TC Council Packet 01-04-2000STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) TOWN OF AVON ) SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, WILL BE HELD JANUARY 4, 2000, AT 2:45 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 2:45 PM — 4:00 PM 1.) Executive Session Contract/Land Negotiations 4:00 PM — 4:15 PM 2.) Fire Department Issues 4:15 PM — 4:45 PM 3.) Transportation Discussions 4:45 PM — 5:00 PM 4.) Community Development Update Consent Agenda Questions Council Committee Updates AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO BY: ' �is Nash Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON DECEMBER 30,1999: AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT BUS STOP AT AVON CENTER AVON RECREATION CENTER CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY A Brief Synopsis of the Town of Avon Town Council Work Session Meeting Date: January 4, 2000 Councilmembers present: Mayor Judy Yoder, Mayor Protem Bob McIlveen, Councilors Jim Benson, Debbie Buckley, Rick Cuny, Mac McDevitt, Buz Reynolds. Councilmembers absent: Executive Session — Land /Contract Negotiations Fire Department Issues — Staffing of the Beaver Creek Fire Station - Beaver Creek wants their fire station staffed 7 days per week. In December they said they need to know by the end of the year if we will staff it. During the last three weeks we've met with all fire contract members to discuss this issue. We've offered to pay 50% of the costs and Beaver Creek can pay the other 50 %. Bill will draft a letter to forward to Beaver Creek stating this. Mayor Yoder said to include that we will not exceed $200,000. Council's consensus was to send a letter. Fire Consolidation — Council needs to know: 1. What the mill levy will be set at. 2. What will it take to get the Wildridge fire station manned. Council needs to be assured that there will be language that the Wildridge fire station will be manned by 1 /l /02. Staff recommend to move forward with consolidation if those questions are answered. Council agreed. Staff will prepare a Resolution for next week's Council meeting. Language will include setting a maximum mill levy and staffing the Wildridge fire station. Mayor Protem McIlveen asked what will it take to get out of the consolidation. Mayor Yoder asked what happens to the assets. Bill will ask Jim Collins those questions and get back to Council. Councilor Cuny asked if this type of consolidation has ever been done elsewhere. Bill said Summit County consolidated, but he is not sure if they have wards or are at- large. Councilor Benson asked if a council member could also serve on the board. He was told that yes they could. Transportation - Transportation Director Harry Taylor stated that they have experienced a driver shortage since the beginning of the season. They are 15 to 20 drivers short. Transportation reevaluated the schedules and cut back service. ECO has requested that we go back and reevaluate our current benefit and wage package and "tweak it" to make it more enticing to potential applicants. We are aware that whatever we decide to do may not solve our problems. Jacquie and Harry sat down and went over the existing pay scales and benefits for bus operators. We decided that the three items Harry outlined in his memo in the Council packet would have the most positive impact. Councilor McDevitt asked what other benefits they looked at, such as rec pass. Harry stated that rec passes are already a benefit at' /2 price. Larry Brooks felt one change would not do it. He would like Council to consider offering employees a free rec pass. Part time employees could get a free individual pass, and full time employees could get a free family pass. Councilor McDevitt asked what is considered part time. Harry stated 10 hours. He likes to tie certain benefits to the number of hours worked. If tied to a number of hours, it encourages an employee to make the Town their first employer. Bill cautioned that we are flexible enough that if we have someone valuable working only 10 hours /week, we can offer them more. Mayor Protem McIlveen stated there are 3 levels of employees. Full time year round, full time seasonal, and part time seasonal. He asked how are we staffed in other areas. Are we doing something for the bus drivers that we should be doing for the other departments. Larry said if we do some thing for the part time employees, then we need to do something for the full time employees. There should be consistency throughout the staff. Councilor McDevitt asked who we are targeting. Where can we get most of our drivers. Harry stated existing employees working in the valley. Bus drivers or anyone making less money or getting less benefits. We want to set the wage high enough to encourage someone to come work for us. Bill stated that there are CDL drivers working in the Roaring Fork Valley who live here but they make more money over there so they drive the distance. Mayor Yoder asked how is staff going to get the word out? Harry stated via the newspapers. Council agreed to move forward with the proposed plan, and offering part time employees a free individual rec pass and full time employees a free family rec pass. Harry stated that ECO asked that we place a courtesy call to ECO, Town of Vail, and Beaver Creek to let them know what is decided. Council Committee Updates — Councilor Buckley stated she is looking for Council members to volunteer to do an interview on 610 Talk Radio on Wednesday mornings from 8:15 — 8:30. She will be doing an interview on January 5. You can do the interview over the phone, you don't have to go to the studio. Councilor Buckley passed out a sign up sheet. Councilor Cuny gave an update on the Chamber of Commerce meeting. They recapped the financials at the meeting. Memo TO: Larry Brooks, Assistant Town Manager FROM: Harry N. Taylor, Director of Transportation DATE: December 23, 1999 SUBJECT: Recommendation on Bus Driver Wages 2000 Jacquie Halburnt, Human Resource Specialist and myself met yesterday to review the wage and benefit package for seasonal bus drivers. As you are aware this meeting is in response to our current driver shortage and the direction from the ECO board to recommend a viable solution to reducing the shortage. The following recommendations were derived from the meeting between Jacquie and I on December 21 °t. RECOMMENDATION 1.) Convert the current $350 dollar bonus into hourly wages. This results in a 50 cent per hour increase in the current wage rate. Phasing out this benefit will transfer the existing cost from benefits to wages. This change has no effect on the existing budget. 2.) Pay the current $1,000 dollar year -end bonus (ski season) in three payments throughout the ski season. The first payment of $250 would be made in early January, the second payment of $350 would be made in February, and the last payment of $400 would be made at the end of the season in April. This alteration has no effect on the cost to the town for this benefit. 3.) Increase the seasonal bus driver wage rate by $.75 per hour. When we combine the 50 cents (from the $350 bonus conversion) with the 75 cents, the beginning wage rate goes from $10.75 to 12.00 per hour. The new range will be $12.00 - $13.00 - $14.00 per hour. Conclusion: The total cost of the three adjustments is $41,048. Avon's share of the cost is $10,599. Still there is no guarantee that this adjustment will result in filling our vacant bus driver positions. Our success will depend on how the valley reacts to the new wage rate. Have we tempted that elusive employee enough to come and join our ranks? Time will tell. We hope our efforts will be positive and result in an increase in driver applicants for Avon Transportation. Recommendation 1.) The $350 bonus .50 x 45,015 = $22,508 2.) The $1,000 bonus 3.) Seasonal Bus Driver 45,015 x $1.25 = $56,269 Benefits .1295% _ $7,287 Total RECOMMENDATION COST IMPACTS 2000 Avon ECO BC ($ 5,812) ($10,306) ($6,390) N/A N/A N/A $14,529 $25,766 $15,974 1,882 3,337 2,068 $10,599 $18,797 $11,652 $41,048