PZC Packet 010411Staff Report - Sketch Design
January 4, 2011 Planning & Zoning Commission
Project type Sketch Design Review: New Commercial Construction
Legal description Lot 2, 2nd Amendment to the Sun Road Subdivision
Zoning Town Center (TC)
Address 15 Sun Road
Prepared By Matt Pielsticker, Planner II
Summary of Request
Brandt Marott of the Trinity Development Group, Inc., (the Applicant) representing Vincent Riggio
of Trinity-Sunroad-LLC, (the Owner), has submitted a Sketch Design application for a new
commercial building on Lot 2, of the Sun Road Subdivision, also described as 15 Sun Road. The
application proposes to demolish the existing building (occupied by Denny's) and replace it with a
new structure which is to be occupied by Wal -Greens pharmacy with a drive-through window.
(Attachment B)
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) should provide feedback on the proposed design as
it relates to the Town of Avon Commercial Design Guidelines ("Design Guidelines"), West Town
Center District Investment Plan ("Investment Plan"), Title 17 Zoning Avon Municipal Code ("AMC"),
and the 2006 Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan ("Comp Plan"). This memorandum includes a
description of the proposal and of the relevant principles and criteria from these documents. A full-
size (24" x 36") plan set will be available at the meeting.
This application was submitted prior to the adoption of the Development Code; and according to
emergency Ordinance 10-16, Series of 2010, will be reviewed in accordance with the Ordinance in
effect at the time of submittal. The governing documents include the Design Guidelines, the
Investment Plan, the AMC, and the Comp Plan. The Design Review process is comprised of two
steps: Sketch Design Review and Final Design Review. The purpose of this Sketch Design
Review is to provide sufficient feedback regarding the proposed site design and building
architecture, so that the applicant can make appropriate revisions for a Final Design application.
Property Description
The subject property is 1.084 acres (47,219 square feet) in size, and zoned Town Center (TC). The
Property is developed with a 5,270 sq ft building occupied by a Denny's restaurant with 59 parking
spaces. The Property is located south of the eastbound off -ramp to Interstate 70, and southwest of
Round -about #2 on Avon Road. Vehicular access to the Property from Avon Road is limited to
southbound traffic, via Sun Road. Sidewalks along Sun Road and Avon Road provide pedestrian
links to adjacent properties.
Planning Analysis
Use: A pharmacy and commercial/retail uses are permitted in the Town Center (TC) zone district.
The drive-through window for the pharmacy requires a Special Review Use permit (SRU). The
SRU must be reviewed concurrently with a Final Design application.
Structure: The proposed structure is 15,225 sq. ft., composed of 11,420 sq. ft. of ground floor
retail area and 3,805 sq ft of mezzanine office/storage space. For comparison sake, the existing
Denny's restaurant building is approximately 5,270 sq ft.
January 4, 2011 PZC Meeting 1
Height: The building height is 30'9", and 32'4" at the tower. The maximum building height allowed
is 80 ft.
Parking: 38 parking spaces will be provided, including two handicapped spaces. The parking
requirement is 38 spaces.
Setbacks: The required front setback is 25 ft, the side setback is 7.5 ft and the rear setback is 10
ft. The Property contains two lot frontages (along Avon Rd and Sun Rd), and therefore a 25ft
setback is required from these property lines. The new building is located within all required
setbacks. No parking is permitted within the first 10' of the required front setbacks. The site plan
must be revised in order for the parking spots along Sun Road must be removed from the first 10'.
Signs: The proposal includes one (1) free-standing sign, two (2) internally lit building mounted
signs, one (1) interior neon pharmacy sign, and various directional signs. A detailed review of a
sign program would take place concurrently with a Final Design application.
The Avon Comprehensive Plan:
The Property is located in the West Town Center District. According to the Comp Plan, the West
Town Center District is intended to include a mix of uses with a strong residential and lodging bed
base supported by community and guest commercial uses. Specifically, "Create Inviting
storefronts with retail, restaurant, and entertainment uses on ground levels and offices, lodging,
and residential uses above." While a pharmacy is considered a community and guest
commercial use, a vertical mix of uses with residential or office space above the ground
floor retail space would more fully comply with the intent of the District.
In addition, the Comp Plan identifies Avon Road as a Community Gateway Corridor. Accordingly,
the Town has improved this corridor with streetscaping, sidewalks, new light fixtures and public art.
This Property's Avon Road street frontage includes all of the above mentioned improvements,
which were intended to create pedestrian and bike friendly spaces and to create a unified
community image pursuant to the goals and policies of the Comp Plan.
The proposed development does not support this goal because the site design is auto -
oriented rather than pedestrian oriented; and the north side of the building (the most visible
from southbound traffic entering the Town Core) does not include the same quality of
architecture as the two "front facades" facing east and south.
Town Center West District Implementation Plan:
The Investment Plan includes design guidelines that are intended to assist developers, designers
and the Town in creating the type of pedestrian -oriented development that is desired in the District.
Projects must comply with Priority Guidelines unless the Applicant can demonstrate that an
acceptable alternative meets one or more of the following conditions:
1. The alternative better achieves the stated intent;
2. The intent which the priority guideline was created to address will not be achieved by the
application of the guideline in this particular circumstance;
3. The application of other guidelines to achieve stated intents will be improved by not
applying the guideline.
Below are the Priority Guidelines that apply to this application. PZC should review the proposed
development and provide the applicant with specific direction concerning compliance with or
acceptable alternatives to these Priority Guidelines:
B.1— Dense Development:
January 4, 2011 PZC Meeting
• Development in the town center shall provide a minimum FAR of 1.5:1.
B.2 - Mixed Use Development.
• Ensure that no more than 90% of total interior square footage comprises any single
use type.
• Uses on the upper floors shall be office, affordable housing, or market rate residential
B.5 - Character Misrepresentations and "Theme" Environments
• Building mass and proportions in the core must respond to adjacent buildings and
avoid creating awkward or incompatible design solutions.
E.1- Sustainable Buildings
• A minimum of LEED "Certified" is required of all projects. The "Certified" rating is
the lowest requirement LEED certification awarded.
E.2 - Pedestrian Access
• Pedestrian access to the building must be visually and functionally clear.
• Canopies and awnings shall be provided along fagades that give access to the
building. The minimum depth of any canopy awning shall be 5 feet. The vertical
dimension between the underside of canopy or awning and the sidewalk shall be at
least 9 feet and no more than 13 feet.
E.3 -First Floors
• The ground level of buildings shall be pedestrian friendly in scale, expression and
the use of materials.
• Buildings, plazas and landscaping must be the predominant elements of the
pedestrian areas, rather than parking lots and large signs.
• Buildings shall provide street -level, pedestrian -oriented uses on all street fronts and
pedestrian walkways.
• Drive-through uses are not allowed.
• 40 percent of all ground floor facade that is visible from any other pedestrian space
shall be comprised of windows with clear "vision" glass. Display windows may be
used to meet this requirement.
E.4 - Building Articulation
• Facades shall be broken down through the use of offsets, recesses, staggered walls,
material variations, stepped walls, pitched or stepped rooflines, overhangs and other
elements of the building's mass. Simply changing color is not sufficient to
accomplish this.
• It is recommended that buildings convey a visually distinct "base" and "top."
Articulation at a variety of levels is encouraged to minimize a flat line of the building.
January 4, 2011 PZC Meeting
E.8 — Materials and Construction
• Buildings should utilize muted colors. Bright, intense colors shall be reserved for
highlighting architectural elements or minor accent trim. Large amounts of intense
colors used to advertise a business shall not be approved.
• Building facades and the veneer of the columns shall be made of stone, brick, metal
or other high quality materials. Stucco and drivit are prohibited. Accent timber is
E,10 — General Sign Requirements
• Signs must be externally illuminated. Sign lighting components must bear the U.L.
• Exposed crossovers between letters or words are not permitted. All raceways,
transformers, ballasts, conduit, boxes, electrode boxes and other wiring shall be
concealed from public view.
• Neon signs are prohibited.
Design Guidelines Considerations
The proposed architecture, materials and colors are depicted on the reduced Sketch Design plan
set (Exhibit B). The following minimum requirements from the Design Guidelines should be
adhered to:
1. The building shall be designed as a composition of architectural elements rather than
larger single blocks that appear unrelated in form and context.
Staff Response: The proposed one and 1/2 storey building is one of Wal -green's corporate
building designs, which includes a flat roof, a stucco body and 2 ft stone base, and a faux bell
tower at the main entrance. The building references contemporary mountain architectural (timber,
stone, pitched roof) but without a clear understanding of the architectural elements, compositional
patterns or materials associated with this style. The stone base is not properly proportioned to the
body of the building and doesn't provide sufficient weight to the base. The decorative timber truss
with the large faux "window" is also out of proportion with the building entrance.
Because the Property is located along a Gateway Corridor and serves as an important entry into
the Town the architecture is incredibility important at this intersection. This is particularly
concerning because the first view of the proposed building coming southbound on Avon Road, is a
windowless corner of the building with a drive-through window.
Staff recommends the building be redesigned to reflect an authentic architectural style (including
proportionality, scale and materials) that relates to the character of Avon. .
2. The street level architecture shall enhance pedestrian activity and encourage a lively
center of retail activity in the commercial core area, where appropriate.
Staff Response: The building orientation on the site is intentionally geared to the automobile
rather the pedestrian. The building is separated from the existing sidewalks along Avon Road and
Sun Road, by the parking lot and the drive through window. Pedestrians would have to cross
through these areas to access the front entrance to the building.
In order to create a pedestrian oriented site, the building should be moved to the corner of Avon
and Sun Roads. The drive through window lane should be consolidated on one side of the
building (similar to the Wells Fargo) instead of bifurcating the building from the sidewalks.
January 4, 2011 PZC Meeting
3. Building facades shall be articulated with variations in material and punctuated with
JJ intermediate roof forms and building projections.
Staff Response: The plans show variations in material on the east and south building elevations,
but without attention to proportionality or composition. The storefront windows are located on the
upper half of the wall elevations which prevents pedestrians from seeing inside the store. A
properly proportioned storefront window design would not only be more inviting but may help
articulate the building facades.
The Design Guidelines require pitch roofs between 6:12 and 12:12, and no pitches less than 4:12
for commercial structures. According to the Design Guidelines: 'Roof forms shall be varied and
articulated..." This proposal clearly conflicts with the intent of the Guidelines by proposing flat roof
forms for the majority of the building.
4. Varying expressions of decks, windows and surface treatment shall be combined to
create a rich texture that will enhance the interest of the facades.
Staff Response: As noted throughout this report, the west and north building elevations would
benefit from additional windows, surface treatments, and/or other architectural enhancements to
these facades for a higher level of adherence to this guideline. The stone base should be treated
equally on all facades.
Engineering Analysis
A Traffic Impact Study (TIS) will be required with the Final Design application, because the
proposed development will generate 200 or more daily vehicle trips during an average weekday.
According to Trip Generation, 8th Edition, a Pharmacy/Drugstore with Drive -Through Window of
approximately 15,000 square feet will generate in excess of 1,300 daily vehicle trips during an
average weekday. The required TIS format and required elements can be found in Section
of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
Staff Recommendation
For the reasons stated herein, staff finds that the proposed development does not comply with the
Investment Plan Priority Guidelines nor does the Applicant provide a better alternative to the stated
intent of the guidelines as required: Mixed -Use, High Density Town Core; General Building
Guidelines and General Sign Guidelines. The proposed development also conflicts with the
highlighted architectural Design Guidelines.
