TC Agenda 12-01-1983I)atc - NC TICE OF PUBLIC I (L \fl Ii i; '10: The Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon,; CO 81620 You are hereby notified pursuant to the prov i s.ions of of the Avon Municipal Code, r;ul)1 is heel !:I c_!. t i;, followinO matter will be held and consider(-`(! t~ W,:nnincj & 'Lolling Comnission of the Ton of Avon, on f,,, the Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Bench!nv:rl_ 1 )i; ',`'i i!c)I- "''!1 t-1!fY1 and place you are hereby invited to })e pre_e:;, !;,(I PROPEF1"L ( Gt" ica i-;'1' II. APPLICANT: Grac_'c: A •I l)c i P.O. Box 1('91 IEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY : Sec a 1. t 1c- ! ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: r~;A • r!1 ~ i. l ~ Avoi:, a-A C)ui f~C ~I-.I-1)i--IC)!; i. Map REOUI.S'I'ED CHANGE & PROI'OSm USE: TU M, LC DE70LINE: If ycx! YOU 1k11.C'C~ illy on Dece i! r. (Jfl VOL! ( 1 t El wr_it.tcIl ;ta1c~ll~~tll_ Wit]! llr-' (jerk, Town o i Av oI ! , 1).0. 1"n.: 9 ! , .."'o; i , In 01:(121- LL) he cCI, ,ice„,„~ I, tl!,-• Plan- ning '/,omny Cc~l;uni ;].c,!) :;l;c•I I written staLeItK)r!l -i:! 1-Ile Tcxm Offices n(j h,.L-ur thar: 1:00 r,.m. Thursday, I:cce:ltx_,r 1 , I I)fi3. OTHER: Applicant is rei)resented by Kn i_(7ht Planning Ser\li ce, Terrill 1• night, P.O. Box 947, Facj1c, Colorado 816111, (303) • 328-63"i 1. _ Recordinc Secretary Plnnincf n 'l,Ur1im, Cca!.ni-:,'•.icm • i NOVEMBER 17, 1983 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO: Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, Co. 81620 Lot 20 & 21, Block 1 Subdivision: Tract A Benchmark You are hereby notified pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.20.030.B.1. of the Avon Municipal Code, that a public hearing on the following matter will be held and con- sidered at the meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission of • the Town of Avon, on December 1, 1983 at 6:00 p.m., in the Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, at which time and place you are hereby invited to be present and be heard. PROPERTY OWNER: APPLICANT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: ADDRESS OF PROPERTYs REQUESTED CHANGE & PROPOSED USE: Doyle & Associates P.O. Box 5070. Avon, Co. 81620 Heritage Cablevision P.O. Box 336 Vail, Co. 81658 Subdivision: Tract A, Benchmark Lot: 37 Block: 1 0140 Metcalf Rd., Units 1, 2, & 3 Avon, Co. 81620 Remodeling of Units 1, 2, & 3 for use as office & warehouse space. DEADLINE: OTHER: If you wish to be heard on this matter, you may appear personally or by designated agent at the public hearing on December 1, 1983, OR you may file a written statement with the Town Clerk, Town of Avon, P.O. Box 975, Avon, Co. 81620 ' In order to be considered by the Planning & Zoning Commission, such written statement must be received in the Town Offices no later than 4:00 pm Thursday, December 1, 1983. n~. Applicant is represented by Mr. Gene Larson, Heritage Cablevision, P.O. Box 336, Vail, Co. 81658, (303) 476-5377