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TC Council Packet 01-11-2000
STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) TOWN OF AVON ) SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD JANUARY 11, 2000, AT 3:15 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM 1.) Contract Negotiations (Executive Session) 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 2.) Golf Course Discussion 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 3.) Sherwood Meadows Discussion 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 4.) Development Review Fees 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 5.) Community Development Update Consent Agenda Questions Council Committee Updates AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO } BY: Kr Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON JANUARY 7, 2000: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY A Brief Synopsis of the Town of Avon Town Council Work Session Meeting Date: January 11, 2000 Councilmembers present: Mayor Judy Yoder, Mayor Protem Bob McIlveen, Councilors Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, Buz Reynolds. Councilmembers absent: Councilor Jim Benson Contract Negotiations - Executive Session Golf Course Discussion - Councilor Cuny questioned if we should be spending money on consultants before we know if we can afford the land? He wondered what the land owners motivation was that they want us to do the golf course? Bill said Mr. Jouflas wants to retire. Bill said that he wants to know what the constituents think. So far he has heard positive things about doing it from people he talks to on the streets. Sherwood Meadows Discussion - Larry advised Council that the resolution on the Consent Agenda for Sherwood Meadows (Resolution No. 00-02) will be moved from the consent agenda and placed under Resolutions. This would allow the resolution to be discussed. Larry said he received a schedule from Dee Wisor and said that it is a 14 week process. Consent Agenda Questions - Mayor Yoder said that the fire protection resolution will be moved from the Consent Agenda to the Resolution section to allow discussion. Development Review Fees - Mike Matzko said some of the current fees were set back in 1989 or earlier. He is suggesting a fee increase because the cost to review plans are rising (taking longer to review). Mike gave Council a handout showing cost comparisons. Councilor Reynolds expressed concerned over the same fee being charged for small projects and large projects. There is less work in reviewing a small house versus a large house. He feels that the fees are fair, but would like to consider basing them on square footage. Base it on the same formula used for the building permit fees. Councilor Cuny said anything we can do to make it easier for the applicant would be better. Mayor Yoder said if we do change the fees, she would support doing it annually and in small increments instead of all at once. Bill asked that if we do that how does that correlate with the Village at Avon. Mike said they would pay the same as everyone else for building permit fees. They will have their own design review board. Mike said that the building permit fees were just changed with the recent adoption of the Uniform Building Code. Other - Bill said that Larry, Scott, Jacquie, and Norm are meeting on Friday to look at our data processing needs. Scott does not have the time to do this anymore. We are going to look at what we can get by combining the contract labor from department budgets. We want to hire someone part time in the next few weeks and then we want to evaluate the situation in the next 3-4 months to see how much time this job entails. Councilor Buckley felt we need a full time person. Council felt a decision could be made in a couple of weeks whether that person will be needed full or part time. Council agreed that we should get someone good or there will still be problems that an outside person will have to come in and fix. Bill said we were going to do a test on the new microphones, but it made a loud noise every time it was activated. Mayor Yoder spoke with Bob Reed earlier to see if the system should be replaced instead of just the microphones. Harry Taylor gave a bus driver update. He said he received three applications and two dropped out. He is still fifteen drivers short but has one possible new hire. Was not going to run a press release on new pay and benefits until after the 16t'. Council felt it should be run now and not wait until the 16rn Committee Updates - Councilor Buckley said she had a good interview on the radio show Wednesday, and it was a lot of fun. She encouraged everyone to do it. Bill asked if Council would like to be updated on any Legislation bills that effect us? Council said they would like to be copied. Councilor Reynolds asked if there was anything they can do as far as the forest service plan. Bill called Tom Stone today (1/11) for an update, but he was out of the office. Bill and Mayor Yoder will attend a fire protection meeting tomorrow afternoon (1/12). Bill will also be attending one tomorrow morning. Rick asked how much the Chamber paid Flash Cadillac? Sarah Lai said $10,000, the same amount that we are paying. Council said the New Year's Eve fireworks were great Councilor Cuny asked what is the environmental phase one study for. Norm Wood said it covers us for anything that may come up. He does not expect anything. The structures could have lead based paint or asbestos in it. The study will tell us that. Bill reminded Council that Monday (1/17) is a holiday, Martin Luther King Jr. day. Mayor Protein McIlveen asked when Council will be getting new binders for Council packets. Kris is ordering three ring binders this week. Bill said the Town Manager's office is working on targeting goals and the calendar for the year. He will get it out to Council when complete. Mayor Yoder said we are doing more planning so we can get information out to the candidates of the November election. Town Council Meetings Roll Call Check Sheet Date: 1-- // - 00 Jim Benson X Debbie Buckley Rick Cuny Mac McDevitt Bob McIlveen / Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder / Roll calls are called at start of meeting and for Ordinances. Do not call Mayor except for meeting roll call or to break a tie vote. Seating arrangements from west to east: McIlveen, Reynolds, Cuny, Yoder, McDevitt, Buckley, Benson Memo 0 70: Honorable Mayor and 1 own Council Thrw Bill Efting, T own Manager From: Michael Matzko, Director of Community Developm? Date January 5, 2000 Re: Proposed Schedule of Development Review Fees. Summary Attached is a worksheet that lists current and proposed application fees for Design Review, Zoninr and Subdivision. For comparison, the worksheet includes current fees for the Town of Vail. Town of Breckenridge, and Eagle County. Discussion Development review fees charged to the applicant offset the labor, material and overhead costs of the Town's review and approval process. Many of our fees were established in 1989 and earlier, and no longer reflect the cost of providing these services. Attached for your reference is a summary of cost< for two representative project types. Recommendation Staff requests that Council review the proposed fee schedule for discussion at the January 1 l work session. Town Manager Comments Attachments: 1. Development Review Fee worksheet 2. Sample Development Review Cost U Memo to l own Council, January 5, 2000 Page 1 of 1 Re: Development Review Fee Schedule Town of Avo^ 1De1refnn-t P-rip- k`pp AAlnOeshpe! Janl IArv 5, 2non Design Review Current Residential • 1 - 3 Units $100 + $1n/unit . 4 - 9 Units 13n + 9/unit > 3 units • 10 - 20 Units 211 + 8/i init > 12 units • 21 - 40 Units 275 + Ttinit > 20 units 41 - 60 1 Inits 415 + 6/Unit > 40 units • 61 - 100 Units 535 5/unit > 60 traits . nvnr , nn I )nit, 735 4 4 n Init , , no I 1^i-,q Commercial • Up to 1,000 square feet (sr1 $100 + $10/100sf • 1,000 - 2499 sf 200 + 8/100sf > 1,000sf • 2500 - 4599 sf 200 + 8/100,,f > 1000sf • 5000 - 9,999 sf 520 + 6/100sf > 5,000sf • 10,000 - 19.999 sf 820 +41100sf > 10,000sf • 20,000 - 49,999 sf 1,220 +2 1100sf > 20,000sf . nvor 5n nnn gf 1,R2n i 1 fon,< . 5n nnn,f Industrial, Warehotfse, Light Mfg • Lip to 1,000 sf $50 + $51 00sf • 1,000 - 2499 sf 100 + 4/100sf > 1,000sf • 2500 - 4599 sf 100 + 4/100sf > 1000sf • 5000 - 9,999 sf 260 + 3/100sf > 5,000sf • 10,000 - 19,999 sf 410 +21100sf > 10,000sf • 20,000 - 49.999 61 n 11100sf > 20,000sf . (l„nr 50.nnn cr 0, n f~ f. nn 5n nnn~< "iscelfaneous $100 i 51 n Oer $10,000 Val. Remrldel or Rennvatinn > $inn,nno Minor Project/Modification to Final ensign 25 Modification prior to Approval n/a Fvtnncinn of CinAi nnrgign AnnrrnrAl 1 !7 nriO'nAl rc,e $3n n'$10,000 of La^~Snapn -IV „ailafi r Signs Individual signs 25 Master sign grogram 2nn fl n?,~n ln(,m F!r•f 4<;vr~.,a< r'qn Cr ti~?rlvln Igh..L l.nn+ used Eagle County Breckenridge Vail` $500 n/a $850 $2nn to $500 750 n/a $3,000 + $50/unit 500 1,000 n/a 3,000 + 50/unit 500 1,500 n/a 3.000 + 50/unit 500 2.000 n/a 3,000 + 50/unit 500 2,500 n/a 3,000 + 50/unit 500 3,nnn n~a 3,onn l 5n/,Ir,ir 5nn $200 n/a $1,550 $200 500 n/a $3,000 + $50/1000sf 400 750 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf 500 1,000 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf 500 1,500 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf 500 2,000 n/a 3.000 + 50/1000sf 500 2.50n ^/A ?.nnn + 5nn onn,r 5nn $200 n/a $1,550 $200 500 n/a $3,000 $50/1000sf 200 750 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf 400 1,000 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf 500 1,500 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf 500 2,000 n/a 3,000 + 50/1000sf 500 2.Snn rfa 3 non . -non-1 5nn n/a nla $1nn $2n fn $2nn' $75 n/a 25 3 X fee n/a n/a n/a t 12 Inn n /A n/A Minor: 25 ,la rfa e~Pjnr 425 n/a 50 2n . $1 /sf 25 20 2nn n/A inn n/A Z i 4 on ng Current Proposed Eagle County Breckenridge ail Special Review Use • Residential $50 $25 Minor - $550 n/a $200 • Non-residential 50 100 ^Aai„r - '000 n/a 200 Variance Request Inn 25n Ann nla 25n Zone Change Request • Major 100 500 800 200 • Minor 1 on 5nn Ann 2nn Planned Unit Development Minor $Fno ~ $2n/unit or Minor: $1,500 + $50/unit or 21 L,.+s R si { ntinl glen $5nn 1000sf 100osf $1,5nn non , 2n/unit or 4Aajn-: ,i,nnn So/unit or •(;n ^mp-rill ~~~i_Fpml~U n. mivnri cr; nn ,nnn 1 Mnc( 1(tnnc' i5n0 Subdivision Exemption $50 no change $200 n/a Variance Requ?st 5n nn change Ano 250 Sketch Plan Inr;ll Iripri -;0- nrpliminary Inrlrlrinri ,a,ith nralirrinary • z n- fq,.,pr In'c 5n ^n Change plan plan n/a nrpl;..,;nary Inr4lr{gd -ifh n-°Ii" inary . A rnt~ 5n gorl nn CtianQe r'a^ n'~^ ^/a PreliminArv Plan 20 or fewer: $500 + • 3 nr fg,ater Intl $5n nn change $20/unit or 1000sf $850 - $1,5nn _ $5nl1nf 25n >20 units: $1,000 + • A r,. morn Into $2nr1 $ to nor If nn (;han qP $2n/l Int n- tnnnef $1,500 - $3,000 + $50/lot 1 $ ,nnn Inrltld,od !Arid, r)-Iirrlinary Final Plat 5n +n r^r lot cl'ange 5nn -75/unit nian Minor Subdivision ~'a n~a $n25 ft5n 25n Condominium Plat • 1 -10 Units $250 + $30 per unit no change $500 - $20/unit $5,000 - $50/unit $500 • 11 -20 Units 350 + 20 per unit no change 500 + 20/unit 3,000 + 501unit 500 • 21 - 40 units 400 + 15 per unit no change 1,000 + 20 unit 3,000 + 50/unit 500 . ntrnr A0 1 hits Fyn + in nor 1lnit nn Chiinge ',non ~ 20 1lnit 3,nno , 5n/1 snit 500 Miscellanenus Annexation $ ?nnn + costs n/a Cost n/a Special Cons lltant Sn.~,inns 1r)% r,~s+ + 2n% host host n/a Anneal to (;nllnril 5n g5^ nia n`a n~a 'Note: Vail charges design review faaR hasnd n^ ~~a4lation, Assn ntinns t~is -t r po+ Residential construction = $125/,f Commercial = $200/sf %AlarphnllsA(indll,Ctrial = $1 001-f (7--~ nm-f gp,.iqu~ Con ,C~Hnr{~rlp IA/n rL~hnq' !/F 'nn PAQa 2nf2 Estimated Development Review Costs January 5, 2000 Sample Project 1: Small Residential (single-family or duplex) Staff hours: Activity Professional,dministrative Cost Pre-application conference File Setup Initial staff review Written comments to applicant Staff review and discussions Review revised plan Contact with applicant (meetings, phone calls) Prepare P&Z staff report Printing and Packet Assembly Presentation to P & Z P and 7- action correspondencE Labor Subtotal Miscellaneous costs (overhead) Total: 1 $35 0.5 13 1 0.25 41 1 35 3 0.25 111 1 0.25 41 0.5 18 1.5 53 0.5 13 0.5 18 0.5 0.5 30 10 2.25 $406 $61 $467 Sample Project 2: Mixed-use PUD (1 Lot) Staff hours: Activity Professional administrative Cost Pre-application conference(s) File Setup-Administratior Initial staff review Written comments to applicant Staff review - revised plan. Follow-up contact with applicant (meetings, ph( Follow-up discussions with staff Prepare P&Z staff report Printing and Packet Assembly Presentations to P & 7 P & Z action correspondencE Prepare Council Staff Report & Ordinance Presentations to Council Recordina and administration Labor Subtotal Miscellaneous costs (overhead) Total 2.5 $88 0.7E 19 5 0.25 181 c^ 0.25 76 4 140 4 140 4 140 4.5 158 0.75 19 1.5 5 0.5 0.25 24 1.5 0.25 59 0.5 1 > 1 35 31 2.5 $1,148 $172 $1,320 Assumptions: • Project 1 requires Design Review approval, and includes 1 plan revision, 1 P&Z meeting. • Project 2 requires ordinance ; includes 1 plan revision, 1 P&Z work session, 1 P&Z hearing, and 2 Council meetings. • Staff includes Planning plus 1 or more of Building, Engineering, Fire and/or • Professional staff hourly rate: $35 • Administrative staff hourly rate: $25 • Overhead as % of total labor: 150/c 11 C L 1 c./ % / TOWN OF AVON LJ 1. 2. 3. 4. .5. l 6. I 7. 8. i ?i 9. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA i Call to Order / Roll Call Citizen Input Ordinances Resolutions Unfinished Business New Business Town Manager Report Town Attorney Report Mayor Report 10. Other Business 11. Consent Agenda Z- a.) Approval b of the December 14, 1999 Council Meeting Minutes .) Resolutio n No. 00-01, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, A e ld dge; T`owrr of - Resolution No. 00-02, Series of 2000, A Resolution Authorizing a Letter of Engagement of Bond Counsel and Negotiations Relating to the Prospective Purchase of 11 Units in the Sherwood Meadows Townhomes ti C Z'y .) Resolution No. 00-05, Series of 2000, A Resolution of Consent for the Eagle River Fire l Protection District i e.) Swift Gulch - Conveyance of Water and Sewer Facilities £) Swift Gulch Public Works Maintenance Facility - Change Order #3 g.) Fire Station Remodel - Additional Services Request h.) Contract for Flash Cadillac for the 2000 Salute to the USA i.) Squaw Creek Metro Fire Agreement Amendment j.) Valuation Consultants Proposal for Appraisal Services for West Beaver Creek Blvd. k.) Valuation Consultants Proposal for Appraisal Services for Sherwood Meadows 1.) Waste Engineering Proposal for Environmental Study Phase I, Sherwood Meadows m.) Contract with Dick Phelps Golf Course Architect n.) Financial Matters 12. Adjournment f f 6 " v?\ V January 11, 2000 - 5:30 PM ?V V"t Y et lr'-? u MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD DECEMBER 14, 1999 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held in the Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Judy Yoder at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken with Councilors Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, Buz Reynolds and Mayor Protein Bob McIlveen present. Also present were Town Manager Bill Efting, Town Attorney Burt Levin, Assistant Town Manager Larry Brooks, Town Clerk Kris Nash, Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs, Police Chief Jeff Williams, Community Development Director Mike Matzko, Transportation Director Harry Taylor, Town Engineer Norm Wood, Public Works Director Bob Reed, Fire Chief Charlie Moore as well as members of the press and public. Millenium Fireworks Update: Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs stated the fireworks will take place in Nottingham Park on Friday, December 31 at 6:00 PM. The show will last 10 minutes Parking is available at the Municipal lots and Avon Elementary School. There will be a bon fire, hot chocolate and popcorn. Christmas Light Contest Award: Mayor Yoder stated the Avon Town Council toured the entire town of Avon on Monday, December 13 to view all the Christmas light displays. The town has done a great job decorating. The award winners were as follows. The commercial award winners were: 1St place - Chapel Square; 2"d place - Mountain Man Nut and Fruit; 3`d place - Mountain Clothing Company. The residential award winners were: Tied for 1St place - Kathy Martinez of 901 West Beaver Creek Blvd. and Ed and Kathy Small of 4214 Wildridge Road; 2°d place - Joyce and Mark Morgan of 2403 Draw Spur; 3`d place - John and Virginia Eshenlor of 4550 Flat Point. Town Manager Report: Town Manager Efting reminded Council of the Chamber Mixer this Wednesday, December 15 from 5-7 PM at the Chophouse in Beaver Creek. Also, there will be no worksession December 21, but there will be a Council meeting December 28. Mayor Report: Mayor Yoder thanked Jacquie Halburnt and Stacy Mays for the great job they did on the Town of Avon Holiday Party. Mayor Yoder stated on behalf of the Avon Town Council we wish the residents and guests of Avon Happy Holidays and a prosperous 2000. Consent Agenda: a.) Approval of the November 23, 1999 Council Meeting Minutes b.) Resolution No. 99-60, Series of 1999, A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Town of Avon and Eagle County c.) Resolution No. 99-61, Series of 1999, A Resolution Approving the Amended Condominium Map of Avon Center, Level 2, A Resubdivision of Units 224 and 230, Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado d.) Resolution No. 99-62, Series of 1999, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 70, Block 3, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado e.) Resolution No. 99-63, Series of 1999, A Resolution Authorizing Disbursement of Funds in Accordance with the Addendum to Agreement for Dedication and Maintenance of Public Roadway £) Intergovernmental Agreement with Eagle County for Animal Control Services g.) CASTA Agreement for Fiscal Year 2001 FTA Funding Request h.) Financial Matters Councilor Benson motioned approval of the Consent Agenda with the modification of item g. Councilor Buckley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilor Benson motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor McDevitt seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 5:3? P.M. RESPWTFULLY SUBMITTED: ash, Town Clerk n • 11 APPROVED: Jim Benson Debbie Buckley Rick Cuny Mac McDevitt Bob Mcllveen Buz Reynolds Judy Yoder 0 E • Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager -4 7z'-" -/ From: Norman Wood, Town Engineer 2p,, Anne Martens, Engineer I Date: December 27, 1999 Re: Resolution No. 00 - 01, Approving the Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 42, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (2300 Saddle Ridge Loop) Summary: David Slick and Anthony Scharpf, owner's of Lot 42, Block 1, Wildridge, have submitted a Final Plat to resubdivide Lot 42, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. This is a Duplex Subdivision of a developed lot, creating Duplex lots 42 E and 42 W. The Subdivision is in conformance with the Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code, Subdivisions. Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 00 - 01, Series of 2000, A Resolution Approving the Final Plat, a Resubdivision of Lot 42, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, subject to completion of technical corrections to be approved by staff. Town Manager Comments: CADocuments\PIat Reviews\2000142B1 WRAoc TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 00 - 01 Series of 2000 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 42, BLOCK 1, WILDRIDGE, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, David Slick and Anthony Scharpf have submitted a Final Plat for a Resubdivision of Lot 42, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Final Plat has been reviewed by the Town Staff, and WHEREAS, the Final Plat was found to be substantially in conformance with Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision complies with the requirements for consideration as a Final Plat. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, that the Final Plat for A Resubdivision of Lot 42, Block 1, Wildridge, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, is hereby approved by the Town of Avon subject to: The completion of technical corrections as identified by Town Staff. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 2000. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor ATTEST: E Kris Nash Town Clerk u RESOLUTION NO. 02 0 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT OF BOND COUNSEL AND NEGOTIATIONS RELATING TO THE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASE OF 11 UNITS IN THE SHERWOOD MEADOWS TOWNHOMES WHEREAS, the Town Council is interested in the Town (or the Town of Avon Finance Authority) pursuing negotiations for the purchase of 11 units within the Sherwood Meadows Townhouse Complex in Avon, and WHEREAS, the purchase of such units would supply much needed housing for employees of the Town and be an important component in the Town's overall employee housing strategy, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. The Town of Avon staff is authorized to engage the services of the Town's bond counsel, for the purpose of obtaining financing related to the prospective purchase of the above said units. Section 2. The Town of Avon staff is authorized to engage the services of an appraiser and to commission an environmental study pertaining to the said units. Section 3. The Town of Avon staff is authorized to commence negotiations with the owner of the said units. ADOPTED this day of , 2000. L? ATTEST: TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor Kris Nash, Town Clerk IM 0 MEMORANDUM 0 TO: Hon. Mayor and Town Council FROM: Burt Levin RE: Eagle River Fire Protection District DATE: 01 105100 Attached is a resolution that, if passed, would enable the Avon voters to vote on the May 2000 ballot question of whether to create a new Eagle River Fire Protection District that would include Avon. U RESOLUTION NO. 5 SERIES OF 2000 0 A RESOLUTION OF CONSENT FOR THE EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners has authorized the formation of the proposed Eagle River Fire Protection District via Resolution No. 98-14, approved February 9, 1998, pursuant to the provisions of the "Special District Control Act," Part 2 of Article 1, Title 32, C.R.S., and WHEREAS, the County Commissioners' approval of the Regional Fire District Plan is conditioned upon agreement as to whether each "sub-district or town shall be in or out of the proposed District, to be reached between the various sub-districts or Town before the formation election is conducted," and WHEREAS, special districts are required to consent pursuant to § 32-1- 107(3)(b)(IV), C.R.S., prior to formation of an overlapping district providing any of the same services as the original district; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the County Commissioners' Resolution, a town must agree to the formation of the Regional Fire District prior to the election, but with the further understanding that such action does not preclude any such town from a future "municipal exclusion" pursuant to § 32-1-502, C.R.S., and WHEREAS, it is the current intent of the proponents of the Regional Fire District to not seek debt authorization for any new capital projects, but to effect an improvement of the current service level of fire protection, at an operating mill levy rate of up to 3.8 mills, and WHEREAS, it is the goal of the proponents to see current providers of fire protection services voluntarily relinquish the 2.5 operating mill levy which had been applicable to fire protection services, but would, upon formation, be provided by the Regional Fire District, and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the proponents that five director districts be established pursuant to § 32-1-301(2)(f), C.R.S., providing for approximately the same number of eligible electors in each of the director districts, and from each director district the board member elected must be an eligible elector, and WHEREAS, the basis for the Town's approval of this resolution is founded on the assumption that the Wildridge Fire Station will be staffed by the Regional Fire District by the year 2002. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. The Town of Avon does hereby provide its consent to the overlapping of the Eagle River Fire Protection District should said District be approved by the voters within its boundaries at the May 2, 2000 election. ADOPTED this _ day of , 2000. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Judy Yoder, Mayor 0 ATTEST: Kris Nash, Town Clerk E 2 Xtw-, 1 110, Memo E To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager P From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: December 20, 1999 Re: Swift Gulch - Conveyance of Water & Sewer Facilities Summary: The development of Swift Gulch Public Works Maintenance Facility required the extension of water and sewer mains onto the site. This construction was part of the Swift Gulch Construction Contract. This work is now complete and the necessary documents have been provided for conveyance of these facilities to the Sanitation District and Regional Water Authority. The attached SEWER LINE EASEMENT and SEWER MAIN CONVEYANCE agreement conveys the required sewer easement along with the sewer main and related appurtenances to the EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT. The attached WATER LINE EASEMENT and WATER MAIN CONVEYANCE conveys the required water easement along with the water main and related appurtenances to the UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY. The recommended action is to authorize the execution of the attached water and sewer line easements and the water and sewer main conveyance agreements. Recommendations: Authorize Mayor to sign the SEWER LINE EASEMENT and SEWER MAIN CONVEYANCE, conveying the Swift Gulch sewer facilities to the EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT and to sign the WATER LINE EASEMENT and WATER MAIN CONVEYANCE, conveying the Swift Gulch water facilities to the UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY. Town Manager Comments: CAMy Doaamcnts\SWfl ch\Water & sewer Conveyance Memo.Doc1 SEWER LINE EASEMENT C7 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; That TOWN OF AVON, Grantor, whose address is P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620, in consideration of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT, Grantee, whose address is 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado 81657, an easement for sewer line purposes, together with all rights and privileges as are necessary or incidental to the reasonable and proper use of such easement in and to, over, under and across the tract of land described as follows; More particularly described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, To have and to hold the easement hereby granted to Grantee and its assigns. Grantor warrants that it has full and lawful authority to make the grant hereinabove contained and promises and agrees to defend Grantee in the exercise of its rights hereunder against any defect in Grantor's title to the land involved or Grantor's rights to make the grant hereinabove contained. WITNESS our hand(s) and seal(s) this day of , 1999. TOWN OF AVON By: ATTEST: Town Clerk Mayor 11 CAMy Documcn s\Swftg1ch\Sewer Easemerd.Doc EXHIBIT A SWIFT' GULCH PUBLIC WORKS SEWER EASEMENT A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 82 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF AVON, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COAMTCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12; THENCE ALONG TIE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12 N89°5M"E A DISTANCE OF 346.46; THENCE ALONG A LINE BEING 346.46 WESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12 SOOg03'49"E A DISTANCE OF 335.51 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SWIFT GULCH ROAD BEIM THE TRUE POINT' OF B II?IIVIN('r THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF WAY LINE N68°03'46"W A DISTANCE OF 76.71 FEET; THENCE NW017-09- A DISTANCE OF 175.49 FEET; THENCE N90-00-00-E A DISTANCE OF 85.81 FEET; THENCE NWOO.37-W A DISTANCE OF 31.08 FEET; THENCE. N90°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET, THENCE SOOe00'37-E A DISTANCE OF 31.08 FEET; THENCE N90°00'00-E A DISTANCE OF 148.74 FEET; THENCE S00000'W'E A DISTANCE OF 67.35 FEET, THENCE S45°00'OO"E A DISTANCE OF 46.02 FEET; THENCE S00000'00"E A DISTANCE OF 201.15 FEET; THENCE N78002'33"W A DISTANCE OF 274.27 FEET; THENCE S43039.26-W A DISTANCE OF 65.78 FEET; THENCE S48028'37"W A DISTANCE OF 8.92 FEET TO THE NORTHIMLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SWIFT GULCH ROAD, THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OMAY LINE N60°2344"W A DISTANCE OF 26.42 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE N48°28'37"E A DISTANCE OF 16.41 FEET; THENCE N43°38'26"E A DISTANCE OF 66.43 FEET, THENCE N00°00'00'E A DISTANCE OF 90.66 FEET; THENCE N90°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE N00°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 115.07 FEET; THENCE N90°00'00"W A DISTANCE OF 15.15 FEET, THENCE S80°17'09"W A DISTANCE OF 101.18 FEET; THENCE S08t7'09"E A DISTANCE OF 11.51 FEET; THENCE S80017'09"W A DISTANCE OF 20 FEET, THENCE NOS-27'09"W A DISTANCE OF 11.51 FEET; THENCE S80°17'09"W A DISTANCE OF 50.47 FEET; THENCE S68003'46"W A DISTANCE OF 74.68 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-O&WAY LINE OF SWIFT GULCH ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 20.00 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 380.