TC Council Packet 03-14-2000A Brief Synopsis of the Town of Avon Town Council Work Session Meeting Date: March 14, 2000 Councilmembers Present: Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, Bob McIlveen, Buz Reynolds, Judy Yoder Land Negotiations - Executive Session Capital Fund Summary: Scott Wright discussed a graph on the Real Estate Transfer Tax. Scott explained that we budgeted $1,050,000, then increased that amount to $1.3 million at budget time. We amended the budget in 1999 after we adopted the 2000 budget in order to purchase the Garton property. In 1999 the Town collected $260,000 in September, and $267,000 in October in transfer tax. That is really high for. Then we amended $1.3 million to $1.750,000. In December we collected $550,000 in transfer tax. Scott stated that over last three years, December has been good month for us. He said he wants to use a trend analysis to better project Real Estate Transfer Tax. Over the past three years, September, October and December have been the three highest months for us. Scott said they are looking at new developments coming on line to try to better project transfer tax. Scott then discuss transfer tax by subdivision. Lakeside Terrace and Chapel Square really impacted 1999. The core of the town continues to bring in a fair amount of transfer tax. Bill said we do budget conservatively. Mayor Yoder asked if this gives us the opportunity to accelerate capital projects such as Nottingham Road. Larry said when we went through the 5 year plan, he feels very comfortable where we are. If we accelerate projects in the current 5 year plan, it will cause a lot of problems with construction traffic, etc. Staff recommends hanging on to the fund balance. If you decide to do something not currently in the plan, we have the flexibility. Council agreed. Visitor Information Center Site Alternatives: Mike Matzko stated they looked at existing information center, the Town of Vail's information centers, and discussed kiosks. The draft list of sites include a large center such as what we have now at the Chamber of Commerce; a medium center like the Lionshead and Vail Village centers; and a small center which would be staffed/unstaffed booth size with computer screen, etc. and about the size of a popcorn wagon. Mike discussed potential sites on a map that he presented to Council. Council expressed interested in the Town owned parking lot on W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Councilor Reynolds suggested a kiosk in City Market or Wal-mart parking lot. There could be more than one location. Mayor Yoder said the_downside to the Town owned parking lot is the 25 mph speed limit to get there and it is in a residential area. Mike added that there is not a restroom. Councilor Buckley asked about Christie Lodge. Council also liked the idea of Denny's parking lot. Councilor Reynolds questioned the I" Bank parking lot. Council agreed that they did not need a large facility. Bill said the merchants are looking into a color coded sign for Avon much like in a mall. Mayor Yoder suggested showing Mike's map to the merchants. Bill said he doesn't want to do that quite yet because we haven't talked to the Chamber. Councilor McDevitt asked what responsibility does the Town have to build a site and man it or should that be the responsibility of the merchants. Councilor Cuny would like to see an automated center; pick up a phone and it connects to a hotel. That way you don't have to worry about operating expenses. Larry said if we do something like that, the Wal-mart bus stop would be a great place. Norm could incorporate that into the East Avon plan. Council liked the area from Pizza Hut to Denny's so people don't have to drive so far. Bill said Vail has a 2 year plan of $475,000 for automated kiosks. We could look at their plan. Council agreed that they would like a small automated kiosk. Mayor Yoder said she would like to know what other places are doing as far as bathrooms. She felt we could get by without a bathroom if it were in Denny's or over by the gas station. Councilor Cuny liked the idea of having it available to foot traffic. Councilor Buckley did not feel the Town should run it, maybe VVCTB or the Merchants Association. Council agreed. Councilor McDevitt will discuss it with the VVCTB at their meeting tomorrow. Sign Update: This item was postponed to the March 21 work session Consent A eg nda: Councilor Reynolds questioned the chimney caps on item e, Amendment to Planning and zoning Commission Procedures, Rules and Retaliations. He did not like that it included residential construction. Mike explained that it is only for commercial properties. Mike said that it will be amended, Council stated they will approve as amended. Also, this item will be moved from the Consent Agenda to Other Business for approval. Councilor McDevitt questioned the $12,000 mapping for Nottingham Road. Norm explained. Town Council Meetings Roll Call Check Sheet Date: 3-14-2000 Jim Benson Debbie Buckley Rick Cuny Mac McDevitt Bob McIlveen Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder Roll calls are called at start of meeting and for Ordinances. Do not call Mayor except for meeting roll call or to break a tie vote. Seating arrangements from west to east: McIlveen, Reynolds, Cuny, Yoder, McDevitt, Buckley, Benson S?ffill ff Present: J Efting 4," Larry Brooks J v" Burt Levin vl' Kris Nash 7Jacquie Halburnt f Scott Wright,,' 3eff-Lan v/ Charlie Moor ?-- Meryl Jacobs Norm Wood Bob Reed-/ Harry Taylor Mike Matzko Karen Griffith Other Staff: °j? V\ Z---S71o AS I I Is To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager Prom ScottWright, Finance DirectorQk: r - Date: March 9, 2000 Re: Capital Projects Long Range Plan Summary: The Capital Projects Fund 5-Year plan is enclosed that shows the unaudited figures for 1999, as well as the proposed amendment for 2000. The proposed amendment does not ask for any new appropriations but does cant' forward some unexpended projects and unrealized revenues. In addition, because of these cant' forwards and the unexpectedly high real estate transfer tax revenues that occurred at the end of the year, the beginning fund balance for 2000 is being amended from $2,018,708 to $3,350,910. Staff has discussed the real estate transfer tax revenue stream and we are working on 2 areas in which to better project these revenues. First, adjusting the real estate transfer tax projections into 2 separate components: (1) ongoing, sustained levels of activity, and (2) new developments coming on-line. Second, we are in the process of developing a model that will allow us to project revenues from proposed developments. December, 1999, was the highest month ever in the history of Avon for collections of RETT. We collected $528,524 which represented 23.45% of our yearly total. Chapel Square and Lakeside Terrance sales made up $147,593 and $147,749, respectively for December. On Tuesday I will have some additional statistics regarding the RETT for your review. Town Manager Comments: Attachments: Capital Projects Fund 5-Year Plan Page 1 TOWN OF AVON CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 5-YEAR PLAN REVENUES Real Estate Transfer Tax Interest Earnings Intergovernmental - OEC Grant Intergovernmental - CDOT Local InterGovt. Participation: Beaver Creek Bachelor Gulch/Smith Creek Arrowhead Avon Village (Roundabout Reimbursement) Avon Village (Chapel Square Rd.) Avon Village (E. Beaver Cr. Blvd.) Eaglebend Housing Authority Confluence Metro District (Fire Station Remodel) ECO (Trails Grant) Utility Capital Facility Fees Fireplace Fees Other: Chapel Square - Benchmark Rd. Miscellaneous Total Operating Revenues Other Sources: Transfers in from Other Funds Proceeds from Water Fund Loan Proceeds from Bonds and COPs Capital Lease Proceeds Total Revenues and Sources of Funds Projected Unaudited Adopted Proposed ti Year-end Year-end Budget Amended F r 1999 1999 2000 2000 j X0011 ;r T a ti - J. ` C i fi _ $ 1,750,000 $ 2,253,372 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 137,801 137,801 75,556 113,093 48,143 62,570 56,605 62,826 91,396 80,000 80,000 r ~J 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 - - 100,000 - _ _ _ - 90,000 90,000 895,068 - - 50,000 - - - 160,000 - 200,000 200,000 335,100 - _ _ - 2,000 732 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 3,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 - - - - 50,000 - - - - 22,500 31,450 - _ - _ 2,218,301 2,626,355 1,706,556 1,844,093 1,904,243 2,218,638 1,317,605 1,323,826 1,352,396 250,836 250,836 _ - 1,000,000 114,000 225,954 $ 2,583,137 $ 3,103,145 $ 1,706,556 $ 1,844,093 $ 2,904,243 $ 2,218,638 $ 1,317,605 $ 1,323,826 $ 1,352,396 TOWN OF AVON CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 5-YEAR PLAN Projected Unaudited Adopted Proposed Year-end Year-end Budget Amended ' b s Y a ~ } 1999 1999 2000 2000 4 ~ va~ EXPENDITURES Capital Improvements: Facilities $ 4,718,537 $ 4,652,394 $ 187,000 $ 255,218 $ $ $ $ $ Land and Land Improvements 230,000 2,091 - 227,909 _ Roads and Streets 1,031,500 851,523 1,757,175 1,841,665 3,297,958 2,060,068 850,000 205,000 205,000 Recreation - - 185,000 185,000 - Strategic Planning 52,500 38,085 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25 000 Communications 239,939 139,939 100,000 _ , Other 6,000 2,250 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6 000 Debt Service: , Capital Lease Payments 80,935 80,935 123,416 123,416 122,711 41,071 Water Fund Loan: Principal - Interest - - - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 - - - - 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 Total Expenditures 6,359,411 5,767,217 2,283,591 2,764,208 3,451,669 2,382,139 1,121,000 466,000 456,000 Other Uses: Bond Issuance Costs Operating Transfer Out to Debt Service _ _ Operating Transfer Out to Special Assess 16,191 16,191 15,211 15,211 14,231 13,251 12,271 11,291 11,291 Total Expenditures and Uses of Funds 6,375,602 5,783,408 2,298,802 2,779,419 3,465,900 2,395,390 1,133,271 477,291 467,291 Net Source (Use) of Funds (3,792,465) (2,680,263) (592,246) (935,326) (561,657) (176,752) 184,334 846,535 885,105 10 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 6,031,173 6,031,173 2,018,708 3,350,910 2,415,584 1,853,927 1,677,175 1,861,509 2,708,044 Fund Balance, End of Year $ 2,238,708 $ 3,350,910 $ 1,426,462 $ 2,415,584 $ 1,853,927 $ 1,677,175 $ 1,861,509 $ 2,708,044 $ 3,593,149 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Facilities Municipal Building Improvements Fire Station Expansion/Remodel Swift Gulch Facility Pump House and Picnic Shelter Park Equipment Storage Land and Land Improvements Parks: Pocket Parks Garton Property Roads and Streets Streetscape: Streetscape Planning W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Wildridge Entry Sign Eaglebend Dr. Eaglebend Entry Sign Nottingham Rd. Imp., 1-70 to Buck Creek Nottingham Rd. Imp., Buck Creek to end Street Improvements: Paving/Road Improvements Chapel Square Reimbursement E. Beaver Creek Blvd Improvements W. Beaver Creek Blvd. RR Crossing Multi-Modal]Altemative Mobility Sidewalks East Avon Access and Circulation Roundabout Pedestrian Crossings #1, #2, & #5 Roundabout Pedestrian Crosswalk Improvements Eagle River Bikepath Eagle River Bikepath - Beaver Creek Bid. To Confluence Roundabouts Public Art Work TOWN OF AVON CAPITAL PROJECTS INVENTORY 5-YEAR PLAN Estimated Unaudited Adopted Proposed ~q,~ ti Y { „ ;a}~~yG ' lF > •,td vx f Year-end Year-end Budget Amended s i 1999 1999 2000 2000 ` 18,000 17,444 187,000 187,000 4,400,537 4,332,319 - 68,218 300,000 302,631 230,000 2,091 227,909 45,000 38,979 655,000 655,000 - - 104,000 104,000 - - 35,000 315,000 - 35,000 - 195,000 195,000 495,000 - - - 200,000 200,000 - 650,000 650,000 186,000 140,002 90,000 90,000 195,000 200,000 200,000 205,000 205,000 200,000 150,000 - 50,000 - _ - - 90,000 90,000 895,068 20,000 19,428 - _ - 165,000 120,947 110,000 110,000 2,096,158 139,000 134,914 - _ 34,500 10 258,175 292,665 - - - 55,000 55,000 441,800 242,000 247,243 11 11 Recreation Nottingham Park Basketball Courts: Strategic Planning Development Analysis and Review Planning and Consulting Communications 800 Mhz Radio System Other Fireplace Conversions Total Capital Improvement Projects TOWN OF AVON CAPITAL PROJECTS INVENTORY 5-YEAR PLAN Estimated Unaudited Adopted Proposed Year-end Year-end Budget Amended ' kN: ter r Y,3' df' 1999 1999 2000 2000 ` r?.. f i 185,000 185,000 27,500 34,701 - - _ _ 25,000 3,384 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 239,939 139,939 - 100,000 - _ _ _ _ 6,000 2,250 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 $ 6,278,476 $ 5,686,282 $ 2,160,175 $ 2,640,792 $ 3,328,958 $ 2,091,068 $ 881,000 $ 236,000 $ 236,000 r7 L STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) TOWN OF AVON ) SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD MARCH 14, 2000, AT 3:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM 1.) Land Negotiations (Executive Session) 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 2.) Capital Fund Summary 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 3.) Visitor Information Center Site Alternatives 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 4.) Sign Program Update 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 5.) ' Community Development Update Consent Agenda Questions Council Committee Updates AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC % TOWN' OfAVON, COLORADO BY: Kris Nash Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON MARCH 10, 2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY 11 Januar Februar Marc Apr e Ma' Co 0 V Jun( m CO ? o 7 FF July 0 August September October November December n ? ce - M n cD ca ? n a? N (D a) A) K N 0 CA 0 Cn 0 .CD, 0 Cn 0 P. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O U1 O O O O O O O O O O ? _ I I CD P 0 00 ? f n N U1 O fJi O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I O I O I a C. ui (D mtm ¦ 0 co ¦ c-o cD O G ca (n 0 .-r C 1 ? m co m Q (D a to Z a 5. o cn 0 m 3 00 ?? 0 0 a ?f (D S ? r w X w v, CD CD ? n -a lD m m x CD 3 0 cn N Un O O O O O N . CD to w CO) 0) C ? Q N . N 7 ?D K (fl (D CJ1 j co 0) -C w c4 co O (D O X CD W m co C p? CD N y v 19 ? ? N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ? O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O January February March April May June 3 O 3 3 July August September October November December D <D C CD --1 0 O #-#? m - v, A CD G1 ? <D ?D W to cc x to to O N A rn Co O N l? 0) 00 O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ® TOWN OF AVON REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA March 14, 2000 - 5:30 PM 1. Call to Order /Roll Call 2. Citizen Input 3. Ordinances 4. Resolutions a) Resolution No. 00-13, Series of 2000, A Resolution to Amend the 2000 Town of Avon k- Budget 5. Unfinished Business 6. New Business 7. 8. i Town Manager Report -? T:?-' Town Attorney Report Mayor Report Kilt 'Se r L. Other Business; Consent Agenda a.) Approval of the February 22, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes` b.) Mapping Proposal with Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. for Nottingham Road c.) Appraisal Services Proposal with Valuation Consultants, Inc. for Eagle River Trail d.) Contract with Western Enterprise for Fireworks Production at Salute to the USA e Amendment to Planning and Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules and Regulations to Adopt Regulations for the Screening of Mechanical Equipment, Flues and Vents f.) Financial Matters 12. Adjournment 11 Fleet Maintenance Fund 0 Establishment of Washbay program revenues and expenditures for a net fund balance increase of $73,013. Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council adopt the resolution discussed above as presented. Town Manager Comments: Attachments: A- Resolution 00-13 E 9 Page 2 RESOLUTION NO.00-13 0 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2000 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET A RESOLUTION SUMMARIZING EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES BY FUND AND AMENDING THE 2000 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 2000, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 2000. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has adopted the 2000 budget; and WHEREAS, the Town Council reviewed the revised estimated revenues and expenditures for 2000; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it necessary to amend the 2000 budget to more accurately reflect the revenues and expenditures for 2000; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the budget remains in balance as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That estimated revenues and expenditures for the following fund is as follows for 2000: Original or Current Previously Proposed Amended Amended 2000 2000 Budget Budget General Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses $ 4,431,166 9,976,105 10,184,730 $ 4,431,166 9,976,105 10,250,523 Ending Fund Balance E $ 4,222,542 $ 4,156,748 1 Original or Previously Amended 2000 Budget Water Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Ending Fund Balance Capital Projects Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Ending Fund Balance Fleet Maintenance Internal Service Fund Beginning Fund Balance Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Ending Fund Balance $ 1,712,204 326,870 146,527 Current Proposed r Amended 2000 Budget $ 1,712,204 326,870 162,527 $ 1,892,547 $ 1,8762547 Original or Previously Amended 2000 Budget $ 2,018,708 1,699,131 2,298,802 $ 1,419,037 Original or Previously Amended 2000 Budget $ (19,535) 1,434,723 1,415,185 $ 3 Current Proposed Amended 2000 Budget $ 3,350,910 1,844,093 2,779,419 $ 2,415,584 Current Proposed Amended 2000 Budget $ (19,535) 1,640,036 1,547,485 $ 73,013 Section 2. That the budget, as submitted, amended, and hereinabove summarized by fund, hereby is approved and adopted as the budget of the Town of Avon for the year stated above. 11 E 2 Section 3. That the budget hereby approved and adopted shall be signed by the Town Manager and made part of the public record of the Town. 0 ADOPTED this 14'h day of March 2000. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk • U 3 General Fund Amendment #1 Fund Summary Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase 1998 1999 2000 20M (Decrease) REVENUES Taxes $ 5,859,214 $ 6,095,992 $ 6,731,744 $ 6,731,744 $ - Licenses and Permits 312,278 277,810 294,000 294,000 - Intergovernmental 599,815 587,886 572,498 572,498 - Charges for Services 1,283,954 1,381,846 1,406,096 1,406,096 - Fines and Forfeitures 51,376 55,125 52,125 52,125 - Investment Earnings 444,423 375,000 375,000 375,000 - Other Revenue 367,019 513,670 422,105 422,105 - Total Operating Revenues 8,918,079 9,287,329 9,853,568 9,853,568 - Other Sources 464,874 155,000 122,537 122,537 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 9,382,953 $ 9,442,329 $ 9,976,105 $ 9,976,105 $ - EXPENDITURES General Government $ 1,721,277 $ 1,794,543 $ 1,794,621 $ 1,847,204 52,583 Community Development 460,628 624,954 687,350 605,648 (81,702) Public Safety 1,024,811 1,264,317 1,495,799 1,578,926 83,127 Public Works 2,422,355 2,408,831 2,474,218 2,486,418 12,200 Recreation and Culture 1,776,425 2,238,203 2,213,748 2,213,333 (415) Total Operating Expenditures 7,405,496 8,330,848 8,665,736 8,731,529 65,793 Other Uses Transfers-Out to Mall Maintenance Fund 31,558 41,628 35,000 35,000 - Transfers-Out to Fire Operations Fund 303,334 344,216 294,333 294,333 - Transfers-Out to Employee Housing Fund - 22,156 - - - Transfers-Out to Debt Service Funds 695,352 1,040,974 723,434 723,434 - Transfers-Out to Capital Projects Fund 559,507 - - - - Transfers-Out to Transit Enterprise Fund 519,427 439,287 366,227 366,227 - Transfers-Out to Equipment Replacement Fund - 200,000 100,000 100,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,514;674 10,419,109 10,184,730 10,250,523 65,793 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS (131,721) (976,780) (208,625) (274,418) (65,793) FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 5,539,667 5,407,946 4,431,166 4,431,166 - FUND BALANCES, End of Year $ 5,407,946 $ 4,431,166 $ 4,222,541 $ 4,156,748 $ (65,793) Page 1 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: General GovernmenMnanctal #140 Department: Finance #140 Program: Finance #141 n Account Number ccount Description Actual 1998 Actual 1999 Original or Prev. Amend. Budget 2000 Current Proposed Difference Amendment Increase 2000 (Decrease) Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries $ 203,002 $ 208,078 $ 218,148 $ 218,148 $ - 61151 Overtime Wages 4,881 6,000 6,000 6,000 - 61201 Automobile Allowance 1,485 1,782 1,782 1,782 - 61301 FT Pension 22,123 23,700 23,996 23,996 - 61303 Wellness 688 1,401 2,065 2,065 - 61304 Employee Assistance Program 104 106 106 106 - 61401 FICA/Medicare 2,129 3,237 3,276 3,276 - 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 15,602 17,954 27,095 27,095 - 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 1,746 1,896 1,745 1,745 - 61507 Dental Insurance 2,774 3,302 3,302 3,302 - 61509 Worker's Compensation 447 517 537 537 - 61510 Unemployment Insurance 951 670 678 678 - 61000 Total Personnel Services 255,932 268,643 288,730 288,730 - Commodities: 62903 Data Processing Supplies 62904 Software 62905 Books and Periodicals 62999 Office Supplies and Materials 3,087 2,150 2,360 2,360 - 11,045 12,000 12,000 12,000 - 1,376 1,625 1,630 1,630 - 3,332 3,930 3,125 3,125 - 62000 Total Commodities Purchased and Contracted Services: 63102 Audit and Accounting Services 63199 Other Professional Services 63203 Printing and Reproduction Services 63204 Temporary Employment Services 63304 Computer Services and Support 63504 R & M - Office Equipment 18,840 19,705 19,115 19,115 - 13,750 19,000 18,000 18,000 - 24,483 33,250 33,250 33,250 - 6,922 8,875 12,525 12,525 - - 12,920 - - - 11,860 13,805 13,540 11,040 (2,500) 2,766 3,275 2,925 2,925 - 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services 59,781 91,125 80,240 77,740 (2,500) Other Operating Costs: 64101 Travel and Conference 64102 Dues, Licenses and Memberships 64103 , Mileage Reimbursement 64104 Meeting Expenses 64105 Training 64201 Telephone 64206 Cellular and Paging 64301 Postage and Delivery 64399 Other Administrative Fees 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices 5,131 7,000 7,500 7,500 - 893 765 780 780 - 460 500 500 500 - 779 750 750 750 - 1,925 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 409 2,400 2,400 2,400 - - 250 300 300 - 152 100 100 100 - 415 415 415 415 - 731 275 275 275 - Page 2 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: General Govemment/Financlal #140 Department: Finance #140 Program: Finance #141 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Account Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) 64000 Total Other Operating Costs 10,895 22,455 23,020 23,020 - Capital Outlay: 66401 Office Equipment 66402 Computers and Peripherals 66404 Furniture and Fixtures 66000 Total Capital Outlay 60000 Total Expenditures 2,079 2,100 2,800 2,800 - 3,396 1,947 3,000 3,000 - - 16,589 - - - 5,475 20,636 5,800 5,800 - $ 350,923 $ 422,564 $ 416,905 $ 414,405 $ (2,500) C Page 3 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: General Government/Financial #140 Department: Finance #140 Program: Information Systems #143 Account Number Account Description Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 61121 Part-time/Temporary/Seasonal Wages 61301 FT Pension 61302 PTS Pension 61304 Employee Assistance Program 61401 FICA/Medicare 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 61507 Dental Insurance 61509 Worker's Compensation 61510 Unemployment Insurance 61000 Total Personnel Services Commodities: 62903 Data Processing Supplies 62904 Software 62999 Office Supplies and Postage 62000 Total Commodities Purchased and Contracted Services: 63304 Computer Services and Support 63504 R & M - Office Equipment and Computers 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services Other Operating Costs: 64201 Telephone 64206 Cellular and Paging 64105 Training 64000 Total Other Operating Costs Capital Outlay: 66402 Computers and Peripherals 66000 Total Capital Outlay 60000 Total Expenditures f ?J Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) $ - $ - $ - S 44,281 $ 44,281 - - - 9,360 9,360 - - - 4,871 4,871 - - - 351 351 - - - 24 24 - - - 778 778 - - - 6,850 6,850 - - - 354 354 - - - 870 870 - - - 109 109 - - - 161 161 68,009 68,009 - 5,295 11,747 10,801 (946) - 12,300 35,000 37,500 2,500 - - - 800 800 - 17,595 46,747 49,101 2,354 - 20,000 - 6,405 24,175 10,597 23,175 (1,000) 10,597 - - 26,405 34,772 33,772 (1,000) 300 600 300 - 300 300 4,700 4,700 - - - 5,000 5,600 600 243,327 99,035 18,380 3,500 (14,880) 243,327 99,035 18,380 3,500 (14,880) $ 243,327 $ 143,035 $ 104,899 $ 159,982 $ 55,083 Page 4 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Community Development #200 Department: Community Development #210 Program: Administration #211 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Account Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries $ 81,212 $ 109,864 $ 153,563 $ 153,563 $ - 61151 Overtime Wages 2,608 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 61201 Automobile Allowance 1,500 1,800 1,800 1,800 - 61301 * FT Pension 8,929 12,085 16,892 16,892 - 61303 Wellness 300 525 1,250 1,250 - 61304 Employee Assistance Program 35 48 72 72 - 61401 FICA/Medicare 1,229 1,655 2,289 2,289 - 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 6,225 12,121 20,688 20,688 - 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 704 967 1,229 1,229 - 61507 Dental Insurance 1,098 1,740 2,610 2,610 - 61509 Worker's Compensation 178 264 378 378 - 61510 Unemployment Insurance 382 342 474 474 - 61000 Total Personnel Services 104,400 143,911 203,745 203,745 - Commodities: 62801 Gifts and Awards 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Equipment 62901 Duplicating Supplies 62902 AudioMisual Supplies 62903 Data Processing Supplies 62904 Software 62905 Books and Periodicals 62999 Office Supplies and Materials 62000 • Total Commodities 52 500 475 623 150 143 516 - - 387 600 570 354 1,000 650 601 1,000 950 1,524 700 665 1,376 1,500 1,425 1,439 800 1,000 6,872 6,250 5,878 Purchased and Contracted Services: 63103 Training Facilitators 94 63203 Printing and Reproducer 11 63205 Police Checks 4 63304 Computer Services 793 63504 R&M - Office Equipment 2,088 63999 Other Purchased and Contracted Services 13,592 5,000 3,000 2,850 1,500 1,500 8,500 - 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services 16,582 18,000 475 143 570 - 650 950 - 665 - 1,425 - 1,000 - 5,878 - 1,050 (1,800) 1,500 - 4,350 2,550 (1,800) Page 5 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Community Development #200 Department: Community Development #210 Program: Administration #211 Account Number Account Description ctual 1998 ctual 1999 riginal or Prev. Amend. Budget 2000 urrent Proposed Amendment 2000 ifference Increase (Decrease) Other Operating Costs: 64101 Travel and Conference 2,521 2,100 3,500 3,500 - 64102 Dues, Licenses and Memberships 233 400 500 500 - 64103 Mileage Reimbursement 156 - - - - 64104 Meeting Expense 690 750 1,000 1,000 - 64105 Training 450 900 1,000 1,000 - 64201 Telephone - 2,400 2,280 2,280 - 64206 Cellular - 1,500 2,000 2,000 - 64301 Postage and Delivery Coats 12 - 100 100 - 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices 249 600 800 800 - 64000 Total Other Operating Costs 4,311 8,650 11,180 11,180 - Capital Outlay: 66202 Building Improvements 1,007 - - - 66401 Office Equipment 418 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 66402 Computers and Peripherals 154 - - ' 66404 ' Fumiture and Fixtures 797 1,400 - - - 66000 Total Capital Outlay, 2,376 2,900 1,500 1,500 - 60000 Total Expenditures $ 134,541 $ 179,711 $ 226,653 $ 224,853 $ (1,800) 11 Page 6 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Community Development #200 Department: Community Development #210 Program:'Community Service #214 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Account Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries $ 37,117 $ 40,381 $ 42,804 $ - $ (42,804) 61151 Overtime Wages 2,047 1,400 2,800 - (2,800) 61153 On Call 4,862 4,500 4,500 - (4,500) 61301 FT Pension 3,990 4,442 4,708 - (4,708) 61303 Wellness 200 350 500 - (500) 61304 Employee Assistance Program 24 24 24 - (24) 61401 FICA/Medicare 633 691 727 - (727) 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 2,065 3,017 3,444 - (3,444) 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 318 355 342 - (342) 61507 Dental Insurance 269 318 318 - (318) 61509 Worker's Compensation 400 475 606 - (606) 61510 Unemployment Insurance 195 143 150 - (150) 61000 Total Personnel Services 52,120 56,096 60,923 - (60,923) Commodities: 62401 Gasoline 361 290 539 - (539) 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 306 700 400 - (400) 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Equipment 1,113 2,200 800 - (800) 62904 Software 101 - - - - 62905 Books and Periodicals - 200 100 - (100) 62999 Office Supplies and Materials 227 500 250 - (250) 62000 Total Commodities 2,108 3,890 2,089 - (2,089) Purchased and Contracted Services: 63205 Police Checks 2 " 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services 2 - - - Other Operating Costs: 64101 Travel and Conference 64102 Dues, Licenses and Memberships 64105 Training 64201 Telephone 64206 Cellular & Pagers 64401 Fleet Maintenance 64402 Equipment Replacement 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices 64904 Operating Fees, Assessments and Charges 64000 Total Other Operating Costs 390 2,400 1,500 - (1,500) - 450 450 - (450) 35 800 600 - (600) 102 50 50 - (50) - 850 850 - (850) 551 2,651 2,942 - (2,942) - 2,713 2,713 - (2,713) - 500 - - ' 1,508 5,100 5,500 - (5,500) 2,586 15,514 14,605 - (14,605) 0 Page 7 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Community Development #200 Department: Community Development #210 Program: Community Service #214 Account Actual Actual Number Account Description 1998 1999 Capital Outlay: Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Budget Amendment Increase 2000 2000 (Decrease) 66405 Radios and Communications Equipment - - 2,285 - (2,285) 66406 Public Safety Equipment 203 - - - - 66000 Total Capital Outlay 203 - 2,285 - (2,285) 60000 Total Expenditures $ 57,019 $ 75,500 $ 79,902 $ - $ (79,902) E Page 8 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Safety #300 Department: Police #310 Program: Administration #311 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Number Account Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries $ 97,494 $ 103,758 $ 189,850 $ 189,850 61301 FT Pension 11,001 11,413 20,883 20,883 61303 Wellness 260 305 1,200 1,200 61304 Employee Assistance Program 55 55 96 96 61401 FICA/Medicare 692 1,504 2,753 2,753 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 5,079 8,096 24,088 24,088 61505 Long-term Disability insurance 1,073 2,449 4,502 4,502 61507 Dental insurance 853 1,131 2,928 2,928 61509 Worker's Compensation 1,610 1,654 2,936 2,936 61510 Unemployment Insurance 419 311 570 570 61000 Total Personnel Services 118,536 130,676 249,806 249,806 Commodities: 62401 . Gasoline 1,274 62802 Food and Beverages 2.151 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 342 62807 Consumable or Small Equipment Items 3,612 62808 Promotional, Informational, and Marketing Materials 1,307 62809 Medical Supplies and First Aid - 62899 Miscellaneous Other Operating Supplies 20 62901 Duplicating Supplies 1,796 62903 Data Processing Supplies 1,058 62904 Software - 62905 Books and Periodicals 32 62999 Office Supplies and Materials 3,786 62000 Total Commodities Purchased and Contracted Services: 63203 Printing and Reproduction Services 63205 Police Checks 63301 Medical Services and Examinations 63302 Laboratory Services 63304 Computer Services and Support 63504 R&M - Office Equipment 63603 Rentals - Office Equipment 63699 Other Miscellaneous Rentals 63999 ' Other Purchased and Contracted Services Difference Increase (Decrease) a 1,200 2,117 2,117 - 1,500 2,000 2,000 - - 1,000 1,000 - 4,500 4,000 4,000 1,200 300 300 - 300 300 - 1,900 1,900 1,900 - - 500 500 - 7,000 - - - - 200 200 - 4,350 3,000 3,000 - 15,378 21,650 15,317 15,317 - 3,478 6,000 2,000 2,000 - 7 60 60 60 - 220 - 3,000 3,000 - 150 - 1,500 1,500 - - - 1,500 - (1,500) 4,811 4,500 3,000 3,000 - - 4,968 1,500 1,500 - 114 - - - - 7,830 8,500 7,700 7,700 - 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services 16,610 24,028 20,260 18,760 (1,500) C Page 9 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Safety #300 Department: Police #310 Program: Administration #311 Account Actual Actual Number Account Description 1998 1999 Other Operating Costa: 64101 Travel and Conference 1.641 2,500 64102 Dues, Licenses and Memberships 519 900 64104 Meeting Expenses 514 - 64105 Training 149 500 64201 ' Telephone 400 3,800 64206 Cellular - 2,500 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 5,269 5,321 64402 Equipment Replacement Charges - 8,443 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices 2,066 2,000 64906 Insurance Deductibles 1.000 - 64000 Total Other Operating Costs 11,558 25,964 Capital Outlay: 66402 Computers and Peripherals 66405 Radios and Communication Equipment 66501 Vehicles and Light Duty Trucks 0 66000 Total Capital Outlay 60000 Total Expenditures E Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Budget Amendment Increase 2000 2000 (Decrease) 4,000 4,000 - 900 900 - 2,500 2,500 - 4,500 4,500 - 2,500 2,500 - 5,905 5,905 - 10,987 10,987 - 2,000 2,000 - 33,292 33,292 - - - 70,000 70,000 - 4,486 4,047 18,383 18,383 - 32,553 - - - 37,039 4,047 88,383 88,383 $ 199,121 $ 206,365 $ 407,058 $ 405,558 $ (1,500) Page 10 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Safety #300 Department: Police #310 Program: Patrol #312 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number' Account Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 61151 Overtime Wages 61301 FT Pension 61303 Wellness 61304 Employee Assistance Program 61401 FICA/Medicare 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 61507 Dental Insurance 61509 Worker's Compensation 61510 Unemployment Insurance 61000 Total Personnel Services Commodities: 62101 Police Operating and Field Supplies 62102 Firearms and Weapons Supplies 62401 Gasoline 62802 Food and Beverage 62804 Training Supplies 62805 • Clothing and Uniforms 62806 Safety Materials and Supplies 62807 Consumable or Small Equipment Items 62809 Medical Supplies and 1st Aki 62000 Total Commodities Purchased and Contracted Services: 63205 Police Checks 63301 Medical Services and Examinations 63302 Laboratory Services 63505 R&M - Vehicles 63506 R&M - Radios and Communications Equipment 63549 R&M - Other Specialized Equipment 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services $ 440,112 $ 544,050 $ 455,962 $ 455,962 $ - 52,414 25,000 31,500 31,500 - 47,249 59,846 50,156 50,156 - 1,400 2,850 3,350 3,350 - 261 312 264 264 - 6,692 8,251 7,068 7,068 - 40,120 74,701 71,740 71,740 - 6,879 11,317 11,128 11,128 - 7,291 10,758 9,018 9,018 - 10,360 13,558 10,177 10,177 - 2,254 1,707 1,462 1,462 - 615,032 752,350 651,825 651,825 - 10,288 5,200 3,500 3,500 - 14,361 7,656 10,500 5,148 8,000 9,241 8,000 - 9,241 262 500 500 500 - - - 500 500 - 10,534 13,000 10,500 10,500 - - - 1,500 1,500 - 1,520 1,500 1,000 1,000 - 327 400 400 400 - 44,948 36,248 35,141 35,141 - 22 - - - - 3,475 3,000 - - - 455 1,500 - - - 3,827 5,500 2,500 2,500 - 1,978 1,500 1,000 1,000 - - - 300 300 - 9,757 11,500 3,800 3,800 - E Page 11 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Safety #300 is Department: Police #310 Program: Patrol #312 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Account Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Other Operating Costs: 64101 Travel and Conference - - 6,000 6,000 - 64103 Mileage Reimbursement - - 600 60 ' 64104 Meeting Expenses 51 - - - - 64105 Training 3,807 10,500 4,400 9,125 4,725 64201 Telephone - 2,500 1,200 1,200 - 64206 Cellular - 7,500 5,000 5,000 - 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 25,772 28,143 31,230 31,230 - 64402 Equipment Replacement Charges - 24,342 63,213 63,213 - 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices 264 - - - " 64904 Operating Fees, Assessments and Charges 67,943 85,800 118,000 118,000 - 64906 'Insurance Deductibles 1,000 - - - - 64000 Total Other Operating Costs 98,837 158,785 229,643 234,368 4,725 Capital Outlay: 66403 Audio/Visual Equipment 5,321 6,500 6,500 6,500 - 66000 Total Capital Outlay 5,321 6,500 6,500 6,500 - 60000 Total Expenditures $ 773,895 $ 965,383 $ 926,909 $ 931,634 $ 4,725 11 Page 12 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Community Development #200 Department: Police #310 Program: Neighborhood Services #315 Original or Prev. Amend. Account Actual Actual Budget Number Account Description 1998 1999 2000 Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries $ - $ - $ 61151 Overtime Wages - 61153 On Call - - 61301 FT Pension - - 61303 Wellness - - 61304 Employee Assistance Program - - 61401 FICA/Medicare - - 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance - - 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance - - 61507 Dental Insurance - - 61509 Worker's Compensation - - 61510 Unemployment Insurance - - 61000 Total Personnel Services - Commodities: 62401 Gasoline - 62805 Clothing and Uniforms - - 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Equipment - - 62905 Books and Periodicals - 62999 Office Supplies and Materials - 62000 Total Commodities - - Purchased and Contracted Services: 63205 Police Checks - - 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services - - Other Operating Costs: 64101 Travel and Conference - - 64102 Dues, Licenses and Memberships - - 64105 Training - - 64201 Telephone - - 64206 Cellular & Pagers - - 64401 Fleet Maintenance - - 64402 Equipment Replacement - - 64904 Operating Fees, Assessments and Charges - - 64000 Total Other Operating Costs - - 42,804 $ 42,804 Current Proposed Difference Amendment Increase 2000 (Decrease) 2,800 2,800 4,500 4,500 4,708 4,708 500 500 24 24 727 727 3,444 3,444 342 342 318 318 606 606 150 150 60,923 60,923 - 539 539 - 400 400 - 800 800 - 100 100 - 250 250 - 2,089 2,089 - 1,500 1,500 - 450 450 - 600 600 - 50 50 - 850 850 - 2,942 2,942 - 2,713 2,713 - 5,500 5,500 - 14,605 14,605 C Page 13 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Community Development #200 Department: Police #310 Program: Neighborhood Services #315 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Account Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Capital Outlay: 66405 Radios and Communications Equipment - - - 2.285 2,285 66000 Total Capital Outlay - - - 2,285 2,285 60000 Total Expenditures $ - $ - $ - $ 79,902 $ 79,902 L` n Page 14 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Works #400 Department: Public Works Department #410 Program: Facility Maintenance #414 Account Number ccount Description Actual 1998 Original or Prev. Amend. Budget 1999 Final Revised Budget 1999 Proposed Budget 2000 Percent Change 2000 Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries $ 15,778 $ 21,743 $ 21,743 $ 53,943 148.09% 61121 Seasonal/Temporary Wages - 9,430 9,430 10,350 9.76% 61122 Seasonal/Temporary Bonuses - 350 350 350 0.00% 61151 Overtime Wages 1,832 1,500 1,500 3,000 100.00% 61301 FT Pension 1,567 2,392 2,392 5,934 148.08% 61302 PTS Pension - 354 354 514 45.20% 61303 Wellness - - - 200 WA 61304 Employee Assistance Program 14 48 48 72 50.00% 61401 FICA/Medicare 242 479 479 981 104.80% 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 2,293 4,346 5,838 13,466 130.66% 61502 PTS Group Health Insurance - 972 972 972 0.00% 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 109 191 191 432 126.18% 61507 Dentallnsuranoe 451 870 870 1,740 100.00% 61509 Worker's Compensation 712 984 984 2,037 107.01% 61510 Unemployment Insurance 87 99 99 203 105.05% 61000 Total Personnel Services 23,085 43,758 45,250 94,194 108.16% Commodities: 62205 Plumbing and Electrical Supplies and Materials - 8,000 8,000 8,000 0.00% 62206 Landscaping and Plant Materials 63 - - - WA 62803 Janitorial, Custodial and Cleaning Supplies 4,613 7,000 7,000 7,600 8.57% 62805 Clothing and Uniforms - 400 400 400 0.00% 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Equipment 424 700 700 650 -7.14% 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operating Supplies 3,028 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.00% 62000 Total Commodities 8,128 17,600 17,600 18,150 3.13% Purchased and Contracted Services: 63501 R&M - Buildings and Facilities 50,702 54,650 54,650 63,600 16.38% 63502 R&M - Streets 37 - - - N/A 63552 Janitorial and Custodial Services 23,865 38,200 38,200 28,200 -26.18% 63599 Other Maintenance Services 9,041 7,370 7,370 7,370 0.00% 63999 Other Purchased and Contracted Services 19,127 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.00% 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services 102,772 115,220 115,220 114,170 -0.91% Other Operating Costs: 64101 Travel and Conferenoe 64201 Telephone 64202 Gas 64203 Electric 64204 Water and Sanitation 64205 Trash and Recycling 64907 Paid Claims 110 300 300 2,113 1,000 1,000 4,348 16,505 16,505 24,829 36,346 36,346 17,522 5,850 5,850 3,534 10,000 10,000 2,752 - - 300 0.00% 1,200 20.00% 11,170 -32.32% 24,125 -33.62% 6,850 17.09% 7,000 -30.00%a 3,000 N/A 64000 Total Other Operating Costs 55,208 70,001 70,001 53,645 -23.37% Page 15 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Works #400 Department: Public Works Department #410 Program: Facility Maintenance 0414 Original or Final Prev. Amend. Revised Proposed Account Actual Budget Budget Budget Number Account Description 1998 1999 1999 2000 Debt Service: 65201 Capital Lease Payments 33,703 - - 65000 Total Debt Service 33,703 - - Percent Change 2000 N/A N/A Capital Outlay: 66202 Building Improvements 511 3,500 3,500 15,700 348.57% 66404 , Furniture and Fixtures - 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.00% 66000 Total Capital Outlay 511 10,500 10,500 22,700 116.19% 60000 Total Expenditures $ 223,407 $ 257,079 $ 258,571 $ 302,859 17.13% • Page 16 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Recreation and Culture #500 Department: Recreation Department #510 Program: Administration #514 Account Actual Number Account Description 1998 ctual 1999 riginal or Prev. Amend. Budget 2000 urrent Proposed Amendment 2000 ifference Increase (Decrease) Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries $ - $ 183,955 $ 175,416 $ 175,416 $ - 61151 Overtime Wages - 500 500 500 - 61201 Automobile Allowance - 1,800 1,800 1,800 - 61301 FT Pension - 20,235 19,296 19,296 - 61303 Wellness - 1,225 1,400 1,400 - 61304 Employee Assistance Program - 96 96 96 - 61401 FICA/Medicare - 2,701 2,577 2,577 - 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance - 21,057 27,387 27,387 - 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance - 1,619 1,403 1,403 - 61507 Dental insurance - 2,928 3,480 3,480 - 61509 Worker's Compensation - 5,572 1,185 1,185 - 61510 Unemployment Insurance - 559 533 533 - 61000 Total Personnel Services - 242,247 235,073 235,073 - Commodities: 62401 Gasoline - 1,250 1,231 1,231 - 62802 Food and Beverages - 1,775 1,775 1,775 - 62805 . Clothing and Uniforms - 1,000 1,100 1,100 62811 Communications Supplies - 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operating Supplies - 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 62901 Duplicating Supplies - 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 62903 Data Processing Supplies - 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 62904 Software - 500 500 500 - 62999 Office Supplies and Materials - 4,500 5,000 5,000 - 62000 Total Commodities - 17,525 18,106 18,106 - Purchased and Contracted Services: 63104 Contractual Fees - 500 2,500 2,500 - 63203 Printing and Reproduction Services - 8,800 10,000 10,000 - 63303 Photography Services - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 63304 Computer Services - 9,000 10,000 6,585 (3,415) 63504 R&M - Office Equipment - 5,500 4,500 4,500 - 63506 R&M - Radios and Communications Equipment - 700 700 700 - 63604 Rentals - Radios and Communications Equipment - 2,130 1,080 1,080 - 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services - 27,630 29,780 26,365 (3,415) Page 17 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Recreation and Culture #500 Department: Recreation Department #510 Program: Administration #514 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Account Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Other Operating Costs: 64101 Travel and Conference - 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 64102 Dues, Licenses and Memberships - 500 500 500 - 64103 Mileage Reimbursement - 200 200 200 - 64105 Training - 2,300 2,300 2,300 - 64201 Telephone - 5,500 5,500 5,500 - 64206 Cellular Service - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 64301 Postage and Delivery Services - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 64306 Permit and Licensing Fees - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 64308 Sales Tax - 500 500 500 - 64399 Other Administrative Fees - 1,460 1,460 1,460 - 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges - 8,808 9,774 9,774 - 64402 Equipment Replacement Charges - 5,663 6,149 6,149 - 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices - 24,000 16,500 16,500 - 64905 Insurance Premiums - 10,986 12,925 12,925 - 64000 Total Other Operating Costs - 65,917 61,808 61,808 - Capital Outlay: 66401 Office Equipment - 14 ,000 14,000 66402 Computers and Peripherals - - 3,500 - - 66404 Furniture and Fixtures - - - 3,000 3,000 66405 Radios and Communications Equipment - - 11,268 11,268 - 66501 Vehicles and Light-duty Trucks - - 10,000 10,000 - 66000 Total Capital Outlay - 3,500 35,268 38,268 3,000 60000 Total Expenditures 3 - $ 356,819 $ 380,035 $ 379,620 $ (415) Page 18 Water Fund #24 Amendment #1 Fund Summary Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) REVENUES Charges for Services $ 1,194,639 $ 363,350 $ 250,370 $ 250,370 $ - Investment Earnings 76,447 50,000 50,000 50,000 - Other Revenues 1,080 4,500 26,500 26,500 - Total Operating Revenues 1,272,166 417,850 326,870 326,870 - Other Sources TOTAL REVENUES 1,272,166 417,850 326,870 326,870 - EXPENDITURES Utilities: . Raw Water Storage 48,313 15,000 18,250 18,250 - Operations and Maintenance 12,446 20,694 42,628 42,628 - Cost Recovery 101,774 54,000 10,000 26,000 16,000 General and Administrative 17,502 21,792 20,649 20,649 - Total Operating Expenditures 180,035 111,486 91,527 107,527 16,000 Capital Improvements 8,412 40,000 55,000 55,000 - Other Uses Transfers-Out To Capital Projects 1,500,000 - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,688,447 151,486 146,527 162,527 16,000 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS (416,281) 266,364 180,343 164,343 (16,000) FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 1,862,121 1,445,840 1,712,204 1,712,204 - FUND BALANCES, End of Year $ 1,445,840 $ 1,712,204 $ 1,892,547 $ 1,876,547 $ (16,000) Page 1 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Utilities Department: Public Works Program: Water Utilities #424 Account Number Account Description Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 61121 SeasonaVTemporary Wages 61201 Automobile Allowance 61301 FT Pension 61302 PTS Pension 61303 Wellness 61304 Employee Assistance Program 61401 FICA/Medicare 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 61507 Dental Insurance 61509 Worker's Compensation 61510 Unemployment Insurance 61000 Total Personnel Services Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) $ - $ - $ 15,277 $ 15,277 $ - - - 9,600 9,600 - - - 252 252 - - - 1,681 1,681 - - - 360 360 - - - 134 134 - - 5 5 - - - 364 364 - - - 2,069 2,069 - - - 123 123 - - - 261 261 - - - 376 376 - - - 75 75 - - - 30,577 30,577 - Commodities: 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operating Supplies 62000 Total Commodities Purchased and Contracted Services: 63102 Audit and Accounting Services - - 1,200 1,200 - 63104 Engineering Services - - 1,000 1,000 - 63402 Preliminary Design - - 25,000 25,000 - 63999 Other Contracted Services - - 18,250 18,250 - 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services - - 45,450 45,450 - Other Operating Costs: 64399 'Other Administrative Fees - - 250 250 - 64901 Advertising and Legal Notices - - 250 250 - 64905 Insurance Premiums - - 8,000 8,000 - 64000 Total Other Operating Costs - - 8,500 8,500 - Capital Outlay 66499 Other Machinery and Equipment - - 32,000 32,000 - 66601 Mtn Star Tap Fee Reimbursement - - 10,000 10,000 - 66602 Brookside Tap Fee Reimbursement - - - 16,000 16,000 66701 Water Rights and Augmentation - - 20,000 20,000 - 66000 Total Capital Outlay - - 62,000 78,000 16,000 60000 Total Water Utilities $ $ $ 146,527 $ 162,527 $ 16,000 Page 2 Capital Projects Fund #41 Amended Budget #1 Fund Summary Original or Current Actual Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual 1999 Budget Amendment Increase 1998 (Unaudited) 2000 2000 (Decrease) REVENUES Taxes $ 1,950,670 $ 2,253,372 $ 1,050,000 1,050,000 $ - Intergovernmental 607,869 200,000 570,000 670,000 100,000 Investment Earnings 125,804 137,801 68,131 113,093 44,962 Other Revenue 73,969 35,182 11,000 11,000 - Total Operating Revenues 2,758,312 2,626,355 1,699,131 1,844,093 144,962 Other Sources: Transfer In from Other Funds 2,059,507 250,836 - - Bond Proceeds 7,085,000 - - - Capital Lease Proceeds 114,000 225,954 - - TOTAL REVENUES 12,016,819 3,103,145 1,699,131 1,844,093 144,962 EXPENDITURES Capital Improvements: Facilities 4,965,193 4,652,394 187,000 255,218 68,218 Land and Land Improvements 128,966 2,091 - 227,909 227,909 Roads and Streets 1,565,150 851,523 1,757,175 1,841,665 84,490 Recreation - - 185,000 185,000 - Strategic Planning 44,537 38,085 25,000 25,000 - Communications - 139,939 - 100,000 100,000 Other 1,500 2,250 6,000 6,000 - Debt Service: Capital Lease Payments 397,321 80,935 123,416 123,416 - Total 7,102,667 5,767,217 2,283,591 2,764,208 480,617 Other Uses Bond Issuance Costs 317,621 - - " Operating Transfer-Out to Debt Service Fund 563,570 - - - Operating Transfer-Out to Wildridge S.I.D. 17,171 16,191 15,211 15,211 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,001,029 5,783,408 2,298,802 2,779,419 480,617 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 4,015,790 (2,680,263) (599,671) (935,326) (335,655) FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Year 2,015,383 6,031,173 2,018,708 3,350,910 1,332,202 FUND BALANCE, End of Year $ 6,031,173 $ 3,350,910 $ 1,419,037 $ 2,415,584 $ 996,547 Page 1 Capital Projects Fund #41 Amended Budget #1 - Revenue Detail Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Acoount Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Taxes: 51401 Real Estate Transfer Tax $ 1,950,670 $ 2,253,372 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 $ - 51000 Total Taxes 1,950,670 2,253,372 1,050,000 1,050,000 - Intergovernmental: State Grants: 53201 CDOT 89,319 - 80,000 80,000 - Subtotal: State Grants 89,319 - 80,000 80,000 - Local Government/Other Agency: 53401 Beaver Creek Metro District L 270,004 - - - - 53401 Bachelor Gulch/Smith Creek 213,087 - - - - 53401 Arrowhead 35,459 - - - - 53401 Avon Village - 200,000 290,000 390,000 100,000 53401 ECO (Trails Grant) - - 200,000 200,000 - Subtotal: Local Government/Other Agency 518,550 200,000 490,000 590,000 100,000 53000 Total Intergovernmental 607,869 200,000 570,000 670,000 100,000 Investment Earnings: 57101 Interest Earnings 125,804 137,801 68,131 113,093 44,962 57000 Total Investment Earnings 125,804 137,801 68,131 113,093 44,962 Other Revenues: 58102 Utility Capital Facility Fees 1,696 732 2,000 2,000 - 58104 Fireplace Fees 4,500 3,000 9,000 9,000 - 58999 Miscellaneous Nonclassified Revenues 67,773 31,450 - - - 58000 Total Other Revenues 73,969 35,182 11,000 11,000 - Other Sources: 59201 Transfer In from Other Funds 2,059,507 250,836 - - - 59301 COP and Bond Proceeds 7,085,000 - - - - 59303 Capital Lease Proceeds 114,000 225,954 - - - 59000 Total Other Sources 9,258,507 476,790 - - - 50000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 12,016,819 $ 3,103,145 $ 1,699,131 $ 1,844,093 $ 144,962 Page 2 Capital Projects Fund #41 Amended Budget #1 CIP Projects Inventory 77?7 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Facilities: 11001 Municipal Building Improvements $ 363,669 $ 12001 Fire Station ExpanskxdRemodei - 13001 Swt t Gulch Facility 4,240,472 13002 Pump House and Picnic Shelter 361,052 13003 Park Equipment Storage - Land and Land Improvements: Parks: 21001 Pocket Parks 128,966 21002 Garton Property - Roads and Streets: Streetscape: 31001 Streetscape Planning 41,178 31002 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. - 31003 Wildridge Entry Sign - 31004 Nottingham Rd. Imp., 1-70 to Buck Creek - 31005 Nottingham Rd. Imp., Buck Creek to end - Street Improvements: 32001 Paving/Road Improvements 181,308 32002 W. Beaver Creek Blvd Railroad Crossing 51,344 32003 Chapel Square Reimbursement - 32004 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Improvements - Multi-ModaVAltemative Mobility: 34001 Sidewalks ' 34002 East Avon Access and Circulation - 34003 Roundabout Pedestrian Crosswalk Improvemen - 34004 Eagle River Bikepath - 34005 Eagle River Bikepath - Beaver Creek Blvd to Co - 35001 Roundabouts: 1,155,320 36001 Public Art Work 136,000 Recreation: 51001 Nottingham Park Basketball Court - Strategic Planning: 71001 Development Analysis and Review 20,768 79001 Planning and Consulting 23,769 Communications: 81001 800Mhz Radio System - Other: 17,444 187,000 187,000 - 4,332,319 - 68.218 68,218 302,631 - - - 2,091 - 227,909 227,909 38,979 655,000 655,000 - - 104,000 104,000 - - 195,000 195,000 - - 200,000 200,000 140,002 90,000 90,000 - 150,000 - 50,000 50,000 - 90,000 90,000 - 19,428 - - ' 120,947 110,000 110,000 - 134,914 - - - 10 258,175 292,665 34,490 - 55,000 55,000 - 247,243 - - - 185,000 185,000 34,701 - - 3,384 25,000 25,000 - 139,939 - 100,000 100,000 91001 Fireplace Conversions 1,500 2,250 6,000 6,000 Total Capital Improvement Projects $ 6,705,346 $ 5,686,282 $ 2,160,175 $ 2,640,792 $ 480,617 Page 3 Fleet Maintenance Internal Service Fund #61 Amended Budget #1 Fund Summary Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) REVENUES Charges for Services $ 310,819 $ 1,398,612 $1,365,193 $1,570,506 $ 205,313 Other Revenue - - 41,530 41,530 - Total Operating Revenues 310,819 1,398,612 1,406,723 1,612,036 205,313 Other Sources Capital Lease Proceeds - - 28,000 28,000 - TOTAL REVENUES 310,819 1,398,612 1,434,723 1,640,036 205,313 EXPENDITURES Public Works: Fleet Maintenance 288,832 1,440,134 1,202,159 1,334,459 132,300 Total Operating Expenditures 288,832 1,440,134 1,202,159 1,334,459 132,300 Other Uses Transfer-Out to Finance Authority Debt Service Fund - - 213,026 213,026 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 288,832 1,440,134 1,415,185 1,547,485 132,300 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 21,987 (41,522) 19,538 92,551 73,013 FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year - 21,987 (19,535) (19,535) - FUND BALANCES, End of Year $ 21,987 $ (19,535) $ 3 $ 73,016 $ 73,013 Page 1 Fleet Maintenance Internal Service Fund #61 Amended Budget #1 Revenue Detail Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Charges for Services: Fleet Maintenance O&M Charges: 54901 Comm Dev - Planning 54901 Comm Dev - Building Inspection 54901 Comm Dev - Community Service 54901 Police - Administration 54901 Police - Patrol 54901 Police - Investigations 54901 Police - Community Policing 54901 Fire - Administration 54901 Fire - Emergency Response 54901 Fire - Fire Prevention & Public Education 54901 Fire - Training 54901 Public Works - Administration 54901 Public Works - Engineering 54901 Public Works - Roads and Streets 54901 Public Works - Parks 54901 Recreation - Administration 54901 Beaver Creek Bus System 54901 ECRTA 54901 Vail Resorts Dial-a-Ride 54901 Avon Transit $ 889 $ 3,440 $ 3,817 $ 3,817 $ - 1,441 1,475 1,637 1,637 - 551 2,651 2,942 2,942 - 5,269 5,321 5,905 5,905 - 25,772 28,143 31,230 31,230 - 1,962 2,118 2,350 2,350 - 9,822 3,095 3,188 3,188 - 13,707 64,799 66,743 66,743 - 446 680 701 701 - - 1,744 1,796 1,796 - 12,853 1,209 1,341 1,341 - 565 612 680 680 - 80,785 70,955 78,739 78,739 - 154,404 70,229 77,934 77,934 - 2,353 8,808 9,774 9,774 - - 239,947 278,225 278,225 - - 575,801 464,616 464,616 - - 101,541 109,768 109,768 - - 176,044 191,307 191,307 - Total Fleet Maintenance O & M Charges 310,819 1,358,612 1,332,693 1,332,693 - Fleet Maintenance Washbay Charges: 54901 Beaver Creek Bus System - - - 63,875 63,875 54901 ECRTA - - - 127,750 127,750 54901 Vail Resorts Dial-a-Ride - - - 13,688 13,688 Total Fleet Maintenance Washbay Charges - - - 205,313 205,313 54903 Sales of Fuel - 40,000 32,500 32,500 - 54000 Total Charges for Services 310,819 1,398,612 1,365,193 1,570,506 205,313 Other Revenues: 58999 Miscellaneous Nonclassified Revenues - - 41,530 41,530 58000 Total Other Revenues - - 41,530 41,530 Page 2 Fleet Maintenance Internal Service Fund #61 Amended Budget #1 Revenue Detail Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Other Sources: 59303 Capital Lease Proceeds - - 28,000 28,000 - 59000 Total Other Sources - - 28,000 28,000 - 50000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 310,819 $ 1,398,612 $ 1,434,723 $ 1,640,036 $ 205,313 Page 3 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Works Department: Public Works Department Program: Fleet Maintenance #434 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Account Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries $ 69,452 $ 350,998 $ 375,164 $ 347,208 $ (27,956) 61121 Part-timelremporary/Seasonal Wages 2,250 122,320 89,200 44,380 (44,820) 61122 