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r Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Norm Wood, Town Engineer 0l/(/ Jeffrey Schneider, Engineer II , Date: March 22, 2006 Re: Benchmark Dam Repair Geotechnical Services Ground Engineering - Engineering Services Contract Award Summary: The State of Colorado Division of Water Resources conducts biannual dam inspections for all dams in Colorado. Benchmark Dam (aka Nottingham Lake, Dam ID 370124) was inspected on October 21, 2005. The dam received a Conditionally Satisfactory rating from the inspector due to the large tree on the downstream slope near the service spillway and its potential to uproot and damage the dam during periods of high winds. A copy of the Dam Inspection Report is attached as Exhibit A. A Request for Proposals was distributed to several Geotechnical Engineering firms for oversight of the tree removal and to ensure that backfill operations meet the structural requirements of the dam. The only proposal was received from Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Staff recommends awarding Geotechnical Engineering Services for removal of the tree and root system of Benchmark Dam to Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. for a base service fee of 51,050, with additional fees per hourly rates provided by Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Discussion: One proposal was submitted in response to the Request for Proposals for Engineering Services dated February 27, 2006. The proposal is in general conformance with the RFP, with the exception of the consultant authoring a Request for Proposals for Tree Removal. The proposal from Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. is attached as Exhibit B. Since Ground Engineering will provide Geotechnical recommendations for preparation of the RFP by staff, this service can be absorbed by staff. Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. will also perform all field observation, geotechnical testing, and prepare a certification letter to the Division of Water Resources to ensure that the measures conducted are satisfactory. CADocuments And Settings\h%vood\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\01-K23\Dam Geotech Council Memo [aid Award.Doc I I Financial Implications: Funding for the tree removal at Benchmark Dam is provided by the Water Fund. $18,250 is available for "Other Contracted Services." Conservatively, if extra geotechnical services are required, approximately $2000 will be utilized for geotechnical engineering support, leaving approximately $16,000 for other services, including excavation and removal of the tree and root system. This Geotechnical Engineering Services agreement is well within the budget for the removal of the tree at Benchmark Dam. Recommendations: Award contract to Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $1,050 for Geotechnical Engineering Services for removal of the large tree at Benchmark Dam to satisfy Colorado Division of Water Resources inspection requirements. Attachments: Exhibit A - October 2005 Dam Inspection Report Exhibit B - Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Proposal Town Mananer Comments: C:\Documents And Settings\Nwood\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\0LK23\Dam Geotech Council Memo Bid Award.Doc 2 .x14 /le i, eq STATE OF COLORADO. DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATER DIVISION 5 Office of the State Engineer Department of Natural Resources P O Box 396 (50633 U S Highway 6 G 24) Glenwood Springs CO 8 602 Phone (970) 945-5665 FAX (970) 945-8741 (call first) October 17, 2005 Gill Owens Governor Russell George Executive Director Hal D. Simpson State Engineer Alan C. Martellaro Division Engineer NORMAN WOOD TOWN OF AVON P.O. BOX 975 AVON, CO. 81620 RE: BENCHMARK DAM (AKA Nottingham lake) W. Div. 5, DAMID: 370124 Dear Mr Wood: Enclosed is a copy of my report for the inspection of the Benchmark Dam (AKA Nottingham Lake) conducted on September 27, 2005. Please note and implement my recommendations on Page 2 of the inspection report. Also please sign, date, and return the extra copy of page 2 of the inspection report to the post office box at the top of this letter. Overall the dam was found in satisfactory condition with relatively only minor maintenance items to perform. However, the strong winds occurring during the inspection brought my attention to the large tree that exists near the service spillway. In the past we have not required the Town to remove this tree. However, its movement during the strong winds showed that it could topple over and it is getting large enough and to uproot a significant portion of the dam causing a dam safety problem. With this in wind, it is important to remove this tree and its root system as a high priority item. Because this will require excavation to remove the roots, it needs to be performed when the lake level is lowered and under the guidance of a professional engineer. I greatly appreciate your cooperation, and the efforts performed in the past to maintain the safety of this dam. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact me. Sincerely, ?hhnnair, P. E. Division 5 Dam Safety Engineer Cc Alan Martellaro, Division Engineer Jack Byers, Deputy State Engineer Bill McEwen, Water Commissioner u ENGINEERS INSPECTION REPORT INSPECTOR: 303 86 JGB 6 3581 ' DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES -DAM SAFETY BRANCH R ) - 1313 SHERMAN STREET. ROOM 818. DENVER. CO 80203. ( • " OFFICE OF THE STATE ENGINEE EAGLE UNTY DATE OF INSPECTION: 9/2712005 DAM NAME: BENCHMARK LAKE T: 050S R: 0820W S: : 12 CO PREVIOUS INSPECTION: 0!21/2003 1 0/21 DAM ID: 370124 YRCompl: 1977 DAM HEIGHT(FT): 19.0 SPILLWAY WIDTH(FT): 3.0 SPILLWAY CAPACITY(CFS): 384.0 CAPACfTY(AF): 1 CLASS: 2 DAM LENGTH(FT): 1400.0 0 CRESTWIDTH(FT): 10 FREEBOARD (FT): 4.8 SURFACE AREA(AC): 19.0 WD: DIY: 5 26/2004 . 37 CRESTELEY(FT): 7400,0 DRAINAGE AREA (AC.): 160.0 OUTLET INSPECTED: 7/17/1998 Err: I CURRENT RESTRICTED - NONE - CONTACT NAME: NORMAN WOOD OWNER: AVON METROPOLITAN DISTRICT CONTACT PHONE: (970) 748-4100 ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 975 AVON CO 81620 INSPECTION PARTY : BIII MCEWen -'[Oha~ m Safety Engineer ncoeeeCKrT1Nr. - Water COmmiS Is_oner- ' - WATER LEVEL: BELOW DAN CREST GROUND MOISNRE CONDITION: DRY _ FT. Above Spillway 0.6' serv- FT. GAGE ROD READOG WET SNORICOVER OTNER ► 'ah~ t Rain-stronsa winds DIRECTIONS: MARK AN X FOR CONDITIONS FOUND AND UNDERLINE WORDS THAT APPLY PROYLEMSNOTED ❑(0)NONE ® (1)RIPRAP- MISSING, SPARSE, DISPLACEn WEATHERED ❑ (2) WAVE EROSION- WITH SCARPS ❑(3) CRACKS WITH DISPLACEMENT ❑ (4) SINKHOLE ❑ (5) APPEARS TOO STEEP ❑ (6) DEPRESSION OR BULGES ❑ (7) SLIDES ❑(a) CONCRETE FACING - HOLES CRACKS. DISPLACED, UNDERMINED ❑ (9) OTHER . . _ , ~ - _L.--- hi-hwnfor 11na _ mostiv alonta south section near the bend i xear>s au~ R P IDD c ❑(12)EROSION ©(13)CRACKS- WITH DISPLACEMENT ❑(14)SINKHOLES PROBLEMS NOTED ❑(10)NONE ❑(11) RUT O n 7111A) I nW AREA F-1 07) MISALIGNMENT ❑(18) IMPROPER SURFACE DRAINAGE ❑ (19) OTHER xi O C O O C O D E R v T A O C o O C O O E R P T A s L e O A P O C O O C O D E R P T A D L a ►ROBLEMs NOTED Q (30) NONE ❑ (31) SATURATED EMBANKMENT AREA ❑ (32) SEEPAGE ERRS ON EMBANKMENT OO [-L (33) SEEPAGE EXITS AT POINT SOURCE ❑ (34) SEEPAGE AREA AT TOE (35) FLOW ADJACENT TO OUTLET ❑ (36) SEEPAGE INCREASED !MUDDY ~ O Show locafi l of drabts on ekelch (37) FLOW INCREASED /MUDDY ❑ (38) GRAIN ORV ! OBSTRUCTED j R DRAIN OUTFALIS SEEN C] No Yee in~cate a A ❑ (39) OTHER T B L e No seetoane seen today or historic PROBLEMS NOTED '.,'1(50) NONE L-1 (51) NO EMERGENCY SPILLWAY FOUND ❑ (52) EROSIO WITH BACKCUTTING (53) CRACK - m I n utaeLl" cr ❑ (54) APPEARS TO BE STRUCTURALLY INADEQUATE LJ (55) APPEARS TOO SMALL [j' (56) INADEQUATE FREEBOARD (57) FLOW OBSTRUCTED ❑(58) CONCRET DETERIORATED I UNDERMINED ❑(59) OTHER Rocks in D/S end or flume for service spillway Sandba s at the entrance of the services 11tw artif(c)all raises the water I ei and causes a minor obstruction Other wise both spiliwa~ astaear in stood condition. See Photos caste 5. (591: Effect maasleramanf of n11tf1nW Fl-- --A n 1'=n R rfs o C O O C O D E R v T A B L E O A P 0 C 0 O C O 0 E .R P T A 8 E 1 PROBLEMS NOTED ❑ (20) NONE ❑ (21) LNESTocK DAMAGE ❑ 122) EROSION OR GULLIES ❑ (23) CRACKS - WITH DISPLACEMENT I❑ (24) SINKHOLE ® (25) APPEARS TOO STEEP ❑ (26) DEPRESSION OR BULGES ❑ (27) SLIDE ❑ (28) SOFT AREAS ®(29) OTHER Large tree near service Sp PROBLEMS NOTED ❑ (40) NONE ❑(4t) NO OUTLET FOUND ❑(42) POOR OPERATING ACCESS ❑ (43) INOPERABLE (44) UPSTREAM OR DOWNSTREAM STRUCTURE DETERIORATED (45) OUTLET OPERATED DURING INSPECTION CJYES V7 NO ❑ INTERIOR INSPECTED 7 (120) NO ❑ (121)YES ❑ (46) CONDUIT DETERIORATED OR COLLAPSED 0(47) JOINTS DISPLACED ❑(48) VALVE LEAKAGE U11A91 OTHER rnncrete outlet catwalk does not tie into dam well OAM NAME BENCHMARK LAKE Page 2 DAM LID.: 370124 DATE 9/2712005 EXISTING INSTRUMENTATION FOUND (110) NONE ' 1111) GAGE ROD (172) PIEZOAAt•TERS LJ 113) SEEPAGE NEIRS / FLUM£$ x ❑(114) SURVEY MONUMENTS ❑ (115) OTHER r • • MONITORING OF INSTRUMENTATION ❑ (118) NO ❑1117) YES PERIODIC INSPECTIONS BY: Q(118) OWNER ❑ (119) ENGINEER ; p a • Reservoir is maintained full and there is no seepage - No instrumentation is needed D R T • _ L • PROBLEMS NOTED: (60 NONE ❑ (61) ACCESS ROAD NEEDS MAINTENANCE ❑ (62) CATTLE DAMAGE x? _ • 0(63) BRUSH ON UPSTREAM SLOPE. CREST, DOWNSTREAM SLOPE. TOE a(64) TREES ON UPSTREAM SLOPE, CREST, DOWNSTREAM SLOPE. TOE G • P ©(65)RODENT ACTIVITY ON UPSTREAMSLOPE. CREST. W T AM fOPE. TOE ❑(66)DETERIORATEDCONCRETE• FACING. OUTLET SPILLWAY O C a e D T O o - R (67) GATE AND OPERATING MECHANISM NEED MAINTENANCE ❑ Ise) OTHER (64)• See comments under DOWNSTREAM SLOPE (651: Numerous rodent activity on south facing portion ' of the downstream slope & scattered rodent activity on the upstream shoulder. Trees in the emernency spillway had been removed as previously recommended. The dam is in satisfactory condition However, the large tree on the downstream slope near the service spillwa y and its potential to Uproot and damane the dam during high winds or if the tree dies warrant the conditionally satisfactory • rating • • Based on this Safety Inspection and recent file review, the overall condition is determined to be: • • ❑ (71) SATISFACTORY © (72) CONDITIONALLY SATISFACTORY ❑ (73) UNSATISFACTORY ITEMS REQUIRING ACTION BY OWNER TO IMPROVE THE SAFETY OF THE DAM ~E 251 MAINTENANCE - UROR REPAIR - MONITORING g g ❑(BO) PROVIDE ADDITIONAL RIPRAP: >b M O ©(81) LUBRICATE AND OPERATE OUTLET GATES THROUGH FULL CYCLE annually IS F' x- , 9(82) CLEAR TREES AN010RBRUSH FROM: Remove Sandbags.tTOTn~n.frOntOf.lheEerrice,BpllhNay_.'.-_ ~ - z A ~ (83) INITIATE RODENT CONTROL PROGRAM AND PROPERLY BACKFILL EXISTING HOLES: Continue rodent COr1trOl. pfOQfa,R1 _ , , ELEVATION WITH DRAINAGE TO THE UPSTREAM SLOPE F R . M (84) GRADE CREST TO A UNI O a a g ❑ (85) PROVIDE SURFACE DRAINAGE FOR: _ . . ......._11-1 gi y(es) MONITOR: Repair cracking or.replace_asphalt_pedestrlan path-on the crest as a future-Item. If it, gets worse . . ' E Q ❑ (87) DEVELOP AND SUBMIT AN EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN •h N (88) OTHER Extend outlet tatwaik.back Into, the upstream slope to.alleylate associated access problems . 6 0 g ®(e9) OTHER Extend fence. around-the outlet catwalk to keep publlc.away.frorn outlet-operator . ENGINEERING • EMPLOY AN ENGINEER EXPERIENCED IN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF DAMS TO: (Plans and SpeCfiC2Lons must be approved by State Engineer prior to conslim ion ❑ (90) PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR REHABILITATION OF THE DAM: p, _ . ❑(91) PREPARE AS -BUILT DRAWINGS OF: . 92) PERFORM A GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION TO EVALUATE THE STABIUTY OF THE DAM: ❑ $ = N ( _ ❑ (93) PERFORM A HYDROLOGIC STUDY TO DETERMINE REQUIRED SPILLWAY SIZE: 0 5 ❑(94) PREPARE PUNS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR AN ADEQUATE SPILLWAY: CED DATA AND GRAPHED RESULTS: TS RED E , , U E (95) SET UP A MONITORING SYSTEM INCLUDING WORK SH . . 3- g ` . . ❑ (86) PERFORM AN INTERNAL INSPECTION OF THE OUTLET: ©(97) OTHER Re(nove eigpe near the service aplliway________ downstr@arrl lree from the large . - _ - - gg g A id $ _ _ . - , . . _ _ ❑ s (98) OTHER E](99) OTHER SAFE STORAGE LEVEL RECOMMENDED AS A RESULT OF THIS INSPECTION ❑ (101) FULL STORAGE FT. BELOW DAM CREST (102) CONDITIONAL FULL STORAGE - FT. BELOW SPILLWAY CREST ❑ (103) RECOMMENDED RESTRICTION FT. GAGE HEIGHT NO STORAGE-MAINTAIN OUTLET FULLY OPEN ](104) CONTINUE EXISTING RESTRICTION r,rwen.. ACTIONS REWIRED FOR CONDITIONAL FULL STORAGE Engineers Owners Signature . t~/ .._._._.......-Signature DATE. WSPECTEOBY OWNERIOWNER'SREPRESENTATIVE ~p Benchmark DAMID 370124 September 27, 2005 Page 3 Of 5 INSPECTION NOTES BENCHMARK: DOWNSTREAM SLOPE CONTINUED: and it has not been previous required to remove the tree. However, the high winds that were occuring during the inspection and the resulting movement in the tree was an indication of how the tree could topple and uproot a significant portion of the dam if it were not removed. This could result in a signifcant dam safety problem. See photo page 4. The south side of the pstream slope from the west side. Note spa a riprap. The west side of the downstreaslope and the service spillway channel. Note la ge tree. The high winds occudng was a sign of how the tree could topple and uproot a significant portion of the dam K it were not removed. Largest crack (112" wide) just east of the bend in the south portion of the crest. The concrete catwalk to the outlet does not tie into the dam leaving a void that may affect future access. This needs to be extended in the embankment. Benchmark September 27, 2005 (Page 4 of 5) Looking upstream at the mouth of the emergency spillway. Te Aspen trees seen 2 years ago have been removed as recommended. Benchmark September 27, 2005 (Page 5 of 5) appears in good condition. Not aforementioned large tree that should be removed. obstructed by sandbags. Page 2 DAM I.D.: 370124 DATE. 91271; DAM NAME: BENCHMARK LAKE _ - EXISTING INSTRUMENTATION FOUND Q(110)NONE 00il)GAOEROO ❑(112)PIEZOMPTERS ❑(113)SEEPAGE WEIRS r FLUMES .x E]1(114) SURVEY MONUMENTS E] (115)OTHER C C P • MONITORING OF INSTRUMENTATION D (116) NO ❑ (117) YES PERIODIC INSPECTIONS BY: g(I IS) OWNER [1(119) ENGINEER 0 e 0 O r O D ~ R Reservoir Is maintained full and there Is no seeoaae - No instrumentation is needed e xi. PROBLEMS NOTED: G (60 NONE F-1 (61) ACCESS ROAD NEEDS MAINTENANCE [3 (62) CATTLE DAMAGE r Fj (63) BRUSH ON UPSTREAM SLOPE. CREST. DOWNSTREAM SLOPE. TOE L-V] (64) TREES ON UPSTREAM SLOPE, CREST, QOWNSTREAM SLOPE TOE o a O ®(65) RODENT ACTIVITY ON UPSTREAM SLOPE CREST. DOWNSTREAM SLOPE TOE L_.J (66) DETERIORATED CONCRETE - FACING, OUTLET SPILLWAY 00 * R A n(67) GATE AND OPERATING MECHANISM NEED MAINTENANCE (Bm) OTHER ratlna, • Based on this Safety Inspection and recent file review, the overall condition is determined to be: (71) SATISFACTORY ® (72) CONDITIONALLY SATISFACTORY (73) UNSATISFACTORY ITEMS REQUIRING ACTION BY OWNER TO IMPROVE THE SAFETY OF THE DAM MAINnKANCE - WNOR REPANt • MONrTDmrw 3 ❑ (90) PROVIDE ADDITIONAL RIPRAP: 1 . -6 WIWI LUBRICATE AND OPERATE OUTLET GATES THROUGH FULL CYCLE annually SR ®(132) CLEAR TREES AND/OR BRUSH FROM: Rfimova sandhepi-from In-front of-tit.! S9(11104.;p.I1~Mray--' A ®(83) INITIATE RODENT CONTROL PROGRAM AND PROPERLY BACKFILL EXISTING HOLES: rpfltlflU@-rodent-wntrol-proprat{n . - , ` o E ❑ (84) GRADE CREST TO A UNIFORM ELEVATION WITH DRAINAGE TO THE UPSTREAM SLOPE DRAINAGE FOR: W ❑`W MONITOR: a5tfla[l j1at11-On [h9 Ct@lt 8s B.fUt}li@-It ® RQpak cracking or repla4e-asphalt-pe~• ortt-If it-plta wors!-.,,.--., $ ❑ IS?) DEVELOP AND SUBMIT AN EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN: p ' . 0(ee) OTHER Ext@ngtW00P#walkbackintoth@.Npstr@Am.siJo~etoall@vi@tgaasociated_@CCet}sRroblem>s g' g S ®(89) OTHER Ext@ndfenc!•around-the•qutl4t.(;atwatk.tokeep.publk:•away-fromoutllt operato! $ tkSi E ENGNEEMa • FMMY AN 01"M OFERIEWED IN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF DAYB V. (Plats and Spwftadm aW be Wp oved by SIMB Engineer prior to cormfi M $g ❑ (90) PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR REHASIL MATION OF THE DAM DDD $ S ❑(91) PREPARE AS -BUILT DRAWINGS OF: pp x $ ❑(92) PERFORM A GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION TO EVALUATE THE STABILITY Of THE OAM $ S 1](93) PERFORM A HYDROLOGIC STUDY TO DETERMINE REQUIRED SPILLWAY SIZE: 13(94) PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR AN ADEQUATE SPILLWAY: - • . _1 i ❑(95) SET UPAMONITORINGSYSTEM INCLUDING WORK SHEETS. REDUCED DATAAND.GRAPHED. RESULTS . 11 (9M PERFORM AN INTERNAL INSPECTION OF THE OUTLET: . . . . CS 2(97) OTHER R!(!1RY!_lartl!_t!!~ t►4(i! thgdownatream•iflope near tha ~4N1 splllygay F ❑(tIB) OTHER n(99) OTHER SAFE STORAGE LEVEL RECOMMENDED AS A RESULT OF THIS INSPECTION [](101) FULLSTORA43E FT. BELOW DAM CREST ® (102) CONDITIONAL FULL STORAGE FT. BELOW SPILLWAY CREST FT. GAGE HEIGHT (103) RECOMMENDED RESTRICTION NO STORAGE-MAINTAIN OUTLET FULLY OPEN (104)C.ONTWUEEXISTINGRESTRICTION REASON FOR RESTRICTION ACTIONS REQUIRED FOR CONDITIONAL FULL STORAGE i owners A9 249Q Engineer's Sl9natur0 . DATE: Slgre luro INBPFCTTDBY NERIOWNER'SREPRESENTATIVE 2 01 I Town of Avon Attn: Mr. Jeffrey Schneider P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Mr. Schneider, March 8, 2006 Subject: Proposal for Engineering Services, Benchmark Dam, Avon, Colorado Proposal Number: 0603-0345 Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. (GROUND) appreciates the opportunity to provide you with a proposal for Engineering Services, for the Benchmark Dam located in Avon Colorado. We understand that the proposed project generally consists of the removal of a tree and it's root system near the service spillway on the west side of Benchmark