08-09-2011 IGA-EAGLE COUNTY 08-09-2011 Mail BallotV Eagle County Intergovernmental Agreement November 1, 2011 Coordinated Mail Ballot Election This Agreement is made and entered into this a�ef kS 9 � a Dkllbetween Eagle County and Town of Avon (hereinafter referred to as 'Political Subdivision'), concerning the administration and the conduct of the November 1, 2011 Coordinated Mail Ballot Election. Coordinated and Designated Election Officials Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the County Clerk shall act as the Coordinated Election Official for the conduct of the Election for the Political Subdivision for all matters in the Uniform Election Code which require action by the Coordinated Election Official. The Political Subdivision shall name a 'Designated Election Official' who shall act as the primary liaison between the Political Subdivision and the County Clerk and who will have responsibility for the conduct of the election procedures to be handled by the Political Subdivision. Nothing herein shall be deemed or construed to relieve the County Clerk or the Governing Body of the Political Subdivision from their official responsibilities for the conduct of the Election. Jurisdictional Limitation This Agreement shall apply only to the portion of the Political Subdivision within the boundaries of Eagle County. County Clerk Responsibilities The County Clerk shall perform the following services and activities for the Political Subdivision's Election: Adhere to all applicable provisions of C.R.S. Title One. 2. Perform all services necessary for voting in Eagle County's elections, including but not limited to, preparation of mail —in and ballot voter materials, receipt and processing of applications for mail -in ballots and timely mailing of ballots. 3. Provide adequate locations for early voting and Election Day polling places throughout the county during even year November General Elections. 4. Determine the 'least cost' method for mailing the Ballot Issue Notice (TABOR Notice) packet, and determine the portion of such cost to be applied to the Political Subdivision. 5. Combine the text of the TABOR Notices produced by the Political Subdivision with those of other political subdivisions to produce the TABOR Notice packet. 6. Include in the TABOR Notices mailed to each household where one or more eligible electors reside, voter notification information which will include household address, precinct number, the specific election being noticed and other applicable information. V 7. Address the packet to 'All Registered Voters' at each address of one or more active registered electors within the Political Subdivision. Nothing herein shall preclude the County Clerk from sending the TABOR Notice to persons other than active electors of the Political Subdivision if such sending arises from the County Clerk's efforts to mail the TABOR Notice packet at'least cost'. 8. Be responsible for placing the TABOR Notices received from the various political subdivisions participating in the election in the proper order in the TABOR Notice packet. As nearly as practicable, the notice shall be in the order the ballot issues will appear on the ballot. 9. Mail the TABOR Notice packet, addressed as required by law, at least 30 days before the Election. 10. Provide the Political Subdivision an itemized statement of the costs for performing the tasks by the County Clerk hereunder no later than 60 working days following the Election. Exercise all reasonable diligence, care and control in providing these services to the Political Subdivision. 11. Give assistance and information to the Designated Election Official of the Political Subdivision on any matter to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the Election (such information not to include legal advice). Political Subdivision Responsibilities The Political Subdivision shall perform the following services and activities for the Political Subdivision's Election: 1. Identify a 'Designated Election Official' to act as liaison between the Political Subdivision and the County Clerk. 2. Determine the ballot issues to be voted upon at the Election. 3. Include, within its Ballot Issue Notice (TABOR Notice; Article X, Section 20 of the State Constitution), ballot titles in this order of preference: o Citizen Petitions: i. Notice of Election to Increase Taxes ii. Notice of Election to Increase Debt G Referred Measures: i. Notice of Election to Increase Taxes ii. Notice of Election to Increase Debt 4. Title the Tabor Notice with "NOTICE OF ELECTION TO INCREASE TAXES / TO INCREASE DEBT / ON A CITIZEN PETITION / ON A REFERRED MEASURE" according to the type of Tabor question. 5. Determine the ballot title and text. Ballot titles shall begin, "SHALL (DISTRICT) TAXES BE INCREASED (first, or if phased in, final, full fiscal year dollar increase) ANNUALLY ?" or "SHALL (DISTRICT) DEBT BE INCREASED (principal amount), WITH A REPAYMENT COST OF (maximum total district cost),...? 6. Be solely responsible for the accuracy of all ballot titles and text. 7. Summarize written comments concerning ballot issues following receipt of such comments from the eligible electors of the Political Subdivision and the public. Such TABOR Notice shall include: The ballot title, text, and local election office address and telephone number. o Fiscal information to be included in the TABOR Notice. o Written comments concerning ballot issues in accordance with C.R.S. 1 -7- 901(2) 8. Provide the Political Subdivision's completed TABOR Notice to Teak J. Simonton, County Clerk in the format described in Appendix A. 9. The Political Subdivision shall provide mailing labels for eligible property owners to the County Clerk on or before September 20, 2011 for the mailing of TABOR Notices. (Appendix B) 10. This submission may not be changed by the Political Subdivision following submission to the County Clerk without written approval from the County Clerk (such approval may be withheld for any or no reason), and shall be provided to the County Clerk no later than the 42nd day preceding the Election. (Appendix B) 11. Exercise all reasonable diligence, care and control in providing these services to the County Clerk. 12. Give assistance and information to the County Clerk on any matter to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the Election (such information not to include legal advice). 13. Adhere to all applicable provision of the Colorado Revised Statutes which are necessary or appropriate to the performance of the above duties. Costs The County Clerk shall keep a careful and accurate accounting of all chargeable items to the Political Subdivision and shall submit to the Political Subdivision, a statement of charges (for costs incurred by the County and not billed directly to the Political Subdivision by an outside vendor) within sixty (60) work days following the date of the Election (Appendix B). Costs shall include but are not limited to: election judges and other associated personnel, ballots and related election forms, printing, election supplies, legal notices paid for the County, postage, rental charges, technical support, and TABOR Notice printing and mailing. The County Clerk shall charge each Political Subdivision taking part in the Coordinated Election on a prorated basis based primarily on the number of ballot issues, active voters, and /or items to be included on the ballot for each Political Subdivision. In the event that additional costs are incurred, the Political Subdivision promulgating such costs will be charged accordingly. The minimum charge for coordinating the election with the County Clerk shall be $300.00 The Political Subdivision shall remit all payments due to the County upon receipt of an itemized statement. Call and Notice The County Clerk will publish one notice required by 1.5.205 of the Uniform Election Code in the Eagle Valley Enterprise and the Aspen Times Weekly no later than 20 days prior to the Election (Appendix B). 9 Petitions: Preparation and Verification The Political Subdivision shall be responsible for the petition process in compliance with applicable Colorado statutes, ordinances, or charter provisions. This process includes, but is not limited to, providing petitions, approving the candidate or initiative petitions to be circulated within the Political Subdivision, and receiving the petitions. The County Clerk shall be responsible for approving the form of petitions and verifying the eligibility of petition signatures. Ballot Certification The Political Subdivision is responsible for furnishing the text of the ballot to the County Clerk at least 60 days before the Election in final written form using the format requirements specified in Appendix A. The Political Subdivision assumes all responsibility and cost for any judicial proceedings regarding whether or not issues legally belong on the ballot. The list of candidates /questions must be typed exactly as it is to appear on the ballot, including correct order. For candidates, specify titles of offices, the order of the names to appear for each office and the order of offices. For issues, specify the ballot title, and the order of the issues. Wording shall be in upper and lower case except as is dictated by law (e.g., TABOR Amendment). The Political Subdivision has responsibility to proofread and edit the text of the official ballots before the County Clerk will authorize printing of the ballots. From the time of receipt of the ballot proof, the Political Subdivision has 24 hours to proofread, correct if necessary, sign and return the proof to the County Clerk and its failure to disapprove and correct errors within that time shall constitute an approval of the ballot proof. After final approval of the ballot text the Political Subdivision assumes all responsibility and cost for any judicial proceedings related to any errors within the text of their issue or race on the printed ballots. Preparation of Voter Lists All lists shall be provided to the Political Subdivision when specifically requested by the Political Subdivision in writing and in accordance with 1.5.304 of the Uniform Election Code. TABOR Notice Each Political Subdivision shall provide an opportunity for all comments concerning ballot issues to be summarized as required by Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution. The Designated Election Official shall transmit the summaries and any other required material to the Coordinated Election Official no later than 42 days before the Election in final written form in accordance with the specifications required in Appendix A. Submissions not meeting these requirements will be rejected by the County Clerk. The County Clerk shall be responsible for mailing the notice required by Article X, Section 20(3) (b) in the most cost effective manner feasible to all Eagle County residents with targeted mailing to active registered voters in zip codes 81657 and 81658. The Political Subdivision is responsible for supplying mailing labels to the County Clerk for all eligible electors residing outside of Eagle County by September 20, 2011 (Appendix B). The County Clerk shall charge each Political Subdivision for costs relating to the TABOR Notice on a prorated basis based on the number of ballot issues and /or items to be included in said notice for each Political Subdivision. In the event that additional costs are incurred, the Political Subdivision promulgating such costs will be charged accordingly. Property Owner Lists (Applies Only to Political Subdivisions Whose Eligible Electors include Property Owners) The Political Subdivision shall acquire the property ownership list referred to in 1.5.304 C.R.S from the Assessor. The cost of the list is provided by statute and shall be paid directly to the Assessor by the Political Subdivision. The Political Subdivision's staff shall be solely responsible for any work required on the Assessor's list and may contact the County Clerk if access to voter registration records is required. Street Locator List Appendix C to this Agreement is a copy of the Street Locator List for the Political Subdivision. It is the responsibility of the Political Subdivision to review the list and correct any errors. A Statement of Certification, Appendix D, must be signed by the Designated Election Official for the Political Subdivision and returned to the County Clerk along with any changes to the Street Locator List, accompanied by the signed Intergovernmental Agreement 70 days prior to the Election, August 23, 2011. (Appendix B) Appointment and Training of Election Judges All Election Judges shall be appointed and trained by the County Clerk. In the event that additional Judges are needed, the Political Subdivision may be required to provide one individual to serve in that capacity. Testing and Tabulation Processes relating to the tabulation of ballots shall be the responsibility of the County Clerk. An unofficial abstract of votes will be provided to the Political Subdivision upon completion of the counting of all ballots. A Canvass of Votes The Canvass of votes will be conducted by the Board of Canvassers appointed by the County Clerk. Such canvass will be completed no later than seventeen (17) days after the Election (November 18. 2011) and official results of the canvass will be provided to all Political Subdivisions participating in the Election. Any additional Certificates of Election which are required by law to be forwarded to another division of government shall be the responsibility of the Political Subdivision. Indemnification The Political Subdivision agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the County, its officers and employees, from any and all losses, costs, demands or actions, arising out of or related to any actions, errors or omissions of the Political Subdivision in completing its responsibilities relating to the Election and related tasks. Cancellation In the event that the Political Subdivision, after the signing of this Agreement and on or before the day of the Election, resolves not to hold the Election, notice of such resolution shall be provided to the County Clerk immediately. The Political Subdivision shall provide notice by publication (as defined in the Code) of the cancellation of the Election and a copy of the notice shall be posted in the Office of the County Clerk, in the office of the Designated Election Official (as defined in the Code), in the primary building of the Political Subdivision, and, if the Political Subdivision is a special district, in the office of the division of local government. The Political Subdivision shall not cancel the election after the 25`h day prior to the Election (Appendix B). The Political Subdivision shall be responsible for all expenses incurred on their behalf to the date that notice was received by the County Clerk together with all expenses incurred thereafter which could not be avoided by reasonable effort. All costs incurred or contracted for by the County Clerk to support the Political Subdivision's portion of the TABOR Notice shall be reimbursed by the Political Subdivision. Upon receipt of the invoice the Political Subdivision shall promptly pay the County Clerk the full actual costs of the activities of the County Clerk relating to the Election incurred both before and after the County Clerk's receipt of such notice. Reasonable Care The County and its employees, agents, representatives, or other persons acting under the direction or control of the County shall use reasonable care in carrying out their obligations under this Agreement. Notices Any and all notices required to be given by this Agreement are deemed to have been received and to be effective: • three days after they have been mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested to the address as set forth below; • immediately upon hand delivery to Teak J. Simonton, County Clerk,; or • immediately upon receipt of confirmation that a fax was received; To County Clerk: Teak J. Simonton Eagle County Clerk and Recorder 500 Broadway P.O. Box 537 Eagle, CO 81631 To Jurisdiction: Time is of the Essence Per C.R.S. 1 -7- 116(2) this Agreement must be signed and returned to Teak J. Simonton, Clerk and Recorder seventy (70) days prior to the Election, August 23, 2011. The statutory time requirements of the Uniform Election Code and the time requirements set by the Secretary of State in the Rules and Regulations Governing Election Procedures shall apply to the completion of the tasks required by this Agreement. In witness whereof, r7). ► c Derfgnat \ Election E, T.... t A.. -.- esV O �h6NTe Chairman Eagle County Board of Commissioners have executed this Agreement to be effective the Mayor, Town of Avon Attest: Teak J. Simonton Clerk and Recorder Date Appendix A Requirements for Formatting Submissions November 1, 2011 Coordinated Election Intergovernmental Agreement Media a Email attachment of Word document or o compact disk (CD) Software Word version 2000 or above Text Times New Roman Fonts 10 Margins 1 "top and bottom 1 % sides Spacing Single Tables /Columns /Bullets Do not use tables, bullets, strike throughs or columns in setting up files. These are Strikethroughs difficult to reformat and often require type size adjustments. Use tabs to put information in rows and /or columns. Printout A hard copy must be submitted with the electronic version with the file name clearly noted on the first page. Labeling Name of political subdivision and date of election Appendix B Calendar NOVEMBER 1, 2011 General Election While this Calendar may not include all significant dates, some key dates are identified for your reference July 22, 2011 Notify County Clerk if action has been take to participate in the coordinated election C.R.S. 1-7-116(5) August 23, 2011 Intergovernmental Agreement due in County Clerk's office C.R.S. 1 -7 -116 September 2, 2011 Last day for Political Subdivision to submit certified ballot content to the County Clerk. September 20, 2011 Deliver full text of ballot issue notices to County Clerk C.R.S. 1-7-904 September 20, 2011 Deliver mailing labels and postage for eligible out of county voters to County Clerk October 3, 2011 Deadline for mailing Tabor Notice Article X, Section 20 (3) (b) October 3, 2011 Last day to register to vote for the General Election — CRS 1 -2 -201 November 1, 2011 Election Day — All ballots must be received by 7:00 p.m. November 18, 2011 Complete Canvass of Ballots C.R.S. 1 -10 -102 Appendix D Eagle County Intergovernmental Agreement November 1, 2011 General Election Statement of Certification — Street Locator List as Designated Election Official for Tow - Avon, do hers y certify that the Street Locator List provided to the District has been reviewed, corrections made, and to the best of my knowledge I believe it is a true and complete list of the addresses located within the District. s Designa`fec lectio for Town of Avon Date IGA Town of Avon Exhibit C: List of Streets House Number Pre Dir Street St. Type Post Dir City Zip 2605 -2605 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2610 -2610 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2613 -2613 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2618 -2618 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2625 -2625 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2631 -2631 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2637 -2637 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2640 -2640 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2643 -2643 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2646 -2646 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2652 -2652 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2660 -2660 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2661 -2661 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2680 -2680 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 2685 -2685 BEARTRAP RD AVON 81620 100 -100 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 1050 -1050 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 r/ 1060 -1060 CZ"( tAW_Clal BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 1061 -1061 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 110 -110 E ^ BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 ^^ --� V160-160 &A-0 WaAZ _&t BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 ✓161 -161 UAYVVI,� BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 180 -180 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 2001 -2001 BEAVER CREEK PT AVON 81620 2003 -2003 BEAVER CREEK PT AVON 81620 2019 -2019 BEAVER CREEK PT AVON 81620 2030 -2030 BEAVER CREEK PT AVON 81620 2060 -2060 BEAVER CREEK PT AVON 81620 208 -208 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 211 -211 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 215 -215 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 217 -217 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 218 -218 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 220 -220 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 238 -238 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 '>,-258-258 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 e,�1Si K 260 -260 BEAVER CREEK PL AVON 81620 288 -288 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 310 -310 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 330 -330 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 350 -350 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 414 -414 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 440 -440 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 1 IGA Town of Avon Exhibit C: List of Streets u House Number Pre Dir Street St. Type Post Dir City Zip 'I 47 -47 W'I- E BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 510 -510 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 520 -520 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 540 -540 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 580 -580 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 610 -610 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 630 -630 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 660 -660 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 680 -680 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 730 -730 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 760 -760 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 811 -811 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 816 -816 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 831 -831 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 851 -851 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 871 -871 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 901 -901 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 971 -971 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 998 -998 W BEAVER CREEK BLVD AVON 81620 137 -137 BENCHMARK RD AVON 81620 1*351- 351 -(=j T2SNzt' Zf\/i BENCHMARK RD AVON 81620 'X360 -360 i�Y7.t�1�C S�" BENCHMARK RD AVON 81620 365 -365 ()V �� S�- BENCHMARK RD AVON 81620 -x,380 -380 vtc("t' BENCHMARK RD AVON 81620 114 -114 BLUE FLAX AVON 81620 142 -142 BLUE FLAX AVON 81620 86 -86 BLUE FLAX AVON 81620 240 -240 CHAPEL PL AVON 81620 1006 -1006 CHIMING BELLS AVON 81620 908 -908 CHIMING BELLS AVON 81620 966 -966 CHIMING BELLS AVON 81620 5501 -5501 COYOTE RIDGE RD AVON 81620 5531 -5531 COYOTE RIDGE RD AVON 81620 5566 -5566 COYOTE RIDGE RD AVON 81620 5570 -5570 COYOTE RIDGE RD AVON 81620 5571 -5571 COYOTE RIDGE AVON 81620 5580 -5580 COYOTE RIDGE RD AVON 81620 5588 -5588 COYOTE RIDGE RD AVON 81620 5591 -5591 COYOTE RIDGE RD AVON 81620 2403 -2403 DRAW SPUR AVON 81620 2424 -2424 DRAW SPUR AVON 81620 2433 -2433 DRAW SPUR AVON 81620 