02-16-2011 LETTER FROM COLORADO HISTORICAL SOCIETY-NOTTINGHAM RESTORATIONV S HISTORY February 16, 2011 Mr. Matt Pielsticker Community Development Town of Avon PO Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Project #2009 -M2 -004 Exterior Restoration of Nottingham Power Plant -Avon Water Wheel Contract Period: 5/15/2009 to 5/15/2011 Dear Mr. Pielsticker: Enclosed are three copies of the amended contract for the above project. Review the contract carefully and call if you have any questions. Please review the enclosed instructions (green page) prior to signing the contracts. Return only the original 3 copies to our office as soon as possible, but no later than March 7, 2011. Contracts received after this date will be void. When the amended contract has been fully executed an original signature copy will be sent to you for your files. If you would like technical information or assistance regarding your project please contact your SHF Historic Preservation Specialist Gheda Gayou at (303) 866 -2835. If you have administrative or contractual questions, please contact Grant Staff: Contracts Officer, Janette Vigil at (303) 866 -3067, Contracts Coordinator, Susan Frawley at (303) 866 -3043, Contract Specialist, Bill Kraich at (303) 866 -2887, Contract Specialist, Kathy Belyea at (303) 866 -2961, or Contract Specialist, Dawn Fenimore at (303) 866- 4028.. Sincerely, Janette Vigil Contracts Officer \: \Document \12151142.doc Approval /Cover letter for amending contracts requesting sismatures _IVIC CENTER PLAZA 1560 BROADWAY SUITE 400 DENVER COLORADO 80202 www.historycolorado.or� SIGNING CONTRACTS ® DQ JAM unstaple or separate the contract, (S31-W LAL 3 CONTRACTS ALM RE RETVgNEP) ® no change, alter, or remove any part of the contract. This includes the SHF Payment Request form attached to the contract. Use the loose form to complete and return for an advance payment. ® J)D NM fill in the "date made' or "1✓ncumbrance Number" on the CONTRACT fist page of the contract. THIS CONTRACT, Made this day of by and between the State of Colorado for the use and benefit of the Department of Iligher Education, Colorado Historical Society, 1300 Broadway, Denver, Colorado 80203, hereinafter referred to as the State and /or the Society , ...... ...subsequent payment of this Contract under Encumbrance Number Fund Number 401... Obtain signatures and complete the requested information for the Contractor (grant recipient) on each copy of the contract. Lines A, B, & C must be filled in, they can not be left blank. (See example belaw� Blank lines will result in contracts being sent back for completion and could lead to delays in starting your project. �� ' � �4'�Dl�'it'RA�.�', SIGI'(l�T,�RF�' AGE ` •;� ; > �� THE PARTIP.S HER HAVE EXitmlTRnTHfeJ7QNTRA CT aPereons slgning for contractor hereby ewear and affirm that they am authorized to Am an Contractor's behalf and aclmowledge that the State 1. telying on their repteecotadona to that effect. CONTRACTOR: (cram Recipient) Pikes Peak Llhraa Diatrlct Legal Name o(Cmtnedng Endty a ^F'.td1 'Sigrntua of Authodud Officer ® DstA Zwe Data RBI JonsASWtk Print Name of Authodad Officer STATE OF COLORADO Bill Ritter, Jr., GOVERNOR BY.. Eaeeutive Director m Dedgnee Ed= C. Nichol., President Colorado Hinotical Society Data: Departmental"" ..Pte..` STATE HISTORICAL FUND BY.. bleak Wolfe6. DhecroI nl.etw Print Tide of Authorized Officer Dam: WAIVER CONTRACT REVIEWER BY, )mane %1A Contracts Office State Historical Pond Date: ALL CONTRACTS M UST BB APPROVED BY THR STATR CONTROI.1 R CRS 29.30.402 requires that the State Controller to approve all State Contact.. TM. Contact h not "did men signed and dated below by the State Controller or delegate. Contractor it not authorised to begin perfoarnme until such time If Contactor begins performing prior thereto, the Sam of Colorado is not obligated to pay Contactor for ouch perfoamancea at for any good. and /or tervicn provided hereunder. STATE CONTROLLER David J. McDctmoty CPA Susan S. Rich CHS, Chief Financial Officer Daa- ae.