TC Agenda 09-13-1983R 0 TOWN OF AVON • REGULAR MEETING AGENDA SEPTEMBER 13, 1983-7:30 P.M. TIME TO V TTTTCTJ 1. Call to order roll call 2. Citizen Input a. Joe Hartman - Forest Service, Discuss Metcalf Creek and 8:00 June Creek Area revision b. Mike Larson - Vail Associates, Inc. - Discuss the Cloud 8:15 Seeding program for 83/84 ski season c. Ernie Nunn - Environmental Impact Statement and Proposed 8:30 Forest Plan/White River National Forest d. Tom Hill - Sopris Mental Health Clinic - Requesting 8:40 contribution 3. Ordinances a. First reading of Ordinance No.#83-34, Series of 1983, AN 8:45 ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM b. First reading of Ordinance No.#83-35, Series of 1983, AN 9:00 ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE DOG CONTROL 4. Unfinished Business a. Parking regulations(Council to receive/no action necessary) 9:05 b. Agreement for bus advertising 9:15 c. Agreement between Beaver Creek Resort CO. and the Town of 9:25 Avon, to employ BCRC to operate and manage the Bus System (the lift) d. Agreement between Town of Avon, Town of Vail and County of 9:40 Eagle(the lift) 5. New Business a. License Agreement(Benchmark Sign) 10:00 b. Operations and maintenance Agreement between the Avon 10:15 Metro District, Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District and the Town of Avon C. Memorandum of Understanding relating to the Eastern Eagle 10:30 Valley Transportation Council d. Discuss the Denver Water Supply Systemwide Environmental 10:45 Impact Statement(DWB Systemwide EIS) 6. Town Attorney report a. Recommendation on the Denton,Harper,Marshall bill 10:55 7. Town Manager report a. Report on a proposed Helicopter Service in the valley 11:05 b. Sign Code(to receive and refer to the Planning and Zoning 11:15 Commission and to Plum Street Associates Consultants) C. Lift Bus Schedules 11:30 d. Town Budget Schedule 11:40 e. Award the fuel contract 11:50 f. Authorization to buy fuel from Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation 12:00 District g. Report on the proposed fourth bus for the Town 12:20 8. Mayor report 12:30 9. Financial Matters 12:35 I'IL • • 10. Reading and approval of the minutes of the August 23rd meeting 12:40 11. Other Business 12. Adjournment 12:45 0 STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) TOWN OF AVON ) SS • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A STUDY SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO WILL BE HELD SEPTEMBER 13, 1983, AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 2:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. 1) 4:00 P.M.-4:30 P.M. 2) Personnel Policies and procedures John Dunn-Discuss the Legal Service Agreement 4:30 P.M.-5:00 P.M. 3) Discuss the air handling system and venting and cooling for the main office area of the Municipal Building 5:00 P.M.-5:30 P.M. 4) Discuss the Bus Systems 5:30 Pl. M. -6:00 P.M. 5) Up-to-date on. Tract P 6:00 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 6) Review Agenda AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR POSTED IN THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1983: THE AVON POST OFFICE IN THE MAIN LOBBY, THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO CITY MARKET, THE PESTER GAS STATION; AND THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO