PZC Packet 111913Staff Report - Minor PUD Amendment - Public Hearing�I November 19, 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting O N Report date November 13, 2013 Project type PUD Amendment Legal description Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) Address 5684 & 5678 Wildridge Road East Prepared By Jared Barnes, Planner 11 Introduction Dominic Mauriello, the Applicant, representing John Minervini and Virginia Klyce, the Property Owner, is requesting a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment (the Application) to modify the allowed building type for two lots, Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision (the Property). Currently, three (3) dwelling units in the form of a single-family structure and duplex structure are permitted by right. The proposal is requesting the ability to develop the Property with three (3) single-family structures, and is being processed as a Minor PUD Amendment. The Application was heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) at their November 5, 2013. The November 5, 2013 Public Hearing was continued to November 19, 2013 in order to accommodate the required noticing provisions of the Municipal Code. Attached to this report is a Vicinity Map (Attachment A), the revised Application (Attachment B), Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Comments and Applicant Response (Attachment C), and draft Findings of Fact and Recommendations to the Town Council (Attachment D). Application Process (§7.16.020, AMC) Minor PUD Amendment Process This application is processed under §7.16.o6o(h), Amendments to a Final PUD, AMC. Subsection (1)(ii), sets forth criteria for a Minor Amendment, while subsection (2)(ii) sets forth the review procedures for the same process. The Amendments to a Final PUD section was recently adopted by the Town Council to provide clarity to review processes for Administrative and Minor PUD amendments. The application, as submitted, meets the criteria for a Minor Amendment and is processed as such. Agency Referrals Pursuant to AMC §7.16.020(C)(2), Staff referred the Application to Eagle County Planning Department, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, and the Eagle River Fire Protection District for Comments. Staff has received comments from the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (Attachment C). These comments are related to the future subdivision process and building permit process and will be discussed during the staff analysis section. Public Notification In order to comply with the Public Hearing and pertinent noticing requirements, a mailed notice was provided to all property owners within 300' of the property. The list of adjacent November 19, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 11 Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Minor PUD Amendment - PUBLIC HEARING property owners is included within the Application. Additionally, a notice was published in the Vail Daily newspaper on Saturday, October 26th, 2013. Due to the date of the newspaper notifications and its lack of compliance with code requirements, the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) held a public hearing on November 5th, but could not act on the application. The published notice also included notice of the additional public hearing on November 19th, 2013. Based on the comments and direction received on November 5th, 2013, Staff has prepared a draft recommendation and findings of fact for consideration (Attachment D). Public Hearings As mentioned throughout, the PZC held the initial public hearing at the November 5th, 2013 meeting. This meeting completes the public hearing requirements with the PZC. The Council will make the final decision on this Application through a Resolution after holding one more public hearing. Proposed PUD Amendment The Property is zoned PUD and is included in the Wildridge Subdivision. Included in the Wildridge Subdivision and PUD Plat is a Land Use Summary table, which breaks down the number of units for each individual lot, and also summarizes the type of construction permitted on each property. Below (Exhibit i) is an excerpt from the Wildridge PUD, with the pertinent Property information highlighted in yellow. The Property is entitled three (3) units in the form of one (1) single-family structure (Lot 15) and one (1) duplex structure (Lot 16). Exhibit i - Wildridge Subdivision and PUD Land Use Summary November 19, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 12 Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Minor PUD Amendment - PUBLIC HEARING I�IwI:, LI'G .. 61A= I Ew4T1 3 LOT L Ib 11N]rs Loi ]-4b 2 airs LACm eLrT H UNITS Liar 4x 1 11I11I' LOT 1, 4 4 UN17 FAC91 LOW 4R1-" 2 IIw1rq "Em tnr 5-0 F. O141r9 F.kcH LOT ISO L UNIT "IT 9-L] 4 1WI1 r9 F.A191 LOS (,1 -Tl 2 III]TT'R [i.L'H L€Ir 12 2 UN rS Lar I7 OEM F.:F.6 OLDCIL A IfIT 14 OP.1.F."FD LOT I-II 2 LINT TS EAr"M ff1T IS L -NT T[ 4 S w' L2 L IIN1T [Ar 16 S L'WITS LOT L1, 14 2 11193T5 EA9k of Li -11 8 1:19TTR 4ACH Wr Is 1 LIVIT IAT It 75 ? 4N yr, 1:Aex LOT 1.6-2! 2 UNITS EA,'ll LAT 76 R LNITS IAT12 Ie1T 77 4 L1417S LOT 3 16 2 091,19 W,K 1,1T 76-79 5 IN ITS EACHIAT 94 5 L14TTSr?. WT1.r:�r5 :. 1117 HrI-R9 4 LT4ITR TACH LOT 60, 4L 2 d [7s RACH L11T 94.LO6 Z LW 175 TACH LAT 07,41 4 I14TTS MR111T 1r1]-111% 4 1111ITN V.&CH LOT 04-i4 # LTHITS EACH IAIT 1111-11 R 2 LIXIIN I. ox. I.M $5 ) L]HTTS AFT I L I I IIN t" LOT 5(,-(,1 113MTTEACH LIYr ILI-116 I (TWFT F.APH ISM 1�4 4 UNIT: WT /.S -HH ; IAITTs EACH HrAN 2 I:rrr A9.9r, ] O4TT5 [ArH l.l,T 121 t intim P.ACH LI?T 41 O.LT7'KD 1.11rT 4-12 Z LIX 174 FAGH 1.117 I1 4 1!HIT4 dLelr�Lc S 1;117 14 4 AIXITR Lr1i..,jm # L11RT9 I,IYr li-ld 2 IIHLT4 P.AF:H LOT :2,618 6 11417& W-4 I,II'F IT -LB 4 II41T4 HACK I,IYT ]e5 S UNT79 Mr.H IA11 19-21 1 lllms HRC.H 1:1)T 4 1 174175 ..'VT ZS 4 1I4f74 LDT 7, If) Ifs L74TTS EACH Lin ZF-02 ,T 114IT4 FAeK 1 iT 4 0 CrNTTS urr 41-A1 i 11XIT% XA;H LAT LI12 u!1fM 7,In'f 47-4b. 3 11Xf7% HAv".H 7911A:T A b R TNM N, P, 4, R RFR7£FhflRlRkli]RAe"F.14CF.S TXA1:Y XL1r.HT ['1WNF F14I. (4 AFAR7mri +: 7pAf.r r. r1 PAXIL TRkrr n CRWIACF, AC.1'15.;t A.RD 11TH..`-= November 19, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 12 Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Minor PUD Amendment - PUBLIC HEARING In 2000, Lot 14 was replatted by the owners of Lots 13 and 15. The lot area of Lot 14 was split between each of the adjacent lots and its associated development rights were vacated. Lot 15 was replatted in zoos to remove the utility and drainage easement that had remained from Lot 14 when it was separated. This resulted in the current lot areas and layouts that the application is predicated upon. The Application (Attachment B) includes a narrative, response to the mandatory review criteria, and preliminary site plans depicting potential lot layouts. This Application would create a new PUD, Minervini PUD, which would create three (3) separate lots of record that each are permitted one (1) single-family structure. The Application proposes to keep standard Wildridge easements (ten (1o) foot front/rear yard and seven and one-half (7.5) foot side yard) and setbacks (twenty-five (25) foot front setback and ten (1o) foot side and rear setback), but proposes modifying other standards. The building height is proposed to remain at thirty-five (35) feet for Lots z and 3, but be reduced to twenty-eight (28) feet for Lot 1. The Application proposes to limit the curb cuts for driveways to two (2) for the three (3) lots and proposed to plat non -developable areas. At the direction of the PZC at the November 5, 2013 meeting, the Applicant has increase the limit on the maximum building footprint to three thousand (3,000) square feet for lots 1 and 3 and four thousand feet (4,000) for lot z. In addition, the Application now proposes building square footage maximums for lots 1 & 3 of four thousand (4,000) square feet of livable area. Background of Wildridge The original Wildridge "Specially Planned Area" (now considered a "PUD" by default) and the accompanying Subdivision plat were established with a specific purpose and intent: to offer a diverse range of housing types and options to serve a diverse local population. As such, the housing types in the Wildridge PUD are diverse: single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and other forms of multi -family structures - because the housing needs of the local population were, are, and continue to be diverse. It was not platted as a solely single-family home subdivision and PUD for a reason: Avon's local population is not homogenous. Over the years there have been amendments wherein development rights have been altered and replatted through the PUD and Subdivision process. The most recent amendment was for the "June Creek Corner" PUD in Block 2 of the Wildridge Subdivision, where a fourplex lot was converted into two (2) duplex structures. Another recent example was the "Wildridge Point PUD" in Block 4 of the Wildridge Subdivision, where two (2) duplex properties were replatted and converted into three (3) single-family lots. This application was approved with building footprint limitations, or de facto building envelopes, of 2,500 sq. ft. and 3,000 sq. ft. Another example in Wildridge was the Dry Creek PUD in Block 2, wherein a fourplex lot was converted to three (3) single-family residences. This individual PUD amendment was also November 19, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 13 Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Minor PUD Amendment - PUBLIC HEARING predicated on approval of a subdivision variance, and reduced the number of dwelling units by one (1), and limited the maximum building square footage for each lot. Staff Analysis Staff supports this amendment as it would result in a reduced impact on the neighboring properties, and allows for a flexible development pattern in the form of three (3) structures in place of two (2). The massing is improved with more opportunity for building articulation and the introduction of light and air between units which is ensured through the provisions for building footprint maximums and non -developable areas. After reviewing the PUD review criteria below, Staff finds the Application in conformance with the purpose of the Development Code, review criteria, and there appears to be no added impact to neighboring properties. The development pattern in this portion of Wildridge is mainly duplexes with some sporadic single-family structures, the proposed application will help provide variety in the building for and create a more diverse development pattern. PUD Review Criteria Pursuant to §7.16.o6o(e)(4), Review Criteria, AMC, the PZC shall consider a number of review criteria when evaluating the Application. The following criteria must be considered when forming the basis of a recommendation: (i) The PUD addresses a unique situation, confers a substantial benefit to the Town, and/or incorporates creative site design such that it achieves the purposes of this Development Code and represents an improvement in quality over what could have been accomplished through strict application of the otherwise applicable district or development standards. Such improvements in quality may include, but are not limited to: improvements in open space provision and access; environmental protection; tree/vegetation preservation; efficient provision of streets, roads, and other utilities and services; or increased choice of living and housing environments. Staff Response: The stated purposes of §7.04, Development Code, AMC, and §7.16.o6o, PUD, AMC, includes statements regarding the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan; regulating intensity of use; avoiding increased demands on public services and facilities; and providing for compatibility with the surrounding area, among other statements. The proposed amendment does not increase demands on public services, and provides compatible building layouts with the surrounding area. The application does not increase the number of driveway curb cuts to three (3), which is permitted with the proposed development pattern, and instead limits the development to two (2) cuts, which is permitted with the current development pattern. This is a benefit to the immediate neighborhood as there is no net increase in the number of curb cuts. In addition, the inclusion of non -developable areas, additional setbacks, building footprint limitations, and livable area caps ensure the benefit of increased light and air between units is realized, thus resulting in an improved quality over what is permitted today. November 19, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 14 Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Minor PUD Amendment - PUBLIC HEARING (ii) The PUD rezoning will promote the public health, safety, and general welfare; Staff Response: The Application does not negatively affect the public health, safety and welfare. The inclusion of single-family structures on the Property is compatible with the adjacent single-family and duplex residential uses. (iii) The PUD rezoning is consistent with the Avon Comprehensive Plan, the purposes of this Development Code, and the eligibility criteria outlined in § A6.o6o(b); Staff Response: The proposed PUD amendment is part of an established PUD, and is therefore not subject to the eligibility criteria or Public Benefit requirements outlined in §7.16.o6o(b). Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan is required and analysis is provided below. The Comprehensive Plan includes this property within District 24: Wildridge Residential District. The planning principals specific to this property include the following: • Redesign the intersection of Metcalf and Nottingham Roads, and implement the other recommendations for District 4 to enhance the entry to Wildridge and provide more direct access from the Town Center to Wildridge. • Construct bicycle lanes along Metcalf and Wildridge Roads. • Promote a trail system through open space areas in Wildridge to provide alternatives to the roadways for pedestrian circulation and greater connection to the surrounding open space. • Preserve and enhance the existing open space trails and explore the possibility of developing additional parcels into pocket parks. • Acquire and maintain as public open space the U.S. Forest Service -owned parcel adjacent to Wildridge that includes Beaver Creek Point. • Add an alternative or second access route to Wildridge (perhaps forest service road during the spring and summer). • Idents and delineate all open space parcels and public trails. • Site buildings of varying sizes along the street to maximize sun exposure, protect views, be compatible with existing surrounding development, and break up building bulk. Clearly, the majority of the planning principles for the Wildridge District deal more with enhancing open space and non -motorized access options. Except for the last planning principle, these do not relate to the Application. Regarding the last principle, this PUD Amendment allows for greater flexibility in building sizes, breaks up the building bulk and has the potential to maximize sun exposure over what could be experienced with the underlying and existing zoning. November 19, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 15 Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Minor PUD Amendment - PUBLIC HEARING (iv) Facilities and services (including roads and transportation, water, gas, electric, police and fire protection, and sewage and waste disposal, as applicable) will be available to serve the subject property while maintaining adequate levels of service to existing development; Staff Response: The PUD amendment has no incremental impact on public facilities or services; therefore, the existing services can adequately serve the property. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District has provided comments on the Application including: concerns regarding the allowed uses within the non -developable areas; the need for drainage and utility easements; and the verification of water taps and sewer service tie- ins. The applicant has responded (Attachment C) that these comments would best be addressed during the platting and building permit portions of this project. The Applicant did agree that the non -developable areas will allow for utilities and access to those utilities and that all new lot line easements will be utility and drainage easements. Staff agrees with the Applicant that these items should be addressed during the platting process and does believe the other comments are best addressed prior to the issuance of a building permit as is required by Town Code. (v) Compared to the underlying zoning, the PUD rezoning is not likely to result in significant adverse impacts upon the natural environment, including air, water, noise, storm water management, wildlife, and vegetation, or such impacts will be substantially mitigated, Staff Response: When compared to the existing zoning, the proposed PUD amendment will not result in any adverse impacts upon the natural environment, wildlife, vegetation, air, or stormwater management. (vi) Compared to the underlying zoning, the PUD rezoning is not likely to result in significant adverse impacts upon other property in the vicinity of the subject tract; and Staff Response: As discussed herein, the approval of the PUD amendment would not result in significant adverse impacts upon other property in the vicinity. As discussed by the applicant, the existing development pattern could see "coast to coast" development on each of the subject lots. The proposed PUD Amendment includes additional setbacks, easements, and non -developable areas which provide for undevelopable areas resulting in a development pattern of three (3) separate buildings which could result in reduced impacts to other properties in the area, by providing additional building separation. In addition, the reduced building height for Lot 1 to twenty-eight (28) feet will result in a direct reduced impact on adjacent properties particularly those to the north. The commitment to building footprint maximums and square footage maximums for Lot 1 and Lot 3 also has the potential to reduce impacts on adjacent properties by providing assurances to those properties of the maximum size potential of structures on these lots. November 19, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 16 Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Minor PUD Amendment - PUBLIC HEARING (vii) Future uses on the subject tract will be compatible in scale with uses or potential future uses on other properties in the vicinity of the subject tract. Staff Response: As proposed, the Application will either increase the compatibility with uses or potential future uses on other properties in the vicinity, or will result in no change to uses as currently exist. Staff Recommendation Staff requests that the PZC conduct a public hearing, consider public comments (if any), and amend the draft Findings of Fact, Record of Decision, and Recommendation (Attachment D) accordingly. Attachments A: Vicinity Map B: Application C: ERWSD Comment Letter and Applicant Response D: Draft Findings of Fact and Recommendation to Town Council November 19, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 17 Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision / Minor PUD Amendment - PUBLIC HEARING Vicinity Map - Lot 15 & 16, Block 4, WR Attachment A This map was pmducedby Me Community Development Department. Useoithismep Feet should be for generalpurposesonly. TownorAvondoes not warrent the Property Boundaries accuracy of the data contained herein. Created by Commundy Development Department IS 120 240 Attachment B PUD Amendment 5684 and 5678 Wildridge Road East Lots 15 and 16, Block 4,Wildridge Subdivision u Mauriello Planning Group Submitted: September 30, 2013 Revised November 12, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Introduction 3 B. Background 5 C. Precedent and Other Similar Applications 9 D. Zoning Analysis I I E. Proposed Lot Layout & Development Comparisons 12 F. Criteria for Review 14 G. Adjacent Addresses (within 300 Feet) 21 H. Appendices 22 I. Conceptual Lot Layout 2. 1981 Wildridge Final Plat 3. 2000 Lot 13, 14, and 15 Replat 4. 2005 Final Plat of Lot 15 Attachment B 2 Attachment B A. INTRODUCTION The applicants, John Minervini and Virginia Klyce, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, are requesting a Minor PUD Amendment for Lots 15 (5684 Wildridge Road East) and 16 (5678 Wildridge Road East), Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision. The Wildridge PUD currently in effect, identifies Lot 15 as one single-family lot and Lot 16 as one duplex lot, allowing for a total of 3 dwelling units, in the form of I single-family and I duplex on the property (see background for more detail in this regard). The applicant is requesting to create 3 lots, each single-family lots, maintaining the ability to construct a total of 3 dwelling units on the property as single-family homes. Because the lots are located within the Wildridge PUD, a minor amendment to the PUD is required. If approved, a minor subdivision application will be submitted for approval (the development code was recently amended allow minor subdivisions to be approved administratively), which will implement the PUD amendment. The lot lines, lot sizes, and other provisions typical to a subdivision are shown within this application. Below is a conceptual design of the lot layout and home footprint locations: / PROPOSED LOTS CONCEPTUAL HOME LAYOUT LOT 3 .35 ACRES = (15.251 SQ FTI TRACT - -J_ LOT 3 NON DEVELOPMENT EASEMENT • .027 ACRES I/ - Q� LOT 2 -NON DEVELOPMENT EASE1dENT - .282 ACRES LOT 1 .351 ACRES (15,201 SQ FT( LOT_1 92.20' STREET FRONTAGE st. LOT 2 - 95.26' STREET FRONTAGE a • LOT 3 45' STREET FRONTAGE LOT ,7 LOT 1 NON DEVELOPMENT EASEMENT - .046 ACRES The intent is to create the ability to construct two small single-family residences in addition to the existing home. There is no change in allowable density for the property thus allowing it to be classified as a minor PUD amendment. The goal is to construct smaller, more livable units with the living areas primarily on the main floor. This is a product lacking in the Town of Avon and within the Wildridge neighborhood. Steep slopes and duplex development tend to unite to create the need for more vertical units, which do not necessarily appeal to a buyer looking to 0 Attachment B downsize and eliminate stairs as they age. To ensure this type of more compact development, the applicant is proposing a building footprint limitation on all of the lots, a limit on residential square footage for Lots I and 3, and a height limitation on Lot 16 which is surrounded by existing homes. No similar restrictions exist on these lots today and will therefore serve as a benefit to the neighboring properties and have less impacts than what might be developed under the current development standards. Finally, the total number of curb cuts for the three lots will remain at only two, thus eliminating any concerns with additional traffic conflicts generated by providing additional access points to Wildridge Road. This will also allow for a design which will move the existing curb cut at 5684 Wildridge Road, creating an area to landscape and berm, thus screening the garage doors from the street. The Minervini Family intends to live in one of the new homes as they become empty -nesters. They would like to downsize and ensure that the new home allows them to age in place rather than leave the community to pursue a type and size of housing product that is not common in the Town of Avon. A home with a small footprint and the majority of living space on the main floor will allow them to remain in Wildridge for years to come. Their intent is to sell the existing home and the third proposed home. Photo of Lot 15 (left) and Lot 16 (right) in June 2013 Northern portion of Lot 15 for newly created Lot 4 Attachment B B. BACKGROUND The Town of Avon was incorporated in 1978 and Benchmark Properties created the Wildridge and Wildwood Subdivisions shortly thereafter. On this original plat, Lot 15 and Lot 16 were each identified as permitted "2 units each." Subsequently, the Wildridge Subdivision was completely replatted in 1981. Lots 15 and 16 remained in the same configuration, but on the 1981 plat, Lot 15 was identified as permitted only "I unit" while Lot 16 was still permitted 2 units. Lot 15 was platted as 0.75 acres/32,670 sq. ft., while Lot 16 was platted as 0.42 acres / 18,295 sq. ft., as indicated on a portion of the 1981 plat provided below: I In 2000, Lot 14 was replatted by the then -owners of Lots 13 and 15 and the lot area of Lot 14 was split between the two properties. This replat was done as part of a PUD amendment which vacated Lot 14 and the development rights associated with Lot 14, while according to the application, the "Development rights of Lots 13 and 15 were to remain unchanged." Lot 14 was originally permitted 2 units. It is unclear if at the time of this approval, it was understood by the Town and the applicant that Lot 15 was permitted only I unit. The staff memorandum for the adopting ordinance clearly states that Lot 15 would be still be permitted 2 units as indicated on the memo from the file provided on the following page, a statement that we know now was in error: 5 Attachment B To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Bill Efting, Town Manager From: George H. Harrison, Planner 6f Date: March 18,1999 Re: First Reading of Ordinance 99-07, A Ordinance Amending the Wildridge Planned Unit Development (PUD) for Lots 13, 14, and 15, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Town Of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. tot 14 was recently purchased jointly by the owners of Lots 13 and 15. They intend to amort the Wildridge PUD in order to split Lot 14 and incorporate the adjoining halves into current properties. Lot 14's development rights would be vacated leaving both Lots 13 15's two -wait designation unchanged. Discussion: The PUD amendment proposes only one deviation from the existing Wildridge PUD development standards to allow a partially constructed keystone block retaining wall on Lot 13 to exceed 4 feet in height within the front yard setback. This wall is on the uphill side of the driveway retaining the larger hillside above. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Towyn Council pass Ordinance 99-07, amending the Wildridge PUD for Lots 13, 14, and 15, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Altematives: 1. Approve 2. Approve with conditions 3. Deny the application in whole or in part Proposed Motion: 'I move to approve on first reading Ordinance No. 99-07, approving an amendment to the Wildridge PUD for Lots 13, 14, and 15, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado." 6 Attachment B The plat below shows how Lot 14 was divided and added into the lot area of Lot 13 and 15. This increased the size of Lot 15 to 1.085 acres while its designation on the 1981 plat was for only 0.75 acres. FINAI A RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS WIL[ TOWN OF AVON, EAG Lot 15 as replatted in 2000 Lor q817 AM$ %o c x•: e+ t Cons 1.085 ACRES J" �r I _______ syr 111 w, • , Finally, in 2005, the then -owners of Lot 15 eliminated the utility and drainage easement running through the lot and replatted Lot 15 into its current configuration at 1.085 acres as shown below. 1.0l At,P \ - Amhibeque Land Consul FA Attachment B To summarize the history of these properties, Lot 16 was always permitted 2 dwelling units in the form of a duplex. Lot 15 was originally a smaller lot, and permitted only I dwelling unit. However, there was a Lot 14 which was originally permitted 2 dwelling units in the form of a duplex, half of which was incorporated into Lot 15. So one could conclude that from the 1981 plat of the Wildridge Subdivision, that the combined area of subject property would have supported 4 dwelling units. From the originally intended 4 dwelling units, the Minervini Family wants to build only 3 dwelling units. The proposed lot layout is provided below: e i LOT 1 SUI D S V I DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1 t PROPOSED LOT LAYOUT (RACE K LOT 3 • NON DEVELOPMENT EASEMENT • .027 ACRES BUILDING SETBACK ;DRAINAGE EASEMENT NON DEVELOPMENT NT ..282 ACRES 'BUILDING SETBACK DRAINAGE EASEMENT 8 Attachment B C. PRECEDENT AND OTHER SIMILAR APPLICATIONS Similar projects have been approved by the Town of Avon in the past. For example, the following plat shows a resubdivision of Lot 10 and 1 1, Block 2,Wildridge approved by the Town of Avon in 2002. This plat took 2 existing duplex lots and re -platted them as 3 single-family lots. a-- --- FINAL PLAT " A RESUBDMSION OF LOT 10 -- AND LOT 11, BLOCK 2, WILDRIDGE - -- -... Town of Awn, County of Eagle, State of Colorado - /•^ ^'- r. e+....-,,. VATRD srYtss ro9pr xm�a� :•,�•'• :y r • �^ .' O� rp .,�l�f s :� ter?'-.c�_- - - - m .. • �Oq r50 _ --MANCIN ENGINEERING In 2005, the Western Sage PUD allowed for 3 triplex lots and I duplex lot to be re -platted into 8 single-family homes. FINAL PUT WESTERN SAGE DEVELOPMENT A RESUR9nTSION OF LOTS 54. 55. 89, a 9o. BLOCK I. ■IIYRIME — or —.1. I..GII 19L' . cnuNuro 1✓•11 ,.�'i��ii �Kx37r�.i R] 9 Attachment B The Dry Creek PUD, approved in 2006, was another similar approval by the Town of Avon. The Dry Creek PUD allowed for Lot 44 which was permitted 4 units to be re -platted into 3 single- family lots. DRY CREEK PUD AR ... bdimi—f Lot 44, Block 2, Wild idRe Town of Avon, County of Eogk, St— of Colorodo .91= du—% Most recently, the Wildridge Point Subdivision and PUD Amendment was approved by the Town of Avon in 2013. Wildridge Point allowed for Lots 33 and 34, each duplex lots, to be replatted as 3 single-family lots. _ 1'INAL PL\T 's%r.�.c\ WILDRIDOE POINT SUBDIVISION A RF\URD11l.1lOK 01' [Di 9 MD U. BI K 4. WIWIUM! - I TO" OF AVON. COOI.TY OF EAOII:. JTAATE OF % OIONA00 -TTL/,�\ ♦�._ .21- \ _ While these examples were processed in different ways (PUD within a PUD, amendment to a PUD, etc.) the recently adopted Avon Development Code provides a clear process for minor amendments to an existing PUD, simplifying the approval process for applications such as these. 10 Attachment B D. ZONING ANALYSIS Current: Standard Lot IS Lot 16 Total Lot Size (acres) 1.085 0.42 1.505 Units Allowed 1.00 2.00 3.00 Density (du/acre) 0.92 4.76 1.99 Lot Frontage 118.43 114.03 232.46 Proposed: Standard Lot I Lot 2 Lot 3 Total Lot Size (acres) 0.351 0.804 0.35 1.505 Units Allowed 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Density (du/acre) 2.85 1.24 2.86 1.99 Lot Frontage 92.20 95.26 45.00 232.46 There are no changes to any other standards of the Wildridge PUD, with setbacks and height remaining as outlined on the plat. Front setbacks are 25 ft. while side and rear setbacks are 10 ft. The maximum height limitation is 35 ft. However, the applicant is proposing the following limitations to Lots I, 2, and 3: Height: 35 ft. on Lots 2 and 3 and 28 ft. on Lot I Building Footprint: 3,000 sq. ft. on all Lots I and 3, and 4,000 sq. ft. on Lot 2 (Building footprint is the horizontal area of the building measured at finished grade and does not include areas substantially below grade) .r Curb Cuts/Access: No more than 2 curb cuts to Wildridge Road East for the entirety of Lots I, 2, and 3. Non -Development Zone: proposed on all lots (to be shown on the plat). Lot I will indicate a non -development easement of .061 acres. Lot 2 will indicate a non - development easement of .282 acres. Finally, Lot 3 will indicate a non -development easement of .027 acres. Limitation on Residential Square Footage: No more than 4,000 sq. ft. of livable area on Lots I and 3, not including garage area, crawl space, or attic space. iE Attachment B E. PROPOSED LOT LAYOUT & DEVELOPMENT COMPARISONS Below is the proposed lot layout and development scenario reflecting the proposed limitations as well as a development scenario that could be implemented on the property today with existing PUD development standards. With the proposed lot sizes, no development zones, and building footprint restrictions, the maximum building footprint of the entire property is limited to 10,000 sq. ft.Today, the home on Lot 15 could be redeveloped or expanded and a new duplex could be developed on Lot 16. Based on the configuration and setbacks on Lot 16, it could be developed with a 9,300 sq. ft. building footprint (4,650 sq. ft. per unit) and at three -stories that would equal 27,900 sq. ft. of total floor area including garage area for two units. A more reasonably developed duplex on Lot 16 might be a 7,000 sq. ft. footprint and with a total floor area including garages of 12,000 sq. ft. (6,000 sq. ft. per unit). Given the large size of Lot 15 after the 2000 replat, Lot 15 could support a building footprint of 18,000 sq. ft. or 36,000 sq. ft. of total floor area. Such home might not be reasonable given the market. Using the Farr residence as a guide, this lot might be more reasonably developed with a 9,000 sq. ft. footprint and total floor area of 14,000 sq. ft. including garage area. As proposed the total footprint area would be limited to 10,000 sq. ft. versus 16,000 sq. ft. and the total livable area would likely be limited to 14,000 sq. ft in three homes versus 26,000 sq. ft. in three units. LOT 1 .351 ACRES (15,201 SQFT) LOT 1 PROPOSED LOTS CONCEPTUAL HOME LAYOUT 12 LOT 3 .35 ACRES (15,251 SQ FT i f r, - LOT 3 • NON DEVELOPMENT EASEMENT - .027 ACRES --------------- -- LCT 21 J /-NON DEVELOPMENT ASEMENT • .282 ACRES • ~ - LOT 2 • '= 804 ACRES .• 106 SQ FTI LOT I-, 92.20' STREET FRONTAGE �4 ? LOT 2 - 95.26' STREET FRONTAGE +6�• -� LOT 3 - 45' STREET FRONTAGE 1 lOT 19 LOT 1 -NON DEVELOPMENT EASEMENT - .046 ACRES 12 Attachment B CONCEPTUAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT FOR EXISTING LOTS 13 Attachment B F. CRITERIA FOR REVIEW Section establishes the criteria for review of a PUD amendment. It is important to note that these are the same criteria as provided for the establishment of a new PUD, so many are not applicable to an amendment of this limited magnitude. Section states: Review Criteria. The PZC and Town Council shall consider the following criteria as the basis for a recommendation or decision to rezone a property to PUD Overlay, and approve a preliminary PUD plan, or process a PUD amendment: (i) The PUD addresses a unique situation, confers a substantial benefit to the Town, and/or incorporates creative site design such that it achieves the purposes of this Development Code and represents an improvement in quality over what could have been accomplished through strict application of the otherwise applicable district or development standards. Such improvements in quality may include, but are not limited to: improvements in open space provision and access; environmental protection; tree/vegetation preservation; efficient provision of streets, roads, and other utilities and services; or increased choice of living and housing environments. Applicant Response: The proposed amendment to the Wildridge PUD to allow for 3 single family lots allows for a creative site design that is an improvement over the existing lot configuration. The proposal creates building footprint limitations (which do not exist today) which allows for greater open space and environmental protection. These footprint limitations, along with a proposed height limitation, create an increase in choice of living and housing environments. These proposed units are smaller, livable units, intended to be a more accessible choice for potential buyers. (ii) The PUD rezoning will promote the public health, safety, and general welfare; Applicant Response: The proposal includes the limitation of 2 curb cuts for the 3 proposed lots as would exist today, minimizing the effects to the traffic circulation on Wildridge Road. This also allows for additional landscaping and berming at the existing curb cut, screening the garage doors from direct public view. Because there is no increase in the number of proposed dwelling units, there is no increase in the estimated number of trips generated by the project. As a result, the proposal promotes the public health, safety, and welfare. (iii) The PUD rezoning is consistent with the Avon Comprehensive Plan, the purposes of this Development Code, and the eligibility criteria outlined in §7.16.060(b); Applicant Response: The Avon Land Use Map indicates the property as Residential - Low Density as indicated on the map below: 14 civic/Public Regionalcommercial Med use Neighborhood commercial Light industrial commercial Open space I _ _ Park Residential - high density Residential - medium density Residential - low density Town of Avon boundary Parcel Water Attachment B The Comprehensive Plan defines "Residential -Lot Density" as follows: Areas designated for residential low density are intended to provide sites for single-family, duplex, and multi -family dwellings at a density no greater than 7.5 dwelling units per acre. The proposal complies with the density as recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the Development Code is provided in Section 7.04.030 Purposes of the Avon Development Code: The Development Code is intended to promote and achieve the following goals and purposes for the Avon community, including the residents, property owners, business owners and visitors: (a) Divide the Town into zones, restricting and requiring therein the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence and other specified uses; regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas; regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding such buildings; establish building lines and locations of buildings designed for specified industrial, commercial, residential and other uses within such areas; establish standards to which buildings or structures shall conform; establish standards for use of areas adjoining such buildings or structures; (b) Implement the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable planning documents of the Town; (c) Comply with the purposes stated in state and federal regulations which authorize the regulations in this Development Code; (d) Avoid undue traffic congestion and degradation of the level of service provided by streets and roadways, promote effective and economical mass transportation and enhance effective, attractive and economical pedestrian opportunities; (e) Promote adequate light, air, landscaping and open space and avoid undue concentration or sprawl of population; 15 Attachment B (f) Provide a planned and orderly use of land, protection of the environment and preservation of viability, all to conserve the value of the investments of the people of the Avon community and encourage a high quality of life and the most appropriate use of land throughout the municipality, (g) Prevent the inefficient use of land, avoid increased demands on public services and facilities which exceed capacity or degrade the level of service for existing residents; provide for phased development of government services and facilities which maximizes efficiency and optimizes costs to taxpayers and users; and promote sufficient, economical and high-quality provision of all public services and public facilities, including but not limited to water, sewage, schools, libraries, police, parks, recreation, open space and medical facilities; (h) Minimize the risk of damage and injury to people, structures and public infrastructure created by wild fire, avalanche, unstable slopes, rock fall, mudslides, flood danger and other natural hazards; (i) Achieve or exceed federal clean air standards; (j) Sustain water sources by maintaining the natural watershed, preventing accelerated erosion, reducing runoff and consequent sedimentation, eliminating pollutants introduced directly into streams and enhancing public access to recreational water sources; (k) Maintain the natural scenic beauty of the Eagle River Valley in order to preserve areas of historical and archaeological importance, provide for adequate open spaces, preserve scenic views, provide recreational opportunities, sustain the tourist -based economy and preserve property values; (1) Promote architectural design which is compatible, functional, practical and complimentary to Avon's sub -alpine environment, (m) Achieve innovation and advancement in design of the built environment to improve efficiency, reduce energy consumption, reduce emission of pollutants, reduce consumption of non-renewable natural resources and attain sustainability; (n) Achieve a diverse range of attainable housing which meets the housing needs created by jobs in the Town, provides a range of housing types and price points to serve a complete range of life stages and promotes a balanced, diverse and stable full time residential community which is balanced with the visitor economy, (o) Promote quality real estate investments which conserve property values by disclosing risks, taxes and fees; by incorporating practical and comprehensible legal arrangements; and by promoting accuracy in investment expectations; and (p) Promote the health, safety and welfare of the Avon community. As demonstrated within this document, the proposal is consistent with and in substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code by not increasing the number of dwelling units, providing for greater open space and reducing building footprints within an existing subdivision. The eligibility criteria for a PUD are outlined in Section 7.16.060(b) and state the following: (1) Property Eligible. All properties within the Town of Avon are eligible to apply for PUD approval. (2) Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. The proposed development shall be consistent with the Avon Comprehensive Plan. (3) Consistent with PUD Intent. The proposed development shall be consistent with the intent and spirit of the PUD purpose statement in §7.16.060(a). (4) Compatibility with Existing Uses. The proposed development shall not impede the continued use or development of surrounding properties for uses that are permitted in the Development Code or planned for in the Avon Comprehensive Plan. 16 Attachment B (S) Public Benefit. A recognizable and material benefit will be realized by both the future residents and the Town as a whole through the establishment of a PUD, where such benefit would otherwise be infeasible or unlikely. (6) Preservation of Site Features. Long-term conservation of natural, historical, architectural, or other significant features or open space will be achieved, where such features would otherwise be destroyed or degraded by development as permitted by the underlying zoning district. (7) Sufficient Land Area for Proposed Uses. Sufficient land area has been provided to comply with all applicable regulations of the Development Code, to adequately serve the needs of all permitted uses in the PUD projects, and to ensure compatibility between uses and the surrounding neighborhood. As demonstrated within this document, the proposal is consistent with the eligibility criteria for a PUD. The proposal is consistent with the Avon Comprehensive Plan and compatible with existing uses, which are of a similar density as the proposal. There is a demonstrated public benefit by providing limitations on building footprints, height, and the number of curb cuts, where no such limitation exists today. Areas of steeper slopes are preserved, and the appearance and amount of open space is increased. (iv) Facilities and services (including roads and transportation, water, gas, electric, police and fire protection, and sewage and waste disposal, as applicable) will be available to serve the subject property while maintaining adequate levels of service to existing development; Applicant Response: Because there is no increase in density for the proposed project, all facilities and services are available and adequate to serve the development. (v) Compared to the underlying zoning, the PUD rezoning is not likely to result in significant adverse impacts upon the natural environment, including air, water, noise, storm water management, wildlife, and vegetation, or such impacts will be substantially mitigated; Applicant Response: The proposal is entirely located within a previously platted subdivision, with no increase in the allowable density, and as a result will not have any additional adverse impacts on the above -reference criteria. (vi) Compared to the underlying zoning, the PUD rezoning is not likely to result in significant adverse impacts upon other property in the vicinity of the subject tract; and Applicant Response: As there is no increase in allowable density for the properties, there is no increase to impacts upon other property in the vicinity. The proposal is consistent with the allowable density for surrounding properties and will be smaller in scale than many of the existing homes in the neighborhood. The following photos provide some idea of the character of the existing homes in the vicinity: ffl Attachment B Adjacent homes (Lots 21 and 20) behind Lot 15, accessed from Coyote Ridge from Coyote Ridge 3 Duplex on Lot 77, located across Wildridge Road East Home on Lot 17, adjacent to Lot 16 The character of the neighborhood, while entirely residential, has homes that were built in different real estate boom and bust cycles. Some homes, generally built in the 1990s and early 2000s are large single-family or duplex units that stretch from lot line to lot line. Homes constructed earlier are smaller, with minimal footprints and significant development potential remaining. With the restrictions proposed by the Minervini Family on building footprints, height, residential square footage, and curb cuts, the neighbors in the vicinity are guaranteed smaller homes with less impact than what is currently allowed on the property. (vii)Future uses on the subject tract will be compatible in scale with uses or potential future uses on other properties in the vicinity of the subject tract. Applicant Response: While the neighborhood is generally developed with a mix of single- family homes and duplexes, the majority of the lots in the vicinity are allowed a minimum of 2 units. The following analysis provides a map which indicates the allowable land use for properties in the general vicinity. In addition to the map, an analysis has been provided which indicates the lot size for each property, the number of units allowed, and the density (dwelling units/acre) allowed for each lot. This analysis indicates that the proposal is consistent with the allowable development for properties in the neighborhood. 