TC Agenda 07-26-1983TOWN OF AVON
JULY 26, 1983 - 7:30 P.M.
1. Call to order roll call
2. Citizen Input
a. Clark-Musgrove/Colleen Gibbs - discuss 14MI000G'S position on Air 8:10
Quality in the resort areas
b. Clint Watkins - discuss Forest Service Land exchange 8:25
3. Ordinances
a. First Reading of Ordinance No.#83-32, Amendinq Ordinance No.'80-22,
Provisions relating to emergency response authority for hazardous 8:30
material incidents occurring within corporate limits of Town
4.. Unfinised Business
a. Wildwood Resort, preliminary plat approval, Lots #5,52A,52B, Block 1,
Benchmark Subdivision (continuance of public hearing) 8:45
b. Sunroad Group, Ltd., Resolution No.#83-24, regarding a letter
from City Market verifying density transfer 8:55
5. New Business
a. Special Review Use, Colorado Ute, Resolution No.#83-31, approving
a 115 KV Transmission Line on Sections 34-82-2 and Sections 2 and
2-82-5 9:10
b. Variance request, roadway widths, Wildwood Road, West Block #5,
Wildridge Subdivison, Resolution No.#83-30 9:20
c. Change Order No.#1, Avon Road Landscaping 9:30
d. National Flood Insurance, Resolution No.#83-32 9:35
6. Town Attorney Report
7. Town Manager Report
a. Status report on the Lift Bus System 9:50
b. Status report of Capital Improvements 10:00
8. Mayor report
a. Eagle Valley Chamber of Circe 10:10
9. Financial Matters 10:20
10. Reading and approval of the minutes of the July 12, 1983 meeting 10:25
11. Other Business
12. Adjournment 10:30