07-05-2007 BENCHMARK ROAD REALIGNMENT - CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES PROPOSAL4 W(@a@) 401 Honorable Mayor and Town Council ~G>1PMo Larry Brooks, Town Manager IFPOMo Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer qt~- Jeffrey Schneider, Engineer Il Do alfto July 5, 2007 MGM. Benchmark Road Realignment - Civil Engineering Design Services Proposal ~G~l rriti]Cn"'"]n ~]Cr)Jo Requests for Proposals were distributed to engineering consulting firms and advertised in the Vail Daily beginning June 12, 2007, for civil design services for the Benchmark Road Realignment and Streetscape Improvements. The scope of design services consists of engineering and design services including civil, electrical, soils, surveying, wetland delineation and permitting (if required), traffic control, construction phasing, and incorporation of landscape architecture plans and specifications prepared by a landscape architect. This project involves moving Benchmark Road from West Beaver Creek Boulevard to the West Railroad Crossing/Riverfront Lane, generally following the alignment of the Recreation Center Parking Lot. Four proposals were received for design services from the following firms: Marcin Engineering, Intermountain Engineering, Johnson-Kunkel and Associates, and Schmueser, Gordon, Meyer. Staff recommends award of the Civil Design Services for the Benchmark Road Realignment to Marcin Engineering for a fee not to exceed $122,050 without prior written approval. Mac~a00oowo Four proposals were evaluated based on the Design Proposal Evaluation attached as Exhibit A to this memorandum. Three firms submitted proposals in general confonnance with the Request for Proposals; whereas Schmueser, Gordon, Meyer submitted a general "Statement of Qualifications" that did not address specific items contained in the Request for Proposal, attached as Exhibit B to this memorandum. The Proposal from Marcin Engineering is attached as Exhibit C. Staff feels that the scope of services offered by Marcin is far more comprehensive and detailed than those offered by Intermountain Engineering and Johnson- Kunkel and Associates. For example: Marcin's proposal includes a larger quantity of meetings during the preliminary and final design development stages, a higher level of detail for surveying, including property and boundary researching, and inclusion of B&B Excavating in the development of cost estimates for the project. Accurate estimates are C:ADocuments And Settings\Nwood\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files,OLKFC\Benchmark Rd Realignment Council Memo - Marcin Award.Doc 1 critical for the development of the 2008 CIP budget because of rapidly escalating constnlCtion costs. In addition, Marcin Engineering, along with Intermountain Engineering, provided a detailed schedule, while the other firms merely mentioned that they would meet the schedule provided in the RFP. Marcin Engineering did score slightly lower than Johnson-Kunkel and Associates and Intermountain Engineering on the "Minimum Services During Construction" line item since they did not include site visits as part of their scope. While site visits are an inevitable occurrence during construction, Staff feels that the addition of site visits to the scope of services at the provided rates in the proposal can be added with relatively minor financial implications. [;=oroENMOU UMPO flee(%Uormzo The 2007 Town of Avon Capital Projects Budget includes $328,500 for the Benchmark Road Realignment, to include all design (engineering and landscape), permitting, and property acquisition (if required). The proposed award of the Design Services to Marcin Engineering fits within the current project budget. G° ac ammandmSDIMSo Approve the Proposal submitted by Marcin Engineering for the Benchmark Road Realignment with a Base Service Fee not to exceed $122,050 without prior written approval. y Exhibit A Civil Design Proposal Evaluation Exhibit B Request for Proposal Exhibit C Marcin Engineering LLC Proposal C:ADocuments And Settings\Nwood\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKFC\Benchmark Rd Realignment Council Memo - Marcin Award.Doc 2 COQ @ ~ O N @ M 24 ~4 ~i @ ~ ~ M M ® b ® N N b ® N ~ ~ ~ N O O N O Vl y e4 ~ M M kn IV kn of kn en ® kn eP M c4 M O N M M F~ M M ® M M N I!T IT en 'IT O U e7 5P M M M ® M M M M M N O U U m ~ b C®] 4-. O U U ~y Q C U ~ i o C ed 'CC, a ~ E?~ O a 6 eC o f t ^ CL - b o~ r~ V1 C ce C O CC 0 3 ( m w td cm E E = ® ® ca a~ cn = c a o R ~ ~ U coy ® ^ O ® CA w c '7. t o = % W ce ~ , o ~ ® rC~ !d b ® GJ ZE Gd b. ~ ® . I~~ b ~ CO] O u O u T Cr. a ® ® ~l b ~ U 0 Q 00 i rti N O O I rP Fi4 O O N 6R O O ~ M M M ~ O O M E~4 M M M M M ~ pj N M E/4 C O 'C C O O_ O ~ C p ® ~ u O y ~ O O CC b , w w C V L Vi ~ ~ ~d ® C/] w Qd A-I ~ ~ Qa N u -n N 0 V L` U V L 2 0 cn s 0 0 z 1~ RIEQIUIEST FOR PROPOSALS PROJECT: Benchmark Road West Realignment and Streetscape Improvements CLIENT: Town of Avon c/o Norman Wood, Town Engineer P.Q. Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, CO 81620 DATE: June 12, 2007 PART ONE: INFORMATION FOR PROPOSERS 1.01 SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL Proposals will be received at the Town of Avon Municipal Building Attn: Norm Wood, Town Engineer PO Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, CO 81620 By 5:00 PM, Local Time, June 27, 2007 Proposals must be sealed and labeled "Proposals - Benchmark Road West Realignment and Streetscape - Design Services". Five paper copies plus a digital copy of the proposal are required. Any proposal not received at the Town of Avon Municipal Building prior to the time set in this request shall be disqualified. A Pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM, Thursday, June 21 at the Avon Muncipal Building Council Chambers. 1.02 OPENING OF PROPOSALS AND SELECTION Proposals will be opened and evaluated by the Town after the final date set for receipt. The successful proposer will provide complete design, construction details and cost estimates for the Relocation of Benchmark Road West and Implementation of Streetscape Improvements as depicted in the Avon Town Center West Master Plan as prepared by Design Workshop. The final deliverable to the Town will be complete construction plans; specifications and contract documents including unit price bid forms, and a construction cost estimate for work expected to be bid and constructed in 2008. 1.03 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS 1AEngineering\C1P\Benchmark Rd Realignment12.2.2 RFP & ProposalsWP Engineer Resign.doc 5 The Town reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. It also reserves the right to waive any informalities in connection with the proposals. 1.04 ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL/PROPOSED TIMETABLE Within thirty (30) days after the final submission date for proposals, the Town will act upon them. The successful proposer will be requested to enter into negotiations to produce a contract for services. This Request for Proposal will be attached and incorporated into the contract. The Town reserves the right to terminate negotiations in the event it deems progress toward a contract and timely completion of work to be insufficient. Criteria for selection will include, but not necessarily be limited to, costs for services, the proposers approach or proposed method to complete the work, education and experience of all professional personnel assigned to the project, previous experience with similar projects, ability to perform work on schedule and within budget, and geographic proximity (or ability to serve this project from proposers office/service location). Tentative Proposal and Project Timetable RFP Issue Date Pre-Proposal Meeting - Council Chambers @ 10:00 AM Proposals Due by 5:00 PM Council Awards Contract for Design Services Mapping, Preliminary Design & Cost Estimate Complete Town Council Review Final Design & Cost Estimate Complete Final Plan Review - Town Council Final Plans & Constriction Documents Complete Advertise for -Construction Bids Award Construction Contract Construction 1.05 INCURRING COST STATEMENT June 14, 2007 June 21, 2007 June 27, 2007 July 10, 2007 August 17, 2007 August 28, 2007 September 28, 2007 October 9, 2007 November 23, 2007 January 2008 February 2008 April - September 2008 The Town is not liable for costs incurred by proposers prior to the award of the contract, or at any time after the award of the contract for any costs related to the preparation or response requirements of the RFP. 1.06 PAYMENT Payment will be made as set out in Part Two, on the basis of invoices submitted to the Town. Payment shall be only for work satisfactorily completed. 1.07 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS IAEngineering\CIP\Benchmark Rd Realignment\2.2.2 RFP & ProposaWRFP Engineer Design.doc Contract shall consist of the contract instrument as negotiated and this request for proposal. 1.08 LIMITATIONS ON CONTRACT TYPE The Town will not accept proposals for the purchase of service based upon a cost plus or percentage of cost formula. Lump sums and cost plus fixed fee not to exceed, are allowed. This rule will not be waived. 1.09 INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED Failure to submit any required data item may be cause for rejection. Proposers may submit such other data as they deem appropriate, however, voluminous or overly elaborate proposals are discouraged. PROPOSAL INFORMATION SHALL INCLUDE: A. ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION Provide a short resume of the organization. Include types of similar services/products performed/provided the firm. B. REFERENCES Provide a list of references and phone numbers that may be contacted regarding firm performance. C. PROJECT HISTORY Provide a description of experience your firm has had with projects similar to the one described herein. Include contact person name and phone number, other than members of your firm that can be contacted regarding this project. D. ORGANIZATION PROFILE Provide a personnel summary of those individuals you would expect to be assisting during this project, and the percentage of project for which each will be responsible. Team proposals are encouraged (civil, geotechnical, electrical, land surveyor, landscape architect and construction contractor for constructability and cost estimating assistance). E. STATEMENT OF WORK AND PRODUCT 1AEngineering\CIP\Benchmark Rd Realignment12.2.2 RFP & Proposals\RFP Engineer Design.doc 0 An outline delineating the specific tasks to be performed indicating what will be done, in what sequence, and by whom. The statement of work should include a schedule which indicates how long each task will require, and proposed schedule for progress meetings with Town Staff. Multiple progress meetings during the design process are suggested. Provide a clear statement of the final product. F. LIST OF SERVICE COSTS The firms shall provide a current rate schedule for all those elements that will be involved in this project. These rates shall remain in effect for the duration of this project. The cost proposal must be sealed and separately labeled from the rest of the proposal, and include costs on completion of the project, including professional fees, subconsultants, reimbursable and all other costs incidental to the project. 1.10 STANDARDS AND EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD A contract will be awarded only to responsible prospective consultant. In order to qualify, a proposer must meet the following standards as they relate to this request for proposal. Have an established record of performance in: A. Involvement Process This design is to be in general conformance with the schematic layout for West Benchmark Road as depicted in the Avon Town Center West Redevelopment Master Plan prepared by Design Workshop. The final product shall address applicable storm drainage issues, traffic and transit circulation, pedestrian circulation, temporary parking facilities to replace lost parking spaces, maintenance of traffic and parking and access to the Recreation Center, Nottingham Park, and the Avon Municipal Building during construction. These issues shall be addressed subject to input from the Town Staff and Landscape Architect. It is anticipated that Streetscape (Landscape Architecture) design will be prepared by Design Workshop. Issues and discrepancies between Proposer's proposed design and the Landscape Architects proposed design shall be brought to the attention of the Town Staff for resolution. The final product shall be subject to Planning and Zoning Commission review and Town Council approval. B. Design and Cost Estimating 1. Municipal, street, parking, utilities and drainage design 2. Construction cost estimating. 3. Construction plans, specifications, contract documents and bid forms. 4. Construction contract administration. 1AEngineering\CIP\Benchmark Rd Realignment\2.2.2 RFP & Proposals\RFP Engineer Design.doc C. Be an equal opportunity employer. D. Offer registered professional set-vices directly applicable to the scope of work required in this RFP. E. Be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and regulations. The Town intends to negotiate a contract with the proposer whose firm, qualifications, approach and proposed cost instill the highest confidence level. PART TWO: GENERAL INFORMATION 2.01 SCOPE OF WORK The work to be performed under this proposal consists of the furnishing of all labor, equipment, materials, expertise, tools, supplies, bonds, insurance, licenses and permits, and performing all tasks necessary to accomplish work items concerning the design and development of construction documents, unless specifically excluded as agreed upon by contract negotiations. 2.02 DUTIES OF CONSULTANTS Consultants shall diligently undertake and perform all work required by the contract. Consultant agrees to devote the number of persons and level of effort necessary to perform and complete the work in a timely manner. All work done will be performed to the highest professional standards and will reflect the thoroughness, attention to detail, and application of knowledge expected of professional consultants in the field. 2.03 OBTAINING DATA It shall be the Consultant's sole responsibility to obtain all data necessary to complete the work in a timely manner. Town shall make any data in its possession that is relevant to Consultant's activity, available to Consultant upon request. Requests shall specify the type of information sought, and the period for which the data is required; however, the Consultant may not require Town to seek reports .from other agencies or to prepare original research. It shall be the Consultant's duty to discover and obtain data, research and reports prepared by public or private sources other than Town from the custodian. Town does not vouch for the accuracy of any data other than its own. Data furnished by Town shall be considered accurate only for the purpose for which it was originally gathered. Consultant shall be solely responsible for any conclusions drawn from the data. 1AEngineering\CIP\Benchmark Rd Realignment\222 RFP & ProposalsiRFP Engineer Design.doe 7 2.04 CHANGES Town reserves the right to order changes in the work within the general scope of the project. The project manager or his designee shall order changes in writing. In the evens Consultant encounters circumstances which it believes warrants a change in the price, quality, quantity or method of performing work, it shall notify the project manager of the circumstances in writing. No change in work shall be undertaken until authorized in writing by the Town. Either party shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment in the contract price for changed work. It shall be Consultant's sole responsibility to notify the project manager in advance, in writing, of any work that it considers to be changed or extra. Failure to do so, and to provide and to receive approval before processing, shall waive any claim for additional payment. 2.06 PERMITS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Prior to commencing work or performing any phase of the work, Consultant shall, at its expense, obtain such permits or licenses as may be required by State, Federal, or Local law. Failure to obtain pei7nits or licenses in a timely manner shall not be grounds to excuse performance or to extend contract time. In addition, Consultant shall obtain any permission required prior to entering upon private property to perform any task required. In the event Consultant is denied access to private property, Consultant shall immediately notify the project manager and give the location to which access was denied, the name of the person who denied access, the reason access was denied, the reasons access was sought and any alternative site that may be used for the same purpose. Town shall thereupon endeavor to assist Consultant in gaining any required access. 2.06 CARE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY Consultant shall at his expense carefully protect from injury trees, shrubs, buildings, fences, utilities, stnictures, pipes, conduits and personal property, public or private, which may be affected by the work. Consultant shall be liable for any damage done through its fault or that of its subcontractors and shall restore any damaged property to the same or better condition as it was prior to Consultant's interference. 2.07 PAYMENTS Consultant shall invoice Town monthly for all work done. Invoices shall itemize the work accomplished during the payment period by hours of classification and subcontractor charges to date of invoice. Approved invoices are paid within thirty days of presentation. 2.08 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE 1: 1Engineering\CIPlBenchmark Rd Realign mentQ. 2.2 RFP & Proposals\RFP Engineer Design.doc lc) The Town shall have the right to terminate the contract for convenience at any time prior to completion. Written notice of such termination shall be mailed to Consultant at its address on file with the Town. Termination shall be effective ten (10) days from the date notice is mailed. Upon receipt of notice of termination, Consultant shall immediately stop work and terminate all subcontracts. Upon either termination for convenience or curtailment, Consultant shall be entitled to receive an amount equal to the cost of work performed to date, including the cost of terminated subcontracts provided that in no case shall the amount allowed exceed the maximum contract price plus authorized change orders. 