PZC Packet 081312Memorandum August 13, 2012 Planning & Zoning Commission Special Meeting �� N To Planning and Zoning Commission From Matt Pielsticker, AICP, Planner II Date August 10, 2012 RE: Village (at Avon) Final PUD Amendment Hotel Design Standards Summary At your August 7, 2012 meeting Section H.9.Supplemental Design Standards: Planning Area J Hotel, Motel and Lodge Requirements, Amended and Restated PUD Guide Version 14, was discussed. Staff was directed to remove the reference to "split -face block". Additionally, Staff was directed to review other objective design standards for commercial development within the Avon Development Code (ADC) and incorporate more standards if possible. Staff provided a redline strikethrough to the applicant for comment. The strikethrough incorporated additional ADC architectural standards, and others from the Village (at Avon) Design Review Guidelines. Attached to this Memorandum is the strikethrough version provided, along with some comments in the margin from the applicant. Attachment Section H.9. Supplemental Design Standards strikethrough 9. Supplemental Hotel Design Standards: Planning Area J Hotel, Motel and Lodge Requirements. The following supplemental design and improvement standards shall apply to any Hotel, Motel and Lodge Uses developed within Planning Area J ("Supplemental Hotel Design Standards") in addition to other applicable design standards set forth in this PUD Guide and the minimum Design Review Guidelines set forth in Exhibit E.; an"Compliance with suehthese Supplemental Hotel Design Standards shall be confirmed by the Design Review Board and the Director prior to issuance of any building permit for a Building designated for Hotel, Motel and Lodging Uses_: Variance to these Supplemental Hotel Design Standards may be considered and approved through the Alternative Equivalent Compliance process set forth in Section [CITE SECTION]. The Supplement Hotel Design Standards are set forth as follows: (a) The primary entrance of the primary structure must face the adjoining public street.' ial(b) 17. eepting the 0 building elevation, building eley ,. 4iens of eadi1 2 f aA minimum of 20% of the vertical surfaces on each side of the exterior building elevation shall be comprised of stone, 3 brick or precast concrete ar hitectural stone. units (br-ie , w split fee bloek-) The use of stone in a rustic style are prohibited. ; (c) Indigenous natural or earth tones such as brown, tan, grey, green, blue, or red in muted, flat colors with an LRV (Light Reflective Value) of sixtylJ60h or less are required.; Neon, Day-Glo, florescent, reflective and non -earth tone colors are prohibited. (d) Where primary building walls exceed three d3h stories or forty-five (45) feet in height, as measured from finished grade to the underside of the eaves, building form shall step back at least eight (8) feet in depth and such step back shall occur between twelve (12,) feet and forty-five (45) feet above the finishedrg ade. (13)Le)—Asphalt siding, imitation brick, asbestos cement shingles or siding, imitation log siding, aluminum5, exterior insulated finishing system (EIFS)6, ate -plastic Brand vinyl siding are not permitted_; Lf)Pitch roofs shall be unglazed concrete tiles, slate, copper, zinc or standing seem rusty metal (CorTen or equivalent). t This incorporates requirement in 3.1 of VAA DRG. Z The VAA DRG does not contemplate "building elevations predominantly comprised of glass" and the term appears to create opportunity for subjective interpretation. Also, a fagade with is 20% stone and 80% glass would seem to comply with the concept of being "predominately glass"; therefore, the minimum treatment does not appear inconsistent with the ability to construct predominately glass buildings. 3 "Masonry" is not defined and would allow cement block constructure. 4 See VAA DRG 3.5 5 See VAA DRG 3.5 6 EIFS is a lightweight synthetic wall cladding that includes foam plastic insulation and thin synthetic. We discussed not allowing cheap materials like lodges in Eagle which already show visible deterioration. Comment [H]R1]: Matt, do you think that "rustic style' is subjective? Comment [HJR2]: LRV of 60 or less does not comply with the current Leed certification movement, does this bother you? Comment [HJR3]: In PA -1 we have a building height of 48'. can we make this 4 stories, not 3? ((g) All primaryyroofA and secondary shed roofs shall have pitches of no less than four-to-twelver (4:12). (h) The use of dormers (shed, peaked, or eyebrow) shall be used to break up large expanses of roof to add visual interest such that th re shall be a minimum of one such dormer feature for every forty (40') of horizontal roof plane. (O(i) Overhangs are required on pitched roofs. The minimum overhang]ength (measured fermfrom the point where the wall meets the roof) is eighteen inches (18") rhes -for structures two (2) stories or less; . shall-beis twenty-four inches (24") ieehesfor three (3) and four (4) story buildings; and, thirty-six inches (36") for buildings exceedingfour our (4) stories.$; LO—Flat roofs shall have concrete pavers or natural colored stone as ballast, provided that grass roofs and solar and thermal collectors are permitted,; {�(k) Roof top vegetation is limited to a maximum height of twenty (20) feet.9 (1) All doorway and entryways shall provide protection from sloughingsnow or ice, be well lit without light pollution, and offer a spot for pedestrians and bicycle traffic to ag ther to (e)fm All mechanical equipment (wall and roof mounted) shall be screened from view of the adjacent street level with siding and/or roofing materials consistent with the structure_, e*"All vent terminations, flashings, flues, safety apparatus and similar features shall be ,.,...silt,.. t w -4t utilize adjacent materials,; (#)LnL-All window frames shall be metal clad or alloy extrusions_; (o) The division of large windows shall be consistent with the shape and eg omet of the overall window structur�. 1 (g)(pLAll window glazing shall be clear or tinted to bleu in harmonyi2 with the environment. Reflective glass shall not be permitted. 13 A horizontal measure is proposed for the purpose of rendering the requirement objective and measurable at the building permit level. 8 AMC 7.28.090 9 See VAA DRG 3.2 10 See VAA DRG 3.3 11 See VAA DRG 3.4 12 See VAA DRG 3.7 13 See VAA DRG 3.4 and 3.7 Comment [H]R4]: We are trying to encourage outdoor/rooftop usages and therefore have made allowances for flat roofs. Can we allow for flat roofs if they are accessable? Comment [H]RS]: see above COMMent [H]R6]: I thin that this is subjective.