PZC Packet 090313AVON Staff Memorandum TO: Planning and Zoning Comm i ,on FROM: Jared Barnes, Planner II { DATE: August 30, 2013 RE: New Bronze Locations in East Avon Background At the August 20, 2013 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) discussed a potential application for new bronze locations on various properties in East Avon. The locations discussed were on a variety of town -owned parcels: Tract E (Avon Road Right -of - Way) and Lot 65-A (Benchmark Road Right -of -Way); and, private property: Lot 65-B (The Annex building) and Tract Q (Benchmark Shopping Center). The discussion centered on the locations and the PZC authority to review locations of bronzes, the type of bronze, and the related improvements for the bronzes. The Applicant, Mark Kihle, has requested a work session with the PZC to begin the discussion, solicit feedback, and have time to alleviate concerns expressed by the PZC. Once the application is complete a formal staff analysis will be provided. Review Authority Resolution 02-58 (Exhibit A) provides the frame -work for review of all future public art locations. This resolution provides authority for the Avon Arts Council to "rotate artwork among existing approved and improved locations and to establish new locations" as well as the PZC to "review and approve how the public art (including statuary) is installed, which includes the specific location(s) and placement(s), the appearance of pedestals, bases and pads so as to conform with Town streetscape design guidelines, landscaping and lighting." Currently the Avon Arts Council is defunct therefore the responsibility of this body would revert back to the Town Council until such time as the Town Council designates another body or re-establishes the Arts Council to perform these duties. The PZC also has the authority through Title 7, Development Code, to review bases, lighting and other related improvements for art locations on private property. These improvements are either governed by the "Outdoor Lighting Ordinance" or the Development and Design Review processes that regulates development and landscaping. Staff Analysis The Application (Exhibit B) illustrates the proposed locations, base sizes and designs, and bronze sizes and designs. The Applicant has indicated that some or all of the bronzes will be illuminated, but has yet to finalize those details and plans to return at a future meeting with those plans. September 3, 2013 PZC Meeting — Public Art and Bronzes Work Session Page 1 of 3 Town Staff has walked the locations both internally and with the Applicant to discuss the potential locations' property owner as well as design or locational concerns. It does appear that the following art locations are as follows: Art Locations A B C D E F G H Town Property X X X X* Private Property X X X X * Specific location needs to be verified by a more detailed site plan Based upon an initial review of the locations staff has conveyed the following concerns to the applicant: 1. Location A will need a detailed site plan to ensure that a minimum clearance of 36" exists for pedestrian movements around the art piece; 2. Location C will need a detailed site plan to ensure it is located adjacent to the sidewalk to ensure it remains out of the site distance triangle for vehicular movements; and, 3. Location D will need a detailed site plan to confirm the property it is located on and to ensure that it is either: (a) removed from the detention pond; or, (b) if placed in the detention pond that the detention pond is enlarged to ensure it complies with code requirements for size. After the image of each proposed location in Exhibit B, the Applicant has provided dimensions for both the required base and the art piece. The Applicant plans on matching the stone veneer of the bases for Locations A, C, E, and H with that used for the steps adjacent to Location A (southeast corner of the Avon Road and Benchmark Road roundabout). The other locations will have bases consisting of slabs of stone that the bronzes will be affixed to. Location G will be sited on the grass, but is proposed to have a small retaining wall to level the surface for the bronze placement. Staff does request additional information related to the location and height of this retaining wall to ensure it does not impact the Town Right -of -Way or other easements as well as meets Town Codes. Comprehensive Plan The Design Review process contains a review criterion that requires a design to reflect the long range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff has identified the following Comprehensive Plan Goals and Polices that are related to public art: Policy D.1.4: Create a unified and cohesive physical framework and community image by ensuring compatible building orientation, scale, massing, siting, street alignments, streetscape furnishings, signage, lighting, etc. Policy D.2X Beautify the town with street trees, sidewalks, landscaping and public art. Policy D.3.5: Develop a plan for appropriate community -wide art installations. Policy D.3.6: Maintain existing elements that contribute or reflect the heritage of the community and include forms and materials that reflect this heritage in new designs. September 3, 2013 PZC Meeting — Public Art and Bronzes Work Session Page 2 of 3 Policy E.3.9: Identify and honor cultural and heritage sites with elements such as museums, interpretive parks, markers, memorials, fountains, sculptures, statues, signage, banners, informational kiosks, public art, and/or flags. In addition, the East Town Center District Plan identifies the following planning principals related to public art: • Incorporate civic art into public infrastructure projects such as bridges, transit systems, highways, roadways, or water features. • Work with surrounding landowners to implement a rich streetscape pattern that will complement The West Town Center District. Review Criteria The PZC shall use the following review criteria as the basis for recommendations on the Application: §7.16.o8o(f), Development Plan (1) Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; (2) Evidence of substantial compliance with the §7.16.ogo, Design Review. (3) Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; (4) Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; (5) Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and (6) That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. §7.16.ogo(f), Design Review (1) The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; (2) The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and (3) The design reflects the long range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Recommendation The PZC should provide feedback to the Applicant so that any concerns can be addressed prior to a complete submittal and review before the PZC at the September 17, 2013 meeting. Exhibits A: Resolution 02-58 B: Applicant Packet September 3, 2013 PZC Meeting — Public Art and Bronzes Work Session Page 3 of 3 Exhibit A TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 0.2-58 SERIES OF 2002 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING CERTAIN PUBLIC ART (INCLUDING STATUARY) LOCATIONS WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON AND SETTING FORTH -REVIEW AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR ALL FUTURE ART LOCATIONS WHEREAS, there is consensus between Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission that public art (including statuary) in Avon is desired and beneficial to the Town and requires review and collaboration between the Town and the Avon Arts Council; and WHEREAS, existing public art locations should be formally acknowledged by the Town as appropriate locations and designated as noted on the map labeled "Exhibit A"; and WHEREAS, potential new future public art locations shall be formally reviewed and designated by the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town should authorize the Avon Arts Council to rotate artwork among existing approved and improved locations and to establish new locations with the requirement that the Planning and Zoning Commission review and approve how the public art (including statuary) is installed, which includes the specific locations) and placement(s), the appearance of pedestals,'bases and pads so as to conform with Town streetscape design guidelines, landscaping and lighting.' NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO"that locations noted on the map labeled "Exhibit A", attached"hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are recognized and ratified as Areas of ' Public Art (including statuary)"that,shall be so permitted to continue to maintain and rotate public art as complies with the terms outlined in this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON; COLORADO: 1". That certain locations noted on the map labeled "Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated hereon by this reference, are recognized and ratified as Areas of Public Art (including statuary) that the Avon Arts Council shall be permitted to continue to maintain and rotate public art, as complies with the terms outlined in -this resolution, at these locations; and 2. " That all public art (including statuary) located in any area other than those appearing on "Exhibit A" shall be removed from those locations, and the locations restored to their prior condition, not later than July 1, 2003 and that the Town of Avon and the Avon Arts .Council will cooperate in accomplishing this requirement; and TATown Clerk\Council\Resolutions\Misc\Resolution No. 02-58 Act in Public Places.doc Exhibit A 3. That the Town of Avon requires prior notification by the Avon Arts Council of any and all plans and intentions to change, relocate or acid public art (including statuary) at existing approved locations and that the Planning and Zoning Commission approve these plans with respect to'the same aspects as for new locations; and 4. That all existing approved -location lighting, landscaping, pedestals, platforms,, bases and pads .shall be improved so as to conform to Town of Avon. Streetscape Design Guidelines with review and approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission not later than July 1, 2003; and 5. That all future proposed new public art (including statuary) locations be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission with respect to specific siting, lighting, landscaping and design and construction of any pads, pedestals, platforms or bases. ADOPTED TFUS1 DAY OF A__2002. ATTEST: ' .. •..• To Cler TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO ` t Mayor IATown Clerk\Council\Resolutions\Misc\Resolution No. 02-58 Art in Public Places.doc Exhibit B Hoffmann Commercial Real Estate Bronzes and sizes. Title Artist Bronze Dimension Weight A) Victory Vala Ola 6'11' H x 2'7" W x 2' D 350 B) Trail Discovery(set) George Lundeen -depending on stones thickness* a) Child with Flag 4'2" H x 3'6" W x 2' D 1200 b) Clark 6' H x 3'8" W x 3'8" D 1800 c) Lewis and Dog 5'10" H x 4'W x 4' D 2100 d) Native American Guide 5'10" H x 4'W x 4' D 1800 C) Mother Goose Dennis Smith 2'5" H x 5'4" W x 1'4" D 185 D) Ulele Crouching Figure Vala Ola 4'2" H x 2'3" W x 4'7"D 350 E) Waiting For An Answer George Lundeen 5'4" H x 3' W x 3'2" D 450 F) Ulele Portrait Bust Vala Ola 8'H x 7'W x 5'6" D 1850 G) Pegasus Sandy Scott 11'6" H x 12'W x 12'8" D 3200 (note on Pegasus bronze base is 9' long x 3' wide) H) The Searcher Martha Pettigrew 6'6" H x 2'W x 1'6" D 275 Note: On The Trail depends on stone thickness. Exhibit B 5 ALTAYACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY Ja�-= LOT Z BLOCK 2 AND PART OF TRACT O i! A� BR40 NAW AT BEAVER [MEEK AND LOT 6", BLOCK 2 THE ANNEX AT AVON TOWN OF AVON, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO i �Y g oil' i Wl [t[ q ¢sem �, ~•..a, �.;: � i � _ ,.� ������.! I ...w•-ter " to �I.-- i _ 3k 6 4 ..rnw. vrr M7. � ' YA' {'� V � L - '.. � � 'Yf�1, y �� 'CF r�•�7 .' t y t 4 V i 1 AND 111 ry N•• �� Y p 1f. S L' ♦ a 'L 1� Y t �v ."df:' Ij, SL,. Fw' Lir F 1 i ^d it 4Yz.g.1r'�•Zi`• y7F .: »•••. _ '; �.,. °�+&^r _i �. �, t• - t - mss,:. - � . r y. ro W. s - �� "3 _ � Vie' •�.�'�''-�` _ _ , 4 �• i w -U eVoN RE)ftD6�NPA8'��1TS Pcn—'Lc lug✓21, 1998 i IL vo I c az ey.� V.,�aC> iBr 6 3f.,o 4 Z P, Ss 3r:xo Exhibit B kt it to A; k. x =V7 " w )g, a' Zvq('k apww� uo pj cl -F A 0 o -A� 4 .,�rj Ir t�e fir • ,..[ .,.+1 't i �'p r f 3 d ✓ ?� '� .1,�uf ycr d n, g6 .. s �' - � 4'. � 1 1pri-. .y ,p. � F! .. �, y�' F y;c �•I.L 1p ��l ,�y '�. `4q 0A Na- w J � J },op J.. t'✓M�N�Y IeliZ ciM .. n A �-Aftwff Fp" Exhibit B (D —ir ox.; i o vampaao 5 e. * -a & C 1.2 tl 14 x '. 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