2.09 TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT Upon failure of the Consultant to make satisfactory progress or failure to abide by the terms of the contract, or to obtain, furnish or keep in force any required permit, license, bond, or insurance, the Town shall have the right to terminate the contract for default. Written notice of termination shall be mailed to the Consultant at its address upon the records of the agency. Notice shall be effective when mailed. Upon receipt of notice, Consultant shall immediately stop work and relinquish all project files to the Town. The Town may thereafter pursue the work or hire another consultant to do so and charge the excess cost thereof to Consultant. 2.10 DISPUTES In the event a dispute arises concerning any matter under the contract, the party wishing resolution of the dispute shall submit a request in writing to the Town Manager. The Town shall consider the request and respond in writing within ten (10) days giving findings and the reasons for them. Any person dissatisfied with the findings of the Town Manager may appeal to the Avon Town Council in writing within ten (10) days. Failure to do so waives any objection. The Town Council shall consider any matter appealed at a hearing within thirty (30) days. The decision of the Town shall be final upon matters of fact unless clearly erroneous or procured by fraud. 2.11 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT Consultant shall not assign the contract or any moneys to become due hereunder, without prior written approval of the Town of Avon. 2.12 SUBCONTRACTORS Specialty subcontractors or subconsultants may be used to perform such work as is customary in Consultant's profession; however, reports required shall be presented by the Consultant who shall be liable for any faulty data, errors or omissions contained therein. All subcontracts for fieldwork shall contain clauses similar in form and substances to the equal opportunity, termination for convenience, insurance and labor clauses found in this proposal. lAEngineering\ClP\Benchmark Rd RealignmenA2.2.2 RFP & Proposals\RFP Engineer Design.doc 2.13 CONSULTANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Consultant shall designate a member of its staff who is knowledgeable concerning this project and who has authority to act for the Consultant upon all matters pertaining to this agreement. Consultant's representative or his designee shall be available by telephone to the Town during normal business hours (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday) for the duration of the work set forth in this proposal. 2.14 INSURANCE A. In addition to such other insurance that may be required under this proposal, the Consultant shall provide adequate Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all employees employed under the contract on this project who may come within the protection of workmen's compensation law; and shall provide, where practicable, employer's general liability insurance for the benefit of his employees not protected by such compensation laws, and proof of such insurance shall be given to the Town. B. The Consultant will be charged with the responsibility for proper and adequate worlonan's compensation coverage for all his subcontract operations and in the event Consultant's insurance does not cover each and every subcontractor, certificates of insurance issued on policies by companies that may be acceptable to the Town covering each and every subcontractor shall be filed with the Town prior to the commencement of such subcontract operations. C. Public Liability & Property Damage Insurance: The Consultant shall take out and maintain during the life of the contract such Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance as shall protect him and any subcontractor performing work covered by the contract, from claims for damages for personal damages, which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. Insurance shall be in the minimum amounts required by the State of Colorado and local applicable authority. 2.15 EEO PROVISIONS The Consultant shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Regulations of the U.S. Department of Commerce (Part 8 of Subtitle 15 of the Code of Federal Regulations) issued pursuant to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, in regard to nondiscrimination in employment because of race, religion, color, sex, handicap, or national origin. The IAEngineering\CIP\Benchmark Rd Realignment12.2.2 RFP & Proposals\RFP Engineer Design.doc 1)2-- Consultant shall comply with applicable Federal, State and Local laws, rules and regulations concerning Equal Employment Opportunity. 2.16 TIME OF COMPLETION OF WORK AND EXTENSION OF TIME LIMIT The work to be done under this proposal shall be completed in its entirety on or before the date specified, provided however, that the owner may in its discretion extend the time for the completion of the work without invalidating any of the provisions herein contained and without releasing any surety. Extension of time as provided above will be considered by the Town only upon receipt of written request from the Consultant, accompanied by written consent of the surety. Each request shall state the date to which the extension is desired and shall describe the conditions that have operated to prevent completion of the work within the specified time. 2.17 DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF CONSULTANT The consultant shall: A. Make payment promptly, as due, to all persons supplying to such Consultant, labor or material for the prosecution of the work provided for in the contract. B. Not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the Town on account of any labor or materials furnished. C. Pay to the Department of Revenue all sums withheld from employees pursuant to local/state statutes. 2.18 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BY THE TOWN If the Consultant fails, neglects, or refuses to make prompt payment of any claim of labor or services furnished to the Consultant or subcontractor by any person in connection with the contract as such claim became due, the Town may pay such claim to the person furnishing the labor or services, and charge the amount of the payment against funds due, or to become due the Consultant, by reason of the contract. 2.19 COMPENSATION WHEN CONTRACT TERMINATED FOR CONVENIENCE In the event of termination of a contract for convenience of the Town, provisions shall be made for the payment of compensation to the contractor. In addition to a reasonable amount of compensation for preparatory work and for all costs and expenses arising out of termination, the amount to be paid to the Consultant: 1AEngineering\C1MBenchmark Rd Realignment12.2.2 RFP & ProposaIMUP Engineer Design.doc i3 A. Shall be determined on the basis of the contract price in the case of any full- completed separate item or portion of the work for which there is a separate or unit contract price; and B. May, with respect to any other work, be a percent of the contract price equal to the percentage of the work completed. C. Shall be based upon the approved schedule of values. 2.20 INSPECTION OF PAYROLL RECORDS The Consultant agrees that: A. The Town, or any of its duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor which are directly pertinent to the specific contract, for the purpose of making audit, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions. All required records must be appropriately maintained by the consultant/vendor for three years after final payment, and all other pending matters are closed. 2.21 AMOUNT OF RETAINAGE The Town shall retain an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the contract price until final completion and acceptance of all work to be performed under the contract. 2.22 COSTS AND FEES In the event that any suit or action is commenced or arises from this proposal, each party shall bear its own costs and fees including attorney fees regardless of the outcome. This provision shall apply to the original action and any appeals. 2.23 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT No member, officer, or employees of the Town, or its designees or agents, nor member of the governing body of agency, and no other public official of agency who exercises any functions or responsibilities with respect to this contract during his/her tenure, or for one year thereafter., shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in work to be performed in connection with this contract. All contractors shall incorporate, or cause to be incorporated in all subcontracts, a provision prohibiting such interest. 2.24 PROHIBITION AGAINST EMPLOYMENT OF ILLEGAL ALIENS 1. Contractor shall not knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien to perform work under this Agreement or contract with a sub-contractor who knowingly employs or contracts with an illegal alien to perform work under this Agreement. Execution of this Agreement by Contractor shall constitute a certification by Contractor that it does 1AEngineering\CIP\Benchmark Rd Realignment\2.2.2 RFP & Proposals\RFP Engineer Design.doc 10 1 not knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien and that the Contractor has participated or attempted to participate in the Basic Pilot Employment Verification Program administered by the United States Department of Homeland Security, ("Basic Pilot Program") in order to confirm the employment eligibility of all employees who are newly hired for employment in the United States. 2. Contractor shall comply with the following: (a) Contractor shall confirm or attempt to confirm the employment eligibility of all employees who are newly hired for employment in the United States through participation in the Basic Pilot Program. Contractor shall apply to participate in the Basic Pilot Program every three months until all Contractor requirements under this Agreement are completed or until Contractor is accepted into the Basic Pilot Program, whichever occurs earlier. (b) Contractor shall not utilize the Basic Pilot Program procedures to independently undertake pre-employment screening of job applicants. (c) Contractor shall require each subcontractor to certify that subcontractor will not knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien to perform work under this Agreement. If Contractor obtains actual knowledge that a subcontractor performing work under this Agreement knowingly employs or contracts with an illegal alien the Contractor shall be required to: i. Notify the subcontractor and the Town within three (3) days that Contractor has actual knowledge that the subcontractor is employing or contracting with an illegal alien; and ii. Tenninate the subcontract with the subcontractor if within three (3) days of receiving notice from the Contractor, the subcontractor does not stop employing or contracting with the illegal alien; except that the Contractor shall not terminate the contract with the subcontractor if during such tluee (3) days the subcontractor provides information to establish that the subcontractor has not knowingly employed or contracted with an illegal alien. (d) Contractor shall comply with any reasonable request by the Department of Labor and Employment ("Department") made in the course of an investigation by the Department. 3. If Contractor violates any provision hereof, the Town may terminate this Agreement immediately and Contractor shall be liable to the Town for actual and consequential damages of the Town resulting from such termination and the Town shall report such violation by Contractor to the Colorado Secretary of State as required by law. hEngineering\CIP\Benchmark Rd Realignment\2.2.2 RFP & Proposals\RFP Engineer Design.doc t l ;5 PART THREE: THE WORK STATEMENT 3.01 GOALS The primary goal of the Town is to implement the West Benchmark Road Realignment Phase of the Avon Town Center West Redevelopment Master Plan. Implementation of this plan includes realignment and reconstruction of West Benchmark Road from West Beaver Creek Boulevard southward to the westerly at grade crossing of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks connecting with Riverfront Lane. The proposed improvements to achieve this Goal are expected to consist of the construction of curb, gutter, storm drainage modifications, sidewalk, asphalt driving lanes with on-street parking, streetscape lights, furniture, fixtures and landscaping, ADA compliant bus stop pullouts, pedestrian crosswalks, pedestrian connection to Recreation Center entrance and temporary paved parking lot to replace existing parking spaces lost to reconfiguration and realignment of West Benchmark Road and Parking Lot. Design of the improvements shall create an appearance that coincides with, and is compatible with, the Avon Town Center West Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Guidelines. 3.03 SURVEY INFORMATION The Town will provide schematic drawings and other- base information included in the Avon Town Center West Redevelopment Master Plan prepared by Design Workshop. Proposer shall supply all required surveying and mapping as required for the preparation of final design and construction plans for the project 3.04 SCOPE OF SERVICES Responses to this Request for Proposals shall be based upon the following Scope of Services: A. Provision of all engineering and design services including, but not limited to civil, electrical and soils engineering, surveying, wetland delineation and permitting if required, traffic control and incorporation of landscape architecture plans and specifications prepared by landscape architect as required to complete preparation of construction plans, specifications and contract documents for the above described project. B. Provision of all additional surveying and mapping work required to establish utility locations, right-of-way limits, drainage facility details and all additional information required to provide the level of accuracy required for completion of final construction plans and documents. Capability for providing legal surveys and I:1EngineeringlCIP\Benchmark Rd Realignment12.2.2 RFP & Proposals\RFP Engineer Design.doc 12 110 descriptions for acquisition of additional right-of-way or easements required for project construction should be included in Proposal. C. Coordination and facilitation of all work required to complete the design to allow construction in conformance with the schedule as outlined above including, but not limited to, utility relocation, traffic control, right-of-way and easement acquisition and maintenance of access and parking for existing facilities during construction. D. Coordination and facilitation of all utility relocation and modification as necessary to complete the project. E. Incorporation of traffic control and staging plan in construction plans and bid documents to minimize impacts during construction. F. Provision of detailed project cost estimates including incorporation of streetscape construction cost estimates from landscape architect, at completion of Preliminary Design and completion of Final Design, Construction Plans, Specifications & Bid Documents. G. Evaluation of construction bids and recommendations for award of construction contract. H. Minimum services to be provided during construction will include periodic field review of construction progress, clarification of questions regarding plans and specifications and review of requested changes and corrections proposed during construction. Capability for providing full contract administration services during construction should be addressed in the Proposal. 3.05 RESPONSE REQUESTED BY TOWN The consultant's role is viewed in distinct phases. Phase I - Information gathering. This is a function of, a) input sessions with the Town and landscape architect, and b) initial data collection such as surveying and mapping existing topography and facilities. Phase II - Development of a preliminary plan based on the schematic plan for West Benchmark Road Realignment and depicted on the Avon Town Center- West Redevelopment Master Plan prepared by Design Workshop. A construction cost . estimate shall also be included as a part of this Phase. Preliminary Streetscape Plans and Cost Estimate prepared by landscape architect shall be incorporated into the Preliminary Plan for completion of this Phase. Phase III - Development of a final plan including a complete construction bid package consisting of, but not limited to construction drawings, construction specifications, construction contract, bid documents and final engineers' cost estimate. The construction bid package shall include streetscape construction plans, specifications and landscape I:\Engineering\CIP\Benchmark Rd Realignment\2.2.2 RFP & Proposals\RFP Engineer Design.doc 13 0 'd architects final cost estimate. Construction bid document and cost estimates shall be based on unit quAntities and unit prices. Town of Avon's standard construction documents and forms may be used in the construction bid package. Phase IV - Basic services during construction as described in 3.04 H with construction anticipated beginning in April of 2008. The Proposal should address the phases as outlined above with the fee and scope of services for each phase clearly shown in accordance with Section 1.09 F. Optional services, which should be included separately in the Proposal, include the provision of legal surveys and descriptions of additional rights-of-way or easements if required for construction and the provision of full contract administration services during construction. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit 1 - Avon Town Center West Redevelopment Master Plan 2. Exhibit 2 - Phasing Plan 3. Exhibit 3 - Avon Town Center West Benchmark Road Realignment 1AEngineering\CIP\Benchmark Rd Realignment\2.2.2 RFP & Proposals\RFP Engineer Design.doc 14 1 `Z r-' _E ~.u LLJ Ir~~ f Ic E z{ E e N I % I r Y S f 1 r 1 F I f P- 71 Q MJ~ e a Q Q 014 MARC RE ENGRIMERRI MLIX June 27.2007 Norman Wood, P.E., Town Engineer, Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, CO 81620 RE: RFP for the Benchmark Road West Realignment anti Streetscape Improvements Town of Avon, Colorado Dear Norm: The proposed realignment of Benchmark Road West is an important step in the Avon Town Center Master Plan and the revitalization of the Town of Avon. The restructuring of a road such as this is extremely complicated due to certain existing site conditions. Often, grading and storm sewer systems require unique design solutions in order to both meet the requirements of the jurisdiction and provide a user-friendly environment. Marcin Engineering is the ideal firm to undertake this formidable challenge. We have extensive engineering, surveying and construction experience in this important part of town. Listed below are some of the resources that Marcin Engineering has to achieve a successful project: 1. Marcin Engineering has 4 Professional Engineers, 5 Professional Land Surveyors, 5 surveying field crews, a highly dedicated and experienced support staff, and state of the art equipment. 