2436 -2436 DRAW SPUR AVON 81620 u IGA Town of Avon Exhibit C: List of Streets House Number Pre Dir Street St. Type Post Dir City Zip 2448 -2448 DRAW SPUR AVON 81620 2458 -2458 DRAW SPUR AVON 81620 2465 -2465 DRAW SPUR AVON 81620 2481 -2481 DRAW SPUR AVON 81620 2492 -2492 DRAW SPUR AVON 81620 3000 -3000 EAGLEBEND DR AVON 81620 3770 -3770 EAGLEBEND DR AVON 81620 3860 -3860 EAGLEBEND DR AVON 81620 3868 -3868 EAGLEBEND DR AVON 81620 3950 -3950 EAGLEBEND DR AVON 81620 4040 -4040 EAGLEBEND DR AVON 81620 4130 -4130 EAGLEBEND DR AVON 81620 4220 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DR AVON 81620 5297 -5297 EAGLEBEND DR AVON 81620 5325 -5325 EAGLEBEND DR AVON 81620 3 IGA Town of Avon Exhibit C: List of Streets House Number Pre Dir Street St. Type Post Dir City Zip 5380 -5380 EAGLEBEND DR AVON 81620 5381 -5381 EAGLEBEND DR AVON 81620 5300 -5300 FERRET LN AVON 81620 5301 -5301 FERRET LN AVON 81620 5351 -5351 FERRET LN AVON 81620 5391 -5391 FERRET LN AVON 81620 4500 -4500 FLAT POINT AVON 81620 4530 -4530 FLAT POINT AVON 81620 4540 -4540 FLAT POINT AVON 81620 4550 -4550 FLAT POINT AVON 81620 4560 -4560 FLAT POINT AVON 81620 4571 -4571 FLAT POINT AVON 81620 4585 -4585 FLAT POINT AVON 81620 4590 -4590 FLAT POINT AVON 81620 2323 -2323 FOX LN AVON 81620 2341 -2341 FOX LN AVON 81620 2345 -2345 FOX LN AVON 81620 2365 -2365 FOX LN AVON 81620 2376 -2376 FOX LN AVON 81620 2381 -2381 FOX LN AVON 81620 2394 -2394 FOX LN AVON 81620 76 -76 GOLDEN ROD AVON 81620 123 -123 GROUND PLUM AVON 81620 18 -18 GROUND PLUM AVON 81620 56 -56 GROUND PLUM AVON 81620 105 -105 HURD LN AVON 81620 109 -109 HURD LN AVON 81620 120 -120 HURD LN AVON 81620 140 -140 HURD LN AVON 81620 170 -170 HURD LN AVON 81620 175 -175 HURD LN AVON 81620 1910 -1910 HURD LN AVON 81620 1990 -1990 HURD LN AVON 81620 2000 -2000 HURD LN AVON 81620 205 -205 HURD LN AVON 81620 270 -270 HURD LN AVON 81620 300 -300 HURD LN AVON 81620 330 -330 HURD LN AVON 81620 360 -360 HURD LN AVON 81620 380 -380 HURD LN AVON 81620 400 -400 HURD LN AVON 81620 37243 -37243 HWY 6 AVON 81620 37247 -37247 HWY 6 AVON 81620 4 IGA Town of Avon Exhibit C: List of Streets House Number Pre Dir Street St. Type Post Dir City Zip 37305 -37305 HWY 6 AVON 81620 38390 -38390 HWY 6 AVON 81620 38609 -38609 HWY 6 AVON 81620 46 -46 JASMINE AVON 81620 2901 -2901 JUNE CREEK TRL AVON 81620 2909 -2909 JUNE CREEK TRL AVON 81620 2920 -2920 JUNE CREEK TRL AVON 81620 2929 -2929 JUNE CREEK TRL AVON 81620 2935 -2935 JUNE CREEK TRL AVON 81620 2940 -2940 JUNE CREEK TRL AVON 81620 2960 -2960 JUNE CREEK TRL AVON 81620 4313 -4313 JUNE POINT AVON 81620 4340 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RD AVON 81620 2185 -2185 LONG SPUR RD AVON 81620 5 IGA Town of Avon Exhibit C: List of Streets House Number Pre Dir Street St. Type Post Dir City Zip 2190 -2190 LONG SPUR RD AVON 81620 2195 -2195 LONG SPUR RD AVON 81620 5100 -5100 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5110 -5110 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5113 -5113 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5123 -5123 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5128 -5128 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 ?45129-5129, LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5134 -5134 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5161 -5161 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5164 -5164 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5170 -5170 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5171 -5171 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5177 -5177 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5178 -5178 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5183 -5183 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5191 -5191 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 5209 -5209 LONGSUN LN AVON 81620 431 -431 METCALF RD AVON 81620 491 -491 METCALF RD AVON 81620 511 -511 METCALF RD AVON 81620 152 -152 MOUNTAIN SAGE AVON 81620 285 -285 MOUNTAIN SAGE AVON 81620 4611 -4611 NORTH POINT AVON 81620 4657 -4657 NORTH POINT AVON 81620 4660 -4660 NORTH POINT AVON 81620 4691 -4691 NORTH POINT AVON 81620 160 -160 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 180 -180 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 211 -211 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 220 -220 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 230 -230 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 231 -231 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 331 -331 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 371 -371 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 410 -410 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 440 -440 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 510 -510 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 520 -520 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 600 -600 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 690 -690 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 730 -730 NOTTINGHAM RD AVON 81620 2100 -2100 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 qS IGA Town of Avon Exhibit C: List of Streets House Number Pre Dir Street St. Type Post Dir City Zip 2245 -2245 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2250 -2250 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2281 -2281 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2290 -2290 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2311 -2311 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2330 -2330 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2340 -2340 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2355 -2355 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2360 -2360 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2380 -2380 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2390 -2390 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2431 -2431 