10-11-2011 ECRTA TRAIL MAINTENANCE FUNDS AGREEMENTr C7 Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager Legal Review: Eric Heil, Town Attorney From: Jennifer Strehler, Director of Public Works and Transportation Date: D C-f 11 Re: ECO Trails "`Trail repair and Safety Grant" IGA Summary: The Avon Town Council is requested to approve the attached IGA (Exhibit A) prepared by Eagle County. This IGA provides the Town with $7,000 in grant funding to be used toward reconstruction of a section of ECO Trail within the Town limits. This grant funding was requested by the Town of Avon and was awarded by the ECO Trails committee (see Exhibit B for application and project details). Previous Council Actions: December 14, 2010 - Adopted the FY2011 budget which includes funding for Avon's local • match of $7,000 (fund 415 - 63999) toward this trail maintenance project. Background: In 1995, voters approved 0.05% sales tax increase within Eagle County to be applied toward construction and maintenance of the Eagle County Regional Trail System. ECO Trails is a program within Eagle County government and is managed by Ellie Caryl. Most of the revenue to this program has traditionally been budgeted toward construction of new trail, with only a small portion allocated to major maintenance issues. Local jurisdictions are expected to pay for routine maintenance (e.g., sweeping, pruning, trash removal, snow plowing) and some portion of the major maintenance (e.g., pavement repairs, overlays, tree removal, storm water management, etc.). The ECO Trails Committee reviews the budget, prioritizes construction and maintenance projects, and awards "Trail Repair and Safety Grants ". The ECO Trail is an asset to Avon's residents and guests, as well as to the region at large. It provides pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between Avon and Eagle -Vail and Edwards, and destinations beyond. The long -term plan is to connect all sections up such that it is contiguous from Vail Pass through Glenwood Springs, and beyond. More information about ECO Trails can be obtained from the web page at: http: / /www.eaglecounty.us /trails /, by phone (970- 328 - 3523), or e-mail ecotrails0eaglecounty. us. • Page 1 of 2 Discussion: Sections of the ECO Trail within Avon town limits were constructed over a period of is years by a variety of agencies, land owners, and general contractors. Some portions of this asphalt recreational trail are not in very good condition. Root Intrusion is a particular problem in the section westbound from West Beaver Creek Blvd to the town limits where asphalt is badly deformed and broken. The primary causes of this problem are 1) the original path construction (asphalt is too thin, insufficient base, no root barrier), and 2) trees were preserved too close to the path. Also, there is a water ditch running alongside the trail which naturally draws root growth from cottonwood and willow trees located above the ditch. Last year, Avon and ECO Trails partnered to reconstruct about 360 linear feet (LF) of root damaged path. The remaining length of ECO Trail requiring repair is over 700LF. For 2011, Avon Public Works /Parks budgeted T6 ­ repair about 250LF of trail using $7,000 in division funds plus another $7,000 In grant funds from ECO Trails ($14,000 total project cost). Similar to last year's work, the scope includes removal and replacement of asphalt, removal of tree roots, and installation of a root /bio barrier. The attached IGA commits the Town to conduct this trail repair work and commits the County to reimburse us for up to $7,000 via a grant award. It should be noted that the Town has had a long history of cooperation with Eagle County with respect to construction and maintenance of the ECO Trail within Avon. Avon has been fortunate to receive maintenance grant funds for several years in a row. Also, the Town, ECO, CDOT, and Eagle -Vail are currently collaborating on an extension of this trail from Avon Road to the Eagle -Vail half- diamond (I -70 intersection) which is planned for construction in 2012. • Financial Implications: Approval of this IGA results in acceptance of the $7,000 grant awarded to Avon. Upon project completion (expected late October 2011), the Town will invoice Eagle County and should receive payment within 30 -60 days. Recommendation: Move to approve the IGA with Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority Regarding Trail Maintenance Funds. Exhibits: A. Agreement with Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority Regarding Trail Maintenance