2. Marcin Engineering's recent experience working with the Town of Avon on the Sheraton Mountain Vista Project (Located on Benchmark Road, adjacent to the project site), the Avon Transportation Center, and the Eagle. River Recreational Path Improvements Project provides us with a unique knowledge of the project site and the Town of Avon's staff, regulations, goals, and objectives. 3. Marcin Engineering has established an extensive archive of survey control, property boundaries, and underground utility information from previous work in the project area. 4. Marcin Engineering's personnel have intimate knowledge of storm water, utility design, and construction in the project area. S. Sean Sadder would serve as the Project Engineer for this project. Sean is a former employee of the Town of Avon and has an intimate knowledge of the Town of Avon rules and regulations. Marcin Engineering's unique combination of resources makes us the best firm to pursue and help implement the goals and objectives of the relocation of Benchmark Road. Please find enclosed our proposal of Professional Engineering and Land Surveying services. Please also find enclosed a copy of our Statement of Qualifications that outlines our previous work experience and provides detailed information regarding our professional staff. We look for-,,yard to tl?e oLpoi ttunity to work with the . Tovv-n of Avon on this landmark redeve.toprnent project. `.s41?Ccr~1~i. IWARPIN ENGI EM110 L' C SadltJ.er, L..I. PO Box 1062, Avon Colorado 81620 (970) 748-0274 June 27, 2007 Norman Wood, P.E. Town Engineer, Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, CO 81620 RE: Town of Avon Benchmark Road West Realignment Professional (Engineering and ]Land Surveying Services Proposal Dear Norm: We are pleased to present the following proposal for Professional Engineering and Land Surveying services in response to the Request for Proposal dated June 12, 2007 for the Benchmark Road West Realignment and Streetscape Improvements project located in the Town of Avon, Colorado. Based upon the information provided in the RFP, the pre-proposal meeting, site visits, and our experience working in the area, we have developed the Scope of Work listed below. A project of this nature is likely to require services beyond that which Marcin Engineering can solely provide. We, therefore, have asked HP Geotech to assist with the design services. The following is a summary of the Professional Services Marcin Engineering and HP Geotech proposes to provide as well as Lump Sum Fees. Scope of Work: Phase I - Information Gathering Phase I will involve gathering and evaluating all of the available information that may impact the design. The tasks will generally include research, land surveying, meetings with the Town of Avon, soils study, and wetlands delineation. 1. Land Surveying - Marcin Engineering will utilize its current archives to provide the following Professional Land Surveying services for parcels impacted by the Benchmark Road Realignment. a. Initial Property Research - Marcin Engineering will research all deeds referenced on the Title Commitment as well as other pertinent boundary and encumbrance documents. Ilsamp Sum Fee: 51,704 b. Create Initial Electronic Mall - 1Aarcin Engineering will create a preliminary survey map using the docurents noted above. This map will be used to aid the search for existing monuments, Lump Scam Pee: $500 PO Box 1062, Aeon Colorado 81620 (970) 748-0274 c. Boundary Survey - Marcin Engineering will locate existing boundary monuments (many previously established by our firm) for the parcels impacted by this project, using GPS and/or conventional surveying equipment. Lump Sum Fee: $2,200 d. Rectify Boundaries - Using existing boundary monumentation, Marcin Engineering will produce a final boundary configuration for the impacted parcels. Lump Sum Fee: S1,400 e.. Land Survey Flat - Marcin Engineering will create a Land Survey Plat of the parcels impacted by the realignment of Benchmark Road. The Plat will include: o Lot boundaries and setbacks o Record easements • Record Rights of Way o Legal descriptions o Other features typical to a survey of this type Lump Sum Fee: $1,400 f, Utility Locates - Marcin Engineering will contract with a private utility locate company to locate all dry utilities. These locates will be compared to our existing archives. Lump Sum Fee: $2,500 g. Existing Improvements Survey - Marcin Engineering will field locate required existing improvements (that are not included in our existing database) on the parcels impacted by the realignment of Benchmark road, using GPS and/or conventional surveying equipment. Lump Sum Fee: $9,900 h. Topographic Survey Map - Marcin Engineering will create an Improvement Survey Plat map, which will include the following: o One foot contours o Man-made features above grade o Visible utilities o Underground utilities per locates o Spot elevations as needed o Individual trees greater than 2" caliper o Drip-lines of tree clusters smaller than 2'' caliper o Significant natural features a Lot boundaries, easements, and setbacks per plats 8 Record easements View angles 0 Union Pacific- railroad tracks Other Matures 'yvpical to a sur v rv of this type Legal descriptions Lump Sun Fee: $4,9010 PEA Box 1 062, Avon Colorado 81620 (970) 748-0274 04 2. Meetings - Marcin Engineering will attend meetings with the Town of Avon to discuss the direction the project should proceed and evaluate the available information. Two meetings are anticipated during Phase I. Lump Sauna Fee: $500 3. Research - Marcin Engineering will study the topographic survey and make site visits to improve our understanding of the issues that impact the project design and construction. Lump Sum Fee: $800 4. Soils Sturdy and Pavement Design - HP Geotech will provide Professional Geotechnical Engineering services by conducting a soils study and completing the necessary pavement design. The pavement design will be incorporated into the road typical sections in the Details Sheets of the construction plan set. Please reference their attached proposal. Lump Sum ]Fee: $10,500 5. Wetlands ][Delineation - Marcin Engineering will contract with an environmental consultant to delineate the wetlands along Buck Creek. In addition, Marcin Engineering will include the wetlands delineation in the topographic survey. Lump Sum Fee: $2,000 Please R Total Lump Sum Fee: $38,300 Phase H - Preliminary ]Plan Phase It will entail the Project Engineer and supporting staff to complete a set of preliminary Construction Plans. This will involve evaluating the existing site conditions, meeting with the Town staff and Landscape Architect, engineering and drafting of a preliminary plan set, and creating an Engineers Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost. 1. Meetings - Marcin Engineering will attend meetings with the Town of Avon and Landscape Architect as necessary to best achieve the identified goals and objectives. In addition, the Project Engineer will attend one Town Council meeting and one Planning and Zoning meeting. In all, 7 meetings are anticipated during Phase II. Lump Sum ]Fee: $2,000 Preliminary ]Plan - Marcin Engineering will complete a Preliminary Plan for construction of the proposed improvements. The plan set will be approximately 85% complete and include the following: a. Cover Street - The Cover Sheet will contain the project name and location, a vicinity map, a sheet index, general notes regarding construction, notes regarding utility construction, and project and utility contact information. Lump Salem Fee: $750 b. Existing Conditions Map An Existing Conditions map will be created based upon the topographic survey. The map will include information regarding existing buildings, roads, parking lots, utilities, and other information pertinent to the planned construction. Lump Sarre Fee: S600 PO Box 1062, Avon Colorado 81620 (970) 748-0274 a,5 c. Overall Site plan - An Overall Site plan will be created to generally depict the major improvements associated with the construction process. This plan is mostly for general reference to clarify the construction process and will contain only limited detail of the major improvements. Lump Sum Fee: 51,200 d. Storm Water Management Plan - Marcin Engineering will create a Storm Water Management Plan for submittal with the Storm Water Discharge Pennit to be filed by either the Town of Avon or the contractor. The plan will depict the various Best Management Practices for storm water and erosion control. Lump Sum Fee: $1,500 e. Demolition Plait - The Demolition plan will depict those existing features on the site that must be removed to complete the construction indicated in the plans. Lump Sum Fee: $2,400 f. Plan and Profile Sheets - Marcin Engineering will create Plan and Profile sheets that depict the proposed improvements in a plan view and the vertical alignment of the proposed improvements. These plans will typically have a scale of 1 "=20' and depict the road and deep utility improvements. Lump Sum Fee: $12,800 g. Grading and Drainage Sheets - The Grading and Drainage Sheets will depict the various improvements to the various storm water facilities as well as provide flow line grades, spot elevations, and 1-foot contours. In addition, the existing drainage reports will be evaluated. These plans will typically be at a scale of I"=20'. Lump Sum Fee: 512,800 It. Temporary Improvements Plan Sheets Marcin Engineering will create separate plan sheets (at a scale of 1"=10' or I"=20') to depict the temporary improvements to be installed between