Dam. Based on the provided information and our experience on similar projects, we suggest the following: Scope of Work (1) Provide general Geotechnical recommendations regarding the removal of the tree and the placement of backfill material. (2) Provide field observations of the removal of the tree and the placement of backfill material including moisture/density testing of compacted backfill. (3) Provide laboratory-testing services including development of moisture/density (proctor) curve, particle size analysis, Atterberg limits and soil classification. (4) Prepare a report summarizing the data obtained, and present our conclusions and recommendations. The fieldwork and report preparation will be conducted under the supervision of a registered professional engineer. a aim ENGiNEERiNG C:ONSULTrlNTS,iNC. 101A Airpark Dr., Unit 9, PO Box 464, Gypsum, Co 81637 shone (970) 524-0720 Fax(970)524-0721 roww.groundeng.com Office Locations: Englewood Commerce City Loveland • Granby Gypsum Benchmark Dam Tree Removal Proposal No. 0603-0345 Page 2 of 5 This proposal does not include evaluation of the possible presence of hazardous material at the subject site. If indications of hazardous material are encountered during subsurface exploration, fieldwork will be suspended, you will be contacted, and recommendation regarding the appropriate course of action will be provided. Engineering and Supervision The project will be completed under the direct supervision of a professional engineer registered in the State of Colorado. Daily field reports and laboratory testing reports will be reviewed and summaries will be provided as requested by the client. Resumes of the proposed individuals to work on this project are attached as appendix A. We anticipate one trip to the site to observe the removal of the tree and root system. Sitework -Backfill We anticipate testing for this phase of work to involve the services of a field technician to observe and test the backfill material. We anticipate one day to complete backfill and compaction operations. Fees and Terms The total estimated lump sum fee for this project is $1,050.00. This fee includes fees associated with travel. The terms under which our work will be performed are outlined in the General Conditions that contain a limitation of GROUND's liability. If additional services are required above and beyond the scope of work outlined above, we propose that our fess for the additional services be in accordance with the hourly and units costs presented in the Fee Schedule. As times for meetings or post-report consultation are difficult to predict, we propose that fees for such meetings also be based on the hourly rates shown on our Fee Schedule. GROUND will not proceed with any additional services or out-of- scope activities, however, without your prior approval and authorization. Please review the General Conditions on Page 5 of this proposal; which contain a limitation of GROUND's liability. Also, note that GROUND reserves the right to withhold data and reports until we have received a signed proposal. Schedule We propose to initiate the investigation within 3 days of being given notice to proceed. We i anticipate that the final letter regarding geotechnical recommendations should be completed in # approximately 1 to 2 weeks after notice to proceed. GROUND will attempt to adhere to this Ground Engineering Consultants Inc. Benchmark Dam Tree Removal Proposal No. 0603-0345 Page 3 of 5 schedule; however, this remains dependent upon favorable weather conditions, site access and buried utility locations. In any event, we will notify you of our progress and pertinent information, as it becomes available. Field-work will be coordinated with the selected contractor. Please contact our office if you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding this proposal. If this proposal meets with your approval, please sign one copy and return it to our office. We appreciate your considering us for the geotechnicai services. Sincerely, Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Michael J. Quinn, P. E. Agreed to this by Print Name and Title: day C M.t-ec,G-- .1Y re- U ?"614,(d C . 12l6c~ , 2006. 0 Ground Engineering Consultants Inc. 0 Benchmark Dam Tree Removal Proposal No. 0603-0345 Page 4 of 5 FEE SCHEDULE - ENGINEERING FIELD INVESTIGATION (Geotechnical and Environmental) Drill Rig - Truck Mounted with 2 Man Crew 4-inch and 6-inch Solid Auger $100-$120 per hour Hollow Stem Auger 3 3/4"._ ........