PZC Packet 061708Town of Avon Public Works and Transportation (970) 748-4100 Fax (970) 748-1958 Memo June 17, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Jennifer Strehler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Transportation THRU: Community Development Department REGARDING: Work Session on Swift Gulch Site Improvements for Town of Avon NOTE: Site tour following presentation Introduction The applicant, the Town of Avon, has requested a conceptual review by the Commission and staff of an upcoming municipal project. This project involves construction of new public works and transportation facilities at the Town-owned Swift Gulch Site. The Parcels involved are: 1, 2 and Tract AA. These parcels are surrounded by open space and are well-screened from view from most locations in and around Avon. The underlying zoning currently in place for the proposed development site is PUD. A PUD amendment was executed in 1998 (see Exhibit A) which requires further amendment to correct irregularities in the previous amendment and to substitute a new site plan for the 1998 plan. The new site plan (see Exhibit B) is consistent with the Town’s recent master planning and space needs analysis. New facilities will provide workspace for the Town’s Public Works Department (Road and Bridge Division, Parks Division, Facilities Division) and Transportation Department (Fleet Division and Transit Division) through at 2040. Facilities to provide Eagle County’s ECO Transit with a satellite hub are also included. The total area of the proposed development site is approximately 15 acres and is comprised of the three parcels listed above. The proposed project is detailed, on a conceptual level, in the attachments. The Town’s engineering and architectural consultant will make a presentation and host a site tour of the existing facility during this work session. Existing Condition This existing PUD provides for the following permitted uses: • Offices • Mechanical Shops and Associated Storage Work Session on the Swift Gulch Site Improvements June 5, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 2 of 5 Town of Avon Public Works and Transportation (970) 748-4100 Fax (970) 748-1958 • Outdoor storage yards for uses associated with Municipal Services, Water, Transit, and Fire to include but not limited to: o Cinder and sand piles o Snow plow and street equipment o Transit vehicles o Town vehicles o Bad Order Parking o Horticulture Compound o CDL Drivers Course o Fuel Pumps • Snow storage • Retaining walls Development standards include: • Maximum building height allowed of 48-feet • Minimum building set backs of: o Front 25-feet o Side: 7.5-feet o Rear: 10-feet • Retaining walls are exempted from setback requirements • Maximum site coverage of 50% • Minimum landscape area of 25% Proposed Condition The revised PUD would substitute a new site plan for the 1998 version. The current plan does not accurately depict existing buildings, graded or paved areas, and structures. Because the project is only starting design, and because the Town may need to phase the project over several years for budgetary reasons, it is best if the amended PUD was less “site-specific” and more prescriptive in nature. One key correction needed is that the revised PUD should explicitly include parcel AA. This parcel is identified within the “limits of disturbance” in the 1998 PUD amendment, but was not properly listed in Ordinance 98-4 nor included in the legal description. To support the project, the revised PUD would include the same list of allowable uses but would add these additional permitted uses: • Indoor storage for uses associated with Municipal Services, Water, and Transit, to include but not limited to: o Vehicles o Heavy Equipment o Fuel dispensing • Vehicle wash (already constructed on the property) • Employee housing Work Session on the Swift Gulch Site Improvements June 5, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 3 of 5 Town of Avon Public Works and Transportation (970) 748-4100 Fax (970) 748-1958 Note that the applicant does not wish any changes be imposed to the current development standards. Conceptual sketches of the two largest buildings in this project are included in Exhibit C. This site is very well screened from view from most locations within town. A photo looking north at the site from the center of Chapel Square, approximately three stories above the ground (taken from a bucket truck) is provided in Exhibit D. This Exhibit shows the areas which would be occupied by the new buildings. Most of the existing vehicles, equipment, suppliers, and bulk materials (which are currently stored outdoors and in full view) will be removed from this view, hidden behind the proposed bus barn and administration building. As a result, the project will result in improved views of the site. Staff Comments The project is being designed to provide needed facilities for approximately 130 public works and transportation employees (including ECO Transit), storage for over 100 vehicles and major pieces heavy equipment, fabrication shops (e.g., signs, electrical, wood), plus storage for minor equipment, materials, and documents. A detailed list of space needs was identified in 2007 and recently updated. The resulting facility will include about 120,000 sf of indoor spaces and about 475,000 sf of exterior storage and vehicle circulation areas. The Community Development Department and the Engineering Department have been included in meetings regarding this project, including the consultant selection, kick-off meeting, architectural charrette, and internal discussions about land use, grading, and other project details. It is clear from the 1998 PUD Amendment that the intended use for these parcels is to house the Towns operational facilities for public works, parks, transportation, police, and other municipal services. Although the Town’s design standards do not specifically address this type of land use, it seems most consistent with our industrial development standards. To this end, minimalistic design requirements are applicable. The proposed architecture shown in the Exhibits appears to exceed the requirements of the Town’s development standards for the designated industrial/commercial (IC) zone. Regarding employee housing, staff recognizes that the Town is conducting this project in order to provide facilities needed to match the projected development and re-development within Avon. The project does not generate jobs but is reacting to local growth by increasing the municipal facilities needed to support this growth. Therefore it is staff’s opinion that the development-oriented employee housing requirements should not be applied to this project. However, staff believes it would be wise to add employee housing as a future allowable use Work Session on the Swift Gulch Site Improvements June 5, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 4 of 5 Town of Avon Public Works and Transportation (970) 748-4100 Fax (970) 748-1958 in an amended PUD in case the Town wishes to build such housing as a separate future project. Site circulation and functionality drive the site plan in this project, considerably more than most commercial projects. To use and develop the site for the purpose for which it is allowed, retaining walls and soil stabilization walls will be required. This is due to the large vehicles and heavy equipment and associated turning radiuses involved. The Applicant is proposing retaining walls which are incorporated into structures, and rockery-type soil stabilization walls for along roadways, paved areas, and behind buildings. The rockery walls would be terraced and landscaped. Section heights are up to 10-feet are proposed, with up to three terrace sections in some places (i.e., for short sections, the total wall height could approach 36 feet); see Exhibit B for locations. Discussion Items The Applicant seeks feedback from the Commission on the following items: 1. PUD Amendment – What challenges should be anticipated to amend the existing PUD for this project? 2. View Corridor – Are there any concerns with the proposed use of site grading, building location, and retaining walls with respect to views? 3. Retaining walls – Terraced rockery-type stabilization walls are proposed, nearly all will be screened from view from off-property. What is the maximum height of retaining walls that will be allowed in this project? 4. Architectural Character – Is the conceptual-level character of the buildings depicted in the Exhibits and in the presentation appropriate for the immediate vicinity? 5. Employee Housing – Does the Commission agree with the proposed approach with respect to employee housing? The Commission will take no formal action at this time. Rather, direction on the design will be given to the applicant from Staff and the Commission to incorporate into a formal zoning application. If you have any questions regarding this project, please feel free to contact me directly at 748-4115. Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer L. Strehler, P.E. Director of Public Works and Transportation Work Session on the Swift Gulch Site Improvements June 5, 2008 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Page 5 of 5 Town of Avon Public Works and Transportation (970) 748-4100 Fax (970) 748-1958 Attachments: Exhibit A: Existing PUD Development Plan (Drawing 2 only) Exhibit B: Preliminary Project Site Plan Exhibit C: Preliminary architectural concept sketches Exhibit D: View corridor photo mock-up Existing Vehicle MaintenanceEquipment StorageArchive StorageShop AreasCinder Storage Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n b u i l d i n g ab o v e Vi s i t o r / E m p l o y e e P a r k i n g be l o w Sm a l l E q u i p m e n t S t o r a g e Ve h i c l e F u e l S t a t i o n Sw i f t G u l c h S i t e Large Equipment StorageBulk Material Storage Vi s i t o r S u r f a c e P a r k i n g Bu s S t o r a g e a n d W a s h B a y A05 . 3 0 . 2 0 0 8 Administration & Eq u i p m e n t S t o r a g e view from Southwest A05 . 3 0 . 2 0 0 8 Bus Storage Facility w i t h e l e v a t i o n s t u d y view from Southwest Vi e w C o r r i d o r Ph o t o s l o o k i n g E a s t f r o m I - 7 0