PZC Minutes 082013HEART of the k'.Wui Y
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Avon Town Council Chambers
Meetings are open to the public
Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:08 pm.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present.
III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
Addition of potential consideration of additional
Addition of Trail construction work.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Prince stated that he had a conflict on Item VI.
V. Major Design &
Property Location: Lots 25, Bldo
Property Address: 2900 June Com+
Applicant/Owner. Tripp Plavec `
Description: The applicant is pror
June Creek Trail. The 4 units will
finished with vertical wood siding,
ge Subdivision
Discussion: Jared Barnes presented the,.
application to include an Alternative EquiW
propose&- -t! qp color exceeding the LRV
lan€cape plate aid explain the bonus I
substantial landseat. material.
ns on Town Property.
Wstructures with a shared driveway off of
�si� a feet a piece. The buildings will be
and a i spen It shingles.
Report. He highlighted the modification to the
nt Compliance (AEC) application due to the
aximum of 60. Jared Barnes presented the
i8scape units awarded for preservation of
Tri' 0 Plavec, Applid distributed perspective drawings and clarified that the color choice
was based on its us" another house and he did not realize there was 60.08 LRV.
Further mf he stated tat he would be willing to modify the color if the PZC was
unacceotirq obit.
Commissioner `ve as about the sod area. Tripp Plavec responded that it is useable
space and helps tf 4 rance of the structures
Commissioner Struve commended about the attractive price point the applicant is intending
to fill. He also stated that the garage doors facing the interior of the site and the limited
asphalt area were both positives for the proposed design.
Commissioner Prince stated that the design was in conformance with criteria. He suggested
that the Applicant could possibly differentiate the colors between buildings as was done on
the Gandorf project at the corner of Wildridge Road and Old Trail Road.
Commissioner Losa was concerned with the limits of disturbance fencing and how it relates
to retained landscaping and new landscaping areas particularly between two buildings. He
further commented that he was concerned about the "haircut" look. He also questioned the
lot lines as shown on the plans. Jared Barnes responded that they would be addressed
IIP g,e
during the subdivision process and he was unsure of the acceptable style of subdivision.
Tripp Plavec stated the goal was to keep similar sized lots.
Commissioner Clancy asked if there were regulations for windows on garage doors given
the impacts garage lights could have if left on for the neighboring properties. He did
comment that no findings for the AEC should be necessary given the extremely small
amount the paint color exceed the LRV requirement.
Action: Commissioner Bonidy moved to approve the Application as recommended by Staff.
Commissioner Prince seconded the motion and it passed with all in favor.
VI. Minor Design & Development Plan / Alternative Equivalent Compliance
Property Location: Lots 21, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Property Address: 142 Beaver Creek Place
Applicant/Owner. Greg Hoffmann, Benchmark Investors, LLC
Description: The applicant is proposing a color change for the Annex building. The
proposed colors will be "Monterey White" and exceeds the Town's codified Light Reflective
Value (LRV) maximum. This application is response to the decision that occurred at the
August 13, 2013 Special PZC Meeting
Discussion: Matt Pielsticker stated tha property owner has reapplied for the proposed
"Monterrey White" color and that th d ere unable to attend this meeting and have
requested a continuation. n
Commissioner dialogue ensued regarding the chlor ' ange request and if the PZC should
allow the property owner to present the same cott�mther time or if the PZC should uphold
their decision from the previous meeting.
Virginia Egger urged the PZC to continue the revievir�Aafford the property the owner to
advocate on their owmbehalf.
Action: Comrnt aN,21toner N%R moved to table the application. Commissioner Losa seconded
the motion. The,, otion pas9 d 5-0 with Commissioner Bonidy abstaining.
The Commission estion Commissioner Bonidy's abstention. Commissioner Bonidy
responded that hed1&no.t-o�tthe "Monterey White" color given the contrast in color
provided on the buiIding" �mmissto f�Struve explained the rationale for not approving the
color as there was no cleiexception ire LRV after reviewing other properties in the
neighborhood. Commissione-tnervini further stated that there was no acceptable rationale
provided from the applicant to ap i f ve the AEC request. Commissioner Losa stated that he
a LRV maximum value at 60 so he doesn't know why
was not on original board that so
that number was chosen, but he respects the decision of the Town at the time and is
upholding the color palette preference. He further stated a cohesiveness of the Town
buildings is important to him.
VII. Consent Agenda
• July 16, 2013 Meeting Minutes
• August 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes
• August 13, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes
o Action: Commissioner Bonidy moved to approve the Meeting Minutes as
amended at the meeting. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it
passed 7-0.
VIII. Other Business
• Conflict of Interest Discussion
o Commissioner Prince stated that this was not specific to any application. He
stated that he is a residential mortgage lender for Wells Fargo which has a
branch that is commercial lending. He asked if this has a conflict of interest
when made aware that an applicant has a commercial relationship with Wells
Fargo. Discussion ensued about direct financial benefit or if his branch
receives benefits if the commercial lending is approved. The Commission
determined that he would not have a conflict of interest as he does not have
influence or involvement with the commercial lending arm.
• Public Art Locations
• Trail Construction
IX. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.
of September, 2013
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