$115-$150 per hour Coring Bit Wear + $115 per hour Standby Time $75 per hour Track Mounted Rig (Additional) $50 per hour Drill Rig Mobilization and Demobilization In Town under 50 miles Hourly Rate Truck Mounted Rig.......... $1.00 per mile + $25 per man per hour Track Mounted Rig $2.25 per mile Water Truck $0.75 per mile + $25 per man per hour Pick up $0.60 per mile Failing Weight Deflectometer .................$275 per hour LABORATORY TESTING Natural Density and Moisture Content ...........$7.50 Atterberg Limit (ASTM D-4318) .........$30.00 Specific Gravity .........$20.00 Gradation Analysis (ASTM D-422) a. All Standard Sieve to #200 Sieve .........$30.00 b. Less than 1.5" Down to #200 Sieve .........$25.00 c. Percent Less Than #200 Sieve .........$12.00 d. Hydrometer Analysis, add._ ..$35.00 Swell-Consolidation a. Loaded to 10,000 psf .........$30.00 b. Per load in Addition to 10,000 psf ...........$5.00 Time-Consolidation (ASTM D-2435) .......$275.00 Unconfined Compressive Strength (ASTM D-2166) .........$20.00 Direct Shear. per point a. Unconsolidated-Undrained (Quick Test) .........575.00 b. Consolidated-Undrained .........S90.00 c. Consolidated-Drained (ASTM D-3080) .......$250.00 Standard Proctor Compaction (ASTM D-698) .........$60.00 Modified Proctor Compaction (ASTM 0-1557) .........$70.00 Laboratory Technician ................................$35.00 - $55.00 per hour (2005) Drill Rig Support Vehicles Water Truck $100 per day Support Truck S75 per day Environmental Drilling Personal Protection Equipment Level D $40 per man per day Level C $75 per man per day Steam Cleaner $75 per day Equipment Rental .................Cost + 15% Well Construction Materials/Analytical Lab.... Cost + 15% Drill Crew Overtime $17 per hour Geophysical Survey $60 per hour Field Engineer/Enviro. Tech $45-$75 per hour PID $100 per day pH/Temp Meter $35 per day "R"-Value (ASTM 2844) $250.00 Resistivity $20.00 Freeze-Thaw Test (ASTM 560) $300.00 Soil-Stabilization Mixture Analysis ..........$1.500.00 per blend Triaxial Shear, per point a. Unconsolidated-Undrained (Quick Test).... $150.00 b. Consolidated-Undrained (R-Test) 5310.00 c. Consolidated-Drained (S-Test) $500.00 Permeability a. Falling or Constant Head, 2-4" Diameter $150.00 b. Triaxial Permeability $275.00 c. Remolded (W & PR E-13) $175.00 Relative Density (ASTM D-2049) $150.00 California Bearing Ratio (ASTM D-1883), 1-Point . $75.00 California Bearing Ratio (ASTM D-1883), 3-Point . $200.00 Water Soluble Sulfate $20.00 pH $15.00 Organic Content (ASTM D-2974) $20.00 Los Angeles Abrasion Test $100.00 Resilient Modulus $250.00 per point + lab prep at $45/hour ENGINEERING (Covers planning and general supervision, field trips, analysis, consultation, preparation of reports, and travel time.) Principal Engineer $100.00-$150.00 per hour Project Manager $85.00-$105.00 per hour Project Engineer or Geologist $55.00-$85.00 per hour Staff Engineer $45.00-$55.00 per hour CADD Technician .$45.00 per hour Special Consultation, Expert Testimony and Court Appearance (Minimum) $1.000.00-$1.500.00 per day MISCELLANEOUS Auto or Pickup Mileage (Outside Metropolitan Area) $20.00/day + $0.35 per mile Out-of-town living expenses, (subsistence 526.00/man-day), commercial travel costs, etc ............................................................Cost +20% Interest charged after 30 days from invoice date 1.5% per month Outside Laboratory Services._ Cost +20% Ground Engineering Consultants inc. Benchmark Dam Tree Removal Proposal No. 0603-0345 Page 5 of 6 GENERAL CONDITIONS INVOICES Consultant will submit progress invoices to client monthly and a final bill upon completion of the services. Invoices will show charges for different personnel and expense classifications. A more detailed separation of charges and backup data, such as timesheets and invoices, is available. Each invoice is due on presentation and is past-due thirty (30) days from invoice date. Client agrees to pay a finance charge of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month, or the maximum rate allowed by law, on past-due accounts. Should Consultant bring suit to recover past due payment for services rendered to Client, Consultant shall be entitled to recover all costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees. SAMPLES All samples of soil and rock will be discarded thirty (30) days after report submittal. Upon Client's request and authorization, samples will be delivered in accordance with Client's instructions, or stored for