18 21 22 \ 15 23 20 1619 24 25 26 Open Space Single Family Duplex Attachment B Lot Lot Size (acres) Dwelling Units Allowed Density Allowed (du/acre) 11 0.95 2 2.105 12 0.96 2 2.083 13 1.847 2 1.083 15 1.085 1 0.922 16 0.42 2 4.762 17 0.398 2 5.025 18 0.453 2 4.415 19 0.47 2 4.255 20 0.64 2 3.125 21 0.76 2 2.632 22 1.14 2 1.754 23 1.4 2 1.429 24 1.61 2 1.242 25 0.95 2 2.105 26 1 2 2.000 27 1.2 2 1.667 28 1.169 2 1.711 75 0.49 2 4.082 76 0.55 2 3.636 77 1.07 2 1.869 78 0.723 2 2.766 79 0.61 2 3.279 80 0.586 2 3.413 81 0.51 2 3.922 82 1.33 2 1.504 83 0.96 2 2.083 Total 23.281 51 2.191 Avera e 0.895 1.962 2.649 19 Attachment B As proposed, the allowable density for each lot is as follows: .,Lot 1: 1 du / .351 acres = 2.8 du/acre -,Lot 2: 1 du / .804 acres = 1.2 du/acre .,Lot 3: 1 du / .35 acres = 2.9 du/acre .,Total: 3 du / 1.505 acres = 1.99 du/acre (no change) As indicated in the analysis, this is consistent with the allowable density for properties in the neighborhood, which average 2.6 dwelling units per acre. 20 0' 20' 40' 60' 1 1 LOT 13 86�u • 8 LOT 3 - '- .35 ACRES _ (15,251 SQ FT) 1 L — � 10' z0' i r LOT 1 351 ACRES 1 LOT 2 .804 ACRES (35,106 SQ FT) �SETBA/CK/ '\1 (15 201 SQ FT) \ o'� DRAINAGE EASEMENT •\Y---8590 ,�ry`L`� LOT 1 NON DEVELOPMENT •\ EASEMENT - .061 ACRES _OT 19 I o LOT 17 9A 1� • . E i 777-o" 4 .5 1 4 o" E LOT 20 PROPOSED LOT LAYOUT TRACT K LOT 3 - NON DEVELOPMENT EASEMENT - .027 ACRES UILDING SETBACK 'DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOT 21 - NON DEVELOPMENT ENT - .282 ACRES UILDING SETBACK RAINAGE EASEMENT Attachment B LU M r O N Lu Co w H a Lu N �O �o / oma\ i GUARD RAILS 100 1 1 LOT 13 86�u • 8 LOT 3 - '- .35 ACRES _ (15,251 SQ FT) 1 L — � 10' z0' i r LOT 1 351 ACRES 1 LOT 2 .804 ACRES (35,106 SQ FT) �SETBA/CK/ '\1 (15 201 SQ FT) \ o'� DRAINAGE EASEMENT •\Y---8590 ,�ry`L`� LOT 1 NON DEVELOPMENT •\ EASEMENT - .061 ACRES _OT 19 I o LOT 17 9A 1� • . E i 777-o" 4 .5 1 4 o" E LOT 20 PROPOSED LOT LAYOUT TRACT K LOT 3 - NON DEVELOPMENT EASEMENT - .027 ACRES UILDING SETBACK 'DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOT 21 - NON DEVELOPMENT ENT - .282 ACRES UILDING SETBACK RAINAGE EASEMENT Attachment B LU M r O N Lu Co w H a Lu N PROPOSED LOTS CONCEPTUAL HOME LAYOUT LOT 13 ® — LOT 3 - .35 ACRES o• a, ao• 60 _ (115, 2 51 SQ FT ) TRACT K jo • 'LOT 3 - NON DEVELOPMENT • BF' EASEMENT - .027 ACRES so - s • to • LO 3 \ N/ I r � o - r LOT 21 ° LOT 2 % EXISTING L T 2 - NON DEVELOPMENT G� RESIDENCE o " EASEMENT - .282 ACRES LOT 1 .351 ACRES (15,201 SQ FT) • s:'/ // - L U I, • i / 04 ACR S -- 600 i /;'• -- - 6.."` 11 0 - a754 49r E ' + � It LOT 4 zo 92.20' STREET FRONTAGE LOT 2 - 95.26' STREET FRONTAGE LOT 1 �g590 Cp.', - ,= LOT 3 - 45' STREET FRONTAGE ,f' � LOT 19 i LOT 17 7 E LOT 1 - NON DEVELOPMENT EASEMENT - .046 ACRES Attachment B M 0 N w Co w a w N Z O N CoD w W o V0 >J Q C U OJ CoZ No _ M_ M N � N O I_WJO 0Lr) wZ O� d N Ox Ljd C m C � C O - 6 ► O � CONCEPTUAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT FOR EXISTING LOTS T 21 (1 GUARD RNL- `i J Attachment B M O N W Co W d W N Z O N D V) m V w Lu o V0 >J Q C U O Co J ZNo M � N � N O ~ W JO MLr) wZ O�-- d N Ox � W u m c c r 90 � a 0 Attachment C From: Dominic Mauriello To: Jared Barnes Cc: Allison Kent Subject: Re: Minervini PUD Referral Date: Monday, October 28, 2013 8:50:08 AM Hi Jared: Thank you for forwarding that. Here is my response: • Once we prepare the final plat, we can ensure that the nondevelopment areas allow for utilities and access to utilities; • On the final plat, we will ensure that the easements are in fact drainage and utility easements; • We understand that there might not be existing taps/service to Lots 1 and 3; and • We understand that sewer service connections will have to tie into the existing system and that the nondevelopment areas will need to allow for this utility connection. Thanks, Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Mauriello Planning Group, LLC PO Box 4777 2205 Eagle Ranch Road Eagle, Colorado 81631 970-376-3318 cell www.mpgvail.com On Oct 25, 2013, at 2:44 PM, Jared Barnes <jbarnes(d)avon.org> wrote: Dominic, Please see the comments from the ERWSD below. If you have any questions regarding the specific comments please feel free to contact myself and Tug. I would like to be copied on correspondence for File keeping records. Regards, Jared Barnes Planner II Community Development Town of Avon PO Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 970-748-4023 Attachment C From: Tug Birk [mai Ito: dbirk(a)erwsd.org] Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 3:02 PM To: Jared Barnes Subject: RE: Minervini PUD Referral Jared, Here are the ERWSD comments. • SS MH CS1943-351MH0380 appears to be located within the proposed Lot 2 Non Development Easement. Ensure access/maintenance/easement requirements. • New side lot easements are called out as 'drainage easements' not 'drainage and utility easements' as previously contemplated in the Wildridge Subdivision. If the 'utility' portion of the easement is to be vacated we may need formal vacation. • Water tap/service stub outs will probably not be available for Lots 1 and 3; new taps will need to be connected at the water main in Wildridge Road East. • Verify that the proposed Lot 1 and Lot 3 will have adequate sewer service. Sewer services to these lots may require crossing the Lot 2 non -development easement for tie-in to the system. Thanks, Tu9gK�,- Development Review Coordinator Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 970-477-5449 tbirk(@erwsd.org From: Jared Barnes [mailtoJbarnes(a)avon.org] Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 3:35 PM To: Jared Barnes Subject: Minervini PUD Referral Hello, Attached is a request for referral comments on a PUD Amendment application being processed by the Town of Avon. The request is to amend the Wildridge PUD zoning for 2 lots to modify their allowed uses to permit 3 single family structures. The application will be accompanied by a subdivision application to create a new lot and there is no net gain or loss in dwelling units. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. Regards, Attachment D AVON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION F.� FINDINGS OF FACT, RECORD OF DECISION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS AVON O L O h P 0 CONCERNING THE MINOR PUD AMENDMENT FOR LOTS 15 & 16, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION The following findings of fact and recommendations are made in accordance with Avon Municipal Code ("AMC") §7.16.060(h), §7.16.020(g), & §7.16.060(e)(4): 1. Application Submitted. A Minor PUD Amendment Application ("the Application"), was submitted to the Community Development Department of the Town of Avon (the "Town") on October 7, 2013 by Dominic Mauriello (the "Applicant"). 2. Agency Referrals. On October 15, 2013, pursuant to AMC §7.16.020(c)(2), Staff referred the Application to outside review agencies, including the following: Eagle County Planning, Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, and Eagle River Fire Protection District. Comments were received from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District and have been included in the recorded record of the Application. 3. Notice of Public Hearing. Pursuant to AMC §7.16.020(d), a notice of public hearing was published in The Vail Daily and a mailed notice was sent to all property owners within 300' of the properties. 4. Staff Report to Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC). Jared Barnes, Planner II, submitted Staff reports to the PZC dated November 1, 2013, and November 13, 2013. 5. Public Hearing before the PZC. On November 5, 2013 and November 19, 2013 the PZC held public hearings on the Application, and considered Staff's analysis, referral comments from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, and public comments received. 6. Compliance with Review Criteria. The PZC makes the following findings in regard to compliance with the applicable review criteria for a Minor PUD Amendment (§7.16.060(e)(4)) as the basis for this recommendation to Town Council: PZC FINDINGS: (1) The Application was processed in accordance with §7.16.060(h), Amendment to a Final PUD, which allowed the application to be processed as a minor amendment pursuant to §7.16.060(h)(1)(ii), Minor Amendment, and utilized the review criteria set forth in §7.16.060(e)(4), Preliminary PUD Review Criteria; and, FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION LOTS 15 & 16, BLOCK 4, WILRIDGE SUBDIVISION — MINERVINI MINOR PUD AMENDMENT Page 1 of 2 Attachment D (2) The Application is in substantial compliance with §7.16.060(e)(4), Preliminary PUD Review Criteria, AMC; and, (3) The Application is not likely to result in adverse impacts upon the natural environment, including air, water, noise, storm water management, wildlife, and vegetation, or such impacts will be substantially mitigated with building footprint maximums; and, (4) Approval of the Application would reduce building massing compared to the existing underlying zoning, allowing for an improvement in quality over what could have been accomplished through the existing zoning designations; and, (5) Building impacts on-site are reduced by adding restrictions that are currently not in effect including: building footprint restrictions of 3,000 sq. ft. for proposed Lots 1 & 3, and 4,000 sq. ft. for Lot 2; additionally, livable square footage caps (not including garage space) of 4,000 sq. ft. for proposed Lots 1 & 3; and, (6) The Application is in conformance with policy recommendations in the Avon Comprehensive Plan, including "siting buildings of varying sizes along the street to maximize sun exposure, protect views, be compatible with surrounding development, and break up building bulk." PZC RECOMMENDATION: The PZC recommends that Town Council APPROVE the Minor PUD Amendment Application (Revisions dated November 12, 2013) with the following conditions: (1) The Subdivision Plat for the Minervini PUD shall ensure that the non -developable areas include allowances for utilities as well as their access and maintenance. (2) The Subdivision Plat for the Minervini PUD shall ensure that all lot line easements are Utility and Drainage easements, with the exception of the front lot line easement which shall be a Slope Maintenance, Utility, Drainage, and Snow Storage Easement. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY: DATE: Jim Clancy, PZC Chairperson FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION LOTS 15 & 16, BLOCK 4, WILRIDGE SUBDIVISION — MINERVINI MINOR PUD AMENDMENT Page 2 of 2 Staff Report - Major Design and Development Plan / Alternative AV N Equivalent Compliance November 19, 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Report date November 15, 2013 Project type Residential Construction — Single Family Legal description Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) — z Units Address 5141 Longsun Lane Prepared By Jared Barnes, Planner II ` w Summary of Requests The Applicant, Michael Pukas, has submitted a "Major Design and Development" application and "Alternative Equivalent Compliance" (AEC) application for a single-family residence on Lot 47, Block 4 of the Wildridge Subdivision, also described as 5141 Longsun Lane (the Property). The structure will measure (inclusive of garage area) approximately 4,300 square feet inclusive of garage area. The structures will utilize stucco, wood siding, and asphalt shingles as the primary exterior finishes. Attached to this report are a vicinity map (Exhibit A), Light Fixture Cut Sheet (Exhibit B), Color and Material Board (Exhibit C), AEC Request (Exhibit D), Reduced Plan Sets and Rendered Elevations (Exhibit E). Property Description The Property measures approximately three-quarters (0.74) of an acre or 32,234 square feet with frontage along Longsun Lane. The topography of the Property is quite steep with the high point along Longsun Lane and grades falling to the west. The Property has standard setbacks for lots in the Wildridge Subdivision, twenty-five foot (251 front yard and ten foot (1o') side and rear yard setbacks. The Property also has standard seven and one-half foot (7.5') easements on the side property lines and a ten foot (1o') easement on the front property lines. The Property does contain a thirty foot (30') wide utility easement to the western side. Planning and Zoning Commission Comments The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) provided comments to the applicant at the last review. The comments centered on the design of the structure; lack of fenestration and design articulation on the north and east elevations; the lack of support for the AEC request as proposed; and, the lack of natural design to the Landscape Plan. The applicant has revised the site design to modify the driveway and retaining walls as well as improved the exterior design of the structure to create a four-sided design. In addition landscaping has been reallocated to create a better overall design. Planning Analysis Allowed Use and Density: The Property is zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) with a plat note that limits the density to two (2) dwelling units in the form of a duplex. The application complies with the allowed uses and density as a single-family residence is being proposed. Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: The applicant is proposing that the lot coverage is seven percent (7%) which complies with the maximum fifty percent (50%) allowed by zoning. The roof overhang on the northern portion of the structure borders the side setback, but is within the prescribed setbacks. An October 15, 2013 PZC Meeting — Lot 47, Block 4, WR Clarey Residence Improvement Location Certificate (ILC) will be required at foundation to verify the structures location. The entirety of the structure is outside of all easements, including the utility easement described above. Building Height: The maximum building height permitted for this property is thirty-five feet (35'). The applicant is proposing a maximum building height of thirty-four feet and ten inches (34' -lo"). Due to the building height, an ILC will be required at framing to verify compliance with the height limitation. Parking: The parking requirement for the structure is four (4) on-site parking spaces. The Applicant is proposing four (4) parking spaces, two (i) spaces in the garage and two (i) on the surface. Outdoor Lighting: The Applicant is proposing to use a mixture of recessed can light fixtures and full cut- off light fixtures for all exterior lighting (Exhibit B). The fixtures will be used around exterior entries and deck doors and the property will contain a maximum of six (6) recessed fixtures and five (5) wall sconce fixtures. The fixtures meet the Dark Sky Ordinance requirements. Snow Storage: The Applicant is proposing 2,288 SF of snow storage adjacent to the proposed driveway. This area exceeds the minimum requirement of twenty percent (20%) of the driveway area. Design Standards Analysis Landscaping: The proposed landscape plan includes two (z) Colorado Blue Spruce trees, thirteen (13) Quaking Aspen trees, one (1) European Mountain Ash tree, and thirteen (13) various shrubs. The proposed landscape plan also includes revegetation of all disturbed areas with a native seed mixture. §7.28.05o(e) requires that the Property provide one -hundred and thirty-four (134) landscape units based on the proposed landscaped area of 6,709 SF, which excludes all undisturbed areas. The applicant is proposing to provide one -hundred and thirty-five (135) landscape units through the various materials discussed above as well as a bonus for undisturbed areas. The applicant is proposing no permanent irrigation, and only utilizing temporary irrigation to establish the native seed and trees. The Application meets the requirements for landscaped area (a minimum twenty percent (20%) of the lot area), irrigated area (a maximum of twenty percent (20%) of the landscaped area), and landscape units. Building Materials and Colors: The primary exterior building materials are horizontal wood siding and stucco. The following colors are proposed: stucco — "Nantucket Gray" (Benjamin Moore HC -111) and "Tyler Taupe" (Benjamin Moore HC -43); stone veneer — "Mountain Ledge — "Yukon" (Eldorado Stone); siding — "Clove Brown" (Porter Paints Semi -Opaque Stain); and, trim — "Caramel" (Porter Paints Semi - Opaque Stain). A color/material board will be provided for review at the PZC meeting (Exhibit C) and colored renderings have been provided as a supplement to Exhibit E for your review. The proposed materials and colors appear to meet the requirements of Title 7 of the Municipal Code. Roof Material and Pitch: The application is proposing to use asphalt shingles for all primary roofing and standing seam metal roofing for the shallower portion. The proposed roof form consists of pitched roofs with a predominate pitch of seven -to -twelve (7:12). A portion of the building contains a roof pitch of two -to -twelve (z:iz), which does not comply with the development standards and will be finished with standing seam metal roofing. The applicant has requested an AEC approval to permit the shallower roof pitch. Attached to this report as Exhibit D, the Applicant has provided rationale for the AEC approval as well as a cut sheet providing instructions for shallower pitches and alternative roof form studies to prove this is the preferred design. October 15, 2013 PZC Meeting — Lot 47, Block 4, WR Clarey Residence 2 Review Criteria §7.16.o8o(f), Development Plan (1) Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; (2) Evidence of substantial compliance with the §7.16.ogo, Design Review. (3) Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; (4) Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; (5) Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and (6) That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. §7.16.ogo(f), Design Review (1) The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; (2) The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and (3) The design reflects the long range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. §7.16.12o(d), Alternative Equivalent Compliance (1) The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; (2) The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; (3) The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and (4) The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this ordinance. Staff Recommendation If the PZC is accepting of the AEC and the proposed colors and design, Staff recommends approving the "Major Design and Development" application and "Alternative Equivalent Compliance" application for a single-family structure on Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision. The PZC should make a finding regarding the AEC approval in addition to the following Staff recommended findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.o8o(f), Development Plan, §7.16.ogo(f), Design Review, and §7.16.12o(d), Alternative Equivalent Compliance, and was determined to be compliant with the review criteria. 2. The Development can be served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Exhibits A: Vicinity Map B: Light Fixture Cut Sheet C: Color Board D: AEC Request E: Reduced Plan Sets October 15, 2013 PZC Meeting — Lot 47, Block 4, WR Clarey Residence 3 Vicinity Map - Lot 47, Block 4, WR Exhibit A This map was pmducedby Me Community Development Department. Useo/thismep Feet should be for generalpurposesonly. TownorAvondoes not warrent the Property Boundariem 190 accuracyoithe diy. To tainadharein. Created by Commundy Development Department IS 0 8/22/13 Hampton Bay 180 -Degree Outdoor Motion -Sensing Wall Lantern-HB48017MP-237 at The Home Depot 0) FREE SHIP TO STORE` OR HOME-. NOW AVAILABLE ON OVER 400,000 ITEMS, Exhibit B Tool & Truck Rental Get It Installed Gift Cards Help more affongl. Your Store: 1111" doing' Lander #4702 (change) Shop arSearch All What can viehelp you find? Department PRODUCT OVERVIEW Project: How -To Sign In or Register Your Account Hampton Bay 180 -Degree Outdoor MotionSensing Wall Lantern $49.97 / each This item cannot be shipped to the following state(s): GU,V -ih iampton Bay lou-uegree uutdooi wall Lantern has opaque sides that do not emits tray light, greatly reducing ambient light pollution and earning the approval ofthe International Dark Sky Association. Add thatto energysavings from the auto -off feature and motion sensorforan environmentally friendly addition to your home. • Cast aluminum and brass housing is made for outdoor installation • Opaque, conical copper -colored design casts light downward and reduces ambient light pollution • Standard wall -mount installation • Weather -resistant materials for added durability • Uses 1 medium -base bulb, 100 watts maximum • Adjustable auto -off feature • 180 -degree, 30 ft. range of detection • UL listed • Assembled dimensions: 8 in. W x 11-1/2 in. H x 11 in. Ext. • MFG Model #: HB48017MP-237 • MFG Part #: HB48017MP-237 SPECIFICATIONS 11 in 8 in 1 -UL Listed 10 'Jo `'il Piihheri Prnn- Buy Online, Pick Up In Store Today Check Store Inventory Info & Guides Instructions / Assembly You will need Adobe® Acrobat® Reader to view PDF documents. Download a free copy from the Adobe Web site. Assembled Height (in.) Bulb Type (-Wnr'Fir Exterior Lighting Product Ty; Fixti!r! X19 terz 11.5 in Incandescent Oil Rubbed Pmr7r Yes Wall Mount Lice ('ast Al,iminurr. -)ne Year Limited Warranty Motion Sensor Yes wwvu.homedepot.corn/p/U100549693?productld=100549693&storeld=10051 &fang Id= -1 &catalog Id= 10053&ci_sku=100549693&ci_src=17588969&cm_mmc=shop... 1/2 kii r - kii Alternative Equivalent Compliance October 31, 2013 Town of Avon Community Development PO Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Attention: Jared Barnes Tel: (970) 748-4413 Fax: (970) 748-5749 jbarnes@avon.org Regarding: Alternative Equivalent Compliance Application Clarey Residence Parcel no.: 1943-351-03-011 Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision 5141 Longsun Lane Avon, CO 81620 Exhibit D mpp design shop PO Box 288 095 Willowstone Place Gypsum, CO 81637 c 970-390-4931 michael@mppdesianshop.com We are submitting an Alternative Equivalent Compliance Application along w/ the Major Development Application for the following items; The Avon Municipal Code Section 07: Development Code, Chapter 7.28.090(d) (3) (i) which states "Ali residential buildings shall have pitched roofs with a rise of not less than four (4) inches in twelve (12) inches of distance. Primary roofs shall have a four -to -twelve (4:12) minimum and a twelve -to - twelve (12:12) maximum. Secondary roofs shall have a four -to -twelve (4:12) minimum and metal roofs shall have a three -to -twelve (3:12) minimum." a. A shed roof over the mud room and hallway on the main level with a pitch of 2:12 and One of the main challenges presented by this steep downhill lot is keeping the main level in as close proximity to the garage level as possible, and complying with the building height limitations. The area of concern with a 2:12 pitch is the connection between the garage level and main house, and the option presented is the most straight forward approach to constructing a roof over this area. The design intention of the house is to be a simple Mountain Ranch style home with clean, uncomplicated roof lines. Due to the budgetary constraints of the project, the roof forms are easily constructed with roof trusses, with the exception of this shed roof area which would be conventionally stick -framed. Other design options have been explored and included in this application. All of these options show roof forms that are taller and more complex than the shed roof being proposed. These options would increase the overall height and massing of the building, and change the nature of the design from a simple, clean Mountain Ranch style to a hybrid of a Tudor style with long sloping roof faces, short ridges with multiple roof hips connecting the different faces. These optional roof forms would require additional expenses in labor and materials to construct, unnecessarily increasing the overall cost of the construction for the building. These optional roof forms would be constructed of roof trusses having un -occupiable space above the living spaces, and will be more complex and expensive to construct. 1305-Clarey-AEC-10-31-13.doc Page 1 of 2 Alternative Equivalent Compliance Exhibit D mpp design shop PO Box 288 095 Willowstone Place Gypsum, CO 81637 c 970-390-4931 michael@mppdesianshop.com The proposed 2:12 shed roof also helps to minimize the amount of water being shed onto the front entrance and driveway areas, thus mitigating the need to underground drain piping and ice built-up during winter months. (NOTE: the attached optional roof designs are shown without roof over hangs, fascia profiles and finished roof surfaces being modeled and are intended to show massing concepts only.) The proposed roofs in question maintain the intention of a simple Mountain Ranch style home, appropriate for the Wildridge neighborhood, reduces the overall height and massing of the building as seen from the roads above, and does not impose any greater impact on adjacent properties than any of the optional roof design presented would. Attachments: Sheets A3.3 and A3.4 for Options 1, 2 and 3 Thank you for your consideration of these requests. SIGNED: Michael Pukas 1305_Clarey_AEC_10-31-13.doc Page 2 of 2 4 Southwest Model View ------------- --------- x. 00p r-,— E UN0� o O CUCO= o �0 3 Ln .L Q L� Q Q) n, U VJ .E 1.L 1.L O oU ) c� 4�LO ry o NO_ - W p 0 00 O �p J LQ # Description Date f 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 { 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 n Southeast Model View J Project Number: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a option 1 Scale -� a---- - --------- ----------- ------------- ------- -- = - - --- --- -- qo( f Northeast Model View 2 Northwest Model View U� 0�0—E0 00 CO 0a-006 Q Op CC = oLn �0 3 01-1 .� O O — Q V) L� Q 011Q) n, U VJ .E 1.L 1.L # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 Project Number: 1305 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a option 1 A5,04 5r -ale O U �> o ) CO LO O W 0 0 v NO W O O D N �O 00 U UC)o�> 0 0- 1LOQ # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 Project Number: 1305 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a option 1 A5,04 5r -ale 4 Southwest Model View ------------- 00 O ma - E UN0� o O CUCO= o �0 3 .L O OLn Q L� Q Q) n, U VJ .E 1.L 1.L O oU ) c� ._oma LO 4� ry C) o NO - W 0_0 op J U� 0ILO # Description Date f 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 { 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 n Southeast Model View J Project Number: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a option 2 Scale aL -� a---- - --------- ----------- ----------- -------- -- = - - - --- --- 0 ----------- Northeast Model View 2 Northwest Model View U�00—E0 00 CO 0a-006 Q OpCC= o�,oC — Q 0 0, L� Q 011 EQ) n, U VJ .E 1.L 1.L # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 Project Number: 1305 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a option 2 A5,04 5r -ale 0 0 0 N 0 0 O U �> o ) CO LO O W 0 0 v NO W O OopO D N 00 O U UC)o�> O 0- 1LOQ # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 Project Number: 1305 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a option 2 A5,04 5r -ale 0 0 0 N 0 0 4 Southwest Model View ------------- O oU ) �o O c� 4�LO ry � o NO - -- O U U� ILO # Description Date f 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 { 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 n Southeast Model View J Project Number: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a option 3 Scale a f 0 Northeast Model View J- 2 Northwest Model View U00—E0 00 CO 0a-006 Q COpCU O O — Q V) LO Q 011 E Q) n, U VJ .E 1.L 1.L # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 Project Number: 1305 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a option 3 A5,04 5r -ale O U �> o ) CO LO O W 0 0 v NO W O O D �O 00 U0- 0 1LOQ # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 Project Number: 1305 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a option 3 A5,04 5r -ale 1 2 3 2 5 0 7 NO 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 GENERAL NOTES ALL WORK SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL CODES, LAWS, PERMITS AND ORDINANCES, AND SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE HIGHEST STANDARDS OF CRAFTSMANSHIP BY JOURNEYMEN OF THE APPROPRIATE TRADES. THESE DOCUMENTS ARE NOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE ALL LABOR, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, AND SERVICES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ALL WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR (G.C.) SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE G.C. TO BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT ANY CONDITIONS WHICH WILL NOT PERMIT CONSTRUCTION ACCORDING TO THE INTENTIONS OF THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS (CD'S), AND TO NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT AT ONCE IF ANY DISCREPANCIES APPEAR IN THE CD'S, OR BETWEEN THE CD'S AND EXISTING CONDITIONS. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT TO PROVIDE DETAILS AND/OR DIRECTIONS REGARDING DESIGN INTENT WHERE IT IS ALTERED BY EXISTING CONDITIONS OR WHERE NEGLECTED IN THE DOCUMENTS. SHOULD A CONFLICT OCCUR IN OR BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, THE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE, UNLESS A WRITTEN DECISION FROM THE ARCHITECT HAS BEEN OBTAINED WHICH DESCRIBES A CLARIFICATION OR ALTERNATE METHOD AND/OR MATERIALS. DIMENSIONS: A) ALL DIMENSIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.; B) ALL PLAN DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CONCRETE, FACE OF STUD, AND CENTER LINE OF COLUMN/BEAM, U.O.N.; C) FLOOR TO FLOOR DIMENSIONS ARE FROM TOP OF PLYWOOD SUBSURFACE TO TOP OF PLYWOOD SUBSURFACE, U.O.N.; D) VERIFY IN FIELD (V.I.F.) ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS DIMENSIONS, LOCATIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO NEW CONSTRUCTION. THE G.C. SHALL SUBMIT SAMPLES OF ANY MATERIALS PROPOSED FOR SUBSTITUTION TO THE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPROVED SAMPLES. THE G.C. SHALL SUBMIT REQUIRED SHOP DRAWINGS TO THE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS. THE G.C. SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY AND CARE OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURING CONSTRUCTION, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL AND STATE O.S.H.A. REGULATIONS, AND FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL WORK UNTIL IT IS DELIVERED COMPLETED TO THE OWNER. THE G.C. SHALL VERIFY AND COORDINATE ALL OPENINGS THROUGH FLOORS, CEILINGS, AND WALLS WITH ALL ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. THE JOB SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CLEAN, ORDERLY CONDITION, FREE OF DEBRIS AND LITTER, AND SHALL NOT BE UNREASONABLY ENCUMBERED. EACH SUB -CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS AS OF RESULT OF HIS/HER OPERATION UPON COMPLETION OF HIS/HER WORK. THE G.C. SHALL PERFORM ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION SUCH THAT ALL NEW CONSTRUCTION FITS FLUSH AND SEAMLESSLY WITH ADJACENT EXISTING CONDITIONS, AND SHALL NOT ENDANGER ANY EXISTING CONDITIONS OR OTHER WORK. THE G.C. SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY BLOCKING, BACKING, AND FRAMING FOR LIGHT FIXTURES, ELECTRICAL UNITS, A.C. EQUIPMENT, RECESSED ITEMS, AND ALL OTHER ITEMS AS REQUIRED. PROVIDE SMOKE & CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2012 IRC. ALL CONSTRUCTION, STAGING, CONTRACTOR PARKING AND MATERIALS STORAGE SHALL BE CONFINED TO THE LIMITS OF THE EXISTING DRIVEWAY AND THE IMMEDIATE PERIMETER OF THE EXISTING BUILDING. ALL ACTIVITY PERFORMED AS PART OF THIS PROJECT SHALL BE CONTAINED ON THE PROJECT PROPERTY. CHANGES TO THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL BE NOTED IN THE FIELD AND MAINTAINED ON-SITE FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT FOR CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. AS -BUILT DRAWINGS WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE TOWN PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. UTILITY METER LOCATIONS TO BE APPROVED BY UTILITY COMPANIES. A STANDARD ERWSD BLACK WATER METER READER TO BE LOCATED NEXT TO UTILITY METER LOCATIONS TO BE READ FROM EACH DRIVEWAY. ALL INTERIOR NON-BEARING WALLS TO BE 2x4. ALL INTERIOR BEARING WALLS TO BE 2x6. SEE STRUCTURAL DWG'S FOR SPECS ALL EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2x6. SEE STRUCTURAL DWG'S FOR SPECS ALL HORIZONTAL FRAMING DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE FACE OF WOOD FRAMING, U.O.N. ALL VERTICAL FRAMING DIMENSIONS ARE FROM THE T.O. PLYWOOD, U.O.N. ALL HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONS FOR OPENINGS ARE TO THE CENTER LINE OF R.O. ALL VERTICAL DIMENSIONS FOR OPENINGS ARE TO THE TOP OF R.O. 50% OF THE PERMANENTLY INSTALLED LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL CONTAIN ONLY HIGH EFFICACY LAMPS. ALL CONCRETE SLABS -ON -GRADE AT CONDITIONED LIVING SPACE TO BE HAETED. ALL WOOD FRAMED FLOORS AT CONDITIONED LIVING SPACE TO BE JOISTS PER STRUCTURAL DWG'S AND TOPPED WITH 1 1/2" LIGHT -WEIGHT CONCRETE CONTAINING IN -FLOOR RADIANT HEATING DEVICE. BOILER TO BE 92% EFFICIENT. GENERAL SITE NOTES 1 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL IN CONFORMANCE WITH TOWN GUIDELINES. 2 THE CONSTRUCTION LIMIT LINE IS THE CONTRACT LINE. DO NOT DISTURB ANY EXISTING TREES OR VEGETATION DESIGNATED TO REMAIN OR LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE CONSTRUCTION LIMIT LINE WITHOUT APPROVAL OF THE OWNER AND THE TOWN. 3 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING SITE INFORMATION, INCLUDING STRUCTURES, UTILITIES, PROPERTY LINES, LIMITS OF ROADWAYS, AND CURBS AND GUTTERS THAT MAY AFFECT THE SCOPE OF WORK PRIOR TO BEGINNING SITE CONSTRUCTION. 4 EXISTING UTILITIES ARE INDICATED FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND NOT INTENDED TO SHOW EXACT LOCATION. THE ARCHITECT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES, OR ANYTHING NOT SHOWN OR DETAILED AND INSTALLED BY ANY OTHER CONTRACT. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL UTILITIES AND MAINTAIN THE LOCATION DURING ALL PHASES OF THE WORK. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES TO UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES AND ANY INJURIES THEREFROM. RESTORATION OF ANY UTILITIES DAMAGED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE AT THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER. 5 CONFORM TO EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEWER CONSTRUCTION. PROVIDE SEWER CLEANOUT WITH LOCATION TO BE REVIEWED BY TOWN ENGINEER. 6 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DRAWINGS SHOWING PROPOSED UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS FOR THE ENGINEER'S REVIEW PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 7 ROAD CUTS AND ANY OTHER CONSTRUCTION IN ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL CONFORM TO TOWN GUIDELINES. 8 ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SOILS REPORT PREPARED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. 9 PROVIDE WRITTEN NOTIFICATION OF ALL DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS. 10 CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY STEPS AS REQUIRED TO PROPERLY PROTECT AND MAINTAIN HIS WORK FOR THE DURATION OF THIS CONTRACT. 11 THESE DRAWINGS DO NOT SPECIFY SAFETY MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, METHODS OR SEQUENCING, TO PROTECT PERSONS AND PROPERTY. IT SHALL BE THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DIRECT AND IMPLEMENT SAFETY OPERATIONS AND PROCEDURES TO PROTECT THE OWNER, OTHER CONTRACTORS, THE PUBLIC AND OTHERS. 12 ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES. 13 CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL EMPLOY A LICENSED SURVEYOR TO ESTABLISH ALL WORK LINES. 14 CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL STAKE OUT ALL AREAS, INCLUDING WALKS, PAVEMENTS, WALLS, POOLS AND FENCES AND SHALL OBTAIN THE APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 15 CONFLICTS OR DISCREPANCIES WITH GRADES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY AND PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH WORK. 16 ALL FINISHED GRADES SHALL PROVIDE FOR NATURAL RUNOFF OF WATER WITHOUT LOW SPOTS OR POCKETS. SET FLOW LINES ACCURATELY AND PROVIDE A MINIMUM 2.5% GRADIENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTES. 17 GRADUALLY ROUND OFF TOPS AND TOES OF ALL PLANTED SLOPES, UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE IN GRADING DETAILS. 18 GRADE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS AT A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 10% IN UNPAVED AREAS AND MINIMUM SLOPE OF 2% IN PAVED AREAS. 19 CLEANOUTS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL CHANGES IN LINES AND/OR GRADE OR THE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE. 20 CONFORM TO TOWN STANDARDS FOR WATER CONSTRUCTION. MAINTAIN 10 FEET MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN WATER AND SEWER UNDERGROUND SERVICE PIPES. MAINTAIN SEVEN FEET MINIMUM COVER AT UNDERGROUND WATER SERVICE AND ASSOCIATED LINES. NEW CURB STOPS AND SERVICE LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR EACH UNIT. CURB STOPS SHALL LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY LINE IN A SPOT APPROVED BY THE TOWN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. 21 IF UTILITY CONNECTION POINTS ARE NOT KNOWN AT THE TIME OF BUILDING PERMIT SUBMISSION, LOCATIONS TO BE COORDINATED AND APPROVED BY TOWN AND SERVICE PROVIDERS IN ADVANCE. ENERGY CODE NOTES GC TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2009 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE AND ANY AMENDMENTS ADOPTED BY THE TOWN'S CODE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO; CLIMATE ZONE 6 FENESTRATION U -FACTOR 0.35 CEILING R -VALUE 49 WOOD FRAME WALL R -VALUE 20 OR 13+5 MASS WALL R -VALUE 15/19 FLOOR R -VALUE 30 BASEMENT WALL R -VALUE 15/19 - CONTINUOUS/FRAMING CAVITY SLAB R -VALUE AND DEPTH 10, 4FT CRAWL SPACE WALL R -VALUE 15/13 - CONTINUOUS/FRAMING CAVITY HEATED SLAB ON GRADE R -VALUE 15 PROJECT DIRECTORY Clarey Residence Parcel no.: 1943-351-03-011 Lot 47, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivisi 5141 Longsun Lane Avon, CO 81620 Owner Penny & Mike Clarey 7-45 Wharf Road Birchgrove NSW 2041 Australia mobile: (919) 450-6519 pennyclarey@optusnet.com.au moclarey@optusnet.com.au General Contractor Matsen Enterprises Phil Matsen P.O. Box 7796 Avon, CO 81620 mobile: (970) 376-2766 pbmatsen@comcast.net Designer mpp design shop inc. Michael Pukas PO Box 288 95 Willowstone Place mobile: (970) 390-4931 mcihael@mppdesignshop.com Civil Engineer Alpine Engineering, Inc. Gary Brooks PO Box 97 Edwards CO 81632 office: (970) 926-3373 brooks@alpinecivil.com Land Surveyor Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc. Mike Post PO Box 1230 Edwards CO 81632 office: (970) 949-1406 mikepost@evsurvey.com Structural Engineer Sundquist Design Group, Inc. Joe Sundquist PO Box 676 Conifer CO 80433 office: (303) 838-2222 joe@sundquistdesign.com ';HFFT INDEX C.01 A1.1 A1.2 A2.0 A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 A3.4 A4.1 A4.2 A4.3 A4.4 Topographic Survey Driveway Grading and Drainage Plan Site Plan Landscape Plan Area Plans Level 1 Plan Level 2 Plan Level 3 Plan Roof Plans South Elevation West Elevation North Elevation East Elevation Building Sections Building Sections Building Sections Building Sections Vicinity Map 1 " = 200'-0" Site & Building Analysis Lot Size 0.740 Acres / 32,234 sq ft Allowable Heighth Limit 35'-0" Front Setback 25' Side Setback 10' Rear Setback 10' Zoning Wildridge Subdivision Number of Dwelling Units 2 allowed, 1 proposed Proposed Building Height 34.8'- 2 stories Gross Residential Floor Area � ) � Disturbed Area 12,997 sq ft / 40% of lot Building Site Coverage 2,222 sq ft Driveway Area 4,066 sq ft Snow Storage Required @ 20% 813 sq ft Snow Storage Provided 2,288 sq ft Parking Spaces Required 4 Parking Spaces Proposed 2 covered, 2 surface = 4 total Landscaped Area 6,709 sq ft - 52% of disturbed area Landscaped Unit Requirements @ 1/50 sq ft 134 Undisturbed Native Vegetation Area 19,409 sq ft 110 Proposed Landscape Units - Plantings 123 0 0)0 Sub -Total Landscaping Units 123 Bonus Landscaping Units @ 10% 12 o Total Landscaping Units 135 J00���o 0 006 Q 1 O C O 0 cr, Q V) Lr)� Q E rn �_ VJ O • — O n, U VJ .E Q Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project Number: 1 1 r,2rawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Gove r AO,00 Scale 1" = 200'-0" O U �> n, W � ) � O N V) c%7 � Q� Lr) a� �O 110 n100 W O 0 0)0 o U 0 J UO 0 > �I Lr)Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project Number: 1 1 r,2rawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Gove r AO,00 Scale 1" = 200'-0" TRAM INV. OUT I 1.2' CMP ri ki Qrnr- R I I r_ i PE iial Ell 41199 HIGHWAY 6 & 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, CO. 81632 (970)949-1406 UPDATE: 9/19/13 DJE UPDATE: 5/23/08 KPJ 2876T.DWG MLT 4/1/04 14.1 NOTES: 1) DATE OF SURVEY: 3/19/04 UPDATED: 5/21/08 UPDATED: 9/19/13 2) SURVEYOR HAS MADE NO INVESTIGATION OR INDEPENDENT SEARCH FOR EASEMENTS OF RECORD (OTHER THAN PLATTED), ENCUMBRANCES, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, OWNERSHIP TITLE EVIDENCE, OR ANY OTHER FACTS THAT AN ACCURATE AND CURRENT TITLE SEARCH MAY DISCLOSE. 3) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 4) BASIS OF ELEVATION: SEWER MANHOLE E— 11.2, CENTER INVERT ELEV. = 8452.8' 5) BASIS OF PROPERTY LINE LOCATION: PROPERTY CORNERS PREVIOUSLY FOUND AT NW AND SW CORNER OF LOT 47. 6) BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ALONG PROPERTY LINES SHOWN HEREON ARE AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION PLAT ONLY. A BOUNDARY SURVEY WOULD BE NECESSARY TO DETERMINE THE TRUE DIMENSIONS OF THE LOT AND SETBACKS, WHICH MAY VARY FROM THE PLATTED DIMENSIONS. 7) THIS SURVEY AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREON IS THE PROPERTY OF EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING, INC. AND IS INTENDED FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE ORIGINAL CLIENT ONLY. ANY USE OF OR TRANSFER TO OTHERS IS PROHIBITED. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Stan Hogfeldt, a Professional Land Surveyor registered under the laws of the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that this topographic survey was made by me and under my supervision, and that the survey is accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge. EDGE OF PAVEMENT I I I PHONE PED. 8515.3 Stan Hogfd' Colorado I.L. Date: V998" :C1 I I 0' 10' 20' 30' LOT 48 INV, OUT 1,2' CMP 0 DO NOT GRADE OR ELV, 8506,7 O ENCROACH ON o ADJOINING PROPERTY BOULDER FILL RETAINING WALL \ & 1Ho6V BATTER WITH GEOGRID LAYERS IN DRIVEWAY FILL t \ (DESIGNED BY STRUCTURAL) DISCHARGE DRAINAGE _ �� OD I 1 I I INSTALL TURF REINFORCEMENT AWAY FROM BUILDING, PER \ I I I I MAT (TRIM) LANDLOK 450 OR GEOTECHNICAL -� SINE EQUAL, IN STEEP SLOPED RECOMMENDATIONS PROP=� I Sj ,` 98 +03.c, 8512.1 SWALE _ �' Ij- I I I I 0 ,� + 5.2 BOW=5510. ' 05.0 o 64 1 O/ 12.3' OF ELEVATION: i5 8511.0' MANOLEEla - W=8505.0' rnno-a_d 1 1 \ 1 V! ELEV,=8452,8' _ �T /DRAINA�'= A� G� I I 1 �, �T.,T.., \ 0 _ I L0 - I I 90 I 7 I / \0 11' DEFLECTION, SAWCUT r / 7.5' 10.0' I I I �1.a 9 .0 0,/�', / A, NEAT EDGE AND CONNECT GRADING AND I I I I I I 4.0 _8510 O' ' rn TO EXISTING ASPHALT / I � DRAINAGE AROUND I I I BUILDING, BY OTHERS Out►-► �� I >� I I I R_ I I T. lr I I I I o I I \{ I I I I I o I I I I 0 .o + +7. �1 I I I I 91.5 I I I I I I I I I it 91.5' 2: I I I I I II I I I I 91.5' -- i 1 I I I I I f SCAPE N 1 0 w M NZ / I I �I I It.s I o 0 0.o 91.3. I/ Os NG ND DR INAGE IN I I EA, BY OTHERS I 1.0- CN � I I I I I 1 I I 11 IL 1 9 5.5W=8491.5' I [IT 47 � + w=8485.5 N I I I I I I I I 0.74 AC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DISCHA GE DRAINAGE I I I I I I I I AWAY FR BUILDING, PER=8493.0' I I ^ I I I GEOTECHNICAL I II W=8487 0, o? RECOM ENDATIONS I cn I I •o I ca I I I I I I I �, �I ROOF OUB- I I I I I I I I I PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE 4 I I GRADING AND I OVER WALL FOR DRIVEWAY I 1 I I DRAINAGE AROUND I ASPHALT SWALE I 8495 CENTERLINE OF I UTILITY I I BUILDING, BY OTHERS 3E I i I I 11,'j W=8495.0' 1 I EASEMENT I I I I 85.0+ W=8489.0' 1 8 94_ I P I, WINO I 15.0' I I I I I BOUT" DER FILL RETAINING WALL I �, 1Ht6V BATTER WITH GEOGRID 15.0' I I I I I LAYERS IN DRIVEWAY FILL I I I I (DESIGNED BY STRUCTURAL) I I I I I I I I I S o I I I I I I I =8497.0' L1 I I I I I I I I BUILDING/ + 491.8' SETBACK 91.8 I I II I I I / //pRAGF'�A I Its PROPERTY i INSTALL TUR EINFORCEMENT � mooMAT (TRM) LANDLOK 450 OR EQUAL, IN STEEP SLOPED �^�° _ „ E 253°61 SWALE � I yn �li� ► I LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR (2' INTERVAL) 8005 PROPOSED CONTOUR (1' INTERVAL) X 41.0' PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION - 2.0% PROPOSED SLOPE 9DJURDPROPOSED BOULDER RETAINING WALL PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVING 2+00 - - - ! - - PROPOSED CL AND STATIONING - - - - PROPERTY LINE SWALE PROTECTION Egg= TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT 8510 8500 FF GARAGE 8491.5' 8490 8480 00 + N U w 00 ,t I - o rn + t N 00 M m 0.0000' VC LOW POINT ELEV = 8491.03 _ - - - _ _ L0 ROIPdi STA 2+13.05 RVI STA = 2109:48 - PVI ELEV = 8490.94 A.D. = 14.00 V _ 01 -71 0 I I I 2% SUPER EL VATED ROAD ON CURVE I SOI I W/ 1' WIDE G AVEL SHOULDER =8509.0'1 j I I Im I I V=8503. I I 0 7 50 II 11 II I qD 8512,9 Ig50 I I �, I ► r ! I q I I 0 25.0' ! I I j 1� I I Z I 1 I I =8507.0! I E W=8501.0 ENANCE, I I I GE & ill I I W n I I g5o AE T II 1R I I C ,i Ln o W-8505.0)' m W-8499. ' ! I I I 04 120 I I I +TOW 8506.0' 8514,1 BOW= 8504.0' W=8503. ! 