PZC Packet 101811TA r-_rl 17 Mr. r, W M11,
Planning and Zoning Commission
Matt Pielsticker, Planner II
October 18, 2011 Meeting AVON
Mountain Montessori SRU n
Following a public hearing on October 4, the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) tabled a
decision to amend the Mountain Montessori School SRU permit to allow the Applicant the
opportunity to draft alternative conditions of approval for the PZC to consider prior to making
their decision.
Mountain Montessori school is located at: 77 Metcalf Road. Unit 101.
The owner of the school and permit holder is: Mountain Montessori.
The Property is zoned Light Industrial and Commercial (IC). Daycare/pre-schools are not
permitted in the IC zone district; however in 2004, the Avon Planning Director determined that
this use was eligible for a SRU permit, if approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission
(PZC), with certain conditions. The PZC granted the school a SRU approval in 2004 with the
following conditions:
1. A sign permit shall be required for any signage associated with this use.
2. This permit is valid and subject to review by Staff and renewal exactly 5 years from the
date of issuance (September 21, 2009).
3. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made
by the applicant or applicant representative (s) in this application and in public
hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval.
In 2010, the school re-applied for the SRU permit renewal and the PZC granted approved with
the following conditions:
The use shall not be enlarged without prior review and approval from the Planning and
Zoning Commission; and
2. The use is approved for a ten (10) year period to be re -reviewed no later than
September 7`", 2020.
In March, 2011 the school returned to the PZC to apply for an amended to the SRU permit to
allow the school to expand from 20 students to 40 students with an 808 square foot addition.
At that time, the recently adopted Avon Development Code (ADC) limited the PZC's review
authority to 2 years (with additional time permitted by the Council). The PZC approved the
schools' expansion with the following conditions:
The use shall not be enlarged without prior review and approval from the Planning and
Zoning Commission;
October 18, 2011 Town Council Meeting
2. The use is approved and must be re -reviewed no later than May 3rd, 2013;
3. All traffic, parking, and vehicle stacking related to the drop-off and pick-up activities of
the school shall be entirely contained on the property,
4. Student enrollment is limited to 40 students;
5. The size of the school is limited to 2,361 square feet, and,
6. No special events shall occur during the business day.
In August, the Council amended the SRU regulations; returning all review authority back to the
PZC with no time limits on PZC approvals, although the PZC may assign reasonable
conditions and time limits as deemed necessary (§7.16.100(f)).
Amendment Request
The Applicant is requesting that the PZC amend its March 2011 approval to allow the school to
remain on at its location with no time limit, but with the life of the permit approval contingent
upon the compatibility of the school use with other potential future surrounding land uses.
Zoning Analysis
The property is located in the IC Zone District. The intent of this zone district is to "...provide
for a variety of business, including warehouses, research and development firms, repair shops,
wholesale distributors and light manufacturing. This district may include supporting office and
commercial uses where appropriate."
Policy Review
This property and the surrounding area is located in the Metcalf Road Planning District (District
11); the town's only industrial center. The planning principals for this district are:
• Accommodate limited/accessory residential development that supports primary
industrial/employment land uses.
• Develop a pedestrian connection linking West Beaver Creek Boulevard to Nottingham
• Coordinate with CDOT to introduce trees on uphill slopes in the 1-70 right-of-way and
along Metcalf Road to partially screen buildings and other accessory uses.
• Require development that minimizes significant re -grading, and provides for proper on-
site parking and access.
• Require development and encourage existing development to add architectural or
landscape screening of storage areas, HVAC equipment, loading docks, and trash
• Site buildings to maximize sun exposure, protect views, and break up building bulk.
• In the event of a major redevelopment of this area, add traffic lanes on Metcalf Road to
accommodate truck traffic
The Town's Future Land Use Map defines the uses permitted in the Light Industrial
Commercial and Employment Area, including supporting office, commercial and accessory
residential uses where appropriate.
October 18, 2011 Town Council Meeting
Conditions of Approval
The Applicant is proposing the following condition of approval for the Mountain Montessori
SRU permit:
There is no limit to the timeframe that this use may continue on the property, however,
should the use appear to be incompatible with other permitted uses that occupy
neighboring commercial units or properties in the future, the special review use permit
may be reevaluated by the Planning and Zoning Commission at a public hearing. If it is
determined that the special review use has become incompatible with permitted uses
in close proximity, the special review use permit may be revoked following a noticed
public hearing.