Part-time/Temporary/Seasonal Bonuses - 8,000 5,500 3,000 (2,500) 61151 • Overtime Wages 4,296 10,000 8,000 6,000 (2,000) 61201 Ski Pass - 1,000 - - - 61301 FT Pension 6,708 38,610 41,268 38,193 (3,075) 61302 PTS Pension - 4,925 3,701 2,020 (1,681) 61303 Wellness 400 2,300 2,550 2,050 (500) 61304 Employee Assistance Program 42 240 264 216 (48) 61401 FICA/Medicare 914 7,139 6,929 5,816 (1,113) 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 6,892 40,159 61,009 54,269 (6,740) 61502 PTS Group Health 4 2,916 2,916 - (2,916) 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 558 3,089 3,001 2,777 (224) 61507 Dental Insurance 1,317 7,596 7,362 6,492 (870) 61509 Worker's Compensation 2,450 13,660 15,435 13,166 (2,269) 61510 Unemployment Insurance 247 1,474 1,434 1,216 (218) 61000 Total Personnel Services 95,530 614,426 623,733 526,803 (96,930) Commodities: 62205 Plumbing Supplies and Materials - - 1,000 1,000 - 62401 Gasoline - 1,944 2,900 2,900 - 62403 Oil and Lubricants - 25,100 2,000 2,000 - 62404 Shop and Mechanical Tools 1,539 - - - - 62405 Automotive and Equipment Replacement Parts 66,939 253,495 203,962 203,962 - 62406 Automotive and Equipment Maintenance Supplies 617 1,850 2,825 2,825 - 62407 Tires, Tubes and Patches 751 51,000 61,600 61,600 - 62802 Food and Beverages 80 - 200 200 - 62803 Janitorial & Cleaning Supplies - - 1,200 1,200 - 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 780 500 3,100 3,100 - 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Equipment 352 5,400 7,100 7,100 - 62809 Medical Supplies and 1st Aid 162 - 1,125 1,125 - 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operating Supplies 4,844 42,305 34,500 34,500 - 62905 Books and Periodicals 12 250 250 250 - 62999 Office Supplies and Materials - 1,820 1,400 1,400 - 62000 Total Commodities 76,076 383,664 323,162 323,162 - Page 4 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Works Department: Public Works Department Program: Fleet Maintenance #434 Account Number Account Description Purchased and Contracted Services: 63205 Police Checks 63501 R&M - Buildings and Facilities 63504 R&M - Office Equipment 63505 R&M - Vehicles 63506 R&M - Radios and Communications Equipment 63507 R&M - Machinery and Equipment 63549 R&M - Other Specialized Equipment 63551 Laundry and Cleaning Services 63552 Janitorial and Custodial Services 63599 Other Maintenance Services 63601 Rentals - Building and Office 63999 Other Purchased and Contracted Services 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services Other Operating Costs: 64101 • Travel and Conference 64102 64105 Dues, Licenses and Memberships Training 64201 Telephone 64202 Gas 64203 Electric 64204 Water & Sanitation 64205 Trash Collection & Recycling 64206 Cellular & Paging 64301 Postage and Delivery 64402 Equipment Replacement Charges 64905 Insurance Premiums 64907 Paid Claims 64000 Total Other Operating Costs Capital Outlay: 66402 Computers and Peripherals 66499 Other Machinery and Equipment 66501 Automobile & LT Duty Trucks 66000 Total Capital Outlay 60000 Total Expenditures Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) - 200 200 200 - - 40,000 2,000 2,000 - - 2,000 2,450 2,450 - 5,594 15,694 16,200 16,200 - 795 - 3,500 3,500 - 736 72,100 63,150 63,150 - - 1,971 4,600 4,600 - 1,516 7,000 2,860 2,860 - 79 500 9,600 9,600 - - 3,200 8,125 8,125 - 85,212 239,851 - - - 12,263 21,500 12,310 12,310 - 106,195 404,016 124,995 124,995 - 133 1,183 1,200 1,200 - - 261 275 275 - - 500 600 600 - - 3,400 3,425 3,425 - - 13,900 21,000 21,000 - 9,347 19,000 27,000 27,000 - - - 1,800 1,800 - - - 5,000 5,000 - - - 2,000 2,000 - 54 500 450 450 - - 2,625 13,770 13,770 - - - 5,249 5,249 - 84 - - - - 9,618 41,369 81,769 81,769 - - 13,000 7,500 7,500 - 1,413 - 13,000 13,000 - - - 28,000 28,000 - 1,413 13,000 48,500 48,500 - $ 288,832 $ 1,456,475 $ 1,202,159 $ 1,105,229 $ (96,930) Page 5 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Works Department: Public Works Department Program: Washbay #435 Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Account Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Personnel Services: 61101 Regular Full-time Salaries 61121 Part-time/Temporary/Seasonal Wages 61122 Part-time/Temporary/Seasonal Bonuses 61151 Overtime Wages 61301 FT Pension 61302, PTS Pension 61303 Wellness 61304 Employee Assistance Program 61401 FICA/Medicare 61501 Group Health and Life Insurance 61502 PTS Group Health 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 61507 Dental insurance 61509 Worker's Compensation 61510 Unemployment Insurance 61000 Total Personnel Services Commodities: 62805 Clothing and Unifonns 62899 Other Miscellaneous Operating Supplies 62000 Total Commodities Purchased and Contracted Services: 63501 R&M - Buildings and Facilities 63549 R&M - Other Specialized Equipment 63999 Other Purchased and Contracted Services 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services Other Operating Costs: 64202 Gas 64203 Electric 64204 Water & Sanitation 64000 Total Other Operating Costs 60000 Total Expenditures 27,956 $ 27,956 44,820 44,820 2,500 2,500 2,000 2,000 3,075 3,075 1,681 1,681 500 500 48 48 1,113 1,113 6,740 6,740 2,916 2,916 224 224 870 870 2,269 2,269 218 218 96,930 96,930 800 800 15,000 15,000 15800 _ - 15,800 - 10,000 10,000 - 12,000 12,000 - 42,500 42,500 - - - 64,500 64,500 - 11,000 11,000 - 17,000 17,000 - 24,000 24,000 - 52,000 52,000 $ 229,230 $ 229,230 Page 6 ti MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL 0 HELD FEBRUARY 22, 2000 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:31 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, Buz Reynolds, and Mayor Protein Bob McIlveen present. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Director of Community Development Mike Matzko, Finance Director Scott Wright, Public Works Director Bob Reed, Transportation Director Harry Taylor, Police Sergeant Greg Williams, Fire Chief Charlie Moore, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Town Planner Karen Griffith, Executive Assistant Jacquie Halburnt as well as members of the press and public. Citizen Input: Introduction of New Employees. Sergeant Williams introduced two new police officers; Paul Arnold and Chris Fenick. Finance Director Wright introduced Terry Rounds, the new Network Analyst. Community Development Director Matzko introduced his new administrative assistant, Celia Fenton, and Eric Johnson, the new Community Development Inspector. Citizen Input: Census Update. Town Planner Karen Griffith updated Council on the 2000 Census. The census forms will be coming out mid-March. She encourages everyone to complete the census and return them. The census is critical to the Town for funding sources for grants. The census is still looking for employees. Ordinances: Second Reading of Ordinance No. 00-02, Series of 2000, An Ordinance Conditionally Approving a PUD Development Plan (Including Development Standards) for Tract C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision, and Authorizing Execution of a Development Agreement Mayor Yoder stated this is a public hearing. Community Development Director Matzko stated this ordinance approves a PUD development plan for Lot C. This lot was zoned PUD in October of 1998. This is a continuation of that approval process. This development plan is the second to the final plan prior to a building permit. The last step will be final design review before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Matzko stated this is a three phase project. I t will consist of 133 timeshare units, 125 hotel rooms, 20 deed restricted employee housing units, and 31,850 sq. ft. of leasable commercial space. The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on December 21, 1999, and recommend approval. Council approved this ordinance on first reading on February 8, 2000. Mr. Tom Obermeyer, architect for OZ Architecture, gave a brief presentation to the Council. Mr. Obermeyer stated minimal changes have been made since first reading, changes which primarily had to do with legal issues. He stated retail space will ring the project on the east and south side. There will be a pedestrian way between the hotel and timeshare units. Employee housing will be on the north end of the project. There will be a 374 space underground parking structure. Timeshare units will be near the employee housing units. The hotel will be on the south end of the project. • .Mr. Obermeyer stated the project will be built in three phases. Phase IA includes 50 timeshare units, employee housing, parking for 190 automobiles, landscaping, walkway around the property, and a fountain on the south end. Phase 1B includes 35 timeshare units, parking spaces, and a three story office building on the south end of the property. This will anchor the site to the pedestrian mall. Phase 1 C includes the hotel, 48 timeshare units, and the completion of the pedestrian way between the hotel and timeshare units. There being no comments from the public, Mayor Yoder closed the public hearing. Councilor Benson motioned approval of Ordinance No. 00-02, Series of 2000. Councilor Buckley seconded the motion. Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call. The motion carried unanimously. Resolutions: Resolution No. 00-10, Series of 2000, A Resolution of the Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, Approving the Service Plan for Mountain Vista Metropolitan District Mayor Yoder stated this is a public hearing. C7 ® Town Attorney Levin stated this resolution will facilitate changes with regard to the special districts set up on the Confluence and Tract C properties. There being no comments from the public, Mayor Yoder closed the public hearing. Mayor Protem McIlveen motioned approval of Resolution No. 00-10, Series of 2000. Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion. Mayor Yoder asked for a roll call. The motion carried unanimously. Resolutions: Resolution No. 00-11, Series of 2000, A Resolution Authorizing the Town of Avon to Enter into a Contract with John H. Laeri, Jr. to Purchase Sherwood Meadows Condominium Units IA, 1C, 1D, 2B, 2C, 2E, 2F, 3A, 3B, 4B, and 4D, Avon, Colorado Town Attorney Levin stated this resolution authorizes the Mayor to execute on behalf of the Town an offer to Mr. Laeri for the purchase of his 11 condominium units at Sherwood Meadows. The purchase price would be $2,000,000. We expect Mr. Laeri to accept this offer. The Town will get majority control of the condominium association. Mr. Levin stated for the record, there will be one amendment to the contract. That amendment is to the Earnest Money Promissory Note, and it shall be changed to state that we will pay 0% interest on the $10,000 earnest money, it previously stated we will pay 4%. Councilor Buckley motioned approval of Resolution No. 00-11, Series of 2000 as amended. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried with Councilor Reynolds voting nay. Town Manager Report: Town Manager Efting stated he will be in Glenwood Thursday afternoon for City Managers meeting, and in Eagle County Friday morning for a railroad meeting. C] Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the February 8, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Resolution No. 00-12, Series of 2000, A Resolution Establishing a Town of Avon Committee on Disposition of Forfeited Property c.) Contract with Harney-Naill, Inc. for Fire Station Remodel d.) Financial Matters Councilor Reynolds motioned approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilor Cuny seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilor Benson motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:50 P/M. RESPECTFULLY APPROVED: 11 Jim Benson Debbie Buckley Rick Cuny Mac McDevitt Bob McIlveen Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder r Memo To: Thru: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Bill Efting, Town Manager f Norm Wood, Town Engineer March 6, 2000 Nottingham Road - Street & Streetscape Improvements Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. - Mapping Proposal Summary Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. Has submitted the Is attached Proposal in response to our request for preparing base maps for the Nottingham Road Street & Streetscape Improvement Project. These maps would be prepared from aerial photos taken in 1998 when base maps were prepared for the West Beaver Creek Boulevard and East Avon Access & Circulation Projects. The Proposal includes the field work required to update the areas along Nottingham Road that has been modified since the 1998 photography. The proposed maps will be at a scale of 1-inch equals 20 feet with 1 foot contour intervals and will show right-of-way and property lines along Nottingham Road. The proposed schedule calls for completion of this work within four weeks from the date of authorization. Mapping accuracy will conform with National Mapping Standards. The proposed maximum fee for these services is $12,120.00. This mapping will provide the base information for the design of the Nottingham Road Improvements and must be complete before the design can move forward. We are currently requesting proposals for design services and anticipate recommending a design firm for this work at the March 28, Council Meeting. This mapping proposal would have base maps available by mid-April which conforms with the anticipated design schedule. The cost of the proposed mapping is generally consistent with recent mapping projects and the projected completion schedule is consistent with the anticipated design schedule. Subsequently, we recommend approval of Proposal from Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. for preparing base maps for the Nottingham Road Street & Streetscape Improvement Project with a maximum fee for these services of $12,120.00. I:\En&ecring\CIP\Nottingham R&IOContrad Services\2.5Surveying\2.5.2Memo.Doc Recommendations: Approve Proposal from Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. for preparation of base maps for the Nottingham Road Street & Streetscape Improvement Project with a maximum fee for these services of $12,120.00. Town Manager Comments: C 11 I:Tngineering\CIP\Notiin&m R&IOContrad Services12.5Surveying12.5.2Memo.Doo 2 Inter-Mountain Engineering ud. March 6, 2000 Mr. Norman Wood Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Via Fax: 748 - 1958 Re: Nottingham Road Base Maps Dear Norman: We appreciate the opportunity to submit a proposal for preparing the Base Maps for the Nottingham Road Improvements. • As we discussed, our scope of services will include: 1. Coordinate the topographic mapping of the area with 1 ft contours. Aero Metric Inc. will prepare the topographic mapping from the aerial photography taken 10-21-98. The mapping will be produced according to procedures that have been demonstrated to comply with the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA) for horizontal and vertical accuracy. 2. Perform field surveys to locate changes in topography since photography of 10-21-98. Will also locate several property corners for map orientation. 3. Update topographic map from Aero Metric, depicting changes since 10-21- 98. The topography will also depict right of way and property lines along Nottingham Road. SCHEDULE We propose to initiate the mapping immediately after we receive written authorization to proceed. The fieldwork will begin within one week after the authorization. A disk with the final topographic map and property lines will be delivered within four weeks. This schedule may vary somewhat due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control. 8392 Continental Divide Road, Suite #107 - Littleton, Colorado 80127 - Phone: 303/948-6220 - Fax: 303/948-6526 77 Metcalf Road, #200 9 Box 978 - Avon, Colorado 81620 - Phone: 970/949-5072 9 From Denver Direct: 893-1531 2 FEE The estimated fee for the proposed scope of services is $12,120.00. We will not exceed this fee without prior approval. Our fees are detailed as follows: 1. Mapping - Aero Metric, Inc. $6670.00 2. Field Survey 2750.00 3. Revise Maps 2700.00 $12,120.00 COMPENSATION You will be billed monthly for services to date. Invoices are due upon receipt. If invoices remain unpaid after 30 days, you will be charged a service charge of 1.75% per month. If it should become necessary to enforce collection, Inter-Mountain Engineering will be entitled to recover its costs of collection, including attorney's fees. WARRANTY The only warranty or guarantee made by Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd. in connection with the services performed hereunder is that we will use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions by reputable members of the engineering and surveying profession practicing in this area. Approval by governing agencies of maps, plans, designs or reports prepared by Inter-Mountain Engineering shall constitute compliance with this standard. No other warranty, express or implied, is made or intended by this proposal for consulting services or by furnishing oral or written reports. If these items meet with your approval, please acknowledge your consent to our proposal by signing and dating the document in the spaces provided below and returning the original to us. Thank you for considering us for these engineering and surveying services. We look forward to working with you on this project. Since y, t Duane F. Fehringer, P.E. & P.L.S. PJ E C7 Jf 0 Merino To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer/ O Anne Martens, Engineer Date: March 9, 2000 Re: Eagle River Trail - Easements Valuation Consultants, Inc. Appraisal Services Proposal Summary: Jeff Maddox with Valuation Consultants, Inc. has given a proposal for appraisal service at $150.00 per hour, not to exceed $3,500.00 for the Sunridge Condominium property easements and $150.00 per hour, not to exceed $1,500.00 for the Tract L property easement. The easements are required for construction of the Eagle River Trail. These appraisals are necessary to proceed with the land acquisitions for this project. The proposal is based on his general knowledge of the area and review of the preliminary legal descriptions of the properties to be acquired. Valuation Consultants, Inc. has provided appraisal services for previous town projects including the Roundabouts Project and the West Beaver Creek Boulevard. Subsequently, Jeff is thoroughly familiar with requirements for this type of project. The expected cost of the appraisal services for the Sunridge Condominium property easements is somewhat higher than previous appraisal services. The higher estimated cost is due to the location of the easement and the potential for damages due to the close proximity of the trail to the buildings. The proposal services cost is included in the overall project budget. Approval of the proposal of $150.00 per hour, not to exceed $3,500.00 for the Sunridge Condominium property easement and $150.00 per hour, not to exceed $1,500.00 for the Tract L property easement from Valuation Consultants, Inc. to provide appraisals for the easements required for construction of the Eagle River Trail is recommended. Recommendations: Approve the Proposal from Valuation Consultants, Inc. to provide appraisals for the easements required for construction of the Eagle River Trail at a service rate of $150.00 per hour, not to exceed $3,500.00 for the Sunridge