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2440 -2440 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2455 -2455 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2475 -2475 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2479 -2479 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2485 -2485 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2490 -2490 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2500 -2500 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2510 -2510 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2511 -2511 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2520 -2520 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2530 -2530 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2540 -2540 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2550 -2550 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2555 -2555 OLD TRAIL RD AVON 81620 2810 -2810 ONEAL SPUR AVON 81620 2841 -2841 ONEAL SPUR AVON 81620 2852 -2852 ONEAL SPUR AVON 81620 2861 -2861 ONEAL SPUR AVON 81620 2877 -2877 ONEAL SPUR AVON 81620 2885 -2885 ONEAL SPUR AVON 81620 1268 -1268 PAINTBRUSH AVON 81620 1696 -1696 PAINTBRUSH AVON 81620 1724 -1724 PAINTBRUSH AVON 81620 1761 -1761 PAINTBRUSH AVON 81620 39 -39 PAINTBRUSH AVON 81620 86 -86 POST BLVD AVON 81620 107 -107 PRIMROSE AVON 81620 126 -126 -'R/Vj ► M ,, RIVERFRONT LN AVON 81620 18 -18 ROSE CROWN AVON 81620 56 -56 ROSE CROWN AVON 81620 2111 -2111 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 7 IGA Town of Avon Exhibit C: List of Streets House Number Pre Dir Street St. Type Post Dir City Zip 2133 -2133 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2140 -2140 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2151 -2151 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2165 -2165 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2170 -2170 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2190 -2190 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2200 -2200 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2300 -2300 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2350 -2350 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2355 -2355 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2390 -2390 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2395 -2395 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2400 -2400 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2401 -2401 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2410 -2410 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2413 -2413 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2420 -2420 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2421 -2421 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2427 -2427 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2430 -2430 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2435 -2435 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2440 -2440 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2445 -2445 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2450 -2450 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2455 -2455 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2460 -2460 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2461 -2461 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2465 -2465 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2470 -2470 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2490 -2490 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP AVON 81620 2800 -2800 SHEPHERD RDG AVON 81620 2802 -2802 SHEPHERD RDG AVON 81620 2803 -2803 SHEPHERD RDG AVON 81620 2804 -2804 SHEPHERD RDG AVON 81620 2805 -2805 SHEPHERD RDG AVON 81620 2807 -2807 SHEPHERD RDG AVON 81620 358 -358 SHOOTING STAR AVON 81620 10 -10 STONEBRIDGE DR AVON 81620 1020 -1020 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 1031 -1031 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 1050 -1050 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 1055 -1055 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 1080 -1080 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 9 i IGA Town of Avon Exhibit C: List of Streets House Number Pre Dir Street St. Type Post Dir City Zip 1105 -1105 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 1135 -1135 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 1160 -1160 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 1171 -1171 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 1190 -1190 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 1201 -1201 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 1240 -1240 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 1270 -1270 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 930 -930 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 970 -970 SWIFT GULCH RD AVON 81620 48 -48 WILD ROSE AVON 81620 2000 -2000 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 2020 -2020 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 2040 -2040 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 2080 -2080 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3000 -3000 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3008 -3008 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3016 -3016 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3023 -3023 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3028 -3028 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3033 -3033 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3038 -3038 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3045 -3045 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3050 -3050 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3055 -3055 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3062 -3062 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3063 -3063 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3070 -3070 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3078 -3078 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3083 -3083 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3121 -3121 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3150 -3150 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3165 -3165 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3170 -3170 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 3190 -3190 WILDRIDGE RD AVON 81620 4015 -4015 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4033 -4033 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4057 -4057 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4069 -4069 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4071 -4071 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4081 -4081 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4201 -4201 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4211 -4211 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 M IGA Town of Avon Exhibit C: List of Streets House Number Pre Dir Street St. Type Post Dir City Zip 4214 -4214 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4221 -4221 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4224 -4224 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4235 -4235 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4243 -4243 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4255 -4255 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4258 -4258 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4263 -4263 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4266 -4266 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4271 -4271 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4274 -4274 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4280 -4280 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4281 -4281 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4400 -4400 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4420 -4420 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4480 -4480 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4485 -4485 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4491 -4491 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 4495 -4495 WILDRIDGE RD W AVON 81620 " —4700- -4700 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 4711 -4711 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 4725 -4725 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 4737 -4737 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 4765 -4765 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 4791 -4791 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5015 -5015 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5016 -5016 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5021 -5021 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5024 -5024 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5031 -5031 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5039 -5039 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5070 -5070 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5221 -5221 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5275 -5275 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5491 -5491 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5601 -5601 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5650 -5650 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5651 -5651 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5670 -5670 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5684 -5684 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5685 -5685 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5692 -5692 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5711 -5711 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 10 i IGA Town of Avon Exhibit C: List of Streets House Number Pre Dir Street St. Type Post Dir City Zip 5717 -5717 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5720 -5720 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5723 -5723 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5735 -5735 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5749 -5749 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5750 -5750 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5755 -5755 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5756 -5756 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5761 -5761 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5762 -5762 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5768 -5768 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5774 -5774 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5780 -5780 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5786 -5786 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5792 -5792 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 5796 -5796 WILDRIDGE RD E AVON 81620 1002 -1002 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1004 -1004 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1011 -1011 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1013 -1013 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1014 -1014 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1015 -1015 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1030 -1030 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1031 -1031 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1040 -1040 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1050 -1050 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1066 -1066 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1080 -1080 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1082 -1082 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1084 -1084 W WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 �1305 -1305 WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1373 -1373 WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 1378 -1378 WILDWOOD RD AVON 81620 11