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3°00'57" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N21°37'2 1"W A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 1.85 ACRES (80,503 SQUARE FEET) MORE OR LESS. EXCLUDING THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12 NSV59'28"E A DISTANCE OF 627.49 FEET; THENCE ALONG A LINE BEING 627.49 FEET WESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12 S00°03'49"E A DISTANCE OF 297.28 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNINCr THENCE N90°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 197.70 FEET; THENCE S00°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 62.71 FEET; THENCE S45°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 31.88 FEET; THENCE S00°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 153.66 FEET; THENCE N78°02'33"W A DISTANCE OF 225.12 FEET; THENCE N00°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 192.27 FEET TO UZ POR9 OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCELS CONTAINS 1.05 ACRES (45,813 SQUARE FEET) MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARING: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LIN$ OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 82 WEST OF THE 6m PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN WHICH BEARS NSV59-28''E, 1335.56 FEET AND IS MON[JMENTED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12 BY A FOUND BRASS CAP (PLS NO. 15710) AND AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12 BY A FOUND BRASS CAP (PLS NO. 15710). PREPARED BY BRIAN L HAILEY, ENGINEER REVIEWED BY WAYNE HARRIS, P.E. P.L.S. FOR AND BEHALF OF MARTIN/MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 4251 KIPLING WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 AUGUST 6, 1999 -NW CORNER OF THE S/2 OF THE NE/4 OF THE NE/4 OF SECTION 12 NE CORNER OF THE S/2 OF THE FOUND BRASS CAP PLS # 15710 NE/4 OF THE NE/4 OF SECTION 12 N=10522.29 FOUND BRASS CAP PLS 1 15710 E=16484.90 N89' " W s M? Or V1r N89'59'28"E 627.49 "59'28"E .46 Nn SWIFT GULCH' ROAD i i i N68'03'46"E 176.71' S80'17'09"W 50.47 i S80 7 101.18 S9o'od S68 '46"W 15.15' 1 74.6 N00'00 -03'00'5,7 115.07' R=380.00' N90000 20.00' 15.00' hd.Ntgl 37'21"W \N00'1 N48'28'37 16.41' N60'23'44 26.42' 59 28 E 1335.56 (M) BASIS Ur BEARINGS N89'59'28"E 1334.92' (P) um 'a,' v10p 11.51' S80'17'09"W 20.00 NOO'0093711 31.08' N90'00'00"E- 85.81' N80'17-09"E 175.49' 11.51.E w I ham' \IS4 NOTTINGHAM PRUDER DITCH ACCESS & MAIN77NENCE EASEMENT 148.74' 197.70 (- -1 0 I_ _f tn iV78,02f3 ,- - :8'37"W IN- Z J EXIST. 10' ELECTRIC EASEMENT - BOOK 685, PG. 819 (TO BE ABANDONED) S00'00'00"E 62.71' ,SOO'00'00"E 67.35' S45'00'OO"E 31.88' 545'00'00"E 46.02' LIC SWIFT GULCH UTILITYBEAS MENTS COMPLEX I AD D SEWER MAIN CONVEYANCE 0 This conveyance is made by and between the TOWN OF AVON ("Conveyer"), and EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT, a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado ("District"), in consideration of the mutual promises made, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. Conveyer does hereby grant and convey unto the District, its successors and assigns, the following property: The sewer main lines, equipment, facilities, and appurtenances including all related personal property which have been constructed or otherwise acquired by Conveyer as hereinafter described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein ("Facilities"). Conveyer further covenants and agrees to the following: The Conveyer has the authority to grant this conveyance and warrants to defend its validity. 2. That the Facilities described herein constitute all property required by the District to provide the expanded service. 3. That the Facilities were installed in substantial compliance with the District's Rules and Regulations, applicable District construction standards, exist in adequate easements or other real property rights conveyed to the District, and that they are in first class working order free from any defect whatsoever. 4. That the Facilities are free and clear of any claims. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Conveyer has caused its name to be subscribed this day of , 19 CONVEYER TOWN OF AVON By: Mayor r STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 19 , by as of Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public My commission expires: E 11 i ? I i? j I ? I /IT ?_ I 1 w? I ?if I' I a I ?. r I I . PIE w LLJ 3 LLJ I I } 12/08/99 14:28 FAX 303 292 0845 RNL DESIGN 11002 Arrhilccrure Intarinr Design R tntincerrry Facility Pfannln3 December 8 1999 , Urban n%-%jgn A Prtt(M5I06a1 Cotpnrni,on landsrApr Araw-cl¢rc l5-5 Arao+h0r gtrcar Tower L $U11e 79U #T_um_ Wood Drnvrr. Color.,do Solna Town of Avon PubbeWorks Office A( 101.295.1717 500 Swift Gulch Road 11 ro; a?a uo,s AV=6 CO 81620 Re: Swift Gulch Public Works Complex - Water and Sewer Main Extensions RNI, PiDj= No. l -7802m Dcar Norman, This IetW is in response to the Eagle River Wader dt Sanitatoni District letxer, dated November 18, 1999. Item No. 4, for bath the Water Main Extension and the Sewer Main ExtOnsion, asks for a Cett&mx ion of Costs. The amounts below indices these amounts and are based on actual consbuetion costs: Water Mafia 591,772.00 Water Main Design 511,000.00 Subtotal SI02,772.00 Sewer Main 530,960.00 Sewer Main Design 54,000.00 Subtotal $34,960 Toted $137,732.00 If I can be of any further assistance with this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jon 2,RNL Design nw91208.doc 8 Pages of 12 Papas APPLICATION NO. 17 AIA DOCUMENT G703 Swift GulCI1 PL!bI1C WOr1C8 OmD APPLICATION DATE 1 99 PERIOD FROM: 11/1/1/1/99 ADOLFSON AND PETERSON, INC. TO: 11130/99 ITEM NO. 239 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Fu-n--h-- pipe s SCHEDULED VALUE u E WK PREVIOUS WORK APPLICATIONS IN PLACE F STORED MATLS NOT IN D OR E G TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO DATE (D+E;F) H % BALANCE TO FINISH I RETAINAGE 10% for 50% 4 4 3 2 coordination a 245 246 248 an p a am Is 2,500 100% 0 4 ' 3w 1001W 9 2 DIVISIO J 13 250 25 canopy 1 a m s, pa a 0 0 22,863 1 TIM Tf= __Tmw 254 DIVISION 15. nF-IOCtriCal - ma s 280 SITE 281 262 DIVISION np ea a 4,000 u 100% 267 wo : za n 289 Demolition etc 6 500 8 S80 270 ass cave , 0 0 6.5D0 100% p 271 - etro u 272 ue MKS 273 _ _ xcaw p, - 7 77r 5ackflll&3Q5 ip Fre 49,WO on o lar & wood Waft :9 ' ' 276 a 0 0 50 00% 0 u _ , 278 R 0 Hra 108 800 1"" 0 108 000 100 % 0 280 Excave- 0 282 e u 285 W, 0 W m 301980 1 . fmw W.m 93. ul 01 30 93,6W Tmw _UW BOND NO. 159037846 EXHIBIT B LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that ADOLFSON & PETERSON CCNSTRUCTION (Name of Contractor 797 VENTURA STREET, AURORA, COLORADO 80011 (Address of Contractor a coRPORATION (Corporation, Partnership or Individual hereinafter called Principal, and NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE cOMPANy OF HARTFORD (Name of Surety % caress or Surety) - hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto: Town of Avon, Colooado P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620 SIX NILLIM SIX BMW SEVENIlY ADD in the penal sum of pND Mg00 -- Dollars, in lawful money-of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the Principal entered into a certain contract with the Town of Avon, Colorado, dated the 14th clay of JMY 19 98 , a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for t e construction of ssuFT Qum RE= Dm6 02mix, 500 SWIFT Gaim FM, AVM, CMCMDO 24,000 SOLAM FCO1 MR= MADMWM 3ILIDIIE, RELM FPCII.ITIES, Rffj== OF E:(-MIG ffi1LfD= ADD MAM SIM PCW ON APPRMSgMY SIX POE SIM NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall promptly make payment to all persons, firms, SUBCONTRACTORS, and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution of the WORK provided for in such contract, and any authorized extensi n or modification thereof, including all amounts due for materials, lubricants, oil; fuel, repairs on machinery, equipment, and tools, consumed or used in connection with the construction of such WORK, and all insurance premiums on said WORK, and for all labor, performed in such WORK whether by SUBCONTRACTOR or otherwise, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the, said Surety for value received hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the WORK to be performed thereunder or the SPECIFICATIONS accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligation on this BOND, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the WORK or to the SPECIFICATIONS. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the Tgwn of Avon, Colorado, and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied, and provided further that this Performance Bond is given pursuant to #38-26-101, et seq., C.R.S. 1973, as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in THREE (3) (number) counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this the 15th day of JULY , 19 98 ATTEST: Principal Secretary Witne as to Principal (Address) . 0 ADOLFSON & PETERSON CCNSTRULTION Principal By 197 VENTURA STREET AURORA, COLORADO 80011 Address) NAMAL FIRE 1M91 ALM ANY CF EARM-Clm Surety ATTEST: - `Witness as to Surety 4000 W. OLSON MEMORIAL Hwy. GOLT)EN VALTRY TNNF-CaPA 55422 By ' M=,sedith F. Mtorne7- i - Fact 4000 W OLSON MEMORTAL. HWY- GOLDEN VALLEY, MINNESUPA 55422 (Address) (Address) STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSEY) ss: OOnd tom, nail--a 19 98 before me, a Notary Public within and for said County ' Pe Y PPeaiMeredith F. shun known to me to be the Attorney-In-Fact of NATIpNAL FIRE I corporation describe m an at execute a wi an ii: i oregomg mstnlment an the known to me to be the person who executed the said instrument in behalf of said corporation and he duly acknowledged to me that such corporation exec ted the 'U 1 ,N M. ANDERSON No- WY PUSUC - M OTA "Y Commission 11911rRs Jsn. 31, 2000 u e same. L.4 corporate seals to be hereto affixed on this 4th day of ma= CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY °` NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD sa'? AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA SEN JULY 31. A/ft J 109, MME" State of Illinois, County of Will, Ss: Marvin J. Cashion Group Vice President On this 4th day of March , 1998 , before me personally carne Marvin J. Cashion, to me known, who, being by me duly swom, did depose and say: that he resides in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois; that he is a Group Vice President of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, and AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seals of said corporations; that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so•affixed -pursuant to authority given by the Boards of Directors of said corporations and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of said corporations. d ? NOTARY ? ptle Co. l.` ?lel?J . Potrl?a,,, MY Commission Expires June 5, 2000 Eileen T. Pachuca Notary Public CERTIFICATE 0 I, Mary A Rbkawskis, Assistant Secretary of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, and AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA do hereby certify that the Power of Attorney herein above set forth is still h force, and further certify that the By-Law and Resolution of the Board of Doctors of each corporation printed on the - reverse hereof are ship in force. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seals of the said corporations this 15th day of .TUT.Y ?. WWR. CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY onu_ NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA MY 31 ?' • l•C? Mary A Ribikawskis Assistant Secretary (Rev.10/1/97) BOND NO. 159037846 EXHIBIT A PERFORirLau?'F B aL KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: that AMLFSON & PETERSON CONSTRUCTION (Name of Contractor) 797 VENTURA STREET, AURORA, COLORADO 80011 (Address of Contractor a CORPORATION hereinafter called (Corporation, Partnership, or Individua ) Principal and NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD (Name of Surety) CNA PLAZA, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60685 (Address of Surety hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound untos Town of Avon, Colorado P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620 in the penal sum of szx NIII,= six Hupw sE,puy TMLUM E? MUM NRMY-MU ADD NWIOD-- Dollars, ($ 6,670,898. in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the Principal entered into a certain contract with the Town of Avon, Colorado, dated the 14th day of iw , 1998 , a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the construction of ! SWIFT GUM RELIC krMS 021M, 500 S M GJXH RMD, AVCN, OaCRD0 24,000 SCUM FOM VH= MMMM EMMU, FLZLIM FACI[J=, RUM= OF EXLEUMC BLUMM ADD RELPM SIZE WIC ON APPS SIX ACRE SM NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly, and faithfully perform its duties, all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions, and agreements of said contract during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by the Town of Avon, Colorado, with or without notice of the Surety and during the one year guaranty period, and if he shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such contract, and shall fully indemnify and same harmless the Town of Avon, Colorado, from all costs and damages'which they may suffer by reason of failure 'to do so, - and shall reimburse and repay the Town of Avon, Colorado, all 'outlay and expense which may incur in making good any default, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety for value received hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the WORK to be performed thereunder or the SPECIFICATION accompanying the same shall Ln any ways affect its obligation on this BOND, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the Work or to the SPECIFICATIONS. PROVIDED, FJRTHER, that no final settlement between the Town of Avon, Colorado, and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. PROVIDED, FURTHER, this Performance Bond is given pursuant to #38-26-101, et seq., C.R.S. 1973, as amended IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in TMW (3) (number counterparts, each one of which shall-be deemed an origin l, this the 15th day of ,7ULY , 19 98 . ATTEST: 6?,f -d. ) ff k d (Principal Secretary) ADO FSON & PETERSOI?i CONSTRUCTION (Principal) Y P;Lt?? AURORA, COLORADO 8WI1 (Address) Witness rs to Principal (Address) ATTES uret. r t Witness as to -Surety 4000 W. OLSON MEMORIAL HWY. GOLDEN VALLEY, MINNESOTA 554,72 (Address) NATA'ML FIRE RBLRffiCE. a211) VY Surety By Attorney-in-Fact MBreOith F. Shan 4UUU W. ULSSM MEMORIAL HWY. GOLDEN VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55422 (Address) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) , COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss: ?_.. On JULY 15, 19 98 before me, a Notary Public within and for said County and State, person y appeared_ttKeredith F. Shian known to me to be the Attorney-In-Fact of NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD the corporation describe man at executed the wi an foregoing instrument an known to me to be the person who executed the said instrument in behalf of said corporation and he duly acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. r?`__-?,....-- -••_._..< -- ANDERSON SUSAN M• N?r?r PLMM ja? corporate seals to be hereto affixed on this 4th day of March 1998 CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY 10*01 ?dMra NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD !?' y Ito AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVAN* XXV L 1 ov SEJ1L ` . I ,'' ajf " 1 v 1091r • V State of Illinois, County of Will, ss: Marvin J. Cashion Group Vice President On this 4th day of March ; 1998 , before me personally came Marvin J. Cashion, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois; that he is a Group Vice President of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, and AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA described in and which executed the above instrument that he knows the seals of said corporations; that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so-affixed pursuant to authority given by the Boards of Directors of said corporations and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of said corporations. ea?. Pi " MXC • P Co. My Commission Expires June 5, 2000 Eileen T. Pachuta Notary Public . CERTIFICATE 1, Mary A. Ribikawskis, Assistant Secretary of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF 10 HARTFORD, and AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA do hereby certify that the Power of Attorney herein above set forth is stiff in force, and further certify that the By-Law and Resolution of the Board of Directors of each corporation printed on the reverse hereof are still in force. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seals of the said corporations this 15th day of JULY 1998. CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY -co ?vaMrNATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA A < ?? r, '0' 1 1x91 ?` Ha? • a? . Marv A RiNknumick As__ Cant Speretaiv L O R A D O December 29, 1999 Mr. Fred Haslee Eagle River Water & Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Swift Gulch - Sewer Main Extension Dear Fred: A SEWER MAIN CONVEYANCE and SEWER LINE EASEMENT for the sewer main extension in the Swift Gulch area are enclosed. The actual cost of the sewer main extension was $ 34,960.00 as shown on the enclosed page .from the Contractors Certificate for Payment and letter from the project architect. Copies of the Contractor's Performance and Payment Bonds are enclosed to - provide assurance for the successful completion of the required warranty period It is my understanding that all other required materials, including As-Built Plans have been submitted as required for acceptance by the District. If this is not the case, please advise accordingly prior to our anticipated final settlement date of January 25, 2000. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed materials or require additional information for the acceptance of this sewer main extension, please contact me. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Norman Wood, PE Town Engineer Post Office 400 Benchmark Rc{ ?, Brooks Avon, Colorado 8 off `` ?? 970-748-4000 970-949-9139 Fax 970-845-7708 TTY C:\My Documans\Swflgldh\Sewa- Conveyance Transmittal.Doc WATER LINE EASEMENT • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT ; That TOWN TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD address is P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620, in consideration of VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY, Grantee, whose address is 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado 81657, an easement for water line purposes, together with all rights and privileges as are necessary or incidental to the reasonable and proper use of such easement in and to, over, under and across the tract of land described as follows; More particularly described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof; To have and to hold the easement hereby granted to Grantee and its assigns. 0 Grantor warrants that it has full and lawful authority to make the grant hereinabove contained and promises and agrees to defend Grantee in the exercise of its rights hereunder against any defect in Grantor's title to the land involved or Grantor's rights to make the grant hereinabove contained. WITNESS our hand(s) and seal(s) this day of , 1999. TOWN OF AVON By: Mayor ATTEST: 0 Town Clerk c:\My nocUMcita\swa9tCh\weter EaseMCM Doc EXHIBIT A SWIFT GULCH PUBLIC WORKS WATER EASEMENT A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 82 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF AVON, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12 N89°59'28"E A DISTANCE OF 346.46; THENCE ALONG A LINE BEING 346.46 WESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12 S00°03'49"E A DISTANCE OF 335.51 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SWIFT' GULCH ROAD BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE N68°03'46"W A DISTANCE OF 76.71 FEET; THENCE N80°17'09"E A DISTANCE OF 175.49 FEET; THENCE N90°00'00E A DISTANCE OF 85.81 FEET; THENCE N00°00'3T'W A DISTANCE OF 31.08 FEET; THENCE. N90°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE S00°00'37"E A DISTANCE OF 31.08 FEET; THENCE N90°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 148.74 FEET; THENCE S00°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 67.35 FEET; THENCE S45°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 46.02 FEET; THENCE S00°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 201.15 FEET, THENCE N78°02'33"W A DISTANCE OF 274.27 FEET; THENCE S43°38'26"W A DISTANCE OF 65.78 FEET; THENCE S48°28'3T'W A DISTANCE OF 8.92 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SWIFT GULCH ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE N60°23'44"W A DISTANCE OF 26.42 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE N48°28'37"E A DISTANCE OF 16.41 FEET; THENCE N43°38'26E A DISTANCE OF 66.43 FEET; THENCE N00°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 90.66 FEET; THENCE N90°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE N00°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 115.07 FEET; THENCE N90°00'00"W A DISTANCE OF 15.15 FEET; THENCE SW17'09"W A DISTANCE OF 101.18 FEET; THENCE S08°27'09"E A DISTANCE OF 11.51 FEET; THENCE S80°17'09"W A DISTANCE OF 20 FEET; THENCE N08°27'09"W A DISTANCE OF 11.51 FEET; THENCE S80°17'09"W A DISTANCE OF 50.47 FEET; THENCE S68°03'46"W A DISTANCE OF 74.68 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SWIFT GULCH ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 20.00 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 380.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3°00'57" AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS N21037'21"W A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 1.85 ACRES (80,503 SQUARE FEET) MORE OR LESS. EXCLUDING THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED: + COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12 N89°59'28"E A DISTANCE OF 627.49 FEET; THENCE ALONG A LINE BEING 627.49 FEET WESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12 S00°03'49" E A, DISTANCE OF 297.28 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N90°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 197.70 FEET; THENCE S00°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 62.71 FEET; THENCE S45-00-00-E A DISTANCE OF 31.88 FEET; THENCE S00°00'00"E A DISTANCE OF 153.66 FEET; THENCE N78°02'33"W A DISTANCE OF 225.12 FEET; THENCE N00°00'00E A DISTANCE OF 192.27 FEET TO -I TRUE P,OIff OF BEGIIVNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 1.05 ACRES (45,813 SQUARE FEET) MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARING: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTIT; RANGE 82 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN WHICH BEARS N89°5928"E, 133536 FEET AND IS MONUMENTED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12 BY A FOUND BRASS CAP (PLS NO. 15710) AND AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12 BY A FOUND BRASS CAP (PLS NO. 15710). PREPARED BY BRIAN J. HAILEY, ENGINEER REVIEWED BY WAYNE HARRIS, P.E. P.L.S. FOR AND BEHALF OF MARTIN/MARTIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS 4251 KIPLING WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80034 AUGUST 6, 1999 11 NW CORNER OF THE S/2 OF THE NE/4 OF THE NE/4 OF SECTION 12 NE CORNER OF THE S/2 OF THE FOUND BRASS CAP PLS # 15710 NE/4 OF THE NE/4 OF SECTION 12 N=10522.29 FOUND BRASS CAP PLS # 15710 E=16484.90 N89'S9'28"E 1335 56' M BASIS OF BEARI \ L 621, W N89'59'28"E 346.46 vi o r?? cn rat MFT?GULCH ROAD i i N68'03'46"E 76.71' 580'17'09"W 50.47 101.1 S68'46"W, 15.1 74.6 Nnwn R=380.0 20 00' N48'28' 16.41' N ( ) S " N89-59-28"E 1334.92' (P) 28 E - uil --N08'27'090W 11.51' WIN - SBO'17'09"W " i '00'00"E 20.00 1 N00600'37"W 1 i 2 .00' 201 31.08 ' 0 0 '00'37"E N90'00'00"E 1.08' 85.81' rN80'17'09"E 1 175.49' G S08'27a09" i 148.74' S00'00'000E 11.5 ' -E - / 62.71' 1`19000 00 E 67.35' 1. 197.70' 545'00'00"E C4 31.88' W 45000'00"E 3 46.02' E .o w ? so :N E PE : z N78.o2?33r .-. o e .... ;; .....:................ .. ..... w... 22,12• N ....... Q it 115.0/ N90'00 15.00' =1"W N0011, 66' l- 'E N60*2344 26.42' rW ' .. 65. S 8'28*370W `Z- --? 8.92' NOTTINGHAM EXIST. 10' ELECTRIC PRUDER DI TCH EASEMENT - BOOK ACCESS & 6+85, PG. 819 (TO MAIN77NENCE HE ABANDONED) EASEMENT LIC SWIFT GULCH UTILITYBE SEMENTS COMPLEX ? AB WATER MAIN CONVEYANCE E This conveyance is made by and between the TOWN OF AVON ("Conveyer"), and UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY, a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado ("Authority"), in consideration of the mutual promises made, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Authority. Conveyer does hereby grant and convey unto the Authority, its successors and assigns, the following property: The water main lines, equipment, facilities, and appurtenances including all related personal property which have been constructed or otherwise acquired by Conveyer as hereinafter described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein ("Facilities"). Conveyer further covenants and agrees to the following: 1. . The Conveyer has the authority to grant this conveyance and warrants to defend its validity. 2. That the Facilities described herein constitute all property required by the Authority to provide the expanded service. 3. That the Facilities were installed in substantial compliance with the Authority's Rules and Regulations, applicable Authority construction standards, exist in adequate easements or other real property rights conveyed to the Authority, and that they are in first class working order free from any defect whatsoever. 4. That the Facilities are free and clear of any claims. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Conveyer has caused its name to be subscribed this day of , 19 CONVEYER TOWN OF AVON By: Mayor *A !a Sol 'I W ? ? i 'i s ! I I 'I ? ?g 1 1 i 1 'i 1 i / I ? ?I II I I `" I ? - l I- I ? ? I ICI 71 z /\z / 1 / CL m S X W w w F- 3 12/08/99 14:28 FAX 303 292 0845 RNL DESIGN RNL A Proression.iCorporai?Vn fists nraoahn. 4rew Tavrr L SUna 7V0 Drnw•r, Colar,Jo 80161 Of 101.195•1717 11103-392 0045 December 8,1999 Norman Wood Town ofAvon Pubhc Works Office 500 Swift Gulch Road Avoml CO 81620 9 002 Arrhgtccure Imerior Design tn=9ncermt fanllry ftmnin; Urban n,-s(sn landsrayc Arcfittrc{orc Re: Swift Gulch Public Works Complex - Water and Sewer Main Extensions RNL Project No. 1-7802.06 Dcar Norman, This IetW is in response to the Eagle River Water dt Sanitation District lcmwe dated November 18, 1999- Item No. 4, &r both the Water Main. Extension and the Sewer Main Faxon, asks fbr a Ceitificanon of Costs. The amounts below indicate these amounts and are based on actual construction costs: Water Main 591,772.00 Water Main Design 511,000.00 Subtotal $102,772.00 Sewer Main $30,960.00 Sewer Main Design $4,000.00 Subtotal $34,960 Tots) $137,732.00 IF I can be of any further assistance with this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely; Grp..-- V ' Jon 2, RNL Design C7 I nwMw.doc 8 Papas of 12 Pages APPLICATION NO. 17 AIA DOCUMENT G703 Swift Gulch Public Works Om APPLICATION GATE 12/0"9 p~ PERIOD FROM: 11/1/99 ADOLFSON AND PETERSON, INC. TO. 11130/89 A _ E F G H_ 1 ITEM NO. 239- DESCRIPTION OF WORK nns pipe bd9jiU3 SCHEDULED VALUE 00 PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS RK COMPLETED WORK IN PLACE STORED MAILS NOT IN DOR E TOTAL COMPLETED b STORED TO DATE (D+E+F) % (G/C) BALANCE TO FINISH (C-G) RETAINAGE 10% for 50% u fm ' 242 VI o 243 DI SIO - eon - 100% 4 am nag ma 8- ' a - 2 500 743- 2, 2,3W , 249 DIVIS 113 251 canopy s n n s an s, r 1,60 254 11115- -2W- DIVISI O I IS Electrkal - ma ti's 260 SITE 2 11 6 -m - y ie n0 n 65- ea a s 0 ioo%l 0 8 267 Ea k: 268 Mobilization 269 Demolft m etc. 6 500 sa ExcaVation o ro 6 500 0 0 6_500 10046 0 272 ue an 1, 0 273 xcava p, - ~P 0 33,W 00%[ 273 2276 Excavation o u Of a Roa 6,83U 106 600 1 6 0 00% 279 80 v B 200 10 800. p o' 0 0 108 800 20,200' 100% % 100 p 0 .281 Erosion 282 b 283 Wuo u e 4,01T BOND NO. 159037846 EXHIBIT B LNM IALS BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that & PETERSON CONSTRUCTION rac STREET, AURORA, COLORADO 80011 ctor a artnership or hereinafter called Principal, and NATICNAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD (Name of Surety CM PLAZA, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60685 (Address of Surety) hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto: Town of Avon, Colroado P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620 SIX MIIuaq SIX HLNnM SEVEM'Y TFEUSDD in the penal sum of E= anim rnmy-E= AND w qQD Dollars, in lawful money-of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the Principal entered into a certain contract with the Town at Avon, Colorado, dated the 14th day of J[LY , 19 98 , a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for tie construction of P Gim PLMC WMZ MIUX, Sop S M G LCH F OD, AVCN, 01CM M 24,000 S¢PF'tE FOCI' Ml-= MADMVM HOC=, RELM FAM1TIF5, MDCAMN CF F:'J-%7IT BMDW ADD REIA'IFD SME WM CIS APA ]X SIX ACRE SIB. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall promptly make payment to all persons, firms, SUBCONTRACTORS, and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution of the WORK provided for in such contract, and any authorized extensi n or modification thereof, including all amounts due for materials, lubricants, oil; fuel, repairs on machinery, equipment, and tools, consumed or used in connection with the construction of such WORK, and all insurance premiums on said WORK, and for all labor, performed in such WORK whether by SUBCONTRACTOR or otherwise, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. n • PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the, said Surety for value received hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, ® alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the WORK to be performed thereunder or the SPECIFICATIONS accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligation on this BOND, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the WORK or to the SPECIFICATIONS. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the Town of Avon, Colorado, and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied, and provided further that this Performance Bond is given pursuant to #38-26-101, et seq., C.R.S. 1973, as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in THREE (3) (number) counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this the 15th day of JULY 19 98 ATTEST: ADOLFSCN & PETERSON CONSTRUCTION Principal Secretary Principal By AURORA, COLORADO 80011 (Address) Witne as to Principal NMCi kL FIRE Ill RAi M C YAW CF MaFM (Address) Surety ATTEST: By .? c M?ith F. jhttar°irney- in- Fact 4000 W. OLSON ME=AL HWY_ fitness as to Sure GOLDEN VALLEY, miNNESOTA 55422 4000 W. OLSCN MEMORIAL HWY. GOLDEN VAr.TAY, MTNNF.-(;ai'A SSX-02 Address (Ad ess) STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss: On JULY 15, 19 98 before me, 'a Notary Public within and for said County and State, person y appeared--Meredith F. Shian known to me to be the Attorney-In-Fact of NATIONAL FIRE Ip corporation descri be in an at execut a wi an oregou?g instrument and , the known to me to be the person who executed the said instrument in behalf of said corporation and he duly acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. SUSAN M. ANDERSON Nt1TAhY PUBLIC - MINN2 TA C0R1? Jan. 31, 2000 corporate seals to be hereto affixed on this 41h day of march ?. 0 CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD 7 AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVAN AXY X. ,0 SEN. or, 107 vt? Marvin J. Cashion Group Vice President State of Illinois, County of Will, ss: On this 4th day of March , 1998 , before me personally carne Marvin J. Cashion, to me known, who, being by me duly swom, did depose and say: that he resides in the City of Chicago. State of lllinois• that he is a Group Vice President of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF` HARTFORD, and AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA described in and which executed the above insbumert; that he knows the seals of said corporations; that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so-affixed *pursuant to authority given by the Boards of Directors of said corporations and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and ackrowledges same to be the act and deed of said corporations. NOTARY PUBLIC Co. My Commissior? Expires June 5, 2000 Eileen T. Pachuta Notary Public CERTIFICATE I, Mary A. Ribikawslas, Assistant Secretary of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, and AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA do hereby certify that the Power of Attotney herein above set forth is still in force, and further certify that the By-Law and Resolution of the Board of Directors of each corporation printed on the - reverse hereof are still in force. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seals of the said corporations this 15th day of 7T7T.Y , 1998 . CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY ?,?1 ?r0e NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA a ro ? igur 11, Ov SEJ1I. 4 ou 1897'•- • Marv A Ribikawskis Assistant Secretary BOND NO. 159037846 EXHIBIT A PF?RFQjtj?i at?TCE BMM KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: that ADOLFSON & PETERSON CONSTRUCTION (Name of Contractor) VENTURA STREET, AURORA, COLORADO 80011 a ess of Contractor hereinaftar called or Individua 1 Principal and NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD (Name of Surety) CNA PLAZA, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60685 (Address of Surety) hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound untos Town of Avon, Colorado P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620 in the penal sum of sax m i=. SIX Hunm sEmm Tmuwu EOV HNIM NEEff-EM AND 14gOo+ Dollars, ($ 6,670,898. in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the Principal entered into a certain.contract with the Town of Avon, Colorado, dated the 14th day of = , 19 98 , a copy of which i9 hereto attached and made a part hereof for the construction of : Sn11rT QLOi PUBLIC W MG 0314M, 500 SWT allE RMD, AWN, OriIIOM 24,000 Supra Far YII=E M mmm amDw, Fumm , RUlJ(ATII'N OF Ea9im BLMDW ADD RED SIZE WOK ON APPROi NUM SIX PLM SIM NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly, and faithfully perform its duties, all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions, and agreements of said contract during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by the Town of Avon, Colorado, with or without notice of the Surety and during the one year guaranty period, and if he shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such contract, and shall fully indemnify and same harmless the Town of Avon, Colorado, from all costs and damages' which they may suffer TT.. -1 by reason of failure 'to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the Town of Avon, Colorado, all.outlay and expense which may incur in making good any default, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety for value received hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the WORK to be performed thereunder or the SPECIFICATION accompanying the same shall in any ways affect its obligation on this BOND, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the Work or to the SPECIFICATIONS. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the Town of Avon, Colorado, and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsat-isfied. PROVIDED, FURTHER, this Performance Bond is given pursuant to #38-26-101, et seq., C.R.S. 1973, as amended IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in THREE (3) (number? counterparts, each one of which shall-be deemed an original, this the 15th day of ,7ULy , 19 98 . ATTEST: , -i. j A k IJA-" 41 `1- '- (Principal Secretary) ADO FSON & PETERSON, CONSTRUCTION By -1464?f? AURORA, COLORADO 80011 (Address) Witness s to Principal (Address) ATTES 'uret. Witness as to rety NPdIC %L FIRE RSU2ANx aa/m Y Surety By - / . -:?& Attorn aev-M?ec'ith F. Shun GOLDEN VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55422 (Address) 4000 W. OLSON MEMORIAL HWY. GOLDEN VALLEY, MINNES IPA 55422 (Address) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) , COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss: .? - h. On JULY 15, , 19 98 before me, a Notary Public within and for said County and tate, person y appeared eredith F. Shian known to me to be the Attorney-In-Fact of NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COi?1PANY OF HARTFORD the corporation descri1bl:!121 man at exec ut a withiffin an foregoing instrument an known to me to be the person who executed the said instrument in behalf of said corporation and he duly acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. I3 R_, r SUSAN M• ANDERS A?- AAA-- Nrnw+r Puts . Mtt?s?a "W cwaiss a' corporate seals to be hereto affixed on this 4th day of March 1998 CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY tr?'?UqQT NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD .>r AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA B SEAL ?(t a 0*-.9 % On 6 ?1827 • VV •• Stabs of Illinois, County of Will, ss: Marvin J. Cashion Group Vice President On this 4th day of March . 1998 , before me personally carne Marvin J. Cashion, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the City of Chicago, State of lWnois; that he is a Group Vice President of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, and AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA described in and which executed the above instrument that he knows the seals of said corporations; that the seals affixed to the said Instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so-affixed pursuant to authority given by the Boards of Directors of said corporations and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of said corporations. lea T. p+? NOTARY Pu" Co. My Commission Expires June 5, 2000 Eileen T. Pachuta Notary Public CERTIFICATE I, Mary A. Ribikawskis, Assistant Secretary of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, and AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA do hereby certify that the Power of Attorney herein above set forth is soil in force, and further certify that the By-Law and Resolution of the Board of Directors of each corporation printed on the reverse hereof are stiff in force. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seals of the said corporations this 15th day of JULY 1998. CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY SURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD Viso, - rti? ®r- NATIONAL FIRE IN AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA Ov 5EJ4L ie97 Mary A. Ribikawskis Assistant Secretary (Rev.10/l/97) C O L O R A D O December 29, 1999 Mr. Fred Haslee Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Swift Gulch - Water Line Extension Dear Fred: A WATER MAIN CONVEYANCE and WATER LINE EASEMENT for the water line extension in the Swift Gulch area are enclosed. The actual cost of the water line extension was $ 102,772.00 as shown on the enclosed page from the Contractors Certificate for Payment and letter from the project architect. Copies of the Contractor's Performance and.Payment Bonds are enclosed to provide assurance for the successful completion of the required warranty period It is my understanding that all other required materials, including As-Built Plans have been submitted as required for acceptance by the Authority. If this is not the case,, please advise accordingly prior to our anticipated final settlement date of January 25, 2000. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed materials or require additional information for the acceptance of this sewer main extension, please contact me. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Norman Wood, PE Town Engineer Post Office 400 Benchm Avon, Colorado 8*Mry Brooks 970-748-4000 970-949-9139 Fax 970-845-7708 TTY CAMy Doc un ds\Swflgldh\Watcr Conveyance Transmittal.Doc w j4 V Memo E To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council -b !-rs- Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: December 21, 1999 Re: Swift Gulch Public Works Maintenance Facility Change Order Number 3 Summary: Change Order Number 3 to the Adolfson & Peterson, Inc., Contract for Construction of the Swift Gulch Maintenance Facility is attached. This Change Order reduces the total contract amount $ 24,245, from $ 7,348,436 to $ 7,324,191. This change reflects the actual use of the Contractor's Contingency during construction of the Equipment Wash Facility. This is a specific line item in the construction contract to accommodate changes in cost related to minor revisions and actual conditions encountered during construction. This line item in the original contract for construction of the Equipment Wash Facility was $ 34,458.00. The Summary Log of Changes attached to the Change Order shows total expenditures of $ 10,213.00 from this line item and a remaining balance of $ 24,245. This is expected to be the final change order for construction under this Contract. Approval of this Change Order Number 3 is recommended. Recommendations: Approve Change Order Number 3 to the Adolfson & Peterson, Inc., Agreement for Construction of the Swift Gulch Public Works Maintenance Facility, reducing the Total Contract Amount $ 24,245, from $ 7,348,436 to $ 7,324,191. 0 Town Manager Comments: C:\W D0mments\swflgkh\Ww&bay COO.Doc r CHANGE OWNER ARCHITECT ORDER C ONTRACTOR AIA DOCUMENT G701 FIELD OTHER PROJECT: Swift Gulch Public Works Project (name, address) 500 Swift Gulch Road., Avon, CO 81620 TO CONTRACTOR: (name, address) Adolfson & Peterson, Inc. 797 Ventura St. Aurora, CO 80011 The Contract is changed as follows: Additions and Modifications per attached detail on Continuation Sheet to Change Order No 3 0 RI O CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 3 DATE: 12/16/99 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 1-7802.07 CONTRACT DATE: July 14, 1998 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction TOTAL OF THIS CO Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original?%UX (Guaranteed Maximum Price) was ........................ S Net change by previously authorized Change Orders ............................... S The G) (l (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change Order was .......... $ The)(QQQ6YXXA) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) will be)(X)(decreased) X(dQ by this Change Order in the amount of ............................ $ The new M SM (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order will be .. S ($24,245.00) $6,670,898.00 $677,538.00 $7,348,436.00 • ($24,245.00) $7,324,191.00 The Contract Time will be (increasedy()00Lf)( (tX(Y( y ( 5 ) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is 12/17/99 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. RNL Design ARCHITECT 1515 Arapahoe Street Address D BY ?j DATE gel Adolfson & Peterson, Inc. Town of Avon CONTRACTOR 797 Ventura St. Address Aurora. C BY DATE f b OWNER P.O. Box 975 Address Avon, CO 81620 BY DATE 1 I CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G701 - CHANGE ORDER - 1987 EDITION - AIAO - ©1987 - THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 G701-1987 06 Adolfson ' & Peterson Construction E CHANGE ORDER Number 3 Continuation Sheet to AIA G701 E AP-55A PR #36A - Add Radiant Tube Heaters to Wash Bay 1 Credit contingency for Vehicle Wash Building "C" AP-53 PR #34 - Misc. Revisions AP-54A PR #35 - Revise Doors to Half Height Glass & Add Closer AP-56 PR #37 ? - Revise EF-1 From Roof Top to Inside In-line. Total Cost ($34,458.00) ($1,221.00) $1,280.00 $9,175.00 $979.00 E Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer Date: December 21, 1999 Re: Fire Station Remodel - Additional Services Request summary: McMenamin Davis Architects has identified additional architectural services provided in conjunction with the Avon Fire Station Remodel Project in the attached letter. The additional tasks identified include incorporation of the emergency generator in the remodel and significant modifications to the floor plan. They have estimated the additional design time at 16 hours and have requested an additional fee of $1200.00 for these services. Both the estimated design time and additional fee requested seem very reasonable. This would increase the base design fee from $18,000.00 to $19,200.00. This increase is not covered by the 1999 Fire Station Remodel Project budget, but is well within the 1999 Capital Improvements Budget and will not require a budget amendment. Approval of the additional fee is believed justified and is recommended Re c o m m e n d a t i o n s: Approve McMenamin Davis Architecture Proposal for Additional Services for the Avon Fire Station Remodel Project dated December 6, 1999 for a lump sum fee of $1200.00 and increasing the total fee for architectural services from $18,000.00 to $19,200.00. 0 Town Manager Comments: CAMy Doamnents\Cpt1Mi\Sm1prj991F- Dept Addn] services Memo.Doc M1 m DN McMenamin Davis Architects A Colorado Limited Liability Company December 6, 1999 Norman Wood TOWN OF AVON Swift Gulch Public Works Complex 500 Swift Gulch Road P. O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Subject. Additional Services Proposal - Avon Fire Station Remodel Project Dear Norm, As requested, I am submitting this letter by way of identifying additional architectural services on the subject project. Two tasks can be identified - 1) the generator, and 2) significant modifications to the floor plan. The former task was one we had not been aware of when our initial proposal was developed. This work included floor plan studies and modifications, consultation with the generator supplier, additional site review, and research on door optionstproduct manufacturers to appropriately enclose the unit. This work added approximately 16 hours of architectural services and structural engineering consultation. Our fee proposal for these additional services is a lump sum of $1,200.00 (one thousand two hundred dollars and 00/100). We are willing to absorb the costs of the significant modifications to the floor plan. Although requiring additional design time, these changes have been relatively easy to make, and to some extent, an expected task as a result of running an Estimate of Probable Construction Cost on any job for the first time. It is our understanding that we now have a plan that is acceptable to you and the Avon Fire Department and we can proceed with the construction documents. We feel any changes to the plan from this point forward would necessitate additional services. Your review of this proposal would be greatly appreciated. Please call me if you have any questions. ly • McMenamin Davis Architects Gregory H. McMenamin AIA President 808 Spyglass Circle • Louisville Colorado 80027.3246 - TEL 303.665.4592 • FAX 303.665.4593 • McDA@usa.net r n E Menlo December 27,1999 To: Meryl From: Sarah RE: Salute Band Contract W Summary Attached please find the contract between Scott O'Malley and Associates and the Town of Avon for performance 5ervice5 by Flash Cadillac at the 2000 Salute to the USA. Flash Cadillac i5 a traditional Kock'n Roll band. They offer a different Style of music than past bands we've had at this event. We feel they will be a nice change to this year's Salute to the USA. Recommendation I recommend that Council approve and Sign the attached contract for performance services at Salute to the U5A in the amount of $10,000. Town of Avon • P.O. Box 975 • Avon, CO 81620 • 970-748-4032 E t6 r • December 13, 1999 Ms. Sarah Stoutenburgh Lai Town of Avon Recreation Department P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Sarah: I am pleased to enclose the contract for your upcoming presentation on July 4, 2000 with Flash Cadillac. Please return AU signed contract copies and one copy of the signed rider to Scott O'Malley & Associates on or before December 27, 1999. 0 When the contract has been fully executed, we will send you your signed cony. Keep one copy of the rider for planning your show. Deposits are to be made payable to: Scott O'Malley & Associates Escrow Account, FEIN No. 84-1252129. We are here to help you make this engagement the finest presentation possible. Should you have any questions, please call immediately to prevent any delays. Best regards, tt O'Malley SOM/lm Encl. 9 American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (I (HEREIN CALLED -FEDERATION-) r 7 Aproemen, No. 11927 SW i l O'AILL E & ASSOCUTES ,. if ARTIST REPRESENTATION !- This Cnnii$Ct mint *4 a? beCCrAAe?;ei?W ?.;f1 F[r PosT OFFICE Box 9188 Scutt ?'M1'I I He ,fir t. COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80932 no Ic: r t ran r 719-635-7776 DPr..mb .r 7r??,4s FACSIMILE 719-635-9789 Y CONTRACT AGREEMENT CONTRACT NO.: 99247 AGENT: Kathleen Fox Collins THIS CONTRACT for the personal service of Artist(s) on the engagement described below, is made December 13, 1999 between Town of Avon Recreation Department (hereinafter referred to as Purchaser) and Flash Cadillac (hereinafter referred to as Artist). Signatory represents and warrants that (s)he is the agent of the parties defined herein as Purchaser and that (s)he has the authority from them to enter into this contract. 1. VENUE: 2. SHOW DATE(S): TIME(S): 3. ARTIST(S)/ GROUP: 4. NUMBER OF PERFORMERS: 5. TOTAL PRICE: 6. PAYMENT SCHEDULE: 7. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Contact: Sarah Stoutenburgh Lai Phone: 970-748-4032 Fax: 970-949-9139 PURCHASER/PROMOTER: Town of Avon Recreation Department P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Phone: 970-748-4032 Nottingham Park Town of Avon Avon, Colorado Tuesday, July 4, 2000 One evening performance with time to be arranged. FLASH CADILLAC Four (4) $10,000.00 50% ($5,000) deposit made payable to "Scott O'Malley and Associates Escrow Account" with return of contract. Balance ($5,000) payable to group leader at engagement. Please make check payable to: Flash & The Kids, Inc. Purchaser to provide seven (7) rooms, to be arranged. Sound company is "Quick Beam". This contract is subject to the terms and conditions of the attached RIDER. Judy Yoder, Mayor Authorized Signatory UNION/WHITE BUYER/GREEN ARTIST: Flash Cadillac FEIN/SS No.: 95-2904376 Local # 154 Warren Knight (home:719-634-0294) Artist Signatory ARTIST/CANARY AGENCY/PINK A RIDER TO FLASH CADILLAC CONTRACT Rider to American Federation of Musicians contract dated 13th of December, 1999, between Town of Avon Recreation Department (hereinafter referred to as Purchaser) and Flash & The Kids, Inc. f/s/o Flash Cadillac (hereinafter referred to as Artists). Place of engagement: Avon, Colorado Date: July 4, 2000 Flash Cadillac takes great care to perform the best possible show. All of the technical requirements are essential to the show. Any deviations without consent of Flash Cadillac will be considered a breach of this agreement. lf, for any reason,the staging, lighting or aspect of your facility does not meet with these requirements, immediately call Scott O'Malley & Associates at (719)635-7776, P.O. Box 9188, Colorado Springs, CO 80932. BILLING: At all times, use Flash Cadillac . All publicity releases, posters, fliers or other printed/graphic materials, including marquees, must use Flash Cadillac. Artists shall receive 100% star billing in media and no other act shall receive equal or larger billing without the written consent of Flash Cadillac. All opening acts must be approved by Artists' Representative, Scott O'Malley & Associates. 2. STAGE: Purchaser agrees to furnish, at his or her sole expense: * A stage of 28'(down to 24') x 16'x 3' high. The stage must be clear of any obstructions, railings exposed nails, etc. * Two (2) stage wings for sound of 8' x 4' x 3' for each side of the stage. * A drum riser of 8'x 16'x 2' high at center stage. * Power: (When Flash Cadillac provides sound & lights) One (1) 220V range plug with a minimum of 50 amps per leg plus four (4) separate 20-amp circuits at stage. * A table of 8' x 3' placed on a riser of 8' x 6' x 16" in the center of the facility between 50' and 75' from the front of the stage for the mixer. * A support crew of two (2) men at the designated set up time prior to the show and within 30 minutes following the final performance for load out. These men are to assist with the Artists' equipment at Artists' direction. If a support crew is not available at load in, Purchaser may pay Artists an additional S 100.00 prior to Artists' performance. If a support crew is not available at load out, Artists will bill Purchaser $50.00. * All stage requirements, power and the drum riser are to be available and ready at the stage call set up time. * If performance is to be held outdoors, Purchaser agrees to provide a cover for stage and for sound mixing area. * When the performance is to be held indoors and Artists are providing sound, Purchaser agrees to arrange for parking space for a 24' truck at the load in area. * When Purchaser is to provide the sound system, the attached technical rider is to be made part of this agreement. The same technician(s) shall be available at sound check / rehearsalas well as performance. * Request for the usage of Artists' sound system and/or operators for performance of other acts must be cleared through Artists' Representative, as an additional fee will be arranged. * Purchaser to provide space, preferably on backdrop or wall behind stage for Flash Cadillac's banner (6' x IT). * Stage Lighting - Please coordinate with Artist. 3. DRESSING ROOM: Purchaser agrees to furnish a clean, well lighted, private dressing room with locking doors or a security guard, two large mirrors, running water and a private bathroom nearby. The dressing room should accommodate ten (10) people and be available by sound check. DRESSING ROOM NEEDS: * Three (3) 12-packs of regular soft drinks (Pepsi and root beer preferred), orange juice, four (4) gallons of bottled spring water with drinking cups, one (1) case of Coors light beer. * A minimum of eight (8) clean bath-sized towels. * A cooler or container large enough to hold the above mentioned beverages with ice. A deli tray including fruit, cheeses, cold cuts, whole wheat bread, raw vegetables and condiments in or near the dressing room area, to serve ten (10) people. * A large clothes rack at least 6' in length. 5. SOUND CHECK: Purchaser agrees to provide a one hour sound check at least two (2) hours prior to the opening of the facility generally around 5:00 PM). Purchaser agrees to keep the facility closed until Artists have finished the sound check. Flash Cadillac will contact Purchaser prior to the performance about arrival time, set up time, support crew and other matters. It is important for the Purchaser to furnish telephone numbers for both home and office in the space provided. 6. START TIME: To maximize the effectiveness of Flash Cadillac's performance, it is important that the band is allowed to begin relatively close to our agreed upon start time. If Flash Cadillac is requested to begin more than one-half hour later than scheduled, Artist may reduce the agreed upon performance length accordingly. LODGING: When Purchaser is providing lodging, Artists require five (5) rooms with two (2) double beds in each room. Please check with Artists' Representative in that Flash Cadillac most often arrives the day prior to the performance, thus requiring lodging for an additional night. 8. GROUND TRANSPORTATION: In the event Artists arrive by air, Purchaser shall provide two (2) adequate and acceptable rental cars/vans to be picked up by Artists at your local airport, and to be used for the duration of their stay. 9. DIRECTIONS: Please provide, with return of contract and rider, detailed directions to performance site and lodging, if applicable. 10. INTERVIEWS: Purchaser agrees that they will not commit Artists to any personal appearances, interviews, or any type of promotion without Artists' consent. Telephone interviews are welcome and gladly provided by Artists, but must be cleared with Artists' Representative, Scott O'Malley & Associates. 11. PROMOTION: Only photographs sent to purchaser by Artists' Representative shall be used in publicizing this engagement. "Please note: last minute Federal Express requested publicity material will require your billing number. We will be happy to Priority Mail any requests. Priority Mail sometimes takes 34 days for delivery." 12. CANCELLATION: Purchaser agrees that Artists may cancel the engagement herein by giving Purchaser notice no later than 30 days prior to the engagement date if Artists are called upon to render services for theatrical, motion pictures, or television, which may conflict with this engagement. In addition, the agreement of the Artists to perform is subject to proven detention by sickness, accidents, riots, strikes, epidemics, acts of God, or any other legitimate conditions beyond their control 13. INSURANCE Purchaser agrees to maintain liability insurance coverage for the engagement. 14. DEPOSITS: A 50% deposit of the total fee (cash or cashier's check) made payable to Scott O'Malley & Associates Escrow Account, is to be sent to the Artists' Representative with the signed rider and contract. Any other payments or balances shall be made payable to Flash & The Kids, Inc. and be paid in cash, cashiers check or approved company check prior to Artists' performance. It is understood by all parties that the agreed upon contracted talent fee shall be the exact amount due Artist under the terms of this Agreement. Any insurance fees, local or state taxes, or any other expenses shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser unless agreed upon in writing on Artist contract. 15. COMP TICKETS: Purchaser agrees to make eighteen (18) complimentary tickets available to Artists or Artists' Representative for each performance, the unused portion which may be placed on sale the day of the performance with permission of Artists' Representative, Scott O'Malley & Associates. 1016. MERCHANDISING: Flash Cadillac reserves the right to merchandise recordings, shirts, etc. without fees. Purchaser shall provide one large table and personnel to merchandise these items. 17. Purchaser warrants that they are of legal age and have the right to enter into this agreement. 18. As a special request, we ask that you please forward original reviews, previews, posters, etc. to Scott O'Malley & Associates, Post Office Box 9188, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80932. Please be sure to include a publication logo and date. PLEASE KEEP ONE COPY OF THIS RIDER TO REFER TO IN SHOW PLANNING SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY WITH THE SIGNED CONTRACT. AGREED & ACCEPTED PURCHASER'S SIGNATURE: DATE: TELEPHONE NUMBERS - Home: Work: OTHER CONTACTS - Home: Work: OTHER CONTACTS - Home: Work: 0 All questions and/or correspondence shall be directed to: Scott O'Malley & Associates, LLC Post Office Box 9188 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80932 Phone: (719)635-7776 Fax: (719)635-9789 E-Mail: somagency@aol.com M t i 10 C? TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (FOR BACKLINE, SOUND, AND LIGHTING) DRUMS ? Kick... 18 X 14 inch. (Second choice: 20X14) (DW Preferred, Second choice: YAMAHA) ? Snare... 14 X 5 %. (Wood Preferred) ? Tom... 10 inch (Second Choice: 12 inch) ? Floor Tom... 14 inch (Second Choice: 16 inch) Floor Tom Must Have Legs (NO STAND MOUNTS) O TOMS MUST HAVE TOP AND BOTTOM HEADS. NEW TOP HEADS. (REMO PINSTRIPE) ? KICK MUST HAVE FRONT HEAD WITH HOLE FOR MIC ACCESS. ? TAMA THRONE WITH ROUND SEAT PREFERED (NO SADDLES). CYMBALS ? High Hat... 13 inch. (Zildjian "K" Series) ? Crash... 16 inch Thin. ? Crash... 16 inch Medium Thin. ? Ride ...20 inch "Ping" Ride. ? FIVE HEAVY DUTY STANDS WITH BOOMS. (Includes one for Octopad.) ? STANDS MUST HAVE GOOD FELTS, LINERS. AND WING-NUTS. AMPLIFIERS ? Guitar... Two FENDER "Twin Reverbs". (Vintage 1965 if possible) (NO JBL SPEAKERS) ? Bass... GALLIEN-KRUGER 400 or 800 RB. ? Bass Speakers... TWO 4-Ten cabinets. (Second Choice: One 4-Ten and One 15) KEYBOARD STAND ? "X" Style adjustable stand. (NO ULTIMATE SUPPORT TIER TYPE STANDS ) SOUND AND LIGHTING ? House Mix...32 inputs. ? Monitor Mix...32 inputs. O Monitor Mix...Five discreet mixes with EQ. ? Lighting.... FLASH CADILLAC requires a minimum FOUR-COLOR wash. IF, FOR ANY REASON, YOU ARE, UNABLE TO MEET THESE REQUIREMENTS 100%, IMMEDIATELY CONTACT: ? Dan R. Berthelot: 719.473.4317 (Home) 719.634.8643 (Work) E-Mail: drb@pcisys.net ? Warren J. Knight: 719.634.0294 E-Mail: warren@flashcadillac.com O Scott O'Malley and Associates: 719.635.7776 11 Agreed and Accepted Date: Rev. 07/01/99 10 5GOTT ONALLEY and A550CIATE5 (719) 635-7776 (719) 635-9789 FAX FLASH CADILLAC STAGE PLOT AND INPUT ASSIGNMENTS. Peat (House Mix) 719-260-8104 Dan Dcrt iclot (Dackline) 719-4734317 # 5 OCTOPAP P.1 # 7 WIRELE55 D.I. (acoustic) BA55 AMP I I ?I I AC DROP 5AX MRELE55 15A55 DIRECT X13 #8 DRUM R15ER (16' Wide x 6 Dap x 14' High) 16' 5M-58 #1Z UMPIM 5MALL DOOM MIX PERCU551ON v' WTE MOM 18' $5 03-8 ' ( MIX * 4 AC DRS Q GUITAR AMP `\# 6 AC DROP GUITAR AMP DRUMS: #1 - #4 #1.6 - #17 ir) #9 #10 03-3- 5M-5& 5M-58 5M-58 (WARREN) (5AW (DWIGH:Q 1100M 1ITKAIGHT ??t?toiMIX 41 MIX X02 KEYBOARD AC DROP (DIRECT) =03-4 &AC DROP =03-5 MONITOR MIXE5 5OURCE MICROPHONE 5TAND WARREN 5AM DWIGHT THUMPER DAN 1 KICK AKG-D112 5MALL BOOM 1 4 5 2 5NAKE 5M-57 LP "CLAW' 1 _ 4 5 3 TOM 5M-57 LP "CLAW" 1 4 5 4 FLOOR 5M-57 LP "CLAW" 1 __ 4 5 5 _ OCTOPAD DIRECT 1 3 4 5 6 5AM GUITAR 5M-57 BOOM 1 -4 5 7 ACOU5TIC DIRECT 4 5 8 _ BA55 DIRECT 1 _ 2 _ ? 4 5 9 _ VOCAL - WARREN ' 5M-58 (NO BETA)___ 5MALL BOOM 2 3 4 5 10 VOCAL - 5AM 5M-58 NO BETAS ROUND 13A5E 1 _ 2 ` 4 5 11 12 15 16 DWIGHT VOCAL_ KEYBOARD VOCAL - DAVE (THUMPED X (MKELE55 KEYBOARD CLEF .)__ KEYBOARD (RIGHT) _ HAT 5M-58 NO BETAS ETA) WIRELE55 DIRECT DIRECT KM-84 5MALL BOOM 5MALL BOOM 5-MALL BOOM 5MALL BOOM 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Z 2° _ 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 ~ 4 4 4 5 5 5 _ 5 5 5 17 OVERHEAD KI -84 5MALL BOOM _ -- 18 _ PEKCU55ION 5M-57 -- 5MA L NO 1 _ 3 20 21 - NOTE5: 5TART WITH ALL VOGAL5 AT EQUAL LEVEL5 IN ALL MONITOR5. Rev.6130199 by 4irb(Ppcisy -tic s l MEMORANDUM January 5, 2000 AVON C O L O R A D O To: Honorable Mayor and Town until Fm: Charles Moore, Fire Chief Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager '1? Bert Levin, Town Attorney Re: Squaw Creek Metro District Fire Agreement - Amendment Summary: Larry Dunn, the District Manager for Squaw Creek Metro has requested an amendment to the fire contract that clarifies the definition of the boundaries to be protected by Avon. Currently, Cordillera Metro and Cordillera Mountain Metro contract with Squaw Creek Metro for fire protection services. Squaw Creek Metro then contracts with the Town of Avon on behalf of the Cordillera Districts. Mr. Dunn requested that the service area be changed from the "boundaries of the Squaw Creek Metro District" to the "service area of Squaw Creek Metro District. This definition will then include all three districts. Mr. Dunn has requested this amendment for the reason that bonds cannot be issued in those districts without fire protection services. Although we provide it by way of understanding, a precise definition by way of contract is needed for their bonding procedures. Financial Implications: Contractual revenue remains the same and there will be no changes to revenue or expenditures. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement. AMENDMENT TO FIRE SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF AVON AND SQUAW CREEK METROPOLITAN DISTIRICT 9 WHEREAS the Town of Avon and Squaw Creek Metropolitan District are parties to that certain Agreement for fire services entered into as of the 1St day of January, 1997 (with termination date of December 31, 2001) (a copy of which Agreement is attached hereto), and; WHEREAS the parties wish to amend said Agreement for the purpose of clarifying that the Town will provide fire services within the service area of the District rather than merely within the boundaries of the District, and; WHEREAS the parties wish the Agreement to remain the same in all other respects; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AMEND THEIR AGREEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. The 4th recital of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: "WHEREAS, the District desires that the Town provide fire protection services set forth herein within the service area of the District (i.e., including all of Cordillera - The Divide, The Ranch, and The Summit (but excluding The Cordillera Valley Club on the north side of Interstate 70, which is within the Edwards Metropolitan District))." 2. The first sentence of Section 2.2 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: "The Town shall respond to structural and wildfires, hazardous materials spills and emergency medical incidents occurring within the service area of the District." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this amendment as of the date it is signed by both parties SQUAW CREEK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT By: (Date: President Attest: Secretary 0 TOWN OF AVON By: Date: ) Judy Yoder, Mayor Attest: 0 Kris Nash, Town Clerk COPY A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT, herein called "this Agreement," made and entered into as of the 1st day of January, 1997, by and between the TOWN OF AVON, a municipal corporation, ("the Town") and SQUAW CREEK METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, a quasi- municipal corporation, ("the District"); W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the District is a metropolitan district organized to have the powers of a fire protection district; and WHEREAS, the Town is providing fire protection services to other special districts within the Eagle River Valley from the Eagle-Vail Metropolitan District on the east to the Bellyache Ridge Metropolitan District on the west, which special districts are hereinafter referred to as "the participants" or "the other participants"; and WHEREAS, the present agreement between the Town and the District ("the present agreement") will terminate on December 31, 1996; and WHEREAS, the District desires that the Town provide the fire protection services set forth herein within the boundaries of the District; 0 NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: ARTICLE I TERM AND TERMINATION 1.1 Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on January 1, 1997, at 12:01 a.m. and shall end December 31, 2001 at 11:59 p.m., unless sooner terminated as otherwise provided herein. 1.2 Termination. On or before October 1 of any year of this Agreement, either party may serve upon the other written notice of termination. This Agreement shall thereupon terminate at the end of that fiscal year. In the event of a new successor district, this Agreement shall continue to be binding upon the parties until such time as the successor district agrees to become bound by, and assumes, the obligations of this Agreement in writing. 1.3 Rights upon Termination. Upon termination of this Agreement, the District shall receive back its separately owned fire protection equipment together with a pro-rata interest in equipment and capital purchases made during the term of this agreement. 1.4 Capital Equipment Purchases. While the District and the Town retains an interest in equipment purchases based upon its pro rata share of contribution (except for default), it is recognized that major capital equipment purchases may require a multi-year financing commitment by the Town. In those cases, the District shall only acquire an ownership interest when the full cost of that equipment has been paid, e.g. when leases are paid in full. 0 ARTICLE II FACILITIES AND SERVICE PLAN 2.1 Fire Protection Facilities. Fire protection equipment and facilities jointly owned by the District and 2 the Town or separately owned by either, including the separate fire stations and contents therein, together with any fire protection equipment and facilities acquired by mutual consent during the term of this Agreement, may be utilized by the Town during the term of this Agreement. Fire protection equipment or facilities separately owned or hereafter separately acquired by the District or by the Town, including fire stations and furniture therein and fire trucks and equipment thereon, shall be and remain the separate property of the entity owning the same. 2.2 Service Provided. The Town shall respond to structural and wildland fires, hazardous materials spills and emergency medical incidents occurring within the boundaries of the District. The timing and means of response, the number of and training of personnel, the staffing of stations, the location of equipment and all. other operational matters shall be determined by the Town in its sole discretion. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, it is the intent of the Town to use its best efforts to; A. Employ, train and equip up to sixteen (16) full time fire employees. B. Maintain a student/resident program of up to twenty-four (24) student/resident firefighters. C. Maintain an organization of up to thirty(30) volunteers and cross-trained employees in cooperation with the District and the other participants. D. Respond to all structural and wildland fire, hazardous materials spills and emergency medical incidents occurring within the boundaries of the District. E. Provide fire prevention and other related services including but not limited to plans checking and 3 I building inspections. The District shall retain the right to expressly refuse plans checking services. It is expressly understood that services not provided by the Town pursuant hereto include but are not limited to: A. Fire hydrant snow removal and markings, maintenance and repair. B. Provisions for fire watch or standby fire department personnel. C. Fire alarm or fire sprinkler tests or certifications. ARTICLE III FUNDING 3.1 Fee. During each year of this Agreement subsequent to the first, the Town shall submit a budget for fire protection services on or before September 3. The level of service to be provided will be determined by the Town after consultation with the District and the other participants. The District's fee for fire protection services shall be based upon the actual cost of services provided and shall be a percentage of that actual cost equal to that percentage which the District's assessed valuation in any year is of the total assessed valuations of all the participants including the Town and the District (but not including individual property owners who shall separately contract for fire protection with the Town). 3.2 Actual Cost Defined. "Actual cost" shall mean the true and verifiable direct and indirect cost to the Town of providing fire protection services to the District and the other participants, based upon consistent application of generally accepted accounting principles and practices that 4 result in equitable charges for such services. "Actual cost" shall include by way of illustration and not limitation: A. Personnel costs for full time firefighters, student/residents and volunteers, both direct and indirect, including employer contributions to pension funds and other employee benefits, student/resident and volunteer benefits and costs of cross-trained employees of the Town, and the other participants as determined by the Town; and costs of Beaver Creek Public Safety Officers in the amount of $115,000 escalated by the Denver/Boulder cost of living index in subsequent years of the Agreement. B. Fire station maintenance and supplies, including telephone and radio equipment, radio maintenance and dispatch costs and office supplies. C. Vehicle fuel, tires, maintenance and repair. D. Training costs. E. Accessory fire fighting tools and equipment. F. Dues and subscriptions. G. Equipment lease payments and other principal and interest on debt for jointly owned equipment. H. Bad debts. I. Protective clothing. J. All insurance, including that required by Section 4.2 and that portion of legal, administrative and accounting costs and staff travel, food and conference expense allocated to the operation of fire protection services. Fire station utility costs, costs to repair fire stations in excess of $1,000 for any one repair or series of repairs for the same problem and capital improvements to fire stations shall not be included as actual cost. 5 Any extraordinary cost exceeding the amount budgeted and incurred by the Town in association with the provision of fire protection services to the District shall be separately billed to the District. The fee for fire protection services shall be paid in quarterly installments, which installments shall be due on the first day of the first month of each quarter thereafter (January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1). Non-payment of the fee, for fire protection services or of other amounts owing by the District to the Town by the specific dates mentioned shall be deemed a default and shall result in termination of fire protection services to the District after thirty (30) days notice. If, after completion of the Town's annual audit of its budget, a surplus remains, such surplus shall be credited to the District's obligation in the year following or, in_the event of a successor district, shall be paid to the successor district. ARTICLE IV STATUS OF OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS 4.1 Employees. The officers, employees or volunteers of the Town shall be and remain officers, employees or volunteers of the Town, except as described herein, and no officer, employee or volunteer shall have any pension, compensation, civil service status or other right with respect to the District under any circumstances. Further, the District shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct payment of any salary, wage or compensation to any officers, employees, or volunteers of the Town performing services under this Agreement. Further, the District shall not be liable for compensation or s indemnity to any officer, employee, or volunteer of the Town for any injury or illness arising out of services provided under this Agreement. Additionally, the Town hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, to the extent permitted by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, the District and its officers, directors, employees, cross-trained employees (when working' as firefighters), volunteers, servants and agents, against liability claims including attorney's fees, arising out of the negligence of officers, employees or volunteers of the Town relating to its performance of the services required under this Agreement. 4.2 Insurance. The Town shall, during the term of this Agreement, or any renewals or extensions hereof, maintain the following types of insurance coverage with companies and in amounts indicated hereinafter or if not indicated hereinafter, in amounts acceptable to the District: A. Comprehensive and liability coverage in the initial minimum amount of $150,000/$600,000, and thereafter in such amounts as are required pursuant to Section 24-10- 114, C.R.S., commonly known as the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, protecting the Town, officers, directors, and employees against any loss, liability or expense whatsoever from personal injury, death, property damage or otherwise arising from, or in any way connected with, management, administration and operation of the fire protection services within the District. Such coverage shall insure the common inclusions of premises operations, products/completed operations, contractual liability, independent contractors, broad form property damage and personal injury. B. Professional liability insurance coverage in the initial minimum amount of $150,000/$600,000, and 7 thereafter in such amounts required pursuant to Section 24- 10-114, C.R.S., protecting the officers, directors and employees of the Town against any loss, liability or expense whatsoever from personal injury, death, property damage or otherwise arising out of, or in any way connected with, the rendering of emergency medical services. C. Automobile insurance liability coverage in the minimum amount of $150,000/$600,000. Such coverage shall include other common coverages provided by insurance companies such as uninsured motorists and no fault coverage. D. The Town will make provision for worker's compensation insurance, pension, disability and unemployment insurance for employees, volunteers and cross-trained employees of the Town when working as firefighters performing under this Agreement, as required by any law of the State of Colorado or the federal government and will, upon request, exhibit evidence thereof to the District. Within ninety (90) days from the date of this Agreement, the Town shall furnish to the District certificates of insurance showing compliance with the foregoing and naming the District as an additional insured and stating that the policy or policies will not be canceled or altered without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of the District. Although the Town has assumed liability hereunder, the District shall also name the Town as an additional insured under its general liability insurance coverage or insurance against fire or other risks pertaining to equipment and facilities separately owned by the District. L? 8 ARTICLE V MISCELLANEOUS 5.1 Reports. On request, the Town shall provide to the District a written incident report at the completion of any investigation. Further, the Town will provide to the District, a report summarizing the calls to the District by quarterly and annual occurrence. 5.2 False Alarms. The Town and the District agree to cooperate to reduce the number of false fire alarms. Where false fire alarms repeatedly occur, the Town may at it's discretion, commence an action pursuant to the State Statute or the District's fire code, or by any other applicable law, against a property owner who repeatedly causes a false fire alarm to be transmitted to the Town, or, may charge a fee to the property owner who causes a false alarm to the extent permitted by law. 5.3 Force Majeure. Neither party shall be liable for any failure to perform as required by this Agreement to the extent such failure to perform is caused by any reason beyond the control of that party or by reason of any of the following occurrences, whether or not caused by such party: strikes, labor disturbances or labor disputes of any character, accidents, riots, civil disorders or commotions, war, acts of aggression, floods, earthquakes, acts of God, explosion or similar occurrences; provided, such party shall exercise its best efforts to provide the best possible alternative performance and to prevent the foregoing occurrence from obstructing full performance. Such occurrences shall not terminate this Agreement and shall not affect this Agreement except as provided in this Section. 5.4 Assignment. Except for a new successor district, neither party shall voluntarily or involuntarily assign, delegate, subcontract, pledge, hypothecate or encumber any 9 right, duty, or interest in whole or in part in or to this Agreement without the consent of the other. 5.5 Settlement of Disputes. All controversies relating to the performance and interpretation of this Agreement may be resolved by whatever means is mutually agreeable to the parties including arbitration. In the event the parties are unable to agree to a procedure for the resolution of any particular controversy, any party may proceed as authorized by law to seek resolution of the said controversy. 5.6 Amendment. This Agreement may be modified, amended, changed, or terminated (except as to termination as hereinabove provided) in whole or in part, only by agreement in writing duly authorized and executed by both parties. 5.7 Waiver. The waiver of any breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement by either party shall not. constitute a continuing waiver of any subsequent breach by that party either of the same or of another provision of this Agreement. 5.8 Headings for Convenience Only. The articles, sections, paragraph headings, captions, and titles contained herein are intended for convenience and reference only, and are not intended to define, limit or described the scope or intent of any of the provisions of this Agreement. 5.9 Severability. Invalidations of any of the provisions of this Agreement, or of any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word herein, or the application thereof in any given circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 5.10 Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be immediately binding upon and inure to the benefit of each party and its respective successors and permitted assigns. 10 I I 5.11 Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence for the performance of each and every provision hereof. 5.12 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. 5.13 Annexations. In-the event that the District increases its area through annexation as a result of which there is any increased cost of fire protection services to the District, such increase shall be paid by the District under the terms hereof. • E 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement as of the date and year first above written. SQUAW CREE METROPOLIT DISTRICT By . i ' , ZeL5?1 Title: President ATTEST: Secretary • TOWN OF AVON 12 Memo To: Thru: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Bill Efting, Town Manager Norm Wood, Town Engineer January 5, 2000 West Beaver Creek Blvd. - Right-of-Way & Easements Valuation Consultants, Inc. Appraisal Services Proposal Summary: Jeff Maddox with Valuation Consultants, Inc. has given a verbal quote of $4250.00 to provide appraisals for 17 easement & right-of-way tracts required for construction of the West Beaver Creek Blvd. Improvements. These appraisals are necessary to proceed with the land acquisitions for this project. Jeff has been out of town and was unable to provide a written proposal for the council packet. However, the verbal quote is based on his general knowledge of the area and review of faxed copies of the legal descriptions of the properties to be acquired. Valuation Consultants, Inc. has provided appraisal services for previous town projects including the Avon Road Separated Grade Crossing Project and the more recent Roundabouts Project. Subsequently, Jeff is thoroughly familiar with requirements for this type of project, which also involves CDOT funds from the Enhancement Grant Program. The cost of the proposed services is in line with previous appraisal services and is included in the overall project budget. Approval of the verbal quote of $4250.00 from Valuation Consultants, Inc. to provide appraisals for 17 easement and right-of-way tracts required for construction of the West Beaver Creek Blvd. Improvements is recommended contingent upon staff review of a written proposal prior to authorization to proceed with the appraisals. Recommendations: Approve verbal quote of $4250.00 from Valuation Consultants, Inc. to provide appraisals for 17 easement and right-of-way tracts required for construction of the West Beaver Creek Blvd. Improvements with the approval being contingent upon staff review of a written proposal prior to authorization to proceed with the appraisals. Town Manager Comments: 7? C:AWINDOWSCI'EMP\Memo Valuation Consultant Servicesl.Doc e' r Memo To: Thru: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Bill Efting, Town Manager Norm Wood, Town Engineer January 5, 2000 Sherwood Meadows Housing Project Valuation Consultants, Inc. Appraisal Services Proposal ® Summarv: Jeff Maddox with Valuation Consultants, Inc. has given a ® verbal quote of $2200.00 to provide appraisal for I 1 residential units in the Sherwood Meadows Condominium Project. This appraisal is needed to verify value of the units proposed for purchase and as documentation for the financing program. Jeff has been out of town and was unable to provide a written proposal for the council packet. However, the verbal quote is based on his general knowledge of the area and of this particular project. The cost of the proposed services is in line with previous appraisal services. Approval of the verbal quote of $2200.00 from Valuation Consultants, Inc. to provide appraisal for 1 I residential units in the Sherwood Meadows Condominium Project is recommended contingent upon staff review of a written proposal prior to authorization to proceed with the appraisal. Recommendations: Approve verbal quote of $2200.00 from Valuation Consultants, Inc. to provide appraisal for I I residential units in the Sherwood Meadows Condominium Project with the approval being contingent upon staff review of a written proposal prior to authorization to proceed with the appraisals. Town Manager Comments: z1W Y C:AWINDOWS\TEMP\Memo Valuation Consultant Services.Doc I Memo To: Thru: From: Date: Re: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Bill Efting, Town Manager Norm Wood, Town Engineer January 5, 2000 Sherwood Meadows Condominiums - Phase I Environmental Study Summary: We have a verbal proposal from Waste Engineering, Inc. to perform an Environmental Phase I Study on 11 Residential Units in Sherwood Meadows Condominiums for $ 2,000.00. They can complete the work within approximately four weeks from the date of notification to proceed. We have not received the written proposal at this time. It is expected prior to the Council meeting on Tuesday the 111'. Approval of the Proposal from Waste Engineering, Inc. for an Environmental Phase I Study on 1 I residential units in Sherwood Meadows Condominiums for a Fee of $2,000.00 is recommended, subject to staff and attorney review of the written proposal. This approval will allow completion of the study in compatible time frame with the proposed financing and closing schedule. Recommendations: Approve Proposal from Waste Engineering, Inc. for an Environmental Phase I Study on 11 residential units in Sherwood Meadows Condominiums for a Fee of $2,000.00 with approval subject to Town Attorney and Staff review of a written Proposal. Town Manager Comments: l/ CAWINDOWS\TEMP\Waste Engineer Proposal Memo.Doc FROM : Pickard M. Phelps, Ltd. PHOt4E NO. : 303 670 3518 Jan. 05 2000 04:54PM P1 AX ` TR?MITT?.L RICHARD M. PHELPS, LTD ? GOLF COURSE ARCHI'T'ECTS r P.O. Boat 3295 Evergreen. Colorado 80437-3295 Phone: (303) 670-0478 FAX (303) 670-3518 Date: To: Company: Fax #: From: Number of pages including this cover sheet Comments or Additional Notes: Signed: it z v v airs . ,. . V . --- ABOVE, PLEASE CALL (303) 670-017"S OON POSSIBLE. .?.. D W •'l • S r0% FPOM : Pickard M. Phelps, Ltd Mr. Bill Eftin€ T own Managei 1 own of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Bill' PHONE NO. : 303 6-0 351E Jan. 05 2000 04:54PM PZ Sent via Fax to. (970) 748-4078 Thank you for your phone call this morning ret)uesting our proposal to provide golf course architectural services to the town of Avon for a proposed 18-hole municipal golf course. To begin. we will utilize information that you will provide such as aerial base mapping, aerial photos, boundary maps, etc. Field trips and meeting's with you, your staff, other consultants and the land owners will also be included. The topographic data that we reviewed is not very accurate, however. If it is possible to work with the land owner to provide 2 foot interval and 1 "=100' or 1"=200` horizontal scale, it would allow us to be more accurate in preparation of our plans. We will investigate several clubhouse locations and routings of the golf course and review these options with you and other town officials. Following this review and possible site visit we will prepare a revised conceptual plan that will still be preliminary in detail- E Following approval by the Town of Avon of this preliminary plan. we will prepare our opinion of probable cost to c:on.truct the course. This will be based on our file of costs that have been bid on previous projects and on estimates of quantities to be encountered during construction of the course. These include earthwork, seedin& greens constructiow irrigation system, cart paths. etc_ These costs are opinions only since so many thisngs can influence the actual bids received from contractors such as their availability, material costs; labor costs, unanticipated site problems such as rock, springs, etc. At this level of planning. we will not become involved with environmental issues such as wetlands, endannaed species, etc. We will also consult with you on timetables, support facilities such as clubhouse, maintenancc shops, maintenance equipment, etc. Our fees for preparing these preliminary studies and opinion of costs shall be Five Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars (55,500.00) plus expenses such as mileage, overnight shipping. and living costs (hotel, meals, etc.) if required. We thank you for your interest in our fu-m and we look forward to working with you on this exciting project. If this proposal is satisfactory to you, please have the proper authority sign both copies and return one to us. Thank you. Sincerely. Dick Phelps ASGCA Riehard M. Phelps, Ltd Town of Avon • date In FINANCIAL MATTERS January 11, 2000 1. Detail - Building Activity Report, December 1999 ..................................1 2. Cash Account Balances, November 1999 ..............................................2 3. Revenues & Expenditures, November 1999 ..........................................3 4. Detail-Real Estate Transfer Taxes ......................................................4 5. Detail-Sales Tax Update ................................................................ 