06-20-2011 Negotiated Resolution for USFS Travel Management PlanAppeal Number: 11 -02 -00 -0044 (215) Appellant: Rich Carroll, Town of Avon Date Received: June 20, 2011 Decision: White River Travel Management Plan Decision Maker: Forest Supervisor, Scott Fitzwilliams, White River National Forest Negotiated Resolution: July S, 2011 Town of Avon representatives and the White River National Forest officials through informal disposition agree: • That the Town of Avon and the White River National Forest would seek to develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to address issues associated with FSR 7 -779 (Metcalf Creek Road). This includes a commitment from the Town of Avon to address in the near term resource issues associated with parking and access to FSR 7 -779.1 on Town of Avon lands; and in partnership with the Forest Service address long -term resource and social issues associated with the alignment and uses of this road. • That based on the above commitment the White River National Forest would revise the decision to allow FSR 7 -779 (Metcalf Creek Road) to remain open to licensed motor vehicles, bicycles, horse, and foot traffic. • The Town of Avon would withdraw the appeal. • Recognize the Forest Service reserves the right to decommission FSR 7 -779 if the Town is unable to accomplish needed work on Town land in a reasonable timeframe, if agreement cannot be reached on the specifics of the MOU, or if specific actions identified in the MOU are not accomplished within a reasonable timeframe. Forest Supervisor Scott Fitzwilliams commits: To work with the Town of Avon to develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to address issues associated with FSR 7 -779 (Metcalf Creek Road). That based on the commitment from both parties I will revise the decision to allow FSR 7 -779 (Metcalf Creek Road) to remain open to licensed motor vehicles, bicycles, horse, and foot traffic. Appellant Rich Carroll on behalf of the Town of Avon commits: To work with the White River National Forest to develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to address issues associated with FSR 7 -779 (Metcalf Creek Road). Based on the commitment by the Forest Service stated above, I withdraw my appeal of the White River National Forest Travel Management Plan in its entirety. SCOTT FITZW L S Date Forest Supervise , ite River National Forest 7 7f� fj Rich Carroll Date Town of Avon