Condominium property easement and not to exceed $1,500.00 for the Tract L property easement. Town Manager Comments: H:\Arnartens\2000 CIP\West Avon Trail\Memo Valuation Consultant Services.Doe nar u;u uu tu: oua VnLUM l IUll UU11Z)UL 1 MII 1 0, IIIU a /U aTo-Do to F. s VALUATION CONSULTANTS, INC. Real )Rate Appraisers - Consultants 48 East Beaver Creek Boulevard, Suite 206 P.O. Box 361 i Aron, Colorado 81620 (970) 949-4898 far (970) 949-5376 March 9, 2000 Anne Martens i Town of Avon Box 5270 1 Avon. CO 81620 J by fax: 748-1958 RE. Appraisals of. -Proposed pedestrian path easements, both permanent and temporary, to be arquired from I-) Sunridge Condominium Phase 11 and 2.) Tract L -- as depicted on map submitted to any office 3-7-2000. Dear Anne, i Per our conversation, please let this letter serve as our proposal rcgardiiag t1iC appraisal of the above-referenced proposed easements. It is my understanding that the appraisals will be prepared for use by the Town toward decisions and /or negotiations regarding acquisition of the easements in question. I will submit my opinions and conclusions to you in the form of sumww-y appraisal reports which will be prepared utilizing accepted appraisal techniques and methodology, in conformance with the Standards and Code of Professional Ethics of the Appraisal Institute and the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"). i My fees for preparing and submitting my conclusions to you in suinniary formats will be as follows: For the Sunridge Condominium property easements: $150 per hour, not to exceed $3,500 For the Tract L property easements: $150 per hour, not to exceed $1,500 Any type of additional consultation, deposition, testimony, or other court-related time required in this matter, if any, will be billed separately at the rate of $150 per hour plus actual expenses, if any. Please acknowledge that the report will be completed in accordance with the following: mar Vu uu l u: dua VHLUH 1 l un UUNbUL I Hn 1 3, i nu to'/u ?4y-5:? lts p. e- fhe appraisal assign ment will not be based upon a requested minimum valuation Or specific valuation. Neither employment nor compensation are contingent upon the reporting of a pre-determined value, a direction of the value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value estimate, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent i event. If this proposal meets with your approval, p1me sign and return a copy of this letter which will serve as our authorization to proceed. At that time I will contact you with our estimated completion schedule. Also, we will need a copy of the project plans & specifications, and we i will need the size in square feet of each of the respective permanent and temporary proposed takings. As a normal course of business we will be contacting the property owners in order to 1. let them know we have been engaged to value the affected property and 2. to receive any input regarding the easement & property that they may care to relate. I look forward to working with you. Please feet free to contact m office with an questions may have. y any you Very truly yours, VALUA ' ONSULTANT'S, INC. Jeffrey P. Maddox, SRA Certified General Appraiser CGO1313752 acceptcd by: date: TU.4 profxsal -1lfarcfi $. 2 OOU page 2 v 0 I Memo March 8, 2000 To: Meryl From: Sarah 4sw- RE: Salute to the USA Summary Attached please find two copies of the Contract between Western Enterprise and the Town of Avon for pyrotechnic production at the Salute to the USA. They have been the provider of fireworks for many years and have always done a phenomenal job. Recommendation 1 recommend that Council approve and sign the attached contract for fireworks services at Salute to the USA in the amount of $45,000. 11 Town of Avon . P.O. Box 975 . Avon, CO 81620 . 970-748-4032 PLE"aE S St7, DATE & R901 MS COPY 1 of 3 1. This Contract is entered into this day of , 20 by and between WESTERN ENTERPRISES, INC., designated herein as the "SELLER", and TOWN OF AVON, designated herein as the "PURCHASER" for a fireworks production to be held on JULY 4, 2000. 2. SELLER will secure, prepare and deliver said fireworks as outlined, or will make necessary substitutions of equal or greater value. SELLER will include the services of a Pyrotechnic Operator to take charge of, set up and fire the display, along with such help as he deems necessary to perform the fireworks display safely, and in accordance with such Federal, State or Local laws that might be applicable. 3. SELLER agrees that the Operator and Assistant(s) are to check the display area after the presentation of the fireworks display for any "duds" or other material which might not have ignited. Any such material found by any person other than the Operator shall be turned over to the Operator, or the proper authority having jurisdiction, for safe keeping or disposal of said material. 4. PURCHASER will furnish a secured area with minimum safety distances established by the SELLER after an on-site inspection of the proposed firing location. PURCHASER will provide adequate police protection and/or other adequate security to maintain these distances. PURCHASER also agrees to have a fire truck available on location during the display. 5. No Purchaser Liability. In carrying out any of the provisions of this Contract or in exercising any power or authority thereby, there shall be no personal liability of the PURCHASER, its officers, staff, consultants, officials, attorneys, representatives, agents, or employees. 6. Indemnification. The SELLER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the PURCHASER and its officers, attorneys, agents, employees, representatives, insurers, and self-insurance pool from and against all liability, claims, and demands on account of injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss, or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever which arises out of or is in any manner connected with this Contract or the work, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole in or part by , the act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence, or other fault of the SELLER, any subcontractor of the SELLER, or which arises out of any workers' compensation claim of any employee of the SELLER or of any employee of any subcontractor of the SELLER. The SELLER agrees to investigate, handle, respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against any such liability, claims, or demands at the expense of the SELLER. The SELLER also agrees to bear all other costs and expenses related thereto, including court costs and attorneys' fees, whether or not any such liability, claims, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. 7. Insurance a. General . The SELLER shall not commence work under this Contract until it has obtained all insurance required herein and such insurance has been approved by the PURCHASER. The SELLER shall not allow any subcontractor to commence work on this project until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor has been obtained and approved. For the duration of this Contract, the SELLER must maintain the insurance coverage required in this section. b. Insurance. (1) The SELLER agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to insure against all liability, claims, demands, and other obligations assumed by the SELLER pursuant to this Contract. Such insurance shall be in addition to any other insurance requirements imposed by this Contract or by law. The SELLER shall not be relieved of any liability, claims, demands, or other obligations assumed by this Contract by reason of its failure to procure or maintain insurance, or by reason of it failure to procure or maintain insurance in sufficient amounts, duration, or types. E FIREWORKS DISPLAY CONTRACT 9 2 of 3 (2) SELLER shall procure and maintain, and shall cause each subcontractor of the SELLER to procure and maintain, the minimum insurance coverage listed below. Such coverage shall be procured and maintained with forms and insurers acceptable to the PURCHASER. All coverage shall be continuously maintained to cover all liability, claims, demands, and other obligations assumed by the SELLER herein. In the case of any claims-made policy, the necessary retroactive dates and extended reporting periods shall be procured to maintain such continuous coverage. (a) Workers' compensation insurance to cover obligation imposed by applicable laws for any employee engaged in the performance of work under this Contract, and employers liability insurance with minimum limits of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000) disease policy limit, and FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000) disease - each employee. Evidence of qualified self-insured status may be substituted for the workers' compensation requirements of this paragraph. (b) General liability insurance with minimum, combined single limits of FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($5,000,000) each occurrence and FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($5,000,000) aggregate. The policy shall be applicable to all premises and operations. The policy shall include coverage for bodily injury, broad form property damage, personal injury (including coverage for contractual and employee acts), blanket contractual, independent contractors, products, and completed operations. The policy shall also include coverage for explosion and shall contain a severability of interests provision. (c) Comprehensive automobile liability insurance with minimum combined single limits for bodily injury and property damage of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) each occurrence and ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) aggregate with respect to each of SELLER'S owned, hired, or non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in performance of the services. The policy shall contain a severability of interests provision. (3) The policy required by paragraph (2) (b) above and by paragraph (2) (c) above shall be endorsed to include the PURCHASER and its officers, agents, officials, and employees as additional insured. Every policy required above shall be primary insurance, and any insurance carried by the PURCHASER, its officers, or its employees, or carried by or provided through any insurance pool of the PURCHASER shall be excess and not contributory insurance to that provided by SELLER. No additional insured endorsement to the policy required by paragraph (2) (a) above shall contain any exclusion for bodily injury or property damage arising from completed operations. The SELLER shall be solely responsible for any deductible losses under any policy required by the PURCHASER. (4) The Certificate of Insurance provided to the PURCHASER shall be completed by the Contractor's insurance agent as evidence that policies providing the required coverage, conditions, and minimum limits are in full force and effect, and shall be reviewed and approved by the PURCHASER prior to commencement of the Contract. No other form of certificate shall be used. The Certificate of Insurance shall identify this Contract and shall provide that the coverage afforded under the policies shall not be canceled, terminated, or materially changed until at least 30 days' prior written notice has been given to the PURCHASER. The completed Certificate of Insurance shall be submitted to the PURCHASER'S Recreation Director. (5) Failure on the party of the SELLER to procure or maintain policies providing the required coverage, conditions, and minimum limits shall constitute a material breach of contract upon which the PURCHASER may immediately terminate this Contract, or at its discretion, the PURCHASER may procure or renew any such policy or any extended reporting period thereto and may pay any and all premiums in connection therewith as a cost of this project. All monies so paid by the PURCHASER shall be repaid by SELLER to the PURCHASER upon demand, or the PURCHASER may offset the cost of the premiums against any monies due to SELLER from the PURCHASER. (6) The PURCHASER reserves the right to request and receive a certified copy of any policy and any 40 endorsement thereto. 3 of 3 (7) The parties hereto understand and agree that the PURCHASER is relying on, and does not waive or intend to waive by any provision of this Contract, the monetary limitations or any other rights, immunities, and protections provided by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, 24-10-101 at sea., 10 C.R.S., as from time to time amended, or otherwise available to the Purchaser, its officers, or employees. 8. It is agreed and understood that the PURCHASER will pay to the SELLER the sum of FORTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($45,000.00) to be paid within fifteen (15) days after the date of display. If payment is made in full by May 7, 2000 a five percent (5%) discount will apply. That discount can be deducted from the total contract price, or the PURCHASER may elect to receive that mount of extra pyrotechnic product in lieu of the discount. Unpaid accounts are subject to one percent (1%) interest charge per month after fifteen days. 9. In the event of inclement weather or other adverse conditions, so as to cause postponement of the display, it is agreed and understood that PURCHASER will notify SELLER regarding the postponement date, normally the following night, or at some future date within the calendar year. If the PURCHASER will not re-schedule the display within the calendar year, or completely cancels the display, the PURCHASER agrees to pay to the SELLER Thirty percent (30%) of the cost of the display ($13,500.00). If prepayment option has been exercised, SELLER will refund to PURCHASER the total amount paid, less the 30% mentioned above. 10. Witness whereof, we have caused our signatures to be affixed to this Document, on this day of .20 WESTERN ENTERPRISES, INC. SELLER BY: authorized agent TOWN OF AVON PURCHASER BY: authorized agent C. 11 • WESTERN E N T E R P R • I S E S. I N C. • • TO: SARAH STOUTENBURGH • • • EVENT: AVON, COLORADO SALUTE TO THE U.S.A. DATE: JULY 4, 2000 PAGE: ONE AMERICAN FLAG OR SPECIAL SET DESIGN (Choice) 3 - 200-SHOT COLORFUL WHIRLWIND BARRAGES (1,000 - Sky wheels with Green Mag Stars) 4 - 100-SHOT STROBING THUNDER SALUTE BARRAGES (400 heavy reports) 3 - 150-SHOT PURPLE CRACKLING CROSSETTE BARRAGES (450 silver tailed projectiles) 3 - 150-SHOT GREEN CRACKLING BARRAGES (450 - Green Crackling Star Shells) 3 - 150-SHOT SILVER CROSSETTE BARRAGES (450 - Silver splitting Crossettes) 3 - 150-SHOT GOLDEN CROSSETTE BARRAGES (450 - Multi-Color Star Shells) 3 - 150-SHOT HAPPY CRACKLING GOLD & SILVER BARRAGES (450 - Gold, Silver & Crackling Report Shells) 3 - 150-SHOT RED CRACKLING BARRAGES (600 - Red Crackling Stars) 3 - 150-SHOT SILVER CRACKLING STAR BARRAGES (600 - Silver Crackling Stars) 3 - 150-SHOT BLUE CRACKLING BARRAGES (450 - Blue Crackling Stars) 3 - 150-SHOT SILVER TIGER TAILS (450 - Silver Comets) 3 - 49-SHOT SILVER SILK FISH (New for 2000, extremely animated) 3 - 49-SHOT RED SILK FISH (New for 2000, extremely animated) 8 - 45MM BLUE DIAMOND SCREAMER CANDLES (Vulcan, Heavy Candle Devices) 9 - 45MM VARIEGATED CANDLES (Caballer, Heavy Candle Devices) 12 - 40MM KAMURO/BROCADE CANDLES (Caballer, Heavy Golden silk comets) 24 - 40MM COLOR CANDLES (Caballer, heavy stuff,.I would suggest all colors for variegated look) 8 - RED ILLUMINATION POTS (Skyworks) 20 - 5-SHOT SKYWORKS COMET FANS (1" STAR) 30 - 3" CRACKLING MINES 4 - 36-SHOT SHOGUN BARRAGES (New for 2000, Choice of Shell effects) "The Spectrum o/ Pyrotechnic Productions" P.O. Box 60 / Carrier, Oklahoma 73727 / (580) 855-2203 / Fax (580) 855-2205 TO: SARAH STOUTENBURGH EVENT: AVON, COLORADO SALUTE TO THE USA DATE: JULY 4, 2000 PAGE: TWO GRAND AERIAL FINALES (744 shells) 10 - 10/3" Aerial Bomb Chain Finales (100 - heavy salutes) 20 - 10/2-1/2" COLOR CHAINS (240 color chrysanthemums, 60 each red, white & blue, gold) 30 - 10/3" COLOR CHAINS (300 color chrysanthemums, 60 Red, 60 Blue, 90 Brocade, 90 Silver Kimuro) 20 - 5/4" COLOR CHAINS (100 color chrysanthemums, 20 Red, 20 Blue, 30 - Brocade, 30 - Silver Kimuro) 44 - 5" COLOR CHRYSANTHEMUMS (10 Red, 10 - Blue, 12 Silver Kimuro, 12 - Brocades) THREE INCH SHELLS (460 shells) 80 - MINE BAGS (Assorted: Color Changing and Solid Color Combinations) 20 - Fish & Whistles (serpentine & whistles) 20 - Serpent & Star (serpentine & stars) 100 - Chrysanthemum or Peony (assorted Oriental flower patterns) 200 - Column Comets (30 each, Red, Green, Silver, Gold & Yellow) 40 - Pattern Shells (Consisting of. Willows, Brocades, Strobes, Kimuros, Palm Trees, Etc.) FOUR INCH SHELLS (325 shells) 15 - Titanium Flower Reports (3 timed titanium reports in bloom) 20 - Color Star Shells (color changing combinations) 20 - Fancy Star Shells (flitter, magnesium & aluminum combinations) 15 - Color Crackling Coconut Shells (New for 2000) 20 - Jeweled Brocades (Brocade to Color Tips; blue, red, green, purple) 20 - Colored Palm Tree (silver, gold, red or green stream breaks into colored palm branches) 5 - Fish & Whistles (whistling & serpentine effects) 5 - Tourbillions w/pistils (New for 2000) 10 - WHISTLE MINE BAGS 15 - Strobes (Red, Green, White) 50 - Color Changing Chrysanthemum & Peony (Chinese Flower patterns) 25 - Plume Shells (Skyworks special, New for 2000) 10 - Vulcan Weeping Golden Willow (Mosaic tree pattern) 10 - Midnight Snow (Red w/ white strobes) 15 - COLOR TO BROCADES (Color to Silk Brocades, Vulcan) TO: SARAH STOUTENBURGH EVENT: AVON, COLORADO SALUTE TO THE USA DATE: JULY 4, 2000 PAGE: THREE FOUR INCH SHELLS (Continued) 10 - Silver Willow (Skyworks Special, Soft breaking Flower) 10 - Variegated Peony (Ruby, Emerald, Pearl, Golden Strobe) 10 - Circle Shells (Perfect rings in sky) 10 - Double Circles (Two Circles in Sky) 10 - Meteor Comet Shells (Long duration, large star shells) 10 - Half Blue/Half Silver Chrysanthemums 10 - Half Red/Half Silver Chrysanthemums FIVE INCH SHELLS (305 shells) 20 - Color Star Shells (color changing combinations) 20 - Fancy Star Shells (flitter, magnesium & aluminum combinations) 10 - GOLDEN RAIN CROSSETTE (Vulcan) 10 - SILVER RAIN CROSSETTE (Vulcan) 10 - SKYWORKS CROSSETTE (splitting comet arms) 40 - Color Changing Chrysanthemum & Peony (Chinese Oriental patterns) 5 - Circles (perfect ring in sky) 5 - Double Circles (2 interlocking circles in sky) 5 - Saturn Shells (Planet Saturn) 5 - Crackling Gold Wave Star Shells (Gold Crackling Flower) 10 - Colored Palm Tree (Silver, Red, Gold & Green tails break into colored Palm Branches) 5 - Meteor Comet Shells (long duration, large stars) 10 - Half Red/Half Blue Chrysanthemum w/strobe pistils 10 - Blue Magnesium Peony w/white strobe pistils (Flower w/ strobing pistils) 10 - Red Magnesium Peony w/white strobe pistils 10 - Strobe (Red, White, & Green) 5 - Titanium Flower Report (5 blooming flowers reporting) 5 - Star Patterns 5 - Silver to Crackling Chrysanthemum 15 - Color Crackling Coconut Shells (New for 2000) 5 - Butterfly Pattern 5 - Red to Crackling Chrysanthemum 5 - Blue to Crackling Chrysanthemum 5 - Kamuro Brocade Chrysanthemum w/rising tail (JFAA SPECIAL) 5 - Variegated Willow Peony (Ruby, Emerald, Pearl and Gold Strobe) 5 - Tourbillions 10 - COLOR TO BROCADES (Vulcan color change to Brocades) I.J TO: SARAH STOUTENBURGH EVENT: AVON, COLORADO SALUTE TO THE USA DATE: JULY 4, 2000 PAGE: FOUR FIVE INCH SHELLS (Continued) 5 - Spangle Mum w/strobe pistils 10 - Vulcan Plumes (Red, Green, Yellow & Gold Plume Rains) 10 - Jeweled Brocades (Skyworks Brocades to Colors; purple, blue, red, green) 25 - Plume Shells (Skyworks special, New for 2000) All necessary mortars, racks, firing boxes, electronic firing systems, and splitters, etc. are supplied with this program, and are the property of WESTERN ENTERPRISES, INC. $5,000,000 Property Damage & Bodily Injury, Broad Form, Contractual and Completed Operations (Additional insureds included) Colorado State Worker's Compensation coverage on all technicians $5,000,000 Truck Coverage (Federal DOT requirement) TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE - $45,000.00 11 n FINANCIAL MATTERS March 14, 2000 1. Detail - Building Activity Report ....................................................1 2. Accounts Payable Listing ............................................................: 2 3. Manual Check Listing ................................................................: 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION RECEIVE item 1 APPROVE items 2 through 3. 