an agreed charge. RIGHT-OF-ENTRY Unless otherwise agreed, Client will furnish right-of-entry for Consultant to make borings, surveys and/or explorations. Consultant will take reasonable precautions to reduce damage to property. However, cost of restoration or damage that may result from field operations is not included in the fee unless otherwise stated. UTILITIES We will not be liable for damage to subterranean structures (pipes, tanks, telephone wires, etc.) if the locations are not shown on the site plans furnished to us. REPORTS Reports, plans and other work prepared by Consultant remain the property of Consultant until all fees for Consultant's services have been paid. Client agrees that all reports and other work furnished to the Client and his agents not paid for will be returned upon demand, and will not be used for licensing, permits, design and/or construction. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Consultant agrees in connection with services performed under this Agreement that such services are performed with the care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession practicing under similar conditions at the same. time and in the same or a similar locality. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made or intended by rendition of consulting services or by furnishing oral or written reports of the findings made. Liability of Consultant, its officers, directors, subconsultants, agents and employees for damages due to or arising from professional negligence, breach of contract, or any cause of action, shall be limited to the Consultant's fee. Any exploration, testing, observations and analysis associated with the work will be performed by Consultant solely to fulfill the purpose of this Service Agreement and Consultant is not responsible for interpretation by others of the information developed. Client recognizes that subsurface conditions beneath the project site may vary from those encountered in borings, surveys of explorations and that information and recommendations developed by Consultant are based solely on the information available to him. Ground Engineering Consultants Inc. Appendix A Resumes JAMES B. KOWALSKY, P.E. Principal EngineerNice President EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 1984 Asphalt Materials and Mixtures, Colorado State University, 1994 Certified Radiation Safety Officer REGISTRATION: Registered Professional Engineer, Colorado Member, American Society of Testing and Materials Member, American Society of Civil Engineers Member, Colorado Association of Geotechnical Engineers Member, American Council of Engineering Companies, of Colorado EXPERIENCE: Mr. Kowalsky is responsible for planning and completion of a wide variety of geotechnical projects. His experience ranges from project coordination and planning to data analysis and final report preparation for geotechnical investigations of roadways, airports, bridges, drainageways, dams, mine sites, commercial buildings and residential development. These investigations have included deep borings, coring, in-situ testing and geophysical investigation. Mr. Kowalsky currently provides geotechnical engineering, quality control testing and inspection management for large commercial retail projects, transportation projects and commercial projects, such as the Central City Parkway project. Mr. Kowalsky was the Quality Control Engineer for numerous earthwork and drainage improvement projects at Denver International Airport during its initial construction. The projects included over 120 million cubic yards of controlled fill earthwork and approximately 100 miles of various pipe and box culvert construction. This was the largest earthwork project ever completed in the Denver Metropolitan area. In addition, Mr. Kowalsky is responsible for management of transportation related projects and special field and laboratory services at Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. (GROUND). Mr. Kowalsky is highly qualified in the area of pavement investigation, pavement structural design and asphalt mixture design. He is experienced in investigation and review of slope stability, failure exploration and remediation of soils-related distress of structures and pavements. As Project Manager, he worked on the Douglas County CIP, Ken Caryl Avenue Reconstruction and E-470 segments 2 and 3. These projects included major pavement reconstruction including special subgrade treatments for swelling soils, subgrade