Funds. B. Copy of Avon's grant application Town Manager Comments: Page 2 of 2 • AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AVON AND THE EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY REGARDING TRAIL MAINTENANCE FUNDS THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 2011, by and between the Town of , Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "Town ") and the Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority (hereinafter referred to as "ECO'). WHEREAS, Resolution No.96 -22 created ECO and provided for its duties and powers, which include determining grants and bikeway projects to be funded from the monies budgeted and appropriated therefore; and WHEREAS, ECO has received a request for ECO funding from the Town, in accordance with the Trail Repair and Safety Grant program adopted by ECO in February, 2005. IN CONSIDERATION of that request, the parties agree as follows: 1. That the section of trail within the Town for which the ECO contribution is being granted will be constructed to the standards adopted by the Town of Avon in the Eagle Valley Regional Trails Plan in 2001. • 2. That the project will consist of reconstruction of 250 feet of paved trail located on the north bank of the Eagle River, east of West Beaver Creek Boulevard. The project will repair trail damage due to the tree root heaving. The work will include removal of existing trail, installation of root barrier, reconstruction of subgrade and base, and re- paving. The project cost estimate is $14,000. The project work is described in Town's application for funds submitted in August, 2011. The ECO Trails fund, per the recommendation of the Eagle Valley Trails Committee and ECO Board, will contribute 48% of the project cost or $7,000.00 whichever is less. 4. The section of the Eagle Valley Regional Trail for which the contribution is being requested will be maintained by the Town as follows: 1. Monthly sweeping, March through November 2. Monthly vegetation control including weed removal, mowing, cutting and trimming 3. Trash removal 4. Repair and replacement of signs, fences, railings, striping, drainage and other trail features 5. Snowplowing, in season 6. Inspections monthly, or no les§ than quarterly C ZD(( VP 5. That the term of this Agreement sh commence on the date executed by both parties and shall terminate on December 31, ess the Agreement is extended by both parties prior to that end date. Any unexpended funds may be required to be returned to ECO as well as any funds not properly expended according to project objectives. ECO may terminate this Agreement between ECO and the Town on ten (10) days notice if it is deemed by ECO that the project is not as agreed upon. 6. ECO's financial obligations under this agreement are contingent upon its receiving sufficient revenues within its budget. 7. In order to receive the funds granted under this Agreement, Contractor will submit an invoice to ECO at the completion of the project. Invoices will be submitted to ECO Trails, P.O. Box 1070, Gypsum, Colorado 81637. Payment will be made according to the County's regular bill paying procedure. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. One counterpart each has been delivered to ECO and to the Town. ATTEST: By: Clerk to the Regional Transportation Authority TOWN OF AVON ATTEST: By: by; Avon Town Clerk COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO by and through its REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Jeff Shroll, Chairman Town of Avon Authorized Representative • • • } { I W - APPLICATION FOR 2011 TRAIL REPAIR AND SAFETY MODIFICATIONS GRANT PROGRAM Eliaible Prolects: Project must be located on the Gore Valley Trail or Eagle Valley Trail, both of which are considered the main or "core" regional trail routes through the two valleys. Application Requirements and Process: I. Project must be a major repair and /or safety related. Examples include but are not limited to: • Site distance hazards • Crash hazards • Lack of barriers, or substandard barriers • Alignment issues 2. A project match amount must be provided; cash match minimum of 25% recommended. 3. Up to $20,000 total is available to all ECO Partners for a project or projects in 2011. • 4. The citizen ECO Trails Committee will review applications at the next scheduled meeting on MARCH 28, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the Gypsum ECO office. Applicants are required to attend the meeting to explain the request. 