TC Agenda 05-29-1986A PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS May 29, 1986 Dr. Stanley Ferguson, Director of the Colorado Department of Health, Disease Control and Epidemiology Division, will be speaking to the community regarding Craniosynostosis, a prevalent birth defect in our area, on: THURSDAY, MAY 29 7:00 P.M. AVON TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS The purpose of Dr. Ferguson's visit is to inform everyone of the Craniosynostosis research efforts which have been made, and the planned efforts for the future. WE ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO ATTEND FOR SEVERAL REASONS: 1. A lot of misinformation is floating around concerning this birth defect. During this public meeting we will discuss what is really known, where more information is available, and who parents should contact if they believe their child may have this problem. 2. A recent amendment to the State Budget appropriated $50,000 for the State Health Department to hire an additional epidemiologist. This community needs to encourage the State Health Department to dedicate this epidemiologist to the research of Craniosynostosis. The best way to do this is to show the State Health Department and our legislators the entire community is concerned. Congressmen from Eagle, Summit, Routt,'Garfield and Chaffee Counties have been invited to attend. PLEASE, PLEASE COME TO THIS PUBLIC MEETING AND ENCOURAGE EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO ATTEND AS WELL. For More Information, Please Call: 476-7480 LJA:das.18 Received Town of Avon MAY 2 0 1986 i H .Y® z< I .J J. i I' 1 j IJ I 1 ~.J r , , , CE: i ' I r i