�a4Jwn to, call xnr rows\ nrx.tn.dm Page 7 of 7 ✓[A Obtain the signature of the appropriate authorized officer. Be sure that the person signing the contract has the authority to enter into a contract on behalf of the grant recipient. v'TE Write in the date the contract was signed by the appropriate authorized officer. ✓C Print the name and title of the above signature. Form 6- AC -02A (85/91) Department or Agency Name History Colorado, the Colorado I- Estorical Society Department or Agency Number GCA Routing Number APPROVED WAIVER FORM - Amendment #37 CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2009 -M2 -004 A THIS AMENDMENT, made this day of by and between the State of Colorado for the use and benefit of the Department of Higher Education, History Colorado, the Colorado Historical Society, 1560 Broadway, Suite 400, Denver, Colorado 80202, hereinafter referred to as the State and /or History Colorado, and the Town of Avon, PO Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, FACTUAL RECITALS Authority exists in the Law and Funds have been budgeted, appropriated and otherwise made available and a sufficient unencumbered balance thereof remains available for payment; and Required approval, clearance, and coordination has been accomplished from and with appropriate agencies; and The Parties entered into a contract dated May 5, 2009, (the "Original Contract "), for SHF Project #2009 -M2 -004, wherein the Contractor agreed to undertake the performance of certain work and services in consideration for which the State agreed to make certain payments; and The term of the contract is extended because the Contractor, through no fault of their own, is unable to complete the project as required within the specified contract period as a result of unforeseen delay; and The State and the Contractor both wish to bring the project to completion in order to fulfill the objectives of the Original Contract. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed that: 1. Consideration for this amendment to the original contract, C.E. Number 09M2004, Contract Routing Number N/A Approved Waiver Form, dated May 5, 2009, consists of the payments which shall be made pursuant to this amendment and the promises and agreements herein set forth. 2. It is expressly agreed by the parties that this Amendment is supplemental to the original contract, as amended Number #2009 -M2 -004, dated \Iay 5, 2009, referred to as the "original contract," which is, by this reference incorporated hereith, that all terms, conditions, and provisions thereof, unless specifically modified herein, are to apply to thus amendment as though they were expressly rewritten, incorporated, and included herein. 3. It is agreed the original contract is and shall be modified, altered, and changed in the following respects only: a. Provision #4 of the original contract, CONTRACT EFFECTIVE DATE, the term of the contract is EXTENDED from May 15, 2011 extended to May 31, 2012. b. Provision #5 of the original contract, COMPFNSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT, the List of Submittals are revised as reflected in the attached Revised Exhibit C. 4. The effective date of this amendment is upon approval of the State Controller or \-larch 1, 2011, whichever is later. 5. Except for the "Special Provisions," in the event of any conflict, inconsistency, variance or contradiction between the provisions of this Amendment, and any of the provisions of the Original Contract, the provisions of this Amendment, shall in all respects supersede, govern, and control. The "Special Provisions" shall always be controlling over other provisions in the contract or amendments. The representations in the Special Provisions concerning tine absence of bribery or corrupt influences and personal interest of State employees are presently reaffirmed. Page 1 of 2 pages 6. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE STATE PAYABLE AFTER THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR ARE CONTINGENT UPON FUNDS FOR THAT PURPOSE BEING APPROPRIATED, BUDGETED, AND OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment on the day first above written. *Persons signing for Contractor hereby swear and affirm that they are authorized to act on Contractor's behalf and acknowledge that the State is relying on their representations to that effect. CONTRACTOR: (Grant Recipient) Town of Avon Legal Name of Contracting End *Signature of Authorized Officer Dat Print Name of Authorized Officer STATE OF COLORADO John W. Hickenlooper, GOVERNOR BY: Executive Director or Designee Edward C. Nichols, President History Colorado, the Colorado Historical Society Date: Department of Higher Education STATE HISTORICAL FUND BY: Director or Designee Steve W. Turner, Vice President OAHP & SHF /Deputy SHPO A/ Q 1 Date: 6 ✓ ) 61n� rN 1 1 V 01ti WAIVER CONTRACT REVIEWER IPrint Title of Authorized Officer BY: Contracts Officer or Designee ,Janette Vigil, State Historical Fund Date: ALL CONTRACTS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE STATE CONTROLLER CRS 24 -30 -202 requires that the State Controller to approve all State Contracts. This Contract is not valid until signed and dated below by the State Controller or delegate. Contractor is not authorized to begin performance until such time. If Contractor begins performing prior thereto, the State of Colorado is not obligated to pay Contractor for such performances or for any goods and /or services provided hereunder. STATE CONTROLLER David J. McDermott, CPA BY: Susan S. Riehl CHS, Chief Financial Officer. Date: Page 2 of 2 pages Revised, January 11, 2011 X: \Document \12150841.doc Approval /Contract. Amendment /Time Extension Only Town of Avon Exterior Restoration Project #2009 -M2 -004 LIST OF SUBMITTALS Project Reports Project Reports Due Date a. Payment Request Form (Attachment 2). N/A Deliverables #1 -3, #15 below must be reviewed and approved before Advance payment is made. b. Progress Report # 1 Received 9/7/09 c. Progress Report # 2 Received 11/16/09 d. Interim Financial Report (Attachment 1). February 1, 2011 ** Deliverables #4 -9 below must be reviewed and approved before Interim payment is made. e. Progress Report # 3 f. Progress Report # 4 g. Progress Report # 5 h. Progress Report # 6 i. Progress Report # 7 j. Progress Report # 8 k. Progress Report # 9 1. Final Financial Report (Attachment 1) Received 6/11/10 Received 7/30/10 Received 12/01/10 February 1, 2011 May 1, 2011 August 1, 2011 November 1, 2011 Exhibit C Revised 1/12/11 Society Response Advance payment of grant award $7,745. Reviewed Reviewed Review & Approve. Interim payment of grant award $9,681 plus any approved contingency * * ** Reviewed Reviewed Reviewed Review* Review* Review* Review* November 1, 2011 * ** Review & Approve. Final Reimbursement of grant award $1,936 plus any approved contingency * * * *. *At the discretion of the SHF technical staff, progress reports may not receive a response. ** Interim financial report due date is a guideline. Please submit Interim financial report when majority of advance has been expended and you are ready for the next payment. * ** Project period ends. All Deliverables due on or before this date. Page 1 of 2 pages Town of Avon Exhibit C Exterior Restoration Revised 1/12/11 Project #2009 -M2 -004 * ** *Payment breakout does not include contingency. If contingency is approved, it could be added to Interun Payment /Final Reimbursement. PROJECT DELIVERABLES Submit the following Project Deliverables 1 -9 before commencement of treatments (construction). Project Deliverables 1. Before /Existing condition photos of areas affected by Scope of Work 2. Historical photos/ documentation of areas to be treated 3. Subcontract copy — Architect/ Engineer 4. Initial Consultation with SHF Historic Preservation Specialist within 60 days of contract start date 5. Evidence of consultation with COE /environmental agency 6. Construction Documents / Plans and Specifications 7. Subcontract copy — Archaeologist 8. Subcontract copy — Contractor 9. Preconstruction meeting with the SHF Historic Society Response Review /Comment and or Approve Review /Comment and or Approve Review /Comment and or Approve Held /Approved Review /Comment and or Approve Review /Comment and or Approve Review /Comment and or Approve Review /Comment and or Approve Review /Comment and or Approve Preservation Specialist 10. Interim meeting with SHF Historic Preservation Review /Comment and or Approve Specialist 11. OAHP Archaeological Site Forms Review /Comment and or Approve 12. Copy of Archaeological Report Review /Comment and or Approve 13. After photos of areas affected by Scope of Work Review /Comment and or Approve 14. Documentation of Professional /Public Outreach Review/ Comment and or Approve 15. Letter of Agreement/ Memorandum of Understanding Review /Comment and or Approve (LOA /MOU) between the Grant recipient and the Property Owner H: \Contracts \2009 \09M2004 Pathibit C revised 1.12.11.doc Page 2 of 2 pages Form 6- AC -02A (85/91) Department or Agency Name History Colorado, the Colorado Historical Society Department or Agency Number GCA Routing Number APPROVED WAIVER FORM - Amendment #37 CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2009 -M2 -004 A THIS AMENDMENT, made this day of by and between the State of Colorado for the use and benefit of the Department of Higher Education, History Colorado, the Colorado Historical Society, 1560 Broadway, Suite 400, Denver, Colorado 80202, hereinafter referred to as the State and /or History Colorado, and the Town of Avon, PO Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, FACTUAL RECITALS Authority exists in the Law and Funds have been budgeted, appropriated and otherwise made available and a sufficient unencumbered balance thereof remains available for payment; and Required approval, clearance, and coordination has been accomplished from and with appropriate agencies; and The Parties entered into a contract dated May 5, 2009, (the "Original Contract "), for SHF Project #2009 -M2 -004, wherein the Contractor agreed to undertake the performance of certain work and services in consideration for which the State agreed to make certain payments; and The term of the contract is extended because the Contractor, through no fault of their own, is unable to complete the project as required within the specified contract period as a result of unforeseen delay; and The State and the Contractor both wish to bring the project to completion in order to fulfill the objectives of the Original Contract. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed that: 1. Consideration for this amendment to the original contract, C.E. Number 09M2004, Contract Routing Number _ZA Approved Waiver Form, dated May 5, 2009, consists of the payments which shall be made pursuant to this amendment and the promises and agreements herein set forth. 2. It is expressly agreed by the parties that this Amendment is supplemental to the original contract, as amended Number #2009 -M2 -004, dated May 5, 2009, referred to as the "original contract," which is, by this reference incorporated herein, that all terms, conditions, and provisions thereof, unless specifically modified herein, are to apply to this amendment as though they were expressly rewritten, incorporated, and included herein. 3. It is agreed the original contract is and shall be modified, altered, and changed in the following respects only: a. Provision #4 of the original contract, CONTRACT EFFECTIVE DATE, the term of the contract is EXTENDED from May 15, 2011 extended to May 31, 2012. b. Provision #5 of the original contract, COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT, the List of Submittals are revised as reflected in the attached Revised Exhibit C. 4. The effective date of this amendment is upon approval of the State Controller or March 1, 2011, whichever is later. 5. Except for the "Special Provisions," in the event of any conflict, inconsistency, variance or contradiction between the provisions of this Amendment, and any of the provisions of the Original Contract, the provisions of this Amendment, shall in all respects supersede, govern, and control. The "Special Provisions" shall always be controlling over other provisions in the contract or amendments. The representations in the Special Provisions concerning the absence of bribery or corrupt influences and personal interest of State employees are presently reaffirmed. Page 1 of 2 pages G. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE STATE PAYABLE AFTER THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR ARE CONTINGENT UPON FUNDS FOR THAT PURPOSE BEING APPROPRIATED, BUDGETED, AND OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment on the day first above written. *Persons signing for Contractor hereby swear and affirm that they are authorized to act on Contractor's behalf and acknowledge that the State is relying on their representations to that effect. CONTRACTOR: (Grant Recipient) Town of Avon Legal Name of Contracting Entity rgnature of Autho ed Officer as) aLo 1 I me �L GOV6, Lt Print Name of Authorized Officer 0 ✓ - 16 ►kl h �h R a—n Pfint Tide of Authorized Officer STATE OF COLORADO John W. Hickenlooper, GOVERNOR BY: Executive Director or Designee