TC Council Packet 02-01-2000A Brief Synopsis of the Town of Avon Town Council Work Session Meeting Date: February 1, 2000 Councilmembers Present: Mayor Judy Yoder, Mayor Protem Bob McIlveen, Councilors Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Mac McDevitt, Buz Reynolds. Councilmembers Absent: Councilor Rick Cuny Land Negotiations (Executive Session) Wildrid eg Entry Sign Mayor Yoder stated she would like to see a sign directing people to Wildridge. The current sign at Wildridge Rd. and Wildwood Rd. is not helpful. She does not feel we need to spend $10,000 on consultant. Council agreed. She would like to see a sign clarifying the way to Wildridge vs. Mountain Star. Council asked staff to come back with some sign suggestions. Also the sign should be moved further down Wildridge Road. Bill stated he will be at a CARTS tomorrow. Also, there is an I-70 meeting in Silverthrone on Thursday. Councilor McDevitt may be attending that meeting. Councilor McDevitt stated there was a meeting of the new marking board. They have pushed their schedule ahead. Also, Mike Kloser is heading up the summer activities. Councilor McDevitt may attend some of those meetings to see what is going on there. Bill said Jacquie will send a test email to Council on Wednesday to confirm that everyone's email is working. STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) TOWN OF AVON ) SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD FEBRUARY 1, 2000, AT 3:15 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM 1.) Land Negotiations (Executive Session) 4:15 PM - 4:45 PM 2.) Wildridge Entry Sign AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO BY: To\vn Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON JANUARY 28, 2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer L? Anne Martens, Engineer Date: January 19, 2000 Re: Wildridge Entry Design Services Agreement - Terrasan Summary: The attached Professional Services Agreement for Planning and Landscape Architecture Design Services for the Wildridge Entry Sign was submitted by Terrasan , Inc. The services include design of the Entry Sign, Landscaping and Surveying of the Site. The services are needed to design the Entry Sign and Landscaping for the project. The remainder of the project will be completed by in house staff. The estimated fee of $9,300 for the proposed services is within the Project Budget of $104,000. Terrasan, Inc. has been contracted on several landscape design projects within the Town of Avon and is familiar with the Town of Avon Standards. Because of this and time constraints, alternate proposals were not requested for this work. However, the proposed Fee Schedule appears to be in line with other design firms in the area and the estimated cost of services is in line with the anticipated costs based on the proposed scope of services. Approval of the attached agreement is recommended. Recommendations: Approve the Professional Services Agreement as submitted by Terrasan, Inc. for the design of the Wildridge Entry Sign with Fees not to exceed $9,300.00 without prior written approval from the Town of Avon. Town Manager Comments: \\PW\USERSWmartens\2000 CIPM[dridge Entry Sign\Design Services.Doc FROM : Terrasan Inc FAX NO. : 3033311815 Jan. 19 2000 09:49AM P2 EXHIBIT A WILDRIDGE ENTRY SIGN CONSULTANT'S SCOPE OF WORK PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.01 Project Purpose The project purpose is to design a new entry sign and landscaping for the Wildridge Subdivision. The landscape design will include low water use or xeriscape plants only due to the lack of water or power in the vicinity of the site. 1.02 Project Limits The project study area includes the intersection of Wildridge Road and Metcalf Road. 1.03 Terrasan's Scope of Work Terrasan wit( provide landscape architectural design services. Terrasan will be responsible for sign design and landscape design. A new site survey of the area is included in the scope of work PHASE ONE: INFORMATION GATHERING 1.01 Project Startup Review existing plans/studies, surveys and assemble base information. Meet with Town staff to review project goals, objectives, schedule and budget. 