5. Applicants need to submit the following brief application, via fax to 328 -3539, email to ellie.caryl(a-eaglecounty.us (preferred method) or by mail to POB 1070, Gypsum, 81637 by Friday, March 18, 2011. 6. Please provide: • At least three color photos of the project • Map of project location, 8.5 x 11 format 7. If approved, the Grantee will execute an intergovernmental Agreement with the ECO Board, as agents of Eagle County Government which collects and has accountability responsibility for the ECO Trails fund. The IGA will define the funding amount, the project and other grant approval terms. A sample IGA is attached. 8. The grant will be paid as a reimbursement following submittal of a final project budget and contractor billings attached as backup. • • trailf APPLICATION for 2011 TRAIL REPAIR AND SAFETY MODIFICATIONS GRANT PROGRAM Applicant (Agency): The Town of Avon Contact Person: Joe Histed Mailing Address: P.O. Box 975, Avon CO 81620 Phone and Fax: _(970)- 748 -4105. (970)- 748 -1958 e -mail: ihisted(cD-avon.orq Town or County Location of Eagle Valley Trail or Gore Valley Trail project location (attach 8.5" x 11" location map: Description of Project (also attach 3 color photos): • In the fall of 2010, the Town repaved 360 feet of asphalt along the Avon Section of the Eagle Valley trail due to root damage caused by Cottonwood and Willow trees. At the time, a bio- barrier was added along the trail to prevent further root damage to the rebuilt portion of the trail. This project aims to continue this process. Starting at the stopping point from the 2010 work (please see attached map) and heading west, the old asphalt wil I be removed and replaced for 250 feet. 445 feet of bio - barrier will be added along the north and south side of the trail do to the presence of Cottonwood and Willow trees on both sides, to prevent or limit any further root damage. This location was chosen due to the fact the with the ongoing Xcel project on HWY. 6, any work on the trail between Arrowhead and W. Beaver Creek Blvd. would be too difficult to detour trail users around. A detailed quote is attached to the application for information purposes. The project will be competitively bid to two more companies. is C7 C7 • Estimate of cost of work: Work Item Cost Applicant Share Grant Request Repaving and installation of bio- barrier $14,500 $7,500.00 (52 %) $7000.00 (48 %) Total $14,500.00 Total $7,500.00 Total $7000.00 Month Project Will Be Completed: Project will be completed in mid to late September 2011 AGREEMENT BETWEEN The Town of Avon AND THE EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY REGARDING TRAIL MAINTENANCE THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 2011, by and between the Town of , Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "Town ") and the Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority (hereinafter referred to as "ECO'). WHEREAS, Resolution No.96 -22 created ECO and provided for its duties and powers, which include determining grants and bikeway projects to be funded from the monies budgeted and appropriated therefore; and WHEREAS, ECO has received a request for ECO funding from the Town, in accordance with the Trail Repair and Safety Grant program adopted by ECO in February, 2005. IN CONSIDERATION of that request, the parties agree as follows: That the section of trail within the Town for which the ECO contribution is being granted will be constructed and maintained to the standards adopted by the in the Eagle Valley Regional Trails Plan in 2001. That the Project will consist of . The project boundaries are represented in the Town's application for funds submitted on The ECO Trails fund, per the recommendation of the Eagle Valley Trails Committee and ECO Board, will contribute $ to the cost of the Project. 4. That the term of this Agreement shall commence on the date executed by both parties and shall terminate on December 31, 2011, unless the Agreement is extended by both parties prior to that end date. Any unexpended funds may be required to be returned to ECO as well as any funds not properly expended according to project objectives. ECO may terminate this Agreement between ECO and the Town on ten (10) days notice if it is deemed by ECO that the project is not as agreed upon. 5. ECO's financial obligations under this agreement are contingent upon its receiving sufficient revenues within its budget. 