TC Agenda 03-22-1983• 0 TOWN OF AVON REGULAR MEETING AGENDA MARCH 22, 1983 - 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to order roll call TIME 2. Citizen Input 7:45 3. Ordinances a. Second reading of Ordinance No.#83-11, Series of 1983, AN 7:50 ORDINANCE REGARDING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION(Public Hearing). b. Second reading of Ordinance No.#83-13, Series of 1983, AN 7:55 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT LEASE AGREEMENTS-police cars and copier-(Public Hearing). c. Second reading of Ordinance No.#83-14, Series of 1983, AN 8:00 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PROVISIONS FOR REPORTING SALES AND PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT UNDER THE SALES TAX ORDINANCE AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF(Public Hearing). d. Second reading of Ordinance No.#83-15, Series of 1983, AN 8:05 ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTION 17.20.030.B.5 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON(Public Hearing). e. First reading of Ordinance No.#83-10, Series of 1983, AN 8:15 ORDINANCE IN REFERENCE TO LOCK-OFFS f. First reading of Ordinance No.#83-16, Series of 1983, AN 8:20 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT LEASE AGREEMENTS-computer and word processer 4. Unfinished Business a. Dennis Cole - Roadcal 8:30 b. Discuss the Charter Amendments 8:45 c. Selection of Comprehensive Plan Committee 9:00 5. New Business a. PUC License for the town buses 9:10 b. Savoy Square, Lots#73/74, Block#1 Benchmark Subdivsion,Pre- 9:15 liminary Plat Hearing c. Advertising for Planning and Zoning Commission members 9:25 d. Padgett Duplex, Lot#35, Block#1 Wildridge-Final Plat Approval 9:30 e. Special Review Use-Colorado Ute Power-Wolcott/Beaver Creek 9:35 115-kv Transmission Powerline S.R.U. f. Recreation Film 9:50 6. Town Attorney report 9:55 7. Town Manager report a. Discuss revision of right-of way cuts 10:00 8. Mayor report 10:05 9. Financial Matters 10:10 10. Reading and approval of the March 8, 1983 minutes 10:15 11. Other Business 10:20 12. Adjournment 10:25 0 i STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A STUDY SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO WILL BE HELD TUESDAY MARCH 22ND, 1983, AT 1:00-P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD, AVON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING:,, 1:00-3:00 p.m. 1) Personnel Policies and;Procedures 3.:00-3:30 p.m. 2), Dennis Cole - Roadcal 3:30-4:00 p.m. 3) Discuss attorneys legal fees 3a) Discuss the National Institute of Municipal Law(NIMLO) 4:00-4:30 P.M. 4) Discuss the Lock=Off ordinance 4:30-5:00 p.m. 5) Review the Agenda 5:00-5:30 p.m. 6) Discuss the Forest Service Land AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS-OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO POSTED IN THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES ON MARCH 21,11983: THE AVON POST OFFICE IN THE MAIN LOBBY, THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO CITY MARKET, THE PESTER GAS STATION; AND THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR