11-02-1993 Mtn Star Supplement To Amend & Restate Subdiv Improv AG528701 B -632 P -644 02/16/94 10:52A PG 1 OF 7 REC Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder 35.00 SUPPLEMENT TO AMENDED AND RESTATED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT DOC THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this a day of 1993, by and between Mountain Star Limited Liability Company,.a Wyoming limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as "Subdivider,} and the Town of Avon, a Colorado Municipality, by and through its Council, hereinafter referred to as the "Town." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, The parties entered into a certain Amended and Restated Subdivision Improvements Agreement dated May 27, 1993, and recorded on May 28, 1993, in Book 610 at Page 129, real property records of Eagle County, Colorado (the "Amended Agreement "), relating to improvements for Mountain Star, a subdivision located in the Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (the "Subdivision "), in order to establish the responsibilities for certain public improvements to the Subdivision as provided for by Section 16.24.100 of the Avon Municipal Code, as amended; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to supplement the Amended Agreement in order to make alternative provision for completion of the remaining public improvements ( "Improvements ") and to release the lien provided for in the Amended Agreement; and WHEREAS, Subdivider continues to agree to be responsible for the performance and completion of the Improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants, conditions and promises, the parties hereby agree as followsz 1. The Amended Agreement is hereby supplemented as hereinafter set forth. 2. subdivider agrees to furnish all equipment, labor and material necessary to perform and complete, in a good and workmanlike manner, the Improvements. Subdivider further agrees that it will be responsible for all costs related to said work. All said work shall be performed substantially in accordance with the construction specifications and drawings heretofore or hereafter submitted to and approved by the Town. All work shall be done under the inspection procedures and standards established by the Town, shall be subject to the reasonable satisfaction of the Town and shall not be deemed complete until the reasonable 1 (I C a A t o \jam 528701 P -632 P -644 02/16/94 10:52A PG 2 OF 7 approval and acceptance of the Improvements by the Town. 3. All improvements shall be completed by August 1, 1996. 4. To secure completion of the Improvements, Subdivider hereby agrees to secure its obligations under this Agreement by either (i) the payment to an escrow agent acceptable to the Town of the amount of $1,100,000, or (ii) the furnishing of an irrevocable letter of credit in such amount. Upon completion of portions of the improvements, upon payment of the cost of such improvements, as evidenced by proof satisfactory to the Town, and upon inspection and approval thereof, the Town shall authorize reduction of the amount of such collateral, provided the amount thereof shall not be reduced below the amount provided in paragraph 5 hereof. 5. Upon completion of the Improvements and upon payment of the cost of such Improvements, as evidenced by proof satisfactory to the Town, and further upon either (i) the payment to the Escrow Agent of the amount set forth on Exhibit D to the Amended Agreement and incorporated herein, or (ii) the furnishing of an irrevocable letter of credit in the appropriate amount set forth on said Exhibit D, which letter of credit or escrow, as the case may be, shall secure the continuing obligations of Subdivider under this Agreement, the Town agrees to release the security provided for in paragraph 4 hereof. 6. Subdivider shall at all times prior to acceptance of any publicly dedicated roadways within the Subdivision, and including Buck Creek Road, by the Town give good and adequate warning to the traveling public of each and every dangerous condition existent in said roads and shall protect the traveling public from such defective or dangerous conditions. Until the completion of all the Ymprovements herein agreed to be constructed, roads not accepted as improved shall be under the charge and control of Subdivider for the purpose of this agreement; and Subdivider may close all or a portion of any street or road within the Subdivision whenever it is necessary to protect the traveling public during the construction or installation of the Improvements herein agreed to be made. 7. Upon completion of portions of the Improvements, Subdivider will cause its engineers (who shall be registered in the State of Colorado) to certify to the Town in writing that the installation of the Improvements, as portions thereof may be completed from time to time, have been completed in conformance with all standards, drawings and specifications as submitted to and previously approved by the Town. Inspection reports, test results and other supporting documentation shall be submitted 2 �3 528701 B -632 P -644 02/16/94 10:52A PG 3 OF 7 weekly, during construction, with the certification. The Town may provide periodic inspections as it deems necessary to assure conformance with approved plans and specifications. 8. a) Fees in accordance with the Town's Subdivision Regulations for the review of Preliminary Plans and Final Plats have been paid in full. b) Additional fees shall be paid to the Town by Subdivider, within twenty (20) days after delivery of written invoice for such fees, to cover the cost of inspections by the town. The fees will be based on direct (out -of- pocket) costs of the Town, but in no event will the total amount of such additional fees exceed two percent of construction costs. 9. Subdivider agrees that in the event it shall fail to perform its obligations as set forth herein, the Town shall be under no obligation to complete or perform any of the said Improvements. No one, individually or otherwise, other than the parties hereto, shall acquire, as a result of this Agreement, any rights, claims or obligations from or against the Town, its agents, employees or officers. Actions by the Town against Subdivider to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall be at the sole discretion of the Town. No third parties shall have any rights to require any action by the Town pursuant to this Agree- ment; and this Agreement shall not create a liability on the part of or be a cause of action against the Town, for any personal or property damage that may result to any third parties from the failure of the Subdivider to complete the improvements herein specified, 10. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer, agent, or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage related to the work specified in this Agreement, nor shall the Town, nor any officer, agent, or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work. Subdivider hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents, and employees against any losses, claims, damages or liabilities to which the town or any of its officers, agents, or employees may become subject to, because of any losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of, or are based upon, any obligation of Subdivider as hereinbefore stated, which arise prior to the expiration of all warranty periods set forth in Section 11 below. Furthermore, Subdivider shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such lose or claim. 