Staff therefore recommends that the building architecture and site plan be redesigned to adhere to
Propriety Guidelines and the Design Guidelines for Commercial buildings including:
1. Relocate the building on the site so that it creates street frontage along Sun Road and Avon
Road, where the Town has already invested in sidewalks and street art, to improve
pedestrian access to the Property and create an anchor on this important gateway entrance
corner of the Town Core;
2. Redesign building with a pitched roof;
3. Add larger real windows that are proportionate to the building and allow light and views into
the building;
4. Increase the height of the stone base around the building, and consider more timber and
stone trim to add visual interest and variation to the facade.
5. Redesign the sign program with creative, externally lit signs. Additionally, no neon signage
is permitted.
January 4, 2011 PZC Meeting
A: Reduced Plan Sets and Photographic representation Packets
January 4, 2011 PZC Meeting
Lot 2, Sun Road Subdivision
January 4, 2011 PZC Meeting
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TO: The Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Matt Gannett, AICP, Senior Planner
DATE: January 4, 2011 Meeting
RE: Resolution No. 11-01, Amending the Official Zoning Map
Amending the Official Zoning Map is a required follow-up step to adopting the new
Development Code and to account for adopted zoning amendments and other changes
since the last amendment to the map in March, 2008.
This is a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider all
comments and materials provided on this matter prior to making its recommendation to
Town Council.
Section 7.20.030(b) Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, requires changes made in
zone district boundaries or other items to be portrayed on the Official Zoning Map.
Section 7.16.050 of the Avon Municipal Code sets forth procedures and criteria for
changes to zoning classifications.
The public review process established under Section 7.16.020, General Procedures and
Requirements requires a public hearing before Planning and Zoning Commission and
requires posting of a notice of public hearing at least eleven (11) days prior to this public
Notice of this public hearing was properly posted in accordance with Section
7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code and in accordance with the procedures set
forth in Section 7.16.050 of the Avon Development Code regarding changes to zoning
Pursuant to Section 7.20.030 Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, the Official Zoning
Map has been updated to reflect the following previously adopted zoning amendments
and the new zone district classifications approved with the adoption of the Avon
Development Code:
• Ordinance 09-07, establishing a PUD zone district for the property known as
"The Red House".
• Ordinance 09-14, establishing a PUD zone district for the property known as
• Ordinance 09-12, establishing the Short -Term Rental Overlay Zone District.
• RH-C (Residential High Density) and SC (Shopping Center) have identified as
"retired" zone district classifications;
• The Government, Parks, and Employee Housing (GPEH) zone district has been
eliminated and properties have been changed to either Parks (P) or Public
Facilities (PF).
0 All PUD zoning amendments are individually identified.
Review Criteria
ADC Section 7.16.050(c) establishes eleven criteria which shall be used by the
Planning and Zoning Commission to evaluate changes to zoning classifications. These
criteria should be considered for the change in zoning classification from the
Government, Parks and Employee Housing (GPEH) zone district to either the Parks (P)
or Public Facilities (PF). Staff will discuss each of the zone district classification
changes related to the GPEH, P and PF zone districts at the public hearing. Overall,
the purpose of replacing the GPEH zone district with the Parks and Public Facilities
zone district was to distinguish between public properties which are used for parks
versus public properties which are used for public facilities and which may have
different impacts on adjacent properties as well as different planning needs.
Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission approve Resolution No.
11-01 recommending approval of the aforementioned changes in the zoning
classification of certain properties owned by the Town of Avon and approval of updates
to the official zone district map of the Town of Avon.
