TC Council Packet 04-18-2000A Brief Synopsis of the Town of Avon Town Council Work Session Meeting Date: April 1 & 2000 Councilmembers Present: Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, Bob McIlveen, Judy Yoder, Councilmembers Absent: Jim Benson, Buz Reynolds Land Negotiations (Executive Session) Community Development Updates: Community Development Director Mike Matzko updated Council on the Bob Borg duplex. He stated one half of the duplex is a bed and breakfast and the other half he is proposing to make a resident's club. Mr. Borg owns both halves of the duplex. He is proposing to have 24 owners in the resident's club. Staff recommended denial, P&Z recommend approval, and the issue will come before Council next week. Councilor Cuny asked if that is a timeshare. Town Manager Efting said the owners can not trade weeks. He also added that there are so many other rental units and timeshare (Falcon Point) in that neighborhood. Mr. Borg has gotten consent from the neighbors. Council felt that if the neighbors didn't care, than they don't have a problem with it. Bill said we may add on a recreation amenities fee. Mayor Protein McIlveen felt that may be a lead into the new projects coming on line for collecting the fees. Bill said they have resident's clubs in Arrowhead and Cordillera. Mike stated that staff recommended denial because if fits the definition of timeshare, but when you look at it, it looks fine. Mike informed Council that nothing is going on with Chateau St. Claire. White River Forest Service Plan: Representatives of Scott McInnis' Glenwood Springs office gave a presentation on Congressman McInnis' Plan. They stated that every 15 years there is an updated plan. He said all the plans had some good ideas. Scott said the plan is so important to the future of our district that we need to get something out there. Congress McInnis sat down with county commissioners from surrounding counties for their input. What came out of those meetings is the proposed plan. The plan will be submitted as a comment, it is broken down county by county so you will know how it will effect your area. He stated they received a good response. The plan was endorsed by Summit County yesterday, Mesa County is going to endorse the plan, and they are waiting on Eagle County. He stated that the forest service recommends large trail closures, Congress McInnis' plan recommends some closures. Eagle County is offering funds to give to youth to go up to the trails and work on them. The forest service said they would match the funds. Our plan is requesting an 800 number so someone can call in if they see something abusive. The forest service does not have enough employees to patrol. He stated that they believe this is a recreational forest; the forest service is saying it is an ecological forest. He stated that their plan is balanced. They met with groups from the ski industry to the Fat Tire Society to come up with solutions. They came up with a lot of good solutions. A more proactive alternative. Next they explained a chart that was passed out to Council at the meeting. Councilor McDevitt asked about the bike path closure. They said they are recommending some "foot only" trails, some mechanized trails, some motorized trails and some mechanized and motorized trails. Council questioned the water rights. Congress McInnis' plan follows the water conservation board plan and that the forest service has to retain water rights like any one else. Councilor McDevitt requested that the bike path information be sent to Eagle County Commissioner Tom Stone's people so they could put it on their maps. Council was told that once the comment period is closed, the Forest Service will take up to one year to go through all the comments before finalizing a plan. They asked the Town of Avon to support their plan. They informed Council that the plan will be available on the web site. He added that endorsements from city council's carry a lot of weight. Drug Task Force: Police Chief Jeff Layman was seeking direction to see if the Drug Task Force is something the Council wants to pursue. Jeff is trying to comment to the District Attorney's questionnaire as to what the Town is willing to commit to as a drug task force for the 