHEREAS, the Designated Representative of the Director of Community Development has reviewed the PUD Development Plan Administrative Amendment No. 1 and has determined that it qualifies for administrative approval; and WHEREAS, The Town has provided public notice in accordance with Section 16.20.070 to all owners within three hundred feet of The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 and posted notices of the time and date at which Town Council considered the preliminary subdivision application; and WHEREAS, The Town held a public hearing at which it received evidence and testimony concerning the Preliminary Plan, at the conclusion of which the Town Council considered such evidence and testimony. -T NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, that the Town hereby finds and determines that the Preliminary Plan including a variance for a cul-de-sac having a length greater than 1,000 feet and a variance to allow a permit for overlot grading to be issued prior to approval and recording of the Final Subdivision Plat for The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 is in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare and conforms to the terms of the PUD Development Plan Administrative Amendment No. 1 executed the day of June, 2001 and other applicable development laws, regulations and policies of the Town of Avon and hereby approves the same subject to the following conditions: 1. General Requirements - Must be Completed Prior to Final Plat Approval: An amendment to the Annexation and Development Agreement must be approved prior to approval and recording of the Final Subdivision Plat for The Village (at Avon) Filing 1. 2. Emergency access and fire hydrant spacing must be approved by the Eagle River Fire Protection District. 3. Plans for all water and sewer facilities must be approved by Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. 4. Complete geologic hazard reports including mitigation measures must be submitted to and approved by the Town. 5. All roundabouts and street intersections shall be designed to accommodate complete turning movements for the largest anticipated delivery truck (WB- 67) without encroaching onto center island or exterior radii curb and gutter. Documentation evidencing turning movements must be approved by the Town of Avon Engineering Department. 6. Other Jurisdictional Approvals Required: a. Eagle County approval is required for the road improvements for the Highway 6 Connector Road, Nottingham Ranch Road and Eaglebend Drive, including but not limited to a Construction Improvements Agreement (C.I.A.) for all road improvements within unincorporated Eagle County. These road improvements must also be acceptable to, and approved by the Town of Avon. b. Highway 6 Access Permit must be obtained from Eagle County and Colorado Department of Transportation ("CDOT"). C. Eagle River Bridge: All necessary approval and permits must be obtained from Eagle County and other applicable permitting jurisdictions. d. Separated railroad grade crossing: All necessary licenses and approvals must be obtained from the railroad and P.U. C. and other relevant permitting authorities. 2 e. Nottingham Gulch Drainage: Discharge to Eagle River must be approved by Eagle County. f. A Floodplain Development Permit must be obtained from Eagle County for activity within the unincorporated Eagle County floodplain. g. Storm Water Management plans for storm water discharged into Eagle River in unincorporated areas must be approved by Eagle County. h. A grading permit is required by Eagle County for any grading activities over fifty (50) cubic yards within unincorporated areas of the County. i. Storm Water Management plans, including compliance with water quality standards must be approved by Eagle County for unincorporated areas within the County. 7. Drainage: Plans for Storm Water Management and Pollution Control Facilities within the Town must be approved by the Town of Avon. 8. Utilities: Approval of construction plans for all utility services including but not limited to water, sewer, electric, natural gas, phone and cable must be provided by the appropriate entities to the Town of Avon. 9. Traer Creek LLC must provide FIR approval by CDOT and/or FHWA for the 1-70 interchange improvements. 10. A Subdivision Improvements Agreement must be approved by the Town and the corresponding security must be provided to assure compliance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. 11. Approval and Recording of the Final Subdivision Plat shall include provisions acceptable to the Town for the timing of the dedication and transfer of The Village (at Avon) Filing 1, Lot 5 to the Town for use as a Public Works site. II. Variance - Permit for Overlot Grading Prior to Final Plat Approval A satisfactory Erosion Control Plan must be approved by the Town and implemented prior to issuance of a grading permit. 2. An Air Quality (Fugitive Dust) Monitoring and Control Plan must be approved by the Town and implemented prior to issuance of a grading permit. 3. A security deposit sufficient as determined by the Town, to assure satisfactory completion of grading and revegetation operations will be required prior to issuance of a permit for overlot grading. 3 4. Rock crusher and related operations shall be located at least 800 feet from the southerly property line, known as the railroad right of way. The rock crusher shall be screened on the southerly side by a berm at least 20 feet high. The berm shall be constructed prior to commencement of crusher operations and remain in place throughout the crusher operation. Ill. Permit for Work Within Public Right of Way - Stonebridge Temporary Construction Access: The following conditions must be met prior to issuance of a permit for work within the Public Right of Way for the installation of a temporary construction access from Stonebridge Drive: a. The 1-70 Interchange ramps must not be available for construction traffic; and b. The Nottingham Ranch Road bridge must not be available for construction traffic. 2. The Stonebridge Temporary Access permit will be issued in accordance with Section 10.24.040 of the Avon Municipal Code and shall include the following requirements: a. In no event shall the Stonebridge Temporary Access be used for construction access longer than six (6) consecutive months. b. Stonebridge Drive must be restored, at a minimum, to its previous condition, including asphalt removal, grading, revegation, and replacement of damaged pavement as determined by the Town within thirty (30) days following completion of its use as a temporary construction access. C. Traffic control and safety measures as approved by the Town, shall be implemented and maintained for the temporary construction access. 3. PROVIDED: In lieu of granting the developer rights of temporary construction access over Stonebridge Drive as set forth herein, the Town Council may, on or before September 10, 2001, designate East Beaver Creek Boulevard as the site of temporary construction access. The above stated conditions and requirements of the access permit shall all apply regardless of whether the temporary construction access route is over East Beaver Creek Boulevard or Stonebridge Drive.* IV. Filing 1, Lot 1 - Must be Complied with Prior to any Development on Lot 1 Temporary/Permanent Roads a. East Beaver Creek Boulevard and Chapel Place may be located in temporary access easements but must be maintained to a level consistent with Town of Avon street maintenance parameters. . Proviso added by amendment.' 4 a b. No building permit will be issued or development authorized on Lot 1, Filing 1 until permanent rights-of-way are established and appropriate development and subdivision improvement agreements guaranteeing construction of the permanent road improvements for East Beaver Creek Boulevard and Chapel Place are approved by the Town of Avon. 2. Utilities and Stormwater Facilities a. Service for all utilities must be provided to all parcels created in conjunction with any re-subdivision of Lot 1. b. Adequate on-site and off-site storm water facilities must be provided as determined to be necessary through the Lot 1 re- subdivision process, prior to the issuance of any building permit on Lot 1. ADOPTED THIS ), DAY OF JUNE, 2001. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO y Yode M or EST: Wash Town Clerk 5 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD AUGUST 14, 2001 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Michael Brown, Debbie Buckley, Peter Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt and Mayor Protem Buz Reynolds present. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Human Resource Director Jacquie Halburnt, Police Chief Jeff Layman, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs, Public Works Supervisor Rob Janusz, Asst. Director of Community Development Ruth Borne, as well as members of the public. Citizen Input: Employee Recognition Award for Michaela Voegelin Mayor Yoder presented an award to Ms. Voegelin for her years of service to the Town of Avon Public Works department. Citizen Input: Ms. Chris Ekrem, resident of Eaglebend Drive, approached the Council. Her concern is that her property taxes keep increasing, but her quality of life does not. She feels that with the Village at Avon development that quality will not improve. She feels that if the town does decide to put a cul-de-sac at the end of Eaglebend Drive, the residents should not be charged to do this. She also questioned why the police department is allowed to park on Eaglebend Drive without getting ticketed, but all other residents do get ticketed. Staff will look into this. Citizen Input: Ms. Amy Phillips, resident of Eaglebend Drive, approached the Council to discuss the McGrady Acres annexation. Town Manager Efting stated that Ms. Phillips should attend the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting to voice her concerns to them as it was premature to do this to the Town Council. Mr. Efting provided her with a schedule of the annexation procedures and hearings. Ordinances: Second Reading of Ordinance No. 01-05, Series of 2001, An Ordinance Repealing and Reenacting Sections 15.08.090 C and 15.08.090 D of the Avon Municipal Code Concerning Temporary Certificates of Occupancy Mayor Yoder stated that this is a public hearing. Asst. Community Development Director Borne stated that this is second reading of the ordinance which will stream line the TCO process. Staff recommends adoption of the ordinance. There being no comments from the public, Mayor Yoder closed the public hearing. Councilor Curly motioned approval of Ordinance No. 01-05, Series of 2001. Mayor Protem Reynolds seconded the motion. Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call. The motion carried unanimously. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 01-06, Series of 2001, An Ordinance Adopting the Updated Zoning Map Mayor Yoder stated that this is a public hearing. Asst. Community Development Director Borne stated this is the second reading to update the Town's zoning map which corrects technical issues and updates rezonings from PUDs. Staff recommends approval of the ordinance. Councilor Curly motioned approval of Ordinance No. 01-06, Series of 2001. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call. The motion carried unanimously. First Reading of Ordinance No. 01-07, Series of 2001, An Ordinance Adding a Use Tax on Construction Materials Mayor Yoder stated that this resolution has been pulled from the agenda. Regular Council Meeting August 14, 2001 Resolution No. 01-19, Series of 2001, A Resolution Initiating Annexation Proceedings for a Portion of the Land Known as McGrady Acres into the Town of Avon; Finding Substantial Compliance of the Petition for Annexation; and Setting a Hearing Thereon Town Engineer Norm Wood stated that EMD Limited Liability Co., and Traer Creek, LLC have submitted a petition for annexation for a portion of McGrady Acres and Nottingham Ranch Road to Highway 6 into the town of Avon. He stated that this part of the process includes determination that meets basic criteria for annexation, 1/6 contiguity with existing town boundaries, and a connection between the property and the town. He stated that tonight's action makes that finding, and schedules a public hearing for the annexation. Asst. Town Manager Brooks noted a technical error. The resolution is actually Resolution No. 01-18, Series of 2001, and not 01-19 as indicated on the agenda. Councilor Curly motioned approval of Resolution No. 01-18, Series of 2001. Councilor Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. New Business: Preliminary Plan and Re-Zoning for a Portion of McGrady Acres Mr. Wood stated that this is simply a motion to approve a referral to the Planning & Zoning Commission for Preliminary Plan and Rezoning approval. Councilor Debbie Buckley motioned to approve the referral to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Councilor Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Town Manager Report: Town Manager Efting stated that there is a CAST meeting in Steamboat Springs next Thursday and Friday. Mayor Report: Mayor Yoder thanked the Staff for their hard work at Summerfest last Saturday. Other Business: Councilor Peter Buckley reported that they had a candidate for Avon Postmaster, which was withdrawn so there is still no permanent postmaster. Regular Council Meeting August 14, 2001 Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the July 24, 2001 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Intergovernmental Agreement with Eagle County for Coordinated Election c.) 2001 Street Repair and Improvements Contract - Change Order No. 2 d.) Eagle Valley Regional Trails Plan Mayor Yoder stated that Item b will be removed from the agenda. Councilor McDevitt motioned approval of the Consent Agenda without Item b. Councilor Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Protem Reynolds motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjoumed/at 6:00 PM. Y SUBMITTED: Nash, Tpwn Clerk APPROVED: Michael Brown Debbie Buckley Peter Buckley Rick Curly Mac McDevitt Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder Regular Council Meeting 4 August 14, 2001 FINANCIAL MATTERS August 28, 2001 1. Detail - Building Activity Report 2. Detail-Real Estate Transfer Taxes 3. Detail-Sales Tax Update 4. Detail-Accomodations Tax Update Town of Avon 970-748-4030 P.O.Box 975 Avon, Co. 81620 748-4094 For Inspection Request Permit Tally Printed:8/8/01 For: July, 2001 Page1 of 2 Permit Purpose: Expand SF Residential Public: Construction Value: $.00 # of Bldgs: # of Units: Permit Charges: $.00 Private: 1 Construction Value: $.00 # of Bldgs: 1 # of Units: 1 Permit Charges: $1,016.95 Permit Purpose: New Commercial/Industrial Public: Bldg. Construction Value: $.00 # of Bldgs: # of Units: Permit Charges: $.00 Private: 1 Construction Value: $159,400.00 # of Bldgs: # of Units: Permit Charges: $6,838.26 Permit Purpose: New SF Residential Public: Construction Value: $.00 # of Bldgs: # of Units: Permit Charges: $.00 Private: 3 Construction Value: $1,197,946.61 # of Bldgs: 2 # of Units: 3 Permit Charges: $16,400.51 Permit Purpose: Repair/Remodel MF Residential Public: Construction Value: $.00 # of Bldgs: # of Units: Permit Charges: $.00 Private: 1 Construction Value: $40,000.00 # of Bldgs: # of Units: Permit Charges: $895.54 Permit Purpose: Repair/Remodel SF Residential 01 Permit Tally Printed:8/8/01 For: July, 2001 Page2of2 Permit Purpose: Repair/Remodel SF Residential Public: Construction Value: $.00 # of Bldgs: # of Units: Permit Charges: $.00 Private: 3 Construction Value: $70,000.00 # of Bldgs: # of Units: Permit Charges: $1,798.93 Permit Purpose: Tenant Finish Public: # of Bldgs: # of Units: Private: 1 # of Bldgs: # of Units: Construction Value: $.00 Permit Charges: Construction Value: $50,000.00 Permit Charges: $.00 $1,512.83 Totals: Public: Construction Value: $.00 # of Bldgs: # of Units: Permit Charges: $.00 Private: 10 Construction Value: $1,517,346.61 # of Bldgs:3 # of Units: 4 Permit Charges: $28,463.02 0 Town of Avon Real Estate Transfer Tax Transactions Calendar Year 2001 Purchaser Amount of RETT Name Property Received $441,625.80 Holiday Resales Chrisite Lodge Timeshares $75.18 Long Avon Crossing #1201 $820.00 Ames/wilkinson Sunridge #108 $2,680.00 Dvoranchik Lakeveiw #A1 $1,180.00 Hammond/Moser Avon Crossing #3211 $3,900.00 Holquin Sunridge #K202 $2,770.00 Murray Sunrcrest #1 $5,300.00 Akelson Avon Crossing #3304 $1,260.00 Eagle County Title Chrisite Lodge Timeshares $1,429.50 Eagle County Title Christie Lodge Timeshares $966.00 Easthouse Eagle Bend Lot 19 $8,400.00 Rioux Lot 54 Blk 1 WR $4,000.00 Mountain Owners Benchmark Shopping Center $74,500.00 Starwood Vacation Lakeside Terrace Timeshares $170.00 Hayes Lot 52 Blk 4 WR $2,800.00 Lot 21 Wildridge LLC Lot 21 Blk 1 WR $3,700.00 Joyce Lot 111D Blk 1 $18,700.00 Puchebner Stone Creek #211 $6,290.00 Butcher/Needham Avon Crossing #4211 $3,998.00 The Title Company of the Rockies Christie Lodge Timeshares $866.70 A.T.S. Joint Venture Avon Town Square $50,000.00 Larsen/Hill Avon Crossing #4203 $800.00 Guerra Benchmark #617 $1,760.00 1 Town of Avon Real Estate Transfer Tax Transactions Calendar Year 2001 Purchaser Amount of RETT Name Property Received Jaberg Lot 9 Blk 3 WR $11,500.00 Sills Buck Creek Plaza #401 $3,190.00 Landy Lot 2 Eaglebend $7,000.00 A.S.S.O. Inc Lot 52 Blk 1 WR $2,600.00 Stein Ridgepoint #14 $9,300.00 The Title Company of the Rockies Christie Lodge Timeshares $1,515.90 The Title Company of the Rockies Christie Lodge Timeshares $570.21 Total through July $673,667.29 2 TOWN OF AVON SALES TAX BY MONTH 1997 96'-97'% 1998 97'-98'% 1999 98'-99'% 2000 991-001% 2001 00'-01% Total 5 Change Change Change Change Change % Increaso January 377,597.32 13.67% 379,424.41 0.48% 384,939.69 1.45% 359,721.88 -6.55% 408,217.16 13.48% 8.11% February 362,516.58 10.86% 378,112.00 4.30% 397,323.16 5.08% 397,291.59 -0.01% 401,384.50 1.03% 10.72% March 468,675.51 14.88% 460,191.56 -1.81% 474,933.06 3.20% 457,053.94 -3.76% 503,411.30 10.14% 7.41% April 265,356.48 4.91% 310,197.72 16.90% 302,864.19 -2.36% 337,087.43 11.30% 344,079.71 2.07% 29.67% May 241,012.56 8.53% 249,079.90 3.35% 265,405.35 6.55% 286,191.36 7.83% 317,331.11 10.88% 31.67% June 313,116.79 5.03% 337,562.03 7.81% 395,755.68 17.24% 398,869.89 0.79% 393,695.61 -1.30% 25.73% July 353,101.99 5.37% 370,086.73 4.81% 395,954.38 6.99% 415,978.51 5.06% - -100.00% -100.00% August 338,134.48 4.22% 363,110.96 7.39% 366,648.94 0.97% 400,447.52 9.22% -100.00% -100.00% September 319,410.91 5.58% 333,508.38 4.41% 364,432.54 9.27% 375,400.90 3.01% -100.00% -100.00% October 263,685.99 -0.89% 305,035.11 15.68% 295,541.62 -3.11% 320,796.00 8.55% -100.00% -100.00% November 339,200.41 18.94% 335,073.59 -1.22% 320,335.28 -4.40% 329,170.99 2.76% -100.00% -100.00% December 533,904.08 4.86% 550,077.22 3.03% 564,813.35 2.68% 607,777.58 7.61% -100.00% -100.00% YTD Total 4,175,713.10 8.10% 4,371,459.61 4.69% 4,528,947.24 3.60% 4,685,787.59 3.46% 2,368,119.39 5.90% 16.76% YTD Through June Collections 1997-2001 A' A 'S fi •, 5 2,400,000.00 2,300,000.00 2,200,000.00 ,i 41 2,100,000.00 R t; 1 2,000,000.00 T 1,900,000.00 7 ' 7 3 jKyp ? . r M t 5t 1,800,000.00 ' 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year TOWN OF AVON ACCOMMODATIONS TAX BY MONTH 1997 96-97% 1998 97'-98% 1999 98'-99% 2000 99'-00'% 2001 00'-01'% Total5-Yr Change Change Change Change Change % Increase January 39,958.27 5.75% 39,357.21 -1.50%, 41,102.99 4.44% 24,753.92 -39.78%, 35,913.75 45.08% -10.12%, February 45,305.47 6.89% 42,769.24 -5.60% 36,985.03 -13.52%, 32,158.10 -13.05% 42,137.63 31.03% -6.99%, March 63,054.38 12.83% 51,035.34 -19.06% 42,018.24 -17.67%, 42,385.82 0.87% 55,435.56 30.79% -12.08% April 11,850.40 -0.34% 13,556.94 14.40% 11,609.15 -14.37% 10,166.11 -12.43% 12,152.00 19.53% 2.55% May 8,759.53 30.67% 5,762.93 -34.21% 6,117.50 6.15% 5,712.27 -6.62%, 6,749.18 18.15%, -22.95% June 13,982.39 10.68% 12,609.03 -9.82% 14,958.28 18.63% 15,610.67 4.36%, 15,630.07 0.12% 11.78% July 21,298.64 6.76% 20,845.64 -2.13% 21,120.57 1.32% 21,769.19 3.07% - -100.00% -100.00% August 22,365.12 9.68% 22,875.39 2.28% 16,452.89 -28.08% 17,093.13 3.89% -100.00% -100.00% September 11,173.41 -14.66% 11,262.18 0.79% 10,300.61 -8.54% 12,810.60 24.37%, -100.00% -100.00%, October 8,819.05 -18.59% 8,315.76 -5.71% 7,258.18 -12.72% 9,139.51 25.92% -100.00% -100.00% November 12,112.05 -5.56% 10,813.22 -10.72% 7,889.97 -27.03% 10,233.40 29.70% -100.00% -100.00% December 40,000.05 18.97% 32,602.89 -18.49% 25,606.29 -21.46% 32,309.50 26.18% -100.00% -100.00%, YTD Total 298,678.76 7.44% 271,805.77 -9.00% 241,419.70 -11.18% 234,142.22 -3.01% 168,018.19 28.47% -8.14% YTD Through June Collections 1997-2001 200,000.00 180,000.00 ?K- 160,000.00 140,000.00 ?'??, , s`x <4+ u 120,000.00 t may : jx+r r ° t, Ay c kr';: y 100 000.00 OtF { " fit' qY 5'k#' , I p 80,000.00 } 4s*<.. ?: 60,000.00 40 000.00) - l e , r ? 20,000.00 ti 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year Monthly Collections for June 1997-2001 16,000.00 14,000.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 6,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 Y , y 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 TOWN COUNCIL FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 01 - 19 DESIGNATION OF SEPTEMBER 9`h to 15`h AS "TRY TRANSIT WEEK" WHEREAS, the Town Council for the Town of Avon, State of Colorado (hereinafter the "Council") acknowledges that public transportation is vital to the quality of life and the economic well- being of the citizens of Avon; and WHEREAS, workers, school children, senior citizens, people with disabilities, and those unable to afford automobiles use public transportation to gain access to jobs, schools, medical facilities, and other fundamental services; and WHEREAS, the Council wishes to join the American Public Transportation Association, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Federal Transit Authority, the National Association of Counties, the National League of Cities, and others in celebrating "Try Transit Week" on September 9-15, 2001; and WHEREAS, "Try Transit Week" promotes the benefits of effective transit service, builds public support by increasing awareness of how public transportation betters the quality of life in Avon, attracts new customers to transit service, and honors both transit employees and regular customers; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to encourage all citizens to celebrate the many benefits our community experiences when more people use public transportation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the Council hereby finds, determines and declares that September 9`h to 15a', 2001, shall be designated as "Try Transit Week" in Avon and be celebrated by families and communities throughout the Town. The Council calls upon all citizens to examine their personal travel choices, to commute via transit or share a ride during "Try Transit Week." THAT, the Council hereby finds, determined and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Avon, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Town Council for the Town of Avon, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the day of , 2001. ATTEST: Clerk to the Town Council By: TOWN COUNCIL OF AVON, STATE OF COLORADO, by and Through Its MAYOR Judy Yoder Mayor Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Enginee q5% Ruth O. Bome, Director of Community Development Date: August 21, 2001 Re: Resolution No. 01 -21, Approving the Condominium Map, Mountain Vista Condominiums, a Resubdivision of Lot 2A, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado Summary: Points of Colorado, Inc., owner of Lot 2A, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, has submitted a Condominium Map to subdivide Lot 2A, Mountain Vista Condominiums, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. This is a condominium subdivision for the 100 timeshare units on Lot 2A, which is consistent with the requirements of their Amended PUD and Development Agreement for Phase 1A. The subdivision is in conformance with the Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code. Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 01-21, Series of 2001, A Resolution Approving the Condominium Map, Mountain Vista Condominiums, a Resubdivision of Lot 2A, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, subject to: Prior approval of Resolution 01-20, a Resolution Approving the Preliminary Plan for Mountain Vista Condominiums, a Resubdivision of Lot 2A, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle county, Colorado. 2. Completion of technical corrections identified by staff. Town Manager Comments: L\Council (c)\MEMOS\2001\Res 01-21 Mtn Vista Final Plat.doc TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 01-21 Series of 2001 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONDOMINIUM MAP, MOUNTAIN VISTA CONDOMINIUMS, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 2A, MOUNTAIN VISTA RESORT SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, Points of Colorado, Inc. has submitted a Condominium Map for a Resubdivision of Lot 2A, Mountain Vista Resort, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Condominium Map has been reviewed by the Town Staff; and WHEREAS, the Condominium Map was found to be substantially in conformance with Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision complies with the requirements for consideration as a Condominium Map. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, that the Condominium Map, Mountain Vista Condominiums, A Resubdivision of Lot 2A, Mountain Resort Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, is hereby approved by the Town of Avon subject to: 1. Prior approval of Resolution 01-20, a Resolution Approving the Preliminary Plan for Mountain Vista Condominiums, a Resubdivision of Lot 2A, Mountain Vista Resort Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle county, Colorado. 2. Completion of technical corrections identified by staff. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 2001. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: August 22, 2001 Re: Chapel Square Subdivision Improvements Agreement Resolution No. 01-22, Series of 2001, Accepting Public Improvements and Establishing Warranty Period Summary: Chapel Square has satisfactorily completed the public improvements identified in the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. The satisfactory completion of these improvements has been adequately documented by field inspections, the submittal of As-Built Plans and Certifications by registered professional engineers as stipulated in the Subdivision Improvements Agreement. These Improvements were complete as of August 22, 2001 and the stipulated one-year warranty period should extend through August 22, 2002. The Town currently holds a deed of trust or other legally binding document for an unencumbered interest of at least $82,500 in Chapel Square Condominium Unit BR-403 to provide sufficient surety for the one-year warranty period