Edward C. Nichols, President History Colorado, the Colorado Historical Society Date: Department of Higher Education STATE HISTORICAL FUND BY: Director or Designee Steve W. Turner, Vice President OAHP & SHF /Deputy SIIPO Date: WAIVER CONTRACT REVIEWER BY: Contracts Officer or Designee Janette Vigil, State Historical Fund Date: ALL CONTRACTS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE STATE CONTROLLER CRS 24 -30 -202 requires that the State Controller to approve all State Contracts. This Contract is not valid until signed and dated below by the State Controller or delegate. Contractor is not authorized to begin performance until such time. If Contractor begins performing prior thereto, the State of Colorado is not obligated to pay Contractor for such performances or for any goods and /or services provided hereunder. STATE CONTROLLER David J. McDermott, CPA BY: Susan S. Riehl CHS, Chief Financial Officer Date: Page 2 of 2 pages Revised, January 11, 2011 %: \Document\ 12150841, doc Approval /Contract Amendment /Time F- vtension Only Town of Avon Exterior Restoration Project #2009 -M2 -004 LIST OF SUBMITTALS Project Reports Project Reports a. Payment Request Form (Attachment 2). Deliverables #1 -3, #15 below must be reviewed and approved before Advance payment is made. b. Progress Report # 1 c. Progress Report # 2 d. Interim Financial Report (Attachment 1). Deliverables #4 -9 below must be reviewed and approved before Interim payment is made. e. Progress Report # 3 f. Progress Report # 4 g. Progress Report # 5 h. Progress Report # 6 i. Progress Report # 7 j. Progress Report # 8 k. Progress Report # 9 1. Final Financial Report (Attachment 1) Exhibit C Revised 1/12/11 Due Date Society Response N/A Advance payment of grant award $7,745. Received 9/7/09 Reviewed Received 11/16/09 Reviewed February 1, 2011 ** Review & Approve. Interim payment of grant award $9,681 plus any approved contingency * * ** Received 6/11/10 Reviewed Received 7/30/10 Reviewed Received 12/01/10 Reviewed February 1, 2011 Review* May 1, 2011 Review* August 1, 2011 Review* November 1, 2011 Review* November 1, 2011 * ** Review & Approve. Final Reimbursement of grant award $1,936 plus any approved contingency * * * *. *At the discretion of the SHF technical staff, progress reports may not receive a response. ** Interim financial report due date is a guideline. Please submit Interim financial report when majority of advance has been expended and you are ready for the next payment. * ** Project period ends. All Deliverables due on or before this date. Page 1 of 2 pages Town of Avon Exhibit C Exterior Restoration Revised 1/12/11 Project #2009 -M2 -004 * ** *Payment breakout does not include contingency. If contingency is approved, it could be added to Interim Payment /Final Reimbursement. PROJECT DELIVERABLES Submit the following Project Deliverables 1 -9 before commencement of treatments (construction). Project Deliverables Society Response 1. Before /Existing condition photos of areas affected Review /Comment and or Approve by Scope of Work 2. Historical photos /documentation of areas to be treated Review /Comment and or Approve 3. Subcontract copy — Architect/ Engineer Review /Comment and or Approve 4. Initial Consultation with SHF Historic Preservation Held /Approved Specialist within 60 days of contract start date 5. Evidence of consultation with COE /environmental agency Review /Comment and or Approve 6. Construction Documents / Plans and Specifications Review /Comment and or Approve 7. Subcontract copy — Archaeologist Review /Comment and or Approve 8. Subcontract copy — Contractor Review /Comment and or Approve 9. Preconstruction meeting with the SHF Historic Review /Comment and or Approve Preservation Specialist 10. Interim meeting with SHF Historic Preservation Review/ Comment and or Approve Specialist 11. OAHP Archaeological Site Forms Review /Comment and or Approve 12. Copy of Archaeological Report Review /Comment and or Approve 13. After photos of areas affected by Scope of Work Review /Comment and or Approve 14. Documentation of Professional /Public Outreach Review /Comment and or Approve 15. Letter of Agreement/ Memorandum of Understanding Review /Comment and or Approve (LOA /MOU) between the Grant recipient and the Property Owner H: \Contracts \2009 \09M2004 Exhibit C mvised 1.12.11.doc Page 2 of 2 pages Form 6- AC -02A (85/91) Department or Agency Name I-Estoiy Colorado, the Colorado Fstorical Society Department or Agency Number GCA Routing Number APPROVED WAIVER FORM - Amendment #37 CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2009 -M2 -004 A THIS AMENDMENT, made this day of by and between the State of Colorado for the use and benefit of the Department of Higher Education, History Colorado, the Colorado Historical Society, 1560 Broadway, Suite 400, Denver, Colorado 80202, hereinafter referred to as the State and /or History Colorado, and the Town of Avon, PO Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, FACTUAL RECITALS Authority exists in the Law and Funds have been budgeted, appropriated and otherwise made available and a sufficient unencumbered balance thereof remains available for payment; and Required approval, clearance, and coordination has been accomplished from and with appropriate agencies; and The Parties entered into a contract dated May 5, 2009, (the "Original Contract "), for SHF Project #2009 -1\12 -004, wherein the Contractor agreed to undertake the performance of certain work and services in consideration for which the State agreed to make certain payments; and The term of the contract is extended because the Contractor, through no fault of their own, is unable to complete the project as required within the specified contract period as a result of unforeseen delay; and The State and the Contractor both wish to bring the project to completion in order to fulfill the objectives of the Original Contract. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed that: 1. Consideration for this amendment to the original contract, C.E. Number 09M2004, Contract Routing Number N/A Approved Waiver Form, dated May 5, 2009, consists of the payments which shall be made pursuant to this amendment and the promises and agreements herein set forth. 2. It is expressly agreed by the parties that this Amendment is supplemental to the original contract, as amended Number #,`2009 -i\12 -004, dated \Iay 5, 2009, referred to as the `original contract," which is, by this reference incorporated herein, that all terms, conditions, and provisions thereof, unless specifically modified herein, are to apply to this amendment as though they were expressly rewritten, incorporated, and included herein. 3. It is agreed the original contract is and shall be modified, altered, and changed in the following respects only: a. Provision #4 of the original contract, CONTRACT EFFECTIVE DATE, the term of the contract is EXTENDED from May 15, 2011 extended to May 31, 2012. b. Provision #5 of the original contract, COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT, the List of Submittals are revised as reflected in the attached Revised Exhibit C. 4. The effective date of this amendment is upon approval of the State Controller or March 1, 2011, whichever is later. 5. Except for the "Special Provisions," in the event of any conflict, inconsistency, variance or contradiction between the provisions of this Amendment, and any of the provisions of the Original Contract, the provisions of this Amendment, shall in all respects supersede, govern, and control. The "Special Provisions" shall always be controlling over other provisions in the contract or amendments. The representations in the Special Provisions concerning the absence of bribery or corrupt influences and personal interest of State employees are presently reaffirmed. Page 1 of 2 pages 6. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE STATE PAYABLE AFTER THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR ARE CONTINGENT UPON FUNDS FOR THAT PURPOSE BEING APPROPRIATED, BUDGETED, AND OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment on the day first above written. *Persons signing for Contractor hereby swear and affirm that they are authorized to act on Contractor's behalf and acknowledge that the State is relying on their representations to that effect. CONTRACTOR: (Grant Recipient) Town of Avon Legal Name of Contracting Entity *Signature of Autho zed Officer a .25 /Cott Date `?tch C*-Zeo-K Print Name of Authorized Officer 4A U' - Print tl of Authorized Office STATE OF COLORADO John W. Hickenlooper, GOVERNOR BY: Executive Director or Designee Edward C. Nichols, President History Colorado, the Colorado Historical Society Date: Department of Higher Education STATE HISTORICAL FUND BY: Director or Designee Steve W. Turner, Vice President OAHP & S1-11"/Deputy Sf -1P0 Date: WAIVER CONTRACT REVIEWER BY: Contracts Officer or Designee Janette Vigil, State Historical Fund Date: ALL CONTRACTS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE STATE CONTROLLER CRS 24 -30 -202 requires that the State Controller to approve all State Contracts. This Contract is not valid until signed and dated below by the State Controller or delegate. Contractor is not authorized to begun performance until such time. If Contractor begins performing prior thereto, the State of Colorado is not obligated to pay Contractor for such performances or for any goods and /or services provided hereunder. STATE CONTROLLER David J. McDermott, CPA BY: Susan S. Riehl CHS, Chief Financial Officer Date: Page 2 of 2 pages Revised, January 11, 2011 X: \Document\ 12150841.doc Approval /Contract: Amendment /Time Extension Only Town of Avon Exterior Restoration Project #2009 -M2 -004 LIST OF SUBMITTALS Project Reports Project Reports Due Date a. Payment Request Form (Attachment 2). N/A Deliverables #1 -3, #15 below must be reviewed and approved before Advance payment is made. b. Progress Report # 1 c. Progress Report # 2 d. Interim Financial Report (Attachment 1). Deliverables #4 -9 below must be reviewed and approved before Interim payment is made. e. Progress Report # 3 f. Progress Report # 4 g. Progress Report # 5 h. Progress Report # 6 i. Progress Report # 7 j. Progress Report # 8 k. Progress Report # 9 1. Final Financial Report (Attachment 1) Received 9/7/09 Received 11/16/09 February 1, 2011 ** Received 6/11/10 Received 7/30/10 Received 12/01/10 February 1, 2011 May 1, 2011 August 1, 2011 November 1, 2011 Exhibit C Revised 1/12/11 Society Response Advance payment of grant award $7,745. Reviewed Reviewed Review & Approve. Interim payment of grant award $9,681 plus any approved contingency * * ** Reviewed Reviewed Reviewed Review* Review* Review* Review* November 1, 2011 * ** Review & Approve. Final Reimbursement of grant award $1,936 plus any approved contingency * * * *. *At the discretion of the SHF technical staff, progress reports may not receive a response. ** Interim financial report due date is a guideline. Please submit Interim financial report when majority of advance has been expended and you are ready for the nett payment. * ** Project period ends. All Deliverables due on or before this date. Page 1 of 2 pages Town of Avon Exterior Restoration Project #2009 -M2 -004 Exhibit C Revised 1/12/11 * ** *Payment breakout does not include contingency. If contingency is approved, it could be added to Interim Payment /Final Reimbursement. PROJECT DELIVERABLES Submit the following Project Deliverables 1 -9 before commencement of treatments (construction). Project Deliverables 1. Before /Existing condition photos of areas affected by Scope of Work 2. Historical photos /documentation of areas to be treated 3. Subcontract copy — Architect/ Engineer 4. Initial Consultation with SHF Historic Preservation Specialist within 60 days of contract start date 5. Evidence of consultation with COE /environmental agency 6. Construction Documents / Plans and Specifications 7. Subcontract copy — Archaeologist 8. Subcontract copy — Contractor 9. Preconstruction meeting with the SHF Historic Preservation Specialist Society Response Review /Comment and or Approve Review /Comment and or Approve Review /Comment and or Approve Held /Approved Review /Comment and or Approve Review /Comment and or Approve Review /Comment and or Approve Review /Comment and or Approve Review /Comment and or Approve 10. Interim meeting with SHF Historic Preservation Review /Comment and or Approve Specialist 11. OAHP Archaeological Site Forms Review /Comment and or Approve 12. Copy of Archaeological Report Review/ Comment and or Approve 13. After photos of areas affected by Scope of Work Review /Comment and or Approve 14. Documentation of Professional/ Public Outreach Review /Comment and or Approve 15. Letter of Agreement/ Memorandum of Understanding Review /Comment and or Approve (LOA /MOU) between the Grant recipient and the Property Owner H: \Contracts \2009 \09M2004 Exhibit C revised 1.12.11.doc Page 2 of 2 pages