TC Agenda 11-24-1981TOWN OF AVON REGULAR MEETING AGENDA NOVEMBER 24', 1981 - 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to order Roll call 2. Unfinished Business a. Second reading"of Ordinance No.#81-36, Series of 1981, AN ORDINANCE -1 IMPOSING AN EXCISE TAX IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE PER CENT (1%) ON THE PRICE PAID FOR THE. LEASING OR RENTAL OF ANY HOTEL ROOM, CONDOMINIUM UNIT OR SIMILAR ACCOMMODATION LOCATED IN THE TOWN; EFFECTIVE DATE_ OF SAID TAX TO BE DECEMBER 1, 1981; DEFINITIONS OF WORDS USED; EXEMPTIONS FROM SAID TAX; REPORTING PROCEDURE; INTEREST PENALTIES; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO; AND ESTABLISHING PENALTIES'FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF.' 3. New Business a. Avon Center - Condominium Map,Approval; Lot #A, Block#2, Bench. Sub. b. Les Shapiro - Vail Art Center -,Special Review Use for a Bank, Restaurant, Health Club 'and Retail Space;,Lots 26,27,28, c. Easements on Tract G Mall Area Block#1 d. -Final Review of-Revised,Wildwood and Buck Creek Plats,-covenants, and agreement k' _;c- ; g 1 q ,?j e. Special Assessment Bond Issue for Buck Creek-Road f. First reading of Ordinance No.#81-37, Series of 1981, AN ORDINANCE -2 PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE TOWN OF AVON BY THE'INCLUSION OF CERTAIN DESCRIBED LAND IN THE OPEN SPACE, LANDSCAPING AND DRAINAGE ZONE DISTRICT. 4.' Financial Matters a. Accounts Payables - Town's general fund b. Cash Analysis Sheet c. Cash Account Balances =3- =4 -51 5. Reading and Approval of the minutes of the November 10, 1,981 meeting =6 6. Town Attorney 7. Public,reports 8. Mayor reports 9. Other Business 10. Adjournment • • STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF-EAGLE SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A STUDY SESSION OF THE-TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN'OF AVON; COLORADO WILL BE HELD TUESDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1981-AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 400 BENCHMARK ROAD,.AVON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF-DISCUSSING AND CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING: 1) Gene Kripak - Otis and Associates - Discuss Annexation of the Nottingham Parcel 2) Sandy Davies - Easements on,Tract G Mall Area 3) Final Review of Revised Wildwood and Buck Creek, Plats, Covenants and Agreement 4) Special Assessment Bond Issue for Buck Creek Road AND SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOWN OF AVON POSTED IN THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES ON NOVMEBER 23, 1981: NORTHEAST SIDE OF THE BENCHMARK SHOPPING CENTER, MAIN ENTRANCE TO CITY,MARKET, PESTER GAS.STATION; AND MUNICIPAL.BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR NOTICE OF HEARING You are hereby notified pursuant to the provisions of ordinance Number 12, Series of 1979, that the following' matter will be heard and considered at the.meeting of the Avon Town Council of,the Town of Avon, on November 24th, 1981, at 7:30 P. M. in the Town Offices, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado, at which time and place you are hereby invited to. be present. APPLICANT: Vail Building Arts Center PROPERTY: Lots 26, 27 & 28, Block,l, Benchmark Subdivision REQUESTED CHANGE: Special Review Use for a Bank, Restaurant, Health Club and Retail Space DEADLINE: If you wish to protest the proposed change, you may appear personally or by designated agent 'at the public hearing on November 24th, 1981 OR you may file a written statement with the Town Clerk, Town of Avon, P. O. Box D, Avon, Colorado 81620. In order to be considered by the Avon Town Council, such written statement must be received in the Town offices no later than.Tuesday,.November 24, 1981.