5 6. Detail-Accommodations Tax Update ...................................................6 7. Accounts Payable Listing, ............................................................7 8. Manual Check Listing .....................................................................8 RECOMMENDED ACTION RECEIVE Items 1 through 6. APPROVE Items 7 through 8. Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, Co. 81620 70-748-4030 Permit Tally Page 1 of 1 Printed 1/6/2000 For: December, 1999 Commercial Public: 0 # of Bldgs :0 # of Units : 0 Private: 1 # of Bldgs :0 # of Units: 0 Construction Value :$0.00 Permit Charges : $0.00 Construction Value :$189,465.10 Permit Charges : $4,252.71 Public: 0 # of Bldgs :0 # of Units : 0 Construction Value :$0.00 Permit Charges : $0.00 Private: 1 # of Bldgs :0 # of Units: 0 Construction Value: $16,000.00 Permit Charges : $533.45 ew retail Public: 0 # of Bldgs : 0 # of Units : 0 Private: 1 # of Bldgs :0 # of Units: 0 Construction Value :$0.00 Permit Charges : $0.00 Construction Value :$75,000.00 Permit Charges : $1,692.56 i Totals: Public: 0 # of Bldgs : 0 Private: 3 # of Bldgs : 0 # of Units : 0 #ofUnits: 0 Construction Value : $0.00 Permit Charges : $0.00 Construction Value : $280,465.10 Permit Charges : $6,478.72 TOWN OF AVON CASH ACCOUNT BALANCES NOVEMBER 30, 1999 INVESTMENTS INTEREST MATURITY AMOUNT GENERAL FUND: 1ST BANK OF AVON - CONCENTRATION 4.89 - 707,418.62 COLOTRUST PLUS 5.55 ---- 2,785,399.36 COLOTRUST PRIME 5.22 ---- 1,762,062.52 FEDERATED INVESTORS-PRIME OBLIG 5.26 - 1,635,654.00 FEDERATED INVESTORS-TREAS OBLIG 4.96 ---- 1,832,721.85 C SAFE 5.30 ---- 1,079,342.32 FIRST BANK OF AVON - CD (6 months) 4.88 5/15/00 250,000.00 ALPINE BANK - CD (12 months) 4.50 5/18/00 250,000.00 10,302,598.67 WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FUND: 1ST BANK AVON - C. D. LIQUID 3.75 --- 43,107.46 TOTAL CASH BALANCE ALL FUNDS $ 10,345,706.13 i 12/09/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND FUNCTION - 10 - GENERAL FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 51101 PROPERTY TAR - CURRENT 1,119,418.00 6,862.87 .00 1,129,981.07 -10,563.07 1.01 51102 PROPERTY TAR - DELINQUENT .00 72.21 .00 1,241.75 -1,241.75 .00 51103 CURRENT & DELINQ INTEREST .00 412.01 .00 2,282.01 -2,282.01 .00 51201 SPECIFIC OWNERSHIP TAXES 145,000.00 16,625.26 .00 163,780.20 -18,780.20 1.13 51301 GENERAL SALES TAR 4,592,574.00 295,541.62 .00 3,643,798.61 948,775.39 .79 51302 UTILITY TAX 59,000.00 4,431.62 .00 53,068.91 5,931.09 .90 51304 PENALTIES & INTEREST 2,500.00 352.50 .00 6,853.90 -4,353.90 2.74 51402 FRANCHISE FEE 177,500.00 14,029.36 .00 152,292.15 25,207.85 .86 TOTAL TAXES 6,095,992.00 338,327.45 .00 5,153,298.60 942,693.40 .85 52101 LIQUOR LICENSES 2,500.00 945.00 .00 3,658.75 -1,158.75 1.46 52102 BUSINESS LICENSES 17,250.00 1,975.00 .00 16,455.00 795.00 .95 52103 CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES 8,560.00 795.00 .00 11,778.96 -3,218.96 1.38 52201 BUILDING PERMITS 180,000.00 8,228.50 .00 173,284.18 6,715.82 .96 52202 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 17,500.00 3,638.26 .00 21,343.83 -3,843.83 1.22 52203 PLUMBING PERMITS 25,000.00 318.08 .00 17,121.23 7,878.77 .68 52204 MECHANICAL PERMITS 15,000.00 534.09 .00 21,782.50 -6,782.50 1.45 52205 ROAD CUT PERMITS 2,000.00 205.00 .00 1,145.00 855.00 .57 52206 OTHER PERMITS 10,000.00 302.56 .00 6,726.06 3,273.94 .67 TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 277,810.00 16,941.49 .00 273,295.51 4,514.49 .98 53101 COPS GRANT 65,000.00 .00 .00 30,962.66 34,037.34 .48 53301 CONSERVATION TRUST 22,500.00 .00 .00 17,180.04 5,319.96 .76 53302 MOTOR VEHICLE REG FEES 17,500.00 1,685.47 .00 17,785.82 -285.82 1.02 53303 HIGHWAY USERS TAX 132,886.00 11,498.39 .00 121,074.56 11,811.44 .91 53304 CIGARETTE TAX 45,000.00 4,907.24 .00 39,441.23 5,558.77 .88 53305 EAGLE COUNTY SALES TAX 205,000.00 12,309.50 .00 185,170.56 19,829.44 .90 53306 EAGLE COUNTY ROAD & BRIDG 100,000.00 3,619.13 .00 81,454.60 18,545.40 .81 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 587,886.00 34,019.73 .00 493,069.47 94,816.53 .84 54101 SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIO 1,500.00 15.00 .00 15.00 1,485.00 .01 54102 PHOTOCOPYING CHARGES 500.00 119.25 .00 713.75 -213.75 1.43 54103 LICENSE HEARING FEES 100.00 .00 .00 200.00 -100.00 2.00 54104 OTHER FEES & CHARGES 1,500.00 .00 .00 10.00 1,490.00 .01 54201 PLAN CHECK FEES 140,000.00 922.84 .00 83,189.43 56,810.57 .59 54202 SUBDIVISION REVIEW FEES 8,000.00 380.00 .00 10,541.00 -2,541.00 1.32 54203 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 11,500.00 225.00 .00 6,232.00 5,268.00 .54 54204 ANIMAL CONTROL FEES 800.00 5.00 .00 1,275.00 -475.00 1.59 54301 POLICE REPORTS 250.00 28.00 .00 114.37 135.63 .46 54302 OFF-DUTY POLICE EMPLOYMNT 2,500.00 733.98 .00 3,455.76 -958.76 1.38 54303 FINGERPRINTING FEES 250.00 126.00 .00 1,246.00 -996.00 4.98 54304 V.I.N. INSPECTION FEES 7,000.00 790.00 .00 9,679.00 -2,679.00 1.38 54601 AVON REC CTR ADMISSIONS 880,000.00 74,760.34 .00 715,184.32 164,815.68 .81 54602 AVON REC CTR PROGRAM FEES 40,000.00 3,525.00 .00 60,356.95 -20,356.95 1.51 54603 AVON REC CTR FACILITY HEN 6,500.00 150.00 .00 4,445.00 2,055.00 .68 54604 SALES OF MERCHANDISE 6,000.00 508.00 .00 6,791.25 -791.25 1.13 54605 BABYSITTING 8,500.00 1,140.00 .00 8,901.50 -401.50 1.05 54606 OTHER SERVICES 18,000.00 876.03 .00 13,385.42 4,614.58 .74 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:51 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER , } 12/09/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND FUNCTION - 10 - GENERAL FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 54607 FITNESS PROGRAM REVENUES 11,378.00 860.00 .00 7,722.50 3,655.50 .68 54651 ADULT PROGRAM FEES 36,016.00 1,126.00 .00 33,138.75 2,877.25 .92 54652 CABIN EQUIPMENT RENTALS 41,000.00 43.20 .00 32,160.74 8,839.26 .78 54653 RENTALS - ATHLETIC FIELD 3,500.00 .00 .00 2,387.50 1,112.50 .68 54654 CABIN CONCESSIONS 7,880.00 .00 .00 6,633.67 1,246.33 .84 54655 YOUTH PROGRAM REVENUES 86,872.00 3,549.25 .00 64,370.50 22,501.50 .74 54676 SPONSORSHIPS 26,700.00 150.00 .00 27,160.00 -460.00 1.02 54677 ADVERTISING SALES 2,600.00 75.00 .00 3,625.00 -1,025.00 1.39 54678 SPECIAL EVENT FEES 33,000.00 .00 .00 32,932.00 68.00 1.00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,381,846.00 90,107.89 .00 1,135,869.41 245,976.59 .82 55101 COURT FINES - TRAFFIC 12,000.00 545.00 .00 13,395.00 -1,395.00 1.12 55102 COURT FINES - CRIMINAL 32,000.00 620.00 .00 23,983.72 8,016.28 .75 55103 COURT FINES - PARKING 5,000.00 235.00 .00 5,272.00 -272.00 1.05 55104 COURT FINES - GENERAL 500.00 .00 .00 1,000.00 -500.00 2.00 55105 COURT COSTS 3,500.00 88.00 .00 2,225.00 1,275.00 .64 55106 JURY FEES 350.00 .00 .00 35.00 315.00 .10 55107 COURT RESTITUTION 1,750.00 .00 .00 .00 1,750.00 .00 55108 FOOD FINES 25.00 .00 .00 4.00 21.00 .16 TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITURES 55,125.00 1,488.00 .00 45,914.72 9,210.28 .83 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS 375,000.00 48,982.31 .00 427,746.49 -52,746.49 1.14 TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 375,000.00 48,982.31 .00 427,746.49 -52,746.49 1.14 58101 RECREATIONAL AMENITY FEES 165,000.00 1,634.70 .00 141,730.30 23,269.70 .86 58201 LEASE OF TOWN OWNED PROP 248,670.00 26,572.16 .00 129,132.84 119,537.16 .52 58202 CASH SHORT & OVER .00 105.30 .00 1,139.88 -1,139.88 .00 58204 RETURNED CHECK FEE .00 25.00 .00 71.50 -71.50 .00 58205 DAMAGES .00 4,363.91 .00 5,003.89 -5,003.89 .00 58206 TELEPHONE RECEIPTS .00 204.64 .00 1,324.79 -1,324.79 .00 58207 MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS .00 .00 .00 7,237.25 -7,237.25 .00 58208 CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS .00 .00 .00 500.00 -500.00 .00 58998 PETTY CASE CHECK REIMBURS .00 .43 .00 57.05 -57.05 .00 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU 100,000.00 1,036.20 .00 81,634.24 18,365.76 .82 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 513,670.00 33,942.34 .00 367,831.74 145,838.26 .72 59101 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS 25,000.00 .00 .00 .00 25,000.00 .00 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 130,000.00 .00 .00 130,000.00 .00 1.00 59303 CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 155,000.00 .00 .00 130,000.00 25,000.00 .84 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 9,442,329.00 563,809.21 .00 8,027,025.94 1,415,303.06 as TOTAL GENERAL FUND 9,442,329.00 563,809.21 .00 8,027,025.94 1,415,303.06 .85 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:52 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + ESP BALANCE BUD 111 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL 100,601.00 5,195.55 .00 89,986.87 10,614.13 .89 112 BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 24,927.00 952.21 .00 19,496.31 5,430.69 .78 113 TOWN ATTORNEY 109,458.00 8,641.26 .00 102,904.21 6,553.79 .94 114 PUBLIC RELATIONS 328,100.00 3,790.97 .00 308,553.03 19,546.97 .94 115 TOWN CLERK 87,140.00 4,425.11 .00 61,398.18 25,741.82 .70 TOTAL LEGISLATIVE 650,226.00 23,005.10 .00 582,338.60 67,887.40 .90 121 MUNICIPAL COURT 56,573.00 3,248.81 .00 40,533.39 16,039.61 .72 TOTAL JUDICIAL 56,573.00 3,248.81 .00 40,533.39 16,039.61 .72 131 TOWN MANAGER 218,666.00 20,322.90 .00 186,034.85 32,651.15 .85 132 HUMAN RESOURCES 96,354.00 5,003.68 .00 68,606.30 27,747.70 .71 TOTAL TOWN MANAGER 315,040.00 25,326.58 .00 254,641.15 60,398.85 .81 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1,021,839.00 51,580.49 .00 877,513.14 144,325.86 .86 141 FINANCE 422,564.00 24,756.91 .00 341,805.61 80,758.39 .81 143 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 143,035.00 11,095.68 .00 127,513.49 15,521.51 .89 149 NONDEPARTMENTAL 207,105.00 17,058.08 .00 177,328.98 29,776.02 .86 TOTAL FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIO 772,704.00 52,910.67 .00 646,648.08 126,055.92 .84 TOTAL FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIO 772,704.00 52,910.67 .00 646,648.08 126,055.92 .84 211 ADIMINSTRATION 179,711.00 18,083.43 .00 169,580.08 10,130.92 .94 212 PLANNING 137,494.00 5,429.05 .00 97,920.03 39,573.97 .71 213 BUILDING INSPECTION 232,249.00 18,575.49 .00 183,169.39 49,079.61 .79 214 COMMUNITY SERVICE 75,500.00 5,804.14 .00 66,311.78 9,188.22 .88 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOP DEPT 624,954.00 47,892.11 .00 516,981.28 107,972.72 .83 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 624,954.00 47,892.11 .00 516,981.28 107,972.72 .83 311 ADMINISTRATION 206,365.00 21,092.18 .00 207,193.75 -828.75 1.00 312 PATROL 965,383.00 85,675.78 .00 820,582.41 144,800.59 .85 313 INVESTIGATION 21,738.00 1,162.50 .00 11,376.97 10,361.03 .52 314 COMMUNITY POLICING 70,831.00 7,199.82 .00 65,488.74 5,342.26 .92 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 1,264,317.00 115,130.28 .00 1,104,641.87 159,675.13 .87 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 1,264,317.00 115,130.28 .00 1,104,641.87 159,675.13 .87 411 ADMINISTRATION 192,630.00 13,489.58 .00 164,098.41 28,531.59 .85 412 ENGINEERING 166,448.00 10,930.95 .00 138,495.57 27,952.43 .83 413 ROADS AND STREETS 847,892.00 72,271.83 .00 556,369.09 291,522.91 .66 414 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 258,571.00 14,186.48 .00 166,468.71 92,102.29 .64 415 PARKS 943,290.00 47,908.79 .00 721,761.39 221,528.61 .77 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2,408,831.00 158,787.63 .00 1,747,193.17 661,637.83 .73 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 2,408,831.00 158,787.63 .00 1,747,193.17 661,637.83 .73 513 SPECIAL EVENTS 407,168.00 3,569.43 .00 337,911.79 69,256.21 .83 514 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 356,819.00 31,046.74 .00 294,610.66 62,208.34 .83 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:22 PENTA14ATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER r ? 12/09/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 515 RECREATION ADULT PROGRAMS 109,637.00 5,489.25 .00 89,551.98 20,085.02 .82 516 AQUATICS 338,368.00 21,837.95 .00 288,981.19 49,386.81 .85 517 RECREATION CHILDCARE 65,989.00 4,601.10 .00 52,419.81 13,569.19 .79 518 FITNESS 122,125.00 8,987.35 .00 107,342.81 14,782.19 .88 519 RECREATION FRONT DESK 223,959.00 15,239.78 .00 185,541.73 38,417.27 .83 520 RECREATION MAINTENANCE 518,876.00 37,073.42 .00 404,192.46 114,683.54 .78 521 RECREATION YOUTH PROGRAMS 95,262.00 4,393.49 .00 79,103.58 16,158.42 .83 TOTAL RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2,238,203.00 132,238.51 .00 1,839,656.01 398,546.99 .82 TOTAL RECREATION AND CULTURE 2,238,203.00 132,238.51 .00 1,839,656.01 398,546.99 .82 600 OTHER USES & CONTINGENCY 2,088,261.00 74,903.00 .00 2,088,261.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL OTHER USES & CONTINGENCY 2,088,261.00 74,903.00 .00 2,088,261.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL OTHER USES & CONTINGENCY 2,088,261.00 74,903.00 .00 2,088,261.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 10,419,109.00 633,442.69 .00 8,820,894.55 1,598,214.45 .85 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:23 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER I 12/09/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 3 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND FUNCTION - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 58105 MALL MAINTENANCE FEES 34,581.00 .00 .00 10,059.89 24,521.11 .29 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 34,581.00 .00 .00 10,059.89 24,521.11 .29 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 41,628.00 .00 .00 41,628.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 41,628.00 .00 .00 41,628.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL MALL MAINTENANCE FUND 76,209.00 .00 .00 51,687.89 24,521.11 .68 TOTAL MALL MAINTENANCE FUND 76,209.00 .00 .00 51,687.89 24,521.11 .68 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:52 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 3 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 417 MALL MAINTENANCE 77,701.00 3,888.54 .00 48,967.31 28,733.69 .63 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 77,701.00 3,888.54 .00 48,967.31 28,733.69 .63 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 77,701.00 3,888.54 .00 48,967.31 28,733.69 .63 TOTAL MALL MAINTENANCE FUND 77,701.00 3,888.54 .00 48,967.31 28,733.69 .63 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:23 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS FUNCTION - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE 53501 CONTRACTED FIRE OPERATION 53502 NON-DISTRICT FIRE PROTECT 53503 OTHER FIRE REVENUE TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 58201 LEASE OF TOWN OWNED PROP 58206 TELEPHONE RECEIPTS 58207 MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 59303 CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS TOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL FIRE OPERATIONS TOTAL FIRE OPERATIONS TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PAGE 4 PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 1,467,322.00 60,991.86 .00 1,467,380.29 -58.29 1.00 20,000.00 .00 .00 31,016.11 -11,016.11 1.55 5,000.00 1,776.16 .00 35,476.75 -30,476.75 7.10 1,492,322.00 62,768.02 .00 1,533,873.15 -41,551.15 1.03 .00 100.00 .00 14,590.00 -14,590.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .06 - .06 .00 .00 .00 .00 740.00 -740.00 .00 .00 110.38 .00 1,187.88 -1,187.88 .00 .00 210.38 .00 16,517.94 -16,517.94 .00 344,216.00 45,663.00 .00 344,216.00 .00 1.00 259,212.00 .00 .00 200,205.15 59,006.85 .77 603,428.00 45,663.00 .00 544,421.15 59,006.85 .90 2,095,750.00 108,641.40 .00 2,094,812.24 937.76 1.00 2,095,750.00 108,641.40 .00 2,094,812.24 937.76 1.00 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:52 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 4 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 321 ADMINISTRATION 559,086.00 22,729.72 .00 445,282.23 113,803.77 .80 322 EMERGENCY RESPONSE 1,248,488.00 70,596.62 .00 1,081,371.84 167,116.16 .87 323 FIRE PREVENTION/PUBLIC ED 151,742.00 9,422.17 .00 125,664.58 26,077.42 .83 324 TRAINING 136,434.00 10,485.96 .00 116,888.99 19,545.01 .86 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT 2,095,750.00 113,234.47 .00 1,769,207.64 326,542.36 .84 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 2,095,750.00 113,234.47 .00 1,769,207.64 326,542.36 .84 TOTAL FIRE OPERATIONS 2,095,750.00 113,234.47 .00 1,769,207.64 326,542.36 .84 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:25 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 23 - EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND FUNCTION - 23 - EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 54551 RENTAL REVENUES-EMPLOYEES 16,560.00 1,261.15 .00 3,396.15 13,163.85 .21 54553 EMPLOYEE HOUSING MTC 00 100.00 .00 350.00 -350.00 .00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 16,560.00 1,361.15 .00 3,746.15 12,813.85 .23 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 22,156.00 22,156.00 .00 22,156.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 22,156.00 22,156.00 .00 22,156.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND 38,716.00 23,517.15 .00 25,902.15 12,813.85 .67 TOTAL EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND 38,716.00 23,517.15 .00 25,902.15 12,813.85 .67 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:52 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 23 - EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 5 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 436 EMPLOYEE HOUSING 38,716.00 20,802.66 .00 30,812.58 7,903.42 .80 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 38,716.00 20,802.66 .00 30,812.58 7,903.42 .80 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 38,716.00 20,802.66 .00 30,812.58 7,903.42 .80 TOTAL EMPLOYEE HOUSING FUND 38,716.00 20,802.66 .00 30,812.58 7,903.42 .80 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:25 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 31 - BOND REDEMPTION FUND FUNCTION - 31 - BOND REDEMPTION FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - 51101 PROPERTY TAR - CURRENT 51102 PROPERTY TAR - DELINQUENT 51103 CURRENT & DELINQ INTEREST TOTAL TARES 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN TOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL BOND REDEMPTION FUND TOTAL BOND REDEMPTION FUND TOWN OF AVON PAGE 6 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 773,364.00 4,742.18 .00 780,807.46 -7,443.46 1.01 .00 49.89 .00 858.03 -858.03 .00 .00 284.70 .00 1,576.85 -1,576.85 .00 773,364.00 5,076.77 .00 783,242.34 -9,878.34 1.01 .00 -13,958.07 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -13,958.07 .00 .00 .00 .00 505,434.00 -551,559.00 .00 505,434.00 .00 1.00 505,434.00 -551,559.00 .00 505,434.00 .00 1.00 1,278,798.00 -560,440.30 .00 1,288,676.34 -9,878.34 1.01 1,278,798.00 -560,440.30 .00 1,288,676.34 -9,878.34 1.01 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:52 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 6 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 31 - BOND REDEMPTION FUND PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 911 BOND REDEMPTION 276,622.00 251,287.54 .00 268,440.31 8,181.69 .97 TOTAL BOND REDEMPTION 276,622.00 251,287.54 .00 268,440.31 8,181.69 .97 914 1994A AQUATIC CTR BONDS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL 1994A AQUATIC CTR BONDS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 915 1994E PUBLIC WORKS BONDS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL 1994B PUBLIC WORKS BONDS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 916 1996 G.O. REFUNDING BONDS 539,798.00 437,398.75 .00 539,797.50 .50 1.00 TOTAL 1996 G.O. REFUNDING BONDS 539,798.00 437,398.75 .00 539,797.50 .50 1.00 917 1997 G.O. BONDS 217,783.00 123,891.25 .00 217,782.50 .50 1.00 TOTAL 1997 G.O. BONDS 217,783.00 123,891.25 .00 217,782.50 .50 1.00 918 1998 CERT OF PARTICIPATIO .00 -166,270.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL 1998 CERT OF PARTICIPATIO .00 -166,270.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 919 1999 SALES TAX REFUND ISS 495,434.00 .00 .00 495,606.07 -172.07 1.00 TOTAL 1999 SALES TAX REFUND ISS 495,434.00 .00 .00 495,606.07 -172.07 1.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 1,529,637.00 646,307.54 .00 1,521,626.38 8,010.62 .99 TOTAL BOND REDEMPTION FUND 1,529,637.00 646,307.54 .00 1,521,626.38 8,010.62 .99 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:25 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 32 - WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM FUNCTION - 32 - WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 56101 SPECIAL ASSESSMNTS - PRIN 56201 SPECIAL ASSESSMNTS - INT TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN TOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM TOTAL WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PAGE 7 PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 35,000.00 159.19 .00 41,591.32 -6,591.32 1.19 25,000.00 130.81 .00 26,215.23 -1,215.23 1.05 60,000.00 290.00 .00 67,806.55 -7,806.55 1.13 2,000.00 212.70 .00 2,018.12 -18.12 1.01 2,000.00 212.70 .00 2,018.12 -18.12 1.01 16,191.00 .00 .00 16,191.00 .00 1.00 16,191.00 .00 .00 16,191.00 .00 1.00 78,191.00 502.70 .00 86,015.67 -7,824.67 1.10 78,191.00 502.70 .00 86,015.67 -7,824.67 1.10 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:53 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 32 - WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 7 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC t EXP BALANCE BUD 912 WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM 103,500.00 25,864.95 .00 91,178.76 12,321.24 .88 TOTAL WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM 103,500.00 25,864.95 .00 91,178.76 12,321.24 .88 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 103,500.00 25,864.95 .00 91,178.76 12,321.24 .88 TOTAL WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM 103,500.00 25,864.95 .00 91,178.76 12,321.24 .88 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:25 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 33 - AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND FUNCTION - 33 - AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE 51101 PROPERTY TAX - CURRENT 51102 PROPERTY TAIL - DELINQUENT 51103 CURRENT & DELINQ INTEREST TOTAL TAXES 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS TOTAL AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND TOTAL AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND TOWN OF AVON PAGE 8 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 567,336.00 3,520.09 .00 565,098.65 2,237.35 1.00 .00 36.54 .00 921.35 -921.35 .00 .00 211.24 .00 1,204.77 -1,204.77 .00 567,336.00 3,767.87 .00 567,224.77 111.23 1.00 5,800.00 .00 .00 .00 5,800.00 .00 5,800.00 .00 .00 .00 5,800.00 .00 573,136.00 3,767.87 .00 567,224.77 5,911.23 .99 573,136.00 3,767.87 .00 567,224.77 5,911.23 .99 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:53 PENTA14ATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 33 - AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 8 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 913 AVON METROPOLITAN FUND 699,538.00 113.04 .00 702,903.83 -3,365.83 1.00 TOTAL AVON METROPOLITAN FUND 699,538.00 113.04 .00 702,903.83 -3,365.83 1.00 TOTAL AVON' METROPOLITAN FUND 699,538.00 113.04 .00 702,903.83 -3,365.83 1.00 TOTAL AVON METRO DISTRICT FUND 699,538.00 113.04 .00 702,903.83 -3,365.83 1.00 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:26 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 9 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 34 - FINANCE AUTH DEBT SVC FUN FUNCTION - 34 - FINANCE AUTH DEBT SVC FUN PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS 28,000.00 27,618.47 .00 27,618.47 381.53 .99 TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 28,000.00 27,618.47 .00 27,618.47 381.53 .99 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 535,540.00 535,540.00 .00 535,540.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 535,540.00 535,540.00 .00 535,540.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL FINANCE AUTH DEBT SVC FUN 563,540.00 563,158.47 .00 563,158.47 381.53 1.00 TOTAL FINANCE AUTH DEBT SVC FUN 563,540.00 563,158.47 .00 563,158.47 381.53 1.00 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:53 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 34 - FINANCE AUTH DEBT SVC FUN TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 9 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 920 1998 CERTIFICATE OF PART 563,540.00 563,365.00 .00 563,365.00 175.00 1.00 TOTAL 1998 CERTIFICATE OF PART 563,540.00 563,365.00 .00 563,365.00 175.00 1.