5th Judicial District. He would like to tell Greg Morrison and the DA that the Town would help fund a task force if certain conditions are met. He outlined those conditions in his memo to the Council. Mayor Yoder asked where the money would come from. Jeff said he would have to create a new position. He does not want to give one of his people to the task force. He said that Breckenridge and Silverthorne are leaning that way, and Vail has a drug position. He said the DA is willing to bring on someone. The Sheriff is willing to support a task force if it is based in Eagle County. Councilor Cuny asked how drug busts and tangible assets would be handled as far as kicking money back. Jeff said in the High Country Task Force it was split equally between entities. Jeff said there are rules on how it is spent. Councilor Cuny asked if we have a significant increase/problems in the area. Jeff said it is hard to qualify that. It is always out there. We just need to keep the pressure on so they know we are watching. Mayor Protem McIlveen agreed. Mayor Yoder confirmed that it is a budgetary item. **REVISED** STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE TOWN OF AVON SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD APRIL 18, 2000, AT 2:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM 1.) Land Negotiations (Executive Session) 3:15 PM - 3:30 PM 2.) Community Development Updates 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM 3.) White River Forest Service Plan (Presented by representatives of Scott McInnis's Office) 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 4.) Drug Task Force 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM Break 4:30 PM - 5:20 PM 5.) Planning & Zoning Commissioner Member Interviews 4:30 PM - 4:40 PM a.) Gregory Macik 4:40 PM - 4:50 PM b.) Bobby Head 4:50 PM - 5:00 PM c.) Paul Klein 5:00 PM - 5:10 PM d.) Chris Evans 5:10 PM - 5:20 PM e.) Brian Sipes AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME,BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOWN VON,COLORADO BY: 's Nash Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON APRIL 14,2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD APRIL 18, 2000, AT 2:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM 1.) Land Negotiations (Executive Session) 3:15 PM - 3:30 PM 2.) Community Development Updates 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM 3.) White River Forest Service Plan (Presented by representatives of Scott McInnis's Office) 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 4.) Drug Task Force 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 4:30 PM-5:10 PM 5.) y-7) - tr X41 * ? Break Planning & Zoning Commissioner Member Interviews 4:30 PM - 4:40 PM 4:40 PM - 4:50 PM 4:50 PM - 5:00 PM 5:00 PM - 5:10 PM a.) Gregory Macik -1/ ?? ??. b.) Bobby Head 'I -1, ' c.) Paul Klein -i jq- ? d.) Chris Evans4/,,4 AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TO OF VON, COLORADO r BY: I -iris Nash \ Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON APRIL 14,2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY I Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town ManageriZf--- From: Jeff Layman, Chief of Poli Date: 04/13/00 Re: Fifth Judicial District Drug Task Force Summary: District Attorney Michael Goodbee has proposed a district-wide drug task force to deal with the flow of illicit chugs into the central mountains. He is asking the jurisdictions in his district for commitments for the operation of the task force. Specifically, he needs to know: -if Avon will commit full or part time personnel for the task force -if Avon will commit to a cash match for the local cost of personnel, if grant funding requires such a match -if Avon will commit to any "in-kind" match (i.e. equipment, space, etc.) In that this proposal is in the formative stages, I recommend that the council encourage the continued involvement of the Avon Police Department in the discussions. Further, the Council should send a strong message that it will support the funding of one additional Avon officer to be assigned to this task force, if certain conditions are met. Discussion: The future of narcotics enforcement operations in Eagle County has recently made news. The joint task force funded by the Federal Government and staffed by detectives from the Eagle County Sherifl's Office and the Vail Police Department, was not funded for 2001. A new initiative for drug enforcement has been introduced under the umbrella of Fifth Judicial District Attorney Michael Goodbee. This district includes Summit, Clear Creek, Lake and Eagle Counties. The proposal calls for agencies to -staff the April 13, 2000 task force with detectives who will work cooperatively to identify and apprehend drug traffickers in our area. These agencies will also be expected to provide workspace and equipment for the task force. Cooperative drug task force ventures are not new. Generally, communities understand that the drug culture does not respect political subdivisions and the activity is not localized. Nearly every drug case I have seen has ties outside of the political subdivision where it originated. Collaborative task force efforts are much more successful than agencies working alone. The task force approach brings the enhanced resources of participating agencies to bear on the illicit drug problems in a particular area. There is no grant funding available for the remainder of 2000-01. It is not clear at this point whether grant funds will be available to us after 2001. We are lobbying the federal government to designate the Fifth Judicial District as a "High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area" (IMTA) to be eligible for funds. Currently, Eagle County alone has this designation. Currently, when the Avon Police Department receives credible drug information, patrol officers are re-assigned to develop the case. This diverts patrol services from the community and is costly in terms of overtime and personnel fatigue. This task force proposal would use officers from a variety of agencies and would not normally depend on patrol personnel. Recommendation: My recommendation is that the Avon Town Council encourage the Avon Police Department to continue to explore, with other law enforcement agencies in the district, the feasibility of developing this task force. Currently, Silverthorne, Breckenridge, Vail, Eagle County and the District Attorney are all interested in contributing to the task force. All agencies have questions that must be answered and conditions that must be met before they are ready to fully commit. Additionally, the council should make it clear that if certain conditions are met, it will fund an additional police officer position to be tasked to the Fifth Judicial District Drug Task Force. These conditions include that: - a minimum number of agencies, thought now to be around five, participate. - the task force have a very clearly defined command structure 2 Y April 13, 2000 - the task force develop, maintain and follow policies and procedures to assure strict accountability. Budget Implications: The cost to the town for the remainder of 2000 would be approximately $29,000, including salary, benefits, vehicle and equipment. For 2001, the figure will approach $60,000. This budget expenditure should not be contingent on any grant funding, but it will be understood that should grant funds become available, they would be applied for and used for this position. Additionally, all of the Avon Police Department's investigative equipment will be available for use by the task force. This recommendation adequately addresses DA Goodbee's requests. Town Manager Comments: 4 rce w. ?? •?c ?F 5 a pv6a??i? ?-? ?5 i S 5 ?i' l? 5 ? ,/ ?t Pve-?? ,,?;Hp,•? , _[_ ?? /'t?z l?n vo?sal????s w' ?a?F ??/- ?C6S C? ?.Dw 1 •npc +^larr^?' ?ILC G?o?Era00 v7 Orr- - 5 Va;I of E,*6?c (GGfy?? aV!` ?e T4 S S??ff'7C C/C . o Gt GG ? Sc`??" T o LQ? ?rr nuC r"7 G` ?C??ScG[5$ ,? is on Attachment: Memo from DA Mike Goodbee. 