11 Town of Avon P.o.Box 975 Avon, Co. 81620 970-748-4030 Permit Tally Page 1 of 1 For. February, 2000 Printed 3/2/2000 Public: 0 # of Bldgs :0 # of Units : 0 Construction Value $0.00 Permit Charges :$0.00 Private: 2 . # of Bldgs :0 # of Units :0 Construction Value :$0.00 Permit Charges : $1,399.31 New SF Residence Public: 0 # of Bldgs :0 # of Units : 0 Construction Value $0.00 Permit Charges : $0.00 Private: 1 # of Bldgs :1 # of Units :1 Construction Value $501,241.32 Permit Charges : $8,564.74 Tenant finish Public: 0 # of Bldgs :0 Private: 1 # of Bldgs :0 # of Units :0 # of Units :0 Construction Value $0.00 Permit Charges : $0.00 Construction Value :$85,860.30 Permit Charges : $1,449.25 Totals: Public: 0 # of Bldgs :0 Private: 4 # of Bldgs :1 # of Units : 0 Construction Value :$0.00 Permit Charges : $0.00 # of Units :1 Construction Value :$587,101.62 Permit Charges : $11,413.30 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SIR ION CRITERIA: tran eact.check_no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68024 03/14/00 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 10 CELL PHONE 1/16-2/15 20.98 11101 68024 03/14/00 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 10 CELL PHONE 1/16-2/15 3.15 11101 68024 03/14/00 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 10 CELL PHONE 1/16-2/15 14.04 TOTAL CHECK 38.17 11101 68025 03/14/00 AIRGASIN AIRGAS INTERMOUNTAIN, INC 520 BULK C02 89.54 11101 68027 03/14/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFER SERVICE, IN 514 COFFEE SUPPLIES 60.60 11101 68027 03/14/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 311 COFFEE SUPPLIES 65.30 11101 68027 03/14/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 12.65 11101 68027 03/14/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 20.49 11101 68027 03/14/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 15.75 11101 68027 03/14/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 311 COFFEE SUPPLIES 20.35 11101 68027 03/14/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 51.71 11101 68027 03/14/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 211 COFFEE SUPP 69.95 TOTAL CHECK 316.80 11101 68028 03/14/00 ALPINECO ALPINE LOCKSMITH 311 LOCKSMITH SVC 80.00 11101 68029 03/14/00 ALPINEPA ALPINE PAINTING & CUSTOM 413 CLEAN & PAINT SIGN POSTS 80.00 11101 68030 03/14/00 AMERHOTE AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTER C 520 SOAP DISPENSERS 191.40 to 68032 03/14/00 T0000146 ANNE MARTENS 10 PASS REFUND 50.16 11101 68034 03/14/00 ASSOCCOM ASSOCIATED COMMUNICATIONS 411 LASERJET 1100 367.00 11101 68035 03/14/00 ATTWIREL AT&T WIRELESS 311 DATA USAGE 12/24-2/23 199.26 11101 68039 03/14/00 BRATTONE BRATTON ENTERPRISES, INC 413 CINDERS 5,656.16 11101 68039 03/14/00 BRATTONE BRATTON ENTERPRISES, INC 413 CINDERS 3,596.98 TOTAL CHECK 9,253.14 11101 68040 03/14/00 BSNSPORT BSN SPORTS 515 LANYARDS 11.24 11101 68040 03/14/00 BSNSPORT BSN SPORTS 515 BASKETBALLS 95.14 TOTAL CHECK 106.38 11101 68043 03/14/00 CHRISTIE CHRISTIE LODGE 311 ROOM RENT/MAR 1ST 130.00 11101 68044 03/14/00 CHURCHIC CHURCHICH RECREATION 415 PICNIC TABLES,TRASH CANS 3,516.00 11101 68046 03/14/00 COLODEPT CO DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 312 DRUG TEST 15.00 11101 68049 03/14/00 COBVREAU COLORADO BUREAU OF INVEST 132 BACKGROUND CHECKS 368.50 11101 68052 03/14/00 CMC COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE 211 CENTRAL ROCKIES LEADERSHI 545.00 11101 68054 03/14/00 COLOPARK COLORADO PARKS & RECREATI 514 RENEW MEMBERSHIP/EDWARDS 65.00 11101 68054 03/14/00 COLOPARK COLORADO PARKS & RECREATI 514 RENEW MEMBERSHIP/LAI 65.00 TOTAL CHECK 130.00 I L---j RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:36 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68055 03/14/00 COSTATUN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY 312 TRAINING REGIST/LUNDBLADE 90.00 11101 68056 03/14/00 COWESTME COLORADO WEST MENTAL REAL 10 EMPLOYEE ASSIST PROG/JAN 120.00 11101 68057 03/14/00 COLUMBIN COLUMBINE FLORAL & GREENH 149 FLOWERS/MARTINEZ 52.50 11101 68058 03/14/00 CONSOLID CONSOLIDATED PLASTICS COM 414 STEP MAT BRUSH 666.63 11101 68059 03/14/00 COPYCOPY COPY COPY 149 COPIES 20.00 11101 68059 03/14/00 COPYCOPY COPY COPY 111 COLOR COPIES/HR 160.00 TOTAL CHECK 180.00 11101 68060 03/14/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 514 MISC OFFICE SUPP 31.75 11101 68060 03/14/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 MISC OFFICE SUPP 243.47 11101 68060 03/14/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 121 MISC OFFICE SUPP 17.16 11101 68060 03/14/00 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 211 CRT PLATFORM 22.50 TOTAL CHECK 314.88 11101 68063 03/14/00 CYBER CYBEX INTERNATIONAL, INC. 520 FITNESS MACHINE REPAIRS 178.50 11101 68063 03/14/00 CYBEX CYBEX INTERNATIONAL, INC. 520 FITNESS MACHINE REPAIRS 489.50 11101 68063 03/14/00 CYBEX CYBER INTERNATIONAL, INC. 520 FITNESS MACHINE REPAIRS 1,302.8 TOTAL CHECK 4 1,970.84 11101 68064 03/14/00 DELTAEDU DELTA EDUCATION 521 SCIENCE SUPPLIES 206.26 11101 68066 03/14/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER & SEWER 1/13-2/11 240.12 11101 68066 03/14/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT S20 WATER & SEWER 1/6-2/7 478.17 11101 68066 03/14/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER & SEWER 1/6-2/7 68.94 11101 68066 03/14/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER & SEWER 1/24-2/21 26.68 11101 68066 03/14/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 415 WATER & SEWER 1/6-2/7 32.96 11101 68066 03/14/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 413 WATER & SEWER 1/13-2/14 51.50 11101 68066 03/14/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER & SEWER 1/6-2/7 3.25 11101 68066 03/14/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER & SEWER 1/6-2/3 491.38 11101 68066 03/14/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 520 WATER & SEWER 1/6-2/7 752.32 TOTAL CHECK 2,145.32 11101 68067 03/14/00 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 115 BACHELOR LIQ LIC 13.73 11101 68069 03/14/00 FACTORYD FACTORY DIRECT FURNITURE 211 HIGH BACK CHAIR 534.80 11101 68070 03/14/00 FIDELITY FIDELITY 414 MOBILE PLAN HOLDER 125.14 11101 68072 03/14/00 FITNESSF FITNESS FIRST 518 BAR RACK 294.76 11101 68073 03/14/00 FLAGHOUS FLAGHOUSE, INC. 515 GOLF SUPPLIES 189.16 11101 68075 03/14/00 FOTOFINI FOTO FINISH 313 PHOTO PROCESSING 24.40 11101 68077 03/14/00 GALLSINC GALL'S INC. 313 PADDLE HOLSTER,HANDCUFFCS 101.97 11101 68078 03/14/00 GARDNWIS GARD'N-WISE DISTRIBUTORS 415 PRUNING TOOLS 100.23 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:37 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND S10ION CRITERIA: tran eact.check_no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 68078 03/14/00 GARDNWIS GARD'N-WISE DISTRIBUTORS 415 PLANTING MATERIALS 11101 68078 03/14/00 GARDNWIS GARD'N-WISE DISTRIBUTORS 415 PRUNING TOOLS TOTAL CHECK 11101 68079 03/14/00 GATEWAY2 GATEWAY 2000 141 6414B MEMORY MODULE 11101 68081 03/14/00 GEMINIGA GEMINI GARDENS 520 JANUARY PLANT MAINT 11101 68086 03/14/00 GREENSMA GREEN'S MACHINES, INC. 520 TOWEL LAUNDRY/DEC,JAN 11101 68090 03/14/00 HAWKEYES RAWKEYE SERVICES 414 CARPET & TILE REPAIRS 11101 68091 03/14/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 513 T-SHIRTS 11101 68091 03/14/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 515 T SHIRTS 11101 68091 03/14/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 111 EMBOIDERY ON JACKETS 11101 68091 03/14/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SBIRTWORKS, 213 UNIFORMS/COMM DV 11101 68091 03/14/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 213 UNIFORMS/COMM DV 11101 68091 03/14/00 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 314 T-SHIRTS TOTAL CHECK 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/12-2/9 " 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 414 ELECTRIC SVC 1/13-2/10 As 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 415 ELECTRIC SVC 1/12-2/9 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/25/FINAL 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC FINAL BILL 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/20-2/16 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 414 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 2/24-3/7 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/20-2/18 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/25-2/22 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 414 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 520 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 415 ELECTRIC SVC 1/21-2/21 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 414 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 TOTAL CHECK 11101 68096 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 10 RESTITUTION 1* 68097 03/14/00 IDEDGEIN I.D. EDGE, INC 519 14 MIL POUCH PAGE 3 AMOUNT 31.33 59.11 190.67 408.00 110.00 680.46 320.00 1,266.50 195.00 56.00 293.50 696.50 475.00 2,982.50 363.90 9.81 36.85 2.37 2.30 249.95 9.76 20.92 40.33 2.44 273.29 932.97 263.41 235.16 22.42 314.76 134.53 133.93 50.31 94.03 513.31 102.79 3,998.25 115.11 136.27 1,171.13 9,230.30 450.00 54.88 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:38 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 4 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact. check-no between 1 68022' and 168192' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68097 03/14/00 IDEDGEIN I.D. EDGE, INC 519 30 MIL ULTRACARDS 170.34 11101 68097 03/14/00 IDEDGEIN I.D. EDGE, INC 519 RIBBON 996.69 TOTAL CHECK 1,221.91 11101 68098 03/14/00 INFORMIX INFORMIX SOFTWARE,INC 141 SUPPORT RENEWAL/2000 1,456.00 11101 68101 03/14/00 INTERNAT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 213 98 CONCRETE MAN,ASTM STD 128.35 11101 68101 03/14/00 INTERNAT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 213 MEMBERSHIP DUES 85.00 TOTAL CHECK 213.35 11101 68106 03/14/00 T0000636 KANE MARTENS 10 PASS REFUND 60.37 11101 68109 03/14/00 KIDSTUFF KIDSTUFF 513 ADVERTISING/EASTER 436.00 11101 68109 03/14/00 KIDSTUFF KIDSTUFF 513 ADVERTISING/XMAS 436.00 11101 68109 03/14/00 KIDSTUFF KIDSTUFF 514 ADVERTISING/REC 436.00 TOTAL CHECK 1,308.00 11101 68113 03/14/00 LEGACYCO LEGACY COMMUNICATIONS, IN 311 RADIO REPAIR 133.00 11101 68114 03/14/00 LEWANSAS LEWAN 6 ASSOCIATES, INC 311 COPY PAPER 180.00 11101 68117 03/14/00 LACHMAGG MAGGIE LACH 411 MILEAGE REIMB 34.1310 11101 68118 03/14/00 MAKIMUMC MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SP 520 CHLORINE 570.00 11101 68122 03/14/00 MICHAELS MICHAELS DENVER 518 REPLACEMENT PADS 106.00 11101 68123 03/14/00 MICROWAR MICROWAREHOUSE 213 ZIP DRIVE 109.90 11101 68123 03/14/00 MICROWAR MICROWAREHOUSE 211 COMPUTER SUPP/COMM DV 139.94 TOTAL CHECK 249.84 11101 68124 03/14/00 T0000626 MIKE LUNDBLADE 314 REIMS FOR TRAVEL EXP 112.56 11101 68124 03/14/00 T0000626 MIKE LUNDBLADE 10 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP -105.00 TOTAL CHECK 7.56 11101 68126 03/14/00 NABUSINE NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITU 211 ERGONOMIC CHAIR 347.00 11101 68126 03/14/00 NABUSINE NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITU 211 MID BACK CHAIR 304.00 11101 68126 03/14/00 NABUSINE NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITU 213 OFFICE FURNITURE 3,000.00 11101 68126 03/14/00 NABUSINE NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITU 211 OFFICE FURNITURE 340.20 TOTAL CHECK 3,991.20 11101 68129 03/14/00 NETWORKS NETWORK SOLUTIONS 143 WEB ADDRESS REG RENEWAL 35.00 11101 68130 03/14/00 NEWSHOES NEW SHOES 513 DEPOSIT/TBIRD ARTS PEST 600.00 11101 68133 03/14/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 211 MISC OFFICE SUPP 42.81 11101 68133 03/14/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 PRINTER RIBBON 19.32 11101 68133 03/14/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 MISC OFFICE SUPP 36.53 11101 68133 03/14/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 PENCILS, LABELS 39.010 11101 68133 03/14/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 MISC OFFICE SUPP 28.9 11101 68133 03/14/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 414 CHAIR MAT 58.24 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:38 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SE*ON CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68133 03/14/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 412 INK CARTRIDGES 50.66 11101 68133 03/14/00 bFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 412 PENCIL LEAD 4.68 11101 68133 03/14/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 141 DATA BINDERS 175.98 TOTAL CHECK 456.18 11101 68134 03/14/00 PARADIGM PARADIGM SERVICES, LLC 520 REC CTR GAS/DEC 3,394.76 11101 68136 03/14/00 PEREGRIN PEREGRINE PRESS 111 AVON ART BROCHURE 2,155.20 11101 68136 03/14/00 PEREGRIN PEREGRINE PRESS 519 PUNCH CARDS/REC CTR 439.50 TOTAL CHECK 2,594.70 11101 68137 03/14/00 PERFORME PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS, 143 FIBER OPTIC TRANSEIVER 306.50 11101 68137 03/14/00 PERFORME PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS, 143 FIBER PATCH CABLES 96.50 11101 68137 03/14/00 PERFORME PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS, 10 COMPUTER SVC/DEC 5,286.39 TOTAL CHECK 5,689.39 11101 68140 03/14/00 READYCAR READY CARE INDUSTRIES 520 SEA TONE SHAMPOO 182.08 11101 68141 03/14/00 RECREATI RECREATION SUPPLY COMPANY 516 LEAF SKIMMER,POOL BLOK 125.95 11101 68142 03/14/00 RENTX RENTX 520 DRILL ROTARY HAMMER RENTL 29.50 110 68145 03/14/00 ROCKYMTC ROCKY MOUNTAIN CARPET CLE 520 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEAN 232.00 11101 68146 03/14/00 RMCHOCOL ROCKY MOUNTAIN CHOCOLATE 513 GIFT BASKETS/REC 600.00 11101 68147 03/14/00 RRMA RRMA 312 SPANISH CLASS/POLICE 4,725.00 11101 68148 03/14/00 T0000571 RUTH BORNE 212 REIMS FOR TRAVEL EXP 89.29 11101 66149 03/14/00 S&SWORLD S & S WORLDWIDE 521 HOOPS 52.19 11101 68149 03/14/00 S&SWORLD S & S WORLDWIDE 521 DAY CAMP SUPP 666.39 11101 68149 03/14/00 S&SWORLD S & S WORLDWIDE 521 MCWHIPIT GAME SET 173.99 11101 68149 03/14/00 S&SWORLD S & S WORLDWIDE 513 XMAS IN PARK SUPP 330.62 11101 68149 03/14/00 S&SWORLD S & S WORLDWIDE 517 CRAYOLA DOUGH/CHILDCARE 53.94 TOTAL CHECK 1,277.13 11101 68152 03/14/00 SPORTIME SPORTIME 518 BRACKETS FOR CHINUP BAR 21.23 11101 68152 03/14/00 SPORTIME SPORTIME 521 DUFFLE BAGS 60.14 TOTAL CHECK 81.37 11101 68153 03/14/00 SPORTWID SPORTWIDE, INC 516 LIFEGUARD TANKS 254.80 11101 68154 03/14/00 STANDARD STANDARD INSURANCE 10 LONG TERM DISABILITY/MAR' 2,895.04 11101 68156 03/14/00 HODGESST STEVE HODGES 315 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP 501.38 11101 68157 03/14/00 SUNRIDGE SUNRIDGE CONDO ASSOC 10 RESTITUTION 1,300.00 11101 68158 03/14/00 SWALLOWO SWALLOW OIL COMPANY 415 DIESEL GAS 410.88 lie 68158 03/14/00 SWALLOWO SWALLOW OIL COMPANY 415 UNLEADED GAS 175.42 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:39 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 6 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY F UND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT TOTAL CHECK 586.30 11101 68159 03/14/00 THI T.H.I. WASTE 415 TOILET RENTAL/MARCH 115.00 11101 68160 03/14/00 TAB TAB 414 OFFICE FURNITURE 3,143.13 11101 68160 03/14/00 TAB TAB 414 OFFICE FURNITURE\ 1,164.52 TOTAL CHECK 4,307.65 11101 68163 03/14/00 THECAMER THE CAMERA SHOP 314 CAMERA & SUPP/POLICE 1,545.00 11101 68164 03/14/00 DENVERPO THE DENVER POST 311 ADVERTISEMENT/POLICE 225.80 11101 68165 03/14/00 THOMPSON THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP 132 PAIR LABOR STANDRDS BOOK 254.00 11101 68167 03/14/00 TOWNVAIL TOWN OF VAIL 312 POLICE DISPATCH SVC 114,231.46 11101 68168 03/14/00 TREATMEN TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY INC. 520 OXY PLUS 125.00 11101 68168 03/14/00 TREATMEN TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY INC. 520 HYDORCHLORIC ACID,HYPO TB 550.00 TOTAL CHECK 675.00 11101 68170 03/14/00 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 315 VELCRO DUTY BELT/HODGES 34.95IO 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 JANITORIAL SUPP 40.00 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCS WORLDWIDE, INC 520 JANITORIAL SUPP 263.60 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCS WORLDWIDE, INC 415 CLEANING SUPP 49.75 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 JANITORIAL SUPP 467.20 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 WET MOP 25.53 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 JANITORIAL SUPP 30.00 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 415 JANITORIAL SUPP 8.10 TOTAL CHECK 884.18 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWSSTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 211 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 86.36 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 514 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 179.10 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 279.19 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 222.70 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 143 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 52.56 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 2/13-3/12 1,422.98 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 311 PHONE SVC 2/13-3/12 90.43 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 411 PHONE SVC 2/13-3/12 89.29 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 141 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 43.18 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 412 PHONE SVC 2/13-3/12 44.65 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 16.54 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 265.34 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 129.54 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 311 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 172.72 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWSSTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 61.26 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 47.55 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 44.18 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 