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 563,540.00 563,365.00 .00 563,365.00 175.00 1.00 TOTAL FINANCE AUTH DEBT SVC FUN 563,540.00 563,365.00 .00 563,365.00 175.00 1.00 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:26 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FUNCTION - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE 51401 REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX TOTAL TAXES 53401 LOCAL INTERGOV PARTICIPAT TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 58102 UTILITY CAPITAL PAC FEE 58104 FIREPLACE FEES 58207 MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 59303 CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS 59304 CERT OF PARTICIPATION TOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TOWN OF AVON PAGE 10 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 1,750,000.00 113,993.64 .00 1,724,848.63 25,151.37 .99 1,750,000.00 113,993.64 .00 1,724,848.63 25,151.37 .99 300,000.00 .00 .00 200,000.00 100,000.00 .67 300,000.00 .00 .00 200,000.00 100,000.00 .67 137,801.00 .00 .00 79,307.00 58,494.00 .58 137,801.00 .00 .00 79,307.00 58,494.00 .58 2,000.00 .00 .00 732.45 1,267.55 .37 6,000.00 1,500.00 .00 3,000.00 3,000.00 .50 .00 .00 .00 1,454.30 -1,454.30 .00 22,500.00 .00 .00 29,995.95 -7,495.95 1.33 30,500.00 1,500.00 .00 35,182.70 -4,682.70 1.15 250,836.00 250,836.00 .00 250,836.00 .00 1.00 114,000.00 00 .00 225,953.67 -111,953.67 1.98 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 364,836.00 250,836.00 .00 476,789.67 -111,953.67 1.31 2,583,137.00 366,329.64 .00 2,516,128.00 67,009.00 .97 2,583,137.00 366,329.64 .00 2,516,128.00 67,009.00 .97 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:53 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TORN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 10 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 800 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 6,375,602.00 146,571.53 .00 5,301,486.34 1,074,115.66 .83 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 6,375,602.00 146,571.53 .00 5,301,486.34 1,074,115.66 .83 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 6,375,602.00 146,571.53 .00 5,301,486.34 1,074,115.66 .83 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 6,375,602.00 146,571.53 .00 5,301,486.34 1,074,115.66 .83 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:26 PENTA14ATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 51 - WATER ENTERPRISE FUND FUNCTION - 51 - WATER ENTERPRISE FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE 54401 WATER USAGE CHARGES 54402 TAP FEES - GENERAL 54403 TAP FEES - BROOKSIDE 54404 TAP FEES - MOUNTAIN STAR TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 57101 INTEREST EARNINGS TOTAL INVESTMENT EARNINGS 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU TOTAL OTHER REVENUES TOTAL WATER ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL WATER ENTERPRISE FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PAGE 11 PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 103,350.00 9,182.25 .00 89,306.23 14,043.77 .86 240,000.00 36,176.00 .00 132,736.00 107,264.00 .55 .00 .00 .00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 .00 29,610.00 -9,610.00 1.48 363,350.00 45,358.25 .00 275,652.23 87,697.77 .76 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00 50,000.00 .00 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00 50,000.00 .00 4,500.00 .00 .00 23.00 4,477.00 .01 4,500.00 .00 .00 23.00 4,477.00 .01 417,850.00 45,358.25 .00 275,675.23 142,174.77 .66 417,850.00 45,358.25 .00 275,675.23 142,174.77 .66 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:53 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 51 - WATER ENTERPRISE FUND TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 11 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 421 OPERATIONS 35,694.00 840.53 .00 17,811.27 17,882.73 .50 422 ADMINISTRATION 21,792.00 748.72 .00 13,329.03 8,462.97 .61 423 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 94,000.00 545.20 .00 47,743.96 46,256.04 .51 TOTAL UTILITIES 151,486.00 2,134.45 .00 78,884.26 72,601.74 .52 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 151,486.00 2,134.45 .00 78,884.26 72,601.74 .52 TOTAL WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 151,486.00 2,134.45 .00 78,884.26 72,601.74 .52 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:26 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND FUNCTION - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE 51303 ACCOMODATIONS TAR TOTAL TAXES 54501 BEAVER CREEK 54502 CHARTER 54503 REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORIT 54504 OTHER BUS REVENUES TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 58201 LEASE OF TOWN OWNED PROP 58205 DAMAGES 58207 MISCELLANEOUS REFUNDS 58998 PETTY CASH CHECK REIMBURS 58999 MISC NONCLASSIFIED REVENU TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 59303 CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS TOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND TOWN OF AVON PAGE 12 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 254,139.00 7,258.18 .00 207,923.44 46,215.56 .82 254,139.00 7,258.18 .00 207,923.44 46,215.56 .82 840,679.00 113,196.98 .00 645,169.14 195,509.86 .77 64,980.00 3,457.50 .00 52,162.50 12,817.50 .80 1,857,705.00 235,348.18 .00 1,431,152.45 426,552.55 .77 10,000.00 375.00 .00 3,940.40 6,059.60 .39 2,773,364.00 352,377.66 .00 2,132,424.49 640,939.51 .77 .00 .00 .00 10,584.07 -10,584.07 .00 .00 .00 .00 9,165.98 -9,165.98 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,055.49 -1,055.49 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.17 -1.17 .00 .00 1,730.00 .00 2,542.89 -2,542.89 .00 .00 1,730.00 .00 23,349.60 -23,349.60 .00 439,287.00 23,103.00 .00 439,287.00 .00 1.00 75,000.00 16,259.64 .00 88,409.64 -13,409.64 1.18 514,287.00 39,362.64 .00 527,696.64 -13,409.64 1.03 3,541,790.00 400,728.48 .00 2,891,394.17 650,395.83 .82 3,541,790.00 400,728.48 .00 2,891,394.17 650,395.83 .82 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:54 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER I 12/09/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 12 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 431 ADMINISTRATION 615,221.00 43,578.43 .00 516,842.82 98,378.18 .84 432 OPERATIONS 2,812,443.00 200,596.48 .00 2,187,493.26 624,949.74 .78 433 MARKETING 114,126.00 4,737.38 .00 83,956.39 30,169.61 .74 435 TRANSIT MAINTENANCE .00 -7.95 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION 3,541,790.00 248,904.34 .00 2,788,292.47 753,497.53 .79 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 3,541,790.00 248,904.34 .00 2,788,292.47 753,497.53 .79 TOTAL TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND 3,541,790.00 248,904.34 .00 2,788,292.47 753,497.53 .79 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:27 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - 434 FLEET MTC (NON-TRANSIT) TOTAL TRANSPORTATION TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU TOWN OF AVON PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGE 13 PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 1,440,134.00 80,970.71 .00 1,110,972.03 329,161.97 .77 1,440,134.00 80,970.71 .00 1,110,972.03 329,161.97 .77 1,440,134.00 80,970.71 .00 1,110,972.03 329,161.97 .77 1,440,134.00 80,970.71 .00 1,110,972.03 329,161.97 .77 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:28 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 14 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 PROGRAM REVENUE STATUS SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 63 - EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND FUNCTION - 63 - EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND PERIOD YEAR TO DATE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET RECEIPTS RECEIVABLES REVENUE BALANCE BUD 54904 EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHARGES 391,785.00 32,648.79 .00 359,136.45 32,648.55 .92 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 391,785.00 32,648.79 .00 359,136.45 32,648.55 .92 59201 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 200,000.00 .00 .00 200,000.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 200,000.00 .00 .00 200,000.00 .00 1.00 TOTAL EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND 591,785.00 32,648.79 .00 559,136.45 32,648.55 .94 TOTAL EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND 591,785.00 32,648.79 .00 559,136.45 32,648.55 .94 TOTAL RE PORT 22,679,843.00 1,712,334.28 .00 19,923,530.21 2,756,312.79 .88 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:09:54 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/09/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 14 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 11/99 PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL FUND - 63 - EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND PERIOD ENCUMBRANCES YEAR TO DATE AVAILABLE YTD/ ACCOUNT - - - - - TITLE - - - - - BUDGET EXPENDITURES OUTSTANDING ENC + EXP BALANCE BUD 811 FLEET & HEAVY EQUIPMENT 428,500.00 .00 .00 411,635.70 16,864.30 .96 TOTAL FLEET & HEAVY EQUIPMENT 428,500.00 .00 .00 411,635.70 16,864.30 .96 812 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 66,401.00 2,581.50 .00 37,742.31 28,658.69 .57 TOTAL RECREATION EQUIPMENT 66,401.00 2,581.50 .00 37,742.31 28,658.69 .57 TOTAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 494,901.00 2,581.50 .00 449,378.01 45,522.99 .91 TOTAL EQUIP REPLACEMENT IS FUND 494,901.00 2,581.50 .00 449,378.01 45,522.99 .91 TOTAL RE PORT 27,531,404.00 2,488,181.42 .00 23,277,969.16 4,253,434.84 .85 RUN DATE 12/09/99 TIME 10:10:28 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER Town of Avon Real Estate Transfer Tax Transactions Calendar Year 1999 Purchaser Amount of RETT Name Property Received (91 R1n RFd QQ Goulding Bristol Pines Townhomes A-5 540.00 Greensher The Seasons at Avon #212 $3,600.00 Osterbrock Canyon Run #302 $8,180.00 Concept Mechanical Inc Metcalf Comemrcial Park Condominiums #209 $6,185.20 Zaslow Canyon Run #203 5,900.00 Worsdale Lot 19 Blk 4 WR 18,400.00 P.O.C. Realty Christie Lodge Timeshares 2,686.50 P.O.C. Realty Christie Lodge Timeshares 379.90 P.O.C. Realty Christie Lodge Timeshares 1,241.50 Simonik Beaver Bench Condominiums #A22 180.00 Klein/Mordini Jr Lodge at Brookside #208 6,370.00 Dickinson Falcon Pointe Timeshares 70.00 Winn Chapel Square #BR208 2,601.54 Miller The Seasons at Avon #510 3,335.00 Lobo Orchard Townhomes 1,560.00 Petit Bristol Pines Townhomes 1,340.00 Land Title Guarantee Co Falcon Pointe Timeshares 529.80 Land Title Guarantee Co Falcon Pointe Timeshares 639.90 Land Title Guarantee Co Falcon Pointe Timeshares 659.90 Land Title Guarantee Co Falcon Pointe Timeshares 1,629.70 Kane Chapel Square #BR220 5,130.00 Land Title Guarantee Co Falcon Pointe Timeshares 1,059.70 Tebo Chapel Square #BR203 3,482.00 1 Town of Avon Real Estate Transfer Tax Transactions Calendar Year 1999 Purchaser Name Property Amount of RETT Received Tebo Chapel Square #BR202 5,002.00 Monnig Buck Creek Condominiums #B106 4,380.00 Dantas Lot 10 Blk 2 WR 4,707.20 Young Lot 15 Blk 1 WR 5,700.00 Warfield Lot 65 Blk 1 WR 9,600.00 Speicher The Seasons at Avon #324 $1,203.80 Teskoski Lot 5 Eaglebend $7,700.00 Total Through November $1,724,848.63 2 TOWN OF AVON SALES TAX BY MONTH 1995 94'-95% 1996 95'-96'% 1997 96'-97% 1998 97'-98'% 1999 981-991% Total 5-Yr Change Change Change Change Change % Increase January 313,193.10 12.50% 332,198.39 6.07% 377,597.32 1167% 379,424.41 0.48% 384,939.69 1.45% 22.91% February 296,622.68 12.77% 327,012.10 10.25% 362,516.58 10.86% 378,112.00 4.30% 397,323.16 5.08% 33.95% March 373,954.76 10.39% 407,980.62 9.10% 468,675.51 14M% 460,191.56 -1.81% 474,933.06 3.20% 27.00% April 226,920.04 10.94% 252,927.51 11.46% 265,356.48 4.91% 310,197.72 16.90% 302,864.19 -2.36% 33.47% May 200,814.43 8.48% 222,069.74 10.58% 241,012.56 8.53% 249,079.90 3.35% 265,405.35 6.55% 32.16% June 267,827.99 16.56% 298,113.41 11.31% 313,116.79 5.03% 337,562.03 7.81% 395,755.68 17.24% 47.76% July 286,059.20 4.58% 335,119.67 17.15% 353,101.99 5.37% 370,086.73 4.81% 395,954.38 6.99% 38.42% August 285,09544 7.60% 324,451.49 13.80% 338,134.48 422% 363,110.96 7.39% 366,646.94 0.97% 28.61% September 268,472.52 11.17% 302,523.86 12.68% 319,410.91 5.58% 333,508.38 4.41% 364,432.54 9.27% 35.74% October 222,532.43 -1.27% 266,050.77 19.56% 263,685.99 -0.89% 305,035.11 15.68% 295,541.62 -3.11% 32.81% November 260,955.24 5.29% 285,178.12 9.28% 339,200.41 18.94% 335,07159 -1.22% -100.00% -100,00% December 445,111.39 6.18% 509,177.82 14.39% 533,904.08 4.86% 550,077.22 3.03% -100.OO% -100.00% YTD Total 3,447,559.22 8.69% 3,862,803.50 12.04% 4,175,713.10 810% 4,371,459.61 4.69% 3,643,798.61 4.52% 32.91% YTD Through October Collections 1995-1999 4,000,000.00 3,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 i 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 ' 1,000,000.00 ; 500,000.00 ' Year 1998 1999 350,000.00 Monthly Collections for October 1995-1999 300,000.00 250,000.00 ° 200,000.00 51 ?' rv 150,000.00 100,000.00 r 50,000.00 . 1995 1996 1997 1998 - - ---?---1999 ?- TOWN OF AVON ACCOMODATIONS TAX BY MONTH 1995 94'-95'% 1996 95'-96'% 1997 96'-97% 1998 97'-98% 1999 981-99% Total5-Yr Change Change Change Change Change % Increase January 40,479.90 14.99% 37,787.01 -6.65% 39,95827 5.75% 39,357.21 -1.50% 41,102.99 4.44% 1.54% February 38,234.43 12.16% 42,386.61 10.86% 45,305.47 6.89% 42,76924 -5.60% 36,985.03 -13.52% -327% March 53,091.56 -2.63% 55,882,23 526% 63,054.38 12.83% 51,035.34 -19.06% 42,01824 -17.67% -20.86% April 10,992.08 -4.38% 11,890.97 8.18% 11,850.40 -0.34% 13,556.94 14.40% 11,609.15 -14.37% 5.61% May 5,44189 27.91% 6,703.77 23.14% 8,759.53 30.67% 5,762.93 -3421% 6,117.50 6.15% 12.37% June 12,840.09 53.45% 12,633.34 -1.61% 13,982.39 10.68% 12,609.03 -9.82% 14,958.28 18.63% 16.50% July 16,877.02 6.76% 19,949.49 18.21% 21,298.64 6.76% 20,845.64 -2.13% 21,120.57 1.32% 25.14% August 15,370.05 4.10% 20,391.40 32.67% 22,365.12 9.68% 22,875.39 2.28% 16,452.89 -28.08% 7.05% September 13,409.08 17.76% 13,093.39 -2.35% 11,17141 -14.66% 11,262.18 0.79% 10,300.61 -8.54% -23.18% October 9,506.89 47.00% 10,832.98 13.95% 8,819.05 -18.59% 8,315.76 -5.71% 7,258.18 -12.72% -23.65% November 14,664.99 62.34% 12,824.84 -12.55% 12,112.05 -5.56% 10,813.22 -10.72% -100.00% -100.00% December 31,646.48 -12.09% 33,623.20 625% 40,000.05 18.97% 32,602.89 -18.49% -100.00% -100.00% YTD Total 262,556.46 8.77% 277,999.23 5.88% 298,678.76 7.44% 271,805.77 -9.00% 207,923.44 -8.96% -3.85% YTD Through October Collections 1995-1999 250,000.00 240,000.00 230,000.00 220,000.00 210,000.00 200,000.00 190,000.00 180,000.00 Monthly Collections for October 1995-1999 12,000.00 10, 000.00 8,000.00 ' 6,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 --- a - 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1995 1996 12/31/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: traneact.check no between 167156' and 167164' FUND - 99 - DISBURSEMENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67156 12/22/99 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 311 CELL SVC 11/3-12/2 321.14 11101 67156 12/22/99 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 10 CELL SVC 11/5/99-12/4/99 109.91 11101 67156 12/22/99 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 312 CELL SVC 11/3-12/2 442.15 TOTAL CHECK 873.20 11101 67157 12/22/99 AT&TLONG AT&T 10 CELL LONG DIST/NOV 2.40 11101 67158 12/22/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 321 CELL SVC 11/7-12/6 11.81 11101 67158 12/22/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 323 CELL SVC 11/7-12/6 48.58 11101 67158 12/22/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 322 CELL SVC 11/7-12/6 49.58 TOTAL CHECK 109.97 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 131 LONG DIST/NOV 39.10 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 132 LONG DIST/NOV .85 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 141 LONG DIST/NOV 31.58 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 211 LONG DIST/NOV 37.90 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 212 LONG DIST/NOV 11.06 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 213 LONG DIST/NOV 3.89 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 214 LONG DIST/NOV 18.63 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 311 LONG DIST/NOV 46.51 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 415 LONG DIST/NOV 15.12 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 312 LONG DIST/NOV 64.70 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 321 LONG DIST/NOV 4.50 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 113 LONG DIST/NOV 5.45 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 433 LONG DIST/NOV 1.12 1110.1 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 322 LONG DIST/NOV 11.22 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 323 LONG DIST/NOV 21.61 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 324 LONG DIST/NOV 6.42 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 514 LONG DIST/NOV 46.91 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 411 LONG DIST/NOV 9.89 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 412 LONG DIST/NOV 31.97 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 413 LONG DIST/NOV 2.87 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 432 LONG DIST/NOV 22.06 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 434 LONG DIST/NOV 27.47 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 431 LONG DIST/NOV 32.02 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 115 LONG DIST/NOV 10.62 11101 67159 12/22/99 CONVERGE CONVERGENT COMMUNICATIONS 149 LONG DIST/NOV 226.37 TOTAL CHECK 729.74 11101 67160 12/22/99 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 433 ADVERTISING/TRANSIT 2,994.41 11101 67160 12/22/99 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 514 ADVERTISING/REC 1,296.02 11101 67160 12/22/99 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 411 ADVERTISING/PW 12.48 11101 67160 12/22/99 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 115 ADVERTISING/TWN CLERK 35.80 11101 67160 12/22/99 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 114 ADVERTISING/PUB REL 534.00 11101 67160 12/22/99 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 311 ADVERTISING/POLICE 314.69 TOTAL CHECK 5,187.40 11101 67161 12/22/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 414 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 48.77 11101 67161 12/22/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 8.93 11101 67161 12/22/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 415 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 2.37 11101 67161 12/22/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 2,618.92 RUN DATE 01/03/00 TIME 08:48:25 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/31/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING P ERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CR ITERIA: tran sact.check_no between ' 67156' and 167164' FUND - 99 - DISBURSE MENT FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 67161 12/22/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 754.66 11101 11101 67161 12/22/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 414 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 2,481.06 11101 67161 12/22/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 415 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 136.27 11101 67161 12/22/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 417 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 169.21 11101 67161 12/22/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 382.14 11101 67161 12/22/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 434 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 1,975.72 11101 67161 12/22/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 431 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 39.86 11101 67161 12/22/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 520 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 4,294.89 12,912.80 TOTAL CHECK 11101 67162 12/22/99 VAILTRAI THE VAIL TRAIL 433 ADVERTISING/TRANS 579.60 67162 12/22/99 VAILTRAI THE VAIL TRAIL 114 ADVERTISING/HOLIDAY LIGHT 180.00 11101 759.60 TOTAL CHECK 11101 67163 12/22/99 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 12/13-1/12 1,453.13 11101 67163 12/22/99 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 411 PHONE SVC 12/13-1/12 85.75 11101 67163 12/22/99 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 412 PHONE SVC 12/13-1/12 42.88 11101 67163 12/22/99 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 431 PHONE SVC 12/13-1/12 44.60 11101 67163 12/22/99 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 433 PHONE SVC 12/13-1/12 42.88 11101 67163 12/22/99 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 431 PHONE SVC 12/13-1/12 85.75 11101 67163 12/22/99 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 431 PHONE SVC 12/13-1/12 13.78 11101 67163 12/22/99 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 311 PHONE SVC 12/13-1/12 91.23 11101 67163 12/22/99 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 12/4-1/3 44.13 11101 67163 12/22/99 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 12/4-11/3 88.92 1,993.05 TOTAL CHECK 11101 67164 12/22/99 VAILRESO VAIL RESORTS MANAGEMENT C 10 MERCHANT SKI PASS/POOR 599.00 23,167.16 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 23,167.16 TOTAL FUND 23,167.16 TOTAL REPORT RUN DATE 01/03/00 TIME 08:48:27 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 167177' and 167389' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67178 12/30/99 ACCOUNTI ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS, INC. 141 PROGRAMMING SVC'S 1,281.25 11101 67182 12/30/99 AIRFILTE AIR FILTER SALES & SVC-DE 520 AIR FILTERS 135.88 11101 67183 12/30/99 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 10 CELL SVC 11/15-12/14 14.48 11101 67183 12/30/99 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 10 CELL SVC 11/15-12/14 20.26 11101 67183 12/30/99 AIRTOUCH AIR TOUCH CELLULAR 10 CELL SVC 11/15-12/14 67.84 TOTAL CHECK 102.58 11101 67184 12/30/99 AIRGASIN AIRGAS INTERMOUNTAIN, INC 520 CYLINDER RENTAL/REC 68.90 11101 67184 12/30/99 AIRGASIN AIRGAS INTERMOUNTAIN, INC 520 BULK C02 194.88 11101 67184 12/30/99 AIRGASIN AIRGAS INTERMOUNTAIN, INC 520 BULK C02 213.20 TOTAL CHECK 476.98 11101 67186 12/30/99 EDWARDSA ALLISON EDWARDS 521 MILEAGE REIMS 44.95 11101 67187 12/30/99 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 6.94 11101 67187 12/30/99 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 30.02 11101 67187 12/30/99 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 25.12 11101 67187 12/30/99 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPP 31.85 11101 67187 12/30/99 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 149 COFFEE SUPPLIES 79.95 11101 67187 12/30/99 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 311 COFFEE SUPPLIES 66.90 TOTAL CHECK 240.78 11101 67188 12/30/99 ALPINETR ALPINE TROPHIES 149 PLAQUE 43.55 11101 67189 12/30/99 ALYSIAKE ALYSIA KEHOE 514 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS TRNG 500.00 11101 67191 12/30/99 ASHLANDD ASHLAND DISTRIBUTION CO 413 DEICER 1,928.50 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 131 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 131.09 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 412 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 25.12 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 514 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 39.93 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 415 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 31.66 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 311 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 1.10 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 413 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 71.58 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 312 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 6.05 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 212 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 4.28 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 411 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 42.95 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 214 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 170.85 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 211 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 33.44 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 141 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 164.68 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 213 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 268.28 TOTAL CHECK 991.01 11101 67194 12/30/99 B&BEXCAV B&B EXCAVATING 413 CONCRETE/SWIFT GULCH 180.50 11101 67197 12/30/99 EFTINGBI BILL EPTING 114 HOLIDAY LIGHTING CONTEST 57.16 11101 67198 12/30/99 BRANDENB BOB BRANDEN 516 REIMS FOR LODGING 53.80 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:25:58 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran eact.check no between 167177' and 167389' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67199 12/30/99 BOOKPUBL BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY 115 CODE BOOK SUPPLEMENTS 1,262.04 11101 67201 12/30/99 BROWNING BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIE 414 MONTHLY SVC/DEC 61.60 11101 67201 12/30/99 BROWNING BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIE 414 DISPOSAL CHARGE/NOV 1,139.60 TOTAL CHECK 1,201.20 11101 67202 12/30/99 BSNSPORT BSN SPORTS 515 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 881.86 11101 67203 12/30/99 CANDYMAN CANDYMAN CLEANING 414 GENERAL OFFICE CLEANING 1,500.00 11101 67204 12/30/99 CARDIOTH CARDIO THEATER 520 REPAIR/CARDIO THEATER BXS 140.98 11101 67210 12/30/99 CHRISTIE CHRISTIE LODGE 311 BEAVER CREEK ROOM 12/16 100.00 11101 67210 12/30/99 CHRISTIE CHRISTIE LODGE 311 BEAVER CREEK ROOM 11/30 100.00 TOTAL CHECK 200.00 11101 67213 12/30/99 COLODEPT CO DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 313 DRUG TEST 15.00 11101 67215 12/30/99 COCITYAN COLO CITY 6 COUNTY MANAGE 131 2000 MEMBERSHIP/EFTING 45.00 11101 67216 12/30/99 COBOILER COLORADO BOILER INSPECTIO 520 BOILER INSPECT/49783 30.00 11101 67216 12/30/99 COBOILER COLORADO BOILER INSPECTIO 520 BOILER INSPECT/49781 30.00 11101 67216 12/30/99 COBOILER COLORADO BOILER INSPECTIO 520 BOILER INSPECT/49784 30.00 11101 67216 12/30/99 COBOILER COLORADO BOILER INSPECTIO 520 BOILER INSPECT/49785 30.00 11101 67216 12/30/99 COBOILER COLORADO BOILER INSPECTIO 520 BOILER INSPECT/49782 30.00 11101 67216 12/30/99 COBOILER COLORADO BOILER INSPECTIO 520 BOILER INSP/49780 30.00 TOTAL CHECK 180.00 11101 67217 12/30/99 COCHEMIC COLORADO CHEMICAL COMPANY 415 ICE MELT 507.80 11101 67217 12/30/99 COCHEMIC COLORADO CHEMICAL COMPANY 413 ICE MELT 500.00 TOTAL CHECK 1,007.80 11101 67218 12/30/99 CODEPTPU COLORADO DEPT. OF PUBLIC 132 BACKGROUND CHECKS/NOV 209.00 11101 67223 12/30/99 COSTATE COLORADO STATE PATROL 513 JULY 4TH OFFICERS 822.73 11101 67224 12/30/99 COWESTME COLORADO WEST MENTAL HEAL 10 EMPLOYEE ASST PROG/NOV 360.00 11101 67225 12/30/99 COMMREAD COMMERCIAL READERS SERVIC 518 MAGAZINES FOR REC CTR 149.76 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 131 OFFICE SUPP 23.80 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 MISC OFFICE SUPP 789.60 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 CALENDARS 41.05 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 514 BINDERS 17.00 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 141 FLOOR MAT 33.09 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 514 MISC OFFICE SUPP 77.64 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 311 MONITOR 45.69 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 STAPLER 60.46 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 141 OFFICE SUPP 33.20 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 311 OFFICE SUPP 55.68 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 132 OFFICE SUPP 6.97 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:01 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 3 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check n o between 1671771 and 1673891 FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 149 CALENDARS 188.10 TOTAL CHECK 1,372.28 11101 67230 12/30/99 D&JSPORT D & J SPORTS 519 SWIMSUITS 818.00 11101 67232 12/30/99 DEEPROCK DEEP ROCK WEST 414 WATER COOLER RENT/NOV 15.68 11101 67233 12/30/99 DOCTORSO DOCTORS ON CALL 149 FLU SHOTS 273.00 11101 67235 12/30/99 ELFENTER E.L.F. ENTERPRISES, INC 143 INSTALL DISCONNECT/RNDABT 248.60 11101 67236 12/30/99 EACOCLER EAGLE COUNTY CLERK 141 NOV SALES BOOK 7.50 11101 67237 12/30/99 EACONURS EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERV 149 EMPLOYEE FLU SHOTS 84.00 11101 67237 12/30/99 EACONURS EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERV 149 EMPLOYEES FLU SHOTS 28.00 TOTAL CHECK 112.00 11101 67238 12/30/99 EACOSHER EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFF 121 SUBPEONA FEE 15.54 11101 67238 12/30/99 EACOSHER EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFF 10 RESTITUTION FOR JAIL SENT 37.50 TOTAL CHECK 53.04 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 520 WATER & SEWER 11/8-12/8 416.50 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 415 WATER & SEWER 11/10-12/8 1.96 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER & SEWER 11/8-12/8 .64 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 413 WATER & SEWER 11/12-12/14 50.00 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER & SEWER 11/8-12/8 3.25 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER & SEWER 11/8-12/8 70.59 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 520 WATER & SEWER 11/8-12/8 745.57 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER & SEWER 11/12-12/9 249.47 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 414 WATER & SEWER 11/22-12/20 25.90 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 415 WATER & SEWER 11/8-12/8 1.21 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 415 WATER & SEWER 11/8-12/8 32.09 TOTAL CHECK 1,597.18 11101 67243 12/30/99 ELECTRON ELECTRONIC DEVICES, INC. 149 CASSETTES FOR COUNCIL MTG 31.60 11101 67244 12/30/99 ENTENMAN ENTENMANN-ROVIN COMPANY 311 BADGES 136.70 11101 67245 12/30/99 FOODSOFV FOODS OF VAIL 112 P&Z MEETING FOOD 117.00 11101 67246 12/30/99 