3 4W 9703281016 T-701 P.001/001 F-300 10 r r-03-2000 12:40pn ! From-DA STNJD EAGLE Office of the District Attorney Fifth Judicial District Sewing Summly Lake, Clear CW4 snd F-Vk Counttea F. Mkhael Goodbee, Disutt Attorney April 3, 2000 TO: 5JD Law Enforcement Agencies FROM: District Attorney Michael Goodbee Y?C14 RE: Status of 5JD Drug Task Force implementation I sent a memo out last week, but after having spoken to several Chiefs, my sense is that not everyone received it. So I thought it wise to re-send. First, We have received letters of support for HIDTA designation from United States Attorney Strickland, Congressman Taneredo and Senator Campbell. No answers or responses from the others at present. At present the subject of our designation will be presented to the executive board of HIDTA this month. In the meantime, Vail Chief Greg Morrison is continuing to work on a proposal in the event that there are residual r Byrne grant funds. Toward accomplishing the latter Greg needs responses to the following questions: 1) Will your agency commit to a FTE/PTE for this task force? ?. +t 2) Will your agency commit to a cash match for the local cost of an FIE/PTE for this task force? 3) Will your agency commit to any "in kind" (e.g. use of equipment or rental space, get creative) match for this task force? Be creative. The future of our 5JD task force depends on a commitment/sacrifice from all of us. Please fax your answers to VPD at (970) 479- 3434. Thanks and please call with questions. 4 r .t. E P.O. Box 295 0 Eagle, CO 81631 - (970) 328-6947 - Fax (970) 3251016.0 recy cledAsper ?1, .- • It7 % t rr,.. t j t rr.? so .» IL 00 April 22, 2000 9:00am - 12 noon at the *1A C'o? y r??y h sr4 ??? dIa AVON RECREATION CENTER ?cra?/e • Easter Bunny in the Lobby- All Ages • Games in Childcare area for children 0-5 4 %i • Pool egg hunt & outdoor egg hunt for children 3-9 • Inflatable bouncy castle & maze- Ages 3-9 • Outdoor Petting Zoo- All Ages • Refreshments Outdoors } All kids should have a bathing suit and to*l if they plaE!jo participate in the pool activities % IF ,,, YD '(0- T Fit _,4 E 8 IF 1: VE IVE 0 . Lw •0. • • • •.• AVO K C O L O R A D O Sponsored by: R CHRISTY SPORTS . I + T#' Treasure Island HIGH rWon[i 71? >t WAL*MART MA;TV8. ` .. w . s % VYBAW f For more information call 748-4060ITTY 970-245-7708 s 61 /a T??, Or 6,1k L j: I - F J ? • Abril 22, 2000 9:00am - 12 del mediodia Lugar CENTRO DE RECREACION DE AVON • Conejito de Pascua en el Lobby - Todas las Edades • Juegos en el Area de Cuidado Infantil para ninos de 0-5 • Caceria de huevos en la alberca y en las afueras del centro para ninos de 3-9 anos • Castillo inflado para brincar y laberinto pars edades de 3-9 • Zooldgico de Mascotitas - Todas las Edades • Refrescos en las afueras * Todos los ninos dcbcrdn ban traje de baifo y fauna A Fla- PwNdP- en bas actividadet de la albmn .. VON C O L O R -AD O sponsored u? CHRISTY SPORTS ?N ? elan COW 5e111TWORM Treasure Island Toys tl MA-TV8. t2-" WAL*?? .*e ?? Vff 1ff• Ff ??? M ?~ For more information call 748-4060ITTY 970-245-7708 TAB Associates, Inc. The Architectural Balance P.O. Box 7431 Avon, CO 81620-7431 (970) 748-1470 (970) 748-1471 fax www.tabassociates.com tab@vall.net April 7, 2000 Kris Nash, Town Clerk Avon Municipal Offices 400 Benchmark Rd. Avon, CO To Kris Nash: APR 11 2000 DI TOWN OF AVON I ;E] I would like to formally submit my name for reappointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission. I have enjoyed being with the Commission for two years and I would like to continue with my appointment. I feel the Commission has begun to set a new standard for the community in design and zoning issues. Continuing on the Commission would allow me to further develop new standards that will bring Avon into the future. In addition, Avon is beginning a new phase in development with large projects like lot "C", Village at Avon, and the confluence site. As a Commission member I would like to be involved in these projects and others to maintain and develop what the Commission has accomplished in the last two years. If I can provide any additional information please do not hesitate to call me at work or home. Since ly, Gregory . Macik encl: resume Gregory S. Macik 331 Nottingham Road Unit B2 P.O. Box 7913 Avon, Co 81620 845-7089 Gregory S. Macik General Summary: Responsible for and as project manager, design, presentation, working drawings, specifications, shop drawing review, construction administration, CADD operation. Responsible for or as part of a team for the architecture of over $73 million worth of construction, lifetime. Professional Affiliations: NCARB - 67859 Architect - State of Colorado - 305837 Architect - State of Kentucky - 5089 Eagle Valley Historical Society National Trust for Historic Preservation- Forum member Town of Avon - Planning and Zoning Commissioner Architectural Experience: TAB Associates, Inc. Avon, Colorado Position: Intern May 1997 to Present Tate/Hill/Jacobs: Architects Lexington, Kentucky Position: Intern May 1995 to May 1997 Galen May, AIA/Architecture Victoria, Texas Position: Intern June 1994 to May 1995 City of Lubbock -Engineering Lubbock, Texas Position: Engineering Tech December 1992 - June 1994 Education: Texas Tech University - College of Architecture Lubbock, Texas Position: Graduate Assistant August 1993 - December 1993 City of Lubbock - Planning Lubbock, Texas Position: Planning Aide December 1990 - December 1992 Texas Tech University Continuing Education Lubbock, Texas Position: Educator December 1991 to August 1993 Heritage Construction Company Galveston, Texas Position: Draftsman and Construction May 1988 - May 1990 Texas Tech University Masters of Architecture/Historic Preservation - December 1994 Texas Tech University Bachelor of Architecture - June 1992 April 10, 2000. Town of Avon Att. Kris Nash, Town Clerk P.O. Box 975 Avon, Co. 81620 Dear Ms. Nash, >> 2000 U T ow?V4 l I am inquiring about the positions available on the Planning and Zoning Commission. As a Landscape Architect and Project Manager for Matthews & Associates Landscaping of Eagle-Vail for the past four years, I think this position would provide an excellent opportunity for me to get more involved with our community. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, ?? 9. 4eek Bobby J. Head Bobby J. Bead P.O. Box 4082 Avon, Co. 81620 (970) 748-0697 EDUCATION Bachelor of Landscape Architecture University of Georgia (1992-1996) GPA: 3.2/4.0 (Major) Georgia Southern University (1990-1991) Computer Skills: Word Perfect, Microsoft Word, Auto/Land Cadd Micro Station, Form Z, and Model View WORK MATTHEWS AND ASSOCIATES EXPERIENCE High-End Design Build -Designed and Drafted Residential and Commercial Projects -Scheduled and Directed the Installation of Plant Materials, Irrigation, and Hardscapes -Prepared Cost Estimates and Met With Potential Clients DESIGN WORKSHOP Urban Design and Tourism Planning -As an Intern I Prepared Site Analysis and Inventory -Assembled Client Proposals EAGLE VALLEY TEMP Construction Company -Performed General Labor for Carpenters and Iron Workers PS LANDSCAPES Landscape Contractor -Supervised Work Crews -Performed Residential Maintenance and Installation -Operated Heavy Equipment UNITED PARCEL SERVICE -Driver Assistant EXTRA- Georgia Student of Landscape Architecture, Athens Clean and ACTIVITIES Beautiful Commission, Ga. Rugby Team, Kayaking, and Golf. REFERENCES RICHARD MATTHEWS RICH LEMAN KEVEN ODONALD Matthews & Associates Landscape Technology Beck & Associates Vail, Colorado 81658 Vail, Colorado 81658 Avon, Colorado 81620 (970) 949-5077 (970) 471-1232 (970) 949-1800 Paul "H. Klein PO Box 7514 Avon, Colorado 81620 970-845-9615 (H) 970-471-5463 (Cellular) Individual with extensive field experience in all aspects of the construction industry, possessing strong leadership qualities plus the skills and know-how.to see a project through to completion. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE J.L. Viele Construction 1990-present Vail, Colorado Superintendent 343 Beaver Dam Road, Vail 1999-present Superintendent 0404 Bearden Road, Cordillera 1997-1998 Superintendent 208 Shooting Star, Mountain Star 1994-1996 Responsible for'supervision of subcontractors, communications with owner, architect, structural engineer and various other suppliers from the inception to the end of the project. (Certificate of Occupancy). Lead Carpenter 1990 General Contractor Avon, Colorado Alpine Meadow Masonry-Maintenance Barn 1997 Klein Residence : 1995-98 DeJullo Construction 1994 . Silverthorne, Colorado Lead Carpenter. Exterior and Interior Trim, layout, material & labor management R.A. Nelson _ 199011996 Eagle Vail, Colorado Lead Carpenter (Chdstiania/Bellyache Ridge) EDUCATION The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohlo B.S. Transportation Logistics 1989 ORGANIZATIONSILICENSES Planning & Zoning Commissioner, Town of Avon spring 1998-present General Contractors'License, Town