Staff Comment. The applicant's proposed condition would put the schools' SRU in jeopardy not
necessarily for actions by the school, but rather by other permitted uses in the neighboring
properties or units. This would be a difficult and potentially disruptive condition to enforce and
arguably more uncertain for the school then the conditions currently imposed on the SRU,
which make the actions of the schools responsible for maintaining the permit.
Staff is therefore recommending the following conditions of approvals, which are consistent
with the three previous PZC approvals of this SRU permit:
1. The use shall not be enlarged without prior review and approval from the Planning and
Zoning Commission;
2. The use is approved and must be re -reviewed no later than October 4, 2021;
3. All traffic, parking, and vehicle stacking related to the drop-off and pick-up activities of
the school shall be entirely contained on the property;
4. Student enrollment is limited to 40 students;
5. The size of the school is limited to 2,361 square feet; and,
6. No special events shall occur during the business day.
Staff recommends approval of Resolution 11-09, approving the SRU permit for the Mountain
Montessori School in Suite 101, Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, with
If the PZC finds that a daycare and/or preschool is consistent with the Town's policy to allow
"supporting commercial uses when appropriate" in the Metcalf Road Planning Area, they should
recommend that the Town Council initiate an amendment to the Development Code to add pre-
schools and daycares as special review uses in the IC Zone District. The use would then be
definitively consistent with the Planning District policies and I -C Zone District and therefore eligible
for an unlimited SRU approval if the PZC so determines.
A. Letter from Applicant, date October 12, 2011
B. Resolution 11-09
October 18, 2011 Town Council Meeting
Exhibit A
Mauriello Planning Group
October 12, 2011
Planning and Zoning Commission
Town of Avon
PO Box 975
Avon, CO 81620
Re: Mountain Montessori - Condition of Approval
Dear Commissioners:
In response to the discussion that occurred on the SRU for the Mountain Montessori School
on October 4, 2011, 1 am proposing a revised condition of approval which I believe
addresses the concerns noted by most of the members of the Planning and Zoning
Commission (P&Z). The concern I heard expressed by several members of the P&Z was that
other uses that are uses by right could move into the building or the vicinity and potentially
compromise the compatibility of the school in the future. We understand this concern and
offer the following condition in lieu of an arbitrary time limitation that is unrelated to any
compatibility condition:
There is no limit to the timeframe that this use may continue on the property, however,
should the use appear to be incompatible with other permitted uses that occupy
neighboring commercial units or properties in the future, the special review use permit
may be reevaluated by the Planning and Zoning Commission at a public hearing. If it is
determined that the special review use has become incompatible with permitted uses in
close proximity, the special review use permit may be revoked following a noticed
public hearing.
I believe the proposed condition gets to the heart of the matter and allows the SRU to be
reviewed if a compatibility concern is raised whether in 5 years or 25 years.
Thank you for considering this proposed condition.
Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP
Exhibit B
WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) of the Town of Avon
approved Resolution 10-04 on September 7, 2010, approving a Special Review Use
(SRU) permit for Mountain Montessori Preschool to operate in the Industrial Commercial
(IC) zone district; and
WHEREAS, at their regularly scheduled meeting held on May 3, 2011, the PZC
approved Resolution No. 11-04, approving an amendment and expansion of the square
footage of the Mountain Montessori unit with the following conditions:
1. The use shall not be enlarged without prior review and approval from the
Planning and Zoning Commission;
2. The use is approved and must be re -reviewed no later than May 3rd, 2013;
3. All traffic, parking, and vehicle stacking related to the drop-off and pick-
up activities of the school shall be entirely contained on the property;