FORENSIC FORENSIC LABORATORIES, IN 313 DRUG SCREENING 240.00 11101 67247 12/30/99 FOTOFINI FOTO FINISH 313 XMAS CARDS 115.00 11101 67247 12/30/99 FOTOFINI FOTO FINISH 313 PHOTO PROCESSING 4.83 11101 67247 12/30/99 FOTOFINI FOTO FINISH 313 FILM PROCESSING 12.32 TOTAL CHECK 132.15 11101 67248 12/30/99 FRANKCAR FRANK CARRILLO 312 LATINO CULTURE TRAINING 2,200.00 11101 67254 12/30/99 GEMINIGA GEMINI GARDENS 520 PLANT MAINT/NOV 110.00 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:02 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 4 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 167177' and 167389' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67258 12/30/99 GRATEFUL GRATEFUL BREAD 211 BAGELS 11.24 11101 67258 12/30/99 GRATEFUL GRATEFUL BREAD 211 BAGELS 10.26 TOTAL CHECK 21.50 11101 67260 12/30/99 GREENSMA GREEN'S MACHINES, INC. 520 LAUNDREY SVC/NOV 323.84 11101 67262 12/30/99 HEALTHST HEALTHSTYLES FITNESS SYST 515 FITNESS MACHINE PARTS 1,489.80 11101 67262 12/30/99 REALTHST HEALTHSTYLES FITNESS SYST 515 TRICEP ROPE 24.99 TOTAL CHECK 1,514.79 11101 67264 12/30/99 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 515 VOLLEYBALL T-SHIRTS 186.00 11101 67264 12/30/99 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 515 FLAG FOOTBALL T-SHIRTS 210.00 TOTAL CHECK 396.00 11101 67266 12/30/99 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 11/3-12/3 15.56 11101 67268 12/30/99 HUDSONAN HUDSON AND HUDSON, INC. 519 EARBUDS WITH CARRY CASE 97.00 11101 67268 12/30/99 HUDSONAN HUDSON AND HUDSON, INC. 519 EARBUDS, HEADPHONES 626.70 TOTAL CHECK 723.70 11101 67274 12/30/99 JRRDISTR J.R.R. DISTRIBUTING, INC 312 GEL TUBES 219.00 11101 67277 12/30/99 JOSEPHCO JOSEPH CORDERO 520 PLANT FOR REC CTR LOBBY 40.00 11101 67278 12/30/99 GELOJOYE JOYS GELD 141 REIMB FOR MILEAGE 71.30 11101 67279 12/30/99 JUNIPERV JUNIPER VALLEY PRODUCTS 415 AMERICAN FLAG 210.00 11101 67281 12/30/99 GRIFFITK KAREN GRIFFITH 212 REIMB FOR MEALS 36.68 11101 67281 12/30/99 GRIFFITK KAREN GRIFFITH 212 REIMB FOR TRAVEL MEAL 21.15 11101 67281 12/30/99 GRIFFITK KAREN GRIFFITH 212 REIMS FOR MEALS 15.44 11101 67281 12/30/99 GRIFFITK KAREN GRIFFITH 212 REIMB FOR TRAINING MATLS 267.88 TOTAL CHECK 341.15 11101 67282 12/30/99 KEMP&COM KEMP & COMPANY INC. 415 MISC ELECTRICAL SUPP 159.00 11101 67284 12/30/99 NASHKRIS KRIS NASH 115 MILEAGE REIMB 19.84 11101 67286 12/30/99 KZYRFMRA KZYR-FM RADIO 513 ADVERTISING CREDIT -200.00 11101 67287 12/30/99 LABSAFET LAB SAFETY SUPPLY, INC. 520 CHEMICAL TUBING & PIPE 179.30 11101 67289 12/30/99 LAVENTR LAVENTURE ENGINEERING ASS 520 ELECTRIC MOTOR PHASE PROT 518.00 11101 67292 12/30/99 LEWAN&AS LEWAN & ASSOCIATES, INC 311 COPY PAPER 87.00 11101 67293 12/30/99 LIGHTBUL LIGHT BULB SUPPLY COMPANY 520 BULBS 112.80 11101 67296 12/30/99 T0000620 LIONEL MARTINEZ 10 JURY FEE REIMB 25.00 11101 67297 12/30/99 MFATHLET M-F ATHLETIC COMPANY, INC 518 BIG TRES BALL RACK 139.00 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:03 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: traneact.check no between 1671771 and 167389' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67297 12/30/99 MFATHLET M-F ATHLETIC COMPANY, INC 518 DYNA DISC PILLOW 124.74 TOTAL CHECK 263.74 11101 67299 12/30/99 T0000621 MATT KRZYSZTOFIK 10 RESIDENT DEPOSIT REFUND 250.00 11101 67300 12/30/99 MATTHEWS MATTHEWS & ASSOC. LANDSCA 415 XMAS TREES, POINSETTIAS 2,623.75 11101 67306 12/30/99 MICHAELS MICHAELS DENVER 518 REPLACEMENT PADS 22.00 11101 67307 12/30/99 MICROWAR MICROWAREHOUSE 131 SURGE PROTECTOR 40.42 11101 67309 12/30/99 T0000063 MIKE MULLINS 515 REIMB FOR CONFERENCE REG 120.00 11101 67312 12/30/99 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC 214 1999 PAGING/CD 102.00 11101 67312 12/30/99 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC 411 1999 PAGING/PW 170.00 11101 67312 12/30/99 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC 514 1999 PAGING/REC 1,122.00 11101 67312 12/30/99 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC 131 1999 PAGING/EFTING 102.00 11101 67312 12/30/99 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC 311 1999 PAGING/POLICE 1,428.00 11101 67312 12/30/99 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC 212 1999 PAGING/CD 204.00 11101 67312 12/30/99 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. & ELEC 414 1999 PAGING/PW 408.00 TOTAL CHECK 3,536.00 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 143 THREADED ROD 4.81 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 143 PARTS FOR WEB CAM 10.79 TOTAL CHECK 15.60 11101 67317 12/30/99 NEWELECT NEW ELECTRIC 415 ELECTRICAL SUPP 12.64 11101 67317 12/30/99 NEWELECT NEW ELECTRIC 415 ELECTICAL SUPPLIES 851.98 TOTAL CHECK 864.62 11101 67318 12/30/99 WOODNORM NORM WOOD 412 REIMS FOR MILEAGE 80.30 11101 67319 12/30/99 NORTHERN NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT 415 HEAVY DUTY WORKSHOP 131.51 11101 67320 12/30/99 NORTHSTA NORTHSTAR LUMBER 211 REMODEL SUPPLIES 11.72 11101 67320 12/30/99 NORTHSTA NORTHSTAR LUMBER 415 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 217.33 11101 67320 12/30/99 NORTHSTA NORTHSTAR LUMBER 211 JOINT CEMENT,CORNER GUARD 35.22 11101 67320 12/30/99 NORTHSTA NORTHSTAR LUMBER 211 REMODEL SUPP 60.59 11101 67320 12/30/99 NORTHSTA NORTHSTAR LUMBER 211 REMODEL SUPPLIES 63.88 TOTAL CHECK 388.74 11101 67321 12/30/99 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 141 MISC OFFICE SUPP 100.63 11101 67321 12/30/99 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 131 RUBBER STAMPS 28.54 11101 67321 12/30/99 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 MISC OFFICE SUPP 7.77 11101 67321 12/30/99 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 514 MARKERS, LETTR SIZE POUCH 84.52 11101 67321 12/30/99 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 211 MISC OFFICE SUPP 31.00 11101 67321 12/30/99 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 212 OFFICE CHAIR 257.04 11101 67321 12/30/99 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT S14 PAPER CLIPS, COPY PAPER 121.38 TOTAL CHECK 630.88 11101 67322 12/30/99 OFFICETE OFFICE TECKNOWLEDGY 211 PRINTER REPAIR, PARTS 134.28 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:03 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 6 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check no between 167177' and 167389' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67324 12/30/99 PEACEOFF PEACE OFFICER STANDARDS A 311 INFO PACKETS 10.00 11101 67325 12/30/99 PENGUINP PENGUIN PRESS 411 SNOW OPERATIONS BOOKLETS 1,663.00 11101 67326 12/30/99 PEREGRIN PEREGRINE PRESS 311 FIELD TRAINING BOOKLETS 29.93 11101 67327 12/30/99 PERFOR14E PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS, 143 WEB CAM SUPPLIES 6,240.00 11101 67327 12/30/99 PERFORMS PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS, 143 PATCH CABLE 80.00 11101 67327 12/30/99 PERFORMS PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS, 143 SHIPPING 9.00 TOTAL CHECK 6,329.00 11101 67330 12/30/99 PROMISEE PROMISE ENTERPRISES 518 JUMP ROPES, MEDICINE BALL 248.25 11101 67331 12/30/99 PSICRANE PSI CRANE & RIGGING 413 SET CMA RACK 285.00 11101 67334 12/30/99 READYCAR READY CARE INDUSTRIES 520 CLEANING SUPP 338.08 11101 67335 12/30/99 RENTX RENTX S20 HAMMER DRILL RENTAL 48.27 11101 67337 12/30/99 ROBERTKE ROBERT KEATLEY 312 TEACHING/LEGAL CLASS 750.00 11101 67338 12/30/99 ROBINMEC ROBINSON MECHANICAL COMPA 414 MAINT/2ND FLOOR TOO HOT 75.00 11101 67340 12/30/99 SCHOOLTE SCHOOL-TECH, INC 515 WATER POLO BALLS,MARKERS 73.03 11101 67341 12/30/99 SCULLYSI SCULLYSS, INC. 211 MAGNETIC FRAMES 40.50 11101 67341 12/30/99 SCULLYSI SCULLYSS, INC. 211 TONER CARTRIDGE 204.00 TOTAL CHECK 244.50 11101 67343 12/30/99 SHAWELEC SHAW ELECTRIC, INC 413 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS/RNDABT 580.00 11101 67343 12/30/99 SHAWELEC SHAW ELECTRIC, INC 413 ELECRICAL SVC/AVON RD 3,490.30 11101 67343 12/30/99 SHAWELEC SHAW ELECTRIC, INC 413 ELECTRICAL SVC/XMAS LIGHT 2,326.50 11101 67343 12/30/99 SHAWELEC SHAW ELECTRIC, INC 413 ELECTRICAL SVC/AVON RD 2,465.80 11101 67343 12/30/99 SHAWELEC SHAW ELECTRIC, INC 413 NEW CIRC FOR TRES LIGHTIN 1,840.60 TOTAL CHECK 10,703.20 11101 67344 12/30/99 SHELVING SHELVING RACK & LOCKERS, 520 SHELVING FOR CUSTODIAL 498.00 11101 67346 12/30/99 SIGNONDE SIGN-ON DESIGN & GRAPHICS 519 NAME TAGS 39.00 11101 67347 12/30/99 SKIPSSPO SKIP'S SPORTS EQUIPMENT, 515 BALL LOCKER,PLATFORM 958.00 11101 67348 12/30/99 SNYDEREQ SNYDER EQUIPMENT, INC 415 CROSS MEMBERS FOR RACK 210.13 11101 67349 12/30/99 SPORTIVE SPORTIVE 518 STOP WATCH,EXERCISE EQUIP 124.14 11101 67350 12/30/99 SPRICATA SPRI PRODUCTS, INC. 518 EXERCISE EQUIP 627.25 11101 67350 12/30/99 SPRICATA SPRI PRODUCTS, INC. 518 WEIGHT RACK,STEP TUBE 999.25 TOTAL CHECK 1,626.50 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:06 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 7 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 167177' and 167389' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67351 12/30/99 STAIRMAS STAIRMASTER SPORTS/MEDICA 520 CARDIO PARTS 42.60 11101 67352 12/30/99 BERNSTEI STAN BERNSTEIN AND ASSOCI 141 PROF SVC/BUS SYST SAVINGS 786.60 11101 67353 12/30/99 STARTRAC STAR TRAC BY UNISEN, INC 520 CIRCUIT BREAKER 43.42 11101 67355 12/30/99 SUSANMED SUSAN MEDRANO 513 PROF FEES 500.00 11101 67356 12/30/99 TELECOOF TELENETWORKS, INC 149 PROGRAMMING 25.00 11101 67360 12/30/99 VAILTRAI THE VAIL TRAIL 513 ADVERTISING 4TH OF JULY 253.48 11101 67361 12/30/99 THULELEC THUL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 414 CHANGED ALARM CODES 40.00 11101 67362 12/30/99 THYSSEND THYSSEN DOVER ELEVATOR CO 414 ELEVATOR MAINT/DEC 81.27 11101 67364 12/30/99 T0000615 TREASURE ISLAND TOYS 517 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 633.76 11101 67365 12/30/99 TREATMEN TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY INC. 520 CHEMICALS 550.00 11101 67367 12/30/99 TUFFSHED TUFF SHED, INC 415 SHED 2,771.50 11101 67368 12/30/99 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM 6 EQUIPMEN 312 14 UNIFORM SHIRTS 623.25 11101 67368 12/30/99 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM & EQUIPMEN 312 FLASHLIGHT CHARGER 188.87 TOTAL CHECK 812.12 11101 67369 12/30/99 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 CINCH STRIPPER 50.00 11101 67369 12/30/99 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 PAPER TOWELS 54.40 11101 67369 12/30/99 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 28.00 11101 67369 12/30/99 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 520.58 11101 67369 12/30/99 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 TRASH LINERS 88.00 11101 67369 12/30/99 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 TRASH LINERS 70.00 11101 67369 12/30/99 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 111.33 11101 67369 12/30/99 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 CUSTODIAL SUPP 212.48 TOTAL CHECK 1,134.79 11101 67371 12/30/99 VAIL66ST VAIL 66 STATION 312 NOVEMBER CAR WASHES 25.00 11101 67371 12/30/99 VAIL66ST VAIL 66 STATION 312 OCTOBER CAR WASHES 25.00 TOTAL CHECK 50.00 11101 67372 12/30/99 VAILBEAV VAIL BEAVER CREEK PROPERT 141 LODGING PKG/UNIX UPGRADE 128.46 11101 67373 12/30/99 VAILHONE VAIL HONEYWAGON 414 TRASH COLLECTION/NOV 461.40 11101 67374 12/30/99 VAILLIGH VAIL LIGHTS 415 PUMPHOUSE LIGHTS 235.11 11101 67375 12/30/99 VAILLOCK VAIL LOCK AND KEY 519 KEYS 4.75 11101 67376 12/30/99 VAILRESO VAIL RESORTS MANAGEMENT C 514 CH 17 ADVERTISING 378.75 11101 67379 12/30/99 VANSCHOO VANSCHOONEVELD AND CO 141 AUDIT OF 99 FIN STMTS 4,000.00 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:08 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between 1671771 and 167389' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASE ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 67380 11101 67383 11101 67384 11101 67386 11101 67387 11101 67388 11101 67388 TOTAL CHECK 11101 67389 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND 12/30/99 GRAINGER W.W. GRAINGER, INC. 520 MISC SUPPLIES 12/30/99 WAYFUNEN WAY FUN ENTERPRISES 513 ENTERTAINMENT/XMAS PARR 12/30/99 WESTERNS WESTERN ENTERPRISES, INC 513 FIREWORKS/NEW YEARS EVE 12/30/99 WHITERIV WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC 415 XMAS LIGHTING 12/30/99 WKAWEST WKA WEST 514 PROFESSIONAL SVC 12/30/99 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 311 BASE CHARGE/OCT 12/30/99 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 311 99 LEASE PMT/POLICS COPIE 12/30/99 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC 415 FIRST AID SUPPLIES PAGE 8 AMOUNT 168.83 300.00 10,000.00 2,417.31 100.00 75.00 4,865.30 4,940.30 59.50 90,528.64 90,528.64 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:10 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check no between 167177' and 167389' FUND - 21 - MALL MAI NTENANCE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 67179 12/30/99 ACTIONLI ACTION LIGHTING 417 LIGHTS FOR MALL 11101 67194 12/30/99 B&BEXCAV B&B EXCAVATING 417 CONCRETE/NOTTINGHAM PARK 11101 67217 12/30/99 COCHEMIC COLORADO CHEMICAL COMPANY 417 ICE MELT 11101 67279 12/30/99 JUNIPERV JUNIPER VALLEY PRODUCTS 417 COLORADO FLAG TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND PAGE 9 AMOUNT 26.29 850.00 500.00 204.00 1,580.29 1,580.29 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:10 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 10 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check no between 167177' and 167389' FUND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67185 12/30/99 AIRPROIN AIRPRO, INC 322 BALANCER 435.00 11101 67190 12/30/99 AMERICAN AMERICAN RED CROSS 323 AUTHORIZED PROVIDER FEES 260.00 11101 67196 12/30/99 BELLELEC BELL ELECTRONICS 321 SET-UP NEW PC'S 520.00 11101 67200 12/30/99 BOUNDTRE BOUND TREE 322 GLOVES 316.00 11101 67205 12/30/99 CASCOIND CASCO INDUSTRIES 322 LEATHER BOOTS 180.00 11101 67205 12/30/99 CASCOIND CASCO INDUSTRIES 322 TOOL LOCK REMOVAL 207.00 TOTAL CHECK 387.00 11101 67206 12/30/99 CDWGOVER CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 321 NOTEBOOK CARRYING CASE 98.21 11101 67206 12/30/99 CDWGOVER CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 321 DESKTOP SOFTWARE 52.85 TOTAL CHECK 151.06 11101 67207 12/30/99 CENTURYT CENTURYTEL 321 PHONE SVC 12/14-1/14 40.77 11101 67207 12/30/99 CENTURYT CENTURYTEL 321 PHONE SVC 12/14-1/14 99.95 11101 67207 12/30/99 CENTURYT CENTURYTEL 321 PHONE SVC 12/14-1/14 10.31 TOTAL CHECK 151.03 11101 67216 12/30/99 COBOILER COLORADO BOILER INSPECTIO 321 BOILER INSPEC/FIRE STAT 30.00 11101 67220 12/30/99 CMC COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE 324 COMPUTER CLASS/FIRE 469.00 11101 67221 12/30/99 COMTNMED COLORADO MOUNTAIN MEDICAL 321 PHYSICAL EXAMS/LAMB 421.00 11101 67222 12/30/99 COSTATFO COLORADO STATE FOREST SER 322 20 FIELD PACKS 1,129.40 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 321 COPY PAPER, TONER 109.07 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 321 COPY PAPER 72.60 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 321 FLOOR MAT 41.40 11101 67227 12/30/99 CORPORAT CORPORATE EXPRESS 321 BOOKCASE 162.75 TOTAL CHECK 385.82 11101 67228 12/30/99 CRYSTALS CRYSTAL SAW SERVICE 322 MISC TOOLS 99.55 11101 67237 12/30/99 EACONURS EAGLE COUNTY NURSING SERV 321 HEB B VACCINES/FIRE 105.00 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 321 WATER & SEWER 11/12-12/13 47.79 11101 67241 12/30/99 EAGLERIV EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANIT 321 WATER & SEWER 11/8-12/8 157.34 TOTAL CHECK 205.13 11101 67249 12/30/99 FRONTRAN FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATU 322 STRUCTURAL GEAR/FIRE 26,210.00 11101 67249 12/30/99 FRONTRAN FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATU 322 LIFTER GAUGE, PRESS REG 254.07 11101 67249 12/30/99 FRONTRAN FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATU 322 REPAIR TO E124 652.85 TOTAL CHECK 27,116.92 11101 67252 12/30/99 GALLSINC GALL'S INC. 322 SPOTLIGHT BULB 47.06 11101 67262 12/30/99 HEALTHST HEALTHSTYLES FITNESS SYST 321 TREADMILL 2,500.00 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:13 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 11 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran eact.check no between 1671771 and 167389, FUND - 22 - FIRE OPERATIONS CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67269 12/30/99 HWSCONSU HWS CONSULTING GROUP, INC 321 ASBESTOS CONSULTING SVC 981.12 11101 67272 12/30/99 INTERMT INTERMOUNTAIN PULMONARY G 321 LUNG EXAMS/LAMB 123.50 11101 67273 12/30/99 IAFC INTL ASSOC OF FIRE CHIEFS 321 MEMBERSHIP DUES 120.00 11101 67275 12/30/99 JERRYSIB JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING, IN 321 DISHWASHER REPAIR/EDW STA 866.89 11101 67291 12/30/99 LEGACYCO LEGACY COMMUNICATIONS, IN 321 RADIO REPAIRS 125.00 11101 67295 12/30/99 LINROGER LIN ROGERS 324 TEACHER/FIRST AID BASICS 160.00 11101 67295 12/30/99 LINROGER LIN ROGERS 324 TEACHER/CPR CLASS 80.00 11101 67295 12/30/99 LINROGER LIN ROGERS 324 TEACHER/FIRST AID BASICS 80.00 11101 67295 12/30/99 LINROGER LIN ROGERS 324 TEACHER/CPR CLASS 160.00 11101 67295 12/30/99 LINROGER LIN ROGERS 324 TEACHER/FIRST AID BASICS 80.00 TOTAL CHECK 560.00 11101 67308 12/30/99 MIDMINNE MID-MINNESOTA WIRE 321 GEAR RACKS 4,983.64 11101 67311 12/30/99 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA INC. 321 FIRE DEPT RADIOS 13,074.50 11101 67316 12/30/99 NATLFIRE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 323 FIRE PREVENTION LITERATUR 271.70 11101 67320 12/30/99 NORTHSTA NORTHSTAR LUMBER 321 CONDUIT HANGER 3.77 11101 67320 12/30/99 NORTHSTA NORTHSTAR LUMBER 321 BOX HANGER IRON 2.46 11101 67320 12/30/99 NORTHSTA NORTHSTAR LUMBER 321 SPLIT BOLT CONNECTOR 21.64 11101 67320 12/30/99 NORTHSTA NORTHSTAR LUMBER 322 SNOW SHOVELS 160.48 TOTAL CHECK 188.35 11101 67323 12/30/99 ORIENTAL ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY, 323 FIRE PREVENTION NOVELTIES 483.21 11101 67323 12/30/99 ORIENTAL ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY, 323 500 TEARDROP KEYRINGS 145.00 TOTAL CHECK 628.21 11101 67332 12/30/99 PUBLICSF PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLICATION 322 SCBA MASK BAG 218.35 11101 67342 12/30/99 SEARSCOM SEARS COMMERCIAL CREDIT C 322 WORK BENCH 329.99 11101 67342 12/30/99 SEARSCOM SEARS COMMERCIAL CREDIT C 322 TOOL BENCH 299.96 TOTAL CHECK 629.95 11101 67345 12/30/99 SHERWINW SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 322 PAINT,STAIN REMOVER 196.66 11101 67358 12/30/99 OVERHEAD THE OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY 321 REPAIR STAT 5 BAY 686.90 11101 67363 12/30/99 TOTALS" TOTAL SAFETY/RAZCO 323 AIM GASES 281.40 11101 67366 12/30/99 TRICOUNT TRI COUNTY FIRE EXTINGUIS 322 RECHARGE ADAPTOR 6.00 11101 67368 12/30/99 TUXALLUN TUXALL UNIFORM EQUIPMEN 322 BLAZER 121.22 11101 67369 12/30/99 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 321 PAPR TOWELS, TISSUE,BULBS 341.71 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:14 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 12 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran eact.check_no between 1671771 and 167389' FUND - 22 - FIRE OPE RATIONS CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67369 12/30/99 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 321 PAPER TOWELS 56.85 TOTAL CHECK 398.56 11101 67370 12/30/99 USWELDIN UNITED STATES WELDING, IN 321 HYDRO-STATIC TEST 430.00 11101 67377 12/30/99 VAILVAGA VAIL VALLEY GARAGE DOOR 321 REPARI TO STAT 5 GARG DR 140.50 11101 67378 12/30/99 VALLEYEL VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 321 MISC ELECTRICAL SUPP 552.73 11101 67381 12/30/99 WAL-MART WAL-MART STORES, INC 321 CLEANING SUPPLIES 126.59 11101 67382 12/30/99 WAREHOUS WAREHOUSE FURNITURE & BED 321 COFFEE TABLE 170.00 11101 67382 12/30/99 WAREHOUS WAREHOUSE FURNITURE & BED 321 DINING & COFFEE TABLES 709.00 TOTAL CHECK 879.00 11101 67385 12/30/99 WHEATLAN WHEATLAND FIRE EQUIPMENT 322 MISC FIRE EQUIPMENT 734.75 11101 67385 12/30/99 WHEATLAN WHEATLAND FIRE EQUIPMENT 322 UNIVERSAL RATCHET 43.03 TOTAL CHECK 777.78 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 62,097.52 TOTAL FUND 62,097.52 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:14 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 13 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact. check-no between 1671771 and 1673891 FUND - 31 - BOND REDEMPTION FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67195 12/30/99 BANKONEI BANK ONE 911 ADMIN FEE 324.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND 324.00 324.00 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:14 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: traneact.check_no between 1671771 and 167389' FUND - 32 - WILDRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSM CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 67195 12/30/99 BANKONEI BANK ONE 912 ADMIN FEES TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND PAGE 14 AMOUNT 374.00 374.00 374.00 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:14 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 15 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran eact.check no between 1671771 and 167389' FUND - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67180 12/30/99 ADOLFSON ADOLFSON & PETERSON, INC. 800 CONSTRUCTION/SWIFT GULCH 124,203.00 11101 67208 12/30/99 CHAPELSQ CHAPEL SQUARE, LLC 800 CHAPEL SQUARE DEVELOPMENT 150,000.00 11101 67209 12/30/99 CHARLIER CHARLIER ASSOCIATES, INC. 800 DESIGN CONSULT/EAST AVON 475.73 11101 67234 12/30/99 DODGECON DODGE CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC 800 FINAL SETTLEMENT ADVERTIS 95.10 11101 67242 12/30/99 EAGLESUM EAGLE-SUMMIT PUBLISHING 800 FINAL SETTLE NOTICE 20.78 11101 67251 12/30/99 GHDANIEL G.H. DANIELS III & ASSOC 800 PROF SVC/ROUNDABOUT 3 8,531.00 11101 67271 12/30/99 INTERMTN INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERIN 800 PARK STORAGE 242.50 11101 67271 12/30/99 INTERMTN INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERIN 800 WR ASPHALT TESTING 982.50 11101 67271 12/30/99 INTERMTN INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERIN 800 ROUNDABOUT CONCRETE TEST 242.50 TOTAL CHECK 1,467.50 11101 67303 12/30/99 MCDA MCMENAMIN DAVIS ARCHITECT 800 PROF SVC/FIRE STAT REMODL 3,337.50 11101 67336 12/30/99 RNLDESIG RNL DESIGN 800 DOWNTOWN MASTER PLAN 5,225.99 11101 67359 12/30/99 THEREYNO THE REYNOLDS CORPORATION 800 CONSTRUCTION/NOTT STORAGE 27,545.07 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 320,901.67 TOTAL FUND 320,901.67 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:16 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 16 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 1671771 and 167389' FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67187 12/30/99 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 20.81 11101 67187 12/30/99 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPP 95.55 11101 67187 12/30/99 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 90.08 11101 67187 12/30/99 ALPINECO ALPINE COFFEE SERVICE, IN 432 COFFEE SUPPLIES 75.38 281.82 TOTAL CHECK 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 432 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 249.67 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 431 CELL SVC 11/16-15/15 17.33 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 433 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 5.04 272.04 TOTAL CHECK 11101 67193 12/30/99 AVONRECC AVON REC CENTER 433 WINTER REC GUIDE 350.00 11101 67203 12/30/99 CANDYMAN CANDYMAN CLEANING 431 OFFICE CLEANING 1,200.00 11101 67211 12/30/99 CIRSA CIRSA 431 INSURANCE DECUCTIBLES 1,339.25 11101 67212 12/30/99 CITYMARK CITY MARKET 432 BDAY CAKE/TRANSIT 24.95 11101 67226 12/30/99 CONSOLID CONSOLIDATED PLASTICS COM 432 ACTION PACKER, PAILS 139.90 11101 67231 12/30/99 DAYTIMER DAY-TIMERS, INC. 433 DAYTIMER/BURDEN 45.98 11101 67232 12/30/99 DEEPROCK DEEP ROCK WEST 432 DRINKING WATER/NOV 166.29 11101 67233 12/30/99 DOCTORSO DOCTORS ON CALL 432 DRUG SCREENS 1,750.00 11101 67264 12/30/99 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 432 JEAN JACKET LOGOS 21.00 11101 67264 12/30/99 HICOUNSH HIGH COUNTRY SHIRTWORKS, 432 JACKET & VEST LOGOS 21.00 42.00 TOTAL CHECK 11101 67270 12/30/99 IDEDGEIN I.D. EDGE, INC 433 CUSTOM LABELS 531.49 11101 67283 12/30/99 KKCHRADI KKCH RADIO 433 ADVERTISING/TRANSIT 300.00 11101 67285 12/30/99 KTUN KTUN 433 ADVERTISING/TRANSIT 300.00 11101 67286 12/30/99 KZYRFMRA KZYR-FM RADIO 433 ADVERTISING/TRANSIT 300.00 11101 67288 12/30/99 LAMINATI LAMINATION SERVICE, INC. 431 BUS PASSES 3,000.00 11101 67288 12/30/99 LAMINATI LAMINATION SERVICE, INC. 433 BUS PASSES 897.25 3,897.25 TOTAL CHECK 11101 67292 12/30/99 LEWAN&AS LEWAN & ASSOCIATES, INC 431 COPIER CLEANING 93.00 11101 67292 12/30/99 LEWAN&AS LEWAN & ASSOCIATES, INC 431 COPY PAPER 203.00 296.00 TOTAL CHECK 11101 67305 12/30/99 HIBBSMIC MICHAEL J. HIBBS 431 UPGRADE RIDERSHIP SOFTWR 8,500.00 11101 67307 12/30/99 MICROWAR MICROWAREHOUSE 433 SHIPPING ON RETURNED MDSE 9.95 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:11 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 167177' and 167389' FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 67312 12/30/99 MTNCOMMU MOUNTAIN COMMUNIC. 