of Avon 1 995-1996 Ohio State University Water Ski Team, President 1985-1988 PO Box 8297 Avon, Colorado 81620 Thursday, April 13, 2000 Ms. Kris Nash Town of Avon Avon, Colorado 81620 Ms. Nash: D E f L b APR 74 2000 TOWN 0 AVOJV Please accept this letter and the attached resume as notice of my interest in continuing to be a part of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission. I would like to continue serving the Town in this manner. A member of the Planning and Zoning Commission sing 1997, I have been the Chairman of the Commission since 1998. During this time, we have dealt with major issues such as the Village at Avon, Lot C, the Confluence lot and others. Just as important, are all of the smaller issues that we have also tackled such as home occupations, design review functions, PUD's and others. Three years ago, I applied for an open position on the Planning and Zoning Commission in response to what I felt was arbitrary and capricious commission decision making. Since then, I feel that we have made great improvements in the process and the decision-making rationale of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Additionally, I believe that applicants that have projects under review by the Planning and Zoning Commission feel that they are treated evenly and fairly, although not all like the outcome. Despite the progress that we have made over the last three years, there is still much left to accomplish. We still have applicants that voice displeasure over the process. Our guidelines and regulations need to be revised. Our comprehensive plan needs to be redone to reflect the annexations and changing character of many of the sub areas of the Town. The design review board function will continue to deal with increasingly complicated projects as we shift from community inception to community infill. I hope that I have demonstrated an ability to help solve some of the issues facing the Planning and Zoning Commission over the past three years. I hope to continue by being re-appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Sincerely, /Chris Evans Evans Mendel•Allison G. Christopher Evans Vice President Pro'ect Manager CONSTRUCTION OVERVIEW Chris has been in the construction industry for 13 years. His engineering experience and education combined with his commercial and residential field experience gives him a unique perspective on the construction industry, as well as an exceptional degree of technical competence. Chris' particular strengths include scheduling, technical problem solving and estimating. EXPERIENCE Principal & Project Manager for Evans-Mendel-Allison Construction, Inc., a $20 mlilion per year general contractor specializing in commercial and multi-family residential projects. Responsible for all aspects of construction including estimating, value engineering, constructibility analysis, pre-construction planning, budgeting, scheduling, managing subcontractors, technical construction issues, owner/architect interface, etc. Projects that Chris has been involved with as either Project Manager and/or Project Executive Include: Base One Tenant Finish, Copper Mountain St. Mary Catholic Church, Rifle Union Creek Station, Copper Mountain St. Clare of Asissi Catholic Elementary School, Edwards St. Clare of Asissi Housing, Edwards Eagle County Rodeo Arena & Grandstands, Eagle Edwards Medical Center, Edwards Beaver Creek Children's Ski School, Beaver Creek 1st Bank of Frisco, Frisco 1't Bank of Eagle, Eagle 1't Bank of West Vail, West Vail Starbucks, Beaver Creek Starbucks, Keystone Vail Resorts Planning, Design & Construction Offices, Avon Arrowhead Maintenance Facility, Arrowhead Beaver Creek Golf Maintenance Facility, Beaver Creek Vail Golf Course Maintenance Facility, Vail Eagle Valley ElementarySchool Addition, Eagle Town of Avon Pump House & Municipal Entry, Avon Club Chelsea Nightclub, Vail EDUCATION Master ofSciefxe University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO. Master of Science in Engineering Sciences (with structural emphasis) Bachelor ofScfenae University f Science in Aerospace Engineering with Distinction OTHER Town of Avon, CO Planning and Zoning Commission, January 1997 - present Elected Chairman, September 1998 - present