1.02 Site Survey A new site survey of the project area in Auto Cadd format will be prepared. 1.03 Visit the project site to review existing conditions and proposed improvements. Review and analyze potential impacts on sign locations. PHASE TWO: CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 2.01 Conceptual Alternatives Prepare up to two conceptual design alternatives for the entry sign and landscape improvements and present to Town staff. 2.02 Project Coordination Up to two (2) project coordination meetings with Town staff are included in this phase. I FROM : Terrasan Inc FAX NO. : 3033311815 Jan. 19 2000 09:5Mi P3 PHASE THREE: PRELIMINARY DESIGN 3.01 Preliminary Plan Based upon comments received on the conceptual altematives from town staff, prepare a preliminary design for the entry sign, and landscape improvements. 3.02 Preliminary Cost Estimate Prepare a preliminary cost estimate based upon the preliminary plan. 3.03 Preliminary Plan Review and Comment Present and review the preliminary plan with the town staff and Town CouncA. 3.04 Project Coordination Up to one (1) project coordination meeting with Town staff is included in this phase. PHASE FOUR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 4.01 Construction Documents Prepare bid documents for the entry sign and landscape improvements. 4.02 Construction Specifications Prepare specifications (CSI format) for the entry sign anc Landscape improvements. PROJECT SCHEDULE Start Date Completion Date Phase 1: Informational Gathering Phase 2: Conceptual Design Jan. 26, 2000 Feb. 1, 2000 Feb. 1, 2000 Feb. 7 2000 Phase 3: Preliminary Design Phase 4: Construction Documents Feb. 7, 2000 Feb. 14, 2000 , Feb. 14, 2000 Feb. 22, 2000 PHASE FIVE.- CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION 5.01 Construction Observation Visits Make two construction observation visits, one during the construction period and one to prepare a punch list for final completion. RFPiWildridge Entry Sign Pape 2 FROM : Terra san Inc WORK NOT INCLUDED A. Civil Engineering FAX NO. : 3033311815 Jan. 19 2000 09:50AM P4 Engineering design services for potential road realignments are not included in this proposal. B. Geotechnical Soils investigations Geotechnical soils investigations are not included in this proposal. C_ Structural Engineering Structural engineering services are not included in this proposal. VVILDRIDGE ENTRY SIGN BASIS OF COMPENSATION Compensation for the professional services described in this proposal shalt not exoeed Nine Thousand Three Hundred ($9,300) including reimbursable expenses. Terrasan will bill monthly based upon time and materials spent on the project. A breakdown of the estimated time per phase is listed below. Phase 1: information. Gathering $2,200 Phase 2: Conceptual Design $1,800) Phase 3: Preliminary Design $1,800 Phase 4: Construction Documents $2,5010 Phase 5: Construction Observation $400 Reimbursable Expenses 800 TOTAL $9,300 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Professional services requested by the Town of Avon which are in addition to those listed in the scope of work above shall be billed at the following hourly rates. All additional services will reoulre written authorization. TERRASAN Principal CADD Operator Landscape Architect Clerical Subconsultant: Cost plus 15% $90.00/hour $50.00/hour $45.00/hour $30.OOmour RFPNVildrdge Entry Sign Page 3 FROM : Terrasan Inc REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES FAX NO. : 3033311815 Jan. 19 2000 09:51AM P5 Reimbursable expenses are billed in addition to professional services at cost. Reimbursable expenses include reproductions, copies, postage, faxes, and courier services. Automobile rnileage is billed at .33 cents per mile- Copies $0.15 ea. Blueline Prints $0.20 sf. Mylar Sepia $2.10 sf. Double Matt Mylar $2.50 sf. CADD Plots Vellum $15.00 ea. CADD Plots Bond $12.00 ea. Mylar Plots $25.00 ea. ?yg ape $1.00ft F $1.00 page Postage/Delivery at cost Long Distance Phone at cost Automobile Mileage $0.33/mile AGREEMENT This agreement is made between: Date and /011/00 George M. Pi p President for and on behalf of TERRASAN, Planning and Landscape Architecture, Inc. RFPMliWdge Entry Sign Page 4