12-11-2007 NOTTINGHAM PARK MASTER PLANExhibit A Nottingham Park Master Plan, Town of Avon, Colorado Work Release for Professional Land Planning and Landscape Architectural Services: VAG Project #M634 Page 1: 12/11/2007 December 11, 2007 Mr. Eric Heidemann Community Development Department Town of Avon PO Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 Email: eheidemann@avon.org RE: Nottingham Park Master Plan, Town of Avon, Colorado Work Release for Professional Land Planning and Landscape Architectural Services VAG Project #M634 Dear Eric Thank you for the opportunity to submit this Work Release for Professional Land Planning and Landscape Architectural Services for the aforementioned project ("the Project"). This proposal is based upon a time and materials not-to-exceed fee, as described herein and as described in the response of VAg, Inc to the Request for Proposals. 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Scope of Services for this project is to provide land planning and landscape architectural services for the Town of Avon's Nottingham Park and to arrive at a Master Plan. The work is divided into (3) Phases with discrete sub-tasks as detailed below in Section II. Professional Services. The (3) overall phases are: Phase I Project Kick Off, Community Survey, Inventory, Analysis, Design Charrette One. Phase II Preliminary Master Planning / Design Charrette Two. Phase III Final Master Plan Development / Town Review Process. II. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The following narrative describes a comprehensive process to complete the above listed landscape architectural services for Nottingham Park . While the following narrative is organized in a linear manner, many of the sub-tasks may proceed concurrently. The specific services to be performed by VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners (VAg) and its sub-consultants in connection with this agreement, listed in order of tasks, will be as follows: Phase I Project Kick Off, Community Survey, Inventory, Analysis, Design Charrette One 1.1 Project scoping with Town of Avon to refine scope of work, schedule, and project contract. We will establish the goals, objectives of the effort and the communication and coordination protocol between the project team, the Town, and the public. We anticipate assisting the Town with the formation of a planning committee during this initial task of the project. 1.2 Review all relevant planning documentation including the 1996 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, the Avon Town Center Design Guidelines, the Avon West Town Center District Investment Plan, and the historic master plan for the Nottingham Park. We will develop and issue a summary memo of all relevant information and to confirm the direction of the project and the applicability of previous planning and design work. Nottingham Park Master Plan, Town of Avon,.Colorado Work Release for Professional Land Planning and Landscape Architectural Services: VAG Project #M634 Page 2: 12/11/2007 1.3 Project Kick Off Meeting. We will conduct a public kick off meeting to introduce the project to the community. We will review the goals and objectives of the Master Plan effort, and introduce the project schedule. We will focus specifically on the Community Survey and the process of how it will be administered and inform the planning process. We will create a targeted poster for this meeting that will be used for the life of the project and updated for each subsequent meeting. 1.4 Community Survey. Linda Venturoni will develop the Community Survey with input from Town Staff and the project team. Linda will test the survey on a limited screening group and fine tune questions to inform the planning process. The preferred method(s) of conducting the survey will be established and the dates for mailing, administering, and analyzing the survey. The survey will be administered and the results synthesized into an analysis memorandum to inform the master planning process. 1.5 Site Inventory & Existing Program. We will document the existing conditions of the park into a graphic plan. We will document existing conditions with digital photography images. We will identify any special data required such as additional surveying, mapping of existing topography and facilities and any special base plan layout required for completion of the final design. We will define the current program for the park - a list of all amenities, their location, condition, and spatial characteristics. 1.6 Site Analysis. We analyze all the gathered data and into a site analysis opportunities and constraints graphic plan to review with the public during Design Charrette One. This plan will also serve as the basis for master planning and generation of conceptual master plan alternatives in Phase II. 1.7 Design Charrette One. We will conduct a Design Charrette to review the findings and information collected during Phase I. We will focus on the result of the community survey and educate the public on user preferences and trends. We will conduct a Programming Wish List exercise during Design Charrette One. We will break the public into smaller work groups and develop design ideas for the team to consider incorporating into conceptual master plan alternatives to be developed in Phase II. 1.8 Bi-Monthly Internal Project Check-ins / Review / Web Site update. We will conduct an internal project coordination meeting every two weeks to review the progress of the project and confirm the direction of tasks. These meetings could take the form of a `check in' work session with the Town's Planning Commission and Town Council. We will coordinate with the Town the posting of Phase I materials unto the Town's new website. Phase II Preliminary Master Planning / Design Charrette Two 2.1 Phase II Kick Off Meeting with the Town and Planning Committee. We will conduct a kick off meeting for Phase II to review the results of the Design Charrette I, review and fine tune the schedule, and address any new information that may have emerged during Phase I. 2.2 Programming Research. We will research the spatial requirements of new program elements identified as possible improvements to be implemented in the Master Plan. 2.3 Development Conceptual Master Plan Alternatives. We will develop conceptual master plan alternatives based on the information generated in Phase I including the results of the Community Survey, Design Charrette I and the.inventory and analysis task. We will coordinate with Marcin Engineering and Design Workshop on the Lake Street Design and incorporate the current design into conceptual master plans alternatives. Conceptual Master Plan alternatives will explore possible new program elements, events, and new uses of the park. We will focus on optimizing the space available in the park to the highest benefit of the public for their continued enjoyment of this vital public area. All alternatives will first and foremost focus on creating a special sense of place and a unique appeal, which as stated in the RFP are a "paramount" goal of this effort. ~F Nottingham Park Master Plan, Town of Avon, Colorado Work Release for Professional Land Planning and Landscape Architectural Services: VAG Project #M634 Page 3: 12/11/2007 2.4 Review of Conceptual Master Plan Alternatives. In preparation for Design Charrette Two we will review Conceptual Master Plan Alternatives with the Town Staff and Planning Committee. We will refine these based on any feedback received prior to Design Charrette Two. 2.5 Design Charrette Two. We will conduct a second public Design Charrette II with the specific focus to review conceptual master plan alternatives and select a preferred one, or elements from various that can be incorporated into the development of a preliminary master plan. In Design Charrette II we will define the project priorities for the community and possible improvements to be accomplished during a first phase of construction. 2.6 Development of Preliminary Master Plan. Taking the results of Design Charrette II and the planning process to this date we will develop a Preliminary Master Plan. We will coordinate with Marcin Engineering and Design Workshop on the Lake Street Design and incorporate the current design and planning vision into the Preliminary Master Plan. The Preliminary Master Plan will include a site plan, sections, and (2) illustrative perspectives that describe the overall park design and completion. The plan will also include a preliminary program developed with the information from task 1.5 the current park program, and task 2.2 the programming research. 2.7 Development of Draft Master Plan `Elements'. Concurrently with the development of the preliminary Master Plan we will develop draft of (3) elements associated with the Master Plan: an infrastructure element, an access element, and an implementation element. The infrastructure element will consist of a diagram and narrative of anticipated utility infrastructure improvements (storm water, water, electric, sewer, and other utilities). The access element will consist of a diagram and narrative of anticipated access improvements including arrival, circulation, parking, walking paths, trails, and wayfinding. The access element will rely heavily on the way finding and signage work already accomplished in the recently adopted Design Guidelines. The implementation element will consist of a narrative and spreadsheets describing preliminary construction budgets and phasing opportunities. 