stabilization, and SHRP asphalt mix designs. GR13UNR N:i-f.. E G0N`5L:LT.111.: MICHAEL J. QUINN, P.E. Resident Engineer / Laboratory Manager EDUCATION: B.S., Environmental Health, 1994, San Diego State University Minor Chemistry, 1994, Sand Diego State University B.S., Civil Engineering Technology, 2005 Metro State University, REGISTRATION: Registered Professional Engineer, Colorado Troxler Certified ACI Certified, field, laboratory I & II NICET Level III Certified WAQTC Qualified Instructor EXPERIENCE: Mr. Quinn is currently the Resident Engineer for the Gypsum/Eagle office location. His responsibilities include performing subsurface studies and data analysis for foundation recommendations pertaining to spread footings, drilled piers, driven piles, pavement sections, and retaining walls. His experience also includes pavement stabilization methods of subgrade, including lime, fly ash and cement. Mr. Quinn also has worked on Roller Compacted Concrete for the Standley Lake Dam, from mix design to placement. Additionally Mr. Quinn is responsible for managing QA/QC testing services for several projects that include pavement, infrastructure, earthwork and vertical construction. Mr. Quinn has been employed with GROUND for over 10 years. Mr. Quinn currently provides geotechnical engineering, quality control testing and inspection management for large commercial retail projects, transportation projects and commercial projects, such as the Riverside Parkway project in Grand Junction. Mr. Quinn has extensive experience testing soil, aggregates, stabilized materials, asphalt, concrete, masonry, and special materials. Additionally, Mr. Quinn has served as the Laboratory Supervisor for Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. Where he was responsible for the daily operations of the full-service laboratory. Mr. Quinn provides the training to the laboratory personnel and oversees test procedures. He was responsible for the inspection of the laboratory by several agencies including the Asphalt Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL), the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Mr. Quinn is actively involved in statewide technician qualification in the area of soils through the CDOT WAQTC program. He has managed numerous field laboratories and is familiar with all AASHTO and ASTM procedures. Additionally, Mr. Quinn has received specialized training in testing of construction materials. This includes completion of the Asphalt Institutes Mix design course and the University of Rolla's Soils Laboratory Testing course. GROUND r:NG~ur F. f~i~+r c:nn5u~rarvr~, ir)WN WILLIAMS Engineering Technician EDUCATION: B.A. English, University of Colorado REGISTRATION: Troxier Certified ACI Certified CAPA Certified Labcat A, B & C WAQTC EXPERIENCE: Mr. William's experience in construction observation and materials testing includes field and laboratory testing of soils, concrete, and asphalt for a variety of commercial, residential, and municipal projects. On a daily basis, he is responsible for the preparation of field reports and the coordination of our services with the contractor and owner. Mr. Williams is currently responsible for quality control testing at the Glenwood Meadows Development Project in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. This development includes Target and Lowes stores as anchors and sixteen other buildings ranging from 4,300 to 33,000 square feet in footprint area. The buildings area surrounded by. landscaping and extensive paved parking areas and driveways. Several new roadways were installed to service the facility. Mr. Williams has also provided materials testing services on numerous other projects including, Southlands and Wheatlands, Aurora, Smokey Hill Road, Aurora, Rifle Raw Waterline and Pump House, and the ARFF/SRE Facility at the Aspen/Pitkin County Airport. At the Southlands project Mr. Williams worked out of a Mobile Laboratory/Office where he was responsible for conducting on-site laboratory testing and preparing test reports and data for submission to the client. His duties for materials testing include concrete testing, asphalt testing and sampling, soil testing, reinforcing steel inspections, masonry inspections, and laboratory testing. Mr. Williams has extensive experience in cold weather concrete placement, including the utilization of maturity meters to monitor concrete temperature to help determine in-place. strength. 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