TC Agenda 09-02-1981NOTICE OF HEARING
You are hereby notified pursuant to the provisions
of ordinance Number 12, Series of 1979', that the following
matter will be heard and considered at the meeting of the
Design Review Board of the Town of Avon, on'September 2, 1981,
.at 7:30 P.M. in the,Town Offices, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon
Colorado, at which time and place you are hereby invited to
be present.
APPLICANT: Stevens Development Company
Lot 67, Block
3., Wildridge'
Variance in 25
foot setback
to 10 feet.
DEADLINE: If you wish to protest the proposed
change, you may appear personally or by
designated agent at the public hearing
on September 2, 1981, OR'you may file a
written statement with the Town Clerk,
Town of Avon, P. 0. Box,D, Avon, Colorado
81620. In order to be considered by the
Design Review Board, such written statement
must be received in the Town offices no
later than Wednesday,'September 2, 1981.
Design.Review Board
I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SENT copies of the attached
Notice of Public Hearing to all of the following property owners,
by certified mail, this 17th day of August 1981.
j ~L C L-,~
Steven Development Company
Lot 35, Block 3
Wildridge Subdivision
Lot 22, Block 3
Wildridge Subdivision
Lot 21, Block 3
Lot 36, Block 3
Wildridge Subdivision
Lot 34, Block 3
Wildridge Subdivision
Lot 66, Block 3
Lot 68, Block 3
Wildridge Subdivision
Herbert A. Karzen and Ronald
M. Karzen as Joint Tenants
c/o Herbert A. Karzen
260 Nineteenth Street
Santa Monica, California 90402
Caleb B. Hurtt Children's Trust
Caleb B. Hurtt-Trustee
680 Front Range Road
Littleton, Colorado 80120
Nicolas Saad
Grieta 146
Mexico 20, D. F.
Stephen R. Buis
P. O. Box 825
Vail, Colorado 81658
Wildridge Development Company
P. O. Box 20
Avon, Colorado 81620