4. Student enrollment is limited to 40 students;
5. The size of the school is limited to 2,361 square feet; and,
6. No special events shall occur during the business day.
WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council approved Ordinance 11-10 on August 23, 2011,
to clarify the duration of SRU approvals and the authority of the PZC in such approvals;
WHEREAS, Ordinance 11-10 amended §7.16.100 (f) Duration and Expiration, Avon
Development Code (ADC), grants the PZC authority to approve a SRU permit in
perpetuity, but may assign a shorter time as deemed necessary; and
Exhibit B
WHEREAS, Dominic Mauriello ("the Applicant"), representing the owner of the
property, BBG Holding Co, submitted an application to modify the Mountain Montessori
SRU permit, currently valid until May 3, 2013, to operate in perpetuity; and
WHEREAS, at their regularly scheduled meetings held on October 4, 2011 and
October 18, 2011, the Planning & Zoning Commission held public hearings to consider
approving and amendment to the SRU permit to operate in perpetuity; and
WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon considered the
following review considerations, as required by the §7.16.100(e), ADC:
(1) The proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and all applicable
provisions of this Development Code and applicable state and federal regulations;
(2) The proposed use is consistent with the purpose and intent of the zoning district
in which it is located and any applicable use -specific standards in the Development
(3) The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses in terms of scale, site design,
and operating characteristics;
(4) Any significant adverse impacts (including, but not limited to, hours of
operation, traffic generation, lighting, noise, odor, dust, and other external
impacts) anticipated to result from the use will be mitigated or offset to the
maximum extent practicable;
(S) Facilities and services (including sewage and waste disposal, water, gas,
electricity, police and fire protection, and roads and transportation, as applicable)
will be available to serve the subject property while maintaining adequate levels of
service for existing development;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission
of the Town of Avon, Colorado, hereby approves an amended SRU permit for Mountain
Montessori within Suite 101, Lot 22, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision;
1. The use shall not be enlarged without prior review and approval from the
Planning and Zoning Commission;
2. The use is approved and must be re -reviewed no later than October 4,
3. All traffic, parking, and vehicle stacking related to the drop-off and pick-
up activities of the school shall be entirely contained on the property;
4. Student enrollment is limited to 40 students;
5. The size of the school is limited to 2,361 square feet; and,
6. No special events shall occur during the business day.
Chair: Chris Green
Secretary: Scott Prince
Exhibit B
Memorandum ON
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
From: Matt Pielsticker, Planner II VON
Date: October 18, 2011 Meeting C 0 L 0 R A 0 0
Re: Recreational Trails Master Plan — Beaver Creek Point
Council Initiated Amendments
The Town Council initiated amendments to the Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan (`Trails
Plan'), at their September 27, 2011 meeting. This is a work session intended to familiarize the
PZC with the Trails Plan prior to conducting a formal public hearing to consider amendments to
the Trails Plan.
The Trails Plan was adopted by the Town Council in 2009. As a long range policy document,
the Plan is intended to be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary (or at least every
three years) in order to address changing development conditions, community needs, and on-
going trails program evolution.
During the Land Exchange hearings with the Town Council this summer, interested residents
expressed concern with the proposed improvements to the Beaver Creek Point trail. This trail
is located on the West Avon parcel, which will be conveyed to the Town as part of the USFS
Land Exchange. This trail network experiences a high level of use by residents of the
Wildridge Subdivision. Excerpts from the Trails Plan related to Beaver Creek Point are
attached as Exhibit A.
On August 10th the Community Development Department held an open house meeting at the
Wildridge Fire Station to solicit community input on the planned improvements to the Beaver
Creek Lookout Trail including a parking lot, shade structure, and vaulted toilets. Fourteen (14)
people attended the open house; and their comments are summarized below.
Summary of Public Comments
The majority of the discussion and input at the work session revolved around the current and
future planned parking conditions on Beaver Creek Point. The consensus among the
participants was to provide multiple parking areas for 2-3 vehicles along the road instead of
one centralized (paved) parking area on the USFS property as envisioned in the Trails Plan.
Other comments received, included the following:
o Is it possible to place parking behind a berm to screen the view from neighboring
October 18, 2011 Town Council Meeting
o Parking spaces should be located at 45 degree angles midway between residences on
Beaver Creek Point.
o Move parking to the loop access point, and some on Beaver Creek Point.
o Allow parking along the white line that was painted on the ROW by Public Works.
o The trail area looks natural today and do not support a parking lot.
o Parking should be dispersed with some located at Saddle Ridge Road.
o Do not decommission any of the trails in this area. The trails planned for
decommissioning are valuable loop options for trail users.
o Why is there a pavilion planned at the end of Beaver Creek Point Trail? It is
unnecessary and it is a windy point.
o Safety is a concern for people parking adjacent to the street with snow plowing
o Can the millings that were added on west side of Beaver Creek Point by the Public
Works department be moved to the white painted stripe area further south on Beaver
Creek Point?
In addition to those in attendance, three e-mail comments were received from Wildridge
residents. Those comments are attached as Exhibit B. Staff presented the open house
comments to the Council on September 26, at which time Staff was directed to initiate
amendment procedures to the Trails Plan.
Many of the comments concern the current on -street parking areas near the trail heads. Some
participants suggested dispersed groups of on -street parking areas, or parking areas at 45
degree angles to get vehicles off the road. In order to shield parked vehicles from neighboring
homes near the trail head one neighbor suggested a parking area away from the road, bermed
to avoid the site of vehciles or shining lights of vehicles turning around at night.
On -Site Parking. The Trail Plan recommends a centralized, asphalt parking area for 3 to 5
cars at the midway point of Beaver Creek Point on the west side of the road. The location and
design of this parking area was approved by an agreement between the USFS, Town of Avon,
Singletree Homeowners Association, and the Berry Creek Metro District.
The millings that were added to the west side of Beaver Creek Point by the Public Works
Department were intended to provide an interim parking area near the access point where
vehicles could be parked completely off the roadway.
October 18, 2011 Town Council Meeting
Temporary trailhead parking and millings added to BC Point
Staff will investigate other parking locations in light of the public comments. Parking along
Saddle Ridge Loop presents challenges due to a 10 to 12 foot slope differentia the shoulder of
the road and the bench where the trail starts. This area also presents conflict with plowing
Saddle Ridge Loop Access Point
Given all of the comments related to parking, including the safety concerns during snowplow
operations, the on-site parking planned for Beaver Creek Point appears to alleviate the on -
street parking problems that we are currently experiencing near the trail head.
Shade Structure and Vaulted Toilets. The Plan for the Beaver Point trail includes a 30'x 40'
shade structure (roof only) to be located at the trail's terminus on the point. The intention is to
provide an area for educational and interpretive opportunities including signage (i.e. pointing
October 18, 2011 Town Council Meeting a
out the surrounding mountain peaks, resorts, etc), and to provide for an ADA accessible picnic
facility — the only ADA accessible trail in the trail system.
The Trails Plan calls for one (1) two -hole concrete vaulted toilet (no water) for the on-site
parking area trail head. The community preference is for that area to remain natural, with little
or no improvements to the trails or trailhead area.
Trails Closures. The Trails Plan calls for decommissioning portions of the Beaver Creek Point
Trails network. Please refer to the "X" marks on the map for the exact social trails to be
closed. The decommissioning plan is part of the agreement between the Town and the USFS,
et.al. If the Town acquires the property from the USFS as a part of the Land Exchange next
year, the maintenance responsibility for the trail system would be assumed by the Town; which
could elect to keep the trails open. The Town's Public Works department is responsible for
Trail maintenance.
Next Steps
Amendments to the Town's Comprehensive Planning Documents require a public hearing
before the Planning and Zoning Commission, and a public hearing with the Town Council for
final approval.
Staff can return to the PZC on November 1 with recommended amendments to the Plan,
based on input from the PZC and other community input to date. Staff will prepare a resolution
that provides a formal recommendation with findings to the Town Council.
A. Trails Plan excerpts
B. Written Public Comments
October 18, 2011 Town Council Meeting
Exhibit A
Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan
Beaver Creek Lookout Trail Project
Current Status: Existing Trail; Proposed New Trailhead
Trailhead/Access Point: There are three access points for this existing trail located in Wildridge
Subdivision off Beaver Creek Point. The Saddle Ridge access point also
provides indirect entry to the trail.
Trail Surface: Natural
Tread Width: Varies from singletrack to double track (18 to 56 inches)
Length: 0.5 miles
The Beaver Creek Lookout Trail primarily runs north and south and has an undefined connecting trail to
the Saddle Ridge Trail. Much of the trail appears to be aligned on an old service road. Several social
trails connect this trail and to surrounding points of interest and other trails in the area. Although each
trail access point has a no parking sign and a Pet Pick-up station, the trail currently has three informal
access points off Beaver Creek Point. The trail is also accessible from the Saddle Ridge Trail access
point off Saddle Ridge Loop in the Wildridge Subdivision. The Beaver Creek Overlook Trail is open to
pedestrian, equestrian, and mountain bicycle users year around. Dogs must be on a leash between
December 15 and April 14 to protect deer and elk from harassment while on their winter range. Overall
the trail is in good to fair condition with a couple of small sections of marginally sustainable trail.