2.8 Planning and Zoning Commission / Town Council Interim Review Work session. We will conduct an interim work session with the Town's Planning and Zoning Commission to review the Preliminary Master Plan and associated Elements. We will confirm the direction of the Preliminary Master Plan, new program uses and elements, and discuss prioritization and phasing of implementation. 2.9 Web site Update. We will update the project website with the work accomplished in Phase II and with particular emphasis on the Design Charrette process. We will attempt to use the website to further survey the community preferences in a `real-time' fashion and as an extension of the Community Survey. Linda Venturoni would like to use this project as a pilot study to innovate the use of web based surveying as an extension of her delivery of the Community Survey. We intend to discuss this with the Town during the 1.1 project scoping task and confirm this is a desired approach to bring to this effort. 2.10 Bi-Monthly Internal Project Check-ins / Review. We will conduct an internal project coordination meeting every two weeks to review the progress of the project and confirm the direction of tasks. These meetings could take the form of a `check in' work session with the Town's Planning Commission and Town Council. We will coordinate with the Town the posting of Phase II materials unto the Town's new website. Phase III Final Master Plan Development / Schematic Design / Cost Estimating 3.1 Final Overall Park Program. We will develop a final park program blending the existing program with new elements identified during Phases I and II. The new program will list all existing and new development features and their spatial requirements and parameters. Costs for new program elements will be included in the schematic cost estimate to be developed in Task 3.4. Nottingham Park Master Plan, Town of Avon, Colorado Work Release for Professional Land Planning and Landscape Architectural Services: VAG Project #M634 Page 4: 12/11/2007 3.2 Refinement of Preliminary Master Plan into a Schematic Master Plan. With the input from Design Charrette Two, the Town Planning and Zoning Commission review and input gathered from the website, we will develop a Schematic Master Plan. This will build directly on the Preliminary Master Plan developed in Phase II. The Schematic Master Plan will include an illustrative site plan, sections, and (2) illustrative perspectives that describe the overall park design and completion. 3.3 Refinement of Master Plan Elements per Schematic Master Plan. We will refine and update the drafts of the infrastructure element, the access element, and the implementation element developed in Task 2.7. Wewill coordinate with other consultants to accomplish this task. 3.4 Cost Estimating. Working with Marcin Engineering and American Civil Constructors we will prepare schematic design level opinion of probable construction costs. These will be developed using unit costs typical for our region and be based on the scope of improvements defined in the Schematic Master Plan. These costs will reflect design and construction contingencies based on the schematic level of information of the plan. The cost estimating will be closely coordinated with the implementation element of the plan. The cost estimate will be structured into a phased approach with a menu of options that will give the Town flexibility to shift improvements into different phases depending on the prioirities established during the conclusion of the process. 3.5 Planning Commission and Town Council Worksessions. We will conduct one worksessions with both the Planning Commission and Town Council. Currently our schedule anticipates one work sessions with each group fora total of (2). However, we are also open to conducting these as joint worksession(s) if preferred. Regardless, the goal of these work sessions are to review the Schematic Master Plan, Associated Plan Elements, and Cost Estimate. The meetings will be structured to obtain feedback and input toward finalization of plan. 3.6 Refinement of all draft planning documents. We will refine, revise, and finalize all draft documents per the feedback received during the worksessions with the Town Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council. Substantial re-design from work previously accomplished in Phase I and II may constitute additional services and if there is major deviation from the direction confirmed during Task 2.8. 3.7 Final Master Plan Document. We will synthesize the entire planning process, work products, and final deliverables into an 8.5 x 11 document, anticipated to have 11 x 17 fold-outs as necessary. This document will be delivered as an unbound final draft to the Town of Avon along with a PDF digital copy for reproduction and website posting purpose. 