4 ELEC 431 1999 PAGING/TRANSIT 11101 67321 12/30/99 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 431 MISC OFFICE SUPP 11101 67325 12/30/99 PENGUINP PENGUIN PRESS 433 WINTER BUS SCHEDULES 11101 67329 12/30/99 PROFORMA PROFORMA 432 MENS CALENDAR WATCHES(24) 11101 67329 12/30/99 PROFORMA PROFORMA 432 MUGS,TOOL SETS, TOTAL CHECK 11101 67388 12/30/99 XEROXCOR XEROX CORPORATION 431 BASE CHARGE/OCTOBER 11101 67389 12/30/99 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC. 432 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 11101 67389 12/30/99 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC. 432 FIRST AID SUPPLIES TOTAL CHECK TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND PAGE 17 AMOUNT 204.00 34.67 8,936.81 827.41 1,155.70 1,983.11 75.00 150.87 106.88 257.75 31,238.32 31,238.32 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:18 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 18 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: trans act.check_no between 1671771 and 167389' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67177 12/30/99 A-lAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 230.17 11101 67177 12/30/99 A-IAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 REGULATOR 173.30 11101 67177 12/30/99 A-lAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 73.43 11101 67177 12/30/99 A-lAUTOE A-1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY 434 ALTERNATOR 1,024.77 TOTAL CHECK 1,501.67 11101 67181 12/30/99 AGENCYAU AGENCY AUTO GLASS 434 WINDSHIELD 219.00 11101 67192 12/30/99 AT&TWIRE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 434 CELL SVC 11/16-12/15 53.92 11101 67194 12/30/99 B&BEXCAV B&B EXCAVATING 434 SCALE PER 10.00 11101 67203 12/30/99 CANDYMAN CANDYMAN CLEANING 434 OFFICE CLEANING 300.00 11101 67211 12/30/99 CIRSA CIRSA 434 INSURANCE PREM 2,043.00 11101 67211 12/30/99 CIRSA CIRSA 434 INSURANCE PREM 445.00 TOTAL CHECK 2,488.00 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 MOTOR OIL 404.25 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 OIL FILTER RECYCLING 285.00 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 6,984.63 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 MOTOR OIL 627.00 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 NOZZLE 167.82 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 WASHER FLUID 56.65 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 7,202.31 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 UNLEADED FUEL 7,315.53 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 6,860.96 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 WASHER FLUID 56.65 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 MOTOR OIL 1,126.95 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID 113.30 11101 67214 12/30/99 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 7,189.10 TOTAL CHECK 38,390.15 11101 67219 12/30/99 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 FILTER KITS 398.52 11101 67219 12/30/99 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 AIR BAG 234.61 11101 67219 12/30/99 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 OIL FILTERS 49.92 11101 67219 12/30/99 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 FILTER KIT 155.52 11101 67219 12/30/99 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 CREDIT FOR RETURN -37.81 11101 67219 12/30/99 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 AIR FILTERS 151.24 11101 67219 12/30/99 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 TRANS FILTER, FILTER KITS 622.20 11101 67219 12/30/99 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 BRAKE CLEANER 4.79 TOTAL CHECK 1,578.99 11101 67229 12/30/99 CUMMINSR CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, I 434 BUTTONS 32.04 11101 67229 12/30/99 CUMMINSR CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, I 434 BUTTONS 18.19 11101 67229 12/30/99 CUMMINSR CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, I 434 BUTTONS 9.51 11101 67229 12/30/99 CUMMINSR CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, I 434 PARTS NT COVRD BY WARRNTY 47.50 11101 67229 12/30/99 CUMMINSR CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, I 434 REPAIR 41.20 TOTAL CHECK 148.44 11101 67239 12/30/99 EARIVERA EAGLE RIVER AUTO BODY 434 TOW/1{833 690.00 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:20 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 19 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check no between 167177' and '67389' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67250 12/30/99 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 135.05 11101 67250 12/30/99 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 135.05 11101 67250 12/30/99 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 93.45 TOTAL CHECK 363.55 11101 67253 12/30/99 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 480.00 11101 67253 12/30/99 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 480.00 11101 67253 12/30/99 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 936.00 11101 67253 12/30/99 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 1,530.00 11101 67253 12/30/99 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 3,026.08 TOTAL CHECK 6,452.08 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 OIL RES ELEMENT 71.04 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 OIL PRESSURE GAUGE 69.28 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 VOLTAGE MONITOR 86.67 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 141.82 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 840.75 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 PANEL GAUGES 38.88 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 SLINGER 87.45 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 VOLTOMETER 32.04 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 WINDSHIELD GLASS 663.48 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 112.40 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 WIPER CONTROL VALVE 108.30 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 CHROME BEZEL 116.10 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 411.68 11101 67256 12/30/99 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 MISC PARTS 771.20 TOTAL CHECK 3,551.09 11101 67257 12/30/99 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 DOOR ASSY 59.23 11101 67257 12/30/99 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 MIRROR ASSY 144.00 11101 67257 12/30/99 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 KNOB ASSY 19.56 11101 67257 12/30/99 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 BRAKE SIGNAL ASSY 10.44 11101 67257 12/30/99 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 IDLER ASSY 13.11 11101 67257 12/30/99 GLENFORD GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD 434 HOSE ASSY 90.84 TOTAL CHECK 337.18 11101 67259 12/30/99 GREATDIV GREAT DIVIDE CONSTRUCTION 434 GEN CONTRACTING/MAINT PAC 15,000.00 11101 67261 12/30/99 HANSONEQ HANSON EQUIPMENT INC 434 TURN SIGNAL SWITCH 160.14 11101 67263 12/30/99 HENSLEYB HENSLEY BATTERY & ELECTRI 434 BATTERIES 173.70 11101 67263 12/30/99 HENSLEYB HENSLEY BATTERY & ELECTRI 61 BATTERIES 508.60 TOTAL CHECK 682.30 11101 67265 12/30/99 HOGANMFG HOGAN MFG., INC. 434 SENSITIVE EDGE ASSY 96.90 11101 67267 12/30/99 HONNENEQ HONNEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY 434 AIR FILTERS 130.01 11101 67276 12/30/99 HAINESJO JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 434 VALVE, GASKET 215.70 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:22 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 20 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check no between 16717 7' and 167389' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED ------------- -VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67280 12/30/99 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 93.72 11101 67280 12/30/99 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 VINYL/LEATHER CLEANER 87.16 11101 67280 12/30/99 KARPRODU KAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 434 MISC PARTS 146.94 TOTAL CHECK 327.82 11101 67290 12/30/99 LEADINGE LEAD ING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES 434 RADIO SERVICE 256.45 11101 67294 12/30/99 LIGHTHOU LIGHTHOUSE, INC. 434 LAMP LIGHTS 39.96 11101 67298 12/30/99 MACDONAL MACD ONALD EQUIPMENT CO 434 PAN BLADES 77.96 11101 67298 12/30/99 MACDONAL MACDONALD EQUIPMENT CO 434 MISC PARTS 88.37 TOTAL CHECK 166.33 11101 67301 12/30/99 MA%EYCOM MAREY COMPANIES, INC 434 KICKSTANDS 43.83 11101 67302 12/30/99 MCMASTER MCMA STER-CARR 434 BRASS CHECK VALVE 7.61 11101 67304 12/30/99 MESASUPP MESA SUPPLY COMPANIES 434 SOAP FOR THE HOTSY 450.00 11101 67304 12/30/99 MESASUPP MESA SUPPLY COMPANIES 434 SOAP FOR HOTSY 225.00 TOTAL CHECK 675.00 11101 67310 12/30/99 MILEHIFI MILE -HI FIRE APPARATUS, I 434 WATEROUS KIT 37.50 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 12.72 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 4.82 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 29.98 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CREDIT FOR RETURN -15.70 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 160.24 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 PULLEY 14.71 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 14.05 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 AIR FILTERS 23.22 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 LENS 11.84 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 MISC PARTS 175.63 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CONNECTOR 29.98 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 18.00 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 61 BULB 33.12 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 6.50 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 BATTERY, BULB 15.98 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 27.64 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 DUCT TAPE 12.98 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 SWITCH 6.86 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 69.18 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 OIL FILTERS 19.89 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 WIRE 41.20 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 2.71 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 CLAMP 18.34 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 2.98 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 11.80 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPA-AUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 1.44 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 48.08 11101 67315 12/30/99 NAPAAUTO NAPA AUTO PARTS 434 MISC PARTS 3.72 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:23 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 12/29/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 21 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 12/99 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 167177' and 167389' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT TOTAL CHECK 801.91 11101 67321 12/30/99 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 434 DUAL TAPEWRITER 18.14 11101 67321 12/30/99 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 434 LASER PAPER 21.06 11101 67321 12/30/99 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 434 FLOOR MAT 41.76 11101 67321 12/30/99 OFFICEDE OFFICE DEPOT 434 PHOTO HOLDER 37.70 TOTAL CHECK 118.66 11101 67328 12/30/99 T0000622 PHILLIP HUFF 434 REIMB FOR CORD PURCHASED 16.29 11101 67333 12/30/99 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 11/17-12/20 11.65 11101 67333 12/30/99 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 11/17-12/20 19.91 11101 67333 12/30/99 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 11/17-12/20 15.14 11101 67333 12/30/99 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 11/17-12/20 19.91 11101 67333 12/30/99 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 11/17-12/20 252.29 11101 67333 12/30/99 PUBLSERV PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 434 GAS SVC 11/17-12/20 69.08 TOTAL CHECK 387.98 11101 67339 12/30/99 SAFETYKL SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION 434 PARTS WASHER W/STAND 79.25 11101 67354 12/30/99 STEWART& STEWART & STEVENSON POWER 434 GASKETS 63.85 11101 67357 12/30/99 THEARTWO THE ARTWORKS 434 DECALS AND INSTALLATION 740.00 11101 67369 12/30/99 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 WASTEBASKETS 42.00 11101 67369 12/30/99 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 434 FLOOR CLEANER 31.19 TOTAL CHECK 73.19 11101 67370 12/30/99 USWELDIN UNITED STATES WELDING, IN 434 CYLINDER RENTAL 79.00 11101 67381 12/30/99 WAL-MART WAL-MART STORES, INC 434 TV/VCR 289.96 11101 67389 12/30/99 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC. 434 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 25.76 11101 67389 12/30/99 ZEEMEDIC ZEE MEDICAL, INC. 434 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 299.95 TOTAL CHECK 325.71 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 76,899.42 TOTAL FUND 76,899.42 TOTAL REPORT 583,943.86 RUN DATE 12/29/99 TIME 16:26:26 PENTA14ATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 01/06/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 167395' and 167483' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67395 01/11/00 ABARTAME ABARTA MEDIA 514 AD IN VAIL/BC GUIDE 825.00 11101 67396 01/11/00 AMERSOCI AMERICAN SOCIETY OF COMPO 514 LICENSE FEE/00 958.50 11101 67397 01/11/00 AMICH&JE AMICH & JENKS, INC 312 POLYGRAPHS (4) 340.00 11101 67398 01/11/00 APEXSECU APEX SECURITY GROUP 520 INSTALLATION DEPOSIT 1,065.91 11101 67400 01/11/00 ASHLANDD ASHLAND DISTRIBUTION CO 413 DEICER 1,928.50 11101 67403 01/11/00 CAMCA CAMCA TREASURER 121 MEMBERSHIP DUES/2000 30.00 11101 67406 01/I1/00 CDWGOVER CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 412 SHIPPING 11.38 11101 67406 01/11/00 CDWGOVER CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 412 SHIPPING 1.63 11101 67406 01/11/00 CDWGOVER CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 412 AUTODESK SYMBOLS/SOFTWARE 94.00 11101 67406 01/11/00 CDWGOVER CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 412 APC BACK UPS PRO 650 269.00 11101 67406 01/11/00 CDWGOVER CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 412 SHIPPING 4.24 11101 67406 01/11/00 CDWGOVER CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 412 SHIPPING 20.20 11101 67406 01/11/00 CDWGOVER CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 412 PHOTO SCANNER 349.00 11101 67406 01/11/00 CDWGOVER CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 412 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP/SOFTWARE 94.00 11101 67406 01/11/00 CDWGOVER CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 412 AUTODESK AUTOCAD/SOFTWARE 186.00 TOTAL CHECK 1,029.45 11101 67408 01/11/00 CNMDESIG CNM DESIGNS 513 ELF COSTUMES,SANTA SUIT 140.00 11101 67409 01/11/00 CASFM CO ASSOC OF STORMWATER & 412 MEMBERSHIP/2000 30.00 11101 67411 01/11/00 CAST CO ASSOCIATION OF SKI TOW 111 MEMBERSHIP DUES/2000 1,815.00 11101 67414 01/11/00 CODEPART COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF RE 514 4TH QTR SALES TAE 78.00 11101 67417 01/11/00 COWESTAD COLORADO WEST ADVERTISING 514 AD IN VAIL VALLEY MAG 978.40 11101 67418 01/11/00 COTTRELL COTTRELL PRINTING & COPY 149 TOA ENVELOPES 159.00 11101 67418 01/11/00 COTTRELL COTTRELL PRINTING & COPY 121 COURT LETTERHEAD, ENVEL 460.56 TOTAL CHECK 619.56 11101 67419 01/11/00 DODSONEN DODSON ENGINEERED PRODUCT 412 CREDIT FOR RETURN -93.00 11101 67419 01/11/00 DODSONEN DODSON ENGINEERED PRODUCT 412 FULL CIR REPAIR BAND 99.67 TOTAL CHECK 6.67 11101 67421 01/11/00 EVERGREE EVERGREEN SPECIALTY COMPA 415 XMAS LIGHTS 538.41 11101 67422 01/11/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 149 OVERNIGHT SHIPPING 40.00 11101 67422 01/11/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 10 OVERNIGHT SHIPPING 6.25 11101 67422 01/11/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 149 OVERNIGHT SHIPPING 27.75 11101 67422 01/11/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 10 OVERNIGHT SHIPPING 6.50 TOTAL CHECK 80.50 11101 67429 01/11/00 GOPHERSP GOPHER SPORT 516 CREDIT FOR RETURN -34.75 11101 67429 01/11/00 GOPHERSP GOPHER SPORT 516 WATER AEROBICS RESIST BND 108.97 RUN DATE 01/06/00 TIME 15:10:44 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 01/06/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 2 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 167395' and 167483' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT TOTAL CHECK 74.22 11101 67430 01/11/00 GOVTFINO GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICE 141 SUBSCRIPT GASH COMP PLAN 195.00 11101 67432 01/11/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 11/18-12/14 17.66 11101 67432 01/11/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 413 ELECTRIC SVC 12/20-1/3 10.00 11101 67432 01/11/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 415 ELECTRIC SVC 11/18-12/14 4.74 11101 67432 01/11/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 414 ELECTRIC SVC 11/18-12/14 97.14 TOTAL CHECK 129.54 11101 67433 01/11/00 IDEDGEIN I.D. EDGE, INC 519 CARDS 58.88 11101 67434 01/11/00 IACPNET IACPNET/LOGIN 311 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL/2000 500.00 11101 67435 01/11/00 ICMA REG ICMA 131 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL/00 175.00 11101 67436 01/11/00 IFEA IFEA 513 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL/2000 125.00 11101 67437 01/11/00 INTERNTV INTERNETVAIL.COM 143 CONSULTING SVC 8/99-12/99 300.00 11101 67444 01/11/00 MARRIOTT MARRIOTT HOTELS 141 LODGING/BUCKELEW 298.00 11101 67447 01/11/00 T0000626 MIKE LUNDBLADE 10 TRAVEL ADVANCE 2/4/00 70.00 11101 67448 01/11/00 T0000626 MIKE LUNDBLADE 10 TRAVEL ADVANCE 1/24/00 35.00 11101 67451 01/11/00 NORWINVE NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC 415 LEASE PMT/#8 2,964.12 11101 67451 01/11/00 NORWINVE NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC 413 LEASE PMT/#8 15,499.34 TOTAL CHECK 18,463.46 11101 67454 01/11/00 PENTAMAT PENTAMATION 141 RECOMPILE PEI APP 1,500.00 11101 67455 01/11/00 PEREGRIN PEREGRINE PRESS 114 ADVOCATE NEWSLETTER 1,015.50 11101 67456 01/11/00 PERFORME PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS, 141 COMPUTER CONSULTING 1,884.30 11101 67456 01/11/00 PERFORME PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS, 141 UPGRADE SOFTWARE 760.00 TOTAL CHECK 2,644.30 11101 67457 01/11/00 PRIMA PRIMA 141 MEMBERSHIP/2000/WRIGHT 255.00 11101 67459 01/11/00 QUINLANP QUINLAN PUBLISHING CO., I 213 LAW BULLETIN/HILDRETH 78.78 11101 67460 01/11/00 RADIOSHA RADIO SHACK 521 CAMERA BATTERY 49.95 11101 67461 01/11/00 RENTX RENTX 513 COFFEE URN RENTAL 63.00 11101 67464 01/11/00 SHELVING SHELVING RACK 4 LOCKERS, 520 LOCKER PARTS 126.84 11101 67466 01/11/00 THI T.H.I. WASTE 415 TOILET RENTAL/JAN 115.00 11101 67467 01/11/00 THECHAMB THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 114 CONTRIB/AVON VISITOR CTR 50,000.00 RUN DATE 01/06/00 TIME 15:10:45 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 01/06/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 3 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY F UND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 167395' and 167483' FUND - 10 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67469 01/11/00 THEVICTO THE VICTOR 519 RACER GOGGLES (200) 513.00 11101 67470 01/11/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 520 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 92.00 11101 67470 01/11/00 UNISOURC UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE, INC 414 AIR FRESHENER 28.00 TOTAL CHECK 120.00 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 47.03 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 514 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 171.56 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 514 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 43.19 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 265.34 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 44.13 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 211 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 86.37 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 141 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 43.18 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 129.55 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 16.54 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 222.70 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 311 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 172.73 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 143 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 52.56 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 279.19 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 149 PHONE SVC 11/28-12/27 61.26 TOTAL CHECK 1,635.33 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 520 CABLE TIES 5.37 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 413 FASTENERS 51.69 -11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 415 MISC SUPPLIES 92.46 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 520 PVC PLUG 7.92 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 520 RAMIN DOWEL .99 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 415 CREDIT FOR XMAS LIGHTS -504.00 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 413 MISC SUPPLIES 56.93 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 414 MISC SUPPLIES 40.67 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 520 MISC SUPPLIES 22.44 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 520 MISC SUPPLIES 12.93 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 414 BATTERIES, FLASHLIGHTS 84.53 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 415 MISC SUPPLIES 71.73 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 413 MISC SUPPLIES 19.98 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 520 MISC SUPPLIES 77.72 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 415 FASTENERS 8.92 TOTAL CHECK 50.28 11101 67478 01/11/00 VAILVATO VAIL VALLEY TOURISM & CON 114 LODGING QUALITY 15,000.00 11101 67480 01/11/00 VERMONTS VERMONT SYSTEMS, INC. 514 RECTRAC MAINT/2000 2,785.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 106,839.98 TOTAL FUND 106,839.98 RUN DATE 01/06/00 TIME 15:10:46 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 01/06/99 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 167395' and 167483' FUND - 21 - MALL MAINTENANCE FUND PAGE 4 CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR------------ - PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67477 01/11/00 VAILVAAC VAIL VALLEY ACE HARDWARE 417 MISC SUPPLIES 18.54 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND 18.54 18.54 RUN DATE 01/06/00 TIME 15:10:46 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 01/06/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION C RITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 167395, and 167483' FUND - 22 - FIRE OPE RATIONS CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED ----------- --VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67399 01/11/00 ARCHCOMM ARCH COMMUNICATIONS 322 PAGING/1ST QTR 2,284.18 11101 67401 01/11/00 AURORAMA AURORA MARKETING COMPANY 322 BATTERIES 47.90 11101 67404 01/11/00 CASCOIND CASCO INDUSTRIES 322 FOAMJET ATTACHMENT 525.00 11101 67404 01/11/00 CASCOIND CASCO INDUSTRIES 322 LEATHER BOOTS 180.00 TOTAL CHECK 705.00 11101 67407 01/11/00 CITYMARK CITY MARKET 322 EMERGENCY Y2K FOOD 199.95 11101 67413 01/11/00 COBOILER COLORADO BOILER INSPECTIO 321 BOILER INSPECT/EV FIRE 30.00 11101 67415 01/11/00 CODEPTPU COLORADO DEPT. OF PUBLIC 324 STATE EXAMS 40.00 11101 67415 01/11/00 CODEPTPU COLORADO DEPT. OF PUBLIC 323 INSPECTOR CERTS 15.00 11101 67415 01/11/00 CODEPTPU COLORADO DEPT. OF PUBLIC 321 INSPECTOR CERTS 15.00 TOTAL CHECK 70.00 11101 67420 01/11/00 EDWARDSB EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER 321 PARTS FOR Y2K GENERATOR 43.43 11101 67420 01/11/00 EDWARDSB EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER 321 PARTS FOR Y2K GENERATOR 72.08 11101 67420 01/11/00 EDWARDSB EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER 321 PARTS FOR Y2K GENERATOR 5.69 11101 67420 01/11/00 EDWARDSB EDWARDS BUILDING CENTER 321 PARTS FOR Y2K GENERATOR 31.84 TOTAL CHECK 153.04 11101 67422 01/11/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 321 OVERNIGHT SHIPPING 22.00 11101 67423 01/11/00 FIREDEPT FIRE DEPT SAFETY OFFICERS 323 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL/2000 75.00 11101 67424 01/11/00 FOREMOST FOREMOST PROMOTIONS 323 FIRE PREVENTION PROD 664.67 11101 67426 01/11/00 GALLSINC GALL'S INC. 322 2-CELL DIRECTOR LITE 104.56 11101 67431 01/11/00 GREATPLA GREAT PLAINS WILDFIRE COL 324 TRAINING/PRATT 45.00 11101 67431 01/11/00 GREATPLA GREAT PLAINS WILDFIRE COL 324 TRAINING/FERGUSON 45.00 11101 67431 01/11/00 GREATPLA GREAT PLAINS WILDFIRE COL 324 TRAINING/RINDY 45.00 TOTAL CHECK 135.00 11101 67432 01/11/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 321 ELECTRIC SVC 11/18-12/14 646.09 11101 67439 01/11/00 MCCAULLE JOHN MCCAULLEY 324 REIMS FOR PARKING 12.00 11101 67440 01/11/00 KEMP&COM KEMP & COMPANY INC. 321 REFILL PROPANE TANKS/Y2K 5.50 11101 67440 01/11/00 KEMP&COM KEMP & COMPANY INC. 321 REFILL PROPANE TANKS/Y2K 10.00 TOTAL CHECK 15.50 11101 67449 01/11/00 MTNMANNU MOUNTAIN MAN NUT & FRUIT 321 XMAS BASKETS 1,470.00 11101 67450 01/11/00 NATIONAL NATIONAL FIRE & RESCUE 321 SUBSCRIPTION/AVON FIRE 20.00 11101 67451 01/11/00 NORWINVE NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC 322 LEASE PMT/#8 16,731.63 11101 67451 01/11/00 NORWINVE NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC 321 LEASE PMT/#8 2,946.48 TOTAL CHECK 19,678.11 RUN DATE 01/06/00 TIME 15:10:47 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 01/06/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 6 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION C RITERIA: tran sact.check no between 167395' and '67483' FUND - 22 - FIRE OPE RATIONS CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67468 01/11/00 OVERHEAD THE OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY 321 REPAIR TO STATION DOOR 671.24 11101 67471 01/11/00 USWEST US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 24.48 11101 67471 01/11/00 USWEST US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 32.88 TOTAL CHECK 57.36 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 56.05 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 50.08 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 52.32 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 321 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 47.96 TOTAL CHECK 206.41 11101 67474 01/11/00 USWESTDI US WEST DEX 321 PHONE BOOKS 33.70 11101 67479 01/11/00 VALLEYEL VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 321 SUPPLIES FOR GENERATOR 48.86 11101 67481 01/11/00 VISIONAR VISIONARY SYSTEMS, LTD. 321 SOFTWARE SUPP RENEW/FIRE 960.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 28,310.57 TOTAL FUND 28,310.57 RUN DATE 01/06/00 TIME 15:10:47 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 01/06/99 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY F UND SELECTION C RITERIA: transact.check no between 167395' and 167483' FUND - 41 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- 11101 67456 01/11/00 PERFORME PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS, 800 REC CTR COMPUTER SVC 11101 67462 01/11/00 RNLDESIG RNL DESIGN 800 PROF SVC/SWIFT GULCH 11101 67475 01/11/00 VAILARCH VAIL ARCHITECTURE GROUP 800 PROF SVC/NOV/NOTTING. STR 11101 67482 01/11/00 WASTEENG WASTE ENGINEERING, INC 800 PROF SVC/NOV/EAGLEWOOD TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND PAGE 7 AMOUNT 1,832.00 1,007.77 64.40 1,846.13 4,750.30 4,750.30 RUN DATE 01/06/00 TIME 15:10:47 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 01/06/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 8 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check no between 167395' and 167483' FUND - 51 - WATER ENTERPRISE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67441 01/11/00 LEONARDR LEONARD RICE CONSULTING W 423 PROF SVC/WATER PLANNING 360.00 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 360.00 TOTAL FUND 360.00 RUN DATE 01/06/00 TIME 15:10:47 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 01/06/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 9 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran sact.check_no between 167395' and 167483' FUND - 52 - TRANSIT ENTERPRISE FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67402 01/11/00 AVONSELF AVON SELF STORAGE 431 STORAGE RENT/JAN 220.00 11101 67410 01/11/00 CASTA CO ASSOC. OF TRANSIT AGEN 431 MEMBERSHIP DUES/2000 452.72 11101 67418 01/11/00 COTTRELL COTTRELL PRINTING & COPY 432 BUSINESS CARDS 184.00 11101 67422 01/11/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 433 OVERNIGHT SHIPPING 5.75 11101 67422 01/11/00 FEDERALE FEDERAL EXPRESS 433 OVERNIGHT SHIPPING 9.50 TOTAL CHECK 15.25 11101 67443 01/11/00 MACWORLD MACWORLD 433 SUBSCRIPTION/BURDEN 19.97 11101 67451 01/11/00 NORWINVE NORWEST INVESTMENT SERVIC 432 LEASE PMT/#8 9,665.61 11101 67458 01/11/00 PROGRESS PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBL 431 SUBSCRIPTION/TRANSIT 230.00 11101 67473 01/11/00 USWESTCO US WEST COMMUNICATIONS 431 PHONE SVC 12/22-1/21 43.18 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 10,830.73 TOTAL FUND 10,830.73 RUN DATE 01/06/00 TIME 15:10:47 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 01/06/99 TOWN OF AVON PAGE 10 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: tran eact.check no between 167395' and 167483' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED -------- ------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT 11101 67405 01/11/00 CCGSYSTE CCG SYSTEMS 434 SUPPORT SVC/2000 1,830.00 11101 67412 01/11/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 NOZZLES 140.73 11101 67412 01/11/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 434 WASHER FLUID 56.65 11101 67412 01/11/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 ANTIFREEZE, MOTOR OIL 1,126.95 11101 67412 01/11/00 COLLETTE COLLETT ENTERPRISES, INC. 61 DIESEL FUEL 6,973.49 TOTAL CHECK 8,297.82 11101 67416 01/11/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 61 FILTER KITS 98.16 11101 67416 01/11/00 COKENWOR COLORADO KENWORTH, INC. 434 AIR TANK 196.42 TOTAL CHECK 294.58 11101 67425 01/11/00 G&KSERVI G&K SERVICES 434 UNIFORM CLEANING 125.81 11101 67427 01/11/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 1,140.00 11101 67427 01/11/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 580.78 11101 67427 01/11/00 GAYJOHNS GAY JOHNSON'S, INC 434 TIRES 1,537.12 TOTAL CHECK 3,257.90 11101 67428 01/11/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 61 GLAZING 756.84 11101 67428 01/11/00 GILLIGCO GILLIG CORPORATION 434 SKIRT PANEL 71.80 TOTAL CHECK 828.64 11101 67432 01/11/00 HOLYCROS HOLY CROSS ENERGY 434 ELECTRIC SVC 10/8-11/8 159.83 11101 67438 01/11/00 HAINESJO JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 434 HANDLE 14.11 11101 67438 01/11/00 HAINESJO JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 434 MISC PARTS 448.35 11101 67438 01/11/00 HAINESJO JOHN HAINES CHEVROLET 434 MISC PARTS 617.20 TOTAL CHECK 1,079.66 11101 67442 01/11/00 MACDONAL MACDONALD EQUIPMENT CO 434 CHAIN DRIVE 786.88 11101 67445 01/11/00 MAXEYCOM MAXEY COMPANIES, INC 434 BOSS SNOWCATCHER KIT 127.36 11101 67446 01/11/00 MESASUPP MESA SUPPLY COMPANIES 434 POWER SCRUB/WAND/NOZZLE 759.50 11101 67446 01/11/00 MESASUPP MESA SUPPLY COMPANIES 434 POWER SCRUB SOAP 247.50 TOTAL CHECK 1,007.00 11101 67452 01/11/00 NOVUSWIN NOVUS AUTOGLASS 434 WINDSHIELD REPAIR 35.00 11101 67453 01/11/00 PENNTEXI PENNTEX INDUSTRIES, INC. 434 ALTERNATOR 613.85 11101 67463 01/11/00 SAFETYKL SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION 434 HAZARD WASTE REMOVAL 852.37 11101 67465 01/11/00 STEWART& STEWART & STEVENSON POWER 434 GASKET,PUMP OIL,SLEEVE 767.10 11101 67483 01/11/00 WESTERNR WESTERN RETARDER COMPANY 434 DASH CONTROL 77.73 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 20,141.53 TOTAL FUND 20,141.53 RUN DATE 01/06/00 TIME 15:10:48 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER 01/06/99 TOWN OF AVON ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/00 CHECK REGISTER - BY FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: traneact.check_no between 167395' and 167483' FUND - 61 - FLEET MTC INTERNAL SVC FU PAGE 11 CASH ACCT CHECK NUMBER DATE ISSUED --------------VENDOR-------------- PROGRAM -------DESCRIPTION------- AMOUNT TOTAL REPORT 171,251.65 RUN DATE 01/06/00 TIME 15:10:48 PENTAMATION - FUND ACCOUNTING MANAGER January 11, 2000 TOWN OF AVON MANUAL CHECKS PROCESSED BETWEEN MEETINGS Avon Rec Center, Wellness Benefit Passes Eaglebend Affordable Housing, Jan Rent First Bank of Avon, Bank for Winter Cabin Pinnacol Assurance, Workers Comp/2000 Lil' Johns Water, Cooler Rental/Jan $4,856.00 $5,440.00 $300.00 $208,504.00 $80.00 Total Manual Checks $219,180.00