1 984 +- W=8498. I I +TOW= 506.5' +p6.60 I BOW 85 3.0' 11 11 I I I �0 T W=8501. OW=85U' ' I I ITOW=850' mac' IBOW=850 �0' I I 7.0' -4TOW=8504.0' II I Z � !BOW=8501.5' 3q�I I i -� 2% SUPER ELEVATED PHONE PED. ROAD ON CURVE W/ 1' WIDE GRAVEL SHOULDER i DO NOT GRADE OR ENCROACH ON ADJOINING PROPERTY Ln Cn N M co + 00 6i PROPOSED FINISH GRADE DRIVEWAY M m 10.0000' VC f PVI STA = 1+68.94 PVI ELEV = 849.5.89- = -3.00 K = 3.33 SCALE: HORIZ 10=10' VERT 1 "=10' 0 cD c GROUND O O+ C Lf + Ln a 00 o W >� 0.0000' VC LOW POINT ELEV = 8491.03 _ - - - _ _ L0 ROIPdi STA 2+13.05 RVI STA = 2109:48 - PVI ELEV = 8490.94 A.D. = 14.00 V _ 01 -71 0 I I I 2% SUPER EL VATED ROAD ON CURVE I SOI I W/ 1' WIDE G AVEL SHOULDER =8509.0'1 j I I Im I I V=8503. I I 0 7 50 II 11 II I qD 8512,9 Ig50 I I �, I ► r ! I q I I 0 25.0' ! I I j 1� I I Z I 1 I I =8507.0! I E W=8501.0 ENANCE, I I I GE & ill I I W n I I g5o AE T II 1R I I C ,i Ln o W-8505.0)' m W-8499. ' ! I I I 04 120 I I I +TOW 8506.0' 8514,1 BOW= 8504.0' W=8503. ! 1 984 +- W=8498. I I +TOW= 506.5' +p6.60 I BOW 85 3.0' 11 11 I I I �0 T W=8501. OW=85U' ' I I ITOW=850' mac' IBOW=850 �0' I I 7.0' -4TOW=8504.0' II I Z � !BOW=8501.5' 3q�I I i -� 2% SUPER ELEVATED PHONE PED. ROAD ON CURVE W/ 1' WIDE GRAVEL SHOULDER i DO NOT GRADE OR ENCROACH ON ADJOINING PROPERTY Ln Cn N M co + 00 6i PROPOSED FINISH GRADE DRIVEWAY M m 10.0000' VC f PVI STA = 1+68.94 PVI ELEV = 849.5.89- = -3.00 K = 3.33 SCALE: HORIZ 10=10' VERT 1 "=10' 0 cD c GROUND O O+ C Lf + Ln a 00 o W >� D >> m� m w w -I 10.0000' VC ALL RETAINING WALLS SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF COLORADO THIS DRIVEWAY HAS A STEEP GRADE WHICH REQUIRES IT TO HAVE SIGNIFICANT AND TIMELY MAINTENANCE TO PROVIDE ACCESS IN ADVERSE CONDITIONS. THIS DRIVEWAY DESIGN MUST BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. IF ANY DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION MODIFICATIONS NEED TO BE CONSIDERED THEN AEI SHALL BE CONTACTED TO MODIFY THE DRIVEWAY DESIGN PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION EDGE OF PAVEMENT 515.3 -9.00% -_---------- _ PVI STA = 1+06.60 - - PVI ELEV 8501.41 7 nn K = 3.33 EXISTING GROUND WIIIIII` Z 0Na) ZX F_< wo , GRAPHIC SCALE LL1 NC^ 10 0 5 10 20 40 W Q oaf Z m 00 M Of 0 ( IN FEET) I Z 3 0) 1 inch = 10 ft. w o GENERAL NOTES 1. The Contractor shall conform to all Town of Avon regulations and standards. 2. Driveway Design shall comply with the Geotechnical Report: LKP Engineering Inc. #13-2893, September 27, 2013 3. Alpine Engineering, Inc., assumes no responsibility for utility locations. It is the Contractor's responsibility to field verify the location of all utilities prior to commencement of any construction. J 4. The Contractor shall take all appropriate precautions to significantly w reduce any potential pollution caused by his activities, including vehicle fueling, storage of fertilizers or chemicals, etc. The Contractor shall have identified procedures for handling potential pollutants and have identified spill prevention and response procedures prior to any activities at the W project site. 0 5. The Contractor shall minimize all off site soil tracking. All soil tracked off site shall be immediately cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Owner and Town. LL 6. All excavating for trenches shall meet OSHA requirements. 0 7. Safety is the responsibility of the Contractor. The Engineer is not responsible for safety in, on or about Project Site, nor for compliance by W the appropriate party with any regulations relating thereto. n 8. Observations of the work in progress and on-site visits are not to be 0 L.L construed as a guarantee or warranty by the Engineer of the Contractor's contractual obligations. Q 9. If any groundwater is encountered the Contractor shall contact Z Geotechnical Engineer and the Owner immediately. 10. The Contractor shall maintain local traffic and access for emergency services during construction. The Contractor shall minimize traffic LU Q disruptions and provide adequate safety precautions to ensure public safety. UJ 11. The Contractor shall protect and preserve all trees, bushes, shrubs,C) and ground cover in a manner acceptable to the Owner shall minimize the impact to existing landscaping. 12. The Contractor shall maintain existing drainage channels, culverts, and appurtenances during construction as necessary to protect roads and property. 13. The Contractor shall repair and/or replace any exisitng utilities disturbed during construction to the satisfaction of the respective utility company of the damaged utility. 14. Contractor shall obtain at his expense all permits and inspections which are necessary to perform the proposed work. 15. It is the Contractor's responsibility to take appropriate measures to insure that no sediment laden water is disharged from the site. 16. Compaction of all trenches and bedding must be attained as per Q specifications. W Z 17. All topsoil and manplaced material shall be removed prior to beginning any embankment and retaining wall construction. O �y 18. All workmanship and materials shall confrom to the project technical LL specifications. J 0 19. Owner shall have this driveway design reviewed and approved by the v fire department, emergency services and Town prior to construction. If any revisions are necessary to comply with recommendations of the entities then AEI shall be contacted to modify the driveway design prior to any J > construction. 20. BOW= Bottom of exposed face of wall; TOW= Top of wall 21. Field Topography from Eagle Valley Surveying. JOB# 2876 Surveyed 3/19/04 updated 5/21/08 & 9/1%3 22. All work shall conform to the Technical SpecificationsO W TYPICAL DRIVEWAY SECTIONS mi N - LL varies 2' 12' 1' RETAINING WALL DESIGNER SHALL IN ORPORATE- GUARDRAI / BARRIER DESIGN INTO W LL DESIGN PROPOSED FINISHED CLASS 6 ASPHALT BASE COURSE BACKFILL MATERIAE R GE=C �F=E GEOGRID PER RETAINING WALL ENGINEER \BOULDER WALL RE: RETAINING Xk WALL ENGINEER ASPHALT 1' 12' 1' NOTE: GRAVEL AND ASPHALT CLASS 6 THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED BASE COURSE BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER NI 1q.0000, VC _ O O LI?FL-,) LI? � N(I N r- It L0 O + ii > > m a J PVI S A = 0+47.50 PVI ELEV = 8508.51 A. . = -2.00 = 5.00 COMPACTED SUBGRAD EXISTING GROUND m U EXISTING a_ GROUND Z C7 O Z � o W COMPACTED SUBGRAD EXISTING GROUND m U EXISTING a_ GROUND Z C7 O Z � o W D � m E O I-- \ Q O -•t.vvio N 510 Z -� 10.0000' vc - g in Wn LO r, / o X� ago p U)00 8500N UJ > m m U U Q roO Y 0o P I STA = 0+29 PVI ELEV = 8511.26 Z Z L A.D. _ -6.00 _U U z Ld K 1.67 3490 C/) Q w m I- � � U O� C) O a0 0 00 N O� O U') I -N Mr ACV app N 00 0000 0000 0000 000 2+37.50 2+00 1+50 1+00 0+50 0+00 SHEET C.01 -•t.vvio N 510 Z -� 10.0000' vc - g in Wn LO r, / o X� ago p U)00 8500N UJ > m m U U Q roO Y 0o P I STA = 0+29 PVI ELEV = 8511.26 Z Z L A.D. _ -6.00 _U U z Ld K 1.67 3490 C/) Q w m I- � � U O� C) O a0 0 00 N O� O U') I -N Mr ACV app N 00 0000 0000 0000 000 2+37.50 2+00 1+50 1+00 0+50 0+00 SHEET C.01 O a0 0 00 N O� O U') I -N Mr ACV app N 00 0000 0000 0000 000 2+37.50 2+00 1+50 1+00 0+50 0+00 SHEET C.01 SHEET C.01 FOUND PIN & ALUM. CAP LS# 5447 TRAC I J �t LC CATV PED. r B A `_ SEWER MEAS. F CENTER I� I I I I SETBAC K 'CO I / OG' EL�-:eTRIC TRANSFORMER 00, / / ELECTRIC METER / I � / I / LOT 47 0.74 ACRES I I UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT I FOUND PIN & ALUM. CAP LS# 5447 LOT 46 CORNER OF DECK LOT 46 EDGE OF PAVEMENT 5.3 Q Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp O U �> n , W � ) � • �O I co 7� L W W ry 0 0 v W 0_0 UN D 0)O 00 O U U� 0 O > �I Lr)Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp FOUND PIN & ALUM. CAF' LS# 5447 —_T O GROUND COVER AND PLATING BEDS LOT 48 ---------- 60-- CP 0— BASIS DE ELEVATION: SEWER MANHOLE E1 1.2 — o MEAS. RIM ELEV.-8459.9' CENTER INV. ELEV.-8452.8' .� 0' CATV PED. T� � I � I BUILDING SETB AC K I I I I ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER I I ELECTRIC METER I I I LOT 47 0.74 ACRES CENTERLINE OF 30' UTILITY EASEMENT d- I 15-0, UTILITY & IDRAINAGE EASEMENT 1.2' CMP ELV. 8506.7 — I 0 0, [ rn OR IC — I C HUI I IL T I wI�IW W I C 77- q IIS I I W W I I LI �� IIS I I C�l W� WiIW 11 I I� JT :4-Y ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE RESEEDED WITHy y II I I I C— NATIVE SEED MIX 'WWII�W WW WIWW I I I C WWwWWWW� W W WW WW W1 WWW�WWy y WIWW W yW �I � W_ W �w � I I y W B° Wy�W W W WW� W W � W WW Waw I W B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ V LOT F Planting Landscape Type Mark Count Common Name Botanical Name Size Units Total Units Description FOUND PIN & ALUM. CAP LS# 5447 - Oo W O I � 6? O_ A I - - CORNER OF DECK LOT 46 GROUND COVER AND PLATING BEDS i 7 A CP O A � V w I 0 APPROX. 0.2 DIA. DECIDUOUS TREE (TYP.) .1 °' O [ I I I I DI I I I I D I I I I I /ID I I I I I II I I I � I I I I I II I I I I I I II I I II B I I� � I I I I D I I I I I I I I I � I I I I I �B I I I I 1 Landscape Plan 1 " = 10,4. 'Pfitzerana Glauca' D 6 Common snowberry Symphoricarpos albus 5 GAL 1 6 Provide temp irrigation E 1 European mountain ash Sorbus aucuparia 2.5"-4" 1 7 Provide temp irrigation GRO U PLATIM C0C Un�W1UW/.Li O�00 �macr, O- .EO�No� 000QQ o1O O V) L011 E r)QU C > EDGE OF PAVE`.' co ND Planting Schedule LOT F Planting Landscape Type Mark Count Common Name Botanical Name Size Units Total Units Description COVER AND (� A J 2 Colorado blue spruce Picea glauca 6'-8' 6 12 Provide temp irrigation n1 W O O 00 �O B 13 Quaking aspen Populus Tremuloides 2.5"-4" 7 91 Provide temp irrigation C 7 Blue pfitzer juniper Juniperus chinensis 5 GAL 1 7 Provide temp irrigation 'Pfitzerana Glauca' D 6 Common snowberry Symphoricarpos albus 5 GAL 1 6 Provide temp irrigation E 1 European mountain ash Sorbus aucuparia 2.5"-4" 1 7 Provide temp irrigation GRO U PLATIM C0C Un�W1UW/.Li O�00 �macr, O- .EO�No� 000QQ o1O O V) L011 E r)QU C > EDGE OF PAVE`.' co ND � O � L O 0 > _ U�Lr)Q PHONE PED. _ — — # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 FROM PLATTED CORNER 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 of 10,0 0 Illlllllli 10F__ MEF NOTE: ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE RESEEDED WITH NATIVE GRASS MIX. TEMPORARY IRRIGATION TO BE PROVIDED WITH RAIN SENSOR UNTIL NEW PLANTINGS AND SEEDINGS ARE ESTABLISHED. Project Number: 1505 Drawn by: Author Checked by: Checker Landscape Plan COVER AND (� NG BEDS n1 W O O 00 �O � O � L O 0 > _ U�Lr)Q PHONE PED. _ — — # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 FROM PLATTED CORNER 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 of 10,0 0 Illlllllli 10F__ MEF NOTE: ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE RESEEDED WITH NATIVE GRASS MIX. TEMPORARY IRRIGATION TO BE PROVIDED WITH RAIN SENSOR UNTIL NEW PLANTINGS AND SEEDINGS ARE ESTABLISHED. Project Number: 1505 Drawn by: Author Checked by: Checker Landscape Plan 3 BUILDING FOOTPRINT 1/8 1 0 LEVEL 2 AREA �J 1/8" = 1'-0" ❑ ❑ ❑ LEVEL1 AREA U 1/8" = 1'-0" Finished Floor Area MAIN LEVEL 1626 SF LOWER LEVEL 1827 SF Grand total 3453 SF Unfinsihed Area UNFINSIHED 158 SF MECHANICAL 108 SF Grand total 267 SF Garage Area GARAGE 576 SF Site Coverage BUILDING FOOTPRINT 2222 SF • 00 Q) r-, E UN���o � 0 00 6 n CO O ��")0 o �0 O O Q Lr)� Q 01, Q) n, U VJ .E Q Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Area Plane A2.00 5r -ale 1/8" = V -O" O U •> ) O N '— c%7 O � L O W 0 0 V W 0_0 UN D 0)O 00 O U 0 N UO O O > �I Lr)Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Area Plane A2.00 5r -ale 1/8" = V -O" A B A4.1 C 14 E 2 F 1 G �� H� 2 A4.1 � 68'-0" 7'-0" 23'-0" 14'-0" 24'-0" 12'9" 3 1/2"2'-2"3 1 /2" 6'-7" 5 /2" 14'-0" 1 /2" 12'-1 " 5 1/2" 11'-0" 2'-3" 9'-0" 6'-6" .10 5'-3" EQ EQ I I I I I I I -� 13 — — — — — — a� — — 131 a I I I I I I I TWO RECESSED CAN LIGHTS IN SHED ROOF o MECHANICAL ROOM BUNK ROOMco - 12 12 I � I I I p — 10 a10 GUEST MAST R — 2 BATH 5'-8 1/2" 3 1/2" N T 6'-1" k,J A4.4 3'-3" 3 1/2"2'-2" 0 o 10 NSEWING ROOM UNFINSIHED BATH #4 o CV - y. M - VUES MASTER T.O. PLYWD 8481' - 0" BEDROOM 9 N CLOSETJ 11 8 p a R 3'-1 1/2" 3 1/2" 3'-5" $1,101, 1010 '10 7 _ — -LFAMILY ROOU[--- TJ— — — _ - 45 Q NCrcrCVV0 ' — III IiII — IIIIlIIIli IIIiI IIIIlIIIli IIIiI IIIiIIIi IIIiI Ili IIIiI 11IIIi IIIiI IIIi IIIliI IIIi II�iI IiII II a - - , T.O. PLYWD 8475'- 6" 00 UP LO I Upi N a AUNDRY ROO 4'-11 1/2'3 1/2"2'-2" 5 1/2I 9'-1 1/2" BEDROOM 4 01 BH00 11-61/2" 31/2" /2" AA4145 4-1 72 Lin LO 10 . ° 9'-5 1/2" .4 .3 LO 4 BEDROOM 3_ - 3 — — — — — 3 N r 1 A4.3 I I I I I I I o 2 — I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I JLEVEL 2 - T.O. PLYWD 1/411 = 1'-0'1 • oo Nom— E UN���o 0CL OO6 Q • O CU�� 1 O O 0 — Q t/7 Lr) Q Q) � _U 1.L # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 150! Drawn by: mpI Checked by: mpI Lower Level Floor Plan O U �> n, W � ) � O N c%7 9 � Q� Lr) a� �O �00 00 -,)Z D 0 o U J UO O > �I Lr)Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 150! Drawn by: mpI Checked by: mpI Lower Level Floor Plan A B A4.1 C 14 E A4.1 F 1 G H I 2 J A4.2 A4.2 68'-0" 7'-0" 23'-0" 14'-0" 24'-0" 3 1/2" 9'-5 1/2" 51/ " 14'-0" 2'-3" 9'-0" 6'-6" 5'-3" 7'-0" 7'-0" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I X13) o T.O. PLYWD 8491'- 2" r Q --D- C _ o 11/ L tN _ GARAGE o M STER BAT 1 � I I � N 0 2 - N O r MUDR001111 r I I 04 N MAS ER N BEDROOM "' r M — I O I I co r - I 2'-9" i� r -_ --- - � — — — P T.O. PLYWD8491'- 8491' - 6" — — — 04 Ch ti V 9'-3 1/2" 3 1/2" 12'-6" 3'-1 1/2" 3 1/2" 4'-1 1/2" 5 1/2" 01 T- LOW I I I/V MASTER CLOSET O01 I I I I I I - I I I I I I O 4i-1 " DN C, w ao l i l l l i i � I I I ii i i i i i i I I GREAT RO M I I I I I DN ENTRY T.O. PLYWD 8486'- 6" I I I I I I I I I I I T.O. PLYWD 8490'- 3" I I I. 1 I I I I o A4.4 I I EQ EQ PANTRY 2 J I I I I I I I I 1 — I I 11 L - - J- I N 1 KITCHEN A4.3 - - - T U 0 T J O 0 PATIO / G RDEN I I I I I I DECK I I I I I I FOUR RECESSED CAN LIGHTS IN ROOF ABOVE DECK I I I I I I I I I I I I 19'-0" 8'-0" 30'-0" 68'-0" A�B) C> 14 �E LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD F G X H 1 J # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project Number: 13 Drawn by: rr Checked by: rr Main Level Floor Plan A2,02 scale 1/4" = 1'-0" O UV) n , W r— V) � ) co Q� Lr) a� p O 0 O U O > Lr)Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project Number: 13 Drawn by: rr Checked by: rr Main Level Floor Plan A2,02 scale 1/4" = 1'-0" 0 in 9 8 — 7 — 0 BID LO 6 — A B A4.1 C 14 E A4.1 F 1 G H I 2 J A4.2 A4.2 68'-0" T-0" 23'-0" 14'-0" 24'-0" 101, I I I I I I I i :1 :1 INHALL fli-�t IF I turftX Lit LyL I :1 :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11-0. 19'-0" 8'-0" 2'-0" 68'-0" JB UC (14) �E Roof Plan 1/411 = 1'-011 F G) (H 28'-0" A I # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project Number: Drawn by: Checked by: Roof Plan C U �> ) O N Q� 11-17) a� CC) O '— �NO 1— Q) 1 W O U �,, 00 O U 0 > Lr)Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project Number: Drawn by: Checked by: Roof Plan A B 1 C 14 E /2_ F 1 2 G H I A4 2 J A4.1 A4.1 A4.2 I I I I I I I I I I ' 2 I 4-1 4 — I 5 � � g 2 \ - / / fi _ LEVEL 4 T.O. PLYWD__---- 5 I 8491' - 6" o --- I �I ENTRY T.O. OOg OOg OD / ' / gC PLYWD 8490' - 3" LID 1 11 �a o 0 0 0 0 '-• I 0o C� 13 LEVEL 3 - T.O. g oo PLYWD 0 0 - 848-61--6" - - - - - o�a : � �I ,.� 1 l •tel -_�• , • ,I -a1 LO 0I O I r � �. �� ,F -�li I ,. � ., f. FI. C • Ct.1 I C Cf 11 ;.T•1� --I 1 _I LEVEL 2 - T.O. = - - PLYWDIIII�__8481 -off - - g g• _ - i �.. _ a , I -I. I I_I _ _ I � �-.•_ a i, , - = I, -.- ., C•C_ - _— t Ti_ _1 '_T --,fly _ •_.7 — 7 , J,— C LEVEL 1 - T.O. - -I - PLYWD _ . 1 -,"1 �,�• g _ i v 8475'-6"- I:a. I 1 I- • `r• .1• =• ;r.l.IlT1 , I �— I , —f � � I II — I � I°i — 1. � I . I � � • ; ,• . f, , • • g 1 _--� ._. -�� �, I I I- _I � -•, l -I' IIT I - III - I C' III I I I �— 'l • •- I j . 1 • _ r ,�C. ill Ilt 11. cll III—III — III IIIAM II 11 �1 �. I. 1 - I , h. �. C l i f I II I - T.O. Footin I I I - � r �, I T- '.- - -I ' 8466-0� - lI Ii(1,•Ifi ���t 1�t11 I I ��I — �._ ——iff _ I I I I I —I - III d I �I H—MEHE I-- 1 2 1 3 4 2 5 1 6 7 8 9 2 10 11 12 13 A4.3 A4.3 A4.4 A4.4 Material Legend 11 11 IT I 1 11 1 y 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 T F 1-1 2 I IT 11 IIAT 11 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 11 111 Illy 111111111 1 LJ LEVEL 4 - T.O. LEVEL 4 - T.O. IPI vxn/p ENTRY - T.O. 0 PLYWD 8PLYWD -1 490' 38490' -3 LO LEVLEVEL 3 - T.O. EL 3 - T.O. -PLYWD - - - PLYWD AIL8 . • " I I I = g I I - 486 = 6 , I_ IgI -._. LI"�� �I- •l � _ �� '-�Cl�,•�.•Ij�" � �� !. � . •--r,Ig.l •.I•�.I � g, ----- `� - � - - '.-- •L � ..,' �. ,-I �- , =-� _� u. g_ •--g, r .. -• Imo•. 1, g -•,g- �- � .�=��-L-�'- I I - --i,1-={' _�_. �C, • 1 " ,1 ' ; ' ll . , t�_ �� • ,• C 3—, III �� � _• � •_ , _• .o Y�� - _. •' - _ • �� • ,� � �-. _ I =—_,- ,I , � � ,, ' —�-_ i i Iii -I �g�- - - •g� - C .� •lIIC ,• -• l_ 11 l_ , ,. -_I _ - -- d -� I 1� �-,�_ fi',g ,_ • f _ �E- � :_ .-• E _. �f— LEVEL 2 - T.O. - ►l�f i -��Jl1 _1 .1g= i- _�.- 1� =E ---� LEVEL PLYWD ~ P2 L-YTW 8481�_ .O0D."8481-0 I I I I ' • _ �' • �� ' �•1 I •�'�� 1:� - � ~ ' _ I � _ • f �, •- � 'h•TC • � _ • _ I _ � C _ . I _, 1 _ � _ � 1 _ _ I _ dCDII g • I-� -� ' - • ;.1 �� - T,.- ; g• -; J I I --� _� III I - III III I I I I I � � 1• .I � � �: I . I I _ I : _.. , � - '1 -: I'_ I I �. I • I . _ i — LEVEL 1 - T.O. �' j LEVEL 1 - T.O. 8475'- LPLYWD 8475 Wg V 6" -- •glg •lam "; - ,_ ' "_ '_ � III � I 1= I I � �•� j .. • • —I � �� , I I •, J �--� . �. • � � _' I' �• I•'_ _ III I _ „. _ I• -g __ g_ -g„.. , of g• —. — —,� - � •- .— —•—. — .1 f r .� 1 i _ _ • l 1 I l . C _ ._ : - I l f _1 - - - J f_ l•�1 , . o - - I IAF l' I'-��1" -� -. -� --•. ; •g, ,,. _; . • _. _-�-,; , ";I�r, I,_ -.�- _ ; _; . , -_• ' _ -. — — East Eleva i �• , C --d111=1 - I• �-- ---i_ - - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I i —'--' 11 ,r;, I •- - 1— —..,1 I• I T I' I I;�� I �- .. I I _'-"° ,', ,I �j .. ��� I".L`',�, I , •,1 I �- .•_ •~- - I• j: � _ . � �� ' III. III. .III. -III I 8466' - 011-_- - - -- - -� 8466' - 0" LEILEIEII�EEILEIIIII-I - III -III II��II I� II IIS n1 W C O U 1 ROOFING ASPHALT SHINGLES 1A ROOFING STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING 2 FASCIA TRIM 2X6 & 2X8 WOOD 3 SOFFIT 1X6 T&G 4 WOOD SIDING 5/4X10 HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING 5 TRIM 2X6, 2X8 WOOD 2X0 WOOD 6 SKIRT TRIM 7 STUCCO SIDING - COLOR #1 MEDIUM PEBBLE DASH 7A STUCCO SIDING - COLOR #2 MEDIUM PEBBLE DASH 8 EXTERIOR DOORS & WINDOWS ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD FRAME 8 GARAGE DOORS WOOD CLAD INSULATED 10 COLUMNS & BEAMS 8X ROUGH SAWN HEAVY TIMBER 11 EXTERIOR DECKS 2X12 FRAMING W/ 2X6 DECKING 12 EXTERIOR DECK RAILINGS HORIZONTAL METAL W/ WOOD CAP 2 I IT 11 IIAT 11 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 11 111 Illy 111111111 1 LJ LEVEL 4 - T.O. LEVEL 4 - T.O. IPI vxn/p ENTRY - T.O. 0 PLYWD 8PLYWD -1 490' 38490' -3 LO LEVLEVEL 3 - T.O. EL 3 - T.O. -PLYWD - - - PLYWD AIL8 . • " I I I = g I I - 486 = 6 , I_ IgI -._. LI"�� �I- •l � _ �� '-�Cl�,•�.•Ij�" � �� !. � . •--r,Ig.l •.I•�.I � g, ----- `� - � - - '.-- •L � ..,' �. ,-I �- , =-� _� u. g_ •--g, r .. -• Imo•. 1, g -•,g- �- � .�=��-L-�'- I I - --i,1-={' _�_. �C, • 1 " ,1 ' ; ' ll . , t�_ �� • ,• C 3—, III �� � _• � •_ , _• .o Y�� - _. •' - _ • �� • ,� � �-. _ I =—_,- ,I , � � ,, ' —�-_ i i Iii -I �g�- - - •g� - C .� •lIIC ,• -• l_ 11 l_ , ,. -_I _ - -- d -� I 1� �-,�_ fi',g ,_ • f _ �E- � :_ .-• E _. �f— LEVEL 2 - T.O. - ►l�f i -��Jl1 _1 .1g= i- _�.- 1� =E ---� LEVEL PLYWD ~ P2 L-YTW 8481�_ .O0D."8481-0 I I I I ' • _ �' • �� ' �•1 I •�'�� 1:� - � ~ ' _ I � _ • f �, •- � 'h•TC • � _ • _ I _ � C _ . I _, 1 _ � _ � 1 _ _ I _ dCDII g • I-� -� ' - • ;.1 �� - T,.- ; g• -; J I I --� _� III I - III III I I I I I � � 1• .I � � �: I . I I _ I : _.. , � - '1 -: I'_ I I �. I • I . _ i — LEVEL 1 - T.O. �' j LEVEL 1 - T.O. 8475'- LPLYWD 8475 Wg V 6" -- •glg •lam "; - ,_ ' "_ '_ � III � I 1= I I � �•� j .. • • —I � �� , I I •, J �--� . �. • � � _' I' �• I•'_ _ III I _ „. _ I• -g __ g_ -g„.. , of g• —. — —,� - � •- .— —•—. — .1 f r .� 1 i _ _ • l 1 I l . C _ ._ : - I l f _1 - - - J f_ l•�1 , . o - - I IAF l' I'-��1" -� -. -� --•. ; •g, ,,. _; . • _. _-�-,; , ";I�r, I,_ -.�- _ ; _; . , -_• ' _ -. — — East Eleva i �• , C --d111=1 - I• �-- ---i_ - - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I i —'--' 11 ,r;, I •- - 1— —..,1 I• I T I' I I;�� I �- .. I I _'-"° ,', ,I �j .. ��� I".L`',�, I , •,1 I �- .•_ •~- - I• j: � _ . � �� ' III. III. .III. -III I 8466' - 011-_- - - -- - -� 8466' - 0" LEILEIEII�EEILEIIIII-I - III -III II��II I� II IIS n1 W C O U ) co Q� Lr' c) '- � 110 110 1- p U O �,, �0 00 O U O O O > Lr) Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1505 Drawn by: mpP Checked by: mpP East s South Elevations A3.01 Scale 1/4" = V -O" J 2 A4.2 HXG)1 F rA42 �r nn UE 14C 1 B A A4.1 A4.1 1 III III III III III III III III III III III r 0 a —I II III II II IILQ III � ... ..,.. — 11 - 13 2 North Elevation 1/4" 1 0 - , II 1 � � I I I III I I I I ".I r ,..I r .IT.I r ��• 1 1�� ,1 �I� 11 �. - .I- � ,--, I ,. III III- -iI SII iII 13 12 11 10 2 �49 8 7 6 1 5 2 4 3 1 2 1 A A4.4 A4.3 A4.3 Lt LEVEL 3 - T.O. [� PLYWD v 8486' - 6" i LEVEL 2 - T.O. PLYWD v 8481' - Oil LEVEL 1 - T.O. _PLYWD _ _8475' - 611 I it LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD n 8491'- 6" ENTRY - T.O. PLYWD 8490' - 3" LEVEL 3 - T.O. PLYWD 8486' - 6" EVE 2 - T.O. 0 PLYWD 8481 0 EVEL 1 - T.O. ' — PLYWD 8475 6 T.O._Footing -� 8466' - 0" v _AI2 u LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD 5 8491' - 6" — ENTRY - T.O. PLYWD � 0 4 8490' - 3" V -LEVEL 3 - T.O._ — — PLYWD 13 8486' 1 Q LEVEL 2 - T.O. o PLYWD r — 8481' - 0" 8 LEVEL 1 - T.O. 7 PLYWD 8475'- 6" 1/4" = 1 -011 " - 11 `I11 ITS I. "i 61-011 I- ootl _ � J I III III III III .II ..I I.. IIS III III III -III III III .II -il III Ili .00�,,�-E UN��0"o • 0 CUCO o 0 O O — Q Lr)� Q 011N • — O U W .E Q C O U .N >_ F/I ) O N it LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD n 8491'- 6" ENTRY - T.O. PLYWD 8490' - 3" LEVEL 3 - T.O. PLYWD 8486' - 6" EVE 2 - T.O. 0 PLYWD 8481 0 EVEL 1 - T.O. ' — PLYWD 8475 6 T.O._Footing -� 8466' - 0" v _AI2 u LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD 5 8491' - 6" — ENTRY - T.O. PLYWD � 0 4 8490' - 3" V -LEVEL 3 - T.O._ — — PLYWD 13 8486' 1 Q LEVEL 2 - T.O. o PLYWD r — 8481' - 0" 8 LEVEL 1 - T.O. 7 PLYWD 8475'- 6" 1/4" = 1 -011 " - 11 `I11 ITS I. "i 61-011 I- ootl _ � J I III III III III .II ..I I.. IIS III III III -III III III .II -il III Ili .00�,,�-E UN��0"o • 0 CUCO o 0 O O — Q Lr)� Q 011N • — O U W .E Q C O U .N >_ ) O N CO � L W Cry > 0 0 '— 0_0 UN D 0)0 °0 O U U�o�> O O_ I Lr)Q lul�ll it LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD n 8491'- 6" ENTRY - T.O. PLYWD 8490' - 3" LEVEL 3 - T.O. PLYWD 8486' - 6" EVE 2 - T.O. 0 PLYWD 8481 0 EVEL 1 - T.O. ' — PLYWD 8475 6 T.O._Footing -� 8466' - 0" v _AI2 u LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD 5 8491' - 6" — ENTRY - T.O. PLYWD � 0 4 8490' - 3" V -LEVEL 3 - T.O._ — — PLYWD 13 8486' 1 Q LEVEL 2 - T.O. o PLYWD r — 8481' - 0" 8 LEVEL 1 - T.O. 7 PLYWD 8475'- 6" 1/4" = 1 -011 " - 11 `I11 ITS I. "i 61-011 I- ootl _ � J I III III III III .II ..I I.. IIS III III III -III III III .II -il III Ili .00�,,�-E UN��0"o • 0 CUCO o 0 O O — Q Lr)� Q 011N • — O U W .E Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Y�le5t s North Elevations A5.2 scale 1/4" = 1'-O" C O U .N >_ ) O N CO � L W Cry > 0 0 '— 0_0 UN D 0)0 °0 O U U�o�> O O_ I Lr)Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Y�le5t s North Elevations A5.2 scale 1/4" = 1'-O" 4 Southwest Model View n Southeast Model View J Q Q Project plumber: 1305 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a Scale O U .> ) CO ._oma 4� LO ry O '- v UN D °0 �oo0)p O U U�o O > � ILO # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1305 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a Scale i Northeast Model View r2 Northwest Model View # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a A5,04 5r -ale O U �> ) CO nV) LO O W 0 0 v W 0_0 D 0)O 00 O U U�o O > � ILO # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a A5,04 5r -ale • 00Nom— E U00 N�10 0 CU o �0 O O Q LO Q 011 n, U VJ .E Q Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project Number: 1505 Drawn by: Author Checked by: Checker Building Sections A4,01 Scale 1/4" = V -O" O U .> ) ._oma V) CO 4�LO ry O '- v 0_0 UN D 0)0 °0 O U U�o O > � ILO # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project Number: 1505 Drawn by: Author Checked by: Checker Building Sections A4,01 Scale 1/4" = V -O" LEVEL 4 - T.O. -_PLYWD 8491'- 6" ENTRY - T.O. _ PLYWD 8490'- 3" LEVEL 3 `T.O. -III III ISI III III III III���II�J,-1I1 Ndrth-South Section 4 2 1 / " = 1'-0" 466 Fo0o�' III - I I l MI— LEVEL III II 4 - T.O. PLYWD 8491'- 6" ENTRY - T.O. PLYWD Q 8490' - 311— LEVEL "LEVEL 3 - T.O. PLYWD 86'-6" :VEL 2 - T.O. D-- - -- - - -- - PLYW \; 8481' - 0" - -- - LEVEL 1 - T.O. _ PLYWD— 8475' - 6" — 1 North-South Section 3 1/If=1-0 T.O. Footo 8466' - 0" — , I , I I !Fm� T�� � 1 3 4 2 5 1 6 7 8 9 2 10 11 12 13 .3 A4.3 A4.4 A4.4 MUDROOM X11= t�IIIII IIII LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD ENTRY - T.O. PLYWD_ 8490'- 3" V LEVEL 3 - T.O. PLYWD 8486'- 6" LEVEL 2 - T.O. - PLYWD LEVEL 1 - T.O. --PLYWD- 8475'- LYWD- 8475'- 6" T.O. Footing 8466'- 0" a F - LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD 8491'- 6" — ENTRY - T.O. PLYWD 8490'- 3" 0 CP in M LEVEL 3 - T.O. PLYWD 8486'- 6" 10 LEVEL 2 - T.O. C? PLYWD 8481'- 0" I LEVEL 1 - T.O. - PLYWD 8475'- 6" O U •> m L J n, W � ) � O N N CO � m L o O W 0 0 '- 0_0 IIII II D 0)0 00 O U U�o�> MUDROOM X11= t�IIIII IIII LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD ENTRY - T.O. PLYWD_ 8490'- 3" V LEVEL 3 - T.O. PLYWD 8486'- 6" LEVEL 2 - T.O. - PLYWD LEVEL 1 - T.O. --PLYWD- 8475'- LYWD- 8475'- 6" T.O. Footing 8466'- 0" a F - LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD 8491'- 6" — ENTRY - T.O. PLYWD 8490'- 3" 0 CP in M LEVEL 3 - T.O. PLYWD 8486'- 6" 10 LEVEL 2 - T.O. C? PLYWD 8481'- 0" I LEVEL 1 - T.O. - PLYWD 8475'- 6" # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project Number: 1505 Drawn by: Author Ghecked by: Ghecker Building Sections O U •> m m N n, W � ) � O N N CO � m L o O W 0 0 '- 0_0 UN D 0)0 00 O U U�o�> O �I Lr)Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project Number: 1505 Drawn by: Author Ghecked by: Ghecker Building Sections 8466'- 0" A4,02 m m N m O N m Scale 1/4" = V -O" o 8466'- 0" LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD 8491' - 6" ENTRY - T.O. �� PLYWD v 8490' - 311 0 LEVEL 3 - T.O. M PLYWD 8486' - 6" LEVEL 2 - T.O. PLYWD q �J 848 V -off LEVEL 1 - T.O. �PLYWD -8475- - 6" rh T.O. Footing- W-) ootin 8466'-0" LEVEL 4 - T.O. Ljh PLYWD 1 C 14 E 2 F1 DRB Submission G H I 2 J A4.1 1 10/31/13 1 A4.1 A4.2 1 A4.2 0 Illlllf Illlllf 1 IIIllllll 1111111 II R GREAT ROOM D -- " LT l - f ' PA TRY. I I , II EDROOM 4 BEDROOM 3 B TH 3 -East-West Section 2 - 11-01 1/4III I- _ I° a fi—fi - 11fi II -I II I I� I � - •U_00000 UNC"-'--)�c0— N O' O X � U m�wo OoU^N �, 11 3 0 -c011E : 77-- •� O _U HUM M H 7 M_LEUM__� 7 lizi7 qKITCHEN o- o- - ENTRY - T.O. -o - - - - - - - - PLYWD ,\ �q - - \\ ID _8490'_ 3° o 'III III 1- - I H . LID LEVEL 3 - T.O.I 1 - - - - _ - - v 6' 848 - 6,LYWD - o I " IFY I' ,a I I - LEVEL 2 - T.O.- - PLYWD - , Oil 84-8 V — I BEDROOM 3 I - - I LEVEL 1 T.O. PLYWD -8475'--6" d „ I — ° _ East-West Section 1 — t - W. Footing I I ' 8466'- 0 III III III III— III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III - Lill IU I1 ICJi ✓G(.iLIVl 0 Description Date U DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 ) ._oma C� 4� L ry 0 0 '- 110 p 0 O D1- �,, �O 00 1505 Drawn by: Author o U U� — O > �I Lr)Q Lill IU I1 ICJi ✓G(.iLIVl # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project Number: 1505 Drawn by: Author Checked by: Checker Lill IU I1 ICJi ✓G(.iLIVl LEVEL 4 - T. ru PLYV v —849V- 6" ENTRY - T.0 PLYW 8490) LEVEL 3 - T. PLYV 8486'- 6" LEVEL 2 - T. �_PLYV v 84-81' -off LEVEL 1 - T. PLYV 847516" 6" T.O. Footing_ 8466' -011 R / I\f' 1 (IA I C: LEVEL 4 - T.O. PLYWD v 8491'- 6" ENTRY - T.O. PLYWD —8490'1 LEVEL 3 - T.O. PLYWD v 8486'- 6„ LEVEL 2 - T.O. PLYWD q- 8481'- - 8481'- 0" LEVEL 1 - T.O. _PLYWD ® 8475'- 6" T.O. Fo_otin 1I 8466' - 0" i , - l � - � ENTRY IT= GREAT ROOM 0 oa - - oo - I _7 7 a. r _ 11:11 L] qI� � j LAUNDRY ROOM BEDROOM 3- 1 / EDROOM 4 BATH 4 l/ ills All IF East-West Section 3 „ a _ _ 1 L-IL411LAI! ICJi ✓G(.iLIVI IG O Description Date U DRB Submission •> 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 n, W � ) � O N Co L O W 0 0 W O U�,, 0 D �0 00 1505 Drawn by: Author Checked by: Checker O O O > L-IL411LAI! ICJi ✓G(.iLIVI IG # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project Number: 1505 Drawn by: Author Checked by: Checker L-IL411LAI! ICJi ✓G(.iLIVI IG 4 Southwest Model View gov---, AM, n Southeast Model View J # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a Scale O U �> ) ._oma CO 4� LO ry p v p U O D �p 00 0 > LQ # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1505 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a Scale ------------------� 5 a i i Northeast Model View 2Northwest Model View 00 O ma - E UN���CO o � 0 00 6 n CIO O �CO o �0 O O Q L� Q 01, Q) n, U VJ .E Q Q # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1305 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a A5,04 5r -ale O U �> ) CO nV) LO O W 0 0 v W 0_0 UN D 0)O 00 O U U�o O > � ILO # Description Date 1 DRB Submission 09/24/13 2 DRB Submission 10/10/13 3 DRB Submission 10/31/13 Project plumber: 1305 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Model View!a A5,04 5r -ale