stages of construction. A plan will be included to depict the improvements (including grading and drainage) of the temporary parking lot located to the north of the Recreation Center, and the tie in points for the existing temporary parking to remain between construction stages. Lump Sum Fee: $3,600 Construction Phasing Plan - A plan sheet swill be -included outlining tlic basic construction phasing. This plan Is intender for use by the contractor to assist ',vith the developnient of traffic control plans that will niaintairi constant access to the existin facilides in the area. Lump Sum Fee: 53,600 PO Box 1062, Avon Colorado 81620 (970)',48-0274 d-6 Shallow ]Utility Plan - The shallow utility plan will depict any relocation of phone, electric, gas, or cable utility lines as necessitated by the proposed improvements. ]Lump Sung ]Fee: $4,800 Ik. ],Detail Sheets - Road typical sections, details of the various road and utility improvements will be depicted on these sheets. Lump Sum ]Fee: $3,000 3. Preliminary Subdivision Plat - Marcin Engineering will complete a preliminary plat depicting the changes to the property lines, right-of-ways, and easements for the parcels impacted by the Benchmark Road realignment. ]Lump Sum Fee: $3,200 4> Preliminary Engineers Opinion of Probable Costs - Marcin Engineering will complete a Preliminary Engineers Opinion of Probable Costs for the civil components construction of the Benchmark Road West Realignment and Streetscape Improvements. B&B Excavating has agreed to provide a cursory review of our cost estimate for accuracy purposes. Lump Sum ]Fee: $3,000 Phase 11 ']Total ]Lump Sum Fee: $55,250 Phase HI - Construction Documents Phase III will require the Project Engineer to modify the preliminary plan based upon the meetings with the Town of Avon staff and their provided comments. The plans will contain sufficient detail for bidding and construction purposes. In addition, contract documents will be compiled using the Town of Avon's base construction contract. 1. ]Final ](Design - Marcin Engineering will revise the preliminary design plans according to the comments and revisions provided by the Town of Avon and provide adequate detail in the plans for constriction purposes. The plans to be finalized will include all of the sheets listed above under "Phase II Preliminary Plan". ]Lump Sum Fee: $12,000 2. 't'echnical Specifications - The Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 2005 edition, will be used as the standard specification for the Benchmark Road Realignment Project. Marcin Engineering will conduct research and write supplementary specifications for construction items as may be necessary for this project. Lump Sum Fee: $900 3. Engineers Opinion of Probable Cost - Marcin Engineering will complete an Engineers Opinion of Probable Costs for the civil components of the construction. It is our understanding that the Landscape Architect will provide a separate cost estimate for streetscape and landscape features. B&B Excavating has agreed to provide a cursory review of our cost estimate for accuracy purposes. Lump Sturm Pee; 52,200 PCB Box 1062, Avon Colorado 81620 (970) 748-0274 C 4. Final Subdivision Plat - Marcia Engineering will finalize the preliminary plat due to any changes in the design and according to comments provided by the Town of Avon. ]Lump Sum Fee: 52,400 Phase III "Total Lump Sum Fee: 517,500 Phase 1V - Biddiniz and Construction Phase IV will require the Project Engineer to assist the Town of Avon with the filing of any necessary permits, the compilation of contract documents, Professional Land Surveying Services, and construction support. It is our understanding that the Town of Avon will handle the construction observation and management internally. 1. Permits - Marcin Engineering will assist the Town of Avon in identifying and preparing the necessary permits required with outside entities. Please note that the permitting process with outside entities may affect the project schedule. These services will not be billed for if the services are not required. The following are the permits that may need to be filed: a. Storm Water Discharge Permit - Marcin Engineering will provide the Town of Avon with any supporting information that may be necessary to be filed in conjunction with the permit. Please note that the cost associated with creating a Storm Water Management Plan is included under Phase 11. Lump Sum Fee: 5300 b. Wetland Permitting Services - Upon request, Marcin Engineering will contract with a wetlands consultant to assist with any permitting with the United States Army Corps of Engineers that may be required. Please note that this service is not included in the total cost and will not be billed for unless the service is required. Lump Sum Fee: $3,500 c. Other Permits - Marcin Engineering is not aware of any other permits that would be required for this project. If additional permitting services are required Marvin Engineering will perform those services based on a negotiated lump sum fee. Lump Sum Fee: Not Applicable 2. Boundary Monuments - Marcin Engineering will reestablish all missing boundary corners on the parcels impacted by the realignment of Benchmark road. Lump Sum Fee: $1,700 3. Bid / Contract Documents - Contract documents will be prepared using the standard documents provided by the Town of Avon. Lump ,Surn Fee: $2,000 4. Contract Administration Support - `01arcin Engineering will attend the pre-bid and bid opening meetings, in addition, Marcin! Engineering will assist in preparing the final ..onoract docun nts. Lump Sam, Fee: $2,500 PO Box 1062, Aeon Colorado 81620 ('970) 748-0274 d O 5. Construction Support - Marcin Engineering will provide the Town of Avon support during the construction process to answer questions as they may arise. Please note that construction observation and site visits are not included and will be billed for as an additional service if requested. Lump Sum Fee: 51,000 Please IV Total Lump Scum Fee: $I1,000 All Phases Lump Sum ]Fee: $122,050 Schedule If Marcin Engineering is awarded the Design Contract on July 10, 2007, we anticipate completing Phase I and II by August 17, 2007, Phase III by September 28, 2007, and Items 1-3 of Phase IV by November 23, 2007. Please note that Marcin Engineering cannot control the schedules of any outside entities (Such as the Army Corp of Engineers) and therefore cannot be responsible for impacts to the schedule as a result of their outside influence. Please see the attached exhibit for a more detailed breakdown of the schedule. Compensation You will be billed monthly based on the percent complete of the lump sum fees. We suggest working closely with our client to ensure only those services essential to proper completion of the project are provided in order to minimize your costs. Lump sum fees may be subject to change orders due to unforeseen conditions, revisions, and changes in scope. Agreement Standard Terms and Conditions may be incorporated into the consultant contract and are enclosed for your review. We will be available to discuss this proposal with you in more detail if you desire. If you would like us to proceed with this work and agree to the Terms and Conditions, please sign on the space provided below and return one copy for our authorization to proceed. Sincerely, Proposal Accepted By: - Signature: Sean Saddler, E.I. Title: PO Box 1062, Aeon Colorado 91620 (970) 748-0274 RY } tech HEPWORTH- AK GEOTEICIHN-IICAL June 25, 2007 Marcin Engincering Attn: Sean Sadler P. 0. Box 1062 Aeon. Colorado R 1620 -1aiRFC+i'C=?~i~aN%('r. f: L' i?LCCt?tti.Co i.. lSi~. n" oe r-', t r.~.x:?lip 61 t 2..]1.il is ilC,Ci~tc?:ItF:j='.CEf'.lai.::Gill Proposal No. OS 1-07 Subject: Proposal for Subsoil Study, Proposed Benchmark Road West Realipiner,t and Strectscape Improveine.nts, ;Avon, Colorado, Ducal Scan: We are pleased to submit this proposal to conduct a subsoil study at the subject site. The proposal is based on the site plan provided as part of the Town-s request for proposal (RIP) dated June 12; 2007, our discussion with you and our experience in the area. Project Data: Benclu.lark Road West is planed to be reconstructed and the northern portion realigned to provide a 90 degree intersection with Beaver Creek Boulevard. There gill also be a new temporary parking lot northeast of the existing recreation center. Recommendations For the site grading and pavement section thickness design of the roadway and parking lot are needed. Qualifications: 1 lepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical has performed subsoil studies for nearby roadway improvements and pavement section designs including Fagle Bend and Rive.rfront Drives, as well as the "Gown of Avon Transit Center, all currently tinder construction. Dave Young will be project engineer and manager. and Steve Pawlak will be principal in charge for i-1-11 Gcotech. Resumes for Mr. Young and ~v1r. 1'awlak are attached. Scope of Services: We propose to drill 10 borin'-s along Benchmark Road West and 2 borings in the proposed temporary parking lot. We expect to encounter fine grained soils and assume the borings w-111 be 5 to 10 feet deep. The borings will be logged by a representative of our office and monitored for groundwater level. Laboratory testing of samples taken from the borings will be performed to determine their engineering characteristics. including I or 2 tive-e.m stabilometer "R" values. The rotor rlatio:n obtained