TC Agenda 09-12-1978so Ve TOWN OF AVON REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 p.m., September 12, 1978 1. Call to order. Roll call. 2. Reading of Minutes. 3. Presentation by Tom Glass, NWCOG. 4. A -95's 5. Introduction and first reading of adoption of Model Traffic Ordinance. 6. Introduction and first reading of adoption of Uniform Building Code. 7. Introduction and first reading of Dog Control Ordinance (adoption of County Dog Control Resolution). 8. Introduction and first reading of resolution to enter into intergovernmental contract re: dog control. 9. Appointment of Personnel Committee re: Town Clerk. 10. Continuation of budget consideration. 11. Discussion of field trip to Snowmass. 12. Discussion of Countywide sales tax. 13. Report by Town Attorney regarding Avon STOLport 14. Other business.