514 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 43.2 ift TOTAL CHECK 3,290.7 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:39 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 7 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SE*ON CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68178 03/14/00 VAILHONE VAIL HONEYWAGON 414 TRASH COLLECTION/JAN 461.40 11101 68179 03/14/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACS HARDWARE 520 FASTENERS 17.80 11101 68179 03/14/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 520 MISC SUPP 31.25 11101 68179 03/14/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 520 MISC SUPP 12.28 11101 68179 03/14/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 520 MURIATIC ACID 8.76- 11101 68179 03/14/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 415 CREDIT FOR RETURN -3.00 TOTAL CHECK 67.09 11101 68180 03/14/00 VAILVALF VAIL VALLEY FOUNDATION 114 SPONSORSHIP 55,000.00 11101 68181 03/14/00 VAILNET VAILNET 143 RADIO BRIDGE EQUIP 1,210.80 11101 68182 03/14/00 VALLEYEL VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 414 FLOURESCENT LAMP 167.57 11101 68182 03/14/00 VALLEYEL VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 211 TRAK LITE 878.88 TOTAL CHECK 1,046.45 11101 68185 03/14/00 WAL-MART WAL-MART STORES, INC 211 PHONE SUPP/COMM DV 14.86 11101 68186 03/14/00 WEARPART WEAR PARTS & EQUIPMENT 413 SIGN POSTS, SUPPLIES 78.40 1 11 68187 68190 03/14/00 03/14/00 WEBERAMM WEBER AMMUNITION WHITBRIV WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC 312 415 AMMUNITION XMAS RECEPTACLES 1,206.00 22.68 11101 68191 03/14/00 WORLDAQU WORLD WIDE AQUATICS 516 SHIPPING FOR SUPP 31.99 11101 68192 03/14/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 311 COPIER CHGS/JAN 75.00 11101 68192 03/14/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 311 LEASE PMT #13/POLICE 442.30 11101 68192 03/14/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 211 COPIER CHGS/JAN 103.00 TOTAL CHECK 620.30 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 257,383.70 TOTAL FUND 257,383.70 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:40 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND PAGE 8 E CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 417 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 382.05 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 382.05 TOTAL FUND 382.05 0 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:40 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 9 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SE0ON CRITERIA: tran eact.check no between '68022' and '68192' FUND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68036 03/14/00 SMITRBAR BARRY SMITH 324 REIMB FOR TRAVEL EXP 267.56 11101 68037 03/14/00 BELLELEC BELL ELECTRONICS 321 COMPUTER REPAIR 65.00 11101 68041 03/14/00 CENTURYT CENTURYTEL 321 PHONE SVC 2/14-3/14 10.31 11101 68041 03/14/00 CENTURYT CENTURYTEL 321 PHONE SVC 2/14-3/14 39.60 11101 68041 03/14/00 CENTURYT CENTURYTEL 321 PHONE SVC 2/14-3/14 242.24 TOTAL CHECK 292.15 11101 68042 03/14/00 MOORECHA CHARLES MOORE 321 REIMB FOR FUEL 12.00 11101 68042 03/14/00 MOORECHA CHARLES MOORE 321 REIMB FOR FOOD 68.08 TOTAL CHECK 80.08 11101 68045 03/14/00 CLIMATEC CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GLE 321 REPAIR TO AIR CONDITIONNG 294.32 11101 68053 03/14/00 COMTNMED COLORADO MOUNTAIN MEDICAL 321 PHYSICAL EXAM/LIPPMAN 100.00 11101 68053 03/14/00 COMTNMED COLORADO MOUNTAIN MEDICAL 321 PHYSICAL EXAM/SMITH 100.00 11101 68053 03/14/00 COMTNMED COLORADO MOUNTAIN MEDICAL 321 PHYSICAL EXAM 100.00 11101 68053 03/14/00 COMTNMED COLORADO MOUNTAIN MEDICAL 321 PHYSICAL EXAM/SCHUM 100.00 11101 68053 03/14/00 COMTNMED COLORADO MOUNTAIN MEDICAL 321 PHYSICAL EXAM/LAMB 100.00 11101 68053 03/14/00 COMTNMED COLORADO MOUNTAIN MEDICAL 321 PHYSICAL EXAM/MULSON 100.00 11101 68053 03/14/00 COMTNMED COLORADO MOUNTAIN MEDICAL 321 - PHYSICAL EXAM/ROBBINS 100.00 TOTAL CHECK 700.00 11101 68061 03/14/00 COTTRELL COTTRELL PRINTING & COPY 321 FIRE DEPT ALARM REPORTS 276.18 11101 68066 03/14/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 321 WATER & SEWER 1/6-2/7 140.25 11101 68066 03/14/00 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 321 WATER & SEWER 1/11-2/10 69.93 TOTAL CHECK 210.18 11101 68071 03/14/00 FIREPROT FIRE PROTECTION PUBLICATI 324 FIRE PUBLICATIONS 1,800.00 11101 68071 03/14/00 FIREPROT FIRE PROTECTION PUBLICATI 22 FIRE PUBLICATIONS 860.00 TOTAL CHECK 2,660.00 11101 68085 03/14/00 GREATERE GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTEC 322 ACADEMY T-SHIRTS 103.75 11101 68087 03/14/00 GUESTSER GUEST SERVICES, INC. 324 MEAL TICKETS/KERST 180.00 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC SVC 1/11-2/8 54.32 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC SVC 1/11-2/8 301.50 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 616.72 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC SVC 1/11-2/8 73.37 TOTAL CHECK 1,045.91 11101 68103 03/14/00 JERRYSIB JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING, IN 321 PLUMBING/STATION 2 289.46 11101 68105 03/14/00 MCCAULLE JOHN MCCAULLEY 324 LUNCH REIMB 8.32 11101 68108 03/14/00 KEMP&COM KEMP & COMPANY INC. 322 CHAINSAW REPAIR 91.48 68113 03/14/00 LEGACYCO LEGACY COMMUNICATIONS, IN 321 REPAIR TO RADIO KNOB 35.00 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:40 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 1680221 and 168192' FUND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 68115 03/14/00 LINROGER LIN ROGERS 324 CPR INSTRUCTION 11101 68121 03/14/00 METROFIR METRO FIRE TRAINING CENTE 324 SEMINAR REG/FIRE 11101 68127 03/14/00 NATLFIRE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 22 ENGINE COMPANY BOOKS 11101 68127 03/14/00 NATLFIRE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 323 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL TOTAL CHECK 11101 68167 03/14/00 TOWNVAIL TOWN OF VAIL 321 FIRE DISPATCH SVC 11101 68169 03/14/00 TRICOUNT TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUIS 322 RECHARGE FIRE EXTINGUISH 11101 68169 03/14/00 TRICOUNT TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUIS 322 RECHARGE FIRE EXTINGUISH TOTAL CHECK 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 321 PAPER TOWELS 11101 68175 03/14/00 USWEST US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 11101 68175 03/14/00 USWEST US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 TOTAL CHECK 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 TOTAL CHECK 11101 68183 03/14/00 T0000235 VALLEY SIGNS 323 SIGNS/FIRE 11101 68184 03/14/00 VFIS VFIS 321 ACCIDENT&SICKNESS INS 11101 68188 03/14/00 WESTFIDE WESTERN FIRE DEPT. SUPPLY 322 MISC SUPPLIES 11101 68189 03/14/00 WHEATLAN WHEATLAND FIRE EQUIPMENT 322 NECKSTRAP TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND PAGE 10 0 AMOUNT 80.00 1,200.00 393.05 450.00 843.05 22,229.49 44.00 132.00 176.00 104.28 24.51 29.62 54.13 56.050 52.32 50.08 47.63 206.08 80.50 3,468.00 1,401.14 19.62 36,461.68 36,461.68 E RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:41 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 11 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SWON CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 168022' and 1681921 FUND - 24 - WATER FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68151 03/14/00 SHERMANA SHERMAN AND HOWARD 424 PROF SVC/WATER PLANNING 180.20 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 180.20 TOTAL FUND 180.20 • i 11 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:41 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 12 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: traneact.check no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68059 03/14/00 COPYCOPY COPY COPY 800 FIRE STAT CONST DOCS 188.18 11101 68100 03/14/00 INTERMTN INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERIN 800 EAST AVON STREETSCAPE 18,785.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/SUNRIDGE 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/SUNRIDGE 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/SUNRIDGE 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/BENCHMARK CONDOS 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/BENCHMARK CONDOS 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/TOA 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/ELK MEADOW 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/BRIDGEWATER TERR 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/SUNRIDGE 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/GUGGENHEIM 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/TOA •100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/ELK MEADOW 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/ELK MEADOW 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/SUNRIDGE 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/SUNRIDGE 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/SUNRIDGE 100.00 11101 68111 03/14/00 LANDTITL LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMP 800 PROF SVC/ELK MEADOW 100.0 TOTAL CHECK 0 1,700.00 11101 68119 03/14/00 MCDA MCMENAMIN DAVIS ARCHITECT 800 PROF SVC/FIRE DEPT/JAN 1,572.50 11101 68143 03/14/00 RNLDESIG RNL DESIGN 41 PROF SVC/AVON TWNCTR/DEC 2,282.32 11101 68144 03/14/00 ROBINSON ROBINSON & SCHEURER P.C. 800 PROF SVC/JAN 3,339.00 11101 68155 03/14/00 BERNSTEI STAN BERNSTEIN AND ASSOCI 800 PROF FEES/JAN 5,283.90 11101 68161 03/14/00 TERRASAN TERRASAN 800 PROF SVC/E.AVON/JAN 8,959.28 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 42,110.18 TOTAL FUND 42,110.18 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:41 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER C3/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 13 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SOON CRITERIA: tran eact.check_no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68027 03/14/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 155.14 11101 68027 03/14/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 37.95 11101 68027 03/14/00 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 61.46 11101 68027 03/14100 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 47.25 TOTAL CHECK 301.80 11101 68058 03/14/00 CONSOLID CONSOLIDATED PLASTICS COM 432 2 GALLON PAILS, LIDS 37.28 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 431 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 34.51 11101 68102 03/14/00 T0000352 JANE BURDEN 431 MILEAGE REIMB 46.80 11101 68114 03/14/00 LEWANGAS LEWAN 6 ASSOCIATES, INC 431 COPY PAPER 211.40 11101 68133 03/14/00 OFFICSDS OFFICE DEPOT 433 PRINTER CARTRIDGE 254.36 11101 68133 03/14/00 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 431 MISC OFFICE SUPP 27.97 TOTAL CHECK 282.33 11101 68135 03/14/00 PENGUINP PENGUIN PRESS 433 BUS TICKET BOOKS 1,080.00 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 433 PHONE SVC 2/13-3/12 44.66 68177 68177 03/14/00 03/14/00 USWSSTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 431 431 PHONE SVC 2/22-3/21 PHONE SVC 2/13-3/12 43.18 44.64 11101 68177 03/14/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 431 PHONE SVC 2/13-3/12 89.29 TOTAL CHECK 221.77 11101 68192 03/14/00 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 431 COPIER CHGS/JAN 75.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 2,290.89 TOTAL FUND 2,290.89 E RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:41 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 14 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68022 03/14/00 A-1AUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 ALTERNATOR 1,464.14 11101 68023 03/14/00 AGENCYAU AGENCY AUTO GLASS 434 WINDSHIELD 208.30 11101 68026 03/14/00 ALCANSPR ALCAN SPRING, INC. 434 LEAF SPRING 63.00 11101 68031 03/14/00 AMERSEAT AMERICAN SEATING 434 FOAM CUSHIONS FOR #841 97.68 11101 68038 03/14/00 BOBCATOF BOBCAT OF THE ROCKIES 434 WIPER MTR 123.58 11101 68047 03/14/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 WASHER FLUID 56.65 11101 68047 03/14/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 7,676.97 11101 68047 03/14/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 7,899.82 11101 68047 03/14/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 7,739.40 11101 68047 03/14/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 MOTOR OIL 679.25 11101 68047 03/14/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 8,100.33 11101 68047 03/14/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 MOTOR OIL 679.25 11101 68047 03/14/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 WASHER FLUID 113.30 11101 68047 03/14/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 7,954.43 11101 68047 03/14/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 MOTOR OIL 915.75 11101 68047 03/14/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 UNLEADED FUEL 4,391.10 TOTAL CHECK 46,206.25 11101 68048 03/14/00 COBOILER COLORADO BOILER INSPECTIO 434 BOILER INSPECTED 20.00 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 TRANS FILTER KITS 794.04 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 MISC PARTS 575.68 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 EXH CLAMPS 13.82 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 MANILA TAGS 16.97 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 RELAY 102.76 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 STUDS 78.40 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 MAGNET TAPE 96.64 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 12 VOLT FLASHER 132.12 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 OIL WHEEL SEAL 43.90 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 CREDIT FOR FILTER KITS -594.78 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 BUS & SKIBOX REPAIR 4,485.90 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 TRANS FILTER, KITS 594.78 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 PREFORMED CLAMP 26.60 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 DIPSTICK 21.79 11101 68051 03/14/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 MISC PARTS 35.55 TOTAL CHECK 6,424.17 11101 68062 03/14/00 CUMMINSR CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, I 434 MISC PARTS 125.04 11101 68062 03/14/00 CUMMINSR CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, I 434 PARTS NOT ON WARRANTY 82.88 11101 68062 03/14/00 CUMMINSR CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, I 434 SHIFT SELECTOR SWITCH 229.05 TOTAL CHECK 436.97 11101 68065 03/14/00 DRIVETRA DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES 434 MISC PARTS 1,596.34 11101 68065 03/14/00 DRIVETFA DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES 434 DRUM 408.76 11101 68065 03/14/00 DRIVETRA DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES 434 REPAIR DRIVE SHAFT/JEEP 220.82 TOTAL CHECK 2,225.92 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:42 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 15 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SOION CRITERIA: traneact.check_no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68068 03/14/00 EATONSAL EATON SALES & SERVICE 434 FUEL CARDS ENCODING 11.00 11101 68074 03/14/00 FORMBYFO FORMBY FORD-MERCURY, INC. 434 REPAIR FORD F350 80.00 11101 68076 03/14/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM LAUNDRY 164.15 11101 68076 03/14/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM LAUNDRY 125.81 11101 68076 03/14/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 125.81 TOTAL CHECK 415.77 11101 68080 03/14/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 SIPED RECAPS 750.00 11101 68080 03/14/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 SIPED RECAPS 430.20 11101 68080 03/14/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 756.52 11101 68080 03/14/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 280.00 11101 68080 03/14/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 1,513.04 TOTAL CHECK 3,729.76 11101 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 734.06 11101 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 BLOWER MOTOR 201.86 11101 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 29.28 11101 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 HI FLOW NYLON PAN 153.34 11101 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -84.83 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 VALVE WASH WIPE 105.72 10 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 SLACK ADJUSTER 149.82 11101 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 ALT PULLEY 202.64 11101 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 SEAT BELT BUCKLE 76.24 11101 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 57. MISC PARTS 232.30 11101 66083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 359.08 11101 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 408.13 11101 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 SPLASH GUARD BRACKET 1,631.70 11101 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 BUSHING 29.76 11101 68083 03/14/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -127.24 TOTAL CHECK 4,101.86 11101 68084 03/14/00 GLENWDEN GLENWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC 434 TOWING/#168 225.00 11101 68088 03/14/00 HANSONEQ HANSON EQUIPMENT INC 434 BELTS 840.25 11101 68089 03/14/00 HAUSEEQU HAUSE EQUIPMENT, INC. 434 MISC PARTS 61.70 11101 68089 03/14/00 HAUSEEQU HAUSE EQUIPMENT, INC. 434 MISC PARTS 235.75 TOTAL CHECK 297.45 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 434 ELECTRIC SVC 1/24-2/21 2,202.60 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 434 ELECTRIC SVC 1/25/FINAL 2.30 11101 68095 03/14/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 434 ELECTRIC SVC 1/25/FINAL 45.85 TOTAL CHECK 2,250.75 11101 68099 03/14/00 INSTACHA INSTA CHAIN 434 CHAIN WHEEL COMPLETE 1,180.58 11101 68099 03/14/00 INSTACHA INSTA CHAIN 434 CHAIN LIND LD7 549.90 TOTAL CHECK 1,730.48 u RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:43 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 16 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact. check-no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68104 03/14/00 HAINESJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET 434 MUFFLER, GASKET 228.09 11101 68104 03/14/00 HAINESJO JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 434 HOSE,PIPE,SEAL 127.14 11101 68104 03/14/00 HAINESJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET 434 BRACKET 49.32 11101 68104 03/14/00 HAINESJO JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 434 SEAL 13.04 11101 68104 03/14/00 HAINESJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET 434 WIPER MOTOR 293.27 11101 68104 03/14/00 HAINESJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET 434 MUFFLER -203.03 11101 68104 03/14/00 HAINESJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET 434 GASKET 7.03 11101 68104 03/14/00 HAINESJO JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 434 MUFFLER, GASKET 221.06 11101 68104 03/14/00 HAINESJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET 434 MUFFLER 246.62 11101 68104 03/14/00 HAINESJO JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 434 MISC PARTS 309.88 11101 68104 03/14/00 RAINESJO JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 434 MISC PARTS 59.47 11101 68104 03/14/00 HAINESJO JOHN RAINES CHEVROLET 434 MISC PARTS 64.93 TOTAL CHECK 1,416.82 11101 68107 03/14/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 356.40 11101 68107 03/14/00 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 398.32 TOTAL CHECK 754.72 11101 68112 03/14/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 ANTENNA CONNECTORS 33.00 11101 68112 03/14/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 RADIO REPAIRS 75.00 11101 68112 03/14/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 RADIO PARTS' SS5.00 11101 68112 03/14/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 PARTS 4 RADIO REPAIR ? 