TC Agenda 08-04-2006STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A STAKEHOLDER'S MEETING TO ADDRESS THE TOWN OF AVON TOWN CENTER WEST REDEVELOPMENT PLAN, WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 2006 AT THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, COLORADO BEGINNING AT 9 AM UNTIL 12 PM. MEMBERS OF THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL HAVE BEEN INVITED TO ATTEND THIS MEETING. THE MEETING AGENDA IS ATTACHED FOR YOUR REVIEW. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO BY: PATTY MCKENNY TOWN CLERK POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON AUGUST 31, 2006: ✓ AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, MAIN LOBBY ✓ ALPINE BANK, MAIN LOBBY ✓ AVON RECREATION CENTER, MAIN LOBBY ✓ CITY MARKET, MAIN LOBBY Misc Notices Town of Avon - Town Center West Redevelopment Plan Stakeholder Meeting Agenda August 4, 2006 9:OOAM - I2:00PNI Invitees: Cendant Resort Grrurp, Gart Conip(mies. Stumvood Vcrcatioi7 Oivne rship Group. E(igle Volley- Libran District, Ponoroma Internotinnol Reedt.v. Trnvn Cout?cil 1. Benefits of Public/Private Partnerships - Don Ensign, Design Workshop (15 minutes} II. General Overview of Plan Goals, Objectives, and Principles - Rebecca Leonard. Design Workshop 110 minutes l 111. Market InvestiJation - Sean Timmons, Design Workshop 120 minutesl IV. Branding - Kelm Smith, Design Workshop 115 minutesl V. Physical Plan- Steven Spears, Design Workshop 130 minutes] VI. Financial Analysis -Sean Timmons. Design Workshop 130 minutes I VII. Dialog - Rebecca Leonard & Town Staff & Stakeholders, Design Workshop 160 minutes I • Strengths/weaknesses of the plan • Motivation for implementation • Phasing The annual comrnUnity picnic lunch will be provided by Town Council at noon in Harry A. Nottingham Park at the conclusion of our meeting. Town staff and the design team will be available to update you all on the Transit Center project as well as the East Town Center District Plan discussion following lunch for those that would f ike an update.