Beaver Creek Lookout Trail Photos
Looking south at northern Beaver Creek Lookout Trail access point and proposed new trailhead location
Exhibit A
Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan
Looking southwest at middle Beaver Creek Lookout Trail access point and trail in the background
Looking southwest at southern Beaver Creek Lookout Trail access point off Beaver Creek Point
Exhibit A
Y .. 0
Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan
Looking south along the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail from northern access point - middle access point
seen adjacent to the road
Looking north along the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail and at access points off Beaver Creek Point
Exhibit A
Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan
Looking southwest along the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail from the middle access point area
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Looking south along the Beaver Creek Lookout Trail at its terminus on the point in the middle of the
Exhibit A
Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan
Looking southeast from the Saddle Ridge Trail highpoint at Beaver Creek Lookout Trail on the ridge line
Limited reconstruction to define the terminus and connector to the Saddle Ridge Trail is recommended by
the US Forest Service. Future plans call for construction of a new trailhead on Forest Service lands at the
midway point of Beaver Creek Point on the west side of the road. The trailhead is to be constructed for
three to five cars, surfaced, and signed for no overnight parking (US Forest Service Decision Memo,
April 2007). Construction of an overlook shelter should be considered for the trail's terminus and can
provide a location for educational and interpretive opportunities. In addition to limited trail
reconstruction and construction of the new trailhead and overlook terminus, approximately one-quarter
mile of adjacent social trails are recommended for closure and revegetation and are presented on map #3
in Appendix A. At minimum, when reconstructing the trail and its terminus and connector to the Saddle
Ridge Trail, specifications and principles for sustainable shared -use trail construction and maintenance
and the minimum criteria for designated trails should be implemented. A future consideration for this
trail would be to reconstruct it for accessible use by mobility -impaired users according to the American
Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines. Typically, this involves surfacing the trail with crusher fines,
asphalt or concrete and ensuring the trailhead meets ADA guidelines.
Exhibit A
Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan
Table 5 — Beaver Creek Lookout Trail Capital Improvement Project Cost Estimate
Trail Name:
Beaver Creek Lookout Trail
Project Type:
Trail Closure/Reclamation & New Trailhead and Overlook
Construct Concrete Pad
Project Description:
Construct new trailhead and terminus overlook/close and
Construct Shade Shelter
reclaim 0.25 miles of nonsustainable social trails/limited trail
Approximate Length:
0.50 miles
Trailheads/Access Points:
Construct new trailhead off Beaver Creek Point
Trail Reconstruction/Reclamation
$4,500.00 1
Total Cost Quantity Unit Cost Unit
Reconstruction (by hand)
$2,850.00 600 $4.75 Linear Foot
Closure and Reclamation (by hand)
$5,676.00 1,320 $4.30 Linear Foot
$8,500.00 1 $8,500.00 Lump Sum
Mobilization (12%)
Administration (3%)
Estimated Total
New Overlook Construction
Total Cost Ouantitv Unit Cost Unit
Base/Subgrade Preparation
$10,500.00 1
Lump Sum
Construct Concrete Pad
$32,400.00 1,200
Square Foot
Construct Shade Shelter
$36,000.00 1
Lump Sum
Interpretive Display
$8,500.00 1
Lump Sum
Overlook Amenities (picnic
$4,500.00 1
Lump Sum
table/signs, etc.)
Mobilization (12%)
Architecture and Engineering (15%)
Project Management (10%)
Estimated Total
New Trailhead Construction - Beaver Creek Point
Total Cost
Unit Cost
Lump Sum
Erosion Control BMPs
Lump Sum
Base/Subgrade Preparation
Lump Sum
Curb and Gutter
Linear Foot
Asphalt Paving
Drainage Construction
Lump Sum
New Trailhead Amenities (signs, curb
Lump Sum
stops, etc.)
Toilets $24,500.00 1 $24,500.00 Lump Sum
Subtotal $77,420.00
Mobilization (12%) $9,290.40
Architecture and Engineering (15%) $11,613.00
Project Management (10%) $7,742.00
Estimated Total $106,065.40
Exhibit A
Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan
Table 5 (continued) — Beaver Creek Lookout Trail Capital Improvement Project Cost Estimate
CONTINGENCY (10%) $12,564.53
Construct one (1) 50'x 100' asphalt trailhead/parking area (3-5 car)
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan preparation
Base/Subgrade preparation includes clearing and grubbing
Construct one (1) two -hole concrete vaulted toilet (no water)
Does not include any utility relocations
Construct one (1) 40' x 30' interpretive overlook/shade structure (roof only)
No water or utilities anticipated
met ParK L
11 G
East-WestConnector Trail
Trail Terminus and
Proposed Overlook Shelter
Avon Trails Master Plan
ON-0Existing Trails
® Trailhead
Open Space Ownership
-Public Land Roads
a a T
Recommended Trail Closures
� Town Parks
X Prosures Trail
Future Trailhead
Future Trail Access
Town of Avon
rrl Mountain Star
Residential Roads
Town of Avon Boundary
Author: ,rrH, 01/28/09
]his map was prodvred 6y the Community Develapmerrt Department
Use of this mnp shpWd bej rgerreral pwposes oNy.
