TC Agenda 05-15-19840 0 TOWN OF AVON REGULAR MEETING AGENDA MAY 15, 1984 - 7:30 P. M. 1. Call to order Roll Call 2. Unfinished Business a. Financial Matters b. Reading and approval of the April 24, 1984 minutes 3. Town Attorney report a. Lots#20,21, Block#1 Benchmark Subdivision 4. Other Business 5. Farewell comments of the outgoing Councilmembers 6. Reading of the list of the newly elected Councilmembers a. Councilmembers sworn in by Municipal Judge Buck Allen b. Councilmembers to take temporary seating 7. Elect a temporary Chairman 8. Roll Call 9. Elect Mayor/Mayor to take seat 10. Elect Mayor Pro-Tem 11. Resolution No.#84-16, TOKEN OF APPRECIATION/Larry Kumpost Resolution No.#84-17, TOKEN OF APPRECIATION/Greg Gage 12. New Councilmembers presented to the public and press 13. Recess/Cake and Coffee for the outgoing and new Councilmembers 14. Convene/Call to order Roll Call 15. New Business a. Discuss the Colorado Municipal League Conference scheduled for June 13-19, 1984 b. Resolution No.#84-18, Series of 1984, EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO THE JUDGES AND CLERKS SERVING ON THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION AND PAYMENT APPROVAL 16. Town Attorney report a. Report on the Litigation regard to Dick Blodgett 17. Town Manager report a. Report on Tract P(oral/Bill James) 18. Other Business 19. Adjournment