TC Agenda 12-02-1996MP 1z: 7 own of Avon (._c't 'T-act 2, _ l E , F' . ED . E-r o ` 7 Aeon, co Slb~.t_f 0 1996 `t3F AVON You t are #-,ele -r not - } e,:1 e. t 1S_ ' _ t_cni c- :c JC, tri t _a Pa It r. 1-.-, l (1w, Fig ?r Will be held anO T~Dn_ider?ct at t;-,a ~T1eotir?-.7 o+ t-te Planining ~n ng t o?fir i Esi m of the' row n of R, on. on December h e Avon Et{. 4n : : c e i mp l e ~ , 4W ~ - at pj% r i time _ _ E' ? ri .r t t'i r r n rS , - r U . H r.. ICAN T: Marvin E~. L DEScF-:lF'T luN Lot U, I-,q PR'OPEF;TY: Wi I dri d'-Ie a i mon ocV S{..?bdivision E.SS OF PR0F,E F,-TY : `a7t6 Wi l dr i dqe Poad Last OSED SPECIAL OPeretiOn of a residential bed and breakfast, Per Zoning VIEW USU Code of the Town o+ Avon. Sections 17.08.120, 17.20.2461D.C2. !LINE: T+ YOU wish to be heard on this matter, You May apE=ear personally or by designated agent at the Public hearing on December- 2. 1496, OR you (nay file a. written statement including your name and address with the Recording Secretary, Planning and Zoning Comm.ssion, Town o+ Avon. P.O. bo, , y75. Avon. Colorado 81620. In order to by considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission. such written statement must be received in the Town offices not later than 4:00 PM. Tuesday December 1?96. The application or in+ortmat:on relating to the Proposed change or amendment is available in the coning administrator's o++ice (in the Community Development Department) during regular business hours +or review or inswect_ion by the public. A Pl i cant i s r-_Pr esented by : ' Marvin B. Simon, Avon, CO 8166;0-275 . (970) 845-bS8,", 3T: • ~ f tuv) - Recor'-di n'g Sfcr-etary F-' t a n n i n g and Zoning Commission M AT I HE FOLLuW I NG PUBL_ I C PLACES W I T H I N 'I' HE TOWN OF H'JUN--N01.'1.-:.M8ER 21 • I c?96: COASTAL MART l: NC • AVUN C 1 J* Y MAK; : E 'F , MA 1 N LUI*4Y :REND APT'S. CLUBHOUSE LAUNDRY ROOM AVON MUNICIPAL E3U I LD I N6 . MAIN ;._CJBBY RECEIVED SPECIAL REVIEW USE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO: Town of Avon PO Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 , 1996 TOWN OF AVON You are hereby notified pursuant to provisions of Section 17.12. 100 of the Avon Municipal Code, that a Public Hearing on the following matter will be held and considered at the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commissioner of the Town of Avon, on December 3, 1996, at 7:30 PM in the Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, at which time and place you are hereby invited to be present and be heard. PROPERTY OWNER: Richard DeClark PO Box 345 Edwards, CO 81632 APPLICANT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: PROPOSED USE: DEADLINE: Walter Klaus PO Box 1113 Avon, CO 81620 Lot 18 & 19, Benchmark @ Beaver Creek 0281 Metcalf Road Automotive repair If you wish to be heard on the matter, you may appear personally or by designated agent at the public hearing on December 3, 1996, OR you may file a written statement with the Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Commission, Town of Avon, P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado 81620. In order to be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission, such written statement must be received in the Town offices no later than 4:00 PM. Tuesday December 3, 1996. POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON NOVEMBER 20, 1996. COASTAL MART, AVON ENTRANCE TO CITY MARKET EAGLEBEND LAUNDRY ROOM MAIN LOBBY, AVON MUNI PAL COMPLEX Mailed and posted on by tnda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Commission