PZC Minutes 110513SART of the VAMIA Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm. 11. Roll Call All commissioners were present with the exception of Commissioners Clancy and Losa. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda Move Item VIII to before Item VI for Commissioner Minervini to make comments. There was one item added to the agenda. New Item VII is a Minor Design and Development Plan for a new Bus Shelter on Lot 2, Swift Gulch Subdivision. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Minervini stated he had a conflict with Item VI, Minor PUD Amendment. V. 2"d Tier Code Text Amendments — Public Hearing Description: Review draft code amendments for 2nd Tier identified sections. The amendments include: Mailed Notice, Historic Preservation, Rezoning terms, Neighborhood Commercial zone district, Building Code clean up, Fireplace regulations, FEMA regulations, and Wildlife Enclosures. Discussion: Jared Barnes overviewed the modifications to the code amendment since the previous review. He also discussed the importance of an approval of the FEMA regulations if the PZC could not agree on the other portions of the proposed code amendment. William Gray, Building Official, explained the history behind the Fireplace Regulations and the importance for the proposed modification. He stressed the lack of change in the substance of the regulations. Commissioner Bonidy discussed the regulations above 7820', and the ambiance that is experienced with a traditional open wood burning fireplace. The Commission discussed the fireplace regulations, their intent, and the fees associated, and the desire to increase fees for wood burning fireplaces above and below 7820'. Jared Barnes recommended language changes to the fireplace regulations based on the Commissions discussions. He stated that he would provide a written draft to the Commission to verify the language discussed to ensure that both solid -fuel burning devices and new technology devices are permitted above an elevation of 7820' with a $3,000 fee and $1,500 fee respectively. Also each type would be allowed in the lobby of a hotel for a $6,000 or $3,000 fee respectively. Staff would also ensure that these same modifications are made to each of the wood burning fireplace regulations sections. Additional modifications were requested to the Historic Preservation regulations to better clarify the criteria for Pre -Historic designation and to the wildlife regulations to clarify the discretion of the Building Official but also compliant with the Building Code. The public hearing was opened and closed with no public comments being received. November 5, 2013 PZC Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve Resolution 13-06 forwarding a recommendation to Town Council on the Code Text Amendment with wording changes as discussed by Staff. Second by Commissioner Minervini and all were in favor. VL Minor PUD Amendment Public Hearing Property Location: Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Property Address: 5684 & 5678 Wildridge Road East Applicant. Dominic Mauriello, MPG / Owner. John Minervini & Virginia Klyce Description: The applicant is requesting modify the zoning on 2 separate parcels of land. The two parcels are currently zoned for one (1) single-family residence and one (1) duplex residence. The applicant is requesting to modify this to three (3) single-family residences. The application proposes height limitations, footprint caps, limitation of driveway curb cuts, and non -developable areas. Commissioner Minervini left the meeting prior to presentation due to a conflict of interest as the property owner of the properties. Discussion: Jared Barnes overviewed the process that has occurred and will take place at the upcoming November 19th, 2013 meeting. He also outlined the public comment received and Staff's evaluation of the application. Jared Barnes explained that due to the delayed timing of the required newspaper notice there would be both a public hearing at this meeting, and again at the next regular PZC meeting. Dominic Mauriello presented the application and all supporting documentation. Commissioner Bonidy recommended increasing the footprint caps on proposed Lot 1 and Lot 3 because the 2,500 square foot seemed limiting for design options. Commissioner Bonidy also recommended leaving three curb cuts, again, to offer more flexibility in the design process moving forward. The Commissioners viewed the application favorably and were in general agreement with Commissioner Bonidy's recommendations. The Public Hearing was opened and closed with no comments received. Matt Pielsticker mentioned that he was contacted by the owners of 5692 Wildridge Road East and that while they could not make the meeting, they would likely make written comments and/or attend the next meeting to offer comments. Commissioner Struve stated that the house sizes and locations are more limited as a result of this application, and as a result there could be benefits to wildlife mobility in the area. Commissioner Bonidy again recommended increasing maximum building coverage caps, and decreasing the non -build zones. He reiterated the concern with limiting the three homes to two curb cuts. Commissioner Hardy agreed with wildlife habitat comments, and felt that the application was in conformance with criteria. Commissioner Hardy did agree to some extent with increasing the proposed (maximum) footprint sizes for more design opportunities. Commissioner Prince was in agreement with Staff's report and the application. He had some concerns with adding another curb cut if that was pursued. Commissioner Prince recommended showing what an additional curb cut would look like if that option were pursued further before committing to another access point. He mentioned that the access is located at the apex of the curve in the road, which could be problematic Action: Commissioner Struve moved to continue the public hearing to the November 19th meeting. Commissioner Hardy seconded the motion and all were in favor. Vll. Minor Design and Development Application Property Location: Lot 2, Swift Gulch Subdivision Property Address:` Swift Gulch Road ROW November 5, 2013 PZC Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Applicant. / Owner. Town of Avon Description: The applicant is to relocate an existing ECO Transit Bus Shelter to the entrance to the Avon Regional Transportation Facility. The new shelter will include a concrete pad and will service Buffalo Ridge residents. Discussion: Jared Barnes overviewed the application and discussed the last minute nature of this request. Virginia Egger explained the bus route opportunities that opened up this opportunity for bus riders in Buffalo Ridge or from the Swift Gulch transportation site. She stated that the shelter would be refurbished to some extent next summer. The Commissioners asked if there was a bus stop standard and if this particular ECO stop met the standard if there was one. Jared Barnes stated that it was identical to other stops in Town, but that there was not one standard'. Commissioner Struve recommended that Staff seriously consider a "Rideshare" shelter at the top of Wildridge next to the fire station. Action: Commissioner Minervini moved to approve the Minor Design and Development Plan Application on Lot 2, Swift Gulch Subdivision, with one finding: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(1), Development Plan and §7.16.090(1), Design Review, and was determined to be compliant with the review criteria. And with one condition: 1. The bus shelter be refurbished in the Spring of 2014 to ensure new Plexiglas, roofing, and staining of the wood beams and siding. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Struve and all Commissioners were in favor. VIII. Consent Agenda • October 15, 2013 Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner Prince seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. IX. Other Business • Agenda for November 12th Joint Work Session with Town Council. • Village at Avon was approved and noticed for 30 day period. Water tank agreement is the last 'to do' and is not finalized yet. X: Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 7:33pm. APPROVED on this 19' Day of November, 2013 SIGN 7 )' Clan , PZC Ch Arman November 5, 2013 PZC Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3