u I. 11 R • n r
Tawe of Avon does rrat vmnaK the accuracy of the ata cantairned
Matt Pielsticker
From: Peter Sherowski <sherowski@aol.com>
Sent: Monday, August 08, 20117:38 AM
To: Matt Pielsticker
Subject: Beaver Creek Lookout Trail Improvements
Exhibit B
I am very disappointed to see you still are planning to close the two most used sections of the existing trail system.
Presently 99% of the usage out there is Wildridge property owners with dogs and it works just fine. Short loops are
important because most people do not have the time for longer hikes and it will stay that way in the future. At least 80%
of the people using the trails, use the existing trails you are closing. You may have not heard from more people because
most people I have talked too have not picked up on the closing. The loop we will have to use rarely gets used because
of the steep section from the high point down.
There are many places in the state using short looped systems like the system developed a couple of years ago near the
golf course in Grand Lake and the Soda Lakes system in Denver. I hope you will reconsider you plan because you will do
all of us taxpayers here in Wildridge a great disservice.
Sent from my iPad
Matt Pielsticker Exhibit B
From: Gardner, John M. <john.gardner@hoganlovells.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 201111:31 AM
To: Matt Pielsticker
Cc: Town Council Members; Larry Brooks; 'Vailmtneer@comcast.net'
Subject: Beaver Creek Point Trail Meeting
Matt— - Unfortunately, my wife and 1 can't make this week's meeting to discuss current plans
for the development of Beaver Creek Point trail. We hope that there is opportunity to cancel,
or at least defer, the so-called "improvements" proposed in the Trail Master Plan, as they
seem unnecessary and much too expensive.
We have lived full-time in Wildridge for 11 years, and have owned property here since
1992. Beaver Creek Point has always been the "essence" of Wildridge for us - - free and open,
natural and accessible. The "social" trails that the Master Plan would close encourage use of
this area, and closing them would discourage that use by restricting access and routes on The
Point Trail. The entire area, in fact, is more social than merely recreational. Furthermore, the
proposed shelter at at the end of the Trail is silly - - an "improvement" that is unwanted,
unnecessary and an expenditure that the Town can ill afford. Parking now is OK, and any
further improvements also seem unnecessary.
Thanks for your consideration of our views.
Jack and Greer Gardner
5723 Wildridge Road East
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Matt Pielsticker Exhibit B
From: Michael Sanner <sanner.architects@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 201110:18 AM
To: Matt Pielsticker
Subject: Wildridge Lookout Trail
Hi Matt,
I don't think I will be able to go to the meeting unless my 4:30 meeting gets out early. So....
Just a few comments on the Proposed Trail. We use the trail on an almost daily basis so I am quite familiar with
the area.
First we are supporting the land swap. What I would like to see tweaked are the details.
1. The proposed trailhead and parking area might be better placed further south so it is just below where you
show it. It could be in the area that is opposite the open space that is on the other side of the road. This is area
just south of Laurie Baker's house and before you get to her neighbor's house. This seems a better location to
protect Laurie's privacy and prevent usage of her driveway as a turnaround.
2. I am not keen on closing the trail that goes off of the trailhead parking area that heads west, at least not the
part that creates a loop for the lower loop. Along with that the small part that connects the southern part of the
lower loop should be retained. The rest of that southeast trail that goes to the cul-de-sac could be closed as well
as the steep descent from the upper loop. The lower loop is quite popular and gives a shorter route when you
don't have time to venture out on the bigger loops.
3. I am not so sure a covered shelter is appropriate for this area. I rather like it less developed since man-made
structures detract from the natural surroundings. Plus given the wind at the far southern point the shelter would
not work too well.
Michael Sanner and Shelley Gile
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Beaver Creek Lookout Trail
and Trailhead Parkin Area
(Proposed 50' x 100')
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H�Future Trailhead USF3
/V Exist,na Trails X Prop
Town Parks
Property Boundaries o—
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