3 528701 B -632 P -644 02/16/94 10:52A PG 4 OF 7 11. The Improvements shall be warranted to be free from defect in workmanship or quality for a period of one (1) year after acceptance of all work by the Town. In the event of any such defect, the Town may require Subdivider to correct the defect in material or workmanship. The amounts discussed under paragraph 5 above for completion of all Improvements shall be retained in escrow in a separate interest bearing account or accounts during such one (1) year period as a guaranty of performance of any work required pursuant to the above-described warranty or, alternatively, Subdivider shall, at its option, provide an irrevocable letter of credit to the Town in a form approved by the Town, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. In the event an escrow is used, an escrow agreement satisfactory to the Town shall be entered into. In the event any corrective work is performed during the one year warranty period then the warranty on said corrected work shall be extended for one year from the date on which it is completed. Subdivider agrees to allow 110% of the cost of any significant corrective work, as estimated and approved by the Town, to be retained in escrow, or alternatively, at Subdivider's option, to remain subject to the abovementioned letter of credit, for a period of h� one year from the date of completion of the corrected work. Interest on the balance in said escrow account shall accrue to the benefit of Subdivider, provided that the obligations set forth in this Agreement are satisfied by Subdivider. 12. In the event that Subdivider defaults in whole or in part in the performance of this Agreement, and after the expiration of thirty (30) days after having given written notice to Subdivider of such default during which period of time the Subdivider failed to correct said default, the Town may, at its sole discretion, proceed with the construction or completion of the Improvements. All such costs paid by Town for the Improvements, together with all costs of personnel, equipment and other matters expended by Town in furtherance of the construction responsibilities of Subdivider, shall be paid by Subdivider. Any such costs which have not been reimbursed by Subdivider shall be paid out of the escrow or the proceeds of the letter of credit hereinabove provided for. Without limiting the foregoing, Town may bring a mandatory injunction action against Subdivider to require installation and construction of the Improvements, if not constructed within the time limits described in this Agreement. if any such action is brought by Town, Town shall be awarded its court costs and attorneys' fees. 13. In addition to the other Improvements described in this Agreement, Subdivider hereby agrees as follows: (a) Subdivider agrees to pay all costs, up to a 4 528701 B -632 P -644 02/16/94 10:52A PO 5 OF 7 maximum of $300,000.00, for certain asphalting and related work to Nottingham, Metcalf and Wildridge Roads as outlined on Exhibit E attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All work related to such roads will be managed and implemented by the Town, and Subdivider's obligation under this Section is limited solely to the one -time payment of costs as discussed herein. The Town agrees to employ a competitive bidding process in awarding the work. The project budget based on successful bid amount plus other estimated costs, or $300,000.00, whichever is less, shall be paid to the Town by Subdivider within ten (10) days following notice from the Town of the receipt of a successful bid. (b) Subdivider agrees to pay to the Town certain sums related to a proposed public works facility, _ vehicle garage and material storage (the "Facility "). Prior to or contemporaneously with final Plat approval of the Subdivision by the Town, Subdivider agrees to pay to the Town $25,000.00 to be applied toward initial costs of developing the Facility. All work related to the Facility will be managed and implemented by the Town, and Subdivider's obligation under this Section is limited solely to the one -time payment of costs as discussed herein. The Town agrees to employ a competitive bidding process in awarding the work. Within ten (10) days following notice from the Town of the receipt of a successful bid, subdivider agrees to pay to the Town the lesser of the sum of $150,000.00 or the project budget based on successful bid amount plus other estimated costs, in addition to the $25,000.00 discussed above. 14. It is understood that the construction of Buck Creek Road as access to the Subdivision is conditioned upon the Subdivider's effecting a land trade with the United States Forest Service, obtaining an easement for Buck Creek Road or maintaining in effect a special use permit for Buck Creek Road. Buck Creek Road shall accordingly be constructed in accordance with any requirements of the Forest Service pertaining thereto. In the event of the failure of all of the aforesaid conditions, this Agreement shall be deemed to be of no further force and effect, and an amended agreement shall be entered into by the parties acknowledging that Wildwood Road shall be the sole access to the Subdivision. 5 528701 B -632 P -644 02/16/94 10:52A PG 6 OF 7 15. Developer agrees that, upon completion of the construction of the hiking trail provided for in Tract C of the Subdivision, it will grant an easement therefor to the Town. 16. The first priority lien on real property within the Subdivision provided for in the Amended Agreement shall be released and discharged upon the providing of the collateral hereinabove described. Upon request the Town will surrender the promissory note and execute a release of the deed of trust securing the performance of the Amended Agreement. 17. This Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendment be in writing and signed by all parties hereto. 18. In the event of a lawsuit arising out of the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to court costs and reasonable attorney's fees. 19. This Agreement and the obligations hereof shall be deemed to be covenants running with the land and shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. The parties have executed this Agreement as of the date above written. Y. TOWN OF AVON, a Colorado municipal corporation By:� Mayor r • i 528701 B -632 P -644 02/16/94 10:52A PG 7 OF 7 FOUNTAIN STAR LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, a Wyoming limited liability company BY: WFS Company, as Authorized Agent of the Management Committee of Mountain Star Limited Liability Company BY: It6 Willi J. Wright, Jr. General Partner STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) Subscribed and sworn to before me on this day of , 1993, by Albert J. Reynolds as Mayor, and Patty N y rt as Town Clerk, of the Town of Avon. Witness my hand and official seal. ' Commission expires : `r — 18 - 57 �••` + _ ary Public STATE OF COLORADO ) $s. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) Subscribed and sworn to before me on this �'A day of r , 1993, by Willis J. Wright, Jr., General Partner of WFS Company, Authorized Agent of the Management Committee of Mountain Star Limited Liability Company, a Wyoming limited liability company. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: /� 9 AI ^T ary Public U'� 7 i ' I i-