PZC Res. No. 2013-03  Resolution 13-03, Code Text Amendment for Natural Resource Protection   2   Exhibit A to PZC Resolution 13-03 Section 1. Amendment to Section 7.28.100(a), Steep Slopes. Section 7.28.100(a), Steep Slopes, of the ADC is hereby amended with the following modifications: The Applicability for Steep Slopes will be amended as follows: (2) Applicability. The standards in this section shall apply to all new development, with the exception of administrative subdivisions and all other subdivision, PUD and zoning amendment processes that do not result in an increase in density. any new subdivision, PUD, or zoning amendment when any portion of the lot contains naturally-occurring slopes of thirty percent (30%) or greater. Subsection Limits on Graded or Filled Man-Made Slopes, will be removed in its entirety: (v) Limits on Changes to Natural Grade. The original, natural grade shall not be raised or lowered more than six (6) feet at any point for construction of any structure or improvement. Retaining walls must comply with the requirements set forth in this section. The Applicability of Streets, Roads, and General Site Access, is modified by removing reference to specific building types as follows: (A) Applies to all site access except three (3) unit, single family or duplex lots. Section 2. Amendment to Section 7.32.020, Layout and Design Generally. Section 7.32.020, Layout and Design Generally, ADC is hereby amended with the following modifications: An Applicability statement is added to the front end of the Engineering Improvement Standards Chapter: (a) Applicability. The regulations of this subsection shall apply to all development and all subdivision applications. The Applicability statement in the Lots subsection is removed as follows: (1) Applicability. The regulations of this subsection shall apply to all new lots, replats of lots, tracts, and blocks with the exception of condominium and duplex subdivisions that are in conformance with their preliminary plan. The Applicability statement in the Building Envelopes subsection is removed as follows: (i) Applicability. The regulations of this subsection shall apply to all lots with natural hazards, floodplains, and slopes steeper than thirty percent (30%).   Resolution 13-03, Code Text Amendment for Natural Resource Protection   3   The statement restricted any development on areas steeper than forty percent (40%) is removed, and the wildlife habitat statement is moved from Building Envelopes to Buildable Area as follows: (1) Buildable Area. Every lot must have a buildable area large enough to be consistent with the zoning for the lot. The buildable area cannot include areas with slopes steeper than forty percent (40%), should be located to avoid natural hazard areas, critical wildlife habitats, and floodplains, unless properly mitigated. The Building Envelope subsection is removed, and the pertinent sections related to minimum size of a buildable area and protecting wildlife habitat are moved into the Buildable Area subsection as follows: (1) Building Envelopes (i) Applicability. The regulations of this subsection shall apply to all lots with natural hazards, floodplains, and slopes steeper than thirty percent (30%). (ii) All lots with natural hazards, floodplains and slopes steeper than thirty percent (30%) shall have platted building envelopes which restricts development to areas without natural hazards, floodplains and slopes steeper than thirty percent (30%). (iii) All building envelopes The buildable area for each structure shall be no smaller than twenty-five hundred (2,500) square feet and have a minimum dimension greater than twenty-five (25) feet wide. (iv) All building envelopes shall neither contain nor be affected by unmitigated natural hazards (v) If the access to the buildable area crosses slopes steeper than thirty percent (30%), the developer will have to demonstrate that the access to the buildable area can meet all other standards in this Code. (vi) All building improvements above or below grade shall not extend beyond the extents of the building envelope. (vii) Building envelopes shall be sited to minimize impact to wildlife habitats.