TC Council Packet 04-25-2000® STATE OF COLORADO ) ® COUNTY OF EAGLE ) TOWN OF AVON ) SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD APRIL 25, 2000, AT 3:15 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM I .) Regional Trails Plan Presentation (Ellie Caryl, Eagle Valley Trails Committee) 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM 2.) Skier Shuttle 2000/2001 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 3.) Visitor Information Center 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 4.) Transit Update 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 5.) East Avon Access Update 4 45 : PM - 5:00 PM 6.) H2B Visa's Update 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM 7.) Community Development Update Consent Agenda Questions Council Committee Updates AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO T HE PUBL IC TOWN OF VON, COLORADO BY:` Kris Nash Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON APRIL 21, 2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY ® TOWN OF AVON REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA April 25, 2000 - 5:30 PM 1. Call to Order / Roll Call 2. Citizen Input a.) Avon Business Association (Don Simon, President) 3. Ordinances a.) First Reading of Ordinance No. 00-04, Series of 2000, An Ordinance Adopting the Updated Zoning Map b.) First Reading of Ordinance No. 00-05, Series of 2000, An Ordinance Approving a Re- Zoning from RD (Residential Duplex) to PUD and Approving a 24-Member Private Residence Club at Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado 4. Resolutions Resolution No. 00-20, Series of 2000, A Resolution to Amend the 2000 Town of Avon Budget ® 5. Unfinished Business u 6. New Business a.) Proclamation for the Days of Remembrance for 2000 7. Town Manager Report 8. Town Attorney Report r 9 - Mayor Report Al ,t r i » 10. Other Business 11. Consent Agenda a.) Approval of the April 11, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Resolution No. 00-18, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, Wildridge, Town of Avon Eagle County, Colorado c.) Resolution No. 00-19, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 50, Block 2, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado d.) West Beaver Creek Blvd. Streetscape Design, Contra Engineering, Inc. Addendum No. 2 - Additional Services ® e.) Financial Matters 12. Adjournment ?' C/ t Town Council Meetings Roll Call Check Sheet Date: 4/25/00 Jim Benson Debbie Buckley V Rick Cuny Mac McDevitt ,r Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder 11, f y? ?J F rt Roll calls are called at start of meeting and for Ordinances. Do not call Mayor except for meeting roll call or to break a tie vote. Seating arrangements from west to east: McIlveen, Reynolds, Cuny, Yoder, McDevitt, Buckley, Benson Staff Present: X_Bill Efting X Larry Brooks Burt Levin X Kris Nash _Jacquie Halburnt Scott Wright Jeff Layman Charlie Moore Meryl Jacobs Norm Wood V Bob Reed X Harry Taylor Mike Matzko Karen Griffith Other Staff. (1((4? A Brief Synopsis of the Town of Avon Town Council Work Session Meetin- Date; April 25, 2000 Councilmembers Present: Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt,, Judy Yoder Absent: Bob McIlveen, Buz Reynolds Regional Trails Plan Presentation: Dick Cleveland, Chairman of Eagle County Trails Committee, gave a brief history of the committee. He stated it was formed in 1996 after transportation tax passed. The trails portion of the tax was designed for non-motorized trails in the county. The main core fo the trail runs from the west end of the county to the east end with spurs to Minturn. That plan is now outdated so we hired Johnson & Kunkle to put together a plan for the core route. We also are deciding if we want to put a bond issue on the November ballot to speed up that process to complete the path. He added that they are here to get input from Council on the core trail. They also want to talk about the trail through Avon and the future trail through the Village at Avon. Also they wanted Council's input on the maintenance of the trails. John, with Johnson & Kunkle, discussed a map of the current and proposed paths. Mayor Yoder asked if they have talked with the Village at Avon people. Dick said they have in the past, but not since the project has stopped. He said the hey were interested in a path. Ellie Caryl, with ECO Trails, said they are looking into wildlife issues on north side of I- 70. She discussed the route through Eagle-Vail/Dowd Junction. She said that area is the most challenging and expensive. Bill asked who the Trails Board goes to for approval of a bond issue. Dick said the citizens would sponsor it, not the Transportation Authority or the ECO Board. IT will be citizen lead and citizen run to try to get sufficient signatures, then it would go to the County Commissioners. They plan to service the bonds from current sales tax at no extra cost to the tax payers. Dick said they need to determine the cost first to see if it makes sense to do it. He said they don't want to ask the citizens for more money unless they voice that they would want to fund it. Ellie asked the Council if they thought that the path route was sensible or if they had a better idea. Bill suggested that the maintenance costs be included in the bond issues so that the entire path is cared for. He also added that winter usage should be up to the individual town. Dick said in Summit County the winter usage is up to the individual towns, and maintenance is taken care of by the individual entity that it is in. Dick said they could possibly do an IGA with all the entities so the entire path is cared for. They discussed ECO maintaining it with funds given by entities, or the public maintaining it, or the individual entity maintaining it. Mayor Yoder felt that the funds should come out of the tax. Dick added that maintenance is one of the biggest issues. They discussed easements and liability. Dick said no titles are recorded in ECO's name. Bill said Council will go through ECO's questions that were included in their packet and get back to them with answers. Ellie said the ECO retreat is May 16. Skier Shuttle 2000/2001 Harry Taylor told Council that he has been meeting with representatives of Beaver Creek and town staff regarding expanding the skier shuttle this winter from 6 PM to midnight. Chris Lubbers of Beaver Creek said the metro district has been looking at the current scenario and that the dial a ride is shuttling a half million people per year. They would like to expand the Beaver Creek to Avon route to free up the dial a ride for Beaver Creek homeowners. The cost of the expanded shuttle is approximately $55,000, which would be cost shared. Councilor Cuny said he would need more information before he could make any decision. He asked if it is good or bad for Avon. He felt 10 PM should be the latest. Chris said they came up with that based on existing ridership in dial a ride, dial a ride goes till 2 AM. He said that midnight made sense. Mayor Yoder questioned if the Beaver Creek guests who are used to dial a ride would stand and wait at a bus stop. She said she could see the younger guests using it, but not the older guests. Chris said it would probably cut ridership in half. Councilors Cuny and Benson thought it would hurt Avon financially, and that it would take guests out of Avon. Bill said that Council needs more information. He added that he will take this information to the next merchant's meeting. Bill will get back to Chris with a decision. Visitor Information Center Bill put together a few ideas for Council's review on visitor centers. He added putting a temporary structure on Oscar Tang's land. Councilor Buckley liked bidding out something and find out what the options are. Mayor Yoder asked what could we do for the $100,000 that we give the Chamber currently. Councilor Cuny questioned what it would cost for a building, equipment and maintenance. Bill said the Town of Vail just put in a phone system in their parking structure that you just push a button and get direct dialed to the hotel. Councilor Cuny said that he would like to see that and added having a computer to click on restaurants and other merchants. Council liked the idea and would like to explore the costs. Councilor McDevitt said the VVCTB has done a study in Vail and could respond quickly to an RFP. They have all the information. Bill will send a letter to the Chamber letting them know the direction we are going. He will work with Councilor McDevitt. Transit Update Councilor Buckley updated Council on all the events taking place in ECO. She said Jim Schrum is now gone. ECO is supposed to move into their new building in Gypsum and take care of running their own busses in October. They doubt they can do that and want to know if Avon will extend their contract. She said if we do extend it, it should be for a minimum of 2 years because we would have to staff Gypsum and we don't want to hire a lot of people and then tell them their job is gone after 2 years. She added that Tom Stone is proposing an IGA, Councilor Buckley is not in favor of that. She said that it would be good for Avon if we accepted the contract but not less than 2 years. East Avon Access Update Norm updated Council on the plans for E. Beaver Creek Blvd. and East Avon. He discussed the packet hand out. Norm also discussed the budget for the projects. He said funding wise, the Village at Avon is responsible for E. Beaver Creek Blvd. improvements. Norm asked if Council wanted raised intersections at E. Beaver Creek Blvd. and Beaver Creek Place. Council said no. Bill Post commented on the plans. He would like the Council to wait until after the summer before making a decision on the E. Beaver Creek Blvd. plans. Norm said that works with their budgeting. He said it would be better if we could complete the E. Avon improvements before tearing up E. Beaver Creek Blvd. because it would keep traffic flowing before tearing up the other side. He said we don't want to acquire easements this year for a project 2 years out. He proposes 2 phases, one on E. Avon and one on E. Beaver Creek Blvd.. H2B Visa's Update Larry updated Council on the Vail Valley Exchange program. He said they could sense the program was getting soft so they decided to explore their own options. He added that Vail Valley Exchange lost authorization to do the J1 Visas next year because they were not actually training. We have entered into a coop arrangement with County and Town of Vail to come up with a summer trip to Australia to interview for next season. He said that Vail got their bus drivers through H2B visas. They asked Town of Avon to join them in their efforts. Mayor Yoder asked how long they can be here. Jacquie Halburnt said 12 months and then they can possibly get an extension. Councilor Cuny asked if we have to provide housing, he was told we don't have to but would probably not get may applicants. Councilor Cuny asked what we will use for housing. Larry said we will continue master leasing Eaglebend and will have Sherwood Meadows. Councilor McDevitt asked if it only worked with Australia. Larry said no, but this is a starting place. He added that if it works we will explore other areas. Community Development Update Mike Matzko said staff is meeting with Lot C tomorrow to review application. Mike needed some clarification on key issues. JE Hildreth had the second high country construction meeting last week. It was positive. Councilor Cuny discussed Oscar Tang and Mr. Finlay's lots in Wildridge. He said that they would like the Town to purchase the lots for a park. Council said they would like to pursue it. Other Bill handed out latest on the Beaver Creek fire station staffing. Bill asked if any council member would like to be on the Advisory Committee on Berry Creek Fifth planning. Bill thought a council member should not be on it. Council thought Meryl would be good. Bill gave a handout on the White River plan. The Eagle Valley Trails Committee and the Eagle Valley Regional Trails Plan PRESENTA UON TO AVON Who are we and what are we trying to accomplish? The 12 member Eagle Valley Trails Committee was created by the Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority (ECO) in 1996. The citizens of the Committee advise the Authority on how the portion of the 1/2% mass transportation tax collected for trails should be spent. The Committee includes residents of each town as well as the unincorporated areas. To date, trail projects in Gypsum, Avon, Vail and unincorporated Eagle County have been funded. In their funding recommendations, the Committee has focused on completing links in a envisioned "core trail" trail system that would connect all of the valley communities, including a spur to Red Cliff, and eventually connecting Vail Pass to Glenwood Canyon. The core trail would be a consistently maintained, easily accessible, 10-foot wide paved trail that is separated from roadways. The idea for this "core trail" is present in the existing trails plans by Eagle County, Minturn, Vail and Avon. Why Create a Regional Trails Plan? In October 1999, the Trails Committee determined that it was difficult to use the existing trail plans for planning future construction and funding needs for the core trail since either the plan details (e.g. costs) were outdated or route conditions had changed (e.g. development). With a desire to determine a five to ten-year construction action plan, the Committee recommended to the Authority that it would be worthwhile to compile a "Regional Trails Plan" that would integrate trail planning for each of the jurisdictions into one document and focus on specific engineering issues and costs associated with building the planned core trail. The Authority approved the hiring of a consultant to assist with the preparation of the plan. This plan would be actively used over the next five to ten years to help direct budgeting and capital improvement planning for the ECO Trails Program and the partner jurisdictions. This plan will not address the Roaring Fork and Fryingpan River portion of Eagle County. Additionally, the cost information generated through this planning effort will be used to help determine if a ballot question authorizing the sale of tax revenue bonds to finance an accelerated construction schedule should be pursued for the 2000 election. Comparing the current rate of tax fund accrual to the preliminary estimates of the core trail construction cost, it will take many years to complete the core trail even with funding matches from each of the jurisdictions. Some analysis of the rail corridor feasibility for a trail with rail will take place but at a minimal level of detail given the very uncertain status of the corridor. Prior to this presentation, town or county staff, the ECO trails planner, and the consultant (Johnson, Kunkle and Associates) met to discuss a preferred alignment and associated issues regarding obstacles, costs, land ownership, design and maintenance. r r PRESENTA TION - PLEASE PROVIDE US WITH YOUR VERBAL RESPONS V A T THE MEETING OR RETURN THIS FORM TO US A T THE PRESENTATION. Thank you. Is the Town of Avon committed to working as a team with ECO and the other jurisdictions that ECO represents to create this community amenity: the valley-long core trail? Is the preliminary trail route through the entire valley (map at meeting) acceptable and supportable ? Any issues that we should be aware of. Core Trail" route shown on the specific town map Is the preliminary Avon (map at meeting) acceptable? Any issues or alternatives that we should be aware of? For the Avon Core Trail (from Dowd Junction to West Avon) what would you list as the priority-order trail segments that we should work together to construct? Please consider the issues of highest demand and cost. 0 r ' How should maintenance of the core trail be handled? Any ideas for labor, equipment or general cost sharing? Maintenance Discussion Background: • Previous discussions by the ECO Board and Trails Committee determined that if the goals were to be equitable to all jurisdictions and continue to leverage the limited ECO Trails funds, maintenance of the core trail could be handled one of two ways: 1. Town. County or Metro District maintains own section of core trail with contribution from ECO Trails program Some of the jurisdictions already have the necessary equipment, others do not. 2. ECO Trails program maintains core trail, with contributions from underlying iurisdiction (town, county or metro-district). ECO Trails would need to acquire the necessary equipment. • As of the end of the summer 2000, there will be completed sections of the core trail in Gypsum, Edwards, Avon and Vail. Vail has the greatest number of existing trail miles. r] v Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Larry Brooks, Assistant Town Manager Harry N. Taylor, Director of Transportation Date: April 20, 2000 Re: Skier Shuttle Service Request The Beaver Creek Metropolitan District has requested the Town of Avon to consider expanding the service hours on the Skier Shuttle route during the winter season. We have had preliminary discussions with Beaver Creek Metro on the cost per hour and ridership calculations. We are now at the point of forwarding their request for Town Council's consideration. E BEAVER CREEK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT P.O. Box 2560 Edwards, Colorado 81632 April 11, 2000 Mr. Bill Efting, Town Manager Town of Avon 400 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 Dear $ia- , On behalf of the Beaver Creek Metropolitan District, I would like to formally request that the Town of Avon consider the implementation of increased service to the existing Avon skier shuttle service to Beaver Creek.. The concept for the proposed service increase is: • Run during the winter ski season of 2000-2001. • Consist of a fixed circulation route throughout Avon to Beaver Creek. • Operate between the hours of 6 p.m. to midnight daily. • Provide 30-minute service initially with 15-minute service the ultimate goal. • Evaluate service during the ski season to determine whether to continue or not. • 50-50 sharing of costs for the increased service. The increased service will provide a more convenient means of transportation for employees who work in the resort and for our mutual guests who will be able to enjoy the various amenities that our two communities provide. Additionally, this service will strengthen the Town of Avon and Beaver Creek partnership. Preliminary discussions have already taken place between Larry Brooks and Chris Lubbers at the operational level. Chris is the primary point of contact for this action and he can be reached at 845-6274 with any questions. Chris and I are also available to speak with the Town Council if you deem it necessary. Just let us know. Sjnc rely, La . Grafel General Manager xc: Chris Lubbers, Village Operations Tony O'Rourke, Beaver Creek Resort Company Q I 0 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: LARRY BROOKS FROM: CI-IRIS LUBBERS SUBJECT: AVON FIXED ROUTE DATE: 04/20/00 CC: BOB MCILVEEN, LARRY GRAFEL, HARRY TAYLOR Avon/Beaver Creek Evening Fined Route. 1. This route will cost approximately $56,322 to operate during the winter season. This includes vehicle maintenance and replacement costs. • $54.00 per hour x 7 hours x 149 days e $56,322 2. One 20-passenger people mover would provide 30-minute service to the Covered Bridge Bus Stop, Reception Center, Cassidy's area, City Market/Wal-Mart, Christy Lodge, Avon Rec. Center, and Avon Center between 6:00pm and 12:00am each day during the winter season. 3. It is likely that ridership would consist of a mix between Beaver Creek guests, Avon guests, and employees. (See Pick ups In Aun by Mo?mb )Ubuvp*_-) 4. Based on the expected ridership, a cost sharing agreement between Beaver Creek and Avon is plausible. • Beaver Creek Avon Total $28,161 $28,161 $56,322 11 Village Transportation "On-demand" System" Pick ups in Avon by Month Month Approximate Number of Pick Ups in Avon (18:00 - 00:00) November 1999 400 guests Average Per Day = 13 December 1999 628 guests Average Per Day = 20 January 2000 658 guests Average Per Day = 21 February 2000 962 guests Average Per Day = 33 March 2000 2, 142 guests Average Per Day = 69 Total "one-way" trip average per night = 31 Ridership = 62 C To: Mayor and Town Council From: Bill Efbing, Town Manager -O'f- Date: April 5, 2000 Re: Visitor Information Center Options Over the last several months, Town Council and staff have discussed how to improve the visitor information process in Avon. We currently pay the Chamber $100,000.00 annually too basically staff the information center at City Market. The general consensus from Town Council and staff is that this service is not adequate, primarily because of the location. Listed below are several options that I have provided for your consideration, I might make a recommendation when finished if I feel brave: 1. Discontinue our contract with the Chamber for the year 2001 and either administrate the information center ourselves or contract with someone like the VVTCB. This is an expensive route if we administrate the information center ourselves. Costs would include: possible land purchase, building construction to include restrooms, labor and benefits, maintenance of the building and other miscellaneous costs such as printing, phones and office supplies. Larry and Norm estimate that we ® would spend between $150,000.00 to $250,000.00 to build a pretty small building. I estimate labor costs around $40,000.00 per year if we staff the facility at a minimum of 8 hours a day, seven days a week. We presently do not have any town owned land with the exception of Swift Gulch located next to the interstate, which would be costly to develop. 2. A letter from the Town Council to the Chamber demanding improved service to include an informational kiosk located somewhere near the interstate. I have researched this option, and it can be provided at little cost and the Chamber should be the one providing the work. 3. Stall, in the next several years the Town of Avon has several potential partners for a visitor information center: we have the Village of Avon, the Confluence, the Avon Merchant's Association and the potential of a better working relationship with Beaver Creek for marketing. We may also have the option of a better site located at the Village of Avon interchange if planned correctly. 4. Reduce the funding of the Chamber over the next several years as the Town of Avon takes more responsibility to provide several informational kiosks in different locations in Avon. This could possmbly push the Chamber out of Avon. 5. Prepare a "Request for Proposals" bid sheet to provide this type of service for Avon. If we are not pleased with the service of the Chamber, why not see what someone else would charge? 6. I have information on portable kiosks, they would be great for special event's and certain areas of town but the more I look at them, they don't fill the void of a staffed building with restrooms. I can provide costs for these, if Council is interested. 7. Request permission to place a small information center building without restrooms in the eastern end of the Pizza Hut Parking Lot. This could be a factory built small log cabin or some type of structure that could be removed. There would be employee costs but might be a good solution for three to five years or when the lot is developed. CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE East Avon Road Improvements I QUANITIY UNIT UNIT TOTAID PRICE COST 1.0 GENERAL 2.1 Mobilization 1 L.S. $10,000.00 $10,000.00 2.2 Survey / Staking 1 L.S. $20,000.00 $20,000.00 2.0 DEMOLITION 2.1 Sawcut Existing Asphalt 2,000 L.F. $1.50 2.2 Asphalt Removal 89,000 S.F. $0.50 2.3 Concrete/Pan Removal 500 S.F. $1.00 2.4 Curb & Gutter Removal 2,870 L.F. $5.00 2.5 Sidewalk Demolition 10,160 S.F. $2.50 2.6 Remove Existing Timber Wall 230 L.F. $5.00 2.7 Existing CMP Removal 210 L.F. $5.00 3.0 EARTHWORK 3.1 Clearing 1 L.S. $10,000.00 3.2 Unclassified Excavation 3,030 C.Y. $7.50 3.3 Inplace Embankment 570 C.Y. $12.00 3.4 Site Grading 131,000 S.F. $0.12 4.0 ROADWAY 4.1 Fine Grade 122,000 S.F. $0.18 4.2 Class 1 Subbase 3,030 TONS $16.00 4.3 Class 6 Road Base 4,050 TONS $18.00 4.4 Asphaltic Concrete 2,400 TONS $42.00 4.5 Portland Cement Concrete Paving 5,570 S.F. $3.50 4.6 Concrete Sidewalk 27,050 S.F. $4.00 4.7 Curb & Gutter - 2 ft Pan 6,000 L.F. $15.00 4.8 Curb & Gutter - 1 ft Pan 50 L.F. $12.00 4.9 Concrete Crosspan - 4 ft 300 L.F. $20.00 4.10 15' HDPE Drain Pipe 230 L.F. $55.00 4.11 18" HDPE Drain Pipe 165 L.F. $70.00 4.12 24" HDPE Drain Pipe 280 L.F. $80.00 4.13 30" HDPE Drain Pipe 120 L.F. $90.00 4.14 Relocate 5.5 ft Curb Inlet 2 EACH $1,500.00 15 Install 5.5 ft Curb Inlet 4 5 EACH $2,200.00 . 16 Install 11 ft Curb Inlet 4 2 EACH $2,600.00 . 4.17 Install 15.5 ft Curb Inlet 1 EACH $3,000.00 4.18 Install 2 ft Drainage Manhole 5 EACH $2,500.00 4.19 Relocate Signs 10 EACH $150.00 4.20 Install New Signs 5 EACH $250.00 4.21 Striping 1 L.S. $1,500.00 5.0 EROSION CONTROL 5.1 Erosion Bale Inlet Protection 10 EACH $250.00 5.2 Silt Fence 1,700 L.F. $2.50 East Avon 4/10/00 SUBTOTAL $3,000.00 $44,500.00 $500.00 $14,350.00 $25,400.00 $1,150.00 $1,050.00 $10,000.00 $22,725.00 $6,840.00 $15,720.00 0 $21,960.00 $48,480.00 $72,900.00 $100,8a0.03 $19,495.00 $108,200:00 $90,000.00 $600.00 $6,000.00 $12,650.00 $11,550.00 $22,4^0.00 $10,800.00. $3,000.00 $11,000.00 $5,200.00 $3,000.00 $12,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,250.00 $1,500.CJL $2,500.00 $4,250.00 $746,770.00 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE CONT'D East Avon Road Improvements E 6.0 UTILITIES 6.1 Install Poles and Light Fixtures 6.2 Relocate Existing Lights 6.3 Street Light Wiring and Conduit 6.4 Relocate Fire Hydrants 6.5 Remove / Install Fire Hydrants 6.6 Relocate Pedestals 6.7 Adjust Manhole Rims 6.8 Adjust Gate Valves 6.9 Adjust Curb Stops 6.10 4 inch PVC Future Use Conduit QUANITIY UNIT UNIT PRICE 60 11 1 3 1 4 10 5 10 1,350 7.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL 7.1 Equipment and Personnel 1 8.0 LANDSCAPING 8.1 Imported Topsoil 245 8.2 Native Seeding w/Soil Prep 0 8.3 Sod w/Soil Prep 4,400 8.4 Planting Bed Soil Preparation 8,900 8.5 Wood Mulch: Min. 3" Depth 8,900 8.6 4"x 1/8" Landscape Steel Edger 150 8.7 Deciduous Shrubs 5 Gal. 97 8.8 Evergreen Shrubs 5 Gal. 117 8.9 Colorado Spruce, 8 ht., B & B 6 8.10 Colorado Spruce, 10 ht., B & B 6 8.11 Colorado Spruce, 12 ht., B & B 4 8.12 Colorado Spruce, 14 ht., B & B 0 8.13 Aspen, 2" - Cal, B & B 54 8.14 Aspen, 2.5" Cal, B & B 70 8.15 Lanceleaf Cottonwood, 2" Cal, B & B 27 8.16 Stone Mulch & Fabric 750 8.17 Transplanted Spruce 13 8.18 Transplanted Aspen 0 8.19 Transplanted Ornamental Tree 4 8.20 Transplanted Ash Tree 4 8.21 Existing landscape repair pay item 1 shall be considered a force account item to be billed by contractor based on contract unit prices. Lump sum total is a not to exceed figure and will be considered as part of Contractor's Bid. Work within this pay item is work not detailed or unforeseen and not shown on the plans EACH $3,500.00 EACH $1,000.00 L.S. $25,000.00 EACH $2,000.00 EACH $2,000.00 EACH $1,500.00 EACH $250.00 EACH $200.00 EACH $125.00 L.F. $7.50 L.S. $35,000.00 C.Y. $25.00 S.F. $0.20 S.F. $0.75 S.F. $0.50 S.F. $0.50 L.F. $4.00 EACH $25.00 EACH $30.00 EACH $500.00 EACH $600.00 EACH $750.00 EACH $900.00 EACH $200.00 EACH $250.00 EACH $250.00 S.F. $0.65 EACH $1,000.00 EACH $200.00 EACH $450.00 EACH $300.00 L.S. $7,000.00 TOTAL COST $210,000.00 $11,000.00 $25,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,250.00 $10,125.00 $35,000.00 $6,125.00 $0.00 $3,300.00 $4,450.00 $4,450.00 $600.00 $2,425.00 $3,510.00 $3,000.00 $3,600.01 $3,000.00 $0.00 $10,800.00 $17,500.00 $6,750.00 $487.50 $13,000.00 $0.00 $1,800.00 $1,200.00 $7,000.00 East Avon 4/10/00 SUBTOTAL $1,149,642_.50 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE CONT'D East Beaver Creek Boulevard Road Improvements QUANITIY UNIT UNIT TOTAO PRICE COST 9.0 SITE FURNISHINGS 9.1 Trash Receptacle 4 EACH 9.2 Bench 10 EACH 10.0 SITE WALLS 10.1 Stone Veneer Walls (inc. block & footing) 90 F.F. 10.2 Stone Cap 24 S.F. 10.3 Precast Concrete Block Walls 1,075 F.F. 10.4 Precast Conc. Block Wall - Reinforced 1,400 F.F. 11.0 ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCE 220 L.F. 12.0 PAVERS / DECORATIVE CONCRETE 12.1 Concrete Pavers in Cross Walks 3,640 S.F. 12.2 Concrete Pavers in Plazas/Landscape 5,740 S.F. 12.3 Concrete Bands 2,780 L.F. 13.0 IRRIGATION 13.1 4" Pop-Up Spray Head 13.2 12" Pop-Up Spray Head 13.3 Gear Driven Rotor 13.4 1" Electric Control Valve 13.5 1 1/2" Electric Control Valve 13.6 #14 AWG UFUI, Direct Burial Wire 13.7 1 1/2" Schedule 40 BE PVC Mainline 13.8 2" Class 160 PVC Sleeving 13.9 4" Class 160 PVC Sleeving 13.10 1" 80 PSI NSF Polyethyelene Lateral 13.11 1 1/2 " 80 PSI NSF Polyethyelene Lateral 13.12 2" 80 PSI NSF Polyethyelene Lateral 13.13 Drip Valve Assembly 13.14 Drip Emitter 13.15 3/4" Drip Tubing 13.16 1" Quick Coupling Valve 13.17 Reseed trench/disturbed area 13.18 Relocate existing electric valve 13.19 1 1/2" Gate Valve 13.20 Relocate Existing Rotor 315 EACH 50 EACH 4 EACH 3 EACH 1 EACH 1,800 L.F. 910 L.F. 160 L.F. 275 L.F. 6,185 L.F. 585 L.F. 40 L.F. 2 EACH 313 EACH 1,340 L.F. 2 EACH 7,800 S.F. 7 EACH 1 EACH 4 EACH $1,000.00 $1,100.00 $45.00 $28.00 $20.00 $28.00 $125.00 $14.50 $14.50 $12.50 $28.00 $35.00 $60.00 $350.00 $375.00 $0.20 $4.00 $3.50 $7.50 $2.50 $3.00 $3.25 $500.00 $2.00 $2.00 $200.00 $0.15 $100.00 $125.00 $75.00 SUBTOTAL $4,000.00 $11,000.00 $4,050.00 $672.00 $21,500.00 $39,200.00 $27,500.00 $52,780.00 $83,230.00 $34,750.00 $8,820.0 $1,750_ $240.00 $1,050.00 $375.00 0063 0063 $3,640.00 $560.00 $2,062.50 $15,462.50 $1,755.00 $130.00 $1,000.00_ $626.00 $2,680.00 $400.00 $1,170.00 $700.00 $125.00 $300.00 $1,471,105.60 0 G,e+ Awnn 4/10/00 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE CONT'D East Beaver Creek Boulevard Road Improvements QUANITIY UNIT UNIT TOTAL PRICE COST 13.21 Existing irrigation system modifications 1 L.S. pay item shall be considered a force $8,000.00 $8,000.00 account item to be billed by contractor based on contract unit prices. Lump sum total is a not to exceed figure and will be considered as part of Contractor's Bid. Work within this pay item is work unforeseen and not shown on the irrigation plans. SUBTOTAL $1,479,105.50 20% CONTINGENCY TOTAL 11 $295,821.10 $1,774,926.60 East Avon 4/10/00 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE East Beaver Creek Boulevard Road Improvements QUANITIY UNIT UNIT TOTAO PRICE COST 1.0 GENERAL 2.1 Mobilization 2.2 Survey / Staking 1 L.S. 1 L.S. $10,000.00 $20,000.00 0 DEMOLITION 2 . 1 Sawcut Existing Asphalt 2 3,850 L.F. $1.50 . 2 Asphalt Removal 2 37,750 S.F. $0.50 . l 220 2 S.F. $1.00 3 Concrete/Pan Remova 2 , . l 540 1 L.F. $5.00 4 Curb & Gutter Remova 2 , . 5 Sidewalk Demolition 2 6,800 S.F. $2.50 . 6 Mill Existing Asphalt 2 3,200 S.F. $2.00 . 2.7 Remove Existing Timber Wall 20 L.F. $5.00 3.0 EARTHWORK 1 L.S. $10,000.00 3.1 Clearing ti 900 2 C.Y. $7.50 on 2 Unclassified Excava 3 , . 3 Inplace Embankment 3 100 C.Y. $12.00 . 3.4 Site Grading 80,000 S.F. $0.12 4.0 ROADWAY 4.1 Fine Grade 4.2 Class 1 Subbase 4.3 Class 6 Road Base 4.4 Asphaltic Concrete 4.5 Portland Cement Concrete Paving 4.6 Concrete Sidewalk 4.7 Curb & Gutter - 2 ft Pan 4.8 Curb & Gutter -1 ft Pan 4.9 Concrete Crosspan - 4 ft 4.10 15" HDPE Drain Pipe 4.11 18" HDPE Drain Pipe 4.12 Relocate 5.5 ft Curb Inlet 4.13 Replace 5.5 ft Curb Inlet 4.14 Install 12.5 ft Curb Inlet 4.15 Outlet Control Structure 4.16 Relocate Signs 4.17 Install New Signs 4.18 Post Mounted Delineators 4.19 Striping 5.0 EROSION CONTROL 5.1 Erosion Bale Inlet Protection 5.2 Silt Fence 73,600 1,950 2,500 1,540 6,150 16,500 2,760 860 240 75 50 1 1 2 1 8 10 12 1 5 1,300 S.F. $0.18 TONS $16.00 TONS $18.00 TONS $42.00 S.F. $3.50 S.F. $4.00 L.F. $15.00 L.F. $12.00 L.F. $20.00 L.F. $55.00 L.F. $70.00 EACH $1,500.00 EACH $2,200.00 EACH $2,600.00 EACH $3,500.00 EACH $150.00 EACH $250.00 EACH $25.00 L.S. $1,500.00 EACH $250.00 L.F. $2.50 SUBTOTAL A li n mn $10,000.00 $20,000.00 $5,775.00 $18,875.00 $2,220.00 $7,700.00 $17,000.00 $6,400.00 $100.00 $10,000.00 $21,750.00 $1,200.00 $9,600 $13,248.00 $31,200.u3 $45,000,0 $64,680.00 $21,525.03 $66,000.00 $41,400.00 $10,320.00 $4,800.00 $4,125.00 $3,500.00 $1,500.00 $2,200.00 2 .00 $3,500.00 $1,200.00 $2,500.00 $300.00 $1,500.00 0 $1,250.00 $3,250.00 $458,818.0; CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE CONT'D East Beaver Creek Boulevard Road Improvements 11 .11 E 6.0 UTILITIES 6.1 Install Poles and Light Fixtures 6.2 Relocate Existing Lights 6.3 Street Light Wiring and Conduit 6.4 Relocate Fire Hydrants 6.5 Relocate Pedestals 6.6 Adjust Manhole Rims 6.7 Adjust Gate Valves 6.8 Adjust Curb Stops 6.9 4 inch PVC Future Use Conduit 7.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL 7.1 Equipment and Personnel QUANITIY UNIT 38 EACH 3 EACH 1 L.S. 1 EACH 4 EACH 6 EACH 2 EACH 6 EACH 550 L.F. UNIT PRICE $3,500.00 $1,000.00 $25,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $250.00 $200.00 $125.00 $7.50 1 L.S• $35,000.00 8.0 LANDSCAPING 8.1 Imported Topsoil 8.2 Native Seeding w/Soil Prep 8.3 Sod w/Soil Prep 8.4 Planting Bed Soil Preparation 8.5 Wood Mulch: Min. 3" Depth 8.6 4" x 1/8" Landscape Steel Edger 8.7 Deciduous Shrubs 5 Gal. 8.8 Evergreen Shrubs 5 Gal. 8.9 Colorado Spruce, 8 ht., B & B 8.10 Colorado Spruce, 10 ht., B & B 8.11 Colorado Spruce, 12 ht., B & B 8.12 Colorado Spruce, 14 ht., B & B 8.13 Aspen, 2" - Cal, B & B 8.14 Aspen, 2.5" Cal, B & B 8.15 Lanceleaf Cottonwood, 2" Cal, B & B 8.16 Stone Mulch & Fabric 1 8.17 Transplanted Spruce 8.18 Transplanted Aspen 8.19 Transplanted Ornamental Tree 8.20 Transplanted Cottonwoods 8.21 Transplanted Spirea Shrubs by Christile Lodge Walk 8.22 Existing landscape repair pay item shall be considered a force account item to be billed by contractor based on contract unit prices. Lump sum total is a not to exceed figure and will be considered as part of Contractor's Bid. Work within this pay item is work not detailed or unforeseen and not shown on the plans East Beaver Creek Boulevard 4/10/00 85 C.Y. $25.00 ,400 S.F. $0.20 ,700 S.F. $0.75 ,850 S.F. $0.50 ,850 S.F. $0.50 42 L.F. $4.00 62 EACH $25.00 10 EACH $30.00 3 EACH $500.00 3 EACH $600.00 2 EACH $750.00 1 EACH $900.00 23 EACH $200.00 20 EACH $250.00 42 EACH $250.00 20 S.F. $0.65 2 EACH $1,000.00 3 EACH $200.00 1 EACH $450.00 8 EACH $200.00 1 L.S. 9 1 2 2 1 $750.00 1 L.S $4,000.00 SUBTOTAL TOTAL COST $133,000.00 $3,000.00 $25,000.00 $2,000.00 $6,000.00 $1,500.00 $400.00 $750.00 $4,125.00 $35,000.00 $2,125.00 $1,880.00 $1,275.00 $1,425.00 $1,425.00 $168.00 $1,550.00 $300.00 $1,500.00 $1,800.00 $1,500.00 $S Lij-U0 $4,600.00 $5,000.00 $10,500.00 $78.00 $2,000.00 $600.00 $4,950.00 $1,600.00 $750.00 $4,000.00 $719,519.00 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE CONT'D East Beaver Creek Boulevard Road Improvements QUANITIY UNIT UNIT TOTA* PRICE COST 0 SITE FURNISHINGS 9 . 1 Trash Receptacle 9 1 EACH $1,000.00 $1,000.00 . 4 EACH $1,100.00 $4,400.00 9.2 Bench 10.0 SITE WALLS ti ) k & f l 90 F F $45.00 $4,050.00 oo ng oc 1 Stone Veneer Walls (inc. b 10 . . . 24 S F $28.00 $672.00 2 Stone Cap 10 . . . 860 F F $20.00 $17,200.00 10.3 Precast Concrete Block Walls . . N FENCE 36 L.F. $125.00 $4,500.00 11.0 ORNAMENTAL IRO 0 PAVERS / DECORATIVE CONCRETE 12 . 880 2 S F $14.50 $41,760.00 1 Concrete Pavers in Cross Walks 12 , . . . d 100 2 F S $14.50 $30,450.00 scape 2 Concrete Pavers in Plazas/Lan 12 , . . . 470 1 F L $12.50 $18,375.00 12.3 Concrete Bands , . . 13.0 IRRIGATION 219 EACH $28.00 $6,132.00 1 4" Pop-Up Spray Head 13 . 2 12" Pop-Up Spray Head 13 23 EACH $35.00 $805.0 d . 13.3 Gear Driven Rotor 3 EACH $60.00 W_ $180. 00 750 $1 5 EACH $350.00 . , 13.4 1" Electric Control Valve 00 000 $12 13.5 3/4 " Backflow Preventer with stop and 2 EACH $6,000.00 . , waste valve, concrete pad, protective cage and copper tubing 1 EACH 000.00 $2 $2,000.00 _ 13.6 7 Station Pedestal Mount Electric , Controller with Grounding, 120 volt power connection, concrete pad and all required sleeving 1 EACH $3.50 $3.50 13.7 24 Station Pedestal Mount Electric Controller with grounding, 120 volt power connection, concrete pad and all required sleeving Direct Burial Wire 8 #14 AWG UFUI 13 10,880 L.F. $0.20 $2,176.00 , . 9 1 1/2" Schedule 40 BE PVC Mainline 13 1,120 L.F. $4.00 $4,480.00 . 13.10 2" Class 160 PVC Sleeving 125 L.F. $3.50 $437.50 50 $412 13.11 4" Class 160 PVC sleeving 55 L.F. $7.50 . 00 000 $6 12 1" 80 PSI NSF Polyethyelene Lateral 13 2,400 L.F. $2.50 . , . 13 1 1/2 " 80 PSI NSF Polyethyelene Lateral 13 60 L.F. $3.00 $180.00 . 14 2" 80 PSI NSF Polyethyelene Lateral 13 60 L.F. $3.25 $195.00 . 15 Drip Valve Assembly 13 2 EACH $500.00 $1,000.00 . 16 Drip Emitter 13 239 EACH $2.00 $478.0 . 13.17 3/4" Drip Tubing 1,150 L.F. $2.00 $2,300. 00 000 $1 13.18 1" Quick Coupling Valve 5 EACH $200.00 . , 00 $420 19 Reseed trench/disturbed area 13 2,800 S.F. $0.15 . . electric valve ti i 0 EACH $100.00 $0.00 ng s 13.20 Relocate ex SUBTOTAL $883,875.50 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE CONT'D East Beaver Creek Boulevard Road Improvements r QUANITIY UNIT UNIT TOTAL PRICE COST 13.21 Existing irrigation system modifications pay item shall be considered a force account item to be billed by contractor based on contract unit prices. Lump sum total is a not to exceed figure and will be considered as part of Contractor's Bid. Work within this pay item is work unforeseen and not shown on the irrigation plans. 1 L.S. $5,000.00 $5,000.00 SUBTOTAL $888,875.50 20% CONTINGENCY $177,775.10 TOTAL $1,066,650.60 El East Beaver Creek Boulevard 4/10/00 JWe o To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager -e-IL From: Larry Brooks, Assistant Town Manager/HR Director Jacqueline Halbumt, HR Specialist Date: April 20, 2000 Re: International Recruitment Update Summary: The Town of Vail approached Avon, ECO Transit and the School District at the beginning of the year to discuss a joint international recruiting venture in response to our regional driver shortage. Vail proposed sharing in advertising costs, in-countryjoint site costs and immigration processing expenses to obtain H2B Visas. All entities agreed that this would be a cost-effective method and moved forward. Eventually, the School District declined to commit to the joint effort. The joint recruiting venture will take place July 13-30 in New Zealand and Australia (Attachment A). Discussion: You may be familiar with two different types of Visas: J-1 and H2B. J-1 Visa *Training visa •Essentially a person comes here from Australia, gets training in an area and takes that skill back to Australia to utilize. • 18-month limit These are the visas received through the Vail Valley Exchange Program. Avon applied for workers through the VVE's J-1 visa program last year, but received no workers. Entities must pay $500 a person for every J-1 visa received in addition to the $6300 "donation". For 2000-2001, Sister Cities International (VVE) lost its accreditation to process Visas because according to the State Department, the positions weren't training, but rather employment positions. VVE has hired a lawyer to investigate if it can apply for J-1 student visas instead. The prognosis for the viability of the J-1 summer student visas is poor at this point. H2B Visa *Visa used to fill unskilled or less-skilled positions that we are unable to fill due to a resource shortage. We have to prove there are no workers here to fill the positions. • 12-month limit • We have to also show we have either a one-time, peak, or seasonal need to fill these positions. Vail used peak need last year. The Town of Vail had much success obtaining workers for the 99-00 season through the H2B Visa program. Vail applied for and received 15 H2B visas. Vail made 15 offers, but only 11 applied for Visas. They could have made more offers, but decided they had enough with 11. General Information The co-op hired a lawyer, Phil Alterman to facilitate the process. He is an expert in H2B Visa processing and was used by the Town of Vail last year. There's a 4-step process to follow in obtaining workers with H2B Visas: 1. Apply for CO Dept. of Labor certification that we do not have enough local workers to fullfil our needs. Phil is facilitating this process. -need application with job description -advertise, must run ad for 3 days -wait to get resumes -send report to DOL regarding the interviews -get labor certification stamp, which takes about 1 month 2. Travel to New Zealand and Australia to find workers. 3. File a petition for non-immigrant workers with the INS. The petition goes to Lincoln, NE. 4. Receive approval notice. Let Austrahans/New Zealanders know to pick up Visas from nearest Consulate. Only 40,000 H2B Visas are issued per year and approximately 20,000 were issued in 1999. Current Developments: Avon, Vail and Eagle County meet on a bi-weekly basis to keep the process moving. We're working with Chris Schild of DYNO@PPS to create a website. Chris was recommended by Phil because of his expertise in developing international recruiting websites. The purpose of the website is to allow applicants to apply on-line for the positions. We hope to build up to the point where the number of people going to Australia to interview diminishes and most applicants apply on- line. Applicants will also be able to check the status of their applications, housing and paperwork for employment on-line. Another approach we're using is "in-country coordinators". We'll have a coordinator in Australia and New Zealand to help us with the details such as hotel reservations, advertising, pre-screen applicants, references checks, assign people to interview times, and to be an in-country contact for applicants. The group is developing a "what to expect in the US" handout. The group is also developing an interview evaluation form. The group is working on housing needs. Eagle County is going to use hotel rooms and exploring options with VR. The Vail reps. think they will have enough housing, but may need to master lease a few units. Avon is currently assessing the rooms we have available. The estimated number of drivers needed for all three entities is 90. 0 a?,.n n f ivc, WC blu.?C- Town Manager Comments: 7V-, 5°°tJ ?? ?+ lea- 56;A5 do ? iS f?"r ?u v K Tentative recruitment schedule 2000 July 13 2000 Thursday Depart Denver 7:11 p.m. July 15 2000 Saturday Arrive Auckland 6:05 a.m. Depart Auckland 8:30 a.m. Arrive Christchurch 9:50 a.m. Free day July 16 2000 Sunday to July 20 2000 Interview Christchurch July 21 2000 Friday Depart Christchurch 6:40 a.m. arrive Melbourne 8:40 a.m. Drive Melbourne to Mansfield approx 3 hrs. Free afternoon. July 22 2000 Saturday Interview Mansfield, Mt. Buller July 23 2000 Sunday Depart Mansfield Arrive Bright approx 5 hour drive July 24 2000 Monday and July 25 2000 Tuesday Interview Bright July 26 2000 Wednesday Leave Bright Arrive Wodonga/Albury approx. 2 hour drive Afternoon Interview July 27 2000 Thursday Interview Wodonga/Albury July 28 2000 Friday Interview Wodonga/Albury July 29 2000 Saturday Interview Wodonga/Albury July 30 2000 Sunday Depart Wodonga Arrive Melbourne Approx 6 hour drive July 31 2000 Monday Depart Melbourne 6:50 a.m. Arrive Denver 11:30 a.m. Attachment A • Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager .0 From: Karen Griffith, Town Planner Date April 20, 2000 Re: Ordinance 00-04 Adopting the updated Official Zone District Map. Summary: Staff has prepared an updated Zoning Map for adoption by Town Council. Sections 17.16.030 and 17.28. 100 of the Zoning Code require that if changes are made to the zoning of property, such changes shall be entered on the Zoning Map. This map update reflects all ordinances that changed the zoning of property in Town since 1994. This includes all re- zonings and annexations since March of 1994, starting with Ordinance 94-10 through Ordinance 99-22, the Lot C PUD. The map also shows subdivisions that are larger than a duplex division since 1992, starting with Subdivision Resolution 92-29. However, the subdivision lot lines are shown for informational purposes only. The actual recorded subdivision plat is the only source of information in determining actual subdivision boundary lines. On April 4, 2000 the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously approved Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 00-5 adopting the updated zoning map. The draft map is displayed in the Council Chambers and in the Community Development Department. If you would like a copy please contact staff. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Council approve Ordinance 00-04, approving the updated Zoning Map on first reading. Town Manager Comments: Attachments: Planning and Zoning Resolution 00-5 r: I ORDINANCE NO. 00-04 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE UPDATED ZONING MAP BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Council hereby adopts the updated Zoning Map, attached hereto as Exhibit A of this ordinance. INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED, this day of , 2000, and a public hearing on this Ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on the day of , 2000, at 5:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building of the Town of Avon, Colorado. Town of Avon, Colorado Town Council Judy Yoder, Mayor 0 ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, PASSED ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED this day of April, 2000. Town of Avon, Colorado Town Council Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk 0 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Burt Levin, Town Attorney E 11 TOWN OF AVON • PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 00-5 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2000 UPDATED ZONING MAP WHEREAS, Section 17.16.030 and 17.28. 100 establish that changes to the zoning of property that have been made by ordinance within the Town of Avon should be entered on the Zoning Map; WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed map update at a regular 0 Planning and Zoning Conunission meeting, and the Planning and Zoning Commission agenda evidencing the zoning map update was properly posted in the Town of Avon in four separate locations and on the internet, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby adopts the year 2000 updated Zoning Map for the Town of Avon as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and further recommends that the Town Council of the Town of Avon, adopt the updated Zoning Map as the official Zoning Map for the Town of Avon as set E forth in 17.16.030 of the Municipal Code. \\FINANCE\CD-PUBLIC\P&Z\Resoluti ons\2000-Resolutions\00-5 zoningmap.doc ADOPTED THIS 41h DAY OF APRIL, 2000 XSigne Date: Q d ------------------------ Chris Evans, Chair Attest Date: Greg acik, Secretary L 11 \\FINANCE\CD-PUB LIC\P&Z\Resol utions\2000-Resolutions\00-5zoni ngmap.doc 11 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager -f) ' From: Karen Griffith, Town Planner Date: Apd 20, 2000 Re: First Reading of Ordinance 00-05, An Ordinance Approving the Re- Zoning from RD to PUD and a Planned Unit Development and Development Standards for a Private Residence Club, Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town Of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. Summary: Robert Borg has submitted a re-zoning and PUD application for Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. He proposes the re-zoning and PUD to establish a 24-member private residence club on one side of the existing duplex. The other side is a bed and breakfast. The property is located at 220 West Beaver Creek Boulevard. Background: On March 21, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission considered the application and held a public hearing. Staff presented the application and recommended denial, staff did not believe the use conformed to the Comprehensive Plan's residential land use designation for the site. No members of the public were present to express opinions at the public hearing The Planning and Zoning Commission members discussed two divergent opinions on the proposed residence club. They first voted 2-4 to adopt resolution 00-3 denying the application. After that motion failed, they tied in a vote of 3-3 to adopt resolution 00-3A (an amended resolution), which recommended approval of the residence club. Thus, they were not able to agree on a formal recommendation on the application. Memorandum to Council from K. Griffith, Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Re-zonin and PUD for 24-member Private Residence Club g April 6, 2000 Page 1 of 5 E • Three commission members supported the private residence club, citing that it was compatible with the neighborhood and that it was more residential in character than the existing short-term rentals. The members expressing this view felt that the private residence club is a low-density use in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. They considered the residence club as a residential use since the property would serve as a second home for the club members. These Commissioners expressed the opinion that the property is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan residential land use designation for the property. • The opposing three Commissioners voiced opinions that the property falls under the Zoning Code definition of a time-share, and is therefore a commercial use that is not consistent with the residential land use designation of the property by the Comprehensive Plan. They also expressed opinions that since the property falls under the definition of a time-share, it does not meet the Town Standards for parking, which would require six parking spaces for the use. • The Commission members were in consensus that the Town should evaluate the private residence club as a land use and consider amending the regulations to accommodate the use in appropriate zone districts. Mr. Borg presented his comments on the application. • He strongly objected to staff's characterization of the application as a resort club. • He also does not consider the use to be a time-share, primarily since the members reserve time through a reservation system, the level of service provided is much higher than a typical timeshare, and no exchange privileges with other resorts are proposed. • He expressed the opinion that the property is a residence club, and therefore in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. He felt the residence club would have less impact on the neighborhood than the existing short-term rentals. • Ms. Borg also presented her views that the proposed use is residential and would serve as a second home to the members. After the Planning and Zoning Commission failed to make an official recommendation at the March 21St P and Z meeting because of the tie vote, Burt Levin ruled that the application had to be sent back to the P and Z for a specific recommendation to Council. E Memorandum to Council from K. Griffith, Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek subdivision, Re-zoning and PUD for 24-member Private Residence Club April 6, 2000 Page 2 of 5 r Recommendation: At the April 4 t' P and Z meeting, P and Z voted 4-2 to recommend approval of the re-zoning and private residence club. The vote included findings that: 1. The proposed re-zoning is justified by changed or changing conditions of the area; 2. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; 3. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, which includes time-share and short-term rentals; 4. The proposal will not have a negative impact on the Town transportation system and facilities. Attachments: 1. Ordinance 00-05 2. Planning & Zoning Commission Staff Report dated March 30, 2000 with attachments 3. Planning & Zoning Commission Staff Report dated March 14, 2000 with attachments 4. Lot 38A2, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek PUD Plan 11 memorandum to Council from K. Griffith, Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Re-zoning and PUD for 24-member Private Residence Club April 6, 2000 Page 3 of 5 TOWN OF AVON ORDINANCE NO. 00-05 SERIES OF 2000 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A RE-ZONING FROM RD (RESIDENTIAL DUPLEX) TO PUD AND APPROVING A 24- MEMBER PRIVATE RESIDENCE CLUB AT LOT 38A, BLOCK 2, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. v WHEREAS, Robert Borg has applied for re-zoning from RD (Residential Duplex) to PUD and for approval of a PUD Development Plan and Development Standards for the a 24- member Private Residence Club for Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the proper posting, publication and public notices for the hearings before the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon were provided as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon held a public hearing on March 21, 2000 and on April 4, 2000, at which time the applicant and the public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain information and reports regarding the Re-zoning and proposed PUD Development Plan and Development Standards; and WHEREAS, following such public hearing, the Planning & Zoning Commission forwarded its recommendations on the proposed Re-zoning and PUD Development Plan and Development Standards to the Town Council of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, after notices provided by law, this Council held a public hearing on the day of , 2000, at which time the public was given an opportunity to express their opinions regarding the proposed Development Plan; and WHEREAS based upon the evidence, testimony, and exhibits, and a study of the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Avon, Town Council of the Town of Avon finds as follows: ® 1. The hearings before the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Town Council ® were both extensive and complete and that all pertinent facts, matters and issues were submitted at those hearings. 2. That the Re-zoning to PUD and 24-member Private Residence Club PUD Development Plan and Development Standards (PUD) is consistent with goals and objectives of the Town's Comprehensive Plan, is compatible with surrounding neighborhood and is consistent with the public interest. 3. That the Re-zoning to PUD and 24-member Private Residence Club PUD Development Plan and Development Standards complies with each of the Town of Avon's PUD design criteria and that this proposed development is consistent with the public interest. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: 1. The Re-zoning of Lot 38A from RD (Residential Duplex) to PUD and establishing a PUD Development Plan and Development Standards for a 24-member Private Residence Club are hereby approved. INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED, this day of , 2000, and a public hearing shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on the day of 2000, at 5:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building of the Town of Avon, Colorado. Town of Avon, Colorado Town Council Judy Yoder, Mayor 11 ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, PASSED ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED. Town of Avon, Colorado Town Council Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Burt Levin, Town Attorney 11 ?' I 0 brackets are lacking. Blank walls need to be fixed. Split faced block won't get his vote. The pedestrian level and roof line level need more attention. Chairman Evans asked the applicant what happened to the Clock in the PUD application? The richness of the detailing and massing is missing now. He went on to clarify that some architectural elements, arches, and structural supports on balconies must be revised and include wood consistent with the PUD. The level and richness of detailing being submitted is not what the applicant was originally proposing. This is a Concept review tonight, no formal action will be taken. Jim McKnight of Vistana requested clarification on the model. Commissioner Sipes cautioned the applicant to be as accurate with the outside of the building as possible. VII. Public Hearing Rehearing on Rezoninq and PUD Application A. Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Project Type: Rezoning and PUD - Private Residence Club Applicant: Robert Borg Owner: Robert Borg Address: 220 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Town Planner, Karen Griffith, gave the Staff presentation and basis for rehearing the application. Karen stated at the last P&Z meeting March 21, 2000 the Commission first voted 2-4 to deny Resolution 00-3, then a motion to approve tied 3-3. The application is for a private residence club with 24 members. Each membership can be sold to an unlimited amount of people or entities. Staff does not believe the application meets residential use outlined in the Town's Comprehensive Plan. It is not a seasonal use. Staff believes the application fits within the Town's definition of a commercial use as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. For example, the Austria Haus in Vail is limited to commercial areas and further restricted by the amount of memberships - in no event may the memberships in Vail exceed 12. Staff is also concerned with the spot-zoning aspect of this application. Therefore, Staff is recommending denial of the application. Town Attorney, Burt Levin, outlined the basis for this recommendation. He does not believe the application as submitted constitutes spot-zoning. You cannot single out a piece of land for special use but can create an island in the zone if the conditions of PUD are satisfied. Spot-zoning has become synonymous with illegal zoning, specifically when you create zoning which is more intensive than the existing zone by singling it out. It is a matter of discretion for the Commissioners to make a recommendation to Council. 5of10 Minutes of P&Z Meeting April 4, 2000 Chairman Evans disclosed an ex-parte meeting with Mr. Borg at Evan's office. Evans stated it should not sway his opinion or vote. If anyone wished him to step down, he would. No one asked Chairman Evans to step down. Robert Borg approached the podium and confirmed that the Staff Report was consistent with the one at the previous meeting. Terry Borg read the applicant's statement. The applicant is trying to fulfill a need to provide an alternative to the high priced resorts and expensive time-share projects. The concept is a private residence club, which is service oriented designed to accommodate the mainstream visitor. This project for all intensive purposes is within the town center. We live next door and will manage the private residence club. There are private residence clubs permitted in Vail, Cordillera and Arrowhead; time-shares are not permitted. Each community has decided for itself how to accommodate this new feature. We are the first applicants to come along and we want to make this a positive experience. She expressed thanks to Bill Efting, Town Manager, for his assistance with this application. Chairman Evans opened the hearing for public comment. A letter was submitted by an adjacent neighbor recommending approval of the application. Commissioner Karow does not believe the application meets the re-zoning criteria. He stated that there is a real difference between short-term and seasonal people. Owners who vacation and who live there. Commissioner Sipes believes it is an existing residence and does not believe the use or intensity will be changed by granting this approval. He was not comfortable with the amount of memberships being proposed. Commissioner Morrison believes the application meets both the re-zoning and PUD criteria. Commissioner Macik expressed concern with Staff's emphasis on the time-share definition when the applicant is requesting a PUD. Karen Griffith noted that the compatibility with the Comprehensive Plan is the cornerstone of this proposal, which requires a determination of whether the application is a commercial or residential use. Mr. Levin clarified that what is decisive is the PUD criteria. The issue is whether the application meets the PUD criteria, not whether it is meets the criteria of a time-share. Commissioner Macik is additionally concerned with the amount of memberships being requested. Commissioner Fehlner believes the seasonal aspect of the town is not specific and is ever-changing. There are no restrictions being proposed with regard to season, the member can use the unit at anytime. She believes the project is viable if the memberships were limited. 6 of 10 Minutes of P&Z Meeting April 4, 2000 E Chairman Evans believes the property is not a residential low-density area. He doe believe the parking is a concern. There is no existing definition fort the private residence o club in the Avon Town Code. He is in favor of this in this location primarily because of the neighborhood. Commissioner Karow moved to adopt Resolution 00-3 with the recommended findings. The motion failed for no second was made. Chairman Evans asked for additional public comment. None were made. Evans closed the public hearing. Mr. Levin suggested to the Commissioners all that is needed is a recommendation to Council for this application. Commissioner Fehlner made a motion to approve the re-zoning and PUD Development plan with the findings that: 1. The proposed re-zoning is justified by changed or changing conditions of the area; 2. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; 3. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, which includes time-share and short-term rentals; 4. The proposal will not have a negative impact on the Town transportation system and facilities. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Morrison. The motion passed 4-2 with Commissioners Karow and Macik objecting. B. Lot 15, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: 4-Plex Applicant: Bob Mach Owner: Claus Holm Address: 2170 Saddleridge Loop Ruth Borne outlined the concerns with the project, specifically with regard to the grading plan. Commissioner Sipes was concerned with the application of materials and how they fail to wrap around the building thereby creating a base for the project. Clarification of the horizontal siding is required. 40 Commissioner Morrison requested the applicant submit a complete application with specification of colors and materials on the elevations and the color board. The 7of10 Minutes of P&Z Meeting April 4, 2000 C, Commissioner Karow asked if there was a time limit on the approval. Karen Griffith stated it was acceptable as a permanent permit. The floor was open for public comments. None were made. Chairman Evans then closed the public hearing. Commissioner Macik made a motion to approve the application for a Special Review Use Resolution No. 00-04 of Series 2000 subject to the following conditions: 1. No materials, packages, or vehicles not normally associated with residential use shall be stored outside; 2. No employees shall be allowed to work on the property on a regular basis; 3. Approval is good for one year; any renewal must be approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sipes and unanimously approved. Rezoning and PUD Application B. Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision Project Type: PUD and Rezoning - Resort Club Applicant: Robert Borg Owner: Robert Borg Address: 220 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Lot 38B should read Lot 38A. Minutes, Staff Report and Resolution 00-3 of Series 2000 will be changed accordingly. Karen Griffith, Town Planner, gave the staff presentation stating this was for a 24-member residence club. Staff recommended denial to Town Council with eight findings as set forth in Resolution #00-3. Applicant, Robert Borg, approached the podium and made the following statements: He has been an owner in Avon for 20 years. He is applying for one unit to become a private residence club. He asserted that the comments made in the Staff Report are flawed. It is a residence club, not a resort club. They are very dissimilar. The play on words distort what is being proposed. Staff is mistaken by making the residence club synonymous with a resort club. He is looking to the Commissioners for a common sense approach despite the Staff Report. Page 3 of 11 Minutes of P&Z Meeting Chairman Evans requested the applicant clarify how this private residence club differs from the Town of Avon's definition of a time-share project. Mr. Borg stated the definition is so broad, it leaves no room for a private residence club. What he offers is very special. This is a residence. A time span of occupancy has not yet been specified. With a time-share, you are assigned a specific week and time limit. The proposal is similar to the Austria Haus in Vail. Guests can call up and make a reservation, not contracted to a specific week. Commissioner Sipes questioned what happens with the off-season time? Will the units be vacant or rented out on a short-term basis? Mr. Borg stated the property can be rented short-term to people that are not owners. The club will probably be shut down four to six weeks annually. Karen Griffith clarified that the Zoning Code's definition of time-share is consistent with this proposal for a private residence club. Mr. Borg said the Town should check the Internet to see what is happening with private residence clubs. Other areas have taken the lead. Chairman Evans stated by definition, this does fall into a time-share because it is so broad. He questioned if we need another definition, another classification. It needs to be addressed by Town Council as an amendment to the Municipal Code. Chairman Evans stated in his personal opinion, he agreed with Mr. Borg. Chairman Evans opened the floor for Commissioners' comments. Commissioner Sipes said he was torn. He agreed the Town Code needs to be updated. The Town needs time to study it. We are judging the definition against Mr. Borg's application at this time. For the record, he stated he did not think it is a high-intensity commercial use. It is a residential use. He is concerned with spot-zoning, especially in light of the existing time-share definition. Chairman Evans stated his key concern was spot-zoning this unit and setting a poor precedent. Commissioner Sipes agreed this would be spot-zoning; and that we need a better definition. Under the current code, Commissioner Sipes could not vote in favor of this application in its current form. We need to get a new definition to avoid future problems with the time-share definition. Mr. Borg stated that his property next door is a B&B, and it is an allowable use. Planner Griffith stated that the B&B is a permitted use within the RD zone district. Commissioner Sipes commented that the concern is the number of owners and the type of use in a low-density area. A residence club is appropriate in the town center as permitted under the current zoning, but not in the low-density residential area of a RD zone. The issue is not the residence club, but the location of it. Page 4 of I I Minutes of P8Z Meeting ?11 Chairman Evans encouraged the applicant to apply for the upcoming vacancies on the P&Z Commission. Closing comments: Commissioner Morrison stated he would like to see approval. This is a high-density area. Commissioner Karow stated that he supports private residence clubs, but this proposal is not within a commercial area. The Austria Haus in Vail is in a commercial area. He further stated that the application before us tonight does not meet the criteria based upon the current zoning code. There is also the technical problem of insufficient parking. Commissioner Morrison suggested giving the Town Council the opportunity to do something about this by the Commission denying it. Commissioner Macik agreed with the use where it is, but not under the current code. He has concerns about parking. A blanket approval cannot be given because of the next person who comes in. Commissioner Klein agreed with Commissioner Karow that he is not against private residence clubs, but four different owners would be permitted under the Town's current definition of time-share. The proposal falls into time-share and is commercial activity within a RD zone district according to our criteria. Under the definition we have, it falls into commercial use and does not fit into a RD district and cannot support this application right now. Chairman Evans stated that unfortunately, the criteria is open to interpretation. He believes there is a benefit to the community. He agrees that the proposal does not change the anticipated use of what it was built for. The impact of the project will bring in sales tax, a positive impact. It does not meet the strict definition of time-share but it looks and smells like a time-share. Chairman Evans opened the public hearing. There were no comments given. Mr. Borg gave a recap. This is not commercial use. The parking meets the requirements for the RD. There are three spaces. To apply time-share standards to this does not make sense. Teresa Borg, wife of Robert Borg, gave comments. They notified their neighbors and no one made any objection. Karen Griffith confirmed that staff had not received any public input on the application. No one came to the meeting to object. The request falls under the category of a 2nd home. Tourist are renters, ours will be owners. We are keeping this project residential. We don't feel it is a Page 5 of I I Minutes of P&Z Meeting commercial use or a time-share. The applicant's wife stated that they were encouraged by the Commission to come forward with a PUD request. If there is another forum and process, what do we need to do to comply? Karen Griffith stated the Commission is not denying or approving the Rezoning and PUD application, but only sending it on to Council with recommendations. Chairman Evans closed the public hearing. Chairman Evans stated there are reasons to call it a time-share and also reasons not to call it a time-share under the current definition. It was his opinion to get Council involved. Whatever we do, Council must be advised. Commissioner Sipes said the stumbling block is the definition of time-share. Once you take it out of time-share definition, it fits the area. He believes this is not a high-intensity use. There are criteria to accept it as a PUD and for Rezoning. Commissioner Morrison stated it complies with the benefit and compatibility clause. It is compatible with the area and would provide benefits to the community. Ruth Borne stated the applicant is purporting to sell 24 fee simple interests and fits within the definition of time-share. The proposal is for 24 owners. This is the intent of our code and why we had to draw the line. Commissioner Sipes doesn't think we should be so saddled with definition because it provides no flexibility. Commissioner Sipes agreed with Commissioner Morrison, this should be brought up to Council, because they could be setting a dangerous precedent. If the motion deadlocks, Chairman Evans stated he would like it to be sent to Council that way. If that is the vote, Council will know there is a discrepancy Commissioner Karow moved to adopt Resolution 00-3, Series 2000. Commissioner Klein seconded the motion. The motion failed 2-4. Commissioners Karow and Klein voted in favor. Commissioners Morrison, Macik, Evans and Sipes dissented. v Page 6 of I I Minutes of P&Z Meeting RX-1- n4 -ft rr) r C PUD PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION WEST BEAVER CREEK LODGE, 220 W. BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARD LOT 38, BLOCK 2, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK AVON, CO 81620-7626 The attached PUD proposal is comprised of two existing duplex units located at 220-A and 220-B West Beaver Creek Boulevard on Lot 38, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek in a RD Zone district. The units front onto West Beaver Creek Boulevard, 50 yards west of the Comfort Inn and immediately north of Beaver Creek West Condo-Hotel and Falcon Point Timeshare Communities. Since approval in November 1997, Unit B has been operating as a Bed and Breakfast and Owner's residence, while Unit A has been rented mostly short-term, year round to small family groups of 8 to 14 persons. The Owners of both units intend to sell and operate Unit A as a Private Residence Club. Memberships will be limited to 24 members. As a Private Residence Club, the effective use of Unit A will remain the same, except that it will be occupied by club members as opposed to short term renters. The Owners will manage and operate the Private Residence Club from Unit B and provide a year-round reservation service for the Membership. Members will purchase a fee simple, undivided, deeded interest in the Club with year-round access. Member's use of the unit will be by reservation. The following addresses the PUD Review Criteria as requested by the PUD Application. 1. This proposal conforms with the Avon Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives in: A: It is compatible with the surrounding development which is comprised of existing and planned hotels, condo-hotels, timeshare and fractional fee club units, High Density town homes and adjacent duplex units which are mostly rented short term to visitors year round. B: fostering a stronger year-round tourism base and offering a diversity of housing types for the visitor. The Private Residence Club being proposed would be unique in Avon in offering ownership of spacious residence type accommodation (as opposed to apartments) on a reservation basis with unlimited access and a full scope of services. Additional accommodation can also be rented from the B&B on a space available basis. C: being proximate to all town amenities including Nottingham Park and Rec center together with access to available door-front public transportation. 2. The duplex building, which comprises the PUD proposal, has been in existence for three years and complies with the Town's overall design guidelines. r) r 3. It is also compatible with adjacent properties in terms of architectural design, scale, massing, building height, buffer zones, character and orientation. 4. Its existing and proposed uses, activities and density will remain the same and provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. 5. There are no natural or geologic hazards that affect the property. 6. The site plan, building design and open space provision enhance the visual and functional value of the location in the community. 7. The single driveway access to both units has functioned very well and off-street parking has been more than adequate. 8. Clustered landscaping planted three years ago and seasonal plantings are contributing positively to the street scape and is very complimentary to the goals set by the Town to make Avon aesthetically pleasing to residents and visitors. 9. No phasing is involved, as this project has been completed and is functioning in virtually the same way as a Private Residence Club and Bed & Breakfast for almost three years. 10. All utilities and services, etc needed are already in place and are more than adequate. 11. The existing road is adequate and the proposed PUD will generate no extra traffic impacts. 12. The two residences that comprise the PUD are spaciously planned and exceed contemporary standards. Each residence includes a primary and secondary dwelling. All bedrooms are provided with bathrooms. Construction and finish standards are superior to those to be found in Avon and are more compatible with those in Beaver Creek. 2/11/00 11 BORG PHU 970-949-9073 9709499091 P.01 F U1 r1A P3JC2YK PHN4E N0. 44+61+902%33 Rpr. 03 20M 02:4E'M P01 ' !r1 •-Y:r 226 West 8vp+er C j0 $.h?d-. AV0» Colorado T*W&X, Oro 049 0715 R. Q BOYM Zoning & Planning Commission Cop?pe Also: 8 r ' Town of Avon It4A1tCh1s??.:;`::;; ::; ...: Eripfood . h4uniclpal Complex . Wp M22 4 440 Benchmark Road . . Avon Colorado Colo 81820 TW/fax +44(D)18t 002 0033 . . RO sox 976 2"' April 2000 Dear Ruth O. Bome 1 refer to the Requested Zone change by Mr Robert Borg to be field bn the 0 of April ?000. rloi Re9retfu1Y your letter did not arrive at my UK addreSs until yesterday SO Can write to you In time, however I hope you will accept this faxed letter as b0ing,ttt2 same. My home is next door to Bob Borg and 1 hilly support his proposal. It wiN have . minimum impact on our environment and altogether is a much More satisfactory ' solution than the larger buildings that offer similar accommodations. Yours sincerely • S ?x v 3 .t t ;i f ,c t ?t€ i If E • 11 9 Town of Avon Re-Zoning and PUD Staff Report April 4, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date March 30, 2000 Legal description Lot 38A, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Current zoning RD-Residential Duplex Address 220 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Introduction Burt Levin, the Town Attorney has ruled that according to Section 17.28.050 of the Avon Code, the Planning and Zoning Commission must make findings on a re-zoning application before it is forwarded to Town Council. At the March 21, 2000 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission first voted 2-4 to deny Bob Borg's application for re-zoning and a PUD Development Plan to establish a 24-member private residence club on Lot 38A, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. When that vote failed the P and Z then tied with a vote 3-3 to approve the application. Since P and Z failed to formulate a specific recommendation, we are scheduling the application for re-consideration and a recommendation. We have sent out new public hearing notices to all property owners within 300 feet of the property boundary. Project History Following is a summary of the P and Z Commissioners' discussion of the application from the March 21, 2000 meeting. • Three Commission members supported the private residence club, citing that it was compatible with the neighborhood and that it was more residential in character than the existing short-term rentals. The members expressing this view felt that the private residence club is a low-density use in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. They considered the residence club as a residential use since the property would serve as a second home for the club members. These Commissioners expressed the opinion that the property is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan residential land use designation for the property. • The opposing three Commissioners voiced opinions that the property falls under the Zoning Code definition of a time-share, and is therefore a commercial use that is not consistent with the residential land use designation of the property by the Comprehensive Plan. They also expressed opinions that since the property falls under the definition of a time-share, it does not meet the Town Standards for parking, which would require six parking spaces for the use. Town of Avon Community Development f:\p&z\staff reports\2000\38bbm@bczonechange2ndpzmtgl.doc (970) 748-4030Fax modem (970) 949-5749 Rezoning and PUD for Residence Club, Lot 38A, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, page 2 April 4, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting • The Commission members were in consensus that the Town should evaluate the private residence club as a land use and consider amending the regulations to accommodate the use in appropriate zone districts. Summary of the Applicant's, Mr. Borg's Comments: • Mr. Borg strongly objected to staff's characterization of the application as a resort club. • He does not consider the use to be a time-share as the staff classifies it, primarily because the members reserve time through a reservation system, the level of service provided is much higher than a typical timeshare, and no exchange privileges with other resorts are proposed. • He expressed the opinion that the property is a residence club, and is therefore in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. He felt the residence club would have less impact on the neighborhood than the existing short-term rentals. • Robert Borg's wife, Mrs. Borg also presented her views that the proposed use is residential and would serve as a second home to the members. No members of the public were present to express opinions at the public hearing. Project Description As discussed in the last staff report and presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission at the March 21, 2000 meeting, Robert Borg has submitted an application to re-zone Lot 38A, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision from RD-Residential duplex to PUD. Mr. Borg would like to establish a private residence club, which would allow him to sell 24 memberships to his duplex unit located at 220-A West Beaver Creek Boulevard. "Members would purchase a fee simple, undivided, deeded interest in the club with year-round access. Their interest in the unit could be sold, willed, or placed in trust like any other piece of real estate." The members' use of the unit would be through a reservation system. Mr. Borg's proposal is attached to this report. The PUD zoning has been requested to allow this use in the RD zone district, which would otherwise not be permitted. According to Section 17. 20.060 of the Zoning Code, single-family homes, duplex homes and accessory caretaker's apartments are the only allowed uses in the RD zone. The Special Review Uses specified under this zone district include home occupations, residential bed and breakfasts, above ground public utility installations, and churches. C Town of Avon Community Development f:\p&z\staff reports\200U\38DDrn io oczoneullalfyG411.p-",y Jn?A%'7nfl_AA'AOFw-MoM /97n1 949-5749 Rezoning and PUD for Residence Club, Lot 38A, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, page 3 April 4, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting 11 Key Issues Staff has identified four key issues for this proposal for Planning and Zoning Commission to determine: 1. Whether the property meets the re-zoning criteria, including whether the use is justified based on changed or changing conditions in the neighborhood. 2. Whether the proposed use complies with the residential land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Whether the proposed private residence club meets the PUD review criteria, including whether the residence club is compatible with the neighborhood. 4. Whether the proposed PUD development standards for parking have been satisfied. If the proposed use is classified as a timeshare, a minimum of 6 parking spaces are required Staff Discussion Staffs recommendation is summarized as follows: • Staff does not believe the private residence club meets the Comprehensive Plan's description of a residential use. The Plan clearly defines residential land uses as permanent and seasonal residential uses. In staffs opinion, 24 members coming to visit their property for approximately 2 and t/2 weeks a year is clearly not a permanent or seasonal residential use. • Staff classified the project as commercial use. The proposal meets the definition of a time-share unit (definition attached), which is in direct conflict with the Comprehensive Plan designation of the property for residential use. The Comprehensive Plan specifically lists accommodation units and time-shares as commercial uses. Since a fee simple, deeded interest in the property would be sold to more than 4 members, and their use would be periodic (approximately 2 and 1/2 weeks each year, via a reservation system), staff believes the use clearly falls under the definition of a timeshare. • Regardless of whether the property is classified as a timeshare use, staff believes the use of the property by 24 separate parties, is not a low-intensity residential land use. We believe there is a completely different character and level of use from someone who resides at a property on a permanent or seasonal basis, as opposed to 24 different people or their guests, occupying. the property on a weekly or bimonthly basis. This is why staff believes the activity level of the private residence club is higher than a permanent or seasonal residence and is not compatible with the low-density neighborhood. • Mr. Borg presented the Austria House in Vail as the model he used in developing his residence club proposal. He has discussed how private residence clubs are encouraged in Vail and should be encouraged in the Town of Avon. Staff confirmed with the Town of Vail, that private residence clubs are only allowed as conditional uses in the public accommodation and the high density residential zone districts. Private residence clubs in Vail may sell a maximum of 12 memberships. Mr. Borg's application proposes two times the number of members that are Town of Avon Community Development f:\p&z\staff reports\2000\38bbm@bczonechange2ndpzmtgl.doc (970) 748-4030Fax modem (970) 949-5749 Rezoning and PUD for Residence Club, Lot 38A, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, page 4 April 4, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting allowed in private residence clubs in Vail. Vail would not allow the proposed use in a low-density residential district either! Staff believes the use should be encouraged in the Town of Avon-we just do not believe it is an appropriate use in a low-density residential district, particularly with such a large number of members. • Staff does not believe there has been a change in the character of the neighborhood from residential to commercial to justify the re-zoning. • The development does not meet the timeshare parking requirement to provide a minimum of 6 parking spaces for the use. • Staff does not believe the proposed 24-member residence club provides a benefit to the community as is recommended by the Comprehensive Plan for PUD zoning. While the residence club would generate more transfer taxes for the Town, studies on timeshares uses prepared by the Town's financial consultants have shown that these uses provide more impacts on the Town's transportation system and recreational facilities without generating sufficient revenue to compensate for the impact. Rather, the introduction of a commercial use would be detrimental to the neighborhood. In other time-share projects, the impact has been mitigated by payment of an impact fee to the Town. Staff does not believe the impacts of this commercial use in a low-density residential zone can be effectively mitigated. • The use of the PUD to re-zone the property allowing one side of the duplex to be used as a private residence club constitutes spot zoning, which allows a use of the property not afforded to the other property owners in the zone district. Re-Zoning Criteria 1. Is the proposed re-zoning justified by changed or changing conditions in the character of the area proposed to be rezoned? In staff's opinion the character of the residential neighborhood has not changed and does not justify the re-zoning. Mr. Borg contends that the residence club will have no more impact than the short-term rentals, which already exist, in the neighborhood. While rentals are not prohibited by the Zoning Code, the RD zone district is not intended as an area to promote commercial short- term rentals. Staff is concerned that the introduction of the residence club would encourage commercial uses in the neighborhood that would be detrimental. I 2. Is the proposed re-zoning consistent with the Town's Comprehensive Plan? Please see discussion under PUD criteria below. 3. Are the proposed uses compatible with the surrounding area or uses? Staff does not believe a residence club, which we consider to be commercial in nature, is a compatible use in a low-density residential neighborhood. The Comprehensive Plan designates the area for permanent residential or seasonal use. Staff does not believe the 24-member residence club meets the description of a residential use. The impact of 24 different members and their families and guests on a weekly or bimonthly basis is a higher activity level than a permanent or seasonal residence, where the same people occupy a property on a long term basis. We do not believe the residence club is either compatible with the RD zoning, or appropriate with duplexes located on either side of Lot 38. Town of Avon Community Development f:\p&z\staff repo rts\2000\.38bbm@bczonechange2ndpzmtgl.doc /-k' Ao_AnnnCov -,Hm 107n) 949-5749 Rezoning and PUD for Residence Club, Lot 38A, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, page 5 April 4, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting 4. Are adequate facilities available to serve development for the type and scope suggested by the proposed zone change? The Town has received reports from our financial consultants that this type of use requires a higher level of Town services such as bus transportation and recreational facilities than the permitted low-density residential uses would require. The increased impact of this project warrants further scrutiny and reinforces staff's recommendation that the use is not compatible with the neighborhood. The applicant is not offering any concessions to offset this additional impact. PUD Design Criteria According to the Town of Avon Zoning Code, Section 17.20.110, the following shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating a PUD. 1. Conformance with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan's Goals and Objectives. • The property is designated for residential use on the Land Use Plan of the Comprehensive Plan. The residence club does not meet the description of a residential land use as described by the Comprehensive Plan as a permanent or seasonal residential use. Alternatively, the Comprehensive Plan describes accommodation uses and timeshares as commercial uses. The proposal is in direct conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. • Policy A1.3 of the Comprehensive Plan encourages the use of PUDs where it will provide a benefit to the community and be compatible with surrounding development. According to this policy, "flexible zoning (PUDs) will only be allowed where it provides a benefit to the community and is compatible with the surrounding development. Variations from standard zoning must be clearly demonstrated, and will be permitted only to achieve effective development". In staff's opinion the resort club is a high intensity use that is not in keeping with the intent of the RD Zone District. We do not believe establishment of a residence club in a low-density residential neighborhood would be a benefit to the community. The use of the PUD to establish such a use that is not otherwise allowed in the zone district essentially constitutes spot zoning. Further, the residence club is not necessary to achieve effective development; the property is already effectively developed as a duplex. The Residence Club proposal is in conflict with Comprehensive Plan Policy A1.1 which states that "Development and re-development will be of a scale and intensity appropriate for the neighborhood in which it is located". The intensity of use for a resort club with 24 memberships is in conflict with the low density/intensity nature of the residential duplex zone district and the residential character of the neighborhood. The use of the property for 24 different owners and their families and guests, is higher level of activity than a permanent or seasonal residential use. The applicant has represented that 10-12 people will be occupying the club at one time. This is a much higher number of people than typically occupy a residence. According to the State Demographer's office, the average household size in Avon in 1999 was 2.08 persons per household. • The proposal for a private residence club is in conflict with Policy C 1.1 "to maintain and enhance the character of the residential neighborhoods". Introducing a commercial use such as a residence club may contribute to the deterioration of the residential neighborhood by Town of Avon Community Development f:\p&z\staff reports\2000\38bbm@bczonechange2ndpzmtgl.doc (970) 748-4030Fax modem (970) 949-5749 Rezoning and PUD for Residence Club, Lot 38A, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, page 6 April 4, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting establishing a precedent for other commercial uses to locate in this residential area. It could also result in deterioration of other low-density residential neighborhoods, by establishing a precedent to locate residence clubs/timeshares in residential neighborhoods. Currently, timeshares are only allowed as a special review use in the Town Center Zone, the most dense and diversified zone district in the Town. 2. Conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the town, the sub-area design recommendations and design guidelines of the Town. The property is located in Sub Area 7-the Nottingham Park Residential District. This area is described by the Comprehensive Plan as a high quality residential development. The recommendations for this area require that new development should be of the same quality and character as the existing development. The proposal is not of the same character as the existing development. The residence club is not a residential use and would introduce more commercial uses in the neighborhood. 3. Design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character, and orientation. Staff considers the proposed residence club to be a higher intensity use than is appropriate for this low-density residential neighborhood. As discussed above, the approval of this use could change the character of the Nottingham Park neighborhood and possibly other neighborhoods within the Town by introducing other residential clubs with potential adverse impacts. Staff does not believe the impacts of residential clubs in low-density residential neighborhoods can be effectively mitigated. 4. Uses, activity, and density provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The proposed residence club will introduce a higher level of activity than is appropriate in a low-density residential neighborhood as has already been discussed. 5. Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property upon which the PUD is proposed. No change. 6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. Since the property is already developed there will be no changes with respect to this criterion. 7. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off site traffic circulation that is compatible with the town transportation plan. The parking and back up areas are minimal. The parking as proposed does not comply with the development standards outlined below. The applicant represents that 10-12 people will be occupying the unit at a time. The four proposed parking spaces are not sufficient for this number of people. 8. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. • C No change. 9. Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems, roads, parks, and police and fire protection. No change. Town of Avon Community Development t:\p&z\.sta" repons\/_uvv-ou-11*Y?, . ....y, ???? -..o a Onc.... -A.- I07M QAQ.57dQ Rezoning and PUD for Residence Club, Lot 38A, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, page 7 April 4, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting 10. That the existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD. No change. Development Standards Development Standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density control, site coverage, landscaping and parking shall be determined by the Town Council as part of the approved development plan with consideration of the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Timeshares require 1 parking space per 600 square feet of area. Based on the size of the proposed residence club, 6 parking spaces would be required. Mr. Borg proposes 4 parking spaces, resulting in a reduction in 2 spaces from the standard requirement. No other changes to the standard requirements are proposed. Staff Recommendation Staff maintains our recommendation of denial of the application. In summary, staff does not believe the application for the private residence club meets the re-zoning and the PUD review criteria, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed re-zoning is not justified by changed or changing conditions in the character of ® the area proposed to be re-zoned. 2. The proposed re-zoning is not consistent with the residential land use designation of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan and the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed use is not compatible with the neighborhood. 4. The proposed re-zoning for a private residence club will have a negative impact on Town transportation systems and recreational facilities. 5. The Planned Unit Development Plan and Development Standards for Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek do not comply with each of the Town of Avon's PUD design criteria because the commercial nature of the use is in conflict with the residential character of the neighborhood and that this proposed commercial use would be detrimental to the public interest. 6. The private residence club is not compatible with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to the character of the neighborhood; 7. The PUD Zoning and Development Standards propose a mix of uses, activity, and density which are not compatible with the surrounding low density residential uses and activity; Town of Avon Community Development f:\p&z\staff reports\2000\38bbm@bczonechange2ndpzmtgl.doc (970) 748-4030Fax modem (970) 949-5749 Rezoning and PUD for Residence Club, Lot 38A, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivimon, page 8 April 4, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting 8. The project does not have sufficient on-site circulation design to accommodate the proposed private residence club use and fails to meet the Town Standards for parking. Recommended Motion "I move to adopt Resolution 00-3 recommending that Town Council deny the re-zoning and PUD application with the findings: 1. The proposed re-zoning is not justified by changed or changing conditions in the character of the area proposed to be re-zoned. 2. The proposed re-zoning is not consistent with the residential land use designation of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan and the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed use is not compatible with the neighborhood. 4. The proposed re-zoning for a residence club will have a negative impact on Town Transportation systems and recreational facilities. 5. The Planned Unit Development Plan and Development Standards for Lot 38A, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek do not comply with each of the Town of Avon's PUD design criteria because the commercial nature of the use is in conflict with the residential character of the neighborhood and that this proposed commercial use would be detrimental to the public interest. 6. The residence club is not compatible with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to the character of the neighborhood; 7. The PUD Zoning and Development Standards propose a mix of uses, activity, and density which are not compatible with the surrounding low density residential uses and activity; 8. The project does not have sufficient on-site circulation design to accommodate the proposed resort club use and fails to meet the Town Standards for parking. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4030, or stop by the Community Development Department. Town of Avon Community Development f:\p&z\staff reports\2000\38bbm@bczonechange2ndpzmtgl.doc I47n) 748-4030Fax modem (970) 949-5749 Rezoning and PUD for Residence Club, Lot 38A, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, page 9 April 4, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting • 11 Respectfully submitted, Karen S. Griffith, Town Planner Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030Fax modem (970) 949-5749 f:\p&z\staff reports\2000\38bbm@bczonechange2ndpzmtgl.doc 11 Town of Avon Re-Zonin and PUD Staff Report March 21, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date March 14, 2000 Legal description Lot 38B, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Current zoning RD-Residential Duplex Address 220 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Introduction Robert Borg has submitted an application to re-zone Lot 38 B, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision from RD-Residential duplex to PUD. Mr. Borg would like to establish a private residence club, which would allow him to sell 24 memberships to his duplex unit located at 220- A West Beaver Creek Boulevard. "Members would purchase a fee simple, undivided, deeded interest in the club with year-round access. Their interest in the unit could be sold, willed, or placed in trust like any other piece of real estate." The members' use of the unit would be through a reservation system. Mr. Borg's proposal is attached to this report. The PUD zoning has been requested to allow this use in the RD zone district, which would otherwise not be permitted. According to Section 17. 20.060 of the Zoning Code, single-family homes, duplex homes and accessory caretaker's apartments are the only allowed uses in the RD zone. The Special Review Uses specified under this zone district include home occupations, residential bed and breakfasts, above ground public utility installations, and churches. Re-Zoning Criteria 1. Is the proposed re-zoning justified by changed or changing conditions in the character of the area proposed to be rezoned? In staff's opinion the character of the residential neighborhood has not changed and does not justify the re-zoning. Mr. Borg makes the argument that that the resort club will have no more impact than the short-term rentals, which already exist, in the neighborhood. While rentals are not prohibited by the Zoning Code, the RD zone district is not intended as an area to promote commercial short-term rentals. Staff is concerned that the introduction of the resort club would encourage commercial uses in the neighborhood that would be detrimental. 2. Is the proposed re-zoning consistent with the Town's Comprehensive Plan? Please see discussion under PUD criteria below. 3. Are the proposed uses compatible with the surrounding area or uses? Staff does not believe a resort club, which we consider to be commercial in nature, is a compatible use in a low-density residential neighborhood. Staff recognizes that the property is C C7 Town of Avon Community Development f:\p&z\staff reports\2000\32100\38bbm ® bezonechangepudfinal.doc (970) 748-4030Fax modem (970) 949-5749 Rezoning and PUD for Resort Club, Lot 38B, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivi„on, page 2 March 21, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting adjacent to high-density residential uses. However, the applicant's property is in the middle of a row of property zoned RD. We do not believe the resort club is compatible with the RD zoning with duplexes located on either side of lot 38. 4. Are adequate facilities available to serve development for the type and scope suggested by the proposed zone change? The Town has received reports from our financial consultants that this type of use requires a higher level of Town services such as bus transportation and recreational facilities than the permitted low-density residential uses would require. The increased impact of this project warrants further scrutiny and reinforces staff's recommendation that the use is not compatible with the neighborhood. PUD Design Criteria According to the Town of Avon Zoning Code, Section 17.20.110, the following shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating a PUD. 1. Conformance with the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan's Goals and Objectives. • The property is designated for residential use on the Land Use Plan of the Comprehensive Plan. The resort club is a commercial use and is therefore in conflict with the land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan. • Policy A1.3 of the Comprehensive Plan encourages the use of PUDs where it will provide a benefit to the community and be compatible with surrounding development. According to this policy, "flexible zoning (PUDs) will only be allowed where it provides a benefit to the community and is compatible with the surrounding development. Variations from standard zoning must be clearly demonstrated, and will be permitted only to achieve effective development". In staff's opinion the resort club is a high intensity use that is not in keeping with the intent of the RD Zone District. We do not believe establishment of a resort club in a low-density residential neighborhood would be a benefit to the community. The use of the PUD to establish such a use that is not otherwise allowed in the zone district essentially constitutes spot zoning. • The Resort Club proposal is in conflict with Comprehensive Plan Policy A1.1 which states that "Development and re-development will be of a scale and intensity appropriate for the neighborhood in which it is located". The intensity of use for a resort club with 24 memberships is in conflict with the low density/intensity nature of the residential duplex zone district and the residential character of the neighborhood. • The proposal for a private resort club is in conflict with Policy C 1.1 "to maintain and enhance the character of the residential neighborhoods". Introducing a commercial use such as a resort club may contribute to the deterioration of the residential neighborhood by establishing a precedent for other commercial uses to locate in this residential area. 2. Conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the town, the sub-area design recommendations and design guidelines of the Town. The property is located in Sub Area 7-the Nottingham Park Residential District. This area is described by the Comprehensive Plan as a high quality residential development. The recommendations for this area include that new development should be at least of the same Town of Avon Community Development f:\p&z\staff reports\2000\32100\38bbm@bczonechangepudfinal.doc (970) 748-4030Fax modem (970) 949-5749 Rezoning and PUD for Resort Club, Lot 38B, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, page 3 March 21, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting quality and character as existing development. The new development could reduce the quality of this residential area. 3. Design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character, and orientation. Staff considers the proposed resort club to be a higher intensity use than is appropriate for this low-density residential neighborhood. As discussed above, the approval of this use could change the character of the entire Nottingham Park neighborhood by introducing commercial uses with adverse impacts. 4. Uses, activity, and density provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The proposed resort club will introduce a higher level of activity than is appropriate in a low- density residential neighborhood. 5. Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property upon which the PUD is proposed. No change. 6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. Since the property is already developed there will be no changes with respect to this criterion. 7. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off site traffic circulation that is compatible with the town transportation plan. The parking and back up areas are minimal. The parking as proposed does not comply with the development standards outlined below. 8. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. No change. 9. Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems, roads, parks, and police and fire protection. No change. 10. That the existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD. No change. Development Standards Development Standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density control, site coverage, landscaping and parking shall be determined by the Town Council as part of the approved development plan with consideration of the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission. • The parking requirement for the use most similar to a resort club is timeshare. This requires 1 parking space per 600 square feet of area. Based on the size of the proposed resort club, 6 parking spaces would be required. Mr. Borg proposes 4 parking spaces, resulting in a reduction in 2 spaces from the standard requirement. Town of Avon Community Development f:\p&z\staff reports\2000\32100\38bbm®bczonechangepudfinal.doc 107M 7na_enz1)c- -M.- IQ7M QdQ-57dq Rezoning and PUD for Resort Club, Lot 38B, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, page 4 March 21, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting • No other changes to the standard requirements are proposed. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 00-3, denying the Re-zoning PUD application for the resort club. Recommended Motion "I move to adopt Resolution 00-3 recommending that Town Council deny the re-zoning and PUD application with the findings: 1. The proposed re-zoning is not justified by changed or changing conditions in the character of the area proposed to be rezoned. 2. The proposed re-zoning is not consistent with the land use designation of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan and the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed use is not compatible with the neighborhood. 4. The proposed re-zoning for a resort club will have a negative impact on Town Transportation systems and recreational facilities. 5. The Planned Unit Development Plan and Development Standards for Lot 38B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek do not comply with each of the Town of Avon's PUD design criteria because the commercial nature of the use is in conflict with the residential character of the neighborhood and that this proposed commercial use would be detrimental to the public interest. 6. The resort club is not compatible with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to the character of the neighborhood; 7. The PUD Zoning and Development Standards propose a mix of uses, activity, and density which are not compatible with the surrounding low density residential uses and activity; 8. The project does not have sufficient on-site circulation design to accommodate the proposed resort club use and fails to meet the Town Standards for parking. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4030, or stop by the Community Development Department. Town of Avon Community Development fap&z\staff reports\2000G32100\38bbm®bczonechangepudfinal.doc (970) 748-4030Fax modem (970) 949-5749 Rezoning and PUD for Resort Club, Lot 38B, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdiviaic.+, page 5 March 21, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Respectfully submitted,}) Karen S. Griffith, AIC Town Planner C7 Town of Avon Community Development f:\p&z\staff reports\2000\32100\38bbm®bczonechangepudfinal.doc (970) 748-4030Fax modem (970) 949-5749 ILL- +p 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 v i---------------/1 cm or vm7WX ftwW I I? w rw[ - - - WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARD --------------------------01 n -v'r w w V` S Y29 65_00' mail I L.,.: A I R?5 1 / I ? ,•.a ,yi I „l 1 xa,P I -- 7.5 i a I o? I I! I , I 11 36 .r.. ros Aa I ? , LOT' ' LOT , Rln IMFO ti. ?- W I 37 0 I LOT 38 ?' II I :d•? +r9w- I «. 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(_4 UNIT A - PRIVATE RESIDENCENIT A PR CLUB HARD-w1REp O SMOKE DETECTOR w/BAT1L'RY BACKUP r T uECItANrGN, I ICJ CXIUUSf VENT I I 4-0- 11 I A III FLOOR ARFA mrL00R AREA m I f I,J51 S.E, I I ENT. Cr P II OVER e ? II o . DINING ii LIVING c? I r n I I G4S FRIED FIREPLACE II I I II S AJR TO LOFT RISER . e• II TREAD . 10• li ? ? II UP ? I KITCHE ? II i II ? - II STEEL POST 1 1/4- B&B OFFICE 777-7 - - ?, ---- - ( ? I 0 I Oi ---A? t ? UP (? II 2nd FLOOR 2J'_D PLAN UNIT B - EXISTING B&B AND RESIDENCE I la I-A I ? ICJ II NI r vl II 43 I I? II I III III ' 3 DIA STM ; MASTER POST ?' BEDROOM SUITE >< 4 I q? CLOSET ©7 n .0• 42 r71 ICJ UP 41• I .fe' i u' ?r GENERAL REQUIREMENTS & DESIGN CRITERIA GENERAL NOTES; Stnroturol Engineer. Michael Vane* Consultants, Inc. 97.9-1000 1. The contractor $ha? inform the) Structural ngineer of note at least ?. 14 hhoeurss prior t pouring any structural concrete. Or within either document itself, the better Quality notes or cuon?tityifishall cations used, r s a nritfen clarification is issued. 3. Tiro Contractor shall make note of disagreement of building dimensions and elevations and sholl optoin corrections prior to proceeding with excavation and foundations. 4. The Contractor shag verify oil dimensions and noted assumptions. M deviations shall be co-ordinated with the Engineer of note prior to proceeding with the corresponding phase of construction. DESIGN CODE Uniform Building Code - (1994 Edition) DESIGN CRRERkt. Roof Live Load 75 psf Floor Live Load 40 psf Basic Wind Speed 80 mph Seismic Zone 1 SOIL AND FOUNDATIONS REFERENCES; Soil and Foundation Report: CTL/Thompson, Inc. Project No. 6805 Date: 3-11-81 1. R shall be the Contractors respons;b;uty to review the Sal and Foundation Report in its entirety prior to proceeding with the site excovnd iOf the report may be Been at the Architect's or Engineers office. A copy 2. Deviations !Oren the necammendatiolls of the above reparf shaft be approved to rg b the Geo-technical Engineer of note and submitted to the StruNu a Engineer prior to proceeding with construction DESIGN CRIfERW Allowable Sal Bearing 2000 psf a , fOUNDARON NOTES: °. I. Foundation design has been bored on the recommendations outlined in the oboes mentioned ed reports. 2. NI exterior footings shaft bear at an elevation below frost depth. (gin;mum of 1'-0• below finished grade.) 3. Foot* rear inear. bear on approved undisturbed natural soft approved by a 4. Footings am centered under walls and/or columns, unless noted. 5. Aft wolfs $110111 be attain g earth shall be properly shored or off supporting elements 6. All P prior to placing backllf. foundations Shoff have a subsurface peripheral 4• perforated dioin system 'cropped with a geo-fabric tied to o sump-pump or suitable outlet not subject to freezing. Surround the pipe with at least one pipe diameter of free draining grovel, CONCRfR AND REINFORCOG ACt REFERENCES (LATEST SON) ACI 31 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete ACI 301 - SSpecRicotianS for Structural Concrete for BaTdings ACI 302 - Recommvtded Proct" for Concrete Floor Slob Construction ecommonded Pract co, far Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and %cing Concrete ACI 311 - Recommended Practice for Concrete Inspection ACI 314 - Standard Practice for Detailing ReWorced Concrele DESIGN STRESSES: Concrete (28 day strength) Fc' - 3000 psi Reinforcing SteN: 14 and smoNsr (ASIM A615) Grade 40 Fy 40000 psi /5 and larger (ASTM A615) Grade 60 Fy 60000 psi Structural Stool. Phtes, Bors A Rods (ASTM A 36) Fy J6000 psi Anchor Bogs (ASTM A307) Fly ? 10000 psi CONCRETE NOTES. 1. Conersts has been designed and shoe be constructed in conformance with ` 2. the Provide sulfate resistant cement (Type H. Type Noted I above. P n nYPe moarF,ed or 7?pv It LAL) ON concrete exposed to the existing saTS and imported fill mottorial& in 3. Calcium Chloride shbft not be added to Type R Cement. 4. Provide bolation joints control joints N e v (? ry y ra all y U ry Q: C Vj pplc Qp m O 4 V W v ? W r 00 03 W) !+ `~ N? k ? ? ? vv m we ? h aced construction pints in ON Slabs on 02110100 5. Qc ? os desen'bed in AC' 302 (C-J- 0 15'-0' o.c. each way, mox.). r-rovxde oonr for rBinf as if 6. spec ied in ACI 318. Svc. 7.7.1. Provide mirmom li le sp ce nghts or follows (Close B): /3 to /5 use 20' OW- ACI 318. Swt 12.15). scale: 7. B " wins fabric must OOP and Nall be i one cat mesh plus 2' at sides and end has together. Locate mesh in lop 1/2 of Nob d M th b T 4' . / . ep . o horizontal bans continuous Ground comers or r 9. tx dl - wall openings SW be mWorced with ()Bad o ?S bars dra b beyond the edge of the opening - wn sheet: A.-2 • 0 0 v 4--- 1 I I n I V ?L i I I -------- 41 23'-0• t- 41 i I e-a oucainCnoHw DoOR , I II'------ II Isf FLOOR _ I------al PLAN 23'-0' It' -------II ? -------u UNIT B - EXISTING B&B AND RESIDENCE UNIT A - PRIVATE RESIDENCE CLUB '"?0 o s o c,?roe w/a?r1?r e?ruc rr A?'CIMNIGII, ICJ (XH4US7 WK V H i VAR' v y L 0 ? W N a /y? O pob W y m W W V r t M? t O? oW 0? m ? R late: 2/10/00 !cafe: 1//' r 1'-0• drawn by: T,9. sheet: • 0 Ag I LIVING AREA i+ BELOW LIVING AREA BELOW ? I ? I / IGLUELAU -_J- _ SOLO GLA?pp?IL 36 HIGH r--- ------ -----1 II i I / I ? ? J f/Zi50 I J' ? II - I o - - - - - -1 - ? - I I POST ; STEEL POST I _-_-r, I UNDER ? 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N 1/T 0/00 sco+e: ?/t' s T'_?• Crown by: T.B. Sheet: ?lvlj w - G/1?JIim, DQCC! ANU MEWUENCE UNIT A - PRIVATE RESIDENCE CLUB SOUTH WEST ELEVATION S- 6'8'? EX,SnNG CRUDE 9t'-8' N W 0 z r~ w 0 w J 0 W 2 I 0 ice"' N o .y O z e ? "Cpj Q o m 6 Cc e m ? 8 0^ d W W U ? W > RR i ? ? o Go O mo VV i ? o C CL mm N Q ?/10/00 scale: f/4' . C-0- drown try: r.9, shee A-6 NORTH EAST ELEVATION .'`6 EX', CRi N ?I ?I Ex!Sr,NG At µ v?E DE - --- vn?l D - LXISTING B&B AND RESIDENCE S Iil SOUTH EAST ELEVATION [X!$t1NC CRADE -I W M ' V N C9 A. ? Lxj g ? U `? ? QQQ'QQQJJJ C h o a ? W a t ao Jj a Nt k 8 ' ? 2 ? O ? U /y ? Q W pp p N i dot- ? -? ? 2/10/00 scale: ,own by: T. 9. sheet: SAFETY GLAZING 4 CoMREr 'tCr ip'Eu?FREQ ?7,nm? REOU?aEUENi$ N 106 FN BC 91 RE: UB EUNCNVD I A-5 ------------ J t i TOw n of A von Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thm: Bill Efting, Town Manager tt- Frorrn Scott Wright, Finance Director ?s...? Date: April 20, 2000 Re: Resolution 00-20, Budget Amendment Summary: A budget amendment is proposed for the 2000 budget for the following item: Employee Housing Enterprise Fund Establishment of an employee housing enterprise fund to account for the purchase and operation of the Sherwood Meadows condominiums. Total revenues including bond proceeds equal $2,389,350. Total expenditures equal $2,206,276. Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council adopt the resolution discussed above as presented. Town Manager Comments: Attachments: A - Resolution 00-20 Page 1 RESOLUTION NO. 00-20 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2000 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET A RESOLUTION ESTABLISING AN EMPLOYEE HOUSING ENTERPRISE FUND AND SUMMARIZING EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES BY FUND AND F AV AMENDING THE 2000 BUDGET FOG T O RE HE? ?T DAYO OF COJANLORADOUARY, FOR 2000, THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNIN AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 2000. WHEREAS, the Town has entered into a real estate contract to purchase condominium units for employee housing; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to create an enterprise fund to account for the expenditures and revenues related to the Town's operation and lease of such condominium units; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has adopted the 2000 budget; and WHEREAS, the Town Council reviewed the revised estimated revenues and expenditures for 2000; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it necessary to amend the 2000 budget to more accurately reflect the revenues and expenditures for 2000; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the budget remains in balance as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That an enterprise fund is hereby established for the purpose of accounting for transactions associated with the Town's operation and leasing of Town- owned condominium units for employee housing. Section 2. That estimated revenues and expenditures for the following fund is as follows for 2000: is 11 C. Original or Previously Amended 2000 Budget Employee Housing Enterprise Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ _ Revenues and Other Sources _ Expenditures and Other Uses _ Ending Fund Balance $ _ Current Proposed Amended 2000 Budget 2,389,350 2,206,276 $ 183,074 Section 3. That the budget, as submitted, amended, and hereinabove summarized by fund, hereby is approved and adopted as the budget of the Town of Avon for the year stated above. Section 4. That the budget hereby approved and adopted shall be signed by the Town Manager and made part of the public record of the Town. ADOPTED this 25"' day of April, 2000. ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor 2 4 Employee Housing Enterprise Fund #53 Amendment #1 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) REVENUES _ $ _ $ 54,350 $ 54,350 Other Revenues $ - $ 54,350 54,350 Total Operating Revenues ' Other Sources _ - 2,335,000 2,335,000 Bond Proceeds - TOTAL REVENUES - - - 2,389,350 2,389,350 EXPENDITURES Capital Expenditures _ _ 2,000,000 2,000,000 Facilities Operating Expenditures: _ _ 32,525 32,525 Employee Housing " Debt Service: _ _ 98,350 98,350 Bond Issuance Costs Principal - 75,401 75,401 Interest 2,206,276 2,206,276 TOTAL EXPENDITURES _ - - 183,074 183,074 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS - FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year $ - $ - $ - $ 183,074 $ 183,074 FUND BALANCES, End of Year Page 1 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Six million Jewish men, women & children were systematically slaughtered by Hitler between 1933 and 1945, thus destroying a once unique & vibrant culture; and WHEREAS, Millions of other people such as, homosexuals, gypsies, handicapped & political & religious dissidents were also annihilated because of racial, ethnic and national reasons; and WHEREAS, We honor the survivors of the Holocaust for their courage and mourn with them the loss of fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and other family members and friends; and WHEREAS, We honor the brave Liberators and Righteous People who were not silent and who saved many Jewish and non-Jewish lives; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to an Act of Congress (Public Law 96-388, October 1980) the United States Holocaust Memorial Council designates the Days of Remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust to be Sunday, April 30 through Sunday, May 7, 2000, including the international Day of Remembrance known as Yom Hashoah, May 2, 2000. WHEREAS, The Days of Remembrance have been set aside for all people to remember the destruction that occurred and to always be reminded of what happens to mankind when hatred, bigotry and intolerance reign; and WHEREAS, We the people of __the Town of _&,ygjI _____ must never forget and must continually rededicate ourselves to the principles of equality and justice for all and strive to overcome intolerance and indifference through learning and remembrance, NOW, THEREFORE, I _3ggy_Yocler _______, -llax_4X __ of TQvIL_Qf_Aysiu_ by virtue of the authority vested in me do hereby officially proclaim the week of Sunday, April 30 through Sunday, May 7, 2000, to be known as: "DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the official seal of the -T'Qyn._9-t_Aysin--------- to be affixed this _25.day of__gpr_L,__ 2000. SEAL Judy Yoder, Mayor April 1, 2000 Dear yy\-e? +44-? ) B'nai Vail Congregation, the Jewish congregation in the Eagle Valley, is sponsoring the interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Program at Trinity Baptist Church, Edwards on Saturday, April 290' at 7:30 PM. We hope that you will be able to attend. Please let us know if you will attend so that we may acknowledge your attendance. This interfaith program is one of the series of interfaith services at the Chapel. We hope that you will join our nation and the cities and counties in issuing a Proclamation for the Days of Remembrance for 2000. E Clergy representing the 6 congregations at the Chapel will be participating along with a Liberator of the camps, survivors and children of survivors of the Holocaust, Soloist Maxine Graboyes and children and members of B'nai Vail Congregation. We will also be remembering those victims who were not Jewish and those people who were not silent and who saved many Jewish and non-Jewish lives. B'nai Vail is also sponsoring Holocaust educational programs and exhibits and books at the libraries for children and adults. Enclosed is a Proclamation issued in previous years, which includes honoring the Liberators and Righteous People who were not silent and who saved many Jewish and non-Jewish lives. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me. We thank you for your support and consideration. B'nai Vail Congregation Don Sigman and Myrna Sigman, Co-Presidents. Please reply to Fran Goldman, chair 970-926-4891 CAm&bnaAHolocaudCover Letter Proclamation 00 POST OFFICE BOX 6086 - VAIL, COLORADO 81658 - (970) +jh i E 4T7-29g7. E i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL ® HELD APRIL 11, 2000 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:33 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, and Mayor Protem Bob McIlveen present. Councilor Buz Reynolds was absent. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Executive Assistant Jacquie Halbumt, Police Chief Jeff Layman, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Public Works Director Bob Reed, Transportation Director Harry Taylor, Assistant Director of Community Development Ruth Borne as well as members of the public. Citizen Input: People to People Sports Ambassadors Mr. Ibrahim Garcia, senior at Battle Mountain High School, stated he was asked by People to People Sports Ambassadors to compete in a wrestling tournament in Germany. Mr. Garcia came to Council to ask them for sponsorship and financial support for his trip to Germany. After discussion amongst the Councilmembers, they agreed that it was not a proper way to spend taxpayer's dollars. Mayor Yoder wished Mr. Garcia luck. Ordinances: Second Reading of Ordinance No. 00-03, Series of 2000, An Ordinance Setting Development Review Application Fees Mayor Yoder stated this is a public hearing. Assistant Director of Community Development Ruth Borne stated Staff has amended the fee schedule under residential units 1-3 as Council recommended. Staff recommends approval. Councilor Benson motioned approval of Ordinance No. 00-03, Series of 2000, Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. Mayor Yoder closed the public hearing. There being no further discussion by the Council, Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call. • • The motion carried unanimously. 0 Town Manager Report: Town Manager Efting stated there is a Merchant's Association meeting Wednesday, April 12 at 8:00 am at the Chamber of Commerce office. He stated that they will be electing officers and coming back to the Town in 2-4 weeks with a plan and perhaps a financial request. Mayor Report: Mayor Yoder stated there will be a public meeting in the Council Chambers from 5:30- 7:30 PM on Wednesday, April 19. This meeting will be an open forum on the Nottingham Road Improvements. It will be a chance for everyone to voice what they would like to see on Nottingham Road. Watch for ads in the newspaper. Also, Mayor Yoder stated that the Consolidated Fire District election will take place on May 2. The Avon Town Council has passed a resolution unanimously supporting the fire district. She asked that people go to the polls on May 2 at the Avon Public Library and vote to pass all three issues: to establish the district, to set the mill levy, and to elect directors. Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the March 28, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Financial Matters Councilor Benson motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilor Buckley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilor Benson motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM. 2 Town of Avon Regular Council Meeting April 11, 2000 i RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: r? ash, Tcown Clerk APPROVED: Jim Benson Debbie Buckley Rick Cuny Mac McDevitt Bob McIlveen Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder 11 Town of Avon Regular Council Meeting 3 April 11, 2000 C Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer/! Anne Martens, Engineer I Date: April 20, 2000 Re: Resolution No. 00 -18, Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (5692 & 5690 Wildridge Road East) Summary: Micki Date and Steve and Amy Finley, owner's of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, Wildridge, have submitted a Final Plat to resubdivide Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. This divides Lot 14 and incorporates the adjoining halves into Lot 13 and Lot 15. Lot 14's development rights were vacated by PUD ordinance No. 99 - 07, series of 1999. The existing drainage and utility easements shall be retained and not vacated due to existing drainage and utilities. This subdivision was previously approved in 1999 but the approval time for recording has expired. The Subdivision is in general conformance with the Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code, Subdivisions. Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 00 - 18, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, a Resubdivision of Lot 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, subject to completion of technical corrections to be approved by staff. Town Manager Comments 11 \\PW\SHARED\Engineering\Subdivision\Wildddge\L131415B4 W R.doc TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 00 -18 Series of 2000 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 13, 14 AND 15, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, Micki Date and Steve and Amy Finley have submitted a Final Plat for a Resubdivision of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Final Plat has been reviewed by the Town Staff, and WHEREAS, the Final Plat was found to be substantially in conformance with Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision complies with the requirements for consideration as a Final Plat. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, that the Final Plat for A Resubdivision of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, is hereby approved by the Town of Avon subject to: 1. Existing Drainage and Utility Easements shall be retained and not vacated. 2. The completion of technical corrections as identified by Town Staff. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 2000. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: E Kris Nash Town Clerk \\PW\SHARED\Engineering\Subdivision\Wildridge\L.131415res0018 Am I? Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer Anne Martens, Engineer I Date: April 19, 2000 Re: Resolution No. 00 -19, Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 50, Block 2, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (2618 Bear Trap Road) Summary: Trent Hubbard, owner of Lot 50, Block 2, Wildridge, has submitted a Final Plat to resubdivide Lot 50, Block 2, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. This is a Duplex Subdivision of a developed lot, creating Duplex lots 50 A and 50 B. The Subdivision is in conformance with the Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code, Subdivisions. is Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 00 - 19, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, a Resubdivision of Lot 50, Block 2, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, subject to completion of technical corrections to be approved by staff. Town Manager Comments: 11 \\P W\SHARED\Eng ineedng\Subdivision\Wildridge\L50B2W R.doc TOWN OF AVON is RESOLUTION NO. 00 -19 Series of 2000 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 50, BLOCK 2, WILDRIDGE, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, Trent Hubbard has submitted a Final Plat for a Resubdivision of Lot 50, Block 2, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Final Plat has been reviewed by the Town Staff, and WHEREAS, the Final Plat was found to be substantially in conformance with Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision complies with the requirements for consideration as a Final Plat. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, that the Final Plat for A Resubdivision of Lot 50, Block 2, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, is hereby approved by the Town of Avon subject to: 1. The completion of technical corrections as identified by Town Staff. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 2000. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash Town Clerk C7 I:\Engineering\Subdivision\Wildridge\L50B2 WRres0019.doc • Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Th ru: Bill Efting, Town Manager -6Z7-- From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: April 19, 2000 Re: West Beaver Creek Blvd. Streetscape Design Contra Engineering, Inc. Addendum No. 2-Additional Services summary: We received the attached "Addendum 2 to Professional Services Fee" from Contra Engineering, Inc. for work in addition to the original scope of work. The additional services identified include revision of the construction documents to conform with Town of Avon and CDOT requirements related to insurance, maintenance of traffic and construction zone traffic control. The original scope of work did not anticipate the CDOT Enhancement Grant funding a portion of this project. Subsequently, several modifications and additions to the Plans and Contract Documents were required to conform with requirements for these funds. We recommend approval of the attached Addendum 2 to Professional Services Fee, as submitted by Contra Engineering, Inc., increasing the total fee for Base Services $ 7500.00 from $20,960.00 to $ 28,460.00. Addendum 1 to Professional Services Fee for preparing easement and rights-of-way descriptions was previously approved. The $ 16,000.00 fee for this work, which was outside the scope of basic services, is not included in the above total fee for Base Services. Recommendations: Approve attached "Addendum 2 to Professional Services Fee" as submitted by Contra Engineering, Inc., for work in addition to the original scope of work, increasing the total fee for Base Services $ 7500.00 from $20,960.00 to $ 28,460.00. Town Manager Comments: L \\PW\SHAREDTk&eeringlCMW Bvr CK B1vd\2.0 Services\2.2 Engineering\2.2.3 Ag wnwatWem Addend 2.Doe 16 Contra Engineering Inc. Engineers + Planners + Surveyors 8795 RALSTON ROAD STE 240 ARVADA, COLORADO 80002 PH (303) 431-0505 FAX (303) 431.7176 ADDENDUM 2 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEE Client: Town of Avon Job #: 99-00197 (106438) Location: West Beaver Creek Blvd. TASK DESCRIPTION COST 1 Project Initiation $ 1,500 2 Field Survey $ 2,350 3 Preliminary Plan $ 5,000 4 Town Council Meeting $ 800 5 Final Design $ 4,200 6 Town Council Meeting $ 800 7 Construction Documents $ 3,560 8 Bid Assistance & Basic Const. Services $ 2,250 Other Direct Costs $ 500 TOTAL $20,960 Project: West Beaver Creek Blvd. Contractor: ADDITIONAL ITEM (S): Changes in the construction plans to reflect Holy Cross Electric manholes, CDOT reviews, bus ramp concrete thickness, and drainage features. Also, Contra revised the construction documents (insurance, maintaining traffic, construction zone traffic control, etc.) to reflect Town of Avon requests. This item was additional work to the original scope of work. EXCLUSIONS: ORIGINAL ITEM (S) FEE ESTIMATE: Addendum 1 - Estimate ADDITIONAL ITEM (S) FEE ESTIMATE: Additional work described above Submitted by. Contra Engineering, Inc. Troy L. Nedved, PE Project Manager Date Date: 4/5/00 : Streetscape Plan $16,000 Total $ 7,500 Approved by. Client Date PLEASE REVIEW ABOVE CHANGES AND FAX BACK TO OUR OFFICE AT (303) 431-0505 CC: Billing/Accounting k \ 1n"'AAhUtrx-c\Addendum2.doc Denver 100 Contra Engineering Inc. 8795 Ralston Road Suite 240 Arvada, Colorado 80002 Ph: 303.431.0505 Fax: 303.431.7176 800.762.1196 E April 10, 2000 Mr. Norman Wood, PE P.O. Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, CO 81620 Re: West Beaver Creek Blvd. Streetscape Design - Review Addendum 2 Dear Mr. Wood: As discussed during our April 7 phone call, I expressed concerns over the April 14th completion date for plan and document revisions. After further review, five (5) working days is not sufficient time to make the changes outlined in your faxed letter dated April 7th, plot and print necessary documents and mail to the Town. The earliest Contra can complete the revisions and submit revised plans and documents to the Town will be April 19th. Also, enclosed is a copy of Addendum 2 for the West Beaver Creek Blvd. Project for additional work completed by Contra. Please sign and fax back to me. Unfortunately, Contra Engineering's corporate policy will not allow sealed documents to leave the office until this issue has been resolved. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your assistance. Respectfully, CONTRA ENGINEERING INC. Troy . edved, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure K'\t 06438b\docslwood4.doc 1. Cash Account Balances-March 2000 2. Revenues & Expenditures-March 2000 3. Detail-Real Estate Transfer Taxes-2000 4. Detail-Sales Tax Update 5. Detail-Accomodations Tax Update 6. Accounts Payable Listing 7. Manual Check Lisiting RECOMMENDED ACTION - RECEIVE Items 1 through 5 APPROVE Items 6 and 7 Post Office Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 970-748-4000 970-949-9139 Fax 970-845-7708 TTY TOWN OF AVON CASH ACCOUNT BALANCES March 31, 2000 INVESTMENTS INTEREST MATURITY AMOUNT GENERAL FUND: 1ST BANK OF AVON - CONCENTRATION 5.24 1,405,687.45 COLOTRUST PLUS 5.98 2,839,588.96 ---- COLOTRUST PRIME 5.47 ---- 1,041,885.55 258.06 674 ---- 1 FEDERATED INVESTORS-PRIME OBLIG 5.80 , , FEDERATED INVESTORS-TREAS OBLIG 5.55 ---- 1,873,324.14 C SAFE 5.69 ---- 1,099,225.54 FIRST BANK OF AVON - CD (6 months) 4.88 5/15/00 250,000.00 ALPINE BANK - CD (12 months) 4.50 5/18/00 250,000.00 10,433,969.70 WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FUND: 1ST BANK AVON - C.D. LIQUID 3.75 ---- 80,344.58 TOTAL CASH BALANCE ALL FUNDS $ 10,514,314.28 04/20/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS I ON CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 30 - GENERAL FUND FUNCTION - 10 - GENERAL FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 51101 PROPERTY TAX - CURRENT 1,298,616.00 278,767.76 .00 340,755.14 957,860.86 .26 S1102 PROPERTY TAX - DELINQUENT .00 62.15 .00 62.15 -62.15 .00 51103 CURRENT & DELINQ INTEREST .00 2.35 .00 2.35 -2.35 .00 51201 SPECIFIC OWNERSHIP TAXES 150,000.00 18,307.08 .00 35,933.78 114,066.22 .24 51301 GENERAL SALES TAX 5,018,128.00 397,291.59 .00 757,013.47 4,261,114.53 .15 51302 UTILITY TAX 65,000.00 6,598.18 .00 13,482.49 51,517.51 .21 51304 PENALTIES & INTEREST 10,000.00 3,111.56 .00 3,252.4S 6,747.55 .33 51402 FRANCHISE FEE 190,000.00 5,002.39 .00 9,268.39 180,731.61 .05 TOTAL TAXES 6,731,744.00 709,143.06 .00 1,159,770.22 5,571,973.78 .17 52101 LIQUOR LICENSES 2,500.00 .00 .00 2,471.25 28.75 .99 52102 BUSINESS LICENSES 17,500.00 1,851.00 .00 5,026.00 12,474.00 .29 52103 CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES 9,000.00 2,960.83 .00 4,205.83 4,794.17 .47 52201 BUILDING PERMITS 185,000.00 38,083.74 .00 79,288.17 105,711.83 .43 52202 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 20,000.00 1,488.89 .00 2,801.15 17,198.8S .14 52203 PLUMBING PERMITS 25,000.00 1,281.04 .00 1,699.40 23,300.60 .07 52204 MECHANICAL PERMITS 25,000.00 1,350.15 .00 2,709.43 22,290.57 .11 52205 ROAD CUT PERMITS 2,500.00 95.00 .00 460.00 2,040.00 .18 52206 OTHER PERMITS 7,500.00 249.00 .00 1,218.44 6,281.56 .16 To LICENSES AND PERMITS 294,000.00 47,359.65 .00 99,879.67 194,120.33 .34 - 53299 OTHER STATE GRANTS .00 .00 .00 3,100.00 -3,100.00 .00 53301 CONSERVATION TRUST 25,000.00 7,913.66 .00 7,913.66 17,086.34 .32 53302 MOTOR VEHICLE REG FEES 20,000.00 1,788.93 .00 3,205.62 16,794.38 .16 53303 HIGHWAY USERS TAR 152,498.00 8,306.03 .00 24,116.48 126,381.52 .16 53304 CIGARETTE TAX 55,000.00 4,644.64 .00 4,644.64 50,355.36 .08 53305 EAGLE COUNTY SALES TAX 225,000.00 8,764.11 .00 27,900.09 197,099.91 .12 53306 EAGLE COUNTY ROAD & BRIDG 95,000.00 .00 .00 .00 95,000.00 .00 TOTAL, INTERGOVERNMENTAL 572,498.00 31,417.37 .00 70,880.49 501,617.51 .12 54101 SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIO 1,500.00 15.00 .00 50.00 1,450.00 .03 54102 PHOTOCOPYING CHARGES 500.00 319.85 .00 550.85 -50.85 1.10 54103 LICENSE HEARING FEES 100.00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 .00 54104 OTHER FEES & CHARGES 1,500.00 .00 .00 .00 1,500.00 .00 54201 PLAN CHECK FEES 140,000.00 8,651.89 .00 10,243.96 129,756.04 .07 54202 SUBDIVISION REVIEW FEES 8,000.00 70.00 .00 440.00 7,560.00 .06 54203 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 12,500.00 4,536.40 .00 5,436.40 7,063.60 .43 54204 ANIMAL CONTROL FEES 1,000.00 .00 .00 170.00 830.00 .17 54301 POLICE REPORTS 250.00 18.00 .00 143.00 107.00 .57 54302 OFF-DUTY POLICE EMPLOYMNT 2,500.00 697.28 .00 1,311.35 1,188.65 .52 54303 FINGERPRINTING FEES 1,000.00 103.00 .00 383.00 617.00 .38 54304 V.I.N. INSPECTION FEES 10,000.00 810.00 .00 2,576.00 7,424.00 .26 54601 AVON REC CTR ADMISSIONS 920,000.00 89,577.65 .00 233,950.16 686,049.84 .25 54602 AVON REC CTR PROGRAM FEES 40,000.00 4,542.00 .00 12,463.50 27,536.50 .31 54603 AVON REC CTR FACILITY REN 6,500.00 315.00 .00 615.00 5,885.00 .09 54604 SALES OF MERCHANDISE 6,000.00 1,341.00 .00 3,238.00 2,762.00 .54 54605 BABYSITTING 8,500.00 1,066.00 .00 2,850.50 5,649.50 .34 50 OTHER SERVICES 18,000.00 2,046.63 .00 4,999.92 13,000.08 .28 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:30 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER TOWN OF AVON 1/20/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS :COUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 ION CRITERIA: ALL UND - 10 - GENERAL FUND UNCTION - 10 - GENERAL FUND PAGE 2 YEAR TO DATE YTD/ PERIOD RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD CCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET 00 2,206.25 9,171.75 .19 4607 FITNESS PROGRAM REVENUES 11,378.00 507.50 . 00 7,895.50 28,120.50 .22 4651 ADULT PROGRAM FEES 36,016.00 1,166.50 . 00 2,854.00 38,146.00 .07 4652 CABIN EQUIPMENT RENTALS 41,000.00 00 . 00 420.00 3,080.00 .12 '4653 RENTALS - ATHLETIC FIELD 3,500.00 .000 0 . pp 341.16 7,538.84 .04 4654 CABIN CONCESSIONS 7,880.00 .00 00 11,548.75 75,323.25 .13 ;4655 YOUTH PROGRAM REVENUES 86,872.00 5,135.00 . 00 4,500.00 20,550.00 .18 ;4676 SPONSORSHIPS 25,050.00 4,100.00 . 00 500.00 3,100.00 .14 ;4677 ADVERTISING SALES 3,600.00 150.00 . 00 1,885.50 11,06+.50 .15 i4678 SPECIAL EVENT FEES 12,950.00 950.00 . 00 311,572.80 1,094,523.20 .22 rOTA1, CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,406,096.00 126,118.70 . 00 1,176.00 7,824.00 .13 55101 COURT FINES - TRAFFIC 9,000.00 190.00 . 00 8,540.50 23,459.50 •27 55102 COURT FINES - CRIMINAL 32,000.00 2,513.61 . pp 1,426.00 3,571.00 .29 55103 COURT FINES - PARKING 5,000.00 580.00 . 00 300.00 200.00 .60 55104 COURT FINES - GENERAL 500.00 300.00 . 00 746.00 2,754.00 .21 55105 COURT COSTS 3,500.00 281.00 . 00 70.00 280.00 20 55106 JURY FEES 350.00 36.00 . 00 .00 1,750.00 .00 55107 RESTITUTION COURT 1,750.00 .00 . 00 .00 25.00 .00 55108 FOOD FINES 25.00 .00 . 00 12,258.50 39,866.50 .24 FINES AND FORFEITURES 52,125.00 3,899.61 . 0 00 112,426.22 262,573.78 .30 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS 375,000.00 51,311.88 . 00 112,426.22 262,573.78 .30 TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 375,000.00 51,311.88 . 00 55,331.63 104,668.37 .35 58101 RECREATIONAL AMENITY FEES 160,000.00 8,127.87 . 00 2,474.82 159,630.18 .02 58201 LEASE OF TOWN OWNED PROP 162,105.00 1,237.41 . 00 462.92 -462.92 .00 58202 CASH SHORT & OVER .00 5.56 . 00 7.00 -7.00 .00 58204 RETURNED CHECK FEE .00 .00 . 00 593.04 -593.04 .00 58205 INSURANCE CLAIM REIMBURSE .00 593.04 . 00 485.33 -485.33 .00 58206 TELEPHONE RECEIPTS .00 90.78 . 00 934.71 -934.71 .00 58207 MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS .00 35.00 . 00 .00 .00 .00 58208 CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS .00 .00 . 00 50.39 -50.39 .00 58998 PETTY CASH CHECK REIMBURS .00 .39 . 00 99,228.25 771.75 .99 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED RSVENU 100,000.00 68,151.10 . 00 159,568.09 262,536.91 .38 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES a22,los.oo 7e,2+l.ls . 00 .00 25,000.00 .00 59101 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS 25,000.00 .00 . 00 .00 97,537.00 .00 59303 CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS 97,537.00 .00 . 00 .00 122,537.00 .00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 122,537.00 .00 . 00 1,926,355.99 8,049,749.01 .19 976,105.00 9 1,047,491.42 . TOTAL GENERAL FUND , 00 1,926,355.99 8,049,749.01 .19 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 9,976,105.00 1,047,491.42 . 11 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:31 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 04/20/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY &ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 111 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL 94,768.00 8,762.31 .00 35,073.74 59,694.26 .37 112 BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 18,927.00 1,573.45 .00 2,749.74 16,177.26 .15 113 TOWN ATTORNEY 112,524.00 11,234.96 .00 23,674.36 88,849.64 .21 114 PUBLIC RELATIONS 294,500.00 55,780.00 .00 121,164.18 173,335.82 .41 115 TOWN CLERK 68,198.00 6,264.17 .00 14,665.72 53,532.28 .22 TOTAL LEGISLATIVE 588,917.00 83,614.89 .00 197,327.74 391,589.26 .34 121 MUNICIPAL COURT 54,107.00 5,129.59 .00 11,049.06 43,057.94 .20 TOTAL JUDICIAL 54,107.00 5,129.59 .00 11,049.06 43,057.94 .20 131 TOWN MANAGER 224,122.00 24,975.02 .00 51,946.96 172,175.04 .23 132 HUMAN RESOURCES 176,717.00 19,071.16 .00 41,543.76 135,173.24 .24 TOTAL TOWN MANAGER 400,839.00 44,046.18 .00 93,490.72 307,348.28 .23 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1,043,863.00 132,790.66 .00 301,867.52 741,995.48 .29 141 FINANCE 416,905.00 34,767.13 .00 82,478.98 334,426.02 .20 143 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 104,899:00 18,187.79 .00 32,583.66 72,315.34 .31 149 NONDEPARTMENTAL 228,954.00 11,932.63 .00 100,816.74 128,137.26 .44 TOTAL FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIO 750,758.00 64,887.55 .00 215,879.38 534,878.62 .29 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIO 750,758.00 64,887.55 .00 215,879.38 534,878.62 .29 211 ADIMINSTRATION 226,653.00 26,049.17 .00 50,983.47 175,669.53 .22 212 PLANNING 134,456.00 12,797.22 .00 25,954.61 108,501.39 .19 213 BUILDING INSPECTION 246,339.00 31,005.83 .00 57,362.64 188,976.36 .23 214 COMMUNITY SERVICE 79,902.00 316.62 .00 9,830.72 70,071.28 .12 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOP DEPT 687,350.00 70,168.84 .00 144,131.44 543,218.56 .21 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 687,350.00 70,168.84 .00 144,131.44 543,218.56 .21 311 ADMINISTRATION 407,058.00 24,437.87 .00 59,009.24 348,048.76 .14 312 PATROL 926,909.00 127,625.36 .00 376,011.39 550,897.61 .41 313 INVESTIGATION 78,688.00 8,186.07 .00 13,474.12 65,213.88 .17 314 COMMUNITY POLICING 83,144.00 4,658.01 .00 8,803.08 74,340.92 .11 315 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES .00 7,540.01 .00 7,540.01 -7,540.01 .00 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 1,495,799.00 272,447.32 .00 464,837.84 1,030,961.16 .31 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 1,495,799.00 272,447.32 .00 464,837.84 1,030,961.16 .31 411 ADMINISTRATION 178,680.00 13,727.15 .00 39,307.70 139,372.30 .22 412 ENGINEERING 164,769.00 15,889.74 .00 36,476.35 128,292.65 .22 413 ROADS AND STREETS 909,833.00 87,245.98 .00 194,675.79 715,157.21 .21 414 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 290,659.00 37,955.22 .00 63,452.22 227,206.78 .22 415 PARKS 930,277.00 69,377.95 .00 194,958.21 735,318.79 .21 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2,474,218.00 224,196.04 .00 528,870.27 1,945,347.73 .21 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 2,474,218.00 224,196.04 .00 528,870.27 1,945,347.73 .21 0 INACTIVE RECREATION CTR .00 -150.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:11 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER /20/00 ;COUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 IF ION CRITERIA: ALL 7ND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - 12 INACTIVE GENERAL RECREATI 13 SPECIAL EVENTS 14 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 15 RECREATION ADULT PROGRAMS 16 AQUATICS ,17 RECREATION CHILDCARE ;18 FITNESS i19 RECREATION FRONT DESK i20 RECREATION MAINTENANCE i21 RECREATION YOUTH PROGRAMS COTAL RECREATION DEPARTMENT COTAL RECREATION AND CULTURE 600 OTHER USES & CONTINGENCY TOTAL OTHER USES & CONTINGENCY TOTAL OTHER USES & CONTINGENCY TOTAL GENERAL FUND 0 • TowN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET .00 289,726.00 380,035.00 110,783.00 351,347.00 71,684.00 129,455.00 232,181.00 554,981.00 93,556.00 2,213,748.00 2,213,748.00 1,518,994.00 1,518,994.00 1,518,994.00 10,184,730.00 PERIOD EXPENDITURES -13.86 53,695.60 29,504.06 5,254.52 34,348.57 6,992.46 12,084.67 26,878.35 50,027.96 8,444.89 227,067.22 227,067.22 1,518,994.00 1,518,994.00 1,518,994.00 2,510,551.63 ENCUMBRANCES OUTSTANDING .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 YEAR TO DATE ENC + EXP .00 66,937.99 97,305.14 24,347.74 79,464.91 16,185.71 31,108.88 58,392.18 101,444.58 20,822.17 496,009.30 496,009.30 1,518,994.00 1,518,994.00 1,518,994.00 3,670,589.75 PAGE 2 AVAILABLE YTD/ BALANCE BUD .00 .00 222,788.01 .23 282,729.86 .26 86,435.26 .22 271,862.09 .23 55,498.29 .23 98,346.12 .24 173,788.82 .25 453,536.42 .18 72,733.83 .22 1,717,738.70 .22 1,717,738.70 .22 .00 1.00 .00 1.00 .00 1.00 6,514,140.25 .36 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:13 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER C4/20/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 3 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS 0ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND FUNCTION - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 58105 MALL MAINTENANCE FEES 33,491.00 6,975.83 .00 6,975.83 26,515.17 .21 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 33,491.00 6,975.83 .00 6,975.83 26,515.17 .21 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 35,000.00 35,000.00 .00 35,000.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 35,000.00 35,000.00 .00 35,000.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL MALL MAINTENANCE FUND 68,491.00 41,975.83 .00 41,975.83 26,515.17 .61 TOTAL MALL MAINTENANCE FUND 68,491.00 41,975.83 .00 41,975.83 26,515.17 .61 • • RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:31 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER TOWN OF AVON 4/20/00 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 of ION CRITERIA: ALL UND - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 117 MALL MAINTENANCE 82,649.00 5,196.56 .00 'OTAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 82,649.00 5,196.56 00 . COTAL PUBLIC WORKS 82,649.00 5,196.56 .00 TOTAL MALL MAINTENANCE FUND 82,649.00 5,196.56 .00 cl L PAGE 3 YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ENC + ERP BALANCE BUD 12,899.79 69,749.21 .16 12,899.79 69,749.21 .16 12,899.79 69,749.21 .16 12,899.79 69,749.21 .16 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:14 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 64/20/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 4 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS AdlkkrION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS FUNCTION - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 53501 CONTRACTED FIRE OPERATION 1,581,721.00 8,668.58 .00 395,884.60 1,185,836.40 .25 53502 NON-DISTRICT FIRE PROTECT 20,000.00 7,949.80 .00 25,975.20 -5,975.20 1.30 53503 OTHER FIRE REVENUE 5,000.00 1,537.20 .00 3,868.72 1,131.28 .77 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 1,606,721.00 18,155.58 .00 425,728.52 1,180,992.48 .26 58201 LEASE OF TOWN OWNED PROP .00 150.00 .00 225.00 -225.00 .00 58205 INSURANCE CLAIM REIMBURSE .00 180.00 .00 2,656.24 -2,656.24 .00 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU .00 58.18 .00 98.17 -98.17 .00 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES .00 388.18 .00 2,979.41 -2,979.41 .00 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 294,333.00 294,333.00 .00 294,333.00 .00 1.00 59303 CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS 426,300.00 .00 .00 .00 426,300.00 .00 TOTAL: OTHER SOURCES 720,633.00 294,333.00 .00 294,333.00 426,300.00 .41 TOTAL FIRE OPERATIONS 2,327,354.00 312,876.76 .00 723,040.93 1,604,313.07 .31 TOTAL FIRE OPERATIONS 2,327,354.00 312,876.76 .00 723,040.93 1,604,313.07 .31 • • RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:32 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 4 TOWN OF AVON 4/20/00 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 of ION CRITERIA: ALL 'UND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC * EXP BALANCE BUD ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 014.00 382 65,976.92 .00 148,876.69 233,137.31 .39 121 ADMINISTRATION , 11 218 96 .00 238,525.77 1,392,457.23 .15 {22 EMERGENCY RESPONSE 1,630,983.00 . , pp 36,814.91 131,239.09 .22 123 FIRE PREVENTION/PUBLIC ED 168,054.00 15,312.83 , 00 29,199.98 117,103.02 .20 X24 TRAINING 146,303.00 14,087.55 . 00 453,417.35 1,873,936.65 .19 COTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT 2,327,354.00 191,595.41 . 354.00 327 2 191,595.41 .00 453,417.35 1,873,936.65 .19 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY , , 354.00 327 2 191,595.41 .00 453,417.35 1,873,936.65 .19 TOTAL FIRS OPERATIONS , , PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER RUN DATE 04/20/0 0 TIME 15:42:15 04/20/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS *ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 23 - EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND FUNCTION - 23 - EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE HUD 54551 RENTAL REVENUES-EMPLOYEES 59,508.00 14,916.63 .00 16,158.63 43,349.37 .27. 54552 RENTAL SUBSIDIES 6,612.00 .00 .00 .00 6,612.00 .00 54553 EMPLOYEE HOUSING MTC .00 .00 .00 150.00 -150.00 .00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 66,120.00 14,916.63 .00 16,308.63 49,811.37 .2S TOTAL EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND 66,120.00 14,916.63 .00 16,308.63 49,811.37 .25 TOTAL EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND 66,120.00 14,916.63 .00 16,308.63 49,811.37 .25 • • RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:32 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 5 TOWN OF AVON ,/20/00 PROGRAM gRPENDITURfi SUMMARY : 3/00 ,COUNTING PERIOD ION CRITERIA: ALL JND _ 23 - EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ PERIOD ERPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC r SRP BALANCE BUD - TITLE - - - - - CCOUNT - - - ' BUDGET 00 21,760.00 44,360.00 .33 36 EMPLOYEE HOUSING 66,120.00 5,440.00 00 21,760.00 44,360.00 .33 66,120.00 5,440.00 , OTAL TRANSPORTATION 00 21,760.00 44,360.00 .33 66,120.00 5,440.00 . ?OTpI. PUBLIC WORKS 00 21,760.00 44,360.00 .33 HOUSING FUND 66,120.00 5,440.00 .OTAL EMPLOYEE • • PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:15 e4/20/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 IF ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 24 - WATER FUND FUNCTION - 24 - WATER FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 54401 WATER USAGE CHARGES 54402 TAP FEES - GENERAL 54403 TAP FEES - BROOXSIDE 54404 TAP FEES - MOUNTAIN STAR TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 59101 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS TOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL WATER FUND TOTAL WATER FUND 0 l? u TOWN OF AVON PAGE 6 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 110,370.00 8,879.40 .00 17,672.75 92,697.25 .16 120,000.00 5,024.00 .00 26,318.00 93,682.00 .22 .00 .00 .00 16,000.00 -16,000.00 .00 20,000.00 10,400.00 .00 21,464.00 -1,464.00 1.07 250,370.00 24,303.40 .00 81,454.75 168,915.25 .33 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00 50,000.00 .00 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00 50,000.00 .00 4,500.00 .00 .00 .00 4,500.00 .00 4,500.00 .00 .00 .00 4,500.00 .00 22,000.00 .00 .00 .00 22,000.00 .00 22,000.00 .00 .00 .00 22,000.00 .00 326,870.00 24,303.40 .00 81,454.75 245,415.25 .25 326,870.00 24,303.40 .00 81,454.75 245,415.25 .25 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:32 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER TOWN OF AVON 1/20/00 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY COUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 IN ION CRITERIA: ALL UND - 24 - WATER FUND PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING .OOOUNT TITLE - - - - - 24 WATER UTILITIES 146,527.00 2,478.66 .00 527.00 146 2,478.66 00 . 'OTAL UTILITIES , `OTAL PUBLIC NORRS 146,527.00 2,478.66 .00 DOTAL WATER FUND 146,527.00 2,478.66 .00 E • PAGE 6 YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 42,390.38 104,136.62 .29 42,390.38 104,136.62 .29 42,390.38 104,136.62 .29 42,390.38 104,136.62 .29 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:15 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 04/20/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 0ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 31 - BOND REDEMPTION FUND FUNCTION - 31 - BOND REDEMPTION FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 51101 PROPERTY TAR - CURRENT 51102 PROPERTY TAX - DELINQUENT 51103 CURRENT & DELINQ INTEREST TOTAL TAXES 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN TOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL BOND REDEMPTION FUND TOTAL BOND REDEMPTION FUND • TOWN OF AVON PAGE 7 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 774,104.00 167,684.07 .00 204,970.64 569,133.36 .26 .00 37.38 .00 37.38 -37.38 .00 .00 1.41 .00 1.41 -1.41 .00 774,104.00 167,722.86 .00 205,009.43 569,094.57 .26 399,890.00 399,890.00 .00 399,890.00 .00 1.00 399,890.00 399,890.00 .00 399,890.00 .00 1.00 1,173,994.00 567,612.86 .00 604,899.43 569,094.57 .52 1,173,994.00 567,612.86 .00 604,899.43 569,094.57 .52 RUN DATE 04120/00 TIME 15:42:32 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 7 TOWN OF AVON l/20/00 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY :COUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 of ION CRITERIA: ALL UND - 31 - BOND REDEMPTION FUND ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ PERIOD EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + 8XP BALANCE BUD CCOUNT _ _ _ _ - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET 00 4,175.67 21,622.33 .16 11 BOND REDEMPTION 25,798.00 3,429.94 . 00 4,175.67 21,622.33 .16 25,798.00 3,429.94 . 'OTAL BOND REDEMPTION 00 .00 540,728.00 .00 116 1996 G.O. REFUNDING BONDS 540,728.00 .00 . 00 .00 540,728.00 .00 .'OTAL G.O. REFUNDING BONDS 1996 G.O 540,728.00 00 . 00 .00 217,578.00 .00 i17 1997 G.O. BONDS 217,578.00 00 . 00 .00 217,578.00 .00 COTAL 1997 G.O. BONDS 217,578.00 .00 . 00 107,445.00 382,445.00 .22 919 1999 SALES TAX REFUND IBS 489,890.00 107,445.00 . 00 107,445.00 382,445.00 .22 TOTAL 1999 SALES TAR REFUND IBS 489,890.00 107,445.00 . 00 111,620.67 1,162,373.33 .09 273,994.00 1 110,874.94 . TOTAL DEBT SERVICE , 00 111,620.67 1,162,373.33 .09 TOTAL BOND REDEMPTION FUND 1,273,994.00 110,874.94 . 11 • RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:15 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER '04/20/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 0ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 32 - WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM FUNCTION - 32 - WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PAGE 8 ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET PERIOD RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES YEAR TO DATE REVENUE BALANCE YTD/ BUD 56101 56201 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMNTS - PRIN SPECIAL ASSESSMNTS - INT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 35,000.00 22,000.00 57,000.00 12,989.32 7,539.51 20,528.83 .00 .00 .00 13,732.16 8,007.53 21,739.69 21,267.84 13,992.47 35,260.31 .39 .36 .38 57101 TOTAL INTEREST EARNINGS INVESTMENT EARNINGS 2,000.00 2,000.00 197,75 197.75 00 .00 468.48 468.48 1,531.52 1,531.52 .23 .23 59201 TOTAL OPERATING TRANSFERS IN OTHER SOURCES 15,211.00 15,211.00 15,211.00 15,211.00 .00 .00 15,211.00 15,211.00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM 74,211.00 35,937.58 .00 37,419.17 36,791.83 .50 TOTAL WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM 74,211.00 35,937.58 .00 37,419.17 36,791.83 .50 is • RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:32 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER ,/20/00 :COUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 of ION CRITERIA: ALL JND - 32 - WILDRIDGB SPECIAL ASSESSM CCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 12 WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM OTAL WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM 'OTAL DEBT SERVICE 'OTAL WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM • E TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET 94,200.00 94,200.00 94,200.00 94,200.00 PERIOD EXPENDITURES 615.86 615.86 615.86 615.86 ENCUMBRANCES OUTSTANDING .00 .00 .00 .00 PAGE 8 YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 652.19 93,547.81 .01 652.19 93,547.81 .01 652.19 93,547.81 .01 652.19 93,547.81 .01 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:16 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 04/20/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 &ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 33 - AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND FUNCTION - 33 - AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 51101 PROPERTY TAX - CURRENT 51102 PROPERTY TAX - DELINQUENT 51103 CURRENT & DELINQ INTEREST TOTAL TAXES 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS TOTAL AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND TOTAL AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND • • TOWN OF AVON PAGE 9 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 565,628.00 119,941.87 .00 143,629.75 421,998.25 .25 .00 30.29 .00 30.29 -30.29 .00 .00 1.14 .00 1.14 -1.14 .00 565,628.00 119,973.30 .00 143,661.18 421,966.82 .25 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 .00 566,628.00 119,973.30 .00 143,661.18 422,966.82 .25 566,628.00 119,973.30 .00 143,661.18 422,966.82 .25 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:32 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 14/20/00 LCCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 ION CRITERIA: ALL .UND - 33 - AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 913 AVON METROPOLITAN FUND TOTAL AVON METROPOLITAN FUND TOTAL AVON METROPOLITAN FUND TOTAL AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND • • TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET 566,628.00 566,628.00 566,628.00 566,628.00 PERIOD EXPENDITURES 3,599.79 3,599.79 3,599.79 3,599.79 ENCUMBRANCES OUTSTANDING .00 .00 .00 .00 PAGE 9 yEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 4,340.43 562,287.57 .01 4,340.43 562,287.57 .01 4,340.43 562,287.57 .01 4,340.43 562,287.57 .01 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:16 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER -04/20/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 0 ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 34 - FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND FUNCTION - 34 - FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PAGE 10 ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET PERIOD RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES YEAR TO DATE REVENUE BALANCE YTD/ BUD 57101 TOTAL INTEREST EARNINGS INVESTMENT EARNINGS 28,000.00 28,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 28,000.00 28,000.00 .00 .00 59201 TOTAL OPERATING TRANSFERS IN OTHER SOURCES 536,570.00 536,570.00 536,570.00 536,570.00 .00 .00 536,570.00 536,570.00 00 .00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND 564,570.00 536,570.00 .00 536,570.00 28,000.00 .95 TOTAL FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND 564,570.00 536,570.00 .00 536,570.00 28,000.00 .95 • E RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:32 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 04/20/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 W ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 34 - FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 920 FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND TOTAL FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL FINANCE AUTHORITY DS FUND • • TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET 564,570.00 564,570.00 564,570.00 564,570.00 PERIOD EXPENDITURES .00 .00 .00 .00 ENCUMBRANCES OUTSTANDING .00 .00 .00 .00 PAGE 10 YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD .00 564,570.00 .00 .00 564,570.00 .00 .00 564,570.00 .00 .00 564,570.00 .00 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:16 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER .04/20/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 0ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FUNCTION - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 51401 REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAR TOTAL TAXES 53201 CDOT GRANT 53401 LOCAL INTERGOV PARTICIPAT TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 58102 UTILITY CAPITAL FAC FEE 58104 FIREPLACE FEES 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU TOTAL OTHER REVENUES TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 0 • TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PAGE it PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 1,050,000.00 142,795.70 .00 374,507.50 675,492.50 .36 1,050,000.00 142,795.70 .00 374,507.50 675,492.50 .36 80,000.00 .00 .00 .00 80,000.00 .00 490,000.00 .00 .00 .00 490,000.00 .00 570,000.00 .00 .00 .00 570,000.00 .00 68,131.00 779.30 .00 2,938.57 65,192.43 .04 68,131.00 779.30 .00 2,938.57 65,192.43 .04 2,000.00 498.96 .00 681.50 1,318.50 .34 9,000.00 .00 .00 11500.00 7,500.00 .17 .00 10.00 .00 58.39 -58.39 00 11,000.00 508.96 .00 2,239.89 8,760.11 . .20 1,699,131.00 144,083.96 .00 379,685.96 1,319,445.04 .22 1,699,131.00 144,083.96 .00 379,685.96 1,319,445.04 .22 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:33 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER D4/20/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 *ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 800 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND • TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET 2,298,802.00 2,298,802.00 2,298,802.00 2,298,802.00 PERIOD EXPENDITURES 85,516.12 85,516.12 85,516.12 85,516.12 ENCUMBRANCES OUTSTANDING .00 .00 .00 .00 PAGE 11 YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 392,793.04 1,906,008.96 .17 392,793.04 1,906,008.96 .17 392,793.04 1,906,008.96 .17 392,793.04 1,906,008.96 .17 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:16 PENTA14ATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER _04/20/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 12 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS 0ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND FUNCTION - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET PERIOD RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES YEAR TO DATE REVENUE BALANCE YTD/ BUD 51303 TOTAL ACCOMODATIONS TAE TAXES 261,763.00 261,763.00 32,158.10 32,158.10 .00 .00 56,912.02 56,912.02 204,850.98 204,850.98 .22 .22 54501 54502 54503 54504 TOTAL BEAVER CREEK CHARTER REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORIT OTHER BUS REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES 920,374.00 112,980.00 1,534,464.00 10,000.00 2,577,818.00 .00 1,132.50 158,518.87 15.00 159,666.37 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 102,253.63 5,085.00 352,869.70 180.00 460,388.33 818,120.37 107,895.00 1,181,594.30 9,820.00 2,117,429.67 .11 .05 .23 .02 .18 58205 58207 58999 TOTAL INSURANCE CLAIM REIMBURSE MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU OTHER REVENUES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3.32 3.32 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 93.43 27.12 120.55 00 -93.43 -27.12 -120.55 .00 .00 .00 .00 59201 59303 TOTAL OPERATING TRANSFERS IN CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS OTHER SOURCES 366,227.00 92,048.00 458,275.00 366,227.00 .00 366,227.00 .00 .00 .00 366,227.00 .00 366,227.00 00 92,048.00 92,048.00 1.00 .00 .80 TOTAL o TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND 3,297,856.00 558,054.79 .00 883,647.90 2,414,208.10 .27 j TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND 3,297,856.00 558,054.79 .00 883,647.90 2,414,208.10 .27 • RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:33 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 12 TOWN OF AVON 4/20/00 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 6COUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 0ION CRITERIA: ALL ?UND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 285.00 586 54,535.04 .00 244,247.08 342,037.92 .42 431 ADMINISTRATION , 00 797,280.60 1,823,223.40 .30 432 OPERATIONS 2,620,504.00 328,436.39 . 00 19,445.28 71,621.72 •2 433 MARKETING 91,067.00 10,508.02 . 00 060,972.96 1 2,236,883.04 .3 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 3,297,856.00 393,479.45 . , 856.00 297 3 393,479.45 .00 1,060,972.96 2,236,883.04 .32 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS , , ND 856.00 297 3 393,479.45 .00 1,060,972.96 2,236,883.04 .32 TOTAL TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FU , , PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:17 -04/20/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 13 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS &ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU FUNCTION - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET PERIOD RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES YEAR TO DATE REVENUE BALANCE YTD/ BUD 54901 54903 TOTAL FLEET MTC O&M SERVICES SALES OF FUEL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,332,693.00 32,500.00 1,365,193.00 83,307.40 4.13 83,311.53 .00 .00 .00 253,296.47 8,713.33 262,009.80 1,079,396.53 23,786.67 1,103,183.20 .19 .27 .19 58207 58999 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU OTHER REVENUES .00 41,530.00 41,530.00 159.83 .00 159.83 .00 .00 .00 159.83 20.00 179.83 -159.83 41,510.00 41,350.17 .00 .00 .00 59303 TOTAL CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS OTHER SOURCES 28,000.00 28,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 28,000.00 28,000.00 .00 .00 TOTAL FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU 1,434,723.00 83,471.36 .00 262,189.63 1,172,533.37 .18 TOTAL FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU 1,434,723.00 83,471.36 .00 262,189.63 1,172,533.37 .18 • • RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:33 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 13 )4/20/00 1000UNTING PERIOD: 3/00 *ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 434 FLEET MTC (NON-TRANSIT) 435 BUS WASH FACILITY TOTAL TRANSPORTATION TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU • E TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET 1,415,185.00 .00 1,415,185.00 1,415,185.00 1,415,185.00 PERIOD EXPENDITURES 358,895.02 51.47 358,946.49 358,946.49 358,946.49 ENCUMBRANCES OUTSTANDING .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 506,336.02 908,848.98 .36 51.47 -51.47 .00 506,387.49 908,797.51 .36 506,387.49 908,797.51 .36 506,387.49 908,797.51 .36 t RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:18 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 04/20/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 &ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 63 - EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND FUNCTION - 63 - EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PAGE 14 ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET PERIOD RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES YEAR TO DATE REVENUE BALANCE YTD/ BUD 54904 TOTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHARGES CHARGES FOR SERVICES 463,894.00 463,894.00 38,657.74 38,657.74 .00 .00 115,973.22 115,973.22 347,920.78 347,920.78 .25 .25 59201 TOTAL OPERATING TRANSFERS IN OTHER SOURCES 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 .00 .00 100,000.00 100,000.00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND 563,894.00 138,657.74 .00 215,973.22 347,920.78 .38 TOTAL EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND 563,894.00 138,657.74 .00 215,973.22 347,920.78 .38 TOTAL REPORT 22,139,947.00 3,625,925.63 .00 5,853,182.62 16,286,764.38 .26 • • RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:33 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 4/20/00 CCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 0ION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 63 - EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND 1000UNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - ill FLEET & HEAVY EQUIPMENT COTAL FLEET & HEAVY EQUIPMENT 912 RECREATION EQUIPMENT DOTAL RECREATION EQUIPMENT TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT TOTAL EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND TOTAL REPORT • • TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET 230,900.00 230,900.00 43,400.00 43,400.00 274,300.00 274,300.00 22,592,915.00 PAGE 14 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 669.85 .00 7,491.00 223,409.00 .03 869.85 .00 7,491.00 223,409.00 .03 963.58 .00 963.58 42,436.42 .02 963.58 .00 963.58 42,436.42 .02 1,833.43 .00 8,454.58 265,845.42 .03 1,833.43 .00 8,454.58 265,845.42 .03 3,670,128.34 .00 6,286,278.63 16,306,636.37 .28 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 15:42:18 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER Town of Avon Real Estate Transfer Tax Transactions Calendar Year 2000 Purchaser Amount of RETT Name Property Received $231,711.80 Ortega Avon Crossing #4105 600.00 The Theodore Kiss Trust Christie Lodge Timeshares $140.00 The Theodore Kiss Trust Christie Lodge Timeshares $70.00 Jenkins Lot 19A Blk 2 Benchmark 2,400.00 Mcleod The Seasons #310 90.00 Fancher Lot 46A Blk 1 3,540.00 Pennica Falcon Pointe Timeshares 60.00 Van Camp Avon Lake Villas 1,025.00 P.O.C Realty Inc Lakeside Terrace Timeshares 1,739.40 Commercial Property Group Avon Lake Villas #18 4,100.00 Hoyt Bristol Pines #16 650.00 P.O.C. Realty Inc Christie Lodge Timeshares 1,974.00 P.O.C. Realty Inc Christie Lodge Timeshares 691.10 P.O.C. Realty Inc Christie Lodge Timeshares 1,220.70 P.O.C. Realty Inc Christie Lodge Timeshares 1,789.50 Hardrick Lot 51C Blk 1 Benchmark 8,800.00 Seller/Mast Lot 70 blk 3 WR 11,720.00 Schwager Beaver Creek Townhomes 7,050.00 Hoff Rockin Horse Ridge #A2 5,798.00 Fraley Canyon Run #102 4,120.00 Ainsworth Jr Lot 87 Blk 4 WR 9,700.00 Hurley Gosshawk Townhomes #10 1,470.00 Nigg Chapel Square #BR323 3,078.00 1 Town of Avon Real Estate Transfer Tax Transactions Calendar Year 2000 Purchaser Amount of RETT Name Property Received Sarles Family Trust Rockin Horse Ridge #A1 9,250.00 Janes Corp Avon Lake Villas #1 4,980.00 Lonergan Christie Lodge Timeshares 60.00 Levitan Chapel Square #BR326 6,200.00 Christie Lodge Owners Chrisite Lodge Timeshares 100.00 Daggett The Seasons #520 7,180.00 Forehan Benchmark Lot 8A $3,900.00 Sheppard The Lodge At Brookside #312 $7,400.00 Crouse Lot 39 Mountain Star $27,500.00 Crocker The Seasons at Avon #411 $4,400.00 Total Through March $374,507.50 2 TOWN OF AVON SALES TAX BY MONTH 1996 95'-96'% Change 1997 96'-97'% Change 1998 97'-98'% Change 1999 981-99% Change 2000 991-00'% Change Total 5-Yr % Increase January February March April May June July August September October November December 332,198.39 327,012.10 407,980,62 252,927.51 222,069.74 298,113.41 335,119.67 324,451.49 302,523.86 266,050.77 285,178.12 509,177.82 6.07% 10.25% 9.10% 11.46% 10.58% 11.31°% 17.15% 13.80% 12.68% 19.56% 9.28% 14.39% 377,597.32 362,516.58 468,675.51 265,356.48 241,012.56 313,116.79 353,101.99 338,134.48 319,410.91 263,685.99 339,200.41 533,904.08 13.67% 10.86% 14.88% 4.91% 8.53% 5.03% 5.37% 4.22% 5.58% -0.89% 18.94% 4.86% 379,424.41 378,112.00 460,191.56 310,197.72 249,079.90 337,562.03 370,086.73 363,110.96 333,508.38 305,035.11 335,073.59 550,077.22 0.48% 4.30% -1.81% 16.90% 3.35% 7.81% 4.81% 7.39% 4,41% 15.88% -1.22% 3.03% 384,939.69 397,323.16 474,933.06 302,864.19 265,405.35 395,755.68 395,954.38 366,648.94 384,432.54 295,541.62 320,335.28 564,813.35 1.45% 5.08% 3.2090 -2.36% 6.55% 17.24% 8,988% 0.97% 9.27% .3.11% -4.40% 2.68% 359,721.88 397,291.59 - - - - - - -6.55% -0.01% -100'00% -100.00% -100.00% -100' -100.00% 100 00% -100' -100' -100.00% -100.00% 8.29% 21.49% 0 -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100 00°% -100.00% -100.00% -100 00% -100.00% YTD Total 3,862,803.50 12.04% 4,175,713.10 8.10% 4,371,459.61 4.69% 4,528,947.24 3.80% 757,013.47 3.2396 14.84% 800,000.00 j j/ 780,000.00! 760,000.00 740,000.00 f._ 720,000.00 - 700,000.00 680,000.00 660,000.00; 640,000.00.1 620,000.00 - 600,000.00 580,000.00 _ 1996 1997 Year Monthly Collections for February 1996-2000 400,000.00 350,000.00 300,000.00 ' r 250,000.00 * ` 200,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 50,000.0 0' d. 1996 1997 1998 1998 2000 YTD Through February Collections 1996-2000 TOWN OF AVON ACCOMODATIONS TAX BY MONTH 1996 95'-96'% Change 1997 96'-87% Change 1998 97'-98% Change 1`? 981-99% Change 2000 991-00% Change Total5-Yr % Increase January February March April May June July August September October November December 37,787.01 42,386.61 55,88223 11,890.97 6,703.77 12,633.34 19,949.49 20,391.40 13,093.39 10,832.98 12,824.84 33,62320 -6.65% 10.86% 5.26% 8.18% 23.14% -1.61% 1821% 32.67% •2.35% 13.95% -12.55% 625% 39,95827 45,305.47 63,054.38 11,850.40 8,759.53 13,982.39 21,298.64 22,365.12 11,173.41 8,819.05 12,112.05 40,000.05 5.75% 6.89% 12.83% -0.34% 30.67% 10.68% 6.76% 9.68% -14.66% -18.59% -5.56% 18.97% 39,35721 42,76924 51,035.34 13,556.94 5,762.93 12,609.03 20,845.64 22,875.39 11,262.18 8,315.76 10,81322 32,602.89 -1.50% -5.60% 1.06% 144.40% -3421% -9.82% -2.13% 228% 0.79% -5.71% -10.72% -18.49% 41,102.99 36,985.03 42,01824 11,809.15 8,117.50 14,95828 21,120.57 16,452.89 10,300.61 7,258.18 7,889.97 25,606.29 4.44% 13.52% •17.67% 14.37% 8.16% 18.63% 1.32% -28.08% -8.64% -12.72% -27.03% -21.46% 24,753.92 32,158.10 -39.78% ; 05% 00 -10000% -100.00% 100.00% 100.00% - -100. _100.00% -100.00% 100.00% - 100,00% - 1.54% :27% 20 5.61% 12.37% 16.60% 25.14% 7.05% 23.18% -23.85% -4620% -19.09% YTD Total 277,99923 5.88% 298,878.78 7.44% 271,805.77 -9.00% 241,419.70 -11.18% 56,912.02 -76.43% -8.05% YTD Through February Collections 1996-2000 -04/20/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTI NG PERIOD: 4/0 0 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 1685611 and 168689, FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 11101 68563 68563 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 ACCESSLO ACCESS LOCK 4 KEY, INC 414 ACCESSLO ACCESS LOCK & KEY, INC 414 RE-KEY SWIFT GULCH KEY CYLINDERS,LOCKSSTS 11101 11101 11101 68564 68564 68564 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 10 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 312 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 311 CELL SVC 3/6-4/5 CELL SVC 3/4/00-4/3/00 CELL SVC 3/4/00-4/3/00 11101 68565 04/25/00 ALPHASHI ALPHA SHIRT WORKS COMPANY 112 UNIFORM SHIRTS 11101 11101 11101 68566 68566 68566 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES COFFSB SUPPLIES COFFEE SUPPLIES 11101 68567 04/25/00 ALPINGLO ALPINE GLASS k MIRROR COM 414 WINDOW REPAIR/POLICE 11101 68568 04/25/00 APPLEWOO APPLEWOOD SEED COMPANY 415 MIXED FLOWER SEEDS 11101 68569 04/25/00 ATTWIREL AT6T WIRELESS 312 DATA SVC CHARGES/MARCH 11101 68571 04/25/00 BENMEADO BEN MEADOWS COMPANY, INC. 415 JACK, POST PULLER 11101 68572 04/25/00 BRINSON6 BRINSON 6 SCHWARTZ CREATI 111 WALKING MAP/ART TOUR 11101 11101 11101 68573 68573 68573 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 BROWNING BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIE 414 BROWNING BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIE 414 BROWNING BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIE 414 TRASH COLLECTION/MARCH TRASH COLLECTION/APRIL TRASH COLLECTION/MARCH 11101 68574 04/25/00 CANDYMAN CANDYMAN CLEANING 414 OFFICE CLEANING/MARCH 11101 68582 04/25/00 COLOCHAP COLORADO SPORTS TURF MAMA 415 CONF REG/RAMIREZ,SALAS 11101 68583 04/25/00 COLSTINS COLORADO STATE TREASURER 10 UNEMPLOYMENT INS/1ST QTR 11101 68584 04/25/00 COWESTME COLORADO WEST MENTAL HEAL 10 EMPLOYES ASST PROD/MAR 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 68586 68586 68586 68586 68586 68586 68586 68586 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 414 CONSOLIS CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 414 CONSOLIS CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 414 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 413 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 415 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 414 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 414 CONSOLIE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL D 414 DRILL SET CALCULATOR HEAVY TAPE PHOTO CELL,SCREWDRIVSR ST MISC ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES BALLAST FOR MUNI MISC ELECTRICAL SUPP SWITCH FOR HW HEATER 11101 68587 04/25/00 CONSTRUC CONSTRUCTION BOOK EXPRESS 213 CALCULATOR PAGE 1 AMOUNT 920.75 291.50 1,212.25 17.69 414.81 393.13 825.63 225.86 20.61 11.15 7.78 39.54 122.96 80.00 98.00 96.12 1,650.00 2,675.00 70.07 538.84 3,283.91 1,700.00 40.00 5,904.21 180.00 59.00 75.00 35.00 291.26 1,514.19 72.00 258.44 35.00 2,339.89 120.25 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:06 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 2 TOWN OF AVON 4/20/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND .000UNTING PERIOD: 4/00 ELECTION CRITERIA: trans act.check_no between 168561' and '68689' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND ------- VENDOR -------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED ------- 311 COPIES OF SCHEDULES 8.75 11101 68588 04/25/00 COYYCOPY COPY COPY 04/25/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 1 14 MISC OFFICE SUPT 84.56 24 150 11101 68559 04/25/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 132 MISC OFFICE SUPP . 21 16 11101 68589 04/25/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 MISC OFFICE SUPP . 01 1 11101 68589 . 25 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 COTTRELL COTTRfiLL PRINTING & COPY 149 ENVELOPES 90.00 11101 68590 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 131 LONG DIST/MARCH 36.48 91 2 11101 68592 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 149 LONG DIST/MARCH 2 3 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 415 LONG DIST/MARCH 18.44 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 414 LONG DIST/MARCH 2 32 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 413 LONG DIST/MARCH 10.08 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 412 LONG DIST/MARCH 17.25 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 411 LONG DIST/MARCH 25.85 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 514 LONG DIST/MARCH 46.75 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 315 LONG DIST/MARCH 18 6. 6 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 115 LONG DIST/MARCH 1 .10 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 312 LONG DIST/MARCH 45.16 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 113 LONG DIST/MARCH 18.70 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 311 LONG DIST/MARCH 34.66 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 214 LONG DIST/MARCH 57 11101 68592 04/25/00 ONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 213 LONG DIST/MARCH 7 79 11101 68592 04/25/00 C CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 212 LONG DIST/MARCH g 44 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 211 LONG DIST/MARCH 12.54 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 143 LONG DIST/MARCH 1 99.04 .04 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 141 LONG DIST/MARCH 3 2.45 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 132 LONG DIST/MARCH 60 1. 1 11101 68592 04/25/00 .34 60 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 EACOCLER EAGLE COUNTY CLERK 121 LIST OF REGISTER VOTERS 93.88 11101 68596 04/25/00 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 132 ADVERTISING/MARCH 1,401.72 11101 65598 04/25/00 EDWARDSB EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER 414 CEILING TILES 83.20 11101 68601 04/25/00 F4S MANU F&S MANUFACTURING, INC 415 SPRAYER PARTS 230.00 11101 68603 04/25/00 FOTOFINI FOTO FINISH 313 PHOTO PROCESSING 28.47 11101 68605 04/25/00 GALLSINC GALL'S INC. 312 GUN CABINETS (2) 689.98 76 27 11101 68608 04/25/00 GALLSINC GALL'S INC. 312 ACCESS. CUFF CASE . 7 74 11101 68608 . 71 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 GEMINIGA GEMINI GARDENS 520 MARCH PLANT MAINT 110.00 11101 68610 04/25/00 GRANDJUN GRAND JUNCTION PIPE 6 SUP 415 IRRIGATION COUPLINGS 25.20 00 2 11101 68612 GRANDOUN GRAND JUNCTION PIPE 6 SU P 415 SPIRAL BARB COUPLING . 1 11101 68612 04/25/00 37.20 TOTAL CHECK RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:06 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER -04/20/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND PAGE 3 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check _no between 1685611 and 168689, FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR------------- - PROGRAM ------- DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68613 04/25/00 HAYNESME HAYNES MECHANICAL SYSTEM S 520 HVAC SVC/4/1-6/30. 880.25 11101 68615 04/25/00 HELENACH HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY 415 FERTILI28R,PESTICIDES 832.80 11101 68616 04/25/00 HIGHLINE HIGHLINE SPORTS & ENTERTA 114 SPONSORSHIP/ADV RACE WKND 3,000.00 11101 68618 04/25/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC 2/24-3/31 16.16 11101 11101 11101 68619 68619 68619 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 INTBRCAR INTERCARE HEALTH PLANS INTERCAR INTERCARH HEALTH PLANS INTERCAR INTERCARE HEALTH PLANS 10 10 10 LIFE INS PRSM HEALTH INS PREM DENTAL INS PREM 2,644.88 63,361.59 7,348.00 73,354.47 11101 68622 04/25/00 JUNIPBRV JUNIPER VALLEY PRODUCTS 415 COLORADO FLAG 204.00 11101 68629 04/25/00 LEWAN&AS LEWAN & ASSOCIATES, INC 514 TONER 168.04 11101 11101 68630 68630 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 LIL'JOHN LIL'JOHN'S WATER TREATMEN LIL'JOHN LIL'JOHN'S WATER TREATMEN 149 311 WATER COOLER RENT/MUNI 2ND QTR WTR COOLER RENT 80.00 105.00 185.00 11101 68631 04/25/00 LONG&ASS LONG & ASSOCIATES, INC 414 SEMI ANNUAL MAINT AGREE 1,050.00 11101 68632 04/25/00 MICHAELS MICHAELS DENVER 518 REPLACEMENT PADS 245.00 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 68633 68633 68633 68633 68633 68633 68633 68633 68633 68633 68633 68633 68633 68633 68633 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELSC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMM[JNIC. & BLEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC MTNCOM14U MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & BLEC MTNCOM14U MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & BLEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC 311 131 411 514 313 131 312 311 311 313 312 411 411 514 514 PAGING 1ST QTR PAGING 1ST QTR PAGING 1ST QTR PAGING JAN-JUNE 2000 PAGING 2ND QTR PAGING 2ND QTR PAGING 2ND QTR BELT CLIP PAGING 2ND QTR PAGING 1ST QTR PAGING 1ST QTR RADIO SVC PAGING 2ND QTR PAGER/0963056 PAGING FEB, MAR/WRIGHT 76.50 25.50 51.00 469.S0 25.50 25.50 204.00 4.35 76.50 25.50 229.50 15.00 51.00 85.00 82.50 1,4{6.85 11101 68634 04/25/00 MTNFITNE MOUNTAIN FITNESS SERVICE 520 TREADMILL REPAIR 1,412.00 11101 11101 68651 68651 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 NABUSINE NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITU NABUSINE NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITU 211 211 FAX STAND DISPLAY RACK 168.95 451.90 620.85 11101 68652 04/25/00 WOODNORM NORM WOOD 412 MILEAGE REIMS 78.00 11101 68654 04/25/00 NORWINVB NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC 413 QTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 15,499.34 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:07 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 4 TOWN OF AVON 14/20/00 LCCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND ,ELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 168561' and '68689' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------------- VENDOR -------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68654 04/25/00 NORWINVS NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC 415 QTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 2,964.12 18,463.46 TOTAL CHECK 11101 65655 04/25/00 OFPICSDS OFFICE DEPOT 411 WALL CLOCK 30.00 11101 68656 04/25/00 PMSI PAVING MAINTENANCE SUPPLY 413 STOP SIGN, SIGN POST 253.99 11101 68657 04/25/00 PERSGRIH PEREGRINE PRESS 114 AVON ADVOCATE, FOLDING 1,053.25 11101 68658 04/25/00 YITNSYBO PITNEY BOWES 149 POSTAGE METER RENTAL 218.60 11101 11101 11101 68660 68660 68660 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 414 414 414 GAS SVC 3/2-3/30 GAS SVC 3/1-3/31 GAS SVC 3/2-3/30 495.16 285.98 437.91 1,216.05 TOTAL CHECK 11101 68663 04/25/00 RNLDSSIG RHL DESIGN 212 PROF SVC/TOWN CENTER 1,449.06 11101 68664 04/25/00 ROCKHURS ROCKHURST COLLEGE CONTINU 519 SEMINAR REG/3 PEOPLE 468.80 11101 68666 04/25/00 T0000647 SARA PAULSOH 121 COURT ORDERED REIMB 60.00 11101 11101 68667 68667 04/25/00 04/25/00 SCULLYSI SCULLY 8, INC. SCULLYSI SCULLY'8, INC. 311 313 MISC OFFICE SUPP MISC OFFICE 3UPP 16.91 80.87 97.78 TOTAL CHECK 11101 68669 04/25/00 SIRCHIEF SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LARD 313 SEX ASSAULT KIT 55.72 11101 68671 04/25/00 SPECIALS SPECIAL EVENTS 149 FLOWERS FOR DIANA FAWCETT 36.00 11101 68672 04/25/00 STURGEON STURGEON ELECTRIC COMPANY 413 J-BOXES 289.12 11101 68675 04/25/00 THYSSEND THYSSEN DOVER ELEVATOR CO 414 APRIL ELEVATOR MAINT 81.27 11101 68676 04/25/00 TREATMEN TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY INC. 520 CHEMICALS 65.50 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 68677 68677 68677 68677 68677 68677 68677 68677 68677 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC UNISOURC UNISOURCS WORLDWIDE, INC UNISOURC UNISOURCS WORLDWIDE, INC UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC UNISOURC UNISOURCS WORLDWIDE, INC 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 414 414 CLEANING SURF CLEANING SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES CREDIT FOR RETURN LATEX GLOVES,CLEANING SUP CLEANING SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES PAPER TOWELS 100.24 688.73 66.00 _26.00 316.80 46.80 518.37 253.92 56.47 1,987.33 TOTAL CHECK 11101 68680 04/25/00 VAIL66ST VAIL 66 STATION 312 CAR WASHES/MARCH 25.00 11101 68681 04/25/00 VAILHONE VAIL HONEYWAGON 414 TRASH COLLECTION/MARCH 461.40 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:07 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 04/20/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: traneact.check_no between 168561' and -68689, FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 68682 04/25/00 VAILRESO VAIL RESORTS MANAGEMENT C 514 CH 17 ADVERTISING/MARCH 11101 68683 04/25/00 MCCOYVAL VALERIE MCCOY 141 MILEAGE REIMS 11101 68684 04/25/00 VALLEYWI VALLEY WIDE MECHANICAL, I 414 SERVICE HEATING/MUNI 11101 68687 04/25/00 WILLARDM WILLARD MARKING DEVICES 519 GREEN INVISIBLE INK 11101 68688 04/25/00 WOODEYEW WOOD EYE WOODWORKS AND SI 520 DOOR GRAPHICS INSTALLED 11101 68688 04/25/00 WOODEYEW WOOD EYE WOODWORKS AND SI 520 ACRYLIC PANELS TOTAL CHECK 11101 68689 04/25/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 311 POLICE COPIER LEASE #15 11101 68689 04/25/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 211 FEB CHARGES/COMM DV TOTAL CHECK TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND PAGE 5 AMOUNT 400.00 84.50 212.So 78.75 110.00 354.17 464.17 442.30 247.26 689.56 133,313.16 133,313.16 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:08 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 6 TOWN OF AVON E/20/00 ;COUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND 'ELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between -68561' and 168689' FUND - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND --- DESCRIPTION ------' AMOUNT CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED ---'--''"--"-" VENDOR -------"--""- PROGRAM ---- 417 MIXED FLOWER SEEDS 88.00 11101 68568 04/25/00 APPLEW00 APPLEWOOD SEED COMPANY 88.