from the field anti laboratory testing -will be- analyzed end a re=port Prepared diiscu -,;gin,-?, our `Hnding4 and prof L1 of recor-nmtndati€:~ns for p'C'e:n1F T:t sccl on th"ckii ss design. compact or' .i earth orl;, :grid sot su.b `ade irnmovemetits l`; needed. `s,Ve -,x111 have underuroundl utilities IccatCd in the arc-as lit our borings on ()r to dri!14I" i and nrovtde~ traffic control during t9id drlill;ig C'rpert:tiC%rts yi'o eXpeCt one fang of the roadway `ski:11 ry cct to b c cios( d 'ri One area of till' tni' ,'idual r<_1,~r1GyaL, ho "ing s urinfj the aril tiE%" . t~-f~ i ;(`3l r it e tt-o-n 1 , 46'-,, `9 J6 Marcin Engineering June 25, 2007 Page 2 Cost: The total cost to perform the scope of services is estimated to be from S 10,500. The fee will be based on the unit costs and other costs presented in the attached Fee Schedule. We will not exceed the fee without justification and prior authorization. We assume the Town of :von utility permit fee will be waived for our portion of the project. Schedule: We propose to initiate our services within about 1 week of notice to proceed. Preliminary design information should be available within about 1 or 2 weeks after completion of the field exploration and the report should be completed within another I to 2 weeks. We will keep you advised of our progress and any changes that are encountered. Terms and Condittivns: On the reverse side of the Fee Schedule are our normal terms and conditions for performing professional services. Please note there is a Himitation of flabi1ity clause included. Acceptance: If this proposal meets with your approval, please sign a copy and return it to us. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Thank you for the opportunity of submitting this proposal. We are looking forward to working with you. Sincerely, II.F 'ORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. j v David A. Youn I F. IDAY /ks-,,,~ Attachments - 2007 Professional Fee Schedule Resumes for David A. Young, P.E. Young & Steven I,. Pawlak, F'.F,. Accepted this date: 1 - - S l!zned - C-A&ect) P-~' D C~ 0 n H EPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL 2007 FEE SCHEDULE GLENWOOD SPRINGS TlYl ll.Y'W'CC ill ~l i" ~I~FYiT ran„~.. FIELD EXPLORATION HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL INC. 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phore: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 e-mail: I:p9eoChp9eotech.com Truck-mounted drill rig (Longyear BK-5 I HD or CNIE-45I3) S 140/hour Mobilization ....S3.50/ralle All-terrain drill rig Cost 20°.x; Crew travel S701manlhour Special equiprrtent (bac.kiloe, drill tits, wet( supplies, etc.) Cost -t- 20%, Field Engineer or Technician.... - - I-- 1- 570-S751'hour Overtime (over h hours/day, Saturday, Sunday and Holidays) ........................1.5 x hourly rate LA.BopikTORY TESTING Fee schedule available on request. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND MATERIALS TESTING Fee schedule available on request. E-INGINEE ZING (Includes project planning, administration, analysis, consultation, report preparation, field and travel time. Expert witness service has a 50% premium hourly rate.) Prig,cipal................... S160/hour Project i'v1arager $130/hour Senior Project Engineer/Geologist S l 10/hour Project Engineer,Geologist SI00 hour Staff Engineer,'Geologist..................................................................................................... 590;'h0ur CAD Drafting S70; hour Nord Processing S501hour OTHER DIRECT CHARGES Auto or pickup mileage S45,11day 41- S.60/mile Out of t.owtl living expenses, equipment rental, supplies, etc.--- ............................._-Cost 20% RE MARKS Late ,ee of S-10.00 OT "J% per month (v,, 1'chcvcr is the Qreater) -har,,!ed 30 mays from InU' rlCe fat- plus coil=ctf..on costs, bank chafgcs and reasor:ab,e sttoriey's tees. i-Jp to 3 coplies of report tov'iEded fb each !1 ;I:i vmum 2 li ;v t^ln -ha-,- -er uiz'' frtr .ter n~: z, }ioO. z - _ C)t.~ ..v ...__c.zr ...C.d c.a...T~ec'' teC:1~...-.a... S Z GAbu tech HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL S T EVIEN L. PAWL kK, President Principal and Project Manager IEJ1IDI.iCATI®N M.S., Civil Engineering, Arizona State University, 1976 B.S., Civil Engineering, Arizona State University, 1972 ]RIEG STRATTON Professional Engineer: Arizona and Colorado. Certified Consulting Engineer: Colorado EXPERIENCE 5020 County Road 158 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpgeot'a3hpcteotech coE Mr. Pawlak is responsible for the management of geotechnical investigations and consultation on design and construction projects. Typical projects include ski resort facilities, commercial and residential developments, roadway infrastructures, airport and municipal facilities, mid- to high-rise structures, and earthen embankments. Mr. Pawlak has gained extensive experience in special mountain terrain problems, such as landslide stability analysis, hillside grading and groundwater drainage. His background includes design of foundations on expansive, collapsible and soft soils. He also supervises field technicians and engineers involved with construction observation, ground water and slope movement instrumentation, and evaluates structures which have experienced distress. Mr. Pawlak's project experience includes: highway grading through difficult terrain; stabilization of roadway cut and fill slopes; major commercial, industrial, residential, and municipal water and wastewater treatment facilities; analysis and design of numerous low-head earthen dams for permanent storage, temporary detention and irrigation purposes in Arizona, Colorado and Idaho; foundation studies for mid- and high-rise structures in Albuquerque, Denver, Grand Junction, Phoenix and Tucson; and design and installation of driven pile and drilled pier foundations for relatively small to large structures and bridges. PUBLICATIONS Mock, R.G. and Pawlak, S.L., 1983, Alluvial Fan Hazards at Glenwood Springs, Geological Environment and Soil Properties; presented at American Society of Civil Engineers Fall Convention, Houston, Texas, 1983. Spitzer. R11., Jirak, G.T. and Pawtak, S.L., 1986, Landslide Stabilization Achieved with Horizontal Drains, presented at 22nd Bi Annual Symposium on Engineering Geology and Soiis Engineering, Boise, Idaho, 1086. Pawlak, S.L., 1998, Dvaiuation, Design and Aitigation, Collapsible Sri! Sites in Western Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey, Geologic Hazards and Engineering Practices it Western- Colorado, Glenwood ,Springs, Colorado, 1995. Pawlak, S. L. and fathers, 2000, mitigation of Slope Creep by Subsurface Drainage, Performance Co.nftrmation of Constructed Geotecimical Facilities, Cieotechrical Special Publication No. 94, presented, at Geo-lnstigite Specialty Conference, University ofMassachusetts-Arnhurst. o GH &6 -tsch HEPWORTH-PA1'VLAK GEOTECHNICAL DAVID A. YOUNG Project Engineer E1)UCATI®N M.S., Civil Enginecring, University of Kansas, 1996 B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Kansas, 1974 R.EGISTRATIGN Professional Engineer: Colorado EXPERIENCE 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 np eo hpgeotech-r-or? Mr. Young has over 22 years experience in geotechnical consulting and construction and materials testing services. At H-P Geotech he provides project engineering and management support for geotechnical investigations and construction observation and testing projects. Typical projects include deep and shallow foundation design, commercial and residential developments, grading of steep hillside terrain, low earthen embankments, analysis and remedial repair of distressed buildings, and pavement design for roadways. Mr. Young has gained considerable experience in slope stability analysis, hillside dewatering and landslide mitigation improvements. His background includes instrumentation for slope movement and piezometric pressures. He also supervises technicians and junior engineer's work on construction observation and testing projects. Mr. Young's college thesis research work was on durability of cold recycled asphalt pavement stabilized with type C fly ash. His technical field skills include subsurface exploration with auger, rotary, core and percussion drilling methods, seismic refraction, and electrical resistivity surveys for geotechnical projects. Mr. Young has also perfonned hydrologic and chemical measurements of hot springs water in the Glenwood Canyon area as part of the Colorado River salinity study. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Society of Civil Engineers PUBLICATIONS :`.ross, Stephen A. and David A. Young, Evaluation of d C Fly Ash in Cold In-Place Rec 1 M, Transportation Research :Records No. i 83, . ranspo3tation Pesea,--h Board; NatioF7a1 Rese.arcll Council, Washing-ton, D.C., 199:, tsp. 82-2-910"), STANDARD TERMS AND COME)fflONS These Standard Terms and Conditions shall continue in full force and effect during, as well as after, the completion or termination of Marcin Engineering, L.L.C.'s (Marcin) employment. These Standard Terms and Conditions shall control any conflicting term or condition unless Marcin shall agree in writing. PERFORMANCE Marcin and its employees will exercise that degree of skill and care expected of a reasonably careful engineer in the Eagle Valley area. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made with respect to Marcin's performance, unless agreed to in writing. Marcin is not a guarantor of the success of the project to which its services are directed, and its responsibility is limited to work performed for the client. Marcin is not responsible for acts or omissions of the client, nor of third parties not under its direct control. Marcin may rely upon information supplied by the client engaging Marcin, or the contractors or consultants involved, or information available from generally accepted reputable sources, without independent verification. Marcin's services are performed solely for client's benefit, there are no third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement, and no contractor, subcontractor, supplier, consultant, or other third party shall have any claim against Marcin as a result of its services. Marcin shall not have control over or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and safety programs in connection with the project, since these are solely the responsibility of others. Marcin shall not be responsible for the contractor's schedules or failure to carry out the project in accordance with contract documents. Marcin shall not have control over or charge of acts or omissions of the contractor, subcontractor, or their agents or employees, or of any third persons performing portions of the project. Marcin shall not be liable to client for any loss, liability, cost, damage or expense arising out of the delay or failure to render services under this Agreement where such a delay or failure arises by reason of legislative, administrative or government prohibition, fire, weather conditions, hostilities, civil disturbances, labor or industrial disputes, inability to secure labor, acts of God or any other event beyond the reasonable control of Marcin, in which event either party may terminate that portion of the services under this agreement not yet completed, and Consultant shall have no further liability to client therefore. A change authorization extending the time to perform and stating an appropriate fee adjustment may be elected by mutual agreement of the parties hereto as an alternative to termination. USE OF REPORTS, DRAWINGS, ETC. Marcin retains ownership of letters, reports, drawings, specifications, photographs, test data, notes and other work product it has created. Neither these documents nor any part thereof may be reproduced in advertisements, brochures, or sales material, nor used by the client for any purpose other than the purpose for which they were prepared, nor by third parties, without the written permission of Marcin. If the client requests Marcin's work product be stored by some form of electronic media (i.e. CAD, word processor, spread sheets, etc.), the client agrees that Marcin shall not be held liable for the completeness, accuracy or longevity of these materials. PROPOSALS Proposals for work expire 30 days after submission to a client unless a different expiration limit is included in the proposal. Marcin may withdraw or modify a proposal at any time prior to acceptance by the client. All fees and expenses quoted in proposals or stated in invoices are exclusive (net) of local or county excise and other business or business license taxes. The client represents it is aware of all such taxes and shall be responsible to reimburse Marcin upon presentation by Marcin of the cost of such taxes by and invoice within one year of completion of services. CLIENT DUTIES In order for Marcin to perform the services requested, the client shall, at no expense to Marcin, provide all necessary information regarding client's requirements as necessary for orderly progress of the work- Client will immediately transmit to Marcin any new information concerning the project that becomes available to it, either directly or indirectly, during the performance of this Agreement. Client agrees to render reasonable assistance as requested by Marcin so the performance of the services under this Agreement may proceed without delay or interference. Marcin will not be liable for any advice, judgment or decision based on inaccurate or incomplete information furnished by Client or others engaged by or for the Client. SAFETY Fieldwork of Marcin will be performed only under conditions deemed safe by Marcin's personnel. Charges may be made for safety or security measures required by hazardous job conditions. Marcin is not responsible for the safety of other persons or property. SUSPENSION OF SERVICES if the client fails to make payment when due Marcin for services and expenses, Marcin may, upon seven days' written notice to the client, suspend performance of services under this Agreement. Unless payment in full is received by Marcin within seven days of the date of the notice, the suspension shall take effect without further notice. in the event of a suspension of services, Marcin shall have no liability to the client for delay or damage caused the client because of such suspension of services. PO Box 1062; Avon Colorado 81620 (970) 748-0274 Either the Client or Marcin may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause upon giving the other party ten (10) calenda r days prior written notice. The Client shall within fifteen (15) calendar days of tenmination pay Marcin for all services rendered and all costs incurred up to the date of termination, in accordance with the compensation provisions of this contract. FIXED PRICE CONTRACTS Where Marcin and the client have agreed to a fixed price contract, the following terms and conditions are specifically excluded: Time Charges, Expenses, Equipment Usage, Affiliated Consultants, and Subcontracted Services. Progress payments will be made rnonthly as a percent of completion unless otherwise arranged with the client. Other stated billing terms remain in effect. Any work request by the client not defined in the Scope of Work is deemed additional work and shall be invoiced on a time and material basis accordance with the fee schedule shown below. STANDARD HOURLY RATES Principal $155 per hour General Counsel $140 per hour Licensed Engineer/Surveyor $135 per hour Project Engineer/Surveyor $105 per hour Design Engineer $85 per hour Senior Survey Technician $85 per hour Survey/Engineering Technician $65 per hour Office Technician $50 per hour Survey Crew (2-man) $148 per hour GPS equipment $60 per hour Public Meetings, Court Testimony $240 per hour TIME CHARGES Time charges are accrued on an hourly basis, unless other arrangements are established. Minimum time charges of personnel is 2 hours for weekend work. Billing rates may be increased periodically, after notification to the client. EXPENSES Public transportation, subsistence and out-of-pocket expenses incurred during travel, communications, reproduction and shipping charges will be billed at cost plus 10% (invoiced as an expense service fee.) Expended materials for field and laboratory investigations, rental equipment, consultants, and fees advanced on client's behalf will be billed at cost plus 10% (invoiced as an expense service fee.) Company or personal vehicles . $0.50 per mile Clients may be charged for the cost of providing copies of receipts or detailed "back-up" information concerning expenses. LIMITATION OF DAMAGES Client agrees, to the full extent permitted by law, to limit the liability of Marcin, as well as Marcin's agents and consultants, if any, to the Client for any and all claims, losses, damages of any nature whatsoever to an amount not to exceed the total fee charged by Marcin on this project. It is intended that this limitation apply to any and all claims for professional liability or causes of action however alleged relating to the project. Under no circumstances shall Engineer be liable for any consequential or incidental damages. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full for and effect. SUBPOENAS AND COURT ORDERS The client is responsible, after notification, for payment of Marcin's time charges, attorney fees and other expenses resulting from responding to subpoenas or court orders issued at the request of any person concerning any part of Marcin's work. Such charges will be based on billing rates in effect at the time of Marcin's response. BILLING TERMS The firm or individual engaging Marcin is responsible for payment of charges unless Marcin is notified in writing, prior to the time that the charges are incurred, that the engagement is on behalf of another party. Accumu!ated charges will be billed in approximately monthly intewais. State and local sates and use tax will be included an. the billing if applicable, Payment in full is due upon receipt. of the invoice. lnvoices which are unpaid 30 days foran the 'invoice date are considered past due and sutsject to an interest charge at the rate of 1;,,% per month. Client will pay Marcin's attorneys' fees and casts incurred in collecting monies due to Miarcin. The client is responsible for payment of all charges. Agents of the client who engage Marcin are also responsible for paymeit of all charges unless Marc in agrees otherwise in writing prior to the time that the charges are incurred. PO Box 1062, Avon Colorado 8 1620 E;9"0) 748-0274 N G m E U J a ~ E a ~ c N c~ N U A C C m E N V m O s ~ O E .o ~ o m m U '2 C-C m `o m 0 0 c c FO FO N .TT. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~lT - - - - - - - - : x 4 - _ S v e iy - - - - - - - - - - 2 - f - . R - - - - - - - - - yn: - - - - - - - - - - - - z ~ - I rv ~ . 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