obligation of $40,268. In addition the Town is obligated upon completion and acceptance of the work to make the final $50,000 payment to Chapel Square LLC per a previous agreement related to the dedication of the Chapel Place right-of-way to the Town of Avon. The Village (at Avon) will reimburse the Town of Avon $25,000 of this amount per the Annexation and Development Agreement. The attached Resolution No. 01-22, accepts the improvements as complete and establishes the one-year warranty period as being August 22, 2001 through August 22, 2002 and accepts the current Deed of Trust on Chapel Square Condominium Unit BR-403 in the amount of $82,500 as being adequate security for the completion of warranty work during this period. The Resolution also stipulates approval of the final $50,000 payment related to the dedication of the Chapel Place right-of-way to the Town of Avon. I:\Engineering\Subdivision\Benchmark At BC\Chapel Square\Imprv Accept Memo Res 01-22.Doc l Approval of attached Resolution No. 01-22, A Resolution Accepting Public Improvements and Establishing a Warranty Period in Accordance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for the Amended Plat of Chapel Square Subdivision is recommended. Recommendations: Approve Resolution No. 01-22, Series of 2001, A Resolution Accepting Public Improvements and Establishing a Warranty Period in Accordance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for the Amended Plat of Chapel Square Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. Town Manager Comments: `Y I:\Engineering\Subdivision\Benchmark At BC\Chapel Square\Imprv Accept Memo Res 01-22.Doc 2 TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 01-22 Series of 2001 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND ESTABLISHING A WARRANTY PERIOD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR THE AMENDED PLAT OF CHAPEL SQUARE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, the Town of Avon and Chapel Square, LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company entered into a SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT in connection with the approval of the Amended Plat of Chapel Square Subdivision; and WHEREAS, said Agreement established certain public and private improvements to be constructed in conjunction with said subdivision; and WHEREAS, said Agreement established requirements for the provision of security deposits to assure completion of the improvements and provide for warranty work in accordance with the Agreement and the subsequent release of the security deposits upon satisfactory completion of the improvements in conformance with all standards, drawings and specifications as submitted to and previously approved by the Town; and WHEREAS, the required work has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications; and WHEREAS, a payment of $50,000 by the Town of Avon to Chapel Square LLC is due upon satisfactory completion of said improvements; and WHEREAS, Chapel Square LLC has provided security to the Town of Avon in the form of a deed of trust or other legally binding document for Unit BR-403, Final Plat and Condominium Map of Chapel Square "Building B", Lot 22, Chapel Square Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado guaranteeing rights to the Town with a value of at least $82,500.00 as established by the difference between appraised value and the total of all outstanding mortgages, liens and other encumbrances as a security deposit to provide for warranty work in accordance with the Agreement. I:\Engineering\Subdivision\Benchmark At BC\Chapel Square\Imprv Accept Res 01-22.Doc NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, that: The Town of Avon hereby accepts and approves: 1. The public improvements as satisfactorily complete with an effective completion date of August 22, 2001 and with a one year warranty period extending through August 22, 2002 in conformance with the SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT; and 2. A deed of trust or other legally binding document for Unit BR-403, Final Plat and Condominium Map of Chapel Square "Building B", Lot 22, Chapel Square Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado guaranteeing rights to the Town with a value of at least $82,500.00 as established by the difference between appraised value and the total of all outstanding mortgages, liens and other encumbrances as security deposit to provide for warranty work in conformance with the SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT; and 3. Payment of $ 50,000.00 to Chapel Square LLC as the final payment committed by the Town in response to the Chapel Square LLC request related to the dedication of Chapel Place right-of-way. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 2001. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash Town Clerk I:\Engineering\Subdivision\Benchmark At BC\Chapel Square\Imprv Accept Res 01-22.Doc 2 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer7? Anne Martens, Engineer Date: August 23, 2001 Re: Avon Recreation Center Refurbishment of the Locker and Changing Rooms Proposal / Victor Mark Donaldson Architects Construction Contract Administration Services Summary: The attached Proposal for Construction Contract Administration Services for the Avon Recreation Center Refurbishment of the Locker and Changing Rooms was submitted by Victor Mark Donaldson Architects. The original scope of contract administration services was for a two week construction period and was only basic services. Due to the increase in the construction schedule and the need to monitor the construction closely, it was anticipated during the budget process that the scope of services would need to be increased. The revised proposed services would include daily observations of construction activities, clarifications to plans and specification prior to and during construction, and review of shop drawings and submittals, review and evaluation of potential corrections and changes, coordination of construction progress meetings, measurement and documentation of quantities for payment, review of pay requests, and other related activities as required for efficient administration of a construction project. The estimated cost of these services is not to exceed an additional $6,800 without prior written approval. The actual cost of these services is somewhat dependent upon the Construction Schedule. The cost of these services has been included in the Approved Project Budget. Approval of the Victor Mark Donaldson Architect Proposal for Construction Contract Administration Services for the Avon Recreation Center Refurbishment of the Locker and Changing Rooms with an estimated cost not to exceed an additional $6,800 without approval is recommended. C:\Documents And Settings\Nwood\Local SettingsUemporary Intemet Files\OLK2\Memo Prpsl CA Aprvl.Doc Recommendations: Approve the Victor Mark Donaldson Architects Proposal for Construction Contract Administration Services for the Avon Recreation Center Refurbishment of the Locker and Changing Rooms with an estimated cost not to exceed an additional $6,800 without prior written approval. Town Manager Comments: 00ocuments And Settings\Nwood\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLK2\Memo Prpsl CA Aprvl.Doc 2 August 9, 2001 Anne Martens Engineering Department Town of Avon PO Box 975 Avon, Colorado Re: The Avon Recreation Center Refurbishment of the Locker and Changing Rooms Project Proposal for Additional Contract Administration Services Anne: 970¦949¦5200 vmd@vail.net FAX•949.5205 VMDA hereby proposes to extended Contract Adminstration Services for the above noted Project at your request. Our original contract amount for Contract Administration Services was $3,100.00. We have spent approximately 30% of that budget during the month of July . It is our conclusion that we will spend approximately the same amount during each of the next two months prior to the commencement of construction. Given this, it would appear that at the commencement of construction $3,100.00 will have been spent. We propose Additional Services to be billed hourly not-to-exceed $6,800.00. This will allow for daily visits to the site during construction and the addressing of any questions that arise on the site during construction. Additionally this will allow for a full punch list to be created at completion of construction. Anne, we believe that by our working closely together that the hourly expenses can be less than this not-to-exceed figure. Feel free to direct us as the Project proceeds from this point on so as not to overlap and to maintain efficient administration services. Upon acceptance of this proposal, the fee for Contract Administration Services will be billed hourly not to exceed $9,900.00. Thank you for your interest in expanding our services to benefit of this Project. Mark Donaldson, AIA This Agreement have been read, understood, and agreed to by : Anne Martens Date Town of Avon 0048 E BEAVER CREEK BLVD SUITE 207 Box 5300 AVON. CO 81620 W:\0102\080901.doc ARCHITECTS