PZC Minutes 111913Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
V U Avon Town Council Chambers
Meetings are open to the public
C 0 z-_0 R � D 0 Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street
I. Call to Order (5:00pm)
The meeting was called to order at 5:07 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioner Minervini.
III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
Staff suggested that 2015 Signage be added under other business.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
There were no conflicts of interest to disclose.
V. Minor PUD Amendment — Continued Public Hearing
Property Location: Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
Property Address: 5684 & 5678 Wildridge Road East
Applicant. Dominic Mauriello, MPG / Owner. John Minervini & Virginia Klyce
Description: The applicant is requesting modify the zoning on 2 separate parcels of land. The two
parcels are currently zoned for one (1) single-family residence and one (1) duplex residence. The
applicant is requesting to modify this to three (3) single-family residences. The application
proposes height limitations, footprint caps, limitation of driveway curb cuts, and non -developable
areas. This is a continued Public Hearing, originally heard on November 5, 2013.
Discussion: Jared Barnes overviewed the process that has occurred, the need for a formai public
hearing at tonight's meeting, and the modifications to the application since the previous meeting.
He stated that Dominic Mauriello would discuss the application in further detail. He also outlined
the proposed Draft Findings of Fact and Recommendations.
Commissioner Hardy asked about protected views and if that should be included in the draft
recommendation. Jared Barnes responded by discussing the criteria that was included in the
memo and how views can be protected and recorded. Commissioner Struve suggested that this
portion of the finding be stricken if the PZC acts upon the Draft Recommendation.
Dominic Mauriello, Applicant, briefly overviewed the history of the property and discussed the
application and the proposed limitations on the parcel. He showed conceptual site plans to help
illustrate the varying development patterns that could occur on the properties under current zoning
and the proposed PUD Amendment.
Commissioner Bonidy questioned the location of the views of Lot 13 with respect to Lot 16 and
their effect on the views towards Beaver Creek and the Sawatch Range.
Commissioner Losa asked if the lot area sizes identified in the application included the non -
developable easements.
The public comment portion of the meeting was opened.
Jeremy Merling, 5692 Wildridge Road East, attended the meeting via phone and discussed the
vacated developments rights of Lot 14. He also discussed the intent of that purchase and its
impact on the development pattern that could exist on Lot 15. He commented that a loss of
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dwelling units is a direct impact and that the previous PUD Amendment approvals all included this
Jack Hunn, 5570 Coyote Ridge, discussed the views around his property when he purchased it.
He stated that the fill brought in and steep grades that exist on the downhill portions of Lot 15 do
not support landscaping. He commented on the lack of development right reduction as a benefit.
He also commented on the PZC support to increase footprints and curb cuts. He requested that
drainage be studied to ensure that it does not adversely impact the neighboring properties
He further stated that if the PZC is accepting of this application that he would request a reduction
in the footprint sizes, Lot 3 should have limited heights, and that the no build zone also be a no
grading zone as well.
Karen Merling, 5692 Wildridge Road East, asked about the precedent setting nature of this
decision and how many other properties could do the same application.
Jack Hunn asked if there was precedent to convert a duplex to two single family residences.
Dominic Mauriello discussed the precedent setting nature of a PUD decision. He also stated that
the applicant could be willing to accept a reduced building height and is certainly willing to accept
no grading within the non -developable area.
The public comment portion was closed.
Commissioner Losa discussed the size of the lots and how they do not fit within the context of the
neighboring properties. He stated that setbacks create additional light and air and break up the
bulk and mass of the structure which are a benefit to the neighborhood.
Commissioner Hardy discussed the crammed feeling of Lot 3. She also stated that the driveways,
particularly that of Lot 3, is not consistent with Wildridge development patterns. She further
commented that the no building zones are creative and the no grading is a great addition to that
Commissioner Bonidy stated that he is pro -development and that the application reduces the
mass that could be built today. By limiting the footprint and living area the massing is reduced to
the neighborhood.
Commissioner Prince stated that the applicant has met the review criteria. He stated that a benefit
exists to go from a duplex to two single-family residences. He also cited a benefit in the height
reduction as proposed. He would like to see a reduction on Lots 1 and 3 to 2500 SF footprint and
an additional building height reduction for Lot 3, but overall he was supportive of the application.
Commissioner Struve stated that the applicant and neighborhood should find a reasonable
solution. He does not support a deed restriction of any type on these properties.
Commissioner Clancy stated that the Lot 3 property appears shoehorned in. He stated that the
current application does not comply with Review Criteria #5 and 6.
Dominic Mauriello discussed the suggested modifications to the application and his willingness
support limitations on footprints and heights.
Jack Hunn stated he would be willing to support modifications and the application.
Karen Merling stated that she does not envision a development occurring in the portion of the
existing property where Lot 3 is identified. She requested that all Commissioners visit the site to
visualize a building in that area.
Dominic Mauriello suggested modifications to the application including: Lot 3 — a 2,500 SF
footprint limitation, a 28 foot building height limitation, and a 4,000 SF livable area limitation; Lot 1
— a 3,000 SF footprint limitation, a 4,000 SF livable area limitation, a 28 foot building height
limitation; and, all non -development areas include grading limitations, except for those required for
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The Commission discussed the next steps and suggested that survey stakes be provided on site
to help the Commission and neighbors understand the Lot 3 area and its limitations.
Action: Commissioner Bonidy moved to table the application and require a site visit with adequate
staking to illustrate lots and potential structure size/limitations. Commissioner Struve seconded
the motion and it carried 6-0.
VII. Major Design & Development Plan/Alternative Equivalent Compliance - Continued
Property Location: Lots 47, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
Property Address: 5141 Longsun Lane
Applicant: Michael Pukas / Owner. Penny & Mike Ciarey
Description: The applicant is requesting approval of a new single-family residence measuring
approximately 4,300 square feet in area. The primary finishes will be stucco and wood siding.
This application was originally heard on October 15, 2013 and tabled after PZC recommended
some design improvements.
Discussion: Jared Barnes briefly overviewed the project and the need for the AEC application.
He highlighted the modifications that have occurred since the previous review. He reiterated
Staff's support of both applications if the PZC finds compliance with the design review criteria.
Michael Pukas discussed the design modifications. He highlighted the discrepancy between the
Civil plans and the architectural site plan and stated the civil plans are accurate.
Commissioner Prince asked about the retaining wall materials and the belly band colors.
Commissioner Struve stated the modifications are a benefit and supportive of the design.
Commissioner Prince stated the application is in conformance with the review criteria.
Commissioners Bonidy and Hardy agreed with the previous Commissioner's comments.
Commissioner Losa is accepting of the application, but doesn't agree with the jog in the wood
siding on the north elevation.
Commissioner Clancy is pleased with the modifications and supports the design.
Action: Commissioner Bonidy moved to approved the Major Design and Development Plan and
Alternative Equivalent Compliance applications with the staff recommended conditions and
findings and the following conditions:
1. The belly band on north elevation is continued to the right and back to the mud room raising
the amount of siding at Gridlines I and 10
2. Sheet C.01 is the approved site plan.
Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed 6-0.
VIII. Consent Agenda
• November 5, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Action: Commissioner Bonidy moved to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner Hardy
seconded the motion and it passed 6-0.
IX. Other Business
• Staff Approval - Hurd Lane Retaining Wall
• Sunridge Maintenance and deferred Painting
• Avon Branding Project
• December 3 Open House during PZC regular meeting date
• 2015 Banners
X. Adjourn
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The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.
APPROVED on this 3`d Day of December, 2013
Ji lancy, PZC Chair an
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