6. In order to receive the funds granted under this Agreement, Contractor will submit an invoice to ECO at the completion of the project. Invoices will be submitted to ECO Trails, P.O. Box 1070, Gypsum, Colorado 81637. Payment will be made according to the County's regular bill paying procedure. ATTEST: Clerk to the Regional Transportation Authority TOWN OF AVON ATTEST: By: Town of Avon Town Clerk COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO by and through its REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (ECO) 0 By: Town of Avon Authorized Representative C. • • ED Buldings ® a... Lakes and Rivers Double M Asphalt & Coatings, Inc. • P.O. Box 1956 Edwards, Co 81632 (970)926- 3343 -Office (970)926 -0112 • I Name /Address I Town Of Avon Parks & Recreation P.O. Box 975 Avon, Co 81620 Joe Histed Description Paving Asphalt Excavate Trench 24 inches to place BioBarrier(app: 445 linear ft) Place BioBarrier with top side to bottom of new asphalt Place dirt back with loader and grade Clean asphalt for placement of tac oil Note: Areas where roots have gone through asphalt will be scraped down with torch and rake Note:Roots that are in trench area will be removed Spray ssh -1 tac oil for adhesion of new asphalt lift Pave 2 inch compacted mat using sx grade 1/2 inch hot mix(spec) for positive slope and drainage(min 2 %) Compact asphalt for high density using roller(standard proctor) App:2500 sq. ft. Fully insured Qty Estimate Date Estimate # 8/19/2011 1431 Cost 14,500.00 Project Total 14,500.00 II Total $14,500.00 • • Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Initials Thru: Larry Brooks Town Manager Sally Vecchio, Ass't Town Manager, Community Deve. From: Matt Pielsticker, Planner II Date: September 27, 2011 Work Session Re: Recreational Trails Master Plan / Beaver Creek Point Trail Improvements Work Session Introduction On August 10`h, the Community Development Department held an Open House meeting at the Wildddge Fire Station to solicit community input from Wildddge residents on the planned improvements associated with the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail. The purpose of the meeting was to review the improvements (i.e. parking lot, shade structure, vaulted toilets) contained in the Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan (Trails Plan'q, and to gather public input to present to Council in light of the Land Exchange negotiations. Staff summarized the collective comments in a memorandum to Council at the August 26, 2011 meeting. Based on the community input, Staff is now recommending that Council initiate a formal review of the Trail Plan recommendations for the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail. Summary • Most of the discussion and input at the Open House included reactions to the current and future planned parking conditions on Beaver Creek Point. The consensus among the participants was to provide multiple parking areas for 2 -3 vehicles along Beaver Creek Point and Saddleridge Loop roads rather than one centralized parking area on the USFS property as envisioned in the Trails Plan accessed from Beaver Creek Point. Other comments received include the following: Trails o Do not decommission any of the trails in this area. The two trail sections planned for decommissioning provide valuable loop options for trail users. Improvements • Why is there a pavilion planned at the end of Beaver Creek Point Trail? It is unnecessary and it is a windy point. • Toilets are not necessary at the parking area as this trail system is not a "destination" hiking area. Parking • Is it possible to place parking behind a berm to screen the view from neighboring residences? • Parking spaces should be located at 45 degree angles midway between residences on Beaver Creek Point. • v • Move some parking to the loop access point on Saddle ridge Loop, and some • on Beaver Creek Point. • Allow parking along the white line that was painted on the ROW by Public Works. • The trail area looks natural today and do not support a formal parking lot. • Safety is a concern for people parking adjacent to the street with snow plowing operations. • The millings that were added on west side of Beaver Creek Point by the Public Works department should be moved south to the white painted stripe area further to the south. Recommendation: Based on the input received from the National Night Out (8/3/11) and the Public Open House in Wildirdge (8/10/11), Staff recommends bringing the portions of the Trails Plan dealing with Beaver Creek Point to the Planning and Zoning Commission for amendment considerations, and a formal recommendation to Council. Town Manager Comments: �i 1 Attachment: Recreational Trails Master Plan (pages 31 -37; Appendix A -West Trails) • September 27, 2011 Town Council Meeting •