Resolution No. 11-01
Attachment A to M. Gennett memorandum dated January 4", 2011
WHEREAS, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 10-14 which repealed Title 17 Zoning;
enacted the Avon Development Code; adopted new zone districts entitled Parks (P), Public
Facilities (PF), and Mixed -Use Commercial (MC); retired the Residential High Density and
Commercial (RH-C) and Shopping Center (SC) zone districts; and eliminated the Government,
Parks, and Employee Housing (GPEH) zone district; and
WHEREAS, the Town desires to update the Official Zoning Map to reflect Ordinance 09-07, an
ordinance establishing a PUD zone district for the property known as "The Red House"; and
WHEREAS, the Town desires to update the Official Zoning Map to reflect Ordinance 09-14, an
ordinance establishing a PUD zone district for the property known as "Gandorf'; and
WHEREAS, the Town desires to update the Official Zoning Map to reflect Ordinance 09-12, an
ordinance establishing the Short Term Rental Overlay Zone District; and
WHEREAS, the Town desires to change the zoning classification of all properties zoned
Government, Parks, and Employee Housing (GPEH) to either Parks (P) or Public Facilities (PF);
WHEREAS, Section 7.16.050 of the Avon Municipal Code sets forth procedures and criteria for
changes to zoning classifications and Section 7.20.030(b) provides that changes made in zone
district boundaries or other items portrayed on the official zoning district map shall be entered on
the official zone district map of the Town of Avon; and
WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing was properly posted for the changes to the zoning
classification and updates to the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Avon in accordance with
Section 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code and in accordance with the procedures set
forth in Section 7.16.050 of the Avon Development Code regarding changes to zoning
classification; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on January 4,
2011 and considered all comments and materials provided prior to taking action to make a
recommendation; and,
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission finds that the application to change zoning
classifications and update the official zone district map meets the criteria set forth in Section
7.16.050(c) of the Avon Development Code.
PZC Res 11-10 Changing Official Zoning Map
Page 1 of 2 FAI'lanning & Zoning Commission\Resolutions\2011\Res 11-01 Zoning Map Update 12-29-1 Oejh.doc
Attachment A to M. Gennett memorandum dated January 4", 2011
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby
recommends that the Town Council of the Town of Avon approve the change in classification of
zone districts for certain properties owned by the Town of Avon and approve the updates to the
official zoning map for the Town of Avon as such changes and updates are set forth in Exhibit A.
Chris Green, Chair
Scott Prince, Secretary
PZC Res 11-10 Changing Official Zoning Map
Page 2 of 2 R\Planning & Zoning Commission\Resolutions\2011\Res 11-01 Zoning Map Update 12-29-10ejh.doe
Town of Avon Zoning Districts
Approved by. Town Council on (date) Mayor Attest (Town Clerk)
Zoning Districts
Residential Duplex
Residential Low Density
Residential Medium Density
df Residential High Density
dF Residential High Density Commercial (Retired)
Neighborhood Commercial
Shopping Center (Retired)
Mixed Use Commercial
df Town Center
Industrial and Commercial
Lv� Public Facility
If Open Space, Landscaping and Drainage
-' Planned Unit Development
Planned Unit Development, Open Space
Short Term Overlay
PUD Boundary
his Zoning guarantee public access since (he enumerafetl albwable
es for (hese lots antl (racK renes within each wbtliNsion. Please con(ac((he
Community Oevelopmenf Oe --( /ormore iMoima(ion.
Avon Town Bounddaaryry
ti 1-70
Rivers and Lakes
10 PUD Number
26 y
Falcon Pointe
Lakeside Terrace
Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Lot 8
Lot 61
Red House
Ascent (a k.a."Gates" & "Chateau St. Claire")
Faison Ann—tan
Nat4am S taton( Arend rent 4)
The Court at Stonebridge
Chapel Square
Village at Avon
Wildridge Acres
Lots 42 & 43 Block 4 Wildridge (2 4plx->3 dup.)
Darters PUD (2 dup.->3 s.f).
Marcin PUD (2 dup: >3 s.f.)
Gandorf (1 Com & 4 aprtmts->2 Duo)
Sheraton Mtn. Vista, Lot C. Avon Center
ea aea 9b0 t,9x0
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