TC Agenda 05-13-2008TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO WORK SESSION MEETING FOR TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2008 AVON MEETING BEGINS AT 2:15 PM ° AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD PRESIDING OFFICIALS MAYOR RON WOLFE MAYOR PRO TEM BRIAN SIPES COUNCILORS RICHARD CARROLL, DAVE DANTAS, KRISTI FERRARO AMY PHILLIPS, TAMRA NOTTINGHAM UNDERWOOD TOWN STAFF TOWN ATTORNEY: JOHN DUNN TOWN MANAGER: LARRY BROOKS TOWN CLERK: PATTY MCKENNY ALL WORK SESSION MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT EXECUTIVE SESSIONS COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME; PLEASE TELL THE MAYOR YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK UNDER No. 2 BELOW ESTIMATED TIMES ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PLEASE VIEW AVON'S WEBSITE, HTTP://WWW.AVON.ORG, FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND RECREATION CENTER, ALPINE BANK, AND AVON LIBRARY THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH 2:15 PM 1. INQUIRY OF THE PUBLIC FOR COMMENT AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM 2. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND STAFF UPDATES a. Avon 21 Project Update (Eric Heidemann, Assistant Town Manager Community Development) Applicant EAH, LLC submittal of Avon 21 PUD for rezoning into a new PUD and concurrent preliminary plan for subdivision b. Village at Avon Filing 3, Tract H and Tract B Grading Permit (Eric Heidemann, Assistant Town Manager Community Development) CDOT request for an asphalt batch plant within the Village at Avon; review of grading permit c. Lake Street Public Improvements Schedule Update (Jeff Schneider, Project Engineer ) d. Main Street Design Update (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer) e. Transportation Master Plan Update (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer) 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM 3. W. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. ON-STREET PARKING (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer) Review of delaying overlay and proposed parallel parking spaces 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM 4. MEDIA IMPROVEMENTS FOR TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS (Becky Lawlor, Community Relations Officer) Review of media improvements package for Town Council meetings and other meetings & events the town may want to film, broadcast and provide access via the web 3:30 PM - 3:45 PM 5. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION INTERVIEW (Eric Heidemann, Assistant Town Manager Community Development) Interview with Leslie Roubos to fill a vacancy which exists for one-year appointment 3:45 PM -4:45 PM 6. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)(a) regarding water rights and b) pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)(b) to confer with town attorney regarding (i) pending litigation and (ii) the Avon Town Center Mall 4:45 PM 7. ADJOURNMENT & BRIEF BREAK Avon Council Meeting. 08.05.13 Page 1 of 4 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2008 ~V 0 N ® MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM , , AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD PRESIDING OFFICIALS MAYOR RON WOLFE MAYOR PRO TEM BRIAN SIPES COUNCILORS RICHARD CARROLL, DAVE DANTAS, KRISTI FERRARO AMY PHILLIPS, TAMRA NOTTINGHAM UNDERWOOD TOWN STAFF TOWN ATTORNEY: JOHN DUNN TOWN MANAGER: LARRY BROOKS TOWN CLERK: PATTY MCKENNY ALL REGULAR MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC EXCEPT EXECUTIVE SESSIONS COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME DURING CITIZEN AND COMMUNITY INPUT AND PUBLIC HEARINGS PLEASE VIEW AVON'S WEBSITE, HTTP://WWW.AVON.ORG, FOR MEETING AGENDAS AND MEETING MATERIALS AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND RECREATION CENTER, ALPINE BANK, AND AVON LIBRARY THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETS ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS OF EVERY MONTH 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST 4. COMMUNITY INPUT 5. AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION AWARD (Eric Heidemann, Assistant Town Manager Community ® Development) Award for "Outstanding Small Town or Rural Plan for the 2006 Avon. Comprehensive Plan 6. ORDINANCES a. Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 08-06, Series of 2008, Second Reading, An Ordinance of the Town of Avon Colorado, Amending Title 17 of the Avon Municipal Code, by Adopting Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services Impact Fees for Land Development Activities Generating the need for Additional Fire Protection or Emergency Medical Services (Scott Wright, Assistant Town Manager Finance) Legislation related to adoption of impact fees for development activities within the Town of Avon; ERFPD requested the item be tabled at this meeting 7. RESOLUTIONS a. Resolution No. 08-14, Series of 2008, A Resolution Summarizing Expenditures and Revenues by Funding Budget For The Town of Avon, Colorado, for The Calendar Year Beginning on The First Day of January, 2008 and Ending on the Last Day of December, 2008 (Scott Wright, Assistant Town Manager Finance) Resolution 08-14 proposes to Amend the Town's Capital Projects Fund Budget b. Resolution No. 08-15, Series of 2008, A Resolution Adopting the East Town Center District Plan, dated May 1, 2008, and Setting Forth Details in Regards Thereto (Matt Gennett, Planning Manager) The East Town Center District Plan identifies parcel configurations and new automobile and pedestrian circulation alignments to increase the district's visibility and vitality c. Resolution No. 08-16, Series of 2008, Resolution Finding Substantial Compliance for a Petition for Annexation filed with the Town of Avon, Colorado, Known as the Red House Lots 1 and 2 ® Annexation, and Setting a Public Hearing Thereon (Eric Heidemann, Assistant Town Manager Community Development) Vail Corporation has submitted an annexation petition for property known as the Red House Lots 1 and 2 Annexation, a 1.44 acre parcel of land located on the northeast corner of Hwy 6 and Avon Road Avon Council Meeting. 08.05.13 Page 3 of 4 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2008 ~V o N MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD 8. APPEALS FROM OR RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Planning & Zoning Commission Appointment (Eric Heidemann, Assistant Town Manager Community Development) 10. UNFINISHED/ OLD BUSINESS 11. OTHER BUSINESS 12. TOWN MANAGER REPORT a. Colorado Municipal League's Board of Directors' Elections scheduled for June Annual Meeting and nomination of Larry Brooks to run for position representing cities & towns with population under 8,000 b. Request for Proposals for Town Attorney Services 13. TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT 14. MAYOR REPORT 15. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: June 10, 2008: 2007 Audited Financial Statements 16. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes from April 22, 2008 b. License Agreement between Town of Avon and Ticino, LLC d/b/a Ticino for use of Town Property (John Dunn, Town Attorney) Agreement for use of town property located at 100 W. Beaver Creek Blvd, Unit #127 for outdoor dining & liquor service in connection with the restaurant c. HP Geotech proposal for soil borings and asphalt cores on Hurd Lane (Shane Pegram, Engineer 1) d. Street Improvement Change Order 004 for re-striping and sidewalk work on West Beaver Creek Blvd (Shane Pegram, Engineer 1) e. Resolution No. 08-17, Series of 2008, Resolution of Participating Member Appointing Representatives to Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority (Larry Brooks, Town Manager) Resolution designating principal member to Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority 17. ADJOURNMENT Avon Council Meeting.08.05.13 Page 4 of 4