103.00 11101 68112 03/14/00 LEADINGE LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 PARTS AND RADIO REPAIR 178.50 TOTAL CHECK 944.50 11101 68114 03/14/00 LEWAN6AS LEWAN 4 ASSOCIATES, INC 434 COPIER CLEANING/TRANS 93.00 11101 68116 03/14/00 MACDONAL MACDONALD EQUIPMENT CO 434 LIFTING EYE 74.87 11101 68120 03/14/00 MESASUPP MESA SUPPLY COMPANIES 434 HOTSY SOAP 450.00 11101 68125 03/14/00 MYERSTIR MYERS TIRE SUPPLY COMPANY 434 ALIGNER MACHINE SUPP 976.00 11101 68125 03/14/00 14YERSTIR MYERS TIRE SUPPLY COMPANY 434 ALIGNER MACHINE SUPP 731.36 11101 68125 03/14/00 MYERSTIR MYERS TIRE SUPPLY COMPANY 434 ALIGNER MACHINE SUPP 216.08 11101 68125 03/14/00 MYERSTIR MYERS TIRE SUPPLY COMPANY 434 ALIGNER MACH 6 SUPP 10,642.00 TOTAL CHECK 12,565.44 11101 68128 03/14/00 NEOPART NEOPART 434 HEADLIGHT COVER 94.98 11101 68128 03/14/00 NEOPART NEOPART 434 PCB BOARD SECONDARY 190.18 TOTAL CHECK 285.16 11101 68131 03/14/00 NORDICRE NORDIC REFRIGERATION 434 ALL REFRIGERENT REMOVED 45.00 11101 68131 03/14/00 NORDICRE NORDIC REFRIGERATION 434 ALL REFRIGERENT REMOVED 55.00 TOTAL CHECK 100.00 11101 68132 03/14/00 NOVUSWIN NOVUS AUTOGLASS 434 WINDSHIELDS REPAIRED 330.00 11101 68138 03/14/00 PRECINCT PRECINCT POLICE PRODUCTS, 434 MICROTHIN CLEAR LENS 40.29 11101 68139 03/14/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 1/20-2/18 73.860 11101 68139 03/14/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 1/20-2/18 300.60 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:43 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND S9ION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SV C FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 68139 03/14/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 1/20-2/18 11101 68139 03/14/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 1/20-2/18 11101 68139 03/14/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 1/20-2/18 11101 68139 03/14/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 1/20-2/18 11101 68139 03/14/00 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 1/20-2/18 TOTAL CHECK 11101 68150 03/14/00 SAFETYKL SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION 434 P/U OF USED OIL FILTERS 11101 68150 03/14/00 SAFETYKL SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION 434 HAZARDOUS WASTE 11101 68150 03/14/00 SAFETYKL SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION 434 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL TOTAL CHECK 11101 68162 03/14/00 THEARTWO THE ARTWORKS 434 GRAPHICS ON PATROL CAR 6 11101 68162 03/14/00 THEARTWO THE ARTWORKS 434 PAINT #445 11101 68162 03/14/00 THEARTWO THE ARTWORKS 434 DECALS FOR #859 TOTAL CHECK 11101 68166 03/14/00 THULELEC THUL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 434 ALARM MON11ST QTR/FLEET 11101 68170 03/14/00 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 434 CONTROL HEAD LAMPS 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 BROOM 1 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 JANITORIAL SUPP 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 WASTEBASKET 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 FINE SWEEP BRUSH,BROOM 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 EMBOSSED TOWELS 11101 68172 03/14/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 MOP BUCKET TOTAL CHECK 11101 68173 03/14/00 USWELDIN UNITED STATES WELDING, IN 434 CYLINDER RENTAL 11101 68173 03/14/00 USWELDIN UNITED STATES WELDING, IN 434 WELDING HELMET 11101 68173 03/14/00 USWELDIN UNITED STATES WELDING, IN 434 SPOOLS OF WIRE TOTAL CHECK 11101 68174 03/14/00 UNICOACH UNIVERSAL COACH PARTS, IN 434 RECIRCULATION PUMP TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND u PAGE 17 AMOUNT 235.76 11.65 14.71 118.28 11.65 766.53 1,323.00 94.00 1,545.00 2,962.00 610.00 3,028.75 70.00 3,708.75 105.00 539.00 -50.00 15.00 84.50 42.00 60.00 56.00 30.00 237.50 89.56 300.00 158.90 548.46 384.23 97,258.60 97,258.60 RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:44 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 03/10/00 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 18 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 3/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 168022' and 168192' FUND - 63 - EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 68033 03/14/00 APEXSECU APEX SECURITY GROUP 812 CCTV SYSTEM UPGRADE 963.58 11101 68170 03/14/00 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 811 COMMAND CONSOLE/TAHOES 869.85 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 1,833.43 TOTAL FUND 1,833.43 TOTAL REPORT 437,900.73 C RUN DATE 03/10/00 TIME 09:29:44 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER r? u March 14, 2000 TOWN OF AVON MANUAL CHECKS PROCESSED BETWEEN MEETINGS Stacy Mays, Travel Advance $100.00 Xerox Corp, Lease Pmt #13 442.30 Johnson, Kunkel, & Assoc., Prof Svc/Zone Map 783.75 Hawkeye Services, Carpet Installation 29050.00 Convergent Communications, Long Dist/Jan 703.89 Cirsa, Claims Deductible 1,783.17 Candyman Cleaning, Janitorial Service/Jan 3,000.00 AT&T Wireless, Cell Phones 1,273.38 Air Touch Cellular, Police Cell Phones 1,471.83 • Total Manual Checks $11,608.32 U Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Karen Griffith, Town Planner Dote: March S, 2000 Re: Amendment to Planning and Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules and Regulations to adopt regulations for the screening of mechanical equipment, flues and vents Summary On March 7, 2000 the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously adopted Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution No. 00-02, approving an amendment to the Planning and Zoning Commission's Rules, Procedures, and Regulations. The proposed regulation requires that any penetration of a roof top or roof top plane that is 8 inches or greater in outside diameter must be enclosed and indicated on the plans and elevations. It also requires that ground mounted HVAC equipment be screened from views. The proposed amendment is designed to screen mechanical equipment, flues and vents from off-site and enhance the appearance of commercial and residential projects in the Town of Avon. The amendment will be added to Section 4.25 entitled Building Design of the Planning and Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules and Regulations as shown in the attached Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 00-02. Recommendation Staff recommends that Council approve this amendment by motion. Town Manager Comments Attachments: Planning and Zoning Resolution 00-02 Memo to Town Council, January 5, 2000 Page 1 of 1 Re: Development Review Fee Schedule TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 00-2 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION'S RULES, PROCEDURES, AND REGULATIONS FOR REGULATING MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, FLUES AND VENTS WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan states improvement of the visual appearance of the Town and development of a high quality urban design is a high priority; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan states the Town should establish and maintain a high quality visual image; and HEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission finds that the Amendment to Section 4.25 is W w' f consistent with the Goals and Policies of Comprehensive Plan or improving the visual quality of the Town of Avon. N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Planning and Zoning Commission approves the Amendment to Section 4.25 of Planning and Zoning Commission Rules, Procedures and Regulations as follows: E. Mechanical equipment, flues and vents 1. All roof top mechanical equipment, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment (HVAQ must be indicated on the plans. 2. All rooftop mechanical equipment/HVAC, kitchen exhaust vents and paint booth exhausts, etc are required to be screened from off-site views. 3. All ground-mounted HVAC units must be screened from off-site views. 4. Any penetration of rooftop or rooftop plane eight inches or greater in outside diameter shall be enclosed and indicated on plans and elevations. E F AP&ZUResol utions\2000-Resol utions\mechan i cal equip Am 0 ADOPTED this 7th day of March, 2000 Signed. Chris Evans, Chair Attest: Greg Macik, Secretary C. E Date: Date: F:\P&Z\Resolutions\2000-Resolutions\mechanicalequip. doc RESOLUTION NO. 14 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A MODIFICATION OF THE TERMS OF THE TOWN OF AVON'S OFFER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH JOHN H. LAERI, JR. TO PURCHASE SHERWOOD MEADOWS CONDOMINIUM UNITS IA, 1C, 1D, 2B, 2C, 2E, 2F, 3A, 3B, 4B, AND 4D, AVON, COLORADO. WHEREAS John H. Laeri, Jr. is the owner of SHERWOOD MEADOWS CONDOMINIUM UNITS IA, 1C, 1D, 213, 2C, 2E, 2F, 3A, 3B, 4B, AND 4D, Avon, Colorado, and WHEREAS the Council desires the Town of Avon to purchase said units for a purchase price not to exceed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000), and WHEREAS by Resolution No. 11, Series of 2000, the Town Council previously authorized the Mayor to execute a contractual offer (which was attached to said resolution), for said units, and WHEREAS based on discussions between the parties, the Town Council now wishes to modify the terms of the contractual offer as specified below, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. The terms offered to the owner of said units shall be those as stated in the contractual offer attached to Resolution No. 11, with the following modifications: (a) The Dates and Deadlines set forth in Subsection 2.c shall be changed to indicate the following: Title Deadline ..............................................March 31, 2000 Document Request Deadline ..............................March 31, 2000 Title Objection Deadline ..................................April 28, 2000 Off-Record Matters Deadline .............................April 18, 2000 Off-Record Matters Objection Deadline .................May 2, 2000 Seller's Property Disclosure Deadline ....................May 18, 2000 Inspection Objection Deadline .............................June 2, 2000 Resolution Deadline ..........................................June 16, 2000 Closing Date ...................................................August 21, 2000 Possession Date ................................................August 21, 2000 Acceptance Deadline Date .....................................March 22, 2000 (b) The following language shall be added as Subection 6.a.(5) of the contract: Seller shall have the sole option and election to terminate this contract if the Property's valuation, as determined by an appraiser engaged by Buyer, exceeds $2,250,000. In the event the Property's valuation as determined by the appraiser engaged by Buyer does exceed $2,250,000, the contract shall terminate by Seller giving Buyer written notice of termination on or before the Appraisal Deadline (§ 2c). If Buyer does not receive such written notice of termination on or before the Appraisal Deadline (§ 2c), Seller waives any right to terminate under this subsection. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the Town's contractual offer in the terms as authorized herein. ADOPTED this _ day of , 2000. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Burt Levin, Town Attorney 2 TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Than Bill Effng, Town Manager Frorm Scott Wright, Finance Director g -.-.- Date: March 9, 2000 Ro: Capital Projects Long Range Plan Summary: The Capital Projects Fund 5-Year plan is enclosed that shows the unaudited figures for 1999, as well as the proposed amendment for 2000. The proposed amendment does not ask for any new appropriations but does carry forward some unexpended projects and unrealized revenues. In addition, because of these carry forwards and the unexpectedly high real estate transfer tax revenues that occurred at the end of the year, the beginning fund balance for 2000 is being amended from $2,018,708 to $3,350,910. Staff has discussed the real estate transfer tax revenue stream and we are working on 2 areas in which to better project these revenues. First, adjusting the real estate transfer tax projections into 2 separate components: (1) ongoing, sustained levels of activity, and (2) new developments coming on-line. Second, we are in the process of developing a model that will allow us to proms revenues from proposed developments. December, 1999, was the highest month ever in the history of Avon for collections of RETT. We collected $528,524 which represented 23.45% of our yearly total. Chapel Square and Lakeside Terrance sales made up $147,593 and $147,749, respectively for December. On Tuesday I will have some additional statistics regarding the RETT for your review. Town Manager Comments: Attachments: Capital Projects Fund 5-Year Plan Page 1 TOWN OF AVON CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 5-YEAR PLAN Projected Unaudited Adopted Proposed Year-end Year-end Budget Amended 1999 1999 20(10 2000 REVENUES Real Estate Transfer Tax $ 1,750,000 $ 2,253,372 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 S 1,050,000 S 1,050,000 S 1,050,000 S 1,050,000 S 1,050,000 Interest Earnings 137,801 137,801 75,556 113,093 48,143 62,570 56,605 62,826 91,396 Intergovernmental - OEC Grant _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - Intergovernmental - COOT _ 80,000 80,000 Lops InterGovt. Participation: Beaver Creek _ Bachelor Gulch/Smith Creek Arrowhead _ - - _ - - Avon Village (Roundabout Reimbursement) 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Avon Village (Chapel Square Rd.) 100,000 - - 100,000 - - - _ - Avon Village (E. Beaver Cr. Blvd.) - - 90,000 90,000 - 895,068 Eaglebend Housing Authority - _ _ _ 50,000 _ Confluence Metro District (Fire Station Remodel) - - - - 160,000 ECO (Trails Grant) _ _ 200,000 200,000 335,100 - - Utility Capital Facility Fees 2,000 732 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Fireplace Fees 6,000 3,000 91000 9,000 9,000 91000 9,000 9,000 91000 Other. Chapel Square - Benchmark Rd. - _ _ _ 50,000 _ _ _ _ Miscellaneous 22,500 31,450 - - - _ _ _ Total Operating Revenues 2,218,301 2,626,355 1,706,556 1,844,093 1,904,243 2,218,638 1,317,605 1,323,826 1,352,396 Other Sources: Transfers in from Other Funds 250,836 250,836 - - - Proceeds from Water Fund Loan - - - - 1,000,000 Proceeds from Bonds and COPs - - Capital Lease Proceeds 114,000 225,954 - - - - - _ _ Total Revenues and Sources of Funds $ 2,583,137 $ 3,103,145 $ 1,706,556 $ 1,844,093 $ 2,904,243 $ 2,218,638 $ 1,317,605 $ 1,323,826 $ 1,352,396 0 TOWN OF 0 0 AVON CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 5-YEAR PLAN EXPENDITURES Capital Improvements: Facilities Land and Land Improvements Roads and Streets Recreation Strategic Planning Communications Other Debt Service: Capital Lease Payments Water Fund Loan: Principal Interest Total Expenditures Other Uses: Bond Issuance Costs Operating Transfer Out to Debt Service Operating Transfer Out to Special Assess Total Expenditures and Uses of Funds Net Source (Use) of Funds Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Projected Unaudited Adopted Proposed Year-end Year-end Budget Amended 1999 1999 2000 2000 $ 4,718,537 $ 4,652,394 $ 187,000 $ 255,218 $ - $ - $ - $ $ - 230,000 2,091 - 227,909 1,031,500 851,523 1,757,175 1,841,665 3,297,958 2,060,068 850,000 205,000 205,000 - - 185,000 185,000 - - - - - 52,500 38,085 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 239,939 139,939 - 100,000 - - - - - 6,000 2,250 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 80,935 80,935 123,416 123,416 122,711 41,071 - - - ' - - - - 200,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 40,000 200,000 30,000 200,000 20,000 6,359,411 5,767,217 2,283,591 2,764,208 3,451,669 2,382,139 1,121,000 466,000 456,000 16,191 16,191 15,211 15,211 14,231 13,251 12,271 11,291 11,291 6,375,602 5,783,408 2,298,802 2,779,419 3,465,900 2,395,390 1,133,271 477,291 467,291 (3,792,465) 6,031,173 (2,680,263) 6,031,173 (592,246) 2,018,708 (935,326) 3,350,910 (561,657) 2,415,584 (176,752) 1,853,927 184,334 1,677,175 846,535 1,861,509 885,105 2,708,044 $ 2,238,708 $ 3,350,910 $ 1,426,462 $ 2,415,584 $ 1,853,927 $ 1,677,175 $ 1,861,509 $ 2,708,044 $ 3,593,149 TOWN OF AVON CAPITAL PROJECTS INVENTORY 5-YEAR PLAN PITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS climes lunicipal Building improvements ire Station Expansion/Remodel wilt Gulch Facility ump House and Picnic Shelter ark Equipment Storage nd and Land Improvements arks: Pocket Parks Garton Property ads and Streets treetscape: Streetscape Planning W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Wildrldge Entry Sign Eaglebend Dr. Eaglebend Entry Sign Nottingham Rd. Imp., t-70 to Buck Creek Nottingham Rd. Imp., Buck Creek to end treat Improvements: PavingtRoad Improvements Chapel Square Reimbursement E. Beaver Creek Blvd Improvements W. Beaver Creek Blvd. RR Crossing luki-Modal/AHemative Mobility Sidewalks East Avon Access and Circulation Roundabout Pedestrian Crossings #1, #2, & #5 Roundabout Pedestrian Crosswalk Improvements Eagle River Bikepath Eagle River Bikepath - Beaver Creek Bid. To Confluence roundabouts 'ubmlic Art Work Estimated Unaudited Adopted Proposed Year-end Year-end Budget Amended 1999 1999 2000 2000 S - S - S - S - S - S - S - S - S - 18,000 17,444 187,000 187,000 - - - - 4,400,537 4,332,319 - 68,218 - - - - - 300,000 302,631 - - - - - - 230,000 45,000 186,000 200,000 20,000 165,000 139,000 34,500 242,000 2,091 - 227,909 - - - - - 38,979 655,000 655,000 - - - - - - 104,000 104,000 - - - - - - - - 35,000 315,000 - - - - - - 35,000 - - - - - 195,000 195,000 495,000 - - - - - 200,000 200,000 - 650,000 650,000 - - 140,002 90,000 90,000 195,000 200,000 200,000 205,000 205,000 150,000 - 50,000 - - - - - - 90,000 90,000 - 895,068 - - - 19,428 - - - - - - - 120,947 110,000 110,000 2,096,158 - - - - 134,914 - - - - - - - 10 258,175 292,665 - - - - - - 55,000 55,000 441,800 - - - - 247,243 - - - - - - - • Recreation Nottingham Park Basketball Courts: Strategic Planning Development Analysis and Review Planning and Consulting Communications 800 Mhz Radio System Other Fireplace Conversions Total Capital Improvement Projects TOWN AVON CAPITAL PROJECTS INVENTORY 5-YEAR PLAN Estimated Unaudited Adopted Proposed Year-end Year-end Budget Amended 1999 1999 2000 2000 - - 185,000 185,000 - - - - - 27,500 34,701 - - - 25,000 3,384 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 239,939 139,939 - 100,000 - - - - - 6,000 2,250 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 61000 $ 6,278,476 $ 5,686,282 $ 2,160,175 $ 2,640,792 $ 3,328,958 $ 2,091,068 8881,000 $ 236,000 $ 236,000