3.8 Hand off to Town Staff. We will hand off the final master plan document to staff and assist with adoption of plan by attending additional Planning and Zoning and Town Council meetings. As part of the hand off task we have factored in attendnance of one meeting for each group in our fee estimate. Additional revisions to the plan requested after the completion of Task 3.7 will be performed on a time and materials basis outside of the proposed fee. 3.9 Scoping of next steps in the project and Phase I Design Development, Construction, and Implementation. We anticipate after the Master Plan adoption we would negotiate services for the Design Development and Construction Documents for an initial phase of improvements. Nottingham Park Master Plan, Town of Avon, Colorado Work Release for Professional Land Planning and Landscape Architectural Services: VAG Project #M634 Page 5: 12/11/2007 Project Deliverables: (1) hard copy print out and (1) Digital Copy in PDF file format (or other) of each of following work products will be delivered to the Town of Avon in association with this project: Phase I (1) Project Schedule (1) Project Planning Process Informational / Promotional Poster (for Kick-off and Public Meetings) (1) Memorandum of Existing Planning Documents Review (1) Community Survey / Analysis of Community Survey Memorandum (1) Project Base Map* - (1) Base Map with Existing Features identified (in Autocad per Eagle County GIS Data) (1) Aerial Base Map (per Eagle County GIS Data) (1) Site Inventory - (1) Hand Drawn Graphic Plan; (1) Set of Digital Photographs (1) Site Analysis `Opportunties and Constraints' - (1)Hand Drawn Graphic Plan (1) Set of GIS Analysis Maps - Topography, Slope, Aspect, Adjacent Land Uses (1) Design Charrette 1 de-brief Memorandum (1) Copy of Minutes Minutes for Bi-weekly Project Meetings *Additional Surveying if required is not included in the fee proposal. Phase II (3) Hand Drawn Conceptual Design Alternatives (at a minimum) (1) Preliminary Master Plan (incl. draft site plan, sections, (2) perspective graphics, 3D massing model if appropriate) (1) Draft Access Element of Master Plan (1) Draft Infrastructure Element of Master Plan (1) Draft Implementation Element of Master Plan (1) Draft of Cost Estimate Structure (1) Design Charrette 1 de-brief Memorandum (1) Copy of Minutes Minutes for Bi-weekly Project Meetings / Worksession Phase III (1) Final Schematic Master Plan (incl. site plan, sections, (2) perspective graphics, 3D massing model if appropriate) (1) Final Access Element of Master Plan (1) Final Infrastructure Element of Master Plan (1) Final Implementation Element of Master Plan (1) Final Schematic Cost Estimate with (3) Phasing Options (1) Unbound Copy of Final Master Plan Document (8.5 x 11 format) (1) PDF Digital Copy of Final Master Plan Document (1) Copy of Minutes Minutes for Bi-weekly Project Meetings / Work session Nottingham Park Master Plan, Town of Avon, Colorado Work Release for Professional Land Planning and Landscape Architectural Services: VAG Project #M634 Page 6: 12/11/2007 111. OWNER'S REQUIREMENTS: A. Furnish and render decisions on information and services as expeditiously as necessary for progress of the work. B. Provide a stamped and signed topographical survey performed by a registered surveyor at a minimum of two-foot contours. Survey should indicate all significant geological features, existing tree line and individual trees of substantial size or quality, utility lines and pedestal, transformer or stub out locations, view cone, adjacent roads and properties, legal description including acreage, liens and encumbrances and a vicinity map. If not available from the Town and it becomes necessary for the effort, item B will be ordered and coordinated through VAg, Inc. Cost to be reimbursed in addition to the scope of the terms of payment below. IV. ESTIMATED SCHEDULE: VAg is prepared to being work immediately upon receipt of a signed copy of this proposal from an authorized Owner's representative. A detailed schedule by Phase and Sub-Task is attached in the following page as an 11 x 17 fold out. This schedule specifically depicts the anticipated progress of the project, with public meetings, Town meetings, and other critical milestone dates. The following is a general schedule for the project, which is to last approximately 6 months: Phase I JANUARY 1. 2008 - MARCH 30. 2008 Phase II APRIL 1. 2008 - MAY 31. 2008 Phase III JUNE. 1 -.JULY 0. 2008 *Phase I assumes a project start date of January 1, 2008. If different the overall schedule will be adjusted accordingly. Phase II and Phase III assume dates mentioned in the original RFP. Should the meeting dates shift or change substantially, the proposed schedule will need to be adjusted accordingly. The VAg, Inc team's priority is to make sure the.project moves at the pace desired by the Town. We anticipate the project schedule will be `massaged' at the onset of the project and during the kickoff. By working directly with the Town there maybe opportunities identified to allow the team to streamline the effort. V. TERMS OF PAYMENT Professional Fees: Proposed fees by Phase and consultant for the Nottingham Park Master Plan are provided below. These are not-to- exceed fees and include costs for the completion of the project, including all professional fees, an estimate for reimbursable and all other cost incidental to the project. The following is a summary of the professional fees proposed for the project VAg Proposed Fees: Phase I Project Kick Off, Public Facilitation, Development of Parameters $ 30,000 Phase II Preliminary Master Planning / Site Specific Alternative $ 45,000 Phase III Final Master Plan Development / Review Process. $ 30,000 Nottingham Park Master Plan, Town of Avon, Colorado Work Release for Professional Land Planning and Landscape Architectural Services: VAG Project #M634 Page 7: 12/11/2007 Sub-Consultant Fees: Venturoni Proposed Fee Sherry Dorward Proposed Fee Marcin Engineering Proposed Fee TOTAL FEE $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 5,000 $140,000 *Reimbursable Expenses (Estimated 7.5 % of Total Labor Feel 10,500* The proposed fee is largely driven by the complexity of the coordination process, the required number of meetings, and the extent of exploration of multiple alternatives. The process we have outlined in our response is very realistic based on our experience with similar efforts If the project schedule is `massaged' at the onset of the project during the kick off and the number of meetings reduced, there may be savings that would result in our overall proposed fee. * The reimbursable fee is a not to exceed allowance and will only be billed based on costs incurred. All fees and expenses not included in this proposal, plotting, printer plotting, blueprints, telephone calls, faxes, postage, mileage, and messengers, etc. are to be reimbursed at 115% of the direct cost up to the proposed reimbursable expense allowance. Invoices will be prepared monthly and payment due within 30 days of approved invoice date. Late payments will be subject to 1.5-% interest per month. VII. LIMIT OF LIABILITY In recognition of the relative risks and benefits of the project to both the Town, VAg, Inc and its sub-consultants, the risks have been allocated such that the Town and VAg, Inc, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to limit the liability of VAg, Inc. and its sub-consultants for any and all claims, losses, costs, damages of any nature whatsoever or claims expenses from any cause or causes, so that the total aggregate liability of VAg, Inc and its sub-consultants shall not exceed the proposed fee of $140,000. Such claims and causes include, but are not limited to negligence, professional errors or omissions, strict liability, breach of contract or warranty. VIII. COPYRIGHT The drawings, specifications and other documents prepared by VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners for this Project are instruments of VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners and may be copied, modified, or employed by the Town of Avon for use solely with respect to this Project, in which case the VAg, Inc logo must appear on all materials. No person, whether having come rightly into possession hereof or otherwise, shall employ these documents on any other project, nor for additions to this Project nor for the completion of this Project by others, unless with the prior express written consent of VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners and upon appropriate compensation to the VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners in an amount and kind satisfactory to VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners. The documents are for the sole use in respect to this project and the location for which they are designed. The contracting party may have the use of reproducible copies of the contract documents (including electronic media) for use on the Nottingham Park property only. The documents can be transferred with the property. VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners assumes no liability whatsoever for the completeness or accuracy of the documents no matter what the use, this includes square footage estimates, renovations, and additions unless VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners is the contracted party in direct association for improvements. Nottingham Park Master Plan, Town of Avon, Colorado Work Release for Professional Land Planning and Landscape Architectural Services: VAG Project #M634 Page 8: 12/11/2007 Sincerely, Pedro Campos, ASLA Senior Land Planner & Landscape Architect VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners Authorized by: .Y Anne (Fehlner) Gunion, AIA Principal / Founding Partner VAg, Inc. Architects & Planners Accepted Ron-Wolf Mayet,T_.._ this 11th day of December 2007. J4