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 88.00 TOTAL FUND RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:08 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER .04/20/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tra nsact.check_no between 168561' and 1686891 FUND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------------- VENDOR -------------- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION------- 11101 68570 04/25/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 322 CELL SVC 3/7-4/6 11101 68570 04/25/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 323 CELL SVC 3/7-4/6 11101 68570 04/25/00 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 321 CELL SVC 3/7-4/6 TOTAL CHECK 11101 68577 04/25/00 CLIMATEC CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GLE 321 INSTALL RET AIR,THERMOSTA 11101 68589 04/25/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 321 CHAIRMAT 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 323 LONG DIST/MARCH 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 322 LONG DIST/MARCH 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 321 LONG DIST/MARCH 11101 68592 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 324 LONG DIST/MARCH TOTAL CHECK 11101 68602 04/25/00 EDWARDSM EDWARDS METROPOLITAN DIST 321 INV FOR FIRE PROTECT DIST 11101 68604 04/25/00 FIREGEAR FIREGEAR, INC. 322 UNIFORM REPAIRS 11101 68614 04/25/00 HEARTSMA HEARTSMART, INC 324 CPR PROGRAM COST 11101 68629 04/25/00 LEWAN&AS LEWAN & ASSOCIATES, INC 321 COPIER TONER 11101 68653 04/25/00 NORTHERN NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT 322 MISC FIRE SUPPLIES 11101 68654 04/25/00 NORWINVE NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC 321 YEARLY LEASE PMT 11101 68654 04/25/00 NORWINVE NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC 322 QTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 11101 68654 04/25/00 NORWINVE NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC 321 QTRLY LEASE PAYMENT TOTAL CHECK 11101 68660 04/25/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 321 GAS SVC 3/2-3/30 11101 68662 04/25/00 RADIOSHA RADIO SHACK 321 PHONE, ANSWERING MACHINE 11101 68679 04/25/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 4/4-5/3 11101 68679 04/25/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 4/4-5/3 TOTAL CHECK TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND PAGE 7 AMOUNT 55.98 37.14 14.87 107.99 557.00 36.69 13.46 12.87 7.28 2.07 35.68 2,818.93 140.00 87.00 116.00 81.70 39,390.49 16,731.63 2,946.48 59,068.60 126.40 269.95 44.18 289.17 333.35 63,779.29 63,779.29 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:08 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER TOWN OF AVON PAGE 8 14/20/00 LCCUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND ;ELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 168561, and 168689' FUND - 23 - EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------------- VENDOR -------------- 5,440.00 11101 68599 04/25/00 EAGLEBEN EAGLEBEND AFFORDABLE HOUS 436 EMPLOYEE HOUSING/MAY 5,440.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 5,440.00 TOTAL FUND RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:08 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 04/20/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 TOWN OF AVON CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND PAGE 9 SELECTION CRITERIA: tranvact.check_no between '68561' and '68689' FUND - 24 - WATER FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68635 04/25/00 MTNSTAR MOUNTAIN STAR 424 TAP FEE REIMB 5,200.00 11101 68668 04/25/00 SHERMANA SHERMAN AND HOWARD 424 PROF SVC/1998 WATER PLAN 967.33 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 6,167.33 TOTAL FUND 6,167.33 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:08 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 10 TOWN OF AVON 4/20/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND ,000UNTING PERIOD: 4/00 ;ELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 168561' and '68689' FUND - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND ------ VENDOR -------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- 04/25/00 NORWINVE NOAWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC 800 YEARLY LEASE PMT 41,070.24 11101 68654 800 EAST AVON STREETSCAYE PRJ 1,131.87 11101 68673 04/25/00 TERRASAN TERRASAN VALUATIO VALUATION CONSULTANTS, IN 800 W BVR CRK EASEMENTS 4,250.00 11101 68685 04/25/00 VALUATIO VALUATION CONSULTANTS, IN 800 it UNITS SHERWOOD MDOWS 2,200.00 11101 68685 04/25/00 6,450.00 TOTAL CHECK 48,652.11 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 48,652.11 TOTAL FUND RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:08 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 04/20/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 TOWN OF AVON CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND PAGE 11 SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 1685611 and -68689, FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM ------- DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 11101 68566 68566 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES COFFEE SUPPLIES 23.32 61.84 85.16 11101 68574 04/25/00 CANDYMAN CANDYMAN CLEANING 431 OFFICE CLEANING/MARCH 1,360.00 11101 68576 04/25/00 CIRSA CIRSA 431 INSURANCE DEDUCT/TRANSIT 54 .79 11101 11101 11101 11101 68578 68578 68578 68578 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 CASTA CO ASSOC. OF TRANSIT AGEN CASTA CO ASSOC. OF TRANSIT AGEN CASTA CO ASSOC. OF TRANSIT AGEN CASTA CO ASSOC. OF TRANSIT AGEN 431 432 432 433 MEETING FEES/TAYLOR MEETING FEES/FANTACONE MEETING FEES/CRABS MEETING FEES/BURDEN 135.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 540.00 11101 68579 04/25/00 COSAFETY CO SAFETY ASSOCIATION 432 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 185.00 11101 68585 04/25/00 COMMTRAN COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION 431 MEMBERSHIP DUES 235.00 11101 11101 11101 68592 68592 68592 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 431 433 432 LONG DIST/MARCH LONG DIST/MARCH LONG DIST/MARCH 17.16 3.40 23.56 44.12 11101 68593 04/25/00 DEEPROCK DEEP ROCK WEST 432 DRINKING WATER/MARCH 232.80 11101 68594 04/25/00 DOCTORSO DOCTORS ON CALL 432 DRUG SCREENS/MARCH 85.00 11101 68598 04/25/00 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 433 ADVERTISING/MARCH 446.88 11101 68605 04/25/00 FOTOPINI FOTO FINISH 432 PHOTO PROCESSING 23.43 11101 68624 04/25/00 KTUN KTUN 433 RADIO ADVERTISING 288.00 11101 68625 04/25/00 KZYRPMRA KZYR-FM RADIO 433 RADIO ADVERTISING/MAR 192.00 11101 11101 11101 68633 68633 68633 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 MTNCOM14U MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC 431 431 432 PAGING 1ST QTR PAGING JAN-JUNE PAGING JAN-JUNE 51.00 51.00 255.00 357.00 11101 68636 04/25/00 MVSPORT MV SPORT 432 6 FLEECE JACKETS 252.61 11101 11101 68654 68654 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 NORWINVE NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC NORWINVE NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC 432 432 YEARLY LEASE PMT QTRLY LEASE PAYMENT 17,299.18 9,665.61 26,964.79 11101 11101 11101 11101 68661 68661 68661 68661 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 QUILLCOR QUILL CORPORATION 433 QUILLCOR QUILL CORPORATION 431 QUILLCOR QUILL CORPORATION 431 QUILLCOR QUILL CORPORATION 431 ZIP DISKS, FLOPPY DISKS CREDIT FOR RETURN FILE BOX MISC OFFICE SUPP 45.29 -59.28 47.40 352.69 386.10 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:09 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 12 TOWN OF AVON /20/00 'COUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND ;LECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 168561' and 168689' FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND :ASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------------- VENDOR -------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 11101 11101 68674 68674 68674 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 VAILTRAI THE VAIL TRAIL VAILTRAI THE VAIL TRAIL VAILTRAI THE VAIL TRAIL 433 ADVERTISING/FEE 433 ADVERTISING/MARCH 433 ADVERTISING/JAN 856.80 765.00 183.60 1,805.40 TOTAL CHECK 33,538.08 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 33,538.08 TOTAL FUND RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:09 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 04/20/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: traneact.check _no between 168561' and 168689, FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASE ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR------------- - PROGRAM DESCRIPTION------- 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 68561 68561 68561 68561 68561 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 A-lAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 A-lAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 A-1AUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 A-lAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 A-lAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 STARTER MISC PARTS ALTERNATOR MISC PARTS ALTERNATOR TOTAL CHECK 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 68562 68562 68562 68562 68562 68562 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC ABCPARTS ABC PARTS INC 434 434 434 434 434 434 STARTER DISC PAD OIL SEAL TOGGLE HEADLIGHT CORE CREDIT TOTAL CHECK 11101 68574 04/25/00 CANDYMAN CANDYMAN CLEANING 434 OFFICE CLEANING/MARCH 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 68580 68580 68580 68580 68580 68580 68580 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 434 61 61 61 61 61 MOTOR OIL WINDSHIELD WASHER DIESEL FURL MOTOR OIL MOTOR OIL DIESEL FUEL UNLEADED FUEL 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 68581 68581 68581 68581 68581 68581 65581 68581 68581 68581 68581 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 61 61 434 434 434 61 61 61 61 61 MISC PARTS CREDIT FOR RETURN MISC PARTS MISC PARTS ROLLER BRAKE BODY DAMAGE REPAIR AIR FILTERS BATTERY EQUALIZERS MISC PARTS FILTER MISC PARTS 11101 68591 04/25/00 CUMMINSR CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, I 434 24 VOLT BULBS 11101 11101 68592 68592 04/25/00 04/25/00 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 435 434 LONG DIST/MARCH LONG DIST/MARCH TOTAL CHECK 11101 11101 68595 68595 TOTAL CHECK 04/25/00 04/25/00 DRIVETRA DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES DRIVETRA DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES 434 434 CORE CREDIT MISC PARTS 11101 68597 04/25/00 EARIVERA EAGLE RIVER AUTO BODY 434 TOWING/#846 PAGE 13 AMOUNT 226.80 44.95 1,061.02 122.77 792.61 2,248.15 178.90 43.23 34.26 3.78 15.37 -62.50 213.04 340.00 513.70 56.65 8,083.60 28.56 679.25 8,024.62 5,084.60 22,470.98 443.43 -35.03 333.18 18.44 41.92 4,153.40 101.36 1,590.00 91.88 101.20 45.94 6,885.72 59.10 3.71 26.03 29.74 -50.00 1,179.31 1,129.31 256.00 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:10 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 14 TOWN OF AVON /20/00 COUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND LECTION CRITERIA: transa ct.check_no between 168561' and '68689' FUND - ASH ACCT L1101 L1101 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU ---------"---- VENDOR -------------- CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED 68600 04/25/00 gATONSAL BATON SALES & SERVICE 68600 04/25/00 gpTONSAL BATON SALES 4 SERVICE PROGRAM 34 434 ESCRIPTION------- ------" FUEL CARDS FUEL CARDS MOUNT 6.50 20.00 26.50 11101 11101 TOTAL CHECK 68606 68606 04/25/00 04/25/00 FRONTRAN FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATU FRONTRAN FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATU 434 434 FUEL GAUGE MISC PARTS 77.98 554.72 632.70 1101 11101 TOTAL CHECK 68607 68607 4/25/00 04/25/00 G&KSSRVI G&K SERVICES &KSSRVI G4K SERVICES 434 434 UNIFORM CLEANING UNIFORM CLEANING 164.86 126.61 291.47 TOTAL CHECK 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 68609 68609 68609 68609 68609 68609 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC GAYJO8N3 GAY JOHNSON'S, INC GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'8, INC GAYJORNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 434 434 434 434 34 4 TIRES TIRES TIRES TIRES TIRES TIRES 2,885.82 195.78 440.00 440.00 220.00 427.06 4,605.66 TOTAL CHECK. 11101 11101 11101 11101 68611 68611 68611 68611 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 61 434 434 ELECTRONIC CHIME GLAZING WARNING HORN BELT GUARD 91.57 1,234.08 108.30 16.51 1,450.46 TOTAL CHECK 11101 1101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 68617 8620 68620 68620 68620 68620 68620 68620 68620 68620 04/25/00 4/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 HOGANMFG HOGAN MPG., INC. AINESJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET HAINESJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET HAINESJO JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET gAIN85J0 JOHN HAINBS CHEVROLET HAINESJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET HAINESJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET gAINSSJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET gAIN88J0 JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET HAINESJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET 434 434 434 434 434 434 434 434 434 SENSITIVE EDGE A3SY. FUEL PUMPS FUEL CREDIT PUMPS FOR RETURN CREDIT FOR RETURN TRANSMISSION MUFFLER, GASKET MUFFLER REPAIR ON 992 HUB ASSM/892 50.05 955.46 50 - 669986..50 -164.66 2,117.15 228.09 246.62 85.99 332.86 3,801.51 TOTAL CHECK 11101 1101 11101 11101 68621 8623 68623 68623 04/25/00 4/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 JOHNSONS JOHNSON'S DISTRIBUTING, KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY KARPRODU RAR PRODUCTS COMPANY KARYRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY I 434 434 434 434 NITRILS GLOVES MISC PARTS CREDIT FOR RETURN MISC PARTS 116.23 316.19 -20.54 465.09 760.74 TOTAL CHECK 11101 11101 11101 68626 68628 68633 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 LLJOHNSO L. L. JOHNSON DISTRIBUTIN 434 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. 6 ELEC 434 JOINT A3M RADIO REPAIR PAGING 2ND QTR 61.35 81.25 25.50 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:10 0'4/20/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 15 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 168561' and 1686891 FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION------- . AMOUNT 11101 68633 04/25/00 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. 4 ELEC 434 PAGING JAN-JUNE 11101 68633 04/25/00 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. 6 ELEC 434 PAGING 1ST QTR 51.00 TOTAL CHECK 25.50 102.00 11101 68637 04/25/00 MYERSTIR MYERS TIRE SUPPLY COMPANY 434 WHEEL WEIGHTS 98.81 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 HEX NUTS 212.44 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 FUEL PUMP 5.71 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FLASHER 48.64 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 26.87 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS se.22 11101 68660 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 GASKETS 100.73 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 ROTOR 2.02 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN 59.76 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BRAKE PADS -89.73 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FLASHER 35.02 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 WIPER BLADES 40.30 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BRAKE SHOES 117.42 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 CORE CREDIT 20.86 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS -37.00 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 9.70 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 23.07 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SPARK PLUGS 21.64 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 AIR FILTER 3.57 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 8.25 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 2 BATTERIES 3.45 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 LAMP 282.90 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 WEATHER STRIPPING 6.40 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 12.69 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CORE CREDIT 114.78 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS -6.50 11101 686s0 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 ADAPTER 13.48 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 29.66 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 WRENCHES 36.65 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BALL JOINT 24.52 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 GAS CAP 57.68 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 V-BELT 15.38 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SHOCKS 10.56 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 117.62 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 17.53 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 94.81 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 GAS CAP 6.82 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 GAS CAP 15.38 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 DEGREASER 21.57 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 23 34 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN 48.39 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 -26.02 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS BALL JOINT 83.10 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -145.85 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 30.00 434 FUEL PILTER 4.13 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:11 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 16 TOWN OF AVON /20/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND COUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 no between 168561' and 168689' check sact LECTION C RITERIA: tran _ . FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU ------ PROGRAM '------ DESCRIPTION ------- AMOUNT ;ASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------------- VENDOR -------- 434 MISC PARTS 230.40 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 8.84 L1101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO MAYA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 14.60 L1101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 4.13 L1101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FUEL FILTER 2,17 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FILTER ;;.12 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BULBS 4.73 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 STRAINER 37.53 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 11.60 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 OIL FILTERS 12.03 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 4.80 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FILTER 10.38 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 431 MISC PARTS 140.78 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 112.60 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 72.52 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 11.89 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 OIL/FUEL FILTERS 10.43 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 PULL FILTER 35.34 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 26.86 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 AIR FILTER N -10.08 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETUR N -31.34 11101 68650 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETUR 7 30 11101 68650 04/25/00 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS , 5.q; 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 18.02 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS N -66.00 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETUR 1.46 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 15.38 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 GAS CAP 8.86 11101 68650 04/25/00 NApAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SWITCH 8.72 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MALL ADAPTOR 19.45 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 OIL & FUEL FILTER 20.12 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 RTR BOLT 54.23 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 ROTOR 11.04 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BULBS 13.88 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 40.54 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 32.53 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 9.83 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 OIL CAP 38.55 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 15.91 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 2.18 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MALE ADAPTER 27.50 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FVEL PUMP 74.64 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CLEANER 44.46 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BRAKE PADS 108.47 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 ROTOR 41.46 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BRAKE PADS 272.04 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO DARTS 434 BEARINGS qq 79 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FUEL PUMP 51.89 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 15.38 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 GAS CAP 44.99 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 212.33 11101 68650 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 11101 68650 04/25/00 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:12 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 0$/20/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 17 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 1685611 and 168689' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR------------- - PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 GREASE 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN 7.66 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 U JOINTS -12.06 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BRK FLUID MALE ADAPTOR 57.06 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 , MISC PARTS 18.47 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 6.34 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 V-BELTS 31.34 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 U-JOINT 37.07 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 8.05 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 LAMPS 10.08 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 LAMP 9.90 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BRAKE PADS 12.54 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 U-JOINTS 141.34 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 AIR FILTER 28.53 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 FUEL FILTER 71.49 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 OIL FILTERS 10.16 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 AIR FILTER 33.46 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 OIL FILTERS 37.48 11101 66650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SWITCHES 38.19 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 6.58 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 OIL/FUEL FILTERS 50.10 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SWITCH 89.89 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 6.92 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 WIRE SET 52.10 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BRAKE PADS 28.48 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 , MISC PARTS 44.46 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SWITCH 11.98 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 HEADLIGHTS 26.04 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 14.38 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 2.11 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 14.98 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SWITCH 16.31 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 'MISC PARTS 11.78 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 1.31 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 22.00 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 20.37 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 WIPER BLADES 13.59 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 OIL FILTER 3.53 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS FUEL FILTER, OIL FILTER 48.35 61 MISC PARTS 2 26 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MASTER CYLINDER CAP GASKT . 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 WHL BOLT 4.23 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 WHL BOLT 22.06 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS -22.06 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SWITCH 195.33 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN 7.60 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SWITCH -a.23 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 IGNITION SWITCH 13.02 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 WATER PUMP 20.60 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BRUSHES 53.81 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 FUEL FILTER 6.96 11101 68650 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 12.49 19.84 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:13 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER PAGE 18 TOWN OF AVON )4/20/00 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND ;ELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 168561' and 168689' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SV C FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------------- VENDOR -------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 11101 68650 68650 68650 68650 68650 68650 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 04/25/00 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 434 434 61 434 61 U-JOINT 0 RINGS 2 CYCLE OIL MISC PARTS MISC PARTS MISC PARTS 32.42 1.14 32 28 101.99 21.00 15.05 5,069.82 TOTAL CHECK 11101 11101 68655 68655 04/25/00 04/25/00 OFFICSDB OFFICE DEPOT OFFICEDfi OFFICE DEPOT q34 434 MISC OFFICE SUPP MISC OFFICE SUPP 4.66 12.31 16.97 TOTAL CHECK 11101 68659 04/25/00 PRECINCT PRECINCT POLICE PRODUCTS, 434 FLASH BACK RELAY FLASHER 66.75 11101 11101 68660 68660 04/25/00 04/25/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 434 GAS SVC 3/2-3/30 GAS CHGS TO ADJ PRESSURE 1,161.45 65.00 1,226.45 TOTAL CHECK 11101 68665 04/25/00 SAFETYKL SAFETY-KLEHN CORPORATION 434 HAZARDOUS WASTE REMOVAL 675.30 11101 68670 04/25/00 SNOWBRID SNOWBRIDGE, INC. 435 PUMP WASH BAY & RECYC TNK 8,161.50 11101 11101 68678 68676 04/25/00 04/25/00 USWELDIN UNITED STATES WELDING, IN USWELDIN UNITED STATES WELDING, IN 434 434 C02 CYLINDER LEASE CYLINDER ARGON 90.56 58,15 148.71 TOTAL CHECK 11101 68686 04/25/00 VEHICLES VEHICLE SYSTEMS INCORPORA 434 PUMP WITH STAND 454.90 61,531.17 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 61,531.17 TOTAL FUND RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:13 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 04/20/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 4/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 168561, and 168689, FUND - 63 - EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND CASE ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------------- VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM DESCRIPTION------- 11101 68575 04/25/00 CHEROKEE CHEROKEE EPOXY, INC 812 DEPOSIT FOR SVC/SAUNA 11101 68627 04/25/00 LAZBOYFU LA-Z-BOY FURNITURE GALLER 812 FURNITURE FOR REC CTR TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND TOTAL REPORT PAGE 19 AMOUNT 1,870.50 1,981.00 3,851.50 3,851.50 356,360.64 RUN DATE 04/20/00 TIME 14:15:13 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER MEW= QFSCRIPTION AMOUNT Burt Chevrolet 1999 Chev Tahoe (2)/Police $ 61,238.88 Benchmark Condo Home Owners Easement/W Bvr Crk Blvd $ 9,712.00 Daniel & Susan Guggenheim Easement/W Bvr Crk Blvd $ 856.00 $ 71,806.88 TOTAL MANUAL CHECKS