TC Agenda 06-08-1982~ r TOWN OF AVON REGULAR MEETING AGENDA JUNE 8, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to order Roll call 2.- Unfinished Business a: Reynolds-Norman Subdivision Map Approval, L_ot#41, Block#3, Wildridge 3 . " New Business a. Appointment of a Municipal Judge , b. Approval of the 1981, Audit c. First reading of Ordinance No.#82-16, Series of 1982, ORDINANCE -1 MODIFYING THE SALARIES OF MEMBERS OF-TOWN COUNCIL OF THE- TOWN' OF AVON 4. Financial Matters a. Accounts Payables - town's general fund" b: Cash Analysis sheet c. Cash account balances d. Holy Cross Electric Association Invoice -5: Reading and approval of the minutes of the May 25, 1982 meeting 6. Town Attorney report 7. Mayor report 8: Town Manager report a. proposed personnel rules and regulations b. Discuss the striping the West Beaver Creek Boulevard C. Discuss the Town Attorney expenses 9. Other Business 10. Adjournment -2 -3 -4 =5 STATE OF.COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A STUDY SESSION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO WILL BE HELD TUESDAY JUNE 8, 1982, AT' 2:00 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD,,AVON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 1) Jerry McMahan - Discuss the approval of the 1981 audit 2) Discuss the appointment of a Municipal Judge and appropriate salary 3) Nick Dalba - Discuss parking as it relates to restaurant space in a multi=use building where decks and patios are involved 4) Dan Sunday and Jack D.'Orio _ Discuss possible alternatives and plan of action for ground -squirrel control; Discuss location and scope of picnic area in Nottingham Park; Dan Sunday and Linda Mullen - introduce recreation intern and discuss recreation program.for the summer 5) Discuss the fee schedule for the Town Council AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE.COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO ~ BYORDER OF THE MAYOR Patricia J. D le, Tow Clerk POSTED IN THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES ON JUNE 7, 1982: THE AVON POST OFFICE-IN THE MAIN LOBBY, MAIN ENTRANCE'TO CITY MARKET, PESTER GAS STATION; AND THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY